#Cozy | headcanons |
tcthinecwnself-a · 2 years
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jmliebert · 16 days
♡♡♡ domestic bliss with gale ♡♡♡
a lot of gentle touches and sincere "I love you"s
Gale makes you breakfast almost everyday (obviously)
sometimes when the mood takes him, he'll even do something like heart-shaped pancakes and despite it being cliche you can't help but feel your heart soften by the gesture
on special mornings, he'll even bring breakfast to you in bed, a tray laden with your favourites (he knows you very well)
and let me just say he always leaves the kitchen tidy. he may be a little messy sometimes, his (and now yours too) place may be a little cluttered, but he's a tidy wizard and clean up after himself period !!!
while we are talking about the kitchen....you had steamy sex over the counter more times that you can count
during the day, when he's immersed in his studies, you often bring him a steaming cup of coffee or a tasty snack
you sneak behind him and start massaging his shoulders, and he groans at the touch with appreciation, tenderly kissing your hands
but you're not always as merciful; seeing him hunched over his books, his brow furrowed in concentration does something for you; makes you want to melt away his stress with different type of distraction...and he's so easy to tease :))
but what I want to talk about more is simple moments you share together; like when Gale prepares a meal you hum a tune and wash the dishes, stealing little kisses from him that leave you both smiling;
you hug him from behind when he's cutting the vegetables and it feels so good to feel warmth of his body and the rhythm of his heart;
you can't resist giving his cute, small ass a cheeky squeeze, which makes him jump and laugh and then tutting and calling you a bad girl with his index finger pointed into the air (he wants to sound angry but fails)
and you can always feel his gaze on you filled with a quiet, unwavering affection
your dinners are often a candlelit affairs, filled with soft smiles and meaningful conversation. as the sun slowly fades over the horizon, you sit on the balcony, basking in the golden glow, sharing quiet moments over books (you read a lot of books at this household)
sometimes you talk about everything and nothing (gale often ranting at his students) and sometimes you fall asleep with your head on his shoulder while he still reads, or you fall asleep on his lap, as he gently massages your scalp, his fingers threading through your hair making you all cozy and cared for
sometimes during the night Gale is stargazing with you, pointing out constellations and sharing the mythology behind them, with knowing hands he gently guides your body as you peer through the telescope
I can also imagine you two spending your evenings by the fireplace with glasses of wine in hand and an enchanted piano playing softly in the background. Gale arm wrapped securely around you, his thumb tracing gentle patterns on your skin unconsciously
Gale often runs hot bath for you, joining you in the warm water. his hands move in soft circles, washing your hair, his lips leaving tender kisses on the back of your neck and not soon after you feel his growing erection poking at your back
you brush teeth side by side, and Gale watches in awe as you go through your skincare routine, simply enchanted. he loves the scent of your lotion and can’t resist leaning in to inhale the fragrance of your skin, murmuring compliments that make you blush
then you are slipping into comfy pyjamas <33 your sheets are always fresh and clean (not a single crumb on your mattress!) all ready for your nightly cuddles and whispered conversations
in bed you both read (I said before; a lot of reading)
Gale never forgets to kiss your forehead goodnight
sometimes you’re the little spoon, snuggled safely in his arms, other times he’s nestled against you, seeking your warmth. and often, you simply sleep with your head resting on his chest or his on yours, feeling the steady beat of his heart under your hand
Gale, who has spent so long alone, quickly adapts to sharing his life with you. you fit right in, he finds some peace when he's with you; quickly he can't imagine you not being here with him
when you are not around he finds it difficult to sleep, often spending the night in his study until dawn, the shadows under his eyes deepening with each hour of your absence
he's miserable without you :((
you can find more of my works about gale ♡here♡
I'm sick rn, in my bed all day long (I'm losing my mind) and needed some gale fluff to feel better so!
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
I just saw the event and I hope I'm not too late but Lucifer x MC requests w/ author's choice maybe?
Hello there, my friend! You are not too late, in fact, your request was the first one I received!
Soooo since it was author's choice and we're talking about Lucifer, I went with fluff. Because soft!Luci is one of my favorite things ever. So here are some general fluff headcanons about him.
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Lucifer fluff headcanons
Warnings: none
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Lucifer notices everything about you. It isn't just the way you mesh so well with his family. It's the little sparkle in your eyes when you tease him. It's the way your voice changes slightly when you say his name. It's the light touch of your hand seeking his when you're nervous.
Lucifer shows his love in quiet ways that may be missed by anyone else. He will give you things you need before you realize you need them. When you're struggling, he will show up beside you to lend a hand without you needing to ask.
Lucifer will bring you flowers, but they'll be the rarest and the most beautiful. Arranged spectacularly in a beautiful vase that you keep in your room. It's regularly refilled with new bouquets from him.
When you're at RAD, he'll stop you in the hall just to check in with you. He might ask you something about his brothers, but his true motivation is to make sure you're doing all right. He'll tell you to come to the music room when you get home because he wants to spend more time with you. You'll find him waiting with a bottle of Demonus and a soothing record (one that isn't cursed).
You're certainly the only one that Lucifer would even dream of allowing to touch his wings. It's a special moment when your fingertips brush against the soft silken feathers. You try not to react when you feel him tremble slightly beneath your touch.
He's always busy, doing paperwork, being summoned to the castle, spending his hours at RAD doing council work. And yet he always takes a moment to speak to you alone. His ruby eyes roaming over your face, like he won't ever get enough of looking at you.
You sometimes wish you could tell people who fear him what he's really like. How he'll carry you to your bed any time you fall asleep somewhere else in the house. How he reaches for your hand when he knows you're feeling uncertain or afraid. How he'll hold you all night if you've had a rough day. How he'll admit to you that all he wants is for you to be happy.
No one knows Lucifer the way that you do, but you're surprised to find that no one knows you the way that he does, either. He lets it slip occasionally, just how aware of you he is. If he's had one glass of Demonus too many, he mumbles about the color of your hair and the particular curve of your smile.
When you're alone, Lucifer will kiss you and kiss you and kiss you, needing you more than he's needed anything in his long life. He'll fall to his knees at your feet, overcome by how willing he is to do whatever you ask. He begs you to touch him, to know him, to let him know you. He needs you, MC. Don't let him falter.
You don't. You stand beside him in all things, whether you're alone with him in his room or among the rest of the student council at RAD. It's a little daunting to think that you are the stability that Lucifer leans on. That after all the years he's been working and fighting alone, he now has you to hold onto.
Lucifer will catch your eyes from across a crowded room just to give you a confident smile. It's the one that says he knows he's on your mind. It's his way of saying you're on his, too. He wants you to know he's thinking of you. He wants to make you blush slightly from his regard.
Your love is a tender thing that Lucifer holds close to his heart. He knows how quickly he could lose it, how quickly he could lose you. All the power in the Devildom might not be enough to keep you with him forever. But for now, he will worship every single part of you, every day of your life.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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muzzleroars · 8 months
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college is a weird time
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
For Dru (@fortheloveofaussiegrit), thank you for completely and utterly brainrotting me with this moment 🙏
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stay-dazed · 1 month
snapchat with hyunjin
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notes: female reader. i think hyunjin would use the big eyes emoji unironically and i love it. i also love the idea that he calls his girlfriend his muse
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
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did you know that coo is canonically lonely? {shipaganza prompt by @veveisveryuncool}
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captainzigo · 4 months
I started writing a portion of my own AU where Starlight is an adoptive mother to Cozy Glow (though right after season eight instead of after season nine) right when I found your comics, and your characterization has infected everything I write. I would complain, but your work is amazing, so I will affectionately shake my fist instead.
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bubblegumflavor · 11 months
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Every week, after gym class, they volunteer to clean up and no one understands why...
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mistylinemisty · 5 months
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My headcanon: Cozy Glow was not turned to stone, no one went actualy, they menaged to escape, leaving Cozy behind. She was angry, confused and alone, so embarrassed that she didn't even want to go home. Starlight started taking care of her, being her mentor, because after all Cozy is just a child, she needs guidance not punishment.
Bonus fact: Starlight works helping ponies and other creatures redeem themselves, sometimes daydreaming about be "the princess of redemption".
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tcthinecwnself-a · 2 years
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Cozy CANNOT ride in the sleigh. Certainly not at the speed it goes during Christmas. She gets sleigh sick.
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jmliebert · 4 months
☾⋆⁺₊⋆quiet nights spent with Gale⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾
in Waterdeep (little bit of fluff, little bit of cozy)
The air is filled with the gentle glow of candles, casting warm light that dances across the walls. It creates an atmosphere of countless nights spent in the company of Gale. The open windows invite a gentle summer breeze, caressing your bodies as you both hunch over endless books, scrolls, and ancient parchments, studying and exchanging thoughts. The enchanted piano plays in the background. The night is starry and the moon is as beautiful as ever.
Sometimes you catch Gale massaging his temples while mumbling under his nose when he's reading his pupils' work. He shares some of his thoughts with you here and there, and you can't help but smile at his furrowed brows. It almost feels like you're teaching alongside him. When Gale looks particularly tired you massage his tense shoulders. (sometimes it ends up in the bedroom but that's a story for another time!)
Evenings on his balcony, now sitting in a favourite spot for both of you, involve conversations, wine and crips grapes. Heart to hear, you watch the horizon, enjoying each other's company. Sometimes words are unnecessary; you simply exist together, souls full of love and devotion. Blessed to be here, together.
As you prepare to sleep, Gale observes you with genuine interest and with those eyes that conveys pure admiration. He ask a lot of questions and is proven surprisingly knowledgable about skincare. Adores the smell of your damp, soft skin after a bath with some scented oils.
In bed, he reads "for pleasure", getting absorbed in the story. You can tell he truly loves reading and admiring the art of a good story. Sometimes Gale reads aloud, petting your hair or holding your hand gently until you fall asleep. And sometimes you're not sleeping at all, talking away the night, sharing your deepest thoughts. Eyes starry. You could tell him everything, and you feel like it's the same for him. Your connection goes far beyond being just lovers; you are soulmates.
you feel so loved when you are laying on his chest, hearing him hum peacefully, feeling his heart beating and magic coursing through his veins
you feel so loved when he kisses every one of your fingertips with such dedication
you feel so loved when he places his head on your tights; a gesture of profound affection and vulnerability
In the stillness of the night, Gale is even more loving, more romantic than he already is. Every night, he utters those three precious words,
" I love you"
as you fall asleep. His kisses your forehead gently, holding you in a tight embrace as if he never wanted to let you go. In the darkness, when it seems like there's only the two of you in this vast and strange world, Gale reveals the most exquisite, soul-ravaging declarations that leaves you breathless. It's a moment when time halts, and in the intensity of his words, you sense that Gale loves you with every fiber of his being.
*(and it's very vocal about it)*
 you can find more of my works about gale ♡here♡
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
hellooo i’m here for your event !!
is it okay to request mammon headcanons for hurt with comfort? ik you already have a request for him so :’)
just something like he’s insecure about if mc loves him or not (maybe they spent the day with another brother) so mc comforts him :D ofc if you have your own ideas that’s great too ^^
have a great day <33
Hello there!!
I really don't mind writing multiple things for the same character! It's usually just the prompts I don't want to repeat lol. Anyway, I did use the idea that MC spent time with someone else - in this case I decided to have it be Lucifer specifically. Hopefully it turned out okay!
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Mammon
Warnings: uh just jealous Mammon lol
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Mammon tries to convince himself he isn't jealous when he sees you with one of his brothers. He's able to push it down most of the time, knowing that you see his little brothers as family. They mean as much to you as they do to him. Watching you be there for them only causes a slight twinge of that feeling and he finds it's easy to overlook it. But things are a little different when it comes to his older brother.
Lucifer is the responsible, upstanding demon that Mammon could never be. Whenever you're with Lucifer, Mammon can't think clearly. He can't stop imagining you falling in love with his more competent brother. He sees you being impressed, as you should be, with everything that Lucifer is and can do. He sees you realizing you'd be better off with a demon like Lucifer.
The worst part is that he can't argue with that. He knows it's true. Deep down, he knows he's not good enough for you. Lucifer can be everything you need, everything he can't be. And it makes him crazy knowing that no matter what he does, he just can't compare.
And it isn't just that he feels that inadequacy. It's also that he's seen you with Lucifer. The way you smile at him, the way your eyes go soft… you look at Lucifer the way Mammon wants you to look at him. And when that happens, he starts to wonder. He wonders if you really love him after all. Is he even lovable to begin with? Out of all his brothers, why would you ever choose him? Especially when Lucifer is right there being perfect and handsome and everything anyone could ever want?
Mammon tries not to let you see how he's feeling. He keeps his distance, pretending you aren't spending the day with his brother, pretending that seeing you together doesn't make his gut twist uncomfortably. He tries to act cool and calm. You can't know about the knots that are tangling up inside him.
When you find him later, he's keeping up the pretense. He thinks he's doing a good job until you call him out on it. You ask him what's wrong and he blushes immediately. He can't tell you! He can barely look at you. How embarrassing would it be to say that he was jealous of you spending time with Lucifer? To say that he's started to question your feelings because of it? To say that he's terrified that you'll slowly slip away only to settle instead into Lucifer's arms?
You may not know exactly what he's thinking and there is a slim chance that he'll actually tell you, but you know your demon well. He's so busy trying to pretend he's fine that he doesn't realize that you're onto him. He doesn't realize until you ask. And when you do, he's flustered because of course you could tell. He wasn't going to fool you. What made him think he could? He stutters out something about how there's nothing wrong, but you're not buying it.
You take his face in your hands to make him look at you. Your fingers are cool against his flushed skin, which only makes him blush harder. He doesn't want to face you, but he can't pull away. Your eyes gaze into his, clear and serene. There's a flutter inside him when he sees how you're looking at him. Like he's your universe. Like he's everything.
And it turns out he doesn't even have to say it. You've already figured it out. You tell him that he doesn't need to worry. That it doesn't matter how much time you spend with any of his other brothers. That he's the one you'll always come back to. He's the one you love. He's the one you'll shower with kisses. He's the one that makes you feel like you're home.
Mammon can't stop himself. He pulls you into his body because he has to feel you as close as possible. He needs to have you in his arms, needs to know you'll never leave him, needs to press you against his heart. Ya make him crazy, MC. Don't ya know how much he loves ya? You do. You always have. And then you can't say anything more because Mammon can't stop kissing you.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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dailymothanon · 2 months
Hihi! Do you have any Missouri design? I just think his scarf is very cute and he is very silly!! Or maybe some Kentucky, if you have the chance? She's one of my girls, very tomboyish, but I'd love to see your interpretation >:]
I hope your wrist gets better soon! Make sure to rest often. It's good for you ‼️
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I've seen your tomboyish Kentucky yes!! My gf was a big fan of it tbh so you've got my approval 😼 I've been trying to make a Missouri design for a long long while but nothing really came to mind 😔 but @halcyonlauren helped me quite a bit with forming some ideas for him!! So enjoy, Missouri fans 🐶 I forgot the scarf tbh so apologies for that
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taintedmind6669 · 9 months
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stay-dazed · 1 month
texts with felix
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notes: female reader. unfortunately the app i used before to make texts doesn't allow me to add photos anymore, so i just have to describe imagery :/
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