#his sweaters are just so cozy though who can blame them
taintedmind6669 · 9 months
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missmielyhoran · 2 months
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in which you and Harry have a strange relationship...
Sugar Daddy!Harry Styles × Sugar Baby!Reader
[Warning- Angst, Little fluff, children, sadness, Harry being filthy rich]
You were painting your nails when you heard the knock on the door. You got up from the floor fanning your hands in the air to dry down the nails.
You opened the door and there he was the same old man who visits you every weekend. Alberto, his name, you got to know after a few weeks in.
He hands you a new bag full of brand new clothes like every weekend, you take them with a smile and close the door as he starts ascending down the stairs.
You set the bag down on the floor where you were sitting previously when your phone buzzed. You picked it up from the floor and looked at the text sent by him.
Be ready at 5.
That was all it was, always. He was never the man of many words you got to know. You sighed as you took out the outfit he sent you this time.
It was an oversized sweater and a plaid skirt. This weirded you out at first. You expected a sexy lingerie or dress at first, but he never sent you anything like that. It was always casual outfits like this.
The clock stared back at you. It was 3 already, and if you didn't want to be late, you had to get up and get ready.
You had whole weeks to yourself but weekends you had to day how he wanted you to, every single step. He gave you shampoo, to body wash, skincare everything and that only reserved for weekends. Yes, if you liked something you could use it everyday and he paid for everything and even more.
He was sort of like your sugar daddy, well who were you kidding you did found him on sugar daddy website. Well not you technically, it was your best friend, Taylor. She was the one who suggested you go on the website when you were struggling to pay for your college, she was also the one who found him.
You couldn't even say no when you saw him. Those beautiful eyes held so much familiarity that you just couldn't.
He pays for you everything, from college to your groceries, everything anything. In return, you just had to play dress up and go on a date with him, not even sex which you were mentally prepared for, well sort of.
You got on with your usual routine of showering, washing your hair, putting on moisturizer, sunscreen, and then getting started with the same makeup you always did on weekends for him. Simple makeup, no foundation, and a bold red lip.
Soon enough, it was 5, and Alberto was on your doorstep, ready to take you with him. You got in the car. Very luxury car, something you only saw in your dreams.
Your heart was racing, even though it was a deal which you have been doing for the past 7 months you didn't know when it became more than that.
I mean, can you blame the girl for falling for a tall, hot, rich, generous man? with eyes like his? you were bound to.
Car stopped, and so did you thoughts. Alberto stood with open door, you got out and saw what was a small restaurant nothing fancy but not bad, it looked cozy.
You walked inside and saw it was empty, all the chairs were made but not a single person was there not even staff, from what you could see and guess with your intuition of knowing him for past 7 months, there was not more than 3 to 4 staff inside.
There, he was sitting on the bar stool, the lights from the small bar illuminating his side profile. His messy hair fell on his face just right, his ring cladded fingers holding the whiskey glass. He was dressed in nothing fancy himself, a simple orange sweater, and blue jeans.
You slid in beside him, catching his attention. His face lit up in a smile, and you just melted.
"You're here" He said, breathing out looking at you up and down. Your cheeks turned flaming red under gaze, "You look beautiful" He said, looking up into your eyes.
"Thank you" You mumble out. You didn't know why you felt this shy. You should be used to it by now, but his charm, his face, his hair, everything just made you fall and fall deeper.
You guys talked like you do, him telling you all about his week from his hectic work, the meetings, the annoying investors, to his daughter going through her runner phase.
Oh yes, he has a daughter, Aira who is 7 and going through her runner phase. She runs anywhere and everywhere whenever she gets a chance.
He shows you the pic of her showing off the teeth she lost yesterday, and you smiled. She had his eyes and curls and was an adorable child. He always kept you updated on her every single detail about her, and it never felt odd. Which you should have cause she was a stranger's child, to be honest, but she felt like your own.
It was late when you stumbled out of the bar with him. His arms around your torso holding you so you wouldn't fall down on your face.
You squealed when he picked you up in a swing, followed by a hearty laugh, which made him laugh also.
It felt like this had been happening for so long, not just 7 months or so but forever. It was as if he had been picking you up like this for years, but it wasn't. Was it?
It further got proven when he called you the name he always does, "Cherry". It would've been cute if you would've fed into your delusions and thought it was a nickname he gave you, but no.
The contract, the talk, you weren't here on a real date with him no, you were playing a part. You were not you but Cherry, his first love the one he couldn't have.
He slid in beside you, his arms around your shoulders. You put your head on his and closed your eyes. You wanted to sleep, fall into a deep slumber with his smell all around you forgetting who and what you were here for just him and him only.
So, you did. You fell asleep.
Harry smiled when he saw you fell asleep on his shoulder. It was your usual habit, every car ride no matter how long or short you fall asleep.
He sighed as he pushed some hair away from your face, your cheeks still red from all the booze, you were never one to hold liquor.
It was a sweet torture for him, this whole thing, this whole persona, yours and his both.
Alberto stopped the car in front of your apartment complex that was also chosen by him. He got out first carefully not to wake you up and rounded around to your side and picked you up to start to walk towards your apartment.
The familiarity of those steps always made him tear up, can't blame a guy for being emotional, right?
The routine had become so usual for him that he could do it with his eyes closed.
So, he opened the door, walked towards your room, and set you down on the bed. He took off your shoes and jewelries he knew you don't wear every day and set them on your nightstand.
Taking off his sweater, he walked out of the room to get some water when he heard the sound. He looked down and saw the cat circling around his legs purring.
"Yes Evie, still doing your witchcraft, huh?" He said, chuckling. He sat down and gave her all the belly rubs and scratches, "You being a good girl for Mama? I know you are" He said, kissing her forehead and getting up.
He took out the cold water bottle from the fridge, knowing you would have a headache in the morning.
He set everything on the nightstand and then slid in beside you. You smell engulfed him, and he melted into the bed.
For the first hour, he just watched you sleep. Was it creepy? totally, but he couldn't help it. He never could.
His phone buzzed, taking him out of the trance. He smiled when he saw the selfie Aira had sent him with her gummy smile.
Grandma made me pancakes for dinner.
How much did you bribe her darling?
I didn't! She loves me
That is true. Still
When you will be back Dada?
On Monday morning love
He heard the voice note say. She still couldn't type properly, but god did she sent him voicenotes.
Are you with Mama?
His heart stopped for a second as he looked over at you sleeping beside him. It was a difficult situation. It was difficult for an adult while she was just a kid. He couldn't even think how she was coping.
Yes my love.
Tell her I love her and miss her.
I will. Now go to sleep or I will sell all your toys.
He chuckled when a shrill No came in the reply. He put the phone down and shifted closer to you and brought you into his arms, and as always, you fitted right into it.
He kissed your forehead and closed his eyes, "One day Cherry. One day you will remember me"
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
I think my writing is getting a bit rusty. It's not that good but I wanted to write it so yeah
Please Like, Comment and Reblog.
Tell me how it is here♡ would love some feedback
Love you
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alinasteelcrest · 1 month
⚾ baseball,👖jeans, 👪 family, and 🌠shooting star for whichever character(s) you want to do answers for :^)
ty i owe u my life
(OC Emoji Asks)
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
I guess the answer is no, she can't play sports? The only athletic activity Alina's good at is riding horses, and this does not apply to any horses that aren't hers (or aren't, like, specifically trained to have all sorts of people riding them.)
Is racing a sport? Shoji can do that.
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
Alina's always in some bigass comfy sweater and leggings!!! She's cozy-maxxing (idk what that means im sorry)
If it's hot out she'll go for something more suitable, shorts or a skirt + a band t-shirt that she cropped herself ^-^
This past winter/spring, I've been especially fond of this fit
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👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
*stares at this question stares at this question stares at this question stares at thi*
Alina's family... is distant from one another. kind of.
It's her mom. Her mom is distant.
She loves her parents sooo so so much, and they love her, too! But her mom didn't want to become a mother so early, and that put a strain on their relationship when Alina was really young. So... Alina's always kind of had her mother on this pedestal? Like she's unreachable, and all she can do is look up to her.
Her relationship with her father is better. She's a daddy's girl and he's well-meaning but kind of a flop. Work > family kind of guy, but always happy to see her/hear from her.
He's the reason she visited Jorvik in the first place, and the, um, the happenings on the island put a huge wall of distance between them. She's too preoccupied with the end of the world, and they never really understood each other very well anyway, so...
She has her horses, though, and they're family, too.
Shoji's family is. haha.
He had a mother, once, but he was super wild as a colt, so when she ended up having his little brother, the stable owner decided to separate them to keep the new baby safe from his Antics.
Shoji was kind of young when it happened, like early-teens-equivalent maybe? so he didn't totally understand why he wasn't allowed to see them anymore, and he kind of blamed his mom for that even though she's not a starbreed and has no control over that stuff? 😭
When Alina ended up buying him, they actually discovered that his little brother was soul-partners with one of Alina's new friends! But Shoji was bitter about his childhood (among other things) so he refused to make any positive connection with him, and by the time he stopped being so mean, his brother wanted nothing to do with him. And then life happened, and now Shoji Hates Him.
On a lighter note, Alina also found his older half-brother, Slade, and purchased him to join them on Jorvik. He's just a horse, but he's also one of Shoji's best friends, so that's nice. And Shoji also has a horsie wife! And a newborn child! And a dog!
Wynn's family got Garnok'd :)
(It's okay, though, because now he has Alina and his adoptive mom and his new baby sibling 😭😭)
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Alina's spent some time thinking about this. She'd have to write up a whole contract to make sure everything goes her way if she ever got the opportunity to actually get a wish like this.
In kind-of simple words, she would wish for Pandoria to be safe, but she doesn't want Earth to be stuck with Garnok and the Dark riders either, anymore.
So basically, her home and Wynn's, with no more world-ending problems to face, so he can be raised in Pandoria, where he belongs, and she doesn't have to worry about risking everyone who lives on Earth.
And can she please develop some kind of immunity to Pandoria, while whoever's-granting-this-wish is at it? Because going to that place constantly is kind of wearing on her.
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venusguks · 3 years
Unlike You
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pairing : jeon jungkook x fem!reader
summary : As daydreamy and romantic as you are, you decided true love was going to have to wait for you tonight. That was because tonight, you were getting laid !! ...Your best friend doesn’t make it easy for you when he finds out why, though.
warnings : smut, dom!jk, sub!reader, unprotected seggs, fluff, bsf!jk, degredation, dumbification, possessive jk, jealous jk, fun sexy times, jk is whipped for mc, oral (fem receiving), body worshipping, jimin/reader but only for a sec
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“A club?” Jungkook raised his brow.
He was incredulous and slightly displeased as he watched you pace around your room. It was rare after all, new to see you like this―in a black, satin dress with a slit high enough to make him upset. He didn’t need you catching anyone else’s attention, especially in a neon lit bar full of ravenous people.  “For the seventh time, yes, Kook,” You huff, jarring your mouth slightly to dab a dreamy red over your plush lips. 
You couldn’t recall the last time you felt so confident as you applied mascara and tickled a delicate pink over your cheeks. More than anyone, Jungkook couldn’t recall ever seeing you this way, this excited to be amidst a crowd of sweaty bodies. You honestly didn’t see why he was being so apprehensive, it wasn’t like you necessarily hated parties―you just always preferred the coziness of your home better. Huge social interactions were never your thing, and that was okay. Being an introvert wasn’t something to be ashamed of anyway, but staying in came with the everyday comforts of baggy sweatpants and sweaters.
So could anyone really blame you for your excitement? You just loved the way getting ready made you feel, missed it. You already knew you were beautiful with or without makeup, but damn did it make you feel confident.
“It’s just...” Jungkook furrowed his brows and ruffled his hair. “This isn’t like you, love. Did something happen? Are you okay? We can talk about it, if you want. Whatever it is, I’m here to listen you know.” 
You sighed exasperatedly at your best friend’s reflection through your vanity. His eyes were uncertain and full of concern as he watched your figure with crossed arms. “Koo, we’ve been over this so many times already. I’m nervous enough as it is, and you’re not helping at all. I want to do this, okay? It’s been awhile. Plus, I haven’t seen the others boys in so long.”
A part of you didn’t want to be annoyed at Jungkook for his incessant worrying, but it truly was hard not to sometimes. “You’re being such a fucking dick, you know that?! Can’t I just live my life without you being so fucking hysterical about it every time?! ” It was that winter a few months ago when you unleashed all your pent up frustration. Jungkook had always been overprotective, and you appreciated him for caring, but he just made it so hard for you to even breathe sometimes. It was the biggest argument you guys ever had when you started dating a boy a few years older. You ignored Jungkook’s calls and messages for weeks, but when you discovered that he cheated on you, Jungkook was the first to be by your side. You still remember the assurance and safety you felt in his arms; with his soft lips against your forehead, murmuring sweet consolations as you sobbed on his shoulder. After that day, Jungkook agreed to be less protective. 
“I just don’t get why it has to be a club. We could meet the hyungs anywhere else, baby.”
“Oh sure, maybe a strip club would do,” you said, chuckling when you see his shock. “I’m kidding, Koo.” Though that wouldn’t be such a bad idea...
Maybe you couldn’t blame him for being so appalled. You usually opted out whenever your friends went out to celebrate, which by the way, was rather often. Night after night, the few of them would call you, practically beg until they realized their efforts would end in vain. By the morning, notifications would spam your phone of their wild night; pictures and details that showcased hookups you didn’t need to know about. Now that you think about it, it was sort of ironic that you’d always grimace to the crude texts.
That was because tonight, you decided you were getting laid.
That’s right, to hell with sweet, wholesome love! If true love had to make you wait, true love would have to wait for you too! Your subscribing 48K readers have been expecting a new chapter of Spring’s Breath, an erotica series, which you’ve delayed for 2 whole months now. You didn’t exactly know when your writers block came, but by the fourth hour you stared at your blank screen, unable to come up with any other synonym for dick or thrust or moan; or how the overused dirty talk you wrote made you cringe―you realized the firecracker you had in writing erotica died out.
It was your dear friend, Hoseok, who suggested the whole ordeal. He was the only one who knew your secret, anyway. You had so much trust in him, so when he professed that maybe if you slept with someone, your spark would come back, you had truly considered it. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. After all, no cons would come out of it. It was just odd to think about.
You have always been such a huge romantic, your literature proved it. Jungkook nor you nor anyone would anticipate you hooking up with someone just to hook up with someone. The tenderness, the connection, the intimacy... you’ve always prioritized genuine adoration over whimsical one night stands. You were an honest daydreamer, and maybe that’s why your works would always take off.
But maybe... maybe it was okay to let go once in awhile.
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When you mentioned Jungkook being less overprotective, you forgot to put an emphasis on less―because there he was, his hand possessively squeezing your inner thigh every time you even dared to look at a cute boy. You let out a frustrated sigh when he nuzzles his nose into your neck.
You tried not to mind it. It was just in his nature anyway―ever since kindergarten when he found you crying over your dropped ice cream. Jungkook left only to come back with another cone, rubbing your fat tears away with the palm of his sleeve. In elementary school, he peppered you with tiny kisses when you sobbed over the death of your kitten. You’ve only had him for a month, dedicated all your time to him and skipped play dates to care for your little serendipity―but just like that―he was lifeless. It was Jungkook who found him on the road. In middle school, he’d go through the enveloped confessions in your locker and rip them apart, saying you deserved better than any of them. You’ve always looked up to him througha lens of admiration. Everything he did for you, he did it out of thought and care. It was sweet.
It was times like these where you really started to mind though. 
You’ve been giggling with your friends for the past hour, catching up on every minuscule detail. You were sitting in a booth wedged in the middle of Jungkook and Hoseok, brimming with happiness to see Namjoon and Yoongi again. Its been so long, and your heart would swell to the stories you’ve missed out on.
The night was carrying on delightfully! ...except for the fact that Jungkook sent death glares to whoever even glanced at you. The countless of times you shyly returned someone’s gaze, only for them to rush away when they caught sight of your best friend left you agitated. When the boys were engaged in a conversation about a class they all shared together, you decided it was a good time to bring it up. 
Gulping a shot down, you let out a huff. “Kookie...”
“Yes, baby?” He whispered into your ear, his large hand grazing the access of your slitted dress.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what, love?” You sharply inhaled as Jungkook rubbed sensitive circles on your skin.
Immediately standing up, you squeezed yourself out of the booth. “I’m gonna go dance!” You yell through the loud music, avoiding Jungkook’s eyes, because seriously, the nerve of that man! The rest of your friends cheered, “We love to see you like this, y/n! Enjoy yourself, cutie!” Hoseok laughed when you blew a kiss to him. He made you feel so much more at ease, so much more confident. Okay, you got this! No use in sitting around. You couldn’t get anywhere tonight with Jungkook by your side, anyway.
Fluffing out your hair after you downed another shot, you strut your way into the dance floor. Your hips swayed in a rather alluring manner as you made your way into the crowd, your fingertips tracing seductive lines from your hips up to your waist, your neck and finally, into the air. The alcohol slowly took its effect as your confidence settled in, rolling your head back and moving your body fluidly to the loud music. 
Truth be told, you didn’t know what you were doing, just knew you must’ve looked good as hell doing it as you felt hands grip your waist. You gasped as a body pressed against your back, sticky with sweat.
“You’re so captivating, princess,” His dulcet voice was enough to make you weak...or was it the alcohol? Whatever the case, get your grip together y/n! It was just four words for star’s sake! 
“I, um, th-thank you...um! You too..” Your confidence from only moments ago dissolved with your voice. “So shy now, princess? How come? You were dancing so sexily just moments ago.” He chuckled lowly against your ear, nibbling it. You whimpered to his brazen touch, his hands guiding your hips with his. “Are you shy for me? Is that it? What a cute little princess you are... so beautiful, fuck.”
Annnnnnnnd you truly were fucked. You professed only hours ago that true love could wait, that you’d be a different woman tonight, yet you couldn’t help but feel bashful to the man’s praise. His voice and his nectar sweet words enough to make you feel wobbly.
“I’m Jimin. Can I know my princess’s name?” He pressed his hardened member against your ass, the silk thin fabric barely doing its job of coverage. “Ah Jimin,” you moaned breathlessly as he kissed your neck. “I...I’m-”
“―Mine,” a low, husky voice finished. Jungkook stood behind you, jaw clenched and arms crossed. The veins on his biceps protruded under the incandescent lights; His white shirt and tight, black jeans doing wonders to complement his physique. 
“Are you deaf? I said she’s mine so why the fuck are your hands still on her?” Jungkook had always been intimidating, even when he didn’t try―so in the rare times he did, even he scared you sometimes.
Much to your disappointment, Jimin immediately lets go, hands in the air, “sorry man, I didn’t know.”
“W-what? Wait, he isn’t my...!” Before you could try to reach for the pink haired man, Jungkook firmly takes your hand. “Y/n, we’re leaving.” You didn’t even have a second to feel shocked before he swiftly guides you through the ocean of bodies. Loud music reverberated with your disappointment, and by the time the night’s cold air stings your cheeks, you've processed what just happened―what you just missed. It’s when Jungkook latches your seatbelt on and drives that you feel anger simmer in your chest.
“Why did you...Why the fuck did you do that, Jungkook?” You were exasperated with your emotions. You just didn’t get it. You were finally having the time of your life, finally stepping out of your comfort zone, finally dancing with a guy who made you feel amazing―just to end up on a drive back home before anything could happen. “Seriously, what the hell is your problem? That was my..! He was..!” You groaned, too frustrated to conjure up words.
Jungkook scoffed, “what, y/n? He was what? Your soulmate or something?”
“I didn’t say that! And even if I think so, why does it matter?! I was having fun! I was having so much fun and you just..! (hiccup) I was having so much fun....” You cried into your hands. “I haven’t felt that way in so long, j-just for you to mess everything up. God, I can’t even muster up words right now. I hate you so much.”
“Love...” Jungkook finally sighed, shutting the engine off. You had cried the whole ride home. The anger he once felt diminished with your tears. “Baby, please look at me.” 
“F-fuck (hiccup) off, Jungkook.” You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and opened the car door. Knowing him as long as you did, you knew he would take your chin to force you to look up at him―but you had enough of him for the night, and honestly, the whole week.
You were just so fucking frustrated at everything. At Jungkook for unnecessarily budging in, at your writers block, at your own sexual frustration left with Jimin. What did you have to offer your readers now? A heartbreak of a possible relationship that never happened with a shitty friend on the side?
You tuned out Jungkook shouting from behind you, striding to you complex and up the stairs.
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It wasn’t long after you slammed the door shut that you heard it click open again. You had forgotten Jungkook had an extra spare of your keys. “Just leave me alone, Kook.” You groaned, storming off into your room.
You kicked your heels off and stomped to your bed, taking out your frustration on your pillow where your sobs were muffled. The bed dips down when Jungkook sits beside you, silent as he caressed your hair in the way he always did to soothe your nerves.
Deciding it wasn’t enough this time, he carefully lifts you up to sit on his lap, sliding his arms around your waist to pull you into his chest. Jungkook knew you long enough to know hugs were the best remedy for you, even at your angriest moments. He knew you wouldn’t push him away.
“You jerk...” You buried your face into the crook of his neck, sniffling. “I don’t get you, Kookie. Why do you always do this?”
“I...I just wanted to protect you, baby. People have bad intentions, I didn’t want to see you end up doing something you’d regret,” His voice was gentle, brushing hair strands away from your face.
“Stars, Kook, I knew what I was doing. Whether I’d end up regretting it or not, that’s for me to sort out. I didn’t need you to ‘protect’ me. I was really enjoying myself, something I haven’t done in a long time. A-and you just..! You ruined it for me.”
Jungkook scoffed, “so you liked it then, how he was touching you? You were just going to let him fuck you?”
“Yes, Kook!” You yelled. “He could’ve fucked me in the public bathroom or in his car―in front everyone for all I care! He was hot and we were in the moment and you just interrupted! I know you care for me and I’ll always appreciate you worrying but there’s a fine line where your protectiveness should be. I’m not a kid anymore, Kook.”
Jungkook was gritting his teeth, and the two of you only glared at each other before he let out a sigh. Despite him wanting to be mad, he didn’t like making you upset. If you were going to cry because of him, he wanted it to be for an entirely different reason. 
He gently cupped your cheeks, holding your gaze with tender, sad eyes. “You know I’d do anything for you, yes? That I’ve always done anything and everything I could to help you?”
You furrowed your brows, unsure of how that related to anything, but nonetheless, you nod. “Yes, I know Kook.”
“Then why didn’t you just ask me to sleep with you, hm? If you needed help so bad, why didn’t you just ask me, baby?” You stared, dumbfounded and mouth ajar as his thumbs brushed the remnants of your tears away.
“W-What are you...?”
“Was so concerned for my baby. Hoseok got drunk and told me everything I needed to know. Did you know how hurt I was? How Hoseok knew something about you that I didn’t? Especially that you were a writer, love. I thought I was your number one, how could you keep that from me?”
“O-Of course you are, Koo! You’ll always be my number one. I just...didn’t want to tell you because it was embarrassing,” you mumbled, glancing away. Damn it Jung Hoseok! After all these years, this is when he accidentally slips it out? “Nuh uh, baby, I’m not having any of that. Look at me.”
Jungkook pressed his forehead against yours, an act you were certainly no stranger to, but nevertheless making your cheeks warm. “Not only that, you wanted to go clubbing tonight just to find a stranger to help you, is that right, baby? Wore this tiny dress just so someone could fuck you? Wanted Jimin to fuck you? Wanted to write about him fucking you in the bathroom stall?” Jungkook was speaking softly, though his words were anything but as his hands left your cheeks to trace sensuous lines up your thigh.
Your hands weakly held onto his shoulders, gasping when you felt his bulge press against your sensitive core.
“What was that you said....In his car? Wanted him to fuck you in front of everybody? Wanted to be a dirty slut just for your readers?” You didn’t know how exactly this moment came to be, but his honeyed voice brought you to a daze as you grind your hips against him. You were desperate to feel more—of anything, of him—only to let out a whine when he forcefully holds you down, burying your clothed center into his bulge. 
“I don’t think so, baby. I don’t think you deserve it,” Jungkook’s hot breath tickled your ear. You whimpered as he bit it, hands squeezing your hips. “You used to be so good for me baby, used to come to me for anything. Used to be a good little girl and depend on me. I would’ve helped you, baby. Instead, you became a dirty little slut, let another man touch you. Is that what you are now? A fucking slut?”
“N-no Kookie,” a new bundle of tears welled in your eyes at his harsh words. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, sh-should’ve, ah, went to you,” you felt your body succumb to his touch. His nose brushed your jaw, placing warm kisses all over your neck before he glided his tongue down to your collarbone. “Please forgive me, I-I’ll be a good girl for you now, p-promise.”
“Yeah? Wanna be a good girl for daddy?” Jungkook licks the base of your collarbone before sucking it. “Yes..ah, yes daddy. Gonna be so good for you.” 
“And yet you weren’t,” you cried as you felt teeth sink into your skin. “J-Jung― ah, Kookie stop! Please i-it hurts!”
“You deserve this, fucking slut. You know how much you hurt me tonight? You’re secretly just a desperate whore, aren’t you? Missed your tiny cunt getting fucked so much that you’d let a stranger do it for you, hm? Answer me, slut.”
You felt tears drip down your eyes, embarrassment washing over your face. “What? You’re not going to speak now?” You shook your head in desperation. You couldn’t. How could you? It was too shameful.
You yelped when Jungkook picked you up by your waist and turned you over so your face was smushed into a pillow. “Ass up, now. Don’t make me repeat myself.” He snarled, and you immediately obliged. Jungkook was on his knees, eyes lidded to your position as he rubbed slow circles on your bare ass. “My slut is voiceless now, hm? Begged to be daddy’s good girl but can’t even answer when I talk to you. Why are you being so disobedient tonight, baby?” It happened so fast you could barely gasp as your body lurched forward to the slap. It repulsed through your skin as your right cheek stung with a faint red.
“J-J-Jungkook, ah!” You cried as another slap came, face burying further into your pillow. “I’ll be obedient from now on! s-so please! I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry, daddy!”
Jungkook’s lips pulled to a smirk, grabbing a bundle of your hair before pulling you towards him. You whimpered and he bent down so he could see your face, tisking. “Oh, my poor baby. Did that hurt? Want to be a good little girl for daddy now?” You nodded ferociously, “p-please yes daddy! I-I’ll be so good for you. Please let me be good for you!” 
Jungkook’s dick felt constrained in his tight pants. He licked his lips to your messy, desperate state. Your eyes were red and puffy, lips just the same as heavy tears streamed down your eyes. Fuck, what Jungkook would give to fuck you senseless right then and there. But no, he needed to wait, needed to be patient. You deserved this.
“Make up your fucking mind, slut. If you want to be a good girl, then take your punishment like a good girl,” Jungkook pushed your face back into the pillow before slapping your ass once more. 
You didn’t know how long it went on, only knew the room was filled with your sobbing and the alarming sound of the contact that met your bruised skin. It hurt, it hurt so much. Your thighs were trembling and both your cheeks were a lovely shade of red and purple. But no matter how much you screamed your endless arrays of i’m sorry’s, Jungkook didn’t fail to notice how your juices soaked your underwear and spilled down your thighs
“Already making such a mess baby,” He groaned to the sight, palming himself to his creation. 
“P-please....hurts so bad...please let me l-lay down daddy, can’t hold myself much longer, please,” Jungkook adored the way you sounded for him, the way he corrupted you. You were perfect there, so perfectly powerless under him. 
“Mm, keep begging baby and maybe I’ll let you,” he unbuckled his pants and discarded them, his cock throbbing to your feeble pleads. “Please, please, p-please, please daddy... please. Hurts so bad, I-I can’t... please i-i’m a good girl. I’m a good girl for daddy. I’ll do anything please.”
“Did you learn your lesson, then?”
“Yes, I-I did, daddy!”
“You’ll be a good girl and obey daddy from now on?”
“Mhm!” You nodded vigorously, and Jungkook chuckled to your desperation. He peeled your soaked thong down, lifting your limp legs momentarily to pull it off until he set you back. You were so tired you felt your thighs give up on you right then, but before you could submit to your exhaustion, Jungkook lifted your ass up higher, arching your back deeper with one hand.
“Mm I don’t think so baby. Obey daddy and keep your ass up like a good little girl.” A gasp left your quivering lips when you felt Jungkook’s breath on your throbbing core.
“You smell so sweet baby, so fucking wet for me,” Jungkook hikes your dress up and glides his tongue up your inner thigh, wiping your dripping juices clean. “Kookie, mm, please,” he trails delicate kisses over your skin, nibbling it. “Yes, baby?” 
“P-please...please Kookie..!”
“Use your words, baby. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you want.” Jungkook smiles against your thigh as he hears your soft sniffles muffled by the pillow. His poor baby, always so shy. It was true he loved to tease you, tempt you, and loved making you cry for him—but more than anything, he wanted to take care of you. “Please touch me, Koo, please.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” A sharp shiver crawls across your skin when your pleads are obliged, moaning as Jungkook stuffs his face into your cunt. He kisses your clit softly. One, two, three times before sucking it with his plush lips. His hands were the only thing keeping you up now because you practically melted to the touch. The way his tongue rolled over your sensitive bud already having you see stars. “Ah...feels so good, Kookie.”
“Yeah? Would it feel even better if I do this?” He easily slides his middle finger into your slippery hole, slowly pumping in and out. “O-oh...oh my god, more please.”
“Anything for you baby, but first,” a whimper escapes your lips when you feel him leave you, that is until Jungkook swiftly but gently flips you over so you’re finally laying on your back.
Jungkook’s breath hitches to the sight of you below him, frozen for a moment to the aching pull of his heart.
“You’re so pretty baby, so pretty,” Jungkook’s voice was sweet and smooth as he helped you undress. Fuck, did you know how much you pained him? How much he held back for you, all these years, in this moment? It was so hard not to take you right then, to kiss you until you couldn’t breathe, to touch every single part of you with his lips.
Jungkook has fantasized about you ever since he could remember, but you truly went beyond his imagination. You were so fucking beautiful. 
“...so pretty here,” he kisses your cheeks and your jaw, down to your neck. “And here,” he kisses the valley between your breasts, his hands trailing down your curves. “And here,” your stomach...and finally, taking your clit back into his mouth.
“The prettiest cunt baby, dripping so much for daddy,” he murmurs. His tongue rolls around your clit, pumping two fingers in and out of your slick pussy. It was all too much, the sensations overwhelming your senses as ungodly moans escape your mouth. You felt fuzzy and almost light headed, reaching down to hold Jungkook’s curls.
Your back arches and tears stream down your eyes from the intense pleasure exhausting you, his fingers curling into your sweet spot mercilessly. “Do you like this baby?”
“Love it so much, Jungkook,” You moaned breathlessly, looking down at him through your tears and ... wow. 
Jungkook’s brows were creased as he focused on his tongue devouring your wet cunt, plunging his two fingers steadily in and out of you. His bangs were sticking to his forehead, glossed with sweat while your hands curled around the rest. 
You were taken aback with your emotions. Was it strange, how timid you felt then? Doing this with him was supposed to be sinful, yet for some reason, it felt anything but at that moment.
It was the fact that Jungkook looked so intent, so concentrated in making you feel good. How Jungkook showed his care for you, how he always did, how he was doing right now, cherishing you with his best effort. He wanted to give you the best experience he could, wanted nothing more than to make you feel good.
It was unbearable how much your heart swelled for him.
A knot tied in your stomach, and as if noticing your stare, his eyes flutter open to look at you.“Hm, does baby wanna cum now? You can do it love, cum for daddy.”
With that, you came undone in Jungkook’s mouth. Your cries filled the room, and Jungkook opened your hole wider with his fingers, devouring your cream. The sound of slurping made your cheeks heat with an impure red. “That’s my girl, so good for daddy. So sweet for me baby, so beautiful.”
When you went limp in his arms, he gives your lips one last sweet kiss before standing on his knees. Jungkook smiles at the sight of you, already so fucked out even when he was no where near finished with you. 
He crawled forward, his forehead resting over yours once again. “Did that feel good, sweetie?” You nod shyly, your chests heaving up and down together. With rosy cheeks, you weakly bring your hands up to trace his jaw. “Jungkook?”
“Yes baby?” You melted to his dulcet voice, keeping his loving gaze. It held so much affection, so much adoration for you, you wondered why you never realized it.
“Kiss me, please.”
Jungkook smiles warmly. Without hesitation, he takes your lush, sweet lips in his. It was gentle, a kind of kiss that was so tender it made you warm with reassurance. You were kissing Jungkook—your silly, annoying, bratty, and all the while, lovable best friend of 20 years. It was strange and odd but more than anything, it felt so, unmistakably right.
You took Jungkook by surprise when you deepened the kiss, your hand squeezing his hair. He chuckled softly, pulling himself back momentarily to look into your eyes. “I love you,” he whispers.
Your cheeks heat up, but you fight your timidness as you smile back, “I love you too, Kookie.” 
With that, Jungkook delves back into your lips. A kiss that wasn’t so delicate this time. Rather, untamed and furious, as if Jungkook wanted to show you how much, how long he’s wanted this all this time.
You moaned into him as his hands groped your breasts, fingers twirling your perky nipples. “Jungkookie,” you hold your breath, feeling his clothed cock press against your core. “Fuck me please. Please, I need you so bad.”
“Yeah?” He lowers himself to take a nipple into his mouth. “Tell me how much you want it baby.” He flicked, swirled, and sucked it with his tongue, alternating with the other.
“W-Want it so bad daddy. Please, n-need you to fuck my wet pussy mm, daddy please.”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he grins and sits up, pulling his shirt over his head, discarding his boxers and...
Your breath hitched, blinking at Jungkook’s huge, painfully hardened cock. His tip was pink with sticky, white precum dribbling down his long member. It slightly pretruded up and its veins throbbed as if it’s been aching. And truly, he was. He’s been aching to feel your walls wrap around him for so long. You have no idea how hard he’s been trying to hold himself back for you. How painful it was to—and now, seeing you there, perfect and pretty, so shy and red just for him, Jungkook wasn’t sure he could anymore.
Jungkook needed you. He needed you getting stuffed full of his cock right now.
“I-Its so big...” You gulp as he centers himself in between your legs. “I know baby, so big and ready for your tiny cunt. Can you be a big girl and take it for me baby, hm? Let daddy fuck you until he’s satisfied? Let him use you like the little cock slut you are?”
“Y-yes daddy,” you whimper as he rubs his slick tip against your soaked, smooth cunt, sliding it back and forth. “I’m yours so please, p-please just use me daddy!”
“So good for me baby, such an obedient little slut for daddy, fuck,” Jungkook groans, slipping his tip into your lush walls. You cry as he stretches you all the way out, leaving no room for you to breathe with his tip poking your tummy. Your mind felt dizzy, mouth ajar with drool slipping out even when he hadn’t even moved yet. 
“Shiiit you should see yourself baby. Such a fucking whore for daddy’s cock. Can I move, baby? Or can this tiny little pussy not take my big cock?”
“I-I..mm, please, I can take it! Please fuck me daddy!”
“That’s my girl.” Jungkook starts off painfully slow but just as painfully hard, pushing your knees to your chest. He completely draws himself back so he can see his glistening, twitching tip before driving himself back into your core. “Shit baby, your pussy’s so, fuck, tight.” Jungkook moaned to how your breast bounced up and down every time he shoved himself in.
You were sobbing by the time he quickened his pace, the intense sensation having you light headed. Jungkook loved the way you looked under him, eyes rolled back with buried balls deep inside of you. “You like this baby? Love my cock filling you? Answer me.”
“L-love mm love so m—ah, Kookie..! f-feels so....g-good daddy.”
“Look at you, baby. Can’t even talk with daddy’s cock stuffing you. Such a dumb slut for daddy, so fucking hot baby.” Jungkook moans, juices spurting everywhere and dampening the sheets with every thrust.
“I-I’m not d-dumb..!” You whimpered, fat tears streaming down your eyes. Jungkook smirks, licking his lips.
“Aww, of course you are baby. Just a dumb little cock slut for daddy. Can only think of daddy’s cock, can you?”
You can’t bring yourself to answer, your mind too scrambled with each and every thrust. Jungkook was going so fast, so hard, you felt so full.
“That’s what I thought baby. My sweet girl, fucked dumb for daddy. You only need daddy’s cock, nothing else.” Jungkook positioned your legs over his shoulders, clenching on to them to drill deeper into your tummy.
“Oh, o-oh my god, ah d-daddy...! ‘m your slut...love your dick so m-much...love being stuffed with cock.” Jungkook groaned to your sinful moans, feeling his stomach tighten.
“Just want daddy to cum inside you, don’t you? Want daddy to fill you up until you’re dripping with my cum, baby?”
“Y-yes, please daddy! Want daddy’s cum so bad! Please give me cum..!” Jungkook shoves his thumb inside of you plush lips, and god, he’s so proud of his work, so proud of you. You were taking his thumb like a good girl, sucking it as if it were his cock.
Jungkook felt his dick throb inside of you, aching for release. He pulls his thumb out with a pop of your wet lips, coated with saliva, and rubs figures over your clit. You scream, gripping onto the sheets. it was so much, too much for you to handle. Your back arches as he abuses your clit and sloppily fucks your hole.
“J-Jung–Jungkook, ah, please! Kookie! I-I’m..!”
“Its okay, baby, its okay. Gonna cum with daddy, hm? You can do it baby, sweet girl, cum for me,” Jungkook cooes, attempting to soothe your nerves, but his words are breathless and ragged. He thrusts in and out one, two, three, four more times until he burries himself deep inside you, spurts of thick cum filling your womb.
Jungkook groans as your pussy clenches around him, and you’re a sobbing, moaning, wet mess as you milk him. “Fuck, my sweet girl. Taking my cum like a big girl baby. So good for daddy, so fucking good for me.” With his praise, you feel yourself release soon after. Jungkook continues to thrust in and out of you, helping you ride out your high.
When he feels you falter in his arms, he pulls out and lays on top of you. Both of you stay like that for awhile, exhausted and in a daze.
With your moist bodies tangled with one another’s, you shut your eyes. You can hear Jungkook’s heartbeat hammer against yours, you short-winded breaths, and the soft whirring sound of the air conditioner.
Moonlight filtered in through your windows, casting a luminescent glow on Jungkook’s skin when he pushes his upper body up, his shoulders resting on either side of you.
Jungkook had spent the whole night cherishing you, telling you how pretty you were, and yet there he was—so ethereal under midnight’s grace. How could he be real?
You bring your hand to caress his cheeks. You don’t say anything. He doesn’t either.
In that moment, so intimate and sacred, His doe, gentle eyes that you could get lost in—that hold all the lost stars of the night sky, tell you all you need to know.
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You yawn, stretching your arms high up. “Here’s your order maam,” two porcelain cups of matcha are placed in front of you, steam following it’s every movement. You mumble a thank you, smiling before your eyes drift to the man at the other side of the cross walk.
He’s wearing all black as per usual, revealing the beautiful tattoos that adorned his tan skin. His hair was tousled and he looked sleepy—after all, he’d just gotten out of class—but as soon as the crosswalk lights up with green, you chuckle when he sprints across and into the shop.
The bell that hung by the door didn’t even finish ringing before he runs to you, sweeping you off your chair and into his arms. “Kookie, let me down!” You giggle, but nonetheless wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m so proud of you baby,” he nuzzles his nose into yours. “You finally published it right? The twenty second chapter?”
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a / n : ahhhhh its exactly 3:01am and i have class in the morning which is why the middle ending is super rushed sorry ! i truly wonder why i do this to myself.
this is my first smut fanfiction so i’m not sure how i did , but if anyone ever reads this , i hope you enjoyed ! i dont think im cut out to write smut, i truly did have headaches thinking of synonyms for thrust and dirty talk . i really admire smut writers ,, writing smut is not as easy as it seems !!
anyways , sending love abundance and happiness your ways. you deserve love, you’re worthy of love, and you are love.
stay safe and healthy starlights <3
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| marauders x reader | fluff |
anon requested. a fifth marauder maybe and they have a crush on her and are super awkward around them? Like post-Hogwarts (or sixth year), and it’s just cute (she/they pronouns please <3) and she knows and is constantly teasing them all for it.
implied hufflepuff reader 🤍🖤💛
a/n: I love sweetness with the marauders and this is such a cute concept
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You entered the familiar house, finding a living room scattered with knitted blankets, teacups, books, wands, sketches, and plates of pumpkin pasties. A record was scratching quietly in the corner, and a fire was crackling in the hearth. Your five boys were draped over velvet couches and chairs, all of their eyes lighting up when they saw you. Your name echoed off of the patterned wallpaper, the boys welcoming you home. You draped your yellow-and-black striped scarf from your Hogwarts days over a hook, your coat and shoes joining it. 
Sirius sat up off of Remus and you ran into the room, their arms all wrapping around you as you were caught up into hugs from the five boys. Peter blushed as you grabbed his face and kissed his cheek excitedly, and James smirked when you did the same to him. Remus greeted you warmly, and Sirius playfully turned his head so your lips touched, and you shoved him off with a giggle. 
“Some tea, Y/N?” Peter asked shyly, and you thanked him, nodding. He got up to fill the kettle on the stove, and James grabbed your waist and pulled you between him and Sirius on one of the couches. 
You grinned as your legs were pulled over James’ lap, and you leaned against Sirius’ chest, settling on them.
“Jamie, I ran into Severus on the way here. Can I assume that you were the ones to dye the git’s hair pink?” you asked with a giggle, and he nodded.
“I thought you’d leave him alone after we graduated.” 
“Never,” Peter blushed, setting a cup of steaming cinnamon tea in your hands. 
“Honey?” Remus handed you a bottle of golden liquid, all the boys fawning over you. 
Peter sank to the floor in front of you, leaning his head against your leg. Remus’s arm was around Sirius, his hand resting on your shoulder.
All four of the boys were enamored with you, and they all longed to be touching you, especially during these warm and cozy nights in your home.
You couldn’t get enough of them. You adored their shyness about their shared feelings for you, and the way you were treated like royalty by them.
The boys all had a crush on you since your first year at hogwarts, and while there had been others, none of them were you. Their darling fifth marauder, sweet and loving, but always down for mischief.
It had started when you’d covered for them after a prank of Severus had gotten entirely out of hand. You’d proved your loyalty by taking the blame, knowing you’d get off with a mild scolding. Sirius regarded you as a hero, and all the Gryffindors had made you an honorary member. Most of your school memories were with the marauders, or took place in their house. You were inseparable.
You’d been there for the not-so-pretty memories too. You held Sirius while he sobbed, mourning losing Regulus to the death eaters. You were the one to clean the wounds on Remus’s face that had later scarred. When James nearly got expelled, you sacrificed your own reputation to defend him. And Peter, you’d promised your love and adoration when he felt so alone.
Years of mischief, laughter, and memories were shared between the five of you. You’d always flirted, but there had never been more. You now lived together post-hogwarts, and it felt like you were a family.
Remus blushed as you toyed with his fingers, tracing the freckled skin. You poked his cheek, teasing him lightly for blushing.
“Shy, Remus? Y/N’s hardly doing anything and she’s got you blushing,” Sirius joined in the teasing, and he made a face.
“Oi! You foul git!” You shrieked as James tickled your foot, and all the boys looked at you with wide eyes.
“No, no!” You tried to throw yourself off of them but you weren’t fast enough as the four pinned you down and began to tickle you mercilessly.
You squealed and struggled to breathe, kicking and writhing as their fingers ghosted over your sides and neck and feet. You were laughing so hard the air was ripped from your lungs, and your face was red as you tried to kick them off of you.
“Please!” You shrieked desperately, they released you when you were nearly floating from lack of oxygen. You gasped as you heaved air into your lungs, tremors fading from the wild attack.
“I’ll get you for that,” you sneered weakly at James, and he shook his head with a smile.
“Come here, darling.” He pulled you onto his lap, and you blushed as he kissed your nose. 
“You stole Y/N’s warmth,” Sirius accused James, and you apologized, biting back a grin. Remus shook his head, wrapping his arms around Sirius’ waist to keep him from crawling away to you. 
“What about me, Pads?” Remus complained, drawing the dark-headed boy back into his arms and kissing his cheek. 
Peter moved between the four of you on the couch, and you drew him down to rest with his head in your lap. You all waited for Remus to open the book, to begin your nightly ritual of Remus reading to the four of you before bed. As Remus read, a peaceful quiet fell over the rest of you. All teasing and jokes were set aside in favor of closeness and intimacy.
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” (Tolkien)
You listened to Remus read, playing with Peter’s blond hair, your head resting under James’ chin. Sirius’ dark eyes were far away, lost in the fantasy world Remus was reading about. Your eyes locked, and you suddenly realized that he was gazing at you with adoration, and your face heated. Beautiful, he mouthed, and you smiled. 
“Magic the bed. I want you all.” You asked Remus as you were carried upstairs, hardly able to stay awake. You changed into an old maroon quidditch sweater, unsure of who it belonged to, though you guessed Sirius from the faint smell of smoke and honey. 
You walked into Remus’s room, the bed magically big enough to fit the five of you. They were arguing about who got to hold you, getting heated in the dark. You walked up behind Sirius, wrapping your arms around him and feeling him immediately put his hands on top of yours. You could feel the bones of his spine protruding from his back, and you kissed the bumps lightly. 
“Stop fighting, but I’m spooning Padfoot!” you announced, getting into bed with Sirius. He curled up against your back, situating your shorter body against his chest, an arm tightening around your waist. James ignored the fighting and climbed into bed in front of you, winning the argument. 
“You ass,” Peter snarked, climbing in on his other side, while Remus settled behind Sirius. 
“Be nice,” Remus hummed, hushing you all like children. You felt Sirius smile against your neck, electricity sparking down your spine as he lightly kissed the warm skin. James snuggled closer, burying his face in your chest, humming contently as you combed through the black curls on top of his head. 
You said goodnight to all of them, falling asleep among the boys were you caught up in love with.
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ghostking1 · 3 years
I don’t really know what you’re into but I asked some of my other percico shipper friends and we made a list of some of our favs :)
•|| Five Times Percy Broke His Phone and The One Time It Wasn't His Fault ||•
• Percy/Nico
• Rated G
• one-shot
• Words: 5,726
As punishment for blowing up the Legions armory Leo is sentenced to work in phone repair for the camps. Normally this wouldn't be too bad, phones these days are pretty bulletproof. Unfortunately, he hasn't thought of the extraordinary circumstances Poseidon’s favored son tends to regularly find himself in. This is one battle the Son of Hephaestus is determined to win. Olympus helped him.
•|| Breaking the Ice ||•
• Percy/Nico
• no rating, but I guess G bordering T (?)
• one-shot
• Words: 2,574
[No Summary]
•|| Could Never Imagine ||•
• Nico/Percy
• Rating: T
• 46 chapters
• Words: 103k+
Summary: The war is over Annabeth chose to leave camp to allow her soul to heal, leaving a distraught Percy behind. Soon enough though the girls at camp are coming-on to the twice savior of Olympus. Percy however has no intention of finding a new girlfriend. So how will he get them to leave him be? It's a good thing Nico is around.
•|| Family Dinner ||•
• Nico/Percy
• Rating: T
• one-shot/1 chapter
• Words: 6k+
Summary: The fancy invite card read: Welcome to our new home! Please join Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo's housewarming dinner. Please do not feel the need to bring anything. Dinner begins at 6:00pm. The address is 38501 Sunshine Lane, Long Island.
•|| Can I Clear My Conscience? ||•
• Nico/Percy
• Rating: T
• one shot/1 chapter
• Words: 12,222
Death Touch: Nico’s powers have gone out of control and he’s killing living beings with a single touch. The only one who can save him is Percy.
•|| Revival ||•
• Nico/Percy
• Rating: Explicit
• 4 chapters (complete)
• Words: 28,903
After the events of The Titan's Curse Nico finds himself struggling to live on the streets. Exhausted, he recklessly uses his powers to take him somewhere safe. He ends up in an unfamiliar cabin and too weak to do anything else he decides to spend the night.
Percy still feels guilty about Bianca's death. He searched and searched for Nico but was unable to find him. Something is sending him visions of the boy though as if to tell him to go find him. At last Nico ends up in a familiar looking place and Percy seeks him out. What follows is something neither of them expected.
•|| on top of the world ||•
• Nico/Percy
• Rating: T
• one-shot/1 chapter
• Words: 16,175
In which Gaea wins and Percy breaks another promise to Nico, and surprisingly, Nico doesn't mind.
•|| The world will never take my heart ||•
where Percy and Annabeth break up, and Percy convinces Nico to move in with him and attend Goode
•|| Sensory Love ||•
•Rating: M
•words: 237+
Mortal AU where Percy and Nico are best friends, but Nico’s feelings run deeper than that.
•|| Coding and Codeine ||•
post apocalypse mortal AU where Nico meets Percy in a near dead world, and the two travel the US and fall in love
•|| Seasons Change ||•
Mortal AU where in Nico and Percy were friends since they were little, but they had a falling out. Nico never recovered from Percy's rejection and neither did Percy. Through a twist of fate, they get a second chance
•|| The love we miss ||•
Canon divergent fic where Annabeth is killed during the days following the second war
•|| World Traverls ||•
a series of amazing fics by awanderingmuse which follow an older Percy and Nico
•|| Kiss a boy in Tokyo town ||•
Japan becomes the new location for camp half blood after the fall of the United States.Nico comes to visit percy in Japan
while annabeth is still in the US and things transpire
•|| Tribulations ||•
Percy and Nico are caught in an argument between two goddesses and are put to the test. They must prove the strength of their bond to survive or lose their freedom forever.
•ll When the river meets the sea ll•
Nico di Angelo should be his best friend. He looks over, meeting Nico’s eyes; Nico, who looks patient and a little embarrassed for some reason, and he thinks, why isn’t he?
Or: Wherein Nico has an incurable case of being a martyr, Percy grows to hate The Muppets, and Poseidon surprises the both of them with a bouncing baby demigod.
•|| Fire escapes and friendships ||•
“So it’s safe to assume you’re the reason she’s stalking around like she’s just sucked a bag of lemons.”
“She called me today.”
“She just wanted to chew my ear off. You know, for ruining all her hard work and design for your cabin. And then for suggesting to Chiron that she shouldn’t be allowed to help with the refurbishment.”
Or where Percy and Nico burn the injustice that is the Hades cabin and Percy takes the blame.
Christmas parties, confessions and cozy death traps
Ah, Christmas! That magical time of year where goodwill permeates the air, gifts are exchanged, and demigods question if they'll be smote down for singing the less secular Christmas carols! But as Nico will soon find out there are far more nefarious threats than carols this joyous time of year, a threat, in the form of an ugly Christmas sweater.
||• percico authors to support ||•
Let me know if you need more~ :)
First of all, thank you so much for these pics. All of these were disgustingly good, like extremely disgustingly good, and I enjoyed them all immensely. But, I figured you'd want to hear my thoughts on them, and because I wanted to share my thoughts on them, so here they are :D
•|| Five Times Percy Broke His Phone and The One Time It Wasn't His Fault ||• -Amazing, a 10/10, one of my favorites, short enough that my attention span never got me distracted, great writing
•|| Breaking the Ice ||• -Another great one, this one blew me away
•|| Could Never Imagine ||• -I loved this one because it showed all of Nico's insecurities
•|| Family Dinner ||• -sooooo cute
•|| Can I Clear My Conscience? ||• -this one was kind of sad but a great healing fic
•|| Revival ||• -showed the Nico living on the streets that we never saw, very well done
•|| on top of the world ||• -dangerous situation where all hope is lost and they can only lean on one another? sign me up
•|| The world will never take my heart ||• -this was a fun fic to read
•|| Sensory Love ||• -this was pretty good, but it had cheating themes which made it hard for me to absolutely adore
•|| Coding and Codeine ||• -loved this au
•|| Seasons Change ||• -this one was a little harder to swallow, it had mature themes in it and there was cheating involved, and I always have a harder time with that
•|| The love we miss ||• -*chef's kiss*
•|| World Traverls ||• -so cute, i love this au, it’s like that could actually happen in the canon book series
•|| Kiss a boy in Tokyo town ||• -percy jackson + japan? yes please
•|| Tribulations ||• -love, love, love, love, loved it
•ll When the river meets the sea ll• -a work of art
•|| Fire escapes and friendships ||• -I really like the change in pov, this fic was really well done
•|| Christmas parties, confessions and cozy death traps ||• -loved embarrassed Nico and the creepy ending
And all the authors you recommended are great! :D
Thank you so much for all your recommendations, they were really fun to read!
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Just My Imagination (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Hello! We’ve entered the 70s and part 3! The songs used in this chapter are “Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)” by The Temptations (1971) and “Lovin’ You” By Minnie Riperton (1975).
Summary: Y/n and Wanda experience life (and pregnancy) in the 70s as Wanda tries to keep everything under control. 
Hope you enjoy! :)
“Alright, krasivaya, what decade are we living in today?” Wanda asked in an overly upbeat tone as she took a space beside you on the bed. She hoped that the tradition would be enough to lift your spirts.
You turned to face her with devastated eyes and it took everything within Wanda to not burst into tears at the sight. That wasn’t what you needed right now.
“They don’t want me here, Wanda.” You mumbled dejectedly, brushing over her attempt at making you feel better. Seeing you so downtrodden was such a stark contrast to your usually carefree nature. It was heartbreaking for Wanda to see.
Scooting closer, Wanda wrapped a comforting arm around you. You immediately turned to bury your head in her shoulder, desperately seeking comfort in her arms. “Moya lyubov, that’s not true. You know how Stark is.” She rubbed your arm soothingly. “If it makes you feel better, I may have thrown him through the wall when you left.” A weak chuckle shook your body at her admission.
The smile that formed on Wanda’s lips was instantaneous when the sound she adored filled the quiet room.
The moment didn’t last long though. “He said I was dangerous.” You faintly whispered, hurt lacing your words.
Wanda sighed. “Y/n. Look at me.” You pulled your head up to meet her loving gaze. “You and I both know that’s far from the truth. Your emotions got the best of you once. That’s all.”
You shamefully ducked your head. “I just-… I could have hurt someone. I couldn’t help but think of her when we were there. That’s why I lost control and the building collapsed.” It took Wanda a moment, but she finally understood what this was about. “It was like I was back there, not able to protect her…” you couldn’t find it in yourself to continue as tears welled in your eyes.
Immediately her hold on you tightened as she pressed her lips firmly against your hairline. “Shh… I have you. It’s okay. Let it out.” Wanda whispered as she felt your tears flow steadily against her neck.
You bunched your hands into the front of her sweater as you tried to take deep breathes. “I miss her, Wanda… So much. Anna didn’t deserve what happened. It should have been me-”
If anyone understood your pain it was Wanda, but she couldn’t allow your thoughts to spiral like that. She knew all too well what could come from that.
“Stop.” She interrupted firmly. “The world needs you here. My world needs you here. You did everything you could for her. You loved her so much, Y/n. Don’t carry that burden of blame when it was all Hydra.”
Her eyes offered you comfort and the depths contained nothing but love that enveloped your entire being. You felt lighter. “Thank you.” You finally murmured. “For being here, for knowing what I need. For being you... Every time I think I couldn’t be more in love...” You thought out loud to yourself with a faint smile.
Wanda’s breath hitched as her eyes filled with even more emotion. “There’s no need to thank me. You do the same for me. Constantly. I’ll always be here. I won’t let go of you.” She repeated the words you once told her back at you. Your heart thrummed. “I love you. Endlessly.”
“I love you, too.” You mumbled against her lips, losing yourself in the feeling for a moment before you pulled away.
Wanda dazedly shook her head, regaining her focus. “So?” She placed another tender kiss to your temple as her smile became playful. “What decade are we using to escape from this one?” She questioned again, once again offering you the fictitious escape of reality that you’d both grown to find comfort in.
You shook your head but gave in either way. “The 70s.” you eventually replied with a small smile, settling on your favorite.
You covered your face in mock mortification when Wanda immediately threw up a peace sign with her free hand. “Far out.” She retorted coolly. The outdated saying fell easily from her lips as she settled into her character. You shook your head again. “I’ll get the shows ready, you get the music?”
The smile that grew on your face from her antics was inevitable. “Sounds… groovy, babe.” You responded, playing along. Despite the exasperation that you feigned, you appreciated everything she was doing.
“Oh, god…” You groaned as you watched Wanda disco out of the room to go gather what you two would need.
You were so unfathomably in love with this woman.  
For a moment you wished that the world was able to see this side of Wanda, the side that was reserved for you and you alone. The playful side. The side that showed that she was more than just tragedy.
Wanda knew that playing make-believe wouldn’t fix your problems or heal your pain, but it would be enough to ease your mind even if it was just temporary. If this tradition was something that could bring the light back into your eyes, she was more than willing to provide it.
She knows that you’ve done the same for her numerous times before and would do so for as long as she needed it. 
When she wandered back in the room she held up two different options. “Okay, I couldn’t decide between-”
“You pick.” You interrupted her. She quirked an eyebrow.
With a shrug, she tossed the items on the bed and took both of your hands, pulling you up from your seated position. “We’ll get to that later then. Where’s the 70s music?”
Taking one of your hands back, you queued the playlist that had the music you were searching for. “There.” You said with a half-hearted smirk, still feeling a little down. Wanda immediately noticed.
The song that filled the room was upbeat and bouncy as Wanda began pulling your hands back and forth to the rhythm of the music. The amused twinkle in her eye not going unnoticed. When she noticed you began moving on your own, Wanda began dancing in an exaggerated 70s fashion, singing along to the lyrics of the song. With a laugh, you easily joined her, feeling the weight lift from your shoulders ever so slightly.
For the remainder of the song you both danced around the room using your best 70s moves as you continued to loudly belt out the lyrics. When the song ended, you both fell to the floor, out of breath and smiling contentedly.
Leaning against each other both literally and metaphorically.
Moments of escape from the heavy lives you lead were few and far between so when they came around they were special. These moments with Wanda… they were special. They were escapes that had transitioned into traditions. Traditions that were forged with great care in the flames of your love.
Without warning, Wanda leaned over and cupped your cheek. She wasted no time before passionately connecting your lips. There was no hesitation as you returned her embrace. The music around you transitioned into something much softer as you both got lost in one another.
“Soon we'll be married and raise a family, a cozy little home out in the country with two children, maybe three. I tell you I can visualize it all, this couldn't be a dream for too real it all seems, but it was just my imagination runnin' way with me…”
The words that drifted from the radio caught your attention, easily pulling your focus from the task at hand. Flashes of moments you didn’t recognize flooded your mind. Despite the upbeat tempo of the song, the lyrics seemed sad… hopeless even. The emotion that the song radiated seemed to fill your body. 
An odd sense of longing blossomed in your chest as the song played on. The abrupt sound of someone speaking and a gentle squeeze of your wife’s hand in yours grounded you as you focused on the moment happening before you. 
The feeling of longing and hopelessness that filled you faded away and was replaced with excitement as Dr. Nielson began speaking. 
Wanda pretended not to notice the way you jumped slightly.
“Definitely pregnant!” The doctor confirmed cheerfully with a broad smile as he pulled the stethoscope from his ears. 
A short laugh fell from Wanda’s lips as you shook your head at the doctor’s obvious statement. “Well, that much we figured.” Wanda retorted flatly. 
You shifted to face the man fully. Squeezing Wanda’s hand in your own once more. “It’s just taken us a bit by surprise. It was kind of suddenly... Quite suddenly, wasn’t it? Practically overnight.” 
A sharp grip on your knee stopped your words as your eyes fell to Wanda, who subtly shook her head. “What my wife means is, we’re just tickled pink… or blue!” Wanda quickly supplied as she stood up from the couch. 
The doctor merely nodded, dismissing the comments as he stood up as well. “You’re at about 4 months now, is that right?” He questioned which you immediately shook your head at until you saw Wanda nodding enthusiastically and looking at you pointedly. 
You began nodding slowly with an unsure smile. “That sounds about right.” You responded hesitantly. The words practically a question.
“It’s easiest for ladies such as yourself to keep tabs on growing babies with fruit. It makes it simple.” You bristled slightly at the sexist remark as the doctor continued listing the size of the baby in comparison to various fruits. 
Disregarding his words, you interrupted him. “How big would the baby be at say… Twelve hours?” You attempted to ask nonchalantly. 
“Twelve hours?” Dr. Nielson eyed you skeptically.
Wanda rushed over to the man and began pulling him in the direction of the door. “I think this line of questioning is fruitless!” She joked with a nervous chuckle as the disembodied voices laughed along.
Not being deterred, you followed after them. “Hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned? Or concerned that even though we may have engaged in… “ You coughed awkwardly. “Activities that typically produce children, we both lack the necessary, erm-… equipment for impregnating. Hypothetically speaking of course.” 
Wanda choked at your words. “Sweetheart.” She sputtered abruptly, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
The man lightly tapped your shoulder and ignored your words. “Hypothetically speaking, every new parent gets nervous.”
As you opened your mouth to reply, Wanda quickly cut you off. “Y/n. Why don’t you see the doctor out?”
You shrugged, deciding the doctor was no help anyway. “Good idea.” You made your way over to the doctor as you began leading him out. 
Before exiting, you glanced back to see Wanda looking down at her stomach with a soft smile. Your heart swelled at the sight. Any questions you may have had vanished if it meant she would keep smiling like that. 
When you reached the front yard, Dr. Nielson turned towards you. “You actually caught me just in time. I’m taking the wife on vacation this afternoon.”
“Oh, have a nice holiday. Hey, Herb!” You called out politely as you waved to the neighbor. He greeted you back as he continued to trim his hedges. “Listen, doctor, do you mind keeping the news of Wanda’s… you know, just between us? Everything is happening so quickly, I think we’d like it just between us for now.”
The man mimed zipping his lips. “Mums the word.” He replied easily. “I’m off. Bermuda baby!” He cheered as he walked off.
Just as you were about to turn back inside a sharp screeching sound caught your attention. You turned rapidly, only to see Herb’s hedge trimmer cutting into the brick of the wall. “Hey, Herb,” you called out hesitantly. “I think you may have taken the hedge trimming a little too far, pal.”
Herb looked up at you with an unnerving smile as he continued cutting into the brick. “So, I have. Thanks, buddy.”
“Yeah… don’t mention it.” You mumbled uncertainly. You turned and rushed into the house, eager to get away from the odd behavior. “Darling, the strangest thing just happened outside with Herb…” 
Wanda turned to face you. The sight of her stomach appearing even further along in the pregnancy than it was just moments before shocking you. “Woah! Have you gotten bigger?” you shouted with wide eyes.
The woman in question merely shrugged. “Have I? I can’t tell from this angle.” 
You wandered over and placed a hand softly over her stomach. “It’s either that or I need glasses.” The disembodied voices laughed. “With how fast you’re developing I think it might be in our best interest to prepare the nursery now.”
“That’s a great idea!” Wanda exclaimed excitedly. “I’ll help you as soon as I satisfy this craving.”
With a chuckle and a nod, you began moving the boxes into the room that would eventually become the nursery. After you had built the rocking chair, a book about pregnancy caught your eye. Taking a seat on the rocking chair, you began reading in hopes of preparing yourself for the pregnancy with all the necessary knowledge. You were deeply engrossed in the book when you noticed objects begin floating around the room. 
“Nesting. The overwhelming urge during pregnancy to clean, organize and prepare the home for the new baby.” You read out loud curiously as you took notice of Wanda using her powers to set up the room. 
Wanda waved her hand towards a box and a mobile began floating over to hang just above the crib. “See? You’re an expert already. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Wanda replied distractedly through bites of the fruit she was eating. 
Absently you flipped through the book. “Well, nothing to worry about besides morning sickness, mood swings, aching back and fe-feet.” you stuttered out as you glanced over at your pregnant wife who was, in fact, on her feet. You closed the book and put it to the side as you stood up. “Darling, you should probably sit down.” 
With a dismissive wave of her hand, Wanda continued moving objects around the room. “Don’t be silly. All I feel is excitement, happiness, and oh!” she exclaimed as she glanced down at her stomach.
“Kicking? Already?” You asked disbelievingly as you placed your hand lightly over her stomach. “Wow…” you breathed out when you felt a gentle nudge against your fingertips.
Wanda smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling with joy. “It’s such a strange sensation. It’s kind of fluttery.” She explained with a cute scrunch of her nose. 
As soon as the word fluttery left her lips the plastic butterflies that were previously hanging on the mobile became animated and fluttered over to you.  “Oh, did I do that? I didn’t mean to.” She said in surprise as a butterfly landed on your nose. 
She turned to you and placed her finger out for the butterfly to crawl onto, her beautiful smile growing even more. You beamed brightly back at the sight of her as she let them out the bedroom window. You opened your book up again. 
“If that was the first kick that puts you at about… six months.” Your eyes widened as you flipped through the book. “Six months? That was so… fast! I can’t keep up!” You exclaimed.
Realizing how that may sound, you hurriedly kneeled down in front of Wanda and nuzzled your nose into her stomach. “Please don’t misinterpret, I can’t wait to meet you little Charlie!” You pressed a light kiss to her stomach before standing again.
“Charlie?” Wanda questioned curiously. “I was thinking Billy, just a nice, classic, all-American name.”
You tilted your head in mock thought. “Charming. But then there’s Charlie… named after the great Charles Dickens. “Life is made of so many partings welded together”” You recited to her with an excited smile. 
Despite herself, Wanda couldn’t help but smirk in amusement. “Nerd. I guess there’s only one solution for this debate… hope for a girl.” 
As you watched Wanda begin painting a stork on the wall with her powers, you began thinking. “I figure we should probably decide on a name soon though. Based on your rapid progression paired with the time elapsed…” You trailed off in thought. 
Absentmindedly you spun the wedding ring on your finger as you attempted to figure out the timeline of the pregnancy.
After a few moments of silence, Wanda snapped her fingers in front of your face. “He’s going to be here before you figure it out.” She teased lightly.
“Well, I’m not a robot, dear.” You quipped back distractedly as you attempted to correlate the growth with the timeframe. 
“And thank goodness for that.” Wanda countered easily, thoroughly enjoying watching you attempt to figure out the timeline. 
Suddenly, you focused your attention back to her. “If I’m thinking this through properly and don’t hold me to this… But… I believe it’s due Friday afternoon.”
Wanda’s eyes widened at the information. “In three days?” She choked out. “Maybe I should sit down.” 
“I need to practice!” You shouted unexpectedly as the information settled with you as well. Quickly, you grabbed a toy doll out of one of the boxes, a couple loose diapers and ran out of the room. Wanda shook her head at your antics but followed you out nonetheless.
After several practice rounds, you picked up the baby and stared it down seriously. The sound of laughter floated around you. “I think we have an understanding.” You told the inanimate object determinedly. “Start the clock!” You called to Wanda who immediately began the timer.
Fumbling only slightly, you were able to get the diaper on the baby with ease. “Time!” You shouted triumphantly.
“Your personal best.” Wanda called from the kitchen with a smile.
You pumped your fist in the air in celebration. “Yes! We are nothing if not prepared!” 
“Oh!” Wanda breathed out, her face scrunched in discomfort.
At the sound, your head snapped over to Wanda. “Darling?” you questioned in concern.
Once again, Wanda scrunched her face. “Did the book talk about this? It’s not a painful, but a strange…”
Vaguely you recalled reading about the feeling she was describing. You quickly began flipping through the book. Stopping shortly after when you found the information you were searching for. “Tightening sensation?” you offered helpfully. 
Wanda nodded, still cringing ever so slightly. “Yup. That’s it.”
You quickly skimmed over the page. “Braxton Hick’s contractions.” You informed her as you read on. “Also known as false labor. Usually begins in the third trimester. Named after John Braxton Hicks in 1875-”
“Honey.” Wanda interrupted, gesturing for you to get to the point.
“Right!” You skimmed further. “This could give us a chance to work on our breathing exercises.” You suggested as you made your way over to her and rubbed her back in soothing circles. 
Wanda nodded in agreement as you demonstrated the recommended breathing technique, which she replicated. “Yeah, it’s not working. I can still feel it.” She said with a frown.
You pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
Before you could get another word out, Wanda let out a short yell as everything in the kitchen went into a fritz. 
“Let’s abandon the kitchen!” you shouted as you protectively took Wanda by the hand and led her out. Wanda’s screams remained steady from the discomfort the entire way, much to your eardrums displeasure.  
A sudden, bright flash of light startled you as you both naturally fell into a defensive stance. Standing back-to-back, you both lifted your hands in preparation to fight if necessary. 
Almost as soon as you were in position, the house returned to normal. “It stopped.” Wanda said apprehensively as her hands remained in their defensive position.
“I’ll go check outside.” You said and rushed out the door, returning shortly after with the information. “It looks like the whole block is out.” 
Wanda wandered over to the couch and took a precarious seat. “And that was just a fake contraction. Who knows what will happen when the real thing starts.” Her brows creased together in worry. “Do you think they know it’s my fault?” 
You began making your way over to your wife. “Our neighbors?”
“Well, yes. With all the close calls we’ve been having it seems the people of Westview are always on the verge of discovering our secret.” She admitted worriedly.
Thoughtfully you ponded her question and all the odd occurrences that had happened around you since you arrived in Westview. “I know what you mean.” You began somberly as you took a seat next to Wanda. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it? Mr. Hart and Ellie, dinner, my dream, outside with Herb…” 
Wanda’s eyes glimmered with concern as she watched you anxiously. 
“I think something is wrong here, Wanda.” You finished softly. She searched your eyes as the pain in her eyes became more prominent...
“Do you think they know it’s my fault?”
You began making your way over to your wife and took a seat next to her. You gently took her hand in yours. “Yes, I know what you mean. The truth is we are in uncharted waters and you know what? I’m anxious too.” You admitted to her reassuringly. The voices cooed.
A soft smile formed on Wanda’s lips as she stared at you adoringly. “We just don’t know what to expect.” You nodded your head slightly in agreement as Wanda continued. “Will the baby have powers? Will it be my powers? Or your powers? A bit of both? No powers?” 
The twinkle in her eyes caused your stomach to flip. “If he’s anything like his mother, Charlie will be perfect.”
Wanda smirked. “You mean Billy.” You were about to respond when Wanda gasped loudly, startling you out of your seat. 
“Darling, are you alright?” you questioned fearfully as you scrambled back to your feet.
Wanda braced herself slightly. “This is a real one.” She gritted out.
“What?” you shouted as you began floating away from the ground.
Wanda glared at you from her position on the couch. “I thought you said Friday!”
“I told you I wasn’t a robot!” you defended anxiously as you continued floating higher, losing your ability to control the action.
Through the chaos in your mind you could hear Wanda begin her breathing exercises as she gestured for you to follow along. You nervously began following along, drifting back down to the floor a few seconds later. Wanda stood up and made her way over to you, soothingly taking your hand in hers. For a moment you both stood in place as you matched one another’s breathing. Slowly but surely regaining your composure. 
“Better?” Wanda questioned teasingly after a moment.
You took another deep breath. “Yes, darling, thank you.” You replied sheepishly.
Not even a moment later, water began falling steadily over the entirety of the house, drenching you both in a seemingly never-ending downpour. 
“Yes, dear?”
“I think my water just broke.”
“Yes, dear…” 
In a bid to seek shelter you ushered Wanda to the dining room table as you crawled under after her. Your nerves were on high alert as even the downpour couldn’t pull your worries away from the fact that your wife was going into labor. Your eyes remained anxiously transfixed on the woman next to you who was pouting in displeasure at the water ruining the room. Much to your relief, the downpour finally slowed and then stopped altogether. 
You quickly crawled out from under the space. “Let me help you up, dear.” You quickly offered Wanda, not wanting her to strain herself in anyway. As you gently helped her to her feet, her eyes seemed most focused on the room around you.
A small frown tugged at the corner of her lips as she surveyed the room. “What a mess!” Before you could react, she waved her hands and a powerful gust of wind blew in through the door, nearly knocking you off your feet. “That’s better.”
Her contentment was short lived as another groan of discomfort fell from her lips. “Darling, do you think it’s time to-”
“Call the doctor? Yes, I do, dear.” You responded quickly without letting her finish as you sprinted over to the phone only to hear the dial tone fill your ears. “Damn! The phones are down. I better run. Let’s hope he didn’t already leave for vacation.”
Wanda gasp as she rubbed her stomach anxiously. “At a time like this?” she cried.
Attempting to sooth her, you brushed a hand along her cheek lightly. A nervous smile on your lips. “Well, in all fairness darling, the baby is about nine months early. I’ll be back as fast as I can. Will you be alright here?”
A hesitant nod was Wanda’s only response. You pressed a short kiss to her lips and frantically raced out the door.
As Wanda attempted to calm herself through her breathing exercise, the sound of rustling in the nursery caught her attention. Just as she began making her way towards the sound, the doorbell sounded, causing her to jump. 
“Oh shoot!” She exclaimed, knowing that company meant she would have to explain her unexplainable pregnancy. Thinking quickly, she waved a hand and a coat floated out of the closest and covered her.
“Wanda! What’s up?” Geraldine began as soon as Wanda opened the door. Her brows furrowed when she noticed the coat the other woman was wearing. “It’s 75 degrees out, you making a fashion statement?” She questioned lightly as she walked into the home. 
A forced smile formed on Wanda’s face as she attempted to speak through the contractions as they came and went. “Hi Geraldine, you know, now isn’t really a good time.” She informed the other woman politely. 
Geraldine turned to face Wanda. “No, no, no, it’s foxy. You’ll have to let me borrow it sometime.” She replied, misinterpreting the meaning of Wanda’s words. “But first, I have to borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use. Somehow all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I have to bail myself out.” 
“Alright, sure! Just stay right there, I think I may have a bucket in the kitchen!” Wanda shouted when she noticed Geraldine turn. She quickly ran passed Geraldine and into the kitchen, keeping her coat wrapped tightly around her abdominal area. “I think it’s just here under the s-sINK!” She cried as another painful contraction overcame her.
“Are you alright in there?” Geraldine called out in concern. 
Another contraction came as Wanda attempted to control her tone through this one. “Y-yes, I’m just looking-ow!” She stuttered out as her coat magically transformed into a fur coat. Despite the situation she couldn’t help but admire the quality. 
“I’ll come help.” Geraldine announced as Wanda quickly took off the coat and threw it to the side. 
“No! I mean, no thank you!” she quickly corrected herself. 
Her words fell on deaf ears as Geraldine wandered over to the closet in the kitchen, her back to Wanda. “Found it!” As she turned, Wanda grabbed a bowl of fruit to hide her stomach now that the coat wasn’t an option. “Would you look at that?” Wanda tensed. “Fruit! Wanda, thank you!” Geraldine said cheerfully as she took an apple. Wanda’s shoulder slouched with relief.
“Good luck with the leak.” Wanda breathed out as she began to follow Geraldine out. She was glad to have avoided any incident. 
Geraldine continued speaking despite having the item she came for. Even though she knew it wasn’t neighborly, Wanda couldn’t help but tune out Geraldine as she spoke. If she wasn’t in the middle of giving birth she knew she would care more about being a good hostess, but that just wasn’t a priority to her at the moment.
That is until a stork appeared behind the couch Geraldine was currently rising from.  “Wait, no! Tell me about the temp job!” She urged desperately, sighing in relief when Geraldine smiled and sat back down. The woman excitedly began recounting her story. 
Seeing how thrilled her friend was, Wanda did her best to listen half-heartedly as the stork continued to wander around in the background despite numerous attempts to make it go away. Much to Wanda’s relief, Geraldine was oblivious to the chaos occurring around her as she engrossed in the story she was telling. Wanda was able to get away with just making small comments here and there.
As one disaster was averted, Geraldine began making her way into the nursery where the stork had just gone into. “Wait!” Wanda cried as she rushed after her, grabbing a vase to cover her stomach along the way. 
“Is that what I think it is?” Geraldine asked, her tone serious as she looked in the direction of where the stork was perched against the painting on the wall. 
A nervous chuckle escaped Wanda’s lips. “Oh, a stork. Yes. I can explain.” 
Excitedly, Geraldine turned to face Wanda. “No! The crib.” She gestured to the object in question. 
Not a moment after Geraldine began admiring the nursery, another contraction overtook Wanda, the force of it causing her to drop the vase. The object shattered at her feet. “Oh, it’s coming! The baby is coming!” She cried out through heavy breaths. 
“You’re pregnant?” Geraldine questioned, eyes wide in bewilderment. Instead of answering another scream fell from Wanda’s lips as she placed her hands over her stomach. 
Geraldine cautiously led Wanda out of the nursery. “Let’s get you comfortable.” She rushed over to the couch and began gathering the pillows.
Several items in the house began moving on their own as the radio stirred to life at a loud volume. 
“Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true and everything that I do is out of lovin' you…”
Wanda began lowering herself to the floor, practically having to shout over the music. “I think I’m going to lay down right here. Y/n ran to get the doctor, she’ll be back soon.” She gritted out as she carelessly fell back against the floor.
Hurriedly, Geraldine shoved a pillow under Wanda’s head before it could make contact with the floor. “There’s not enough time for that. Relax, relax.” She frantically said as she rushed around the area, gathering different items. “You know your breathing, right?”
The radio began playing even louder as Wanda ground her teeth together, attempting to breathe in the rhythmical pattern she had practiced earlier. Rather than the rhythmic breathes, muffled screams slipped passed Wanda’s lips instead.
Geraldine gasped loudly as a chandelier fell near her and the music began playing even louder. “I may be late to the party, but I imagine there’s a logical explanation for this.” She told Wanda in a calming tone as she set down all the items she grabbed.
“It’s all perfectly natural!” Wanda managed in between screams as the volume of the radio continued to rise with her screams.
With wide eyes Geraldine took hold of Wanda’s knee to attempt to ground her. “Hey, hey, you’re doing great. Let’s start by turning off the music.” Geraldine shouted over the radio. Wanda faintly heard her and weakly waved a hand, effectively stopping the music, but the paintings continued spinning on the wall. “Look at me. Look at me.” Geraldine said calmly and began replicating the breathing Wanda had worked on with you earlier. 
With terrified eyes, Wanda kept her gaze locked on Geraldine, desperately wishing you were there to comfort her through this. “I can’t.” she cried out, shaking her head as tears slowly fell down her cheeks.
“Yes, you can. You can do this.” Geraldine countered unflinchingly. Wanda continued shaking her head frantically. “Yes, you can!” she shouted at her. 
The tears fell more steadily down Wanda’s cheeks as the fear set in. “I can’t.” She repeated tearfully. “I need Y/n. I need Y/n.” She begged, desperately seeking her one source of comfort. 
Leaning down, Geraldine checked how far along Wanda was. “It’s time to start pushing.” She said excitedly with a smile. Wanda continued shaking her head. “You’re ready! Push! Push, Wanda!” She encouraged supportively. 
With a scream, Wanda began pushing. All of the objects in the house began moving on their own until they suddenly stopped when Wanda’s screaming stopped. The soft coos coming from the baby filled the quiet room. “It’s a boy.” Geraldine announced with a smile. The smile that lit up Wanda’s face was incomparable to the happiness she felt in her heart. Geraldine wrapped him up handed her the baby. 
The baby who was a piece of herself and you… the person she loved most in the world. “Hi... Hi.” She whispered to the baby as she traced a finger delicately along his cheek. “Oh, he’s perfect.” 
Almost as soon as the words left her lips, you rushed into the home with Dr. Nielson on your back. “Oh no, I missed it.” You whispered sadly. The frown on your face faded when Wanda looked up at you with a smile that stopped your world. The way her eyes shone took your breath away. The world around you both faded as you stared at one another in an awestruck haze of love.
Indistinctly you could see Geraldine pull a shaky Dr. Nielson out of the room as you dazedly made your way over to your wife, kneeling at her side. “Every time I think I couldn’t be more in love...” You breathed out as your eyes fell on the bundle in her arms. Wanda’s breath hitched slightly as emotion flooded her eyes.
“Y/n, would you like to meet your son?” Wanda asked softly.
As gently as you could, you took the baby into your arms. The smile on your face growing even more when he looked up at you. Wanda’s heart fluttered at the sight. “Hello, little Billy.” You cooed as he took hold of your finger. . 
Wanda tilted her head in surprise, unable to hold back her smile at your words. “Billy?”
With a nod, you lovingly looked back at her. “Yes. Billy.” Making sure Billy was secure in your arms, you leaned down to kiss Wanda. Just as your lips were about to connect, she began screaming. 
Unsure of what was going on, you began yelling as well. “What?” you shouted in bewilderment. When you glanced down you realized what was happening. “Oh! There’s another baby coming!”
“Charlie!” Wanda shouted through the contraction. 
“Wanda, push! Push!” You encouraged lovingly, all the while making sure Billy was safe in your arms. With you by her side, the fear that Wanda felt earlier vanished. 
With you by her side she knew she could do anything. 
When all was said and done, Dr. Nielson did one final glance over the twins. “Twenty fingers and twenty toes. You have one healthy baby boy and one healthy baby girl on your hands.” He declared cheerfully as he handed the baby in his arms back to Wanda. 
Wanda eagerly took the baby back in her arms as you gently rocked the other. “Thank you, doctor.” She responded with a smile.
He turned and pointed at Geraldine. “And thank you for all your assistance, young lady. I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse.” Both Geraldine and Wanda shared amused looks with one another at the comment. 
“Allow me to walk you out, doctor.” You offered as you gently placed the baby down in the crib.
Dr. Nielson nervously shifted. “As long as we’re actually walking this time.” He replied skeptically as he followed you out the door.  
“Well, Dr. Nielson, I hope you’re still able to make your trip.” You said polietly with a smile when you both reached the front yard.
Again, Dr. Nielson shifted in place. “Yes, my trip. I don’t think we’ll make it after all. Small towns, you know, so hard to… escape.” He murmured cryptically before walking off. 
For a moment you stared after him, wondering what he meant. Shaking it off, you turned to head back inside only to see Agnes and Ellie whispering amongst themselves by one of the walls that you shared with the house next door. “Hello, neighbors!” You called politely.
“Hey!” They replied suspiciously in unison before going back to whispering amongst themselves. 
Unable to help yourself, you wandered over. “Remarkable day we’re having. Did you lose power too?” You asked in a friendly tone, noting the way their postures changed when you were near.
“Sure did, but Ralph looks better in the dark so I’m not complaining.” Agnes joked. 
Ellie nodded along. “I barely even noticed it... I’m very resourceful.” She added with a wink.
You chuckled uncomfortably as they joined in with their own laughter. “Well. I better get back to Wanda.” You mumbled awkwardly, turning back towards the house. 
“Y/n.” Ellie called after you, causing you to turn around. “Is Geraldine inside with Wanda?”
With furrowed brows you stepped closer to them, feeling unnerved by their behavior. “Yes, why?”
Ellie hesitated, almost as if she was unsure if she wanted to tell you. “She’s new to town. Brand new.”
“No family, no husband.” Agnes added, her expression portraying how odd she found the situation.
You shrugged indifferently. “Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.” You countered with a confused smile.
Agnes made a short noise of disagreement and Ellie pursed her lips. “No home.” Agnes eventually supplied.
“What?” you questioned disbelievingly. “What do you mean she has no home?”
Ellie shifted uncomfortably. “She came here because-… She came here because we’re all-… You are-…” 
“She came here because we’re all what? I’m what? What are you trying to tell me?” You replied, feeling your patience wearing thin. 
Shaking her head, Ellie continued. “She came here because you need to-”
“Stop it.” Agnes cut her off sharply as she turned to face her head on. You noticed the way she shook her head. 
Almost as though someone flipped a switch, they both became upbeat again. “Well, we better get going.” Agnes rang the bell on her bike with a wink.
Ellie nodded along. “Those papers aren’t going to write themselves.” She said cheerfully as they both walked off leaving you thoroughly confused as you made your way back to your wife. ____________ “You’re such a strong lady.” Geraldine complimented Wanda who waved her hand bashfully in response. “Can you believe it? Twins!” She leaned forward to get a better look at the babies nestled safely in their cribs.
The smile on Wanda’s face was bright with all the love she felt in the moment. She stared at the two babies in the crib with Geraldine, her smile becoming somber. “I’m a twin.” She confessed. Her eyes glimmered with memories as she looked over at Geraldine. “I had a brother, his name was… Pietro. Y/n had a sister too. Anna. One in memory of each.” She whispered out softly her eyes falling to the babies again.
Lost in her memories, Wanda began singing a sokovian lullaby that would forever be nestled into her heart. The memory both painful and beautiful as she continued to sing to her children. 
“He was killed by Ultron, wasn’t he?” Geraldine questioned suddenly, her expression grave. “And Y/n’s sister. Hydra murdered her to torture Y/n, didn’t they?”
The song died on Wanda’s lips with Geraldine’s words. Her brows furrowed as she processed what she had just heard. Her shoulders tensed. “What did you say?” A tear fell down her cheek. When Geraldine didn’t reply, Wanda turned towards her. “What did you say?” She repeated, her eyes cold.
A forced smile overcame Geraldine’s features. “I said, Wanda, you’re such a strong lady.” She moved to hover by the couch. “Should I say it again for good measure?”
“No.” Wanda said sharply. “What did you say about Pietro and Anna?” 
Geraldine seemed to think for a moment, feigning confusion. “Pietro? Anna?” Wanda tilted her head. The babies began crying. “Hey, I’ll take a shift rocking the babies.” She offered as she began heading back over to the cribs.
Wanda stepped protectively in front of them. “No. I think you should leave.” She told her, her tone dark.
“Oh, Wanda, don’t be like that.” Geraldine retorted tensely. 
For the first time, Wanda noticed the necklace around Geraldine’s neck. “What is that?” She insisted, pointing shakily to piece of jewelry. “That symbol.”
“I-uh…” Geraldine stuttered as she took hold of the necklace.
“Who are you?” Wanda demanded. The threat in her eyes sent a chill down Geraldine’s spine. 
Geraldine faintly shook her head, her eyes troubled. “I don’t-”
“Who are you?” Wanda repeated sharply. The calm that overtook Wanda was unsettling as she slowly moved forward. Geraldine stepped back fearfully.  
The front door burst open as you rushed inside. “Wanda, where’s Geraldine?” You questioned as you looked around the house.
“Oh, she left, honey. She had to rush home.” Wanda replied easily with her back towards you as she watched the babies sleep peacefully. . . . . “If no one is going to say it, I will. That episode was adorable.” Darcy emphasized as she watched both you and Wanda settle on the couch with a baby in each of your arms. Wanda leaned over and lovingly pressed a kiss to your lips as the credits rolled. “Aww… I mean, c’mon. Look at them, they’re so precious. And now they started a family.” Darcy cooed as she watched the screen fade to black.
There was silence for a moment. “The babies are cute.” Steve admitted quietly. The sound of a soft thud filled the room as Natasha once again hit the back of Steve’s head. “What? They are!”
Natasha shook her head. “They are, but the issue here is we’re being given a filtered broadcast. Someone is controlling what we’re allowed to see. And even worse, we don’t know what happened to Monica.” 
“Natasha is right.” Fury interjected. “Darcy, you’ll be going to S.W.O.R.D. so you can gain some intel about what they’re planning.”
Darcy’s head snapped up in shock. “I’m just the astrophysicist here, not the Russian spy.” Natasha smirked at the comment.
“Even more of a reason they won’t suspect you.” Fury countered easily. “You can find Hayward’s plan… and find out if they’re the reason agent Fletcher is now a part of this.”
Steve crossed his arms. “Amelia was Y/n’s partner the entire time she was away from the Avengers. I have on good authority that they were close. I can’t imagine she’s there to harm her.”
“That was before the blip.” Natasha said calculatingly. “We can’t assume anything. She’s playing her part a little too well.”
As Steve was about to respond, Fury’s phone went off. They all watched with bated breath as he took the call. When he hung up, he turned to face them a pensive expression on his face. “It seems as though Monica has been found. Blasted through the hex.”
“You called it the hex!” Darcy exclaimed as they all turned to look at her in exasperation. “Sorry, not the time.”
This part may just be the longest piece I’ve ever written because there was so much I wanted to fit in. Also! If anyone wants to know what song I imagined Wanda and Y/n dancing around to in the beginning just let me know because I imagined a specific song in that scene, but didn’t feel it was important to include lol. Sorry for writing out Tommy, creating a different twin for Billy felt important to the story to properly express Wanda’s emotions.
 As always, I hope you all enjoyed!
Thoughts and comments always welcome! I love hearing from you all! :)
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Three Firsts
Day 2 of Jeankasa Week 2021: First Kiss
There are different types of first kisses: The one at the beginning of a relationship. The one to seal a relationship forever. The one to welcome a new life into a relationship.
Another nightmare. Three years, and they haunted him at least thrice a week –the faces of his fallen comrades, the millions of children stomped into the ground, the thousands of families left without a home to return to. He faced them in his nightmares; they accused him of not having seen the signs in Eren earlier, they accused him for not running after him the day he’d left, for not forcing him to tell Mikasa -once and for all- how he felt about her.
Perhaps this was why he’d become so dead set with Armin’s ideals of peace. He wanted to help the world and the island, yes, but above all, Jean wanted absolution.
“Jean,” a voice called, and in the crowd of millions pointing fingers at him, Jean recognized it immediately. His friends’ voices anchored him to sanity, but this particular voice was also anchored in his heart. “Jean, wake up.”
Jean came back onto his senses. He’d fallen asleep at his study table in the royal library, where most of them spent their time now that the negotiations had started. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and stretched against the chair; budgeting wasn’t his forte…nor was it to try and convince a rich western president to spare scraps for the refugees. But Armin had trusted him with the tasks and Jean couldn’t let him down. Besides, he didn’t have the heart to leave all the work to his negotiations partner, who had surprised them all with her abilities with numbers.
“Hey,” Mikasa said to his right, reaching out to graze his arm with the palm of her hand. Jean jolted in his seat, confused at the sight of her. Mikasa drew her hand away and recoiled, and he wanted to slap himself in the face for his stupid reaction. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
“No, I thought I was dreaming when I heard your voice.” He hurried to say. Mikasa’s lips formed an O and nodded, looking more relieved that he hadn’t been terrified of seeing her. Jean smiled, noticing her rucksack lying on the table…and the empty tables around. “What time is it?”
“Midnight, almost.”
“Huh?” Jean said, rubbing his eyes. “What are you doing here? Wasn’t Armin leaving at six today?”
Mikasa shook her head. “He left at five,” she corrected, giving him a sideways glance. “I was waiting for you to wake up. I didn’t want you to walk back alone.”
Jean’s heart leaped in his chest, and he pictured a small rabbit bouncing inside his torso. He shouldn’t be surprised, his mind reminded his heart. They’d exchanged letters before his arrival, they’d been comrades at arms in the battlefield, they’d stopped the end of the world together. Of course, she would be concerned about him. That didn’t mean she felt anything special for him.
Friendship love was still love. He didn’t aspire to anything else. Five months had passed since their arrival, and he was content with just spending time by her side, seeing her smile come onto her more and more naturally.
“Buses aren’t running anymore, are they?” Jean guessed.
“Last one must be leaving now. Historia took the last royal car about an hour ago,” Mikasa said, looking at the pocket watch Armin had brought for her from the continent. “It’s going to be a long walk back.”
Jean sighed and gave her an apologetic look. Historia had given them rooms in one of the newest buildings in the district, with beautiful views of the countryside and rivers and only a fifteen minute drive away from her own residence…and a whole hour walk away from the royal palace. “I’m sorry, Mikasa. You shouldn’t have waited for me.”
“It’s alright.” Mikasa replied, coming to her feet, grabbing the pink cardigan she’d laid out on her table. “We need to get going, though, before all the drunk people come out of the pubs.”
“Allow me,” he said, standing from his chair and taking the cardigan from her hands. She blinked up at him, almost startled, and Jean had to chuckle. “Turn around, please.”
She did as he requested, and Jean helped her put her arms into the sleeves, then flattened the wrinkled fabric on her shoulders. Mikasa looked at him over her shoulder, locking her eyes with his for a moment that stretched an eternity. “Thank you,” she whispered, her low voice creating a pocket universe around them even in the empty room.
“We need to get going,” Jean said, clearing his throat and reaching out to grab her backpack from the table. He focused on the books he’d laid out and began stuffing them in her bag. “Can I put these books in here? I’ll carry it for you. Mine’s already full.”
“I can carry it.”
Jean shook his head. “No, let me. I’m the one that’s taking all these books home.”
“We’re both working the budgets, Jean, I can carry my own backpack.”
“I can do it.”
Mikasa pressed her hand against the paper he’d been about to stash away, stopping him midmotion, narrowing her eyes as if examining a new life organism. “Are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
Not a ghost, but the outlines of his desire for her, which he’d worked so hard to suppress the past months. The impulse of kissing her overcame him whenever they did their runs to Historia’s orphanages, whenever he saw her smile and play with little Ymir and her friends (who loved clinging to her three at a time, since they knew she was the strongest around), when she was focused doing calculations he was too dumb to understand…when she spoke to him.
She’d grown so talkative the past month. At first, it had only been with him and Armin. But the more time passed, the more he noticed her opening to people. The other night, he’d seen her having dinner with Pieck, Hitch, and Annie. From their table, he and Armin had heard her laugh alongside for something Pieck had said about Annie. Later that very night, she’d walked back to their apartments with him, talking about the littlest matters and court gossip Historia filtered down to them whenever she felt bored.
Being her friend was his most precious treasure, and Jean didn’t want to ruin it by putting his romantic love for her first.
“I’m fine,” Jean replied, turning to look at her after a deep breath, counting to ten as he always did whenever he felt the urge to kiss her. The curiosity in her deep eyes pierced through him, and in the enclosed space, Jean’s almost felt as if an invisible force drew his body to hers. He straightened before he got any closer, clearing his throat yet again, ignoring the pink tint of her cheeks. “We need to get going.”
In the end, she hadn’t let him carry her backpack for her. He seemed tired enough as things were, and a couple of extra pounds on his back would do nothing to help his health. He ate well enough, but he never got many hours of sleep, and it concerned Mikasa. She wanted to wake him up before, at eleven, when Historia had sent her errand boys to let her know the last car was leaving the royal library…but he’d looked so cozy on the chair, she hadn’t had the heart to wake him. She’d decided to wake him until the nightmares started, certain they would catch the night bus.
Not that she didn’t enjoy walking the whole way back with him. They’d done it plenty of times these months, when their work extended long hours into the night. In most occasions, they’d walked back in a group, accompanied by the banter of Pieck and Reiner, or by Connie’s longing remarks for his girlfriend at the continent.
Besides, she’d taken a liking to dinner with Annie, Pieck and Hitch the past couple of days.
All in all, it had been a while since the last time it’d been the two of them alone on the road home. She liked being alone around Jean; his presence gave her reassurance. At first, it had been like a firm, sturdy ship that had pulled her out of a sea of monsters and terribly high waves crawling with corpses. But now he was a tree; a tall tree overflowing with beautiful ripe fruit, perfect words for any situation, with astonishingly wide branches to cover her from the searing pain of guilt and grief.
It had taken a while for his roots to take hold in her heart. But they were there, growing deeper with each day, cementing themselves further and further into her soul.
She’d felt this before, when her first home had been ripped away from her, when that little boy with the green eyes had reached out to her and offered her a new one. Back then, they’d been surrounded by so much horror that she hadn’t figured out exactly what the boy with the green eyes had meant for her. Now she was an adult, however, well past her first heartbreak, her first lost love. And she recognized the same warmth in her heart whenever she looked into the hazel speckled eyes of the man walking by her side.
“The moon,” she said, pointing at the sky. “It’s really pretty tonight, isn’t it?”
“It is,” Jean said, looking at her instead of the sky. “Are you cold? Do you need my sweater?”
“I’m fine,” Mikasa shook her head and rubbed her hands together. “We just need to walk quicker.”
“I can carry that for you.”
He hunched his shoulders. “Alright, alright. I’ll let you carry it,” he said with a kind smile. “But if your back is sore tomorrow, don’t blame me.”
“I won’t.”
“Because I’ll tell them the truth, Ackerman,” Jean said, chuckling as she turned to look at him with her brow furrowed. “I’ll tell them you’re as stubborn as the will of kings, three times more stubborn than the queen of Paradis itself…I know, I know what you’re going to say. ‘You’re an idiot, Kirstein’.”
“You are. And you’ve learned from the best,” Mikasa quipped back. “I mean Connie.”
Jean laughed, his voice mingling with the echoes and faint music coming from the pubs around them. Mikasa covered her mouth to laugh; she’d never thought anyone would ever consider her funny…no, she had never thought she would ever feel compelled to tell a joke, or just act her age, ever again.
Her friendship to Jean was her most precious treasure after those three years. Her love for Armin had not wavered, he was still the only family from her past she had left, but Armin would have his own family soon, at the continent. And she couldn’t blame him or force him to stay. She wanted him to move on from the pain, even if that meant leaving her behind.
The thing was, Mikasa didn’t want Jean to leave her behind.
“You look thoughtful.” He pointed out as they passed another pub.
“I’m thinking about Armin,” she replied. “About the wedding.”
“Are you excited about it?”
“Not more than he is.” Mikasa said. “I’m just shocked.”
She nodded. “We fought so much against them, the Marley warriors, the titan shifters. And now we’re dining with them, and Armin is marrying Annie.”
“Strange turn of events?”
“It’s weird how life doesn’t go as you imagine it,” Mikasa replied, tilting her head back to look at the moon, its surface rough and damaged, and still the most beautiful sight in the sky. “If you’d asked me five years ago how I imagined my life, I would’ve told you…”
Her voice disappeared gradually as she realized she’d almost mentioned Eren. Jean didn’t mind talking about him; in fact, that’s all they had done the first couple of weeks, reminisce about the past, about their time as soldiers. However, the more time they spent together, the less she liked bringing him in conversation. Why, she didn’t understand. He’d been Eren’s friend, after all.
“You would’ve said you wanted to spend the rest of Eren’s years by his side.” Jean finished saying. “You don’t need to be ashamed to say it. You love him.”
“I loved him.” She corrected, not wanting to look at Jean. Her love for Eren was there, of course, but there was only so much love she could give a dead man. “And you’re right. That’s what I would’ve said…and I would’ve had no idea of what to do afterwards. That would’ve been the end of the line for me. I never thought I’d be alive after Eren’s death.”
“What do you think you’d say now?” Jean asked. There was no hidden message in his words, just genuine interest for her wellbeing, for assurance that she would not drown in grief again, as they’d found her upon their return. “If someone asked you how you imagine your future now, what would you say?”
“I’d say I want to keep living,” she said, with much more certainty than what she’d expected. “I want to keep living with you guys. I want to see little Ymir at school. I want to be at Armin’s wedding, and at Connie’s wedding. I want to keep hearing Hitch’s jokes. I want to keep walking home with you after work and make dinner together.”
“I wanna keep making dinner with you too.” Jean replied, with the longing look she’d come to recognize so well the past few weeks.
Mikasa brought her hands up to her face to blow hot air into her palms, hoping the gesture would cover the color in her cheeks, thinking perhaps she could blame the cold, if he asked, or if he stared too much –he did tend to stare at her every now and then.
“Hey. The skin in your fingers is cracking,” Jean said. He grabbed her hands to examine them, stopping in front of another pub. “I know you’re saying you want to keep living, but catching a cold isn’t precisely going in that direction.”
“Are you going to scold me like a kid for forgetting my gloves?” Mikasa asked, her gaze threatening to turn into a glare.
Jean gave her a playful smile. He brought out a set of bandages from his pockets and began wrapping her fingers with the soft fabric. “Exactly. Papa doesn’t like when children forget their winter clothes, especially when it’s starting to snow.”
Mikasa snorted again. “You’re such an idiot. Please don’t call yourself papa.”
Jean laughed, and they wrapped themselves once again in their little universe. It happened often, when they cooked, gossiped about the court or simple when they worked their budgeting books in the library. One look from either of the two, and they became separate entities from the reality around them, with their attention solely on the other. It was a nice little trick they had; it was what had turned this friendship of theirs into her treasure.
“Put my gloves on, please,” he said, putting them in her hands. “I don’t want you hurt.”
“Jean, a cold isn’t deadly.”
“Still.” He said, his face growing serious. “I don’t want to see you hurting.”
Mikasa opened her mouth to say something, but the crowd coming from the pub to their right was louder. A group of twenty people or so, all their age, surrounded them in a circle of drunken laughter and cheers, their voices too loud for her liking, their faces red and bodies oblivious to the snow that had started falling from the sky. A man older than the rest had a violin in his hands, and despite his efforts to play the cheery little melody, Mikasa and Jean cringed at the dissonant sound from his strings.
“We need to get home. They’re not dangerous, but they’re too loud.” She told him, huddling closer to him. Jean put a hand on the back of her head and the other to her waist, as if to shield her from the crowd. A group of girls pulled the violinist to an empty stretch of street. The man, emboldened by being in front of the crowd, stood on a bench near him and played even more passionately.
Jean turned to look at her, laughing. “He’s really bad, isn’t he?”
Mikasa felt her chest moving in laughter. She closed her eyes as another set of high notes pierced the night. “He’s awful,” she laughed, huddling closer as two couples began to jump nearby. She opened her eyes, cringing still. “Take me home, please.”
Her eyes met the hazel in his; he was staring at her again. There were snowflakes on his hair and face, and his cheeks were more blushed than the cheeks from the people around them. She felt herself relax in his arms and the stupid little tune from the violin became muffled in her ears. “You have snowflakes,” she pointed out, lifting herself up on the tip of her toes to run her thumb along his eyebrows.
She traced a line with her finger down his jawline, wondering when he’d grown into such manly shapes. He leaned in, barely half a centimeter, and her body took that as all the invitation she needed. Mikasa grabbed his face with both hands and touched his lips with hers, moving them in an awkward, simple motion she’d seen other people her age do.
She thought he would push her away that second he held his breath; she thought he would reject her advance, tell her he saw her as nothing more than a friend –a possibility that, she was shocked to realize, made her feel as if an iron fist squeezed the blood out of her heart.
But after that moment of initial shock, Jean wrapped her waist with his arms and lifted her in the air, kissing her as a longtime lover. Whoops and cheers surrounded them, and the violinist stopped playing for the blessed seconds their lips moved against each other.
He put her on the ground and pressed his forehead against hers once they’d finished, catching his breath while the drunken crowd clapped and cheered. He closed her eyes and so did Mikasa, both at a loss for words of what they’d done.
“Oi!” the violinist shouted, and the crowd quieted around him. “Aren’t you the Ackerman girl? The titan-killer? Stronger than a thousand men?”
Mikasa tensed in his arms; she was accustomed to being antagonized by some groups in the island, but she’d hoped the alcohol would keep them from recognizing her. She didn’t like the idea of getting into trouble with Jean there.
“Yes,” Mikasa said, lowering Jean’s arm, which he’d begun wrapping around her protectively. If this was going to be an argument, she didn’t want them to antagonize Jean. “I am. Why?”
The violinist smiled, playing an out-of-tune chord in excitement. “I knew I recognized ya! I didn’t know you had a sweetheart!” he shouted happily. “I saw you in Trost! You saved our lives and you were just a little teenage kid! I never thought I’d see the day I’d see you happy and married.”
“Oh,” Mikasa said, relaxing. “We’re not married yet.”
“Yet?” Jean asked suddenly.
“That’s a lovely sweetheart you’ve got there, boy. Take good care of her or she might as well will rip your balls off,” the violinist half-shouted, half-laughed, putting his instrument under his chin and bowing in their direction. “For the happy couple.”
“For the happy couple!” the crowd cheered on. The violinist resumed playing –or rather, he resumed murdering the song— and the crowd resumed their celebration, forgetting about them as soon as another couple began kissing. Mikasa pulled him by the shirt, leading him into an emptier street. They stood under the shadow of a tall building, away from the crowd but near enough to still hear the violin, although this time the song didn’t sound quite as bad.
“They didn’t take anything from your backpack, did they?” she said, clutching on the floor to inspect hers.
“Did-did you say yet?” Jean managed to stammer. Mikasa looked up at him, and a smile came to her at his shocked expression. It was just so easy to smile when he was around. “Did you say we’re not married yet?”
“You’re going to get a nosebleed, Kirstein.”
Jean laughed and dropped his backpack next to hers; he clutched, close enough that she smelled his cologne. He inspected the contents of his bag for a brief second and then gave her another look. “Can I kiss you again?”
“Do you want to?” Mikasa said.
“I’ve wanted to for a whole month now. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, though, Mikasa. Just tell me to fuck off if I’m being pushy.” He said in an urgent whisper. The raw intent of his words took her breath away; he’d grown into such a good man, he’d become such a good friend. She couldn’t deny him another kiss. No. It wasn’t that she couldn’t deny him a kiss.
She just wanted another kiss. From him. Not anyone else. “You’re not.” Mikasa said, cradling his face with both of her hands. “Your kiss did wonders to cheer up the night.”
Mikasa waited for the music to begin while tapping her slipper on the cobblestones, ripping another flower petal off the bouget to rob its soft surface. At this point, she’d walk in with nothing but skinny branches in her hands. She fanned herself with the bouquet, thinking should’ve cut her hair beforehand; It was late spring, but the heatwaves were already upon them. Her dress was light enough, but Mikasa guessed the nerves were playing against her.
He liked her hair long, though. And she loved feeling his hands running through it.
“Are they ready yet?” she asked Armin the moment he walked around the corner.
“Historia’s ready,” Armin said, then scratched the back of his head. “Jasper is tuning the instrument.”
“We’re just signing those documents,” Mikasa said, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning her back against the wall. “None of this has to be this grand…he can just play that silly little tune of his and be done with it.”
“Weren’t you the one who got insisted on getting this violinist guy? You went all the way into the inner districts to find him. Something about it being special?” Armin said, arching an eyebrow. Mikasa gave him an icy look, but that didn’t erase the knowing smile on his face. “You’re going to get your dress stained against that wall.”
She straightened and turned around, allowing Armin to shake the dust of the back of it, her eyes set on the birds flying overhead. “Was he nervous?”
“He had to change his suit twice from sweating so much.”
Mikasa lowered her head to snort. “I’m not surprised.”
“Turn around,” Armin asked. Mikasa did as he requested and allowed him to wrap her up in an embrace; she leaned her face against his shoulder and took a deep breath, steadying herself. Her feet had been trembling in anticipation for a good hour. “I’m so happy you get to smile like this.”
“Me too.” She said, coming apart from him, tucking her hair behind her ears. Soft, mellow notes drifted to them from inside the greenhouse Historia had provided for them and Armin gave her an excited smile.
Mikasa sighed in relief; the violinist had assured her he was good when sober and she hadn’t doubted him, and she was glad Connie had kept him from any pubs until the ceremony. She wouldn’t have minded to hear the same stupid tune from their first night together, but the prospect of queen Historia officiating a wedding ceremony with a drunken violinist…Connie aand Reiner would’ve found it hilarious, to be fair.
“Are you ready?” Armin asked, offering her his arm. Mikasa looked at the birds once more before focusing on her childhood friend.
“Yes.” She said, intertwining her arm with his. Armin kissed her cheek and looked away to wipe a stray tear from his cheek against his shoulder, Mikasa guessed. “Thank you, Armin. I love you.”
It was so easy to tell the people she loved that she loved them. He’d done that for her; he had managed to open her constricted heart by just being there with her. He’d saved her from herself in such a kind, gentle way, and it was something she would forever be grateful for. It was one of the many thousand reasons why she’d fallen in love with him.
She felt like a giddy schoolgirl by seeing him at the end of the hallway, hands clasped in front of him, staring at her with tears in his eyes. The feeling grew as her friends turned to look at her, all smiling, even Levi. And while she knew her head ought to have focused on happiness, Mikasa was reminded of all the horrible things they’d seen together as Armin walked her down the aisle. All the people that were missing in that crowd of friends, people they would never see again.
It made her wonder. what was it about her that was so special? What was it about her existence that had given her the right to keep living, make new friends, fall in love with this wonderful, perfect man waiting for her at the altar…why was her heart so full of happiness now. Why couldn’t she share this happiness and her love for Jean with Sasha, Hange, Mina, Marco, Eren?
“Hey,” Jean whispered as Armin let go of her arm. “Are you okay?”
“What’s the matter?”
Mikasa lowered her head. “Not everyone’s here to celebrate with us.”
“They are here.” Jean said. “They’re all watching over us.”
He took her arm in his gently, not to lead her to the altar, but to hold her steady. He’d noticed her change of expression, a change not even Armin at her side had seen. And, putting his own desires aside -as always when it came to her-, he spoke in the low, caring voice she adored so much. “We don’t have to do this right now, Mika.”
“I want to.”
“Are you sure?” Jean asked. “If you want to call it off—”
“No,” she said, shaking her head. Her hand went up to caress his cheek. “I love you.”
He smiled at her, looking as charming as the princes from little Ymir’s fairytales, awakening that childish giddiness in her heart that had escaped her so quickly at the thought of her fallen comrades. “I love you too, Mika. But I mean it, if you don’t feel—”
She kissed him in the lips for a long couple of seconds, uncaring about the curious gazes from their friends on the seats. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. It’s been like that for a while. It’ll be like that forever,” she whispered in between kisses. “It’s time we make it official.”
Historia cleared her throat from the other side of the altar, and she and Jean turned to look at her serious gaze. A childish giggle echoed across the place, and Mikasa guessed that was little Ymir, delighted to see someone other than herself had gotten in trouble with her mother. “You’re not supposed to have your first wedding kiss yet.”
“Let’s go,” Jean whispered. “She’s gonna bring firing squads back.”
“I heard that.” Historia replied, not without a hint of annoyance. Mikasa giggled, intertwining her arm with Jean.
“Are you sure?” he asked her in a low voice as they finish making their way to the altar.
“I told you before, haven’t I?” she said without looking at him. “Your kissing works wonders.”
Jean knew he shouldn’t have left for the coastal towns with the welcoming party for the Hizuru commission at this point. But she’d insisted. And she was as stubborn as the will of kings.
Luckily, the little influence he had had gotten him an overnight train ride. And then, he’d found a horse. Few people used horses at the island anymore, but it’d been the quickest way to avoid the traffic of the newly built roads. And since he couldn’t take a horse into the grounds of the royal hospital, Jean had had to run.
He stumbled into the hospital room with sweat running down his forehead, hair sticking to the nape of his neck despite his ponytail, out of breath, but just in time. Armin was at her bedside, his face purple due to the pain of having his hand being squeezed by her.
“You’re here!” Mikasa sighed at the sight of him, then looked at Armin. “Make room for him.”
“I’ll let your mom know you’re here, Jean.” Armin informed him, running out of the room. Something in Jean suspected he was just relieved to have the chance to get some ice for his hand.
He ran to her bedside, brushing hair away from her flushed face. “How much longer?” he asked, his chest aching from seeing her twisting on the bed from the pain.
Mikasa cringed as another contraction came over. “You came just in time.”
He kissed her forehead. “Is it bad?”
“I could say I’ve felt worse,” Mikasa said, closing her eyes as her pain increased. “But I’d be lying.”
“You’re perfect,” he said, kissing her forehead one more time. “I wish I could do this for you.”
“You’d be crying like a baby by now, Kirstein, you and I know that.” She teased, and Jean laughed in relief. If she had energy to give him snarky, serious remarks, she would be fine.
“Ah, this is dad?” a woman he guessed was a physician asked, coming in the room escorted by two young nurses. Mikasa nodded, and the doctor acknowledged Jean with a polite nod. “You made it just in time, sir, she’s all ready to push.”
Jean swallowed hard, exchanging a look with Mikasa, noticing fear in her face for the first time in a long time. “We’ll be fine,” he said. “You can do it.”
“I know I can,” Mikasa said, taking a breath through her mouth. “Just hold my hand through it.”
He took her hand into his and suppressed his squeal of pain when she began pushing, thinking he would look like a complete dumbass if he complained from some hand squeezing when his wife was giving birth right in front of his eyes. Despite her quiet nature, it didn’t take long for her to start screaming as their child came out of her, and Jean could only whisper encouraging, love-filled words to her as she brought forth the life they’d created. The life she’d grown and carried for a whole nine months.
Jean had never thought his love for her could grow larger, but he’d clearly been mistaken, he thought as Mikasa crumbled back onto her chair and tiny little squeals filled the room. The physician and two nurses began cleaning their child, and Jean fell to his knees at the side of her bed. “Are you okay?” he asked, kissing the hand that had almost broken his just a moment ago.
Mikasa nodded, kissing him once on the lips. “And our baby?”
“She’s fine! A perfect, healthy baby girl!” the doctor announced, bringing her over to them wrapped in a yellow-colored blanket. “Want to hold her first, dad?”
“Let mom have the honors,” Jean replied, staring in awe at the tiny human crying in the doctor’s arms. “She just did all the work, didn’t she?”
The doctor placed their baby in Mikasa’s arms, who grabbed one of her tiny hands and kissed it while making shooshing noises. Jean stared, mouth wide open, at the sight of his wife and his child. Two perfect beings living comfortably in a peaceful world; his family, all he’d ever wanted. He swallowed hard, wondering what he’d done to deserve such a beautiful, perfect sight, what he’d done to deserve to be loved back by her.
Jean looked away, wiping the tears spilling down his eyes with the back of his hand as their daughter fell asleep at the sound of Mikasa’s voice. “Hey, dad,” she called gently. “Come see her, don’t cry.”
He leaned forward on the bed, and Mikasa kissed his cheek, using one of her hands to wipe his eyes. “She’s so beautiful. Look, she has your black hair,” he whimpered, running a careful finger across her soft arm. She gave him another smile, the type of smile he’d grown so accustomed to see these past years, a smile that people had doubted it even existed during their years at war. “Mikasa, I love you two so much.”
“I love you too,” she whispered while kissing his neck. “I love you so very fucking much.”
“Hey, language,” he said, kissing her lips and then grabbing their baby’s tiny hand again, speaking with a silly, childish tone of voice he’d heard other fathers use with their newborns. “We’re gonna need to get a swear jar or something. Mom and uncle Levi will fill that one up nicely.”
“Want to give her a kiss?” Mikasa asked.
Jean nodded eagerly, leaning forward to give her a small peck on the top of her tiny forehead; their baby stirred in her sleep, and it didn’t take long for her to begin crying. “It’s okay, Jean. Don’t be scared. Do you want hold her?”
“I’m fucking shaking here, I’ll drop her.”
“Language, Kirstein.” She reminded him, faking that serious expression from her teenage years. “Give her another kiss, come on.”
“She’s going to cry.”
“Just do it?” Mikasa said. “I want to see something.”
Jean sighed and leaned in to place a peck on her daughter’s cheeks, copying Mikasa’s shooshing noises as he neared her. Soon after his lips touched her, their baby quieted down again, closing her eyes as she settled against her mother’s breast. “Hey, how did you know that was going to happen?”
“She’s just like her mom,” Mikasa said, setting her eyes on the baby girl they’d created, the baby girl they would pour their love onto for the rest of their lives. “Your kisses do wonders to cheer up the women in this family. Remember that.”
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paperpocalypse · 4 years
50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”: 38. Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Word Count: 1,328 words
Warnings: Mild swearing, implied/referenced child abuse (as per Reggie’s A+ parenting)
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Magnets function better at low temperatures. And obviously, you want to function better.
But after sitting on the balcony for who knows how long, wrangling with the pile of spoons and paperclips and refrigerator magnets in front of you, you still can’t get your stupid powers to cooperate for more than ten minutes.
It’s so cold. You want to go inside.
“Come on.” Shaking out the numbness in your hands, you pick up a tablespoon for the fortieth time, pressing the tip of it to your index finger. Anxiety churns in your gut as you start the stopwatch with your other hand.
Beep. The numbers run underneath the dim lamplight.
“Stay, stay, stay, stay …”
You whisper the word like a mantra, concentrating every last bit of energy towards the end of your finger. The first minute or two is fine, but after the stopwatch hits 07:36:27, your hold starts to weaken.
10:54:01. The spoon clatters painfully back onto the table.
“Dammit.” You stop the timer, forcing back the sting behind your eyes. There’s a rattle as the door opens; unable to meet Sir Hargreeves’ eyes, you stare down at your traitorous hands. Your bones ache. “I’m sorry, I’ll get it soon. Just … give me more time –”
“Any more time and you’ll get frostbite.”
That’s not –
You look up. Five stands in the doorway, regarding you with an unreadable expression.
“I’d call it a night if I were you,” he says.
“I,” you stammer, both relieved and more mortified than if it had been his father, “I can’t go inside until I –”
“Get it to stick for more than fifteen minutes, I know.” Though his tone isn’t scathing or mocking, you still flinch at the reminder. He glances at the mess of things lying on the table. “It’s been two hours, so you might as well come back inside.”
You swallow. As per usual, he has a point – you don’t think you’ll be able to improve much more today, either. But you could try one more time before asking – begging – Sir Hargreeves for an extension.
(He probably won’t give it to you, but you’re fortunate enough to have that possibility in and of itself, with your mom being so involved and all. You’re – what was it she called you? – an investment. One with a slow return in terms of powers, apparently.)
“[Y/n].” Five steps out onto the balcony.
A breeze passes through. Shivering violently, you manage a grin to pair with his frown. “I need to stay out here until I get it right. I almost have it, Five. Seriously.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do.” You sit up straighter and clench your hands in your lap, trying to be more offended because you still have pride, dammit, and falling short of expectations again threatens what little is left of it. Five just scoffs.
“No, you –” The boy cuts himself off when his voice begins to raise, closing his eyes for a second. When he reopens them, they’re the slightest bit softer. “Look,” Five says tightly, “the temperature’s still dropping and it’s dark. Dad’s gone out, anyway.”
“Where’d he go?” you ask quietly.
Five’s gaze remains steady, but his jaw clenches a little. “He took Klaus out to the mausoleum.”
Any warmth still lingering in your body leaves as soon as he mentions his brother. You stare at Five with wide eyes.
Klaus’s weekly trips to the tombs are nothing new to you. But a few weekends ago, he had gotten even more anxious about it than usual and drugged himself into a near coma right before going, rendering his powers – and that trip – practically null. As a result, Sir Hargreeves had started choosing random nights and times to haul him over there.
The most you’ve been able to do is see Klaus off at the front steps. Tonight, you hadn’t even done that.
Guilt fills the pit of your stomach.
“If I had just finished my training –”
“Stop,” Five interrupts. “Don’t blame yourself, alright? Just get inside.”
Blinking away an embarrassing blur of tears, you study his face. Behind the stern features is concern.
“… Please,” he says.
So, with a large exhale, breath escaping in a white cloud of vapor, you nod and slowly stand up. Five steps aside to let you into the house and closes the door behind him.
The difference in temperature is huge. Looking to your right into the living room, you see a fire burning merrily in the fireplace, its glow bright and incredibly warm. A furious shiver wracks your bones at the thought, reminding you where you had just been.
“When do you think he’ll be back?” you ask Five, catching your breath.
“Well, who knows.” He heads toward the couch. Without much of a thought as to why, you follow, sitting down right beside him. “Could be an hour, could be the whole night.”
“I hope it’s not the whole night,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around yourself and sinking back into the thick cushions. As you stare into the fire, you think you see Klaus and his ghosts in the flames. “That’s way too long.”
Trying to focus some feeling back into your limbs, you glance over at Five. He crosses his arms, watching the wood fall apart into chunks of red coal before meeting your eyes. You shiver again.
“You’re not warming up?” he questions.
You smile, shrugging weakly. “I think it’s the magnetism thing. I don’t warm up easy.”
Unfolding your arms, you cup your hands around your mouth and blow into them. It only helps a little. Klaus’s hugs usually help a lot.
You wish you could give him a hug right now.
“Do you need a blanket or something?”
“A blanket?” Idly, you blow again. “Yeah, I guess. But … someone warm is usually better.”
“Klaus,” he says plainly.
Someone warm. You lower your hands, a delayed thought finally rolling into the station. And that thought makes you feel shameful again because Klaus is, after all, locked up in the freezing cold with the dead, and you have the privilege of having good company – Five’s company – in the warmth of the Hargreeves mansion. The idea doesn’t seem right. You don’t deserve to get comfortable right now.
But … you wouldn’t want Klaus to stay cold if he could help it, would you?
“Five –” still fighting the persistent guilt, solemn but hopeful, you shift to face him better on the couch, “um, would you mind …?”
He just looks at you suspiciously. You fold your still-cold hands, and for the first time, you feel slightly awkward in his presence.
The silence is deafening. But then Five twists his mouth as if tasting something odd but not entirely unpleasant, and without even a word, he parts his uniform jacket to let you sneak your hands underneath. You take the opportunity instantly.
And oh –
Your hunch is very, very correct. Five is warm. Sliding your arms around his middle, you press your hands against his back, closing your eyes as heat soaks into your skin like a salve. The relief is immediate and cozy and wonderful. 
Unable to help it, you release a contented sigh into his sweater vest. Five exhales softly, shallowly; his hands hover over you before tentatively lowering to rest on your back. You can almost feel his heartbeat.
This hug feels different than the other ones, somehow. You haven’t the slightest idea why.
(But you like it a lot.)
“You good?”
“Just – just a little longer, Five.”
“… Okay.”
(It makes you feel selfish.) 
Minutes pass, and bit by bit, Five settles back into the couch. Eventually, voice nearly lost in the hiss of the fire, he murmurs, “He’ll be fine.”
“I hope so,” you mumble. The last thing that stands out clearly in your mind is the wish that Five will be right.
When you open your eyes again, tucked into your own bed, it’s morning.
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hoedorokishoto · 3 years
Trust - Part 5
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader 
+ Minors DNI 
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My lids felt heavy as I struggled to open my eyes to the bright room. The furniture in Hitoshi’s room becoming clear as my vision cleared, and I could take in all my surroundings. A very silent and stoic Mr Aizawa standing by the door, arms crossed, his face unreadable. I pulled the blankets up, becoming aware that I currently only had one of Hitoshi’s shirts on over my underwear. Something I was comfortable showing Hitoshi, but not so much the Erasure Hero.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, his voice deep and even though I knew he wasn’t accusing me of anything I still felt like I was in trouble. Guilt still seemed to be the only emotion I could manage.
“I feel fine. I didn’t have much to drink at all last night.” I answered, trying to laugh off his question.
“Even though I’m not thrilled about the underage drinking, I think you know that isn’t what I meant.”
I knew what he meant, my head dropping to my bare thighs where I fidgeted with the hem of the shirt. Memories of last night came flooding back and I couldn’t help but cringe at the feeling. The feeling of being overwhelmed with all those emotions, feeling things that I wasn’t meant to be feeling.
“I- um, I’ve got it under control now, I’m sorry about what happened last night. I should have um- I- It’s all my fault.” I barely got out before a tear ran down my face.
“Y/N. What happened wasn’t your fault, you and Sen are both almost adults and weren’t doing anything wrong. I think there was just too much alcohol and not enough communication which was the cause of the outburst. Don’t blame yourself for the actions of others.” Mr Aizawa said lowly, walking over and sitting on the desk chair across from me. Despite his gruff exterior, he was one of the most noble men you had ever met. Also, one of the best heroes.
“Um, did… Todoroki. Is he okay?” I asked, heat rising up my neck and making its way across my cheeks. My body betraying me and my intentions of trying to come across cool, calm and collected.
“He went to shower; he didn’t leave you at all last night. I’m sure it was quite cozy with all 3 of you in here last night.” Aizawa stated, standing, and making his way over to the door. He stayed? Why? What could Shoto Todoroki gain from laying on the ground like a dog and guarding me? Was he worried that I was going to have another meltdown and his ice would be able to help?
“Put on some pants, come downstairs. Everyone was worried about you, and they made breakfast.”
“I have to go finish some paperwork because Bakugo and Denki decided to defend you honour last night. Noble but stupid.”
My eyes widened; they really did that for me? I wanted to smile but thought it best to wait before the teacher was out of the room.
When the door clicked, I jumped up and found some spare clothes that I kept here. A pair of leggings that covered my bare thighs and a sweatshirt that added warmth to my cold body. I thought it best to have a quick look at my appearance before leaving the room and scaring any students. Knowing that sometimes my hair could be exceptionally large and in charge. Pleasantly surprised that someone, I would guess Hitoshi had taken off my makeup, and left a thick hair tie on the corner of the mirror, the tie perfect for restraining the small afro that had started to form on my head.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I left the room and headed to the direction of Todoroki’s dorm, wanting to thank him for all his help. My body moving before my mind could decide this might be the worst decision I had ever made.
The knock on the wooden door seemed to echo throughout the hall. The only noise in the empty hallway.
“It’s fine, just say thank you then leave.” I said to myself. Eyes closed and breathing in heavily. My anxiety through the roof. Caught between wanting to thank Todoroki for all his help but also never wanting to see him again because the last time I did, our faces were inches apart and I was hysterically crying. On the verge of an actual mental breakdown.
“Leave? You only just got here.” The voice shocking me out of my thoughts. My fidgeting hands stopping by my sides and going completely still. Maybe if I didn’t move, he wouldn’t notice me, and I could make a quick escape I thought to myself. My eyes still looking down at my feet, seeing Todoroki’s bare feet opposite mine.
“I hope you don’t think that if you stand still, I won’t see you.”
Feeling defeated, I looked up slowly. Taking in the sight before me. There was Shoto Todoroki, still dripping wet from the shower, towel hung low on his hips. Almost everything on full display. His whole body was toned and clearly built to be a Pro Hero. I didn’t think I had seen anything so sexy. The muscles of his body clearly from all the years of training.
“I- um. Thanks.” I choked out, trying to keep still, my eyes travelling up and down his body. Wanting to take it all in, knowing that I’d never be seeing this again.
“I told you I could see you naked.” I said quietly, recalling the conversation we had in my workshop. Wanting to relieve some tension. A hearty chuckle leaving his lips and reaching my ears.
“Do you want me to drop the towel? Technically I’m not fully naked yet.” He said back, voice flirty and lighthearted.  For a second you forgot the awkwardness you were feeling moments ago and laughed. His hand coming out and resting on your elbow.
“Are you okay?” He asked, the mood shifting again, becoming serious. His hands still firmly on me, warm to the touch. I hardly knew him, but he was comforting, his presence very quickly becoming one you didn’t know if you could live without.
He was charming, funny, smart and dedicated. All facts you had learned from him being in your workshop every afternoon for the past week. Both of you learning about each other, casually flirting and making jokes with each other. He had definitely come along was from the little first year who thought that if he smiled people would die.
“Thank you, seriously. I’m glad you were there.” I said honestly. Not sure what would have happened if he didn’t find me and help me get a hold of my quirk. The thought of feeling all those emotions for any longer making your stomach drop and fill with dread.
“You also didn’t have to stay with me last night, I know those cots aren’t too comfy.” I said, playing with a stray curl that had fallen out of the tie awkwardly. You felt bad for him really, you knew how small and not suited for someone so tall and broad they were.
“I wanted you in my room but Shinso took you off me. I didn’t want to let you go.” He admitted lowly, dropping his head and bringing it down next to my ear. His breath warm on the side of my face. My cheeks heating up, stepping back and out of his grip.
He looked sincere, his eyes honest as I looked into them, but I couldn’t fall for it. I wanted to believe him but deep down I knew how people really were. I knew that I couldn’t let anyone else in.
My friendship quota full, no matter how wet and handsome they currently looked standing before me.
“I’m going to wear you down Y/N.” He almost whispered, stepping out of his room to make up the space I made between us. His body pressed flushed against mine, the water from his torso wetting the material of my sweater. His hand came out and played with the bottom of the sweater, toying with the material between his fingers.
“Wear me down? Don’t say it like it’s so easy.” I admitted, looking up but not moving back. Our bodies, still pressed up against each other.
“I like a challenge.”
“I’m nothing like any of the villains you’ve face before.”
“I’m excited to find out just how different you are.” He said lowly, small smile on his face as his hand shifted under the sweater and rested on my waist, his other hand coming up and resting on my cheek. Holding me in place.
“I can feel it, this wall you have put up. From a past heart break or family drama, doesn’t matter. I’ll learn soon enough. Just know that I’m going to break it down and you are going to want to be with me just as badly as I want to be with you.” He stated so surely, his mouth inching closer to mine, his breath fanning my face. Stopping short of our lips touching, Todoroki shifting and kiss the corner of my mouth, right on the cheek.  
“We should go get some breakfast. Give me a minute.”
Without another word Todoroki turned and went back into his dorm, closing the door slightly to get changed. No, evidence on his face about what had just happened, or almost happened. Definitely the opposite of me who was beyond flustered, cheeks red and a little turned on.
The common room and kitchen looked different from when I saw it last. The couches were pushed back together, no empty bottles littered the floor and the space was completely bare of drunk teenagers unlike how it was when I left last night.
“Girl… so how are you feeling?” Mina asked, sitting next to me scooping food onto my plate.
“I have never been better; I feel so good about everything in my life right now. So balanced.” I said, looking over at her as she rolled her eyes.
“Sarcasm isn’t real humor extra. If you feel like shit you should just say it!” Bakugo said from the other side of me, nudging me with his arm. I had already thanked him for last night, feeling honored that he would stick up for me like that whereas Denki’s thanks would have to wait until he decided to emerge from his room.
“You have no reason to feel shit by the way. He is a fuck. He deserved the punch he got.”
“Not that I don’t agree with you, but I definitely think I should be held accountable for some of it. I mean he wouldn’t have acted like that if we weren’t sleeping together.” I stated, shrugging my shoulders and scooping food into my mouth.
“Just because you guys had sex doesn’t mean he can touch or talk to you like how he did. Once a dickhead always a dickhead.” Bakugo said back, sipping his tea.
You had to agree, the situation you were in last night had scared you. Watching Sen act like that startled you and reminded you that anyone was capable of anything under certain conditions. Before you could reply two large hands came down on your shoulders, squeezing lightly.
“Morning Y/N, sorry about last night. Sorry I couldn’t be there to help.” Kiri said sadly, concern clear in his tone.
“Where were you last night shitty hair?!” Bakugo yelled.
“I was with um Aiko… and Kameko and um whatever her twin sister’s name is.” Kiri said nonchalantly, scratching the back of his neck and sitting down in one of the spare seats at the table. I almost choked on my coffee, the fact that Eijiro Kirishima was casually talking about having a foursome over breakfast blowing my mind.
“Dude, you are my hero.” Mineta said, practically drooling as he looked at the red head.
“How do you even make that happen? What do you say?” Mineta asked.
“I do this thing called um respecting women and being a top guy. Something you clearly haven’t grasped.” Kiri said, slapping Mineta’s hand away that was held out for a high five. Bakugo chuckled to himself, turning back to his food as Mineta still probed Kiri for details. Which the latter absolutely didn’t divulge.
The mood felt nice. Comfortable. I was grateful to call these people my friends and know that we could talk and be like this together. As I looked around I didn’t miss Todoroki who kept his eyes firmly on me, which he seemed to be making a habit of and Momo, who had her eyes fixed on him
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seraphdreams · 3 years
I heard you asked for Halloween date headcanons, so now (because I love these boys and I love Halloween) I’m here to attempt to give you Halloween date headcanons! I don’t know how good these’ll be because I’m new to submitting but let’s go:
Eren: He’s the one that drags you out to go investigate an abandoned building or bridge because he heard it was haunted or something. Definitely acts less afraid than he is, so don’t let him give you any shit over being scared! You eventually end up dragging him off to go on an actual organized ghost walk instead, which he enjoys more (though he won’t admit it and insists he could’ve handled your own little expedition, ugh).
Armin: Definitely the cozy type, so you guys put on comfy sweaters and bake together! To keep with the season, you make stuff like homemade pumpkin bread and cupcakes with orange and black icing. In addition to what you make for yourselves, he also loves to bake things to give out to the neighborhood kids in addition to candy. He thinks it’s so cute to see how their entire faces light up after they’ve picked out their candies from the bowl and he brings out a plate full of wrapped sugar cookies.
Jean: Horror movie marathon! I can see Jean liking movies a lot, and he’s definitely watched a ton of scary ones before with Connie and Sasha, so he’s your guy for this, especially if you haven’t seen many yourself. He knows all good ones. You snuggle up together on the couch with blankets and popcorn and binge watch all the classics. He might tease you a liiiiittle if you get scared, but he definitely lets you cuddle up to him and tells you he finds it really cute. After you’re done, he takes you to get coffee and you just walk around and enjoy the fall night.
Connie: You guys host the Halloween party, so you make a date out of preparing and decorating for it! You compete to see who can find the best decorations and snacks first at the Halloween store (you almost get kicked out for messing with the displays but shhh), then you blast Halloween music as you put everything up around the house. You’d also definitely do a couples costume together when everyone finally comes over and it looks GOOD. Everything looks good really, you guys do NOT half-ass Halloween!
Reiner: Okay, but… S’mores. You make a little fire in your backyard and roast marshmallows and s’mores together! I can really see him liking something homey like that if you guys don’t already have social plans with your friends. He WILL kiss you if you have chocolate on your face to get it off. And when you’re all finished, if you still get cold, he’ll just grab you and plant you on his lap and wrap his arms around you because he’s basically a furnace. It would be really peaceful, just you guys and a crackling fire. Also, Reiner is absolutely the guy that gives out full-sized candy bars to trick-or-treaters because, like Armin, he loves to see the kids happy.
Bertholdt: You guys would carve pumpkins! You insist on grabbing one of the biggest ones at the patch and he goes along with it because he loves how excited you look. He thinks scooping out the goop is kind of gross (I don’t blame you Bert), and his hands might shake a little with tools, so you might have to help him (he’d get so blushy, it would be adorable). It’s all worth it when you see the finished products of your pumpkins, though. You guys put candles in them and sit outside on your porch sipping hot chocolate, his arm around your shoulders and his head resting in yours.
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nicka-nell · 3 years
A heartbreaking break-up
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Pairing: Ukai x reader, Kuroo x reader
Warning: Ukai angst, mention of cheating, mention of break-up, mention of alcohol
Note: You don’t have to read the first part to understand/read the second part
Summary part 1: Ukai and you had a secret relationship when you were his student, but after your graduation, you were officially a couple for years until Ukai had cheated on you with the new gym teacher.
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It’s been five years since he didn’t see you. Five years in which a lot has happened. 
The affair didn’t get around the school, but enough people knew about it. Your friends, who used to be his too back then. His family, who used to be yours, still is.
He hates himself for pressing his dick into that stupid woman. For thinking this one time with his cock against the will of his heart. You fought, reconciled, but you were still hurt. 
You both distanced yourself because he realized he wasn’t good enough for you. That you’d probably be happier with another man. He had distanced himself to think about how he could make you the happiest woman in the world without letting you go. Without losing you.
But by doing so, you had only spaced apart yourself from him, were insecure and didn’t know if he really loved you anymore. Hardly have you talked, only occasionally a kiss, no caresses. The last time you had sex, he didn’t know.
Was it his offended ego that had led him to the flirtation of this annoying woman, back then? Did he want to prove to himself that he could still make women happy? He doesn’t know, he just knows it was a mistake, his mistake. That he will never forget your broken look, which gives him a sting in his heart to this day.
Since these 5 years a lot has happened… 
This gym teacher is no longer there. Left after Ukai told her that everything was just a stupid mistake, he has no feelings for her. Your mutual friends distance themselves more and more from him. Only Mr Takeda was at his side. His family blamed him right to do so.
He withdrew even more, stopped dying his hair. As soon as his hair was dark again, the first grey strands came. His skin became more wrinkled by smoking more often. Unclean by all the alcohol and sleeping pills he needed in the evening to lull himself to sleep.
He misses you every second. When you get up, your warmth is missing when his eyes open, your heated smile isn’t there. Your voice telling him to get up. Drinking coffee together, cooking food, laughing, arguing, kissing everything. All holidays are empty without you. Useless, since he can’t spend it with you. Everything hurts, he misses you.
You still never answered his messages. He’s still trying to imagine your smile, but he can’t. It has faded away.
Thoughtfully he wanders through the city, his one hand buried in his sweater, while the other holds a heavy bag full of alcohol. It’s been a long time since he traded his expensive, good-tasting whiskey for a cheap one. One that is affordable with this extensive amount of alcohol consumption.
His class is in extra training with the other schools. Because the spring tournament is coming up again soon and they train diligently with the other classes. Today they are at Nekoma High School.
He remembers well how the guys from this volleyball club stared at you. They were all kind of in love with you back then, but you only had eyes for Ukai. Yet, he only smiles for a tiny moment when he sees a face so familiar to him out of the corner of his eye and puts his heart in restlessness. Your face.
You look much more mature than 5 years ago, your face is full of youth, even though you have aged. Even if he hadn’t seen you for ages, and now he can only see your face through the flowers in front of you, he’s sure it’s you.
Smiling, you sit on the terrace of a café, looking into the distance, while you use your hands to settle your head on them. You look so incredibly beautiful. His body is stiff, yet he wants to see you, but his body just doesn’t move. He wants to hear your voice, see your laugh, laugh with you like old times.
But his joy of seeing you again fades, and instead a bittersweet feeling spreads in him as he sees you rising, waving toward a man. He doesn’t know what tears his heart more into a thousand pieces...
Your wonderful body, with this just so visible baby belly, or the man who nuzzles you lovingly on the cheek, kisses you, while the child in his hands reaches out and wants to you. A child. Your child, not his.
It’s a boy, his eyes are yours, his hair an exact picture of his father. Black and tangled in all directions. It’s like he just got up. The boy is from the man who’s had his eye on you before. His smirk is the same as his father’s. That could have been Ukais and your child. The child he would have wanted with you.
“Here, the drink’s from the man over there.” The bartender grins at you as he pushes a red cocktail towards you and looks to the side. Even your gaze wanders to the side when you see a man in a suit holding up his glass smirking, as if he wants to toast with you.
With a smile on your lips, you shake your head, turn to your cocktail as you hear his voice loud in your ears. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, kitten.” Your shoulders are shrugging as you realize that the man is now standing right next to you, knocking his glass against yours.
“Kuroo, right?” You ask, even though you already know the answer. Kuroo Tetsurou, former captain of the Nekoma Volleyball Club. “I’m glad you remember me. Mind if I join you?” Nodding, you watch him place himself next to you and lay down, his head in his hand, his elbow on the mahogany bar below him.
“You look sad, kitten.” Is all he says, yet his mischievous smirk won’t leave his lips. Again and again you had read Ukai’s messages, wanted to answer him, deleted your answer always. “I’ve had an annoying breakup. And now I’m here, spending my Valentine’s Day in a bar, alone, letting an old school friend Tsukki’s talk to me.” 
There’s so much irony and sadness in your voice, one more reason for Kuroo to make you laugh. Back then, he found you interesting and wanted to invite you on a date. “You’re probably forgetting you’re sitting here with the hot guy you gave the wrong number when he asked you for it.” 
Embarrassed, you think back to that time. In fact, Kuroo had asked you for your number, was totally embarrassed and completely different from the volleyball games. But at that time you were with Ukai, so you only gave him one number that you had thought up, hoping not to see him again anyway, since this was your last year at Karasuno High School.
“Ups… Yeah right… Sorry about that.” But Kuroo just laughs, ruffles your hair and looks at you. “As you should be. Did you know that number existed? I spent weeks writing with a 78-year-old woman, showing her my muscular bare chest until we met, and I realized that you must have jumped into a time machine.” 
Now you feel even more sorry for him. So much that you look at him apologetically and start laughing. Finally. “You’re looking much better this way, Y/n.” He’s just saying while he’s sipping on his drink.
You two are in the bar for a long time until you’re kicked out. It’s been a long time since you had such a pleasant laugh. This time you give him your real number, and this time he asks if it’s really your number, because he doesn’t want to end up with a serial killer in pieces.
But you just laugh, take his cell phone and call the number you gave him to show him your vibrating phone on which his number lights up. 
You’re writing until night in the next few days. Keep calling until one of you falls asleep and meets more and more often. So many times until you get together.
Every week he brings you fresh flowers. You cook together in the evening and enjoy every second you two have. So it is no wonder that after only two years you wore a ring on your finger, with the inscription of your names and the date of the wedding. It’s no surprise that after three years, your son was born, and Kuroo and you were even happier than you were anyway. Also, it was no surprise that you have been pregnant again for a few months, this time expecting a little girl which Kuroo will treat like his little princess, you like his queen. He makes you happy, incredibly happy.
Your child is now tucked in a thick blanket in a stroller. You start pushing the stroller as Kuroo snatches his hands from behind around you to grab the handle of the stroller and hold you captive between his arms. Cheerfully you laugh as he gives you a kiss on the crown and you move further and further away from Ukai.
So Kuroo Tetsurou was the man who gave you what Ukai could never give you. Sincere love.
For a moment, he’s thinking about following you. He can still remember when Hinata said that Kuroo had bought a huge house. From the description, Ukai knew where that was. It was in one of the high-class neighborhoods. But should he really follow you? Should he lose his heart completely?
“Excuse me, sir, are you all right?” Fetch him a voice from a young man who looks at him anxiously. “Yes… Yeah, I was just thinking. Thank you for your concern.” He bows, thanking the young man who still goes on with a worried face. Ukai also goes on.
Unconsciously, his legs carry him to the neighborhood he thought of earlier, to the house that Hinata had described. He looks at the letterbox placed at the entrance of your gate. 
The Kuroo family…
A thick lump forms in his throat, his heart aches bitterly and his hand that holds the bag full of alcohol trembles terribly. With a sad look, he stares into the window where he sees you together with Kuroo.
Tightly wrapped you both dance in your large but cozy living room. Your head on his chest while his hand is on your lower back, the other in your hand. That’s what you used to do back then. Dancing together with quiet music.
He gently turns your body, now presses his upper body against your back, softly places his head in the crook of your neck to cuddle it. His hands stroke the bulge of your belly. The life that’s in you. 
From a distance, Ukai can still recognize the words that Kuroo forms with his lips.
I love you. 
Words that Ukai would still like to tell you every day. Words he means as they are. But you don’t love him anymore. You’re not his songbird anymore.
He’s standing there for a long time, trying to absorb all your joyful expressions one last time. Manifesting them in his mind, because he knows he’ll never see you again. That this is the last time he’s here. That your smiling face will be the last thing he wants to see before he closes his eyes.
He wants to write to you...
I saw you today… you weren’t alone. You had a kid on your arm and a man on your side. It makes me happy… that you found your happiness. Even if it’s without me. Nevertheless, Y/n… I love you, I always did and always will do for the rest of my life...
But the message he wants to send you before he closes his eyes, he never sent. It remains in his draft forever. Makes you think he’s finally forgotten you.
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Meeting and Dating Ray Stantz
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You first met Ray when you were both still working at the University. You worked down the hall from him and would run into him frequently.
- In the mornings, the two of you would arrive at the same time and he’d open the door for you. You’d make small talk whenever you ended up in the same room or walking in the same direction and he was always willing to lend you something; or a hand, if you needed it. You didn’t know him incredibly well but you did know that he was a sweet guy.
- Ray had a major crush on you. He pretty much fell for you the moment he saw you but his own insecurities kept him from trying to do anything about it. You were smart, gorgeous, and had an amazing personality. What would you want with him?
- It takes him a while to actually ask you out. He keeps going back and forth on whether or not he should, wondering if he’s willing to make a fool of himself just for the off chance that you’ll agree. Peter has a field day with him when he’s in this state, constantly teasing and prodding, urging him to just get it over with and see what you say.
- There was definitely a few instances of him approaching you and/or opening his mouth to say something to you, then quickly shutting it and excusing himself with an apology. It takes him nearly a year to actually go through with it.
- You were just leaving the building and preparing for your walk home when he caught up with you and somewhat shyly asked if you would like to have dinner with him sometime. To his utter shock, you smiled and agreed, and the two of you made plans to meet.
- The two of you went out to a not so fancy restaurant which was perfect for the occasion. He felt like he was walking on clouds the entire night; here he was, with you, and you actually seemed to like him. What were the odds that you would actually like him?
- But regardless of his disbelief over how lucky he was, the two of you had a really great time together and you were happy to see him again the next day at the university.
- The two of you shared your first kiss on your third date. He was walking you home and you were both stood in front of your door, saying goodbye. You were just about to walk inside when you paused, turning around and placing a gentle kiss on his lips before saying goodnight again and closing your door.
- He was frozen in shock for a good minute and a half but you should have seen the smile on his face.
- It wasn’t long before the two of you considered yourselves a couple, and he couldn’t have been happier.
- Ray is a big sweetheart and you can’t convince me otherwise, though I doubt you would even try. You’ll never meet another man who treats you so right.
- He loves Pda, especially when people recognize him in public. He feels particularly cool with you hanging on his arm.
- Quick giddy kisses. 
- He keeps his hand on your lower back whenever you’re standing together, it’s just a habit of his. 
- He likes using nicknames; he thinks they’re cute. He usually just calls you things like honey, sweetheart, and beautiful; he’s somewhat old fashioned in that regard. He wouldn’t even mind you calling him pet names. In fact, he’d probably love it. 
- He’s a strong boy and proud of it! Ask him to hold something! Ask him to open a pickle jar! Ask him to carry you! He’s got it covered! …Although, occasionally he wont be able to open the pickle jar and you might actually show him up when trying it again for yourself. 
- Cheek kisses. He wraps an arm around your neck and pulls you in, pressing his lips to your cheek enthusiastically and smiling down at you.
- Stealing his sweaters. They’re big and cozy and he melts every time he sees you wearing them.
- Takeout meals. You order in or pick something up at least once a week.
- He’s not afraid to make a fool out of himself so the two of you always have a great time together, filled with jokes and stupid/ridiculous behavior. He loves being able to make you laugh. 
- Cuddling? Sign him the fuck up! No matter what you’re doing, he’ll find a way to squeeze himself beside you and wrap himself around you in some way. Whenever you’re going to bed, you’ll rest your head on his chest with his arms wrapped around you; …or you’ll just be laying almost completely on top of him. 
- A lot of your dates are going to be interrupted, it just sort of comes with the territory. When something strange is in the neighborhood, he’s the one being called so you just have to be patient and understanding. He always makes it up to you anyway.
- Occasionally, he’ll stop and pick up flowers or a movie you’ve been wanting to see from the rental place on his way home. He likes surprising you with something nice, especially if he was called away when you were supposed to spend time together.
- Becoming close with Egon, Winston and Peter. You see them constantly so it’s sort of hard not to.
- Sticking by his side and cheering him up when the Ghostbusters aren’t too popular anymore. 
- You may or may not be a partial owner of the bookshop. As much as he loves being a Ghostbuster, he can’t deny that he likes running the place with you. 
- He’s always there if you need someone to get you something or somewhere. He’s particularly good at pushing through crowds and coming up with things to say that will make it easier for you to do what you have to do. He also just doesn’t take no for an answer so, ya know. 
- He’s a total pushover when it comes to you. You can always convince him to do something for you.
- Ray looks like he knows how to fix things. He looks and acts like a man I could trust with my things. If my car broke down, his smiling face would be the one I would ask to help me. So, if you need anything fixed around your house, all you have to do is ask. 
- Little traditions. Things like watching a specific show after dinner, going to a certain place every weekend or eating certain things on certain days. 
- He loves hugs, they’re pretty much his favorite thing in the entire world.
- Random playful harassment. He kind of likes to tease you, jokingly making fun of and tickling you. He thinks the way you react is cute and it’s usually after you do or say something to him so technically it’s revenge. 
- Now, I’m not saying that Ray owns action figures or other toys of that nature, but Ray would definitely be the type to own them.... You may or may not have a little shelf full of figures when you move in together. 
- He’s a big fan of going to zoos. You practically know the animals at your local zoo by name from how many times you go to see them. 
- Carnival and amusement park dates. 
- He gets this dopey smile on his face whenever you try to give him a massage or dote on him in anyway. He’s just so overjoyed that you actually like him and care about his wellbeing. He also just loves the feeling of your hands. 
- Ray sort of craves domesticity. Seeing you wearing one of his shirts and cooking breakfast or being there to welcome him home after work or surprising him by doing some chores would literally make him melt. He’s a centimeter away from proposing to you on the spot.
- The two of you are pretty much the epitome of two best friends dating. You have the time of your lives together and are always completely comfortable and happy in each others presences. 
- Walking around New York together. You wind up just wandering around the city a lot, occasionally stopping for food or drinks or whatever comes to mind when you pass a store. 
- He isn’t the most sensitive person to talk to when you’re upset or scared about something but he apologizes when he goes off on a tangent or says the wrong thing. Don’t blame him too much, he’s got a skewed view of what’s considered a problem rather than a good scientific discovery. 
- Ray gets easily excited about a lot of things, he’s sort of like a puppy at times so even though you might not be so amused with a situation, he’ll be incredibly happy. Whenever he notices that you aren’t thrilled, he’ll usually just give you a sheepish smile and a “sorry honey”. 
- Having him randomly show up and borderline embarrass you when something big is found out. Just picture the restaurant scene from the second movie.
- Visiting him at the office. 
- Letting him gush to you about the paranormal and supernatural. 
- Helping him with his research, experiments, and invention. He loves having you around and hearing your input.  
- He’s definitely named something after you, whether it be a theory, project or machine he’s created. It’s cute, in a geeky sort of way. 
- Be prepared to get scared and not just by ghosts. Sometimes Ray will just pop into view out of nowhere, excitedly talking about something he just saw and scaring the living daylights out of you. He doesn’t understand why you’re looking at him like that, did he do something wrong? 
- He works with all things supernatural and paranormal; he’s seen a lot over the years and because of that, he’s gradually gotten more and more protective of you over time. Wouldn’t you if you knew that evil slime once ran wild underneath your girlfriends apartment? 
- He gets particularly miffed when jealous, not livid or angry just …miffed. You know he’s not upset with you but you can tell that something is bothering him. Occasionally, you won’t even have to figure out what because he’ll insult whoever he’s jealous of like he’s talking about the weather. 
- The two of you don’t really fight all too often, you rarely have a reason too, even though your lives are incredibly hectic most of the time. He doesn’t really have one certain way of responding when he’s angry, everything depend on the situation. One day, you’ll bicker, the next, you’ll yell.
- He always feels bad whenever he snaps at you. Almost immediately after he storms out, he’ll get this pang of guilt in his chest and debate on whether or not he should just walk back in and apologize. He usually doesn’t right then; wanting to give you time to yourself, but does come back not very long after and apologizes, admitting he was wrong if he was and asking if things are alright between the two of you.
- He’s always happy to say he loves you, and gosh does he love hearing you say it.
- Your family probably loves him. He’s a guy that’s easy to get along with …and he’s a ghostbuster so he’s got that going for him.
- Ray is sooo ready to have kids and settle down with you, he’s just waiting until he’s in a more stable work environment. He doesn’t need any ghosties lurking in your kids nursery, even if he’s the most equipped to get rid of them.
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kalimagik · 4 years
Snowscape ❄️
Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: ~1500
A/N: So I wrote this for @im-a-writer-right (Ria)’s 2k writing challenge! It’s so much fluff and I just loved writing this one! I know that it is now Summer and not snowing anymore, but it just fit so well. Plus, I was watching Gilmore Girls and Lorelei’s love of the first snow is absolutely precious!! I hope you guys like it! Like, reblog, comment, or even follow. Y’all know the drill. Happy Reading Lovelies <3 <3
Prompts – 15. “Will you get off me?”
                  30. “You’re so warm.”
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*Not my GIF - credits to owner
The air was chilled, the leaves had fallen off of the trees, and Hogwarts was beginning to feel all warm and cozy inside. Students pulled out their winter cloaks and sweaters as they tried to bundle up against the hostile winds. Even so, the grounds were still bare, at least for now.
In one of those corridors, Y/N L/N was walking with her boyfriend and his brother, who also happened to be one of her best friends.
“OOF!” George groaned as he ran into Y/N’s back. “Why the heck are you stopping in the middle of the hallway?”
Y/N ignored him, taking in a deep breath.
“Oh, not this again.” Fred rolled his eyes at her antics.
“What is your girlfriend doing?” George wondered out loud as if Y/N wasn’t even there.
“Do you guys smell that?” she asked, not even paying attention to the twins.
“Fred?” George raised an eyebrow.
“She smells snow…” Fred chuckled, shaking his head.
“Smells snow?”
“We’re going to have our first snow soon,” Y/N beamed as she wrapped her arms around herself.
“Excuse me, you weirdo, we’re going to be late to class if you don’t get moving,” Fred got her attention.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, still in her own little world. She breathed out and just looked incredibly content as Fred took her hand to get her to keep walking towards McGonagall’s Transfiguration classroom.
“Wait, since when have you cared about getting to class on time?” Y/N giggled, picking up her pace.
“I know how much you care about class, so I figured you’d want to get there. Georgie! Wait up!”
Fred dragged an unfocused Y/N into the Transfiguration classroom. As the sky darkened, transfiguration dragged on and a usually intrigued Y/N was staring out the window. She would take deep breaths every few minutes just to inhale the pure and fresh scent of Hogwarts’ first snow. It was her favorite thing to happen each year and almost no one understood it.
“Fred, Fred,” she whispered as Professor McGonagall was turned towards the chalkboard. “Look!” She tugged on his sleeve like a young girl who was looking for attention from her parents.
“Y/N, I have to write this down since you aren’t. I hate the days when you aren’t focused, I actually have to pay attention then.” Fred scribbled down the words that McGonagall had written on the board.
“But, Freddie!” Y/N urged again, “Look, it’s starting. It’s the first snow.”
Fred turned to see her wide, E/C eyes sparkling at the sight of the huge snowflakes beginning to fall from the gray clouds. She was in another world where she was out there enjoying the snow. Fred knew that Y/N would do anything to get out of this classroom and stand in the snow.
“Please practice turning the ferret to feather duster and look at the theory behind the state of non-being for next time. Class is dismissed,” McGonagall finally announced. Before Fred could even put his quill and inkwell away, Y/N already had her things in her bag and was heading for the door.
“Love! Wait up! Where are you rushing to? Don’t we have History of Magic next?” Fred called, weaving around the bodies in the corridor.
“Common, Freddie! It’s snowing!”
Fred didn’t catch up with his girlfriend until she was well outside of the castle and spinning through the falling snow. When she turned to look at him, Fred felt his heart flutter. She looked absolutely stunning with the flakes resting on her hair and eyelashes. Her cheeks were turning a rosy color because of the cold, but her eyes twinkled with pure joy.
He stood there, letting snow fall around his ankles. He would be fine getting buried up to his neck in snow if he could watch Y/N be this happy in the snow for the rest of his life.
“You coming?” She urged again, spinning to face the frozen boy.
“Aren’t you cold?” he hollered as he sped up to stand next to his girlfriend. “You don’t even have an extra jumper with you,” he laughed.
“Not yet, but I’m sure that you’ll warm me up,” Y/N beamed as she stood on her tiptoes to peck Fred on the lips. “Now, let’s go. We have to get to the best place in all of Hogwarts when the snow comes down!”
Even with his long legs, Fred struggled to keep up with Y/N. She dashed all the way to the edge of the lake, where a lone tree stood hanging over the water. Even though the surface was glazed over, no one could actually walk on the ice, but Y/N still thought it was the most beautiful thing to look at, especially with fresh snow over top.
“Just look at it, Freddie!” Y/N took in a deep breath again, committing everything about the first snow to memory.
“So I take it that we aren’t going to History of Magic then?”
“I couldn’t even focus in Transfiguration! What makes you think I could take in anything that Professor Binns says when he is practically asleep himself? Plus, did you SEE the snow?” Y/N emphasized.
Fred couldn’t stop himself from laughing at Y/N’s childish antics. She was so in her element. Her own world. She would get into the zone while studying and Fred couldn’t ever get her attention, but this was different.
“Uhhhhh…what are you doing?” Fred asked once he realized that his girlfriend had sat on the ground with her arms way up in the air as though she was catching the snowflakes.
“Come sit down with me,” Y/N ordered with the biggest puppy dog eyes.
“That’ll make my bum wet.”
“I can dry that off real quick,” Y/N winked as she reached for Fred.
Despite him rolling his eyes, Fred joined his girlfriend on the ground. They sat there in the snow for much longer than Fred would have liked. He didn’t have his jumper, so a warm fire would be great right about now.
Feeling him shivering beside her, Y/N turned to him, only agreeing to go inside because Fred looked so cold. It wasn’t until the warmth of the castle encased her that Y/N realized she was cold too.
“Heyyyyy Freddie?” she cooed as he walked ahead.
“What’s up, love?”
His response slowed him down enough for Y/N to run up to him and wrap her arms around him. Fred felt himself falling as a result of her weight being launched onto him. He couldn’t decide if the fall just threw him off or if the ground below hurt that much.
“Will you get off of me?” he chuckled as he groaned and turned so that Y/N was laying on his chest.
“You’re so warm,” Y/N grinned as she nuzzled into Fred. “And I thought you would like having your girlfriend so close!” she pointed out.
“I don’t mind that. Your cheeks are all red.” Fred replied, placing a sweet kiss on Y/N’s forehead.
“Now can we go put on different clothes? Mine are all wet.” Y/N asked, standing up and pulling Fred after her.
“Mhmmm, I bet I could help you get out of those wet clothes.” Fred’s smirk grew mischievously with a few subtle eyebrow wiggles.
“I think I could get behind that idea,” Y/N teased, a matching mischievous twinkle in her eyes.  
Before Fred could spit a comment back, a voice coughed from behind him. “Ms. L/N. Mr. Weasley. Aren’t you supposed to be in a class?” Professor McGonagall said sternly.
Y/N stood up straight, wide eyed. Fred could sense the nervousness flowing from her. She didn’t like to get in trouble (how he wound up with her, he wasn’t sure, but he would always take the blame.)
“Sorry, Professor. I forced Y/N to follow me out into the snow. Crazy idea. She told me we had class, but I refused to listen.”
“Is that so?”
Fred knew McGonagall didn’t believe him, she never did, but he didn’t care.
“Seeing as how this is Ms. L/N’s first infraction for the year, I will let the two of you off with a warning. Now, get to wherever you need to be next,” Professor McGonagall instructed.
“Yes, Professor,” Y/N nodded obediently as she turned in the opposite direction.
As the couple turned the corner, Fred grabbed Y/N’s hand and took off at a run.
“Fred, what are you doing?” Y/N whisper/yelled. She didn’t want McGonagall to catch them doing what they weren’t supposed to for a second time that day.
“I told you, I’m going to help you with those wet clothes, love.”
With one more wink, Y/N forgot all about McGonagall and remembered how wonderful the first snow could be and things that it brought.
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starlightsearches · 4 years
First, I wanted to say that you’re an amazing writer and I aspire to write like you! I loved the one with Hux, Ren, and Phasma being friends but what if, it was the reader and Ren being best friends and Hux and Phasma being best friends. Reader and Hux have like, crushes on each other or something and Ren and Phasma and everyone else thinks it’s so obvious that the two like each other so they make a plan that would eventually end up with them confessing?? I just really like that trope when the two other best friends are just sick of the protagonists not acting on their feelings. Lol.
First of all, you’re way too nice to me 😂 Thank you very much! Second, this concept has NOT left my mind since I received this ask, so thank you for that. Last, we’re still existing in the college AU because I guess I live there now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You find that you’re not surprised when Ren hangs up the phone, leaving you with the dial tone ringing in your ears and your palms sweating. You really should have guessed much earlier: when Phasma first decided that you’d need to take separate cars even though there was more than enough room in yours, or when Ren passed you the keys to his parents’ cabin “just in case you arrived first.”
You let out a huff, resting your elbows on the porch rail and shrugging your flannel higher on your shoulders to stave off the cold. It’s a beautiful view of the valley, the sky fading from a burning orange-red to a dull violet. The faint beginnings of a starry night wink just out of view and your heartbeat thumps more urgently in your chest.
Despite your nerves, you step back inside. Your eyes find Hux immediately, standing by the fireplace. There’s a blaze going now, lighting up the space and he stands back from the orange glow, observing the clumsily stacked logs with a little frown.
“Bad news,” you say, matching his expression, “Ren and Phasma got . . . held up. They won’t be here until tomorrow morning.” A familiar look of confusion crosses his face, like he’s puzzling his way through an assignment in the library.
“I thought they said they’d be right behind us,” he says, his brow still furrowed, and you pull your lip between your teeth before letting it fall back into place.
“That’s what they said, but I guess they stopped for food, and then Ren said something about car trouble . . .” you let a slow breath out of your nose, looking anywhere but at him, “we can go back if it’s too-”
“No!” You’re startled by his interruption, and he seems to be, too. Hux clears his throat, before speaking again, “I mean, we should stay. We’re already here.”
You have to look down, your cheeks growing warm with excitement that you try to hide as you move closer, settling down on the stuffy couch in front of the fire. Hux sits beside you, the cushions dipping lower in response to his presence, pulling you towards him and your shoulder brushes his.
You pull away quickly, maybe too quickly, hoping the gentle squeak of the springs might cover up the shuddering sound of your lungs in response to his touch.
The crackling of the fire grows louder, trying to compensate for the silence between the two of you. It’s not like you couldn’t talk to Hux . . . as long as there were other people around. It was easy to be normal when Phasma was there with her loud laughter and easy-going smiles, and being around Ren was second nature, given how long you’ve known him. But without their distractions, you’re left unanchored, and your thoughts keep drifting back to the way the firelight glints off Hux’s hair, or the way his brow furrows whenever he’s lost in thought.
Being around him makes you stupid, and you can’t afford to be stupid right now.
You dig your fingernails deeper into your palms, letting the sting take away these and any other thoughts. It’s frustrating, the effect he has on you. And even more frustrating that he doesn’t seem affected by you at all.
But it’s always good to check. You glance at him quickly out of the corner of your eye. He seems like he always does, stern, focused, lost in thought. There might be the slightest dusting of pink on his cheeks, some residual blush from earlier, but you brush that thought aside. It’s probably just the lighting.
Your phone buzzes in your hand, pulling your attention away from him. The screen lights up—it’s a message from Ren.
Remember what I told you. Enough is enough.
You lock the screen as soon as you’ve read it, throwing your phone back in your lap and crossing your arms over your chest with a huff. You hadn’t forgotten his threats from the phone call, although you wish you could.
It’s not that you thought they were lying, Ren and Phasma. You were sure that they really did believe that Hux liked you as more than a friend. You just couldn’t see it yourself.
There’s no use putting it off any longer; you might as well find out now.
“Hey Armitage,” you say, and he turns to look at you, although you kind of wish he wouldn’t. “Could I ask you something?”
He nods, and your heartbeat thuds more loudly in your ears.
“It’s kind of a personal question,” maybe you shouldn’t, but you want to give him an out. Could Ren blame you if Hux didn’t want to listen?
He nods again—too bad for you—and you release your lip from between your teeth.
“I was just wondering, uh, why you don’t really . . . date?”
He blinks a few times, brow furrowing, and you resist the urge to close your eyes.
“What?” It’s fair that he’s confused, you kind of sprung the question on him, but now you’re shaking as you speak, trying to get all the words out.
“It’s just that, I don’t know, what about your friend from your calculus class? Didn’t they invite you to that party a few weeks ago?”
He’s staring at you like you’re a puzzle, a problem he has to solve. His brow stays furrowed.
“We just study together, I wouldn’t say we’re friends.”
“Yeah, but, I don’t know,” you swear you might break skin, you’re biting on your lip so hard, “isn’t there anyone else you might be . . . interested in?”
He’s blushing again, and there’s no mistaking it for firelight this time—the faint freckles on his cheeks disappearing under the flush of blood that floods his face.
“What about you?” he says, and his tone is accusatory, “Ren told me about the guy you met in the dining hall. What happened with that?”
“That is totally different! He was an asshole,” you bite back, defensive, and then, more quietly, “and you didn’t answer my question.”
Hux won’t even look at you, making concentrated eye contact with the wall, and you’re breathing hard, heart threatening to burst from the pain of waiting.
“Armitage,” you say his name like an apology, scooting closer towards him, feeling brave, “I only want to know because I-“
“You don’t have to say it,” he interrupts you, green eyes trained on the fire, “and it’s fine—you don’t feel the same as I do. I’ll manage.”
You stop cold. His words hit you like a freighter, and you’re gasping, your mind both completely blank and racing at the speed of light. And then it clicks.
You bridge the gap, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. His skin is warm, and soft, softer than you had imagined it would be, and you can’t help but smile against him.
“You didn’t let me finish,” you whisper, and he turns to look at you, so close you can see the flecks of blue in his eyes, “I was going to say that I only wanted to know because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, if there was someone else.”
“Oh,” he’s flushed again, and you laugh, burying your face in the soft material of his sweater.
“‘Oh?’ Is that all you have to say?” and you’re trying to sound angry but you’re laughing, and so is he, the vibration echoing through his chest and you rest your head against it, listening to his heart. His arms find their way around your waist, tentatively at first, but solid and warm. And you stay that way for the rest of the night.
Here is the last of my Cozy Time posts! Thanks to everybody who sent something in!
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
Paint the Warmth of the Sky - SEUNGMIN
We’re at the end! Thank you to all those who stayed for the ride, and I hope you look forward to the drabble game I’ll be hosting soon!
The title includes a pun on Seungmin’s English name (Sky)!! I’m very proud of myself for this :) dedicated to @wingkkun​ because Mai... this may not be a lot of -in your face- Seungmin hot agenda, but you will find that I was inspired by it. I hope this is a suitable (very late) birthday present :D
(made the last two bingos with this: witches/sweater weather/seasonal coffee, sweater weathe/apple picking/costumes!)
Unbeleafable prompt: sweater weather
Pairing: Seungmin x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, university!au
Triggers: some cursing, slightly (very slightly) suggestive
Word Count: 1.6k
One morning, you tell Seungmin the reasons for your love.
Unbeleafable Masterlist | Stray Kids Drabbles Masterlist
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Normally, Seungmin’s the first one in the kitchen at the crack of dawn, pattering around with bare feet on the cold floor as he makes a cup of coffee to start the morning. But today, you wake up first, fully wrapped in your boyfriend’s toasty arms.
A small, bleary smile involuntarily lifts the corners of your mouth as you stare at Seungmin’s peaceful face, eyes fluttered shut, his chest rising slightly as he huffs soft breaths between his lips. Your hand rises to softly stroke his hair and he unconsciously shuffles into your touch, leaning into the warmth even though he’s literally radiating heat from his bare chest. Even the necklace sitting around his throat is warm. For a moment, you relax once again, closing your eyes and indulging in the comfort of the bed just a bit longer.
But morning light is already beginning to seep through the edges of the bedroom curtains, so you make the difficult decision to extract your body from Seungmin’s clingy arms. He murmurs a bit in his sleep but thankfully doesn’t wake up as you climb off the mattress, press a quick kiss to his forehead, and slip into the bathroom.
He must’ve been really tired last night, you muse, brushing your teeth. You know he spent a long time at the library, fixing up last errors on his law paper before submitting, and he also had a few classes and a vocal lesson earlier in the day. He didn’t look too drowsy when he got home, but exhaustion has a way of creeping up on its victims and striking when it’s late.
Poking your head back into the bedroom, you see that he’s still fast asleep, cocooned under the warm blankets. It’s so fucking cute.
Well, he doesn’t have much on his schedule today. He can sleep a bit longer.
It isn’t until you’ve started brewing the coffee that you finally hear water running in the bathroom, and you’re getting eggs out of the fridge for breakfast when Seungmin comes stumbling out of the hall, pajama pants still on his legs, chest now covered in a sweater that someone cropped as a prank (was it Jisung? You feel like it was either him or Felix, though your whole friend group is so chaotic that it’s no surprise you don’t remember the culprit). “You left me alone in bed,” he whines.
“Good morning to you too,” you snip cheerfully, putting the eggs on the counter before turning around to hug him. “You seemed tired yesterday, so I thought I’d let you sleep a bit more.”
He just grumbles something about “cold” and “alone” and buries his face in your shoulder, forcing you to take the brunt of his weight. “Oh, shut up.” You pat his head lightly, leaning against the kitchen counter for support. “You’re a warm person. I was almost overheating when I woke up, wrapped in the blankets and burrito-ed with you.”
“You’re so mean to me,” Seungmin whines. “I don’t know why I love you.”
Ah. There it is. That ever-present bubble of fluttering energy that builds in your chest whenever your lovely Minnie says those three blissful words. A wide smile involuntarily spreads across your face as you push him away just enough to press a short kiss to his lips. “It’s because I love you and make you eggs for breakfast,” you reply, pecking him once more before steering him to the small kitchen table. “Now sit there and wait until the eggs are done.”
Even inside the apartment, the chilly fall air sometimes seeps in through minute cracks in the walls. You shiver a bit next to the kitchen window as a sharp little breeze blows through. It’s okay, though, because the next thing you know, warm, sweater-covered arms are sliding around your waist and Seungmin’s placed his chin on your shoulder, necklace digging slightly into your skin.
“I thought I told you to wait at the table,” you scold with no real bite in your voice. If anything, you just cuddle into his warmth, admiring the strength in his arms as he holds you.
“You looked cold,” he mumbles, breath puffing against your neck.
You turn briefly, just enough to press a kiss against his cheek. “Thank you, Minnie.”
Seungmin’s voice, slightly deepened with sleep, sounds like music to your ears. “You’re welcome.”
He hums in your ear, low melodies sending delightful shivers up your neck as he watches you finish the eggs. A few warm minutes later, you’re dishing them onto two plates, handing one over to your boyfriend and taking the other to the table. As Seungmin starts eating, you take a moment just to look at him and appreciate his existence.
The sun has risen enough, now, that its rays stream through the kitchen window and land on Seungmin, sparkling on the thin chain around his neck and almost making him glow. The cropped sweater shows enough of his skin to make your mouth slightly dry, but the sleeves are still long enough that he has sweater paws when he doesn’t have them rolled up his arms (and right now, he doesn’t).
Cute and hot. You grin. The dichotomy is incredible.
“Stop staring at me and eat,” Seungmin says, snapping you out of your reverie. There’s a tinge of pink on his cheeks as his sparkling eyes meet yours, slightly shy and embarrassed and so, so beautiful. “Your eggs are going to get cold.”
“Can’t blame me for appreciating the boyfriend I love so much,” you tease.
To your delight, his flush grows slightly darker and he pouts slightly as you shove food in your mouth. Your pride at flustering him must show, though, because his eyes darken the slightest bit in a way that gets your heart racing. “Oh?” He rests an elbow on the table, putting his chin onto his fist. “What do you appreciate about me, then?”
You swallow, but your eyes burn with love and mischief. “Hm. Maybe it’s how cute you look with your sweaters in cold weather, you know, the sleeves covering your hands.” You flap your own hands to demonstrate and purse your lips as Seungmin grins, mimicking a thinking expression. “Or it’s because you look really good in that cropped one in particular – seriously, I have to thank Felix or Jisung or whoever did it, because the view?” You whistle teasingly, and Seungmin bursts into the loud laughter that always fills your heart. “Ah-maze-ing.”
There are a few moments of laughter that expand through the apartment, filling the air with pleasant joy. “Anything else?” Seungmin asks finally, calming down.
“Fishing for compliments now, aren’t we?” You smirk, resting your chin on your hand. “Well, if I were to sum it up…” You feel your smile muscles relaxing, turning your wide, teasing grin into something smaller but contemplative, soft. “It’d just be your warmth.” His eyes gaze into yours steadily, giving you the courage to continue. “You’re warm, Seungmin. With you, I always feel comfortable. And I always feel loved.”
Seungmin’s smile melts into something so soft, so unbelievably peaceful and happy that even with the fall chill in the air, you feel the same warmth you just spoke of enveloping you in a cozy hug. Then Seungmin comes over and gives you the real thing, pulling you up from the chair and folding you into his arms as you rest your head against his chest.
“I love you so much, you know that?” he murmurs.
You smile into the fabric of his warm, warm sweater. “Yeah, I know.” Leaning back slightly, you gaze into his clear, lovely eyes. “I love you too.”
Sweater paws rise up to your cheeks, Seungmin’s lips pressing against yours smoothly, gently, in a graceful movement practiced over many years of love. You sigh into the kiss, hands sliding up his chest under the sweater, bringing him closer, closer until all you can feel is his body against yours.
It’s pleasant. Lovely. Warm, so warm in a way that doesn’t feel suffocating or heavy, but perfectly balanced so that you feel fuzzy all over, even when you have to break away from Seungmin’s lips to take a breath of air. Twinkling eyes stare into yours, the smile on your boyfriend’s flushed face filled with love, so much love that you didn’t even realize that much could exist. He kisses you again, then again and again, until you’re so dizzy with the bliss of his touch that you can’t think of anything else in the world except Seungmin’s name and how much you love him.
Eventually, though, you pull away, laughing slightly at the pout on Seungmin’s kiss-swollen lips. “Breakfast is definitely cold now,” you note, looking at the rapidly cooling plates left on the table.
“Noooooo,” Seungmin whines, rushing over to his dish and shoveling eggs into his mouth. “This is all your fault.”
“What?” you say incredulously. “My fault?”
“If you hadn’t distracted me with your pretty face, this wouldn’t have happened.” He pouts, a stray bit of egg staining the corner of his lips.
“Hmph.” You lean across the table to wipe it off. “Well, maybe you should learn not to get distracted by –” you motion dramatically to your face – “this beauty right here.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do when you say things like that? Not kiss you?” Seungmin raises an eyebrow. “You would’ve done the same.”
You laugh. “Touché, Minnie. Touché.”
He grins, vindicated. “Can I get another kiss for being right?”
This time, you’re the one who abandons their plate, eyes rolling playfully as you plop yourself onto his lap. And once again, you lose yourself in Seungmin’s touch as lips press against each other in a gentle dance that you know will keep you warm for many years to come. 
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