#Contract to Hire
enfycon054 · 8 days
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Technology talent sourcing
In a world where diversity and inclusion are more important than ever, it is crucial for companies to prioritize workplace equality. As we look ahead to 2024, supporting women in the workforce is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic business decision. In this blog post, we will explore what companies need to know about creating an environment that empowers and champions women in the workplace. From closing the gender pay gap to fostering inclusive leadership opportunities, let’s dive into how organizations can truly support and uplift all employees for success in the years to come.
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metromax-solutions · 1 month
MetroMax Solutions offers expert contract-to-hire services to help businesses secure top Salesforce professionals with the flexibility to transition them into permanent roles. Whether you need Salesforce Developers, Administrators, or Consultants, our team ensures a smooth hiring process that allows you to evaluate candidates before making a long-term commitment.
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recruitmentstaff · 8 months
Bridging the gap between your needs and the perfect solution, Tetrahed is your one-stop shop for all things IT services, Recruitment and staffing. We're a global company headquartered in Austin, Texas, with offices across India, and a team passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions that propel businesses forward. IT Services Tailored to Your Needs:
Cloud: Navigate the ever-evolving cloud landscape with our expert guidance, from migration strategies to managed services. Cybersecurity: Safeguard your critical data and infrastructure with our comprehensive security solutions and proactive threat detection. Network Services: Ensure seamless connectivity and optimal performance with our network design, implementation, and management expertise. AI/ML & Data Analytics: Unlock the power of data with our AI/ML and data analytics solutions, gaining insights that drive smarter decision-making. Identity & Access Management: Implement robust access controls and user management systems to protect your valuable data. Business Consulting: Leverage our deep industry knowledge and consulting expertise to achieve your business goals. Enterprise Solutions: We have the expertise and resources to tackle your complex enterprise IT challenges. Best Staffing Solutions that Fit: Staff Augmentation: Fill temporary skill gaps or scale your team quickly with our talent pool of qualified professionals and Staff Augmentation Solutions. Contract-to-Hire: Find the perfect candidate through Contract-to-Hire and transition them to a permanent role seamlessly. Temporary & Permanent Staffing: Access a wide range of qualified candidates for various roles and project needs through Temporary & Permanent Staffing Solutions. Contact Tetrahed today and let our team of experts help you unlock your full potential.
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
Why Logan Sargeant should go to Haas (from a sports management major/lens of corporate sponsorship):
- Haas has an empty seat
- Both are American
- Logan being with an American team is a draw for American sponsors, especially with America being a budding F1 market
- American fans have a growing interest in F1, so an American driver and team is a draw for fans who don’t want to be the Cowboys/Duke Basketball/Yankees/Dodgers fans of F1
- Logan needs a seat next year and pookie deserves the best
- The American sponsors that brought money into Williams for Logan are more likely to connect with the Haas sellers more due to the American draw
- If I am Haas, sign Logan, then make overly American merch (at a good price for fans), you can bet your ass every American fan will be buying it
- honestly the property assets alone that can be made by going all in on “american greatness” would be worth it
In conclusion:
Logan Sargeant + Haas = 🇺🇸💸🦅
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
open ai made a little post about how they chose their chatbot voices and two things stood out to me:
a) I am genuinely pleased and surprised that the voices come from specific real people that they hired and paid, rather than being built off of all of the data open ai has scraped. the voice for siri did one job for one company 20 years ago and now she is literally everywhere without ever being compensated by apple or even acknowledged as the voice. there's simply no way she was paid enough in that original job. whereas, open ai says "each actor receives compensation above top-of-market rates, and this will continue for as long as their voices are used in our products." this could mean literally anything (what market rate are we going above? does continue mean they get residuals or get paid for doing more sessions?) but, christ, at least the actors are doing it with full knowledge of what their voices are being used for and can decide for themselves if the compensation is enough
b) the post talks about working with "award-winning casting directors" to get the voices. first of all, yay for paying casting directors! we love to see it. but they also say the CDs received over 400 submissions in a week and they state that like a big number and it's just...not at all. and look, without knowing the intricacies of the casting process, it's hard to know what approach the CDs took - it's very possible they were selective from the jump and 400 is a lot from the pool they were tapping. 400 would be a lot if you were going to the agencies directly and asking for names, but there's just no way in hell open ai went after big stars for this. so it would've been a pool of unknowns. in which case, 400 is laughably small. even if you're not using the big casting sites like actorsaccess, I've worked on projects with CDs and their own internal systems where we've gotten over 100 submissions for a single role. I've posted roles on casting sites and received literally thousands of submissions in just a few days
look, I have a very limited perspective on this - I am not a casting director (imo, one of the most important and undervalued jobs in hollywood) and I, in fact, hate the process of casting with a passion. but 400 just seemed like such a tiny pool to pull from and, idk, it heartens me! it's heartening to think that there's very little interest from actors and agents to be doing this kind of stuff. and absolutely no shade to the actors who did--I want actors to get their bag however they want as long as it's, like, safe sane and consensual, you know? but there's something encouraging about thinking that open ai hired some big casting agency to get their foot into the voice acting door and people didn't come running
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cimicherrychanga · 1 year
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autistic gamer catboygirlfriend (1 soda 10 candies/hr)
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bestworstcase · 2 months
Are you worried about Viz taking over RWBY? I’ve heard Kerry is still going to be involved in some capacity but that’s ambiguous. What about the other writers and creatives as well? Works like this are never written/realized by one man, it’s the collective hard work of the group. A lot of the intricacies you’ve teased out of RWBY, and their culmination in the narrative, rely on the same team (or some of them) being involved going forward. Where are you at on this rn?
really seems like the best case scenario honestly – kerry being the showrunner is obv the one taking point on the negotiations but it seems like the rest of the core crew and cast are being kept in the loop at minimum, though i’d bet contracts and production logistics are still being worked out behind the scenes. on the viz side they are clearly REALLY excited about the IP and kerry being involved decision-making for the show’s future is a pretty firm signal of intent to preserve the original vision and direction for the show, plus i would assume keeping the crew and cast together to the greatest degree possible is probably kerry’s biggest priority rn now that the first hurdle of finding rwby a new home has been cleared.
the ambiguity is 100% because nothing is settled yet aside from what’s been announced. it is frankly shocking that they closed the deal on the IP this fast—i know two months feels like a really long time when you’re waiting for news, but corporate acquisitions of any kind are not like picking up milk at a grocery store. just from a strictly financial standpoint everything needs to go through accounting and depending on how viz is structured treasury might have needed to sign off too, so that’s financial projections and budgeting that needs to happen and pass through multiple different layers of approval potentially across two different departments on top of legal and whatever specific considerations other departments may have had; there are a lot of moving pieces that have to be lined up just so. i was really, really confident that rwby would get picked up pretty quickly but if you’d asked me after the shut down announcement i would have told you six months to a year because that’s, in my experience, about how long this sort of thing takes if nobody is dragging their feet.
two months is fuckin wild.
but by the same token, yeah everyone involved with this deal is going to be up to their eyeballs in paperwork and meetings for at least a few more months before we get any concrete new announcements, and nothing is getting announced to the public until it’s settled because you don’t want to be announcing things that aren’t locked in yet. that includes basic stuff like whether the original VAs stay on—there is absolutely no reason to think that, say, lindsay won’t keep their role as ruby, but we are not going to hear that until they’ve signed a contract, which may still be months away. similarly there is no reason to think that viz acquired the IP without every intention to greenlight v10, but we are not going to hear a v10 announcement until all the production logistics and legal and financial decisions have been squared away.
just keep in mind that corporations move like glaciers and the two months between the RT shutdown announcement and viz snapping up both the IP and the showrunner means this is all happening at breakneck speed, suggesting that everyone with decision-making power at viz is incandescently excited to get this show back on the road. it’s in good hands, they’re hustling, we’re probably on track for v10 news sometime this fall.
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loosingmoreletters · 2 months
so about that regressing saintess trope—
Cedric was sure he was making a fool out of himself in front of all of his Knights, but he couldn’t give up after coming so far.
“Your Grace,” his Knight Commander finally addressed him. “Is there a particular reason we are in this city?”
The Knight Commander had already served Cedric’s father. When his parents had died, the Knight Commander had cared for him as though Cedric were his own child. The Ashvain duchy’s reputation hit rock bottom when Cedric inherited it, and many of the servants could’ve left, but instead they stayed to support the child they now had to call their lord.
The least Cedric could do was insure they’d survive this time.
When he’d woken from his seizure, nearly ripped apart by his magic, he’d been granted the memories of a future undone, the continent ripped apart by monsters, their only saving Grace too weak to stand up against them as she was caught up in intrigues of the palace and her training stifled.
“There’s a woman here,” Cedric said. “Brown hair, brown eyes, plain looking. She sells cabbages.”
For half the price if my customer looked really poor, Your Grace! Ah, don’t tell His Highness I said that…
“A woman,” the Knight Commander repeated. “Your Grace, have you—“
“I do not have a lover,” Cedric cut him off. “I wish for you to make her your apprentice.”
The Knight Commander stared at him in disbelief. “Why?”
Because a year from now, they will proclaim her Saintess and the Temple and the Crown Prince will dress her in silk instead of armor.
But Cedric couldn’t say that without raising suspicion or seeming like mad man.
“Just trust me on this,” Cedric asked and took a look around the marketplace. All eyes were focused on them, and there, right in front of the temple, stood an unassuming woman with a stall full of vegetables, wearing a farmer’s garb and an apron.
If she would refuse to come with them, Cedric would damn well strip her himself and put her in armor. God’s most beloved daughter belonged in the battlefield and he’d drag her there himself if he had to.
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AU where instead of trying to mark Jon with every fear, Elias decides he needs to hire an avatar from each fear and employ them in the archives. Nobody knows of this plan at first except Elias himself. Jon goes back to work after Jane's attack on the institute only to descend the steps to find that she's still there, in clearly-new yet moderately-disheveled office attire, trying to see if she can somehow hide a worm in the company coffee machine.
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yumaisbored · 11 months
so if i joined the Magnus Institute i could get paid to do nothing but read all day because i’m eldrich-horror-bound not to quit or get fired? idk that sounds easily worth the lack of safety and i’m already paranoid—sign me up tf
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femmefitz · 7 months
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rickybaby · 10 months
Laila I hard agree with your tags RE: Italiano leaving. I’ve seen people joke that Danny must have fucked his girlfriend or something but I don’t think it’s anything personal (in that way)
If I had to guess I’d say it was something big, maybe business/money related. I kind of hoped Daniel just realized what a shit trainer Michael was (I can rant on his bs practices all day, but he pushes some unsustainable and sometimes outright dangerous ideas like extensive fasting, etc. etc. which have always rubbed me the wrong way). BUT I think in reality Daniel hasn’t really acknowledged/processed how NOT OKAY that whole McLaren stint was for him. He still talks to Zak, all the McLaren mechanics, friendly with Lando and Oscar, so if it was just “Michael let him down and wasn’t putting his best interests first in McLaren” I think Danny would have just let it go.
One thing he’s not stupid about though, is his money/business (and also, what a lot of people don’t acknowledge, his privacy). We don’t really hear a lot about Danny post-season. So I feel maybe the fall out had to do with Italiano going on podcast after podcast talking about Daniel and then also (presumably) raking in money for it. Again, all allegedly completely-just-going-from-my-own-vibes, Michael Italiano do not sue me
I do think there was a catalyst that led to their break-up sometime after the last race last year, because if I remember correctly, Jack (Doohan) had mentioned that Michael would be training him for F2 while still working with Daniel during his year off. But then, this never happened and MI ended up going to AT. All I'm saying is, whether something happened or someone sat Daniel down and talked to him about it, Daniel on his own would never have realised how harmful whatever MI preached was. And i think whatever it was, really hit Daniel hard because every time he's talked about coming back this year, whether it's the lone wolf comment or other things, he's constantly talked about how he's approaching training differently and how he's realised prioritising his recovery and rest is important.
Regarding your comment about whether Michael wasn't putting Daniel's interests first at Mclaren, I think a lot of people got the same impression, especially if you go by his comments on his Pitstop appearance this year. The way he framed it kind of implied that he was annoyed at Daniel's decision to take a year off and there was the implication that this derailed his own career and aspirations, which fair enough.
But coming to whether it could have been money/business-related, I feel like this is more like it. You do get the impression he was more in it for the money and the fame. Forget the part about dming girls and the cheating allegations, but the side-hustle part of it?? With the F1 season getting more and more hectic and trainers like Brad and Angela leaving because they can't keep up with the strain and time demand of the new calendar, how can you have the time to dedicate to other private clients? To me, it just means you're not really giving your 100% to the driver you are meant to support. Then, there was the mask debacle thing in 2020, his whole 'merch' collection and the way he continued to make money off his posts of Yuki this year.
And then the privacy thing - I know just because Daniel looks like such an open guy that people don't realise how private he is. Even during the whole mclaren debacle, not one person from his side ran their mouth in the press when you constantly have the family or friends of other drivers making snide comments or liking posts they shouldn't. And then, there's mr. Italiano making appearances in dodgy podcasts and obviously whatever he says, people are bound to take it as him meaning it about daniel because that's who they associate him with. And then the whole leaking of his private medical info, coming after the one and sole sighted interaction of theirs must have come as such a betrayal to Daniel
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letterboxd-loggd · 9 months
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I Hired a Contract Killer (1990) Aki Kaurismäki
January 7th 2023
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blamemma · 3 months
not to be a bitch but I’ve said from the beginning it wasn’t daniel who brought in the sponsors because there was no way those types of contracts would have got through that quickly and people hated me for it….anyway 😌😌😌
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y-rhywbeth2 · 3 months
Another thing about Durge canonically being a deathstalker is that if they're not Lawful Evil then they're a very naughty spawn (in both 2e and 3.5e - the only times deathstalkers got statted, LE is a requisite of becoming one). Although I suppose due to their position in life Bhaal will just ignore their actual opinions/alignment if it doesn't match.
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itcanbefilmed · 1 year
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I Hired a Contract Killer (Aki Kaurismäki, 1990)
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