#Crème fraîche
askwhatsforlunch · 6 months
Basil and Garlic Cream
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This fragrant and herb-y Basil and Garlic Cream makes an excellent sauce for pasta, cooked al dente, just drained and folded into it, for a lunch that literally tastes like Spring. It can also be the base of salads or gratins, depending on the season's changing weather!
Ingredients (makes about 1/3 cup):
a small garlic clove
a dozen large leaves Garden Basil 
a pinch of salt and freshly cracked black pepper
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1/3 cup crème fraîche or sour cream
Peel and halve garlic clove. Add to a mortar, and grind into a pulp with a pestle.
Tear Basil leaves into the mortar, and thoroughly grind them with the garlic into a paste. Season with salt and black pepper.
Gradually stir in olive oil, until mixture emulsifies. Then, stir in crème fraîche until well-blended.
Fold Basil and Garlic Cream into al dente pasta, or use as a base for a salad dressing or in gratins, loaves or quiches...
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mudwerks · 2 years
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(via 13 of the Best Ways to Eat Pickles)
I’m a weird little lady who loves her weird little food combinations, and this chaotically good pickle snack is one of my favorites. There are a few iterations of it around the world, including Russian and Finnish versions, but they all deliver a surprisingly balanced bite that hits all of my favorite flavor notes. 
Super sour cornichons are tempered by sweet honey and rich crème fraîche—sweet, salty, sour, and fatty play across your palate, with no one taste or texture lingering for too long.
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blvk-orbit · 2 years
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‘Villon’ of Proper Hotel, San Francisco
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basil-august · 2 years
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Mushroom Ravioli with Kale & Walnuts
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bearbench-img · 3 months
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connyskochstudio · 3 months
Filet Melba
Filet Melba Zutaten für 4 Portionen: 750 g Schweinefilet Salz Pfeffer Zwiebelsalz 2 Essl. Butterschmalz 1 Essl. Orangenlikör 1 Becher Crème fraîche 1 Dose Pfirsichhälften gekörnte Brühe ½ Teel. Curry Zubereitung: Das Filet mit Salz, Pfeffer und Zwiebelsalz einreiben und rundum in heissem Butterschmalz anbraten. In der geschlossenen Pfanne noch 15 Minuten schmoren lassen. Dann…
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punkbakerchristine · 3 months
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my one complaint with this is the apple was a bit much (good apple, though). otherwise, i really liked the crème fraîche and the honey, such that it was delicious on the challah 🍯🥖
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andybuison · 9 months
Lieu noir, riz blanc
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jhesite · 1 year
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askwhatsforlunch · 6 months
Smoked Salmon and Green Onion Sandwiches
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"Oh, they are so good!" said Ava, biting hungrily into these Smoked Salmon and Green Onion Sandwiches, as we were having a picnic on Cheltenham Beach in Devonport. "I can't believe you put so much flavour into something you whipped up so quickly!" I was more than a little bit chuffed, but I must say, they are really good, especially if you intend to eat them on a beach! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
3 heaped tablespoons sour cream or crème fraîche
1 teaspoon dried tarragon
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1 large Green Onion
4 large slices Wholemeal Loaf
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened
abou4t 60 grams/2 ounces Smoked Salmon 
Spoon sour cream into a small bowl.
Add dried tarragon and black pepper, and give a good stir until well-blended.
Finely chop Green Onion, and stir into the cream mixture. Place in the refrigerator, at least half an hour.
Toast Wholemeal Loaf, and allow to cool completely.
Generously spread Green Onion and tarragon cream onto two of the toasted Wholemeal Loaf slices, and butter on the two others.
Lay Smoked Salmon onto the buttered Wholemeal Loaf slices, and close sandwiches together. Keep in the refrigerator until serving time.
Cut Smoked Salmon and Green Onion Sandwiches in halves, and wrap in cling film if bringing on a picnic!
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Saumon à la toscane : la recette magique pour allier plaisir et perte de poids !
😍 Saumon à la Toscane 😍 ✨ Valeurs nutritionnelles - 1 personne Calories : 501kcal / Protéines : 33g / Lipides : 21g / Glucides : 40g / Fibres : 4g #saumon #epinard #pâtes #mangerleger #pertedepoidsdurable #prendsoindetoi #jeveuxmaigrir
Aujourd’hui je suis ravie de vous proposer une recette qui allie simplicité et raffinement : le saumon à la toscane. Je dois vous avouer que je ne suis pas certaine qu’elle trouve son origine en Italie, mais une chose est certaine : cette recette est absolument délicieuse. Si vous avez envie de vous régaler sans culpabilité avec un plat à préparer rapidement, ne cherchez pas plus loin. Cette…
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When we went to Sweet Liberty Drinks & Supply in South Beach back in October, we ordered their Caviar Dip with crème fraîche, caramelized onions, charred scallions, and a sizable lump of caviar served with chips, and I fell in love. On Black Friday we went to Le Caveau in Philly and enjoyed their creme fraiche dip with trout roe and chips was also a treat, but to be perfectly honest my mind was still focused on our South Beach treat from a month prior. 
It also made me think of the fantastic sequence from the first season of Mad Men when Peter Campbell is trying to educate his unmarried colleagues about chip ‘n dips that were the height of sophistication back then. 
And then I found this magnificent Mad Men Daily fake ad for a chip ‘n dip and I had to include it too!
I’d like to think that Trudy Campbell would love the modern evolution of onion dip if it meant for more occasions to enjoy caviar, but maybe that’s just me.
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morethansalad · 1 month
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Baked Pierogi with Vegan Mince Filling and Dip
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connyskochstudio · 9 months
Rohe Champignons in Sahnesauce
Rohe Champignons in Sahnesauce Zutaten: 600 g Champignons 200 ml Crème fraîche 1 Zitrone ½ Teel. Paprikapulver (edelsüss) 1 Knoblauchzehe 1 Bund glatte Petersilie Salz frisch gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer Zubereitung: Champignons rasch unter fliessendem Wasser reinigen und gut abtropfen lassen. Crème fraîche, den Saft der Zitrone, die zerdrückte Knoblauchzehe, Salz und viel Pfeffer mit…
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adamantineheart · 1 year
i've converted to this style of scrambled egg making and i can't eat them any other way now. actually, i used to mostly hate eggs but that's because americans overcook them 😭 i hate overcooked eggs so much.
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tillytoppazh · 2 years
Please answer i’m about to make diner
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