#Compass Call
nocternalrandomness · 7 months
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EC-130H Electronic Attack Aircraft turning final for RWY 30 at Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Az
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defensenow · 23 days
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tungledotedu · 2 months
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uh why the fuck would you say this
this post has 3000 notes and they get worse.
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el-shab-hussein has already explained why he no longer shares how he vets individual fundraisers. scammers will use the information to be less obvious, making it more difficult to spot them.
and senatortedcruz's post has no actual proof of a widespread scam. that is a serious accusation to make, yet people are reblogging it and accepting it as true with no evidence. i won't deny that there are individual grifters on tumblr, but there are accounts like @/neechees, kyra45 and anonthescambuster that will help you avoid them. hussein even has a #scam alert tag for this purpose.
it's racist to spread misinformation about a supposed large-scale deception posing as fundraisers, not to mention dangerous because this makes it less likely for gazans to get what they need to survive and escape relentless airstrikes. we've already seen the consequences of this bias. some of these people are all too happy to be cops and harass or report gazans thinking they're bots or 'spamming' inboxes.
almost nobody on that post is encouraging others to donate to organisations or other vetted lists like those by operation olive branch, which has a faq sheet that explains how they verify fundraisers. i suspect this is an attempt to discourage people from helping palestinians altogether.
gazans are making fundraisers because they have no other choice. many of them cannot work and earn money as their workplaces have been destroyed. some have been disabled by injuries thanks to the iof's targeting of civilians. the fault is on israel for besieging them and on the egyptian government for exploiting their need to evacuate.
they're doing this for the same reason they have been posting photographs and videos of genocide so that people will pay attention to their suffering, so the world will not forget. is it such a leap in logic to understand they will also use social media to start fundraisers? do you just expect them to sit there and die in silence? so you can ignore them and your countries can keep arming israel as it commits atrocities?
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sweatermuppet · 3 months
reading thru a lesbian magazine from the 70s & there's one interview section where a woman states that she views lust as a "very male emotion" because "it means you're just focused on orgasm, not the enjoyment or intimacy of sex itself" & i feel like that thought is still in use today which is so sad! the idea that sex/sexual lust is dirty or manly or unbecoming or downright evil is driven so deeply into the minds of women of any sexuality or gender at any age & it looks like it hasn't changed in 50 years
there's also a transcription of a speech where someone is saying "we don't want dykes in our organization! we're lesbians, not dykes!" & then goes on to stereotype dykes as dirty, trashy, etc????
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pixeljade: #it IS very much a complex issue and I feel like saying that has been pissing off a lot of folks on both sides #one fact i would add to the table is that the current actions against palestine DO constitute a genocide by definition #its a word i hear pro-Israel people get very upset by because they think it is inherently comparing this to the holocaust #but its not. some people DO and thats its own discussion. but calling it a “genocide” is simply accurate and undeniable
Speaking as someone who was that pro-Israel person in her teens and very early 20s, the reactions you're describing are 800% cognitive dissonance freak outs. Most of these people, like me, received either directly or indirectly from their Elders in the Jewish community a very trauma-induced and deeply emotional information about the history of this situation, which boils down to: "They tried to kill us all once and they didn't now we finally have returned to the Promised Land, the only place we have to shield ourselves against It Happening Again. Israel's detractors hate that Jews can defend themselves now, and if any of them, including the Palestinians, were to have their way, they'd see us all dead. We must defend ourselves at all costs, and not let anyone ever put us in existential danger as a people ever again."
And then to have some rando 19 year old who knows jack shit about your or your community or your community's trauma to get up in your face and start screaming at you about genocide? It's only going to trigger that intergenerational trauma, and cause the party being screamed at to dig deeper into their defensive, cognitive-dissonance fueled response. Which, if we were to boil that response down to a thought process, looks like "This person hates me and all Jews. They think we're a hive mind who don't deserve to live. Thank G-d for Israel."
What's complex, is that not everything in that trauma response is wrong, and not everything the dumbass 19 yo who has no interest in unpacking their own learned anti-Semitism was wrong.
Israel's actions towards Palestinian Arabs since 1948 does fit several definitions of genocide and/or ethnic cleansing. And many of the Westerners who scream about it the loudest are fairly openly anti-Semitic.
Now, as someone with big Holocaust intergenerational trauma in her family, I am sympathetic to the Jewish kid in this scenario. But cognitive dissonance is just that: the domain of a child. Adults understand that cognitive dissonance is a little voice in our head telling us "Hey comrade our discomfort with this is a little much. Maybe this is a learning opportunity?"
I mean, that's what I did. But it's difficult. Its uncomfortable, and that scares people. It's much easier to believe that "They call it the Naqba because they hate us and think our survival and access to national self-determination is a disaster,"* than it is to understand that "They call it the Naqba because it was the near total dispossession and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arab populations from their generational homes and properties."
And again, everything I'm saying here is a result of my journey from a hardcore Zionist-in-the-contemporary-sense child (though always left in terms of domestic US Politics), to a grown Holocaust historian who understands that Israel is no better and no worse than all the other nation states (for new readers, I understand the nation-state as a political entity, the logical end point of which is genocide and/or ethnic cleansing), and openly criticizes it on those grounds.
*A rabbi in a youth group I belonged to told me this almost verbatim when I was 15. And when you're 15 and somebody tells you they love you you're gonna believe them.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
So often, twink death is framed as a bad thing. However, the "twink death" for trans men* is frankly one of the most healing things you will bear witness to (pun intended).
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fatedroses · 19 days
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Zenos viator Galvus and him trying to deal with actually feeling things for once (Even if he doesn't really understand how to handle the comfort he receives from others for it)
I am also giving this man a dad that actually cares, because this brainworm have gotten me and there is no saving me from them.
#ffxiv#sketch#zenos yae galvus#adventurer zenos#durante#zero#local man learns how to feel again... and is regretting it immensely-#as his old habits of “ignore” or “shut down” dont work that well anymore#because#at least from what I've personally looked into#unironically zenos' method of reaper contract was the smartest way to go about- he wouldnt have had the context that they used to be people#but I also write Zenos with the thought that he would abhor becoming anything like Varis-#and I dont think he'd like being directly responsible for turning another person into a weapon or a tool like how he was- intentional or no#and I think its just a neat point of tension between adventurer zenos and zero#and it just ends feeding into what I write one of his main hurdles being#his resignation that he may never change- or that he isnt worth compassion because of the circumstances he grew up in#and him being so ready to take blame and resign the possibility of apologizing because (given context) i dont doubt#that Varis had constantly blamed him for Carosa's death#and it also just gives me a bit of reasoning why him being called a monster (specifically thinking of the scene with Krile) sets him off#I also just like the idea of Durante taking him in as a hesitant mentor and accidently bonding with him- even beyond the theories I have#(and this is totally me being biased because I ADORE durante as a character)#but I think helping Zenos and the way Zenos and Wol would later interact with each other would give him a measure of peace#of being able to guide someone and be there for someone like it seemed golbez was for him#I also think zenos deserves at least one warm fatherly hug#and who better than the strange old ass voidsent who could honestly probably rotate him any moment his guard is down
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ftmtftm · 3 months
All About Love: New Visions [ PDF ], Communion: The Female Search for Love [ PDF ], Salvation: Black People and Love [ No PDF, Worldcat - support your local library system ], and The Will to Change: Men Masculinity and Love [ PDF ] - all by bell hooks - are such important Feminist texts.
They're particularly important in combatting other Feminist theory that promotes isolation, hatred, and the perpetuation of trauma cycles in new ways. I think it's really beautiful and inspiring the way hooks works her own non-linear journey of recovery and healing into her Feminist practice. It's deeply aspirational.
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Every like rewards him a bon-bon. Every reblog rewards him with a forehead kiss. Help your local tired German today
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whispsofwind · 2 years
I know they are jokes but I still utterly disagree with the people in the Dickens December tag going "Scrooge has a point/Scrooge is a mood" etc.
Because the problem with Ebenezer Scrooge is not that he dislikes Christmas and hates people forcing it on him, or that he refuses to give money to an unknown charity banging at his door.
The problem with Ebenezer Scrooge is that he is everything wrong with capitalism.
Scrooge doesn't refuse to participate in charity because he thinks it's a sketchy business and social problems should be addressed systematically at a higher level: he simply thinks any charity is a waste of money because to him, the problems are already taken care of. Poor people should be in prison or put to work, sick people should be in prison or in hospitals or even better, should be dead, and at the end of the day it's not his problem because he worked his whole life and he is perfectly fine and people die every day, so who cares.
And Scrooge doesn't shut down Christmas because Christmas is an over saturated, inescapable commercialised hell that he doesn't believe in. He hates Christmas because he dislikes anything even vaguely joyous, because joy doesn't bring money, or even worse, it requires money to be spent.
The only thing that counts to Scrooge when the reader meets him is to make money, and that drive shuts down any compassion in his heart. The more money he makes, the more miserable he becomes, and the more miserable he is, the more money he wants. Christmas is just a symbol of how utterly devoid of... Well, anything, Scrooge is.
Love is ridiculous, anything that makes anyone happy is useless because it distracts them from earning more money, and if you are poor it's your fault for not working hard enough.
And that's why the contrast with his nephew and employee in these first 3 entries work so well: because here's a man who married for love, and is as warm and ruddy as a candle in winter, and here's a man who would stop to play with the children in the street on his way home, just for the joy of it.
And then there's Scrooge.
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nocternalrandomness · 2 years
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EC-130H Compass Call over the Lake Mead desert, AZ.
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bootdork · 8 months
Sorry but as a Christian you cannot possibly be siding with Israel. Israel is bombing the oldest churches in the world, shooting at people inside their parish, exterminating the oldest Christian community in the world, bombing congregations during mass. You cannot claim to follow Christ's teachings if you condone this immense violence.
Exodus 22:21 "Do not oppress or mistreat a foreigner."
Psalm 11:5 "God tests the righteous, but those who love violence, he detests."
Psalm 68:30 "Scatter those people who delight in war."
Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."
Habakkuk 2:9-13 "Woe to him who builds his realm by unjust gain to set his nest on high, to escape the clutches of ruin! You have plotted the ruin of many peoples, shaming your own house and forfeiting your life. The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it. ‘Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed and establishes a town by crime!'"
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ivysos2001 · 23 days
You still can’t convince me that the whole ‘Steve abandons everyone in the present to go back to Peggy’ thing was a well thought out/well developed ending for his character that made any sense for his post-catfa character arc (let alone all the time travel stuff) bc wdym none of the people who made the movie can figure out the logistics of it??
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sisididis · 11 months
I still can’t get over the fact that the only time Sebastian expressed doubt (and later remorse) about his actions was after we had cast Imperio at Ominis to allow Sebastian to leave the catacomb without fighting and effectively losing his best friend. [36:57]
Almost as if to say: Yes, I’ll dabble with Dark Magic. Yes, I’ll Crucio my friend and then resume the quest like nothing had happened. Yes, I’ll lie to everyone including my sister for her “own good”. But, oh, I’m drawing the line at having Imperio cast at my best friend. 
“Are you willing to sacrifice your friendship over this?” we ask Ominis, to which he replies: “I might be. How could I choose to stand by and watch him do this?” And when he’s offered to be put in thrall, Ominis reluctantly agrees to it because “it may just save what is left of [his] friendship with Sebastian.” 
I like to believe that, throughout their quest to save Anne, Sebastian comes to see Ominis as his last reminder of his morality. Even though Ominis holds little sway over Sebastian’s decision-making, I believe that the temporary loss of Ominis' opposition comes as a blow to Sebastian, because it is only then that he realizes that he’s lost the last person who’s tugging him back from his free fall into the Dark Arts.
“You need the relic,” we reassure Sebastian as we exit the catacomb. “I know, but not like this,” he says. “We’ve always looked out for each other - Ominis and I. I hope he knows that hasn’t changed.” His confession proves that he's aware that something profound had shifted in their friendship. Sebastian is past the point of no return.
“When we get to Feldcroft, I’d rather Anne not know what had to be done to get this relic. She thinks like Ominis. It’d only upset her.”
This almost begs the question: “Shouldn’t you ask Anne, the victim of the curse, if your sacrifice is worth the risk?” 
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khaotunq · 11 months
Only Friends Season 2 pitch: 3 couples team up to assassinate Boeing who keeps just narrowly avoiding their elaborate final-destination-style "accidents" by seducing someone.
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cyancherub · 1 year
tourists coming to maui when people are still finding bodies and trying to grieve their loved ones. shame on you. go back to where you came from. the community doesn't need your tourism right now. the place and people you treat as a novelty have just lost everything. they need time to recover and heal.
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