#Eudoria Holmes
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astudyinimagination · 8 months ago
Truly, the women of the Sherlock Holmes canon and the surrounding media are beautiful and excellent and messy and awful and human, human, human... and the fandom does not deserve them.
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jomarchswritingjacket · 9 months ago
is bi mom energy a thing
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it should probably be a thing right
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gracellie444 · 8 months ago
helena bonham carter 🖤
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goverment-mandated-femslash · 7 months ago
Today's government mandated femslash couple of the day is
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Edith Grayston and Eudoria Holmes!
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fandom-geek17 · 2 years ago
Tewksbury will propose to Enola in the coming movies, but she’ll turn him down because she’s afraid to lose her ambition and independence. They will fight over it because whilst Tewksbury understand that maybe she’s not ready for marriage, he’s mostly hurt that Enola would ever think he would hold her back in any way. And because they are extremely good at misunderstanding each other, it’s gonna be a whole thing.
It’s only after several talks with Eudoria and Edith that Enola comes to her senses and feels more at ease with the idea of marriage because her union with Tewksbury doesn’t have to symbolize everything she hates about the patriarchy. They’ll be a union of equals, both fighting for the greater good!
And to make up for breaking Tewkie’s heart, Enola will do this whole grand gesture where she proposes to him!
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snoozebin · 1 year ago
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⿴ “Perhaps One Shouldn't Read Too Much Into The 'Alone' Idea..”
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ʚ “our future is up to us!”
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hotpinkboots · 6 months ago
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pedroam-bang · 1 year ago
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Enola Holmes (2020)
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hellielovett66 · 11 days ago
Fav HBC character?
💐 Eudoria or Madam Thenardier, but i also love Rose :D 💐
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happy-mokka · 10 months ago
"You will do very well on your own.
But with others, you could be magnificent.
No, you find your allies.
Work with them, and you will become more of who you are.
You speak with one voice, and you will make more noise than you could ever have imagined."
Eudoria Holmes
Enola Holmes 2
Helena Bonham Carter
©2022 Netflix
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bookwormgirl123 · 2 months ago
I believe I’ve mentioned how fucked up it is that Enola was considered a “stain on the family name” as a child bc she was born so late in her mother’s life-
-but I also find that very interesting???? like was that a thing???? based in fact?????? why?????? it’s interesting to me idk
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twice-my-age-simp · 1 year ago
Helena Bonham Carter
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Rose Weil
Julia Hoffman
Eudoria Holmes
Princess Margaret
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hottestparent-tournament · 2 years ago
Hottest MILF/DILF Round 2 - E
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* has 3 children and gave at least 2 of them very good genes
* mysterious and has a great many talents including swordplay, ping pong, climbing trees, martial arts, painting, etc. etc.
* knows the language of flowers (can someone say leaving secret declarations of love around for you?
* literal sweetest person ever and also most evil person ever
* she's literally the reason why saiki (kusuo) isn't a super villain and also partially the reason why saiki (kusuo) has a social life the other reason is pure accident}
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belonareyna · 1 year ago
Enola Holmes Netflix adaptation
Unpopular (or not) opinion about Nancy’s book adaptations into the Netflix films. 
I don’t like them. Like at all. 
Obviously I’m talking about adaptation, I believe the films as somethig independant are cool (like the Percy Jackson’s ones).
First of all, I get that maybe Enola being 14 can crush our minds because “scape” home as such a young age and living by yourself for a year it’s kind of odd in this century. But let’s remember we are talking abouth 19th certury. They considered 60 to be the highest hope for live.
OK, it bothers me a little, but I can understand why they aged up Enola. But Tewksbury? Why?
Oh, to be the love interest...
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Why? Why was that necessary?
Literally Tewksbury only appears in the last chapters of the book. He’s twelve, and as any aristocrat brat at that age, he’s insufferable.
Enola is pictured as a naive little girl even though they age her up, she ends up in a nasty apartment with an horrible landlady, in the books Mrs. Tupper is a lovely old lady, and maybe is not the best house to stay at, but she stays there because she knows their brothers most likely wouldn’t track them there.
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I can’t, I just can't.
Anyways, then we have the boarding school. And they picture it as a snobbish, uptight school of hell…
In the books Enola is never caught, and in the very briefs moments she is nearly caught, she scapes like a pro. She’s not only scaping from her “place in society”, but also from the boarding school, that was a synonym of being abused and tortured. By corsets (Which literally deformed your body up till the point you could die), by physical punishments (as c4n1ng), by demolishing the personality and the fierce of the women so they could be a mere decoration in the men’s house.
Don’t get me wrong the boarding school in the film is ridiculous and stupid, but not quite the torture Enola was running from “She’s running for her life”*
*Florence Nightingale to Sherlock Holmes in “The Case Of The Cryptic Crinoline” 
Just to finish with the “little” details before getting into the main course, I would say that I also don’t like when Enola disguises herself as a boy. In the book she doesn’t do this for two reasons:
-First one and most important one: She knows her brothers first instinct will be to look for a BOY, because is “the easiest option” and both of his brothers think that Enola’s brain (as the brain of any other women) is obviously atrofiated.
-Second one because of pride.  
Remember when I mentioned Percy Jackson at the start? Well isn’t it lovely that the comparition between these two adaptations doesn’t end there?
-The Tewksbury part of the plot: What the actual fuck? 
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And this part really hurts me, I know it’s not important and even if they had really adapted the book and not just take the names and make a different story It’s not important enough and they could have cut it, but is when Enola rescues Tewksbury (and herself) from the two kidnappers and they go to the police station, Sherlock is there talking with Lestrade, Tewksbury starts talking with them, and Enola disappears, give some poor guard fake instructions and gets through the window. The window. Of a police station. Nobody stops her. Hilarious.
It reminds me of that scene from Alice Across The Mirror.
-The mother’s plot: Double What the actuall fuck? Triple even.
Where to start? 
Let’s start from the begining.
In the books:
-Eudoria had Enola when she was very old. I don’t know why but apparently having a daughter at certain age was a “disgrace”. 
-Her father died when she was very little
-Her brothers never come to visit
-Her mother didn’t love her.
Eudoria didn’t love her like a mother is suppose to love a daughter. But she give her what most of the women at the time didn’t have: freedom.
Eudoria educated Enola, and she repeated to her “you will be fine alone”. Eudoria knew that when the time came, she will abandon her daughter, but she needed to be sure that at least, Enola won’t fall for the be a fucking vase and decorate the house of your beloved husband.
She wasn’t a great mother. But she cared for Enola.
She leaves her enough money for her to live freely.
She has a tumor, and she knows her days are counted. So she runs away with the gypsies. She communicates with Enola with the lenguage of flowers, through messages from the papers.
Enola never sees her again after her 14th birthday.
In the movies, she’s a lovely mother who cares deeply for Enola and with that change of personality, it makes sense she ends up visiting her daughter. 
Personally I don’t like this change of personality, and there is a deeper meaning for my aversion than just the fact that Eudoria is a loving mother in the books.
Which leads us to:
-The suffragist movement: This really is not a what the actual fuck. This just angers me.
Instead of showing the oppressed society women lived in, being mere complements for men, just being the mother of, the sister of, the wife of, LITERALLY MR’S wich was what Enola is running from in the books, they decided that Eudoria, the suffragist, “scaped” home to plant ✨b0mbs✨. 
How cool huh?. 
Insted of explaining that the suffragist movement was not free of racism, and maybe showing us how back women coped with this, they decided hey, no, It’s better if we pretend that withe woman never tried to leave out black women and let’s put a black women in charge.
That’s part of why I think I hate so much Eudoria 's change of character, she was a suffragist, yes. But she run away with the gypsies because they were “free spirits”, she wanted to feel free on her last days, or months, and it make sense that she never sees Enola again, due to the fact that gypsies were nomads.
-Mycroft and Holmes: This is just meh
The Holme’s brothers are misogynist. Both of them. Which wasn’t weird back in the 19th century. They often refire to women as the weaker sex, “Maybe reflexive and imaginative, but not foreign to the weaknesses and irrationality that their sex entails.” (This was Sherlok and not Mycroft, in the first book).
In the movies, it’s just Mycroft who’s the bad guy.
During the book series, we see more encounters between Sherlock and Enola, and eventhough we can see a lightly change in Sherlock’s view of her sister (he even stops trying to catch her with lies in the newspaper, pretending to be their mother, and even stopping Mycroft doing so) is not until the last two books that he finally comprehends why Enola is so scared of him and Mycroft.
Mycroft, on the other hand, doesn’t cross paths with Enola so much, and when he does, she’s running from him, so he can’t actually have the progressive education on her sister. But in the last book, he is quick to catch his brother.
All the time, in the books, they are trying to “help” Enola to follow the rules of the society to be a respectable member of it.
In the movies, Mycroft does not care about her at all, and he’s only preoccupied with “what people will think”, he handed Sherlock her guardianship in less than three days.
I’m probably leaving a lot of things out, but…
And of course this is just a comparation between book 1-film 1
If I thought the first one was horrible, I wasn’t prepared for what the second one was going to be.
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viking-raider · 2 years ago
i read your review on the Enola movies and wished to know which you liked best of the two? thanks
Hm, that's a tough-y! I like them both, in their own way!
But if forced to pick, I'd have to go with the second one. Something about it, to me, feels a bit more developed, if that makes sense. I like that we get to see Enola use some more of her skills and the outside world around her and her siblings.
(Some spoilers ahead)
I'm also a big Helena Bonham Carter fan and she's a riot in the second one, whereas in the first one she was largely more a ghost, in flashbacks.
Also, if you haven't noticed from my blog xD I'm a Henry Cavill girl and we get to see his Sherlock in action here. Real action! We see 221b baker street. I've never seen this acting style from Cavill before and I loved it! Esp his drunk scene! I also loved we got to see Sherlock and Enola together as equals and not brother hunting down his sister, for their other domineering brother. Not to mention Sherlock got his Watson!
This, if I remember correctly, was a bit criticized, but I like the Morarity in the Enola Holmes. Ms. Troy. I found her very cunning, and I was floored and shocked when I finally realized who she really was.
So, yes. I would go with the second Enola Holmes movie.
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Love how Enola Holmes had strong,beautiful,badass women and then men who are the literal definition of babygirl
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