leochbatteryglobal · 9 months
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The discharge process will not appear electrolyte stratification, the high current discharge performance is better ❗
The rated capacity of C20 in small-size battery is usually less than 38Ah ❗
Small-size batteries are mainly used in small power scenarios ❗
The practical battery selection is more complex, welcome to leave message, our experts will provide you with effective power solutions!
About small-size batteries, 3 basic insights you should know! 👀
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jcmarchi · 2 hours
Kirigami Principles Drive Breakthrough in Microrobot Design
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/kirigami-principles-drive-breakthrough-in-microrobot-design/
Kirigami Principles Drive Breakthrough in Microrobot Design
Recent years have witnessed significant strides in the field of microscale robotics, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible at the miniature level. These advancements have paved the way for potential breakthroughs in areas ranging from medical applications to environmental monitoring. In this landscape of innovation, researchers at Cornell University have made a noteworthy contribution, developing microscale robots that can transform their shape on command.
The team, led by Professor Itai Cohen from Cornell’s Department of Physics, has created robots less than one millimeter in size that can change from a flat, two-dimensional form into various three-dimensional shapes. This development, detailed in a paper published in Nature Materials, represents a significant leap forward in the capabilities of microscale robotic systems.
Application of Kirigami Techniques in Robotic Engineering
At the heart of this breakthrough lies an innovative application of kirigami principles to robotic design. Kirigami, a variation of origami that involves cutting as well as folding paper, has inspired engineers to create structures that can change shape in precise and predictable ways.
In the context of these microscale robots, kirigami techniques allow for the incorporation of strategic cuts and folds in the material. This design approach enables the robots to transform from a flat state into complex three-dimensional configurations, granting them unprecedented versatility at the microscale level.
The researchers have dubbed their creation a “metasheet robot.” The term “meta” here refers to metamaterials – engineered materials with properties not found in naturally occurring substances. In this case, the metasheet is composed of numerous building blocks working in concert to produce unique mechanical behaviors.
This metasheet design allows the robot to change its coverage area and expand or contract locally by up to 40%. The ability to adopt various shapes potentially enables these robots to interact with their environment in ways previously unattainable at this scale.
Technical Specifications and Functionality
The microscale robot is constructed as a hexagonal tiling composed of approximately 100 silicon dioxide panels. These panels are interconnected by more than 200 actuating hinges, each measuring about 10 nanometers in thickness. This intricate arrangement of panels and hinges forms the basis of the robot’s shape-shifting capabilities.
The transformation and movement of these robots are achieved through electrochemical activation. When an electrical current is applied via external wires, it triggers the actuating hinges to form mountain and valley folds. This actuation causes the panels to splay open and rotate, enabling the robot to change its shape.
By selectively activating different hinges, the robot can adopt various configurations. This allows it to potentially wrap around objects or unfold back into a flat sheet. The ability to crawl and change shape in response to electrical stimuli demonstrates a level of control and versatility that sets these robots apart from previous microscale designs.
Potential Applications and Implications
The development of these shape-shifting microscale robots opens up a multitude of potential applications across various fields. In the realm of medicine, these robots could revolutionize minimally invasive procedures. Their ability to change shape and navigate through complex bodily structures could make them invaluable for targeted drug delivery or microsurgery.
In the field of environmental science, these robots could be deployed for microscale monitoring of ecosystems or pollutants. Their small size and adaptability would allow them to access and interact with environments that are currently difficult to study.
Furthermore, in materials science and manufacturing, these robots could serve as building blocks for reconfigurable micromachines. This could lead to the development of adaptive materials that can change their properties on demand, opening up new possibilities in fields such as aerospace engineering or smart textiles.
Future Research Directions
The Cornell team is already looking ahead to the next phase of this technology. One exciting avenue of research is the development of what they term “elastronic” materials. These would combine flexible mechanical structures with electronic controllers, creating ultra-responsive materials with properties that surpass anything found in nature.
Professor Cohen envisions materials that can respond to stimuli in programmed ways. For instance, when subjected to force, these materials could “run” away or push back with greater force than they experienced. This concept of intelligent matter governed by principles that transcend natural limitations could lead to transformative applications across multiple industries.
Another area of future research involves enhancing the robots’ ability to harvest energy from their environment. By incorporating light-sensitive electronics into each building block, researchers aim to create robots that can operate autonomously for extended periods.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite the exciting potential of these microscale robots, several challenges remain. One primary concern is scaling up the production of these devices while maintaining precision and reliability. The intricate nature of the robots’ construction presents significant manufacturing hurdles that need to be overcome for widespread application.
Additionally, controlling these robots in real-world environments poses substantial challenges. While the current research demonstrates control via external wires, developing systems for wireless control and power supply at this scale remains a significant hurdle.
Ethical considerations also come into play, particularly when considering potential biomedical applications. The use of microscale robots inside the human body raises important questions about safety, long-term effects, and patient consent that will need to be carefully addressed.
The Bottom Line
The development of shape-shifting microscale robots by Cornell University researchers marks a significant milestone in robotics and materials science. By ingeniously applying kirigami principles to create metasheet structures, this breakthrough opens up a wide array of potential applications, from revolutionary medical procedures to advanced environmental monitoring. 
While challenges in manufacturing, control, and ethical considerations remain, this research lays the groundwork for future innovations such as “elastronic” materials. As this technology continues to evolve, it has the potential to reshape multiple industries and our broader technological landscape, demonstrating once again how advancements at the microscale can lead to outsized impacts on science and society.
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stonylabchem · 2 months
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STONYLAB Glass Sealed Electrolytic Cell with PTFE Lid for Electrochemistry
Price as low as $348.83 USD
Portable Sealed Electrolytic Cell are used for electrochemical reactions, experiments, and tests
Capacity: 10 ml
This kit includes 10 ml glass cell, PTFE stopper and sleeve and 2 electrode holders
The top inlet port design helps to inject material without opening the lid; Side hose can be used to fill in gas or connect to vacuum pump
Warranty: StonyLab 1-year limited warranty; if received damaged, please contact us immediately; we will solve it until satisfied
Products also shown in pictures:
Mini magnetic stirrer
Tubular Electrolytic Cell Reaction Bracket
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Find our full electrochemistry collection at
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So heavily rusted was this metal bollard on a concrete jetty jutting out into the sea for about thirty feet that it almost resembled ancient teakwood!!! one had a hard time recognizing it for the metallic structure it in fact was..
The jetty was undergoing repair at the time I visited it, but one wonders at the faith of future boats who choose to use this rusted hulk as an anchoring point!!!.
Nothing brings out the crippling corrosive power of salt spray than do these stark images of corrosion gone absolutely amuck.
Dawis Beach, near Digos City, Mindanao, The Philippines, January 26, 2024.
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energynews247 · 10 months
Atomic-scale probing of short-range order and its impact on electrochemical properties in cation-disordered oxide cathodes
Material synthesis The cathodes designated as Li1.2Ti0.4Mn0.4O2.0 (LTMO) and Li1.2Ti0.2Mn0.6O1.8F0.2 (LTMOF) were prepared through a conventional solid-state reaction process. Starting materials such as Li2CO3 (sourced from Alfa Aesar with an ACS purity of at least 99%), Mn2O3 (with a purity of 99.9% from Alfa Aesar), TiO2 (99.9% pure, Alfa Aesar), and LiF (Alfa Aesar, with a purity of 99.99%)…
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u3pxx · 3 months
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brain empty skills doodling WAHOO
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leeb57555 · 1 year
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
Conversely, K+ channels that open only at potentials more positive than the Nernst potential for K+ are outwardly rectifying, or outward, K+ channels (Figure 6.8). Inward K+ channels function in the accumulation of K+ from the apoplast, as occurs, for example, during K+ uptake by guard cells in the process of stomatal opening (see Figure 6.8).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Siffrin plays Disco Elysium AU: Featuring backseat gamer Loop.
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norfkid · 11 months
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Proton-conducting materials could enable new green energy technologies
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/proton-conducting-materials-could-enable-new-green-energy-technologies/
Proton-conducting materials could enable new green energy technologies
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As the name suggests, most electronic devices today work through the movement of electrons. But materials that can efficiently conduct protons — the nucleus of the hydrogen atom — could be key to a number of important technologies for combating global climate change.
Most proton-conducting inorganic materials available now require undesirably high temperatures to achieve sufficiently high conductivity. However, lower-temperature alternatives could enable a variety of technologies, such as more efficient and durable fuel cells to produce clean electricity from hydrogen, electrolyzers to make clean fuels such as hydrogen for transportation, solid-state proton batteries, and even new kinds of computing devices based on iono-electronic effects.
In order to advance the development of proton conductors, MIT engineers have identified certain traits of materials that give rise to fast proton conduction. Using those traits quantitatively, the team identified a half-dozen new candidates that show promise as fast proton conductors. Simulations suggest these candidates will perform far better than existing materials, although they still need to be conformed experimentally. In addition to uncovering potential new materials, the research also provides a deeper understanding at the atomic level of how such materials work.
The new findings are described in the journal Energy and Environmental Sciences, in a paper by MIT professors Bilge Yildiz and Ju Li, postdocs Pjotrs Zguns and Konstantin Klyukin, and their collaborator Sossina Haile and her students from Northwestern University. Yildiz is the Breene M. Kerr Professor in the departments of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering.
“Proton conductors are needed in clean energy conversion applications such as fuel cells, where we use hydrogen to produce carbon dioxide-free electricity,” Yildiz explains. “We want to do this process efficiently, and therefore we need materials that can transport protons very fast through such devices.”
Present methods of producing hydrogen, for example steam methane reforming, emit a great deal of carbon dioxide. “One way to eliminate that is to electrochemically produce hydrogen from water vapor, and that needs very good proton conductors,” Yildiz says. Production of other important industrial chemicals and potential fuels, such as ammonia, can also be carried out through efficient electrochemical systems that require good proton conductors.
But most inorganic materials that conduct protons can only operate at temperatures of 200 to 600 degrees Celsius (roughly 450 to 1,100 Fahrenheit), or even higher. Such temperatures require energy to maintain and can cause degradation of materials. “Going to higher temperatures is not desirable because that makes the whole system more challenging, and the material durability becomes an issue,” Yildiz says. “There is no good inorganic proton conductor at room temperature.” Today, the only known room-temperature proton conductor is a polymeric material that is not practical for applications in computing devices because it can’t easily be scaled down to the nanometer regime, she says.
To tackle the problem, the team first needed to develop a basic and quantitative understanding of exactly how proton conduction works, taking a class of inorganic proton conductors, called solid acids. “One has to first understand what governs proton conduction in these inorganic compounds,” she says. While looking at the materials’ atomic configurations, the researchers identified a pair of characteristics that directly relates to the materials’ proton-carrying potential.
As Yildiz explains, proton conduction first involves a proton “hopping from a donor oxygen atom to an acceptor oxygen. And then the environment has to reorganize and take the accepted proton away, so that it can hop to another neighboring acceptor, enabling long-range proton diffusion.” This process happens in many inorganic solids, she says. Figuring out how that last part works — how the atomic lattice gets reorganized to take the accepted proton away from the original donor atom — was a key part of this research, she says.
The researchers used computer simulations to study a class of materials called solid acids that become good proton conductors above 200 degrees Celsius. This class of materials has a substructure called the polyanion group sublattice, and these groups have to rotate and take the proton away from its original site so it can then transfer to other sites. The researchers were able to identify the phonons that contribute to the flexibility of this sublattice, which is essential for proton conduction. Then they used this information to comb through vast databases of theoretically and experimentally possible compounds, in search of better proton conducting materials.
As a result, they found solid acid compounds that are promising proton conductors and that have been developed and produced for a variety of different applications but never before studied as proton conductors; these compounds turned out to have just the right characteristics of lattice flexibility. The team then carried out computer simulations of how the specific materials they identified in their initial screening would perform under relevant temperatures, to confirm their suitability as proton conductors for fuel cells or other uses. Sure enough, they found six promising materials, with predicted proton conduction speeds faster than the best existing solid acid proton conductors.
“There are uncertainties in these simulations,” Yildiz cautions. “I don’t want to say exactly how much higher the conductivity will be, but these look very promising. Hopefully this motivates the experimental field to try to synthesize them in different forms and make use of these compounds as proton conductors.”
Translating these theoretical findings into practical devices could take some years, she says. The likely first applications would be for electrochemical cells to produce fuels and chemical feedstocks such as hydrogen and ammonia, she says.
The work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Wallenberg Foundation, and the U.S. National Science Foundation.
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rynli · 19 days
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me: I should write the one-shot that lives in my head about Harry applying for a job
brain: you will write a whole casefic about Harry realizing being a cop already killed him once, acab applies even to Kim, and he needs to quit if he wants to get better
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porosenoksposts · 6 months
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whatudottu · 3 months
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"You said you can read minds, yes?" The question was emphasised by the tilt of a head, neutral expression flat on crystalline face. "You've mentioned it's pretty overwhelming, you can't control what you hear?" "Yes, yes, and no... not really..." Came Ra'ad's reply, his attention diverted to focus on the corner where wall meets ceiling. Reviewing the biopsychology notes Chio had on amperi, a frown shifts his jaw just enough to be noticed. "If it's not too much to ask," Chio shifts, eyes flicking over his own handwriting to focus in Ra'ad's general direction; he's met by a brief flick of eye contact, "Could you tell me what I'm thinking of now?"
Haha magics and mutants au Ra'ad gets diagnosed as a psychic :P let's hope this neurodivergent old man gets the ability to stop having unwanted voices broadcasting in his head :)c
and a coloured Chio my beautiful therapist 😌
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volivolition · 11 days
Your tags in my notes give me life every time 🙏🙏thank you so much!
I would love to hear your thoughts on what might happen to Esprit post-RCM!! And yeah poor electrochem... I think it was meant for the little daily dopamine highs of life, the good food and new experiences and cute cats, but it's been hijacked by addiction into something best ignored :((
!! YESS omg of course, you make such good art AND writing i have gotta pay my respects!! hgkjh delighted to see your DE fanworks always :3 <33
!! HELL YES I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE, and its so cool to have that echem mention because it's a really good parallel: YES!! Electrochemistry is made to take care of general mesolimbic system reports and for lil everyday happy dopamine moments, little treats and smiles from kim hkjhg but it gets fucked up by addiction because HOLY SHIT life is AWFUL and DEPRESSING and surely drugs and alcohol will save us!! :')
AND SIMILARLY!! i think Esprit De Corps (literally Group Spirit or team spirit) is originally meant to be a skill of Community and Belonging, but gets fucked up by the RCM!! more under cut because this is LONG hgkjh
in my headcanons, Esprit is the youngest skill to form, but it wasn't as late as the RCM. Originally, I think that Esprit was made for the kinship Harry felt for the The Fifteenth Indotribe. Harry and seven other kids, running together as a group of friends causing trouble, this was Harry's first sense of belonging somewhere. Pretty low level and not as psychically linked, just happy to feel connected to people. When the indotribe eventually fell apart, Esprit was left fractured and dormant for a while as Harry drifted from having a sense of community. Esprit for real, at this point in time, Esprit is a ghost of a fury, low level and barely tangible.
(The thing holding them together was their attachment to the other skills, because at least they're still part of a group that way, even if Harry wasn't. Friends with Empathy, a part of the psyches, one of the 24 skills. If Esprit lacked those bonds with the other furies, its likely they would have faded entirely.)
Then Harry became a gym teacher, and Esprit returns as Esprit L'école (School Spirit :3) which helps him communicate with school staff, faculty and students. And Harry cares about this new community dearly. Deeply tender at heart, Harry loves the kids in his classes and finds camaraderie with his coworkers and wants the best for this school. Not just the best gym teacher, he's one of the best teachers in general. He puts his everything into this school, and Esprit L'école thrives in this new environment for several years.
Then they meet Dora, and shit gets fucked!! Dora convinces Harry to join the RCM, and Esprit fractures further. Unlike the Fifteenth Indotribe or the Grand Couron High School, this isn't something he finds community in. I mean, they think they do at first. The RCM is meant to help the community, right? Surely working here will bolster Esprit? But y'know how it goes, RCM culture is harsh and immoral and corrupted at its heart, for the scarce good they can do, there is so, so much bad for the community and god Esprit is hurting.
...but this is for Dora, and trying to put a bandage on a dying relationship, so Esprit De Corps forces it. Forces themselves to lean hard into the kinship with cops and to fit into police culture and conform to RCM standards, forces himself to be The Cop Skill. All of the skills at this point are going into overdrive as well, Volition tries to focus on hard work in hopes that it will pay off in the long run, Empathy tries to make himself smaller so he's not in the way, Echem is RUNNING OUT OF DOPAMINE and oh hey, this speed shit makes us a better cop, I'll take it!! dear god, the RCM is fucking over ALL THE SKILLS, everyone is struggling at this point.
And Dora leaves. Harry suffers, and so do the skills, and trying to distract from it, they just launch themselves HARDER into the RCM shit. nothing else to live for, to do, throw all reluctance to the wind, work yourself to the brink of death. 18 total years of service, 216 cases, above 90% of officers in the entire RCM, a Lieutenant Double-Yefreitor. Renowned and accomplished; this is not the community Esprit De Corps loves, but it is the one he's entrenched in, and nothing, not even amnesia, can detach him from this.
Until they quit.
honestly ive seen like! a few fics where harry quits the RCM, and always thought, "oh hey nice acab :] ...HEY WAIT WHAT'S ESPRIT DOING." so i made a fic, because a LOT of my fics are focused on the skills side of things. the humans are no longer my priority, i am a skills lover and my fucking god i gotta make my own food around here [gestures at several in-progress pasta bakes and cake batters and salad ingredients because EVERYTHING IS WIPS]
there was a first concept that was just like "DOES ESPRIT JUST DISAPPEAR???" which would have been TRAGIC and i could've made a whole cool thing about it but im alrEADY WORKING ON SEVERAL MULTI-CHAPTERS HKJHG and that's not how skills work in my canon <3
so my fic is a oneshot called "Who Are You, If Not..." because when you've made your whole life one thing and that thing gets taken away from you, who do you become? and its not very plot heavy, it's just a late-night conversation between the psyche skills.
here's a snippet from while i was working on the coding hkgjh
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(since i write a lot of skills, i have this style where i put all skill actions in the [check] color and leave dialogue in white, which is a little restrictive to work with but i like how it turns out <33)
to lose a group you attached yourself to, even if they were bad for you, even if everything about it sucked. but you keep checking in, you keep instinctively going back because at least it was something. ough... i think it's scary for them, yknow? he's losing touch with what he based his existence around, and he knows its for the better, but it's... complicated hkjgh
ANYWAY THOSE ARE MY ESPRIT THOUGHTS HKJHG <33 thank you for reading if you did!! i LOVE the concept of esprit being more than just the cop skill, he's the skill of community to me!! hkjhg yay :]
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six-six-cicada · 5 months
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