#Marquess Of Basilwether
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pedroam-bang · 1 year ago
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Enola Holmes (2020)
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frost-queen · 1 year ago
The moment I knew // part 4 (Reader!Bridgerton x Tewkesbury)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @cayt0123, @powwowsworld, @yomamacrusty, @mileyy22, @omgsuperstarg, @helen06dreamer, @misscaller06, @l4venderia
Summary: Blink and it will pass... a year has passed now. Having left for your education and proper lady-like manners. Now having returned the memories of before seek your mind with sorrows and promises. Only a week till the new season begins, but first families be reunited. [ part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7 part 8 & part 9 & part 10 ]
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Loud heels clicked onto the marble floor. A hastened pace, skirt gentle pulled a bit up to not trip over it. Loud breathing damping the hallways. – “Miss Bridgerton.” – the voice called out. – “Miss Bridgerton.” – it repeated a hand moved near their mouth to call out clearer. The heels clacked louder as it picked up their pace. A loud swallow to catch their breath. – “Miss B…” – they called out once more rounding a corner. The last of their words swallowed back in at the sight of you.
You slowly turned to them with a warm smile. – “Yes governess.” – you spoke elegantly. The governess exhaled deep, pressing her hand deep onto her chest. – “I…I… you were not in your room.” – she explained approaching you. You nodded still smiling. – “I hope you forgive me; I was too excited to return home.” – you replied eyeing the suitcase standing at your feet. Your governess sighed deep coming closer.
“I hope it is not because of that boy?” – she asked you, bowing down to take your suitcase. – “He is not some boy!” – you called out. – “He is to be my husband.” – you explained to her. Your governess snorted loud. – “You haven’t even debuted yet.” – she concluded giving a nod to the doorman to open the door. – “A week isn’t that long anymore.” – you stated with a smile full of mischief. Your governess sighed again as she gave your suitcase to the clerk who came standing in the door opening. The clerk turned round and headed over to the carriage with your suitcase.
Your governess returned to you. – “Now do you have everything?” – she asked plucking a bit at your shoulders. Every little detail had to be perfect in her eyes. You hummed loud. She took a deep breath letting her hands slide down your arms. – “I remember how you arrived here. Still a young strong-minded girl.” – she said. – “I still am.” – you chuckled out. – “You are but you have also grown a lot.” – she corrected. – “You wouldn’t stop dreaming.” – she tapped you on the nose, pulling you out of a small daydream.
She then sighed deep. – “I am going to miss you Miss Bridgerton, for this house shall become silent once more. It’s whirlwind of laughter and dance leaving.” – her words made you swallow the forming knot in your throat down. Seeing how she started to become sentimental. You couldn’t have it for you would cry for sure. – “Governess please, let us spare our tears.” – you said brushing your finger against her cheek.
She smiled with teary eyes. – “You… you are absolutely right.” – she took a step back, holding both your hands up. – “As always.” – She curtsied, dipping her head down. You pulled her back up, curtsying for her out of gratitude. – “I shall miss you.” – you told her. Suddenly you heard a chaos of voices and loud heels clacking against the marble. Around the corner arrived a storm of maidens of the household.
“Thank Goodness.” – One exclaimed hastening herself over. – “She has not left yet.” – another one spoke pulling a friend with her. Your governess let go of your hands, taking a few steps back. The swarm of maidens hastened over to you. You got overwhelmed in the biggest hug. It was impossible to link any arm or touch to a person. – “Oh Miss Bridgerton think of us.” – Grace said squeezing you tight into a hug. – “Write to us.” – Olive spoke hugging you from behind. – “We’ll miss you.” – some cried out unable to hold back their tears.
“If you ever need a hand maiden.” – Irene said pushing her way through. – “Or two!” – Grace pitched in once more. – “Girls! Girls!” – the governess called out for some order. She started tapping the girls on their shoulders with a fan to dismiss them from around you. – “Miss Bridgerton needs to leave.” – she said out loud. You felt Olive’s hands slip out of yours.
“If I could, I would enlist you all in my household.” – you told them with tears in your eyes. The space around you grew bigger giving you more breathing. – “Girls please manners.” – the governess pointed them on. – “I’ll try to convince my husband about the matter.” – you told them. Your governess ticked on the shoulder with her fan. – “You are not married yet.” – she made clear. Grace giggled loud. – “She practically is.”
“Miss Bridgerton must leave now!” – Your governess insisted upon. She shoved you towards the door. The girls following after you. The governess stood in the door opening like a brick wall. Firm and sturdy to not let any of her household girls through. The girls didn’t care, trying to look through any gap to wave at you. – “Do not forget about us!” – Irene shouted sitting in Mary’s back. – “Visit us when you can!” – Olive called out waving excitedly over the governess’s shoulder. – “Invite us to the wedding!” – Grace screamed out to be heard over the loud well wishes of the girls.
You waved back at them standing by the carriage. You blew them a kiss before getting in. The clerk closed the door as you scooted closer to the window to look outside to them. – “I won’t forget you!” – you called out waving. The carriage got in motion as it pulled you back in the seat. The carriage rode turned to ride to the pathway leading to civilization.
You saw that the girls had broken free from the sturdy wall of your governess. Running after the carriage and waving as wild as they could. Seeing how much they cared for you made you cry. A bittersweet goodbye. After a long year of being apart from your family and Tewkesbury for your education and preparations for your debut. You still remembered the day you left.
After your mother and Anthony had delivered the news that you would be send away for a year, it crashed down on you. A whole year without Tewkesbury. They found it better for your education to be elsewhere where you couldn’t be distracted by him. Perhaps your brother hoped you’d forget about him in the year separated. It was foolish of them to think so. How could you ever give up on Tewkesbury as he held your heart in all its mighty form.
He was the very essence you breathed. That day you had left. Needing time alone. Of course you were never allowed to go alone so Colin was with you. You pulled the carriage to a stop seeing him at the park. You swung the doors open as the carriage had not come to a full stop yet. – “Y/n!” – Colin would shout out jumping out after you. You couldn’t care, only thinking of him.
Tears swelled up thinking about having to say goodbye to him. – “Y/n!” – Colin kept chasing you trying to catch up with you. Tewkesbury, who was near the trees, noticed you, turning his posture more to you. He furrowed his brows quizzable at your running. You jumped into his arms feeling his arms close around you. The impact making you spin round with him till he slowed down. Colin came to slow down out of breath. – “What is it Y/n?” – Tewkesbury asked brushing his hand up your neck to the back of your head.
Only shaking your head you couldn’t get the words out. – “Y/n.” – Colin breathed out, giving a nod to Tewkesbury. Tewkesbury bowed his head back to him, moving you at arms-length of him. – “Y/n we can not linger.” – Colin spoke. – “The carriage will take you away in an hour.” – Tewkesbury’s eyes widened with fear. – “Wait? You are leaving?” – he called out in a panic. You nodded, tears running down your cheeks. Tewkesbury’s world felt like collapsing into nothingness. – “Where are you going? Will you return? I…I…Miss Bridgerton I… will I ever see you again?” – he called out needing desperate answers as his hands cherished your face.
Colin stepped in to speak. – “It is only for a year.” – he explained. – “Mother wishes for her to fulfill her education elsewhere before her debut next year.” – Colin added making Tewkesbury look briefly at him. – “A whole year.” – you cried out. Tewkesbury smiled saddened wiping some tears away. – “It will be over before you know it.” – he said to you.
You sniffed loud, blinking to stop your tears. – “I…I…I don’t want to part from you.” – you answered brushing your thumb against his chin. – “Neither do I.” – he replied with a deep breath. Tewkesbury held your hands up preventing you from wrapping them tightly around him. You started to get angry, frustrated at him for not welcoming you. For not accepting your tears of sorrow. Tewkesbury wanted, but he couldn’t. Not with your brother watching.
His heart ached as much as yours cried. – “I don’t want to go…” – you cried out. – “Take me with you. Make me yours. Please don’t leave me.” – you begged never wanting to part from him. Tewkesbury shook his head knowing he couldn’t. Neither could survive a scandal. It needed to be done the proper way. Nothing else. His grandmother would not stop hunting him if he so much as married you in secret.
The fear of her hurting you haunting his mind. Tewkesbury pressed you close to him, arms tightly around you. – “Remember my promise.” – he whispered close to your ear. – “Remember it every day.” – he went on. You sobbed loud wrapping your arms over his shoulders. – “What is a year against a lifetime of love.” – he said looking off into the distance.
“Blink and it will pass.” – he continued looking briefly over to your brother. – “I don’t want to leave you.” – you sobbed out. – “Nor shall you. I will remain here in agony, waiting for your return. For I shall count every day till I can call you mine. You are my heart, my body and soul.”
You let go of Tewkesbury as did he. – “Will you write?” – you asked him with a faint smile. – “Every day for numerous times.” – he responded. You looked over your shoulder to your brother Colin. Seeing how glossy his eyes had become. Tewkesbury took your hand, bowing as his head dipping against your hand. You curtsied at the same time saying your goodbye’s. Stepping back your hand slowly slipped out of his till it dropped at your side.
Colin came closer laying his hand on your shoulder. – “Blink and it will pass.” – he repeated Tewkesbury’s words with a saddened smile. You forced your eyes shut, shuddering out a breath. Fluttering them open you saw the blurry image of him between your tears. Moving backwards he faded away. Drawing further away from you till he was nothing but a mark in the painting of your eyes. Colin helped you into the carriage.
As the door shut, he took your hand gently. Looking up at him, you saw something in his eyes. A reflection of poetry of belief. As if seeing clearly for the first time. A glance you had seen numerous times in Benedict’s eyes whenever he was compelled by the arts. A deepness inside that reflected the beauty within.
Fluttering your eyelashes you became aware of your surroundings once more. The carriage hobbled over the gravely road as it had awoken you from a memory. The taste of dryness on your lips as you wetted them gently. Familiar streets and boutique’s rose up as a sense of homesickness struck you. A tugging feeling increasing by each movement. Not for a year have you seen any of your siblings. Having no idea what their lives are now. How grown your younger siblings are.
Has any of them perhaps found love besides dearest Daphne? Would they have thought off you every day? Regretted their decision to take you away. Away from any distractions. Would they still find you the same? You didn’t think so. Over the year with your courses you had changed much. Matured more. Glorified with grace and manners. Even now upon looking at yourself you didn’t feel the same. It was noticeable in the little things.
How perfectly lady-like you sat. The change in posture to a proud young lady. No more time for silliness. Prepared to take upon the duty of finding a husband. The carriage rounded a corner as you took in a deep breath. Nearing the street of your beloved home. Easily you spotted the violets. The house coming in sight as the carriage stopped in front of its open gate. You shuffled a bit closer to the window, looking outside. Not a single soul waiting for you.
The ache in your heart began to grow. Perhaps you weren’t missed. Before you could fully sink in self-pity opened the door. Two, three, four at a time trying to squeeze themselves through the door. The footman opened the door for you as you stepped out of the carriage with his help. Anthony being the first to reach you. He picked you up, spinning around with you as you heard him exhale relieved. – “I want to see her!” – you heard with impatience. – “Anthony I want to.” – feeling the tugging on your dress it was no doubt your younger siblings.
Anthony wouldn’t let go of you. Slowing his spinning down but tightening his grip around you. Your feet touched the ground once more as a figure squeezed itself between the two of you. Anthony got pushed off you making way for Gregory and Hyacinth. They both wrapped their arms around you. You hugged them back feeling sentimental. Anthony got pulled back by his shoulder, the younger one’s ignored as Benedict smiled with a happy return at you.
His arms wrapped around you as the younger one’s were forced out of the way. – “The counting days have finally come to an end.” – he told you, hugging you tighter. – “For I could not bare another one.” – Lip trembling you felt yourself be overcome with sadness. Benedict kissed your cheek. Anthony joined the two of you leaving a kiss on your head. Your brothers made way to reveal Colin. Noticing the tears rolling down his cheek. You slowly stepped away from your brothers over to him.
Embracing him in a warm hug. – “Look at you.” – he said sniffling. – “How much you’ve grown.” – he added. – “I am still shorter than you.” – you teased hearing him laugh loud. – “As long as you have not overgrown me.” – looking beside Colin you saw Eloise. Her smile unsure whether to show sadness or relief. You pulled her in for a hug. Eloise and you parted as she took a good look at you.
“Urgh how lady-like they have made you.” – she commented as it was in her good nature. Francesca giggled. – “We’ll mark the day till you achieve such greatness sister.” – she teased at Eloise whilst receiving a hug from you. Eloise stuck her tongue out to her. – “Mother is inside.” – Francesca whispered to you. You nodded letting go of her. You took a deep breath preparing yourself to head inside. Inside the house you had missed for a year. It felt big.
A shaking weight making each step of yours slow down. Almost too afraid to walk inside. A hand slipped in yours. Seconds later another one on your left. Gregory and Hyacinth had taken each one of your hands. – “Welcome home sister.” – they said assisting you inside. Your other siblings following. The door closed behind them as the house filled with chatter. A loving meeting forming behind closed doors.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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tommiruewrites · 2 years ago
requested: yes | no
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request rules here
REQ BY: @cia-agapanthus SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT ML i finished this like two weeks after you suggested it and then my brain decided posting it was too much apparently 💀💀 here it is now
WARNINGS: mention of past traumatic events, kissing, NOT PROOFREAD at all !! lmk if i missed smth!!
remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing <3
part 1
You wake up to the sound of wind whispering softly in your ear. Only able to see the darkness behind your eyelids, you feel like you’ve been stampeded by a dozen horses. As you pry your eyelids open, finding it unusually draining to move even the smallest of body parts, you’re finally able to take in the warm glow of your surroundings. You lay beneath your quilted bedding, the rising sun dancing shades of orange and gold across the tall ceiling through the open window. Catching the source of the breeze, you can’t help but notice the chill that coats your skin.
Gaining more strength, you attempt to push yourself up to go get a glass of water. As you do, a sharp pain shoots through your stomach, gasping at the unexpected feeling.
“You’re awake!”
You hear a familiar voice exclaim from beside you, his voice a bit hoarse. He rises from your vanity chair, swiftly rushing to your side to help you sit up properly.
“How do you feel? Are you in pain?”
You wince at the pinch as you shift, “I feel fine.” but you’re voice comes out gravelly and thin. Tewkesbury immediately reaches for the glass of water he’d set on your bedside table. You thank him quietly as you let the water ease your throat, your head pounding as you lean it back.
“What happened? Where are Sherlock and Enola?” you ask, putting the water back on your table. Your memories seem hazy and jumbled, unsure of why you feel so horrible at the present.
Tewkesbury sits down beside you, careful not to hurt you as he does. “They went out for a walk. They haven’t gotten much sleep since…” he hesitates, not wanting either of you to relive it, “We were fighting… and you got hurt pretty badly.” He explains softly, and your brows furrow while flashes of the night come back to you. “You fell unconscious before we could get you to a medic.”
His eyes meet yours for the first time since he’s sat down, and you see his lashes glisten with tears, “We weren’t sure if you were going to wake up.”
You look around the room, taking in the information and trying to process the fragmented memories flooding back to you. Your eye catches on the table across the room, overflowing with more flowers than one person could possibly need.
“How long was I out?” You ask curiously, noticing how all of your favorite flowers make up the bouquets.
“Four days.” he responds, watching your eyes as they roam the flowers he’s left for you.
You meet his eyes once more. He looks like he hasn’t gotten a proper rest in days. Your heart squeezes at the thought, not wanting him to fall ill due to lack of sleep. From the looks of it he’s been up at your bedside every day.
“I’m happy you’re alright.” he admits, grabbing your hand tentatively in his own, “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
You smile at the confession, “Can’t get rid of me that easily, Tewkesbury.”
He mirrors your grin, letting you interlace your fingers with his own. “Do like the flowers?” he asks as a blush breaks out on his cheeks.
“Mmm…” you pretend to think, biting back a bright smile, “I think you could have gotten a bit more. I’m sure there’s a field somewhere you missed.” playful sarcasm laced in your tone.
His cheeks hurt at the smile gracing his lips, and you can’t help the butterflies that swarm your belly as you admire the pretty sight. Reaching an arm up, he brushes your messy hair off of your neck.
“I’ll make sure to find them for you.”
His hand lingers against your pulse, but his eyes stare into yours. Searching and scanning for any bit of tangible evidence that you’re safe. You bring a hand up to his, guiding it to cradle your cheek, leaning into the warmth if his touch.
“You know, we were kind of in the middle of something before… you know.” you suggest softly.
His eyes flicker wider for a moment, swallowing his nerves at the intimacy of your closeness. “Yeah?” he replies with the same softness, not wanting to ruin the moment.
You nod in response, eyes flickering to his lips at the memory. “Do you want to pick up where we left off?”
He contemplates it for a moment, glancing between your lips and eyes, looking torn. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Your heart swells at the sweet notion, smiling sweetly, “If you do, you can always kiss it better?” you suggest cheekily, suppressing your laughter as his shoulders shake with it, forehead falling to yours.
The fond smile never leaves your face, even as he’s leaning in to press his soft lips to yours. Even as you feel your whole body buzz with electricity. Not even when his thumb brushes your cheek and a matching smile moves perfectly against yours.
Suddenly your pushing him away, his lips chasing yours. The look in your face makes his head tilt in confusion. “What is it?”
“I still won though, right?”
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paigeishere · 2 years ago
Favorite guy
Tewksbury x fem!reader
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Part one
Overview: Tewksbury was true to his word. He definitely tried to make it up to you. Not with big extravagant gestures. But with small meaningful ones. Like bringing home your favorite flowers, making dinner, and coming home a little early just to see you. But you were still mad and hurt. However Tewksbury doesn’t want to talk about it he just wants you to forgive him.
After a particular exhausting day with the duchess’s and ladies of the court you just wanted and hot shower and sleep. Walking home you felt on the verge of passing out on the side of the street. When you opened the door to your place you expected it to be empty. It was only 6 o’clock Tewksbury didn’t normally come home until 7 sometimes 8. Walking closer you noticed Tewksbury was there. He was sitting on the sofa mumbling to him self with a… You actually don’t know what is in his lap.
Tewksbury? Are you alright? You touch his shoulder and he turns quick.
Y/n! Oh I didn’t here you come in. He’s looking at you almost like he’s nervous.
Yeah I just got home. Are you alright? You ask him again.
No no I’m fine just uhh uhh hard day today. Oh wait I have something for you. He hands you the object he had in his lap before. Now you can really see it. It’s smaller about the size of your hand, rectangular, about and inch thick and it’s covered with wrapping paper.
You’re starting to feel bad. He’s really trying to get your forgiveness. But he’s doing it in ways you don’t care about. You just want to sit down and talk about it. But you rip the paper to discover it’s a small book titled the meaning and history of flowers. You flipped through the pages and notice everything is hand written. You flip back to the first page and see the name.
You wrote a book?
Not really. It’s not published or anything. This is the only copy. I filled that one up I’m starting a new one soon. He says this so nonchalantly like filling a 200 page book with pure facts on flowers isn’t worth being happy over published or not.
Tewksbury this is amazing! He flinches like really flinches. Hey what’s wrong.
Nothing nothing. It’s dumb.
Please talk to me Tewksbury please. Again he flinches
He sits back down and you sit with him. He opens his mouth to talk but no words come out. You know this is about. You’re fight a couple days ago. Ever since then he’s been acting strange.
He gets up and starts pacing in front of you and mumbling to him self again then suddenly he looks back at you and starts talking. Y/n listen I know you’re probably still mad and I would be to if the roles were flipped but please please forgive me I’ll do anything. I cant go on like this. Knowing that you hate me. I cant do it anymore. I need you to forgive me. Please I love you. You know I love you. I promise I will never do anything like that ever again. If I do you can discard me because that what I would deserve…
No please stop. Don’t don’t. I hate that please.
You calling me Tewksbury. it’s wrong. I don’t like it. He look almost like he’s in physical pain from your silence. Finally you pat the spot next to you telling him to sit and he does.
Listen. I love you. No matter how many fights we have I will always love you I could never even think about leaving you. I forgive you. For now but this is how we will start working through problems. Not with gifts okay?
Okay. But you got to say they were good gifts. He smirks and you laugh
Yes they were very good gifts. And finally for the first time in days you wrap your hands around his neck and kiss him. It’s messy and slight awkward because both of you can’t stop smiling. When you pull away he pouts and gives you one more quick peck before heading to bed with you favorite man in the world. 
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sidraofthewildflowers · 1 year ago
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“You were made to fight.” - Tewkesbury
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fbfh · 11 months ago
You are the GOD of writing yearning. It’s always so palpable and I’m always left blushing. Romantic or Sexual, it doesn’t matter. You’re literally in my top 5 favorite tumblr blogs.
Listen Tewkesbury is my current brain rot (stage 5 and chronic) and he is the god of experiencing yearning!!!!!! Match made in heaven!!!!!!!! perfect opportunity to drop some Tewkes yearning for you quotes!!!!
pov tewkes and you finally end up in a heated love confession bc he's been waking up in a cold sweat at night craving your touch and your adorable obliviousness is finally about to make him fuckin snap
"I wish they would retract my status as an eligible bachelor in the society pages, but I more so wish that you would be the one to rescind that title for me."
"There is nowhere far enough for you to run that could remove you from my thoughts, and there is no length too great that I should not follow."
"You plague my mind. You consume my every thought. Every moment, waking and asleep, I ache for you."
"I am coming unone, I am unraveling at the mere thought of you! Each moment I spend in your presence is another moment spent wishing for you to consume my very being!"
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s1ater · 2 years ago
god, forgive me.
part three of n/a.
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ricky rocks. i always forget to update this story even though it's my favorite plot tbh
kathaholics 🦵
finn guess who we just fucking found
sab god himself?
josh we were a little more luckier than that
enya luckier than god?
enya can't wait to hear this
josh the bitch who lit stacy on fire
finn she's coming to smoke with us
sab oh great, another deadbeat to add to our group
josh how could you say that, chicago is a national treasure
josh she did what no one else could do
sab josh, she basically committed arson
finn no, we weren't lucky enough for that
finn more like, third degree burns
josh arson would be like if stacy had just completely disintegrated
josh which sadly did not even come close to happening
"these two jackasses would get themselves expelled if they ever talk like this in public."
"what do you mean?" enya snorts, "they talk like this all the time in public. neither of them have a filtered thought to save them."
louis watches the continuation string of messages between finn and josh dogging on stacy golifolk feed through his screen within their groupchat to no end. he lied in the back of their rec room on an old dusty chair while sabrina and enya continued to discuss how stupid their two friends were.
"louis, you ready to go soon?"
louis perked his head up to sabrina's inquiry, finding both of them looking at him now.
"the graveyard," she nodded, "ditching school... remember?"
louis dips his head back as if suddenly being hit with recollection, “oh yeah, uh… no.”
“no?” sabrina is on her knees know, hanging off the back of the couch as she looks at him in surprisal.
“yeah, you seemed to have heard me correctly.”
“okay, no need to be rude about it, blockhead,” enya barges in, looking widely distasteful to his disinterest. “you’re the one who wanted to go.”
“and now i don’t.”
enya rolls her eyes before mumbling, “fucking cunt,” then turning back around to sit normally on the orange couch both her and sab were on. sab still watched him, more with confusion than annoyance that enya was hunkering.
“what’s up with you?”
kathaholics 🦵
josh yo, wtm
josh i got my bag and we already hopped the fence, so the rest of you fuckers better be on the way
sab looks up from her phone as he still scanned josh's messages, “so, you going or not?”
louis feels a strain of annoyance in his chest and a flash of heat flare upon his face; anger. for some reason, he felt a large amount of annoyance and irritation with sabrina still talking to him even after his rejection. he felt this a lot lately, and not just with sabrina, but right now she was putting the cherry on top of increasing his bad mood.
“fuck off, sabrina.”
“do you fuckers have no sense of time?”
“relax fuck face, you act like your mental watch is so good.”
“when weed’s involved, it’s immaculate.”
enya gave a hefty sigh before swinging her bag onto her designated seat. she then looked up, analyzing the three sets of red eyes before her, she smirks, “well, well, well, if it isn’t the woman of the hour.”
“my fellow candle stick holder.”
sabrina rolls her eyes as you and enya lean toward one another to shake hands, and you’re just beaming with a thin pressed smile of amusement. she couldn’t believe this was happening.
“ladies, take a seat. you know where you belong,” josh extends his arms out to the dusty old cushions that filled the area across from him
the graveyard was an old abandoned boys school from the 1950s that was never tore down, but rather left for catholic delinquents to discover and deem as there smoke spot. the five of them currently sat in a rusty old school bus that was cleared of most its seats and replaced with scruffy old couch cushions, bean bags, and really anything to provide comfort.
you were beyond amazed at the craftsmanship when your two new friends pulled you into what was the perfect smoke spot. your urge to spark up had increased immediately upon the sight, cutting your tour short and landing all three of you on the couch shoved all the way to the back.
“aye, where is louis at?”
“his cunt ass decided he didn’t want to come,” the sour tone of enya's voice suddenly covered every part of the bus, making everyone look up to her.
you were quick to catch onto the look josh and finn share over you despite being in your high state. her tone was very sobering and somehow you felt ten times more aware of everything all because of her clear distaste for this louis boy.
“fuck, why is that?”
“fuck if i know, louis has a fuckin’ stick up his ass lately.”
“isn’t that right.”
“sorry, who are we talking about?” your face screws up while you pass on the blunt you had to finn, looking between each of them subtly.
“louis partridge,” finn inhales “brown hair, brown eyes, and apparently a recent stick inputted into his ass.”
“such a clear decipher, almost like you didn’t just describe every walking fuck in our school,” enya rolls her eyes at finn and the vague features he offered, then looking to you. "he's the same year as us, was going to be top boy."
her provided information wasn't anymore of a help either.
"what?" however, a burst of energy seized through the group upon the relevance of it.
"lou was going to be top boy?" sabrina's posture was pulled straight as the rest of them, looking for clarification from enya--all she does is shrug.
"no wonder louis has been such a prick lately. he has to start fulfilling the roll," finn chuckles to himself, slowly starting to slouch back down. "too good for us."
"hey, whatever man, good for him," josh lightly taps finn, "maybe we'll finally get coed bathrooms and cig breaks like we've been petitioning for since first year sense we know someone on the board now."
"you guys are disgusting," enya rolls her eyes.
"what, you think they won't go for the dart breaks between class?"
you think enya's eyes are about to fall out of her head by the amount of eye rolls she's had in the past five minutes. you suppress your snicker as she looks at them with a dead stare.
"yeah, good luck with that one," she readjusts herself. "louis doesn't seem to give a damn about us, let alone your first year petitions."
"cmon, en, it was just one thing. he was only pissy because of coming down off of whatever josh gave him this morning," sabrina's voice lightens in defense of him, pushing enya further in annoyance.
"it wasn't just one thing. he's been a dick for the past couple of months. you can't tell me he hasn't when we're the ones who always have to deal with it because these two dimwits are too high half the time to even speak," her pointer finger jabs in your general direction in reference to both finn and josh who seemed shocked to her accusation. "tell me you didn't forget just because you've known him for so long."
there are hints of more spite that intertwined within the sentence, and you wonder why.
"well, I have known him for a long time."
"we all have, sab, but I don't forget his bitch fits because of it."
"oh, cmon, enya, don't you think you're being kinda harsh?" josh motions mindlessly with the hand that isn't propped behind his head. "you're just still pressed about him throwing out your booze stash."
"yeah, and you would be too if it was your pot."
"yeah, well at least I'm smart enough to not bring it around him when he's asked you not to," he takes a hit, his nonchalantness pissing her off. "plus, you're the one who put it in his room."
"suck me off," she grumbles, finally throwing herself into the cushions as if finally giving up. "he shouldn't be friends with alcoholics when he doesn't want to become one himself."
silence, but you still wonder;
"who's louis again?"
@aliyahsutherland @ioveisabel @multifandom-obsessed @cryinginsanity @rebbyr @cc13723things @heyitsmeimdead @thehuntress09 @black-rose-29 @rrosecar @instabull @rudypankowisdaddy @lukewearingbeanies @kiramdd @kitkat-mini @spencybear @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @i-love-scott-mccall @greengarsstuff @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @felixulvr @demigirl-with-problems @whoreforpsychopaths @mxsmwndr @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @xivilivix @morganaah @eichenhouseproperty @alliechickens @moonlighy @ancientimes @thelaststraw3 @i44nishi @iluvt4ylorswift @liltimmyst @falcvns @alexxavicry @grxcisxhy-wp @esposadomd
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Tewksbury loves Enola Holmes like a Hozier song.no I will not elaborate and there are too many songs that could represent them.
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fandom-geek17 · 2 years ago
Tewksbury will propose to Enola in the coming movies, but she’ll turn him down because she’s afraid to lose her ambition and independence. They will fight over it because whilst Tewksbury understand that maybe she’s not ready for marriage, he’s mostly hurt that Enola would ever think he would hold her back in any way. And because they are extremely good at misunderstanding each other, it’s gonna be a whole thing.
It’s only after several talks with Eudoria and Edith that Enola comes to her senses and feels more at ease with the idea of marriage because her union with Tewksbury doesn’t have to symbolize everything she hates about the patriarchy. They’ll be a union of equals, both fighting for the greater good!
And to make up for breaking Tewkie’s heart, Enola will do this whole grand gesture where she proposes to him!
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ilovepurpledragons · 4 months ago
Honestly, the most unbelieveable thing about Enola Holmes is when Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether FINDS THAT mushroom in the MEADOW. (Yellow chanterelle)
They grow in forest under rocks, trees or fern. And the're not, i repeat, not easy to find. You can walk around for hours in the forest looking out for them but only finding various amanita mushrooms (which are poisonous), stumbling on moss, getting lost, and then finally finding a penny bun (i think that's the english name) - which are delicious - but its worm eaten and unsalvageable.
What I'm trying to say is, mushroompicking is a difficult sport, unless you are familiar with your surroundings.
Ps. It was a good scene and I love the movie but it was so funny when he picked up that mushroom and my whole family went "how did he find that there??" Ds.
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naughtygeek49 · 2 years ago
Me omw to write the most out of character, mushy, feel good fanfiction about a woman who could and in certain cases would kill me and her sweet, slightly pathetic boyfriend
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pedroam-bang · 11 months ago
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Enola Holmes (2020)
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tommiruewrites · 2 years ago
Hi! I would like to request a Tewksbury x fem’Reader (romantic)! Reader is Enola Holmes’ sister
So basically, I was hoping for this to take place in Enola Holmes 2 in the theater fight scene. If you remember, Enola almost gets stabbed, but her corset protected her. So what if it was reader instead, and the corset didn’t protect her? Reader does finish the fight like in the movie because she’s just a girlboss like that and has that whole moment with Tewksbury after, but the stab wound finally takes its toll. That’s sort of just the base of the idea, you can do whatever you come up with after that! I sort of think of this as an angst + fluff? Thank you!
Just a Little Longer - V.T.
word count: 1.2k
requested: yes | no requests: open | closed request rules here
warnings: fem!reader, fluff to angst (but mostly angst bc i love to make myself miserable but in a cute poetic way), brief mentions of fighting, talk of blood, major injury, main character death, best friends to lovers/idiots in love, tragedy, holmes!reader, NOT PROOFREAD
a/n: i'm SOOOO sorry, ik it's been ages since you put in this ask, but my adhd slump was a pain in my ass. it has finally been forcibly lifted (by yours truly) bc i want to write again, and i found the start of this fic in my drafts and decided to finish it. i hope you're still active and able to read this, lovely anon! <3
remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing <3
part 2
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Everything went by in a blur. You were fighting alongside Tewkesbury and Enola, dodging weapons and fists. The next thing you know, you’re on the floor, wind knocked out of you.
A loud crack rings out and you feel an intense pounding in your head, so you guess you must have hit it when you fell back. As you begin to stand, you feel a dull ache in your ribs. You look down to see the cause, and you thank the heavens that you’re wearing one of those god-awful corsets you've always hated so much. Shouldn’t leave more than a nasty bruise.
You hear Tewksbury —who’s still fighting from across the room— call out your name to make sure you’re alright, but you don’t have time to respond. Your sister reaches a hand out to help you up off the floor as she dodges a hit. A bit preoccupied in a fight of her own she misses the silver handle sticking out of your corset.
“Are you alright?” she screams over the chaos.
You stand firm on your feet, still staring down your opponent. “Fine. Just a little fall, nothing I can’t handle.” Pulling the blade from your abdomen, you miss the red glint of blood as you resume the fight.
The battle is over, and the energy is high. You and Tewkesbury bounce off the walls blabbering on about the recent events, adrenaline running through you while Enola concludes the investigation with your brother, Sherlock.
“Did you see me! I got some really good ones in there. Think I got him in the nose!”
You laugh, breath like shard of glass in your lungs from the cold, "You were wonderful! Just like I showed you."
He beams at that, his cheeks glowing a warm pink, which he hopes could be chalked up to the biting chill outside, “You didn’t do so bad out there yourself.”
“Not bad?” you scoff, "You must have missed the look on that guy’s face when I threw him across the room!"
You both laugh softly, your breath visible in the winter air. You ignore the tight feeling in your lungs.
Suddenly you’re both hyper aware of the lack of space between you. Looking between his cold pink lips and his glassy doe eyes, you hold your breath as he begins to lean closer.
Just as you feel his intoxicating lips graze yours, your knees buckle beneath you. You try to steady yourself against Tewksbury, hand pressed against his chest, as he quickly grabs your waist to hold you up. He chuckles a bit as he tries to help you regain your footing, but immediately stops when notices that you’re practically limp in his hold.
“What's wrong? Talk to me.”
It feels like your chest is collapsing in on itself, and your head starts to spin. “Oh- I’m fine. Just cold.” Mostly reassuring yourself, nothing bad could happen right? You won after all. You beat them. Your family is safe and your best friend that you've been in love with for years is finally kissing you. Those are all good things. Really good things. So it's just the cold making you feel weak and breathless, right?
“I’m just really, really tired.”
Just as you begin to stand up straighter, sharp pain shoots through your stomach and your knees buckle again, causing Tewkesbury to almost fall over. He panics when he hears a gasp that sounds too much like you’re in pain.
“Enola! Something’s wrong!”
Enola and Sherlock stop their current debate and immediately notice your uncharacteristically frail state, rushing over to help Tewkesbury get you on the ground. They sit you down as quickly as possible without hurting you, your back to Tewksbury’s chest so he can keep you stable. His shaky hand tremble against your hips as he surveys your body for injuries. Enola kneels to be eye-level with you, “What's going on? Are you hurt?”
"No-" You nod your head, "I'm fine, I just-" you cut yourself short, unable to create a more convincing reply as a groan of pain rips through you. Thats when Enola notices a deep tear in your dress.
“Her corset. Take off her corset!”
Enola and Sherlock work to quickly remove the thick article of clothing, Tewksbury squeezing your hand reassuringly when you wince at the movement of him lifting your arms. Once the corset is successfully removed, a deep cut reveals itself, crimson red seeping through your under-dress. "Oh my god-"
You look up, the concern in Tewkesbury’s voice making you nervous. “What is it? Is something wrong?”
Enola grabs your focus when she presses her hands against your wound.
Sherlock frantically removes his coat to tie around you and try to stop the bleeding. “Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all. You’re going to be just fine.” He rambles out, trying to calm both you and himself.
In your hazy state you can't fully sense the anxiety all around you, or how serious your injury truly is. You only register one thing. You’re going to be just fine. Your brother would never lie to you. Not ever.
Your breathing begins to slow as you relax, leaning your head back against Tewkesbury's shoulder. You begin to feel your own shoulder dampen. Looking over at the cause, you see Tewksbury’s face tacked with glistening streaks down his cheeks, staring at Enola and Sherlock frantically try to stop the bleeding as he helps where he can.
“Tewks?” His eyes jump to yours, sniffling. “What's the matter? Why are you crying?”
Much to your dismay, that makes him cry harder. "Nothing’s the matter."
You reach a weak hand up to wipe tears from his cheek as more roll down in their place. “Then why are you crying?”
There’s a long pause, your sibling’s desperate shouting falling deaf on your ears as a faint ringing replaces it. "I’m just so proud of you is all."
You smile at that, "I'm proud of you too, fighter." You tease. He chuckles weakly, not surprised that your wit is still intact even as you're bleeding out. Your eyes begin to feel heavy as you stare into his, eyelids fluttering open and closed.
“Hey! Hey, keep your eyes open for me. Just a little bit longer.” He stammers, squeezing your hand to keep you awake. "We just need a few more minutes. Just a few more minutes, and then you can rest, alright?"
You groan in discomfort, feeling all of your energy go into the one simple task as your body begins to feel floaty and numb. “Tired.”
“I know, I know. Just a little longer. I promise everything will be fine. I promise. Just please, don’t close your eyes.” He sobs out desperately, interlacing his fingers with yours.
Enola and Sherlock keep trying everything in their power to stop the bleeding, sobbing and begging for anything to work. For you to be okay. You try your best to keep your eyes open for them, you really do, but it’s just too difficult. You can hear distant shouts of your name as you finally let the peaceful darkness consume you.
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diva-calderu · 2 years ago
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Enola Holmes x Tewkesbury
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snoozebin · 1 year ago
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⿴ “Perhaps One Shouldn't Read Too Much Into The 'Alone' Idea..”
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ʚ “our future is up to us!”
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js-a-writer · 2 years ago
Tewksbury x fem!Reader I honestly dont mind if this is an angst oneshot, its completely up to you. If you want some more structure lmk and ill come up with some💜
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Summary : *the request*
Warnings : just pure fluff
*not proofread*
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Tewksbury was taking a walk through the park he always go through, today he wasn't in any rush, as he had nothing iportnat he needed to do. He was sitting on a bench, just enjoying the scenery, when he noticed a girl, she had an easle in front of her and it appeared that she was painting something.
He saw other pieces of art scattered around her when he looked back at her, she quickly snapped her head back to the painting. He was curious but decided just to ignore it, seeing as he was a Lord now, and she might just be surprised so see him in the park around this time of day.
About an hour goes by, and Tewksbury noticed the girl staring at him more and more. She thought she was being sneeky, but much to her avail, she was not. He got suspicious, thinking 'what if she's going to kill me... maybe she's like the man in the brown bowler hat!' His suspicions were proved wrong when he snuck up behind the girl to see her painting him, sitting on the park bench.
She went to look over to the bench again, to see him not there. She looked at her surroundings, trying to find the young lord. Her long hair flowingas she did so. Tewksbury took notice of this and the way her face contorted into one of frustration and confusion as her eyes kept searching for him.
He hid behind he easle as she stood up to see if maybe he was coming back. But when she saw nothing, she sat back down and looked up to her easle, flinching and falling backwards off of her stool, as she screamed out in shock.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I was just curious as to what you were painting." he said in a calming tone, trying to seem less intimidating. He truly didn't mean to scare her he just wanted to see how far she would go to find him again.
"No, it's fine. It's my fault honestly." she spoke softly, almost like a whisper, as he saw her cheeks heat up in embarrasment. "Don't be embarrassed, it looks really good, it's almost like staringat a refelction of myself." he spoke trying to reassure her everything was fine.
"It's not finshed, I haven't finished the face." she said softly. Tewksbury could see the panic fade from her features but saw it twist up into somthing he though tto be sadness? HE couldn't make her sad, not on their first encounter. He wanted to see eachother more, and if he made her sad there was no way she would want to see him again.
So he ran, all the way back to the bench he had previouslybeen sitting at, in the same position he was sat in just before he had terrifieed the poor girl. "What are you doing?" sh easked curious as to why he would run all the way over there and pose the same. "Letting you finish your painting, you said you didn't finish the face, so finish it. You can't leave a portrait undone now can you?" he told her, wantnig to make her happy again.
So she did, she finsihed the painting, only about 25 minutes later, she was finally done and called him over. "So, what do you think?" she asked quite giddily he noticed. "It's wonderful, I must have this hung up in my castle, if I can take it." he sent a quizical look her way. "I think I quite like this one, maybe I want to keep it..... I'm only joking ofcourse you can have it." she said teasing him. "Great, how much do I owe you for it?" he asked ready to pay full of whatever price you named. "It's free, you can have it. It is a painting of you ofcourse, and I didn't really ask befoe starting it." she told him. "Nonsense, I must pay you.... Well atleast let me take you somewhere, I would like to spend more time with you if you would like that too?" he said when she shook her head, as to say, 'you don't have to pay for it'.
Sh eofcourse said yes, and he helped pack up her painting supplies so they could go somehwre else, somewhere more private. They ended up going to a meadow and her drawing more sketches of him and the field, as he wathed her with admiration in his eyes. They asked questions about eachother trying to learn different things about one another.
"Well I live in a cottage with my mother,, we live right down that pathway," she stated as she pointed to a pathway leading out of the meadow. "we're not very rich, but we make the most of it. It's just my mother and I, it always has been, and she works at the bakery she owns in town."
A few minutes go by and she stops talking to draw the daisies in the field again, as he once again admires her and her beauty. "Can I see your sketch book?" he asked. She handed it to him, he flips through the pages seeing pictures of him from today, and scenery from all over London. He was astonished. He saw mor epictures of things like flowers, and what he guessed was her mother.
"These are extraordinary, you have to publish these somewhere.You could make a fortune off of these." he suggested fasinated by her artwork. "They're not that good. I probably wouldn't sell anything, and even if I did, I have no where to sell and no way to get the word out." she tried dissmissing the suggestion convinsing herslef it would never work.
"You could sell them in the park, I could help. Not with the painting ofcourse but everything else." she obliged sayikng sh ecould try in a few days.
He looked at her again, admiring her beauty and everything else about her. He thought of how much he liked her, possibly even loved her! That couldn't be he's only known her but less than 24 hours, but it feels right, he loves her!
Meanwhile she thinks about how she's gotten to know more about him these past few hours,she had a feeling towards him but she couldn't quite label it just yet. They were both admiring eachother for a few moments longer before he blurted out, "Can I kiss you?" in the softest most love-sick tone he could have mustered.
He hesitated before going to appologise. But before he could she responded, not with words but with a chaste kiss, full of love and admiration. That's what that feeling love, she finally figured out what it was, it was love!
"I love you!" they both said in unison, giggling and sealing it with another kiss, more passionate this time. Knowing how they both had felt.
I guess you could say, this was love at first sight.
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Thank you so kuch for this request @nix-rose I loved writing it and hope you love it just as kuch as I do.
Make sure to keep leaving requests and voting on polls. ⤵️
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