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dom-archetype · 9 months ago
H-Cow Protection Campaign
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Since cows are pious in Hinduism, the Caliphate of India owing to its plural and tolerant legacy has decreed to not use cows for the supply of milk.
The supply will now be met by Hindu women volunteering for the noble cause. The Ministry said that every Hindu household will have to ensure that it's most breedable female(s) volunteers for the cause, failing which the entire family will be punished.
Volunteers will be repeatedly inseminated, bound & gagged, and milked throughout the year.
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secular-jew · 7 months ago
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anythingforourmoonysstuff · 11 months ago
A lot of you are gonna be shocked to hear this but Israel is an example of the land back movement all of you are so obsessed with. You all preach about it all day but the moment you see indigenous people gaining back control of their ancestral land you don’t like what you see. So keep on screaming land back but know that you are not taken seriously because land back already happened in Israel. You’re just too antisemitic to see it.
Might expand on this later with a bit more of the history about the land but had to get this out after seeing one too many land back fake activists for today.
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proudzionist · 8 months ago
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Germany wake up why are you letting Islamic immigrants dictate for you how YOUR country should be ?
Who cares what they want ?
They don't like YOUR country then send them back to their own hellholes ( of their own making) and let them live out their miserable lives their .
America you are next .
They want to take over the West .
Israel has been fighting this EVIL IDEOLOGY for decades .
Fight for YOUR land .
This isn't right.
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I tried every tactic my nine-year-old brain could muster, but nothing worked. Gone were all my clothes; pants were no longer allowed. Now, I was to cover every inch of my body but my face and hands. This was the moment that the final nail was hammered into the coffin of my childhood.
I felt so awkward, so uncomfortable, so hot, in those stupid oversized clothes. My whole body was suffocating. My head throbbed, and my skin oozed sweat from every pore. And every day, they told me that dressing like the kuffar was evil and that I would go to hell if I dressed that way. Besides, when the Caliphate rises, if you're not wearing hijab, how will you be distinguished from the nonbelievers? If you look like them, you’ll be killed like them.
Ah, the Caliphate. Always about the Caliphate. Every Friday khutba (sermon) there was the declaration that Muslims will succeed in turning the whole planet Islamic. Every Friday, we chant “Ameen” as the Imam makes a dua, plea to Allah, that the Caliphate rises soon and that we eradicate nonbelievers. Then there will be peace. It is why when ISIS rose in Iraq and Syria so many people from around the world-inexplicable people like university students from affluent families in Western countries-decided to join ISIS then burn their passports. The response from pundits was to assume that these people were all recruited online. That’s some pretty quick recruiting! The reason why all those young and women so quickly joined ISIS was because, just like me, they were raised hearing about how it was their duty to join the ummah against the nonbelievers. They were taught that it was their duty to join the Caliphate when it rises. Probably, like me, they didn't really think they would ever see the day, but then there it was. An Islamic State. As soon as it existed, these people already knew what they had to do. It had been drilled into them since childhood.
My mother used to sit me down and make me promise that I would be willing to kill nonbelievers when the time came.
“Yes, sure,” I would respond in monotone.
There was always some sort of coercion going on. I was forced to pray, to memorize Quran, to promise to kill my friends, and of course to wear this hideous hijab. Every conceivable method of coercion was deployed—fear, a desire to please Allah, emotional blackmail. It was all unending. Only obedient Muslim daughters can go to Heaven. If you dress like the kuffar, you are choosing hell. That is the self-hate that I was filled with from the age of nine.
-- Yasmine Mohammed, "Unveiled"
The problem with Islam is Islam.
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deadpresidents · 1 year ago
You said you read a lot about Arabia and Islam and I have a random question that you might be able to help with. I know that for centuries there was a caliph who was like the leader of muslims and I always wondered why if the king of saudi arabia is in charge of the holy sites why isn't he considered the caliph or declared himself as the caliph?
It's a good question and there are a number of complex reasons why that didn't/doesn't happen which require a much deeper dive, but I'll try to give a simplified answer. First of all, the caliph was the spiritual leader of the entire Muslim world and while the caliphs also had a political role as successors to Muhammad, that role changed dramatically through the centuries as the Muslim world grew, Islamic empires rose and fell, and Islam itself branched into different sects. The last widely-recognized caliphs were the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, but even in the last decades of the Ottoman Empire, there were disagreements throughout the Muslim world about the legitimacy of anyone's claim on the caliphate. The two main branches of Islam -- Sunni and Shia -- have entirely different ideas on how a caliph should be chosen and who the caliph is chosen by.
When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after the end of World War I, the Sharif of Mecca -- Hussein, a direct descendant of Muhammad as the leader of Hashemite dynasty (and great-great grandfather of the current Jordanian King Abdullah II) -- attempted to declare himself the new caliph, but was not accepted. In many ways, it was like a modern European monarch suddenly declaring himself the Pope; that's just not how most Muslims believed the spiritual leader of the Islamic faith should be determined. Plus, Hussein only had a tenuous hold on Islam's holiest sites (Mecca, Medina, and, at the time, Jerusalem) following World War I, and Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud was in the process of taking control of what is now Saudi Arabia. Once Ibn Saud became King of Saudi Arabia, he took over as "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques" (Mecca and Medina), but the idea of declaring himself caliph was out of the question. Ibn Saud and the vast majority of his supporters were members of the deeply conservative, puritanical Wahhabi sect of Sunni Islam and they believed that the caliph was chosen by all Muslims, not declared by one person. As the guardian of Islam's two holiest sites, the King of Saudi Arabia is responsible for ensuring that all Muslims capable of making the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca (and the lesser pilgrimage to Medina) can do so. Unilaterally declaring himself the caliph would undoubtedly have alienated many Muslims, particularly those from countries outside of Saudi Arabia and especially Shiites. In other words, it's not within the power of the King of Saudi Arabia to give himself (or any other individual) the title of caliph, and he'd probably get just as much resistance from his fellow Saudis if he tried to do so. There's no way that the Ikhwan -- the ascetic tribes and Bedouins who largely acted as Ibn Saud's military forces as he conquered most of the Arabian Peninsula in the first half of the 20th Century -- would have remained loyal to the first Saudi King if he had unilaterally proclaimed himself the caliph.
The Muslim people around the world -- the ummah -- haven't been united since the death of Muhammad, which is when the divide between Shia and Sunnis began over the true successor of the Prophet, so any caliph is going to be seen as illegitimate by a significant percentage of the population. And in the modern world, any political aspects of a potential caliph are going to be superseded by the temporal responsibilities of the heads of state or heads of government in every country, no matter how large or devout their Islamic population might be. So, a modern caliph would really have to be a spiritual leader, not a political one -- very similar to the Pope. But the Pope also has the unique position of being the head of state (and, really, an absolute monarch) of a sovereign nation. The Islamic world is too fragmented and divided by opposing theologies to allow a modern-day caliph to govern, command military forces, and provide religious guidance in the same manner as Muhammad's immediate successors or even during the 600+ years of Ottoman Sultans. A caliph would effectively have the same standing today as a modern-day Doge of Venice or Japanese Shogun; it's an anachronistic position of leadership and somewhat outdated concept in the world we currently live in -- you know, like the Iowa Caucus or Electoral College.
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tenth-sentence · 10 months ago
This mirrors Islamist attempts to avoid detection through trigger words that feature on jihadist watch lists such as 'Khilafah' (caliphate), 'Kufr' (unbeliever) and 'Dar al-Harb' (the house of war).
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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daaft-prick-69 · 1 year ago
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Why?!! 😱🤦🏾‍♂️
I wonder whether these dumbfucks even know what is a caliphate!!
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asdaricus · 2 years ago
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The Mighty Caliph of the Faithful in his court. By Midjourney.
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zainab123 · 2 years ago
The era of Ali ibn Abi Talib’s caliphate is one of the most difficult times in the history of Islam. However, the events that took place during that time had their roots in previous caliphates.
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dom-archetype · 9 months ago
Gender Equality in the Caliphate of India
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As more and more Muslim men acquired their personal hsluts, there was a sense of jealousy amongst some Muslim women. To take out their anger and make sure that the dynamics of the relationship stay clear, they would often resort to using and abusing the hslut themselves.
Several hsluts reported that Muslim women were much more cruel than the men and would happily torture each part of their body until they become unusable. "They wanted to teach us a lesson that we are inferior to them and will always be", said Anjali, a victim of unimaginable torture at the hands of her Muslim mistress.
The Caliphate hasn't announced any legal protection for them and instead insisted that gender equality is central to their culture and so Muslim women have the right to use hsluts just as much as Muslim men.
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secular-jew · 9 months ago
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Now these Islamists are stalking and protesting Eden Golan, a Eurovision singer/songwriter from Israel. This is happening in Malmo, Sweden, where they are stalking Eden at her hotel room. Shameful.
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narrative-theory · 2 months ago
America's Role in the Rise of Al-Qaeda in Syria
Al Qaeda in Syria: The Irony of America's Role – Scott Ritter
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 6 months ago
Didn't know about a lot of these! Will be filing for future information.
Having said that, it has been several years since I stopped believing the Islamic myth of Jews being "treated well" under the caliphate. Rabbi Moses Maimonides' letter to the Jews of Yemen in the Middle Ages after further Muslim repressions against their religion puts paid to those lies. Unsurprisingly, those peddling this myth never mention it.
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Was there peaceful coexistence before 1948?  Jews that have been living under colonial occupation in Eretz Israel, or living as dhimmis while in Diaspora in Arab lands, have always been persecuted and oppressed. Don't let them rewrite our history.
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cinemablogs · 5 months ago
Iznogoud: Calife à la place du calife
Directors: Patrick Braoudé & Steve Carr | FR, 2005 Starring: Michaël Youn, Arno Chevrier, & Jacques Villeret
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whats-in-a-sentence · 9 months ago
In 945 an emir seized Baghdad for himself and the caliphate decomposed into a dozen independent emirates.*
*Caliphs continued in Baghdad until 1258 (and "shadow caliphs" carried on even later in Cairo), but like the kings of Zhou China after 771 BCE, they were mere figureheads. Emirs would normally mention the caliph in their Friday prayers but otherwise ignore him.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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