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entriprises · 2 months ago
assorted thoughts on: how the muses' wrap gifts based on @strangewonderful's muse question of the day
tadashi is very good at wrapping, but he rarely uses wrapping paper. more often than not, a gift from tadashi is wrapped in a paper grocery bag he deconstructed, or paper from sketches he no longer needs. he's an adamant proponent of scratch paper and having a scratch paper bin in his lab so sometimes things come from there. he always manages to make it look nice rather than last minute.
buttercup loves to throw something in a box. if she can put some confetti or pom pom type objects to fill it, all the better, but she's a box girl all the way. no box? gift right into your hand.
romeo has gotten very good at wrapping. he comes from a childhood of building theater sets and making props. he should not be underestimated with a craft. but also, his go to gift for everyone is books which makes his job very easy! he's gotten into more creative means of wrapping too. he does use the weirdest wrapping paper ever though and one year he didn't pay attention and the design was on the inside.
jennifer is decent at wrapping a gift. it is something that takes her time, so usually she will default to a bag with layers of tissue paper and a ribbon on the handle. if it's a gift for the avengers, she buys avenger themed wrapping paper. she thinks its funny. she'll try to get something very direct and on the nose for whoever she's gifting it to.
natasha uses a little bit too much tape but she gets the job done. she's not that fussy, she doesn't really care for a ribbon. if it's oddly shaped, there's more tape. her biggest struggle really is that she keeps using the little tapes that are semi transparent and don't hold anything well.
bob is... he's patient with his wrapping paper but he will fully throw a piece away if it's clear that this might be his 3rd or 4th fold of it and it's starting to get those white rubbed off design creases. it's gonna be sweet though, he likes to do a bow! he's very good at doing bow designs with it.
bradley puts it in a bag. bradley hasn't really done gifts over the years and when he does, he's putting it in a bag. no hassle.
josh needs somebody else to wrap it. if he can get someone else to wrap it he will. he thinks the best addition in consumerism has been the in store gift wrappers. that being said, he's perfectly capable of a decent wrap job.
cj is a box person. sometimes she'll add a very simple ribbon, but usually it's just a box. it's what's fast, and she really doesn't want to deal with the trials of wrapping.
donna is a very simple wrapper. she's very good at it, but she doesn't let it ruin her day. she's wrapped a lot of stuff, and she honestly thinks not everything has to be incredibly sharped and pressed. there's some homey feeling to a little bit of puff and extra love. she loves a very classic paper like a plaid or something with cute drawings
midge knows how to wrap. midge could wrap a bicycle, she could wrap a pony, she would find a way to wrap you a house. she loves a bow and she loves the holidays. the finest gift wrapping you will ever see and experience in your life will come from her.
cathy is going to show you a ribbon so masterful and then call it "just a little 'ol family trick" she knows. she's been making the same full out ribbon on gifts since she was a little girl. the wrapping is alright, but the bow is the masterpiece.
finnick: let me just say. you're lucky if it isn't handed to you wet.
buck is still watching the same youtube video on repeat. actually not the whole video, but just the same 6 seconds where he's not sure what just happened and he needs to see it more, and no it doesn't occur to him to slow down the video. the gift will be wrapped well.
bobby is CLEAN with those folds. the 118 is lined up outside his door when they need something wrapped and he takes a lot of pride in that. he might even host a little santa's workshop to teach everyone to wrap and yes he calls it that.
ellie likes to put a gift right into someone's hands. she's a little too excited about whatever she's gifting because usually she picks something so good or just so cheeky that she doesn't even want to wait through the other person unwrapping it.
elizabeth uses a box for everything. everything needs to be easy to wrap and she just won't do something odd shaped that's hard. she knows how to wrap a box though so things go in a box and she lines that with tissue paper for an added touch. then it's wrapped and it's decent!
trip... for all his engineering… theres like 6 added pieces to that thing bc he hasnt measured correctly. in fact hes so good at engineering that he was like. i fuckin got this. enjoy this surgery job of a wrap
paul tries to wrap things with wrapping paper. he really does try. it's not good though. he should stop trying. he hands the gift over and knows it's not a great job, but it's a job and it's the gift that matters and these are all things he will say to the person too.
gen goes for wrapping but no bow. he also sticks to red or gold wrapping paper usually as a preference! he's pretty good at it and when it comes to an oddly shaped object will commit to finding a way around it that still looks nice. he might do that thing where it's rolled up like a tube with a rubber band or tie on each end.
joann wraps all things with natural materials, or as close to natural as it gets with the replicators and such. she'll use a rope or a twine in place of a ribbon, but ribbons work too. she will forgo paper usually and it's just wrapped with the tie!
adira goes for a box with a ribbon! the ribbon is just your most basic kind, but really the presentation is kept absolutely simple.
spock doesn't wrap gifts usually. he's much more of a hand someone something directly kind of guy. that being said, he's been around humans who do wrap for a while and so sometimes he might put it in a very nice piece of fabric!
mark: bag alert. this one's putting it in a bag. one time, he gave a present directly in the store bag he bought it in.
farrah doesn't wrap things. she's also a put it in your hands directly sort of person, but also she doesn't tend to do big gifts. more often than not it's a small token of something and so it might go into a pouch if anything at all.
neal gives gifts that wrapping is at times not necessary for. a nice bottle of wine comes in a box. beautiful jewelry comes in a pristine box. his gifts speak for themselves. he's never wrapped anything and he might risk a paper cut if he does.
holly wraps it in tissue paper by just folding it over and over but like... sides open. it's weird. it's a mess. she also puts it in a bag.
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arcanegifs · 4 months ago
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stupid thing i made a month ago
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amberandomly · 2 months ago
Comic 7 extravaganza with @sillyguywithsillydoodles!!!
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Late to the comic 7 hype bc of this lmao, it was supposed to be like 2 pages TT Got a bit burnt out on the third one, but I had so much fun doing this with Cat just chatting up a storm about everything ^^ dk what can I say that hasn't been said already, thank you for Spydad, Sniper's fucking hot, happy new year peeps
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mintedcats · 4 months ago
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Pondering my orb
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ascendingconures · 2 months ago
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just gonna post this bc i could never come up with a spirally background i liked & i dont want this to die in my saves folder
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amielot · 5 months ago
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lucabyte · 3 months ago
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olidolliart · 2 months ago
hello again everyone ✨ just finished aisha a few hours ago hehe
I had soooooo much fun painting the boots and the outfit!!! I really like this piece, it's so glittery and fun :) tell me, who should I draw next?? I was thinking about musa maybe...
~also, slightly unrelated, I'm rewatching my little pony from the beginning and I got some tinkerbell books, so you may expect art of them in the near future :) I might even do crossovers?? like mlp characters as winx fairies or something!!
ok I'm rambling too much I'm sorry
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me-beef · 19 days ago
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We need help!
My wife @astrmastr and I need help moving to the EU!
We’re two transgirl/nonbinary queers stuck in the conservative Midwest!
Unfortunately, we’re already living paycheck to paycheck as it is. I’m incredibly blessed to have two parents that are willing to dig into their retirement fund to help us, but I want to take as much financial strain off of them as possible.
I’m offering pay-what-you-can commissions over on my Ko-fi!
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You can find more examples of my work on my art blog!
If you have an oc, a pet, a friend, or a silly idea, toss a couple dollars our way! You’ll get some neat art, and you’ll help us move to a safer, more supportive environment!
We also sell stickers! We can even take custom orders!
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Get your blorbo made into stickers! And then stick them in places!!
If you have the resources, please consider a commission or donation! If not, consider helping us out by reblogging or sharing with your friends!
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camthecatchameleon · 11 months ago
a few days ago my brain demanded i draw polywitchlight RIGHT NOW and who am i to refuse
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original and closeups under the cut
original/template is from “Go For It Nakamura!” by Syundei which i have not read actually
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+ closeups; feel free to use as icons with credit smile
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insertdisc5 · 5 months ago
Um so I've been sitting on this ask for months cause I didn't want to bother you with how many messages you must get. And because it's difficult for me to be open about my experiences, but I'm working on that part thanks to you! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
For the first time in my 32 years of life I'm starting to open up to my friends and family. When I'm tearing myself down or having a panic attack about how I think I'm failing the people around me, now I say "This is something Siffrin would do, and you'd give them grace, so give yourself grace..." I can't overstate how much your writing has changed my life for the better.
AND I KNOW THIS IS CRINGE but I've been seeking out a last name for myself for many many years, cause I hate having my estranged father's name. And I never found a name that felt right, until now. So I hope it's ok with you that I'm working on changing it to "Frin" as a reminder to keep giving myself grace. 👉🏻👈🏻
Anyways haha I'm going to curl up in a hole now~! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ But not before I give you a huge thank you. So, THANK YOU!!!
i have no words. im incredibly humbled on all accounts by your message... for thinking about siffrin and how you'd give them grace, so you are giving yourself grace in return... for adopting a last name from isat... for trying your best to be more open!!! weargh!!!!!! you are incredibly brave and i want to thank you for your message from the bottom of my heart. im rooting for you!!!!!!
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ascesabo · 1 year ago
the great irony of early one piece antagonists believing zoro was the actual captain and using luffy as a puppet ... oda really threw us a bone and curb-stomped it right in our faces. yes, zoro could be a captain in his own right. yes, zoro could match luffy in strength. yes, zoro knows this perfectly well. and you know what? he chose luffy two years ago, and he will continue to choose luffy again and again. roronoa zoro, the pirate hunter, who followed a wannabe pirate with a nonexistent crew on a whim because luffy brought him his swords and made a half-assed attempt at a bargain. zoro, who made a vow to never lose again on both his and luffy's honor. zoro, who told luffy he'd make him commit harakiri if he got in the way of zoro's goal, only to turn around and be willing to sacrifice his dream if it means that luffy reaches his. zoro, who stood in place and took luffy's pain and told a warlord to take his head instead of luffy's, who got down on his knees before his supposed rival and begged mihawk to mentor him so that he could return strong enough to protect his captain. zoro, who has conqueror's haki- a natural born leader- but chooses to stay at the right hand of a man he has deemed greater than himself.
and the thing that luffy fears most? being alone. being rejected. being left behind. and what should have been his foil- the pirate hunter to his pirate king, the nonbeliever to his divine, the king of hell to his sun god- instead becomes his first and most devout follower; the one who demands to follow him to hell and back. oughhhggg i'm sick to my stomach
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fascinationstreetmp3 · 6 months ago
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I have what you're looking for. High quality. Befitting a man of my tastes. I have a room over on Divisadero, not too far a walk.
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inquisitor-apologist · 9 months ago
One of the things to remember about Star Wars Rebels is that it is the best Star Wars show ever made
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kenvamp · 1 year ago
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On this episode of me putting way to much effort into stupid things: The Chain has a competition on who could fuse the most kinstones
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