#anti arabism
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xclowniex · 10 months ago
You're a zionist Arab Jew? Are you also a member of the Snow Leopards Eating My Face party? Are you white passing enough that zionists don't know you're Arab or do you just hate yourself? Are you unaware of the unabashed anti Arab racism that Israelis spout out every day on social media? Or do you think you're just "one of the good ones"?
Time for everyone's favorite game show!
"What deranged shit in Clownie's inbox today!"
To turn to a more serious note, Whilst I do not not live in Israel, my family does.
My family have only faced minimal racism for being arab, mainly stuff back in school years ago. I do not speak for all arab jews or even all Arabs in Israel, but that is mu family's experience. Just schoolyard racist teasing which is obviously not a good thing, but isn't a problem anymore than anywhere else in the world.
My family has full rights as other arab citizens do and other jews do.
Most jews I speak to have no problem with me being arab too. Do anti arab jews exist? Probably as no group is a monolith. I have just not encountered any yet, which is again, just my experience.
Zionism is also not an anti arab ideology inherently. Zionism literally just means wanting self determination in Southern Levant. That looks like a lot of different things, however most jews who are zionist believe in either a two state solution or a land for all solution which allows for jewish self determination and Palestinian self determination.
I think it's also important for me to say that I do not know which arab country my arabness comes from due to my family being told to "leave or die" a few generations back because they were also jewish. I really wish that history had not been forgotten in the past 4 generations but it has.
When it comes to my appearance, is white passing something you ask every other poc on this site? Or just arab jews.
For your information, I am not white passing, I look mixed. People can tell that I'm not white. I have faced anti arab sentiment and racism before too because of how I look. I've even had someone think I was the cousin of an arab acquaintance too if that gives you a better idea surrounding my appearance.
I would have a better time in Israel as an arab jew than I would in most arab countries as an arab jew. Also there is a decent community of arab jews in Israel as well.
Lastly I would like to leave you with this, if your world view is threatened by an arab jew being a two state solution zionist, then your world view is weak and not at all based in reality.
I an arab jew, am holding hands with all other arab jews, non Jewish arab and non arab jews. Fuck off with your arabs vs jews rhetoric
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ramlionbam · 2 months ago
I literally saw someone saying the Palestinians should've died instead of having a ceasefire because freedom matters more than life... no mention of the hostages at all
that's... absolutely awful. no one should be pushing assumptions of when dying is better than living because of a reduced quality of life for any reason. and it ignores the hostages' existence entirely, perhaps by design or due to not valuing their lives.
and, lack of concern for hostages aside, it shows a callous lack of compassion for palestinian lives. it's terrible to hear that people are saying such things. it makes a lot of assumptions, including that hamas fighting against israel was materially contributing to palestinian freedom as well as deciding the value of other people's lives.
a ceasefire can help protect palestinian lives and israeli lives, as well as result in returning hostages to their families, and will hopefully assist in efforts towards peace. and it's my hope that peace will eventually result in better conditions for palestinians: a palestinian state, less anti-arab discrimination in israel, and perhaps even some kind of reparations someday.
dismissing a ceasefire and saying that death is better than efforts towards peace and other (re)constructive goals just... to me, at least, is... i can't really fathom it if someone genuinely believes that they care about palestinians. maybe i'm not understanding it correctly, but it sounds like calling for palestinian genocide.
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thoughtaddictand · 6 months ago
I support you the indigenous people of the Middle East
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cavalierzee · 6 months ago
A Closed Death Zone
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Israeli ex-hostage Yocheved Lifshitz says Hamas offered to unconditionally release her & another woman in the earliest days of the war, but Israel refused.
Hamas then said they would drop them at the borders with Israel, but the IDF had declared that area a closed “death zone”!
Muhammad Shehada
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xclowniex · 10 months ago
Something which really gets me is people who think "jews should just put up with antisemitism because some of the antisemites are doing beneficial things for Palestine"
It just really annoys me as it feels like people are saying "oh we can only have good things for Palestinians or for Jews" which is a bad mentalility. Jews and Palestinians should both not be treated poorly. We shouldn't be trading one groups safety for the others. It will never lead to peace in Southern Levant or in the diaspora. It will just lead to one group suffering majorly or even both groups taking turns at suffering depending on which group is "in favour" at any given time.
It just makes me think that people don't want jews and palestinians to coexist.
And its also like, not hard to uplift creators and voices who are not antisemitic too. Why do the antisemitic creators only get uplifted? There are people out there who, if they had the same audience size, could do the same beneficial things for Palestine without any antisemitism.
It also makes me think about the after-effects too. Like when war and suffering ends , you will just have a bunch of antisemites with huge platforms. And what will happen will not be good.
I will like to end this with, whilst this post is mainly talking about antisemitism, it also applies to anti arab. anti palestinian and/or islamphobic sentiment too. We should not be uplifting antisemites or people who are anti arab/anti palestinian
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cavalierzee · 6 months ago
Israel Is A deMOCKracy
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What happened to “diversity”?
Israel is an Apartheid Entity!
If that’s the case, then jews shouldn’t be allowed to live in predominantly Christian and Muslim nations.
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wingedalpacacupcake · 9 months ago
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legallyacceptibleurl · 7 months ago
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ID: a screenshot of a post that @prismatic-bell reblogged from @edenfenixblogs
@silly-little-zio: “your criticism of israel needs to be more than just tik tok buzzwords and al jazeera quotes for me to take you seriously”
@david-goldrock: “If you say "genocide ethnostate apartheid" bs, and then I ask you to explain any of these terms, and you need to google an example, you, my friend, are way too exposed to propaganda”
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I wonder what this david-goldrock person thinks of Gaza
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ID: a screenshot of a post from sep 5. a tumblr user, who i have censored the url of, said: “Free Gaza”
@thebrightestwitchofherage: “We did, in 2005!”
@david-goldrock: “And look where it brought us.
Control Gaza Again!”
End ID.
I wonder what this david-goldrock person thinks of muslims…
(islamophobic hate speech and racist caricature under the cut)
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ID: a screenshot of a video post that @david-goldrock reblogged from @ambient-entropy on april 26
The video is of an animation, in the frame you can see an islamophobic caricature with a turban, a big hooked nose, big sharp teeth, and a green beard. the caricature has a big evil grin and is cranking some sort of machine that sends green tentacles into the ground.
@shimamon27: “The evil roots of Jihad
It spreads to destroy the western world!
Coming from Qatar, Iran and their various proxies, the only way to stop them, is for the western world to unite!”
@deborahdeshoftim5779: “It's high time for the West to wake up and stop the anti-civilisational plague of Islamic jihad from spreading.”
End ID.
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cavalierzee · 6 months ago
The Quran Is The Truth
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The Quran revealed over 1400 years ago that corrupt people would falsely state:
“We Are Only Peace-Makers”
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thatstormygeek · 1 month ago
Let’s be clear about what happened: A Jewish American man nearly killed two Israeli Jews because he thought they were Palestinian Arab Muslims—and the victims instead still blamed Arabs for the attack, calling for their death. In other words, the victims didn’t condemn the would be murderer for trying to murder them, because his intent is one they apparently agree with, i.e. “death to Arabs.”
And the absurdity still does not stop here. Consider that this shooting happened in Florida, a state that has charged a woman denied healthcare coverage with terrorism because she repeated, “delay deny defend, you’re next,” to Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The woman, Briana Boston, is a mother of three, has no history of violence, doesn’t even own a firearm—yet currently languishes in house arrest and faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted of terrorism. Meanwhile, though Mordechai Brafman is being held in jail without bond, so far he has only been charged with two counts of second degree attempted murder—not terrorism, and not a hate crime. If convicted, he also faces up to 15 years in prison. How are empty words deserving of the same punishment as shooting at two people 17 times, hitting and nearly killing them? Why is it terrorism to verbally express non-violent frustration to a health insurance company, but not terrorism to fire 17 times in broad daylight with the intent to kill two people because you thought they were Palestinian Muslims? ... Does Brafman’s incompetence in identifying his targets excuse his anti-Arab racism? Does the fact that his bullets grazed his victims, instead of killing them, somehow make his actions less of a hate crime? If someone fires 17 rounds at people based purely on ethnic hatred, how is that not an act of terrorism?
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 7 months ago
This site is pretty brain dead, I knew that already, but I find it astounding that in everyone's mission to be such an ally to Jewish people and combating antisemitism, a worrying chunk of blogs on here have decided that being flat out racist to Palestinians and regurgitating anti-Arab sentiment was the route to go.
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