#Ethan Avery
longwuzhere · 4 months
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome back everyone! Here we are season 2 of My Adventures with Superman! What a fantastic first two episodes and as usual they're full of fun Easter eggs which I will point out and explain to those who aren't familiar so you can be in the know with the comics book readers! My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode
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Starting things off MAwS's Season 2 episode 1 title is a reference to Shakesspeare's Hamlet where Hamlet is speaking to Horatio and says this line about how you gotta see it to believe it essentially. In my opinion in terms of the show I read it as we and the MAwS cast are gonna be seeing a lot of wilder things in space and on Earth.
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After the title we see Jimmy flaunting his wealth around giving the Daily Planet employees Valentines day cards after selling his social media site Flamebird to the Planet. Clark gets one and talks about his planned date with Lois and Cat Grant interrupts him saying that date is such a bore. I explained Flamebird here and talked about Cat Grant here.
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After, Perry White enters the scene complaining how Vicki Vale of the Gotham Gazette is always one step ahead of the Planet reporting on huge news. I talked about Vicki Vale here.
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Lois, after waking up from a nap, mentions to Perry about a weird meteorite that landed in the Antarctic. She names drops her STAR Labs friend Hank. Later when the gang meet we learn that he's married. From those clues we can conclude this is Hank Henshaw.
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Hank Henshaw in the comics makes his first appearance as an astronaut in Adventures of Superman #465 (1990) [W&P: Dan Jurgens, I: Art Thibert, C: Glenn Whitmore L: Albert DeGuzman]. He and his crew meet their unfortunate fates in the next issue as each crew member is hit with radiation in space causing their bodies to change. One member is turned to stone and gravel and bits from the wreckage of the ship when it crashed back to Earth, another's body turns to radiation, Terri, Hank's wife later learns that her body is phasing into a different dimension. She's saved but Hank 's body later decays rapidly. Doesn't all this sound Fantastically Four-miliar?
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Hank Henshaw would later return in the Reign of the Supermen storyline as Cyborg Superman after Clark's death at the hands of Doomsday in Adventures of Superman #500 (1993) [W&P: Dan Jurgens, I: Doug Hazelwood, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: John Costanza]. How Hank returned and got this wild mechanical Superman body I wont say but I do recommend reading Adventures of Superman #466-468, the Death of Superman, A World Without Superman, and the Reign of the Supermen story arcs to find out. Will this also happen to Hank in MAwS? Who knows? Only time will tell
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Lois name drops the DC universe's most famous laboratory and research center, S.T.A.R. Labs. You may have first heard about it from the CW DC shows. S.T.A.R Labs conducts a variety of experiments from space travel to technology and they usually are the superheroes' go-to when it comes to lab analysis. The research center makes it's first appearance in Superman #246 (1971) [W: Len Wein, P: Curt Swan, I: Murphy Anderson] where Superman scoops up some plankton and algae for them in the panel.
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Jimmy in the scene before they meet Hank name drops Amazo Tech. I talked more about the company and the former CEO here.
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As the MawS trio go to Antartica to check out the meteorite, which turns out to be a Kryptonian spaceship, Clark has another meeting with his father who tells him "oh yeah you have a cousin that my brother Zor-El launched to space to be safe cuz of the Kryptonian bullshittery we did" (I'll explain that later). Anyways Kara!
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Kara Zor-El makes her first appearance in Action Comics #252 (1959) [Cover Art by Curt Swan and Al Plastino] where like her cousin was sent to space in a rocket ship to save herself after her part of Krypton was miraculously remained intact but meteors destroyed the lead shielding that Zor-El made to protect his people from the Kryptonite that was still present on their part of Krypton. Zor-El and his wife, Alura In-Zee, (she gets named much later) also made their first appearances in the same comic as Supergirl's debut. Kara has died in Crisis on Infinite Earths, had others taken up that mantle until her reappearance in Superman/Batman #8 (2004), and since then has made a name for herself in the pop culture zeitgeist with her appearances in the DCAU, my first introduction to her, the animated movies, her CW show, and in the movies! I highly recommend checking out Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Its got a killer story by Tom King and BEAUTIFUL ART by Bilquis Evely and Mat Lopes!
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Jor-El tells Clark about the Kryptonians getting their ass handed to them by lasers going in sharp angles you know "oh shit you do not fuck with Darkseid!"
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Darkseid, created by the legendary comic artist Jack Kirby, is the ultimate evil in the DC universe and makes his first appearance in the comics in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 (1970) [W&P: Jack Kirby, I: Vince Coletta]. Darkseid is everything that Jack Kirby hated about fascism rolled into one character. He's after the Anti-Life Equation, the ultimate formula that will break all of free will and force everyone to bow down to Darkseid's will. He's often seen fighting the New Gods, Justice League, or even Superman solo. The angled laser comes from Darkseid's Omega Beams where he shoots it out from his eyes and they will follow you until it hits their target bending around anything and anyone to get to you as seen here in this cover of Justice League #23.1: Darkseid (2013) by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Alex Sinclair):
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Based on that tiny bit of teasing in that scene I cant wait for the MAwS crew introduce him. Also shout out to the them for including the little Kirby crackles when the Kryptonian's got vaporized that was a nice bit of detail to honor Jack Kirby's most famous drawing technique!
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As Jor-El and Clark have some catching up to do, Lois and Jimmy are attack by the robots in the ship and you might recognize the symbol on them as the symbol of Brainiac. I talked more about him here also that one Kryptonian from the finale of season 1 shows up again at the end of the episode. No confirmation on if its Zod or not but there is a good chance its Zod imo at least.
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As our heroes encounter Task Force X (I talked more about them and Amanda Waller here), Amanda Waller is talking to one of her new super soldiers, Damage who we see can grow into a hulking size. This is a reference to...
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Ethan Avery, aka Damage from the New Age of Heroes initiative from DC post-Dark Nights Metal where his first appearance was in Dark Nights Metal: The Casting #1 (2017). Ethan was a former soldier in the US Army who volunteered for the Damage program and was given the serum to turn him into the giant Hulk pastiche we see here on the textless cover of Damage #7 (2018) by Tony S. Daniel, Danny Miki, and Tomeu Morey. As Damage, Ethan was not able to control his actions for one hour and would go on a rampage against militant groups for US Army missions. Here in MAwS, we can see some of Damage's comic design be invoked in the cartoon with the giant hulking body MAwS has, the dark arms, and pants. very subtle but it works.
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As the chaos from the fight subsides, we see the former spaceship transform itself and the surrounding ice into this crystalline superstructure and what famous isolated fortress looking building in the Antarctic in Superman lore does that bring to mind? THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE!
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The Fortress of Solitude that pop culture knows made its first appearance in Action Comics #241 (1958) [Cover art by Curt Swan and Stan Kaye]. Superman in the Golden Age had a "Secret Sanctuary" in the outskirts of Metropolis on a mountain top in Superman #17 (1942), but it wasn't until the 1950s where the Fortress of Solitude was relocated to the Arctic which is shown here. The location gets changed again to the Antarctic post-Crisis on Infinite Earths. Superman would have other Fortresses of Solitude in other locations like the Bermuda Triangle, which is the latest or the Arctic again. Superman would usually keep things pertaining to his Kryptonian culture in the fortress like the Phantom Zone Projector or the bottled city of Kandor. Based on what we're seeing in MAwS it seems like they'll be setting this up as a new place for Clark to get in touch with his Kryptonian heritage.
What a fun first episode! Can't wait to see what the future episodes will have! So excited to return to My Adventures with Superman! My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here and if you missed it my Season 1 Easter eggs list is here
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chaosbeetlefrontiers · 5 months
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Finally finished this today! Excited for season 2, hoping that it doesn’t disappoint.
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The Superman Logs: MAWS Season 2 - Episodes 1 - 3
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Well, hey, it's me again! My Legion of Super-Heroes DCU essay series has been more difficult than expected to put together (for a whole buncha reasons, I won't get into it), but I also haven't written much on this blog in a while. So, may as well get back into the swing of things, which I've been planning to do regardless. Just needed an excuse, and oh look! My Adventures with Superman just released their long awaited second season! And hell, better now than ever!
Since three episodes have released, with some new characters introduced, I may as well jump in. I'll also say that, from now on, I'll be posting actual character retrospectives and concepts on here, in a style similar to what I've done before, but looking at my headcanon versions of characters, as well as already existent versions and adaptations of characters. Spoilers ahead, by the way. Not gonna go crazy with spoilers, but they'll be there, so, you've been warned! And so, without further ado...
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Episode 2.1: More Things on Heaven and Earth
This episode focuses on some of the fallout from the first season, but most importantly gives us and Clark a few answers about his origins. It also throws a pretty major change to Clark's origin our way, but I won't get ahead of myself. The purpose of this post is to look at these episodes from a fan's eye (or an overly picky nerd's eye, but whatever) and inspect them for what happened, and what may be coming. And I have a theory here, so hang tight with me.
As I said, amongst the smaller revelations about Jimmy's quickly decaying fortune and Task Force X discovering Kryptonite (fuck), and the normal shojo stuff between Clark and Lois that is genuinely cute, one of the first big things we get is Clark and Jor-El finally having a conversation. And I gotta say...I really like this version of Jor-El.
Now, I've done a retrospective on Clark's parents before, in my DCCU essay series that you're more than welcome to check out, but at the time of writing that essay, I hadn't yet seen MAWS' version of Jor-El. And I hope we get to see more of Krypton in this universe as well, because I appreciate what they've done so far! We've gone back to the origin of Krypton as a conquering empire, destroying itself by war and inner conflict. Classic, nice. Jor-El, once again a voice of calm scientific reason amidst the chaos, sees fit to send his son to another world as the planet of Krypton is being destroyed. Again, classic stuff. But this version of Jor-El is different from most for one reason: he seems more caring than most.
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Don't get me wrong, we've seen kinder versions of Jor-El in adaptations and original source material (although recent comics have COMPLETELY fucked his character into straight-up villainy; thanks a lot, Brian Michael Bendis, GODDAMN IT). And most versions of the character want and support Kal-El being a hero to the down-trodden. But the vast majority of them are a bit cold and clinical from beyond the grave. Obviously, part of that is the fact that the Jor-El that interacts with Clark is basically always a computerized duplication of his personality, but still. We rarely ever get a Jor-El that expressed emotion towards his son, or even acts like...well, like a father.
But this Jor-El simulation? In a short period of time, he gives advice to his son about his love life, he tells his son about his origin story without dicking him around constantly (lookin' at you, Smallville), helps his son as best as he can from the grave, and expresses how proud he is, while addressing him by his Earth name! And most importantly, he does something I have NEVER seen a version of Jor-El do in any of his incarnations.
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He...hugs Clark. Maybe that sounds like the exact opposite of a big deal, but it kind of is. This is somebody who Clark can miss. Somebody who, were he to live, Clark could've had real connections with. Somebody who is...well...a dad. And come on, have you ever seen a version of Kal-El who feels like a caring dad? Not a father, a dad. Somebody you can talk to, somebody who can give you fatherly advice, somebody who would give you the world if they could, and is proud of you and your accomplishments. A dad. Sure, an idealized version of one, but still. It's something I've never seen in Jor-El, and I honestly love this version of the character. Hopefully, we get to see more. Especially because of the...OTHER big revelation to happen in this episode. But BEFORE getting to that, I wanna touch on the smaller-but-important stuff.
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The crashed Kryptonian ship from last season becomes the classic Fortress of Solitude in this episode! Now, I've barely talked about the Fortress of Solitude, but it's one of the most classic of superhero headquarters in comics. Usually composed of either ice or crystal, and on one of the two poles (Antarctica, in this case), this is typically a Kryptonian repository of knowledge for Clark to visit. There's a bit of a trend that says the more alien Superman is, the more he spends time in the Fortress. That is to say, it's a symbol of his Kryptonian heritage, and he uses it as his knowledge of the past increases.
Now, based on the events of this episode, the usage of the Fortress is something yet to be seen. Jor-El, who's traditionally the guardian of the place, appears to be gone for the time being. He may come back yet, though, especially as we see if the effects of the Kryptonite are long-lasting. In either case, this floating temple of ice is here to stay for the time being, and we'll see if this version proves as useful and seminal to the Superman story as others have. Oh, and for the record, by favorite version of the Fortress is from Smallville, but this has my favorite design for the Fortress thus far, from the outside.
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But Jor-El isn't the only thing in this Fortress during the episode. Task Force X shows up with a new member, whom I can't find in GOF form outside of this one above. But yeah, this is also a comic book character, a little-known Rebirth-era one named Damage AKA Ethan Avery. Now frankly, Damage is...a choice to use, especially considering that he was an attempt at a popular character that nobody's really bit into, and is also basically DCs version of the Hulk. MAWS decided to tone down his appearance significantly, but he's presumably kept his army origins, and added Kryptonian technology to augment himself here. Arguably, there were other characters that could've filled this role, but I do get the feeling that we're not quite done with Damage yet. We'll see what becomes of him in the future.
That said, we also get a far more interesting character reveal in the form of Hank Henshaw, an employee of STAR Labs (who also makes their first appearance in this series), former classmate of Lois Lane, budding astronaut, and potentially the future Cyborg Superman! Which is...kind of a big deal, especially considering that I have a hunch that Damage may turn into this series' version of Doomsday. Oh, did I not mention that? Pet theory, and I don't want it to happen, but we'll see. We'll see. In any case, are we hinting at a Death of Superman arc down the line? It'd be too soon for it now, but who knows how far this series is going to go? But continuing with the villain talk...
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We get yet another glimpse of those familiar three circles, and confirmation that this technology is indeed Brainiac! Looks like we're taking from the Superman: The Animated Series version of this character, making Brainiac affiliated with Krypton and Kryptonian technology before the fall of the planet, as well as getting hints from last season that Brainiac is involved with the current remaining vestiges of the empire and their conquering forces. And that reminds me...there is one more little hint that we've gotten about something. And I have a hunch about it.
So, the other big villain revealed in the end of last season was a bruiser in a Kryptonian battle suit, speaking with Brainiac. The symbol on their chest was roughly Z-shaped, leading most people (me included) to assume that this was classic Kryptonian villain General Dru-Zod. But, uh...another likely suspect just reared their head. One who may have been raised by Brainiac technology their entire life up until now, in the tradition of the Kryptonian conquerors of old. One who has a last name starting with Z. And I think you know where I'm going with this. Because, in this episode, we (and Clark) found out about...
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Clark has a surviving cousin, Kara Zor-El. Yeah. I realize that she's a part of the House of El, and their naming conventions mean that the girls take the name on their father, BUT...last name starting with Z. Just saying, I think the bruiser in the armor very well COULD be Kara Zor-El, wearing a new crest, rather than that of the House of El. We know for a fact that Supergirl appears in this series, but who's to say she starts as an ally of Clark's? Especially considering that she has no actually familial memories of him. Which reminds me!
That's a hell of a change, huh? No older cousin turned younger cousin this time; Kara and Clark are the same age! Who knows, maybe we will get time-dilation or suspended-animation shenanigans, because we still haven't been introduced to the idea of the Phantom Zone or such folderol in this universe, but as it stands now, Clark and Kara are age contemporaries! A very different take that I'm not sure we've ever actually seen before in media adaptations of Supergirl. And this Kara hasn't been raised by her parents AT ALL, as far as we know. Meaning, we're going to see a VERY different version of this character. Exciting!
There was some other stuff seen here too, like more Cat Grant, and the hinting at another major antagonist that I'll talk about with the next episode, but still, this was a good amount of set-up for what's to come! With that in mind, time for episode 2!
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Episode 2.2: Adventures with My Girlfriend
OK, before I bring up anything about this episode, I have only one real comment: a REAL Superman villain, baby! WHOO! Up until now, we've had pretty bastardized versions of Superman villains, for the most part. Mr. Mxyzptlk was even a drastically different version of the character, while still being faithful to the original. But no, we now have the best adaptation of a major Superman villain in this series in the form of Joseph Martin, AKA Atomic Skull! And damn, this dude is a bruiser, and a great looking one at that!
There are a few versions of Atomic Skull, with a few different identities, but the Joseph Martin is the most iconic in terms of appearance and ability. In the comics, he's the second Atomic Skull, and a human college student whose metahuman genes are activated via a Parasite-related explosion, triggering an absorption and generation of radiation, as well as a mental break that makes him think he's a character from one of his favorite movies. Comics are weird. Anyway, Martin's continued to be a foil of Superman's, mostly acting as a mook or powerful obstacle, rather than a mastermind of plotter of any kind. It's still awesome to see the character, and this is a somewhat faithful version of him as a result. Hell, him working for another organization that gave him these powers is sort of a reference to the first Atomic Skull (whom some of you would recognize from Young Justice), Albert Michaels, who worked for STAR Labs until joining up with a terrorist group that wanted to take out Superman.
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And of course, we get yet another villain FINALLY confirming his appearance: Lex Luthor. Yeah, a lot of us figured this out last season, and it's nice to see him FINALLY making his fully red-headed appearance. Interesting...very interesting. And he's partnered up with Checkmate and Amanda Waller, a winning combination when it comes to villains. This is, of course, not the first time this has happened in media, comics and otherwise. The two famously teamed up when Lex became president for a minute there, and had an incredible joining of forces in Justice League Unlimited. So, not an unprecedented combo by any means!
Other than this, we get confirmation of Amanda's pure villainy (even worse than a lot of other versions, scarily enough), the rivals to her position in Checkmate, Clark and Lois' first argument, Clark getting the Beacon that'll help find Kara, and the official hiring of the Newsboy Legion working under Jimmy Olsen alongside Steve Lombard for Flamebird! Lots of stuff, not to mention setting up tensions between Clark and Sam Lane. But not much else for me to report on here. SO, moving on to episode 3!
Episode 2.3: Fullmetal Scientist
Hoo boy, THIS is a hell of an episode when it comes to references! We start off with a literal bang with the scientist that Superman saves, Silas Stone! You may know this guy better because of his son, who's referenced briefly as being 9 or 10. This is, of course, Victor Stone, AKA Cyborg! If this series gets a future lasting into the Teen Titans era, we have a contender for a member! Only time will tell, but this is a neat name drop! Plus, who knows where Silas is gonna go from here...
Then, right after that (and a cameo of The Flying Newsroom, a Daily Planet helicopter in the comics reduced to a toy helicopter owned by Flip), we meet AmerTek Industries, CEO Thomas Weston, and the most important character spotlight in this one...
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Vicki Vale is back! OK, obviously, not the most important character in this episode, but lemme milk this a little. Vicki (who is VERY tall, by the way, holy SHIT) made her appearance as sort of a heel at the end of last season, and has now apparently become a rival for the Daily Planet this season, reporting for the Gotham Gazette. I can't wait for this to inevitably lead us to our Gotham cameos, which may hopefully include you-know-who, but her rivalry with Lois here is pretty fun, and sets up some new conflicts down the line for our central couple!
As for Amertek, I should talk about Thomas Weston and the...other cameo made in this episode. Weston is straight out of the comics, as the CEO of AmerTek Industries, a weapons manufacturer based in Baltimore and Washington D.C.. They're important to the comics of one character in particular, who I'll obviously get to, but I want to mention the OTHER thing introduced in this episode...considering how...upset it makes me. Because once again, this series completely RUINS a major Superman villain by turning them purely technological. And if you've read my previous essays, in which I develop a cinematic universe Superman, as well as my desired villains...you'll know why I'm upset.
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Seriously? THIS is Metallo in this universe? God...DAMN IT! Look, I can already tell that Lex is going to use Kryptonite to stabilize the power core in the chest, giving us a Kryptonite beam that fires from their chest like the REAL Metallo, but GODDAMNIT AGAIN! The point of Metallo is that he's humanity corrupted! He's not JUST a goddamn ROBOT! Seriously? This was a slam dunk character for this show; should've been an easy one! But...I dunno, maybe the real version of the character will appear. I just...really hope that this isn't it. But that said, Metallo is sadly not the real highlight of this episode. Still...dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.
One of the other highlights of this episode, before I forget to bring it up, is the extension of Superman's bioelectric field as one of his powers. This is a recent comic book expansion, which has been hinted at as a possibility since the '90s. Basically, Superman generates a bioelectric field of invulnerability which, with enough focus or external energy input, he can extend past his bodily boundaries and around others. It's the reason bullets bounce off his suit without rupturing the fabric itself; they're actually bouncing off his microscopic bioelectric field. Comic books, what can I tell ya? Anyway, it's a very anime power, which is this series vibe, and I can't help but think he'll figure out how to focus that into some kind of energy blast by the end of the season. Time will tell!
But the REAL big feature of this episode is, of course, John Henry Irons, AKA Steel, one of the most prominent supporting characters in the Superman family. His role is extremely important to the Superman mythos, and this is already a fantastic version of the character. It also does something with him I rarely see with the character, and makes him TALLER than Superman, considerably so! He's also a bigger guy, and as a bigger black man myself (well, not vertically), I appreciate the representation quite a bit!
Of course, even though we get to see him in the suit with the hammer, it's obviously soured when Lex Luthor and Checkmate buy Amertek and the Steel suit, as well as all the Metallos. Like I said, Lex'll stabilize the Metallo units with Kryptonite, but it's NOT THE GODDAMN SAME, NOW IS IT? In any case, what we're likely to get is John creating his own Steel suit, closer to the classic suit we usually see in comics and adaptations. I may actually do a full retrospective of Steel, since he is one of my favorite characters. I feel like I'm short-changing him here, but understand, Steel is one of the best supporting characters in DC, who became a major hero in his own right. Hell, his niece Natasha Irons, who's also name dropped in this episode, is a major hero herself! With her and Victor Stone confirmed to exist in this universe, I can't help but think that we're setting up something special in the future.
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With all of that said, that's the summary for these three episodes. I'm actually a bit inspired to do some character retrospectives now, but please let me know if you have any requests for retrospectives. Thank you to the (probably 3 max) people who read this essay, and I'll probably see you after the next three episodes! Unless, of course, something massive happens that requires my prompt response after episode 4 or 5. Honestly, we'll see what happens! In any case, see you later!
See also:
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littlemissonewhoisall · 3 months
I'd scrubbed the NAoDCH Damage from my brain so when Amanda Waller said "Damage" I was like "WTF is Grant Emerson doing working for Task Force X"
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Grant Albert Emerson and Ethan Elvis Avery Jr, the two halves of Damage
The end products of an attempt to create gestalt superhumans from members of the Justice Society of America and the Injustice Society of the World (respectively), with Grant favoring his biological father, Alberto Jimenez (better known by his stage name, Al Pratt) and Ethan's dominant meta traits mimic Cyrus Gold and other Grundymen.
Both ended up in difficult living situations in Atlanta, Georgia. Grant had a difficult home life with his adopted family as well as bullying over his extensive facial scarring. Ethan had joined the military at 16 and eventually deserted after seeing the horrifying results of his transformed state let loose on civilian populations by commanding officers complicit in war crimes. Homeless and on the run, Ethan's rampage through Atlanta brought Grant into path, triggering Grant's own explosive powers.
Collected by the Titans after their fight, Grant and Ethan were put under Roy Harper's protection before the Justice Society was contacted and the Damages found their mentor: Atom-Smasher Nuklon, the grandson of Cyclotron, Albert Rothstein. Knowing the deadly potential of both boys--Ethan a rampaging hulk without a limiter, Grant powerful enough to start a second Big Bang if he built up enough excess energy--Al began the process of integrating his new charges into the Society.
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pamsimmerstories · 12 days
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We are officialliy saying goodbye to gen 2 and starting gen 3!
Like I said before, my save was kind of broken and even with backup, i thought it was better to just transfer them to another save. That's what I did, but I was so mad that I just wanted to start "fresh". So, Mal's gen is going to start tomorrow!!
I'm so excited! HAHA
previous || gen 3
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dailydccomics · 11 months
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Speed Force #3 cover art by Ethan Young
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alexstalkers · 5 months
Really excited about this first story that I’m writing that I might do it in parts❤️❤️ I’m almost finished with it and it’s coming along great, I’m just wondering would it be even better if I added pictures and/or gifs to help bring the story more to life?
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fastestfanalive · 1 year
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The Flash #798 Cover Variants
Due out on stands and digital, May 2nd 2023
I can’t say how good it feels to see The Flash Family Reunited with Wally West leading the way!
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thesecretomoblog · 1 year
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It’s been too long since I’ve drawn Avery. No wonder he needs to go so badly!
And today’s Patreon preview.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
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@wholesome-smut​ sent: 🌟 from THIS meme.
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jiving · 3 months
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Yo Im gonna try out artfight this year! Uhhh we’ll see how it goes
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NEUTRAL LEANING MASC NAMES ⌇ abner.  abram.  adam.  adrian.  alex.  alistair.  andreas.  ariel.  arlen.  arley.  arlo.  ash.  atlas.  auden.  august.  austin.  avery.  bailey.  baron.  barrett.  baylor.  beauden.  bee.  bellamy.  bennett.  blair.  blaise.  bowen.  brayden.  brendan.  bronson.  bryce.  byron.  caius.  caleb.  callahan.  callan.  calloway.  callum.  camden.  cameron.  carlin.  carson.  casey.  cassian.  chandler.  chase.  cody.  cole.  connolly.  corban.  corwin.  cyrus.  dallas.  damion.  damon.  daniel.  darius.  davis.  dawson.  daylon.  denver.  desmond.  devin.  doran.  dorian.  drew.  elian.  elias.  ellery.  ellison.  emery.  ethan.  evan.  ezra.  fallen.  farren.  finley.  ford.  foster.  gabriel.  gannon.  garner.  gavin.  gentry.  graham.  greer.  griffin.  guthrie.  harley.  harlow.  hartley.  hayden.  henley.  henry.  heron.  hollis.  hunter.  ian.  irving.  isaiah.  jace.  james.  jameson.  jared.  jeremiah.  joel.  jonah.  joran.  jordan.  jory.  josiah.  jovian.  jude.  julian.  juno.  justus.  kalen.  kamden.  kay.  kayden.  keaton.  kellan.  keller.  kelly.  kendon.  kieran.  kit.  kylan.  landry.  lane.  lennon.  leslie.  levi.  leyton.  liam.  linden.  lowell.  luca.  madden.  marley.  marlow.  marshall.  martin.  mason.  mathias.  mercer.  merritt.  micah.  miles.  miller.  milo.  morgan.  morrie.  morrison.  nate.  nevin.  nick.  nicky.  nico.  nicolas.  noah.  noel.  nolan.  oren.  orion.  owen.  parker.  percy.  perrin.  peyton.  pierce.  porter.  preston.  quincy.  quinn.  reece.  reid.  reign.  rein.  remi.  remington.  renley.  riley.  river.  robin.  rollins.  ronan.  rory.  rowan.  russell.  ryan.  rylan.  sam.  samuel.  sawyer.  saylor.  seth.  shiloh.  soren.  spencer.  stellan.  sterling.  talon.  taylor.  thaddeus.  thane.  theo.  toni.  tracy.  tristan.  tyrus.  valor.  warner.  wells.  wesley.  whitten.  william.  willis.  wylie. 
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NEUTRAL LEANING FEM NAMES ⌇ abigaël.  abilene.  addison.  adrian.  ainsley.  alexis.  and.  andrea.  arden.  aria.  ashley.  aspen.  aubrey.  autumn.  avery.  avian.  ayla.  bailey.  beryl.  blair.  blaire.  blake.  briar.  brooklyn.  brooks.  bryce.  cameron.  camille.  casey.  celeste.  channing.  charlie.  chase.  collins.  cordelia.  courtney.  daisy.  dakota.  dana.  darby.  darcy.  delaney.  delilah.  devin.  dylan.  eden.  eisley.  elia.  ellerie.  ellery.  ellie.  elliot.  elliott.  ellis.  ellory.  ember.  emelin.  emerson.  emery.  evelyn.  ezra.  fallon.  finley.  fiore.  florence.  floris.  frances.  greer.  gwenaël.  hadley.  harley.  harper.  haven.  hayden.  heike.  hollis.  hunter.  ivy.  jade.  jamie.  jocelyn.  jordan.  jude.  juno.  kelly.  kelsey.  kendall.  kennedy.  koda.  kyrie.  lacey.  lane.  leighton.  lennon.  lennox.  lesley.  leslie.  lilian.  lindsay.  loden.  logan.  lou.  lyric.  madison.  mallory.  marinell.  marley.  mckenzie.  melody.  mercede.  meredith.  mio.  misha.  monroe.  montana.  morgan.  nico.  nova.  oakley.  olympia.  owen.  page.  palmer.  parker.  pat.  paulie.  perri.  petyon.  peyton.  phoenix.  piper.  priscilla.  quinn.  raven.  ray.  reagan.  reece.  reese.  remi.  remy.  riley.  rio.  river.  robin.  rory.  rosario.  rowan.  ryan.  rylie.  sacha.  sage.  sam.  sammy.  santana.  sasha.  sawyer.  saylor.  severin.  shannon.  shelby.  shiloh.  skye.  skylar.  sloane.  sol.  soleil.  sterling.  stevie.  sutton.  swan.  swann.  sydney.  tatum.  taylo.  taylor.  tracey.  valentine.  vanya.  vivendel.  vivian.  vivien.  wren.  wynn.  yael.
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fruityforsaari · 16 days
Pets Of Mass Shooters
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William Atchison's cats and a dog
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2. Randy Stair's dog Ginger
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3. Payton Gendron's cat Paige
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4. Dylann Roof's cat ?Avery?
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5. Ethan Crumbley's dogs and cat Dexter
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6. Colt Gray's cat
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7. Luke Woodham's dog Sparkle
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8. Nikolas Cruz's dogs ?Macie? and ?Kobie?
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9. Kip Kinkel's adopted cat
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10. Clay Shrout's dog
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pamsimmerstories · 1 month
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blowing out the candles!
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[malcolm]: and this is my new friend, grandma!
[malcolm]: his name is ethan!
[aurora]: that’s nice, honey!
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averyfawkes · 27 days
6 months passed by like wind. My rehabilitation has gone smoothly and I can't ask for more. The nurses who assist me every day are such sweethearts. They treat me nicely and gossip with me while they do their rounds. They're all funny and caring, and I couldn't ask for more. I'm slowly regaining my control over my body as years of being in coma sapped away my strength and vitality. Everyone praises me for doing my best to eat all my food, take my prescriptions, and give my best in any physical exercises they put me through. Even my mom and my sister, Agnes, were surprised at how I remained positive despite the hardships that I'm facing after waking up. I just give them all a smile and say that I'm just looking forward to the day when I'm fully recovered and resume my life again. I mean, who wouldn't be excited to live their life when they discovered that they literally have a hive mind constantly expanding within their consciousness?
I hear my alarms start ringing, indicating that I should get up and start my day. These past few months have been a rollercoaster for me and my Dad. He finally confessed to my mom about his sexuality and she also confessed to her infidelity. Both of them acknowledged that having me in their 20's was the only reason they decided to be together. But now that I'm almost done with college, they both thought that it's best for them to be true to each other about how they really felt.
I didn't take that well at first, but after my dad talked to me one night in my bedroom, I felt like I just had a different perspective in life. Rather than dwelling about how I should feel about this whole thing, I'm old enough now to discover myself too and not end up like my Mom and Dad. They still love each other but more in a friendship-type love. I can't go back to the past and prevent them from having me and setting aside their own dreams, but I can focus on my own and let them fully express themselves.
Right on schedule, Dad comes into my room with his phone in hand. He checks on me and smiles as soon as he sees that I'm awake. He raises both his eyebrows before waving his phone at me. I just replied with a nod before lifting both my arms to pose for my morning update. I look straight into Dad's camera and flash a gentle smile, knowing that Avery will love my morning update.
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"Fuck, Ethan. You look so hot right now. If Avery is here, I would definitely ask him for permission to suck your cock and gulp your cum. I'm so glad that you told me that you're gay too, just like your old man." Dad says as he types on his phone with his right hand while stroking his boner with his left.
"Oh come one, Dad. You know the rules. My body is only for Avery and no one else's. I haven't cummed for a month now. Avery wants me to save it until he's discharged, and I couldn't ask for more. Although, I'm having a hard time focusing now. The anticipation of finally being able to let Avery enjoy my body is killing me. It's all I can think about right now." I stand up from my bed and stretch my limbs as I talk to Dad. I can feel my dick getting harder just by talking about Avery. I can still remember the day that I met him.
Damn! My dad is a faggot?! I can't believe this. Now it makes so much sense. Why he's been distant with mom lately, why he likes to pick me up after football practice when I was in highschool, why some of my friends in college told me back then that they swore that a gay friend of theirs saw my dad on Grindr. I thought they were just making all that shit up. I never thought that my gym-hound, alpha man of a dad is a fucking fairy.
After he and mom told the news to me over dinner, I didn't say anything and just walked up to my room. Mom cried while asking me to sit back down but I just ignored her and headed to my room. What do they expect from me? Celebrate how my mom is a slut and my dad is a fucking fairy? Fuck that! I was planning on moving out of this house as soon as I got my first job but fuck this. If I don't get out of here, I will lose my goddamn mind. I can just stay over at my friends' couch for a while, move in with Sophie, or just sleep on the streets. Anywhere is better than spending another minute in this clown house.
Suddenly, my door flung open even when I locked it. I see my dad standing on my doorway with keys in his hand. His eyes are red in tears but he's not making a sound. He gazes down on me as I pack my suitcase full of clothes. He looks back at me with a confused look before gazing down on my suitcase.
In an instant, I noticed something came over him as his body became rigid and tense. His body shudders as if he just peed himself before his eyes roll back into his head. He looks at me with only whites in his eyes and his jaw hanging open as if he was about to puke. I want to move but my body is frozen in utter terror. And then he lunged at me. He pins me down on the floor as his mouth closes into mine. I felt this thick, gooey fluid pouring out from dad's mouth into mine. My head throbs as if I was drunk, high, and horny all at once.
Your parents tried their best to raise you and give you a whole family. Are you going to forget that just because they both made some mistakes? They're both human and did everything they can despite having you while underaged. Cut them some slack and just be happy that they're starting to figure out themselves.
I open my eyes and see that it's morning already. Maybe I overreacted last night when I walked out of them. My mom seemed really hurt by what I did because I never did that to her. My mom and my dad have been great parents to me growing up. I should at least give them some chance to rediscover themselves after all the years of giving me the best childhood any kid could ask. I should set this right and make up for my outbursts last night.
I sit up on the edge of my bed as I check my phone. I should at least tell Sophie what happened last night. She might be worried since I always call her before I go to bed. She also mentioned yesterday that she'll be having her first day at work today. I should talk to her to calm her nerves since she tends to overthink a lot.
You don't need to call her. You don't even need to talk to her anymore. You love that girl because you were in college and you need to fit in, that's all. You just want to experience having a girlfriend in college. You don't want to end up like your parents and become stuck with someone like her. You're young and fit, you need to break up with her so you can see what the world offers.
I stare at my Sophie's number on my phone. Do I really want to talk to her right now? Do I really love her? Do I want to end up marrying her and have children with her? Of course! Absolutely! Sophie is the right amount of sexy, crazy, and responsible. Thanks to her, I was able to graduate without failing marks. In times that I need encouragement, Sophie knows what to say to help me get rid of my doubts and fears. I want to build a life with her, and now that she's starting her first job, I want to show how much I support her like she supported me.
You don't even know what to say to her. What if you say something that will make her overthink and mess up her first day. Women are fragile. Anything can affect her performance. It's better to wait until the day ends and then you can talk to her. You have a busy day. You need to get ready to go.
I find my body standing up and heading to the bathroom. I sit on my toilet and take a dump while scrolling through my phone. Maybe I'll just call Sophie after dinner. I don't want to mess with her head and make her lose her focus by saying the wrong stuff. But where am I going? I was planning to hit the gym today and then look for a job posting around the town while jogging back to my house. I don't consider this a busy day.
As I take a dump, I hear my door open. I immediately wipe my ass to see who's inside my room now. I like my privacy but still let my parents go in and out of my room as they please. After I wipe my ass clean, I go out of my bathroom and see my Dad sitting on my swivel chair, looking at something on my computer. As soon as he notices me, he minimizes the tab and swivels to face me.
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"Ethan, how are you feeling? Can I talk to you? I just need a moment of your time." Dad asks me as he pats his left thigh, as if he's asking me to sit on it.
I'm so confused right now. I know that Dad just confessed about being gay but this is unacceptable. Barging into my room, using my computer without permission, asking me to sit on his lap?! That's it, now I'm really done.
You always sit on your Dad's lap when he needs to tell you something important. You're a good boy, you always listen to Dad. Every time you sit on his lap, you find yourself opening up to him easily. His words fill up your mind with what you need to do to continue being a good boy. You love sitting on his lap. You love being a good boy for your Dad.
Shit, this must be serious. Dad only asks me to sit on his lap if things are serious and he needs to tell me what I should do to remain as a good boy. I slowly walk up to my Dad and gently sit on his lap. I look straight into his eyes and find myself focusing on him. He reaches out to my computer and I notice the light of my webcam opening but it doesn't matter. I need to listen to Dad and to whatever he has to say. I want to be a good boy.
Dad looks back at me and smiles. I love seeing my Dad smile. I love how I can make my Dad happy. I feel his right hand going behind my back and touching my shoulder while his left hand grabs my cock through my shorts and gives it a firm but gentle squeeze. As soon as he opens his mouth, I find my mind becoming empty of thoughts.
"Ethan, the one who freed me wants to know you more. He thinks that you'll be the perfect boyfriend for him since you're around his age. He's a little shy and reclusive since he's been in a coma for 10 years. He decides that if he wants to have a pretty normal life, he'll need to have normal relationships aside from what he has with me and countless men who are now freed from their responsibilities. Now son, I want you to look at the camera and tell him all he needs to know about my wonderful son." Dad explains to me as I slowly turn my head to the camera and smile. I feel my cock getting harder as Dad pulls down my shorts and starts jerking me off.
"Hi! My full name is Ethan Carter Phillips. I'm 25 years old and my height is 6'2" while I weigh 200 lbs. I work out a lot and my body fat percentage is 10%. I have a degree in finance and just passed my CPA licensure. My dick is 9 inches long and 3 inches thick when fully hard. My balls are heavy and huge, and I can recover quickly from an orgasm. I love fucking my girlfriend, Sophie, in missionary while I play with her nipples until she cums. I want her to be the mother of my children someday. I want to secure a high-paying job so I can give her and our children a life of luxury that they deserve." I find myself sharing all this personal information about myself as if I'm answering a questionnaire listed in my head.
"Oh son, you don't need to put pressure on yourself just to have that kind of life. Not everything can be planned like that in real life. Look at your mom and I, I always knew in my heart that I was gay but I was too scared to come to terms with who I am. I gave it to the pressures and expectations of my family and friends. I dated your mom thinking that it will help me get rid of my homosexual thoughts. Now, we're in a loveless marriage, only waiting for you to get out of the nest so we can separate privately. I don't want that for you son. You need to get yourself out there and discover who you are before settling." Dad explains to me as I find myself hanging on every word while his hand jerks my cock faster.
"Now son, I want you to come with me. We're going to visit a very special friend of mine. He encouraged me to be honest with your mom and finally admits to myself who I am. I know that he'll help you discover who you are as well. After I let go of your cock, you will dress yourself professionally as if you'll be going in an interview. After 30 minutes, meet me downstairs so we can go and meet him." Dad explicitly orders each word carved into my mind.
As Dad lets go of my rock-hard and leaking cock, I stand up from his lap and head straight to the shower to clean myself. I hear Dad going out of my room and closing the door but I don't care. I need to look promising and professional in front of Dad's special friend. I want to make a good impression on him for some reason. My heart is beating like crazy while my mind is wracked with anxiety that I may not be enough for this friend. My cock throbs harder as I moan while I scrub myself. I need to be the best version of myself. I dry myself and head back to my room to pick out my suit.
As I go downstairs, I see my Dad taking pictures of himself in the mirror. He grins as he types on his phone and exhales after seems like sending it to someone. He turns his head and notices me looking at him. I never noticed it before but Dad has a very huge cock. I can see the outline of his cock through his pants as it throbs and pulsates.
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"Ready to go, son? You look sharp right now." Dad says as he walks over the kitchen counter to get his keys.
"I really want to make an impression. I just hope he will like me." I reply as we walk out of the house.
Borrow your Dad's phone and send me a selfie. I want to see how good-looking you are right now.
"Dad, can I borrow your phone? I want to take a selfie." I casually ask Dad as he immediately hands me his phone.
I open Dad's phone and type in his password. For some reason, I know what it is but I don't care about that. I open the camera and find a good angle for a quick selfie. My jaw looks sharp with my hair brushed up and with my glasses on. I look so professional and handsome right now. I quickly go into Dad's email and attach my selfie before sending it to an email address that I'm not familiar with. I smile as I catch up to Dad and hand him back his phone.
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The drive to the hospital is silent and unnerving. I'm trying my best to hide my boner to my dad but it seems that my legs just spread wider. I can see that Dad does the same. We both stare ahead, not uttering a single word, as our cocks throb inside our pants and leak out pre-cum. My mind is reeling with thoughts of surrendering myself to someone. To be in service to that person for the rest of my life. To become anything that he wishes. Nothing else matters. My focus is now directed into a singular objective for a single person. I can't put a finger on who this person is. All I know now is that I see this person's eyes, I will know it with all my heart.
Dad parks his car in the hospital's basement as he leads me to the elevator. Everything around me fades into a distant noise as I can only recognize my Dad's muscular back and the need to follow him. Dad walks into the hospital's hallway with a clear destination in mind. All I have to do is follow him until I can meet this person. Dad walks into a room and opens the door widely so I can go inside before him. There, I saw this thin, weak-looking man resting on his bed. He looks young and seems like he's been in this hospital for quite some time. I walk closer to his bed and roll it up until the man on the bed is almost sitting up. The man slowly opens his eyes and turns his head to me. That's when I knew.
His name is Avery and I am his. My mind and body belong to him and only him. From this day forth, I am his to use as he please. No thoughts other than his will ever run inside my mind ever again. My purpose is to serve and please him.
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