#Convince me otherwise
marskiiii · 2 months
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what a freaking dork
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finemealprompt · 2 months
DP x DC Prompt #51
Damian would like it on the record that this is Todd's fault. If Todd hadn't encouraged Damian to start making fan art, he wouldn't be in this mess. Stupid Todd, Damian should've known better than to listen to him.
But here he was, blushing like mad as he nervously asked his favorite author to sign the fan art he had made for his book. He was such an idiot! Danny Fenton surely would be-
"Oh this is amazing! Do you have any prints I can buy off of you?"
Damian will swear up and down he did not faint.
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axquiva · 8 months
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gaypirateslife4me · 6 months
First mate, Izzy Hands, if asked will swear under penalty of death that he detests, loathes, and houses only murderous intentions towards Stede Bonnet.
And yet.
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Izzy straight-up peacocks his exceptional swordsmanship by slicing Stede's shirt, but not his body, to ribbons. Which, lbr, is 💯 Izzy's brand of foreplay.
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silly-little-zio · 1 month
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i’m so fucking dead. it’s just a video of a bagel. the only thing that could have prompted this comment is painfully blatant antisemitism
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bairdthereader · 2 months
Meet Isaac Henderson, the absolute king of speaking truth without actually saying anything.
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Bonus: But when he does speak, it is ON POINT
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al0m · 4 months
POV: You're the god of death and this is what you see every time your stupid vessel dies on purpose because they miss you
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Rosekiller is basically the more mutually obsessed, unhinged, literally kills for each other (and makes out with blood all over and around them) Wolfstar.
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pastelpuppet · 1 year
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I was reminded it was lesbian week and that it would be a crime not to post this old art of the titular lesbians themselves!!! Happy lesbian week everyone!
(I’d love to redraw this one day honestly, I love them so much!!!!)
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myosotisbella · 11 months
also I honestly believe john slattery is an energy vampire
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coolittleguy · 5 months
I love how #good omens or #neil gaiman or # david tennant #michael sheen just randomly start trending because they can. The good fandom really does run this app.
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faeyuh · 5 months
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spamton? on my whiteboard? more common than you think
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bookworm-2000 · 6 months
The only reason Rick made Jason pass out so much was because he either didn’t know how to write him or because he was too scared to write him.
Change my mind.
And before people say, ‘why on earth would he be scared?’ Look at almost everyone’s reaction to someone who should’ve been canonically stronger than the main character.
The fandom lost their shit over Jason, about how he was just ‘competition’ for Percy and how he was so boring and bland, but did they not get the hints of this boys backstory??
He was literally raised by an army of teens after being abandoned by his mother and (he thought) his sister. When he finally reconnected with his sister, she was closer with Percy and Annabeth than she was with him!
I personally don’t think Jason did have any resentment for Percy either but if he did, I also think it would have been 100% justified.
Like I said, Thalia being closer with Percy than him. Plus everybody just loving Percy for being Percy, while as soon as Jason went missing, CJ replaced him like he was nothing.
I think some people hate Jason for how he treated Reyna as well, but Jason never got all his memories back! He barely remembered anything about his past! And Reyna literally replaced him as soon as she could! I’m not talking about Percy being made Praetor! I’m talking about how she literally made a move on Percy! This shows that Reyna never really cared about Jason, at least not romantically!
But Rick just didn’t expand enough on Jason’s backstory. He went into so much detail for everyone else (besides Piper but that’s a whole different thing because really besides her dad ‘ignoring’ her, what the fuck else did she go through?) but not Jason. And he set it up for such an impactful, trauma inducing background and did nothing with it??
What the fuck, Rick? What the fuck?
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Eddie has always been meticulous about his things in a way Steve never was.
Hear me out. I see all the sloppy Eddie, unintentionally a mess, even smelly headcannons. But like, I grew up without money.
They're three days into the at home recovery leg of Eddie's healing, and Steve's finally gone out to get Eddie the second tooth brush he's been asking for.
Eddie had been resting his head back on the arm of the couch, and lulled it over to give Steve a sleepy grin when he saw the toothbrush.
"Such a sweetheart."
Steve might have scurried away, unsure how to handle all of that.
But when he came back later to ask Eddie what they wanted to do about dinner, he found Eddie with the new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste scrubbing at his reeboks in small, practiced circles.
"Upside Down gunk ain't no joke," Eddie said from the floor, where he was criss cross with his shoes in his lap.
He was a little out of breathe. Looked in pain.
"You might be better off with a new pair," Steve said from the doorway.
Eddie hummed a small, soft noise.
What did Steve even do with his Upside Down shoes?
Eddie kept scrubbing.
"You want help?" Steve asked.
Eddie shrugged. "S'okay."
And then Steve kept noticing it. The way Eddie kept a napkin tucked between his pinky and palm whenever he ate. The way the books Dustin brought him were always stacked in a neet little pile on the bedside table, biggest on the bottom.
He even folded the weatpants he slept in when he got dressed for the day.
Steve had taken to hiding his dirty laundry pile behind his closed closet doors in case Eddie ventured into his room.
A couple weeks later, when Eddie was up and moving around, Steve walked in on him pairing Steve's sock right out of the dryer.
"You don't have to do that," Steve said. "I kind of just toss 'em in the drawer."
Eddie tilted his head a little. "What if you lose one?"
"I mean, they're socks. You just get more every so often, right?"
Eddie's brows furrowed. He blinked and his tongue poked out to run across his bottom lip. His voice was almost a whisper when he spoke next. "Habit, I guess." But he grinned at Steve, a flashy sort of smile, and made a whole show of intricately pairing all the rest of the socks.
It wasn't until Eddie and Wayne had their new place and Steve was a little high, tucked into the center of Eddie's bed that he noticed the way Eddie's cassettes were all alphabetically stacked and his clothes were sort of color arranged in his closet that he started paying more attention.
Everything had a place. There were a few mini figures on the bookshelf, but they were artfully arranged like they were meant to be there. His Reeboks, the ones he just took off, the ones he'd scrubbed down with toothpaste at Steve's were in line neatly with his slippers by the door. His slippers that looks sort of flat worn.
Eddie didn't have a lot of stuff. His guitar was probably the most flashy thing in the room, but even the cassettes and books, there was only, like, a handful of each.
"You're so organized," Steve said. High and kind of filterless.
"Gotta love stuff while you got it," Eddie shrugged from his perch on the floor. And he said it kind of second nature, like he did whenever he was quoting some decent piece of knowledge he'd picked up from Wayne.
"Oh," Steve said, thinking of his shoebox of cassettes he never really paid much mind to. Some of them were out of their cases and they were all just tossed around. "Yeah," he said. "Yeah, that makes sense."
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youdontloveme-yet · 2 years
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[The Eclipse episode 1: A summary.]
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