#headcanons ⋆˙ gen rhys
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entriprises · 2 months ago
assorted thoughts on: how the muses' wrap gifts based on @strangewonderful's muse question of the day
tadashi is very good at wrapping, but he rarely uses wrapping paper. more often than not, a gift from tadashi is wrapped in a paper grocery bag he deconstructed, or paper from sketches he no longer needs. he's an adamant proponent of scratch paper and having a scratch paper bin in his lab so sometimes things come from there. he always manages to make it look nice rather than last minute.
buttercup loves to throw something in a box. if she can put some confetti or pom pom type objects to fill it, all the better, but she's a box girl all the way. no box? gift right into your hand.
romeo has gotten very good at wrapping. he comes from a childhood of building theater sets and making props. he should not be underestimated with a craft. but also, his go to gift for everyone is books which makes his job very easy! he's gotten into more creative means of wrapping too. he does use the weirdest wrapping paper ever though and one year he didn't pay attention and the design was on the inside.
jennifer is decent at wrapping a gift. it is something that takes her time, so usually she will default to a bag with layers of tissue paper and a ribbon on the handle. if it's a gift for the avengers, she buys avenger themed wrapping paper. she thinks its funny. she'll try to get something very direct and on the nose for whoever she's gifting it to.
natasha uses a little bit too much tape but she gets the job done. she's not that fussy, she doesn't really care for a ribbon. if it's oddly shaped, there's more tape. her biggest struggle really is that she keeps using the little tapes that are semi transparent and don't hold anything well.
bob is... he's patient with his wrapping paper but he will fully throw a piece away if it's clear that this might be his 3rd or 4th fold of it and it's starting to get those white rubbed off design creases. it's gonna be sweet though, he likes to do a bow! he's very good at doing bow designs with it.
bradley puts it in a bag. bradley hasn't really done gifts over the years and when he does, he's putting it in a bag. no hassle.
josh needs somebody else to wrap it. if he can get someone else to wrap it he will. he thinks the best addition in consumerism has been the in store gift wrappers. that being said, he's perfectly capable of a decent wrap job.
cj is a box person. sometimes she'll add a very simple ribbon, but usually it's just a box. it's what's fast, and she really doesn't want to deal with the trials of wrapping.
donna is a very simple wrapper. she's very good at it, but she doesn't let it ruin her day. she's wrapped a lot of stuff, and she honestly thinks not everything has to be incredibly sharped and pressed. there's some homey feeling to a little bit of puff and extra love. she loves a very classic paper like a plaid or something with cute drawings
midge knows how to wrap. midge could wrap a bicycle, she could wrap a pony, she would find a way to wrap you a house. she loves a bow and she loves the holidays. the finest gift wrapping you will ever see and experience in your life will come from her.
cathy is going to show you a ribbon so masterful and then call it "just a little 'ol family trick" she knows. she's been making the same full out ribbon on gifts since she was a little girl. the wrapping is alright, but the bow is the masterpiece.
finnick: let me just say. you're lucky if it isn't handed to you wet.
buck is still watching the same youtube video on repeat. actually not the whole video, but just the same 6 seconds where he's not sure what just happened and he needs to see it more, and no it doesn't occur to him to slow down the video. the gift will be wrapped well.
bobby is CLEAN with those folds. the 118 is lined up outside his door when they need something wrapped and he takes a lot of pride in that. he might even host a little santa's workshop to teach everyone to wrap and yes he calls it that.
ellie likes to put a gift right into someone's hands. she's a little too excited about whatever she's gifting because usually she picks something so good or just so cheeky that she doesn't even want to wait through the other person unwrapping it.
elizabeth uses a box for everything. everything needs to be easy to wrap and she just won't do something odd shaped that's hard. she knows how to wrap a box though so things go in a box and she lines that with tissue paper for an added touch. then it's wrapped and it's decent!
trip... for all his engineering… theres like 6 added pieces to that thing bc he hasnt measured correctly. in fact hes so good at engineering that he was like. i fuckin got this. enjoy this surgery job of a wrap
paul tries to wrap things with wrapping paper. he really does try. it's not good though. he should stop trying. he hands the gift over and knows it's not a great job, but it's a job and it's the gift that matters and these are all things he will say to the person too.
gen goes for wrapping but no bow. he also sticks to red or gold wrapping paper usually as a preference! he's pretty good at it and when it comes to an oddly shaped object will commit to finding a way around it that still looks nice. he might do that thing where it's rolled up like a tube with a rubber band or tie on each end.
joann wraps all things with natural materials, or as close to natural as it gets with the replicators and such. she'll use a rope or a twine in place of a ribbon, but ribbons work too. she will forgo paper usually and it's just wrapped with the tie!
adira goes for a box with a ribbon! the ribbon is just your most basic kind, but really the presentation is kept absolutely simple.
spock doesn't wrap gifts usually. he's much more of a hand someone something directly kind of guy. that being said, he's been around humans who do wrap for a while and so sometimes he might put it in a very nice piece of fabric!
mark: bag alert. this one's putting it in a bag. one time, he gave a present directly in the store bag he bought it in.
farrah doesn't wrap things. she's also a put it in your hands directly sort of person, but also she doesn't tend to do big gifts. more often than not it's a small token of something and so it might go into a pouch if anything at all.
neal gives gifts that wrapping is at times not necessary for. a nice bottle of wine comes in a box. beautiful jewelry comes in a pristine box. his gifts speak for themselves. he's never wrapped anything and he might risk a paper cut if he does.
holly wraps it in tissue paper by just folding it over and over but like... sides open. it's weird. it's a mess. she also puts it in a bag.
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poebrey · 10 months ago
Not only is Patrick Kwok-Choon getting to sit in the captains chair on the same day his wife went into labor with their kid incredibly based but we got an openly neurodivergent actor/actor with ADHD sitting in the captains seat on discovery which is pretty neat from the show that made neurodivergent Spock canon
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sadnessruns · 2 years ago
here's some scrys of some others i made for later projects
sovua, rhys, & ortegas
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Remembered the old trend about making dragon versions of your characters on flight rising before picrews became common and I just wanna show off the ones I did make in flight rising as a flight rising player of Paul, Matt, and Glenn
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areyoudreaminof · 5 months ago
Next Gen Headcanons:
-very into architecture, loves buildings. The Prythian equivalent of a lego kid. Builds Feyre a studio and builds Oriana a little dollhouse.
-He carves little wooden animals, like his grandfather. His mother and aunts aren’t sure what to make of it at first, but they grow to love it.
-Nyx wears goggles when he flies high. When he’s older (like 100) he gets really into the idea of an aerial corps for the Illyrians.
-He loves all his cousins but is closest to Cricket. They’re called the “Terror Twins” in the family. 
-Not much of a “ladies man” in the traditional sense, but the ladies love him because he’s easy going, respectful, and doesn’t play games.
-he’s an okay artist, if he put in more effort he’d be better. 
-he’s embarrassed by Rhys’s over the top fashion sense. 
-he’s a daemati, but hates going into people’s minds unless absolutely necessary. 
-very close to Az and Nesta. He trusts them both implicitly. And his first word after "Mama" was "Nena!" for Nesta, of course.
-his best friend is the Winter Court Heir. They have a secret handshake.
-Helion’s shadow. She breeds horses and Pegasi with her grandfather and they’re very, very close. She’s a very talented equestrian and trains the Day Court horses on her own. 
-Her real name, Mathilde, comes from the Lady of Autumn's sister. Lucien gave her the nickname Cricket, when she was a baby. She babbled at night.
-she’s a Spell Cleaver and she got all the Day Court powers. No Autumn powers to be seen
-When she grows up, she becomes THE Emissary for all the courts and the human lands since she’s so well connected. She really doesn’t want to be the heir. She's ruthless at negotiation, thanks to Eris's training.
-Cricket is Lucien with a better upbringing. Snarky af.
-Rhys is her favorite Night Court uncle, but also her mortal enemy in their prank war.
-Very close to her parents. While she got Lucien’s hair and eyes, she got a lot of Elain’s features. 
-Extremely close to Eris. She is given Autumn citizenship, title of Grand Duchess of Autumn and a smokehound. She calls her hound Trajan, her favorite Day Court hero.
-she is a prodigy and teaches herself to read at some young ass age. Very quiet and proper, but isn’t afraid to get dirty. She speaks Scythian fluently and teaches herself old High Fae. 
-Her real name, Cyra, is an ancient Day Court name. Helion picked it out. Froggy comes from Cricket, who thought her baby sister looked like a frog when she was born.
-she looks the most like Helion, and has “Day Court looks” with Elain's golden heir. Which is funny because she got the Autumn flame and is more or less considered Eris’ heir by himself and the Autumn court. 
-her smokehound is named Brigid, the first fae in Autumn to wield fire, whom she idolizes.  
-She is super close to Nesta and Feyre. She adores Cassian. 
- she’s very empathetic. I toyed a lot with her getting the Seer gift, but she instead has a very good intuition. 
-She always wears a bow in her hair. She thinks it looks sophisticated. She picked it up from her human cousins in Scythia.
-very funny and mischievous and caring. Spoiled rotten by her parents and the House.
-The House LOVES HER. The House gives her the best room, and a kitten. It just showed up when she wanted it. It's a real kitten she calls Pudding.
--she loves music and singing. When she’s older (a few hundred years old) she does a research project for the library and compiles old oral folk tales and songs from the women in Illyria. 
-Nesta’s velcro child. Orianna is ride or die for her mother. She does love her Daddy though. 
--her wings are from her grandmother. 
-She and Froggy are the closest, but she hero worships Cricket and Nyx. 
-Orianna was also raised and watched a lot by Clotho and the other priestess in the library. She is named Research Assistant when she's little and she takes it VERY seriously. She loves Clotho the most.
-She is the official representative of the Library at the House to the Day Court.
-Gwyn and Emerie are her aunts. Full stop.
-she loves her Aunt Feyre and loves to paint with her. 
-when she feels angry and upset, Uncle Az takes her for “quiet time” where they color together. It helps her calm down. He teachers her how to sing and old Illyrian songs.
-Cassian calls her his princess.
-she will become the first Valkyrie Librarian
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shallyne · 2 years ago
Tell me about your next gen kids. Specifically the second best High Lady ever.
Or Bragi's travels. Whatever you'd prefer.
Idk if you specifically want me to talk about her High Lady duties or just about Nemesis in general but I can tell you that that High Lady Nemesis isn't really developed because we stay more in a Modern universes when we create the headcanons, 😂
Okay but I can tell a little bit about High Lady Nemesis.
Rhys will throw a big ceremony for Nemesis where Feysand announces her as the Heir. Nyx isn't really interested in the position. He wants to be a part of the Inner Circle when Nemesis rules but ruling itself is a no for him so he becomes her guard. Bragi isn't even interested to explore their powers. Least to rule a whole court. They'd rather travel. And Nemesis knew from a very very young age that she's going to be High Lady. But everyone always assumes it's going to be Nyx so they officially announce Nemesis as heir
Nemesis will rule before Feysand dies. Yes, that seems weird to some but when Feysand gets older and tired, Nemesis offers to take the responsibilities earlier from them. It's a rocky transition but it's the best they could have done. For one because Nemesis still has her parents for advice and she can't imagine a world with her parents gone, least a word with her parents gone where she has to rule a court all on her own. That thought scared her A LOT for her whole life until they had big talk where they decided for Nemesis to rule
One funfact is that while Bragi couldn't wait to leave the Night Court and travel the world, Nemesis always had problems to stay away from home for a long time. The Night Court is where she belongs and she doesn't want to be anywhere else. The territory and the people were and always will be her number one priority.
AND NOW it's time for Bragi! It's amazing that you ask now about Bragi because I just talked about it yesterday
When Bragi was little, Nyx, Feyre, Rhys, Cassian and Azriel had to fly them around Velaris and later around the Night Court because Bragi gets fidgety when they stay in one place for too long
Little Bragi always pointed to maps and asked where this and that city was and when someone replied "I don't know" Bragi was like "WHY NOT" they just wanted to know it
Everytime Bragi heard Rhys talking about cities they never heard about they asked where it was and wanted to know everything about it
The second Bragi is done with their education, they pack their bags to travel the world. The hardest thing is saying goodbye to their family but they have to go because they need to. A life without traveling is for them like a life without art would be for Feyre. It's just a part of them that would be missing
Bragi truly appreciates immortality. They appreciate that they have the time to see everything and they are so excited for life
Bragi always has to bring snacks back home for Nemesis from wherever they went
I'm sorry if this is chaotic, my brain is chaotic and I love them so much
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jesterday00 · 4 years ago
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The princesses have new designs again!
Base by Me
Admittedly, Cadence's design took longer than I thought it would. I didn't want her to have the same hairstyle as before, and I wanted it to be unique.
Anyway, headcanons!
- Celestia, or Celestial Dawn, is 2,243 years old, and her appearance is akin to someone in her 40's. - Her mane is naturally very curly. It floats in the shape of a cloud with a small gathering like a dread at the end. It shifts shape every day, and the colors change depending on how sunny or stormy it is. - Her flight, while it is fantastic due to spending a good 2200 years flying, isn't her strong suit. Born a unicorn, her specialty is Magic. - Her ivory horn is very long, and will chip at the tip quite often. When it does, she often gives it to a jeweler who needs some financial aid. Each piece of jewelry that incorporates a piece of her horn is practically priceless. - Celestia was born at first sun's light on a Summer Solstice.
- Luna, or Selena Lunaris, is 2,241 years old, and her appearance is akin to someone in their late 20's due to her time as Nightmare Moon preventing her from aging. - Luna's mane is regular hair at the front, but the back of her mane and her tail have transformed into a strange space-like void. It is tangible and acts just like hair, but viewing it from different angles is like looking into a pitch black hole. It's one of Equestria's greatest questions. - Luna isn't nearly as good at magic as Celestia or other unicorns. She has enough magic to manipulate the moon and dreams, and has enough control, but her magic is considered average if not weak. - Luna was born a Bat Pony, a secluded race of ponies that aren't spoken about in the old stories. They were often viewed as brutish and even violent, and didn't have anything to contribute to the Earth/Unicorn/Pegasus triad. - Luna was born at first moon's light on a Winter Solstice.
- Cadence is now known as Princess Rhy, or Princess (Prinkípissa) Agápi me Rythmó (Rough Greek pronunciation, translates through Google to "Love with Rhythm" in actual Greek, Πριγκίπισσα Αγάπη με ρυθμό). - A relatively young alicorn, she's somewhere in her late 20's, a little older than Shining Armor. She was made an alicorn around 12 or 13. - Nothing really special about her mane, it's mostly straight/wavy at the top and coils at the bottom. - Her eyes are now brown! I felt like we had too many characters with candy-colored eyes and decided to give her good ol' fashioned brown eyes. - Born a Pegasus, Rhy has patterns akin to a flamingo and is a good flyer. Her magic is strong, however, since she was able to manipulate it before she was an alicorn. Her magic extends even past romantic love, but most ponies don't realize. Familial love, friendships, self love, etc. - Rhy was born via love potion, giving her powerful control over various forms of love.
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heirs-of-prythian · 6 years ago
Pretty Colourful!
Hi, guys! I am back with a one-shot! No this has nothing to do with Wanted: Lila, since my brain kinda refuses to let write it down, even if I know how it is going to end. But whatever, I now have for you a fluffy fic about Rhys and Art having some fun with paints together (and Feyre will show up at the end again)!
Word count: 3k
It's midday on a wonderful summer day and three year old Artemas has woken up from his nap not long ago. After being fed some mashed potatoes, baby-carrots, peas and butter cookies for lunch, Art was cleaned up and brought into his room to play by his father.
For a toddler, Art has a really big room. The floor is mostly covered in midnight blue fluffy and soft carpets. One wall is painted completely dark blue and golden and white stars are dotted around in constellations. As well as the phases of the moon, in a circle directly above the bed, which is Art's favorite thing on that wall. Even the falling stars from Starfall are seen in their bright blue glowing glory in the right corner beside the bed. The other wall opposite is painted with mountains in different shades of blue, and the other two do look like forests in dark green, brown and black. The walls were, of course, painted by Feyre herself, when she was pregnant with Art.
The room has two floor-to-ceiling windows, which both lead out to the same big balcony. The glass doors are sealed shut with magic since Art has tried several times to jump down from the balcony. Both Feyre and Rhys don't want their little baby son doing that and getting hurt, not to killed since they highly doubt that a jump like that could kill him, with their baby having strong magic like that, but they aren't taking any chances. Now the blue curtains are open and the room is flooded with warm daylight.
The room has also three doors. The first one is next to the window on the right and leads into the hallway. The former black wooden door is now adorned with various colors in different forms. Some look like moons, stars, suns, shooting stars, flowers, even a hand print here and there, and some basic forms. This door isn't the only door that looks like this in Art's room. The other two painted doors are opposite the first door, but in the far two corners of the room. One leads into the rooms own bathroom and the other into the closet/storage room for Art's toys/Art's "secret" playroom.
Beside the doors, most of the furniture also have been painted on. The room has now a tiny bed, a nightstand, a big armchair, shelves upon shelves filled with various stuffed animals (who are all named, and sorted both alphabetically and from most favorite to least), a tiny desk with bookshelves around it and a massive bookshelf between the windows with a fast growing book collection of storybooks of all shapes and sizes.
Even the walls aren't save from the paint, one corner between window and door is known as Art's little atelier. The whole corner has been used as a canvas from floor to ceiling. A small shelf stores canvases, palettes, various containers of paint, brushes, sponges, colorful pencils, crayons, chalks, pastels, papers, and other art utensils. Art likes to imitate Feyre as much as possible, when it comes to painting and art in general.
Now father and son are sitting in the middle of the room at a colourfully painted tiny table. Which Art has demand like a spoilt little prince to have been brought from his playroom by his father. Art has meanwhile plopped himself onto the carpet and looked over his paints in his corner. When Rhys came back with the table and set it in front of his son, said son has looked up to him, pointed one finger at the corner and simply said "Paints." At which Rhys just had risen an eyebrow and didn't move. Art's brows creased at that, not used not being obeyed, but than his face cleared.
"Thank you, daddy. Can you please get some paints?" Art has said slowly and carefully to pronounce every word correctly. "You're welcome, little moon. Now was that so hard, Artemas?" Rhys smiled at the head shaking Art, and started to move to the "Ala" (Art's little atelier). "And of course, what colours do you want?" "Blue," it came from Art before Rhys even finished the question, "red, yellow, green, white and black."
After Rhys has grabbed the paints and settled beside his son, summing papers and paintbrushes, while opening the containers and scooping the colours on a palette.
Feyre had made sure that the paints are save for Art to eat, since even the Heir of Night is a normal baby and now toddler and puts almost anything in his mouth. So now Art can go wild with it.
Meanwhile Art looks excited at the colours, a big smile attached to his face. Grinning, Rhys ruffles Art's short black hair, looking forward as to what Art will paint.
"Thanks, daddy!" Art grins up to his father, a brush already in hand.
"For you, everything, little moon." Rhys says sincerely and moves his head down until their noses meet. Art's impossibly big grin widens even more. For a few seconds, neither of the two moves, but then Art goes in for the kill, Rhys is only a millisecond to slow.
"First!" Art cheers loudly, after he kissed his father's nose. Both start grinning at each other again and than dissolve into laughter.
Cauldron, he loves his son so much.
After the laughter died down, Art faced his paints and paper and started dipping the paintbrush into blue paint. Now concentrating on painting, Art ignores his father, who has slung an arm around him, and the world around him. He barely registers the kiss on his head by his father. Rhys smiles into his son's hair, as Art barely reacts to him.
Mother, when he is like this, he is so much like Feyre. It's so adorable.
But when Art is like this, there's isn't much to do, since Art will probably not move from his spot for some time. Being content with painting in peace, Art is completely distracted and has no desire to do anything else right now. It's like he is in his own world right now.
So Rhys is just happy with watching Art paint, listening to Art's mumbles, which most of the time make absolutely no sense at all, and looking out of the window at the Sidra. Since interaction with his son when he is in this state is practically nonexistent, Rhys doesn't even try. He also doesn't react when his son paints over the ends of the paper and onto the table. Art does it constantly and the table is full of paint because of that.
It's something Feyre does often as well, painting on something that isn't a canvas or papers, usually walls or furniture. And that shows to Rhys at least that his little moon is more like is mother than him, despite looking like him. And Rhys loves it.
It's been almost half an hour when Art gets bored painting with brushes. So Art puts the still covered in red paint brush down. Then without hesitation, Art puts his whole tiny hand into the palette, still mumbling to himself. Cold paint squishes between his fingers. He giggles at the feeling.
Art loves this feeling. Just the paint simply on his skin.
He didn't really paid attention into what colours he put his hand, so now blue and red are covering his hand, mixing slightly into purple. But Art doesn't care, so he just continues painting, starting a new story in his head, at least to him. To everyone else, Art's mumbling while he paints is mostly incoherent and nonsensical words mixed with words and sentences he knows. And for a three year old, Artemas knows a lot of words, courtesy mostly to his older cousins Cadan and Hemera. Who try to get him as up to speed with them as possible.
Rhys didn't even noticed that his son has gone from brush painting to finger painting. His hand is still on his mumbling son's back, who made no indication himself that something has changed. Rhys is absently drawing circles with his thumb on the tiny back and just stares almost vacantly out of the window, without really seeing anything, thinking on an slight issue with the Lords of Hewn City. Which he will take care of tomorrow. But in his head he is going over the issue and the solution he and Feyre came up with. And then is thoughts lead him into thinking of his beloved mate Feyre.
The High Lord of the Night Court is as lost to the world as the Heir of Night is.
But Rhys was abruptly thrown off his thoughts when he feels something cold and slick gliding across his right cheek. And a giggle follows the disappearance of the feeling. His son's giggle. Casting his head down, Rhys looks at his giggling and at his face pointing son. The palm of the hand that points at him is covered completely in paint. Red and blue are mixed into purple, while yellow almost completely disappeared into green, and white and black merged into various shades of grey. Non of the colours are dried yet, so the palm is glinting wetly.
The other hand is clean and is clutching Rhys' shirt to keep the laughing toddler upright. Whose giggling transformed into a full blown laugh.
"I don't think that that's so funny, little moon." Rhys says grinning, loving hearing his son laugh like that, even if it is apparently on his expense.
"Daddy, .... real ... pretty... now!" Art gasps out between laughing, not even bothering with sentence structures or the correct pronunciations of the words, causing him to say "Leal" and "pletty".
"Oh am I now?" Rhys asks amused, violet eyes glittering like stars. Art just nods while still laughing, not noticing his father's finger dipping into blue paint.
"How about I make you pretty?" Rhys asks as he taps his son's nose, painting it blue.
Art gasps and stops laughing, blinking at his father, who now laughs at his son's stunned face.
"Little moon, ... real.... pretty .. now." Laughing, Rhys imitates his son, also pronouncing it incorrectly.
Art crosses his arms, smearing paint into his blue shirt, and pouts at his laughing father. But then he has an idea. Uncrossing his arms, turns to his father, who has calmed down and is facing the ceiling, eyes closed and grinning widely. Tugging at his father's shirt and a "Daddy", Art gets the wanted attention from his father. Rhys hums and brushes strands of hair away from his son's face.
"I make you pretty!" Art explains or better demands, points from him to Rhys, "and you make me pretty!" The finger points first to Rhys than to Art again and than to the paints on the table. Throughout the demand, Rhys eyebrow has risen, but than he sighs and smiles.
"Okay, little moon, let's paint each other's faces." He obeys amused, already knowing that his stubborn son will not take an "no" for an answer, well at least not if it isn't satisfiedly explained to Art. And it does sound like a lot of fun.
Rhys needs to duck down a little so the blue-nosed toddler can reach him comfortably. So father and son start painting the face of the other.
They paint until no patch of skin is clean and untouched, covering their face in shades of blue, red, purple, yellow, green, orange, white, gray and black. Rhys has drown a white full moon, a yellow crescent moon and a red waning moon on little moon's forehead. Art has only put stars on his father's entire face, in all colours, all shapes and sizes overlapping and mixing together, only a few stars are still recognisable as such.
Satisfied, both father and son lean back, hands at hips, admiring their work with a critical eye, but than smiling widely, mirroring each other. Violet eyes meet blue-grey eyes. And both start laughing again.
"You are very ... very pretty now, Daddy!" Art wrings out between his laughter, hands clutching his stomach, smearing more paint into his shirt. The "r" is again a "l", except for the "are".
Cauldron, his little moon is so cute and wonderful.
Rhys was about to give his son the compliment back, but than they hear from downstairs a voice, shouting.
"I'm home, boys!"
"Mommy!" Art has straighten and stopped laughing, but now excited to see his mother. Getting to his feet, he has completely forgetting about his paint covered hands and face. But Rhys catches his arm as he was about to run out, stopping him completely. Art turns his face and sees a mischievous smile on his father's face that immediately gets his interest. Art is always up for some mischief.
"How about we show Mommy our new masterpieces, little moon?" Rhys whispers softly, the smile still on his face.
Art grins and than giggles, nodding, he puts his arms up, silently demanding to be picked up. Rhys stands and swoops up his son in one fluid move, not caring for the paint that Art smears on his shirt. With a little magic, Rhys makes the paint in their faces instantly dry, so they couldn't accidentally destroy their masterpieces. Going down the stairs, they scan the foyer. No Feyre in sight.
"Mommy?" Art shouts. "In the kitchen, little moon!" Feyre shouts back. Turning left, Rhys almost tiptoes to the kitchens door, hoping his mate isn't facing them. And he is in luck, Feyre has her back to them, preparing a tea. Seemingly not noticing them.
Impatient as ever, Art makes a noise and says "Mommy look! We are pretty now!"
At her son's weird sentence, Feyre turns around, prepared to say that they are always pretty, but the words died down at the sight of her most beloved males: her mate, and her son. Stunned, Feyre gaps at them, taking in the paint covered faces. Blue is the dominant colour in both faces. Rhys' face seems to be covered in a similar shape over and over. Feyre can make the shapes out to be stars. Art's face seems to have a blue background with things painted over it. The most eye-catching are the three moons on his forehead.
And to be honest, Feyre can't decide who has more artistic talent, her three year old son or her well over 500 year old mate. But she leans slightly towards her son, and she is not biased with that opinion. Not even a little, and Rhys would agree with her.
This isn't what she expected to welcome her home, but she welcomes it nonetheless.
"Look, little moon, we are so pretty, we made your mother speechless!" Rhys says proudly. Art makes a proud noise of agreement, while nodding his head.
"Feyre Darling, tell as how pretty we are!" Rhys requests dramatically to his still speechless and gaping mate. "Tell us! Tell us, Mommy!" Art chimes in, excited. At this, Feyre snaps out of her stupor, and laughs.
"Both of you're beautiful!" Feyre smiles brightly and advances towards them. The second she is within arm reach of Rhys, an arm is slung around her waist, drawing her closer. Feyre brings her arms around her mates waist and her son's back. Art leans an arm around his mother's shoulder, the other is already on his father's.
Hugging each other, the small family stays like that and enjoying the closeness and the warmth.
Bending down a little, Rhys kisses Feyre. Both smile into the kiss. But they don't kiss for long with a impatient toddler in their arms. After breaking the kiss, Feyre tiptoes and kisses her son's cheek.
"What happened?" Feyre asks amused, looking closer at their faces.
"Your son,-" Rhys starts but Feyre interrupts him. "My son?"
"Yes, he is your son only when he paints, Darling. He is so much like you when he does." Feyre laughs at that.
Well, he isn't wrong.
"Anyways, little moon has decided that my face would be prettier with paint on it and followed his impulse," Rhys continues amused, smiling at Art, who smiled back innocently. "And I just copied him, making him prettier as well. And than this little artist here decided that we should paint each other's faces to make the other pretty. And that's all there is to it, Darling."
"Both of you are definitely pretty" Feyre agrees, smiling. "Are those stars, little moon?"
"Yes!" Art answers proudly. "All of it! Stars!"
"Is that a new masterpiece, little moon?" His mother inquiries, tracing a line of a half visible star on his father's face. "To bad we can't hang this one." Rhys laughs at that. "To bad, isn't it." He agrees. "But you could paint us later, Feyre Darling." Rhys suggests it because of a growing frown and sad eyes on Art's face.
"Can you, mommy?" Art is immediately onboard with the idea, excited to be painted by his talented mother.
In his eyes, Feyre is the best artist there is and he wants to be as good as her, no maybe even better than her!
"I can and definitely will!" Feyre promises, "As soon as I have time, this is going to be my next project! Because this needs to be immortalised"
"It does, doesn't it!" Rhys agrees, grinning. Art nods his head wildly in agreement, looking rather smug.
Than he hugs his parents closer and buries his face in-between them, making a happy purr. Feyre and Rhys laugh and smile at each other.
What did they do to deserve such a wonderful gift, like their son.
"I love you both!" Art mumbles, his head still buried between his parents. But they can hear the smile in his voice.
"We love you, too, Artemas." They say together, smiling down at their son.
And not even two weeks later, the High Lady of the Night Court has finished her newest favourite painting. It shows the High Lord of the Night Court and the Heir of Night, cheek to cheek, smiling, eyes sparkling like stars in the night sky, paint covering their faces in various colours and shapes, making them prettier and pretty colourful.
I hope you liked it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I would love to answer them! And feel free to check out my blog for more information!
Tagging: @thelaziestgeek @lux-et-tenebra @mindnumbmikey @starlightheir @guthiix @iamthebonecarver @tswaney17
(if you want to get tagged, just let me know!)
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years ago
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Happy Pride Month!
Below the cut are the submission to our Pride Fest event! 
Each fic deals with LGBTQ+ themes and ideas. Thank you all so much for sending in fics! 
Starting Point by  DinoDina (JackIantoLisa, JackIanto, LisaIanto (Gen | complete | 2649 | T)
Now that Ianto's girlfriend has been fixed, things have changed. Jack doesn't mind - he doesn't! He's happy for Ianto and Lisa, no matter how his own pining is causing him pain
And I Have Never Felt the Difference (a child in all these labels) by  princessoftheworlds (Gen | complete | 2912 | T)
Bisexuality: a study in five parts, in five characters.
The Torchwood Effect by  SapphyWatchesYouSleep (JupiterMelichios) (GwenRhys, JackIanto, GwenCarys, OwenTosh, GwenTosh | complete | 663 | G)
Rhys trails off, and Ianto sighs. Why is it always him that has to give the newbies the ‘everyone's a bit gay for aliens’ talk?
You Don’t Make Anymore Up by  transjackianto (JackIanto | complete | 1560 | T)
Coda to S2E7 Dead Man Walking:
Jack and Owen have a heart to heart while locked in a police cell together.
When Jack tells Owen that all the stories he tells are true, Owen remembers a throwaway line Jack said the night they met Gwen.
Don’t Even Try to Hold It Back by transjackianto (JackIanto | complete | 3436 | E)
Post-Audio 011: Broken (Big Finish: Torchwood), Pre-1x08: They Keep Kiling Suzie
Jack and Ianto's first time together.
(This is my second coda, the first one was their talk in the car, this is the sex... it's my first time writing smut lol, be kind)
Girly Night In by  Mathemagician (GwenTosh | complete | 1088 | T)
The girls and Ianto have a night in. Gwen figures something out about herself.
For the Torchwood Femslash Fest prompt "Sexual Identity"
Never Has He Ever by  Jackdaw816 (AndyJohn | complete | 1666 | T)
Hub lockdowns are great for juvenile drinking games and revelations of the self
Andy and the Enby by  Jackdaw816 (AndyJohn | complete | 2182 | T)
Andy needs a drink and John's thirsty
Gender Rolodex by  Jackdaw816 (JackJohn | complete | 666 | T)
John Hart was a man. But then again, he wasn’t always John Hart
Silly Little Labels by Flamingbluepanda (JackIanto | complete | 1703 | G)
Jack snorted, “since when do you care? You don’t even use a label.”
“Actually, if you’d bothered to ask before propositioning me, you’d know I’m very secure when I call myself bisexual,” Ianto said suddenly and felt more than saw Jack gape at him in surprise.
It’s All Very Greek by Flamingbluepanda (JackIanto | complete | 1505 | G)
Ianto likes ABBA. They make an ABBA movie. What follows is obvious
In a Polaroid Picture by  innocent_until_proven_geeky (GwenTosh, GwenRhys, Gwen&Jack | complete | 2176 | G)
Gwen finds a photo of her and Tosh, and remembers.
March 31st in the Torchwood Family Household by  innocent_until_proven_geeky (GwenJackIantoRhys, JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 117| G)
Happy Trans Day of Visibility! Please enjoy this little ficlet of trans Torchwood polycule. In my headcanon, Ianto is a binary trans man using he/him pronouns, Jack is genderfluid using he/him pronouns, and Gwen is nonbinary using they/them pronouns with Torchwood and she/her pronouns in public.
The ABBA Conversation by  Colonel_Murph (Gen | complete | 745 | G)
Ianto’s mother finds something in her sons room that sparks a slightly awkward conversation about his sexuality that he’s not ready to have yet.
Warning, does contain mentions of ABBA, read at own risk :)
Talking It Out by  Rivulet027 (JackIanto, OwenTosh, MaryTosh | complete | 1014 | T)
Post Mary. Ianto pushes Jack to talk to Tosh.
Reconsideration by rattyjol (ToshMary, ToshOC | complete | 425 | G)
After Mary, the world opens up.
Dawn of A New Life by ghoulromantism (Jack & Tosh | complete | 390 | G)
She was finally free 
Next Time Without the Head Injury by Redfiona (MicaOC | complete | 2441 | T)
Mica always felt she had a lot to live up to, and hasn't ever quite managed it, no matter how hard she tried.
Guilt by bonusvampirus (sein_Henker) (GwenTosh | complete | 1883 | T)
Gwen is in love with Tosh. That complicates things in all the ways you might expect, but that hardly matters.
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ronweasleyisourking · 5 years ago
Next gen headcanons
Edward "Teddy" Remus Lupin
Nonbinary, uses he/him and they/them pronouns
Pansexual, but has mostly dated boys
Mixed bag of depression and anxiety
Tattoos and piercings everywhere. Also, a tattoo artist.
Walks with a cane due to chronic back pain
His first kiss was with his best friend, Basil Haywood-Karasu
He dated Victoire for a bit, but it didn't work out. They're better as friends
Lived in between houses for most of his life. His grandmother Andromeda and his godparents, Harry and Ginny share custody
When Andromeda began having a hard time getting around on her own, Harry and Ginny opened up their house to her happily, though this was after Teddy moved out on his own
Winifred "Winnie" Margaret Weasley-Wood
Daughter of Percy and Oliver
Gryffindor but almost Ravenclaw
Named after her late uncle and Grandma Molly, whose full name was Margaret, though she would never admit it
Has read every book in the restricted section, whether she was allowed to or not
Hands are constantly in motion. Does math in the air, taps fingers on surfaces, sometimes just does random stuff with her hands, has to stop herself from doing hand motions when talking, etc. Has no idea what causes it.
The shortest of all her siblings/cousins
Hosts a Qudditch Little League for her siblings/cousins
Victoire "Vic" Apolline Weasley
Sort of a preppy punk. Loves faux leather jackets but also loves tiaras :) completely beautiful, let's be honest
Curses in French all the time
Attended Magik N.O.U., a wizarding school in New Orleans in her 7th year, which sparked her love for travel
Learned wandless and non-verbal magic just because people thought she couldn't; the dictionary definition of "girls can be smart AND pretty"
Could totally kick Teddy Lupin's ass
Has to worst temper of anyone in her extended family. And that's really saying something
International Hit Wizard
Georgie Rhyme Jordan
Child of Lee Jordan, honorary Weasley due to his relationship with Fred prior to his Fred's death
Pansexual and Genderqueer; he/him or any pronouns
Feminist AF
Really into street art. May have graffiti-ed a few anti-Brexit and anti-Tory pieces around England, but there's no proof
Not vegetarian but has cut down on meals with meat
Was born with atrial septal defect
Megara "Meg" Rhys Weasley-Wood
Demigirl. Experiences some dysphoria but not a lot
Partially deaf due to an untreated ruptured eardrum.
Has a huge, fluffy, orange cat named Hercules
Blind enough that she has to wear coke bottle glasses.
Animal lover right to the core. Donates to any and all shelters that she knows have good practices and tries to adopt as many animals as possible from the bad ones
Loves divination. Has minor seer powers.
Has a magical disorder where smoke comes out of her hears when she gets mad.
Frederick "Freddie" Gideon Weasley II
Bisexual. In love with Taras Krum, who was in a student exchange program with Durmstrang and Hogwarts.
Suffered severely after getting hit by a bludger in his 6th year; a concussion and head trauma leading to epilepsy
Severe depression and imposter syndrome
Not much of a prankster
James "Jamie" Sirius Potter
Red hair + hazel eyes + freckles everywhere
Got a gold tongue piercing at fourteen and that's how he found out that he was allergic to gold
Smoked pixie dust once
Lover of poorly timed finger guns and funky socks (yes, he is bisexual, why do you ask?)
Not a professional quidditch player or auror
He runs a diner called "Lumos" that serves the best burgers in the wizarding world
Doesn't think he can do anything right
River Lee Jordan
Trans girl; lesbian
Allergic to cinnamon
Loves pranking; Dominique, Lily, Romany, and her prank their cousins all the time. They're terrifying.
Writer but she works as a herbologist assistant, waitress, and cashier at WWW on the side just to support herself
Can hear magic. It's an almost constant buzzing when she's around her family and at Hogwarts. Sometimes just needed to be alone so that she couldn't hear the buzzing.
Gwendolyn "Wendy" Lucille Weasley-Wood
Has a genderfluid s/o, Ari Spinnet-Bell
Very environmentalist. Tries not to be annoying about it.
Founded a Hogwarts theatre club and actually wrote a few, very very gay plays and musicals
Hosts a podcast/blog with her roommates (River, Ari & Susmita) called Witches Unstitched where they talk about anything and everything under the sun
Helped create a bunch of healing potions with all the plants she has in her greenhouse(s)
Dominique "Dom" Gabrielle Weasley
Pansexual and Aromantic
In a QPR with Lorcan Scamander, her best friend
Hates being compared to her older sister
When Lorcan got cancer and got pulled out of school, she took time off school while he was getting treatment
Shaved off all her hair when he lost his
Leader of the Pluto is a Planet society at Hogwarts
Best friend in the family is James, despite the fact that she and Arthur are in the Slytherin! Marauders together
Loves firewhiskey and menthol cigarettes (don't tell Wendy)
Illegal animagus - a white cat. Her nickname is Duchess.
Arthur "Art" Rubeus Potter
Gay + in love with Scorpius Malfoy
Dyed the tips of his hair green and silver when he was 12
Loves leather jackets, chokers, and combat boots
Has too many piercings to count, but his favorite is his deep purple nose ring. Hates the idea of a tongue ring
Trained himself in Legilimency and Occlumency
Learned Parseltongue, Mermish, and several other creature languages because "he was bored"
Knows quite a bit of dark magic, but is not a dark wizard
Had a lot of tattoos. Most were of creatures from the Black Lake, the Giant Squid taking up his entire back, and a merperson takes up his upper left arm
But over his heart is the Scorpius constellation, sketches of the four animagi are on his left hip, and on his ankle are magically fading footsteps that would eerily familiar to anyone who had looked at the Marauder’s Map
Went to a wizarding school located in the Great Barrier Reef, which offered courses for 18 - 21 year olds who had graduated from wizarding schools around the world
Loves puns, boxing, extra greasy pizza, potions, pet names, horror movies that are actually scary, singing in the shower, and his boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy
Marine Mazoologist
Roxanne "Roxy" Fabian Weasley
Has been known to "experiment" with girls. In the Quidditch locker rooms. Forgets to lock doors. Oops
Her patronus is a coyote. Her happiest memory is of when her and Fred jumped of the roof of Hogwarts with their brooms. They had been trying to recreate the last scene of Pratical Magic, but like, with brooms
Loves cooking and knitting with her Grandma Molly
Studies in the strangest places. Lily once found her studying in the secret passage to Hogsmeade one night. Her brother found her sleeping in the Astronomy tower, with books strewn around her. Scorpius and Arthur once found her studying in a secret alcove (they still won’t admit to her why they had wanted to be in secret alcove in the first place)
Down to fight anyone for any reason
In love with Susmita Patil
Rosa "Rose" Bud Granger-Weasley
An absolute foodie
Named after a Charles Dickens character
Allergic to cats, which irks her mom and pleases her dad
President of the current Hogwarts chapter of S.P.C.W. (Society for the Promotion of Creature Welfare). Hermione has worked tirelessly in the ministry to get laws passed but even ministers can't change everything in a day
After graduating, her, Arthur, Dominique, Roxanne, Scorpius, Lorcan, and Lysander all went on a camping trip. Harry, Ron, and Hermione got really anxious about it
Loves reading trashy tabloids to call down. Circles all the stories about her family to torture her cousins with (jokingly)
It's a 50/50 shot whether she going to argue with you, and cite her sources, or if she is going to knock your teeth out
Spent her 7th year at The Salem Witches Institute in Massachusetts, a private all-girls school
Historian for wizarding history. Runs a small museum out of Grimmauld Place, which the Potters don't live in but Harry stills owns + has cleaned up a bit
Lily "Lils" Euphemia Luna Potter
Has meniere's disease
Vegetarian for medical reasons
Needs to wear glasses but never does
Gryffindor, but wanted to be in Slytherin
Will help out anyone and everyone if she can
Lived with Teddy for a bit after he moved out on his own
Asexual and Panromantic. In a polyamorous relationship with Frankie Longbottom and Estelle Huang
Had a pet snake named Besa. The snake was nearly longer than she was tall, non-poisonous, and the sweetest thing ever (at least, according to Lily)
Beat up James when he said that she "threw like a girl". She cracked one of his ribs, gave him a black eye, and broke his nose in three places. To this day, he claims that his nose is a little crooked (he was nine. she was five.)
Went to a wizarding school in the Himalayas in her 5th year, on the international student exchange program
Has very long hair that is almost always up in bun(s), braid(s) or ponytails. Has to magically shorten it for Quidditch games
Loves mysteries
Hugo "Go-Go" Cabret Granger-Weasley
Genderfluid [they/them]
Colorblind, dyslexic, and has ADHD
Dragonologist in Sweden, but almost went into wandmaking
In love with Allie Longbottom, who always painted her face Hufflepuff colors for games after Hugo got on the team
Uses medically prescribed pixie dust to help with their extreme anxiety; is careful not to take too much
Has a pet ferret that they named Star Boy
Joshua "Josh" Wilhelm Weasley-Wood
On the autistic spectrum
He takes his emotional support golden retriever, Laurel, to Hogwarts with him to help with the changing enviorment
Loves matchbox cars. Has hundreds of them. Carries one or two around with him at all times to fidget with
Loves hiking through the Forbidden Forest, with supervision from his dad, Professor Percy Weasley, or one of the other teachers, of course. All of them are willing to walk with him when they have time, but he loves hiking with his dad most
Has a hard time focusing when there's a lot of noise around him, so of course he has noise cancelling headphones
Learned how to fix up cars and bikes from his grandfather; opened up his own mechanic shop; loves riding the first motorcycle that he and his grandfather fixed up through the streets of London, especially with his girlfriend Lavi
It took him a while to overcome balance issues, but with training to be a seeker in Quidditch, and a lot of time spent taking practice drives on his bike in the fields around the Burrow, he was able to overcome them and once he did, he was on his motorcycle every chance he got
Has accomandations made for him when it comes to eating at Hogwarts, because the food can bother him sometimes
Hates when different foods on his plate touch
Romany "Romy" Charlotte Weasley-Wood
Lesbian-Oriented aroace; in a qpr with Maisie Greengrass
Is prone to accidental magic and has a bit of an anger issue that she works through with a punching bag, bring a beater on the Quidditch team, and playing drums
Her, Tessa Weasley, and Sariel Goyle formed a band called Bloody Bitchin' Babes that played underground gigs at Hogwarts parties before getting work at parties and bars
Hates all of her classes, except Transfiguration
Her plans look like the walls of detectives in murder mysteries. Photographs, post-it notes, paper ripped out of notebooks, red strings, and everything
Burnt Hufflepuff
Royal "King" Kingsley Jordan
Bigender + Bisexual; xe/xem pronouns
Loves all types of clothing but especially suits, flowery blouses, crop tops, chunky belts, scarves, and Doc Martins
Plays the piano all the time, xe even has a piano in xyr room
Gets chronic migraines, has been known to sit/lay in the dark for hours until the pain subsides. Hates taking meds for it
Never has her phone screen brightness above the lowest setting because xe hates that xyr light sensitivity may take xyr away from xyr phone, which is xyr life
Would love to travel one day
Louis "Louie" Antoine Weasley
Only has a little bit of veela charm, usually enough to get him out of minor trouble, and it isn't always permanent
Started taking in magical creatures when he was seven, when Luna gave him a suitcase like Newt Scamander's and got another one when he started adopting muggle creatures as well. He especially loves his mokes and his chickens.
He loves swimming in the Great Lake with the Giant Squid
Loves carmelized apricots, pumpkin gorgonzola flan, cinnamon roll cheesecake, molasses cookies, Bulgarian candy -specifically chocolate bars, sweet potato pancakes, and homemade butter-maple syrup
Was in a student exchange program with Beauxbatons in his 4th year and again in 6th year with the Canadian wizarding school and he loved both experiences
Tessa "Tess" Rue Weasley
Can see people's auras
An expert at potions. Began working on a cure for lycanthropy at the age of 13 and a long 17 years later, she finally accomplished it. She always says that she would have done it quicker if only she didn't have to sleep to live
Part of the potions club at Hogwarts, which is a much less snobby version of the Slug Club that actually has to so with potions talent and not just fame
With her cousin Louis's help, she was actually able to tame a baby raccoon and named him Meeko after the raccoon in Pochahantas to help her and also trained him to help her nick a few things from her cousins sometimes
Loves classic fantasy lit, especially Narnia. Tried to charm a wardrobe to take her to Narnia, and let's just say that it didn't turn out very well and that it was really hard to reverse
Shaves her head in fourth year, because she was tired of all the work it took to take care of her hair
Penelope "Penny" Elodie Weasley-Wood
Named after Penelope Clearwater, who was her father's best friend and who died in the Battle of Hogwarts
She was adopted from Ukraine and loves everything about the country. The language, the music, the art, the people...
Went on to be a dragon tamer at a Ukranian dragon reserve, which she applied to as soon as she turned 17, and when she got an offer, she took her N.E.W.T.s in her 6th year so that she could take the job immediately
At the dragon reserve, she met Norma Hawryluk, who she fell in love with and a baby Ironbelly whom she named Vera and raised. No one but she had Norma could touch Vera though, because of the dragons' extreme rage issues
Constantly stole her sibling's and cousin's clothing
Gets stuck in her head sometimes
Romulus "Rome" Wolff Jordan
Asexual and Aromantic
Has a fluffy white cat named Marigold (Royal named her)
Loves wearing a ton of rings. Like, one on each finger.
Will only eat rocky road ice cream, and no other flavor ever
Has aphantasia, or the inability to voluntarily visualize images in his mind, but can still dream, because it's involuntary
Loves to sketch a lot. Will sketch everything he sees
Loves turtlenecks; hates crocs to no end
Big windows with amazing views are his favorite thing
Genevieve "Genny" Maribel Weasley
Prone to anxiety attacks
Polyamorous lesbian, in a closed poly relationship with Noa Spinnet-Bell and Lyric Scamander
Best friends with Romulus, her cousin. She is loud and fierce, and he’s quiet and passionate, and together they’re going to take over the world two steps at a time
Figures out that technology works in the Room of Requirement and starts a tech club that meets on Wednesdays, and has movie nights on Fridays
Brought a pet pig named Prince to Hogwarts
Unofficially a freelance curse breaker, but worked as an intern at the dragon reserve in Romania with her Uncle Charlie the summer after Hogwarts. Eventually moves to South America because her girlfriend, Noa Spinnet-Bell, got recruited by their Quidditch team, Tarapoto Tree-Skimmers
They move to a farm where Genny gets her own horses!!!
Elias "Simon" Jacques Weasley
Has fibromyalgia, which makes it difficult for him to stay in Hogwarts. With the chronic joint pain, fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty with memory, it was easier for him to get privately tutored by his dad, who was the Ancient Runes professor
Severe anxiety and depression, which was most likely caused by his fibromyalgia, but there's no telling
Vegetarian for personal reasons, and had James teach him how to make vegetarian burgers and other vegetarian meals
Loves water-based magic and might have gone into the exchange program for underwater schools in the Bermudas or Oceania, but he didn't want to risk his condition
Can beat anyone at any board game. No one knows how he does it. Ron played wizard chess with him for eight hours once, but eventually gave up on ever beating him
Is the publisher of a Hogwarts exclusive magazine. Uses his older sister’s computers to work on it. Works on his novel in his spare time. Occasionally holds poetry slams by the Great Lake. Just loves writing in general
Matilda "Tilly" Honey Granger-Weasley
Has a photographic/eidetic memory
Got expelled from Hogwarts in her sixth year for using an unforgivable curse on another student who was bullying/harassing Elias, but doesn't regret it all.
Finishes up her studies at a small non-boarding wizarding school in Romania, where she lives with her Uncle Charlie and his queerplatonic partner, Barnaby, and their cat, Wick
With the help of Barnaby, dyes her hair platinum white (think Zoe Kravitz when she had white hair)
Moves to America almost as soon as she graduates
Travels the world to write about different wizarding communities for the Quibbler and for her sister's museum
A little too obsessed with Joan Jett
Loves lucid dreaming
Elliott "Ellie" Ryleigh Weasley-Wood
Has narcolepsy. Tired all the time and been known to dose off during class. And meals. And conversations
Needs to wear glasses but doesn’t, because they don’t want to look like a nerd. Looks like a complete nerd when they run into shit all the time and it doesn't help that their notes are always wrong because they refuse to sit in the front of class
Witnessed a car accident on a street one day and has been able to see thestrals ever since. Hates to think about it
Loves strong tasting food. Spicy, hot, cold, salty, super sugary, bitter... down to eat anything to be honest
Became a therapist for the wizarding community
Amare "Mar" Sabra Weasley
Own a huge shaggy grey and white dog named Ollie who she took to Hogwarts with her and is her best friend
Ellie, her cousin, is her other best friend and they love building huge forts and watching Disney movies together with tons and tons of snacks. Ollie always joins
Didn’t care one bit about school. Hated studying with a passion. Barely ever showed up to class. Was in detention more than all of her siblings and cousins combined
Worked as an intern at Lee Jordan’s radio broadcasting company for a few summers and hosted her own show that was based around old music after her sixth year
Alcoholic. Can't even be around firewhiskey
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bornfromthenetwork · 4 years ago
✺⊰| Headcanon | The JahSepps
As stated in a previous HC post, 6 JahSepp picked out their humanoid forms, 4 with male bodies, two with female bodies and chose new names for their new sense of identity that came with being more individual. they all drew from Human DNA as that was the easiest to draw from and to reconstruct with their new matter.
1. Jai
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Female body and used she/her pronouns after adapting to the unique form, Jai found a talent with drawing and has found an interest to explore with art, and has been the lead on creating beautiful tattoos on her people. She took and used the DNA strand of Lieutenant Nilsson after A USS discovery crashed and she and the rest of the crew were killed and decomposed into the network. She was the first to be interested in reproduction via their humanoid form
2. Fen 
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Male body, and used they/them pronouns for themselves. Fen is the main JahSepp that keeps a eye out to the other species to ensure their safety and has dabbled in music, they’re not fond of drama and almost considered returning to spore form before opting to remain multicellular after a visit from Jayla that encouraged them to protect their small colony. They used the DNA of Albert Kim, A starfleet officer in the CTP that had died with the rest of the crew after the ship crashed inside the network and his body was broken down by the JahSepp.
3. Dyla
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Female body with the use of they/them pronouns, Dyla was the last to take humanoid form, though found an appreciation to it, they’re interested in exploring the network and species but not enough to leave the network, though they work closely with Jia, they took to creating their clothes to wear. Dyla opted to used the DNA sequence of Joanna Owosekun who had perished in a USS Discovery crash to build up their humanoid form.
4. Cal
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Male body, used he/him pronouns. Cal was the first to take on a humanoid form after Jayla left and founded their first suitable area for their small colony that was close enough to the main influx of matter for them to contiue their job as JahSepps, and was close enough to an area that’d be their birthing grounds, despite how close it was to others. He enjoys the humanoid form and studies their plants for medicinal purposes after breaking a finger; he feels this would be important for their bodies to maintain good health and less discomfrot. this came in useful for dressing newly tattooed bodies with some of his creations to sooth and aid the healing process. He found an interest to reproduce with the humanoid form
Cal used the DNA of Captain Pike of a USS Discovery that crashed attempting to escape control, he and the rest of the crew died and his body was decomposed into the network. 
5. Gan
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Male Body, uses they/them Pronouns. Gan took on a humanoid form after Fen and began to experiment with building and crafting, being the lead JaHSepp in the development of their home rock. They used the DNA strands of the Deceased starfleet officer, Gen Rhys, to build their form after the human male was killed in the crash.
6. Terian.
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Male Body, used he/him pronouns. Terian was second to last to create his body though was saddened by the loss of the two who didn’t like the humanoid form. He helps Fen in keeping their colony safe and oversees the protection of their birthing ground. He’s often used to help Gan a lot with their projects and often helps model stuff for Dyla.
He used the DNA of R.A Bryce, a deceased starfleet officer who perished in the destruction of the USS Discovery that crash landed. 
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discotreque · 6 years ago
Bridge crew movie night headcanons
So we know from Tilly's to-do list that she organizes crew movie nights, and it turns out I have a LOT of thoughts about what those are probably like:
Detmer likes modern Martian action movies and trashy Tellarite serial dramas. She also has a soft spot for old Oscar bait from Earth, but stuff that hasn't been properly remastered isn't always compatible with her prosthetic eye. Airiam knows a re-encoding trick that works most of the time; the rest of the time, Keyla just turns her eye off and snuggles into Joann on that side.
Owosekun likes old animated movies: mid-modern Disney, Miyazaki, and these infrared Andorian musicals from the First Age that required almost everyone to wear special glasses just to see the screen. (Detmer and Airiam, on the other hand, got to watch in 3D.)
Tilly's more into organizing the movie nights than the movies themselves. Making sure everyone has a place to sit, enough blankets, drinks, etc. etc. Michael usually has to coax her to sit down, and ten minutes later she's cuddled up under Michael's arm.
Michael likes documentaries (everyone else: "ugggghhh") but she does try to pick ones with lots of interesting facts and a twist or two. Movie nights are her favourite crew social activity, because she's not expected to be "on" and making small talk the whole time.
Saru is really into biopics of important people in Federation history. He and Michael try to convince the rest of the crew that this isn't extremely fucking boring. They are not successful.
Rhys, it turns out, has an encyclopedic knowledge of romantic comedies from three centuries on six different planets, and alternates the most obscure and delightful ones with the most mainstream (they're all equally enjoyed, nobody except Gen can really tell the difference).
Bryce has three young siblings, so he has Opinions™ about children's entertainment (and knows a lot about recent developments to Flotter), and once in a while he'll bring in something that's actually worth watching.
Airiam doesn't snack, but she brings snacks for everyone else; she of course has an excellent memory for everyone's favourites. She sits on the floor (augmented joints ftw), off to the side a little, because she likes watching the crew react to movies as much as she likes watching them herself.
If you enjoyed this post, I encourage you to reblog with more!
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scorpio-skies · 7 years ago
25 and 36 :D
25. What inspired you to create them /how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was theirpersonality / design like when you first made them?
This is gonna be a boring answer I’mafraid – I literally made Nora just to play the game, and only began developingher when I decided to give writing fanfiction a shot! Her personality was originally a fairly bland good person. Her appearance hasn’t changed too much save for lessvivid make-up and wearing her hair down more often. 
Headcanon-wise she does acquire scars from her (mis)adventures, as is inevitable in the Commonwealth, but no noticeable ones on her face and I play on PS4 so no mods that can let me show them outside of char gen!
Writing for fanfiction made me thinkabout her in much greater detail and soon I started working on her in depth.Now she’s much more alive and her own person and I love her XD
36. What does your character want most?What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, tosacrifice, to obtain?
Shaun! XD Main quest aside though, shejust wants somewhere that she belongs. She wants to protect the people that shecares about, as well as to find comfort with those who care about her
To achieve these ends, she is willing togo to almost any lengths. She would put her life in danger to protect those sheloves and would show no mercy to those who would do them harm. 
She also worked incredibly hard to forge a place for herself within theBrotherhood’s ranks. (Seriously, youtry being a recent mother with little athleticism or combat experience, dealing with Danse and Rhys’ training regimes. They were hard on her to bringher up to scratch asap and were merciless. She thought of leaving several timesin the early days but stuck it out, which was the best decision she made.)
Thanks for asking! 8D
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sadnessruns · 3 years ago
when do you get your soft. italicized “oh”?
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the missed opportunity
this one comes with a pang. it is the wrinkled brow of something unpleasant sinking in. they've left to find some new adventure. or they've met someone else. and you have only just begun to understand their true importance to you. you watch them drift toward a future without you, and in that stark numbness of their absence, it hits you. Oh. oh, you want them close. you hopelessly, selfishly want them all to yourself. you'll support them no matter what, but you don't want them to want a future that doesn't involve you. you want them to read the near-invisible signs of your love and decide to take a chance on you. you never want to say that you *used* to know each other. so what are you going to do?
tagged by: @fasciinating​ tagging: idk anyone who wants to im bad at tagging people and i have like 5 active mutuals lmao​
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thisweekingundamwing · 7 years ago
This Week In Gundam Wing! September 03-09, 2017
ThisWeek’s Gorgeous Offerings for September 3 - 9, 2017
Sorry for the wait my patient and kind and wonderful people….. Honest I worked hard on it…. And then passed out at around 4am and then woke up to work on it more…. I'm off to bed again…. 3 hours of sleep is not good…. Not even for a Duo-like person like ME! Loves to all of you wonderful people! -Mod Rhys
Mind Reader -  @weiclown       http://archiveofourown.org/works/11990478 Heero’s been in a long dry spell. He knows he shouldn’t trust Duo’s match-making abilities, but he finds himself saying yes to a blind date. And when he meets his date? Oh Heero is glad for once he agreed to Duo’s demands, because Quatre pushes all of his buttons in the right ways. Heero/Quatre.  Alternate Universe, Cowboys, Songfic, Smut, NSFW, End of Summer Block Party
Runaway by @claraxbarton for Kangofu-CB, http://archiveofourown.org/works/12042747 Trowa Barton/Duo MaxwellDuo Maxwell Trowa Barton Summary Just back from a hellish undercover op, Duo is greeted by Trowa. Series Part 2 of Slow Show
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11970393 Ónoma Ὄνομα by Diana_Lua Duo Maxwell/SoloDuo Maxwell Solo (Gundam Wing) Zechs Merquise Naina PeacecraftAngst Yaoi Angel Sex Shounen-ai Alternate Universe Summary Sometimes it's necessary to choose a new name to live freely. [AU; Something about Duo's past with Solo; 'Where my demons hide' side story (can be read independent of it); Angst; Shounen-ai; probably yaoi/lemon at ending (Angel incest)] Series Part 1 of Where my demons hide
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12022200 Methods of Persuasion by @kangofu-cb_CB for ClaraxBarton Trowa Barton/Chang WufeiTrowa Barton Chang WufeiPlot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Shameless Smut plot so thin you can use it as a windowpane librarian!Trowa Foul Mouth Wufei Summary Wufei, losing track of time at the library, is reminded it's closing time by the librarian, who makes an interesting proposition. But he might get more than he bargained for...
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12019632 Friction by pepperminteabag Trowa Barton/Relena PeacecraftRelena Peacecraft Zechs Merquise Trowa Barton Summary Every grey cloud has a silver lining, for Relena that lining comes in the form of Trowa Barton.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12014352 Best Intentions by @downwarddnaspiral for Kangofu_CB Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero YuyQuatre Raberba Winner Heero Yuy Duo Maxwell Trowa Bartonsick!fic AU College Roommates Tumblr Prompt end of summer block party somewhat belatedly Tropes Enemies to Friends with the potential for more than friends Fluff Heero is a moody little somebody Nurse Quatre Semi-Platonic Cuddling for Warmth Hurt/Comfort Duo is an Awful Neighbor Summary Heero’s roommate was annoying enough on any average day. Then, he caught the flu.
Hi! Thanks for doing this. I forgot to submit my stuff in the previous week but it seems mod Hel had already covered that. @nekoflashficcing / @fantwirls (whichever works) Winter vacation gone wrong - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11983299 - GWblockparty trope fest. Cuddling for warmth trope. - AU - The aftermath of a bad fall in the snow featuring Quatre, a cabin stranger and a cabin. 3+4. The thing everyone seems to know - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11989251 - GWblockparty trope fest. Domestic/everyone thinks they’re dating trope.   - Usually Saturdays are grocery shopping days, but friends are coming over so they need to adjust a bit. 1+2. Weird - http://archiveofourown.org/works/12004233 - GWblockparty trope fest. Roommates/Spy trope.   - AU - “I think my roommate is a vampire”. Gen ft. 4+3.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11981688 Blooming For You by @remsyk-blog Trowa Barton/Heero Yuy Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell/Heero YuyDuo Maxwell Trowa Barton Heero Yuy Quatre Raberba Winner Chang Wufei Sally PoGW Block Party Tropes Hanahaki Disease Pining Duo Established 1x3 Eventual 1x2x3 ot3 for life Angst We don't talk about feelings Accidental Voyeurism Matchmaker Quatre Sexy Times Slow Burn Summary "You made flowers grow in my lungs, and though they are beautiful, I can't fucking breathe." Duo has silently loved for them for years. He watched them find each other, yet the feelings still remained. But now the love he's carried for so long may become the thing that ends him.
Ficlets and Drabbles @kangofu-cb https://kangofu-cb.tumblr.com/post/165169273032/gundam-wing-drabble
@lifeaftermeteor https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/165167226177/nu-solutions-ltd-1-brussels-belgium-207-april
@invidiamalice http://invidiamalice.tumblr.com/post/165169137309/gundam-wing-drabble
Fanpics, awesome artwork, cosplay and other things….
@lifeaftermeteor https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/165131697796
@kangofu-cb​ https://kangofu-cb.tumblr.com/post/165134230017/just-dancing-claraxbarton-gundam-wing-archive
@liluggo​ http://liluggo.tumblr.com/post/165108529629/idc-what-anyone-says-relena-is-my-favorite
@maevemauvaise​ http://maevemauvaise.tumblr.com/post/165163749501/claraxbarton-okay-and-because-ive-never-done-a
Events Past that could use a revisit because they ended this week…. Gundam Wing End of Summer Tropefest Masterlist…. https://gwblockparty.tumblr.com/post/165083867661/tropefest-2017-masterlist
Events upcoming…..
@gwoc-october​ OC-tober…. I don’t know the full details but I am sure it’s still happening….
@gwblockparty​ Unnatural November is still upcoming I believe….
And…. Gundam Wing Eve War Event Open Science Fiction Themed Event (Saturday) December 23, 2017 - (Sunday) December 24, 2017 *** event will be observing Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) ***
Submissions: Fanfiction, Meta essays, Personal Headcanon, Fan Art
Rules: All works must feature a science fiction theme. Alternate Universes, and cross-over fiction are welcome. There are no limits to characters, pairings, audience rating, time frame or universe.
To participate please check @gw-evewar​ for participation information.
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bigbluecyes-a · 8 years ago
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a huge tag dump.
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 5 years ago
Queer Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38BsJ5H
by nowhere_dawn_death_phan
This is a series of stand-alone one-shots surrounding queer headcanons I have for the Torchwood characters. I will be accepting requests in the comments but there is no guarantee that I will do them. If a character + specific gender/sexuality has been requested once in an already published chapter, feel free to request them again (but please don't spam me.)
Words: 779, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Torchwood
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, Andy Davidson, others - Character
Additional Tags: one shots, Stand alone stories, requests available
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38BsJ5H
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