#Deeks Whump
ejzah · 7 months
A/N: Once again, a tiny idea morphed into a much longer than intended fic. Enjoy the angst!
Kensi had learned after Deeks was tortured by Sidorov that in addition to withdrawing from everyone around him when he was in a state of distress, he forgot to take care of himself as well. It had taken her a while to pick up on the pattern, but now, especially after living together for three years, she knew all the signs. He tended not to eat often enough, his meticulous cleaning schedule became disrupted, and he either barely moved at all, or spent hours exhausting his body in an attempt to quiet his mind.
So one week in the middle of summer when Kensi noticed the counters hadn’t been wiped down in a few days, and the laundry hamper was nearing capacity—something that never occurred since they moved in together—she took note. It wasn’t a cause for massive alarm, but enough that she decided to keep a close eye on Deeks. They’d just come off a horrific case that lasted over three weeks and had them all running on fumes.
Maybe he just needed the time to recuperate, she reasoned. She’d certainly been on edge and snapped at everyone more than usual, including Deeks, who had the misfortune of spending their few hours away from work with her.
On Tuesday, they had a fairly slow day, the latter part of which they spent cleaning out in-boxes and catching up on the procedures that got overlooked during intense cases. It gave them a much needed opportunity to bond and unwind.
Inevitably, Sam and Callen ended up in argument over who had actually taken down their most recent criminal.
“Nope, I definitely reached him before you did,” Callen insisted in that tone that meant he was just arguing for the joy of watching Sam grow more irritated. Kensi dipped her head to conceal a smile.
“Are you kidding me? You weren’t even close. He’d still be on the run if we left it to you,” Sam objected, shaking his head in exasperation.
“I don’t know, Sam, Deeks is the one who distracted him,” Kensi pointed out. She waited expectantly for Deeks to jump in with his own comment, but none came.
Kensi realized he’d been quiet through most of the teasing and banter, when normally he’d be egging Sam right alongside Callen. His body was turned slightly away, gaze focused in the direction of the back wall. She wondered if he saw anything at all.
The silence grew long enough for it grow slightly awkward, and Kensi hastily added, “I’m just saying it’s a group effort.”
“Yeah, you can keep your “group effort”, Sam made air quotes around the last two words. “I’m the one who tackled him, and that’s all that matters.” He jabbed a button on his laptop keyboard. “And I’m outta here. Don’t even think of calling me before 6 tomorrow morning.”
Callen left shortly after Sam, followed by Eric and Nell, who seemed in a hurry.
“You want to grab tacos on the way home?” she asked once she finished her own paperwork, leaning across the front of Deeks’ desk. “I’ll buy.” She let her tone drop flirtatiously, shimmying her shoulders.
“Uh, I’m really behind on my LAPD paperwork,” Deeks answered without looking up. “I think I’m going to stay a little bit later.”
“This is the first night we’ve gotten out before 7 in weeks.”
Finally looking up, Deeks sighed heavily, swiping his hair out of his eyes with a careless hand. Even in the dim light, she could tell his eyes were bloodshot.
“I know. LAPD will get on my case if I wait any longer though. I’ll just be a couple hours, ok?” He gave her a pleading, regretful look, that Kensi was powerless to ignore.
“Ok.” She leaned closer, tipping his chin a little higher to kiss him. “Don’t be too long,” she said.
“I won’t,” Deeks promised, returning her kiss with a brush of his lips. “Love you.”
It was a full four hours later when Kensi heard the front quietly open and shut. She’d tried not to wait up, even going to bed, but too many thoughts and worries circled through her brain to get anywhere close to sleep. She tracked Deeks’ movement through the house; he stopped in the kitchen, got a glass of water, checked on Monty in the living room, then finally headed to their room.
Kensi rolled over onto her side when he walked in, knowing there wasn’t any point in pretending to sleep. Deeks stood by the closet, taking off his shoes.
“Hey,” she murmured. He stilled at the sound of her voice, shoulders caving for a second before he turned around.
“Hey. Sorry.”
She didn’t know if he was apologizing for possibly waking her. Or coming home late.
“It’s ok.” Holding out her hand, she waited until he was within reaching distance, and pushed herself up enough to slide her hand around his neck. He let her pull him down, releasing a slightly pained noise. Kensi slid her fingers up into his hair, finding the strands damp.
She didn’t call him on it, just holding him tighter when their lips parted. She felt the tension in his shoulders and back, so tight it seemed he might snap at any moment.
“Come to bed,” she told him, pulling back the covers. When Deeks slid in beside her, she curled around him, hoping took some comfort in her touch.
Kensi’s worry skyrocketed as she watched Deeks withdraw more every day. This time around, he tended towards movement, which meant he either woke up early (assuming he’d slept at all) or stayed after work to work out. At the same time, his appetite seemed to have disappeared.
She tried to combat it all by bringing him a donut in the morning or cajoling him into bed and doing her best to soothe him to sleep. It wasn’t enough, but she was hesitant to push too hard.
“Hey, I brought you some soup,” she said one evening as she came back from a food run. Deeks had very noticeably not requested anything.
“I’m not hungry,” he said, not even pausing considering the bucket she plunked down in front of him.
“Baby, you didn’t eat breakfast this morning. It’s after six. You need to have something.”
“No,” Kensi interrupted sharply, forgetting her decision to remain quietly supportive, to say nothing. “You are tired, you’re not eating, you’re not talking, and I am done letting you fade right in front of me.”
His head sank forward for a moment, and he rubbed his hands over his face, emitting the deepest of sighs. When he looked up again, the shadows in his eyes were even darker, and Kensi’s heart clenched painfully for him.
“I’m just struggling a little right now. I’ll get over it,” he insisted dully. “I always do.”
“You don’t have to do it alone though. You have me,” Kensi reminded him, moving around his desk to crouch in front of him. She grabbed his hands, clasping them between hers. “Let me help you.”
“I want to…” he shook his head, tilting his head back with a sorrowful expression. “It just feels like everything terrible feeling is amplified by a hundred and anything good is dampened.” He smiled sadly. “Only thing that helps sometimes is when you’re holding me at night.”
“I’ll do anything you need, anything. But please don’t push me away. I can’t bear that.”
“I’ll try.” He nodded, eyes damp. Kensi drew his forehead to her shoulder, weaving her fingers into his hair.
“And eat your soup.”
That got a weak out laugh out of him. Drawing back, he grabbed the tub across his desk, popping the lid off.
Kensi knew that one meal wouldn’t magically fix everything, but as he slowly worked his way through the soup, it was a step the right direction.
Under the table, Deeks reached for her hand, squeezing it tightly.
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densi-mber · 9 months
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“Ok baby, just three more steps and we’re there,” Kensi encouraged, supporting Deeks under the arm that wasn’t encased in a sling. He lurched to the side, throwing them both off balance, and Kensi had to fight to keep them from tumbling backwards.
“Sorry,” Deeks mumbled, bracing a hand on the wall. It took him a couple tries to find it.
“It’s ok. But maybe it would have been a good idea stay downstairs.” Tightening her grip on his arm, Kensi braced herself in case he wobbled again. She forgot sometimes how big Deeks was, not just height wise. Now that she was supporting most of his weight, he felt like a giant in comparison. She was just lucky that he was semi-mobile.
Eventually they made it to their room, and Kensi helped Deeks into bed. He rolled onto his back with a groan, wincing as he tried to wriggle farther up the bed. He gave up after a moment, cradling his injured arm.
A few hours ago, their day had gone from ordinary to terrifying when Deeks found himself hanging off the side of a cliff while engaged in a fight with an armed mercenary. Kensi’s heart had stilled when they both rolled off the cliff, and out of view. Somehow, Deeks had managed to fend off the mercenary until the rest of the team arrived, at which point he’d passed out in a pool of his own blood.
The left side of his face had developed into a mottled bruise, speckled with numerous cuts and abrasions. A larger gash along his hairline had required stitches and now had swelled considerably. The list of injuries was topped off with a badly dislocated shoulder, and a collection of bruises over a good portion of his body.
The doctor who treated Deeks kept insisting he got off easy. Kensi found it hard to agree when Deeks was clearly so miserable.
He shifted restlessly now on the bed, his legs crossing and uncrossing as he tried to find a comfortable position.
“Do you want another pill? The doctor said you could have them every four hours for the first couple days,” Kensi offered, feeling helpless. She’d never been good at caring for people when they were hurting. Not Jack and certainly not Deeks.
“Oh god no,” Deeks moaned softly, shaking his head, and then wincing again. “The rooms already shaking enough already and I think I’ll throw up if I try to swallow anything.”
“I’m so sorry, sweetie.” Leaning down, she swept Deeks’ tousled and matted curls back from his face. His skin was so unusually pale, another indicator that he felt awful. “What can I do?”
“I don’t know. Maybe just lay down with me?” He rubbed a clumsy hand over the unbruised side of his face, clamping his eyes closed, and swallowing convulsively. “Or kill me,” he croaked.
Kensi slid into bed alongside Deeks’ uninjured side, tucking his head under her chin. He sighed, relaxing into her.
“Hey Kensi, can you tell me something?” he murmured after a minute.
“Are there elves dancing on the ceiling?”
“No, baby. No elves,” Kensi assured him, hiding her mild concern at his apparent hallucinations.
“Huh. What about cows?”
“Wow. This sucks,” he sighed sleepily.
“Yeah. But I won’t leave you, not for a second.”
“I love you,” Deeks slurred, already half asleep.
A/N: Once when my mom was recovering from surgery at home (torn tendon in her shoulder from falling), she was seeing all kinds of pictures in the trees across the street. One of the things being a massive baby bottle.
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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NCIS Los Angeles s14e07: “You’re burning up.”
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capturedpain · 7 months
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NCIS: Los Angeles 5x01
Deeks in the hospital after being tortured.
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get-whumped · 8 months
i wanna write an ncis:la fic but i also haven't watched that show since i was a teenager and i do not want to do any research so everyone is gonna be very ooc and no one is allowed to say anything about it to me or you're homophobic
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Goddamn. I decided to watch a random ncis whump episode and spun the wheel and ended up watching the finale of season 4 of NCIS: LA, since it was a two parter i watched the first episode of season 5 as well and just. Holy fuck.
The whump was so fucking good. Like, they had follow up and everything.
Marty Deeks whumps so good he is on the same level as Malcolm Bright for me.
And the aftermath! The aftermath is amazing! They actually show it and everything. Not only that, the hospital scene is amazing. Due to personal reasons it was really impactful and cathartic for me.
And we can’t forget the beauty that is the fued that Callen and the dude with one hand have. That shit’s my jam. If it wasn’t for Deeks and the perfection that was the agony he went through and the aftermath Callen would probably be all I can think abouy because like I said before the kind of beef he and that dude have is my jam.
I really want to bump the show itself up to the top of my watchlist right now, but I’m realistic enough to know this isn’t going to be like Prodigal Son or anything like that. And like, I feel my expectations may be set a little to high now. Because I loved the two episodes I just watched. Like I said, the whump and aftermath was perfection. I hope it carries on into the rest of the season and they don’t just forget it ever happened but I have enough faith that I don’t think the writers would do that.
Anyways yeah. This temporarily cured my depression.
My question now though is do I hope right in? Or should I wait and adjust my expectations for the show? And is it really as good as those to episodes? Like, even aside from the whump, if this is the standard then I will be beyond thrilled. But I do kind of want to know if the two episodes I just watched were the exception and not the rule. Like, on a scale of quality and stuff what should I be expecting?
Anyhow, I am excited to actually sit down and watch the series itself sometime soon. Even if it’s not going to the top it has definitely been bumped up on my watchlist. (Because like the characters. Can we talk about how good the characters are and how much I love them all already?)
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anonkp · 2 years
5 things you might find in my fics
Thanks for tagging me, @ejzah.
Angst with hurt/comfort
Whump with a side of angst
Deeks clenching his jaw or blowing out a breath
Deeks finding a family and/or finding peace
I'll tag @psyched1328 and anyone else who wants to play.
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bluenet13 · 2 years
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Thanks @chicgeekgirl89 for the tag!
5 Works
The lightnin' in my heart makes it worth it: My first Rookie story and what I hope is the first of many. Chenford stole my heart and I had the best time writing them. I also love every single character on the show and had a lot of fun writing them ganging up on poor Tim.
Silhouettes with no regrets: Heartstopper is one of my favorite stories and I loved writing a Tarlos fic inspired by the show. I really like the balance it has between my usual angst, emotional moments between the boys and more romance than I've ever written.
A Partner's Always Got Your Back + A Friend's Always Got Your Back: Two fics that could be a first and second chapter of the same fic; hence, why I added them both. This was my first time writing from a perspective other than Tarlos and I had so much fun. I love Nancy and I really enjoyed getting inside her head, and showing her sass, how badass she is, and how good a friend she is to her partner and Carlos.
The Green and Brown of Each Other’s Eyes: This one is also very special and easily one of my favorite fics I've ever written. I loved filling in the blanks of various show moments and showing in my own way the growth and evolution of TK and Carlos' relationship. It has some of my favorite lines ever and I just loved exploring Tarlos and sprinkling little parts of myself within their story.
Surrounded by Love: My father passed away in 2020 and I wrote this fic about TK dealing with the passing of his mother in honor of that storyline and my favorite character, and as a tribute to my father and my own grief. It's very personal and very special and easily my #1 favorite.
The Courthouse fic: Tarlos, Nancy and Tommy + Owen and Gabriel at court when a bad guy breaks out; what could possibly go wrong? Been working on this one on and off since 2021 and it rarely cooperates. I started working on it last week again and might have figured out how to make it work for a bingo square but we will see.
Domestic Abuse: A NCISLA bingo square where Deeks suspects his neighbor is a victim of domestic abuse. My typical angst with some of my 'humor' in between.
A The Rookie fic of Chenford's first Valentine's Day together since they started dating.
An earthquake fic for my 'Natural Disaster' bingo square that I haven't started. Not sure yet if I want it to be for The Rookie and Chenford, or Lone Star and Tarlos.
3 Biggest Improvements
Better integrating my dialogue with the descriptions of what the characters are doing and what's happening around them.
I used to be very much an introspective writer and I spent a lot of time getting inside character's head and doing descriptions. Now I feel more comfortable writing dialogue and incorporating more characters into my fics.
I used to think I could only write fic for NCISLA and even that was mostly a fluke. I've now written for 8 fandoms and have learned to see I'm a good enough writer in my own way. I see how happy writing makes me and now that, for better or worse, it's probably going to be a part of my life forever.
2 Resolutions
Writing consistently: I wrote 13 fics in 2022. 12 in between January and May, and 1 in December. Enough said lol.
I want to get better at adding humor and romance into my fics. I love whump and angst but want to feel as comfortable writing other emotions and different types of scenes as I do with those two.
1 Favorite Line
From Can You Feel It?
Sitting back down on the chair with a sigh, Carlos grabs TK's hand again and sets it on his chest, over his heart. "Can you feel it?" he asks his ex-boyfriend. "Can you feel it beating for the both of us?"
Tagging @wanna-be-bold @ejzah @ravens-words
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ao3feed-ncislosangeles · 10 months
Whumping in December 2
by OPSManager Whump filled team as family centric one shot collection for Whumpcember 2023 Words: 357, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Los Angeles Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Hetty Lange, Owen Granger, G Callen, Sam Hanna, Kensi Blye, Marty Deeks, Nate Getz, Eric Beale, Nell Jones Relationships: Owen Granger/Hetty Lange, G Callen & Hetty Lange Additional Tags: Whumpcember 2023, Team as Family, Hurt/Comfort, Aftermath of Violence, possible PTSD, Nightmares, Concussions, Fainting, Aftermath of Torture, Therapy, Isolation, stabbed, Blood, bad memories, Choking, yeah - Freeform, a lot of stuff here, but they all get through it, One Shot Collection, Romance, Friendship, Swearing via https://ift.tt/uOXH8VQ
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
Country Roads, Take Me Home: Chap. 6
Fandom: NCIS LA
Characters: Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye, Eric Beale, Nell Jones, Sam Hanna, G Callen
Read Chapters 1-5 Here
A/N: Shouts out to @bluenet13 who made me finish this fic! 
“Whoa,” Kensi said, putting her hands up. “Bill, what’s going on?”
“Well that’s a question I think we’d like you to answer,” Bill said kindly. “Is there a reason you and Marty were poking around here earlier?”
Kensi chose her next words carefully. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. We stopped by to see if you were home.”
“I think we both know you did a little more than that,” Bill said. “Mighta seen some things we didn’t mean for you to see.”
“Bill, I’m not sure what you think is going on here, but let’s go back outside and see if we can sort it out.”
“Works for me. Carol’ll want to hear this I’m sure.”
Kensi moved carefully past him and walked to the front of the RV. When she stepped outside she found Carol still sitting at the picnic table with Deeks. But Deeks had his head on the table and seemed off. “Babe? You okay?” Kensi asked loudly, careful not to make any sudden movements. 
“He’s a little sleepy dear,” Carol said. “I think that port really did him in!”
“Okay, what’s going on here?” Kensi asked, worry spiraling through her. Deeks owned a bar, the man could definitely hold his liquor and one glass of port shouldn’t have him face first in his desert. 
“Remember how we told you that you have to keep things fun as you get older?” Bill said. “Well Carol and I started this road trip and thought we needed a little action. Something to spice it up.”
“So you committed a robbery,” Kensi said.
“Well just a tiny one,” Carol said. “But it was so easy. So we went bigger.”
Kensi was trying to listen while also keeping her eyes on Deeks. He was stirring but seemed lethargic. “Did you drug my husband?” she asked incredulously.
“Just a little bit,” Carol said, patting him gently on the back. “If you’d just drunk yours like you were supposed to we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.���
“You were going to drug us and then drive away,” Kensi said. “Deeks was right.”
“See, I told you they were getting suspicious,” Bill said.
“You called it dear,” Carol said with a sigh. “I should have listened to you.”
“And I should have listened to Deeks,” Kensi muttered. 
“Kens?” Deeks slurred, lifting his head a bit.
“I’m here babe. You okay?”
“I….think ‘m drgged,” he said, eyes glassy and unfocused.
“Yeah you are,” Kensi said. “Just take some deep breaths okay?”
Deeks squinted up. “Dss he havea gn?” 
“Yes, he does,” Kensi said. “So we’re just going to behave and not cause any problems, all right?”
“He prbly cn’ evn use it,” Deeks mumbled.
“Hey, I am the reigning, three time rifle champion of Sheboygan!” Bill said indignantly.
“Of course you are,” Kensi said with a sigh of long suffering.
“Well, now that plan A is all used up, we need to move onto plan B,” Carol said. “I think a little walk is in order. Take in some of that fresh mountain air!”
It was past dusk and most people had retreated indoors for the evening. The few that were out were laughing and chatting and took no notice of the strange parade walking by them. Not that Kensi would have asked for help anyway. There were weapons involved now and she wasn’t interested in getting any civilians shot.
She held Deeks up as they walked, stumbling along over the rocky terrain. He seemed to be all right, if uncoordinated and a little confused. “Wre we gng?” he asked repeatedly.
“Just for a little walk dearie,” Carol said every time, patiently, as if she were talking to a five year old.
“How did you get past the security cameras?” Kensi asked. 
“Oh we just bypassed the feed and spliced in a loop of footage,” Bill said. 
“It’s so easy, our grandson taught us. He’s nine, very bright boy,” Carol said fondly.
“Got a little trickier when it was closed circuit but we figured it out,” Bill said. He’d traded his rifle for a slightly more inconspicuous pistol, another reason no passerby had noticed something off.
“So what’s the plan here?” Kensi asked as they moved further out into the plains. “Shoot us and leave us for dead?”
“Darling don’t be gauche!” Carol said, horrified. “No, we’re going to tie you up. Someone will come along eventually.”
“f we don’t get etn by wlvs first,” Deeks said, coming around enough to be present in the conversation. 
“No wolves in this part of the country,” Bill grunted. “Coyotes’ll get you though.”
They walked for several miles before Bill made them stop. And of course he knew how to  tie knots like a boy scout. “There,” he said after he tightened the last one around Kensi’s wrists. “That oughta do nicely.”
Kensi sent him a pointed glare as Deeks’ head lolled against her shoulder. “Now, you two sit tight,” Carol said sweetly. “You’ll be found by morning.”
“And we’ll be long gone. It really was a pleasure meeting you,” Bill said.
“It was nt ours,” Deeks said, rolling his eyes up into what he apparently thought was an angry scowl but looked more like a fish face.
“No more vacations,” Kensi said, when Bill and Carol were out of earshot. “None. No road trips, no cruises, no flights. Nothing. Home. A dark room. No visitors.”
She worked furiously at the knot in her hands. “Deeks, hey, come on. I need you to wake up and help me here.”
“m wake,” Deeks said, hefting himself off her shoulder.
“The knife in my boot. I need you to get it.”
His current lack of coordination and awareness made things tricky. He ended up with his head in her lap, sliding down along her legs until his hands found her boot. It took several minutes and a lot of awkward maneuvering to retrieve the knife and then another several minutes before he was able to get it into Kensi’s hands.
In no time she had them free and then went to work on her ankles before moving onto Deeks’ bindings. “This was not the kind of tying up I had in mind on this vacation,” Deeks grumbled as she split apart his ankles.
“Now’s not really the time babe. Can you stand?”
“Everything’s a little wobbly,” he said.
She cupped his face and tried to see into his eyes but it was too dark, even with the full moon out. “Well your speech sounds better. Come on. We’ve got a long walk back. And the Weekes’ have at least a forty minute head start.”
She didn’t mention that it would have been a significantly shorter walk if he’d been less drugged. She pulled him to his feet, sliding an arm under his shoulder to help him balance, and off they went, stumbling through the darkness in the direction of what Kensi thought was the campsite.
It was nearing on two in the morning now and they were still nowhere near their destination, when Deeks froze, causing her to stumble. “Deeks, what—“
He dropped to his knees and puked. “Oh god,” he gasped, wiping his mouth. “I hate being roofied.”
“Yeah, I don’t blame you,” Kensi said, putting a hand on his back. “You good or is there more?”
“Help me up,” he said as she hauled him to his feet once again. “Wait.”
They both froze. “What?” Kensi asked.
“I thought I heard something,” Deeks said, squinting to try and see in the moonlight.
Then they both heard it. Hoofbeats. Coming fast. “Is that—“
“Buffalo!” Deeks yelled.
There was an outcropping of rocks silhouetted up ahead and they ran for it, hoofbeats still pounding behind them.
They made it to the outcropping just in time, collapsing against the stones, breathless. “Oh god,” Kensi gasped. “I didn’t know buffalo could run that fast.”
“Neither did we.”
Kensi and Deeks both jumped as they realized that they had once again been reunited with their road trip pals turned hostage takers. And they both looked a little worse for wear.
Carol’s hair was a mess and her knees looked like she’d taken a tumble. Bill was bleeding badly from a wound in his arm. “How did you get free?” Bill asked. “I made those knots tighter than a footballer’s shoelaces.”
“I’m a federal agent,” Kensi said. “And he’s an LAPD detective.”
“No kidding!” Bill said with a chuckle. “Well how ‘bout that Carol. We got the best of an FBI agent and a police officer.”
“I’m not FB—-never mind,” Kensi said with a roll of her eyes. “Let me see your arm.”
“We were just walking back and they came out of nowhere,” Carol said. “I wanted to get a picture of them with my iPhone but it was so dark so we got closer and they just came charging right at us!”
“Yeah well, buffalo don’t really like other people,” Deeks said.
“This looks really bad,” Kensi said. “I think you hit an artery.”
“What does that mean?” Bill asked.
“It means you’re going to die if we don’t get you some help fast,” Deeks said.
“Well how are we going to do that?” Carol asked worriedly. 
“We have a lot of connections,” Kensi said, looking meaningfully at Deeks. “If you give us your cellphone AND the pistol, we can probably help.”
“Well what if we just call 911?” Bill asked.
“They might show up in time, they might not,” Deeks said. “Up to you. You might only lose the arm.”
“Lose my arm?!” Bill cried. “This is my shooting arm!”
“Like we said, it’s up to you,” Kensi said. “Phone. Gun. Or no deal.”
“Bill give them the gun!” Carol said. “Here.” She handed Kensi her phone. “Please you have to help him.”
“Gun,” Kensi said, holding out her other hand. 
“Take care of her,” Bill said. “That’s my best pistol right there.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it is,” Kensi said with a roll of her eyes, handing it to Deeks who immediately emptied the chamber and flung the bullets as far as he could. 
Kensi ripped off a portion of the bottom of her shirt and used it to tie up the wound while Deeks dialed. “Reggie, hey, it’s Deeks. I need a helicopter.”
It was less than twenty minutes before a chopper swooped down and landed in the middle of the plains, scaring the buffalo away and allowing Kensi, Deeks, and the Weekes’ to escape from their rocky prison. Two EMT’s jumped out and hustled toward them. “Please help my husband,” Carol said worriedly. “He’s bleeding out.”
They peeled back Kensi’s makeshift bandage and frowned. “Looks like the bleeding’s stopped. Might need a couple stitches, but your husband will be fine ma’am.”
“I will?” Bill asked, turning to look at Kensi. “But you said—“
Kensi shrugged. “You took us hostage. What did you expect?”
“Now wait just a minute!” Carol said, looking irate as an officer cuffed her. 
“No thanks,” Deeks said leaning heavily against Kensi.
“Hey, I do need you to take a look at my husband,” Kensi said to the second EMT. “They drugged him with something.”
“Oh it was just a little Benadryl,” Carol called. “Nothing dangerous.”
“I thought that port tasted awfully sweet,” Deeks said, swaying a bit.
“Even so, Benadryl and alcohol don’t mix. We need to get you checked out,” the EMT said.
It was not a fun helicopter ride. Bill and Carol chattered away the entire time, as if they weren’t about to be arrested for grand larceny and kidnapping. Deeks had rallied enviably toward the end of their walk but now he slumped against the seat, eyes closed, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
Things got fractionally better when they arrived at the hospital. Bill and Carol were taken away, cuffed, into police custody, but that was where the relief ended. The police wanted statements from both Kensi and Deeks, not once, not twice, but three separate times and no amount of pointing out that they worked for NCIS was going to shake the local PD who were having the most exciting night of their lives in about ten years.
They did give Deeks a look over at the hospital and decided at this point it was best to just let things run their course. He was still a little confused and a lot tired by the time local PD drove them back to the RV park.
“I want a shower,” Kensi said as she got out of the car and pulled Deeks with her.
“I want a nap,” he said as she unlocked the door.
“And where have you two been?” someone asked.
“Oh god!” Kensi yelled, clutching a hand to her chest as she realized there were people sitting at their table.
Eric and Nell were looking at them in a very parental fashion.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Deeks asked. 
“Um, you two were obviously in trouble so we borrowed an old Airstream from my parents,” Nell said. “We got in about an hour ago. You want to tell us about the little adventure you clearly just had?”
Deeks and Kensi exchanged a look. “Let’s just say it involved a herd of bison, a demon dog, and a drugging incident,” Kensi said.
“You were drugged?!” Eric asked.
“Oh my god are you okay?” Nell added.
“Not me,” Kensi said.
Eric shook his head wide eyed. “Callen and Sam aren’t going to like that.”
“Well Callen and Sam don’t have to know,” Kensi said. “That’s why we called you Eric.”
Eric and Nell exchanged a slightly guilty look. “What?” Deeks asked. “You told them already?”
The RV door opened behind them and voices trickled in. “It will be fine. There’s plenty of space for both of us.”
“Have you seen yourself? You’re the size of a small building. There’s no way we can both fit in that tent.”
“You brought them with you?!” Kensi asked.
“Brought is a strong word,” Eric said. “Followed a direct order is more accurate.”
What had initially seemed like a spacious RV now seemed suffocatingly small. “Hey you’re back!” Callen said as he and Sam came inside. “Everything okay?”
“It is now,” Deeks said, running a hand through his hair. “What are you all doing here?”
“We’re making sure you’re all right,” Sam said. “Did you think we wouldn’t find out about that emergency call you made last night?”
“But the call wasn’t to you,” Kensi said in exasperation.
“We still found out,” Callen said. 
“I have alerts set for everyone,” Eric said, as if it should have been extremely obvious.
“Well we don’t need you, everything is under control,” Deeks said.
“Doesn’t matter,” Sam said. “We’re staying.”
“Not in here you’re not,” Kensi told them.
“Oh no, of course not,” Nell said quickly. “No Eric and I will be in the Airstream.”
“And Sam and I are camping,” Callen said. “In a tent. The size of matchbox.”
“That tent has plenty of space!” Sam growled.
“Okay then, if you all don’t mind, we’d like to take a nap since we’ve been up all night,” Deeks said.
“Oh, sure of course, go right ahead,” Eric said.
Nobody left. Callen and Sam immediately dissolved into an argument about whether they were going fishing or hiking first, as Kensi and Deeks slowly made their way to the bed at the back of the RV. “I’m telling you, it doesn’t compare to the ocean,” Sam protested.
“How would you know?” Callen fired back. “Have you ever tried it? Not everything has to be a deep sea, Navy SEAL diving adventure you know.”
“I think we should hit up Glacier Point,” Nell said, studying the map Deeks had left on the table. “Ooh but the Cathedral Rocks look great too.”
“Is anybody getting a good signal out here?” Eric held his phone up high, forehead wrinkled in frustration. 
Deeks looked wryly at Kensi. “Is this what it’s going to be like to have kids?”
“Probably.” She shook her head. “But when they’re actually our kids, we leave them at home with a babysitter.”
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ejzah · 4 months
A/N: Deeks recovers from his injured ribs after FLETC. Yes, I’m going humorous with this despite my great dislike of the humor in the actual FLETC arc.
Kensi walked into the house approximately seven hours later than she wanted to. Even though the team was supposed to have a couple days off, yet another emergency had cropped up, and soon they were working LAPD to find a stolen thumb drive with sensitive information. The theft turned out to be the work of a couple clueless teens who had no idea they’d broken into the house of a colonel.
Overall, they closed the case quickly, but it still took time to write everything up and deal with the teens. Through the whole process, Kensi couldn’t help thinking about how much Deeks had supported the communication between LAPD and their team. They’d definitely noticed the difference with Deeks out of commission with his bruised ribs. Of course, he’d be returning to a different position once he recovered.
She was still mulling it all over when she found Deeks in the living room, spread out on the couch with a pile of pillows, the remote in one hand, and eyes focused on the TV screen in front of him.
“Hey, baby.” She leaned on the arm of the couch, leaning down to kiss press a kiss into the top of his curls. She’d missed him. Especially after being separated while he was at FLETC, she noticed his absence at work even more.
“Hey,” he responded distractedly. It took him a second to look away from whatever show or movie he had on, but when he did, he gifted her with a sweet smile, tipping his chin up to kiss her earnestly. When he pulled back, he wrapped his arm around her back, gently urging her to scoot next to him. “How was your day?”
“Fine. Long and kind of boring,” she answered with a shrug.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to liven things up for you.” He winked teasingly, turning his attention back to the TV.
“Oh, hang in a second, I’m waiting to find out if Cory and Topanga’s get back together,” Deeks said, making a hushing gesture in Kensi’s direction.
“What? What are you watching?” Squinting at the screen, Kensi watched the brightly lighted scene for a few seconds, then turned to face Deeks with a confused expression. “Why are you watching a 90s TGIF show?”
“Well, it was a little outside my demographic when it originally aired and there’s a marathon on. I like Shawn. He’s kind of angsty, but his backstory resonates with me for obvious reasons.”
The entire time he spoke, his eyes never left the TV, which apparently had captured his entire attention.
“Ok, Sweetie, I think you’ve been watching too much daytime TV,” Kensi decided. “How long have you had this on?”
“Uh, since I finished cleaning the kitchen. So like 9:30?” he responded with a shrug.
“Deeks, you’re not supposed to be doing anything strenuous.”
He looked her way long enough to roll his eyes. “Kens, I don’t think wiping down the table and cleaning some dishes is going to kill me.”
“Probably not, but the doctor did say you should relax for the next couple of weeks to give your ribs time to heal.”
“Look, I spent three months working to get through FLETC so I could finally work with you guys again, and now I’m benched. I’m already annoyed and bored, the least you can let me do is some light cleaning and watch cheesy TV,” Deeks said, the frustration clear in his voice.
Kensi’s heart broke for him a little bit. As much as she’d missed him, at least she’d still had the normally of work and their team while Deeks had been separated from everything.
“I’m sorry, baby. I know it’s not easy.” She ran her fingers through his hair, and he shrugged, but she noticed he leaned into her touch.
“Eh, I’m just pouting.”
“No, you deserve a break after the last six months. Maybe I can make it a little less awful,” she offered. Deeks raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued.
“What did you have in mind?”
“I’m not sure, but I promise it will be better than a kids show,” she promised, taking his hand, and gently tugging him off the couch.
“Mm, whatever it is, might be worth a few extra days convalescing,” Deeks commented as she led him upstairs.
A/N: Partially inspired by my semi-recent discovery of “Boy Meets World”.
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densi-mber · 2 years
The Shards of Me
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A/N: Set during episode 5x01, Ascension. I’m not sure this is the most angsty thing I’ve ever written, but I’m partial to writing about this storyline. Given the episode, it’s also quite whumpy. Enjoy!
People surround him, roughly transferring him to a bed. Deeks inhales sharply and he inadvertently clenches his teeth, resulting in a sharper spike of pain throughout his jaw and head amidst the constant agony. The noises and sound of people shouting around him are reduced to a faint buzz, then flare as loud as if someone is using a bullhorn.
Everything is pain.
He’s aware of Kensi and Granger in the room, Sam beside him on another narrow bed.
A doctor demands he open his mouth, rough and matter-of-fact in his urgency, and Deeks refuses, clenching his jaw even tighter. He hits at the hands that try to restrain him, acting on instinct, fighting back now that he can.
He spits out another mouthful of blood. Everything smells and tastes of it. It makes his stomach heave.
“Back off, give him a minute,” Sam says and they finally stop touching him.
Then suddenly Kensi’s next to him, gripping his hand. His savior and distraction during Sidorov’s endless torture. He wants her to never let go, and can barely stand her touch.
He inhales shallowly, teeth still clenched despite the overwhelming pain.
“Deeks, you have to listen to the doctor.” He barely hears her plea, can’t look at her, can’t focus on anything beyond ensuring no one else hurts him.
For a second, he hears Sidorov’s taunts in his head, and swears the man is here in the room with him. Glancing around wildly, Deeks catches Sam’s eyes and sees the pain, the fear, but above all else, understanding.
It’s just the two of them for a moment, recognizing the other’s pain, the absolute horror of it all. He thinks he sees Sam nod, reassuring him, even as he struggles for breath.
Then someone grabs his arm, he feels a sharp jab, and no amount of struggling can keep him from slipping into darkness. He fights itthough. He fights to stay awake, to have some semblance of control, right until the last moment of consciousness.
“Tell me the truth, Detective. Who is Quinn working for?”
The drill whirs again, descending towards Deeks’ mouth again and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. Deeks flinches, even though there’s no where to go. Sidorov has made sure of that. The brief reprieve was not nearly long enough, and it’s almost worse as the metal bites into flesh and tooth again.
And he screams.
Deeks wakes in a hazy state of confusion, not sure what’s real. His throat is raw from screaming and he can’t breathe. He closes his eyes, Sidorov, Sam, Michelle…Kensi, all of it coming back in sharp fragments that make him shake.
When he opens his eyes again, he’s aware enough to realize he’s alone and in a hospital room.
Right, the emergency room. His hands quake, and he grabs onto the tiny tray in front of him in a desperate search for stability. He notices the IV in his right hand then, and briefly considers pulling it out. The thought of anything sharp right now makes his heart pound, threatens to send him back over the edge into the waking nightmare of his memories.
In desperation, Deeks feels for his face, for anything to ground him, to distract from those memories. His cheek is swollen; he follows it down to his jaw, hissing at the pain caused by the lightest of touches. His mouth still has the tang of blood. At least he isn’t nearly drowning in it anymore, thanks to the cotton pads he feels jammed inside his cheeks.
Whatever they gave him must have worn off because everything hurts.
Something outside his door crashes, and he scrambles backwards, heartbeat instantly racing, the smell of motor oil in his nose, a drill whirring in his ear as the machines around him sound off in alarm.
Head falling back, Deeks gasps, each breath bringing a fresh wave of pain.
He has never felt so broken.
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mashmaiden · 4 years
Hello my friend! Do you happen to have any favorite Deeks whump fics you could rec me?
Ooooh, @the-wandering-whumper asking the tough questions! Tough as in making me narrow it down! Okay, going thru my list of fics on Pocket that I had tagged whump (some many be more Hurt/Comfort or aftercare based as that's my whumpy trope of choice). Also, I have no idea how to tag this content so just know that there could be any level of whump in any of these fics, from emotional angst/PTSD to general illness to full on torture. (If you/anyone need further clarification on a specific fic, please ask)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12180179/1/Brother-Let-Me-Be-Your-Shelter by @chicgeekgirl89
^^One of my favorite oneshots by @cbetham though chapter 6 of the same fic set inspired my own angsty WIP
Pretty much anything by TinkerBella7
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10590174/1/Frozen is one of my go-tos though
^^as is https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10312988/1/Can-t-Keep-A-Good-Man-Down
Anything by Sweet-Lu
^^I really enjoyed https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13523161/1/The-Flower-Child-and-The-Fuzz
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11516072/1/The-Walls-Have-Ears by @ejzah
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13495189/1/Kiss-the-Demons-Out-of-My-Dreams by @anonkp
Gonna end with Ghost by the amazing @bluenet13​ cuz I know I sent her some @trope-appreciation-tuesdays​ posts for inspiration while it was being written - so that brings this back around full circle.  😜
This list is not at all everything and not in any order, but hopefully everyone else can chime in with their faves as well (HEY EVERYONE, CHIME IN WITH YOUR FAVES!)
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comfortfromyourpain · 2 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles S3 EP21
NCIS: LA / Hawaii Five-0 crossover episode
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where-is-my-whump · 3 years
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