#Council Services Cleaning
Council Services Cleaning in Brisbane
For top-notch council services cleaning in Brisbane, Ecoblast Pressure Cleaning is the trusted provider. Known for their high-quality and efficient cleaning solutions, Ecoblast Pressure Cleaning specializes in delivering comprehensive pressure cleaning services tailored to meet the needs of local councils and public spaces. Choosing Ecoblast Pressure Cleaning for council services cleaning in…
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soloau21 · 4 days
Grease Trap Cleaner
"Maximize kitchen efficiency and maintain sanitary conditions with our Grease Trap Cleaner. Designed for robust effectiveness, it effortlessly breaks down fats, oils, and greases, ensuring smooth operations and preventing costly blockages. Ideal for commercial kitchens and industrial applications."
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cleanenergyday · 2 months
(Part 2) Global stocktaking marking the completion of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All to further accelerate the implementation of SDG 7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - General Assembly, Sustainability Week, 78th session.
Thematic Debate 2: Addressing energy's interlinkages and strengthening means of implementation and partnerships 
Closing segment
Energy is an essential ingredient for getting the world on track towards meeting the SDGs and the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change. SDG 7, which calls for access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, is inextricably linked to many other SDGs and its targets, including poverty eradication, food security, health, education, prosperity, gender equality, employment, transport, ocean, clean water and sanitation, as well as gender equality and the empowerment of women, youth and children.  
The global stocktaking will bring together high-level representatives from Member States and other leaders from all regions. The meeting will be open to the United Nations system, ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations, and other relevant stakeholders.
The goal of the global stocktaking is to review progress achieved at the end of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, 2014-2024, and to raise ambition and accelerate action towards attaining SDG 7 by catalyzing innovative solutions, investments and multi-stakeholder partnerships. 
Watch the (Part 2) Global stocktaking marking the completion of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All to further accelerate the implementation of SDG 7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - General Assembly, Sustainability Week, 78th session.
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reformthesystem · 10 months
Hi, this is my blog post on the need for the government to conduct routine and consistent cleaning in all residential areas. If you like my articles and want to support my work, please consider subscribing to my blog. Thanks.
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deadsetobsessions · 4 months
Edit: thank you @tetranationaltortoise for pointing out that the Red Spot is on Jupiter instead of Saturn! Fixed it! You’re not nickpicking, you’re providing very appreciated constructive criticism (and a basic fact check I should have done lol) <3
Danny, as usual, hadn’t meant to become the local cryptid. Local being extremely relative, as his locality in this instance is… space.
He just wanted to have some relaxation time. He just wanted to do some homework, chill on Mars or something, and then call it a day.
This hero business was taxing and Danny took his breaks when he could. Take that, work-life balance! Just kidding, Danny had no work-life balance. His life is a mess and he's overworked.
What was it that Superman had said in that one interview?
“Evil never sleeps."
Apparently, that also meant Danny never slept either.
“Hrk!” Danny snorted awake, looking around wildly at the vast expanse of space to see what woke him.
Yeah, that’ll do it.
In front of him, merrily floating through space, is the battered remains of what used to be an asteroid and a mecha that’s a weird combination of Gotham’s vigilante hero, Batman, and Metropolis’ Golden Boy, Superman.
The vibrations of the collision had shaken Danny awake.
Danny got up, baffled as hell and half asleep still. He floated to the giant Bat insignia tumbling around, inching closer as he saw the- oh hell, that’s so cool, it’s a plane!- cockpit and the passed out hero inside of it. Danny clicked his tongue, the sound swallowed by the lack of air.
He shoved the plane closer to earth, passing it to a bewildered (and both beat up and stressed out) Superman, who did a double take at the glowing green boy chucking him the Toy-maker Batplane.
Danny had waved, blinked out of visibility, and had gone back to his nap.
After phasing inside the plane and nabbing a batarang from Batman’s pouch, that is. Danny will consider it payment for the clean up service he’d unwittingly signed himself up for.
And so went the first encounter.
The second time he met the so called Big Leagues, Danny had just come back from fighting Dan. He wanted a break, dammit, and if staring at Saturn’s gorgeous rings and gaseous formations helped him sleep better, then that’s what’s going to happen.
Then, a similarly green glowing Green Lantern “landed” to where he was floating curled up. Danny knew about Lanterns. Their council often tried to meddle in his court.
“Hello,” the Ring projected its Lantern’s words to Danny’s head. Danny tilted his head without looking at the Lantern. “I’m John Stewart. What are you doing out here, kid?”
Danny thought this guy had a nice, soothing voice. Powerful, as Latern tended to be, but infinitely kind.
Danny decided that this one wasn’t immediately on his shit list.
“Phantom.” He said, and the Lantern asked him to repeat it as the glow of his ring enveloped the halfa.
“Phantom. Are you lost, Phantom?”
“No, just dead.”
John Stewart paused. “…Dead?”
“I’m a ghost,” Danny raised his hands and phased it through the Lantern’s arm.
“Ah,” the man said, flustered. “Right. So… you’re just…”
“Hanging out.” As he talked to the Lantern, Danny had a rather amusing idea. He rotated himself- turned- towards Jupiter and pointed to the Red Spot. “That’s actually my grave.”
John Stewart paused. “I’m sorry…?”
“My grave. Don’t disturb it. It’s rude,” Danny lied through his sharp ghost teeth. “Your council disturbed my grave the last time they stopped by and it took ages to get it back right.”
The green Lantern shield enveloping Danny flickered as John Stewart went through the five stages of grief. To be fair, the council had last visited this solar system... a couple thousand years ago, so John was no doubt rapidly doing some mental math regarding Danny's age.
“The council disturbed your grave…?”
“Not that they knew it, those pretentious weirdos.” Danny pretended to be offended, just to see the struggle on John’s face as he debated defending the council or telling a dead child their grave didn’t matter. Because Stewart was a hero, he went with the latter.
“I see. I am sorry, on their behalf.”
“Eh, whatever. Just make sure they don’t do it again. So… what can that ring do?”
"Hi. Could you not litter in space, please?"
Wonder Woman whirled around, sword out and pointed at Danny.
"A... child? Who are you, child?"
"I'm not a child-! You know what, it doesn't even matter. See that?" Danny waved at the pieces of shattered meteor and smashed up alien tech floating outside of the watch tower. "Littering is not cool."
"How did you get in here?"
"I'm Phantom. This is kind of my neighborhood." Danny let his mouth run, sleep deprived and exhausted. "I'm dead, that's how I got in here. Could you not litter in my backyard, please?"
He had better things to do than cleaning after full grown adult heroes.
"Oh, you are the ghost child Lantern mentioned! I see! My apologies, the clean up will be starting in a bit." Wonder Woman slid her sword back into its sheath.
"Great. Nice meeting you. I'll stick around to make sure you young whipper snappers clean up properly."
With that, Danny sunk into the floor. After a moment's deliberation, he decided to take a nap in the floor vent.
Danny jolted awake once more. Ancients, like mentor, like mentee. Robin stared at him, awkwardly wriggling through the floor vents.
"I'm taking a nap here," Danny grumbled. "What are you doing in the vents?"
"Me? What are you doing in the vents? I'm allowed in here!"
"Wonder Woman knows I'm here," Danny replied. She knows... probably? "I'm Phantom."
"So... what are you doing?"
"Knowledge is power," Robin intoned, clearly imitating the Bat.
Danny stared.
"... You're stalking the JL?"
"Information gathering!"
"Stalking," Danny concluded, ignoring Robin's grumble. "Yeah, okay. If you need help, let me know, I guess."
"I don't need help." Robin paused, tilting his head to the side like a particularly curious bird. "Unless you're up for some pranks? Green Lantern's been getting on my nerves lately."
Danny frowned at him. "I like John Stewart."
"You've met- no, not him, the other one."
"Oh. What do I get out of it?"
Robin reached into his belt pouch and pulled out... a bag of marshmallows? How the hell did that-? Ah, right, hammerspace.
"Oh, wait, can you eat this?"
"I'm dead, not tasteless. I love marshmallows, hand it over. I'll help out."
"I swear to god, Spooky, there's something in the walls. It's even creepier than you!"
Batman grunted. He'd stop Robin if he went too far and it started affecting Lantern's abilities on the field, but as far as the Dark Knight was concerned, the Green Lantern had it coming. Robins were vindictive on a good day. If Hal hadn't learned that from Dick, then Jason's retaliation was well deserved.
"Oh, maybe it's the ghost!" Hal said, looking around with his ring glowing.
"I thought John said he was a godling?" Diana polished her sword as she looked on in amusement.
"The boy." Batman grunted. "Not human, his pointed ears and green skin is proof of that. Did J'onn say anything?"
"Not yet."
"Whatever he is, he saved Batman. He's welcome in the Tower," Superman tilted back as his hearing picked up on Robin's and Phantom's snickering.
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blexclusivecleaning · 2 years
Commercial Cleaning Blacktown | blexclusivecleaning.com.au
Whether you are looking for cleaning for your office or your home, you should take some time to research the various options available. There are a number of commercial cleaning companies in Blacktown that can provide you with the services you need. Taking the time to find a company that can meet your needs will save you time and money in the long run.
B & L Exclusive Cleaning Commercial Cleaning
B & L Exclusive Cleaning commercial cleaning Blacktown offers a wide variety of cleaning services for both the commercial and residential sector. These include carpet cleaning, office cleaning, gym cleaning, school cleaning and more. These cleaning services are all carried out by highly trained and qualified cleaners. This company offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all its services.
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B & L Exclusive Cleaning commercial cleaning Blacktown also offers an online booking service for their customers. This helps them save time and money. This company also accepts a number of online payment methods.
Another service that B & L Exclusive cleaning commercial Cleaning Blacktown provides is spring cleaning. This spring clean includes cleaning windows, driveways, hard surfaces and eaves. In addition, it can also include removing cobwebs, cleaning the kitchen and oven, and more. It can also include a deep clean, which involves using a number of different cleaning solutions to get the house sparkling.
JBN Cleaning
Whether you're in need of a small office cleaning service, or are looking for a company that can provide a wide range of commercial cleaning services, JBN Cleaning can be your go-to for all your cleaning needs. JBN provides a wide range of commercial cleaning services in and around Sydney. In particular, they specialise in office cleaning services, window cleaning services, and medical cleaning services.
While JBN Cleaning may be a small company, they have an impressive track record in the cleaning business. They have been in business for more than 10 years and have the experience to back up their impressive credentials. They also have the savvy to ensure that their clients receive the best possible cleaning service.
JBN is one of the better commercial cleaning Blacktown companies to choose. Besides offering a range of cleaning services, they also provide clients with a great range of window cleaning tools. One of the best features of JBN is their willingness to be flexible, so that the cleaning service you choose is the best fit for your specific needs.
Office cleaners work only during business hours
Using office cleaning services is a great way to get your office up to snuff. If you have a small business or a large corporate office, hiring a professional cleaning company will get your work done without disrupting your employees. Using professional services will also ensure your most important files are kept safe.
The swine flu has put hygiene on the front burner. It is important to maintain the proper level of hygiene in your office to ensure the health and safety of your employees. The best way to do this is to have your office cleaning company clean your office at least twice a week. It is also important to make sure your trash is emptied on a regular basis. A professional cleaning company will also advise you on how to clean your office chairs properly.
Office cleaners are screened to ensure that they have a clear past history and reputation for honest work.
Keeping your office clean can be a time-consuming job. It can improve productivity and morale in the workplace. A clean office can also enhance the overall image of your company.
When hiring office cleaning services, it's important to choose a company that values integrity. They will stay true to their contracts, and will be upfront about costs and quotes. You should also make sure the company has at least three years of experience in commercial cleaning. You can do this by asking for references. You should also ask about the company's quality control program and customer complaints process.
It's also important to choose a company that has a dedicated, bonded and dedicated employee base. The quality of service and the attention to detail of the employees will affect the quality of your work.
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Hello Tumblrs!
My wonderful friend Several Puffins (he is a real human friend I promise, he is not actually several puffins with or without a trenchcoat) has made a lil arcade game for Android or computer in which you go for a lovely walk in the park, but Tory politicians are trying to get you. From the game page description:
A General Election announcement!
We in the Flummockshire County Council wish to give the Tory Party the thanks they deserve in the run-up to the general election!
Enjoy a sunny day in the park! Don't let feral politicians, desperate for your vote, ruin your day, and don't listen to the rumours that Liz Truss has been eating squirrels live on the children's roundabout. She is a titanic figure in British politics, and not just because she came second place to an iceberg.
Remember, you can always defend yourself from unwanted canvassing by pulling condoms over their heads.
Where will you get all these condoms while out in the park? Well, thanks to council cleaning service cuts, these days they're just lying around! And if you don't like that, well, just don't ask about our local rivers.
The game is called Pulling a Condom Over Boris Johnson's Head, and is available on Itch. It's free, but you can donate to the creator. It's an arcade get-the-highest-score type game, so it always ends in them getting you, but the cause of death is different depending on which one gets you.
Also the artwork of each Tory is filled with satirical jokes. I really love how £50 notes fall out of Rishi's pockets as he scuttles between bushes, for example.
Anyway enjoy this masterpiece
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The Official BDS Boycott Targets
Block the boat: End maritime arms transfer to Israel
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Consumer Boycotts - a complete boycott of these brands
Israeli produce
Organic Boycott Targets - boycotts not initiated by BDS but still complete boycott of these brands
Papa Johns
Burger King
Pizza Hut
Divestments and exclusion - pressure governments, institutions, investment funds, city councils, etc. to exclude from procurement contracts and investments and to divest from these
Elbit Systems
HD Hyundai
TKH Security
Pressure - boycotts when reasonable alternatives exist, as well as lobbying, peaceful disruptions, and social media pressure.
Here are some companies that strongly support Israel (but are not Boycott targets). There is no ethical consumption under capitalism and boycotting is a political strategy - not a moral one. If you did try to boycott every supporter of Israel you would struggle to survive because every major company supports Israel (as a result of attempting to keep the US economy afloat), that being said, the ones that are being boycotted by masses and not already on the organic boycott list are coloured red.
5 Star Chocolate
Arsenal FC
Azrieli Group
American Eagle
Amway Corp
Axel Springer
American Airlines
American Express
Bain & Company
Bank Leumi
Bank Hapoalim
BCG (Boston Consulting Group)
Booz Allen Hamilton
Bath & Body Works
Bristol Myers Squibb
Capri Holdings
Carita Paris
CareTrust REIT
Check Point Software Technologies
Chapman and Cutler
Chips Ahoy!
Christina Aguilera
Citi Bank
Canada Dry
Clal Insurance Enterprises
Clean & Clear
Club Social
Coca Cola
Coffee Mate
Conde Nast
Cooley LLP
Côte d’Or
CV Starr
CyberArk Software
Cra Z Art
Dr Pepper
Del Valle
Doctor Pepper
Delta Air Lines
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Telekom
DHL Group
David Off
DLA Piper
Douglas Elliman
Duane Morris LLP
Dreft Baby Detergent & Laundry Products
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream
Eli Lilly
EPAM Systems
Estee Lauder
Elbit Systems
First International Bank of Israel
Fox News
Fox Corp
Gamida Cell
General Catalyst
General Motors
Gold Peak
Goldman Sachs
Grandma’s Cookies
Greenberg Traurig
Head & Shoulders
Herbert Smith Freehills
Hewlett Packard
Harel Insurance Investment & Financial Services
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Huntsman Corp
Insight Partners
Inditex Group
IT Cosmetics
Interpublic Group
ICL Group
John Lewis
JP Morgan Chase
Johnson & Johnson
Kenon Holdings
Kate Spade
Kinley Water
KKW Cosmetics
Levi Strauss
Louis Vuitton
Life Water
Levi’s Strauss
Land Rover
Live Nation Entertainment
La Roche-Posay
Major League Baseball
Manpower Group
Marsh McLennan
Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Minute Maid
Mainz FC
Mellow Yellow
Mountain Dew
Migdal Insurance
Marks & Spencer
McDermott Will & Emery
Michael Kors
Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
Merck KGaA
Micheal Kors
Mount Franklin
Morgan Lewis
Morgan Stanley
Naughty Dog
Nutter Butter
No Frills
National Basketball Association
National Geographic
New Balance
Oral B
Old spice
P&G (Procter and Gamble)
Pull & Bear
Parker Pens
Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Pizza Hut
Phoenix Holdings
Pure Leaf Green Tea
Power Action Wipes
Perry Ellis
Prada Eyewear
Procter & Gamble
Quaker Oats
Royal Bank of Canada
Ralph Lauren
Rolls Royce
Sabra Hummus
Smart Water
Soda Stream
Smart Food
Sam’s Club
Sour Patch Kids
Tate’s Bake Shop
The Body Shop
The Ordinary
Tim Hortons
Topo Chico
Tommy Hilfiger
Tommy Hilfiger Toiletries
Tom Ford
Taco Bell
Tottenham Hotspurs
Uber Eats
Urban Decay
Victoria’s Secret
Wheat Thins
Warner Brothers
Warner Chilcot
Warner Music
Wells Fargo
Winston & Strawn
Wissotzky Tea
Wheel Washing Powder
Wrigley Company
Yum Brands
Zim Shipping
Ziff Davis
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Hi!!! I’m just wondering about any kinks reader might have in the poly!plasticsverse, and you know maybe any kinks the girls might have too
Poly!Plasticverse Kinks (18+):
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Has a praise kink AND a degradation kink
LOVES to be eaten out
Crazy for nipple play (she can cum just from that)
Loves to be choked (chokes herself sometimes)
Loves, loves, LOVES, dry humping
Loves being spanked (floggers, hands, etc.)
HAND. KINK. (She gets caught staring at Y/N's hands while they play guitar and 9 times out of 10 leads to her getting plowed)
She loves being overstimulated
Gretchen is a squirter
Once in a blue moon, she will top one of the girls or Y/N (double-ended dildo)
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Karen has a massive toy collection
She loves to be gagged
She loves being tied up
She goes full shibari sometimes
Sends them spontaneously
Karen is into butt plugs and things of that nature
She misbehaves one day and Regina makes her wear a butt plug to school. Y/N makes her wear a bluetooth vibrator too.
MAJOR service submissive
She likes to clean the house, wash the dishes, gets punished when she doesn't do her tasks
BRATTY AS FUCK (Runs her mouth a little too much for her sake)
Knows her tits look great so she wears things that accentuate them.
Likes getting marked by her girls, likes wearing hickeys like they are accessories.
Karen is ticklish (sometimes its foreplay for her)
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Regina George has a major breeding kink
Loves getting her hair pulled
Her neck is her weakness (kissing, nibbling, licking, etc.)
Regina gets WET (like dripping down her thighs wet)
Likes being bitten
She scratches down her girls backs
Likes to leave marks on her girls
Financial Domme
Def has an OnlyFans
MAJOR LEATHER KINK (leather, latex, PVC girly)
Only lets Y/N top her (only lets Y/N fuck her ass)
Calls Y/N "daddy", makes Gretchen and Karen call her "Mommy"
Loves high/drunk/crossfaded sex (If Regina smokes, Y/N knows they are fucking)
Major exhibitionist (has a "places to fuck" fucket list)
The class she shares with Y/N is after lunch and on the days Y/N skips lunch to go smoke with Aaron and Shane, when they’re in class, all Regina has to do is whisper the word daddy in Y/N’s ear and she’s getting fingered while learning about the French Revolution
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The council (@yungpoetfics) and I have decided Cady is babygirl and that is her kink.
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Top-leaning switch
Sadist and Masochist
Very into suspension
Foot fetish
(Has chatted to Shane about celebrities feet)
Blood kink (loves period sex) (allegedly a vampire)
Knife kink
Very into edging her girl
Wax kink
Janis fucks her girl in the art room (has used a paintbrush as a makeshift dildo)
Girly is a GIVER (iykyk)
Y/N has topped her (multiple times)
Breath play
Loves Regina's boobs (the boobs that made her a gay boob girly)
Has read the kamasutra front to back
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100% a switch (emotional bottom physical top)
Likes unusual positions
Super flexible
Firm believer of "sit on my face, don't hover. even if i die, SIT"
Proud member of the Mile High club (on a no fly list)
Shower sex enthusiast
Lactation kink
Dry Humping
Thigh Riding
SIZE KINK (2/3 of the plastics are taller than her and she's taller than, Gretchen, Janis, and Cady)
Likes being blindfolded
Fucking in crowds (fucked Regina at a Paramore concert)
Loves being called Daddy
Wears a packer
Whimpers if overwhelmed
Her sensitive spots are her back (scratches, massages, etc.) and her thighs
Likes being forced to submit (puts up a hell of a fight)
Thinks veins are hot (she likes fucking her girl after gym when she can see veins popping and her girl is sweaty and breathless)
Likes being choked
Likes being slapped (yes on the face)
"Hit me harder" "Show me no mercy"
Later regrets those sentences
VOYEUR (watches Regina fuck Gretchen and Karen and rubs one out)
Likes giving Shane head (He's rough) (SHE SWALLOWS)
Has had a threesome with Aaron and Shane (and a foursome including Cady in that group)
Note: @yungpoetfics and I got very VERY carried away with Y/N. Just know, the smut you guys will get from the poly!plasticsverse/y/n's harem is going to be HOT
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flower-cage · 3 months
To Serve
by @flower-cage Ao3 | Masterlist Aemond Targaryen x Servant!Reader Summary: That morning, the crown Prince entered the young Queen's chambers and changed your life forever.
Words: 3,768
Warnings: explicit sexual content, dubious consent, power imbalance, humiliation kink, voyeurism. Minors, do not interact.
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Your new role of serfdom started not unlike that of attending to the needs and whims of the Dragons. Up before dawn, you ensured that dresses were washed and perfumed, jewelry and shoes polished. In the late morrow, you served tea to the Queen and her mother. At luncheon, you would have taken the chance, in their absence, to clean and tidy their chambers, had it not been for your newest promotion.
That morning, while his sister and mother broke their fast, the Prince entered the young Queen’s chambers and changed your life forever.
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He had always paid you close attention. In truth, only seldom were you ever in the presence of the one-eyed Prince, but whenever chance brought you together, you felt his lingering, insistent gaze on the hairs in the back of your neck. Always. 
It did not take long for others to take notice of it, too. Often the maids would tease you for the interest you had awakened in the Prince known to be harsh and cold and cruel like a winter storm.
“You are fortunate he does not take after his brother’s depraved malversations,” you would often hear.
This was what the whole of Westeros knew of him back then, before the Dance.
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That morning, you had twisted your hands in your apron, standing outside his door and garnering the strength to raise one of them to the wooden slabs.
“It is unlike my son to show interest in a lady,” the Dowager Queen had told you, clinking a silver teaspoon against fine porcelain, “or anyone at all, for that matter.”
Your guts knotted of their own accord. Your spine shuddered cold.
“I would like you to tend to his needs from now on,” she had announced easily, breaking apart a piece of crusty bread. “All of his needs.”
Now, you often wonder if she would have offered you so unashamedly if she had known he would mature into such an unscrupulous man. Or, you wonder most often, perhaps she had always known. Perhaps she had hoped he would satisfy his dormant savagery, then inhibited by a pretense of duty and propriety, if only she delivered him a feast before it fully wakened.
And feast he would, though his hunger would never be sated.
In the end, he would teach you everything you learned of this world of carnal indulgences.
That morning, he had risen leisurely from his seat of leather, strode to you lazily, smiled self-assuredly. You stood stoic, hands fidgeting and sweating behind your back, a half-step past his chambers’ door after courage and fear had finally coaxed you in.
He stalked toward you until his nose brushed yours faintly and your back rested against the cold wood. His eye roamed you freely, his masculine scent of leather and cedar crowded your senses, and your body shuddered beneath his desirous stance.
“I shall not take that which is not freely given,” his whisper tickled the shell of your ear, “and I shall not award what is not yet desired.”
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His promise stretched on for days on end.
You tended to him much like you had his sister: tending to his chambers, washing his clothing, learning his habits. You served him wine at supper and tea in the morrow. You dressed him before Small Council meetings and bathed him after his daily practices.
Until you didn’t.
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“Prince Aemond requests your services,” a familiar knight announces after rapping on the door.
You rise from where you have been sitting at your vanity table, combing your hair to a shine as is your Prince’s preference. You fix the sleeves on your dress, but it does not grant you any decency whatsoever, not when its translucent, iridescent silk ostensibly reveals the shape and shades of your bare body, not when the slit that travels up your right thigh cuts up to your hip bone. 
Such are and have always been your Prince’s preferences.
“Where is your uniform?” he asked you sternly when you met him at the training grounds.
He took the cup of fresh water from the tray you carried, gulping down its contents to then wipe his face and short hair with the towel you brought him.
“M-my Prince?” you asked timidly, breathless at the abrupt inquiry and at the sweat that glistened his pale skin.
“The dresses I gifted you,” he pressed, displeased. “I thought I made myself clear - you are to wear them henceforth. You are to solely wear them.”
His sharp gaze was menacing, surely, but the disappointment was there, too, hidden in the glint of his blue eye to chastise and guilt you. Though mortified at the improper implications of his demands, the thought of disobeying him was what truly shook you to the core.
The White Cloak takes you to a set of heavy doors which he pushes open to reveal King Aegon II’s Small Council. He was once the depraved son of King Viserys I, but he is no longer the exclusive bearer of such a title.
Your Prince sits to the left of the King now, across from the Lord Hand, in a great position of power. The Dance had reshaped many things in the Realm, and he had been no exception. 
He doesn’t cover his monstrous gash and sapphire stone like he used to when his mother was still alive. He hasn’t held many habits of propriety since. More scars cut across his milky skin, some even crawling from beneath his collar, and the long white mane he used to proudly maintain in honor of his heritage is kept short to enhance all of his additional, menacing features.
His body is that of a man, now: no longer slim and taut but large and burly from battle, and yet his most striking transformations had not been merely bodily.
You walk toward him surely but quietly, eyes fixed on him whilst he does not award you a single glance. He is engrossed in the scheming that does not halt at your entrance, but you know he wants you when you see his parted knees, when you see leather pulled tight over his stiff shaft.
His jaw is clenched tight and the fingers on his right hand fiddle around thin air, so you know to step silently between his parted legs and descend to your knees underneath the table. The rough fingers that do not worry over it snake around the back of your head to gently thread through your hair. He needn’t say nor command anything else.
You stroke him to full hardness, grazing your teeth against the base and running your nose along the shaft, to then unbutton him quietly.
He is as silky and warm as always against your tongue. He drags against your cheeks when you hollow them and his skin, taut around his swollen tip, pulls back and forth when you suck on it. You don’t recall when you first enjoyed his weight in your mouth this much.
You risk a glance at him. He pays you no mind, and his stoic façade gives away nothing, but his chest moves up and down rapidly and you know it means you’re being good. You suppress a whine at his modest appreciation.
He is impossibly handsome as he towers over you, gaze sharp and jaw tight as he ignores you. You want nothing more than his praise and attention, so you lick and please him slowly, lazily and patiently. He is busy, you remind yourself, and he will reward you when the time comes. He always does.
Between your thighs, your skimpy dress slickens with your arousal as it builds steadily to an insatiable ache. It has become second nature for your body to give in to him in this way, even when he has yet to touch you. He has trained you this way.
“Have you kept it wet for your Prince?” he whispers against your neck each time he comes back to his quarters in the early evening. 
The question is often accompanied by a slithering hand, like a snake that seeks warmth, it buries itself in your cunt to confirm it is to his standards. He hums in satisfaction each time.
“When in my presence,” he had told you once, depositing you in an armchair across his desk, “I want to marvel at my cunt freely,” he explained as he hooked your knees over the armrests and bunched your skirts around your waist.
And you awakened breathless, hours later, with his tongue licking inside you and his nose on your pearl of pleasure. 
You had stood no chance. To you, he is intrinsically bound to that feeling that crawls under your skin, that under his touch erupts in elation.
Now, you are wide awake and it is you who tastes him eagerly. 
When he begins to drip, hot and salted, your fingers grip his thighs harder as your own quiver in a need you haven't been able to control in a long time. You look at him again. His cheeks are hollowed, jaw locked shut, eyes slitted in fury.
The lords in the Small Council haven’t halted their discussion despite your interruption and it is clear what they discuss displeases your Prince greatly. If not, he might have not summoned you.
This is not the first time the Prince has had you in their presence, it is not the first time he has had you in the presence of others at all. If it had been, perhaps you would have been capable of greater shame.
When he took you in and you proceeded to tend to him exclusively, little of your customary routine changed. But when his demands started to reflect his true intentions, his true desires, it couldn’t be said you were a simple maid of the palace.
That first time, you had been brushing your hair at your vanity, as you often now did, and applying to your skin the feminine oils your Prince preferred. In an immodest lavender dress of his choosing and delicate jewelry he appreciated, you tended to yourself as he demanded.
The doors to his sleeping chambers push open to allow a small entourage of maids to set his breakfast - your breakfast. Your jerk reaction is to look away from them, the people who had once been your colleagues, and hide your healthy, pampered face. 
Your eyes land on his lavish, sunny balcony where he leans against the railing directly across from you. He loves to watch his beast terrorize the city below with her sky-bound rounds first thing in the morrow. But he watches her no longer.
He shines brightly and god-like under the sun; his messy short hair glows a halo above him, and the sapphire lodged on the left side of his face glints to highlight the cut of his scar like thunder. Despite the warmth of the morning shine, he is cold, white-cold, with his silver hair and porcelain skin, his milky chemise that reveals his milky chest, and his silky pants that bulk to reveal his salacious musings.
Your breathing quickens as you take him in fully, in all his terrifying, improper glory. Your hand holds your brush halfway through its path and your lips hang parted as he holds your gaze intently, as you watch him with a hunger that escapes your agency.
When he pushes off the stone ledge, you let your brush hit the floor. Such is the effect he has on you, such is the extent of his influence.
He drops to frame you within his arms, leveraging against the cushioned seat of your vanity desk, to take your lips in sloppy teasing, giving you just enough of a taste that something within you quivers wantonly.
Behind you, the porcelains and silvers continue to clink against the wood, chairs scrape across the stone, and heavy cloth slaps in the still air.
“What’s this, then?” he whispers and deprives you of his tongue too quickly. You grasp onto his strong arms to center yourself, breathing heavily against him. 
Fingers run up your inner thigh and you shiver violently, desiring him violently.
“Are you ashamed of serving your Prince?” he grins maliciously.
“O-of course not my-” you choke on a gasp when he brings his hot lips to your neck, sucking on the spots that have you dripping under your skimpy gown.
He takes your left knee and hooks it around his hip, pulling you flush against him as he presses you down on the long chaise. A yelp escapes you when you feel his hot girth against your cunt.
“Or are you ashamed of how thoroughly you enjoy it?” he grunts against your lips, thrusting his clothed bulge against you. You bite your lips closed painfully as you are painfully aware of the people behind you.
“I didn’t say you could leave,” he barks, glancing upward to your utmost horror. You hear the servants scurry behind you, imagining their bowed heads and embarrassed looks. Your own embarrassment grows until tears gather in the corners of your eyes.
“Not until she comes,” he adds, looking at you, grinning widely, while he snakes a hand between your legs and burrows his fingers deep inside in a swift stroke.
You burn in shame when your eyes roll to the back of your head and a long whine is forced out of your lips.
“It won’t be long now,” he continues, watching your tears spill, fucking your cunt fast, “she is wet and swollen already.”
Indeed, the noises coming from between your legs are excessively obscene. And he is right, he knows your cunt - his cunt - too well.
When he plugs you with his thick girth, you whine and moan in complete abandon. And when he plows you fast enough to make the chaise scrape against the floors, you scream and beg for him before soaking his cock in your unlimited ecstasy.
The first time he’s ever had you in the presence of others was long ago.
Now, you know that when his fingers tighten on your nape you are to release his hard cock quickly. You know to mount it instead.
You make quick, silent work of it not to disturb him and the processes of the court that still unravel behind you. You straddle his thighs, tuck your toes behind his knees, grip his leather vest tightly, and hide your face in the crook of his neck. The hand that had been in your hair now rests on your hip, thumb hooked under the scandalous slit of your dress to bury in the crease where your thigh meets your hip.
You count the time that passes in the drops of sweat that roll down your temple, in shaky breaths you rein against his skin, in the thrums of your blood.
Your cunt, dripping and dripping, quivers weakly around him. Though you refrain from moving and driving yourself to your insanity, it throbs on his shaft as you feel the mere ghost of his touch on your most pleasurable spot.
Your body aches with the effort of keeping composure, keeping quiet, keeping from breaking. And every time your Prince has input on the session that stretches on, his chest rumbles and you must refrain from mewling in satisfaction.
It is not until your mind is hazy with exhaustion and your eyes spill tears of agony that the heavy chairs start to scrape against the stone floors, one by one. Your heartbeats pick up their rhythm from where they had rested in patience. 
And when footsteps follow, he pulls your face from hiding by the sweaty hairs on the back of your neck.
A small yet immensely condescending smile plays on his sculpted lips. It makes you aware of your humiliating conditions: a servant, chosen to fulfill the pleasures of her liege Prince, at the brink of insanity from entertaining her own pleasures instead.
You are lost in his mismatched blue eyes, so much so that you are caught off guard when he starts shoving your hips back and forth to grind on his cock. Instantly, it drags a long gasp from you, crosses your eyes, waters your mouth.
“Hm?” he questions patronizingly, looking down with a raised eyebrow that mocks your lustful reaction.
His ministrations are excruciating, his cockhead bullying hard and unforgiving on your most pleasurable spot. In this way, you are violently driven to ecstasy, just shy of peaking with the same intensity, when he halts all movement without warning.
But you are given time to neither cry nor beg for his mercy, for he hugs you tight to his chest, angles your hips up and away from his cock, and thrusts.
You gasp painfully against his leather-covered pecs when he does, and he soon pulls your head back by your hair to place your chin against it instead.
Through your pleasure-hazed eyes, you see his mirth and his composure. And it is always this way: regardless of how eagerly he takes you, no matter how passionately he desires you, you are always the one debauched and he is always the one untarnished, always viciously becoming of his royal status.
“Go on then,” he murmurs when he watches your tears roll the sides of your face, your lips parted in unbearable pleasure. “Go on and cream on it.”
Because his growl electrifies you from within, because you’ve learned to be promptly obedient, because you cannot help it, you do as he commands.
Your cunt contracts so tightly, for a second his cock gets trapped mid-thrust before he repeatedly shoves himself inside you to forcefully ride the surges of your orgasm. Your loose chin bumps against his chest, leaving sloppy trails behind, and your breasts spill, little by little, from the flimsy restraint of the fabric that skates down between your bodies.
He loves to debase you in this way.
He doesn’t stop, and you are unable to determine when your first orgasm ends and the second starts to mount.
But he can.
He hisses when he feels it - your cunt throbbing again, dripping relentlessly - and bares his sharp teeth in a sneer, watching your glimmering, dopey eyes.
His grip on your hip strengthens, the arm that loops around your back to grasp your hair tenses, and he rises to his feet only to drop you unceremoniously onto the stone surface behind you.
“Gods,” he growls, slows his ministrations, and you savor every excessive inch of his, so evident now your cunt is hot and swollen from the long wait, from the incessant grinding. “I would keep you on my cock from sunrise to nightfall.”
He holds onto your hips, forcing them down against the table so that you don’t slide away from his calculated, powerful pushes, and watches his shaft disappear within you attentively.
“I would keep you on it,” he licks his lips, “at tea with my sister,” he meets your eyes again, after appreciating the uncoordinated bouncing of your breasts.
“On my morning flights,” he continues, lowering himself to hover above you, a hand pressed next to your head. “And I would carry you, and display you on my hard cock, all over this castle.”
He picks up his brutish pace again and you gasp and whine unabashedly, and new tears spill from your unfocused eyes, and your bottom lip quivers. Such is the effect of his praise.
“What’s that now, huh?” he coos, forcing a little sob from you, but you are unable to communicate. Instead, you part your lips and plead with big, wet eyes.
He lets go of your hip to support himself fully on his forearms, hovering a bit closer now. You can feel his warmth, now, you can scent his luscious exertion.
His nose brushes lightly against your own, just beyond reach, and you can’t avoid bending your back, tilting your chin, or your tongue poking out between your teeth, desperate for a taste.
His eye darkens significantly and he tuts in feigned disappointment.
“Needy little thing,” he murmurs, only to plunge his soft tongue right where you yearned for it.
His kisses are supple and sloppy and not enough to sate you. When he pulls away and you whine in agony, he lets his drool slide down his tongue and onto yours. And the debauchery of the act drives pathetic moans from your lips and desperate rolls of your hips.
Above you, your Prince moans and hisses, then plunges himself against your sweetest spot with renewed, unstoppable vigor. And yet again you cry pathetically, eyes crossing and mouth hanging open, tits flying and slapping, cunt gushing and thrumming.
“I fucking love it when you get like this,” your Prince grunts viciously behind gritted teeth, shoving his girthy length in and out without mercy for your sanity.
“Wet,” his hand lowers to grope your plump bottom, “hot,” he forces you against his unforgiving plows, “utterly dimwitted for your Prince’s cock.”
He loves to debase you in this way, and the response you manage is a string of blabbering, dimwitted pleas.
“If I didn’t know any better,” he grunts again, panting above you as his crazed movements and your lascivious reactions burn his muscular body, “I’d think you’re falling in love with it.”
“Oh, I am!” you yelp, long and loud, mind entirely lost in the bliss he fucks into you. “I love it… I love my Prince’s cock,” you whimper timidly against his lips and he angles his cock to bully that spongy, swollen button of yours.
“Yeeess,” you moan again. “There, there,” you beg with your cries and beseeching eyes.
You come on a scream that reverberates through the tall, stony walls of the Small Council room. And though your walls contract viciously, your Prince pushes through them determinedly, driving you to an immediate third peak that absolutely floods your cunt before he even dumps his hot seed inside you. 
You come on his cock long and hard, and you come still when he too finishes. And when he drops his weight onto you, finally, and his head thumps against the table next to yours, your cunt still flutters from the sensorial memory of the onslaught it endured.
Your skin is impossibly hot and sweaty, and your body impossibly exhausted.
And yet.
“Tonight,” your Prince starts after long moments of silence, raising his head only to meet your eyes, “we will hold a private audience for the King.”
Your body shivers cold, your eyes bulge out, but your cunt contracts around him meekly.
He watches you closely, with his eye delighted and a wide grin, malicious. 
“I want you just like this,” he warns, taking your jaw in a firm grasp, “on your best behavior.”
He loves to debase you, and you love to serve him.
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phntmeii · 10 months
♡ Dating Aegon II Targaryen Headcanons:
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❝ But… If you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied…❝
[SFW+NSFW + AFAB!Reader]
General Warnings: sad!Aegon, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of neglect
NSFW Section Warnings: pervert!Aegon, AFAB Terms, Somnophilia, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Sensory Deprivation
A/N: Still upset about his characterization in the show :/ Poor TGC was trying so hard to save this character. Appreciate that he gave us pathetic wet dog vibe for Aegon at the least
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SFW Headcanons:
☀️ Aegon has desperate issues regarding love especially the idea of someone loving him. He’s been completely neglected by his father, only valued by his mother as a “rightful” king and struggles with alcoholism as a result.
☀️ Having you see him not as a ruler, not as a prince, not as a chess piece in a political game, but as a person has his mind confused.
☀️ It takes a bit of time for him to entertain the idea of you valuing him as true but once he does, he’s latched onto you like his life depends on it.
☀️ And I mean literally latched on. He is unashamed at how clingy he is to you. Arms always wrapped around you in the hall and keeping his eyes to yours.
☀️ Aegon is only willing to listen to you without complaining too much. Maybe a whine or two but he’s totally whipped so he’s on his way to do as you ask.
☀️ He’d LOVE for you to meet Sunfyre. If you are unaccustomed to dragons, he makes sure to slowly introduce you because he wants you to love his dragon as much as he does.
☀️ Always dreams about running away with you. He’ll be cuddling with you and ask about it. Even if it was impossible, he’d like to dream about going off somewhere in Essos, away from the throne.
☀️ “Love, simply listen to me… Imagine it. We could run off on the first ship out of this blasted kingdom. It could be just us…”
☀️ Alicent would simultaneously love and hate you. She enjoys the company of women and finally, someone has found a way to handle Aegon. But, she’d also be weary of this on account of her father because Aegon being infatuated with you means he’s more willing to listen to you than his council.
☀️ Rather than ditch his duties to attempt escapes, to drink or to whore, he’s sneaking off to see you if it’s been too long. He insists you stay by him during meetings or other duties to keep him from “going mad”.
☀️ Aegon can get very jealous when he sees you with other men because he knows what they’re thinking when they look at you. But you are his. No one else’s.
☀️ And considering he’s the firstborn and a prince, he has absolutely no problem getting petty because there would be no serious consequences. (Bonus tag team with Aemond.)
☀️ Aegon’s main Love Languages to give are: Physical Touch and Quality Time.
☀️ Aegon is obsessed with your body completely. He wants to do everything to have you in his arms.
☀️ He is unashamed with PDA. He’s kissing you almost every couple of minutes. He’s walking down the halls all smiles because he’s holding your hand.
☀️ Aegon’s need for you is constant and his mood quickly sours if he’s pulled away from duty rather than being able to spend his time with you.
☀️ He’d whisk you away onto Sunfyre for a joyride just so he can be away from everyone but you. Consider it a romantic gesture because in his mind it is.
☀️ He thinks it’s like when the knight saves the princess in the stories.
☀️ Lingers in the mornings just so he can have you by him for longer. The sun is hurting his eyes this early in the morning so what better than to bury his head in your chest and softly ask you to stay as he caresses your perfect body.
☀️ Aegon’s favorite Love Languages to receive are: Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation.
☀️ Aegon wants to feel special. To feel taken care of. To feel loved. So anytime you go out of your way to assist him, his eyes are sparkling as he looks at you.
☀️ You tidied the bedchamber? Have prepared his clothing? You’ve had his sword cleaned and polished? You’re practically begging for this man to be completely and utterly obsessed and he’s littering you in kisses in appreciation.
☀️ And, of course, he wants praise. No one has validated him and simply valued him as a person so he yearns for your words.
☀️ Something as simple as “I’m proud of you” has him close to shedding tears because no one tells him that.
☀️ He wants to hear you say “I love you” as much as possible so he’ll say it all the time just to hear you say it back.
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NSFW Headcanons:
☀️ At first, he has to be dominant and take control. He’s been cut out of having control in all other aspects of his life that he needs some semblance of power.
☀️ You can trust that he knows what he’s doing. Although some of his fucking has been done while drunk, he’s done it and experimented enough to know what gets him off and what gets you off.
☀️ Only after some time will he trust to submit himself in bed. It’s scary to him. To lose control in another aspect of his life. But he trusts you and he loves you.
☀️ And surprisingly, being so slow, gentle and loving to him, it felt amazing. Having you ride him, hands interlocked and meeting each other’s eyes.
☀️ His favorite part of you are your tits. Seeing them bounce as you ride him, needing to touch and feel them.
☀️ He whimpers and cries when he’s getting close, begging you not to stop. He’s clearly needy just by the way he’s grabbing onto any part of you that you let him.
☀️ When he’s more comfortable with being submissive, he’s whiny in his needs. Tugging at your gown anytime you two are alone, insisting he needs to at least have a look.
☀️ “Please, my love… Please! Just one look! Gods, you have no idea how much I crave you.”
☀️ Aegon’s hand would try to slip under your gown under the table at dinner, insist that only he needs to assist you in bathing which is definitely just an excuse to fuck, and just straight up jack off when you two are alone in your bedchamber, pleading for you to touch him.
☀️ Aegon could definitely cum with the punishment of only being able to hump at your leg. The humiliation of being so desperate gets him off like nothing else.
☀️ He can be bratty sometimes but it’s all purposeful. He wants you to punish him because you both know it leads to being tangled around each other in bed.
☀️ Oh, and Aegon is absolutely unashamed about being loud. The louder the better in his opinion. He wants everyone and anyone to know how fucking good you two fuck and for how long.
☀️ He’d leave whatever chamber you two were in with a smug grin, knowing that no one could match the passion you two share.
☀️ Aegon has average stamina and lasts as long as you edge him for. He could go 2-3 a times a day and still ask for more even when he’s a shaking mess.
☀️ Sit on this man’s face. Period. No questions asked. If he can breathe, he isn’t satisfied. Suffocate him entirely, clamp onto his head with your thighs and watch him eat you out like a starved madman.
☀️ Aegon is a whore for praise and he makes it known when he’s giving you head. He gets so easily pussy drunk it’s insane. His eyes are locked onto you, only parting from your swollen, abused cunt to hear how well he’s doing.
☀️ “My love… Please tell me how well I’m doing… I’m being good, am I not?”
☀️ One of his favorite things would be longer sessions where he’s blindfolded and completely up to your control. Have fun with waxplay and sensory deprivation and watch his cock twitch and leak precum at each touch.
☀️ Sometimes you’d wake up to him already rubbing his cock against your cunt, feeling the wetness already coating him. His forehead pressed to your back as he softly moaned. It’s so easy for him to get turned on when you’re so close to him.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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seuonji · 6 months
彡 just wanted to see you. — choi seungcheol
๑ goody two shoes yn au!
notes ๑ student council president yn x delinquent svt bf !!! — somehow the perfect, rule abiding president started to become close to the token bad boy of the school. wonder how that’s going.
genre ๑ fluff!
warnings ๑ non
word count ๑ 0.6k
from aya: please reblog if you enjoyed! i plan to make more of these! let me know which members you want to see next<3
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seungcheol was one of the common people you’d see walking into the student council room. as president, this was your least favourite case to handle.
you heard the door open and just as you were about you look up to see who it was, they spoke and as his voice lingered in your ear, you didn’t have to check anymore. “vice president mina sent me here, said that ‘yn will take care of you.’” choi seungcheol mocked the voice of the vice cheekily.
“let me guess, jumped over the fence again and got caught, again?” you monotonously stated, not even batting an eye at him. your eyes were too busy on paperwork to give mind to the boy who was playfully frolicking towards you.
“just like how we first met!”
it wasn’t how you first met, but it was your first interaction. cheol obviously knew you cause you were the president. you knew him by word running around the school about a cheeky brat that skipped classes and often jumped the fence to avoid detention or school activities he didn’t want to participate in.
“are you doing these things just to get sent here?” you tiredly sighed.
“anything to see my cute significant other,” he smirked as he leaned onto the side of your chair, patiently waiting for you to look at him.
and you finally did.
but he was met with tired eyes.
“shit, you okay yn?”
suddenly it all spilled out.
“cheol you can’t keep getting into trouble!”
you rarely used nicknames with him. you always used his government name despite the way he disliked it. he always had to remind you to try and use nicknames when you started dating but you never did. and now you were.
“i can’t keep defending you, literally. and what if one day they don’t send you to me but the actual disciplinary head? i don’t want you going through that!”
there was a vivid guilt in his eyes as you spoke and he slowly kneeled down to be below your level, “i’m sorry i didn’t know it was that serious. i’ll hold back.”
you turned from your seat to face him and held his arm to pull him upwards, “it’s okay just. yeah i i would appreciate it if you’d stop your antics. you’re great at football i don’t understand why you don’t enjoy going to practice.”
“you think i’m great?” he smirked once again making your hands form a fist which he got a peek off so he patted your head and pulled out the stool from under your desk that he installed himself in your room.
“so, how are you going to take care of me? braid my hair? sing a lullaby?” he slowly leaned towards you.
“just go to your practice dummy.”
“huh? no consequences of my actions?”
“want me to send you to the disciplinary head?”
“what do they do there?” he asked with a clear tone of curiosity as he placed his arms over your shoulders.
“i don’t know, community service? clean the toilets?”
“going to practice right now,” he stood up from his seat and dusted off his clothes which made you laugh a bit.
just as you adjusted yourself to return back to work, he gently held your face in his hand and his face coming closer to yours, he gave a peck on the lips leaving you quiet.
“see you,” he poked your cheek as he walked out.
you sighed once again and sat properly in your desk but found a piece of candy with a crumpled note by it saying, “i didn’t get into trouble, i just wanted to see you dear. take it easy, i love you.”
you’ve heard from almost everyone just how much of a cheeky and troublesome boy he was but they would only be able to hear from you how sweet he actually was.
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keepingeahalive · 8 months
Apple White Headcanons
Her full name is Princess Apple Atalanta Eve White. 
She used to be a chubby kid. Her mother would constantly point this out, even after Apple eventually grew out of her baby fat. 
Snow White would dye Apple’s hair black when she was little, but it never lasted. She eventually stopped before Apple’s hair had to be cut off, because it had become so damaged.
Raven was her first real crush. But she didn’t realize it until after a year, and Raven had already gotten together with Dexter at that point. 
Apple hates going to the beach. She’ll go with her friends as long as she’s 10 meters away from the water and in complete shade.
She was taught to sing opera. She purposefully sang worse in front of Raven in order to annoy her into poisoning her. 
She is trained in classical piano.
For a split second, Apple had thought Raven had woken her in Dragon Games. 
Apple keeps herself on a strict diet to maintain her figure. She has a constant fear of gaining weight and steps on the scale every morning to make sure she hasn’t. 
She met most of her friends at family galas. She was encouraged to make friends with as many fairytales as possible, but this was merely a method Snow intended to build political alliances. Apple was unaware of this and just wanted to make friends. 
Snow White owns a successful enchanted fashion line. She also has a line of plant-based cosmetics and beauty products. Her husband, King White, is responsible for creating the formulas and recipes for these products. Apple is often used to market and promote these products.
Snow White keeps her husband working constantly so she can raise Apple herself. King White lets this happen because he trusts Snow to raise their daughter right, but Apple misses having her dad in her life. The only time he’s allowed off-work is during a publicity event where he is “encouraged” to show off to the press.
Apple gets her genuine softness and love of chemistry from her dad. Her competitiveness and steadfast nature comes from her mom.
She didn’t find out who woke her until after the summer. 
Apple was definitely one of those people who didn’t think Dexter would be a good match for Raven. She made all kinds of excuses like “he’s not evil enough for her” or “He’s not charming enough for her”. In reality, she was super jealous and too much of a comphet to realize it.
She loves boy bands. Her favorite band is One Reflection, but she also loves The Hunted, Bookstreet Boys, and the Thronas Brothers.
She has a hidden adventurous spirit and penchant for helping people. Unlike Darling, she channels it passively and invests her time in philanthropy and community service.
As a child, she was sent to a woodland camp during the summer. There she had no servants to take care of her, so she had to learn to cook and clean for herself and her dwarf caretakers. 
Apple’s fear of water is so great that she is afraid to step into a bathtub. She takes showers. But if there is a chance of submersion, she won’t step foot in it.
She’s very sporty, but she participates in what she views as “princess games” such as croquet and Dragon Games. 
She hates pears.
Even though she hates them and thinks they hinder her from being the perfect princess, she wishes she could wear her glasses. She gets constant headaches and her eyes hurt from always squinting. She keeps telling herself to wait until she’s 50, when it’s “socially acceptable”. 
It took her a long time to get over Raven. Darling helped her through the process (partially because she knew what it was like) and the two became closer. This was before Apple found out Darling had woken her. 
After the Dragon Games, Apple put in a considerable effort to better herself. She knew that she was acting out of selfishness and cowardice, and she realized that her destiny was different than what she had been told. She decided to take hiatus from being Royal Student Council President and work on rebuilding trust with her friends. 
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cleanenergyday · 2 months
(Part 1) Global stocktaking marking the completion of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All to further accelerate the implementation of SDG 7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - General Assembly, Sustainability Week, 78th session.
The goal of the global stocktaking is to review progress achieved at the end of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, 2014-2024, and to raise ambition and accelerate action towards attaining SDG 7 by catalysing innovative solutions, investments and multi-stakeholder partnerships. 
Opening segment
Thematic Debate 1: Closing the energy access gap and transitioning to decarbonized energy systems 
Energy is an essential ingredient for getting the world on track towards meeting the SDGs and the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change. SDG 7, which calls for access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, is inextricably linked to many other SDGs and its targets, including poverty eradication, food security, health, education, prosperity, gender equality, employment, transport, ocean, clean water and sanitation, as well as gender equality and the empowerment of women, youth and children.  
The global stocktaking will bring together high-level representatives from Member States and other leaders from all regions. The meeting will be open to the United Nations system, ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations, and other relevant stakeholders.  
(Part 1) Global stocktaking marking the completion of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All to further accelerate the implementation of SDG 7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - General Assembly, Sustainability Week, 78th session.
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Back in 2005, shortly after Arafat’s death, the situation appeared more open. The PA agreed, in coordination with the governments of Israel and the United States, to hold new elections for its presidency and its parliament (both of which have tightly limited powers under Oslo). This time around, Hamas’s leaders agreed to take part in the parliamentary election. It was the first time Hamas showed a willingness to work within the Oslo framework, the clear goal of which was always understood by the PLO and all other Palestinian and Arab leaders to be the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. When those elections were held in January 2006, Hamas won them handily, taking 74 of the council’s 132 seats. The victory stunned the traditional Fatah leaders of the PA and their backers in Washington and Tel Aviv. In a reporting trip to the region soon thereafter, I found that Hamas’s success reflected a combination of skills: a history of having provided helpful community services to different grassroots constituencies; a reputation for generally “clean hands” (unlike Fatah); effective organizing through women’s networks, with several Hamas women leaders getting elected to the parliament; and good electoral discipline, not running more candidates than there were seats in multi-seat constituencies, as Fatah and its allies did in several places. The elections gave the PLO and its U.S. and Israeli allies a great opportunity to work to find a way to draw Hamas into the political process. Hamas was willing, too, initially making inroads to form a “government of national unity” with Fatah. But the reaction from Israel and Washington was harsh. They threatened to kill any of the newly elected legislators who would agree to join such a government—which I know because I was the conduit for conveying one such threat. Later, Washington and Israel persuaded Fatah to start plotting to overthrow the newly elected leaders of the PA’s parliament and premiership. In 2007 Fatah tried to launch a violent coup against Hamas, but Hamas leaders in Gaza rebuffed the attempt. Afterwards, Hamas set about institutionalizing their position in Gaza while Fatah retreated, with their generous U.S. funding, to Ramallah in the West Bank. All the while, Hamas and its allies retained significant support in the West Bank and throughout the widespread Palestinian diaspora—and remained the democratically elected government in Gaza, although new elections have not been held since. Though by 2005 Israel had withdrawn all its civilian settlers from Gaza, it has always maintained very tight control over all the crossings through which people or goods could pass in or out of the Strip—until October 7, that is. The United Nations continues to deem Israel as the “occupying power” there, with all the responsibilities that status entails under international law. And since 2007, several Israeli governments have undertaken punishment raids into Gaza—actions that some Israeli commentators have cynically dubbed “mowing the lawn.” The raids of late 2008 and summer 2014 were particularly destructive, with thousands of Palestinians killed in total. Successive U.S. presidents have generally seemed happy to allow these incursions. And the United States’ position in the global political order has meant that its word is law.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Alpha (Obey Me!)
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»Characters: Diavolo x GN Reader , Demon Bros
»Tags: ⚠️🔞NSFW MDNI (18+), Rough Sex, Dominance, Public Sex/Exhibitionism, Drabble/Blurb (wc: 170)
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Diavolo disregarded your little whines and crying as he continued to pump into you in an unforgiving pace as his council seat shook. You were nothing but a toy to him in that moment. You tried to claw at his arms around your waist but there was no loosening them. He continued thrusting into you roughly, one of his arms moved up to clench your face and made you look around the room. You looked at the 7 brothers who could only seethingly watch you take the prince's massive cock, unable to say anything. Their eyes fixed on your hole taking Diavolo's abuse.
You continued whining as drool dripped from your mouth. Diavolo groaned as his cock twitched inside you, releasing his thick milky load. You moaned in absolute bliss.
You smiled as you looked at the brothers. They all looked so jealous. You kissed Diavolo's cheek and thanked him for the good time before hopping off him to go clean up.
That'll teach the brothers to stay in line.
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