#oc: pablo villareal
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agena87 · 4 months ago
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I aged up my baby boy Pablo and he's soooooooo pretty!
I'm making a family tree, now that I'm playing a legacy that actually interests me (I wrote the rules*, so obviously, it's more catered to my taste), so I need updated pics of everyone.
*Well, I'm currently writing those. I have rules for 5 gens (or eight, depending on how you look at it - one generation relies on rebirth, so the same heir will actually have four different lives). It's very occult-related (or even occult-adjacent since one gen is about Strangerville and L&D is one of the main packs explored) and I have still to introduce werewolves and vampires to it, so that's two more gens. Plus, I think I'll make a gen about the Paranormal SP (though I already use the medium skill in a couple gens).
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southotheborder · 3 years ago
A Sequel to Narcos
Chapter 4: Libel
Title: Libel
Rating: 18+ (M)ature
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of death, violence, alcohol
Word Count: 2474
Pairing: Javier x Female OC
Masterlist || Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
A/N: Things are finally starting to tie together. It is all in the details. Spanish translations are at the bottom.
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If you were a journalist in Mexico during the nineties, your life was on the front line. A prominent newspaper of the decade read: “The bullets that killed [the journalist]…were not directed at one man but at freedom of expression.”
“Tell me more about tu morrita,” Cesar was half drunk in the corner of Cantina Los Gallos. “She looks like…like…oh, that’s it… Dolores Del Río,” he whistled as he looked at the small photo in Eduardo’s wallet.
Anibal, the young bartender dropped the check on the table. “A lighter too, please.” Eduardo held a five-dollar bill between his fingers.  
“You think he’ll learn that he should stick to beer?” He asked as he took the cash.
Anibal was a nice kid. He could’ve gone to college, studied mechanical engineering, and gotten outta that small Texas town, but he felt bad about leaving his parents.
They brought him and his sister to the United States a decade ago when he was seven years old.
The money they made running the cantina was sent back to his family in Ohinaga.
Things had taken a turn for the worst after the death of Pablo Acosta Villareal, the narco notorious for his love affair with the Texan Mimi Webb Miller.
Former DFS Police Commander Rafael Aguilar Guajardo took his place, but when the Juarez drug lord, Amado Carrillo Fuentes killed him, and took over the territory, things got bloodier.
Eduardo listened to Anibal’s story intently one night after the boy’s shift was over. He took notes and promised to keep the report confidential as he gathered information on Carrillo Fuentes and the Mexican officials who cooperated with him.
“I’m worried about him, we played together as kids…and now, there’s rumors that he’s joined a gang working for the Juarez cartel.”
“Doing what? Do you know?”
“I’m not sure. Abuela says that he’s bringing in steady money each week. But how’s that possible in Ohinaga? He… he’s trying to convince me to go back…sayin’ that the money is better…”
“You think you can find out more?”
“I can try…” For Anibal, sharing what he had meant that one day, he too, might be able to return to a country that wasn’t run by drug lords.
“I’m counting on you to not serve him any more shots next time we stop by,” Eduardo patted him on the arm before saying goodbye.
He still couldn’t believe this was the man Mauricio entrusted him to. Cesar was a decent journalist, he was objective, and had thick skin, but the balding man couldn’t drink a quarter of a bottle of tequila without making a fool of himself.
Eduardo didn’t like him when they first met. The drive along the country road in that old white Bronco to Agua Dulce, Texas wasn’t the most pleasant. After a month of sharing an apartment, he couldn’t bear the sight of him. Not that he expected luxury accommodations in his current circumstances… but he was growing anxious to know what was next. When could he return to Mexico? When would all the typed articles he had laying on top of his flimsy desk be published under his pseudonym? Mauricio hadn’t said much on the phone, just to bite his tongue and keep a low profile.  
“You don’t think any of this is going to raise suspicion? By now, mi abuelo probably has everyone on high alert,” Eduardo paced around the dingy bedroom as he spoke into the wireless phone.
“You don’t think I took care of that? He thinks you’re in Oaxaca…doing what you do, traveling, researching.” Mauricio answered matter-of-factly.
“So everyone just thinks I’ve decided to send them a la chingada at the last moment to take a little retreat in the south of the country?”
“What would you rather have me say, Eduardo? That as a result of your latest publication on the secret cooperation between los gringos, los federales, y los narcos, I had to put my life and my family’s life on the line to smuggle you up north?”
“I was doing mi pinche trabajo! Or do you not remember that it was you who asked me to write for this newspaper!”
Mauricio closed the door of his office and squeezed the phone. “Callate, Eduardo! For one second, just callate! They want to suspend the newspaper; they’re calling us out for libel. Por Dios, I’m doing the best I can to keep everyone here afloat, but…,” he took a second to breathe. “Listen, you wanna come back here so bad? Document everything you’ve investigated so far on los federales. Don’t worry about expenses. I’ll make sure you’re paid weekly in cash. Everything you write, you write under the pseudonym. See what else you can get on these cabrones and their connections up north. If they’re gonna fuck us with a libel lawsuit, we might as well fuck them right back with more evidence.”
Eduardo laid Cesar on the couch and walked over to his bedroom. He rolled up his white sleeves and stationed himself at the typewriter, organizing his thoughts.
1977: Operación Condor fails
1980: Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo operates from Hotel Las Americas with the protection of the DFS
1984: Journalist Manuel Buendia Tellezgiron is assassinated by the DFS for reporting government and law enforcement corruption, drug trafficking, and covert CIA operations in Mexico; going as far as publishing the names of the American officials involved. His murder is not investigated for another five years, and several pieces of evidence are obstructed. A prominent newspaper reads: “The bullets that killed Manuel Buendia…were not directed at one man but at freedom of expression.”
1985: DEA Agent Enrique Camarena is killed and the DFS is dissolved by the Secretary of the Interior Manuel Bartlett Diaz under the Presidency of Miguel de la Madrid.
1989: Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo is arrested; Members of the DFS arrested for the murder of Buendia Tellezgiron, thereby closing any further investigations on the perpetrators behind ordering his assassination.
1996: The Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo with the enthusiastic support of Washington DC appoints Jesus Guitierrez Rebollo as the head of Instituto Nacional para el Combate de Drogas holding the title of the country's top-ranking drug interdiction officer. They call him the Anti-drug Czar. His position gives him access to intelligence – local and national - provided by the Mexican authorities and the United States. With a trove of wiretaps, operations files, and informant names, Gutierrez Rebolla provides confidential information to the notorious drug-trafficker known as El Señor de los Cielos, Amado Carrillo Fuentes. The General’s cooperation with the Juarez Cartel sends a clear message to the citizens of this country and the world that there is no rule of law in this narco-terrorist state.
He inserted a new sheet of paper into the typewriter.
Do you think of me as often as I think of you? If only somehow the words I type would reach you across the border, and whisper everything into your ears. Every morning, when I look out of my window, I see the same old classic mustang that you like, parked across the street. Then it reminds me of the summer we drove from Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta. We snuck out a bottle from your parents’ cellar and set out on the road. For two weeks, we did nothing but smoke, read, and dance…and it was glorious. For two weeks we looked at the Pacific Ocean and even joked about hopping on a ship and sailing to Asia. If I knew it would be our last summer together, I would have never stopped driving. I hope you know how much I miss you, how much I love you, how much I want you every morning and every night. Mi flor querida, I truly hope you think of me as often as I think of you…
Everyone has different ways of mourning- whether it is the loss of a loved one or the loss of one's own purpose. Eduardo coped by writing…writing things that would never make it to the hands of his intended reader. He couldn’t fathom how Cesar lived in that dingy apartment, away from his wife and kids, constantly talking to himself simply because he had no one else to talk to. And what was worst about it all was that, at one point, Eduardo truly did have it all – a loving family, a beautiful girlfriend, respectable colleagues, a trove of memories to share over long dinners. But now, what did he have? A keg of explosive information that could derail the government, a publication that jeopardized his life and those he loved. Even if he gathered more evidence against Gutierrez Rebollo, he wasn’t even sure if it would change anything.
“If you can’t source it, you can’t use it,” Javier leaned against the bookshelf in his office.
“What if it’s a classified source?” Thomas cut him off. “I did include a citation as ‘personal communication.’”
Javier suddenly thought of his former informants and looked Thomas over with brief suspicion. Where the hell is this kid getting any classified information?
“Look, you want me to give you a letter of recommendation for law school? You’re doing just fine in the class. More than fine, honestly. What’s with the classified source? I’m not CIA,” he joked.
“I just… I don’t think the topic is getting the attention it deserves…and the more I research, the more it seems like no one wants to talk about it. It’s not a coincidence that after the establishment of NAFTA, there’s a shortage of Mexican labor, prompting those that didn’t cross the border to join the cartels in massive waves. A new 'Anti-drug Czar' is appointed to mitigate the issue, but the numbers only get higher?”
“Let me ask you… why NAFTA? Why Mexico? A smart kid like you…why not pursue constitutional law?” He put his hand on his hip.
Thomas shrugged. “It’s just…an area of study I’m interested in pursuing.”
Javier squinted.
“My girlfriend…she’s Mexican. You might’ve seen her outside your classroom before. She’s a nursing major…,” He blushed. “She means a lot to me and I’m making the effort to understand what her family has been through.”
Ok, so he’s not sleeping with an informant to get this information.
“Seems like a lot of work just to understand. Anything else you’re not telling me?”
“We live two hours from the border. I’d think all of us here should care about what’s happening a few miles south…You’re teaching a class on terrorist networks. We’re in the center of a massive one.”
“So you’re seeking out classified information and submitting extra work for this class? I’m sorry if I’m not clear on what’s going on?”
“I mean, you’re not just any professor, you were the DEA agent that took down Escobar and Cali. You lived in Colombia for almost a decade. Yea, you didn’t write books like the other professors here, but you did something that matters. Theres…I’m sorry for being so frank, but there’s still a lot of work to do and it would mean a lot to me if you looked at my research and told me if what I’m working on is solid.”
It took a moment to process those words. He looked at the kid standing in front of him and nodded. “Yea, I’ll read it.”
"It means a lot," he gave him a curt smile before turning around.
“Thomas…,” Javier called out. “Bring me all you’ve got.”
It’d be a lie to say he wasn’t keeping up with the events in Mexico. The last time he was there was in ’85 during Operacion Leyenda on a task-force searching for Agent Camarena. The experience made him briefly reconsider whether he made the right choice to join the DEA. Would he end up tortured and mutilated like that? Kiki was also a Mexican American…and he was betrayed by both sides.
The problem with the DEA strategy in Mexico is that it was only chopping off the head of the leaders, and not the entire operating body. It was a fucking joke. In Colombia, Pablo Escobar was untouchable until all the men that defended him were taken down. Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo’s arrest made everything worse. The bastard had to be put in jail for his crimes, but so did the entire conglomeration of plazas, and every bastard that worked for them.
Thomas was right. There was still a lot of work to do, but the drug war had already blown up in their faces, and he didn’t think they could even do anything about it anymore.
Javier had an instinct to reach for his gun as he unlocked his apartment door. Except…he didn’t carry a gun anymore. So he quietly made his way to the kitchen counter and grabbed a knife. There was radio static coming from corner.
“Hi baby,” Jenny popped out from hallway.
“For fuck’s sake…,” Javier exhaled.
“Christ Javi, If I’d known that’s how you’d react to my visit, I wouldn’t have driven over in this storm.”
He wasn’t a fan of surprises. Not one bit. His brain still hadn’t gotten used to civilian life. No one in Kingsville, Texas was out to kidnap him. Sure, he gave her the key to his apartment, but if he was being honest, he did it as a courtesy, not as an invitation.
“Don’t you have…work?” He set the knife back in the drawer and looked for the pack of cigarettes that she had hidden.
“I got done at noon today,” she reached in for a kiss. “Look what I got.”
He removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt as he watched her pull out a long blue bottle from her overnight bag.
“It was a gift from the project managers.”
Javier playfully wrapped his arms around her. “A gift? What’s the occasion?”
“The engineers got approval for the construction of a new warehouse that’s going to be used as a distribution center.”
“Distribution of what?” He looked at the art on the bottle. It was an intricate pattern of agave plants with red dahlias sprouting throughout. At an angle under the light, the glass displayed a combination of aquamarine hues.  
“You’re holding it.”
“Tequila and mezcal.”
“I’ve never heard of this one before. Looks expensive.”
She grabbed two shot glasses. “That is because you don’t drink anything but whiskey. And it is expensive, very expensive.”
He opened the bottle carefully, pulling out the agave-shaped cap, and sniffed the hints of smoke and pepper.
She sat on his lap as they took the shot together and chased it with lime and salt.
He savored it a bit longer than she did. “Not bad actually.”
“It’s the smoothest I’ve ever tried.”
Javier grabbed the bottle from Jenny as he balanced her on his lap. The name on the bottle was nestled between the red dahlias. The glass engraving read:
Garza Azúl ~ Colección Xóchitl ~ 100% Agave
| Hecho en Mexico |                                                                                                   
Next chapter
Tu morrita – Mexican slang for your girlie
A la chingada – Mexican slang for to hell
Mi pinche trabajo – my damn job
Cállate! – shut up!
Por Dios – for god sake
Instituto Nacional para el Combate de Drogas – National Institute for the Combat against Drugs
Añejo- aged
Hecho en Mexico – Made in Mexico
Mi flor querida - my dear flower
DFS - Dirección Federal de Seguridad (the Federal Security Directorate)
El Señor de los Cielos - the Lord of the Skies
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agena87 · 6 months ago
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I know, it's not Halloween yet, but I needed to see my kiddos in their costumes, so here they are.
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agena87 · 10 months ago
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I don't know what they were babbling about, but it was so sweet to see the three of them interacting like that (and look at Pablo being a little charmer, blowing kisses to his baby sisters - "baby sisters" as if they weren't only ten months younger than him).
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agena87 · 10 months ago
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Grandpa Geoffrey also came to visit. Little Pablo was delighted.
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agena87 · 1 year ago
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And here are Jeanette Osteer (Geoffrey & Patina daughter) and Pablo Villareal (Jacques & Mallory son). Jeanette is Pablo's aunt, despite being three weeks younger than him.
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agena87 · 5 months ago
Since the Landgraab kids all aged up, it's only normal that their cousins do too, so here they are (with a new super cute addiction)!
The Villareals:
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The Harris-Münch (the eldest finally chose a new name, and after a few years of using "they/them", ended up using "he/him", and - once he reached 18 - fully transitioned):
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The littlest Münch (Lukas & Max's son, born through a surrogate):
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agena87 · 6 months ago
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Welcome to the world, Estela Villareal, you sweet (calm) thing! 💛
And Theo and Pablo aged up (which is why Lory was allowed to unpause her pregnancy). Theo rolled the mischievous trait, and Pablo the charmer one.
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I love Pablo nearly as much as his cousin Ulli (if I were to make a real legacy for these two families, they would be the heirs, no questions asked). Look at those fiery curls; so damn cute!
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agena87 · 10 months ago
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I really shouldn't have one 'cause that's not fair to the others, but I think that (for now, at least), of all the Villareal babies, Pablo is my favourite.
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agena87 · 10 months ago
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Playing with dolls is fun, but it's even better when Mommy joins in.
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agena87 · 4 months ago
Since I had to age up Estela to YA for my gameplay-turned-legacy, it's only fair that I did the same for her siblings (well, YA for everyone except Santiago who's still a teen, though not for long). I also gave them partners/families.
(pics + lore under the cut because it's loooong)
Theo (aka my resident fuck boy), his wife Perla, their kids Averie & Ethan, and two of Theo's lovers (Jerrica & Joaquin):
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🔸Theo & Perla met in college. Perla dumped her then-boyfriend, Stan, for Theo, despite not really being attracted to him, as soon as she learned that he was not only a Villareal but also a Landgraab. Money money money! 🔸Perla's quite happy with being a trophy wife and couldn't care less who her husband is banging as long as no one else (as in: the press) knows. Plus, she doesn't need to work. 🔸Perla's not a real redhead; she dyes her hair 'cause Theo asked her to (this man has problems that are better not expressed). 🔸Neither of them wanted children but, as CEO of Villareal Industries, Theo needed an heir. Averie was planned as such; Ethan was an accident and they spent quite some time deciding if they should keep him or not. 🔸Needless to say both kids are mostly looked after by nannies & tutors. 🔸Contrary to Joaquin whom he has an actual relationship with, Jerrica is just an occasional lover. Theo only gets with her when he needs to scratch a certain itch; aka fucking someone who would let him do every perverted thing that crosses his mind to them in exchange for some money or dope (as said before: he has some major problems).
Pablo and his boyfriend, Anil:
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🔸Anil's a bit older than Pablo (7/8 years older). 🔸They met when Pablo signed up for the yoga class that Anil was teaching. Pablo fell head over heels immediately; Anil needed more time, as he was finding Pablo's permanent cheerfulness annoying. 🔸Anil's only teaching yoga on the weekend (and only for a few hours, too), the rest of the week he's a pharmaceutical salesman. Pablo is working in PR for Villareal Industries. 🔸They've been together for seven years and only started living together a couple months ago. Anil's trying to get accustomed to the chaos that his boyfriend brought with him, but as a (very) neat person, it's quite difficult to ignore the piles of "stuff" appearing everywhere in his (their) apartment. 🔸Pablo would love to get wed but Anil doesn't believe in marriage. Anil might be OK with a civil union, though.
Amalia and her not-really-a-girlfriend/groupie, Cheyenne:
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🔸Amalia learned to drive a bike with her aunt Willa when she was thirteen (don't tell on them; officially Amalia was sixteen the first time she drove anything). She's been in love with motorcycles since then. Now, she's racing all over the world in the semi-professional circuit. 🔸Cheyenne's dad took her to her first race when she was three; each weekend they would spend a few hours at the tracks, supporting the racers with very vocal encouragement. 🔸Despite her love for the race, Cheyenne never got on a bike that wasn't parked; she's terrified of falling. 🔸While Amalia manages to make a little money with her racing winnings, it's not enough to pay the bills (not that she has to worry about it, she is after all a Villareal/Landgraab, and has enough money to last half a dozen lifetimes). She works as a PI (fun fact: she, more than once, had to tell clients that yes, their spouse was cheating and that it was with her older brother). 🔸Cheyenne, herself, works as a barmaid in her father's bar.
Elvira, her husband Josiah, and their son Trevor:
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🔸Elvira didn't just inherit her height, big boobies and love for lingerie from her mother, but also her preference for much older men; Josiah is 16 years older than her (still a lot less than the 37 years between Jacques & Mallory). 🔸Josiah was Elvira's uni teacher, but they didn't start to date until a couple years after she got her degree. They had become friends during Elvira's college years and had stayed in contact after she finished her studies. 🔸While she has a distinguished degree in History, Elvira chose to not get a job, preferring to spend her time volunteering with various charities or organizing galas to get funds for said charities (she also gives a lot of her money to those, not just her time). 🔸Both Elvira and Josiah would love to have another child, but they have difficulties conceiving; Elvira lost four babies before Trevor was born, and three more since. They're talking about adopting.
Santiago and his girlfriend Lexi:
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🔸He's the quarterback, she's the head cheerleader. He's the jock who cares only about sports, she's the mean girl who loves nothing more than shopping and bullying less popular kids. Yes, they're the cliché couple but who cares? 🔸Actually, Lexi's not dating Santiago because he's the star player of the football team, but for his name and money. She's already planning their wedding (her mom's helping too); which obviously he doesn't know or he'll freak out (they're only eighteen after all; not that being this young stopped his half-sister Max from getting married to her husband Lukas). 🔸She's cheating on him regularly with his brother (yes, Theo; and while he's a leech for going after his little brother's gf, at least she's legal); what can she say? The man gives her very expensive gifts; she doesn't care if the sex is lousy or if she doesn't get to come. 🔸They've been dating for two years and have yet to have sex. Well, they did touch each other and Lexi gave Santiago a few BJs, but they're waiting for Prom night to do the do and lost their virginity (or alleged one in Lexi's case). Miss Cheatress better not get preggo with Theo's kid before then or the jig will be up. 🔸Speaking of Prom, they obviously will be voted King and Queen.
'nyway, I shouldn't have done that 'cause now I wanna play with some of 'em, but I can't 'cause I have a legacy to play, and none of 'em is a part of it.
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agena87 · 10 months ago
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Nothing to add, except maybe that Pablo is clearly a momma's boy; look how he looks at Lory all the time.
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