#Deutscher Werkbund
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Profitopolis oder der Zustand der Stadt: Berlin bis 28.02.2025
Das Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge nimmt seine Situation – die Kündigung der Kreuzberger Museumsflächen durch einen Immobilienfonds und den damit erzwungenen Standortwechsel zum Anlass, in einer ersten Sonderausstellung die Stadt zum Thema zu machen. Ob das Neue Bauen der 1920er Jahre, internationale Architekturausstellungen oder Debatten über historisierendes und industrielles Bauen – ein…
#Abriss#Bauen#Bürgerinitiative#Berlin#Bodenspekulation#Deutscher Werkbund#gestalten#Gestaltung#Museum der Dinge#Profitopolis#Stadtentwicklung#Stadtraum#städtische Initiativen#Werkbundarchiv#Wie wollen wir leben#Zustand der Stadt
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parlamentarischer rat: walter menzel, spd

eisenwalzwerk: adolph menzel, berlin

grzimeks tierleben: friedrich reimann, zeulenroda
#walter menzel#spd#abgeordneter#parlamentarischer rat#bonn#1949#grundgesetz#bundesrepublik deutschland#theodor heuss#kurt schumacher#konrad adenauer#max reimann#friedrich naumann#nsv#deutscher werkbund#bauhaus#max weber#1848#adolph menzel#friedrich reimann#grzimeks tierleben
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hospital room in a hospital, in the style of destroyed gadgets sculptures, deutscher werkbund, webcam photography, absurdist, grandeur of scale, associated press photo, pont-aven school --ar 4:3 --v 5 --iw 1 --ar 4:5 --s 500 --c 20
#midjorneyart#midjourney#midjourney v5#abandoment issues#abandoned hospital#the desolation#desolation#ruins#abandoned buildings
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The Specter of the Quest to Come
The first ghost you must overcome is your own trepidation.
The image(s) above in this post were made using an autogenerated prompt and/or have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain. Prompt under the fold.
Prompt: a painting of man and woman with a ghost, in the style of marvel comics, digital collage, deutscher werkbund, high dynamic range, ceramicist storyteller, celebrity and pop culture references, silver and azure:: The Demon Stolas, screech owl with long, ostrich legs, wings outstretched, screeching, grown of crystal and flame above head, stepping from flaming summoning circle of blue flame, outside Aldi, storms overhead, apocalyptic, surreal
One manual prompt and one comp-genned one and you get some wild stuff, I tell you what.
#public domain art#public domain#free art#auto-generated prompt#promptsmash#unreality#midjourney v6#generative art#ai artwork#ghost#monster
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WUWA ( 2021 ) - part 2
WUWA housing exhibition (German. Wohnungs- und Werkraumausstellung = Housing and Workplace Exhibition) in Wrocław - organized in 1929 by the Silesian Deutscher Werkbund union in the Dąbie district near Szczytnicki Park and on the fairgrounds adjacent to the Centennial Hall.
Heinrich Lauterbach, founder of the Silesian Werkbund union, contributed most to the organization of the exhibition. Together with Adolf Rading, he took over the artistic direction of the exhibition.
The goal of WUWA was to present proposals for small and medium-sized apartments, a new form of houses, taking into account technological aspects. The buildings built were to be low-cost; efforts were made to ensure that each apartment user would get his own place, isolated from others.
source : https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/WUWA
architectural style : modernism
by Mateusz Śliwiński © 2023
#architecture#architecturephotography#modernism#modernismarchitecture#photography#photographer#digital photography#photoshop#adobephotoshop#wuwa
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2023 - 2024 Vize Sınavı Testi (GRAFİK TASARIM TARİHİ) ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın 👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ⭐ OYNATMA LİSTESİNDEN TÜM TESTLERE ULAŞABİLİRSİNİZ. ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ICXU_5hDWE1DVP26RQHWPg8gNEIswXb ⭐ SINIF : 1.SINIF ⭐ DÖNEM : 1.DÖNEM (GÜZ DÖNEMİ) ⭐ SINAV : VİZEDE ve FİNAL'DE SORULACAK ⭐ DERSİN ADI : GRAFİK TASARIM TARİHİ ⭐ TEST KONUSU : VİZE SINAVI TESTİ ⭐ KAÇINCI TEST : 1.TEST 2023-2024 Vize Soruları – GRFK1002 Soru 1/20 Sınavı Bitir 22:57 1.2023-2024 Vize Soru 1 (GRFK1002) Ver Sacrum, aşağıdaki hangi grupla yakından ilişkili olan derginin başlığı olarak anılan bir isimdir? • Bauhaus • Art Deco • Deutscher Werkbund • Jugendstil • Viyana Ayrılığı Doğru Cevap1 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: E 2.2023-2024 Vize Soru 2 (GRFK1002) Sanatçının, sanatını Tanrıya adaması gerektiğini, bunun da ancak sanatını kendi elleriyle yaratmasıyla mümkün olabileceğini ve eliyle biçimlendirdiği zaman yaptığı işten haz duyabileceğini ifade etmiş olan J. Ruskin’in bu ifadesi, aşağıdaki hangi kitapta yer almıştır? • Uğultulu Tepeler • Tanrıların Arabaları • Mimarlığın Yedi Lambası • Gurur Dünyası • İki Şehrin Hikayesi Yanlı�� Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: C 3.2023-2024 Vize Soru 3 (GRFK1002) Art Nouveau akımının Avusturya’daki karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? • Rokoko • Barok • Gotik • Secessionstil • Jugendstil Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: D 4.2023-2024 Vize Soru 4 (GRFK1002) Art Nouveau terimi (Belçika dergisi L’Art Moderne’de yayınlanan bir makaleden sonra) bu stile hitap etmenin en yaygın ifade biçimi haline gelse de, çeşitli ülkelerde farklı bir şekilde adlandırıldı. Buna göre art nouveau Almanya’da aşağıdaki hangi isimle bilinir oldu? • Arte Nuova • Stile Liberty • Viyana Ayrılığı • Jugendstil • Art belle époque Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: D 5.2023-2024 Vize Soru 5 (GRFK1002) ‘Illuminated Manuscript’ ne anlama gelmektedir? • Mısır yazısı • Resimli el yazması • Çivi yazısı • Çin yazısı • Alfabe Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: B 6.2023-2024 Vize Soru 6 (GRFK1002) ……, bir fikrin bir ürün veya iletişim diline dönüştürme, tercih edilebilir hale getirir, zihinde hayal edilen düşüncelerin, insanlar tarafından görünür olmasını sağlar, ayrıca ekoloji, enerji tasarrufu, geri dönüşüm, dayanıklılık ve ergonomi gibi konuları da içerir. Yukarıdaki boşluğa aşağıdaki hangi kavram getirilirse doğru olur? • Afiş • İletişim • Minimalizm • Fractal • Tasarım Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: E 7.2023-2024 Vize Soru 7 (GRFK1002) Çok yönlü bir sanatçı ve üretken bir yazar olan, medya, fotoğraf, film, tipografi, reklam ve resim ile ilgilenen, bu türlerin her birinde, yeni malzeme ve teknoloji konusundaki keskin algısı ve bunları daha derinden keşfetme dürtüsü ile mükemmelleştiren, Bauhaus tasarım okulunda ders veren ve yeni teknolojinin sanatta kullanımını teşvik eden sanatçı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? • Marcel Breuer • Herbert Bayer • László Moholy-Nagy • Peter Bahrens • Kolomon Mooser Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: C 8.2023-2024 Vize Soru 8 (GRFK1002) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Endüstri devrimi ile birlikte planlı öğretim açısından ilk defa meydana gelmiştir? • Sanatçılar işlerine eskisi gibi devam etmiştir. • Ürünler el yordamıyla üretilmiştir. • Sanat bir ders olarak ilk defa programlara girmiştir. • Sanayileşme yeni cihazların üretime katılmasını sağlamıştır. • Basılı araçlar eskiden olduğu şekliyle baskı yapmayı sürdürmüştür. Doğru Cevap1 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: C 9.2023-2024 Vize Soru 9 (GRFK1002) Mağara duvar resimlerinde aşağıdakilerden hangisinin tasviri öne çıkmaktadır? • Av hayvanları • Doğa • Tarım • Bitkiler • Ticaret Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: A 10.2023-2024 Vize Soru 10 (GRFK1002) Görsel iletişimin en eski örnekleri aşağıdakilerden hangisi olabilir? • Çivi yazısı • Mağara duvar resimleri • Alfabe • El yazması kitaplar • Hiyeroglif Doğru Cevap1 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: B 11.2023-2024 Vize Soru 11 (GRFK1002) 1760’lı yıllarda İngiltere’de başlamış, 1840’lı yıllara kadar önceleri Kuzey Avrupa sonra da Amerika’ya kadar yayılarak devam etmiş olan süreç aşağıdaki hangi seçenekte verilmiştir? • Bauhaus • Endüstri ya da Sanayi Devrimi • Gotik Dönem • Viktorya Dönemi • Art Nouveau Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: B 12.2023-2024 Vize Soru 12 (GRFK1002) Kitapta doku anlamına gelen ve geleneksel el yazmalarındaki yazı biçimlemesine benzer yazı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? • Textura • Futura • Gotik • Blackletter • Bastarda Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: A 13.2023-2024 Vize Soru 13 (GRFK1002) Ortaçağda yapılmış resimli el yazması kitaplar arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi önemli yer tutmaktadır? • Arap kitap tasarımı • Mısır kitap tasarımı • Roma kitap tasarımı • Kelt kitap tasarımı • Yunan kitap tasarımı Yanlış Cevap0 / 1 cevap Açıklama: Cevap: D 14.2023-2024 Vize Soru 14 (GRFK1002)
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OT HOFFMANN BAUMHAUS, 1970 Darmstadt, Germany Image © Christian Holl
#ot hoffmann#baumhaus#architecture#urban green#green facade#urban jungle#architect#deutscher werkbund#design#artwork#structure#archdaily#dezeen#baunetz#juliaknz#material#context#urban space#space#form#photograph#theclassyissue
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Yearbooks by Deutscher Werkbund, Germany 1912
#deutscher werkbund#Architecture#1910s interior#1910s#1912#germany#1910s furniture#vintage office decor
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I started this tumblr 2013 as a platform to visualize the research of my doctoral thesis „Vom Stil zum Programm. Friedrich Nietzsche und der Deutsche Werkbund“ (Towards a Programmatic Architecture. Friedrich Nietzsche and the German Werkbund), which analyzes the influence of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche upon the founding of the german German Werkbund in its early phase between 1907 and 1914. The research should open an alternative view of the intellectual fundamentals of architectural modernism, by focussing on the strong - but until today hidden - connections between the crisis of architecture at the end of the 19th century, the hope connected with an artistic life and the role model of the era of Attic tragedy postulated by Friedrich Nietzsche. At the end of 2018 the thesis, which was supervised by the Chair of architectural theory Gerd de Bruyn and the chair of architectural history Klaus Jan Philipp at the University of Stuttgart has finally been published. It can be viewed and downloaded HERE
Unfortunately for my english speaking readers the thesis is written and published in german, but on page 13 you can find an english written abstract to give you a short overview view of the work.
Thanks to all of you for following this tumblr!
#Architecture#Architectural Theory#architectural history#University of Stuttgart#Deutscher Werkbund#German Werkbund#Dissertation#Architectural Modernism#de Bruyn#Philipp#IGMA#Nietzsche#Friedrich Nietzsche#Attic Tragedy#Richard Wagner
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Deutscher Werkbund
Traducido al español, como “Asociación Laboral Alemana” o “Federación alemana de trabajo”, fue una institución cultural mixta, sufragada por el estado alemán, que resultó de la asociación de doce artistas y arquitectos, entre los que destacaban Hermann Muthesius como fundador, además de Peter Behrens y Henry van de Velde, entro otros; junto con doce fábricas de Múnich en Alemania. Creada con la…

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#Asociación Laboral Alemana#Deutscher Werkbund#diseño industrial#Federación alemana de trabajo#Henry van de Velde#Hermann Muthesius#Historia#Peter Behrens#Teoría#Werkbund
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150 Jahre Jakob Bengel – die Jubiläumsveranstaltungen: Idar-Oberstein bis 13.10.2023
In den kommenden Wochen und Monaten feiert die Obersteiner Ketten- und Schmuckfabrik Jakob Bengel ihr 150-jähriges Bestehen mit einem umfangreichen Vortrags- und Ausstellungsprogramm. Seit nunmehr gut zwei Jahrzehnten läuft die Umwandlung des Werks in ein Industriemuseum, die inzwischen mit diversen Bau- und Sicherungsmaßnahmen weitgehend abgeschlossen ist. Allerdings steht Bengel inzwischen für…

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#Arnoldsche Art Pubilshers#Bauhaus#Bijouteriewarenfabrik#Christianne Weber-Stöber#Denkfabrik#Deutscher Werkbund#Idar-Oberstein#Industriemuseum#Jakob Bengel Stiftung#Ketten- und schmuckfabrik#Kunstgewerbeschueln#Reformideen#Wilhelm Lindemann
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Pioneras de la arquitectura. Lilly Reich: el espíritu del material | Carmen Espegel
#Ángela García de Paredes#arquitecta pionera#Beatriz Colomina#Carmen Espegel Alonso#Charlotte Perriand#ciclo#conferencia#decorado#deutscher werkbund#diseño de mobiliario#diseño interiores#Eileen Gray#Ernst May#Fuensanta Nieto de la Cierva#fundación Juan March#historia#la mujer construye#Le Corbusier#Lilly Reich#Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky#Mies van der Rohe#mujer#mujeres arquitectas#s. xx#werkbund austellung#Zaida Muxí
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AI Prompt: “hospital room in a hospital, the floor is a swimming pool, in the style of destroyed gadgets sculptures, deutscher werkbund, webcam photography, absurdist, grandeur of scale, associated press photo, pont-aven school --ar 4:3 --v 5 --iw 1 --ar 4:5 --s 500 --c 20”
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Peter Behrens: electric tea and water kettles, 1909; © Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich (photo: A. Laurenzo); © (Peter Behrens) VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2009
#whites#Deutscher Werkbund#electric tea kettles#Peter Behrens#1909#International Design Museum Munich
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WUWA ( 2021 ) - part 1
WUWA housing exhibition (German. Wohnungs- und Werkraumausstellung = Housing and Workplace Exhibition) in Wrocław - organized in 1929 by the Silesian Deutscher Werkbund union in the Dąbie district near Szczytnicki Park and on the fairgrounds adjacent to the Centennial Hall.
Heinrich Lauterbach, founder of the Silesian Werkbund union, contributed most to the organization of the exhibition. Together with Adolf Rading, he took over the artistic direction of the exhibition.
The goal of WUWA was to present proposals for small and medium-sized apartments, a new form of houses, taking into account technological aspects. The buildings built were to be low-cost; efforts were made to ensure that each apartment user would get his own place, isolated from others.
source : https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/WUWA
architectural style : modernism
by Mateusz Śliwiński © 2023
#architecture#architecturephotography#modernism#modernismarchitecture#photoshop#adobephotoshop#digital photography#photographer#photography#wuwa#wuwawroc��aw
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Weißenhof chair, Lilly Reich and Mies van der Rohe (c. 1930)
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