#Elderly Wellness
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Don't let republicans fool you with their national populism cause they do not give a single care for veterans who died and suffered for America. They would hollow out the VA and fill it corporate and political stooges who would blindly follow the GOP's bidding. Our government doesn't care enough for veterans and here we have Republicans confirming it, remember it was Biden who passed the CARE act. So remember a future where our soldiers suffer more than they already do is what the Republicans want.
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afriblaq · 2 months ago
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charliezeltzer · 7 months ago
I'm just kinda raw right now
I reached out to my local DNC to see how I can help and use my platform to inform the community about the people they want us to vote for.
It didn't go well. I was talked to like a child, I'm 33. But the part that hurt the most, was when she told me I don't care about the same issues she does as a boomer.
My mom did hospice care when I was a child. When I was old enough to remember things, I was put in the same bed as my end of life great grandfather who was suffering from extreme Alzheimer's. I was 5 when my grandfather's mom died. My mom would tell me about her patients and their stuggles and how their last breath left their bodies. I'm so fucking scared I'm going to get Alzheimer's when I'm old because of this. I am fucking terrified. I am actively sobbing while typing this just cause it's the only way I know how to react when talking about this topic. Fuck I sobbed my heart out on stream because Biden sounded too old in an interview.
Like I said, I just feel raw. I do care about the things the elderly care about and just because I'm younger doesn't mean I don't. Stop telling me what I believe in. Tell me why I should vote for you.
Oh and just in case anyone was wondering, it was the lgbtqia+ liaison for South Jersey. They asked me how to get more people interested in their caucus and didn't like my answers.
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darkcoffeeballoon · 9 months ago
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gazagfmboost · 10 months ago
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Najiyya Abdelhadi, a 63-year-old woman who suffers from a severe case of colon cancer in Gaza.
Vetting: IG content going back to 2015 & Personal IG Video #1 Instagram: Mohammed.katry Fund Currency: £ Pound
Their home has been burnt down, & Mohammed's mother is suffering gravely with no access to medication, clean water or food. He is political science student at the now destroyed university- & reached out hoping for help with sharing his beloved mothers story. I hope that you will please consider donating any small amount if you are able, or to give a heart/re-share to the post to help them to feel seen & heard at the very least, Thank you very much for caring <3
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Small 10k goal!! Help Najiyya Abdelhadi in her battle against Cancer in Gaza gofund.me/b70e992e
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clevercolorobject · 4 days ago
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From my email and I hope I can get other Californians on calling these fuckers to not cut medical. Call your rep to not cut our health insurance benefits.
Call 1 (866)426-2631
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[Text ID: On Tuesday, February 25 the U.S. House of Representatives is planning to vote "Yes" or "No" on catastrophic cuts to disability services. Call (866)426-2631 to tell your Congressional Representative to oppose any cuts to Medicaid, which funds Medi-Cal programs!
The vote to cut Medicaid by hundreds of billions of dollars would dramatically impact the availability of services for Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If Congress and President Trump sign a cut to Medicaid into law then California would lose tens of billions of dollars and would likely be forced into cutting programs funded by Medicaid (California's Medi-Cal). So, what are those programs?
Here is a quick snapshot of services and supports that would be threatened:
In-Home Supportive Services for people with disabilities and seniors (IHSS).
Covered health care for people with disabilities, low-income children, pregnant mothers, and other low-income Californians (Medi-Cal).
All long-term care services, including nursing facilities, prescription drugs, and home and community-based services. (HCBS)
School services and therapies for children on Medi-Cal, including school psychologists, speech and language therapists, personal care aides, nurses, and more.
Representative David Valadao, a Republican Member of Congress in the greater Bakersfield region, is being widely praised for raising concerns with the proposed cuts to Medicaid. Additionally, last week the disability community participated in rallies and townhalls in the districts of Representatives Ken Calvert, Jay Obernolte, and Young Kim in hopes that those representatives will also raise their voice to protect their constituents from these harmful cuts.
Click HERE to watch media coverage of the rally at the office of Rep. Jay Obernolte. The threat continues, however, that this Tuesday Speaker Mike Johnson will secure the votes he needs in the House to pass the Medicaid cuts.
ACT NOW! Call (866)426-2631 to tell your Member of Congress to oppose any cuts to Medicaid!
End Text ID]
Please Reblog and call. The number will tell you what to say and connect you w your rep in CA.
I was on medical for most of my adult life until I married. It covered my hospital bills and my hrt and my hysterectomy. It has also helped w covering a few important Dr visits.
Medical also covers hrt and surgery (not just gender affirmative surgery but like if you broke a bone surgery and the hospital bill as well)
Here's the video of the protest
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dazedasian · 10 months ago
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Hydronephrosis is a condition that puts pressure on the kidneys and can lead to them becoming damaged. Often, something inside or outside of the urinary tract that blocks the urine flow out of the kidneys causes hydronephrosis.
Blockages in the urinary tract that can lead to hydronephrosis include kidney stones or an enlarged prostate. A problem with the muscle where the urethra and bladder connect and that makes urine back up into the kidneys can also cause the condition.
In this article, we look at what hydronephrosis is, along with the main symptoms and causes. We also cover diagnosis, treatment, and complications.
What is hydronephrosis?
Hydronephrosis occurs when urine cannot drain out of the kidneys properly, causing them to swell up or stretch.
Hydronephrosis is a condition affecting one or both of the kidneys. It happens when urine cannot drain out of the kidneys properly, causing them to swell up or stretch.
The bladder, kidneys, and linking tubes are known as the urinary system.
When working correctly, the kidneys filter blood to remove waste products from the body. The kidneys create urine, which carries the waste products down tubes to the bladder. Urine then passes through a tube called the urethra and can be expelled.
Hydronephrosis can develop when there is a problem with the urinary system. It can happen to a person of any age. It usually affects only one kidney but, occasionally, both are involved.
In adults, hydronephrosis may not cause any symptoms, depending on what is the cause. When they do occur, symptoms may include:
• urinating less often or not as strongly
• blood in the urine
• pain in the back, abdomen, or side of the body
• any symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI), such as painful urination, cloudy urine, and a strong urge to urinate
• fever
• nausea and vomiting
When hydronephrosis occurs in babies, they mostly have no symptoms. When they do, symptoms may include:
• multiple UTIs, when the only sign may be an unexplained fever
• pain in the abdomen or side
• blood in the urine
• fever
• not feeding well
• lack of energy
• irritability
Hydronephrosis is very common during pregnancy.
One of two main problems causes hydronephrosis.
One of these is called vesicoureteral reflux(VUR). In this condition, the muscular valve where the urethra connects to the bladder does not work correctly. This forces urine to reflux or flow backward into the kidney.
The other problem is an obstruction anywhere in the bladder, kidney, or linking tubes that prevents urine from leaving the kidney. This could be a blockage inside or pressure from something outside the urinary system.
In adults, many things can cause an obstruction, but it is usually due to an underlying medical condition, such as:
• Pregnancy causing the womb to push against and block the tubes connecting the bladder and kidneys. Hydronephrosis during pregnancy is not unusual.
• Kidney stones moving out of the kidney where they first formed. If a stone moves into a tube in the urinary system, it can cause a blockage.
• An enlarged prostate gland wrapping around the urethra between the bladder and penis, which can happen as a person ages. This can compress and obstruct the urethra.
• Certain cancers affecting the urinary system. These include kidney, prostate, bladder, cervical, or ovarian cancer. If a tumor is pressing against part of the urinary system, it can obstruct the flow of urine from the kidneys.
• The tubes connecting the bladder and kidneys becoming blocked or narrowed. This may happen because of an injury or infection.
• Nerves around the bladder being damaged, which can affect how well this organ works.
In babies, the obstruction is usually created when a part of the urinary system develops incorrectly before birth.
Doctors use an ultrasound scan to diagnose hydronephrosis. This type of scan uses sound waves to see the organs inside the body, allowing a doctor to see whether a person's kidneys are swollen.
Most people will have an ultrasound scan during pregnancy to check the health of the developing fetus. This gives a picture of the fetus and their internal organs. If the kidneys appear swollen, further ultrasound tests will need to be given throughout the pregnancy.
Once the baby is born, ultrasound of the kidneys can be done as in adults.
If the kidneys appear swollen on an ultrasound picture, more tests may be needed. These tests can help to find the underlying cause of hydronephrosis.
Tests can include:
• urine tests to check for infection or blood
• blood tests to check for an infection
• an X-ray of the kidneys to see how urine is moving through the body
• a CT scan to give a 3-D picture of the organs and urinary system
A voiding cystourethrogram is a special X-ray that shows if reflux or obstruction is present. The doctor adds a dye to the urine in the bladder so the path of its flow can be followed on the X-ray. This test is used to diagnose VUR in adults, and babies after birth.
When hydronephrosis is severe, a catheter tube may be used to drain the bladder.
Treatment is based on the underlying cause of hydronephrosis. Doctors will also inform their decisions about treatment on the severity of the condition and symptoms.
When hydronephrosis is severe, the backlog of urine may need to be drained to reduce the pressure and the risk of permanent kidney injury. This is done by inserting a thin tube called a catheter into the bladder or a special tool called a nephrostomy tube into the kidney.
Before treating the underlying cause of hydronephrosis, the doctor may prescribe something to control any pain and antibiotics to treat or prevent infection.
In adults, the underlying problem sometimes fixes itself, and no other treatment is needed.
More often, however, surgery is needed to remove the obstruction or fix the reflux. This can be minimally invasive, using a thin tube with a light and camera and involving only a few small incisions, or it may require larger incisions and instruments.
On some occasions, doctors can treat hydronephrosis with medication.
Hydronephrosis caused by pregnancy usually goes away without treatment once the pregnancy comes to an end.
If hydronephrosis is diagnosed before birth and is not severe, it usually gets better on its own without the need for treatment.
In the first few weeks after birth, a baby may need to have some tests to make sure there are no further problems.
Since babies with hydronephrosis are more likely to develop a UTI, they may be given antibiotics to reduce the risk of developing a urinary infection.
Babies with severe hydronephrosis usually need surgery. In some, the tubes connecting the kidney and bladder may be blocked. Doctors can treat this with a type of surgery known as a pyeloplasty, which is the most common surgical treatment in babies.
A pyeloplasty is done under general anesthetic. The section of the tube that is blocked will be removed, and the two ends joined up.
Untreated hydronephrosis can put a lot of pressure on a person's kidneys. This can cause permanent kidney damage or even kidney failure. Kidney failure means that the kidneys no longer work.
If both kidneys are affected, a person will need a transplant or dialysis. The latter is a process in which blood is filtered using a machine outside of the body.
If treated early, hydronephrosis will not usually cause any lasting medical problems.
If hydronephrosis in babies is not discovered before birth, it can be harder to diagnose. Being aware of the signs of a UTI in babies can help to spot a possible problem. Early medical advice and treatment should help to ensure a quick recovery.
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killabeeblog · 11 months ago
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theplug777 · 8 months ago
Products that can help with elderly health.
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k00297901 · 1 year ago
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In a relief print workshop, I designed and carved a lino based on my father’s hands when his fingers when they are stretched as far as they can. His hands naturally curve inwards, and I want to embrace this idea and show beauty in it and the result of movement over a long stretch of time. As I’ve been embracing the link between nature and aging, I decided to combine his hands with flowers and leaves.
I drew out the design using a marker, before carving it all out. As this was a two colour reduction print I left the flowers filled. I always find the carving process quite relaxing. I left a lot of the background white so that I could potentially bring these into painting and paint a detailed background.
I used a purple for the first colour, and I actually struggled quite a bit with it. I don’t know if it was the formula, or if it was somehow the wrong type of ink but it just wasn’t printing properly which was slightly disheartening, but I still made the most of it and pushed through.
I then carved out the bits I wanted to remain purple and then printed black. I tried to register the two colour prints properly but it wasn’t easy. The prints came out quite textured with the ink acting a little bit weird, but I think it adds character to each of them.
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southernarizohc · 5 days ago
Starting the new year organized is essential, especially for seniors looking to maintain their independence and comfort at home. At Southern Arizona Home Care, we understand that a little planning can go a long way in ensuring a smooth transition into the year ahead.
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magnificentempress · 6 days ago
serious question, can increased spirituality/religiousness be a sign of elderly mind decay?
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olderandweirder · 5 months ago
Oh man wait until you hear about what happens in the forgotten old people warehouses nursing homes. Outright criminal activity. Neglect and fraud. Abuse and indifference. I saw a lot of horror during my clinical career, but some of the worst cases of human suffering, misery, neglect, and abuse came from nursing homes. Bedsores you could lose your wristwatch in. Skin tears the size of envelopes. Broken bones from falls. Diaper rash.
Sometimes, we’d get a Code Blue from the nursing homes. More than once the victim patient was already stiff and cold when EMS arrived to bring them to the ER, meaning they’d been dead for quite some time before anyone noticed.
A lot of these elders had nobody to care for them and ended up in shabby facilities through some machinations of fate; others were deliberately stashed there by families who didn’t want to deal with an old person. These families often show up at the hospital in a whirlwind of aggression and hate driven by guilt; they are often shocked at the decline in the elder’s health because they’ve been absent from their lives for years. We hide the aging and the dying because aging and death don’t fit the American narrative of being A Productive Person and we can’t have that! Acknowledging that people are people even when they’re not producing anything would undermine the capitalist hellsystem we’re all stuck in.
Apart from the human suffering of the elderly, the facilities themselves are understaffed to a criminal degree. I mean that literally. A nursing home in my town was recently fined and subsequently shut down by the state when it became clear that almost half of the staff on their payroll were not real people. The administrators literally just put fake names on their rosters and hoped nobody would notice and they got away with it for years.
The nurses and aides who work in these homes are, by and large, trying their level best with an impossible task. There are certainly some who are abusive or cruel on purpose; most of them, I suspect, are simply overwhelmed by impossible situations. When you have one (1) nurse and one (1) aide for 40 or 50 people, things are going to be missed. It is an impossible task.
And it is structured that way on purpose! This is done deliberately by administrators to maximize profit margins. Elder care in the United States is fundamentally an extractive industry: suck as much money out of grandpa as you can and when the well is dry abandon him at the hospital, where they have to take care of him. I worked at a long-term acute care hospital for a time and saw this in action literally every day. Oh, Smith is out of insurance days? Find an excuse to call an ambulance and send him to the ER and find someone new who has insurance days to fill the room. And once we bleed them dry, we’ll start it all over again.
OP is right that elder abuse is a massive and almost completely un-discussed issue in this country. It is shameful how we treat the elderly. It is shameful that we let this happen. We need to do better for our elderly.
there’s something so sad about how we treat old people nowadays. historically, humans have accomplished so many great things because we valued our elders, took care of them, and gave them meaningful retirement. meanwhile we have seniors aged 60+ working in retail just to survive. can you imagine working your entire life, just to work until you die? in fucking retail? 
old people are not useless, they’re not a drain on the economy, and theyre not all bigoted windbags. theyre people! people! who have lived their entire fucking lives under capitalism. they deserve to retire peacefully and pursue their interests during the final years of their lives. they deserve to be taken care of. they deserve to go with dignity. 
there’s a hundred things wrong with how society views old people, but i never see anyone talking about it.
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wellnessbysakshi · 9 days ago
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Creating a blissful experience in assisted living in Humble, Texas goes beyond just providing basic care—it’s about fostering an environment that promotes well-being, comfort, and happiness for seniors. The key to this bliss lies in offering personalized care that meets the unique needs of each resident. With an emphasis on compassion and understanding, residents feel valued and supported, creating a positive atmosphere in the community.
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