#Demon of lust Asmodeus
lurafita · 4 months
I think that the interesting thing about the Demon of Lust title is how you could interpret that. Because on the one interpretation the fallen angels in Hell were sent there as punishment ok the other like in Lucifer, Hell was theirs to rule since they didn’t want to follow God. They decided the punishments. So I almost want to interpret Asmodeus as this demon king of lust who loathes rapist. He takes the human figure of a strikingly handsome man. He never forces a partner-he seduces them (we know in our current time that sex with the purpose of impregnation without consent is rape so his children are still the products of rape) but he never has to use violence. So his circle of hell (edom) punishes sexual predators. And I like your idea that it adds expertise and sex magic when his children find mates. Ie Malec. I studied a lot of Dante and historic interpretations of heaven and hell and there are so many ways you could look at it.
I’m sorry for this spam but I liked your prompt.
Hi! :-) As you said, there are many, many, MANY ways to interpret the lore with this. From purely religious to completely fantastical.
One could maybe even say that maybe while an angel, Asmodeus was the paragon of love, and as he fell and became a prince of hell, his original virtue turned into its opposing sin. (IF one views lust as the moral opposite to love, anyway).
And that also connected with Magnus for me. Because I see Magnus as a character who desperately wants to love and be loved, but who has been hurt so much in the past, he walled off this part of himself. (How quickly and readily those walls fell when meeting Alec, for me, just lends more credibility to my theory.)
However, his father's association with lust had consequences for Magnus that for the longest time, he didn't even know about. With this prompt specifically, I thought that this essence was a part of Magnus, in a way like an aphrodisiac? Though not in a way where his partners would be unable to refuse him or anything like that. Oh, I'm so bad at putting my thoughts into words with this.
Like, it's not something that Magnus does, but rather something that is just what he is. And before he realized that it was specifically his physiology that made sex with him so very enjoyable to his partners, he just thought this was how it was for most people. So when someone actually stirrs something in him, when there is a real relationship and chance for love, Magnus slows down. With Alec, he goes slow. Not just because it's Alec's first relationship and he wants him to feel secure and take things at his own pace, but also because he doesn't want his "walking aphrodisiac" thing to cloud any feelings Alec might have for him. So when the time comes, Magnus definitely tells him. But this is a sensitive kind of topic, that also requires Magnus to trust Alec quite a bit, so it's something that Magnus tables for as long as he can.
I'm talking in circles, aren't I? 🤦‍♀️😂
I'm so sorry.
(By the way, I do so love the idea of Asmodeus punishing rapists in his hell dimension. Though would that mean that the demons under his command also do not rape women, and therefor warlocks would mostly be fathered from demons of other realms?)
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eldrichboyo · 2 years
Social sleep bonding.
If you take a nap in the hol
There's a good chance that you may wake up with more bodies in your bed than you had before. Demons that live in big family packs will sometimes sleep together. It's a bonding thing.
So if you suddenly feel a slight dip in the bed, don't be alarmed it's just your housemates /mates in general coming in for a snuggle. A gentle nuzzling against your neck and a loud purr-growl before the demon lays down next to you. Followed by another and another.
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dusty-cakerie · 1 year
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the aura. the power. the protective momma energy. Nishi-sensei knows what the people want.
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the-mortuary-witch · 3 months
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Also known as Ashmodai, Asmodeus, Asmody, Asmoday; appears as a Great King 'Asmoday' in the Ars Goetia, where he is said to have a seal in gold and is listed as number thirty-two according to respective rank. He "is strong, powerful and appears with three heads; the first is like a bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram or a goat; the tail of a serpent, and from his mouth issue flames of fire." Also, he sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner, and amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy two legions of Spirits.
Asmodeus is one of the “seven princes of hell,” a demon whose wickedness is matched only by his talent. He specializes in spreading lust, and he doesn’t just prey on common people. Kings, queens, and even divine beings have been affected by his touch!
Appearance: a strong and attractive young man with shoulder-length black hair, fiery orange-yellow eyes (like burning embers), black draconic wings, and ram horns. When angered, his hair catches in flames and burns to become short, blazing like embers. His horns become more prominent, and his eyes become even more fiery. He goes into battle with a staff or sword commonly, but sometimes with a mace. The dragon he is sometimes seen riding is a trusted friend of his from ages past. He can also appear as a bull or ram, which are aspects of his. His traditional art which shows him as having three heads is simply a symbolization of this. 
Personality: Asmodeus is tremendously strong at heart and holds a great deal of wisdom and passion. Overall, he has a very resilient and noble attitude, and is also connected to lust and domination, as he indulges in sexual pleasures. Asmodeus enjoys luxury and sensuality, but can also be very dark and serious when needed, and can become quickly impatient with those who earn his disfavour. He can also feel war-like at times, but in a way that is similar to heroism. But his darker side, however, is called Asmodai, who is one of the most destructive and terrifying of all the demons.
Asmodeus is a master of emotions and knows how to rapidly gain favour by playing to the emotions of crowds, masses, or even single persons. He doesn’t have to lie, he simply uses emotional reasoning to appeal to peoples’ hearts in order to be convincing. He tends to be very kind-hearted, loyal, passionate, and steadfast. 
Symbols: upside down red pentagram, cards, snake, crown, scorpion, seal of Asmodeus, money, the element air, and gambling
King/God of: demons, lust, passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, knowledge, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of power.
Culture: Demonic and Jewish
Plants and trees: rose, mint, sunflower, blackthorn tree, mandrake root, belladonna, nightshade, yew tree, lavender, poppy, cypress tree, jasmine, and snakewood tree
Crystals: leopards skin jasper, carnelian, peridot, ruby, cinnabar, black tourmaline, red jasper, and garnet
Animals: bull, snake, scorpion, ram, cats, and rooster
Incense: frankincense, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, and dragons blood
Colours: red, black, yellow, and silver
Numbers: 32 and 3
Zodiac: Aquarius
Tarot: The Devil, King Of Wands, and 6 Of Swords
Planet: Venus
Days: Friday the 13th, full moons, Valentine’s Day, Beltane, and Litha
Parents: Agrat bat Mahlat and King David
Siblings: N/A
Partner: Bensozia, Lilith, Sarah (the daughter of Raguel), and possibly many other demons and spirits
Children: N/A
• Lust and carnal desires: Asmodeus is said to have great power over matters of lust and sexuality, and is often depicted as a seducer and temptress.
• Love and passion: he is believed to be able to stir up powerful emotions of love and passion in humans, leading them astray from their true path.
• Sexuality and physicality: Asmodeus is associated with the physical realm and is said to have great understanding and influence over the physical body.
• Material wealth and luxury: sometimes portrayed as a being of great material wealth and luxury, and is often depicted surrounded by opulence and excess.
• Power and authority: Asmodeus is a high-ranking demon in the hierarchy of hell, and is believed to have significant power and influence over humans and other supernatural creatures.
•’Use of seductive and manipulative techniques: Asmodeus is known for using charm, persuasion, and deception to achieve his goals and manipulate others.
• He HATES water, shellfish, seafood (especially fish), complaining, and pettiness.
• Known for his gambling or being over gambling.
• He is also associated with music, battles, and vengeance.
• He rules over the gambling houses of Hell and can bestow luck in gambling and loves to play poker and blackjack in the astral with his practitioners.
• Can be invoked to help with justice or vengeance spells.
• He dislikes birds, but likes cats.
When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to approach him with respect and caution. Remember that he is a powerful demon and should be treated as such. Be open to receiving his gifts of passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, and more, but also be prepared for his darker side. If you’re looking to connect with Asmodeus on a deeper level, try meditating with his enn (Ayen avage aloren Asmoday aken) or creating a sigil in his honor. And always remember to thank him for his gifts and offerings.
Here are some additional tips for working with Asmodeus:
• Build a relationship: Like any deity, building a relationship with Asmodeus takes time and effort. Try making regular offerings or dedicating a space in your home to him. You can also try researching more about his history and lore to deepen your connection with him.
• Focus on inner strength: Asmodeus is known for his rulerships of inner strength, which can come in handy when facing obstacles or challenges in life. Try working with him to cultivate this quality within yourself, and remember to thank him for his guidance.
• Use protection spells: Asmodeus can also be called upon for protection, especially in matters of the heart. Try creating a protection spell or talisman with his sigil to ward off negativity and attract positive energy.
• Connect with sexuality: Asmodeus is strongly connected to sexuality, making him a great deity to work with for matters of the heart and relationships. Try connecting with him through sexual energy or using his energy to enhance your own passion and desires.
• Always show respect: When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to always show respect and approach him with caution. He is a powerful demon, and should be treated with the reverence and respect that he deserves.
Another fun way to work with Asmodeus is to create a vision board that reflects his rulerships. Cut out pictures and phrases that represent passion, sex, valour, and inner-strength, and arrange them on a board or piece of paper. Place this vision board on your altar or carry it with you as a reminder of the gifts you’re seeking from Asmodeus.
"Oh mighty King Asmodeus, ruler of the underworld and master of the infernal realms, I call upon you in this moment. I beseech thee to draw near and manifest your presence before me.
By your divine power and authority, I seek your guidance, protection, and assistance in the matters that concern me.”

“I acknowledge your greatness and offer my respect and devotion to you.
Hail Asmodeus, King of the Fire and Ruler of the Underworld!"
• He shows up in your dreams.
• Shows up as the King of Wands when using tarot cards.
• Feeling of being watched or accompanied by a supernatural presence when alone.
• Seeing or drawing toward animals associated with him (bulls, snakes, scorpions, rams, cats, and/or roosters).
• Unusual dreams or vivid visions, often involving themes of love, lust, or sensuality.
• Experiencing feelings of intense desire, passion, seductive, or sexual energy (in my personal experience).
• Feeling a sense of connection or communication with a supernatural entity or presence, especially during meditations or rituals.
• A sudden need or desire to explore darker or taboo aspects of your personality or desires.
• Feeling a stronger connection to the elements of fire or earth.
• Observing unusual synchronicities or patterns in your life that remind you of him.
• Sexual acts.
• Roses.
• Cards.
• Frankincense.
• Dice.
• Food and drinks: pineapple, oat meat, alcohol (red wine, spiced rum, and whiskey), spicy food, lemons, limes, chestnuts, honey, chocolate, and natural made lemonade
• Bull, ram, or narwhal horns.
• Sunflowers.
• Black or red candles.
• Shadow work.
• Carnelians.
• Axes.
• Maces.
• Ornate swords.
• Money.
• Cinnamon scented candles, incense, perfume, (anything cinnamon scented overall).
• Participating in activities that he may appreciate, such as creative pursuits, sexual expression, or pursuits of power and control.
• Boundary work.
• Leaving offerings such as wine, herbs, or flowers on his altar.
• Engaging in acts of passion and pleasure.
• Working towards personal goals and desires related to sexuality, power, and success.
• Singing and overall talking to him.
• Making a meal in his name.
• Shadow work.
• Knowing how to stand up for yourself.
• Learning to stand up for others.
• Lighting a candle or incense in honour of Him.
• Coming to terms with your sexuality.
• Body worship.
There is no clear consensus on whether it is safe to eat or drink an offering given to Asmodeus, as beliefs and practices vary greatly within different occult and magical traditions. Some practitioners may feel that consuming an offering is a way to establish a deeper connection with the deity, while others may prefer to dispose of the offering in a respectful manner after the initial ritual.
It is important to use your own judgment and discretion when deciding whether or not to consume an offering given to a deity. It is also advisable to research and follow established protocols and procedures for working with demons, deities, and entities.
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twisted-dork · 7 months
What I Realized
What do all the Asmodeuses (WTDSIK Azz-kun, Ozzie, and OM!Asmo) have in common??
Azz-kun= Iruma
Ozzie= Fizzarolli
Asmo= Mc/Solomon (whichever you prefer I don’t have the right to judge)
One or the other are just in love with their s/o and I kinda think that’s sweet for the Asmodeuses
I also want to see a crossover of all of them meeting
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rattlebear25 · 8 months
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🔥 Deadly Sins 🔥
First concept art of the Princes of Hell. Satan, Leviathan and Belphagor are missing because i am waiting the canon designs of them. I need to redraw this 😭
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uncle-cucky · 5 months
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Forced to hide itself away from disgusting, prying eyes. It's developed a hardened shell to protect itself, only doom comes to those who reach where they shouldn't.
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okamiwolf · 3 months
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3 of the seven sins they are aLike brothers and sisters even bee said it
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nerdy-talks · 10 months
I love this artwork (,,> ᴗ <,,)
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My favorite part :
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Check out how grumpy Scrooge McLucifer looks xD
Put those ears on him, Asmo! Don't give up until he agrees to be ✨festive✨
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Satan is also wearing little reindeer ears! He's so cute ;w;
And Beel makes an adorable reindeer as well! Then Levi, Mammon, and Belphie all have Santa hats on while Asmo is donning a pretty bow 💚❤️
At least I think Belphie is wearing a Santa hat... Either that or fuzzy garland since I don't see the actual hat part. Did the devs forget to add it, or is the latter true? Or am I just that blind? lol
Speaking of Mammon....
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Imagine being pocket-sized and everyone taking turns carrying you around at all times :3
Anyway... Who else is excited for the new upcoming song from the Obey Me! boys?
I know I am! ('•u•')
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nicosraf · 2 months
I can’t tell if u genuinely wanted to see the bingo or not but-
It’s mainly a mix of Theories and silly things that will probably never happen.
- The child Michael meets in Angels 3 being the anti christ.
- Asmodeus running someone over with a golf cart
I did ! But you don't have to share ofc!
I'm confirming the Asmodeus cart one though
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madmarchhare · 1 year
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I love her so much.
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eldrichboyo · 2 years
Imagine having to change all your cosmetics, deodorants, hygiene products, and shampoo because you live in the devildom.
Yeah, sure, these things smell great to you. But to the demon nose, they smell straight nasty. In some cases, some human products can cause allergies in demons.
It was a whole embarrassing scene going through all your products with asmo and finding stuff that you could replace it with. Asmo loves you very much, and in order for you to continue receiving love from any of them, they'd prefer not to itch and scratch or gag whenever you spray your perfume/cologne.
Demons are weird.
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nickysfacts · 1 month
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Ozzie: the sympathetic demon that embodies the spirit of lust!💋
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stanley578 · 1 year
Asmodeus is an advocate for consent and communication
What Asmodeus said about lust in the latest episode of Helluva Boss, "Oops", made me have admiration and respect for him.
He said, "If you're lookin' for a love potion, you came to the wrong fuckin' guy. I don't fuck with that artificial bullshit. Lust shouldn't be about force. It's an art! To be earned and enjoyed. It's all about that journey to Pleasuretown."
Who knew that an overtly sexual demon has decency and morals. That makes him the complete opposite of Valentino.
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akasugaro · 1 year
everyone is hating on solomon as if asmodeus doesnt literally CHARM people to bed them. is it wrong that solomon made a pact w a drunk asmo? yeah. should we also be ignoring the fact that asmo has done (essentially) the same thing to humans, demons, etc alike multiple times over? absolutely not. be angry at solomon hes an asshole but dont forget that the boys are literally demons who have ALL killed and eaten and harmed humans in so many ways. stop cherrypicking your morals when it comes to this damn game.
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spuddragon · 4 months
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Redesign of the sin of lust as a dragon
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This is the original
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