#Esther Bates
countingandsnarkingon · 5 months
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Esther is 17 weeks and 2 days pregnant today, meaning she’s due October 7th.
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
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Esther Bates Q&A
I can respect the first one lol she's like, damn straight I sucked face before marriage
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fundieshaderoom · 10 months
Esther Bates' Mom Speaks on the IBLP
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
Kenna Joy Bates Name Analysis
Nathan and Esther Bates announced they were expecting their first child on Mother's Day 2022, May 8th. During a joint sex and name reveal on 19th June, they announced their baby girl would be named Kenna Joy. Kenna arrived on 17th October 2022 weighing 7lbs 10oz and measuring 19 inches.
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I initially thought Kenna would've entered the top 1000 in the 90s but I was proven wrong! It actually entered at 990 in 2000. By 2004 it had moved up to 796. There was then a slight dip and fluctuation in popularity until 2009 when it sat at 751. However then it declined again and 2013 threatened to knock it out of the top rankings at 994. The mid 2010s and early 2020s have seen a revival and 402 Kenna's were born in 2021, putting the name firmly in the 711th spot. Kenna means 'handsome'.
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Joy means 'happiness'. As a virtue name it has always been incredibly popular with fundies and otherwise. In 1900 it was firmly in the top 700 baby girl names at #694. Things remained steady through the first quarter of the 20th Century and Joy enjoyed a steady growth in popularity. By 1925 virtue names began to become more popular in general. For 54 years, between 1927 and 1981, Joy was in the top 200 baby names, peaking at #107 in 1974. As we entered the 90s and early 2000s, Joy slightly dipped in popularity, although still stayed firmly in the 4 and 500s. In 2016 it once again entered the 300s at #352. 2021 saw 773 Joys born and earnt the name #407th position.
Joy had some success as a boy's name as well between 1900 and 1937, although it generally stayed within the 8 and 900s. In 1904 with 10 baby boys getting the name Joy within their names, it peaked at #785. The vastly smaller population meant less babies were born so it was easier for more unusual names during that time to get into the rankings. Joy dipped out of the boy statistics in 1937 at #950 with 44 births. The population of the USA in 1904 was 82,166,000 and by 1937 it had grown to 128,824,829.
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charliedawn · 2 years
Hi, I really like your blog. Can you please do the slashers and the Russian nurse. She came to America to exchange experiences. She is quite strong and tall, she can effortlessly throw Jack on her shoulder and carry him to the room. As soon as y/n arrived at the hospital she acted like a stereotypical Russian, cold, stoic, not talking or smiling, with a neutral expression on her face. But after some time in the hospital, when everyone is assembled, she starts laughing and says that she likes to play pranks on foreigners that way. In fact, she turns out to be very kind, smiling, cheerful, a little cheeky and flirtatious. She's very understanding and you can share anything with her. I'm sorry if my query makes you feel cringe, прошу прощения
Freddy :
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Freddy : "So...You're the new girl, huh ? Wasn't expecting Hulk in a dress."
Freddy was...Freddy. He looked at you and bam, big women jokes just kept coming out. He couldn't have stopped himself, even if he wanted to.
But, he wasn't expecting you to play dumb.
"Whatever do you mean, Mr. Krueger ? I am confused.", you replied with your best poker face and Freddy almost spit out his morning coffee.
"You gotta be kidding me...Superhero ? Tall ? Green ? Strong ?", he tried to describe the Hulk to you, but you tilted your head and frowned at him.
"...I am even more confused."
He then proceeded to go on and on about all the heroes of comic books and try to 'open your horizons'.
You never told him that you actually knew the Avengers, it was best to keep quiet and let him try to culture you on what he thought was 'true American culture.' It made him talk, and it was nice to hear him talk about anything else than dirty jokes.
It didn't mean he sometimes didn't let himself crack a dirty joke or two in your presence, or even attempted flirting from time to time.
Freddy *smirks* : "...You know...I wouldn't mind you sitting on my face sometimes. I always fantasized on how it would feel like to die by big woman suffocation ?" *cheeky wink*
You laughed and Freddy was so surprised, he almost fell off his chair.
Pennywise :
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Pennywise : "It's going down, girlie. I can assure you that you ain't as strong as me."
He tried to assert dominance right away.
Let's get something clear.
Pennywise is one of the short ones. He's not as tall as any of the others, but he's the strongest. Hands down.
He could run a marathon with Penny on his back and not break a sweat. It's one of his strong points and he'd be caught dead before letting anyone deprive him of that title.
So, he would of course try to gain the advantage and make it a competition.
He'd ask you to compete with him by carrying heavy things around, arm wrestling and other various challenges..
Pennywise *grumbles under his breath in annoyance when you succeeded in carrying Brahms for a whole day*
At the end, he did learn to respect you, especially when you made sure to let him win sometimes—as to not lose face in front of the others.
He doesn't understand why or how you managed to become so strong, but even though Pennywise is technically a god—you managed to push him to his body's limits...And that's no easy feat.
Jason Voorhees :
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You : "Jason ! Bath time !"
Oh no...
No water.
He ran. He ran faster than he had ever ran in his life, not expecting you to course after him.
You : "Jason ! You come back here !"
He kept running...until he hit a wall and fell backwards.
He was certain you wouldn't be able to move him if he was completely still—but was surprised when you almost effortlessly lift him up and started walking to the bathroom.
He tried to get off, but had to eventually give up as you started humming to yourself and didn't seem to mind the slasher trying desperately to escape bath time...
The other slashers were stunned when they saw the both of you and Jason was red in the face under the mask.
He frantically tried to escape again, but was once again unsuccessful.
Freddy tried to open his mouth—but as if you had the same Freddy senses—you and Jason both glared at him.
You : "Don't. You're next."
Freddy's smile dropped and Pennywise guffawed beside him while you kept walking.
Jason didn't like being carried around—but he had to admit, it was nice to have someone stronger than him.
Brahms Heelshire :
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Brahms was very suspicious of you at first—staying hidden and making sure not to make his existence known until he was sure you were nice.
He observed your reaction to his doll very closely and when you started singing to it in your native language and cradling it gently in your arms—he knew that you were trustworthy.
He showed himself to you and you smiled.
You : "Ah. You must be Brahms. Nice to meet you."
He nodded before suddenly pulling you into a hug.
Brahms' way of saying: you too.
He then proceeded to show you around and his favorite toys.
He was excited to have a new friend an when you started bringing him russian stories and toys—his eyes literally sparkled in pure joy.
Brahms would then ask you to read them for him and even try to learn Russian so he may talk with you in your native language.
Brahms would become curious and happy to find out new things with you and share his own personal childhood stories with you.
Michael Myers :
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Michael did find it strange when you first appeared.
He doesn't normally trust strangers and tends to stay away, but he did eventually get used to you.
Problem is...Low and behold, the great Michael Myers can and did become jealous of you when you started becoming a role model for the youngest slashers.
Michael is technically their father. He is very protective of his (adopted) children and Myers eventually found you someone to undermine his authority.
Myers *glares at you from afar when you wave at him and walks away*
He was aloof at first. Didn't think he needed you.
But, that quickly changed when he tried to help Jason with his truck and it ended with him, actually trapped underneath the car.
He tried to move it, but had to eventually give up and Jason had to go find you.
You immediately ran outside and started using your strength to pull the car off Michael. He crawled from underneath and once he was out, Jason and Brahms came to pull him up.
He finally realized that having you around wasn't such a bad thing and even thanked you.
He wanted to apologize too, but didn't find the words.
When you smiled, he knew you understood and smiled back.
Jack Torrance :
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"...Mr. Torrance. It is the third time I am telling you that it is time to go to sleep.", you reminded Jack who was still hunched over his writing machine, like an old grumpy leprechaun trying to protect his pot of gold.
"Oh yeah ? You're gonna do...what ? Punish me and send me to bed without cookies ?", he mocked and you replied in all seriousness.
"Carry you on my shoulder and tuck you in bed like a teeny-weenie baby."
"...You wouldn't.", he tried to call on your bluff—but was met with a raised eyebrow and a challenging smirk.
"Попробуйте. (Try me.)"
Now, Jack is the only one who knows a little Russian, since his ex-wife was from Russian descendance through her great grandmother or something...
So, he would understand most of the things you say.
And, it was funny when you would pretend to have a whole conversation in front of the others when it would simply be an exchange of random Russian words with absolutely no context..
But sometimes...You would use the language to know you were being serious and Jack knew better than to protest.
So, he sighed in defeat and stood up.
"You know I could kill you, right ?", he told you as you were about to leave and you stilled for a second or two before smiling mysteriously back at him.
"ложиться спать (go to bed), Mr. Torrance."
Truth was, there was absolutely no way he would do that—and you both knew it.
Norman Bates :
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You : "Please. Let me hug you."
Call it Russian intuition—but you knew Norman needed a hug the moment you met.
There was just something that made you convinced that the man deserved one. And, it was quite strange as you hadn't even exchanged names yet.
However he didn't seem to mind as he simply tilted his head and asked.
"...On what grounds ?"
You shrugged in response.
"On the grounds that I wish to hug you."
Norman seemed a little taken aback—but not actually opposed to the idea. He stared at you for a while, trying to find out if there was anything in your eyes that could have been interpreted as bad intentions but...He found nothing.
He then crossed his arms over his chest and asked.
"Even if I decide to kill you afterwards ?"
You took two seconds to think about it before nodding.
"Never been so sure of anything in my life."
Norman seemed to hesitate for a moment before finally sighing in defeat and opening his arms.
"Fine. 5 seconds.", he indulged.
"10.", you attempted.
"4.", he said adamantly.
"Да. (Fine.)", you finally agreed and hugged him.
You stayed like this for 4 seconds exactly before Norman pulled away and you sighed. He did say 4 seconds...
"So, ready to die ?", he asked with a small playful smile and you nodded.
"It was worth it.", you replied with a small playful smile of your own and for a moment—Norman thought about actually killing you.
But, he only extended his hand forward.
"My name is Norman Bates."
You looked at the outstretched hand and smiled before shaking it.
"I'm Y/N."
And let me tell you, Norman had never felt such a powerful handshake in his life.
Penny :
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There wasn't much to say.
Penny immediately knew that you were trustworthy and didn't waste any time befriending you.
But, what was even funnier was that he perfectly knew Russian and when you were alone—he would often start talking to you in Russian just for the fun of it.
He found the language funny and liked the way it made his tongue feel weird.
But, Penny is also a mind reader. And he would sometimes make sure to creep the others out by finishing your sentences for you.
So, you would sometimes start shouting in Russian and he would loom over you from behind and start repeating your sentences word for word for dramatic effect—or support you.
You *after seeing Jason and Freddy fight for the third time this week* : "Сколько раз у нас должен быть этот разговор, пока ты не поймешь, что нужно себя вести ?! Ты хоть представляешь, как мне грустно видеть, как вы все время ссоритесь ?! (How many times do we have to have this conversation until you figure out how to behave ?! Do you have any idea how sad it makes me to see you guys fighting all the time ?!)
Penny *behind you and giggling maniacally* : "Идиоты (Idiots...)"
Esther and Five Hargreeves :
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You were about to ask Five and Esther to go to sleep when you barely managed to miss a bullet coming from their room.
You sighed.
"Children...What did I say about firearms indoors ? What is the meaning of this mutiny ?", you asked before entering their room and found them with angelic smiles on their faces.
Esther : "Well...we concerted between ourselves, and came to the conclusion that—as adults—we should no longer have a bed time."
You *sigh again and pinch the bridge of your nose tiredly* : "Bed time is for children and adults alike. I have a bed time too. And I cannot go to sleep until I know that you are in bed."
Five *chuckles* : "Too bad..We're not going to bed tonight."
"Дети", you tutted in fake disappointment—hiding your smile. "...Do we really have to do this every night ?"
Esther giggled and Five smiled darkly.
Esther *gets out knives* : "Don't tell us you don't like it."
Five *pulls out the gun he was hiding* : "Besides, you perfectly know we don't like it when people call us children. Gotta remind you somehow."
You *laugh and shake your head before shutting the door behind you with your foot* : "Fine. Let us play for a little."
Needless to say, they eventually got to bed.
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purplezombietumbler · 6 months
Okey but hear me out:
Imagine a Total Drama like show (animated parody of reality TV show), but instead of Survivor, it's a Parody of Real Housewives, and its cast is Horror Icons.
Look I just got out of work and I'm tired.
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fundiepredictions · 3 months
What happend in june
An overview of all the things that happend in june 2024
Nathan&Esther Bates (Keyes) announced baby #2 is a boy
Jason Duggar announced he is in a relationship with Maddie Grace Jones
Samuel Rodrigues announced he is in a relationship
Mitchell&Bryn Bontrager had baby #4
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essentionesque · 3 months
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Y'all missed a lot; here's what I've been doing-
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thefundiedata · 4 months
Family Overview | Nathan & Esther Bates
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Pre-Court: Late 2019 Courtship: October 2020 Engagement: May 2021 Marriage: October 2021
Pre-Marriage Relationship Length: ~661 days.
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Their Family: Kenna Joy Bates - October 2022
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So What's Next? Nathan and Esther are currently expecting Bates 2. They are due in October 2024. They are then predicted to announce Bates 3 in August 2026 for a birth in February 2027.
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duggardata · 2 years
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Kenna Joy arrived on Monday!
[ Permalink to Announcement ]
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fundamental-cactus · 2 years
I don’t understand what Nathan is wearing. Esther and Kenna are quite formal, and then Nathan is in a plaid shirt? This would have looked a million times better if he was in a red solid shirt. Heck, I would take any solid shirt over this. It really cheapens the look.
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countingandsnarkingon · 6 months
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More confirmation that Esther is pregnant?
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fundiebabez2 · 2 years
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Kenna Joy Bates - 10/17/2022
Welcome to the world, Kenna!
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I found a perler bead pattern by cosmic_view on Kandipatterns ( click here for pattern! ) which inspired me to make a version that will work better on my knitting machine for the style of scarves I make then I ended up modding the pattern into other horror movie characters. Shout out to Cosmic_View for their adorable Michael perler bead pattern!
1st row: Ghostface, Angela Baker, Michael Myers, Candyman, Freddy Krueger, Jason and Pamela Voorhees, Patrick Bateman
2nd row: Chucky, Tiffany, Leatherface, Chop Top, Nubbins, Drayton, Norman Bates, Ash Williams
3rd row: 2017 Pennywise, 1990 Pennywise, Hannibal Lector, Jack Torrance, Regan McNeil, Damien Thorn, Jennifer Check, Herbert West
4th row: Esther, Pearl, Gage Creed, Billy the Puppet, Annie Wilkes, Carrie White, Sam, Isaac Chroner
5th row: Beetlejuice, Samara Morgan, Sadako Yamamura, Kayako Saeki, Toshio Saeki, Gozer, Frankenstein's monster, Dracula
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
2022 Bates Predictions Review
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No baby for 2022. The house is looking great though.
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Unfortunately no baby this year. They have been promoting their business a lot but it doesn't seem like Michael has been allowed to get a job so she can use her degree.
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Erin hasn't really commented on her ovaries this year but thankfully Finley was born healthy. I was wrong about the house as they've moved to Florida.
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Lawson and Tiffany married in May. No attendance from Bindi but yes I'd say it was over the top compared to some of the other weddings.
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Nathan and Esther announced their pregnancy on Mother's Day and their daughter Kenna Joy was born in October, which is pretty much the end of the year.
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I was wrong about the pregnancy announcement but right about them adding to the family in the next few years. I knew Maci wasn't their final child.
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Tori was indeed pregnant when I wrote my predictions. She and Bobby welcomed Cambree (no K name) in August.
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Trace and Lydia got engaged quicker than I was expecting with their engagement in March and wedding in October.
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Turns out Layla unfortunately wasn't the only one experiencing health issues this year. Zade was born in mid March, they moved house but kept Izzy.
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No pregnancy announcement for these two.
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Katie did struggle with being away from her family and there were a lot of trips to see her in New Jersey. Baby #1 was announced in August and Hailey James is due in March.
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Jackson didn't join the police and instead got himself a girlfriend. Kelly sadly lost her mom. It was a fairly quiet year for everyone else.
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charliedawn · 2 years
Hello, not sure if you're taking requests at the moment but if not that's okay i just wanted to give it a try so, how would the slashers, including Freddy would react or how would it be like if female reader nurse asked them over to watch a movie at home?
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Best thing ever.
The moment you said 'at home', he was on board. No hesitation. The clown doesn't like social interaction and would be happy if someone asked him to stay home rather than go with the rest of the slashers to the theaters.
Introvert to the bone.
Pennywise *summons popcorn/what you like and plops down next to you* : "Come on. You pick the movie."
Pennywise would either pretend to snore the whole movie—even though he can't sleep—and laugh when you would remind him, or he would decide to appear on screen at random times and give you a good scare.
He would flinch if you'd start falling asleep on him—but wouldn't say anything and let you sleep.
Pennywise : "M'kay. Goodnight." *absent-mindedly runs his gloved fingers through your hair*
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Now, Penny is the opposite. He loves going out and would take it as a punishment at first—not being able to go to the theaters with the others.
But, he would quickly understand that it's because you want to stay home and have a quiet night to yourself and would suddenly feel proud that you decided to ask him to join you.
Penny *smiles widely* : "YOU WANT ME TO STAY WITH YOU ?! YAY !"
He would make it his duty for the night to never get boring and that you'd have as much fun as possible.
He would also make random snacks appear for your enjoyment and if you start sleeping on his shoulder—he would wrap an arm around you and let you sleep while watching the movie.
Penny *smiles widely* : "Goodnight, Y/N."
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He would be nervous..
'Is it...a date ?'
His mother warned him about that.
Should he bring anything ? Should he hide ? Should he just...
Big questions with no answer.
He would eventually be there an hour early and sit stiff on your coach—too afraid to mess things up if he'd move.
Jason doesn't trust himself and would wait for you to take every initiative. After a while, he would get more comfortable and calm down, but he would still observe you for any hint he may have done something wrong.
The moment you would start dozing off, he would come back to his state of complete panic and oak state. No sudden movement. He will not move until you wake up and tell him to go.
It doesn't mean he won't steal a glance at you from time to time and smile at your sleeping face.
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Now, Jack usually never leaves his bedroom because he prefers writing and drinking rather than going to the movies.
Two activities that can be very well done at home.
He would usually let you watch the movie you want while he works, but there are times where he would join you.
He would plop down next to you and once the movie chosen, would give you furtive glances—stalking your every expression and reaction.
Jack is a writer. Meaning he likes to draw inspiration from people to translate back into his writing.
It is the reason he would watch you intently.
He would judge your every reaction to the movie and try to make out your expressions in the dark.
If you start dozing off and falling asleep, he would shift so you start sleeping on him. He would also draw circles with his thumb on your knee—a gesture he used to exercise a lot with his son and to help him sleep when he had a bad nightmare. You would then witness the rare sight of a tender Jack.
However, the moment would be quickly cut off by the other slashers coming back and seeing the both of you.
He would come back to his smug bastard self and seek to to taunt them by wrapping an arm around you and raising his eyebrows at them.
"Hello, fellas ! How was the movie ?"
None of the slashers would miss the way you had fallen asleep on him and they would surely ressent Jack for it.
He knows it will probably get him more than his fair share of cold shoulders and dark glares for weeks to come—but worth it.
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"...Ya really wanna stay home with me ? Okay. But, I ain't cuddling."
First rule set. First rule broken.
Freddy would try to deny that he likes having you around, but would be the first one to volunteer to stay behind with you.
He's a softy at heart.
However, he chooses the movie. No questions asked.
You : "...Really ? Again ?"
Michael would set a safety distance between the two of you, as agreed with the other slashers. And a camera.
The slashers do not trust Freddy to be alone with anyone.
Freddy would prank you by appearing out of nowhere in the TV and give you a good scare.
Freddy will also do his very best to push beyond his boundaries and touch you as much as possible while staying discreet—knowing it would make the other slashers feral once they would see the camera footage.
And if you fall asleep on him ?
Welp—You had to expect it. He won't have any mercy on you.
Be prepared to wake up with paint or marker graffitis on your face.
But, remember.
Freddy is a dream demon, so he'll also jump in your head and see what/or who you're dreaming about.
And if it's one of the other slashers ?
You can be sure he'll use it as blackmail on you..And if it's about him ?
Smug as one can be..
Freddy *smirks knowingly at you when you wake up* : "...You had good dreams ?"
You *frown suspiciously at him* : "...You were in my dreams, right ?"
Freddy *smile widens* : "Aww...Of course I was, sweetheart. I'm the man of your dreams after all.."
You *snort and shake you head* : "You're impossible.."
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Michael would stay behind with pleasure, if he knows the children slashers are safe and will behave with the nurse in charge of them.
Michael would be glad to stay home and watch a movie with you.
It would give him a break and a chance to get to know you better.
But, he would still be on constant edge and it would take him a while to actually relax enough to enjoy the movie.
It is very hard for Michael to relax, especially with the other slashers around.
He feels responsible for them somehow.
He is a man with many demons and having a family is new to him. One that he doesn't have the urge to kill that is..
Michael is not a fan of the unexpected.
However, he would feel honored to have you sleep on him. He would remain as still as possible and either stay like this for the rest of the night, or slightly tilt his head backwards to catch some shut eye himself.
Myers would stare at you and watch over you and Michael while the other slashers are away.
He would also drape a blanket over the both of you and glare warningly at the slashers if they would attempt to wake you up.
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You *in tears* : "Norman..Why did he have to die at the end ?! Why did the Titanic have to sink ?!"
Norman *hugs you* : "Ssh..It's okay, darling. I am sure the producers didn't mean to make you sad."
Best sad movie buddy.
Will cuddle with you and try to soothe you the best he can.
Norman makes the best popcorn/movie snacks. Hands down.
He would be alright with watching anything and would find the experience "culturally entertaining". His words. Not mine.
He wouldn't mind if you slept on him and would even wrap an arm around your waist to secure you.
If he thinks you're not going to wake up before the end of the movie, he would switch off the TV and either carry you bridal style to your bedroom or put a blanket over the both of you so you may sleep next to each other on the coach.
Norman : "Goodnight, sweetheart.."
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Brahms would be overjoyed.
He likes to go out and make friends of course, but he does appreciate staying home and enjoying a quiet movie night as well.
Having a Brahms is like having a dog. He will be happy to stay with you, go out with you, do everything you want as long as you give him affection.
He would ask what movie you want to watch and respect your choice, even if it is a scary movie. He would pretend to be okay with it, only to grip your arm instinctively at every jump scare and covering his eyes at the smallest hint of a scary scene ahead.
At the end, he would almost he completely passed out on the coach with his blanket raised up to his nose.
Brahms *visibly whiter than usual* : "It was...nice ?"
Brahms doesn't like scary movies. It may be a bit odd for a slasher, but he doesn't like the sight of blood.
But, he'd put on his big boy's pants for you and keep you company, it doesn't mean he will say no to a romantic comedy or a cartoon instead.
Brahms *shakily grabs the remote when he thinks you're asleep and changes the movie*
Also Brahms *smiles widely when your head lands on his shoulder*
Happiest boy alive.
Special Bonus : Esther and Five..
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The slashers had decided to go see a scary movie, so you had chosen to stay behind with Five and the only other underaged patient in St Louis: Esther. You thought it would be a good idea for them to meet, as they may understand each other's situation better than most and it would allow you to stay home and enjoy a quiet night in.
However, you would soon come to regret that decision...
As she was admitted in the right wing of the hospital—the one you weren't in charge of—they hadn't had the chance to meet yet. But, you had succeeded in getting a special authorization from the head board and you had already met Esther before. She had seemed quite nice at the time, and you hoped the two of them would get along.
But, an awkward silence had settled the moment you had put in the movie. As expected, Esther was polite and seemed courteous enough, but Five wasn't as much. He had refused to shake her hand and hadn't even accepted to sit down next to her..
So, you had no choice but try to leave them alone for a moment, if only for the both of them to interact.
You *smile and stand up* : "I am going to bring back some snacks, anything you would like you two ?"
Five *shakes his head negatively* : "No snacks for me. But, coffee would be nice."
Esther *smiles widely at you* : "Vanilla ice cream with gummy worms, strawberries, peanuts and a lot of chocolate sirup please !"
You were a little taken aback by the request, but still nodded in agreement before walking away. You weren't sure you had all that, but you didn't want to disappoint her.
Five snorted at the girl's request and ignored the dark glare she sent his way.
"Great. I'm stuck babysitting.."
You patted his shoulder encouragingly.
"Come on, you two. Play nice.."
As soon as you were out of the room :
Esther waited until you were out of sight before losing her smile and turning towards Five with a stern expression.
"Listen here, kiddo. I'm not going to turn around the bush. I don't like you. You don't like me. And I think you should leave.."
Five arked a skeptical eyebrow at her.
Did she really think he wanted to be here ? Watching cartoons and eating pop corn all night with her ? He'd rather choke on his own saliva than waste it talking to a brat.
But, he was curious.
Five : "If you don't want to be here, why did you accept to come in the first place ?"
Esther stayed silent for a moment before clarifying.
"I didn't say I don't want to be here. I said I don't want you here. I want you gone. I only wanted to spend the night with Y/N. Alone."
He snorted rather uncharacteristically at that before shaking his head.
"There is no chance in hell I'm leaving her alone with you..What do you want with her anyway ?"
Esther *looks away* : "I...want to be admitted in the left wing."
Five frowned at that and asked—confused.
"There is a limited number of places. You got to have a special authorization to be admitted. The waiting list is long and most of the people in the left wing are in it.."
Esther *nods* : "I know that. This is why I want to take your place."
Five's eyes widened at the confession and he felt a threatening aura coming from the girl now.
"Take my place ? We're in an asylum, girlie. It's not like I had a choice or that we get special treatment here.."
Esther rolled her eyes and seethed.
"Drop the act. We both know the left wing is far better. You got booze, good food and actual bedrooms. We're sleeping in cells. We don't have the kind of luxury you got here. We don't have Y/N.."
Five thought about it. It was true he had heard rumors of the right wing, but he didn't think it was that bad..Changes had been made since your arrival, better living conditions for the left wing anyway..He felt bad for Esther. However, he wasn't willing to give up his place for her. He shook his head.
Five : "Yeah ? Well, tough luck I guess..Doesn't mean I'll give you my spot."
Esther *grins evilly* : "Oh. I know that..Good thing I'm not asking."
Five frowned in incomprehension until Esther suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs and grabbed the scissors to cut a piece of her hair with it. You rushed in and your eyes widened as you saw a sobbing Esther pointing her finger accusatively at Five.
Esther : "HE CUT MY HAIR !"
Five : "WHAT THE HELL ?! NO, I DIDN'T !"
You looked at the both of them alternatively. You knew that technically they were both adults, but slashers could act differently than normal people. For example, Brahms acted like a child and wished to be treated as one. Five didn't. But, they were both acting so childishly at the moment, you wondered if you had to punish them accordingly ?
"Hum..Well..Go to your room."
Okay. It didn't sound very convincing, but they did obey you. Five grumbled curses under his breath and ran up to his bedroom before slamming the door behind him. Esther stayed put. You then realized you hadn't thought of where to let her sleep yet..
You then recalled that the only patient with a bed to spare happened to be Five and sighed loudly.
It was going to be a long night..
In their bedroom :
Esther was facing Five with a big cheeky grin while Five was glaring daggers at her. You wondered if you should stay with them, but decided it was best for them to talk things out without you. You would be on the other side of the door anyway, so nothing could go wrong...Right ?
"Good night.."
Neither of them answered you.
Once they were alone :
Five : "You think just because she sent me to bed, she'll accept to keep you instead of me ? Bad luck, genius. She punished you too.."
Esther *giggles* : "You really aren't smart, are you ? It was just a ruse so we might be alone. Now, I just gotta find a way to get rid of you, and there will be an empty spot..See ?"
Five had never seen another person like him. But, he did face his double once. He knew Esther was smarter than she let on and he had to be careful..She had already killed after all. Only killers were admitted in St Louis. Besides, she had a mischievous smirk on her lips that betrayed her malicious nature. Her hand wrapped around the handle of the knife she had hid earlier underneath her pillow when you weren't looking..However, Five had noticed it of course. She suddenly threw it at him with uncanny precision, but Five succeeded in teleporting out of the way just in time.
He then looked at the spot where his head had been a few seconds ago and his eyes widened at the knife now planted there.
Five : "Good aim for a six year old."
Esther hadn't even flinched. She stared at him and sighed before standing up and clasping her hands behind her back. Her face betrayed no emotion as she replied.
"I'm 42, you prick."
Five's lips split into a mad grin as he shrugged.
"Good. I'm not going to feel as bad for killing you then.."
Esther laughed loudly, as if he had just made the funniest joke ever before displaying what she had hidden underneath her cardigan..
Knives. A lot of them.
"Sh*t..", Five uttered and Esther giggled at his bewildered expression.
"~You have seen nothing yet.."
Five's grin now matched hers before he grabbed his axe off the wall.
"~Oh..It's on, you little gremlin."
Meanwhile with you :
You had returned from the kitchen with Esther's order and Five's coffee.
You had decided to allow them their snacks, as they had at least agreed to share a room. Maybe were you even going to have your peaceful movie night after all ? But, you didn't expect to find the room in such disarray upon your arrival.
Knives in the walls. Bed sheets on the floor. Pillow feathers everywhere..
Five and Esther in the middle of the chaos—the both of them wearing wide innocent grins.
You : "....So, did the talking work ?"
Five *nods* : "Yup. I feel soooo much better. Thanks for the coffee by the way."
He teleported to grab his coffee and Esther's treat before giving it to her.
Esther *agrees* : "Yes. We had a real heartfelt one-on-one.." *takes a spoon of her ice cream*
For some reason, you felt as if they were lying...Maybe was it the cuts on Five's arms, or the wound on Esther's forehead.
You sighed.
"...I'll bring back the aid kit. Try not to kill each other while I'm gone.."
There was no surprise when you returned and found Five's face covered with ice cream and chocolate sirup dripping down his shoulders, or Esther drenched in coffee..
So much for a quiet night in..
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