#Differential Diagnosi
hemanthsworld · 1 month
Psychotic Disorders: Differential Diagnosis and Key Symptoms Overview
Psychosis is a mental health condition marked by a break from reality, which can include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and impaired insight. It can be seen in psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe depression, as well as in neurological conditions, substance use disorders, and various medical conditions. Etiology (Neuropharmacology) Dopamine…
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atomicradiogirl · 8 months
listening to a house md podcast (the only house md podcast i.e. differential diagnosis) where these guys recap and give commentary on house episodes (they only got up to mid s2) and i’m at s2e6 spin and i was so excited to see their thoughts on The Scene “you’d be surprised what you can live with” and they took that scene as wilson confirming that he’s cheated and like yeah. OBVIOUSLY. but on Who is the better question. he didn’t just say i met people who made me feel funny.. he said i met SOMEONE who made me feel funny. there is one person in particular. and this isn’t just me projecting hilson somewhere where it isn’t relevant. there is no one else that wilson could have been talking about at this time. unless the “someone” is just a stand-in for everyone he’s had affairs with, but since the episode is written by sara hess (a lesbian) who’s written other top hilson eps, i Highly doubt that.
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greghatecrimes · 23 days
finally seeing mayo clinic docs today... so fucking nervous lol
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desire-mona · 3 months
house in 2024: instead of chase cameron and foreman being "the ducklings" they are a collective "jarvis"
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tumblesdownhill · 3 months
You know I would totally watch a workplace comedy about the mechanic equivalent of House doing both types of differential diagnostics on cars.
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my symptoms fit so many neurological & neuromuscular disorders n diseases but test positive to absolute none of them
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aw-tysm · 1 month
Social anxiety vs autism.
A lot of people could label many autistics with "social anxiety" but we really need to look at whether it is in fact "social anxiety" or whether it is due to autism and/or introversion.
Social anxiety often comes with fears and worries about being judged or embarrassed in social situations.
But do all autistics have that? No.
Sometimes social situations involve meeting new people or being in new environments. Change is something that autistics find difficult in many, if not, all situations. New people and new environments are change. Making the anxiety autism based rather than "social anxiety" based.
There may also be anxiety towards the expectance of sensory issues at social events. Or even stress about what topics could be brought up for conversation and what one should say or which scripts to use. New conversations or topics for conversation is also change.
Then there is also part of the criteria that states "lack of interest in peers". Not wanting to be around people may be due to just not being interested in others or what they're doing. Introversion may be similar in just wanting to be at home and being comfortable by oneself.
Not all autistics have worries about what other people think of them. They don't all have worries about being an embarrassing.
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Friendly reminder…you don’t ever have to publicly specify the “self” part of self-diagnosed. if you don’t want to. because I know it can sometimes feel like a caveat that you’re obligated to disclose but the thing is, you’re not even obligated to disclose your diagnoses in the first place, much less the source. so you can just say diagnosed. if you prefer. to feel safe and avoid scrutiny or fake-claims or for any other reason. because it’s the truth, it’s not even a lie. self-diagnosed is diagnosed
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lifewithaview · 2 months
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Sela Ward and Hugh Laurie in House (2004) The Mistake
Chaos ensues after Chase's negligence leads to the death of a female patient. Now, after an inquiry from the hospital board, and a subpoena from the patient's brother, it's up to Stacey to protect Chase's career, as well as House's.
*At the beginning of the episode, Kayla's daughters tell her that Sally Ayersman has been teasing them, to which Kayla responds, "If Sally's mean to you again, I'm just gonna have to key her daddy's new convertible." However, later in the episode, House blackmails a surgeon into doing Kayla's liver transplant. The surgeon is a Dr. Ayersman, whose wife, getting an "anonymous" tip about her husband's cheating, decides to key his new convertible. In House's words, "Enough irony for us all."
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pebiejeebies · 9 months
Talking to yourself is fun, but what I do with that is a bit odd..
I like to talk to myself, role play with myself, daydream while whispering/talking to myself
I’m a very creepy person… is what I would say if I actually listened to “these” kind of neurotypicals
I know im not 100% autistic / or have adhd,, but I am DEFINITELY NOT neurotypical… (and everything about my social interaction irl will explain everything :,] )
But there are just times I randomly talk.. you know?
Talk to nothing, like just talk and talk as if someone is listening to me
Talk with my cat, if he’s being annoying or too cute for me to shut up
Talk to my iPad, when I get angry that something isn’t working right on it
Talk to my.. tics..? Like when I get a tic and tell my self afterwards “it’s alright” or “calm down” as if it does something..
It’s kinda fun when I analyze myself, because now I’ve learned that I’ve become so lonely to the point I’m making up things for myself to talk to
it’s sad but I can’t help myself, I know something is wrong with me and the only thing I can do is just research and research until someone stops me and says what’s wrong with me
I know there’s something wrong, and it’s not physically, it’s mentally
I just wish I could go to some mental health professional so they can figure it out
or maybe I’m just fine
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buckleydiazmp4 · 11 months
everyone likes to call house an insane man but what about literally EVERYONE ELSE on that show. wilson is a serial cheater. chase has daddy issues and weird takes on stuff (highly cancelable might i say). cuddy is house's enabler. his ex-wife is obsessed with him. don't even get me started on cameron. probably the only one remotely close to being sane is foreman. malpractice md hatecrimes md what about madhouse md. get those guys some good therapy
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deservedgrace · 2 months
they should invent a doctor that is competent and listens to patients
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barking · 11 days
hey hi, anyone take seroquel and/or symbyax for psychotic depression and/or treatment-resistant depression? and what are your experiences, positive or negative? thank you for fielding all of my medication questions
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greghatecrimes · 3 months
me when the chronic illness makes me feel tired and ill chronically:
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jonismitchell · 14 days
if the universe wanted to send me a cute blond guy with an australian accent at the poetry journal launch next week i wouldn’t be mad about it
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gracegrove · 2 years
not super on topic, but because of some of the things going on in posts lately and talking with a mutual it really got me thinking about how some users on here will cling onto psych degrees and use it to preemptively categorize and diagnose billy hargrove and then in turn come after those who like him.
and it made me realize
they are seeing mental health diagnoses like this:
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as stand-alone categories with clearly distinguishable borders.
above are all diagnoses that i believe billy would meet criteria for on at least a superficial level.
when in reality diagnosing looks more like this:
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in which there are no borders, symptoms can and will overlap across many diagnoses, and it takes time, skill, and listening to your client and understanding their history and needs to look at those blurry overlapping spaces particularly.
billy's anxiety symptoms could truly be just symptoms of anxiety. but they could be symptoms of hypervigilance and overall heightened arousal and reactivity due to living in an abusive environment, which would speak more to PTSD. they could also be representative of BPD symptoms in terms of relationship instability as well as the stress and upheaval he has just gone through moving to hawkins.
billy could experience periods of low mood this could be Major Depressive Disorder but could also be Dysthymia, Bipolar II, so on. billy's difficulties with emotion regulation and (possibly) implied swings in mood could be indicative of BPD, but are also symptom markers of Bipolar and Cyclothymic disorders, and are also noted as disruptive behaviors in ADHD.
I think there's a lot to be said about how nuanced diagnosis can be, it's definitely not as simple as cracking the DSM, thumbing to the right section, and just checking off a few boxes. Because sooooo many symptoms can cross into other disorders and not even stay within the same classification. they can easily jump from trauma disorders to psychotic disorders to mood disorders to personality disorders. why? because these symptoms are common and symptoms aren't the only thing that make a diagnosis.
you must consider all these: symptoms, onset (when did it start), duration (how long has it been happening), and severity (what level of impairment/are there a little vs a lot of symptoms)
if i eyeballed billy hargrove without a diagnostic interview i might've said Oppositional Defiant Disorder.... and guess who'd be wrong? Me. because you can't just blatantly categorize, eyeball, or sum up a person. it ain't that simple.
learn to consider that all lines are blurred and that those blurs are where all the information is.
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