#Council on American-Islamic Relations
alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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vyorei · 11 months
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CAIR has called for the release of Ahed Tamimi after she was arrested on Monday in the West Bank, her father has also been detained by Occupation Fash
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secular-jew · 6 months
If you want to understand what Islam is up to, you need to see what ISLAMIC POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADERS and their spokespeople (Imams at weekly sermons, sheikhs, Ayatollahs, and the Arab global press), are saying daily in their own language. These headlines scream racism, hate, genocide and encourage daily acts of suicidal jihad of civilians, for the purpose of creating terror and eventually leading to global domination. These are just from yesterday:
Columnist In Qatari Daily: Hatred And Hostility Are Ingrained In The Jews;
Palestinian Author Hassan Hamid: The Israelis Know They Will Leave Palestine;
Lebanese Analyst: Only The Rich Jews Who Practiced Usury Were Burned In The Holocaust
Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Poster: Shi'ites Of Iran Orchestrated October 7 Hamas Attack;
Michigan Islamic Scholar In 2016: Israel Must Be Annihilated
Trinidad And Tobago Islamic Scholar: Russia Knows October 7 Was Planned By Mossad, Just Like 9/11
ISIS Supporters Eulogize Gazan Who Swore Allegiance To ISIS, Participated In October 7 Attack;
Following US Treasury Designation, 'Gaza Now' Condemns Sanctions As Attempt To 'Silence The Voice Of Wounded Gaza'
Los Angeles Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Ayloush @ Nov 2023 Islamic Society Of Orange County Event: Israel Should Be Attacked, Has No Right To Defend Itself;
Growing Influence Of Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) In The Central African Republic (CAR);
Under the heading: "You can't Make this Shit Up":
Islamic Scholar Shakir: Trump May Create A Palestinian State If Told He Will Be On Mount Rushmore
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midnightfunk · 2 years
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documenting-apartheid · 3 months
JUNE 21 2024- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Texas) is calling on law enforcement authorities to investigate the attempted murder of a Palestinian mother and her two young children as a hate crime.
On May 19th, a Texas woman attempted to drown two Palestinian children and their mother in a pool. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Texas) is calling on law enforcement authorities to investigate the incident as a hate crime.
"The alleged attack (Euless PD report 24-00022036) reportedly occurred on Sunday, May 19th, at the family’s apartment complex swimming pool area.  Mrs. H, the mother, who wears hijab (Islamic head scarf) and modest swimwear, was watching her children in the shallow end of the pool when a White American woman entered the swimming pool area." "The alleged attacker reportedly approached the mother with racist interrogations then jumped into the swimming pool and grabbed the children to the deep end of the pool to allegedly drown them." "The mother reported jumping into the pool to save her children. According to the mother, her 6-year-old-son was able to escape, but her petite 3-year-old daughter was unable. The alleged attacker snatched off the mother’s head scarf and used it to beat the mother as well as kicking her to keep her away while forcing her daughter’s head underwater." "Mrs. H stated that an African American man helped rescue her daughter from the attacker and more people gathered and witnessed. Cuffed and taken away by the police officer, the attacker reportedly shouted to a bystander woman who was calming the mother down “Tell her I will kill her, and I will kill her whole family.”
"A recent CAIR report says it received more than 8,000 complaints of anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian in 2023 – a 56% increase over previous year - and the highest the number has been in 28 years"
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xtruss · 6 months
Anti-Muslim Incidents Climbed Sharply Last Year, Civil Rights Group Says
The Council on American-Islamic Relations Reported a Surge in Complaints.
— By Nadine El-Bawab | April 2, 2024 | ABC News
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Pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside Radio City Music Hall ahead of a fundraiser for President Joe Biden, on March 28, 2024, in New York. Leonardo Munoz/AFP via Getty Images
There was a huge surge in anti-Muslim bias incidents in 2023, the highest number of such incidents recorded in 30 years, according to the Council of American-Islamic Relations, the U.S.'s largest Muslim civil rights organization.
CAIR received a large number of complaints over anti-Muslim incidents last year, nearly half of which were reported in the last three months alone, after the Israel-Gaza war began on Oct. 7.
The group received a total of 8,061 complaints in 2023. The most common complaints CAIR received in 2023 were over immigration and asylum, 20% of all complaints, followed by employment discrimination, 15%; education discrimination, 8.5%; and hate crimes and incidents, 7.5%, according to the CAIR's annual civil rights report.
The surge in complaints comes one year after CAIR had marked a decline in the number of complaints it received -- just over 5,000 in 2022 versus 6,720 in 2021.
"As we wrote then, the report's findings could be considered a return to a 'pre-Trump administration baseline,' an indication of progress made toward mitigating the impact of Islamophobia in the US," according to the report.
"However, what was then welcomed as a 'positive sign' for the future of Muslim civil rights and civil liberties quickly disappeared as anti-Muslim hate resurged across the country in the final quarter of 2023," according to the report.
While the number of anti-Muslim bias incidents were at their highest recorded number in CAIR's history in 2023, the group did not track incidents in 2009 to 2013 or in 2018 and 2019.
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CAIR received a record-high number of complaints last year. Council on American-Islamic Relations
The rise in anti-Muslim complaints comes as antisemitic hate crimes are also on the rise.
Antisemitic hate crimes rose 25% from 2021 to 2022, according to statistics released by the FBI. Officials have also warned that there has been a rise in antisemitism after the Hamas attack, part of an ongoing increase around the world.
An increase in both antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crimes was seen in America's largest and most diverse city, New York, after Oct. 7, as well, according to police statistics.
There were 11 confirmed anti-Muslim hate crimes in New York City from Oct. 7, 2023, to Dec. 30, 2023, according to the NYPD, and 26 confirmed antisemitic hate crimes over the same time period -- a total of one anti-Muslim hate crime every 7.7 days, and one antisemitic hate crime every 3.3 days. There were just five confirmed anti-Muslim hate crimes from Jan. 1, 2023, to Oct. 6, 2023, according to the NYPD, and 49 confirmed antisemitic hate crimes (one every 5.7 days) over the same time period.
More than 32,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than 73,000 others have been injured in Gaza since Oct. 7, amid Israel's ongoing ground operations and aerial bombardment of the strip, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry. Hamas launched a surprise terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7, killing at least 1,200 people in Israel and taking 253 others hostage, according to Israeli officials.
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Nearly half of the complaints received last year were reported in the last three months. Council on American-Islamic Relations
Among the alleged hate incidents documented in the report was the stabbing murder of 6-year-old Palestinian American Wadea Al-Fayoume, with his landlord in Chicago accused of the murder. According to his mother, the landlord yelled "you Muslims must die" before attempting to choke and stab her.
The landlord has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, two counts of a hate crime and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
In another incident, a Georgia teacher allegedly threatened to beat and behead a seventh grade Muslim student after the student asked about the teacher's Israeli flag, according to the CAIR report.
Speech at Schools and Universities
Employers, universities and schools were among the "primary actors suppressing free speech by those who sought to vocally oppose Israeli's genocidal onslaught on Gaza and call attention to Palestinian human rights," according to the report.
According to CAIR, employers reportedly fired employees who express political speech in support of Palestinian rights and threatened not to hire students who do the same.
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In this Oct. 17, 2023, file photo, mourners attend a vigil for Wadea Al-Fayoume at Prairie Activity and Recreation center in Plainfield, Illinois. Nam Y. Huh/AP
One such example given in the report was the reported firing of Dr. Maha Almasri, a Palestinian American woman, from her tutoring job in Florida. She said she was fired and her son was expelled from a private school after she criticized the Israeli government's military response in Gaza in posts on social media, according to the report.
A Muslim teacher in Maryland was reportedly placed on administrative leave due to her expressed support for Palestinians in her email signature, despite other teachers having political speech in their signatures, according to the report. Prior to being placed on leave, an unknown individual allegedly tore her Palestinian flag from her car, the report said.
CAIR filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in December on behalf of the teacher.
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Pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside Radio City Music Hall ahead of a fundraiser for President Joe Biden, on March 28, 2024, in New York. Leonardo Munoz/AFP via Getty Images
The report also pointed to universities' suspension of student chapters of National Students for Justice in Palestine as evidence of suppression of pro-Palestinian speech on college campuses.
The chancellor of the state university system of Florida issued an order deactivating all Students for Justice in Palestine chapters at public universities in the state, claiming the student groups provided "material support" to the terrorist group Hamas -- a claim the groups denied and that he later walked back. This prompted a lawsuit from CAIR challenging the order.
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In this Jan. 25, 2024, file photo, Harvard students take part in a demonstration in support of Palestinians on the steps of the Widener Library in Harvard Yard, in Cambridge, Mass. The Washington Post via Getty Images
College campuses, like Harvard University, have been at the center of debate over the Hamas attack on Israel and Israel's subsequent the bombing of Gaza. Harvard students were put under a national spotlight after a group of student groups led by the Palestine Solidarity Committee issued a statement in October on the conflict saying that the Israeli regime is "entirely responsible for all unfolding violence."
"Today's events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison. Israeli officials promise to 'open the gates of hell,' and the massacres in Gaza have already commenced. Palestinians in Gaza have no shelters for refuge and nowhere to escape. In the coming days, Palestinians will be forced to bear the full brunt of Israel's violence," the Harvard student groups said in their statement last year.
In response to the statement, a conservative organization called Accuracy in Media launched a doxxing campaign -- releasing personal and private information about individuals online without their consent -- against students in groups that signed onto the letter. The organization also paid for a truck on campus displaying names and faces of students with a banner labeling them as "Harvard's Leading Antisemites."
There was a surge in anti-Muslim bias incidents in 2023, the highest number of such incidents recorded in 30 years, according to the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the country's largest Muslim civil rights organization.
CAIR received a large number of complaints over anti-Muslim incidents last year, nearly half of which were reported in the last three months alone, after the Israel-Gaza war began on Oct. 7.
Pro-Palestinian students have since filed a civil rights complaint against Harvard, demanding an investigation. The Department of Education has launched a probe into Harvard for discrimination in response.
"We support the work of the Office of Civil Rights to ensure students' rights to access educational programs are safeguarded and will work with the office to address their questions," Jason Newton, director of media relations and communications at Harvard, said in a statement to ABC News.
In its report, CAIR also called on Congress to enhance anti-doxxing laws and place boundaries on the dissemination of peoples' private information with the intent to cause them harm.
"Doxxing has been employed to intimidate and silence pro-Palestinian advocates, often falsely reframing their legitimate critiques of Israeli state policy and calls for human rights for Palestinians as inherently hateful and therefore reprehensible speech. Such attempts at online harassment have in many cases succeeded in intimidating students and employees, who have experienced repercussions to their educational and career prospects due to doxxing," the report said.
In its recommendations, CAIR called on the U.S. government to call for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza and adhere to the International Court of Justice's ruling ordering Israel to take measures to prevent genocidal acts and provide humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.
CAIR also called on the Biden administration and Congress to require local law enforcement agencies to submit complete data on hate crime incidents targeting minority communities.
In a statement days after the Hamas attack, the Biden administration said "any hate crime is a stain on the soul of America."
President Joe Biden denounced the killing of Al-Fayoume saying, "We can't stand by and stand silent when this happens," in an Oval Office address.
"We must, without equivocation, denounce antisemitism. We must also, without equivocation, denounce Islamophobia," Biden said.
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gwydionmisha · 9 months
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fairuzfan · 2 months
Sana Wazwaz, the chapter lead and education coordinator for American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) Minnesota, told MEE the Palestinian community had been trying for months to arrange a meeting with the governor to talk about the devastating losses in Gaza and their demands for an arms embargo on Israel.
When they did manage to arrange a meeting with the governor for early July through the Council on Islamic American Relations (Cair), it was cancelled even before it began.
Wazwaz says when the six-person contingent, made up of activists and representatives of families who had lost relatives in Gaza, made their way to the governor's office on 9 July, they were first asked to meet with his staff.
When they explained to the governor's staff that they had come to discuss "material solutions" with the governor and not merely to narrate "sob stories" about the loss of their loved ones - given that it was now almost a year since the war on Gaza began - the two staffers abruptly got up and returned 15-20 minutes later to inform them the meeting had been cancelled.
"[We said] we want to talk about actual material solutions; how we can rectify the situation; how we can stop the horror; stop the genocide, and one of these mechanisms is divestment. We want to talk about like actually pulling materially out of the institutions that are complicit in the slaughter of our family," Wazwaz said.
When asked why the meeting had been cancelled, they were told that the governor "was prepared to listen to you tell your stories, but we weren't prepared to talk about divestment".
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supportingeducation · 2 years
Hamlin University Dismisses Teacher
Hamlin University Dismisses Teacher Over Controversial Image
Hamlin University in Minnesota has dismissed a professor for showing a controversial image in her world art class. Erika López Prater was an adjunct professor at the small private college Hamlin University when she put up a 14th century painting of the Prophet Muhammad in her world art class in October, in a lesson on Islam. She warned her online students in advance in the syllabus that the image…
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gothhabiba · 10 months
St. Paul, MN – During the early morning hours of November 20, 50 pro-Palestine protesters gathered at the site of Lockheed Martin’s new microelectronics subsidiary, ForwardEdge ASIC, in Saint Paul. They unfurled long banners, one reading, “MN, divest from Lockheed,” and blocked the driveway entrances to the facility for almost eight hours.
Police arrived shortly after the activists occupied the space and made their presence throughout the day, but no arrests were made. Due to the protesters’ presence, no employees of ForwardEdge ASIC were able to enter the facility and go to work that morning. The parking lot remained empty save for a lone security guard’s vehicle.
Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest weapons company by revenue and one of the major suppliers to the Israel Defense Forces. Lockheed Martin supplies Israel with a wide variety of weapons, including fighter jets, attack helicopters, and missiles. Lockheed Martin technologies are also integrated into Israel's main weapon systems.
Activists participated in as part of the newly formed Free Palestine Coalition in the Twin Cities, which comprises groups such as the Anti-War Committee (AWC), American Muslims for Palestine – MN, Council on American-Islamic Relations – MN, Students for Justice in Palestine – UMN, Students for a Democratic Society – UMN, Women Against Military Madness (WAMM), Jews Against Genocide, Red Nation, and several others.
Protesters emphasized the role of the state of Minnesota in funding Lockheed as well as other companies that make possible Israel’s violence against Palestinians. “Minnesota granted Lockheed over $1 million to open the Saint Paul facility this year,” explained Wyatt Miller of the AWC. “Meanwhile, the State Board of Investments has invested over $53 million of public pension money it controls in Lockheed. Governor Tim Walz chairs that board, so we also want to send a message that Minnesotans don’t want to see our taxpayer dollars used to fund this massacre in any way.”
After protesters determined that a majority of the workday had been disrupted, they marched in unity towards the facility to plaster the building with the protest signs as a show of victory.
Sarah Martin, a longtime anti-war activist with WAMM who was prepared to be arrested Monday, stated, “Because of our presence, weapons components were not made at the facility today by a manufacturer largely responsible for the murder of Palestinian children.”
“Protesters across the world have been shutting down business as usual as long as this massacre of Gaza continues,” said Miller. “We are proud to do what we can to slow the operations of the U.S. military-industrial complex, which is the backbone of Israel’s oppression of Palestine.”
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
the fundraiser for wadea al-fayoume still has one day left and they have almost reached their goal!
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wadea was a 6 year old palestinian-american boy in the chicago area who was the victim of an islamophobic anti-palestinian hate crime earlier this month. his mother, hanaan shahin, was severely wounded as well, but has been released from the hospital and is recovering well.
when i heard about it, i emailed the council on american-islamic relations in chicago, who initially put out the statement, and they sent me this link to the fundraiser, so it is confirmed and legit. funds will go toward paying for wadea's funeral, hanaan's medical expenses and moving expenses, and a continuous charity fund in wadea's memory.
as of when i'm posting this, there is about $73k left to raise. i'm assuming if you're on tumblr dot com you probably do not have $73k lying around, but i know from experience that a lot of us have $5 or $10, and those small donations can stack up. the last couple of weeks have felt overwhelming and hopeless, and it can often be difficult to figure out what you can do that will actually make a difference, and this is one of those things. if you've got the funds, i highly encourage you to donate and help this mourning family.
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vyorei · 7 months
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catdotjpeg · 10 months
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UPDATE 4:02pm EST: Mondoweiss has verified in their article that the family is asking "that no one make donations to fundraisers unless specifically organized by our families." Thanks to @justaboutsnapped for flagging this!
Three Palestinian college students were shot and wounded in Burlington, Vermont Saturday evening, local Vermont TV station WCAX reported. The victims, unnamed by police, reportedly include Brown undergraduate Hesham Awartani ’25, as well as Kinnan Abdelhamid and Tahseen Ahmed, students at Haverford College and Trinity College, respectively. Police statements did not identify a shooter or indicate that a suspect is in custody; the Council on American-Islamic Relations is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest, The Messenger reported.  The shooting took place at 6:25 p.m. Saturday, and safety personnel brought all three victims to the University of Vermont Medical Center, according to VTDigger. Awartani and Ahmed sustained serious injuries, according to a statement from their high school in the West Bank. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee has called upon authorities to investigate the incident as a hate crime. The organization wrote in a statement that “the three victims were wearing a kuffiyeh and speaking Arabic. A man shouted and harassed the victims, then proceeded to shoot them."  Brown is aware of the incident but could not confirm the identity of the victims, University Spokesperson Amanda McGregor wrote in an email to The Herald. “We received the difficult news from the family this morning that a Brown undergraduate currently enrolled in his junior year at the University is in the hospital after being shot while out of state for the Thanksgiving break,” McGregor wrote. “We’re not at liberty to release details about his health status or his identity, but we are actively offering care to the family and support to our student, as well as members of our campus community.” All three students attended Ramallah Friends School in the West Bank before attending college in the U.S., according to a Facebook post from the school. “Ramallah Friends School board, administration, staff and community are deeply distressed by the recent incident involving three of our graduates, Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdel Hamid and Tahseen Ahmed who were shot and injured last evening in Burlington, VT,” the school wrote in the post. “While we are relieved to know that they are alive, we remain uncertain about their condition and hold them in the light. We extend our thoughts and prayers to them and their families for a full recovery, especially considering the severity of injuries,” the statement continued. “We stand united in hope and support for their well-being during this challenging time.” [...] Basil Awartani, who identified himself as Hisham Awartani’s cousin, shared in a post on X that “My cousin Hisham has been shot in the back while walking with his friends in Burlington for simply wearing kuffiyehs and speaking Arabic. Dangerous performative rhetoric from US pundits and politicians as well as constant dehumanization of Palestinians has a real-life cost.”
-- "Brown junior among three Palestinian students shot in Vermont Saturday night" from Brown Daily Herald, 26 Nov 2023 12:36pm EST
Kinnan Abdelhamid is a student at Haverford College in Pennsylvania and Tahseen Ahmed is a student at Trinity College in Connecticut. Their current condition is unknown.
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allthegeopolitics · 7 days
A recent study on Friday revealed that nearly 60% of Muslim students in New York have experienced bullying at school by their peers, especially after Israel’s onslaught in the Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reports. The survey “Feeling The Hate In Our Schools” was conducted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in New York, and revealed that “58.2% reported being bullied at school by another student because they were Muslim.” “Almost half (44.7%) of students who wear a hijab reported their hijab was tugged, pulled, or offensively touched by another student rarely, sometimes, often, or very often,” the findings said. The survey also revealed that “64% of students have witnessed a Muslim student at school being bullied by another student,” and nearly 65% of students have seen “their school make offensive comments or posts about Islam or Muslims online.”
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sliceofdyke · 5 months
(4/17/24) asna tabassum, a muslim student in her fourth year of college at the university of southern california, was announced as the '24 valedictorian on april 6th of this year. a vocal advocate for palestine on social media, asna was subsequently harassed online by pro-israel groups including the organization "we are tov" and USC's "trojans for israel" club. on april 15th, USC's provost released a statement declaring that asna would no longer be delivering a speech at graduation on may 10th in the interest of "campus security and safety".
please take a quick minute or two and click this link (bit.ly/reinstate-asna) to send an email to USC staff demanding them to reinstate asna's speech. if able, please also spread the message by reblogging this post and/or sharing this instagram post on your story by the council on american-islamic relations, the organization that created the petition.
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i-am-aprl · 8 months
“Mr. Joe Biden, I blame you for what happened to me. If you would have called for a ceasefire three months ago, this would have never happened.”
— 23 year-old Palestinian-American stabbing victim Zacharia Doar
The US’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy group wants prosecutors to bring federal and state hate crime charges against a man arrested in the stabbing of a 23-year-old Palestinian American man Sunday evening in Texas.
The victim, identified by his father as Zacharia Doar, was hospitalized and had surgery following the incident, which, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, followed a pro-Palestinian protest in Austin.
“He’s in pain, he’s in agony,” Nizar Doar, the victim’s father, said at a news conference Tuesday, where CAIR representatives and other community leaders called for the incident to be treated as a hate crime, pointing in part to the suspect’s alleged attempt to rip a flagpole bearing a keffiyeh – a traditional Palestinian scarf – from the car in which the victim was traveling.
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