#maybe im overthinking it
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uglygaldumdum · 9 months ago
The way Lemony Snicket sat down cracked his knuckles and wrote the most trying, frantically frustrating , anxiety riddled novels back to back coming to ruin my 5th grade recess completely unbothered baffles me to this day.
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candle-hop · 17 days ago
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is this anything....
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averageyinyulover · 7 months ago
I feel like the TGCF fandom talks about how Xie Lian roasted Yin Yu hard but I think we forget about how the only reason hes so plain and forgettable is because he lost the spark in his eye.
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Yin Yu is only so forgettable because of the actions that occurred during the brocade immortal incident - he lost that spark in his eyes and self respect that made him so memorable and impressive.
I think a lot of people just forget this if that makes sense. And he wasn't plain forever- in book 7 when he sacrificed himself Xie Lian states
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Which is implying that he sees him as impressive at this moment as he called the youthful Yin Yu impressive and bright. The only reason YY is so plain to him is because he's not as confident as he used to be - he's not impressive anymore because he doesn't have the confidence nor happiness he once had as a young man.
ALSO - a lot of people think XL is calling YY ugly but he just called him plain. Some people misinterpret or are just doing it for the memes(im not saying they arent funny i usually laugh) but this is a reminder that canonically he IS attractive.
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These are two quotes I will elaborate on using.
The yellow - he's canonically attractive, a 7/10 to Xie Lian who grew up in literally the most gorgeous place ever.
The teal - he just doesn't have personality to his face like he USED TO. He gets that personality back before he dies.
Idk, im probably just reading too much into it - i just wanted to post something about Yin Yu. So whenever someone thinks pookie is ugly canonically he just doesn't have personality to his face - he's attractive and the fans aren't pretending he is lol. Im probably reading too much into this, i just wanted to talk about him.
I just love him lots. And i read on my phone so i dont have page number but these quotes are from books 5 and 7.
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yoichiin · 23 days ago
“even more than i had realized, i might’ve been stained by blue lock” AUGHHHH
it’s not that deep but it is that deep because wording it like “stain” is devious. that it’s something that has made a permanent mark on isagi that he hadn’t seen until he’d gone outside for the first time. it might not be bad or good but it’s changed him and he’ll never be the same person he was before. the realization as they further on the path of no return hnnn…
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mimisainznorris · 9 months ago
Ghost in my room looking at me crying and shit about Carlos and his racing career's future as if i have no life:
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reveriebythesea · 9 months ago
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how did he know this? like you could say it's because he's smart and that he figured it out on his own off screen, but even then it doesn't explain how he got the real name
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kawaii-lau · 27 days ago
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I just realized that the writers used "You're so full of it!" instead of any other idiom to say that Azul used to be so gluttonous that bullies mocked him for his appearance and ineptitude.
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To which Azul responds by improving himself instead.
This also made me realized that Azul borrowing Floyd and Deuce's unique magic in Book 4 and Glorious Masquerade respectively really suits Azul's personality, since he usually diverts negative remarks and "double down"s with his newly learned skills.
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He is essentially saying "I'll do better than you or your useless insults!" and I think it's a good way to build character, even if it's motivated by spite and revenge.
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crimsonmoon777 · 2 months ago
So I recently started analyzing some stuff in lmk (I haven't gotten super far as I haven't gotten around to making time to do so)
And I sat down to do said analysis and had a thought. I'm not sure how to feel about it so throwing it out there pls give any thoughts/additions
What if the reason that Wukong is so distant and not super keen on helping MK in fights even at the beginning when MK shouldn't really be able to win fights (like seriously how did he win against dbk in the pilot but fail miserably to Red Son in ep 1) and yes he claims that it's because he's retired that's bs and I'll get to that in a moment.
But what if the reason for this is that he is worried if he's too overbearing he'll push MK away the same way he did with Macaque
Cause in the past Wukong said that he was getting stronger so that the two of them would never have to worry about anything. He wanted to be strong enough to protect Macaque, and we all know how that ended.
Back to the retirement thing. In MKs first fight he's watching but does not interfere (even tho MK really shouldn't be able to defeat dbk) and in ep one, he appears the second MK losses to Red Son, was he watching that fight too?
If he was retired why even watch (yes its bc he cares but once again he could help) and even his help is limited to advice and reluctantly limiting MKs powers.
So yeah idk if I got my thoughts across perfectly but I don't really have a complety coherent though and need to get this out there LOL
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infinifi · 7 months ago
I dunno I just kinda think some (emphasis on some) of yall take this bad omens fan thing too far.
Using a very real person's very real best friends very real death as a plot point in ya fan fics is a bit weird, no?
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sinclairstarz · 1 year ago
i’ll say it. im not convinced mike cutting his hair and going back to s1/2 fashion is a good thing. eddie dies and shit goes down and he gets el back and hes back to wearing ‘whatever his mommy bought him from the goddamn GAP’?? when his long hair was obvi meant to emulate eddie and represent freedom/non-conformity… my son isnt doing well methinks
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uglygaldumdum · 9 months ago
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walrus150915 · 7 months ago
Getting into the reboot of Fairly Oddparents
Is it just me or is "28 puddings later" a metaphor for capitalism
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kiwibirbkat · 6 months ago
I just watched a trans tiktok compilation and I'm not even sure I'm trans anymore???
Because while I am a guy and prefer masculine terms like boy and handsome and hate looking even remotely feminine
I use any pronouns and don't get dysphoric about it?? And can't get misgendered? And also use both my birth name and chosen name?
So like
Am I really trans?????
I can't relate to like any of these experiences and it's making me question myself
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causeofchernobyl · 7 months ago
Derek Landy definitely watched Supernatural before writing Skullduggery Pleasant
like seriously, the parallels between them are so there, well it’s either that or I’m crazy and making connections myself
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moonixneedstherapy · 8 months ago
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yall notice how he started from the waist then up...
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whispersleo · 3 months ago
Can't sleep so of course I started thinking about Spite
I was mulling over the spanish translation of his name and although there are a LOT of things that get lost in the translation, jokes and puns that can't be passed from one language to the other while preserving their original meaning, I'm talking about the name of the demon in specific.
His name is translated as Rencor (Rancor / Grudge / Resentment); when I first met him, I liked this name a lot more than "Spite" because I am an extremely resentful person, and felt that the translation had much more strength and hatred in it, so I thought it would be a much better fit for a "demon". Then I actually got to know more about the demon and Lucanis in the game, and Spite couldn't have any better name than Spite.
Spirit of Determination? I'm so sorry that's his deadname and we won't be using it in this home thank u
Rencor is a big and special word for me. I keep it close to my heart all the time. In my long understanding living with this feeling (resentment), it deeply hurts because whatever caused it mattered to you, one way or another. I hold resentment towards so many things in my life, to memories that, when replayed in my head, makes my blood boil. My throat goes dry and my chest sinks, my head hurts. It's painful, bitter, but more than anything, it is this mix of anger and a little sadness for something that happened, that I did to myself or that I allowed to be done to me.
Resentment can be “overcome” with forgiveness, but that’s where Spite comes in.
You see, Spite happens when you decide NOT to forgive, nor forget the harm they did to you, the pain you went through, your suffering. Why would you forgive? People often tell me over and over again to forgive, that it will make me feel better. But why? Why should I be the "bigger" person?
Why am I the one who is wrong for feeling resentful, and not them for hurting me?
I decide not to forgive, and to live in spite of it. Living despite the harm they did to me. It is such a wonderful word, which translates most directly in spanish as Despecho. And THAT is another big, special word, that fills your mouth when you pronounce it, as much as Rencor, but with the same different meanings.
When people gossip about someone "lo hizo por despecho" (they did it out of spite), we immediately think -okay, someone hurt them and whatever they did was their vengeance-, as a first point. It is a feeling of revenge, of hatred, of pain but above all, rage and anger. Doing something por Despecho or being despechado are words saved for situations where Rencor falls too short. Despecho - Spite is the desire to do harm, while one can drown in the bitter pain of Rencor - Resentment and do nothing.
And I just find the such beautiful nature of the word Spite lost in translation, because he (the demon) is not Rencor.
Rencor is Lucanis. He, in fact, drowns in resentment, and I love him for it. It makes me wish the game was well written and explored in deep the narrative of all the abuse he suffered from his grandmother, and the complex feelings of being betrayed by his brother. I mean, it's all complex feelings with Lucanis, but let's imagine for a moment that the game isn't written like shit. Let's imagine that we can get to understand him as a character through this immense pain of loving two people who have done him so much harm, and they are all he has in this world. All he's ever had, in Lucanis' own words. Resenting the people you love hurts so much that it closes up your throat and prevents you from breathing. He can't help it, because he is unable to kill Illario after all the betrayals; he loves him and cannot be forced to do real harm to him, the same type of harm Illario has already done to Lucanis without any problem (apparently).
It's SPITE who actually pushes him to, lmao, live??? And I love that and this is my specific problem with the translation in particular. Is not resentment, is the wanting-to-hurt-something demon, who tries hard to talk to Rook to seek help for Lucanis, who drives him to continue inciting plans for revenge, and wishes for them to be free and live in spite of everything that was done to them. Every torture, every pain, every betrayal. The spirit (now demon) does not kill Lucanis out of SPITE, because he refuses to do what his torturers want.
Rencor es un dolor, un sentimiento amargo en la boca que se queda ahí. ¿Pero Despecho? Es tomar todo lo que te hicieron y decir que se jodan, joderlos, joder a todo el mundo, que sepan que sufriste y aún así sigues viviendo, lleno de rabia y adolorido, pero vivo, respirando, lidiando con ello.
That last part is also what I love about the name "Spite". You have to live to be able to experience spite, you have to suffer the consequences of what they did to you, breathe with that pain, and somehow keep walking, keep smiling, keep suffering, keep going... Just keep swimming, just keep going. No matter what. That is Spite.
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