#Dr nutty
And Old Freind
Dr nutty was just taking a normal walk in town,( even annoying the Bomberman Brothers gets pretty tiring) heading toward a cafe. Once there she enters, gets her usual( a cupcake Frappuccino with a Oreo cupcake on the side) and takes a seat. Everything was pretty peaceful until she sees a bomber who was across her table. Her eyes widen as she realized who he was...
"How in two shades of gray are you back!?"
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brownhood69 · 2 years
How Dr nutty met Greenie
It was a really raining night, the crazy professor just got out of work today with his daughter in hand. She was 14 at the time.
???::"Miska? Wait here okay? I'm going to pick up something from Dr Olive and will be back home in a jiffy. Also, make sure you don't use your cartoony Powers without my permission again ok?"
Miska:"No promises!"
The professor sighs before going to an Alleyway and pressing a secret button hidden in one of the brick piles. Miska then sits in the middle of the sidewalk like a toddler. though this was pretty boring for her even though it's been like 1 second. Little Miska was about to fall asleep... that is until she hears crying . Miska, curious about the noise, follows the mysterious crying sound. Even though she knows not to said she watches a lot of horror movies but she's bored anyway so whatever. It seems like the noise was coming from a garbage can. Miska opens the lid and what she saw next was unspeakable. It looked like a green bomber baby with pink blushies, antenne, hands, feet, tan skin and a white Diapie-whipie. Being the kind but crazy child she is she picks up the child and cradles it like it was her little sibling.
Miska:"Who in their right mind would throw away baby!? If I find the owner of this child I swear to-"
The professor returned with a box held in his hands.
????:"Whats you're hold-WHAT THE!?""
Aaaaand he dropped it
???:"M-Miska! did you kidnap another baby again!?"
Miska:"Wha-no! This one was in the garbage!"
He looks a little closer to the little Robo child
???:" who would ever want to throw a baby away? Let me see him."
Miska gives the baby to the professor. The professor then cradles the baby lovingly.
???:"Miska? You know how you always wanted a assistant of your own?"
???:"well then, say hello to our newest addition, Greenie"
Before the prof knew it, Miska was bouncing all over the place like a wild animal. She was even screaming like one!
Miska:"I get to have a assistant! I GET TO HAVE A ASSISTAAAAAAAANT!"
Dr nutty was riding on the toilet while filing some papers. Greenie walks in on her, ignoring the fact that she's literally on a toilet in the main office. Greenie then Smiles at her.
Dr nutty:"Eh? Something wrong my dude?"
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classickatze · 10 months
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nintendonut1 · 10 months
SMRPG gang Found Family trope is the absolute best I've seen come from the game and I'm sad there isn't more of it tbh
I feel like we get a little more of it in the post-game dialogue! There was so so much added there!
Mallow getting scared of Belome and Bowser bolstering his courage (and encouraging him to claim his grandpa's lost weapon that he deserves)
Geno gassing up Bowser's fame before the Punchinello fight
Mallow and Peach's light bonding over sweets and cake
would've been totes cool to see more but YEAH IT'S THERE, THEY'RE ALL A BIG DOOFY FAMILY
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 7 months
Here’s all of the fake screenshots I did for my old spoof Lincoln Loud and the Chocolate Factory
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And also I do want to appreciate all of you for loving this and the hard work I made and here’s your lovely cast:
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And now moving on to my next spoof Frankensparky. . . . Vamanos Amigos
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shytulipghost · 2 years
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fictosphere · 1 year
Lord Mýk Reviews All His Dang Movies
I’m going to review every single movie I own, even the 50-pack of poorly transferred science fiction movies. So here’s how I intend to work things: I’m breaking it up into ten movie chunks, and each time I start a chunk I’ll list the ten movies within that chunk. Most of the time it’ll be alphabetical, but sometimes it’ll be… not alphabetical. This is because of things like the stated 50-movie…
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nat-20s · 8 months
A non-comprehensive list of the various nicknames Donna uses for her family members
Oi, you lot: literally any group of 2+ people
Love, dear: Shaun, Doctor, Rose, and occasionally the Tardis
Lovie, darling, treasure: Rose exclusive, said with full conviction and sincerity.
Major/Major Mott: Grandad, expected to be responded to with a salute and a "general" or "general noble"
Mother: this is not a nickname this is a warning
Sylvie: this is not a nickname this is being a fuckin nuisance. Much more common when she was a teenager but she still occasionally whips it out
Mom, said with bad exaggeratted american accent: meant to still be annoying but in a much more playful way
Mummy: exceedingly rare, but said out of genuine vulnerability and hurt and sometimes someone really does just need their mum. Said the most frequently after dad passed away
Hon: Shaun and Doctor
Honey: Shaun and Rose
Bumblebee: Doctor exclusive, because he's always buzzin about
Babe (genuine): Shaun
Babe (sarcastic): Doctor
Sexy, hot stuff, good lookin': always shaun, 50/50 on whether it's just to fluster him via flirting or if it's because she's cruisin' for some smoochin'. Frequent enough that everyone else knows to quietly leave the room if they hear these
Weatherman: This one's Shaun, actually, for when his head's in the clouds
Sha sha: Shaun, his baby niece used to call him that and everyone else thinks it's adorable, usually Donna uses it when she's trying to convince him to let her spoil Rose
Star eyes: Shaun, for being one of the most starry eyed people she knows. This is said when she's feeling extremely fond and sappy about him
Dumbo, dipstick, idiot, dunce, prawn etc: Doctor, during fairly obvious cases
Clark Kent: Doctor, when he puts the specs on
E.T, Spock, Data, Marvin the Martian: Doctor, when he is pointedly distinguishing himself from humans
Dr. McCoy, Sherlock, Inspector Gadget, Nutty Professor: Doctor, when she's 95% he's bullshitting something
Betty: Shaun and Doctor, whom she refuses to tell the reason behind. she alone knows it's actually short for better half
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octopiys · 2 years
Switching it up a little, COD characters as things my friends have said
Soap: fuck burger king. I'd rather have herpes than burger King.
Laswell: my wife is touching your wife. Our wives are touching each other!
Graves: is he white? If he is, then we have that in common
Price: they just prefer... to be called a gaggle of gays
Ghost: I'm gonna Clinton myself
König: You can make be whoever the fuck you be!...shit.... You can be maked be whoever you make fuck make you be!
Rodolfo: did I tell you about the time I got babysat by an iguana
Valeria: I love having a Dr pepper and swirling it around like it's fucking champagne
Gaz: Price took our phones away so obviously we had to make spitballs and shoot them at each other
Ghost: why does everyone hate it when I have caffiene? Is it because my mom did drugs while I was in the womb?
Rodolfo: give me your phone or else I'll bomb your house
Alejandro: I took one, and then twenty minutes later I took another one, and I turned into a couch
Gaz: my dad is like Bon Jovi, but worse
König: you may or may not have a mushroom in your coke. What I'm saying is, you have a mushroom in your coke.
Soap: I did take biology once in high school! Well, until my teacher quit because we hung a skeleton and burned a frog
Farah: I just sold my watermelon tree and now all my dragons are mad at me :(
Alex: Farah can you hand me my nutty butties and my crack
Ghost: I'll trade you it for some Adderall. It's not mine though
Alejandro: I stole a book from a church once. It wasn't even the bible
Roach: technically all babies are biodegradable if you leave em long enough
Valeria: we're gonna crowdsurf the preschoolers
Nikolai, looking at a one eyed dog: so how big do you think that dog's blindspot is
Alex: never once did I think I'd see hank green talking about his love for crack
Find part 2 here
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no you’re so right ian’s definitely a passenger princess why is nobody talking about it
no one rules the passenger seat like ian clayton gallagher - my man is happy as a clam to hand over the reins and settle in for his duties
controlling the phone when facetimes come in. he knows mickey's angles (wish the same could be said for his own, but that's another story).
important job of holding their drive-thru food, which means he gets first shot. ice cream especially. ("christ man, you gonna let me get at some of that before you slurp it all down?" "it's meltin' mick, what do you want me to do? 🥺(😈)")
road hand jobs :)
foolish on the aux. downright nutty with the playlists, perfectly molding mickey's mood to whatever benefits them situationally. grumpy husband? not for long. setting the mood so they're getting down and dirty as soon as they get home, possibly even before they make it out of the car? give ian two/three songs max.
he no longer has to stress about directions because mickey is a good driver and insists on navigating (hot). which means he gets to narrate their journey. ("didn't know there was a whole foods way out here." "oh yeah?" / "cows, mick :)" "what kind." / "think im gonna die of boredom." "uh huh - hang on, sweetcheeks. almost there."
he moved the crow bar beneath his own seat after an altercation that was certainly not his husband's fault ha haaa anyways yeah he's hanging onto the crowbar
speaking of altercations, their frequency's really gone down now that they paint this picture to an outsider, the window rolling down to mickey snapping in the driver's seat - all sharp and confident, and then ian's tall self slowly leaning into view beside him, his gaze relaxed but locked on. if this was a smaller town, they'd probably have a reputation.
tl;dr mickey's good at driving and ian's good at being cute and everything else
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Chocolate Fog
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Mind control, Drugged, Male/Female, Male Dominant
This was sparked by a patron's three-word prompt: Airplane. Eyes. Chocolate.
The setting sun was glaring through the little airplane window, so Amber, squinting, lowered the shade halfway. She was a pretty white girl in her early 20s, blonde, with a thin sweater stretched over generous breasts. Her seatmate had noticed them – noticed her beauty – but hadn't been creepy about it, and she appreciated that. They were only an hour into their 4-hour flight, and she didn't want to feel creeped out the whole time.
He seemed like a gentleman. Older man, with dusky skin and a trim white beard. Dr Suresh or something like that, he'd said, with just a hint of an accent, as he'd smiled and exchanged pleasantries before takeoff. She got a warm feeling from him – partly from his nice smile, partly from his rich, deep, soothing voice, but mostly from his eyes – they sparkled with warmth and mischief, and there seemed to be golden flecks in those kindly, chocolate-brown eyes.
The snacks and drinks trolley was coming down the aisle. She found she was really looking forward to that little packet of peanuts. She pulled down the little tray, moving her paperback to the empty seat beside her. How fun air travel was! And how cool that the flight wasn't fully booked, so she had room to spread out. Dr Suresh had spread out too – he'd laid a small case on the seat between them when he first sat down. So that was nice – a shared space, but also a buffer.
She ordered her peanuts and a Diet Coke from the nice stewardess.
"There you go. And for you, sir?"
"A scotch and soda, please. Neat."
"That's all?"
"That is all. Thank you. Oh – a blanket, perhaps, when you have the chance."
Amber leaned over, once the stewardess had moved on. "No peanuts? I think the peanuts are my favorite part. For some reason, peanuts on a plane just taste better than peanuts anywhere else!"
He chuckled in his throat, as she giggled. "This is true. Perhaps someone should do a study as to why. Me, I do not need them, for I bring my own snacks." He patted the small sample case between them. "The finest chocolate bars no one has heard of – yet. New, from my company."
"Wait – you make chocolate?? That's awesome! What are you, Willy Wonka?" He laughed again at her little joke. She liked his laugh. "Wait a second, I thought you said earlier you were a scientist?"
"This is indeed true. I am a scientist," he said, and his eyes twinkled. "There is a lot of science that goes into making good candy. Did you know this?"
He was already opening the case, so she decided he didn't mind talking about it. "So what's special about it?"
The bars were packaged more like an extra thick Hershey bar than a Snickers or 3 Musketeers – a dark-brown sleeve around a foil wrapper. The sleeve said "Chocolate Fog."
"Our chocolate is made from a very special bean just recently discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest," he said in his rich, melodic voice. "Its flavor is unlike any other kind of chocolate previously tasted outside of Peru. In our labs, it goes through a special process designed to enhance its unique properties, until we arrive at what I believe is the best chocolate bar ever created."
He peeled open one end of one bar to show it was segmented. He broke off a chunk and held it out. "You will have a taste, and you will agree, yes?"
Well, how could she refuse free chocolate? She popped the thick square in her mouth, and her eyes lit up at the explosion of taste on her tongue. "Mmmm! It's so rich, and ... nutty? But also there's a softness, like ... almost a little nougat in there?"
"That is what gives it its ‘fog,' I believe," he murmured. "That airy quality."
"It's amazing!" she said, and drooled a little speaking around a mouthful of chocolate. "Could I ... Could I have a little more?"
"You may have the whole bar, dear lady," he said, and the golden flecks in his eyes sparkled as he smiled. "I have plenty more ..."
Half an hour later, the plane interior was much darker. The sun had finished setting, and people were dozing, or watching movies with their headphones. Only a few overhead pinpoint lights lit up the interior gloom.
Amber had a tummy full of chocolate. She'd finished the bar in a surprisingly short time, and had been allowed to devour a second too. Now, she leaned back in her seat, feeling the gentle rocking of the plane and hearing its dull roar, and feeling ... lulled. Lulled into a repose.
Lull, lull, lull. What a funny word, she thought. Lol. Lull. Lulllllled ...
She looked over at Dr Suresh, with a dopey smile and lidded, glazed eyes. "Thasss so good ..." she whispered. "Bess chocklit ever ... It makes me, like, happy ..."
The chocolate taste coated the inside of her mouth. It felt like was coating her brain, too, which was sluggish. Thoughts were moving slowly through the rich, chocolatey fog in her head.
"I am very glad to hear that," said her seatmate. "You look like you are enjoying it thoroughly."
He raised his armrest and, moving his sample case and the blanket he'd gotten from the stewardess, slid into the seat beside her.
"I am always interested in learning more about the special properties of these special beans. So I do enjoy finding more test subjects. Tell me – and please be honest, this is for posterity – how do you feel?"
She giggled, quietly. "I feel ssoooo goooood ..." she whispered. "Like, rosy! Like no worries, no stress, all the tension I was feeling in my body that I didn't even know I was carrying, has melted away! Like every cell in my body has gone on a happy lil vacation!!!"
"Well, that does sound delightful," he said, making a few notes on a small pad.
"Whadid you ssay was in there?"
"A mild sedative to slow the limbs, dopamines and opioids that produce a gentle euphoria, similar to being pleasantly intoxicated. Some components of the bean that inhibit activity in the prefrontal cortex and make you highly suggestible, that we have ... enhanced. And of course some pretty damn good chocolate."
He smiled, and his teeth seemed to shine in the dim light of the plane interior. She could see his eyes glittering, almost like a cat's.
"... Huhh?" she slurred. There was a bit of chocolate-brown drool at one corner of her mouth. She seemed to be having trouble focusing on him.
"Now," he went on. "Here's my question. I know the chocolate makes you happy. Makes you dopey. And it sometimes can be addictive. What I don't know is ..." And he leaned closer. "Does the chocolate make you horny?"
She blinked, and focused a little bit, looking deeply into his eyes. "H-horny?"
"Yes. You can feel it now, can't you? You can feel the rich, melting pleasure coursing through you, from your tongue up to your brain, and down through your whole body ... Melting away your inhibitions, covering your objections with flavor and pleasure." She was captivated by his eyes, dancing and sparkling. She hardly had to listen to his words. "The chocolate fog fills your whole body, making your nipples erect, yes? Your tummy tingle. Your arms and legs are like lead, heavy with the weight of their happiness, and your pussy ... oh, your pussy is singing, and buzzing, drinking in the rich, chocolatey heat. It's getting so aroused, so needy. Why, if you think about it – and it is hard to think, isn't it? – but if you think about it, you can feel your whole body, and all your mind, melting into your needy, foggy pussy. If only you could lift your arms, you would be desperate to pinch your nipples. Desperate to rub your clit. As it is, you can't help but squeeze your thighs together, around that heat, that aching need ... Isn't that right? You're squeezing right now, aren't you?"
She couldn't look away from his eyes. She could barely blink. Her eyes were watering. She nodded. Her whole body was consumed with hunger – no longer for chocolate, but for sex. For carnal pleasure. For cock. Yes! She needed to be filled with cock! That's what she craved now!!
She whimpered, quietly, in that dozing, dark plane filled with unknowing passengers, staring into the eyes of her kindly seatmate.
He moved the blanket over her lap without breaking eye contact, and pressed his hand into her crotch under its cover. He raised her skirt and stroked a finger along the moist heat of her panties-covered mound. She moaned and twitched, her mouth falling open, staring into his eyes.
"Please ..." she whispered. "Please, I'm so horny ..."
"My only question," he said, smiling directly into her eyes, "is whether you would have gotten so horny if I hadn't suggested it. Did I implant that thought into your suggestible brain? Or does the chocolate actually make you horny by itself?"
He moved her panties aside, and stuck a finger deep into her wetness. Her eyes filled silently with gratitude, already dreaming how she wanted to spend the whole weekend with him, letting his fingers and his cock and his chocolate do everything he wanted to with her.
"Every time, I tell myself I'm going to just wait and see," he went on, stroking her sex, already bringing her close to her first mind-breaking orgasm. "I won't say a word, just observe. But every time ... well ... I can't help it. I tell you how good your body feels. And it does."
She grasped his strong arm in both her little hands, and gasped in ecstasy, trying to be as quiet as possible and mostly succeeding.
"Six times now, and every time, I ruin the experiment. I just can't stop talking! It is a failing. I am a bad scientist."
He grinned.
"But you forgive me ... Don't you?"
And his eyes sparkled.
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brownhood69 · 2 years
quotes from my characters
Dr nutty:*Sniff sniff* im not crying...my eyes are just puking water!
Greenie: No, Merbombers dont have underwear drawers.
Spencer: mom could you explain to me why theres a Shirobon stuck in the toilet?
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niamh-oshea · 10 days
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"I recommend plenty of rest, eat well and watch out for fatigue."
Those had been her doctor's words the day Niamh was discharged from her 3-day stay at Mount Sinai Hospital back in May. She could still picture the way Dr. McDermott looked at her, having anticipated a stubborn Niamh to protest. It was as stern as Isaac would look whenever he would find her doing too much of anything. He'd echo the doctor's advice, and remind her that as much as neither of them wanted her collapsing out of exhaustion again, more was at stake this time around.
Niamh glanced down at her stomach, running a gentle hand over the soft cotton fabric of Isaac's jumper she was wearing. It was slightly more swollen now that a few months had passed but not nearly as much as she'd hope at 25 weeks. Lost in thought, Niamh hadn't realised that Isaac was gently squeezing her other hand to get her attention.
"Everything okay, my baby?" Isaac asked as soon as she looked up. His green eyes were both curious and concerned during the brief moment when he tore his gaze off the road.
"Hm?" Niamh cocked her head in initial confusion. "Oh!" She exclaimed shortly after, nodding her head. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. Just-..."
"Hungry?" He chuckled. "I figured. Hence why I was asking what you wanted for lunch but you looked very preoccupied with your thoughts."
Niamh offered an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry, my baby," she affectionately replied, giving their interlaced hands a squeeze. "I was just thinking about our trip and how nice it's been," she mused. "Despite how my hormones has been kicking my ass and driving me crazy." Niamh's cheeks blushed a bright rouge. "But yeah, lunch sounds great," she remembered to reply. "Maybe tacos?"
"We're about to enter Jacksonville, so why don't you look up the best tacos in town?" Isaac suggested, focusing on the drive ahead.
In the beginning of summer, the couple had decided that with doctor's recommendations in mind, a long and easygoing roadtrip would make for a great babymoon. It was perfect since Niamh was on sabbatical from work, and Isaac prioritising spending more time together than booking modeling engagements. Since then, they'd been exploring many places Isaac's parents had taken him to when he was younger. This gave Niamh a chance to see more of the United States, and to bring their baby — albeit still in her belly — to as many places as possible before their move to Scotland in autumn.
As requested, Niamh pulled out her phone from the center console, unlocking it with her fingerprint. She was about to search for the best tacos in Jacksonville when something caught her eye. A widget on her phone showed a brief shot of her inbox and her most recent unread e-mails. There, amongst messages from work and her parents, was a name she was unfamiliar with. But it wasn't this that froze Niamh on the spot. The subject title read: Heyyy, Nutty Niamhy. Guesss whoooo????
And just like that, Niamh felt her heart stop, all thoughts of lunch out the window. Ghosts of terror's past have caught up with her, and the tiny paperclip icon indicating an attachment could only mean one thing: they're back, with a vengeance.
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mishapen-moth · 6 months
eliza doolittle -> dr. doolittle -> eddie murphy -> nutty professor -> "i can see my dick!"
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happy-lemon · 5 months
Gather 'round, friends. I have a weird story about Iara Machado.
You might remember that she married Gwen and they had a son named Leo, who is now a young adult. (He was just at Lola's Christmas party.) Well, not too long ago, via the magic of Neighborhood Stories, they had twins, Ana and Tomas.
While I've been playing Generation Lola, I kind of lost track a bit and I discovered recently that Gwen died. No idea why or how. So that was kind of sad.
Yesterday, while I was taking screenshots of Lola's wedding, I realized I didn't have a second wedding outfit without a bouquet in her hands. Which sucked because I knew as soon as I took her in CAS, everyone was going to break their poses and poof back home.
Friends, I had Lola in there for two minutes. Tops. And when I teleported Iara back, she was no longer Iara Machado. In those two minutes, not only did she marry Baako Jang, but they had/adopted (I'm not sure) two more babies. Neighborhood Stories is the wild west, man. Anything can happen.
Well, I did what any (in)sane simmer would do. I "adopted" those babies to a random couple who "moved away" forever. And because it was clear Iara was calling the shots about her relationship, I took Baako into CAS to update his funky style a little bit. While I was in there, I took a look at Iara's gender preferences and I gasped!
All this time, I thought Iara was a lesbian, but as it turns out she's sexually attracted to men and women, but romantically attracted to men only? Okay. So, all this time she was married to someone she really just wanted to bang. And after Gwen died, Iara decided to get herself some dick.
Anyway the TL;DR is that I think I accidentally fucked up Iara's entire life. Imagine if she'd been an only child and I'd let her be heterosexual. Just imagine.
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Congratulations, you nutty kids! I hope your life together is happier than the expressions on your faces.
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 5 months
I know I've twisted myself into a goddamn pretzel the past five or so years trying not to be 'too much' and backing off when I am
A good deal of why I started the #dr literacy tag is precisely because of this- I am beyond tired and fed up, with the kinds of things that people have ignored and left on my back- whether it's to do with Kokichi, or V3 overall. It's easy to deflect and call me 'delusional', and five years later never even consider the implications of having called me that over what I've been trying to grapple with, much less apologise to me sincerely and genuinely try to understand where I'm coming from and why it's so hard to discuss in the first place- not to mention why it's so easy to make mistakes not least because the way Kodaka plays with themes can be decidedly insensitive (and I was clearly out of my depth with that when I started this blog)
This isn't about all of you. A good number of people here have been wonderful about this, even if they don't understand all too well. But frankly such people are the exception rather than the rule, and the rule is that people don't bother to interrogate their own biases about Kokichi, or really grapple with the way him and V3's narrative might be constructed with bias. And this unwillingness to accept ambiguity and nuance results in some genuinely hurtful behaviour towards people who try to point out that, maybe, not everything was even his fault, or that his character and situation is far more layered than it appears on a first run of the game. Or even a second, or third.
So I'm gonna need people in that camp to swear that you'll do better about this going forward. No really. This situation I've been in didn't come out of nowhere, and while I've beaten the proverbial horse to death that I haven't always been fair or reasonable either, that does not mean I should just back myself into a wall and take the status quo that is 'Tsumugi is telling the truth and Kokichi is just a clown' as a 'fact of canon'. Because there's a very good chance that that might not even be true, and that there's even more tangled messes Kodaka left in the text to unpack that you never even thought of, and that really NEED extra care and nuance to fully understand.
I know you're probably sick of hearing this from me by now. But this is an issue that can never be helped until it's faced head on, and the effect of basically being pathologised over it (due to *checks notes* autism), is seriously damaging- the inability of people to address things as serious issues and themes rather than 'just the pet theory that came out of my nutty head', is something I cannot, on principle, force myself to accept. So please just think about the way you're approaching issues in the future. I will try to do the same.
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