#Conviction’s gender is listed as “Conviction”
ouroborosorder · 1 year
Arknights was truly on some shit when they made their April fools day operator a non-binary literal god with a 90’s anime art style who is almost unusable due to overreliance on RNG
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metanarrates · 5 months
the bill (post that outlines it from last week) has been signed into law.
the slight good news: the language of the bill has been amended so that children can no longer be criminally charged for using a bathroom or locker room that aligns with their gender identity.
the bad news: literally almost everything else about the bill is the same. adults can still be charged.
in addition to everything highlighted in my earlier post, I would like to highlight that the law will charge transgender adults with trespass if “the individual enters or remains in the changing room under circumstances which a reasonable person would expect to likely cause affront or alarm to, on, or in the presence of another individual." in other words, if a transphobe is alarmed by a trans person existing in a restroom, and the judge agrees, that's a trespassing charge. maximum penalties for trespassing under utah law go up to six months in jail and a $1000 charge.
I don't think I need to explain the violence that trans people, particularly trans women, face in jail, especially if they are sent to a men's prison as a trans woman. I also don't think I need to explain the poverty that the trans community experiences as a result of systemic discrimination, and how devastating a fine can be to a poor person. and even without the charge, being harassed by both civilians and cops who will demand that you prove your gender is traumatizing and humiliating. even though this law does in fact only extend to buildings that are publicly funded (such as government offices, schools, possibly the salt lake city airport,) this will also embolden transphobes to harass trans people in other places. make no mistake, this law is violence.
additionally, the law also can give out charges of lewdness and voyeurism, both of which are sex crimes. being placed on the sex offender registry can be DEVASTATING for a person's job opportunities, ability to find housing, and basic rights to privacy. in addition to the already devastating housing and employment issues faced by ex-convicts, this would make life practically unlivable for anyone convicted.
I'll emphasize again that this endangers the trans community, particularly the transfem community, but I am also scared for black women, gnc people, and intersex people, all of whom are also vulnerable to gender policing and gender-based harassment. I am terrified at how openly this law gives leeway for civilians to act as vigilantes and for cops to demand to know what a person's genitals look like. I am terrified at the escalation of hate crimes and harassment that this will likely prompt.
please show up for the utah trans community. in the next few days, I will put together a list of trans people's gofundmes in the state. I would appreciate it if you would share that as well. chances are, we're going to need a lot of financial help in the future, especially if some of us end up choosing to flee the state.
as always, death to the american police state and all it enables.
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wlwcatalogue · 1 year
Yuri Subtext (?) Anime List
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A supplement to my earlier yuri anime masterlist, this list covers anime which aren’t marketed as yuri but which prominently feature F/F pairs, whether canonical or subtext! Since subtext is so subjective, this post only includes series which I’ve actually watched, and so is by no means intended to be comprehensive.
Also, since the above description would not cover certain series with well-known yuri pairings, I've also included a few "bonus rounds" for the curious (although these are still limited to series I have watched).
At-a-glance list:
Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997)
NOIR (26 episodes, 2001)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011)
Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002)
.hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002)
Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (24 episodes, 2022)
Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010)
Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016)
Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019)
Canaan (13 episodes, 2009)
Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008)
Bonus rounds:
Sailor Moon S3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext)
Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon)
Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon)
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon)
Summaries under the cut!
1. Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Copied from the Yuri Anime Masterlist post, since technically it wasn’t marketed as yuri)
When she was a child, Tenjou Utena (Kawakami Tomoko) was saved by a passerby prince, so she decided that she too wanted to become a prince as an adult. Fast forward to high school, and she hasn’t forgotten that conviction: Utena gets sucked into a series of duels while trying to protect her best friend’s honour. After winning the first duel, she becomes ‘engaged’ to the eccentric “Rose Bride” Himemiya Anthy (Fuchizaki Yuriko), and the two start living together in the same dormitory.
First things first: there are a million content warnings for this series, including implied rape, sexual assault, incest, and homophobia. Although the issues are handled well (in my opinion), it does go to very dark places, so those wanting a light, fun anime to unwind to should look elsewhere. Second, this series is very much a psychological drama utilising the episodic duels as a way of hone in on Utena’s opponents and their stories, so Utena and Anthy’s relationship – though important – is definitely not the focus of the anime. Third, the TV series is limited to hinting at the romantic relationship between Utena and Anthy, not to mention that they spend most of the series being little more than acquaintances rather than actual friends. The movie Adolescence (which can be taken as a retelling or sequel, depending on your perspective) is much more explicit on this front, but also suffers from a significantly shorter runtime and a much more opaque approach to storytelling.
That being said! If you’re okay with all of the above, this series is pretty much essential. The simplistic premise belies a much more complex and nuanced story about gender roles, sexuality, and human relationships and remains one of the smartest anime ever made, over twenty years on.
2. NOIR (26 episodes, 2001) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The first in anime studio Bee Train’s “girls with guns” trilogy, NOIR follows globetrotting assassin duo Mireille Bouquet (Mitsuishi Kotono) and Yuumura Kirika (Kuwashima Houko) as they partner up to search for Kirika’s missing memories and the truth behind Mireille’s parents’ deaths. The series is pleasingly restrained despite the sensational premise, alternating between “business trips” to far-flung locations and snapshots of the pair’s domestic life in Mireille’s Paris apartment, and devoting more time to the unfolding of the relationship between the prickly Mireille and puppy-like Kirika than to action sequences. I won't say too much due to spoilers, but their relationship numbers among my favorites due to how naturally it is developed throughout and how it is very much at the heart of the series both narratively and thematically.
This is also the first anime soundtrack entirely composed by the legendary Kajiura Yuki, heralding a long collaboration with director Mashimo Kouichi, and her mix of classical and modern sounds provides the perfect accompaniment to NOIR’s atmospheric cityscapes. Also, for fans of Mitsuishi’s work (Sailor Moon! Utena! Evangelion!), I’d say NOIR is a must-watch for her performance alone; her Mireille is brittle and proud, and she brings so much humanity and nuance to the role. In fact, I don’t care if you’re a fan of Mitsuishi or Kajiura or assassins or whatever, please just try the first episode— this anime deserves way more love!
3. Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica opens with ordinary middle school girl Kaname Madoka (Yuuki Aoi) standing in the ruins of her hometown, watching as a lone girl struggles to defend what remains of the city against a much more powerful enemy. A little rabbit-like creature informs Madoka that the girl is sure to lose without her help, and so Madoka decides to become a magical girl right then and there— at which point she wakes up and dismisses it as a strange nightmare. But then that very day, her school receives a new transfer student who looks just like that mysterious girl, and she also finds a hurt animal that closely resembles the rabbit-like creature from her dream. Madoka is then faced with certain questions: do magical girls actually exist, and will she become one herself?
Since Madoka Magica was all the rage back in the early 2010s, I don’t think it too much of a spoiler to say that the cheery first three episodes hide a dark, gritty story which uses the concept of magical girls to explore the tumultuousness of adolescence. The queer subtext only comes in at the end but tight plotting and inventive presentation make this show a quick watch— and if you’re the type who likes queerness in fiction to be intense, world-shakingly significant, and a wee bit problematic, the payoff should be more than enough. A word of warning: there is a movie sequel called Rebellion, but if you’re happy with the ending of the anime, it’s best not to watch it (although I love the movie, myself).
Side note: I won’t go into it too much due to spoilers but if you liked Madoka Magica you might want to check out Serial Experiments Lain – even if most of it is utterly incomprehensible (as it was to me), it’s worth watching until the very end (wink). Also, for the rare fan of Rebellion, Adolescence of Utena is a must-watch if you haven’t checked it out already; so much can be said about its conceptual and aesthetic influences on Rebellion!
4. Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: slight spoilers about the tone and overall themes of the show – but I think it’s necessary for the purpose of writing a more representative summary.)
Written by ABe Yoshitoshi – character designer of cult classic anime Serial Experiments Lain and author of the very unfinished manga which this show adapts and significantly develops – Haibane Renmei starts off as a light-fantasy slice-of-life anime following freshly-arrived Rakka (Hirohashi Ryou) as she searches for a suitable job in the town of Glie, before transforming into a nuanced exploration of grief and depression about halfway through. To say more would be really too spoilery, but I just want to say that this has probably the most grounded and sensitive depiction of depression I have seen in an anime; it shows that sometimes people struggle even if everyone around them is kind and supportive, but remains hopeful about the healing power of time and understanding. The subtext is between the protagonist and Reki (Noda Junko), the first person she meets, who also helps her get acclimatised to her new life in Glie. Again, I won’t say more, but their relationship really is wonderful. That being said, this show does touch upon suicide and suicidal ideation in the course of discussing these themes, so please steer clear if that is something you are wary of.
5. .hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A standalone spinoff of the .hack PS2 games, this show was the most well-known anime about players getting trapped inside a multiplayer game before Sword Art Online’s arrival in 2012 (ironically, Kajiura Yuki composed the music for both). Rather than being an action-adventure story about a heroic protagonist trying to find a way back to the real world, SIGN stands out as an introspective piece, far more interested in the psychology of those who play online games and the issues of human connection and identity. In fact, the female protagonist is all too happy to remain within the MMORPG as male player-avatar Tsukasa (Saiga Mitsuki) after becoming unable to log out; the story is more about how the player grows to accept the real world with the help of the other players she meets, rather than about figuring out the exit route.
On the F/F side, some way into the series, Tsukasa makes an instant connection with fellow player-character Subaru (Nazuka Kaori) and they soon start spending a lot of time together. I really love their scenes together; the series' masterful use of body language, framing, and music all comes together to create these beautifully tender moments of intimacy. Although there’s no kiss scene nor explicit discussion of dating etc., a lot of the other characters talk about their relationship and perceive it as being romantic, to the point where one gets homophobically “worried” about Subaru when they find out that the player controlling male avatar Tsukasa is female. Tsukasa and Subaru's relationship becomes a lynchpin for both characters' development, and in general is used to illustrate the series' underlying themes in a thoughtful and heartwarming way.
6. Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003) Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A spinoff of the Read or Die series which takes more from espionage thrillers and Hong Kong action flicks than shounen anime, R.O.D. the TV takes the unusual approach of starting with its main character - elite paper-maniuplating superspy Yomiko Readman (Miura Rieko) - being nowhere to be seen after burning down the British Library in a dramatic resignation announcement. Instead of focusing on her, or the spy agencies clashing in her absence, the story instead follows her friend Sumiregawa Nenene (Yukino Satsuki), who joins up with a trio of sisters with paper-manipulating powers and criminal connections in her quest to find out what happened to Yomiko. The queerness is mainly implied through Nenene's focus on Yomiko, which is unrequited and sadly fizzles out narratively speaking in the back half. Unfortunately, this is coupled with an increased focus on more heteronormative topics, such as Yomiko's grief over her dead male lover, and the child one of the characters had with the villain of the OVA. That being said, I also want to shout out this series' surprisingly earnest depiction of budding queerness in a young (like, elementary-school young) side character - something that is rare in fiction even now.
7. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (24 episodes, 2022) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The most recent entry on this list by far (the final episode aired just a day ago at time of writing), The Witch from Mercury initially seems to forgo the Gundam franchise’s usual grand scale, being set in an academy run by the corporate giant Benerit Group. Main character and new student Suletta Mercury (Ichinose Kana) - the franchise’s first female protagonist since its beginnings in 1979 - accidentally bumbles her way into fighting a mecha duel, and, when she wins, is shocked to find that she is now engaged to the sole heiress of that self-same corporate giant, her classmate Miorine Rembran (Lynn). So far so Utena, but after the first episode, things start to diverge significantly: though the duels continue, the focus shifts to how big-picture tensions such as the manoeuvring within the Benerit Group and the conflict between the space colonisers and people on Earth play out within the student body, and how the arrival of Suletta and her mysteriously cutting-edge mecha start to shake up the status quo… until things come to an explosive head.
For those who curious about G-Witch due to Suletta and Miorine, but who wouldn’t normally be interested in Gundam or space operas, I’ll just say that if the hype has led you to expect a big queer romance where Suletta and Miorine shout their love from the rooftops, well, that’s not how it goes. It’s a mecha anime first and foremost, after all! But lower your expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. Season 1 offers plenty to enjoy in terms of Suletta’s earnest attempts to be a good “bridegroom” and the tsundere Miorine’s bouts of jealousy over Suletta. And while their relationship takes a bit of a back seat in Season 2 due to there being So Much going on, it remains one of the key elements of the series and their scenes together are the emotional peaks of the season.
Side note: Some might criticise Gundam for taking so long to have a female main character, but let’s not forget about how the even older Ultraman (1966), Kamen Rider (1971), and Super Sentai (1975) franchises still have not had a single mainline series featuring a female protagonist… Come on guys, I’m dying for a female-led Kamen Rider over here!
8. Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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One of the two anime inspired by the Hatsune Miku song of the same name, this Okada Mari-penned series hones in on the passionate friendships and jealousies of a group of middle-school girls. In a twist that feels informed by the psychological allegory of the popular Persona games, this interpersonal drama plays out in the surreal battle world of the music video, with the titular Black Rock Shooter being the main character’s alter-ego. Of particular interest is the first half’s focus on the blossoming friendship between protagonist Kuroi Mato (Hanazawa Kana) and her shy classmate Takanashi Yomi (Sawashiro Miyuki), which has strong overtones of two girls developing crushes on each other – it doesn’t go smoothly, but hey, that’s life.
9. Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Set during what is basically World War 2, Izetta: The Last Witch asks the daring question of “What if a small European country about to be invaded by alternate-history Nazi Germany could fight back with magic… and what if it was (subtextually) yuri?” The show follows politically-minded princess Finé as she and her best friend (read: girlfriend) Izetta think up ways to leverage the latter’s witchy gifts to save the country from invasion – a rare case of a military anime where female characters are significantly involved at the strategic stage. Those who enjoy the classic princess-and-knight trope may find something to like as long as they are fine with Finé and Izetta not having much relationship development (as their dynamic is established from the start) and them not having many one-on-one scenes together (as the series’ main focus is on the political manoeuvring). Note that this show is also pretty heavy on the fanservice – IIRC there was at least one moment of egregious sexualisation per episode.
Side note: those who like Izetta may also want to check out Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing, a female-focused dieselpunk anime with a lot of military strategizing and a very cool world setting, though Izetta is better-paced and the main relationship is much more plot-significant. (That being said I do like the relationship between Fam side characters Tatiana and Alistair… Tatiana is probably the adult character with the most screentime in Fam, being the main characters’ commanding officer, and although it’s very background, she has this cutely settled dynamic with former piloting partner turned wife right-hand woman Alistair.)
10. Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: this entry’s a slightly weird one, it only covers the first 40 minutes of this movie due to it being basically two episodic stories smushed together into a single package, and only the earlier story is relevant to this list.)
In this standalone spinoff of the Violet Evergarden anime series – itself an adaptation of the light novel series by Akatsuki Kana – the titular protagonist Violet (Ishikawa Yui) takes a break from ghostwriting letters to serve as companion to aloof young noblewoman Isabella York (Kotobuki Minako) in her last months of finishing school. The story is a quiet coming-of-age tale focusing on how the kind (and rather dashing!) Violet helps Isabella to open up, or, in simpler terms, it’s fodder for butler-and-lady fans. Don’t get your hopes up too much, though: Violet learning about her romantic feelings for her deceased male superior is one of the main throughlines of the anime, and this (half of the) movie also ends with a heterosexual arranged marriage for Isabella. That being said, this movie is really a feast for the eyes, its historical-fantasy setting being brought out with beautiful backgrounds and detailed linework, so it’s worth checking out if you don’t mind the very Class S narrative.
Side note: if you want F/F butler-and-lady or princess-and-knight vibes I would really recommend watching Fate/Zero for Saber and Irisviel – yes Irisviel is already married to one of the (male) main characters and yes Saber is absolutely the main love interest for the famously-straight Fate/stay night, but their dynamic is really good and Saber gets to wear a stylish suit and be all chivalrous to a woman… Please watch the third episode of season 1 at least…
11. Canaan (13 episodes, 2009) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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There’s quite a lot going on in Canaan – perhaps unsurprisingly so for a spinoff of the FMV visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble, which is famous for its intertwined storylines – but in true action-movie blockbuster style, all you really need to know is that the titular mercenary Canaan (Sawashiro Miyuki) is on a hunt for her mentor’s protégé-turned-murderer, and a lot of flashy fighting is involved. Also, there's no need to worry if you haven't played the original game, as Canaan is pretty much a standalone work and all of the significant characters are original to the anime. Yuri-minded viewers may enjoy her clashes with the villain Alphard (Sakamoto Maaya), but the main source of F/F subtext is her relationship with the young photographer Maria (Nanjo Yoshino), for whom she cares deeply and must rescue on multiple occasions. However, do be warned that the one canonically queer character in the show – Alphard’s subordinate Liang Qi (Tanaka Rie), who is fixated on her boss – is handled very badly, being portrayed as a raving predatory lesbian who is mocked, rejected, and finally killed by the object of her affections. Canaan and Maria’s relationship is also framed very definitively as friendship by the end of the series, although they don’t get paired off with male characters. IIRC there’s also some fanservice but I can’t remember the details as it was a long time ago, sorry.
12. Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Back in the old days, I had heard this show talked about in the same breath as yuri classics such as Kannazuki no Miko and Mai-Hime, and, well, like those series it comes with significant caveats (though thankfully there is no sexual assault). Although it’s a prequel to the Ga-Rei manga by Segawa Hajime, the anime is basically standalone and focuses on original characters Kagura (Chihara Minori) and Yomi (Mizuhara Kaoru), the latter of whom welcomes protagonist Kagura into her family and demon-hunting squad, only to leave the team in a devastating betrayal. After the explosive opening, the series jumps back to explore the events leading up to that point; fans of director Aoki Ei’s work on Fate/Zero should note that the dark tone disappears in the third episode and never quite comes back even when things get serious. Viewers should also keep their F/F expectations in check, since despite the premise I would say the series is more plot- than character-focused, and on top of that a significant amount of time is devoted to Yomi’s relationship with her male fiancé (Yomi and Kagura have more screentime together, but there’s not much development whereas Yomi and her fiancé are given a whole romantic arc). There is one very fanservicey scene between Kagura and Yomi in a car early on (in episode 3?) which viewers may want to skip, but IIRC it’s an outlier and the rest of the series is nowhere near as bad.
Bonus Rounds
1. Sailor Moon S / Season 3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Possibly the most widely-known F/F couple in anime, Haruka and Michiru (Ogata Megumi and Katsuki Masako, respectively), make their first appearance in episode 3 of the third season as mysterious newcomers who refuse to work alongside the Sailor Senshi. Apart from being consistently framed as an ideal couple throughout (they practically cruise to victory in a couple’s contest in episode 5 of S3), they also get some juicy narrative moments, being the main subject of the excellent episodes 17 and 21 – the latter being the mid-season climax. They return in S5 but I haven’t watched that season yet.
Side note: Utena fans may be particularly interested to hear that the aforementioned Haruka-and-Michiru-centric episodes 17 and 21 are helmed by key Utena creatives. Both were written by Enokido Yoji, Utena's lead scriptwriter, while episode 17 was directed by Igarashi Takuya (who storyboarded 5 Utena episodes) and episode 21 was directed by Utena director Ikuhara Kunihiko himself.
2. Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Way back when, Mai-Hime was very popular among yuri fans for including a canonically queer female character who was in love with another female character… even though, like in Kannazuki no Miko which was broadcast the same year, she commits sexual assault against her. For those still curious, Mai-Hime starts out as a quirky fighting-monsters-and-going to school anime but turns into a battle royale where characters fight each other using robots – the twist being that the robots symbolise their love for the person most precious to them, and if destroyed, that person will die. The queer storyline comes in only in the last quarter or so, but is compellingly told and at least the queer character isn’t quite as maniacal or otherwise demonised compared to some others (looking at you, Liang Qi in Canaan). It's a fun reveal, so I won't spoil it here even if you're likely to have heard of it already.
3. Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Psycho-Pass is set in a dystopian world where people are rated on their criminal tendencies; the main characters’ job as police officers is to arrest those whose tendencies exceed a certain level. The F/F is canon but very, very background; one of the surprise twists of the finale is that forensics expert Karanomori Shion (Sawashiro Miyuki), whose appearance screams “sexy doctor character” but is played with surprising warmth by Sawashiro, is actually in a relationship with seemingly aloof field officer Kunizuka Yayoi (Itou Shizuka). I only watched the first season and so can’t comment on the rest, but apparently they are still in a relationship in the third season.
4. My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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An adaptation of Yamaguchi Satoru’s popular light novel series, this show headed the wave of reincarnated-villainess isekai, focusing on the bumbling Catarina Claes (Uchida Maaya) – in actuality an otaku who has been reincarnated into an otome game – as she tries desperately to remove her character’s image as a villainess and thereby inadvertently attracts the attentions of many a suitor. Among this reverse harem are three female characters Maria Campbell (Hayami Saori), Mary Hunt (Okasaki Miho), and Sophia Ascart (Minase Inori).
While the female suitors’ romantic interest in Catarina is generally not undermined or played as a joke, they are not necessarily treated as equally valid options compared to the male suitors - it doesn't feel like Catarina has a real chance of ending up with any of the female characters. I've heard this starts becoming more obvious in S2 (which I haven't watched), which apparently focuses on Catarina's relationship development with one particular male suitor compared to the others. Also, the VN spinoff had 6 routes in total (all 4 male suitors + 2 original male characters) but did not include a single female route, despite being non-canon in nature.
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wonderlandsakura · 5 months
I have a Zosan fic inspired by a post I think I saw on Tumblr, but it being Tumblr, I can't find it to reblog it, but I'm gonna post it anyway (just a heads up, it's kinda long)
Sanji Accidentally Reveals Who His Partner Is During A Livestream! (NOT CLICKBAIT)
“Welcome back to Cooking with Sanji, this time we’re Live! Thank you my mellorines for being such sweet, loyal and gorgeous fans and taking time out of your busy schedules to attend my livestream today!” Sanji crowed, making finger hearts at the camera.
He was in the location of all his videos and livestreams, his kitchen, which straddled the line between cluttered and cosy and straight out of a magazine, with its industrial grade appliances and overfull cabinets and refrigerator covered in random memorabilia, such as postcards, polaroids and for some reason, an absurd amount of fish related pictures, magnets and posters.
“Today we’ll be cooking my partner’s favorite, Onigiri!” Sanji continued, going on to list the ingredients while chatting with the stream and answering any questions that pop up and highlighted by his mods.
Sanji’s partner was an elusive mystery his fanbase (and that of the Straw Hat Pirates, the group of content creators he was part of) had long wondered about.
It was no secret the man was married, the man in question having made comments mentioning his partner more than once and flaunted his wedding ring on occasion when it was brought up, though he didn’t often wear it on his hand when he was cooking, choosing to wear it on a chain around his neck.
They knew the man lived with his partner, as he often made mention of them while filming and streaming through snarky comments that would nevertheless dissolve into lovestruck looks and loud confirmations of his love whenever one of the audience (usually a newer fan) wondered why Sanji stayed despite his complaints.
Many of his fan base assumed that the person in question was female, what with Sanji’s womanizing tendencies, believing it to be one of the female straw hats or their associates, though this was quickly disproven as they came out or started dating other people.
However, some fans still held onto this conviction, many of them shipping Sanji with his female friends, or with Pudding, a baker that Sanji had collabed with before, who had then insisted she was Sanji’s partner, despite not having a ring or being mentioned by the Straw Hats, who had confirmed they had long met Sanji's partner, before that moment.
Sanji had long since spoken out to disprove these rumors about their relationship, but still, some of his crazier fans insisted on shipping the two, along with many of Pudding's hardcore fans.
Most of Sanji's fan base however, couldn't care less about when or if he would ever reveal who the person was, or even their gender, respecting his right to his privacy.
They were more than fed on the scraps they were given, after all, as the look Sanji would have on his face and the way he gushed over his partner spoke volumes about his love for them.
At some point, Sanji’s dad, Red_Leg_Zeff, pops up on the stream’s chat and starts scolding Sanji through his comments, urged on and enabled by his mods and audience, who cheer him on and highlight his comments for Sanji to read, much to his chagrin. He complains loudly about how his old man needs to stop worrying and get off his stream and isn’t he supposed to be getting ready to open up his restaurant, the Baratie?
The stream adores the interaction, though some of the newer viewers need to be reassured that this is just the way the father-son cooking duo interact, and that they truly adore each other.
It was just the way Sanji showed love, whether to his adoptive father, his friends, or when he spoke about his partner.
Eventually the stream settles down and Zeff leaves to work, as Sanji continues to deftly shape onigiri balls as he chats with his audience.
The stream runs longer than usual, thanks to Zeff’s appearance, but it is just about to end when they hear a door opening off screen.
Sanji however doesn’t seem to notice, wrapped up in excitedly explaining what the All Blue he mentions in his bio on all his social media is to a new fan. This distraction would be his undoing.
From out of frame, a very familiar man to those who were fans of the Straw Hat Pirates as a whole appeared, sending those that noticed him into a tizzy.
It was the half naked, sweaty form of one Roronoa Zoro, the group’s resident sports addict, or as he was better known in the words of Sanji himself, ‘Directionally Challenged Mossbrain’, who often got lost and ended up being dragged back to the group by Sanji. He was also known to most as Sanji's rival.
The two were known for their spats, spitting insults and jabs at each other at the slightest slight or provocation, the arguments often devolving into brawls with kicks and hits thrown by Sanji and Zoro respectively. So it was a surprise to see the man so casually ambling about the house that was known to be shared by Sanji and his partner.
This surprise and interest continued as the man, who seemed to have just finished one of his morning workouts, walked up to Sanji as he used the towel around his neck to wipe away the sweat on his forehead.
The chat waited with bated breath for something to happen, for Sanji to snap and shout at him or something to break the tension created by the man's appearance.
And break it did, as the man bent his head down towards Sanji and tilted his face towards him, kissing him right on the lips, cutting off the man's words with the action.
The chat started screaming, filling with comments that rushed by quicker than the eye could catch. More viewers started appearing as people called their fellow fans in to see the shocking moment, the mods struggling to tame the hoards.
All this went unnoticed by the two lovers as Sanji melted into the kiss, seeming to forget where he was for a moment.
Finally they broke apart, a look of lovestruck bliss on Sanji's flushed face as he stared into his lover's eyes.
Only for him to redden furiously and start to bluster, flustered as he realized what just happened.
He started screaming, as a fans had foreseen, hitting Zoro as he shooed him away, the man calmly avoiding the hits as he scooped up an onigiri and moved away. Only to double back, calling Sanji's name, making him shout.
“What do you want, Marimo!”
At which his head was cradled and another kiss was bestowed on to his forehead, causing his squawking to redouble in its intensity and resulting in Zoro leaving his haloed kitchen chased by whatever objects were in reach that Sanji could throw.
Sanji finally calmed down at his disappearance, breathing heavily as he stared after the other man.
Finally he turned back to the screen.
A bright, furious blush creeped slowly across his face as he realized who exactly, had just seen the chaotic interaction.
He lunged forward, over the countertop and the stream ended abruptly, sending the viewers back into the waiting room, where they tittered to each other about what they had seen.
It was a moment that would not soon be forgotten, against Sanji's best wishes, and it was the most talked about, dramatic and chaotic coming out of any content creator.
Though despite its suddenness, all Zoro and Sanji's fans would agree that it was utterly, irrevocably, them.
We've come to the end, thank you for reading :) you might want to take a moment to rest your eyes before moving on
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cooki3face · 10 months
cookie face master list ♡
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message: this is my official master list for my tarot readings and any of my other favorite post that I’ve made so far, I make a lot of posts that aren’t titled or formatted in any way so this a good tool to use to be able to find any of my posts that are important to find that have any important information or did really well. Thank you to the user who recommended I create one of these, I had started making one some time ago but I ended up giving up because I was intimidated by how many post I had and how I would format this master list. ❤️
public psa & content breakdown (PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU INTERACT!!!)
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ tarot readings:
cookie face tarot info: (please read!!) (personal tarot readings open!!)
Cookie face tarot readings ♡ | book
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your first time alone with your spouse 🖤
their last dream of you ☁️🔒
how people see you ⭐️
what will your marriage be like 💍
what would your divine masculine be like as a father
their favorite things about you 💐
how does your person view intimacy with you (18+)
what kind of seducer are you (18+)
what will you be like as a mother
what permanent union w/ your divine feminine would be like: divine masculine reading
why are they silent?
what lessons are you learning in love right now?
Messages from spirit on conflict between Israel and Palestine 🇵🇸❤️
your next quantum leap
what your in laws would think of you (and their child)
messages for singles from your divine counterpart
messages from someone who let go of you
what you need to hear right now: channeled from spirit
what’s going on in your friendships
Your present reality vs far future
energy check-in:
~ Energy check in w/ advice : July 2, 2023 ~
~ Energy check in w/ advice : June 27, 2023 ~
energy update 🧿: 8/18/23
six card pull: energy update ♡
divine feminine/divine masculine:
what’s going on within the divine masculine collective | divine masculine update | June 30, 2023
what would your divine masculine be like as a father
divine feminine/divine masculine update & twin flame update : 8-23-23
Divine masculine & Divine feminine update / twin flame update 🖤 : 8/30/23
what permanent union w/ your divine feminine would be like: divine masculine reading
spirit baby readings:
spirit baby reading 🧸
spirit baby reading🍼
disclaimer: any readings that I do can be switched around to resonate with any sex/gender. I’m just a woman and most of the imagery I’m attracted to is feminine in nature and I have a large feminine following and community so often times I feel their energy strongest when I’m channeling for the collective but if you’re a masculine energy that doesn’t mean there isn’t a message for you in a reading of mine!
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ spirituality/self-care/healing:
"Physical Pain In The Body And Their Spiritual Meanings"
“Differentiating between steady boundaries and self -sabotaging as a trauma response: how to identify & what to do”
“Understanding the difference between “niceness” & kindness”
My opinion on organized religion
"Manifesting with conviction & intention: What is it and how to do it"
"How to fix a broken sleep schedule: relaxation tips & creating an ideal bed routine"
“Your anger is the part of you that knows your mistreatment."
people pleasers
"men who refuse to grow up will find women who suit their lifestyles"
"Normal people have trauma"
"Nobody is responsible for your triggers and you aren’t responsible for any of anyone else’s"
"Grew up hearing that I was way too picky or that I wasn’t going to get everything that I wanted"
"my anxious attatchment style & mother wound"
"manifestation & energetic frequencies: what people want most in life"
"The dark night of the soul"
“How to navigate the dark night of the soul”
"A fear of being seen"
“wounded feminine energy vs wounded masculine energy”
“healing attachment styles”
advice for growing teenagers and young adults
"you don't teach your children not to hit people by hitting them"
"gen z not taking sh*t from anybody"
gen x and millennial parents need to get help
Self assurance and inner alignment affirmations
Self love & self worth affirmations
divine feminine & divine masculine affirmations: Aug 21, 2023
"Marriage doesn’t just have to do with love/Women get nothing for marrying for free" : hypergamy
"Loving someone how they want to be loved vs. Loving them the way you want to love them"
“Differentiating between steady boundaries and self -sabotaging as a trauma response: how to identify & what to do”
“Your anger is the part of you that knows your mistreatment."
people pleasers
"love isn’t enough to make a relationship work"
"Rules for Navigating Men That Aren’t The One" (this is a really old post,but it falls under the category)
“What it means to love unconditionally & accept people for who they are”
“Healing attachment styles”
“When people say “please stop saying choose better or stop telling us to choose better because you know men pretend to be someone completely different in the beginning and then change.””
divine feminine/divine masculine:
"Broken femininity is generational trauma"
"cancer moon placements & the mother"
"Marriage doesn’t just have to do with love/Women get nothing for marrying for free" : hypergamy
 "divine feminine in a twin flame connection: the best thing you can do for your divine masculine is keep loving yourself more"
divine feminine & divine masculine affirmations: Aug 21, 2023
“divine feminine & learning to transmute energy: introduction”
“Whatever you give a woman she will multiply it & give it back”
wounded feminine energy vs wounded masculine energy
““A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek him just find her."”
twin flames, soul mates, & karmics:
"divine feminine in a twin flame connection: the best thing you can do for your divine masculine is keep loving yourself more"
"separation & no contact in high level soul connections"
"is it possible to have increase of sexual energy before meeting your twin flame?"
"some twin flame connections could be toxic and can be hard to deal with, is this true?"
I believe that’s it guys, well not all of it ofc there are post I left out that were just little thoughts and think pieces I had that weren’t really all that relevant but most of anything important or sought after is right here. I’d like to say, that some of posts are really old and my format and theme was completely different so when and if you click on them and they look extremely foreign or aren’t well executed that’s why, I’ve been running this blog since 2020/2021, thank you. 💋
My social media platforms:
Main: @cooki3face_
tarot acc: @cookiefacetarot
about me post ❤️
Last updated: Friday, February 9, 2025 @ 2:35 pm
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morlock-holmes · 29 days
Part of my confusion about "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" is that it's really just... not a good term? It doesn't really reflect what it's supposed to, which is the idea that some teenagers essentially take on a trans identity as a sort of social role spurred on by friend groups.
I think that this is likely to be actually true in at least some sense, so I was amazed at how unconvincing the Littman paper which coined the term actually is. The parental narratives advanced in that paper are just unbelievable on their face.
Ever since the gay rights movement I've felt that our vocabulary for talking about this stuff is deliberately incredibly stupid, for reasons I haven't quite been able to suss out.
In the gay rights battles, everybody got together and agreed that there were exactly two possibilities:
Gay people are born that way
Gay people made a choice to be gay
I think this is really dumb because those are really obviously not the only two options, and also because there's lots of biological "born this way" things we still treat or try to eliminate, and lots of choices that are still incredibly important to protect.
But also, like, okay, think about sexual fetishes. Say you have a guy with a cheerleader fetish. Cheerleaders are a contingent social phenomenon; no 12th century Breton had a cheerleader fetish. The possibility of such a fetish arose with the invention of the cheerleader.
But it's just as obvious that people do not choose their fetishes the way that they choose, say, a new car. Nobody says, "After listing out the pros and cons, I felt that having a cheerleader fetish was the best choice, because it combines a little bit of exotic spice while still being mainstream enough that it can't be used as blackmail if people find out about it."
No, one day you just realize that you think cheerleaders are really hot.
I do tend to think that gender identity is, for most people, a lot less immediately set in stone than sexual orientation is. My personal impression is that the vast majority of people start to understand very quickly whether they are attracted to men, women, or both, and that they only tell themselves differently because they fear social censure.
I'm not really convinced that the same is true of gender identity; I think that for an extremely large number of people it does function a bit more like a fetish, in that there are people who encounter the idea for the first time, go, "Huh, yeah that's cool or whatever" and after repeated encounters come to think, "Actually I am really into this."
I'm very, very suspicious of the tendency to then assert that this must inherently, then, be a discovery of something that always existed within the person since birth.
There's also the fact that gender roles exist, and people want to be legible to people around them.
For a lot of people, dressing up as a vampire on Halloween is fun, but dressing up as a vampire to go grocery shopping in June would be deeply embarrassing. Because on Halloween all the people around you understand why you're dressed that way and your dress makes you part of a larger social whole; in June you're going against the grain, marking yourself out from the people around you, probably drawing stares and hidden smiles.
Because sex roles in our society are so set in stone, there is a certain extreme dissatisfaction with not following them, even when allowed to do so.
I can wear chokers and frills and pretty hair ribbons if I want, but the women around me can do that anywhere in the country and have people think of it as normal, as obvious, rather than *a statement*.
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, from reading the Littman paper, seems to refer to a parental conviction that their child essentially got the idea to be trans from a peer group who convinced them they were trans despite a lack of gender dysphoria in childhood.
Like I said, the general narrative is really, really hard to believe at face value, for example:
A total of 63.8% of the parents have been called “transphobic” or “bigoted” by their children for one or more reasons, the most common being for: disagreeing with the child about the child’s self-assessment of being transgender (51.2%); recommending that the child take more time to figure out if their feelings of gender dysphoria persist or go away (44.6%); expressing concerns for the child’s future if they take hormones and/or have surgery (40.4%); calling their child by the pronouns they used to use (37.9%); telling the child they thought that hormones or surgery would not help them (37.5%); recommending that their child work on other mental health issues first to determine if they are the cause of the dysphoria (33.3%); calling the child by their birth name (33.3%); or recommending a comprehensive mental health evaluation before starting hormones and/or surgery (20.8%)
So, like, the whole tenor of the paper is that these are basically very liberal parents who are sort of being cut off by their kids for no reason, but like...
This is typical of the general weasel wording used by Littman. Are the third of parents who called their kids by pronouns they used to use going, "She - Oops, he, I'm sorry" one time and getting blasted? Do they claim to be trying but just get it wrong literally every single time? Or do they just flat out refuse to call their child by their preferred pronouns?
When my brother was first entering high school, he joined the Sea Scouts, a division of the Boy Scouts dedicated to learning about sailing. He later entered a maritime college and has had a succession of maritime jobs, which will likely be his career for the rest of his life.
Is that the result of social contagion or was he born that way?
I think the question is obviously both absurd and irrelevant.
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queer signalling: louis and harry living their beautiful queer lives, collected by me
since we must take note of our fellow queers when they signal that they are very much one of us, despite being closeted. since i've had a very very queer few years thanks to them, thanks to their signalling, thanks to them being brave.
(!! this list isn't exhaustive, and if i've forgotten your favorite, by all means let me know. there's always room for another edition. it's been a while since i made a compilation and felt there was a need of a new one on my blog. this one goes a few years back, since my last one dates from 2021 :'o. so yeah. here we go.)
harry in my policeman, playing a closeted queer man, based on the book that's long been one of his favorites. lauded by the director and co-stars for how well he portrayed this character, how well he understood.
harry wearing a green flower on his chest for the mp premiere, placing himself (once again) in the same line of history as oscar wilde.
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louis's green flowers on his initial 28clothing jersey at the first afhf, which includes bonus roses and 28s all around
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the entire late night talking mv bc!!!!!
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louis's rainbow stage lights during sibwawc. he really did that. every single night.
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the entire dazed magazine happening. “I’ve always tried to compartmentalise my personal life and my working life,” he explains. / “I have unlocked an ability to be myself completely, unapologetically,” he says with conviction." / “I think through my own sense of self and personal journey, I am realising that happiness isn’t this kind of end state.”
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louis's gay exit songs: most notably 'ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't've)'
harry flirting with stanley tucci
louis and his gay ass tank tops !!! we must point it out !!!!!!
all along
harry kissing a pride flag during harry's house ono in nyc
rainbow flare during the btm mv
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harry being gifted a mask of his own face at munich n2, which prompted him to say that he feels like he's wearing a mask sometimes
28 in a triangle for 28clothing!!!!!!!!
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kit connor soft launching 28 clothing. a young actor starring in a queer coming-of-age series, who was forced to come out after being accused of queerbaiting. he was the first one, besides louis, to wear 28clothing
harry's grammy's speech "people like me" (which ppl sadly misunderstood), echoing what he's been saying on tour for years. this doesn't happen to people like him. if they only knew, right?
harry's freddie-inspired outfit for the grammy carpet (which also brought back his theme for clown/jester fits, like harryween 2021 n2. wonder why)
louis's merch graphic where a boy is trying to smash a glass ceiling
harry posing for david hockney, actual living legend, gay artist of the ages. "Styles seems to know how lucky he is, adding, with a tinge of disbelief: “I’m in awe of the man with enough one-liners for a lifetime.” As to what those one-liners might be? Styles and Hockney’s mutual silence on that question suggests that what happens in the studio, stays in the studio."
louis having suspicious visuals during back to you, the only visuals of that type on tour
harry's 2022 harryween outfit: dressed as danny (literally. he did that. he went grease on us.) but wearing sandy's jacket
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louis at barricade aka held safely in the arms of strong security personnel
harry singing man, i feel like a woman and still the one with shania twain. while wearing a rainbow discoball jumpsuit (parallel with kacey musgraves wearing a rainbow dress to sing it with him years ago.)
louis's gay ass merch for the away from home festival
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harry dressed in nina ricci by harris reed, an explicitly gender-fluid line. "At 18 I found myself living in london creating ruffle blouses, corsets, fabric flowers and flares from my kitchen floor (...). My creations at the time were met with nothing but criticism for being “too feminine” or “costume”, teachers said I should focus on “menswear” or “womenswear”. l remember it really wasn’t until I started dressing for myself and who I was that it all clicked. @harrystyles was my first ever client who embraced the fun, fluid and expressive clothing I was creating."
continuous bluegreening. to name a few: harry's werchter fit, all this time lights, satellite caps in two colors only, louis's smiley flickering bluegreen on tour in 2022, the james cordon shit, louis in uncasville. enjoy this post here
harry's snl shoot unseens: him as ariel
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louis out in amsterdam at a gay bar
harry going to the women's only swimming pond (on a day it was open for men, but this is important to me okay)
harry's use of orchids in his visuals during 'she' during love on tour '23
the 'hairy mermaid' tour visuals
harry as a mermaid during the mfasr mv. as a supreme physical manifestation of harry as the mermaid he truly is inside. but in his true form he gets chopped up and consumed. literally
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as it was mv and its parallels with the matrix, hints to harry as the woman with the red dress.
louis jumping up on barricade against the one spot where a pride flag was draped over it
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oh yeah that exact same thing happened in 2022 too
harry forming a skirt with a pride flag in brasil after his pants ripped
that gay ass denim getup with the fur collar?? while wearing the fucking peace ring????
harry and phoebe breaking gender norms in the tpwk mv dance. no i'm not over it yet shut up
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louis wearing a basquiat t-shirt, another famously queer artist joining the ranks
harry bought an actual genuine basquiat. flex
harry dressed in skirts for gucci
"happy pride! happy pride! 'tis the season! can you tell i'm relaxed?"
"isn't all of this sparkly bi music?"
satellite mv rainbow planet tshirt
louis's bigger than me promo where he's literally george michael like??? IM SORRY???????
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harry kissing lewis capaldi at the brits
harry kissing nick kroll at the dwd premiere. lol
and... harry as friend of D O R O T H Y. sang over the rainbow. we all cried. especially me at this clip of harry glancing in relief at his band after over the rainbow.
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despairots · 6 months
- my blood is singing with your voice , #o. dazai!
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description, osamu dazai’s a kid. he still is, but it’s fine; he’s been exploited at 14, yet he’s terrifying. you never met him one on one, only observed him from a distance. | ( r’s opinion and history with the port mafia! ) ( a continuation of my special oneshot of “a night to remember” )
— story contains, swearing, suicide jokes, self harm implied, r! being insane, mafia activities, murder? violence, mental health, obsessive love disorder ( reader! ) please tell me if i missed anything! gender neutral! reader. age 15 - 18 ( 15 arc and dark era )
this is a continuous series of “a night to remember!” r!’s ability is based off rofū miki’s book: the sick rose (their overall genuinely character is based of the author aswell) r!'s ability: the user possesses poisonous blood they can use against their opponent or when threatened. if someone were to touch via skin contact or inhale the smell of their blood, the person will become severely ill. they wear any port mafia would wear; white button up, black blazer, and pants but r! wears a gauze around their neck.
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you hardly remembered what it felt like to admire someone from afar. when it involved someone like dazai, the first initial thought was to fear him. from his list of crimes, his intelligence that extended to the title he was given.
“the demon prodigy.” a title he earned at the age of 15. although, a name like that should fit him, it doesn’t for some odd reason. maybe because he was still a kid like you, a kid who was mislead their entire life.
osamu dazai doesn’t know you, you know him though— after all, his name and position gives him a lot of attention. you’re a simple mafioso who’s been taken because of your ability, there was nothing all that special about you.
it’s scary that someone around your age can cause such destructive and damage, but at the same time, it wasn’t scary. you’ve never seen a boy climb up the ranks so aggressively fast. dazai’s extremely talented, yet so young that you wondered; was he always this much of prodigy when he was younger?
spectating (more like stalking) afar says a lot about your character and the community you grew up in. the port mafia taught kids to commit crimes to grow the port mafia, dazai joining caused the criminal organization to sky rocket.
he’s laid missions with no casualties (if you minus the mobs getting killed), his missions going smoothly and he’s the right hand man of mori, not only that, the youngest port mafia executive.
although, he carries such a terrifying image and name, you’re someone who does not care about that. if he hurts somebody, or if someday hurts me, the same red blood will be shred. only you can see his blood seeping through the wounds he inflicts on himself.
you would choose him, even if it meant destruction of the world. it’s a selfish, atrocious choice. and yet, it looks more like love.
acting is like love; you can’t do it alone. if you know how to surrender, then you know what to do when you act. loving another is an act of total surrender. love only appears when you surrender your heart, ego, and whole self for someone else.
dazai has a tone that sinks into the abyss of the spirit, and deep, dark eyes that seem to hold the conviction that the sun will never rise again.
you admired him… and the world he created. a universe without him, you can’t even imagine it. he’s poison to you. everything he says, his whole being. he can circulate within you and you can feel him changing me from the inside.
he could be your downfall.
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themaveriqueagenda · 2 months
it's trans+ history week, so i finally have an opportunity to make a detailed post about maverique history.
so here it is:
a detailed timeline of maverique history.
31/05/2014 — @queerascat coined maverique as "a non-binary gender characterized by an unconventional and unothodox internal sense of self and the interrelationship between that sense of self and society"
15/06/2014 — queerascat reworded the definition as: "a non-binary gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of gender which is unorthodox, unconventional and entirely independent of conventional concepts of gender". they created the maverique flag on the same day.
18/06/2014 — tearun suggested maver as an equivalent to man/woman and rique as an equivalent for boy/girl, the latter was never heard of again due to it sounding like "reek"
19/06/2014 — someone suggested mav as an equivalent to boy/girl, @whatdoesenbymean suggested Mv (pronounced "mav") as a title
21/06/2014 — after some confusion, queerascat reworded the definition one last time as "a gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender"
22/06/2014 — the @maveriques blog was created
24/06/2014 — maveriques posted a CMYK analogy to explain maverique
28/06/2014 — maveriques posted a list of proposed maverique terms
29/06/2014 — someone suggested Mv (pronounced "miv") as a title
06/07/2014 — queerascat uploaded a video about their label change and the term maverique in their youtube channel
12/03/2015 — maveriques clearly defined maverique as not an umbrella term
11/10/2015 — queerascat posted a gender tag video from a maverique perspective on their youtube channel
13/10/2015 — someone suggested maveriquine as an equivalent for masculine/feminine
~2015/16 — there was discourse on aliagender and aporagender being racist, and that maverique was a good term to use instead because it was coined by a Black person, queerascat pushed back against this
31/07/2016 — maverine was suggested as an equivalent to masculine/feminine
18/11/2016 — @moonstruck-melts suggested the earth and sun symbols for maverique, and @feekins suggested pluto as a symbol
03/02/2017 — @the-christian-closet suggested the comet symbol for maverique, mistaking it for an alternative sun symbol
05/02/2017 — maveriques posted a poll asking how people feel about the sun as a maverique symbol
12/02/2017 — maveriques posted the results, with most maveriques liking it but having reservations
24/02/2017 — courage-archive-deactivated2018 / sneer posted the symbol with the two extending arms
17/07/2017 — veriquinity was suggested as an equivalent to masculine/feminine
~2021: the maverique subreddit was created
06/01/2022 — renée yoxon went on the fifty shades of gender podcast to talk about being maverique, trans, nonbinary and genderqueer
06/2022 — reddit user ChaoticStrange suggested a maverique visibility day on 31/05 and others agreed
16/01/2023 — renée yoxon briefly spoke about being maverique on the gender reveal podcast
18/06/2023 — @themaveriqueagenda on tumblr was born
20/08/2023 — themaveriqueagenda on instagram was born
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Head-Empty Headcanons
Things they say, think, and do that prove they are a bit air-headed. 
Genre: Headcanons, Comedy
Characters featured: All Obey Me! Characters (yes, even the new ones!)
Whenever Mc is mentioned its unrelated to their gender!
CW: swearing!
A/N: The brain rot is real this morning, and I haven’t done anything super silly in awhile, so here!
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The weirdest shit always comes out of his mouth when he’s half awake. 
Will ask the most ridiculous questions when he’s in between naps or when he’s just woken up because his brain is on autopilot, like along the lines of “Do you think pigeons have feelings?” 
Does not look when he crosses the street.
Will literally ask what you said after being annoyed that you asked if he was listening. 
Has drank water while laying down and choked himself. 
3 balls bopping around his head at all times are Food, Workout, and MC like a game of Pong
Blinks one eye at a time. It’s subtle but he totally does it. 
Has eaten the fortune out of a fortune cookie because he thought that was part of the process of making the fortune come true. 
When told by MC he had to rinse rice before cooking it he asked if he needed to use soap. 
Has eaten whole, raw, potatoes because he thought it would give him protein like eating raw eggs would. 
He’s pretty; he doesn’t have to be smart.
Once stared frustratingly in the mirror for 15 minutes trying to figure out why the phrase written on his shirt was backwards. 
The first time he dyed his hair, he got mad that it didn’t grow the same color out of his scalp.
Forgets that he owns something and will by numerous duplicates. 
1000% has fallen for MLM scams
No thought only cat.
You need to watch him like a toddler if you take him to the zoo. He will try to jump into every big cat enclosure. 
Has started fires in his room multiple times because he put candles on top of his books (Seriously dude your room is a fire hazard) but is still clueless as to how it happened.
The first time he saw a racoon he thought it was a rare breed of cat and tried to snuggle it.
Somebody take his screens away. 
Has 100% tried to “Back Space” words when writing physically with pen and paper.
More than once has screamed at a game system for not working when he had just not realized that it was unplugged.
Has definitely run into walls after sitting 2 feet away from his giant TV like a 3 year old. 
Has completely ignored and walked away from people because he is too busy creating a theme music for himself as he’s doing something that he perceives as cool.
I think I could never run of ideas for how airheaded this man is, but I’ll go for the abstract ones since there are many that are obvious.
One of those dudes who thinks pee comes out of the vagina. 
Definitely goes down existential rabbit holes because of questions like “Is cereal a soup” or “is a hotdog a sandwich”
Will literally believe anything you tell him if you say it with enough sincerity- even if it’s the most ridiculous thing you could think of. 
100% believes that horror movies like Friday the 13th are based on true events and is convinced that most humans die by serial killers
This man has absolutely done the dumbest shit when he is sleep deprived. 
Will lose things that he is holding in his hands as he’s using them- often it’s his pen or his phone. 
has drank scalding hot coffee because he forgot it was too hot to drink. 
Leaves things in the oven and microwave all the time. Usually Beel finds it and eats it, and he’s none the wiser.
Talks to himself all the time, usually giving reminders to do things or a grocery list, but also will just narrate things. 
 Literally a Golden Retriever.
Holds up his his fingers in an L shape to determine right from left- which never works because he forgets which way an L is supposed to go. 
Will believe pretty much anything you tell him about the human world if you say it with enough conviction.
Constantly doing the most ridiculous things without thinking of the consequences- often times leaving Lucifer or Barbatos to clean up his mess. 
Constantly bothers Mc, Lucifer, and Barbatos when they’re busy- even after just being scolded for being a distraction- because he forgets that they’re doing something and wanted to show them something cool
He’s probably the least ditzy, but even he has his moments.
Walks into the kitchen and forgets why he was going in there. All the time. 
Accidentally goes through all of the Little D’s names before getting the right one- even if he had JUST done the same thing for a different little D
Will step out the door to go somewhere with Lord Diavolo and immediately wonder if he left the Stove on. He will go check, and still wonder if it’s on 5 hours later. 
Simp! Simp alert!
Will do anything you tell him if you said “Well, I guess I could go ask Lucifer to do it...” even if its embarrassing or flat-out dangerous lol
Diavolo occupies his brain at all times so he’s often distracted by intense pining for their “friendship” that was totally not a one-way crush. (go listen to “When Somebody Loved Me” from Toy Story 2 lol)
One of those “Um AcTUaLly” bros who is always wrong about the thing they’re correcting you on to an absurd degree. 
Somebody go teach grandpa how to use a computer. 
Has definitely given his computer a virus by clicking a popup ad, and also fell for the “Nigerian Prince” emails
“Do you think someone would just go on the internet and tell lies?” 
No seriously he will see some wild conspiracy on Devilgram or Devilbook and be convinced it is real. Lord help him. 
Definitely thinks Boomer memes are funny. Send him a minion, he will laugh his ass off. 
Elevator music playing in his brain at all times.
Immediately choses violence as an option every time no matter the circumstances and this is quite literally CANON.
Is always the last to know some secret that isn’t really a secret and is really obvious. 
Will test the sharpness of his spears by jamming them into the ground, and then get mad when he cant yank them back up. 
Just a poor child trying his best. Someone teach him. 
Probably didn’t know what a chihuahua was when someone first compared him to one but was too embarrassed to admit he didn’t know so he just like. Went with it. Until he found out they are a tiny yippy dog- then he got angy. 
Absolutely believes that babies come from the Stork. 
Thought the “PG” movie rating meant “Pretty Good.”
His cooking cant be that bad...can it?
Will throw quite literally anything into a pot when cooking, even if it doesn’t make sense to do so, because he likes to “experiment” 
The first time he sees a fidget spinner he loses his fucking mind. “What is this? It’s spinning! I am in pure bliss!”
Has definitely blown up a classroom at RAD because he snuck in a potion to test out and accidentally dropped it.
Has definitely said some really outdated cringy slang. “Tubular!” “Oh man, so grody!” 
Conspiracy theorist- for sure.
Didn’t believe that Belphie and Beel were twins because they didn’t look alike (she did not know fraternal twins were a thing).
Is convinced that Solomon is an alien. 
Mispronounces words all the time because she rarely talks to others until the exchange program and primarily sees things written (e.g. Fragile as “Fra-gee-lay” and Bologna as “Bow-log-nah”)
Does not test her traps before using them, and gets mad when they don’t work.
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myspaceisra · 2 years
— 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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hey everyone ! by reading call of duty fanfictions, I was inspired and I would like to help writers who are struggling to find code names for their character (whether for y/n [the reader] or for original characters) !
here then is a list of codenames (with their definition, their meaning and what they reflect of the person who has it, arranged in alphabetical order) :
* there are feminine, masculine and neutral names ! mostly neutral.
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« 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐑 » !
collar [noun.] : an ornamental chain or string of
beads, jewels, or links worn round
the neck.
[verb.] : to kill someone by putting a
burning rubber tyre around their
– the person who bears this name (here a woman, because of the funfact of this code name below), could have a soft and welcoming apparence (according to others). She is literally sweet, very calm, rather unsociable and a little shy, but who nevertheless knows how to get out of her comfort zone and be an excellent ally: faithful, efficient and always there for the good moment. We consider ourselves lucky to have her and we do not want to lose her (in anyway, no matter what relationship we have with her).
– Fun fact! : This code name is taken from « She’s my collar », the name of one of Gorillaz and Kali Uchis' songs (two artists I love. This song is a featuring they made together.). In the song, the "collar" was very important and necessary, we can’t hate her. We always end up coming back to her, no matter how ok you try to get away from her. She's literally the collar.
« 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 » !
crown [noun.] : a circular ornamental headdress
worn by a monarch as a symbol
of authority, usually made of or
decorated with precious metals
and jewels.
[noun.] : the top or highest part of
– i don’t really have a personality ideas of the person who would bear this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion). However, I think the code name itself says a lot about the role of the person wearing it: they would probably be someone in charge, leading a group.
– Fun fact! : ‘Crown’ is the name of one of Freddie Dredd's songs (an artist I appreciate very much. my favorite song from him is Witness.)
« 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇 » !
faith [noun.] : strong belief in the doctrines of a
religion, based on spiritual
conviction rather than proof.
[noun.] : complete trust or confidence in
someone or something.
• synonym: trust.
– i think the person who bears this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion), is a person you can trust, who covers everyone's backs. They’re a good right arm, and very chill person.
kerosene [noun.] : a clear liquid with a strong
smell made from coal or
petroleum and used as a fuel
in jet engines or heaters and
– the person who bears this name (regardless of gender, this one is neutral in my opinion), as its definition implies, is important is useful, being the engine, the energy of something. so I would imagine a leader (of squad or whatever) having it.
– Fun fact! : Kerosene is the name of one of Crystal Castles' songs (one of my favorite musical band. my favorite song from them is Untrust us.)
– For people who would find this name long, Keros (which would come from « kerosene ») or Kero (which sounds like the word « hero ») simply are also very good !
leather [noun.] : a material made from the skin
of an animal by tanning or a
similar process.
– i don’t really have a personality ideas of the person who would bear this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion, but I would see more of a woman with it!), to be honest.. I am sorry. This code name just reminded of the names « Lea » and « Luther ».
Do not hesitate to explain your ideas about it in the comment section.
« 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 » !
rain [noun.] : the condensed moisture of the
atmosphere falling visibly in
separate drops.
– the person who bears this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion), is a very stoic person, but not necessarily unsociable. We don’t really know what we think of them : they’re like something that falls suddenly without warning and which makes you sick if you do nothing, which can do good or harm (they reflect what rain is, so).
– Fun fact! : Rain (in the pronunciation) looks like the word « Reine » in French which means queen.
« 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐌 » !
realm [noun.] : a kingdom.
[noun.] : a field or domain of activity or
– i don’t really have a personality ideas of the person who would bear this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion, but I would see more of a woman with it!), to be honest.. I am sorry.
Do not hesitate to explain your ideas about it in the comment section.
« 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐍 » !
siren [noun.] : in greek mythology, a woman
whose song lured unwary sailors
to the rocks.
[noun.] : a device that makes a loud
prolonged signal or warning sound.
– the person who bears this name (rather a woman because of the first definition) is not referred to her charm, her physical appearance, but to her ability to deceive the enemy and to mope in the decor, in the role she plays. this name would therefore go well with a spy (or a traitor, it depends on the point of view of the relations that this woman has with others).
« 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍 » !
thorn [noun.] : a stiff, sharp-pointed woody
projection on the stem or other
part of a plant.
– the person who bears this name (this one is neutral in my opinion, but I would see more of a men with it!), is a dangerous person. this name is given to him by his bloody parlmaress and his modus operandi that sends shivers down your spine. this name is therefore given to him more for their activities than his person itself.
« 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏 » !
vamp [noun.] : a woman who is confident that
she is attractive to men makes
use of it in order to get what she
wants, who uses her charm or
wiles to seduce and exploit men.
– the person who bears this name (here a woman because of the definition) is not referred to her charm, her physical appearance, but to her ability to deceive the enemy and to mope in the decor, in the role she plays. this name would therefore go well with a spy (or a traitor, it depends on the point of view of the relations that this woman has with others).
weather [noun.] : the state of the atmosphere at
a particular place and time as
regards heat, cloudiness,
dryness, sunshine, wind, rain,
[verb.] : wear away or change the
appearance or texture of
(something) by long exposure to
the atmosphere.
– the person who bears this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion), could be someone who is lunatic, does things well (although sometimes acts on a whim), and who adapts to any situation. They are easy-going and stubborn at the same time and likes to be in control of anything ! So I see this person being a leader, an example, someone we like to follow, ect, despite their flaws.
– Fun fact! : Weather is the name of one of Freddie Dredd's songs (an artist I appreciate very much. my favorite song from him is Witness.)
« 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇 » !
worth [noun.] : the level at which someone or
something deserves to be valued
or rated.
[adj.] : sufficiently good, important, or
interesting to be treated or
regarded in the way specified.
– the person who bears this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion), is someone you trust. they’re a moralizer, someone who puts people in their place when necessary, who always has the right words.
« 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇 » !
wraith [noun.] : a ghost or ghostlike image of
someone, especially one seen
shortly before or after their
• synonym: spectre, ghost.
[noun.] : a wisp or faint trace of
– the person who bears this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion), is someone you trust. they’re a moralizer, someone who puts people in their place when necessary, who always has the right words.
« 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 » !
youth [noun.] : the period between childhood
and adult age.
– the person who bears this name (gender doesn't matter, this one is neutral in my opinion), as its definition implies, is just young (but not a minor). I would imagine the person who has this code name to be the youngest person in the group they are in.
𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝
𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝.
𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍
𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚢.
( 𝚒 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚎 ‘𝚟𝚊𝚖𝚙’ 💋 )
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twig-tea · 4 months
Canadian LGBTQ+ rights; a whirlwind summary
Back in August of 2023 @wen-kexing-apologist wrote an absolutely stellar piece here, and I didn't want to co-opt it (especially because it was already written with an American gaze and I don't want to pile on/distract from the fact that we're talking about Thai BL) so I decided to make this a separate post. And then it lingered in the sad pile of my drafts. But, I'm gonna post it anyway, and take this as an excuse to talk about Canadian history of LGBTQ+ rights apropos of absolutely nothing except the most recent move of the provinces (specifically Saskatchewan) to use the notwithstanding clause to force through legislation that the courts have said goes against our charter of rights and freedoms--specifically legislation that says a teacher cannot respect a child's pronouns without permission of the parent. This is being taken to court (latest as of this writing is that in Feb 2024 the group fighting the law was granted the right to be heard by the court in spite of the notwithstanding clause being invoked, so there is still a chance of it getting revoked via the courts).
WKA talks about what the conversation was like in the US around queer rights in the 20th century; highly recommend reading the linked post first. In Canada the conversation was a little different though with very similar themes; we had the shift to a focus on "privacy" as the driver of our rights long before the HIV/AIDS epidemic, in the 1960s. So much of the push and pull of our laws around homosexuality and gender identity and expression have had to do with the public vs private.
Sodomy has been illegal in Canada since colonization (earliest known conviction: 1648) but laws against gross indecency, which included dancing, kissing, or touching between two men, didn't get codified in Canada until 1892 (and not extended to apply to women until 1953 (thanks)). While these laws essentially outlawed any physical public affection between men from the turn of the century, the fervor to root out and eliminate gayness from society didn't really reach its pitch until mid-century.
I need you all to know about the Fruit Machine, which was an ostensibly "scientific" detection device to identify and purge gay and lesbian civil servants from the military and public service in Canada. While the machine was built in the 1950s and used through the 1950s and 1960s, the practice of using psychology, polygraphs, and interrogation to force military and public servants to come out and take a voluntary discharge existed through to the 1990s.
Our former Prime Minister PE Trudeau made famous the line "there is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation" as part of his so-called decriminalization of homosexuality 1967; this is of course a joke because "buggery" and "gross indecency" stayed on the books for another 20 years, the only difference being they were only punishable if the people involved were under 21, there were 3 or more people present, or the participants were performing these acts outside of their home. You may notice that this meant the policing of public space was where and how homophobia continued to be perpetuated by the state via police.
Highlighting the importance of privacy as a framework for gay rights at this time, The Right to Privacy movement was the name for one of the forerunners of modern Canadian LGBTQ+ rights groups through the 1970s--though worth noting that this group in particular was criticized for its exclusion of WLW and our trans siblings (some of whom of course overlap). The infamous bathhouse raids of 1981 ("Operation Soap"), leading to at the time the largest arrest in Toronto's history, were one of the precipitating factors in the recognizable start of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement. In 1986, five years after the raids and thanks to massive effort by LGBTQ+ organizing, sexual orientation was added to the protected list of attributes that it is illegal to discriminate against under the Canadian Human Rights Act (gender identity and expression was added in 2012), and in 1987 "anal intercourse" was made legal for those over 18 (the legal age of consent was made the same for everyone--16--in 2019), and "gross indecency" as a law was finally repealed. The fight for marriage equality was the next step after achieving real decriminalization, and was strongly based on the right to freedom from discrimination as protected by the Human Rights Act.
[Just going to take this moment to note that for some reason they never struck off the law criminalizing sodomy when more than two people are present; this is still an inequality on the books now and people do (rarely) still get charged with it.]
In the late 1980s and 1990s, the censorship fight was most famously held in the written sphere--if you've seen the movie Better than Chocolate, you might already be familiar what I'm talking about. From approximately 1986 through to 2000, Canada Border Services targeted shipments to queer bookstores, holding them up, sometimes destroying the content, putting those businesses at risk, and preventing queer content that passed through border control to be stocked in physical stores. It took the Supreme Court of Canada's ruling in 2000 to shut down that practice as an illegal suppression of a bookstore (Little Sisters in Vancouver, BC, shout-out!)'s right to freedom of expression.
Raids on safe spaces for sexual activity continued to be a driver for action through to the 21st century. The WLW bathhouse the Pleasure Palace (changed from "Pussy Palace" in the late 90s to be more inclusive of our sisters without that particular body part) was raided in the year 2000; 19 years after Operation Soap, and notably the first and last raid on a queer woman's bathhouse in Canadian history. What followed was a massive public coal-raking of police, including the very telling call to action: "out of the bars! Into the streets!" I don't think this was necessarily the intended implication at the time, but looking back the threat was that if we were not given our rights, we would be in everyone's faces (and conversely if we were given our rights, we'd be quiet). The legalization of marriage between any two consenting persons of legal age came five years later in 2005 (I don't mean to imply this effort was the only reason--the fight for marriage equality was active all the way through the 90s and early 2000s; it's just an interesting parallel that two of the biggest wins for equality for queer people in Canada came 5 years after a historic police raid).
One of the factors in gaining acceptance of LGBTQ+ people in Canada was the fight for marriage equality; as it focused the conversation on sameness rather than difference. The queer activism movement here pivoting from messaging around bathhouses and being left alone to marriage equality was an intentional, strategic attempt to be accepted as the same rather than being honoured for our differences. And that fight coming after the HIV/AIDS epidemic and bathhouse raids is no accident as it framed queer people directly in opposition to the stigma of promiscuity that surrounded assumptions about gay people which fed into the lack of support for medical intervention, research, and treatment for HIV/AIDS (here in Canada too, our history is just as gross on that front, people just don't talk about it as much. But Canada followed the US government's example, and so people were left without medical resources for at least eight years in Canada (since the first cases were identified here in 1982) and THREE YEARS after they had been approved by the US--AZT wasn't available in Canada until 1990. Three years in which people died unnecessarily. We similarly approved PrEP four years after the FDA, in 2016. Today, despite "universal health care", if you want access to PrEP, it will depend on the province you're in as to whether you can get it at all for free or whether you need to pay--in my province, it takes 2 months to get free PrEP).
Today, just over 50% of the people with HIV/AIDS in Canada are men who have sex with men; it's estimated 80% of people infected with HIV know their status, of those 75% are being treated, and of those 89% are effectively unable to transmit the virus. In that context, the ongoing fight re: HIV/AIDS in Canada today is around decriminalization, specifically decriminalization of drugs (since ~20% of HIV infections are from IV drug use--one of the many reasons I support harm reduction strategies), and the decriminalization of non-disclosure (since Canada is one of the few places where you can be charged for not sharing your HIV status with a sexual partner). Until very recently, we were also fighting to be able to give blood--it was only in 2022 that men who have sex with men were allowed to donate blood in Canada, which meant every visit to a blood donation clinic involved questions about the gender of your sexual partner(s). And, as mentioned at the top, one of the rights we are fighting to retain right now, is the right to have our gender expression respected without forced outing to a parent or guardian; Once again, the fight in Canada has become centered around the right to privacy.
Slightly tangential to the topic at hand, but I would be remiss in talking about moments in recent history when the law did not prosecute us, but it failed to protect us. In the 2010s, a serial killer was targeting men who he thought he could get away with making disappear; and he was right. The police ignored calls from the community to treat the case as a serial killer for years. Bruce McArthur killed 8 men who had gone missing from Toronto's Gay Village between 2010 and 2017, several who were vulnerable because they were distant from their families (because they were gay and closeted), homeless, and/or in immigration limbo (waiting for status), so it took longer for them to be reported missing. During this time, through to just weeks before the arrest, the Toronto Police insisted in public statements that there was no serial killer.
Black and Indigenous queer people have regularly died as a result of the police being called while they were in crisis. An unnamed trans woman (who was midgendered by the SIU after her death); Regis Korchinksy-Paquet, both in 2020. In 2022, Dani Cooper, queer activist who advocated against police-run wellness checks, was shot and killed by police during a wellness check called for them.
As a positive step, in 2016, Black Lives Matter Toronto staged a protest as part of the annual Pride Parade, making a list of demands, but the one that got the most coverage was the demand to ban police at Pride. This was taken up by the Pride Toronto committee, and since 2017 police have been banned from having an official float or presence at the parade. This has been taken up by several Canadian cities including Vancouver and Hamilton and inspired action in other cities globally.
With that context, in which queer people are rightfully distrustful of police, it is alarming that police-reported hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people (one of the only ways we have of tracking hate crime consistently) had a record-breaking increase in 2023.
In 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (the son of PM Trudeau quoted above) gave a public apology to LGBTQ+ Canadians. Here's just a brief excerpt:
"To the kids who are listening at home and who fear rejection because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity and expression; And to those who are nervous and scared, but also excited at what their future might hold; We are all worthy of love, and deserving of respect. And whether you discover your truth at 6 or 16 or 60, who you are is valid. To members of the LGBTQ2 communities, young and old, here in Canada and around the world: You are loved. And we support you."
The important part about this apology was twofold; one, it explicitly named many of the specific instances of oppression I mentioned above, and two, it listed the things the government was doing to make reparations. This included the repeal of the law that equalized the age of consent (which went through two years later, as mentioned above), the pardoning of people who had a criminal record due to unjust laws based on LGBTQ+ discrimination, settlement of a class action lawsuit for victims of The Purge, and a commitment to work towards better resources for mental health and housing for LGBTQ+ people, as well as a committment to continue working to remove the barriers for gay men to donate blood (which went through in 2022). One of the other important achievements was the change to allow an "X" option under gender on Canadian Passports (so the three available options are M/F/X) in 2019 [some provincial gender opt-out options have existed since 2017].
The current government is by no stretch perfect, but it has been good to see some of these moments of our history acknowledged and corrected for. As the global pressure towards fascism continues, it's critical that we remember these changes are the result of hard work, not inevitable "progress", that these fights are ongoing and require our energy, and that change, using a variety of tactics, is possible.
Quick hit facts if you prefer a list to a narrative:
In Canada, it was illegal for men to hold hands with men or women to hold hands with women in public until the 1960s;
The government tried to expunge us from public service in the 60s and 70s;
it was illegal for men to have threesomes until the 1990s;
bathhouse raids were made possible due to legislative inequalities through the 2000s;
Canada took three years longer than the US to approve treatments for HIV/AIDS, four years longer to approve PrEP, and still today access can be complicated/expensive;
it was possible to be of legal age to have sex but not anal sex until 2019;
Gay men were barred from donating blood until 2022;
Canada remains one of the few countries in the world where you can be prosecuted for not disclosing your HIV status (though does not apply if you retain a minimal viral load);
In 2023 some provincial governments tried to make kids choose between gender expression and their privacy (and potentially safety) from their parents; as of March 2024 that fight is still actively being fought.
The take-aways I hope people get from this post:
This history is more recent than we pretend, and is ongoing
Framing gay rights as right to privacy vs right to being not prosecuted for being in public is nuanced and intertwined
Transphobes need to fuck off
Some references/further reading/watching:
Brief history of LGBTQ+ laws in Canada at the Canadian Encyclopedia
The Fruit Machine documentary made by TVO
Article on HIV/AIDS in Canada policy written by one of the policymakers
Timeline of HIV/AIDS Developments (only goes to 2010 so does not include PreP, which was approved in Canada in 2016, four years after its availability in the US)
Article on The Pleasure Palace raid by one of the organizers
Article on the Bathhouse Raids 40 years after Operation Soap
Article on Bruce McArthur's crimes and the review of how police handled the case by former judge Gloria Epstein
Regis Korchinksy-Paquet and the unnamed trans woman dead after interactions with police
Dani Cooper's death
Article about the Supreme Court case brought by Little Sisters bookshop
HIV Non-Disclosure Law Fact Sheet
Article about the end of the blood ban for men who have sex with men
Black Lives Matter Toronto on their 2016 action at Toronto Pride
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's apology
Gender "X" Options on Passports
Stream Better Than Chocolate (you may need to look up where it's available in your region)
Little Sisters Book & Art Emporium
Glad Day Bookshop (Makes a claim for being the oldest queer bookshop in the world; one of the few queer public spaces being maintained/actively protected as more and more of our spaces are eroded, and also just a personal fave so I'm taking the excuse to shout it out too)
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist:
Eddie Munson & Steddie (Stranger Things)
Requests: Closed
Main Blog: @tiannamortis
Other Masterlists:
Adrian Chase/Vigilante (Peacemaker)
Astarion (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Various Characters (Various)
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All of my writing is cross posted to Archive of Our Own.
Some of my stories explore dark themes. Any potentially triggering content will be listed in the Content Warning at the top of every post on Tumblr and at the start of each chapter on AO3. Please be sure to read the Content Warnings carefully. Your mental health is more important to me than you reading my writing. 🖤💜
I try to keep everything as gender neutral as possible outside of smut. Smut is from an afab gender neutral perspective. I never describe my Readers or OCs to make it easier to imagine yourself in the story, regardless of race, gender identity or body type. The only time I ever describe clothing is if it’s important to the story.
All dividers in my masterlist and stories are by @firefly-graphics from the goth divider pack.
Enjoy! 🖤💜
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Eddie’s Sluts Fanart
Eddie Munson Oneshots
Constitution (Smut)
A Corroded Coffin Christmas (Rockstar AU)(Angst)
Conviction (Angst)
Eddie’s Easter Bucket (Fluff)
Eddie’s Secret Stash (Smut)
Four Fifth’s: Part 1 (Fluff)
Game Over (Modern AU)(Smut)
GossipWeb (Modern Rockstar AU)(Angst)
Hit Points (Fluff)
I Still Believe (Vampire AU)(Angst)
Jackass (Rockstar AU)(Fluff) *NEW*
Jumpstart (Older AU)(Smut)
The Night Before Christmas (Fluff)
Paparazzi (Rockstar AU)(Angst)
Perception (Fluff)
Reunited: Part 1/4 (Rockstar AU)(Fluff)
Reunited: Part 2/4 (Rockstar AU)(Fluff)
Reunited: Part 3/4 (Rockstar AU)(Fluff)
Secret Admirer: Part 1 (Fluff)
Secret Admirer: Part 2 (Fluff)
Secret Admirer: Part 3 (Fluff)
Second Place (Angst)
True Sight (Angst)
Weekend Moments (Fluff)
Welcome Back, Munson (Fluff)
White Wedding (Smut) *NEW*
Wisdom (Fluff)
Eddie Munson Blurbs/Imagines/HCS
Candy (Fluff)
Close Shave (Fluff)
Cutthroat Kitchen (Modern AU)(Fluff)
Eddie Gives You A Tattoo (Fluff)
Eddie Loves Your Tits (Smut)
Eddie’s Baby (Fluff)
Eddie’s Night Cooking (Fluff)
Home Sweet Home (Fluff)
Horror Movies (Fluff)
It’s Over 9000! (Fluff)
Kickstart My Heart (Fluff)
Layers (Smut)
Let It Go (Rockstar AU) (Fluff)
Like a Rabbit (Smut)
Mechanically Inclined Reader (Fluff)
Physical Affection (Fluff)
Presenting (Omegaverse AU) (Fluff)
Reward System (Smut)
Robin Plays Matchmaker (Fluff)
What Happens in Vegas… (Smut)
Eddie Munson x GothReader
Black No. 1 (Fluff)
Cheering Up A Goth Girlfriend (Fluff)
Edge of Seventeen: Part 1 (Angst)
Things You See in a Cafeteria (Fluff)
Fuckboy Eddie Munson x FormerHookup!Reader Co-written w/ @bimbobaggins69 (Smut) (in chronological order)
First Encounter After Hooking Up
An Unexpected Ego Boost
Eddie Makes a Decision
At Steve’s Party
Ghost Eddie Munson x Ghost Reader
Check-In for the Recently Deceased: Part 1 (Angst)
Rock Star Eddie Munson x Hotwife Reader
Happy Birthday (Smut)
Steddie x Chronically Ill Reader
Bad Days vs Good Pain Days (Smut)
Chronically Yours (Fluff)
Steddie x Reader
Blood Doll: Part 1 (Vampire AU)(Angst)
Blood Doll: Part 2 (Vampire AU)(Angst)
Blood Doll: Part 3 (Vampire AU)(Angst)
Corset (Fluff)
Double Penetration (Smut)
First Time Jitters (Smut)
Luck (Fluff)
Sleep (Fluff)
Teaching Steve D&D (Fluff)
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Last Updated: 8/1/2023
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knockmeoutbabe · 4 months
I haven't seen ANYTHING about this on here, which is odd because of the community on this site but I might as well be the one to tell y'all.
Missouri's new bill proposed on trans rights, more specifically "social transitioning*," would convict trans-supporting teachers and put them on the sex offender list.
Any teacher supporting a trans kid, whether that be providing material or information, supportive resources, or using their new names and pronouns, could be convicted of a Class E felony, face up to 4 years in prison, and/or a fine up to $10,000. A conviction would also register them on the sex offender list.
R Rep Jamie Gregg has also mentioned that this will include anything relating to the LGBT in the classroom, such as books or posters.
Missouri residents can use this site to find and contact their local legislators: Legislative Branch (mo.gov)
A full copy of the bill: 5874H.01I.pdf (mo.gov)
Other news resources: X / X / X / X
*Social transitioning refers to the public changes a person does, such as changing their name and pronouns, or expressing their new gender with clothes or haircuts.
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mk-writes-stuff · 3 months
I almost forgot, happy WBW! What's up with the 5th Station's religion?
Happy WBW!
You managed to hit me with the question I’ve been most nervous about answering, honestly. The Fifth Station religion worldbuilding borrows a lot from some of my personal experiences and complex relationship with religion (while obviously making it more than just my personal experiences which are not interesting enough to carry a novel) so it’s been a lot, especially trying to develop it in a way that feels respectful
With all that being said, the Church of the Stellar Cross
That’s the name of the Fifth Station (and kind of Second Station, it’s complicated) religion. Since the Old World is based (kind of) off of medieval feudalism, the Church of the Stellar Cross is (kind of) based off/an offshoot of medieval Christianity/Catholicism, obviously with a lot of sci-fi/fantasy complications
The big central belief that defines them is that humanity has been flung into the void (the wormhole and the stations) because they need to stone for their sins. They have a big long list of things they consider sinful, but the big one we focus on in the novel is that cloning, being cloned, or being a clone is believed to fragment your soul and thus prevent you from going to heaven. The nobles on Fifth Station do not have clones - all of the clones on Fifth Station are created from convicted criminals
Adherents also wear a headpiece similar to a nun’s habit headpiece with a veil over the face, in red or in yellow. Less strict adherents often don’t bother with the veil, but the station head obviously wears it. This headpiece is worn regardless of gender. It also has horns on it (they’re magnetic) and sometimes little gold decorations
There are varying levels of adherence/strictness to the religion, just like in real life. The station leader, Ananias, is definitely being creepy and culty about it, but the protagonists meet a lot of adherents while they’re on Fifth Station who aren’t at all culty and are just good people with religious beliefs
Some trivia:
It is considered indecent to not cover your head of Fifth Station, regardless of gender
Each station head has a sworn bodyguard who is also an executioner. In the case of Ananias, his is a person named Azrael. No one can tell for certain if Azrael is a man or a woman (Ananias knows but isn’t telling)
Members of the church are found on all seven stations, although Fifth is the religious center
Red headpieces are more traditional than yellow
I hope y’all like it! I’m happy to answer questions (or take criticism if I’ve inadvertently done something offensive). Thank you for the ask :)
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aortaobservatory · 7 months
can i get your take on the hope aspect? your thoughts about rage got some gears turning, and like you said in your post about life, it helps to understand the opposite aspect in relation :)
Absolutely! It's my opinion that the Hope Aspect, like a few other aspects and what they're named after, is fairly misunderstood because of the connotations the word "hope" has. The Hope Aspect is also one I gained a better understanding of by comparing it alongside its inverse.
The word "hope" has some pretty positive connotations to it. Dreams, longing, yearning for something better, holding on, so on and so forth. These aren't wrong when thinking of the Hopebound, but they're certainly not the full picture of what the Hope Aspect has to offer. And, like the other 11 aspects, the Hope Aspect isn't necessarily good or bad; it is inherently neutral, with the potential to be either good or bad.
From The Extended Zodiac, I pulled these keywords from the Hope Aspect description. These would be the "canon" traits; they are what I adhere to when analyzing, but it should also be understood that this concept encompasses much more to do with than these keywords. Its "vibe", if you will, is much more than what is written.
TEZ Hope Keywords: Conviction, justice, aid, black and white thinking, imagination, dreams, better future, positive, caring, warm, (narrow-minded, selfish)
What really caught my attention in the canon description for the Hope Aspect was the descriptor "narrow-minded". It painted an interesting picture; that someone can be narrow-minded at their worst when their drive is towards that of a better future.
My chosen words for the Hope Aspect are "Conviction, Ideology, Commitment, Justice". I felt that the drive for many Hopebound is their sense of justice; they believe the things they do because they have a sense of justice. However, it's also important to keep in mind that one person's idea of justice is not always another person's idea of justice. (The Death Penalty debate is a good example of what I mean, but there are a lot of other good examples out there too).
The other word I chose for the Hope Aspect that didn't come from the TEZ was "ideology", which I felt encompassed many of the words on the list and off the list. Ideology is what a person believes; this can be religion, one's moral compass, true (or false) education, government systems, propaganda, so on and so forth. Ideology focuses on the system of beliefs a person has, and so the Hope Aspect also focuses on both personal beliefs, and systems in general (the government system, the education system, etc). This is perhaps why Ragebound tend to be anarchists and punks. Since the Hope Aspect is about beliefs, these beliefs can be anything. There's a lot of room in the Hope Aspect to look like other aspects if someone's ideology happens to match up with, say, the Life Aspect, or the Light Aspect, or any of the other aspects. There's a lot of wiggle room, but ultimately, the Hopebound do what they do because they hold fast to their beliefs and adhere to the systems that are in place which support their beliefs.
Like with Gamzee and Kurloz, the Hope Aspect doesn't get a full spotlight with Eridan (Prince of Hope) and Cronus (Bard of Hope) representing it, as the destroyer classes tend to skew the understanding of an aspect. However, for what Eridan's classpect was, he certainly was written up to it; the Prince uses hope to destroy hope, because he cannot grasp it or control it despite its abundance around him. His connection to the Hope aspect is fairly apparent in his Pesterquest route, actually, with how he talks about gender roles and his desire to be gender non-conforming and supportive of it, but he just can't grasp that for himself despite believing in it (ironically, because he's a shitty person via actively destroying the Hope of others). He also, in the next breath, proceeds to spout some pro-hemospectrum system bullshit, which I feel really does represent how narrow-minded he can be on certain subjects. Cronus is written flatly, but as a Bard of Hope, he has too much control over Hope, and that actually scares him. He allows Hope to deteriorate by actively enhancing Rage in others; this might be why he comes off as a playboy and a coward, and why so many people don't like being around him.
Meanwhile, I don't recall if Jake (Page of Hope) ever fully realizes his classpect within canon (and I am not counting being forced by Aranea), but Jake's arc has a lot to do with going out and forging his own ideology and set of beliefs; his attachment to adventures really shines through for his Page class. He has commitment problems with Dirk, which is a fault of the Page class and something he has to learn to work through to master Hope. He's got a fledgling sense of justice, and has to work through his meekness and shyness to hold fast to his convictions.
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