// '93 / They/Them / OM 80/80 / NB 40/40 / 24/7 Barbatos Brainrotted Shipper //
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Crack Poll: Pot Edition
I was going to post this for 4/20 as a joke

#tw: marijuana#obey me#obey me nightbringer#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me simeon#obey me solomon#obey me thirteen#obey me 13#useless poll
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Going to be inactive for a mental health break the next few days
Unless something compels me so powerfully that I get online to scream about it
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Crack Poll: Eggplant Edition
*uglier laughing*
Source: Diavolo's Birthday 2022 UR "A Unique Gift"
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I think he might not actually hate me. I got him as a Chapter A free pull
He's still in the dog house for costing 100 voucher AGAIN.
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Are you kidding me?!

His tail seems to be... a bit suggestive in some form or another no matter his form.
Levi brokenhearted over there because Snake Yokai outfit Barbatos had Uwabami girth while Levi has a skinny little pencil tail.
Is he an eel? An olive colored Spotted Snake Eel?

Friendly Reminder:
I judge a fictional man not by his height, or the thickness and length of his tail, but by his loyalty, dedication, integrity of his work ethic and how petty he is.
Edit: He is an oarfish! Thank you for the helpful comments!
What I found out along with that
"In Japanese folklore, the oarfish is considered an omen of impending natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis. Known in Japan as “Ryugu no Tsuki” or “messenger from the sea god’s palace,” it has long been believed that the oarfish surfaces from its deep-sea habitat when human lives are in danger. This belief has garnered global attention, earning the oarfish the moniker of “doomsday fish.”
I can believe it applies very well to him
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God had mercy 😭 They were holding out on us and her BOOBS!!
Preemptively: This is like how the guys suddenly get super buff so Shut up. Do not complain about her boobs getting boobier or I will go screeching harpy instead of screeching monkey and beat over the head like a newspaper with every instance of a male character getting a bigger buffer body dependent on the artist involved.
SKIN TIGHT WETSUIT FTW Are you fucking kidding meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I had expected they may give her shorts and a tanktop or cropped tank with a button down over it (I can hope for a bikini or bikini top with tiny shorts, I still do) all the way over in the back corner I DID NOT EXPECT BOOTY! BQBWHRBEVAVWHS
Tbh I'm still on the fence about whether they'll ever give us her shower/lingerie/towel pics (or feet. I swear I'm not into feet, but I can't help noticing them. She's wearing shoes here, too) I can only hope and pray and smoke the hopium by the kilo, but I am fed, please feed me more. I want more Thirteen peach 😭 God her thighs are so perfect I want to hold them in my hands and feel them. This artist gives her thighs some good squish too 🫠 I always love her thighs, these are so delicious please let me eat them. Please more I need her I nee dmore please I need Thirteen need her to sit on my fa
I was so tired and sad, I am restored 😭
I didn't think I would ever get to see her, she is like one lil step away from being naked too Oh my God Solmare does have the gonads 🥹 oh my God 😭 She's so gorgeous!!
I feel like my heart is going to explode today sucked so bad but now it's sunshine, lollipops and rainbows and everything that's wonderful when we're together
I need to lay down on the ground and breathe oh my God I didn't expect this at all, I'm legitimately shook
Edit: 13 notes 😎 Based
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They do this to me every time.
Tumblr destroyed my post three times and the internet crashed while the gacha video was still loading so I missed it.
Today has been foul.
He came home on the 100th summon... On the bright side I need less jokers now.
He was nicer in Obey Me (in many ways. Why is he STILL BEING MEAN TO SOLOMON AFTER LESSON 40?)
Why doesn't Barbatos love me like you, Peepaw?
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FURIOUS at the Misogynists and Lesbophobes in OM Fandom
A few recent confessions about Thirteen made me MATI so this is my rant.
Thirteen still does traps on MC, she is still a prankster and inventor, but she gets sidelined hella hard and is usually limited to one or two cameos with MC or a brief interaction with other characters. She's never going to be antagonistic to MC.
Girl is not their priority despite being a love interest. She gets shoved in the background or not sexualized even when male characters get a ton of stupid fanservice. I can only assume the artists and writers are walking on eggshells with her because of lesbophobes and misogynists or shallowly appealing to the "We're different! We don't sexualize women 😁"
She has feelings for MC the fastest because they get along and she's attracted to them. Their chemistry is explored quickly in Chats in OM, but I doubt most of you will reach those because of how late in the series the newbies appeared.
She asks them on dates and shows up "by coincidence" A LOT because she likes them and wants to spend time with ONLY THEM frequently. In events she only shows up for MC (or texts them) and then gets shoved out of the story entirely because OhHhHh she's sooooooo antisocial~ Despite initially being reluctant to game with MC, the bros and Mephisto she really enjoyed it and their company!
Thirteen likes MC's bedroom whereas Mephisto was unimpressed with MC's room and insulted it.
She didn't go googoo gaga for no reason about MC, MC's soul is beautiful and attracted her. She wants to have it "when you're done with it" instead of reaping it. How in the hell does that imply she doesn't want to let them go? JUST LIKE THE BROS AND SIDES.
ANOTHER THING. Thirteen doesn't like people dropping in at her house and doesn't invite them either. She invites MC in chats to see her and I wish that MC would visit her more.
THIRTEEN WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE SIDES AFFECTED BY MISSING MC. She loves them and misses them as well as let them close to her when already stated she's anti-social and aloof. She has a broken heart button on her RAD uniform that she sewed on herself along with the other heart buttons. It makes me wonder about her past and that she's opened herself up to MC and love even though her heart was/is broken.
And if MC isn't into things like cosmetics, shopping and other "girly" interests it's possibly to reject her/hanging out. She likes to treat them to coffee, desserts and shopping trips whereas multiple other characters use that as bribes or rewards or leeching off MC's wallet.
Mephistopheles has a low opinion of MC and Raphael is indifferent to them. Suddenly getting feelings in events makes no fucking sense.
Mephistopheles opens up to MC in the main story and contacted them to brag about his brother, but in his birthday call on year 2 he is suddenly into them and wants to get to know them???
Raphael isn't even friendly with MC in the story, the Raphael we met has been Michael in two out of three instances. He suddenly starts talking about "feeling something for MC" when he went up against Barbatos who was the hardest won Love Interest in the game.
Fuck off, seriously fuck off with the homophobia/misogyny. She is our love interest not yours and not a rival or antagonist.
Shipping Thirteen with any of the scrotes ROYALLY pisses me off because I HATE straight couples and M/F. I kept that to myself, for the most part, but if some of you are hating on shippers for shipping gay couples and exclusively want your scrotes to yourselves Thirteen fans can too. Stop shipping the one female option off in male relationships when it's literally just to get her away from your man. Making up a male MC or a political lesbian MC is BULLSHIT and looking for attention and asspats for being inclusive.
Po/rn is an inherently misogynistic and objectifying exploitation of women's bodies and sexuality and should not EVER be used to make sexy art of women in my opinion. One of the pics I hate most is her jerking off two faceless/mob characters in a subjugated pose. That was backhanded, hateful and degrading.
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I debated posting this, but did anyone else notice he was wearing a cross?
I found it interesting that Barbatos can wear one as Demons are traditionally harmed by crosses and other religious and ritually purified materials.

Edit 1: Advanced Note: I am far estranged from a racist family. Among them were members of an outlaw biker gang whose members openly wore white supremacist and other racialized hate symbols. I condemn them and all that they stand for. I DO NOT approve of any of their rhetoric or hold interest in spreading any form of racism. I'm anti-racist and dedicated to achieving open communication, peace and equality between all races and sexes.
Other information about this cross's origin reaches much farther into the past and was used among a variety of religions such as Zoroastrianism and Jainism to name a few.
Edit 2: I changed my mind because the first text edit defeated the purpose of mentioning it. I wanted to define the differences between this artist's usage, and go into some brief historical relevance and designs. I did become more interested in learning more so I did some more research and expanded on the first iteration of the post.
Derived from the Templar Cross Pateé it's also used during the Crusades by the Order of Teutonic Knights, and the Schwarzes Kreuz and Eisernes Kreuz historically by the Prussian and German Military. It has deep cultural relevance in military honors and ranking. Its importance was further highlighted by the design being used for a medal awarded to War Heroes during the Napoleonic war by King of Prussia Frederick William III. His wife was the first to receive this medal, posthumously unfortunately :( It was also rewarded during the Franco-Prussian War, World War I and II.
Although he is wearing an iron cross it's as a fashion statement and has no traits in common with hate symbol apart from the form. It's unlikely that the artist intended it for anything more than stylishness.
In universe, since the Devildom is entirely separate from the Human World, I doubt there would be a shared history or political significance associated with it. Among the differences is that his is solid black whereas the cross used by the Reichswehr flags has a complete white outline, and medals bear the appropriated Swastika in the center.
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Some Songs I'd Recommend Simeon and Barbatos
Simeon: Futurepop Genre (Damaged, Let Me be your Armor, Bravery - Assemblage 23 // Künstliche Welten, Kein Zurück, - Wolfsheim // When is the Future, Beloved, - VNV Nation // Mourn, We're in this Together - Apoptygma Berzerk // Lightbringer - Covenant //
Barbatos: As You Sleep, Parasitic, Afferte Mihi Mortem, Crwn Thy Frnctr, Take My Hand as I Take My Life - Psyclon Nine (I feel pretty awful about these, but it's art. He would also look super hot dressed like Nero Bellum. I think Nero is unattractive, but he does dress cool) He would look even hotter dressed like Sascha Konietzko of KMFDM (again unattractive but super cool clothes 🫠 FML I love Industrial and Rivet Head fashion)
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I stayed awake to make this BarbMon/Macaron Parody
(I called them Greed Shipping way back when)

#obey me#obey me nightbringer#obey me barbatos#obey me mammon#barbmon#canon x canon#obey me memes#obey me leviathan
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I have returned... kind of.
I'm still recovering from a mental health episode, but stuff will be uploaded soon... ish.
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Body Headcanon Poll #2
The Legendary Dame and fandom has established that Barbatos with long hair is bellissima 🤌
Noooo I totally didn't look for extremely long hair and get infatuated with ankle length hair....
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Chat Spoilers for Nightbringer Day: 463(?)
1235(4) "You Can Do It"
I love them rn for this ;-;
#obey me#obey me nightbringer#obey me simeon#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me lucifer#obey me asmodeus
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Found a Drabble in my Notes App #1
Finished it!
Original Note: Barbatos has been meaner than usual because the dumbasses surrounding him have been dumber assed than usual so time for a fluffy fix fic of everyone getting along!
Summary: Mammon, Leviathan and Barbatos open a food truck together.
Genre: Fluff, Food, Comedy... sort of
No pairings, GN!MC mentioned in a non-romantic way, Levi's fanboy kokoro doki dokis briefly because of Barb.
Levi got the idea from watching a series about a character who braved leaving her soul destroying corporate job to follow her dream of having a food truck.
Mammon helps him out because he is entrepreneurially savvy and can see the Grimm avalanche on the horizon. He provides the truck by cashing in on a favor.
MC is about to leave season finale style, but as an alternative to a sad and withdrawn goodbye they team up to teach them about Tex-Mex cuisine and help them get their food stall up and running.
They serve Street Tacos, Burritos and Tamales, traditional Mexican food, desserts, drinks, imported popular snacks and other deliciousness. Since Human culture and food is always a huge hit the exotic Human World food and Demon Fusion Cuisine is taking the Devildom by storm. (If I recall correctly Mammon got street tacos for he and MC, with grub sauce on his or something?)
Things are going pretty damn good, but then they get in serious trouble for having an illegal food truck (M: Wha?!? That guy lent it to me as a favor! L: Lololol Mammon nobody owes you favors!) and working without a foodhandling license.
Barbatos to the rescue. He had been out shopping and was observing the fiasco so he steps in and has a conversation with the Health Inspector about their options. He presents the bros with a one of a kind opportunity: "If I like your food then I shall acquire the truck and ensure that it is up to code, acquire all necessary permits, kitchen equipment, and ingredients for the two of you to remain in business.
Think "The Bear" meets "Ratatouille" (with no rodents of course) Turns out their stuff is the freaking bomb. Or as Diavolo once said (sic) "bussing". It completely knocked Barbatos's socks off. He is particularly impressed with their ultra flavorful, super slow simmered zebra barbacoa (their idea because they figured Barbatos Barbacoa would be a subliminal positive association for him too) and Mammon's salsa recipe that is made with the peppers used in Hellsauce.
Now that Barbatos has joined their team they become gods among chefs. Celebrities visit, it becomes a must have for travelers, Mephistopheles covers their story extensively and proudly and does an exclusive interview (but edits it equally extensively because Leviathan spent all his time talking about the anime and its manga) Asmo does lots of photos and designs their logo, uniforms, menu and social media page, Beel generously provides the funding for the ingredients so that he can eat without getting chased off)
It's when Diavolo and Lucifer come during a slow night and dine with them that it really drives home how well they've done.
Lucifer compliments them all on the food, acknowledges their hard work and success, how well behaved Levi and especially Mammon have been because they're hyperfocused and motivated. And he's also very proud of them for getting along too. (Both fight to hold back the tears and sniffles.)
Diavolo's glowing praise of Barbatos (as well as the bros) sends Barbatos into a blushing fit because he's being praised in front of everyone present. He can barely keep his pokerface up because he keeps breaking into a smile. (Leviathan goes 💓 because of his blushing face and genuine smile)
They have had an incredibly successful summer with the truck. Now that the season is changing trends change with it and new anime is released. Levi's infatuation ends and he gets into a series about Badminton. Mammon's taken his share already and he's been skimming off theirs. Barbatos had one too many frustrating encounters with Beelzebub sneaking back in line by wearing disguises and claiming he's getting them for his Fangol clubmates or someone else since he has a strict limit of items since it's part of the first come, first serve appeal.
It's officially over. A farewell is celebrated and the truck is closed.
When Season 2 of Levi's food truck show rolls around he reaches out to them about it.
"What do you say about reopening the food truck again? Maybe for a few months a year. Oh, how about a different cuisine each time?"
Though they won't openly admit it, they each realized they'd really missed it. Working together had been satisfying and they discovered that they enjoyed each others conpany and the new respect for one another.
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I have had a BarbMon post lost in limbo and a Lemon that got set back to the first draft due to a computer death 💀
My hipster ass can't stand that BarbMon is trendy now (instead of being happy for new fans. Sad.) when I shipped them before it was popular... like the week I started playing back in March 1st 2021 lol
The need for content is very stimulating 🥲 I want to answer that call and be a hero too.
Anyway, there is a BarbMon post on the way with a drabble, as well as SimeBarb reply and SimeBarb drabble, with a fic outline along with it. There is the Mother's Day Barbatos and lastly a few artworks that I've begun...as in like I scribbled it out as a thumbnail and have the reference images.
I hate making posts like this because I get intimidated and then fail to deliver, but now that the writer's block is broken through I have been writing almost nonstop every chance I can get this week. My inspiration cup overfloweth.
#obey me#obey me nightbringer#obey me barbatos#obey me diavolo#obey me mammon#barbmon#simebarb#useless writing#useless art
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I just realized that Barbatos would hate Pikachu and it made me so sad
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