#DWM lore
ink-and-dagger · 2 months
silco, astrid, jinx, max, jasper, sevika - the whole crew has to sit down and eat a meal together. how’s it playing out? what are they eating? how are the seated? is everyone making it out alive?
I love this question and I love you for asking it 💜
Okay here’s the crack - Yes everyone makes it out alive (just), but everyone also has a fierce migraine by the end of it.
Jasper would cook, naturally. In fact he insists on it. No way in hell is putting food that’s been prepared by this lot anywhere near his mouth. Now, something to understand about Jasper is that he’s a great cook, but not necessarily an adventurous one. He has a love for hearty, rustic food - it’s where his culinary strengths lay, and he doesn’t tend to venture far from it. He'd probably serve homemade herby breads and a rich slowcooked casserole. For dessert, some kind of baked pudding - sticky toffee perhaps.
In terms of seating arrangements. This is how things would look at the start of the meal:
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As expected Astrid and Jinx are a total nightmare together, and Silco eventually splits them up after a game of 'potato lacrosse' ends with his necktie covered in sauce. And so, this is how the seating arrangement would look around halfway through the meal:
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Once Jasper reaches his limit with Astrid's unsubtle thigh fondling, he insists that they swap seats because he needs to talk shop with Silco. (This is, of course, total bullshit, and Jasper proceeds to sit next to Silco in stony silence). Meanwhile, Max has rather adroitly spotted the telltale signs of Jinx's restlessness, and suggests that he and Sevika swap seats as he needs Jinx's help on a project. And so, by the end of the meal the seating arrangement is thusly:
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Anyway - I hope that gives you a little bit of an insight as to how that particular family meal would go down. Glassware is definitely broken. Squabbles absolutely occur. And it's a long, long time before any of them would even consider doing it again.
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intuitive-revelations · 2 months
I'm not really a DoctorRose shipper, but here's a very unlikely but still technically possible thought:
If, per The Legend of Ruby Sunday, Susan really is the daughter of a future child of the Doctor...
...and her original name really is "Arkytior", ie. the Gallifreyan equivalent of "Rose"...
...there's an argument to be made that, like Rose Temple-Noble (ironically, herself arguably a relative of the Doctor in a roundabout way, via the metacrisis), Susan might have been originally named after Rose Tyler.
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regenderate · 1 year
was it rose tyler day for a reason or just because she deserves love? also i did take psychic damage from ur theme when i went on ur blog to write this ask. that's not a bad thing i just thought u should know.
oh it's her birthday. also you're welcome
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes of Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (Part 15)  
Excerpts from Benjamin Cook’s article in DWM #372
How would Russell [T Davies, writer & showrunner] say Daleks and Cybermen differ, in terms of dialogue and driving force?
"It came out as a right old bitch-fest," he laughs.  "I really loved it.   Fan lore had said how difficult they'd be to write, and I was dreading it. But honestly, once I'd started, I had to keep trimming back, cos I would've had them talking for 20 minutes.  The difference is very clear: the Daleks, for all their talk of no emotions, are boiling with hate. They're so selfish and angry. Cybermen are cooler and more dispassionate. If they see a good idea, they'll use it, cos that's logical. That's why the Cybermen suggest joining forces, cos that makes sense, and that's why the Daleks reject it, cos they're just vile. Those poor Cybermen!  Sorry, boys.  Daleks are supreme."
Link to [ part one ] of the Army of Ghosts/Doomsday Behind-the-scenes posts or click the #whoBtsDoom tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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retphienix · 5 months
On DQM: Caravan Hearts-
I will say, I still don't fully grasp why so many interlocking design decisions and the Caravan as a whole were done the way they were from the start of the game because they made the first couple hours of gameplay GLACIAL, PAINFULLY BORING, AND JUST PLAIN BAD.
For the first 2-3 hours:
Caravan rations slow you down and make you backtrack and limit your exploration a lot
You are limited to 1 monster (in lore because of the caravan, so that sucks)
They nerfed slimes from prior entries so instead of learning Firebal at level 4 (DWM) which makes you feel like you're "in the game" similar to when Charmander learns Ember- you can finally start playing and you have an option against groups of enemies instead of just attacking normally- instead of that- slime learns Sap at like level 8. Not only is that WAY MORE GRINDING before you're allowed to do something that isn't a normal attack- it's a debuff that will be borderline useless to you at the start of the game where firebal would be fantastic.
Basically, the first couple hours of gameplay are auto-attacking nonstop and keeping your eyes glued to the rations bar. That's not fun. Why is it like that.
Then you have to wait a touch more to get a second monster, then you have to wait quite a bit longer to get your third, they really drip feed for no reason at the start of Caravan Heart and it does the game a disservice as that is undeniably the worst period of the game in my opinion.
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doctornolonger · 3 years
Halloween Apocalypse canonwelding first impressions:
Karvanista working for or with the Division is clearly a reference to Wardog and the Special Executive working for the Time Lords in Alan Moore's DWM comics
Multiple people have compared Swarm’s appearance to a Cenobite from Hellraiser, and given how connected he clearly is with Gallifrey lore: Eremites confirmed
I really thought Swarm was going to be an acronym (Sontarans, Weeping Angels, Ravagers… Master?) but I’m not mad
I haven't revisited my old retired "every Doctor goes through a hypertime echo of the Time War" theory in a long time, but Flux is definitely a hypertime echo of the Time War.
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Any thoughts on DWM’s run with the 8th Doctor?
Genuinely wonderful run of stories and, imo, the real high point for DWMs comic strip, even with the 2000ad overlap of earlier eras. There's a tendency to write the comic strip off as cheap, disposable nothing but frankly anyone doing that's a right tit. There's an energy and wholehearted embracing of the Eighth Doctor from the onset that nether the audios or books quite manage to capture, and fuck me if it doesn't commit to building its own lore out of the magazines history. Highly recommend them basically, Glorious Dead is the GOAT Master story.
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legok9 · 4 years
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The Incomplete Death’s Head #5 (1993)
A unique piece of Doctor Who lore from the Death’s Head/Doctor Who crossover:
Lore from DWM comics stories is outlined.
Images of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Doctors are labeled as the first, second, and third aliases known to Hob’s archive. The Fourth Doctor is pictured as a possible alias.
The archive incorrectly records that the Doctor and Frobisher embezzled Intra-Venus, Inc. of 750,000 mazumas. The total was actually 250,000 mazumas.
Keepsake, Frobisher, John and Gillian Who, Ace, Ian Chesterton, Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith, Peri Brown, Leela, Miss Young, Sharon Davies, and Death's Head are listed as the Doctor's allies and "known confederates." How often do you see these characters mentioned in the same sentence?
IDH 01 + IDH 04 + IDH 05 + DWM 001 - 200 + DWCC 01 - 09 refer to issues of The Incomplete Death’s Head, Doctor Who Magazine, and Doctor Who Classic Comics.
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rassilon-imprimatur · 5 years
In the 1986 “Make Your Own Adventure With Doctor Who” novel The Garden of Evil, we are gifted a very interesting taste of Gallifreyan lore. The novel presents the Prydonian academy as part of the “academic mountain city” of Prydos, during a time where Gallifrey is harboring refugees from a great famine. However, (in a deliciously fucked up “much to unpack” way) Gallifrey is (perhaps expectantly) treating the refugees like absolute shit, the so-called “Riff City” kept outside the Pyrdonian Academy walls and kept under violent and cruel observation of the snake-like Malians. 
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The view of Gallifrey in this book is an utterly fascinating and eccentric take on the planet, closer in spirit and energy (if not literally) to the more colorful and mythic Gallifrey of DWM comic strips than anything seen on television, which is especially funny given that is’s written by Classic Who veteran David Martin. But it provides delicious canon-welding food for a Wilderness and EU slut like myself. 
The assertions of the novel are pretty clear. The famed Prydonian Academy exists within a gorgeous and wealthy city named Prydos, built on a great mound like a medieval city (though I imagine something more like Mont St Michel). While placing the Prydonian Academy in its own titular city contradicts the likes of Timewyrm: Revelation and Lucifer Rising, which work together to place the Prydonian Academy on the mysterious Mount Cadon, The Garden of Evil’s assertion that each chapter has its own academy works tremendously well with Faction Paradox lore regarding the Six Chapters being Six Ruling Houses (which aligns with Lungbarrow’s assertion that a “House Prydon” exists). 
Plus, given the already tangled lore of Mount Cadon and its other names and transtemporal identities provided by Ian Potter’s masterpiece The Three Paths, it’s not difficult at all to work The Garden of Evil’s Prydos in, I think. Yet another perception of the area, perhaps, or more simply at the base? 
And is House Prydon an isolated annex of the Academy, of the City of Prydos, or does it exist in the same transtemporal space, only accessible in angles and corners by its loomed childrene? 
(And somewhat related, I sketched up some Malians on a whim!)
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The Big Moffat Rewrite: Series 7
Following on from my Series 5 and my Series 6 rewrites
The Bells of Saint John
The Rings of Akhaten
Cold War
A Town Called Mercy
The Slow Invasion
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Asylum of the Cybermen
Nightmare in Silver
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Supremacy of the Daleks
Extermination of the Daleks
The Name of the Doctor
The Snowmen
·         11 is still a recluse in Victorian London, but because in my Series 6 he left the Ponds instead of losing them, it’s because he’s convinced he’ll screw up if he travels again. After wiping himself from history he’s lying low, not helping because he’s convinced he’ll make things worse
·         (also he’s totally wallowing in self-pity because of his self-imposed exile from the Ponds)
·         Clara re-convinces him he can make positive change, drags him out of his self-absorption, shows him something new
·         Clara gets all of series 7. Moffat originally wanted The Time of the Doctor to be a whole series, so we can fit some of that stuff about the Silence and Trenzalore in here.
·         GIVE CLARA A FUCKING ARC – the Doctor takes an ordinary girl who he thinks is special, and accidentally makes her special
·         Most people seem to prefer Victorian! Clara to her in S7B anyway, so she becomes that flirty, authoritative character by the finale
·         The pieces were already there – her being scared in Cold War compared to her taking charge in Nightmare in Silver, but make it explicit – the Doctor realises he is changing Clara and turning her into the person he met in Victorian London and the Cyberman Asylum
·         This sets up her arcs and relationship with 12 – he brings out the liar in her, forces her to become cold and calculating. This is now already happening with 11
The Rings of Akhaten
·         Introduce Trisha Lem, the head of the Church of the Silence, here. The best part of this episode is The Speech, but we could easily say that the Silence is presiding over the Long Song ceremony to appease the Old God, taking the place of those creatures hunting the little girl. 
·         (I imagine the Church pre-Trenzalore as a kind of Shadow Proclamation for religion - presiding over and safeguarding the religious traditions of species across the universe)
·         This way Trisha and the Silence’s role as confessionals doesn’t come out of nowhere in The Time of the Doctor
·         11 and Trisha’s relationship being so flirty confuses me - as the head of the Church, 11 must associate her with all the pain the Silence caused River and the Ponds. Instead, he acts really flirty but Clara notices he’s faking it – a reflection of their own relationship?
·         Trisha doesn’t understand why 11 is being elusive.
A Town Called Mercy
·         Use this story’s framework – a Western where 11 is forced to protect war criminal – and insert River
·         Partly bc River and Clara interacting seems super interesting
·         River is angry at 11 for ‘replacing’ the Ponds. I also think she’d be competitive with Clara? As she’s scattered all over the Doctor’s timestream, Clara is the only person who really could compete with her
·         As an archaeologist expert on the Doctor River knows about Clara, but can’t tell 11 exactly what she is
·         Also 11 agreeing with River’s more violent methodology is really interesting and shows how they can feed into each other’s dark sides – think River’s line from The Angels Take Manhattan – “One psychopath per TARDIS, don’t you think?”
The Slow Invasion
·         A version of The Power of Three told from the perspective of the Alice character who replaced Craig in S5/6. 11 pops in and out of her life with different versions of Clara
·         It’s revealed that 11 has tried to travel with different versions of Clara before, tracking her down all across the universe, but she always, always dies. Our Clara doesn’t know.
·         Alice is deeply critical of what 11 is doing. She acts almost as his therapist; he comes over for tea and talks to her about what’s going on.
·         Instead of the cubes being alien exterminators, this is a plot buy the Great Intelligence (series 7′s big bad) inspired by the Skith from DWM comic The First and Superman villain Brainiac – i.e. the Intelligence is collecting all information it can about a thing, and then destroys it to stop that knowledge becoming commonplace and therefore losing its value. Specifically, the Intelligence is also investigating Clara (because she keeps appearing across its timeline). The Intelligence’s fascination is a dark parallel to 11’s
·         Alice asks 11 what happened to the Ponds, and he reveals they still think he’s dead. Alice tells 11 to go see them (the ending scenes of The Doctor, the Widow and The Wardrobe). She also tells him to start treating Clara like a real person, not a human question mark
·         11 takes Clara to meet them. River is also there, having dinner. The episode closes with them reconnecting
Pond Life
·         After The Slow Invasion launch this minisode series about life post-11, with River barging in instead of the Doctor
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
·         Tie the TARDIS disliking Clara into the series arc – it’s because the TARDIS knows Clara is an anomaly scattered through the Doctor’s timestream. Have a scene in Journey To the Centre of the TARDIS where 11 argues with the TARDIS about it – “Do you know what she is? You do, don’t you? I miss the time when you could talk and just tell me.”
·         The TARDIS went to the end of the universe to throw Jack Harkness off, and 11 abandoned Future!Amy in The Girl Who Waited because the TARDIS hates paradoxes – this is the same kind of thing, just make it clear by the finale (Clara even jumps into the time stream INSIDE the TARDIS)
·         Clara remembers the events of the episode so she can be be active in the investigation of who she is, (also fixing how the episode undoes the three brothers’ arcs, but still insists they grew as people at the end)
          This represents 11 opening up to her and trusting her more
Asylum of the Daleks (retitled Asylum of the Cybermen)
         Roll Nightmare in Silver and Asylum into a 2-parter, because the best part of Nightmare is Mister Clever. Both episodes even have the same ‘someone’s about to destroy the planet’ ticking time bomb.
         The army fighting the Cybermen kidnap 11 to get him to destroy the Asylum with a bunch of expendable grunts they can afford to lose to a suicide mission.·         Clara meeting/interacting with another version of herself is really interesting, so we keep converted Oswin saving them·
         Changing it to Asylum of the Cybermen makes more sense thematically
        All those people, including Oswin, being converted – the Asylum’s security system is its conversion machinery – attackers become part of the security system. Instead of a nano-cloud, use the tiny upgraded Cybermats·
         It would also be scarier (a haunted hospital a la World Enough and Time- botched cybermen > insane Daleks) and would add an interesting layer to Cyberman lore instead of making the Daleks look weak. It can also use old models to explain the Cybermen’s multiple backstories, touched on in The Doctor Falls (”everywhere there’s people, there’s cybermen,” 12 says)·
         The ‘subtracting love’ thing makes more sense with cybermen too – instead of Amy and Rory, focus on Clara holding onto her connection with 11 – emphasising their genuine, emotion-based bond over ‘flirty quirky plot device’·
         This renewed focus on the Cybermen is good because the last full-on Cyberman story was in Series 2 (in The Next Doctor they’re just kind of in the background), and Moffat is much better at writing the body-horror of the Cybermen than he is writing the Daleks.
Nightmare in Silver
·         11 deliberately lets himself be ‘infected’ by the asylum’s nanocloud and begins conversion in attempt to save the converted Oswin’s mind.
·         Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the origin of Handles, the Cyberman head from The Time of The Doctor: the remains of Oswin’s cyber-converted mind downloaded into a head.
·         11 uses Mr Clever to get information about her - i.e. that she just appeared one day as a fully-formed person without any family. This sets up the other Claras being time remnants. 
·         It also lets Mr Clever play more psychological games with 11 and Clara – Mr Clever reveals 11 is scared of Clara, putting more strain on Clara having to hold on to her emotional attatchments
·         The Cybermen are actively trying to get out. This way we dig into their primary drive – survival at all costs,
·         What happens when a Cyberman’s emotional inhibitor is broken, but they don’t die? Driven insane and desperate, and fiercely intelligent.
·         I like the idea of the Cybermen like the Xenomorph in Alien; blending in with thoier broken down, mechanical environment, plugging into it and using to separate and play games with the soldiers.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
·         Replace The Crimson Horror with a version of Dinosaurs on a Spaceship with the Paternoster Gang replacing Brian, the Ponds, Nefertiti and that hunter bloke
·         I just really need to see Vastra interacting with her culture OK? Seeing her be taken back to her childhood, opening up to Jenny about it. Her anger, realising what the villain Solomon has done to her people. Use this conflict to call back to and explain how she met the Doctor, how he stopped her slaughtering humans before.
·         Clara and 11 go to the Paternoster Gang for help investigating her other selves
·         Clara researches and finds her past selves, not only in Victorian London but also throughout the 60s and 70s, when she’s helping the past Doctors – finding this research is how the kids find out she’s a time traveller
·         This is how THE DOCTOR REALISES HE’S SEEN HER MANY TIMES BEFORE, setting up The Name of the Doctor’s out-of-nowhere, un-guessable resolution.
·         Dark!11 again. Matt saoid they would’ve explored a ‘meaneer’ version if he’d stayed on for series 8. Clara is the perfect way to bring that out as they lie and manipulate each other for their own ends.
·         Progenitor Daleks vs the regular Time War model. Display how the Progenitor Daleks are different - each of them having a different weapon/role etc. The crux of the story is that the Progenitor Daleks are better at fighting the Doctor and come close to killing him, but the other Daleks value their ‘purity’ and survival more
·         Maximum Dark!11
The Name of the Doctor
·         When 11 rescues Clara she is changed – she retains bits and pieces of her time remnants’ experiences, it’s at once traumatising and exhilarating
The Time of the Doctor
·         Whereas The End of Time felt stretched-out (135 minutes) this felt really rushed. Make it 2 parts.
·         We see the set-up of Trenzalore and the Church of Silence in the first.
·         The second part is the long siege of Trenzalore – we need to see 11 age fighting these monsters, taking his turn being left behind, the tragedy of him slowly losing his memory, focusing on his character
·         We can also flesh out the citizens of Trenzalore and Christmas so their safety is important to us
·         Let’s see Madame Kovarian and her splinter cell break off from the main Church of Silence and leave to try and kill the Doctor – make her a supporting character
·         Then have Trisha Lem explicitly talk to the Doctor about how Kovarian blowing up the TARDIS caused the cracks in the universe in the first place, allowing the Time Lords to get their message out. Instead of a montage, have this be the moment that unites the Doctor and the Silence – they are both fighting to make up for their mistakes and the problems they caused
·         We see the many races surrounding Trenzalore form the alliance from The Pandorica Opens
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ink-and-dagger · 22 days
I think about DWM every day and during today’s episode I remembered someone asked you, who did Silco get his tattoos for/who was he trying to impress? But now my phone is about to die and I can’t find the ask RIP.
Do u mind sharing who he got his tattoos for?
I've been trying to find the post too with no luck which is a big bummer because I can't remember exactly what I said before :') So apologies if my answer now differs to what I've said in the past.
In my DWM universe young Silco was a fickle whore who favoured the chase. Once he caught his prey he tired of them quickly. Despite Astrid's comment, I don't believe Silco truly got the tattoo for anyone person in particular. I can imagine him maybe getting it around a time he happened to also be chasing the tail of a tattoo artist, but really Silco never does a damn thing he doesn't want to do. I think it will have been the case of him wanting to get a tattoo anyway, and using the opportunity to also bag himself an artistic lover in the process.
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I’ve actually received a few people interested in my current list of podcasts so I’m writing them all down (also it’ll be helpful in case my podcast app decides to crash and wipe my library for the fourth time)
I just want to preface this by saying I’m probably still missing a few that I haven’t been able to remember. Also there’s a few on here that have finished, a few I’ve stopped listening to and am waiting to see if I’ll go back to, and a few that I haven’t gotten around to listening to yet.
1. 2 Dope Queens 2. 36 Questions 3. A New Winter 4. A Scottish Podcast 5. Action Science Theatre 6. Active Radioactive Radio 7. The Adventure Zone 8. The Adventures of Mechabetty 9. The After Disaster Broadcast 10. Alba Salix, Royal Physician 11. The Alexandra Archives 12. Alice isn’t Dead 13. All in the Mind 14. And that’s why we Drink 15. Anything Ghost 16. Archive 81 17. Ark City 18. Ars Paradoxica 19. Astonishing Legends 20. Athiest Apocalypse 21. Attention Hellmart Shoppers 22. Audio Diary of a Superhero 23. Audio Drama Production 24. Audio Verse Awards 25. Augustine 26. Aural Traditions: Anthology 27. Aural Traditions: Crosswired 28. Beast of Bardon College 29. Bedtime Stories 30. Beef and Dairy Network 31. Big Data 32. Bizarre States 33. The Black Tapes 34. The Blood Crow Stories 35. Boone Shepard 36. The Box 37. The Bridge 38. The Bright Sessions 39. Bronzeville 40. The Bunker 41. Bunker Buddies 42. Busy Gamer Nation presents I Love Bees 43. The Call of Cthulhu Mysteries 44. Carpe DM 45. Celestial Blood 46. The Cleansed 47. Code: Severe 48. Coffee Break Chinese 49. Conversations with People who Hate Me 50. Cool Games 51. Cop Doctors 52. Corpse Club 53. Creepy 54. Critical Hit 55. Critical Role 56. Crossing Wires 57. The Cryptid Keeper 58. Cthulhu and Friends 59. Cults 60. D&D is for Nerds 61. The Dark Tome 62. Darkest Night 63. Dead Oaks 64. Dead Ringers 65. Dead Serious 66. Deadly Manners 67. Dear Hank + John 68. Deck the Halls 69. The Deep Vault 70. Defence Learning Portal 71. Detective 72. Diana’s Monster 73. Diary of a Mad Man 74. Dinosaur Park 75. Discovery 76. The Discovery Adventures 77. Don’t Worry; It’s Only the End of the World 78. Dopple Avenue Hurt 79. The Drift and Ramble 80. Drywater 81. DWM presents Unwritten 82. The Earth Collective 83. Easy Japanese 84. Edict Zero 85. The Elysium Project 86. Empty 87. End of All Hope 88. EOS 10 89. Fables Radio 90. The Faculty of Horror 91. Fall of the House of Sunshine 92. The Family Tree 93. The Far Meridian 94. Fictional 95. Field Craft Survival 96. Flash Forward 97. Focused AF 98. Freed 99. Friends at the Table 100. Gallowtree Radio 101. Geek by Night 102. Generation Why 103. The Ghost Radio Project 104. Ghosts in the Burbs 105. Girl in Space 106. The Good Friends of Jackson Elias 107. Good Morning Zahera Ward 108. The Gray Area 109. Greater Boston 110. Hackable? 111. The Harry Strange Radio Drama 112. Haunted Places 113. The Haven Chronicles 114. Hayward Sanitarium 115. Heaven’s Gate 116. Hector vs the Future 117. Hello from the Magic Tavern 118. Help Me 119. Henderson + Havner 120. Herbarium Podcasts 121. History of Alchemy 122. The History of Rome 123. Hollywood and Crime 124. Homecoming 125. Horror City 126. How to do Everything 127. How we Roll 128. Hunt the Truth 129. Hush 130. I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats 131. Illusionoid 132. Immunities 133. In Darkness Vast 134. The Infinite 135. The Infinite Bad 136. The Infinite Now 137. Inkwyrm 138. Inner Sanctum 139. Inside the Exorcist 140. Inside the NYPD 141. International Waters 142. It Makes A Sound 143. Jim Robbie and the Wanderers 144. Join the Party 145. Junction 146. Kakos Industries 147. Kevin’s Cryptids 148. King Falls AM 149. The Kingery 150. Knifepoint Horror 151. Knights of the Night 152. Knite Coffee! 153. Lake Clarity 154. The Last Podcast on the Left 155. The Late Night Driving Show 156. LEARN 157. The Lesbian Romantic 158. Lesser Gods 159. The Leviathan 160. Liberty 161. LifeAfter 162. The Lift 163. Limetown 164. Lore 165. The Lost Cat 166. The Lovecraft Covenant 167. Lucyd 168. Mabel 169. Magic Lessons 170. The Magnus Archives 171. Mars Corp 172. Marsfall 173. The McElroy Brothers will be in Trolls 2 174. The Meat Blockade 175. The Mental Illness Happy Hour 176. Misadventure by Death 177. Miskatonic University 178. Mission to Zyxx 179. Modern Audio Drama 180. Mollyville 181. The Moonlit Road 182. My Brother, My Brother, and Me 183. My Brother, My Brother, and Me: Fantasy Football League 184. My Favourite Murder 185. Mysterious Universe 186. The Mythology Podcast 187. Myths and Legends 188. Neon Nights 189. The Night Blogger 190. Night Time 191. No Extra Words 192. No Such Thing as a Fish 193. The No Sleep Podcast 194. Oak Podcast 195. The Orbiting Human Circus (of the air) 196. Organism 197. The Orphans 198. The Orpheus Protocol 199. Ostium 200. The Other Stories 201. Otherverse 202. Our Fair City 203. Paralyzed 204. Passage 205. The Penumbra Podcast 206. Pleasure Town 207. Plumbing the Death Star 208. Podcast Detected 209. The Podcast Method 210. Podcasts Collected 211. Point Mystic 212. Poplar Cove 213. Powder Burns 214. Public Domain Universe 215. Purrcast 216. Qwerpline 217. Rabbits 218. Radiation World 219. Radio Demons 220. Ray Gunn + Starburst 221. Real Ghost Stories Online 222. Return Home 223. Rex Rivetter: Private Eye 224. Rippercast 225. The Rogues Gallery 226. Rose Drive 227. Rover Red 228. Ruby: The Adventures of a Galactic Gumshoe 229. Rusty Quill Gaming 230. S-Town 231. Sable 232. Saffron and Peri 233. Sage + Savant 234. Sawbones 235. Sayer 236. Scared? 237. Secret Cabinet 238. Seminar 239. Serial 240. Serial Killers 241. The Shadowvane Podcast 242. Shattered Worlds RPG 243. Shut up a Second 244. Sirenicide 245. Small Town Horror 246. Snap Judgements Presents: Spooked 247. SOFREP Radio 248. Someone Knows Something 249. Space 250. Space Log 251. Spines 252. Spire 253. Spirits 254. Star Talk 255. Station to Station 256. Stay Talkingish 257. Steal the Stars 258. The Strange Case of Starship Iris 259. Strange 260. Strangers in Space 261. Stuff to Blow your Mind 262. Stuff you Should Know 263. Subject: Found 264. Subvercity Transmit 265. Supervillian Corner 266. Synesthesia Theatre 267. Taking Care of Paul 278. Tales of Nowhere 269. Tales of THATTOWN 270. Tanis 271. Terms 272. Theatre for the Mind 273. The Theatre of Tomorrow 274. The Thrilling Adventure Hour 275. Timelapse 276. Tokyo Hotel 277. Tribulation 278. True Crime Garage 279. The Tunnels 280. Twelve Chimes it’s Midnight 281. Uncanny County 282. Uncanny Japan 283. Under Pressure 284. Undiscovered 285. Unexplained 286. Unsolved Murders 287. Urban Chicken Podcast 288. Urban Decay 289. Victoriocity 290. We’re Alive 291. We’re Alive: Lockdown 292. We’re so Bad at Adventuring 293. Weird Work 294. Welcome to Night Vale 295. What the Cluck 296. What’s the Frequency 297. The White Vault 298. The Wicked Library 299. Wisecracks: The Squanch 300. Within the Wires 301. Wolf 359 302. Wooden Overcoats 303. The Writers Panel 304. You Are Here 305. Zoolaplex And a couple of podcasts that haven’t come out yet: 306. The Big Loop 307. Tarnum
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readeatfightlove13 · 7 years
What did we missed?
I have seen a lot of theories revolving the Who Killed Markiplier hunt that seems to be going on. I believe we can't know for sure who DID kill Mark since there could be several possibilities Mark thought of doing this while making and hyping us up to this particular set of videos. So we must first theorize what Mark's intentions were IRL. This post is just my personal opinion and it should not be taken personal in any way. The info displayed hasn't been upgraded nor coroborated by Mark or Anyone else, so if it seems inconsistent let me know and I will upgrade it as soon as Mark gives us more info. With that being said lets jump right in:
1) Its just a joke, bro!
First and foremost the possibility of this being not been taken seriously (to a certain level) by Mark himself. Now hear me out, it has been confirmed in the past how Mark takes several parts of the fandom and molds them into jokes as we have seen in "Darkiplier vs Anticepticeye" and "Markiplier TV". Now I'm not saying he doesn't CARE, I'm saying that its probably going to end on a more funny note than a serious one. What would this convey? The possibility of us being the murderer or someone that hasn't been introduced yet. Or even Mark's fake death.
Possibility: 5.7 out of 10
I mean sure, Mark is known to be a little bit of a jokester. However, recently he seemed to be talking about this "big project" in a very fond manner, plus he took it a step forward with all the posts on every social media platform not to mention he even changed his youtube account profile picture. It seems to be more serious than usual for me. This would convey that the murderer has a motivation far more interesting and deeper than what we think.
2) Alter-Ego Origins.
Mark could be showing us the actual birth of his characters. It sounds rather possible in a certain way. Damien (not sure if this is right) looks and acts in a similar fashion as Darkiplier, same goes to the Coronell and its similarities with Wilford Warfstache. We even see Jim from "Markiplier TV" in the tumblr video next to the first one. Also in the scene when The Chef asks(dares) us to see through the eyes of the doll we discover it is actually a security camera system. This is clearly a reference to FNAF 4 (the doll that sees) and SL ( when we discover the doll it's actually a hidden camera) which as we all know are prequels to the original FNAF.
Possibility: 6 out of 10
As much as I would love the idea it seems a little far-fetched. We only see the 'representations' of Warfstache and Dark as well as Jim himself, but no one else. As we all know this must develop under the same AU as A Date with Markiplier but we don't know if it develops with Markiplier TV as well, whom by the way is not dead in those scenarios in case it is the prequel. In this one the whole point is to find who killed Mark, unless in a future episode we see Mark faking his own death. Besides, Tyler isn't a buttler in ADwM(he is a waiter & Elvis Preasley?) and the Chef seems to be Mark's employee in this one whereas he didn't heed Marks orders in the Date with Markiplier. And don't even get me started with the lore and some of its implications. Let's move on.
3) Its all a prank set up to you.
This could be like the 'meta ending' in DwM. This would mean that none of this is real and we all got pranked in some way or another. There really isn't that much evidence to support this one, however it is very posible. Not only has it been made in the past but it also would explain alot such as the sudden change in scenery and the overdramatic reaction on the detective's behalf.
Possibility: 3 out of 10
I mean I guess it makes sense but it stills feel a little cheap tactic compared to the amount of hype around the whole mistery. Plus it seems unlikely due to the facts previously stated in #1.
Well hope you guys enjoyed my little input of the whole hunt. If you liked it please let me know if I should make a second part or a vlog surrounding my thoughts and ideas of who actually killed Markiplier. Love you and see you around. Until. Next. Time.
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ink-and-dagger · 1 year
Ok I get the impression that DWM!Silco has never worked customer service before? Is that true or nah? I get that in DWM ch14 he has a lot of baggage but also like… Silco, honey… lying to customers is what we (customer service employees) have to do to survive 😅😂
Anyways I’m hugging Astrid in food/customer service employee solidarity
Yeeeaaah no, you’re right, DWM Silco has zero customer service experience, although he claims he has.
His argument is that he used to work the bar back in the ol’ revolution days. But in reality he actually only ever covered the bar two times - both of which were because there was literally no other option; it was either have Silco tend, or close up for the night and lose out on business (and honestly, Sil was such a shitty barkeep they may as well have just closed).
Our boy is a natural born leader, and likes to serve his people from the top; big brain boss style. Being in a position of menial service rubbed his patience threadbare and made him veerrrrry tetchy. Forget service with a smile, Silco would give service with a snarl (and possibly a thinly veiled threat if you didn’t take your drink and leave quickly enough). And when he wasn’t outright making customers feel unwelcome, he was ignoring them in favour of pouring over whatever map or manifesto he had on his persons at the time.
So yeah - ‘being nice to customers’ isn’t in his vocabulary
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ink-and-dagger · 7 hours
wait okay so you’ve said before that if astrid was really in the arcane world you think the events would have gone differently right so what do you think would have changed with the tea party scene? like do you think astrid would have been there and how would that have changed things? and how would she react if silco died 🤕 pls feel free to ignore this!
I think the main thing that would have changed with the tea party scene if Astrid had been around is that there would have been no tea party scene. She would have konked Silco and Jinx’s heads together at the first signs of miscommunication.
Does that technically make DWM a fix-it fic? Perhaps. All I can say for certain is that the whole mess at the end of season 1 might have been avoided if Silco had only had a loving partner to eat that tiny ass of his every night <3
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ink-and-dagger · 1 day
Just finished reading DWM and OMG it was amazing, you’re amazing. Your writing is so incredible. I don’t know if you’re accepting requests/answering questions about Astrid and silco, but do you think they’d ever get married/and or add another member to their family? Sorry if those are kinda weird questions :p hope you have a good day!
Thank you so much sweet one! I'm glad you enjoyed it <3 <3
I'm always accepting questions about my two favourite brain worms. Silco and Astrid actually already answered the baby question themselves:
Ask 1 Ask 2
As for marriage... who could say. Life is very different in the Undercity, and the general culture down there doesn't allow much time or space for considering such things. I'm sure by this point that Astrid and Silco consider each other as life partners, whether or not they ever get that partnership ordained.
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