I've no idea what I'm doing. =D
19K posts
NCIS: LA and Densi stuff mostly. I'm really bad about tagging things. Don't look at my blog for reposts of all show related stuff, I only do if I have something to add conversationally. Occasional giffer and sometimes writer - check me out on ffnet and Ao3 as Phnxgirl
Last active 60 minutes ago
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mashmaiden · 11 hours ago
A/N: Rosa has questions.
Rosa, shyly: Kensi, can I ask you a question?
Kensi: Always.
Rosa: How did you know you were in love with Deeks?
Kensi, a little startled: Oh, wow. Ok, um, well I wasn’t exactly expecting this just yet. Do I want to know why you’re asking me that.
Rosa, sighing: Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything stupid. I just see the way you and Deeks look at each other, and I wondered when you figured out that he wasn’t just your partner or friend.
Kensi: Oh, well that kind of took us a while. You know, we had to learn each other and at first, I didn’t really know if Deeks would be around that long. Plus, we didn’t want to cross over professional boundaries.
Deeks, coming in: Who’s crossing professional boundaries?
Kensi: Rosa was just asking how we got together and I was explaining that we didn’t want to be unprofessional. *she turns to Rosa* We didn’t know if we would be split up.
Deeks, laughing: Woah, hold on a minute. Professionalism? How many times did you smack my butt before we even had our first real kiss?
Kensi: I was being playful, and it did not happen that much.
Rosa: So, how many times did you kiss before you had a real kiss?
Deeks: Just the one. Kensi pulled the old “I need a quick distraction” ploy.
Kensi, rolling her eyes: Fine. I thought you were cute, but annoying at first. Then you got less annoying and it got harder to ignore how I felt about you.
Deeks, wrapping his arm around her: See, she says the nicest things about me.
Kensi: I don’t think I really answered your question, Rosa.
Rosa: That’s ok. But I do want to hear more about this fake kiss.
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mashmaiden · 1 day ago
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“What’s your plan?”
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mashmaiden · 1 day ago
Can you possibly update your story One Wrong Move? I wanna know what happens to Deeks!!
A/N: Hi there! Thanks for asking. Here you go!
Also thanks, to @fancypiratewonderland for requesting this as well.
One Wrong Move, Part 8
Kensi spent the rest of the day by Deeks’ side, only leaving when the medical team needed to perform more tests. Deeks drifted in and out of sleep, sometimes waking suddenly, saying strange things, apparently caught between dream and reality.
The first time it happened, Kensi was in the middle of answering an email when Deeks sat up, as much as he could, desperately looking around the room.
“Where’s the baby?” he asked, desperation in his voice. Kensi stumbled over an answer, stunned by the question.
“There’s no baby, Deeks,” she said eventually, which only increased his agitation.
“No, Kensi, you have to find him. Find the baby.” He grasped her hand, eyes begging her to help.
“Ok, I will. I’ll go get help. Just stay here, ok?” She squeezed his hand, rushing into the outer and flagging down a nurse from the nursing station. “Hi, I think Deeks is having hallucinations. He’s-he’s talking about things that aren’t there and I’m worried—”
“I’ll come check him right now,” one of the nurses interrupted.
When they walked back in, Deeks was asleep again, his head lolled to the side. The nurse quickly checked his heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen, and checked the other monitors in the room.
“He’s stable Miss Blye. I know it’s unnerving, but sometimes with high fevers and sickness, hallucinations can happen. He could also just be having very vivid dreams,” the nurse assured Kensi.
Kensi wasn’t sure she found that all that reassuring, but nodded anyway. Deeks didn’t seem in distress; or at least no more distress than before.
“Ok. Thank you. I’m sorry for panicking.”
“It’s alright.” The nurse placed her stethoscope around the back of her neck. “It’s better to be overcautious in situations like this than be sorry. I’ll have the doctor stop by in a little bit to double check.”
“Thank you,” Kensi repeated softly, leaning over Deeks’ bed as the nurse returned to her post. She caressed his cheek, feeling the heat that still emanated off his skin. “You gotta stop scaring me like this, baby.”
Of course, Deeks didn’t answer, and she took up her place beside his bed again.
As promised, one of the doctors on Deeks’ team came in and looked him over, ultimately agreeing with the nurse’s assessment. Deeks was stable and his symptoms weren’t of concern at this time.
After the fifth time of Deeks walking up, this time mumbling about dolphins eating his surfboard, he finally fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.
Somewhere around midnight, Kensi drifted off too, Deeks’ left hand cupped in hers. She dreamed about paddling out on the ocean on a warm sunny morning, no concerns in the world.
Kensi woke to someone squeezing her hand, and blinked in the low light of the hospital room. A second later, she realized Deeks was awake, his hairline visibly damp and the deep flush on his cheeks lighter.
“Fever’s gone,” he whispered with a tired, but soft smile. He squeezed her hand one more time and his eyes slipped shut, his breaths deep and unlabored.
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mashmaiden · 2 days ago
Seen someone say “I can’t die, I got graves to dance on that hasn’t been dug yet.” And honestly, that goes hard. We need to keep that energy.
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mashmaiden · 2 days ago
For half a second, I was wondering if they were going to go the route of the guy who was arrested on the NCIS LA set who was working as a background extra....
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mashmaiden · 2 days ago
the site I've been using keeps freezing on me too. Not during the commercials ever though... of course just in the middle of key scenes. *eyeroll*
Why... The.. Fuck... are the streams fighting me tonight?! Any of them!
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mashmaiden · 2 days ago
A/N: Arkady has some complaints in this dialogue drabble.
Arkady with Caleb balanced on his knee: This child, he does almost nothing.
Callen: He’s a baby, so that kind of makes sense.
Arkady, continuing unheeded: He only makes noises. I try to teach him Russian yesterday, and what do I get in return? He laughs and tries to pull out every piece of hair on this arm. He cannot even walk far before he is falling on his face.
Deeks, eyeing him skeptically as he retrieves Caleb: I’ll thank you to stop badmouthing our son.
Arkady, gesturing to Kensi: His sister is no better. Though I do like the name Sophia. It is good Russian name.
Callen: You think everything is Russian.
Kensi: You must remember what it was like when Anna was a baby and little kid. What did you do then?
Deeks, raising a finger as he lets Caleb play with the other hand: Eh, I wouldn’t count on that. Remember we’re talking to the vodka king. And do we really want to venture into that territory?
Arkady, grumpily: This is very hurtful. And potentially true.
Caleb, leans over and pinches his wrist: Ga!
Arkady: Arkady. The name is Arkady. How many time must I say this?
Kensi, wryly: You’re the epitome of warmth.
Deeks, brightly: Hey, at least we know they won’t be going to him for help.
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mashmaiden · 2 days ago
fucking love when I'm on a call with someone and they start to do a little errand or go somewhere else and they say "and you're coming with me" like. absolutely I am let's go on an adventure I've been spirited away
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mashmaiden · 3 days ago
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mashmaiden · 4 days ago
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mashmaiden · 4 days ago
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DENSI + their arms over each other's shoulders
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mashmaiden · 4 days ago
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if someone asked me at the end i'd tell them, put me back in it i would do it again
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mashmaiden · 4 days ago
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Naw that’s literally it.
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mashmaiden · 4 days ago
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mashmaiden · 4 days ago
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You're my world.
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mashmaiden · 4 days ago
A/N: Set somewhere in season 4 when Kensi and Deeks’ thing is in full swing but they are in full denial.
Kensi, sitting on the couch next to Deeks: And here’s one of my mom and me standing in front of getting ready to scuba dive.
Deeks: Ooh, very sexy. Especially the fins.
Kensi, nudging his shoulder: Shut up. You would have loved it. We saw jellyfish, this gorgeous stingray, and an octopus, which is much weirder looking up close.
Deeks, smiling at Kensi more than the picture: It sounds amazing. I’ve been scuba diving a few times, but it’s been a while.
Kensi, casually while busily scrolling on her phone: Well, if we go again, maybe you can come with. *she quickly adds* You know, since you’re always bragging about how you’re one with the see and everything.
*down in the bullpen, Sam and Callen are doing paperwork*
Sam, frowning: What are those two up to?
Callen, with little interest: Kensi’s showing Deeks pictures from her trip with her mom.
Sam: Really? Last time Deeks when on vacation, she acted like his pictures were pure torture.
Callen: Maybe she’s turning over a new leaf. You know, to promote partner camaraderie.
Sam, doubtfully: Yeah, or maybe they’re promoting something else.
*back on the couch*
Deeks, scrolling through Kensi’s phone: Wait, I don’t see any of a giant ice cream cone.
Kensi, leaning on his shoulder, her cheek almost pressed against his: Oh here, let me see. *her hand settles on the back of his neck*
Deeks, throatily: Yeah, I um, I see it now. *he turns his head, his lips in kissing distance* It’s perfect.
Kensi, flustered: Um, thanks. We better get back to work.
Deeks: Yeah, no, of course.
Callen, as Kensi all but runs from Deeks: See, totally normal partner behavior.
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mashmaiden · 5 days ago
A/N: Set while Kensi is in Afghanistan. It gets every so slightly spicy.
Sweet Dreams of You
She’s swimming in the ocean, the water warm on her skin, sun shining brightly. Her arms cleave through the waves with surprising speed and with each arc of her arms and kick of her legs, Kensi feels pure joy.
As she swims, she sees a figure treading water in front of her. Instead of feeling any fear, Kensi moves directly toward it. She’s just a few feet away when he turns around and Kensi grins.
“Deeks,” she says. His hair is wet and slicked back, and what she can see of his skin is tan, his shoulders and upper arms highlighted by the sun.
“Kensi.” His mouth widens with a smile that shows off all his teeth and crinkles the skin around his eyes. He holds out his arms.
Kensi floats towards him, cupping the back of his head between her palms as he folds her in his arms. Closing her eyes, she rests her head on his chest. “I missed you,” she whispers.
“Me too.” Lifting her chin, Deeks guides her mouth to his, and she sighs when their lips meet. It’s familiar. It’s home.
Suddenly, they’re in bed, no longer wet, wrapped around each other. Kensi clings to his shoulder with one hand, relishing the firm muscle underneath, her other fingers buried in his hair keep his mouth against hers. They move against one another, desperate, totally consumed by one another.
Deeks presses his lips to her neck, sucking a steady map from collar bone to under her jaw, the little sound he makes in the back of his throat possibly the sexiest thing she’s ever heard. Moaning as he sucks a particularly sensitive spot, Kensi hooks her legs around his hip.
He lifts his head, hair hanging in his eyes, absolute adoration in his eyes.
“Kensi, I lo—”
Kensi jerks awake, breathing heavily, her entire body overly warm. It takes her several moments to realize she’s in her cot on base and someone moving around must have woken her.
It was a dream. Even though the sensation of Deeks’ lips on her skin still seems all to real, it was just a dream. Thankfully, no one else is around to see her overactive imagination at play.
Briefly rubbing her hands over her face, Kensi crawls out of bed to start getting ready for another miserable day. A deep sense of longing and loss fills her, and for the first time since arriving, she allows herself to cry.
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