remotewatch · 1 day
can’t hit it one time, multiple
Jack Schlossberg x reader | 2.9k wc
minors dni but still get involved and stay informed politically let me be clear
summary: volunteering is so rewarding! being a part of a cause you believe in, educating first time voters, getting dicked by the campaign’s eye candy on your lunch break; it’s got everything!
cws: shameless classic 1D style smut, bus rocking, wrap it before you tap it on THE Harris campaign reproductive freedom bus (is it legally actionable to call it by its govt name), whatever the hell is going on with the JD videos cranked up to 100, reader calls him both diva and a slut, both not totally serious, his tripod is your wingman, this Barbie tastes like clementines, semi public sex I GUESS, sub!jack SOMEWHAT
many thanks to my editor (and co-writer this time around) @mystardustmelodyyy for the organizing and romantic flair 🩵🗳️
additional thanks to Jack and the team for the inspirational Philly content, do keep it up !!
Although your day of volunteering had been nothing terribly exciting so far- setting up chairs, guiding people to their seats, a LOT of directing lost families to the bathroom- the whole town hall was thrumming with a sense of hope that felt nothing short of electric. You didn’t realize how busy you’d been until you finally got a chance to sit down and make up some gift bags. That took no time at all, leaving you a nice free chunk of the day to wander around and soak up the atmosphere. There had been rumors of a free gelato truck, and the empty breezeway pointed to them being true. The sharp thwap of sambas slapping onto marble snapped you out of your daydreaming; almost empty, apparently.
As you rounded the corner, you spotted the source of the racket: America’s most polarizing nepo baby. Filming… a stunt of some kind? He takes a running start into a front flip, landing close enough to his tripod to throw it off balance. After repositioning it and trying again, his shoes slip in a puddle on the floor, forcing him to splay out a hand to avoid falling onto his ass.
You were well aware of Jack’s work; your feed was convinced you were precisely his target demo and had been pushing his content onto you since July. Maybe it wasn’t totally off base. Regardless, watching him struggle to land a perfect somersault was much more endearing than the finished videos. When he stands up for a third attempt and manages to tangle a tripod foot up with his pants in the process, you’re unable to suppress a fit of giggles.
“Are you winning over there, diva?”
Jack looks a bit sheepish when he first glances up but recovers quickly. He adjusts the tripod and hits you with the same smile your algorithm insists makes you weak.
“I think it’s still too close to call.”
“Did you want some help with the…whatever it is you’re recording?”
One of the tripod legs abruptly gives out, the clatter echoing around the breezeway. Jack winces and nudges the fallen hunk of fiberglass with his shoe.
“Yeah, that would be great, if you don’t mind.” Five long strides over to you and he’s pressing his phone into your hands, camera already open. “If you’d just follow- well, you saw what I was trying to do.”
You can’t say if it’s the pressure of a live audience of him being fed up with his previous attempts, but Jack flips perfectly into frame this time, proceeds immediately to an immaculate standing backflip, then takes off towards the other end of the breezeway without so much as glancing at the camera. He leaps up and clicks his heels a few steps in, only turning around when you’re starting to wonder if he’s just ditching the shoot altogether.
“How was that?” He shouts on his way back over.
“Looks good!” You have no earthly idea what he was going for, but it fits right in with the absurdist athletic vibe he’s been rocking with between his more overt political content.
“Aw, that’s great. Thank you!” he beams at you after looking over the footage (you try not to focus on how small the phone looks in his hands). “The lighting is perfect too.”
“Oh, good!” Thank god. “Did you need help with anything else?”
Jack rolls his eyes mischievously like he's considering letting you in on a huge secret. “I was actually going to film a thing or two for JD if you’ve got an extra minute.”
“For that? Absolutely!”
His grin stretches wider to match yours at that response, and you realize you’re smiling at each other like two idiots.
“I’m Jack, by the way.”
He repeats your name back after you introduce yourself, and you wish he’d do it again so you can keep watching his lips move saying it.
This time, Jack gives you slightly more direction, guiding you to hold the phone at an angle just high enough to skew provocative as he leisurely strolls backwards through the hallway. You don’t need to coach him into angling his head just right to catch the afternoon sun in his eyes; he’s got the bambi look down pat.
“JD, I really miss you. Won’t you come home so we can be a family again?” He motions just out of frame for you to aim higher, but you’re already adjusting the shot before you see his signal. “You said I shouldn’t be voting because I’m not a dad like you. Is that true, JD? Or are you making up stories again?”
Jack glances backward to check if there’s enough room for him to keep up his pace, then breaks for a second to ask “Alright, one more?” The two octave difference almost makes you drop his phone, but you keep it together and nod.
His eyes crinkle up adorably when he smiles. “Sweet.” Then he’s back to business, eyefucking the camera like he just got out of prison.
“JD, I thought you knew everything, and you told me that I should never lie. How am I supposed to trust you if I don’t know when you're telling a story or not?”
You stick your bottom lip out and mouth “more”; he happily obliges. Jack looks every bit the foxy little public servant as he peers out at the lens from under his eyelashes.
“Can you help me understand, JD? I want to understand. I just need a little help. Can you show me?” Christ, he’s practically purring. Thankfully, he snaps back to director mode before you can get too lost in the rhythm.
“You think that was too much?”
“I think you could do a little more, to be really honest.”
His eyes narrow knowingly. “How so?”
“...You could go down on your knees.” You’re half joking at the most and still think you’ve crossed a line, but sure enough, he’s kneeling down and crossing his ankles like it couldn’t come more naturally to him.
He’s still plenty tall enough to bite your pant zipper, and you quickly shove the thought aside.
“Like this?”
“Yeah, perfect, just like that.”
This time, he might as well be on mute for all the words you’re processing. It’s all slow blinking doe eyes, curls bouncing with every emphatic head tilt, his tongue stretching out to wet his lips between sentences. The “Can you show me?” rocks straight through you and breaks the spell when Jack glances up at you. His expression shifts from mockingly innocent to coquettish for just a scorching, enduring moment, then he’s back on his feet, back to the bubbly, personable demeanor you’d expect from him.
“Thank you again for the help. She was NOT playing nice today.” he nods back at the tripod.
“Oh, it’s no problem! I love your work.” He waves a hand modestly.
“I love your work! You actually came out here and helped! It’s so much more important than what I do. Is this your first event?”
“It is! It’s my first time.”
“Well, we love first timers around here.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” The implication hits you a beat too late, so you pad it with a restrained “It’s really interesting to see the behind the scenes of it all.”
Jack rocks back on his heels, his eyebrows drawing up playfully.
“Have you seen the bus?”
“Of course I’ve seen the bus!”
“No, I meant the inside of it. Did you want to see that?” He allows himself the forwardness of a head tilt.
What else could you say?
“Yeah, I really would.”
Bless the gelato truck, because there’s not a trace of human activity on this side of the building. You’re barely paying attention to the formality of a tour Jack’s giving; his enthusiasm is adorable, but the way his fingers spread as he’s pointing out every feature in the bus is making your mind wander.
“Shoes on or off?” you manage to ask.
“Oh, whatever you want. We’re not strict.” Off, then. “As you can see, this is where the magic happens.”
Once you get to the middle of the bus, the combination of campaign paraphernalia and scattered phone chargers, melatonin gummies, and cold brew cans feels like you’re getting a peek into something thrilling. There’s a map of tour stops tacked up with current polling results on a small whiteboard to the side. It’s close, but no doubt doable. You’re so swept up that you nearly smack your head on an open cabinet door when you turn back to face your host. His hand shifts back along its edge to cushion the impact before you can think to duck, and the heat from it makes your cheek tingle.
“Careful, it’s tight in here!” he teases.
It’s hard to shake the feeling of trespassing.
“Are you sure I’m good to be here?” Jack turns back from replenishing half empty swag baskets to smile reassuringly.
“No one needs it until one. When do you have to get back?”
“My break ends at one thirty.”
“I guess it’s our bus, then!” He fetches you a sparkling water from the minifridge and cracks open his own like he owns the place. You elect to remain standing and lean against one of the chairs opposite, certainly not because you want to have him looking up at you for as long as possible.
Jack is all long limbs and tanned striations as he stretches out on the bench seat like a cat, his wingspan nearly spanning its whole length. When he arches slightly to get comfortable, his shirt catches under his pecs and makes your mouth go dry. You wonder if you’re staring too much.
“So, do you have any other directing experience, or do you just have a knack for giving orders?” His head lolls to one side, soaking up your attention. One of his feet moseys it’s way over to you, and you uncross your ankles before it has a chance to nudge them in that direction.
“I think you’re just good at taking them.” Is that a blush you’re seeing? Jack breaks into a giggle that reads almost wistful.
“I was expecting you to tell me to roll over and balance a treat on my nose.”
“Anything for the campaign, right?”
“I mean, of course, but it's still those day to day interactions that are going to win this for us.”
“Yeah, the canvassing especially is really rewarding, I didn’t expect this many people to be undecided. I guess some of them still need a little convincing.” You plop down next to him, closer than you’d ever dare if he wasn’t flushed clear down to his shirt collar. Somehow, your right leg finds itself intertwined with his. He’s a fucking furnace, even directly under the AC unit.
“Not me though; I know exactly what I want to do.”
The corners of Jack���s mouth curl up without a shred of hesitation. He squints at you again before taking a slow pull of his Perrier, Adam’s Apple bobbing like it's begging you to bite it. His middle fingertip trails lazily around the rim as he sets it down. One last lip smack, then he’s pressing them onto yours and flooding your nose with the smell of clementines and sea salt.
The buzzing in your brain reaches a fever pitch when he drapes an arm around your waist to pull you closer. Tilting your head ever so slightly, your hand wanders up to cradle his face and press a thumb to his chin. A gentle push down to open Jack’s mouth and his tongue is snaking its way in, the obscene length of it sending sparks straight down to your clit. He breathes a contented, relieved moan into your mouth when your leg swings over his hips to straddle him, then little stilted mewls as you start rocking back and forth.
“You’re a little slut for democracy aren’t you? You tease, panting against his jawline.
“Who, me?” he grins and drags his hands up your thighs to settle on your ass, thumbs playing with your waistband.
You can feel your nipples hardening as you reach one hand out to steady yourself against the window. The bracing cold glass is delicious, but you flinch back when you spot people trickling back into view, gelato cups in hand, a few racing over to pose with the bus.
“Don’t worry; they can’t see you,” he chuckles along your sternum. Jack scooches too far forward trying to get a better angle to rut against you and nearly slides you both off the seat. You hear a whispered little “oh, shit,” before he scoops you up with one arm and shifts to stand, the other grabbing a spare water on his way to the rear of the bus. He collapses onto the deep sofa without missing a beat, but looks back up at you for reassurance, as if he’s somehow being presumptuous. You don’t even see it; you’re too busy yanking at his jeans like a madwoman after feeling how hard he is.
Concerns assuaged, he manages to pull both of your pants off without incident, only an accidental kick to the end table. Jack lets out a cackle when his hand slides low enough to feel you drip down his wrist.
“And I’m the slut for democracy?”
“Oh, shut up!”
You stretch behind him to the bin of condoms marked ‘F•CK PROJECT 2025’ on the far windowsill, shamelessly letting your breasts drag over his face in the process.
“It would really be a shame if we didn’t do some quality control, since we’re already here.” You trace one along his lips until they part to accept your gift.
“Such a waste,” Jack mimics you, if a bit muffled, as his incisors shred the foil wrapper. “And,” he adds cheekily with a shrug, “we’re fresh out of plan B.”
He’s already slid it on by the time you realize he’s unclipped your bra somewhere between here and the door, and you waste absolutely no time slipping him inside, so warm it makes you shudder. His eyelids flutter when you sit down fully; he’s whining like the bus is soundproof the second you get to work, all strained little whimpers and cut off syllables as you bounce in his lap. There’s not a minute to waste, and it’s showing in the breakneck pace you set. Jack’s movements are just as frantic, bucking up hard enough to threaten to throw you straight off this ride.
Desperate to see how far down he blushes, you slide your arms under his shirt, heat blooming up to your shoulders as you do. He gets your hint and tugs it off; you waste no time planting both hands on his pecs and letting your fingers run wild through his chest hair.
Meanwhile, your shirt and bra get caught on your elbow in the process of shedding them, and your left knee skids right off the couch while you’re distracted. Jack catches your shin effortlessly and plants his foot to keep his balance; you actually spot him smiling at his own reflexes. He rolls you both over without slipping out, chuckling a little “didn’t I tell you to be careful?” into your ear. He moves to let your leg down, and you throw it over his shoulder to keep him pinned flat against you before he can do so. The new angle restricts his range a bit, but he’s already shoving a hand down to strum at your clit, face millimeters from yours for the perfect view of just how much you’re loving it. He murmurs cockily when he sees you holding back. “Won’t you let me hear you?” There’s no way you’ll attract attention if you’re just moaning into his mouth, right?
It’s all too much; Jack’s whole body draped over you like a fever that won’t break, the way he’s panting down your throat every time you clamp around him, the little calluses on his occupied fingertips and how they maintain their perfect, unbearable pace no matter how much you thrash around. You can barely squeak out a “fuck, Jack, please-,”
His “I know, I know,” sounds just as ragged and that tips you right over the edge.
Jack’s composure completely unravels with the first pulse. His eyes screw shut and his hips still as deep as he can get to ride it out with you. You’re shaking and frothing like a can of Pepsi- sweet and sticking all along his slicked-flat happy trail as you lift your leg a little higher and over the back of his neck to pull him in closer. The beads of sweat on his forehead drip onto yours when he falls into another messy kiss, aftershocks buzzing comfortably through you both.
His phone timer jolts you out of your shared stupor.
“What is that?”
“12:30,” he groans into the couch cushion. “Sit tight, I’ll get you a towel.
Jack is steaming your dress pants in one sock and his Hanes like its second nature, and it’s making a strong case for the hottest thing he could possibly do. In a few minutes, he’ll go out the front of the bus and stir up the crowd while you exit through the back.
“Take a bev for the road if you’d like.” He slaps the minifridge pointedly.
“Thanks, you’re such a good host!” you hadn’t moved from where you were laid out on the sofa; it was too much fun watching him get flustered from the compliment, “This was fun, getting to know you and all.”
“Yeah it was,” his tone is achingly sincere as he smiles back at you, face getting flushed all over again “...Not to be too bold, but could I get your number?”
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gdn019283 · 2 months
Merlin canonically bathes Arthur.
“You’re not Merlin.”
In front of your future wife? Sounds about right.
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
Sirius grew his hair out for Regulus to feel more comfortable with having longer hair.
Now here’s my essay about this:
So everyone has basically accepted the fact that Sirius had long hair from about his 1st year to his 7th. But- imagine if he had short hair and then grew it out after Regulus came out as trans. Alright? Do you have a picture in your head? Great
Now, if I am remembering correctly, there’s a scene where Harry sees a photo of the original order of the phoenix and he notices that Sirius has short hair. This photo is taken two weeks before Marlene dies meaning the photo was taken sometime in 1981. Regulus dies in 1979.
So, Sirius started growing his hair out for his little brother for him to feel less ashamed of having long hair, then he started cutting it after he died because it reminded him too much of Reg.
I know it’s stupid, I don’t care. It’s canon to me
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True that. I don’t give af if it’s July. It’s Halloween always!
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tayloralisonswift · 2 months
the manuscript is possibly the best album closer of all time and i know people find it clunky (i personally don’t) but even if you do, “but the story isn’t mine anymore” as the last line of a confessional poetry style album is so brilliant. here you go, here’s all the chaotic awful funny mean smart stupid things i did last year. by releasing this i am releasing them. these songs were once about my life, now they’re about yours.
and i know people say it’s Just About Jake, or that it’s about Jake and the muses of the album, but i actually don’t think it is. like to me it’s a song about making the all too well movie and seeing how her pain became art before and it can become art again. the beginning of the song just sets it up, which is why she uses “he” instead of “you”, and at the end she uses “you” because she is also closing her album and the relationships in it on this note. this manuscript just like all too well is complete. it’s not hers anymore.
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rattkachuk · 5 months
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oilers intermission so here’s a silly little thing i did today 🫶
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doublel27 · 4 months
I have started Cupid’s Last Wish (Ep 1 part 2) and I just wanna say:
Win, you are already in a committed relationship with this man. You do not have to be jealous of your sister or pine. Like…I appreciate the longing and all, but he’s thisclose to asking for your hand in marriage.
I can’t wait to see how we fuck this one up.
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itsallmadonnasfault · 7 months
Demi Moore’s dog Pilaf enjoying Madonna’s Celebration Tour!
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shallowbreaths · 8 months
Love it! Ann putting a little Heart into Disturbed.
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rip lucy gray, you would’ve loved dear john (taylor’s version)
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deklo · 6 months
whenever i watch young royals im just reminded that i DONTT CAREEE ABOUTTT august lmao
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felrend · 7 months
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Looks like a former SOLDIER needs help from a certain Huntress
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amagnificentobsession · 8 months
@dream-of-pain you say that it’s not part of a demons mission to love, although you can.
You say it’s best to leave humans be, breakable as we are.
You live forever, we are but a moment in time.
Don’t tell me now that you hate me
For never letting go
Let there be no doubt
I can’t live my life without you *David Draiman*
Give me my robe
Put on my crown;
I have immortal longings in me. *Shakespeare*
I have fallen in love with a demon. ♥️
I will do what it takes to be an Immortal.
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Monster Theme Songs for Two Returned Wall Villains from Solar Opposites: Unleashed
Mutant Bat King Stephen: “Dead Memories” from Slipknot
Godzilla Sisto: “Don’t Tell Me” from Disturbed ft. Ann Wilson
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ponds-of-ink · 10 months
Wait a second.
This is a dead of night thought, but…
Princess Quest’s third act dealt with the Princess receiving a Vanny mask and a Glitchtrap plushie before being able to vanquish the monster.
Ruin only covered the Vanny mask side of things.
So is the Glutchtrap plushie going to play a pivotal role in Help Wanted 2 somehow?
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lou-gollum · 8 months
she’s gay your honour
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