#Cult Leaders
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creature-wizard ¡ 11 months ago
"White woman who uses her knowledge of pop spirituality to start a cult where she positions herself as this divine mother figure and makes everyone cater to her every whim while she abuses them all" is really a whole genre of person.
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unwelcome-ozian ¡ 10 days ago
The group and its leaders oppose or deny mainstream research findings and what is accepted and taught at leading universities and research institutes. For example, they deny the overwhelming evidence for climate change and evolution. Instead, they share alternative ‘research’ and arguments from their own far less qualified and heavily biased sources, which would not stand up to rigorous external peer-review processes. Group leaders do this to keep members ignorant and suspicious of wider networks so that they can be more easily brainwashed and controlled.
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bitter69uk ¡ 11 months ago
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Last night I watched the first episode of four-part documentary Ministry of Evil investigating the Alamo Christian Foundation, the notorious abusive cult founded by corrupt husband and wife con artists Tony and Susan Alamo in 1969. Look, the Alamos were horrendous people but as John Waters concludes in his essay “Crimes of Fashion: A Look Inside the Criminal Wardrobe”: “I don’t judge criminals by the terrible crimes they commit, I judge them by what they wear.” On that level, the duo possessed a gloriously trashy Country & Western dress sense with baroque platinum blonde bouffant wiglets (her) and dark Elvis-style shades and sideburns (him). (They made Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker look understated). In their pomp, the Alamos evoked a shitkicker Christian fundamentalist version of Raymond and Connie Marble of Pink Flamingos, or a George Jones and Tammy Wynette tribute act.
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crmsnmth ¡ 6 months ago
Trendy Hipsters
She clings to attention as if it's the air she breathes Nothing's going well, unless all eyes are on her The matriarchy is just has bad at the patriarchy it's still kings, queens and peasants And she's ready to night any horse she can ride That blades a bit too sharp for this
She plays the latest fashion craze as long as it's in black Got to look the role of that nineties punk pagan fashion Fishnets and rosaries, and a chant to the west How do you base your entire religion on a movie? She rides the trends like an express way Feed her the next line, let her get ahead of the pack That way she can tell everyone how great they were At least before they got big
She likes the taste of the bad boys the ones with anger problems and mommy issues the guys crying after a few shots of whiskey slip down She calls it clay, and begins to right her mold Her fingers mapping out the identity she seeks Every religion was a cult at some point and her followers watch her human sacrifice to the gods Destroy his personality using nothing but sexual organs
She knows how to make anyone love her Somehow always knowing exactly what to say As long as she's involved in the stories she shares As long as she can talk about herself As long as she can masturbate in vanity
You stole that line for American Horror Story. The season with all the witches,
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cultbusters ¡ 1 year ago
Exposing the Discord Cult of TheDarkMoonKing
My source has provided me with screen shots and a Reddit link to the cult leaders social media accounts.
I have provided them below so that you, the people, can decide for yourselves.
Not going to lie...this guy seems sketchy
Below are photos of cult mastermind TheDarkMoonKing on his reddit
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Below is a post made by TheDarkMoonKing to his 'folowers' on discord. The language used to address those he 'loves' seems...cold and demeaning.
"mundane and non-special" hmmm
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I was approached by someone and was asked to share their story
Below the cut is someone's personal experience being on the inside of this cult.
Be safe and aware, ego plays a key role in losing touch with reality
Picture this, me minding my own business on a Wednesday afternoon.
I'm enjoying my lunch break when I get a message from a friend.
They inform me that they have stumbled upon what appears to be a discord cult in the making.
Seeing as I had nothing better to do with my Wednesday evening I agreed
Thus my infiltration began.
I enter the discord and see many different threads of information. All pertaining to the occult, deities, magic, etc.
So being the nosy fucker I am, I did a bit of a deep dive.
You see, so much of the lore that Cult King was teaching came from videos games, D&D, Dresden files, and so much more.
The Cult King claimed this knowledge is true and factual.
He had at one point shared with some of his followers that he had been given a quest to find a magic dragon egg and deliver it to someone in Chicago, it happend to be Thor himself.
Odin, the allfather you see, rewarded the Cult King with 10mil.
What I find hilarious is that the Cult King wants to start 'covens' or communes of ONLY 13 people. These covens will be all around the world (apparently) and the Cult King will pay for everyone and everything, but there is a donations thread in the discord to help fund the whole thing. So he won't be paying for anything his 'followers' will.
So I'm guessing the 10mil from Odin fell through or something.
I and also noticed a post the cult King made to his followers a lot for.the language used spoke to the reader like this " no matter how mundane and bland you are know that your king loves you".
Also, and this is what concerns me most, a lot of the followers this dude has are underage. While some of this shit is hilarious, cults can get crazy quick.
So I knew my time in the server was coming to an end.
To my keyboard I went.
To my intrigue someone else in that chat had already begun to ask him questions about these...plans of theirs.
I had my in, and it was time to stir the pot.
Being the polite folk that I am I basically said that these ideas seem creative but not realistic or based in reality.
Oh man, the hive began to buzz my dudes.
I had angered the swarm.
The Cult King kept deleting the messages they didn't agree with. Completely sensoring any opinions that differed from theirs, and mine wasn't the only one.
The Cult King kept preaching that this was a place of respect and different opinions would be tolerated only if they met the Cult Kings RULES!!
The Cult came for me hard.
Although, some were sweet and tried to convince me this King of theirs was legit.
Others came at me phallac insult first.
I have been called all manner of holes and bits of the lower human public region.
It was thrilling to watch the hypocisry of their own words take place.
I am not usually one to judge or troll other people, especially on their personal beliefs...but this is wild.
Eventually the Cult King stepped back in and ordered everyone to be silent by typing in bold 'ENOUGH',
followed by,
'You are disturbing my peace'.
I was still typing what was actually going to be a de-escalation kind of message when this dumpster fire of a King called me out by my discord name and ordered me to be quiet.
You see, I don't appreciate anyone trying to sensor or control people PERIOD.
So I decided it was time to die on that hill.
Some valiant souls joined in and voiced their concerns and as the cult was hurling insults,
The server was gone.
I had been booted.
But this is not where the story ends.
You see there are people in the discord server that have been following this King for years.
Before this cult the Dumpster King had tried to start another cult, unsuccessfully might I add.
The Dishonest King claimed to descend from moon people or something, and was an immortal vampire.
Shockingly the Vamp King shut down the discord server because the followers had found out the truth of his backstory and revolted like the true champs they are.
And years later the Fairytale King has once again tried to start a following.
Because I can't leave well enough alone, I found a reddit thread where this Scam King was trying to share 'factual information' about all the knowledge they have.
I found a reddit thread where someone was asking about a stone, and the Gem King claimed that this mineral or rock was SUPER dangerous and rare and that they had encountered it only a few times in their existence, and that it could only be found in the back market. Deathstone people.
So you know I did another deep dive.
And guess what I found evidence of this mineral from Marvel, D&D, Dresden files, but it is not an actual element that exists on the planet earth.
So I asked a question in the reddit threads.
I was moonlighting at this point, trying to appear a Marvel fan that fell down a rabbit hole and was now politely fact checking.
The Ego King truly believes in the bs that comes through the keyboard.
Maybe I am an asshole, I am in the eyes of the 'Kingdom' , but I honestly don't care.
I like to think that everything done in the shadows eventually comes to light.
The King will get what's coming to him, everything has its time.
But if anyone was skeptical in the chat or felt unsure I hope I planted a seed of critical thinking.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
Thank you for being brave and sharing your story!
That is what 1-800-Bust-A-Cult is for!
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dionysus2xborn ¡ 2 years ago
what does iiiit meeean
i have learned a thing today by thinking about that fic idea
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Was Camilla the cult officiant?!?!? Was Donna hinting at that by naming her that?!?! Also this makes me want to genderbend the character even more. BUT this actually makes so much sense too because i was thinking this whole time HOLD UP, HeNrY, SIR the cult of Dionysus was all females isn’t it odd that it’s a sausage fest except for Camilla?! so.. hmmm.. might be onto something here lol
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burning-thistles-bt ¡ 2 years ago
(Frostfur believes the Firefam is "cursed" and I don't have to explain her lol, but Rippleclaw believes the Firefam, specifically Thistlestar and Lightningfur, are "blessed" by StarClan and sent to save RiverClan, because he witnessed Mapleshade killing Oakstar in the rockslide and misinterpreted it)
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submissivefeminist ¡ 1 year ago
Which horror movie killer do you think would be the best fuck? And which do you personally find the scariest?
Oh, fuck that's such a good but difficult question. So, it's not a horror movie killer but my first thought was Joe Carroll from the TV show The Following. I have such an obsession over him in that show and he's like my ideal "horror killer" fuck. I want to be Emma so bad in these fantasies lol
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As for like the scariest movie, it's weird. I don't find many horror movies truly scary, but I'm surprisingly easy to get with a jump-scare, which just feels cheap. So it's hard to say!
Sorry both those answers sucked lol but I appreciate your questions.
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uzumakisavior ¡ 1 year ago
((I follow him. He's a wonderful psychologist. For those interested, he is talking about cult leaders with a real-life example. It's 22 minutes. Please don't hurt me because it isn't JJK related. ))
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unhingedkinfessions ¡ 2 years ago
i dont think this iz as weird as some of the stuff on here but kinning an intricately edgy au version of hatsune miku that i waz deeply immersed in the memories of played a big part in me realizing im a trans girl.
(bonus shoutout to my brother who attempted a ‘ritual’ when he waz younger [pretty much just lit candles and a red painted pentagram on a big poster-board] because of the slippery slope of kinning a few cult leaders and being twelve. with respect, he was going through something xoxo)
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sonic-spirit ¡ 10 days ago
Aw, right! So reading/re-reading Abbey Kumquatwriter's blog (especially the Crazy Train posts) reminds me of things.
It really fuckin' sucks to hear Andy Blake/Jordan Wood's narratives (Video and Video from Strange Aeons for background). Like. Specifically hearing his narratives utilized to suck people in on his Secret World and to indoctrinate him into his cult. Because there are so fuckin' many parallels to my fuckin' crazy ass experiences as a fictionkin soulbonder.
I don't reach out to my soulbonds much anymore. I'm too overwhelmed, too busy keeping my head above water. And my coping methods, as mentioned earlier today, usually run more towards checking Tumblr or popping on a YouTube video to distract myself. Ever since I worked as a dog groomer, being inside my head has been really dangerous. I'm getting better, but...well. Trauma. I've needed different reliefs. So all those points coming together, and I'm effectively an out-of-practice soulbonder. Which is pretty much how I am with my IRL long-distance friendships. Out of practice, not reaching across the distance the way I'd like. RIP.
Anyway. I'm out-of-touch and physically an Over 30 and therefore Old, so I'm not super up on how it all plays out now. But these niches: Otherkin, Therian, hells, even just Paganism are super easy hunting grounds for these sort of predation. Cuz we're already niche. We already know the kinds of things we receive push-back about--especially from the vicious christian and republican fuckwits. And the militant conservative-ass atheist types.
So we're easy to control. Because of the outside pressure. Because of the shame. Shame is what made me procrastinate on writing this sentence for an hour and a half. Shame is what is making me want to write about anything else, than my truly held beliefs about myself and my experiences. Shame keeps us in the closet. Shame isolates us. Shame makes the slightest push back from people we care about feel like a blow. Shame is what left me broke down sobbing on a dime when my good friend one time said he was a furry, "Not like one of those weird Otherkin."
Shame puts us in a corner. And that isolation makes us vulnerable. So we have bad actors, like Andrew Blake, like Emshir from the unicorn Otherkin community, and like others, I'm sure, who use those things to gather a loyal following. And because we already feel the need to protect ourselves, attempts to reach us, either for good or to mock, are met with defensiveness.
This one time, before Emshir burnt down the whole forum and thus my support system the first time (I mean that I was there for it. I'm pretty sure it wasn't his first time throwing a fit and taking his ball to go home), a group of people were trying to reach out to us kids to let us know that shit was fucked. We were warned a group of "Starseeds" and "Otherkin", neither words I'd heard before that time, might reach out to us to tell us lies about how Emshir, the 30 plus year old in charge of a group of mostly teenage kids on the internet, was Actually Bad, and that we should ignore anything they said.
Naturally I wanted to debate with the one who contacted me instead. He went by Michael, and...he was not helpful. Mostly, it turned into me giving him a listening, therapeutic ear as he told me repeatedly about how he'd been a pallbearer for someone close to him, and that had been very hard. As far as arguments for why our leader was Bad, Actually, it was lacking.
All that happened was that we cleaved closer to one another, staying just as isolated as ever. So when Emshir blew it all up because we didn't post enough and because one forum member had remained logged in on their home computer, and their dad found the forum and wrote a scathing thread that, though quickly deleted, left us all shooketh, and got that poor member in horrible hot water with their family...we were hit hard. The only good thing that came from the Outside people contacting us was that it gave us the word Otherkin for the first time. So we would have been able to connect with other groups...if we hadn't been so gun-shy. Having our home forum explode, and having the only other Otherkin we'd ever heard of be...A Lot left us trying to just hold each other. Some members made an alternate forum, and that lasted for a bit, before Emshir started up again. And for some reason, we went back to him.
Eventually, he'd try and lay the groundwork for creating a Unicorn Otherkin sanctuary/commune in Alaska. Reminder that he was twice our age, and most of us thought we were girls (fillies or mares) at the time. Yeah, it's skeevy. He blew that group up later, too. I can find proof of one, maybe two other iterations of the same thing happening. Where Emshir would start a group, then get mad and leave the members high and dry. There'd always be some sort of attempt to establish a new group afterwards, which would gradually lose steam. Emshir would use this as evidence that he was the only one who could run a Real Unicorn Group. I'm more inclined to believe that outside of the heightened, high control environment our energies to Always Be Posting waned, and that being burned by the community that had been our Home getting wrenched away made us hesitant to lean on it the same way.
The third (or was it fourth? I don't know if those were contiguous?) time I joined his forum/cult, because of course I came back for more, was more of the same. This time, he had his 17 year old mate living with him, whom he'd Rescued from her abusive family. And truly, I'm glad she was able to escape her abusive family. I'm just not confident she didn't escape them into another abusive relationship, as so many of us who've been abused tend to do. Cuz hey, this isn't As Bad As That Was, so it Can't Be That Bad. I hope she's okay.
How much do I want to pick a fight over all this? Emshir has books self-published through Amazon under his legal name, so while I don't currently see sign of a forum or things that he's running online, that doesn't mean he's not, and it's just a Discord or tucked in through his authoring. I just really doubt he's stopped targeting kids to pump up his self-aggrandizing ego and framing it as being a Protector and Leader unicorn.
I wish I had more useful memories, or better documentation of what he did. One of my IRL Otherkin friends from the last time I was in his group walked me through a cult evaluation, and we scored pretty highly. But other than, "He was the Leader and therefore Important," and "We didn't dare say anything against him or disagree with him strongly," I don't have great detailed memories of things that happened. ^_^;; My memories in general are pretty scattered. Hi, trauma. So recounting details is difficult. And the Wayback Machine archives are really spotty. There are some, but none of the forum posts were ever archived there, or if they were, it's in a way I've never managed to access. I had backups of all of his podcasts from the mid to late aughts, but they were saved to an external hard drive that no longer works. I've still got it tucked away in hopes that I can take it to a document recovery place sometime, but I've yet to try. And the more time that goes on the less likely it is that it works.
Emshir wasn't one for leading us into astral battles (at least not in the public parts of the forums or while I was there, no idea what he got up to behind closed doors. In closed glades?), but it's a favorite of cult leaders. Andy Blake loves bringing his cult members into some high stakes fights. My unicorn Mommy Dearest utilized it on me. And though I haven't discussed the situations with my friend since they got out of another bad relationship with some cultish signs and looooots of astral battles...I'm wondering how much was orchestrated by said cultish partner.
So it really sucks when you believe in that sort of stuff. And have to decide how much stock you want to put into what so-and-so is telling you about it from their end. Because, from your end, shit's very real. The fight is always there, and it's always hard. Part of the problem is how we're taught to view struggles like this through fiction, since those of us who're likely to be targeted are pretty damn into fiction. If your hero is genre-savvy, and expects everything to come to a nice, clean conclusion...they're gonna keep looking for fights until they think they've found it. Or, more likely, completely burn out.
I've burnt out from this shit even without a cult leader to drive me. My friend shredded herself fighting war after war after war. And Abbey describes the same sort of thing as a lever Andy used to control her and the other cult members--interrupting sleep, constant drama, consoling, caretaking, explaining, and going to bat for Andy and the Others he claimed to channel.
I dunno. Something, something, denouement. Basically, I wish it was less shitty to talk about these kinds of experiences so we wouldn't be so damned isolated when it happens, and so that people could support one another better and so that we could be less fuckin' likely to fall into high control environments. I want to talk about my own experiences about this shit more, and I'm trying, but it's hard. Both because it's simply emotionally hard to confront, but also it's hard to remember and organize into anything that isn't just me spewing thoughts on the page. But that's effectively my writing style as I get back into it, and out is better than Never and Perfect, so it is what it is. Sorry for the disorganized ramblings.
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creature-wizard ¡ 2 years ago
Spiritual cult leaders on the Internet will be like "I'm not running a cult! That would like, require me to have a real physical church or move all my followers to a distant country or something!" and meanwhile they're teaching their followers some incredibly hateful, conspiratorial worldview that's totally disconnected from the real world and makes them feel like they can only trust the leader and people who agree with the leader.
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historybelike ¡ 2 months ago
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onenakedfarmer ¡ 3 months ago
IVY ASHER Into Their Woods
“You’re special, Noah,” Ellery says softly.
"No. No! That’s what cult leaders or psychopaths spout—right before they peel off your skin and wear it as a shirt.”
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alohapromisesforever ¡ 4 months ago
For the Sake of Community
For the Sake of Communityby Michael DoyleDecisions are made for the sake of communityAs we join hands to rebuild a sickened societyWords and intonation create a transcendent headspaceWhere the weak fill their need for a sense of placeTrust in the plan as the tepid cult leaders sayAlong with other thought terminating clichesThese, those, and other words are semantic stop signs They form the cue to…
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amandaanddonnie ¡ 10 months ago
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