sometimes survival is selfish
27K posts
felix, 25, white and transmisogyny exempt butch lesbian. in this house we respect trans women. more information in my pinned post.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
phaedo · 6 hours ago
Congratulations, youre body has taken on a new form! Spin this wheel three times. These words describe your new body
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phaedo · 7 hours ago
You are made to live as a kind of house-pet for one week. You are well taken care of and loved, but you are unable to communicate to the person taking care of you that you are a person. What is your reaction?
Spin the wheel to find out which pet you will spend a week as.
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phaedo · 11 hours ago
severance hot take number two: all of the debate about whether the innie and the outie are the same person or two different people is desperately lacking consideration of the real life circumstances that might cause someone to have two different identity states separated by amnesia, ie. trauma based dissociation. the question of "are two people in the same body the same person?" has already been asked by countless systems and traumatized people worldwide. there might not be an objective answer but the conversation already exists. severance is explicitly about dissociation and real-life dissociation must be considered as a model for what severance and reintegration look like.
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phaedo · 12 hours ago
okay severance hot take number one: i've seen people talk about it as a critique of capitalism and ask whether or not it succeeds as a critique of capitalism and i have to say i don't think it's critiquing capitalism at all, at least not on a broader level. it's commenting on and playing with the cultlike nature of much corporate office culture, which is an aspect of/result of capitalism, but there's not a broader anticapitalist message beyond what naturally arises. asking whether it's a good critique on capitalism is orthogonal to the actual content of the show.
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phaedo · 14 hours ago
here's the thing like i understand for example why a jurisdiction might not allow students on the highway and i understand why for a student it might be a relief to not have to drive on the highway for the test but why on earth does any jurisdiction want to give a person full license to drive wherever they want without first like. making sure they know how to merge. for example. like there are people from new jersey in the tags telling me the test was on a closed track at 15mph. new jersey is seriously out here giving people whole drivers licenses without even making sure they can handle a car going at the actual speeds that you are expected to go on the road??? like you're not even hitting 25?? i've driven in jersey and i have to say that is not sufficient.
okay i'm learning things from the tags on that driving poll so i'm making a poll of my very own.
feel free to say where it was in the tags if it's within your online safety boundaries
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phaedo · 14 hours ago
every day i learn new things about teeth
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phaedo · 16 hours ago
okay i'm learning things from the tags on that driving poll so i'm making a poll of my very own.
feel free to say where it was in the tags if it's within your online safety boundaries
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phaedo · 17 hours ago
big shoutout to my dentist for having phone chargers in the lobby
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phaedo · 20 hours ago
okay i'm learning things from the tags on that driving poll so i'm making a poll of my very own.
feel free to say where it was in the tags if it's within your online safety boundaries
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phaedo · 1 day ago
okay i'm learning things from the tags on that driving poll so i'm making a poll of my very own.
feel free to say where it was in the tags if it's within your online safety boundaries
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phaedo · 1 day ago
by the way i have two hot takes about severance remind me to post them tomorrow
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phaedo · 1 day ago
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phaedo · 1 day ago
Donate if you can!
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phaedo · 1 day ago
I finally switched to firefox and I've seen a lot of posts about the effortless importing of preferences from chrome and how it's important to support non-chromium platforms, but nobody is talking about the loss of productivity that happens when beautiful women come to your house to kiss you on the mouth because they heard you use firefox now. nobody's talking about this
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phaedo · 1 day ago
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phaedo · 2 days ago
lovely interview with tramell tillman!!
He worried that coming out publicly as gay would affect which roles would be available to him. “I had this knock on my heart saying, ‘Tramell, you have a choice.’” As he saw it, there were three paths. He could get a beard and play straight for the rest of his life; stay permanently single and keep his sexuality a mystery; or he could just be open. One night, he dreamt that he was onstage, and just off to the side was a man holding a baby. He didn’t recognize either of them, but he knew that the man was supposed to be his husband and the baby was their child. He woke up in tears, resolving to live as his authentic self.
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phaedo · 2 days ago
can you sew on/replace a button by hand?
let’s say this is a “normal” 4-hole button. You do not have to do anything fancy, just replace one that fell off. If you feel like it put in the tags your age range
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