#Emerald City Siblings
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tecnestheim962 · 4 months ago
I love how in this shot, Oscar is apologizing to Jinn in the most sincere and adorable way for not having a question. And emerald is like: “boy, you have literally been tortured within an inch of your life and you’re apologizing?”
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months ago
Oscar: Someone got kicked out of the aquarium for fighting the fish!
Emerald: *Soaked in water* Maybe the Fish were being dick!
Octopus will sometimes punch fish for seemingly no reason.
Ciel: Good morning Penny. *Kisses*
Penny: Good morning Ciel!
Ciel: Good morning Jaune. *Kisses*
Jaune: 'morning Honey!
Ciel: And a good morning to you, Weiss. *Kisses*
Weiss: Good Morning dear, I made Coffee just how you like it.
Ciel: *Smiling* Thank you Weiss~
Harbor seals are thought to engage in polygamous mating habits and rituals.
Orcas will hunt sharks specifically for their livers and leave the rest
Yang: *Punches Jaune in the nose*
Jaune: *Tanks it*
Yang: *Punches Jaune in the side*
Jaune: *Doubles over*
Punching a shark in the nose is not nearly as effective as punching it in the eyes or gills
Neo: *Preparing food at 4 A.M, using groceries she stole from someone*
Lionfish are skilled hunters, certain species preferring to hunt in the morning.
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squipedmew · 1 year ago
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canon interaction
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genimas · 11 months ago
RWBY Volume 10- Mercury meets Emerald and Oscar in Vacuo
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Still trying digital art. Please tell me if my grammar is wrong so I can fix it.
Gonna improve this in the future
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malice-death · 2 years ago
Emerald City Siblings Headcannons
Welcome back to the Hell and Paradise that is my Headcannons.
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Even though Emerald only knew Oscar for the shortest time, she assumes that Oscar is just one of her own. A brother in arms types.
Oscar tends to act as more of the responsible sibling, but as they spent more time together, he ended up getting into more trouble. Even creating his own safe place, and than later showing it to Emerald, so she could use it to. Sibling goals.
At the beginning a lot of people didn't take Oscar seriously, and Emerald ended up being more scary than she intended. Though Oscar did the same when people weren't willing to trust her.
Even though most of the Beacon students made it to Vacuo a lot of them seeing Oscar and Emerald together just assumed they were related. Even going as far as to refer to them as Emerald's little brother vice a versa with Oscar's older/big sister.
If Oscar is the little prince, than that means Emerald is the fox that he tames.
When Jaune returns with team RWBY, he goes back to acting Oscar's older brother figure, and Emerald and him would end up in constant competitions later over his attention. Oscar never notices of course.
Emerald and Oscar both have scars that they want to hide, and both spend some time talking about those experiences.
They both start using hand motions and just glances to get through to each other, and both team JNR + RWBY don't know what to make of it.
Emerald is the wingwoman who helps Oscar get a date with Ruby in turn, the farmboy helps her set up a few dates with Mercury.
They both sometimes joke about who has the best relationship. Usually its Emerald due to knowing Mercury longer, all things considered.
Oscar's aunt ends up offering to make Emerald part of her family, and Emerald ends up crying while accepting the offer.
That's all I could think of with this strange friendship. Its great to work with these characters.
Also for the fact that writing these two turned out to be a lot of fun.
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joshy-tomato · 2 years ago
I was just thinking on how Nora and Oscar could nickname Emerald as Emy.
Then I thought of Oscar's name.
The emerald sibs are really...
The Oscars and the Emmys.
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your-mums-nuts · 2 years ago
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My baby angels who also have malicious intentions with you (they took your wallet)
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angstandhappiness · 2 years ago
Oscar, walking up to Ren and Nora while holding Emerald’s hand: Can we keep her?
Ren: It’s a big responsibility…
Oscar: Pleeeeease? She doesn’t bite!
Emerald: Yes the fuck I do
Nora: Nice, let’s keep her
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threbe · 1 year ago
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Figured I'd post my favorite characters of colors since this Black History month so here are mine from the show rwby
And say what you like I know a lot of people may or may not think of him that way but I see Oscar is black / mixed
When you look at the main cast unless you know that some of them are Asian you just see what looks like white characters even on the secondary team they all just seem like white passing characters even ran who even though you can tell he's Asian coded same with blake
Oscar Maria and emerald if you count them as a part of the main cast like I do or the only few characters are of a dark skin tone
Even looking back at the earlier volumes of Ruby like volumes 1-3 one of the few black characters you have that people mainly recognize our emerald there are a few others that get introduced but they're such minor characters they're not a lot of people even mention them
I'm hoping we get a few more characters whenever we get volume 10 and I do hope that they are black
I also kind of hope the writers get better at writing characters of color because every time they write a character a color in this show they just get killed off or have to be redeemed or they're making bad decisions for no reason and yeah like even with the aesops they reviewed as the enemy so the latter half of volume 7 and even all through Volume 8
But there's something about the Aesop's characters and how they were portrayed I didn't like that well besides maybe marrow he seemed the most relatable and it's not just because we actually spent more time with him on screen it's just something about how the others and even other black characters have kind of been written in the show that just rubs me the wrong way as a black person I've seen a few others talk about this like I said I just hope we get some more black characters and later volumes if we get them and that they're written a bit better
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theglasscat · 2 years ago
i think there would be a really easy way to combine the first oz books wherein dorothy aids in the discovery of ozma and in learning of the wizard's misdeeds against a land not his own she would have a firmer compassion to the place she was trying to escape from and we could feel satisfied when she returns to kansas
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tecnestheim962 · 2 months ago
I wanna see Oscar and Oz bicker. Like, in the way where it’s like Oscar sees him as if he were three feet away and they’re just fighting over hot cocoa or something. I need that domestic fluff in my life right now with all the pain from the merge and v9 and the world ending and everything.
Oh yeah, and it totally has to end with Oscar getting grounded and have the whole “Go to your room!” And then emerald finds him fuming in a corner in his room.
When she asks, all he says is, “I had an argument with Oz and now I’m grounded.” And Emerald has to sit there and do the mental gymnastics of trying to figure out how and why that works.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months ago
Emerald: *Hugging Oscar* Who needs therapy when you've got family?
Ruby: Who needs antidepressants when you got boba?
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months ago
Oscar: *Sitting in a chair, steepling his fingers* Hello Ruby.
Ruby: Uh ... Hey Oscar? What's up?
Oscar: So ... You're dating Emerald?
Ruby: Uh, yes?
Oscar: I had thought so. Please take care not to hurt her, she means a great deal to me-
Ruby: Wait, are you giving me the shovel talk?
Oscar: Not Quite. I won't be threatening you, and even if I did, I have no doubt that you could well and truly defend yourself from me.
Oscar: I'm simply asking you to be Patient with her. She's still recovering from all that Cinder and Salem had done to her. I have no doubt that she will make mistakes in the future, and it will require patience for her to learn to let you help recover from said mistake.
Ruby: I know Oscar. I've been there- in a some kind of similar position at least - I planned on it happening, and I was going to do that anyway.
Oscar: I'm just making sure. Thank you Ruby.
Ruby: Not a problem Oscar.
Yang: *Playing Superb Strike Siblings with Emerald* You hurt Ruby, I'll kill you.
Emerald:*Button Mashing* If I hurt Ruby, I'll let you.
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squipedmew · 2 years ago
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this meme was made for OMEN Oscar and Emerald.
not me debuting the revised designs in a meme lmao
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months ago
My toxic trait is that I think if Elphaba, Galinda, Fiyero, Nessarose and Boq had all gone to the Emerald City together as friend group, they totally would have been able to stop the Wizard and Morrible. Wouldn’t have even been a challenge.
Galinda, Nessarose, and Boq might have been hesitant or afraid to openly challenge the Wizard, but as soon as Elphaba objected and the Wizard and Morrible made their little threats, Fiyero would for sure throw a punch in the Wizard’s direction, at which point the battle is on and the group is running through the Wizard’s castle being chased by flying monkeys like they’re the Scooby Doo gang. Fiyero swinging around on those hot air balloon ropes knocking guards left and right, Boq panicking and accidentally doing some looney tunes style stunt that saves Nessrose, and they all escape on the balloon to Kiamo Ko with the Wizard as a hostage, because Fiyero would for sure drag that pathetic mess on board, tied up and everything to make sure they can escape.
And Morrible wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it because you know that the second Nessa calls her dad to complain, the governor is going to come rolling up to the Emerald City in his ridiculous top hat yelling in Morrible’s face demanding to know “what kind of school she thinks she’s representing here?” and talking about how he wasn’t made aware of this unauthorized balloon field trip, and panicking about Nessa falling out of the sky. Now Morrible has to deal with him, and she can’t pull the “a wicked green witch kidnapped our Wizard and his spellbook” this time, because is she really gonna say the witch was either helped by or succeeding in kidnapping (in addition to the Wizard) a famous prince, the daughter of wealthy upper class, the beloved and favorite daughter of an esteemed governor, and another random student all on her watch? There are only so many people you can throw under the bus before the story is too crazy to be believed, plus now you have all those angry parents demanding explanations. So now Morrible has got to tell everyone some bs story about an “unfortunate ballooning accident, which she is sure the Wizard will rectify in no time” while she figures out her next move.
Meanwhile, at Kiamo Ko, the kids have the Wizard tied up and he’s trying to reason with them but they aren’t having it, and since this is an integration, it eventually comes out that he’s Elphaba’s deadbeat dad. He gets emotional and tries to spin it as a tragic star crossed lovers story rather than a one night stand and Nessa’s not having it because if you found out your parent cheated with a villainous dictator who tried to kill their own child who is also your half-sister and then said dictator has the nerve to try to spin it into a story where you’re supposed to feel sad for them because they “couldn’t be with the woman they loved” (because she was married to your father) and “never knew their child” (because they left knowing full while their actions could have created your sibling) you’d be mad too. And Elphaba is also angry because who would want to be related to someone willing to oppress people for power? Pathetic.
But Boq stops Nessa from angrily doing anything crazy to the Wizard because after he saved Nessa from some flying monkeys, he realized that he loves her and that Galinda doesn’t like him and he has to respect that, and now that the gang has had time to talk, Galinda also realizes Fiyero obviously loves Elphaba and decides to be happy for them, because they all take one look at the Wizard’s fake overdramatic crying for a woman he had a one night stand with who was never gonna leave her husband for him anyway who he never even called again anyway so why is he crying now, and they say “let’s not over complicate our love lives and be mature about our feelings.” Good decision on their part.
Meanwhile, the Wizard tries to start singing about his regrets and offers them all a chance to rule with him if only they’ll untie him, but no one is having it and they send him and Morrible to jail and make Elphaba the new Wizard because she’s the one with the actual power. She can visit her father in prison, and he can do his silly little puppet/figurine shows and song/dance numbers for her then. If he has good behavior, maybe Elphaba can make him her court jester because goodness knows all the Wizard is good for is being a clown. Morrible stays in jail, no parole. Then you’ve Elphaba ruling the Emerald City, Fiyero ruling Winkie Country, Galinda being an elite socialite in Gilkin Country or wherever she’s from and Nessa ruling Munchkin Land with Boq at her side, willingly this time. The whole friend group is running Oz and making it better. The end.
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joshy-tomato · 2 years ago
Rosegarden and Emerald city siblings brainroot:
Im thinking on Ruby and Emerald having a small rivalry because in the months/year RWBYJ where in the Ever After Emerald became Oscar's partner, and she feels like its her duty to keep him safe. Meanwhile Ruby, with the death Oscar Ilussion still fresh on her mind, she feels the need to protect him. And also the fact that on Ruby's timeline, Emerald defected like yesterday and she doesnt know if she can trust her, even less with Oscar safety on the line.
You could tell Oscar is pretty done with both of them.
Also they having to team up to save Oscar when he eventually gets himself in trouble/captured/goes missing (bcs of course he would).
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