#Evelyn Shaun
jellazticious · 2 years
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prime new ocs time, you will watch me deteriorate over them
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grinchwrapsupreme · 8 months
nothing I love more in a secondhand book than a note written to someone in the cover
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roxannepolice · 8 months
This could be a seperate one shot to dismiss for being too long? But I really, really wanted the Master to do something... well, beneficial to others, not exactly selfless... so I ended up throwing in Cthulhu on Premiere League finals (bless John Simm and his love for Manchester United)
London's streets were oddly empty, even for the standards of Premier League's finals (Manchester United vs. Liverpool FC). The Tesco cashier hardly looking up from their phone while checking him out was a bit odd, but well. Maybe the match was really good, the Doctor thought, walking happily towards Temple-Nobles' house. It was good for humans to transfer their needs of competition and presitge on something as fundamentally harmless as sport, he supposed. Watching people turning everything into art was always a pleasure. Maybe the Doctor would even sit down in front of the telly for the last few minutes. He didn't really care much for football, but quality game was quality game. He wondered if Donna, Rose and Sylvia were watching, too, if it was that good. Shaun and the Master were watching anyway, that was sure.
Things between the Doctor and the Master were... good, these past few months since Donna's birthday. Him developing an interest for something as non-hostile as football was just the tip of the iceberg. The not talking treatment the Doctor was getting at first was definitely gone, the two of them became Rose's sculptures primary reviewers, and maybe they weren't holding hands while out shopping, but shopping together they did. And neither of them ever acknowledged it, but each time they needed to sleep, the other would surreptitiously crawl into the other's bed, only to continue not ackowledging it in the morning. On one memorable occasion, which involved Shaun heading out for a "boys and boys-presenting only" weekend trip, Donna crawled in between them, too, and woke up very much not eaten or otherwise injured.
So yes, things were good.
- So, what's the result? - the Doctor asked cheerfully no one in particular as he entered the house. No one, in particular or general, answered.
- That intense? - he spoke again, this time to Shaun, expected, and Rose and Sylvia, unexpected, glued to the TV screen. They all shushed him, without so much as a glance. The Doctor frowned and turned to the screen as well.
- And now, after the ad break, we return to what the Internet has already dubbed the Lovecraft Finals - the speaker stated from the BBC studio. The Doctor frowned even harder. - To remind all our respected viewers, during the Premier League final match between Manchester United and Liverpool FC, a giant antropomorphic octopus appeared on the pitch and ate one of assitant referees-
- What?!!! - the Doctor exclaimed, and was again shushed by Temple-Nobles.
- - leaving the referee Evelyn Bhait to try an get the situation under control.
The speaker and his studio was replaced by a video of a giant, if somewhat transluscent, antropomorphic octopus emerging in the middle of the football pitch, and picking up one of linesmen and shoving them into its tentacled mouth. A loud shriek was followed by a whole stadium of camera flashes. The creature then garbled out some noises that could only be described as "something between bubbles and a tsunami" and stretched its hands - and wings - to the sky.
- Why isn't anyone doing anything?!!!! - the Doctor exclaimed, getting Shaun and Rose to groan in irritation and move closer to the telly, but at least Sylvia was as outspoken as ever.
- They are doing something, you know! - the old woman chastised him. - Security even tried to evacuate the stadium, but no one in the audience would move until the match is over. Can't say I blame them, this looks like an obvious trick by Liverpool*, better to watch until the end. Also, the referee tried to show that thing a red card, except she can't until she knows its name... And of course, they need to find another assistant referee... And time for my Finish Line is in just seven minutes!
*At 67th minute, when the creature appeared, Liverpool was loosing 2:3.
- WHAT?! - the Doctor exclaimed even louder. This was usually the point where he would give some well-meaning in a long run criticism of human nature, but he had a strange feeling this had less to do with human nature than British culture.
- Breaking news! - the speaker announced - With UNIT technology, it was possible to translate what the AO - you get it, AO? - he winked - has said!
The screen was filled with unmoving spikes on top and a moving dot on the bottom.
- I am Cthulhu, the Great One - a robotic voice followed the dot - and I have been summoned by your excitement and frustration! I shall now feast upon them until I become whole again and end the reign of human on the planet that is rightfully mine and my bretheren's!
The speaker reappeared on the screen.
- With that terrific news, I now connect you to Jill, our pitch correspondent! - the screen got divided between the studio speaker and a live correspondent.
- Thank you, James! - the correspondent, Jill, stated - Yes, this is terrific news, indeed, as now referee Bhait can finally show Cthuhlu its due red card, and there she isssss, whistling at the creature with a red card!
The screen was now showing a dark skinned athletic woman jogging with a whistle in her mouth and a red card in her hand. A bar reading "Cthulhu" now appeared at the bottom, with a red square soon following.
- But what is that?!!!!! - Jill shouted. - The AO, great name, James, seems unbothered and is nowhere near leaving the pitch! In fact - AAAA! - it's picking up referee Bhait and bringing her close to its mouth!...
- WON'T ANYBODY DO ANYTHING?!!!! - the Doctor yelled and looked around for the TARDIS. She wasn't there in the garden. - Where's my TARDIS? - he followed with a note of panic in his voice. And then he realised something else. - Where's Donna?! WHERE'S THE MASTER?!!!!
Rose only shushed him again and pointed to the screen while placing a crisp in her mouth. A thrumming noise was barely audible.
- But the day's surprises are not over yet, James! What is that, a police box?! - Jill exclaimed as the TARDIS materialized on the pitch of London Stadium. The door flung open. - Another two unwarranted people enter the pitch! It's a... a redhead in a bathrobe! And mud mask! And a short, round faced man in Manchester colours and a hoodie! - Jill continued, while the Doctor wailed to no one's notice. - They are carrying megaphones! And the redhead has some kind of... remote control? Can't tell from here, play the sounds from the pitch, James!
The correspondent's too calm, all things considered, commentary was replaced first by the shouts of the audience, frantic whistling of the referee, and bubbling noises of Cthulhu, and then by a voice which could only belong to the Master.
- Hey, you there, squid face! Cooee! - the Time Lord (in Rose's handmade bunny slippers) was shouting through the megaphone, taking Cthulu's attention away from the terrified referee in its grasp. - Yes, down here, you giant waste of emotional energy! Listen here. I am the Master, and I. want. to. finish. watching. my. Premier League. finals!
- And I am Donna Noble! - Donna's voice yelled through the other megaphone. - And I don't give a damn about football, but my mom wants to watch her favourite quiz show and you're disrupting BBC's schedule!
The AO let out a series of bubbling noises.
- Yeah, yeah, I get it! Admire, if anything! But pick some other time! Winter Olympics, they're boring as *BEEP* - BBC's vulgarities muting mechanism was apparently working well.
Another series of bubbling noises.
- Oh yeah?! Well - the Master produced a corresponding series of bubbling noises, which was fortunate for all the audience, but unfortunate for the Doctor who did not cover his ears in time to avoid the TARDIS translating what the Time Lord said. Suffice to say, it involved Cthulhu's mother.
Cthulhu roared, and for a moment it lost all of its transluscence as it shoved towards Donna and the Master.
- Now, Donna! - the Master yelled and Donna directed the "remote control" towards the eldritch creature. In a moment, it shrunk until it was slightly smaller than the ball beside it. The stadium roared as the two humanoid figures embraced each other like football players after a goal. The Doctor let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.
- Oh my Lord in heavens, did you see that, Jill?!!! - James yelled from the studio, which erupted in its own share of joyful roars.
- Yes, I did see that, James! Cthulhu has been turned into a pet squid! - Jill answered as, at the corner of the screen, Donna picked the creature up into a fishbowl. The Master was doing a triumphant jog around the pitch, ending in an equally triumphant fall on his knees, arms spread wide, while cameras were flashing. Jill and, apparently, the cameraperson, ran towards Donna before she could reach the TARDIS. - Ms? Hey, ms! - the correpondent shouted. - Could you tell us a bit about what just happened?
- What? Oh, yes - Donna placed the aquarium carefully on the grass and turned to the stabilized camera. - Is my hair alright? - she turned to the correpondent, apparently not caring for the dry greenish brown mud on her face.
- Yes, it looks great! But what just happened?!
- Well, the Ma- I mean my friend's friend Harry, was watching the match with my husband, Shaun - hello, dear! - she waved to the camera and Shaun waved back, laughing - were watching the match. I never cared much for football myself, but, boys will be boys as they say, but suddenly they both started yelling, that is yelling louder than usual, so I come into the living room, and there's this giant squid on the pitch, talking about how she's going to feast on people's emotions, but the Ma- Harry won't have it, Manchester was winning, thank you very much - Shaun is for Liverpool, by the way - and so he drags me to the TA- the disappearing police box over there, because he can't fly it, you see, the Do- my friend John biolocked it against him, and says "get us over there!" and see, my mom wanted to watch the Finish Line at the usual hour, so of course I agreed, won't let some stupid football match change her schedule! and he keeps talking about the stupid Sensorite ruining his fun and picks up the tissue compresor and two megaphones, and I'm like "but I know of Sensorites, they're very peaceful!" and he goes "and Time Lords are very not into football, yet here we are" - Donna's imitation of the Master would have to be kept hidden away from him for all eternity - and I say, "so Cthulhu, he's like a renegade Sensorite?" and he's like "she's like a renegade Sensorite, yes", so I go, "she?", and he says "yes, she, what, do you also think she was talking in only one modality?", and I say nothing, so he scoffs and goes "these things feed on emotions, so no wonder she got attracted to a Premier League final match, what with all the remote ways to watch it you now have, but she's still technically dead, so she first needs to suck in all that excitement to become corporal, so the plan is, we piss her off just enough for her to become tangible and blast her with the good old tissue compressor and voila, a pet eldrich squid! You handle the compressor, BUT DON'T BREAK IT, I know how to piss off Sensorites better than you", and I say "hang on, but doesn't that thing kill things?", and he goes "much as it would please me to put you in the moral dilemma of choosing between the whole of your species and an eldritch squid from another planet, ms Noble-", he's a right bastard, make no mistake, "- I'm afraid not. She's not exactly alive, waits dreaming or whatever, so my baby will only make her very, very small, but still as alive as the emotion goo can keep you alive. Then just put her in a teleempathy-proof fishbowl" - here he produced one - "and Rose will have a pokemon she won't even have to feed!", hello, Rose, you're getting a pet! - Donna picked up the aquarium with a rather angry but very much alive Cthlulhu, the Now-Not-Exactly-Great One, and Rose waved back, and whistled with her fingers.
The Doctor didn't even want to guess what his face was doing. Probably something similar to Jill's, but for different reasons.
- Uuuuhhhh, ok, right, thank you, ms Noble, that explains everything, but what is this?! - the correspondent turned to something she was more familiar with. - The referee is showing a yellow card to the Master! He took off his shirt, so it seems right, but he's not happy about it!
The screen was now showing a, indeed, shirtless Master arguing with the referee while she tried to calm him down. A bar at the bottom now read "Harold Ansox", followed by a yellow square. The Time Lord was very much not having it, but Donna ran over and tried to deescalate the situation, just like a fellow club member calming another down. The Master added some muted yells and obscene gestures, but allowed himself to be dragged to the TARDIS by Donna. By the end he was even making friendlier gestures at the audience. Once the two of them, along with Cthulhu the Pet Squid, were on board, the ship dematerialized.
- Well, that sure was exciting! - James was saying with somewhat unusual excitement in the BBC studio. - But what is that? Referee Bhait is ending the match!!! A rematch will be due soon, but for now the match is over! The members of both teams are exstatic! Hugging one another, club or no club! This, ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereof, is what football is about! Competition, but with respect and love! I think we should almost thank Cthulhu for reminding us of this! Take it over, Alex!
- Yes, a lovely picture - a disinterested voice droned. - We thank all the viewers of BBC for being with us on this fantastic occasion. But now, for some competition completely void of respect and love - The Finish Line! After the ad break, of course.
Sylvia clapped her hands in joy at the news her favourite quiz show would start on schedule, after all, while in the garden the TARDIS materialized. Donna was first to appear in the door, but was carefully carrying a fishbowl with a renegade Sensorite inside, so she got pushed aside by the Master.
- Oi, watch it! - she shouted, while Cthulhu clutched onto small rocks for last bits of her dignity.
- Oi, watch it yourself! - the Master shouted back and strolled quickly to the telly. - And what the fuck is that? - he asked at the sight of a man explaining why the tampons he uses are better than others.
- The ad break! - Sylvia informed cheerfully. - I really must thank you, I can't stand it when The Finish Line is off schedule! - the old woman turned to the screen and turned off her hearing aid, just in case.
The Doctor ran over to Donna once she put down Cthulhu, the Great One, and hugged her tight.
- Are you alright? - he asked while the Master was raging at the telly and threatening referee Bhait with being eaten for dinner.
- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine - she answered, and didn't even have the good sense to sound relieved. She pulled away from him and smiled brightly. - Guess you had a point, he makes a good show if nothing else.
The unnamed Time Lord in question stormed by them, still shouting that he's going back and eating that damn referee, can share with Cthulhu if she really wants, but so help him Rassilon, Manchester was winning, and Donna snorted.
- Better go after him, you know.
The Doctor swallowed, nodded, and followed the other Time Lord into the TARDIS.
- I don't give a fuck about your biolocks! - the Master was yelling at the console, still in the Manchester United hoodie and bunny slippers. - You are taking me back there or I'll turn you into a paradox machine again!
The TARDIS remained unmoved by the Master's threats while the Doctor closed the door and crossed the ramp towards the console at a steady but brisk pace. He grabbed the Master's arm firmly.
- Well, guess what- what, no I was just threatening her, you know I even can't do any of- that Master was cut off as the Doctor pressed him hard to his chest, burying his face in the other's shoulder. Centuries of pain, years of bliss, and now this. He never felt happier in his long, long life.
- I'm also not actually going to eat that stupid referee, just scare her a bit-
- I love you - the Doctor said, just loud enough to sound firm. The Master tried to jerk away.
- OK, that's too much, I will just bribe her if that's what you want-
- Stop it. I love you.
The Master went still. Unnaturally still. His arms were stiff along his body. The Doctor didn't care. He hugged him tighter.
- No, you don't.
- Yes, I do.
- Liar.
- Not now.
- Take it back - the Master almost wailed and succeeded in pushing himself away from the Doctor enough to look at his face. The other Time Lord allowed it, but still held him firm. There was something resembling fear in the Master's face.
- I won't. I never will - the Doctor cupped the Master's face gently, while his other hand remained steadfast on his waist.
- You're only saying this because I did something nice! - the younger - much, much younger - Time Lord squeeked.
- Yes, but no - the Doctor smiled, brushing his thumb again the salt-and-pepper goatee. - Yes, it is hard for me to say. But I mean always. I love you - he repeated, lowering his hand to now hold the back of the Master's head. There were tears in both of the Time Lords' eyes, but only one would ever admit to them. - I love you, truly and deeply. Now and always. Over whatever you've done or will do - the Doctor swallowed, as a flash of ruined Gallifrey appeared in his mind - I love you.
The Master swallowed.
- I'm not saying it back - he spat, his voice defiant despite the wetness.
- You don't have to.
- I hate you - the Master spat again, though it sounded like he meant the opposite. Or not the opposite. Just the negation. The same force in the other direction.
- I know - the Doctor murmured and gently pressed against the back of his best enemy's head.
The foreheads met first and they both gasped softly. Connecting in thoughts was one thing. They had to do it for exams with all sorts of people who had little interesting to share. Connecting in feelings, quite another.
Their lips touched in a stupid, romanticized remnant of mammal parents passing chewed food into their offsprings' mouths. The Master's hands became flexible enough to touch the Doctor's back, unsure at first, but then grabbing like onto a lifebuoy. The kiss oscilated between passionate and gentle, angry and loving, playful and dead serious, and neither of them wanted to end it.
The lighting in the console room became warmer. The jukebox turned on of its own accord.
I tried to find her cause I can't resist her I never knew just how much I missed her Sorrow, sorrow...
- Oooh, damn that stupid ship of yours!!! - the Master groaned, but didn't really pull away.
The Doctor only laughed, and again pressed his temple to the other Time Lord's. The Master did not pull away. Not for the life of him, this or any other.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
I don't even know if you will answer, but I will hope. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Hi! I would like to ask you for Jack, Shaun and Ian reaction to the fact that sunshine has an adopted child that she picked up on the street. And once, when they were sitting and having lunch at the table, the child giggledand said.
— My mom is so strong! Some uncle wanted to pick me up and dragged me to the car, but mom hit him like a superhero and smashed his car window with her fist!
And sunshine choked, and then blushed..
— Darling , you shouldn 't tell this to everyone
I love this idea aaahhh I got you!
Also for Ian's part this is an au where he didn't meet MC until college.
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Sunny Day Jack
When he first met you he froze in place. You laid already passed out on the couch while a child who did look like you stared at him wide eyed, and mouth wide open as he cuddled closer to you.
That night was very dangerous for Jack as you woke up ready to fight. It also wasn't easy to explain how he wasn't alive.
However things turned out okay in the end, and he began to bond with your little family. Your son Asher grew attached to quick which wasn't a surprise. It also worked in Jack favor because Asher would tell him things about he didn't know.
"Yeah my parent is so cool! One time this man tried to take me while we shopping, and they punched him so hard he didn't get up! Then.....then while waited for police they held his hand behind his back! They were just like a super hero!"
Jack eyes widened at the confession. You knocked a man clean out....with no effort.... Jack could feel his face heat up, and quickly looks away to hide .
"Sunshine sure is something else." His voice is so dreamy that Asher even picked up on it as he giggled.
Your Daughter Evelyn was the first he met. While you were getting food at the salad bar in the cafeteria he watched her get distracted by something, and began wondering for you.
He stopped her before she got to the door, but now he had to find you. While he tried he learned Evelyn is at that age where she likes to talk but doesn't know what's okay to say, and what isn't.
"I'm sure they will find me soon! My parent is really cool like that! They one time had to break a window to get me when this man tried to take me! It was really cool! The looked like a hero!
Shaun looked down at the kid almost terrified. Did he just seal his Fate by helping this kid? Luckily for him no. He was safe in fact you ran up to your daughter and embraced her.
It's an odd way to meet the person he would up being with, but a story he enjoys all the same.
He met you during a group study in his first year. Unlike the others in group you talked and interacted with him and he was immediately intrested. Your friendship starts off slow, but eventaully the two of you were hanging out a lot
He even got to meet you adopted daughter Flora. The little girl was as quiet and shy as he is so they got along really well. So well that she didn't mind telling him all your amazing adventures.
"My parent is the best in my opinion......t-they um....one time they kicked someone so hard it hurt their nose as they tried to grab my hand when we are at the mall."
You.....you broke someone's nose?! He looked for to the little girl wearly who coloring unaware of the scared look. However the longer they sat in silence the more he....liked the idea??
You were a protector and he can admire that, and that means you were a caretaker. He really liked that idea. Maybe he could....shoot his shot??
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months
The Storm Bringer (Information and History)
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Dock of Arendelle (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Auardon (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Corona (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Neverland (sometimes after d3),
Dock of the Isle of the Lost (d1-d3).
Blackbeard (Captain)(Previously),
Hannah Hook (Captain)(Current),
René Montaudoin (Captain)(Previously).
Aaron Bog (The Treasuer),
Abi Hun (Crewmate)(Former),
Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Helmsman),
Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah (Translator)(Future),
Anna Bog (The Lawyer),
Artemis Foundling (Junior),
Atlas Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Atticus Hook (Babysitter Crewmate)(Former),
Beau Foundling (Junior),
Clarice Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Craven Bog (Junior)(Future),
Credence Foundling (Junior),
D.E Anonymous (Anonymous Helper),
Darcy Aoratos (The Medic),
Darius Foundling (Junior),
Darren Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Derrick Red (Crewmate)(Former),
Eduardo Frollo (The Cooper),
Elara Foundling (Junior),
Evelyn de la Cruz (The Prison Guard),
Fiona Foundling (The Look Out),
Francesca Delgado (The Boatswain),
Genesis Flores (The Navigator),
Greyson Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Gunner Harp (Back up Medic),
Harley Foundling (Junior),
Haul Bjorgman (The Deckhand and Translator)(Future),
Herlando Dancer (Back up Medic),
Hope Sid (The Entertainment and h.r. Representative),
Howiee Wolf (Guard),
Ian Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Ike Bog (Junior)(Future),
Issac Cipher (Front Desk Attendant),
Isaac Olympian (Crewmate)(Former),
Isaac of Maldonia (Crewmate)(Former),
James Rourke (The Rigger),
Joey Starlights (Crewmate)(Former),
John Facilier (The Gunner),
Jolene Bog (Junior)(Future),
Josh de la Cruz (The Sailmaker),
Joy Foxworth (The Back Up, Back up Kid Wrangler)(Future),
Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou (Storm Manager),
Lance Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Levi Giant (Junior),
Liberty Titan (The Backup Carpenter),
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard (1st Mate),
Luís Barbosa (The Carpenter),
Lysander Foundling (Junior),
Marcys Foundling (Junior),
Marinette Foundling (Junior),
Misty Del Rey-Silver (The Diver),
Morgan Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Guard),
Nadia Foundling (Junior),
Nevin Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Noah Aoratos (The Cabin Boy),
Noor Foundling (Junior),
Parker McLeach (The Powder Monkey),
Peachy Gothel (3rd Mate),
Prometheus Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Remi de Vil (4th Mate),
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing (The Trainer), 
River Le Beak (Crewmate),
Shan Bri (The Back up Kid Wrangler),
Shania Silver (The Kid Wrangler)(Former),
Shaun Fagin (Crewmate)(Former),
Skelebar Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Skia Aoratos (2nd Mate),
T.K Sykes (Crewmate)(Former),
Terrance Foundling (Junior),
Tiger Khan (Translator),
Tim Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Toby Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Tommy Wonderful (Junior),
Treycor Fae-Aoratos (The Quartermaster),
Tyson Foundling (Junior),
Willow Hawthorne (Junior).
Captain Hook,
Ginny Gothel,
Harry Hook,
Maleficent’s Goons,
Mama Hook,
The Gothel Twins,
The Smee Twins,
"Creatures of the Night, Prepare to fight!"
The Storm Bringer is the name of a pirate ship that Hannah Hook and her crew own.
It served as headquarters for the pirate crew and can be seen throughout the series 'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook and Co.'
The Storm Bringer is an old pirate ship that Hannah Hook won and fixed up for her crew. Repurposing it as a safe house/boat/home for her crew and replacing the sails with three homemade sails that have a matching flag up on the crowsnest, a single red flag, and two additional crimson red flags.
Its walls are covered in artwork that she and her crew made as well as random treasures they have picked up over the years. 
The wood is mainly brown with hints of red in some places and it has many rooms that the crew share (some of these ‘rooms’ are just areas with curtains hanging up to separate them. 
It is one of the few ships on the isle that is almost fully intact and the shape its in has been described as ‘remarkable’ by the few older pirates that have stepped abroad since the ship came into Hannah Hook’s possession. 
Hannah Hook acquired the Storm Bringer from it's pervious owner, Blackbeard, in a poker game that she bested him at when she was 6.
In that game, she not only gained a ship but two new enemies (Blackbeard and his son, Barnaby) and the respect of the elder pirates on the isle.
Her first three crew members were Luke Tremaine-Westergaard and Skia Aoratos (her 1st and 2nd mate respectively) and River Le Beak (who decided to just be a crewmate) who helped her build her crew and repair the ship.
They ended up renaming the ship 'The Storm Bringer' and replacing it's old sails with ones they made themselves before tossing the ones in the storage closet.
And over the years, Hannah and her crew ended up redecorating the ship to make it feel more like home. Using art pieces they each made, rewards they'd received, and random treasures they had found to do so.
They even added on to the ship, making more rooms and making it look more intimidating and wild in the process.
(Old Design):
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(New Design):
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(Storm Bringer Contract):
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(Storm Bringer Crew Tattoo):
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(Crew Tryouts Poster):
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kwebtv · 1 year
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The Cedar Tree  -  ITV  -  September 20, 1976 -  September 24, 1978
Melodrama (119 episodes)
Running Time:  30 minutes / 60 minutes in 1978
Joyce Carey – Lady Alice Bourne, widowed mother of Arthur and Phyllis
Philip Latham – Commander Arthur Bourne (series' 1 & 2)
Susan Engel – Helen Bourne, Arthur's wife
Sally Osborne – Elizabeth Bourne, eldest daughter of Arthur & Helen Bourne
Jennifer Lonsdale – Anne Bourne, middle daughter of Arthur & Helen Bourne
Susan Skipper – Victoria Bourne, youngest daughter of Arthur & Helen Bourne
Kate Coleridge – Phyllis Bourne, Arthur's sister
Cyril Luckham – Charles Ashley, father of Arthur's wife Helen
Gary Raymond – Jack Poole
Carol Royle – Laura Collins, friend of Victoria
Jean Taylor Smith – Nanny
Peter Hill – Gates, the Bourne's chauffeur and general help
Ruth Holden – Mrs. Gates, the Bourne's housekeeper
Shaun Scott – Jim Tapper, assistant to Gates
Alan Browning series 1 & 2/Richard Thorp series 3 – Geoffrey Cartland
Lillias Walker – Rosemary Cartland
John Oxley – Peter Cartland
Tom Chatto – Parsons, the Cartland's butler
John Hug – Gwylym Meredith-Jones
Joan Newell – Winifred Hedges
Patrick Ryecart/Steven Pacey – Klaus Von Heynig
Nigel Havers – Rex Burton-Smith
Jack Watling – Captain Julian Palmer (series 2) / Commander Arthur Bourne (series 3)
Rosemary Nicols – Angela Scott, magazine reporter
Michael Macowan – Doctor Cropper
Pamela Mandell – Miss Pringle, owner of the Copper Kettle tearooms
Richard Vernon – Lord Evelyn Forbes, old flame of Lady Alice Bourne
Peter Egan – Ralph Marsh
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watchyourdigits · 1 year
4 9 10 and 23 for the otp asks? Hier sind kekse.
These are all going to be Evelyn/MacCready-centric because I'm LOCKED IN on those two rn
Long post because brevity is not my strong suit & I got carried away again, as I do with most things.
OTP ask game
4. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other?
MacCready wouldn't openly choose a favorite, but it's definitely her hair. He loves playing with it, and getting to do so means they're in a situation where they can relax and just be. It does as much for him as it does for her. Touch-starved couple things. Also on a monkey-brain bonding type of beat.
As for Evelyn, she loves Mac's eyes and his hands. I think choosing between the two would kill her. He always looks at her so softly, and it makes her feel like she's drowning in him. Disgusting! With his hands, she likes watching them, specifically watching him work with them, but generally as well. It's something of a fascination/fixation for her. Whether he's cleaning his rifle, running his fingers through her hair, or writing something, he's always very gentle about it. To her, his hands are like a breath of fresh air. Like aloe to her burns. Like learning that cotton and thread counts exist after only knowing sand paper and its varying grits. This metaphor is getting weird now sorry, I've been looking at getting new sheets recently lol
9. Do their friends and family like their significant other(s)?
MacCready doesn't have too many friends in the Commonwealth. They're all mostly mutual friends that know/love Evelyn already. Duncan LOVES her, though - he's a very social kid. They have a lot of fun together. Eve will often use a stealth boy while giving him a piggy-back ride so they can scare MacCready. He hates this because he startles easy when his guard is down. He learns to keep an ear out for them when he notices it's gotten a little too quiet, but he hams it up when they do the reveal just to hear them fall into giggle fits. Nothing sounds more like pure bliss to him than that.
As for Shaun, he was very hesitant at first about Mac, but he came around when MacCready introduced him to the world of comic books. They'll sit in a room with a huge spread in front of them and just read together in silence, handing off comics to each other as they finish them. They could discuss them for HOURS on end, too. MacCready is very impressed with Shaun and his interpretations of things and often consults him for his viewpoints on different lore aspects. Shaun is also helping Mac with his grammar/spelling. This leads them to collaborate on various writing projects, with the ultimate goal being to write a comic of their own. Evelyn is in fucking shambles over them both being such huge nerds.
10. Have they had romantic partners before?
Yes and no. MacCready had Lucy, but Evelyn's past partners were all sexual. Except that one time she was married (we all know how that ended *ominous cryogenic crackling sounds, gunshots* smh), but it wasn't really a true relationship despite the legal paperwork. Points for both of them trying though ig.
Side note: Evelyn isn't jealous of Lucy. Sometimes MacCready talks about her and I feel like Evelyn has the potential to be the jealous type, but she's really not. Idk why I feel the need to clarify that because the distinction is important to me: she's more the type to mark her territory tbh
23. Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy?
Evelyn has the dom energy without a doubt. Day to day, she definitely LOVES having MacCready on a leash and he is more than happy to be dragged around by the scruff of his neck. She gives him head pats as needed for reassurance of course. No one is shocked by this.
(*cracks knuckles* buckle up, we're about to get nsft with it)
The surprise is entirely behind closed doors because they lose a lot of that energy in the bedroom. That, for these two, is a safe space where they escape to the quiet intimacy of one another. THAT'S where their soft sides can freely come out and they can give/receive the comfort they both desperately crave. Not to say they don't get down and freaky with it from time to time (see: below), but their sex life is more like a Hozier song as in it's deeply passionate & there's lots of worship and affirmation/TLC given. Total opposite to their public life, but they deserve to be treated with gentleness.
When they do get freaky with it (drop everything and fuck after clearing out a building of enemies kind of deal), it's usually quick and dirty. The idea that they don't carry those dynamics into the bedroom continues during their more public, fuck nasty stints. They're both pulling each other's hair and biting and scratching, both equally as desperate and domineering. It's mostly fueled by adrenaline, partly by the need to affirm that they're each okay, to basically be like "that was close, don't you dare fucking do that to me again". Plus, they're both oddballs and something about the way they work so seamlessly together and hardly need to communicate really gets the blood pumping/makes them feel really close. Work is very intimate for these two, especially when a job is done right. Fucking after a job is the same as a cigarette after sex to them, with the added bonus of burning off the rest of their adrenaline.
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mrlancer · 2 years
My Favorite Books of 2022
I think I did decently well at reading in 2022 and the book I'm reading now, I'm not anticipating finishing before the end of the year (it's The Stand by Stephen King), so now is the best time to post about my favorite books of the year.
This year, I read 80 books. 27 of those were the manga Blue Exorcist, and I'm never sure about whether to really count those in my book count, but I am going to count them as 1 big book for the purpose of this list! So, that takes me down to like 54 books.
So, let's go through my list each month, and pick out favorite book(s) from each month! Maybe I won't have a favorite from some months...
Bold means it was a good I really enjoyed! I
I'm going to hide the list under a keep reading line because otherwise this post might be too long for some people!
Dune Messiah -Frank Herbert
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
Memoirs and Misinformation - Dana Vachon and Jim Carrey
Mergers and Acquisitions - Dana Vachon
A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet - Becky Chambers
Everyone In This Room Will Someday Be Dead - Emily Austin
Diary of a Bookseller - Shaun Bythell
Call Me By Your Name - Andre Aciman
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
I read nothing
A Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin
Almond - Sohn Won-pyung
Human Acts - Hang Kang
Love in the Big City - Sang Young Park
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism - Amanda Montell
Kindred - Octavia E. Butler
Blue Exorcist 1-27 - Kazue Kato
Children of Dune - Frank Herbert
Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Serial Crime Unit - John E. Douglas
Hamnet - Maggie O'Farrell
Columbine - Dave Cullen
The Witches: Salem 1692 - Stacy Schiff
Get A Life Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood
A Man Called Ove - Fredrik Backman
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
The Benefits of Being an Octopus - Ann Braden
Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks
The Plague - Albert Camus
Ruin and Rising - Leigh Bardugo
I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki - Baek Se-hee
Cursed Bunny - Bora Chung
Crying in H Mart- Michelle Zauner
Shoko's Smile - Choi Eunyoung
I'm Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy
IT - Stephen King
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Know My Name - Chanel Miller
The Last Magician - Lisa Maxwell
The Cat Who Saved Books - Sosuke Natsukawa
Carrie - Stephen King
It Ends With Us - Colleen Hoover
The Final Revival of Opal and Nev - Dawnie Walton
They Both Die At The End - Adam Silvera
A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
Salem's Lot - Stephen King
Tokyo Ueno Station - Yu Miri
The Tombs of Atuan - Ursula K. Le Guin
The Devil All The Time - Donald Ray Pollock
Circe - Madeline Miller
Babel - R.F. Kuang
Taaqtumi: An Anthology of Arctic Horror Stories - Aviaq Johnston, et al
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Hell Of A Book - Jason Mott
Picking an actual favorite from these is too hard. I read so many great books this year, and obviously some months I read better than others. Actually, I would probably bold more than I have, but I felt bad about bolding more than like 2 per month, though I did do that in like September.
There were only really like 5 or 6 that I didn't really like, but pushed my way through.
I'm quietly aiming for 100 books next year, but I'm not gonna force myself for that, because whenever I aim for goals like that, it just takes the fun out of reading, so I'm going to set my goal at like 5 books and anything more than that is going to be a win for me!
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Rose Pamphyle lives with her widowed father and is destined to marry a son of the local mechanic. When she travels out of town and applies for a secretarial job with an insurance agency run by Louis Échard, he learns that Rose can type with extraordinary speed – using only two fingers. He tells her to compete in a speed-typing competition if she wants the job. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Louis Échard: Romain Duris Rose Pamphyle: Déborah François Marie Taylor: Bérénice Bejo Bob Taylor: Shaun Benson Annie Leprince Ringuet: Mélanie Bernier Gilbert Japy: Nicolas Bedos Madeleine Échard: Miou-Miou Georges Échard: Eddy Mitchell Jean Pamphyle: Frédéric Pierrot Lucien Échard: Marius Colucci Jacqueline Échard: Emeline Bayart Léonard Echard: Yannik Landrein Evelyne Échard: Nastassja Girard La vamp: Caroline Tillette Françoise: Jeanne Cohendy André Japy: Féodor Atkine Madame Shorofsky: Dominique Reymond Le crooner: Joan Mompart Mme Teyssier, propriétaire de la pension de jeune fille: Serpentine Teyssier Susan Hunter: Sara Haskell Championne R.F.A.: Béatrice Guéritaud Le groom: Romain Compingt Simone Taylor: Pauline Morro Joe Taylor: Hugo de Sousa Madame Blaiseau: France Darry Monsieur Blaiseau: Louis Merino Contremaître Bob: Bernard Fructus Contremaître Bob: Jean-Pierre Pivolot Le jeune homme aux roses: Martin Loizillon Candidate agence Echard: Manon Kneusé Candidate agence Echard: Hortense Belhôte Candidate agence Echard: Jeanne Lepers Film Crew: Screenplay: Régis Roinsard Screenplay: Daniel Presley Screenplay: Romain Compingt Producer: Alain Attal Director of Photography: Guillaume Schiffman Costume Design: Charlotte David Set Decoration: Jimena Esteve Production Design: Sylvie Olivé Casting: Nicolas Ronchi Editor: Sophie Reine Editor: Laure Gardette Original Music Composer: Emmanuel d’Orlando Original Music Composer: Robin Coudert Co-Producer: André Logie Co-Producer: Gaëtan David Executive Producer: Xavier Amblard Movie Reviews:
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 02, 2023)
23:59 Passenger 10 - Serving The World 23:53 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 23:50 Lost Frequencies Feat. James Blunt - Melody 23:47 Klangperlenspiel - Fraction Of Your Love 23:42 2raumwohnung - 2 Von Millionen Von Sternen 23:39 Jean-Michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 23:34 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended) 23:29 Under Pressure - Near The Ocean 23:25 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 23:22 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 23:18 Aural Float - Be As You Are 23:15 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 23:12 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 23:09 Nora En Pure - Homebound 23:04 Schiller Feat. Jael - Tired (Live) 23:01 Magnofield - Lupino 22:55 Joachim Pastor - Joda (Worakls Remix) 22:50 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers 22:46 Leslie, Ben E, Falki - Help Myself (Original Mix) 22:43 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 22:39 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 22:36 Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining 22:31 Lstn - Undecided 22:28 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 22:23 Bob Marley - Is This Love (Montmartre Remix) 22:20 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 22:14 Beyhude - Rüzgar 22:08 The Swan And The Lake - Port D'andratx (Part 2 - Rain) 22:04 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 22:01 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 21:55 Uttara Kuru - Neyuki 21:49 Rìfìs Du Sol - On My Knees (Oliver Schories Remix) 21:44 Schiller - Rubinrot 21:38 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 21:35 Shapov & Avian Grays Feat. Kifi - Light Up The World 21:29 Guenter Haas - Look Inside Yourself 21:26 Dj Antoine & Flip Capella Feat. Evelyn - Dark Love 21:23 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 21:20 Patchy - Friend (Original Mix) 21:13 Hraach - After Dark 21:07 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 21:04 Hailee Steinfeld - Capital Letters 20:59 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 20:55 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 20:51 Dead Composers - Starlight 20:47 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 20:44 Feder Feat. Lyse - Goodbye 20:41 Glockenbach Ft. Clockclock - Brooklyn 20:38 Kamrad - I Believe 20:34 Chris Coco - Cape Clear 20:31 Parov Stelar - Fire 20:28 Hagen Feetly - Cry 20:24 Waldeck - Defenceless (Mushroom Dive ) 20:21 Kush Kush & Sickmellow Feat. Kazhi - Blacklight 20:18 Nora En Pure - All I Need 20:14 Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy 20:09 Passenger 10 - The Lonely Boy Who Wanted To Make Friends 20:05 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 20:02 Mhe - The Sounds Of Silence 19:58 Klingande & Bright Sparks - Messiah 19:55 Kungs Feat. R I T U A L - You Remain 19:50 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 19:48 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 19:41 Jazzanova - Bohemian Sunset 19:36 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 19:34 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 19:30 Robin Schulz Feat. Graham Candy - 4 Life (Original Mix) 19:27 Felix Jaehn Feat. Zoe Wees - Do It Better 19:25 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 19:19 Beanfield - Planetary Deadlock 19:14 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 19:08 Tebra - Istok 19:03 Melloton - See You Again (Extended Mix) 19:00 Gamper & Dadoni - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 18:53 Fc Kahuna - Hayling 18:50 Gesaffelstein & The Weeknd - Lost In The Fire 18:47 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 18:42 Monolink - Swallow 18:38 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 18:36 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 18:33 Robin Schulz Feat. Harloe - All This Love 18:30 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 18:27 Italobrothers - Stay 18:21 Gary B - Love Rain Down 18:15 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 18:09 Twocolors - Together 18:05 Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes 18:03 Above & Beyond - Quieter Is Louder (Original Mix) 17:58 Channel 2 Feat. Tanya - Space Cowboy 17:56 Nora Van Elken - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 17:53 Lucas Estrada & Henri Purnell & Neimy - In My Fantasy 17:48 Fluff - Late Night Session 17:46 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 17:43 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 17:37 Aware - En Busca Del Sol 17:34 Shallour & Riah - Lie 17:31 York - On The Beach (Kryder & Jenjammin Sax Edit) 17:26 Fonzerelli - Moonlight Party (Touch & Go Laidback Mix) 17:20 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 17:17 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 17:12 Nora En Pure Feat. Ashibah - We Found Love 17:09 Tom Novy & Dan Le Blonde - Let's Dance (Tom Novy Remix) 17:05 Blank & Jones - Nuits Blanches 17:00 Ac Venture - Penang Waltz (Roberto Sol Remix) 16:57 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 16:52 Dj Skillmaster, Deep Dive Duo - Hey Little Girl (Slow Motion Mix) 16:49 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 16:45 Ambyion - Motion 16:43 Dennis Lloyd - Nevermind 16:40 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 16:37 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 16:30 Hot Natured - Planet Us 16:27 Matoma Feat. Jonah Kagen - Summer Feeling 16:25 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 16:20 Stephane De Lucia - Trippin 16:15 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 16:12 Nimus - Wasted Heart 16:09 Moby - My Only Love 16:06 Arty Feat. Cimo Fränkel - Daydreams (Sultan Shepard Echoes) 16:02 Air - You Make It Easy 15:58 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 15:54 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 15:49 Fous De La Mer - Conmigo 15:47 Reece Lemonius, Munich Monstrs - Miss You 15:43 Hein Klein & Cheyenne - Every Breath You Take 15:36 Cinematic - Airflow (Chillhouse Mix) 15:33 Duboss - Losing My Religion 15:31 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 15:27 De-phazz - True North 15:23 Audax Feat. Ron Caroll - Falling For You 15:19 Flamingo Star - Lost In Music 15:15 Avira & Kiko Franco Feat. Nathan Nicholson) - Ocean 15:10 Gardenstate & Bien - The Best Part 15:02 Deep Dive Corp. - Django 14:55 Le Roy - See The Light Ahead (Extended Mix) 14:52 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 14:47 Nardis - Sunrise 14:43 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 14:39 David Guetta, Robin Schulz, Cheat Codes - Shed A Light (Blank & Jones Remix) 14:36 Julian Perretta - Miracle 14:33 Avian Grays & Azteck - Endlessly 14:29 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 14:26 Mike Posner - I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Seeb Remix) 14:22 Olga Scheps - How Much Is The Fish? 14:17 Moby - Everything That Rises 14:15 Chris Avedon - The Letter 14:12 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 14:08 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee - Sunny Days (Original Mix) 14:03 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 13:59 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 13:53 Massive Attack - Spying Glass 13:49 Blank & Jones - Sunshines Better (Feat. Mick Roach) 13:46 Lika Morgan - Ding Dong 13:42 Atb With Enigma - Enigmatic Encounter 13:38 Kryder & Natalie Shay - Rapture 13:36 Edx - Ecletric (Mixed) 13:28 Solar Fields - Landform (Origin 2005) 13:22 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 13:15 Wd2n - Sultans Of Swing (Original Mix) 13:13 Deepend & Graham Candy - Belong (Deepend Edit) 13:09 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 13:06 Alle Farben - Berlin 13:01 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 12:57 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 12:52 Schiller - Der Tag...du Bist Erwacht (Mit Jette Von Roth) 12:47 Beyhude - Terso 12:43 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 12:39 Junge Junge Feat. Kyle Pearce - Run Run Run 12:36 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 12:34 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 12:27 Project Blue Sun - Sunrise (Planet Chill Mix) 12:24 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 12:17 Plus Minus - Meeting Of The Worlds 12:13 Nora En Pure - Fibonacci 12:11 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 12:07 Aromabar - Winter Pageant 12:05 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 11:58 Edx - Conundrum 11:55 Tokkoi - 45 Minutes (Original Mix) 11:48 Valeron - Jamal 11:45 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 11:40 The Weeknd Feat. Daft Punk - Starboy (Kygo Remix) 11:33 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 11:29 The Ocean Piano - Piano Mi Camino (Blue Wave Mix) 11:24 Gary B. - Lead Me Home 11:20 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 11:12 Burudu - Sun Theory (Original Mix) 11:06 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 11:03 Hbz, Anna Grey & Agent Zed - Aloha Hey 10:59 Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line 10:54 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 10:51 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 10:47 Kate The Cat - I Was Made For Lovin You 10:39 Avira & Diana Miro - The Worship (Mark Knight Extended) 10:35 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 10:29 Leftfield - Original 10:25 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 10:22 Alex Breitling - Lilie 10:18 Schiller - Sommerregen 10:15 Tiscore - Fire To Smoke 10:11 Ganga - The Wind 10:05 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 10:02 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 09:59 Sia - Alive 09:56 Gibbs & Code X - Close To Your Heart 09:53 Cotone - Faded Glory 09:47 Groovecatcher - Never Alone In New York 09:45 Dj Antoine Feat. Ablai - My Corazon (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 09:37 Kygo - Freeze 09:32 Hazy J - Our Way 09:29 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 09:26 Lstn - Sïstër 09:17 After Sunrise - Deep Breath (Extended Mix) 09:14 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 09:06 Framewerk - Electric Religion 09:01 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 08:54 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 08:51 Unclubbed, Zoe Durrant - Need To Feel Loved (Original Mix) 08:48 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 08:44 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 08:41 Tim Plvnk - Just Tonight (Extended Mix) 08:36 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 08:33 Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan - In The Air Tonight (Sons Of Maria Remix) 08:27 Bliss - End Titles 08:22 Victoriya - Nothing Remains 08:19 Nora En Pure - Life On Hold 08:12 Nova June - More 08:09 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 08:06 Rag'n'bone Man - Human 08:02 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Deep Ocean 07:58 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 07:54 Alphawezen - Into The Stars 07:51 Jelly & Fish - Appreciation 07:45 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 07:38 Soukie & Windish - Oak & Whiskey (Canson Remix) 07:30 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 07:27 Tiësto - The Motto 07:22 Bacaro - Under Presure 07:19 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 07:15 Klangkarussel & Poppy Baskcomb - This Love 07:12 Ennio Morricone - L'estasi Dell' Oro 07:08 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 07:01 Blüchel & Von Deylen - Etoile Polaire 06:59 Yves V X Bashkar - Halfway (Feat. Twan Ray) 06:56 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 06:49 Relaxraum - Endless Horizons 06:44 Atb & Anova - Route 66 06:37 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 06:35 Braaten - Enjoy The Silence 06:29 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 06:25 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 06:20 Ilo - Soleil D'hiver 06:17 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 06:15 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 06:10 Moby - The Sky Is Broken 06:08 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 06:03 Kyau Vs. Albert - Velvet Morning 06:00 Max Johann & Layrz - Tell It To My Heart 05:57 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 05:49 Edx - We Can't Give Up 05:46 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 05:42 Above & Beyond - Out Of Time (Original Mix) 05:38 Jan Blomqvist, Elena Pitoulis - More (Original Mix) 05:35 Trinix - Vision Deluxe 05:31 Lstn - Thoughts 05:27 Fine Young Cannibals - Johnny Come Home (Mousse T. Cocktail Mix) 05:20 Worakls - By The Brook 05:11 Blank & Jones - California Sunset 05:06 Channel 2 Feat. Tanya - Soulout 05:04 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 04:59 Tosca - Natural High 04:53 Anrey - Lost Lands (Extended Mix) 04:49 Brendon Moeller - Emerging 04:46 Discover. - Lost In Music 04:43 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 04:40 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 04:36 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Shine (Kygo Remix) 04:29 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 04:22 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 04:17 Nick Sinckler, Lukas Termena - Get Up (Original Mix) 04:14 Nora En Pure - Branches 04:12 Lunax - I Like 04:06 Melounge - Too Much Sugar 04:03 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 04:00 Crying Robot, Abi F. Jones - Different Sides 03:58 Bernward Koch - Lonely Dream (Solo Piano) 03:55 Vievie - Blue Island 03:51 Trentemoller - Miss You 03:47 Clément Leroux - Memories 03:44 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 03:41 Trinix - Rodeo 03:37 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 03:31 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 03:26 Jazzamor - Je T'aime 03:22 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Daylight Is Falling 03:20 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 03:13 Geonis & Wallmers - Stand On Our Own (Mier Remix) 03:10 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 03:06 Loungertrip - Brighter Day 03:01 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - La Serenissima 02:54 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real 02:49 Index Id - Nautik 02:46 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 02:43 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 02:39 Coldplay - Everglow 02:31 Garlington - Falling To Pieces (Extended Mix) 02:28 Sans Souci - Fenton 02:25 Regard - Ride It 02:23 Mila Feat. Uwe Worlitzer - Teil Von Mir 02:19 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Good Things 02:14 Espresso Del Lago - Come On 02:11 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 02:07 Deep Chills Feat Emma Carn - Blinded 02:04 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 02:00 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 01:55 Vargo - The Moment 01:50 Lamb - Wonder 01:44 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 01:41 Meduza & Becky Hill X Goodboys - Lose Control 01:38 Alex Breitling - Faith 01:31 Monolink - Don't Hold Back 01:26 Alejandro De Pinedo - Cancer 01:23 Dizkodude & Dj Antoine - Your Eyes (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Summer Mix) 01:20 Wave Wave Feat. Lena Sue - Repeating 01:16 Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson - Here For You 01:09 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 01:01 Cabeiri - Plants Telling 01:00 Christopher Von Deylen - Arco Iris 00:53 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 00:48 Fous De La Mer - Waiting For The Sun 00:45 R3hab & Marnik - Candyman 00:41 Filous - Let It Snow (Original Mix) 00:37 Paul Kalkbrenner - Part Eight 00:34 Viva La Panda & Finding Molly - Bring It On (La La La) 00:26 Armen Miran Feat. Jivan Gasp - Lost Memories 00:22 Evadez - Caught In The Crowd (Original Mix) 00:19 Vize & Leony - Dolly Song (Devil's Cup) 00:16 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 00:08 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Universe 00:03 Good Guy Mikesh Feat. Filburt - Place Of Love (Mp Edit)
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thebridgehqs · 1 year
Anonymous asked: Current member Mw please?
long list coming at you anon, straight from the discord!
alyssa greene from the prom, anybody from the owl house, julieta, félix, camilo, agustín from encanto, ginny, zion, joe, marcus, abby, ellen from ginny & georgia, santana, brittany, finn, sam, mike, tina, artie, mercedes from glee, silvermist, fawn, iridessa, vidia from the tinkerbell movies, amethyst, peridot, lapis, rose quartz from steven universe, emily from until dawn, ej, big red, ashlyn, kourtney from hsmtmts, schmidt, winston, ally from new girl, huey, scrooge, donald, lena, launchpad, fenton, gyro, penumbra from ducktales, obi, julien, monet, aki, zoya from gossip girl reboot, dwight, angela, andy, ryan, kelly from the office, peter pan, michael, john from peter pan, nick goode, sheila, kurt, alice from fear street part 2.  béatrice de rune, sophia (a plague tale) kratos, laufey, freyr (god of war) elfo, luci (disenchantment) pavetta, cahir, vesemir, eskel, coën, avallac'h, lara dorren, triss merigold (the witcher) sarah whitaker, boozer, rikki patil (days gone) celia st. james, harry cameron, connor cameron, robert jamison (the seven husbands of evelyn hugo) agatha harkness, lilith, nico minoru (midnight suns/marvel) yuna, ryuzo, taka, tomoe, kenji (ghost of tsushima) pope heyward, cleo (outer banks) liara t'soni, wrex, kaidan alenko, jack, garrus vakarian, grunt (mass effect) hannah & beth washington, chris hartley (until dawn) sherry birkin, ada wong, ashley graham, rosemary winters, jack krauser, luis serra, ingrid hunnigan, chris redfield (resident evil) angeal hewley, aerith gainsborough, cissnei, yuffie kisaragi, tifa lockhart, tseng (final fantasy vii) mikey north, rachel amber, alex chen, gabe chen, ryan lucan (life is strange) judy alvarez, jackie welles, evelyn parker, viktor vektor, goro takemura (cyberpunk 2077) kaniehtí:io, desmond miles, rebecca crane, shaun hastings (assassin’s creed) john watson, irene adler, katelyn holmes (sherlock holmes game series/rdj films) nikki gold, ko-rel, dazzler, richard rider, meredith quill, groot, rocket, drax (marvel/marvel’s gotg game) bastila shan, darth malak, meetra surik (star wars/kotor).  Fives, Echo, Hunter, Omega, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, any of the Star Wars Rebels (Star Wars) River Song, 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) Adéwalé, Ezio (Assassins Creed) Mipha, Urbosa, Daruk, Teba, Sidon, Riju, Impa, Pura, Kass (Zelda) Will, Cornelia, Taranee, Caleb, Phoboes, Cedric, Miranda (W.I.T.C.H)
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shayley · 2 years
evelyn, about to run into a bar at the playground shaun: oh, honey, duck! evelyn: :) quack! evelyn, smacking her head against the bar
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ghostflowerdreams · 3 years
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florbelles · 3 years
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old jacko’s been bumped to page six. says here the president’s drinking chateau montrose ’43. like the cabinet's rationing. ever wonder why mummy’s exempt? or thinks she is? like nothing matters. like she knows the world’s about to end.
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Stormbringer Crew Species;
Aaron Bog (The Treasuer)= Demon-Human Hybrid.  
Abi Hun (Crewmate)(Former)= Human.
Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Helmsman)= Demigod.
Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah (Translator)(Future)= Human.
 Anna Bog (The Lawyer)= Demon-Human Hybrid. 
 Artemis Foundling (Junior)= (Thought To Be) Human With Severe  Jaundice.
Athena Queen (The New Powder Monkey and Rigger)= Witch.
 Atlas Foundling (Junior)(Future)= (Thought To Be) Changeling-Shapeshifter Hybrid.
 Atticus Hook (Babysitter Crewmate)(Former)= Human.
 Beau Foundling (Junior)= Human-Goblin-Troll Hybrid.
Clarisse Foundling (Junior)(Future)= Orge-Human Hybrid.
 Craven Bog (Junior)(Future)= Demon-Human Hybrid. 
Credence Foundling (Junior)= Centaurcorn.
 D.E Anonymous (Anonymous Helper)= Unknown. Thought to be a ghost. 
Darcy Aoratos (The Medic)= Witch Demigod.
Darius Foundling (Junior)= Mummy-Human Hybrid.
Darren Foundling (Junior)(Future)= Disabled Human. 
Derrick Red (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
 Eduardo Frollo (The Cooper)= Human.
 Elara Foundling (Junior)= (Thought To Be) Elf-Human Hybrid.
 Evelyn de la Cruz (The Prison Guard)= Witch.
 Fiona Foundling (The Look Out)= Fairy.
 Francesca Delgado (The Boatswain )(Former)= Witch.
Genesis Flores (The Navigator )(Former)= Witch.
 Greyson Hook (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
 Gunner Harp (Back up Medic)= Demigod-Harp Angel Humanoid Hybrid.
Hannah Hook (Captain)= MagicBorn Witch.
 Harley Foundling (Junior)= Green Humanoid Thought To Be From An Alternate Realm.
 Haul Bjorgman (The Deckhand and Translator )(Future)= Human (But Could Be Considered A Reverse Changeling Via His Father).
 Herlando Dancer (Back up Medic)= Vampire-Human Hybrid.
 Hope Sid (The Entertainment and H.R. Representative)= Banshee-Wizard Hybrid.
 Howiee Wolf (Guard)= Werewolf-Wolf Humanoid Hybrid.
Ian Hook (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
 Ike Bog (Junior )(Future)= Demon-Human Hybrid. 
 Issac Cipher (Front Desk Attendant)= Extradimensional Dream Demon (Possibly A Hybrid).
 Isaac Olympian (Crewmate )(Former)= Godling.
 Isaac of Maldonia (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
 James Rourke (The Rigger)(Former)= Human.
Joey Skylights (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
John Facilier (The Gunner)=  Evil Bokor-Demigod Hybrid. Jolene Bog (Junior )(Future)= Demon-Human Hybrid. 
 Josh de la Cruz (The Sailmaker)= Witch.
Joy Foxworth (The Back Up  Back up Kid Wrangler )(Future)= Human.
 Kailani ‘Clever’ Olympian (Storm Manager)= Evil Bokor-Demigod Hybrid.
Lance Foundling (Junior )(Future)= Black Eyed, Forked Tongued, Albino Human That Was Saved From Becoming An Imbunche (By Hannah).
 Levi Giant (Junior)= Human-Giant Hybrid.
 Liberty Titan (The Backup Carpenter)= Titan-Cyclops Hybrid. 
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard (1st Mate)= Human. 
Luís Barbosa (The Carpenter)= Human.
Lysander Foundling (Junior)= Satyr (But Suspected Hybrid). 
 Marcys Foundling (Junior)= Centaur (But Suspected Hybrid).
Marinette Foundling (Junior)= Bluish-Grey Humanoid.
Misty Del Rey-Silver (The Diver)= Human-Merperson Hybrid.
Morgan Hook (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
 Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Guard)= Born Human, Resurrected Into Something Akin To A Wendigo But Not Exactly.
Nadia Foundling (Junior)= Genie-Human Hybrid.
 Nevin Hook (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
Noah Aoratos (The Cabin Boy)= Godling.
Noor Foundling (Junior)= Genie-Human Hybrid.
 Parker McLeach (The Powder Monkey)(Former)= Human.
 Peachy Gothel (3rd Mate)= Witch/Magical Person.
Prometheus Foundling (Junior)(Future)= Disabled Human.
Remi de Vil (4th Mate)= Human Of Godly Decent.
 Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing (The Trainer)= Born Human, Resurrected Into Something Zombie-Like.
 River Le Beak (Crewmate)= Human-Merperson Hybrid.
Shan Bri (The Back up Kid Wrangler)= Human (With A Magical Parent).
 Shania Silver (The Kid Wrangler )(Former)= Human-Merperson Hybrid.
 Shaun Fagin (Crewmate )(Former)= Human. 
Skelebar Foundling (Junior )(Future)= Humanoid Creature. 
Skia Aoratos (2nd Mate)= Godling.
 T.K Sykes (Crewmate )(Former)= Human.
 Terrance Foundling (Junior)= Werewolf-Vampire Hybrid.
Tiger Khan (Translator)= Human Raised By A Tiger.
Tim Foundling (Junior )(Future)= Human Child Who Ages Backwards (Physically). 
 Toby Foundling (Junior )(Future)= Merperson.
 Tommy Wonderful (Junior)= Witch/Magical Person.
Treycor Fae-Aoratos (The Quartermaster)= Fairy-Demigod Hybrid.
Tyson Foundling (Junior)= Werecat.
Willow Hawthorne (Junior)= Human-Tree Nymph Hybrid. 
I just realized that Hannah Hook's crew are mostly none-humans. Which means that some things they all do would defo come off as off putting to those in Auradon lol.
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kunoichi96 · 3 years
Reading Recap: August
I did it! I hit my 2021 reading goal! I am pretty proud of myself, not just for, well now, beating that goal, but also reading more classics this month. I even gave poetry another shot. This year has not been kind to me in many ways, reading has been one of the few sources of comfort I’ve had. Hence why I have been reading so much this year. That, and since the libraries have started opening up…
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