#Comfort the fusion
mushroom-for-art · 11 hours
Sona and Comfort
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urlocalwhumper · 10 months
living weapon whumpee who's never known anything but pain and violence.
their existence hurts. they were made to be effective, not happy, and their masters decided that keeping them in constant pain provided better results. they're wilder, more unpredictable, and the pain keeps them from thinking straight enough to question anything.
they're only given painkillers, only allowed a respite from their seemingly endless suffering, after a successful mission. it keeps them loyal, and most importantly, teaches their brain to associate acts of violence with relief and rewards.
everyone they've ever met has treated them as a tool, a monster, or both. they don't know how to be anything else.
that is until they're rampaging through a village, destroying, killing, whatever their masters demand of them. whatever will give them a few blissful hours of numbness.
one of the villagers steps out of a ruined building and looks them straight in the eyes. whumpee expects fear, hatred, disgust, the things they see in the faces of every person who's ever crossed their path. but they see something completely different.
whumpee is so stunned, they don't think to move or do anything at all as the villager steps closer, gently reaching out a hand to cup whumpee's face.
"oh, poor thing." they murmur, taking in the creature in front of them - part human, part animal, part machine. "they've done a number on you, huh?"
whumpee blinks at them. pain continues to course through their body, but the gentle hand on their cheek distracts them, even if just a little. all the indistinct noise in their foggy, addled mind finally goes quiet.
caretaker had stepped out in front of the being destroying their home with the intention to get through to it or die trying, and the expectation to absolutely die trying.
they did not at all expect the seemingly feral mishmash of metal, fur, and flesh to lean so heavily into their touch that they nearly collapsed into caretaker's arms.
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raviola-triggers · 3 months
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steven universe gem!aventurine au because i can
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ribbononline · 9 months
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So uh. I may have been on a Diancie fusion mania
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rosenotactuallyquartz · 2 months
Any headcanons on why Rose's Rainbow Quartz looks the way that she does?
pearl + rose = rainbow quartz
(& what she tells us about their relationship)
here’s what storyboarder katie mitroff said about their fusion in we need to talk:
“I LOVE these two so I was absolutely ecstatic to draw this scene. I remember being really pressed to pack all of their passion and Pearl’s smugness into one moment that lasts the length of a guitar solo… and their fusion that’s just an embodiment of that into one giant, shamelessly beautiful dancer!”
fusion is the ultimate connection between gems and the personification of a gem relationship. it’s important to note that pearl and rose had a stable fusion, which tells us that they were in perfect sync physically, emotionally, & mentally. had they been too flustered, confused, not connecting well for whatever reason in we need to talk, their fusion would not have worked that way.
their dance signifies a strong emotional, romantic, sensual, and emotional relationship. it becomes someone who is unique, strong, & vibrant.
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everything about rainbow’s disposition, body language, & appearance is bold.
her boldness represents just how passionate pearl and rose’s relationship is, and she’s also a reminder of how their love started. together, they rebelled against homeworld, a place where diamonds and pearls are not considered equals. love between pearls and diamonds was unheard of and considered wrong. during the rebellion, when pearl and rose began to feel for one another, a ruby-sapphire fusion resonated with rose. she wanted to fight for the beauty of these relationships, and fight against those who perceived certain gems as inferior & relationships between “inferior” and “superior” gems as gross.
despite how not allowed their relationship was in homeworld, rose still looked pearl in the eyes when she confessed her feelings & replied with, “please, don’t ever stop!”
rainbow demonstrated everything they fought for in the rebellion, her boldness representing that they were never afraid to love each other despite the homeworld’s disapproval.
her stability and her boldness also shows just how sure they were. neither of them ever thought like homeworld did, not even a bit. this relationship would never be easy, and there was a lot of danger around them, but they were courageous and loved each other shamelessly, because they knew their love was beautiful.
but that’s not all:
“Rose falls in love with Pearl’s surprising boldness that comes out of left field.” — end of an era, page 86
rose’s consistent love for pearl is so intense yet such a second nature to her, such a part of her, that one of her favourite things about pearl shines through rainbow quartz.
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pastel pink, blue, ??? more on her appearance
rainbow does not look or act more like pearl or rose. rose does not overpower pearl, or vice-versa. for example, her hair is long and large like rose’s hair, but the tips of her hair and the color are very similar to pearl’s hair.
her exact colour palette is not quite known due to the tinted lighting of the music video. whether this be the creators’ intentions or not, i like to think that her unknown colour palette represents something about their relationship, too. pearl has early memories of rose when she would juggle, scribble drawings, struggle to control a spaceship, spend ages outside with her little playmate. their closeness lasted so long that not even their best friends could possibly know everything about their dynamic. no one knows about all the memories they share, simply because it would take a ridiculously long time for them to tell all these stories.
however, what we do know is that pearl and rose’s pastel colours really seem to show—lots of light pinks and blues. her movements are incredibly gentle and graceful. there’s a softness to her, despite how bold she is. i think this symbolizes the softness of their relationship, the comfort and sweetness. their fusion was initially thought of after they witnessed love. as a result of this, they also met garnet, someone who would be very important to them. their best friend, and together, they learned about and experienced all types of love.
her design is very 1980s, as this was reflecting the era. her dance skills reflect pearl and rose’s dispositions. pearl is very graceful, and her movements often resemble a ballerina’s. when she attempted to teach steven about his powers, she brought up creating his own dance. this is a pearl thing, not because she’s a pearl, but because she’s herself. it’s a part of her, and rose always encourages her to be herself. so, of course this part of pearl is shown in rainbow quartz. her dance moves also suggest a sensuality, and she shows this shamelessly. many other gems are more private about this sort of thing if this is something they’re interested in, but it appears that both pearl and rose were comfortable with being rather open about this aspect of their relationship at the time. not so much that it was uncomfortable for anyone, more in a flirtatious, implied sense. so, we have a dancer who is sensual like both of them, but she also has pearl’s type of gracefulness and rose’s type of playfulness.
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name & crystal
there’s also symbolism behind her name, rainbow. i know what you’re thinking, sapphic relationship and the rainbow flag. it’s funny, and it’s very true. but it’s not just this; throughout history (even around the time of their first fusion), the rainbow has been a symbol of hope. after a dark and gloomy rainfall, there’s a beautiful rainbow. after pearl makes pink disappear, rose reforms, and as sugar says, “the dust clears, revealing an endless honeymoon” (end of an era timeline). after the war, pearl + rose live together for thousands of years. heck, after centuries of being traumatized by homeworld, both together and in separate ways, they share a love that goes against homeworld’s rules, norms, and beliefs. a fusion is a relationship personified, and everything about pearl and rose’s love signifies something warm in the midst of something cold and dark.
i could have a whole post about crystal properties and how they relate to the characters’ personalities. but i’ll touch on this a little bit for rainbow. rainbow quartz is a stone that reflects every colour of the rainbow. how interesting, because white diamond stated, “as for me, i’m certain I don't need you. after all, i’m every color of the light! but you're a part of me… the part i always have to repress” in change your mind, when she spoke to steven, whom she believed was rose. “white believes that because her gem channels white light, she is essentially a gem light form all the time” (end of an era, 116). pearl and rose both know rose is a diamond, yet as a fusion, they are rainbow quartz. i believe this represents comfort, acceptance, trust, healing. we all know that rose was in a lot of pain, and no one could have changed that. she was deeply ashamed of herself, but a very important aspect of her relationship with pearl is that pearl knew. rose told her every secret she could say, pearl was aware that she was pink diamond, and she was aware of the abuse she experienced. she even saw some of it, as confirmed in now we’re only falling apart as well as pearl’s behavior when white diamond is brought up. rainbow suggests that pearl wanted to help rose heal from her abuse trauma. when she was with pearl, rose was able to feel better about herself & white’s voice in her mind quieted down a bit, even if it never completely disappeared. quartz suggests that pearl loved rose as rose and not as a diamond, and rose still felt comfortable as a quartz, as her new self, around someone who knew the individual she used to be. however, please note that things are not all good. it’s incredibly apparent, just how much pearl wanted to protect and heal rose. it’s partially why she became so fixated after losing her, it’s why she struggles to think about herself. in my opinion, pearl’s feelings for rose are a lot like the song two by sleeping at last: “no, i don't want to talk about myself; tell me where it hurts. i just want to build you up, build you up, until you're good as new and maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself, too.”
the rainbow quartz crystal is soothing, healing, and it radiates positive energy. this reminds me of the time pearl and rose explored earth. it was their first good day, their first safe environment, and they spent that day together. it boosts creativity and clarity, which reminds me of their personalities. rose is very playful with childlike wonder, and this gives her a brilliant imagination. she daydreams a lot, so much that it makes her withdrawn, so much that it can be distressing sometimes. pearl is logical and she was able to take rose’s rambles and jumbled up thoughts and say, “that’s a brilliant idea, here’s how we’re going to do it!” this is why they worked so well together, pearl being rose’s second in command. after the war, they had many successful missions alongside garnet who’s wise and balanced with a lot of leadership qualities, and amethyst who provides a different perspective and is also creative with lots of positivity.
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there was this time when we were all very sad about the fact that we never heard rainbow’s voice. in the music video, she obviously couldn’t talk, then they let each other go after the song was over. i think this represents that, while they liked to show off certain aspects of their relationship, they also kept a lot of things private. they didn’t want to share many things and so much of their emotional relationship happened behind closed doors apart from obvious things they kept private.
rose also sounds different in now we’re only falling apart. in we need to talk, greg the babysitter, straight to video, buddy’s book… her voice is much softer. her laugh is much softer. when she was alone with pearl, she spoke loudly and rambled more and allowed herself to speak excitedly. i don’t think rose likes the sound of her voice. i think it’s an insecurity because she knows she’s quite childish sometimes but she wants to be different and she was supposed to be a leader on earth, but she questions if she even sounds like one. she permanently reformed as rose, but she could never change her voice, so it reminds her of pink. her scream once cracked the walls, signifying her pain and everything she’s trying not to be.
but in flashbacks from pearl’s perspective, we see a side of rose that really reminds us of steven! pearl highlights her awkward rambles, her loud and childlike exclaims that she has when she’s excited. pearl loved when rose was like this, she clearly seemed to think it was adorable. this helped rose relax more, but i like to imagine rainbow’s silence being a symbol of the fact that every time rose softened her voice or had an act that was not quite genuine, pearl would notice. she encouraged her to be herself, and the gems loved when she was as playful and genuine as ame is, but there’s still a lot that she’s hiding; still so much she’s ashamed of. it also symbolizes rose’s constant fear of hurting pearl, her guilt of hurting individuals from her past (even with her voice—her scream—itself). when they were together, rose was undoubtedly quite genuine but she definitely still had this fear of saying or doing something wrong and accidentally hurting pearl. sugar said, on page 95 of end of an era, that rose could never trust herself. although she could relax more around pearl, she had such low self esteem that she could never trust herself around anyone, as she feared she would hurt them. with this specific analysis and interpretation, the symbolism is even present in the episode’s title, we need to talk.
that being said, this is just symbolism and remember that rainbow’s actual voice could sound nothing like rose or pearl. a fusion is a completely new individual. we don’t get to hear rainbow’s voice, so we can only headcanon.
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concept sketches of rainbow quartz by rebecca sugar and katie mitroff
to conclude…
so, rainbow’s appearance and disposition says so much about pearl and rose’s relationship. however, there is not a lot of information provided, but there’s so much symbolism. as for the section with my headcanons… there’s a bit of information that led me to believe them, but some are simply based on her energy and demeanor.
i love her. rest in peace, rainbow quartz
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wangxianficrecs · 12 days
Devil Flute Upon Graves, Wei Ying by cloudyrobinwrites (jwyoomi)
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Devil Flute Upon Graves, Wei Ying
by cloudyrobinwrites (jwyoomi) (@chirpycloudyrobin)
M, WIP, Series, 47k, Wangxian & Hualian
Summary: Wei Wuxian received the news of his first death a little bit too late. Kay's comments: I think this series was a Follower Rec during the last WIP Rec Week and I picked it up there, because it sounded absolutely delightful and it sure didn't disappoint! Here, Wei Wuxian died earlier, but he didn't notice! He only noticed when he was staying in the Burial Mounds with the Wens and that changed a lot. For one, he's a ghost, so when he "dies" again, he actually goes full TGCF and even meets Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. Really interesting world-building. The current and ongoing part of the series is a canon retelling of how Wei Wuxian being a death changed his resurrection. Also! Xuanli as Gods! And Jin Ling growing up under their proctection! So much good stuff. Excerpt: “I would know if you’re dead, Wei Wuxian,” Wen Qing tells him. “I’m your doctor.” Wei Wuxian sputters, “W- Well, look again!” He shoves his wrists at Wen Qing, his face just a tad bit hysterical. Okay, maybe he’s not taking this ‘I’ve actually been dead the entire time’ debacle as well as he thought. Wen Qing gives him a look that is half-exasperated and half-concerned and checks his pulse anyways. Maybe she’s thinking that all that demonic cultivation is chipping away at what remains of his sanity. Maybe she’s right. A few moments pass. Wen Qing slowly lets go of Wei Wuxian’s wrists and looks him dead in the eyes. “Wei Wuxian,” Wen Qing says, slowly and deliberately. “What did you do?”
pov alternating, canon divergence, tian guan ci fu fusion, hua cheng/xie lian, ghost wei wuxian, hurt/comfort, burial mounds settlement dwys, post-first siege on the burial mounds, mo xuanyu lives, immortal jiang yanli, immortal jin zixuan, fix-it of sorts, somebody lives/not everybody dies
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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thegoldenavenger · 7 months
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First pass at the bingliu and bingqiu fusions
Bingliu has all of lqg’s confidence, lbh’s social graces, and both of their crippling need to avoid failure!
Bingqiu loves himself sooooo much, is pretty detached, and definitely thinks he’s better than everyone else. He’s just helping, why are you running away!
In the ficlet I said lqg doesn’t like interacting with BingQiu (or… sqq thinks that) but really it’s because BingQiu mercilessly flirts and teases him, is effortlessly stronger than him, and kind of projects ‘oh you sweet thing, I could just eat! you! up! [pinches cheeks]’ energy and this is such a contrast from his interactions with lbh and sqq that he just gets very awkward all the time about it.
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andro-dino · 2 months
average gemios trio hangout
original from Twitter lol
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masasibling · 2 months
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Im sorry but... WHY IS HE PERFECT?!
one of the few protagonists that i actually like
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fycoren · 5 months
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I love being an artist, I love being able to draw whatever the hell I want.
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bloody-bee-tea · 9 months
24 Days of Satosugu 2023 Day 13 - Blue fire
Satoru watches Suguru with worry. Suguru is staring at the people in front of him with nothing but detached disinterest and the heart in Satoru’s chest beats painfully.
It’s not right; it’s not right that Suguru looks like that, that Suguru feels like this and it’s all Satoru’s fault, in a way.
If he hadn’t taken Suguru’s heart—
“Suguru,” Satoru quietly calls out and it brings Suguru’s eyes to him. Satoru is relieved to see at least a little bit of a spark in them, even though it’s only ever directed at him these days.
“Satoru,” Suguru warmly gives back, as warmly as he never gets with the humans around them and Satoru feels that painful feeling in his chest again.
Some days he wonders if it’s Suguru’s heart screaming out to him, or if it’s Satoru’s own feelings that make it hurt like that.
Only one way to find out, Satoru guesses, not for the first time, even as he gives Suguru a careful smile.
“Let’s go back home, alright?” he asks, and Suguru’s eyes briefly flit back to the humans, going hard and cold and the ice only melts when Satoru tugs on his hand, gets Suguru’s attention back to him.
“Alright, Satoru,” Suguru agrees after a moment, and Satoru teleports them back home between one blink and the next.
Things are better at home, almost normal, but today, Suguru turns to him with a frown on his face.
“You’ve been doing that, Satoru. What is going on?”
He doesn’t have to elaborate on what exactly it is that Satoru is doing, because they both know. Satoru keeps trying to divert Suguru’s attention away from the humans, lest Suguru does something he might regret one of these days.
Satoru has seen it in his eyes; Suguru wouldn’t feel a thing if he killed one or even many of them and the thought scares Satoru.
Which is hilarious, given that between the two of them, Satoru is the demon.
“Nothing,” Satoru says and gives Suguru a smile, draping himself across Suguru’s back.
Like this he can almost pretend the heartbeat he feels comes from Suguru’s chest instead of his own.
“You’re such a bad liar for a demon,” Suguru chides him fondly, carding his fingers through Satoru’s hair and this is almost as if nothing at all has changed.
Suguru has been affectionate like that with him from the very beginning and Satoru always thought that as long as that doesn’t change, he can be happy but it turns out he was wrong about that.
It’s not longer enough that Suguru is like that with him.
Suguru doesn’t follow his statement up with anything else, doesn’t call Satoru out on his more than obvious lie and that too, only serves to show Satoru just how wrong everything is going.
Suguru doesn’t even care enough to inquire further it seems, and Satoru avoids his face. Not that he needs to, because Suguru is no longer looking at him, anyway.
“I think we should sleep,” Satoru says, infusing his words with a little bit of magic, making Suguru just sleepy enough that he agrees without a second thought.
“Stay with me,” he says, like he always does, as if he’s afraid of going to sleep alone, as if he dreads waking up alone, and Satoru presses his lips together.
“Always,” he says, knowing that it’s a lie, that he’ll break the one promise he made to Suguru, but still, he follows him to the bedroom, watches how Suguru gets ready for bed and then holds vigil at his bedside when Suguru falls asleep, aided by Satoru’s magic.
Satoru still remembers the day he met Suguru, remembers how his tiny hands caught him right out of the sky, cradling him so carefully despite the appearance of flames. Back then, Satoru had made great promises, could read Suguru’s deepest desire right out of his very being and Satoru knew then that the only acceptable price would be Suguru’s heart.
He never expected it to turn out like this.
Satoru still remembers how willingly Suguru had swallowed him, how Satoru’s blue fire had engulfed Suguru’s heart fully, completely, before taking it out of his body and Satoru wants to laugh at his own foolishness.
Of course it would change Suguru; of course it would not be as easy as simply taking an organ and hoping that nothing more was lost.
“I’m so sorry,” Satoru mutters, brushing a stray strand of hair out of Suguru’s face. “I should have known better.”
The truth is that Satoru never gave much thought to what it would do to a human to lose something as essential as a heart before. He’s a demon; it’s not in his nature to wonder about something like that.
At least not until he came to know Suguru.
Satoru knows that he would have died if Suguru hadn’t caught him, knows that only the pact they made and the human heart in his chest keep him alive even now, but he thinks it might not be worth it.
Suguru looks at people who used to be his friends, his family with ice in his eyes, with a detached interest that unsettles most of them and Satoru doesn’t want that for him. He only ever wants Suguru to be happy, but even that seems beyond him at the moment.
And Satoru can’t stand it.
He’d rather die than have to see Suguru like this and for all that he knows he’s going to, should he go through with his plan.
Satoru is tied to the heart in his chest; should he give it back, there’s no knowing what will happen to him, though Satoru can guess.
There’s no life without a heart after all.
He briefly wonders what it will do to Suguru, once he gets his heart back, once he loses Satoru’s power, but that really shouldn’t be his concern.
Suguru was strong and kind even before Satoru came along and he will continue to be so once Satoru has left, of that Satoru is certain. It might take him a while to adjust, it might mean Suguru will no longer be the strongest but he’ll still be strong enough to take care of himself.
And that is truly all Satoru wants for him.
It only takes a thought to make the heart manifest in his hand, the tiny fluttering thing Satoru has protected with all his might for the last seventeen years and it hurts to know that he can’t continue to do so, but at least like this he’s certain that Suguru will be able to give a truly heartfelt smile again.
Satoru has missed seeing him smile these past few years and he chides himself.
He should have noticed Suguru’s spiral much sooner than he did.
“What are you doing?” Suguru’s sleepy voice reaches him and when Satoru looks at him he finds that Suguru’s eyes are on the heart in his hand.
He doesn��t like to see the panic there.
“Giving back what’s not mine,” Satoru easily says, watching the heart beat in his hand, engulfed in blue flames as it still is.
Satoru wonders if Suguru will find it a heavy burden or something to cherish once he gets it back.
“No,” Suguru breathes out, and he sits up, scrambles as far away from Satoru as the bed allows him to.
“Suguru,” Satoru says but he doesn’t actually know what else to say.
“I don’t want it back,” Suguru vehemently says. “You can’t give it back. We have a deal. We made a pact!”
“And I’m breaking it,” Satoru tells him with a sad smile. “I’m no longer getting out of it what I want, so there’s no need to hold on to this anymore.”
The pain that flashes over Suguru’s face is the most emotion Satoru has seen on him in months and it only serves to cement his decision.
This is the right thing to do.
They might have started this as something mutually beneficial; Suguru’s heart to keep Satoru alive in exchange of Satoru’s power for Suguru, but somewhere along the line things changed for Satoru.
He only wants to see Suguru happy, wants to see him live freely and laugh and love, and he won’t be able to do any of that as long as Satoru keeps his heart hostage.
“Satoru, no,” Suguru desperately says and comes close, wrapping his hand around Satoru’s wrist. “I don’t want it back.”
“You don’t even know what you want anymore,” Satoru replies, because that much has become painfully obvious over the last years.
Suguru goes along with what Satoru suggests, but there’s nothing he wants anymore, nothing that interests him like it used to.
Suguru is living an empty life and Satoru can’t bear to watch it anymore.
“I don’t want my heart if it doesn’t belong to you,” Suguru whispers, seemingly certain of that and Satoru smiles at him.
It’s not as if he has a heart of his own as a demon but if he had—
“My heart will always be yours. Isn’t that enough?”
“Is—my heart lacking somehow?” Suguru carefully asks, tightening his grip around Satoru’s wrist as if he could stop him from moving that way.
“It’s not your heart that’s lacking,” Satoru says. “But you’re missing it, and I can no longer bear to watch you go around like an empty shell.”
“What will happen to you?” Suguru asks and Satoru is surprised to spot tears in his eyes.
He didn’t know Suguru could still feel deeply enough to cry.
“Who can say?” Satoru gives back with a shrug.
He doesn’t have an answer for Suguru; Satoru has never heard of a demon willingly breaking a contract. Satoru knows that his kind dies should the contract be found out, should the exchanged part be taken by force but with this? With him giving it back willingly?
Something like this has never happened before so everything is possible. Satoru isn’t hoping for much, though.
“If it means you die, I don’t want it,” Suguru decides as if that’s his decision to make and Satoru laughs.
“It’s my life and my choice,” Satoru tells him, easily breaking out of Suguru’s grasp.
Suguru might be the strongest sorcerer but he is only that due to Satoru’s power, so there’s nothing he can do to him.
“I know it doesn’t mean much to you, not at the moment, but thank you for allowing me to love you,” Satoru whispers as he leans forward to press his lips to the corners of Suguru’s mouth.
It seems to take Suguru off guard, because he freezes where he sits and Satoru takes that moment to push the heart in his hand back into Suguru’s chest.
Suguru sucks in a painful breath, and when his eyes fly back to Satoru’s there is so much life in them already.
Satoru knows he made the right decision, even as he can feel himself fading.
“Satoru, no,” Suguru brokenly whispers out, one hand clutching his chest and the other reaching for Satoru, but it’s already too late.
Satoru is rapidly losing his physical form and Suguru’s hand passes right through him.
“It was my pleasure to stay at your side all this time,” Satoru tells him and he means it with everything that he is. “I will miss you.”
Suguru’s eyes fill with tears and even though it’s hard for Satoru to watch, he can’t help but to delight in the way Suguru seems to feel things again.
If Suguru can cry and laugh and mean it, then Satoru can’t find it in him to regret his decision.
“Laugh for me, okay?” Satoru asks with his last breath and even though Suguru nods, the last thing Satoru sees are the tears spilling down his cheeks.
Suguru hasn’t left his house since Satoru died. He flinches away from the thought, wonders if it will ever stop hurting like it does, and he curses the heart in his chest.
It’s not supposed to be there; his heart was supposed to belong to Satoru for all of time and the fact that it’s weighing Suguru down again while Satoru is gone makes him want to carve his chest open and tear it out all over again.
But he can’t do that, because Satoru died to give this back to Suguru and he could never bring himself to disregard Satoru’s sacrifice like this.
Suguru has tried to understand what made Satoru do something so rash, so reckless but he can’t concentrate enough to figure it out; all he can think of is that Satoru is gone.
Satoru has asked him to laugh but Suguru doesn’t know how to do that without Satoru by his side.
He’s wandering aimlessly through the house, noticing all the places where Satoru should be and isn’t, when someone knocks on his door.
Suguru ignores it, or tries to, but when the person at the other side stays persistent he lets out a deep sigh.
“We’re closed for business,” he yells out of habit and almost doubles over in pain when he realises that there is no longer a we to speak of.
“I should fucking hope not!” a voice calls back to him and it can’t be.
It sounds like Satoru, but it can’t be, because Satoru died when he gave Suguru his heart back.
“This is not funny,” Suguru mutters, clutching his chest when his heart acts up, beating wildly and almost painfully. “How dare you.”
“Come on, Suguru, let me in already,” the voice says and it’s so Satoru that tears spill over again.
Suguru hates how much he has been crying these days when all Satoru wanted of him was to laugh but it’s not as if he can change it. He’s out of practice of dealing with all these feelings inside his chest.
He somehow makes his way over to the door, ready to blast whoever it is who dares to impersonate Satoru into the next life but when he yanks the door open he comes face to face with a smile too big, with eyes too blue and hair too white he stills completely.
“Took you long enough,” Satoru grumbles, even though he’s still smiling and it can’t be.
Satoru died.
“Who are you?” Suguru demands to know and Satoru sucks in an exaggerated breath.
“Rude, Suguru. I leave for three days and you forget all about me? Very rude.”
“You died.”
“One would think so,” Satoru says with a nod. “But I woke up where we made the pact all those years ago. It seems I might be human now? Or something close to it, at least, teleportation is out of the question, anyway, so it took me a while to get back. Have you laughed yet?” Satoru rambles and Suguru can do nothing but stare at him.
“Have I—Satoru, you died, and you’re asking me if I’ve laughed yet?” he demands to know, completely appalled at how callous Satoru is.
“Perfect, I was hoping to see it,” Satoru gives back and claps his hands together. “Come on laugh!”
Suguru punches him in the face.
“Well, I guess I should have seen that one coming,” Satoru mumbles from where he holds his cheek, but Suguru can still see the way his eyes are crinkled and he just knows that Satoru is still smiling.
“You absolute asshole,” Suguru seethes out and Satoru nods.
“Anger, that’s good, too. You were missing so much,” he softly says and reaches out to cup Suguru’s cheek in his hand. “I forgot how expressive you are.”
“You left me!”
“I gave you back your heart!”
“And you left me for it! I would have destroyed my heart myself if it meant you’d stay with me!” Suguru yells at him and Satoru blinks at him, clearly surprised before he shrugs.
“Well, no need for that now? I mean—I’m here, your heart is where it belongs and all is well?”
“I can’t believe you,” Suguru mutters, dragging his hand over his face before he pulls Satoru close, crushing him to his chest. “Never do anything like that ever again.”
There’s a very suspicious silence from Satoru and Suguru pushes him away to glare at him.
“I was kind of thinking of giving my heart to you, but I guess if you don’t want it—” Satoru trails off with a shrug and now this finally makes Suguru laugh in disbelief.
“I cannot fucking believe you,” Suguru chuckles out, relieved and happy, and so in love it hurts. “What would I do with your heart if you won’t accept mine?” he asks but Satoru is only staring at him, a look of wonder on his face.
“You laughed,” he breathes out and Suguru rolls his eyes.
“Because you’re ridiculous. I ask you again: what would I do with your heart if you won’t accept mine?” Suguru wants to know again and Satoru smiles cheekily at him.
“As long as I don’t have to carry it around with me anymore, I’ll take whatever you’ll give me.”
“Then it’s yours,” Suguru rushes to say, afraid that Satoru might change his mind, but he knows his fear is unfounded when Satoru’s face lights up.
“Like mine is yours,” he solemnly replies and then leans in to kiss Suguru.
Suguru’s heart is beating hard and fast in his chest, almost painful with how much feeling it’s holding but Suguru feels Satoru’s heart beat in his chest in turn and he thinks if they both have to suffer this, then it might be okay.
As long as their hearts beat in tandem, everything will be fine.
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trashyswitch · 8 months
A Jiggly Friend
Mario and Luigi are given a chance to meet SCP-999. Luigi is very hesitant, but quickly warms up to the creature once he realizes he's a friend-shaped slime puppy.
This fanfic was suggested to me by @gamequeenanya! It was actually a direct message through Discord. I had asked her for ideas of who 999 should meet, and she said "What about Mario and Luigi?". And MY GOD, I LOVED THE IDEA! So, I made this! I hope you enjoy!
Two quiet pairs of footsteps could be heard filling the echoey hallway. Locked steel doors and pure white walls filled the hallway they walked in. The two beings that filled this hallway with their footsteps, felt very out of place in this kind of environment. They couldn’t describe the feeling of overwhelming curiosity mixed with the unbelievable sense of doom. This collective of emotions made the two people wary and cautious as they walked. Slowly, their eyes gazed upon the countless number groups on the doors. 
“M-Mario…I don’t like this…” One of the men told the other. 
“We’re really close. We just need to find the right door.” The other man said. 
“What if…I don’t like it?” The man dressed in green, had asked. 
“Don’t worry, Luigi. You will like this one. I’m sure of it.” The man named Mario, had told the man in green. 
Luigi walked to the door at the end of the hallway, and looked at Mario. “It’s the 999 number, right?” he asked. 
Mario looked at the paper in his hand, and nodded his head. “Yup. SCP-999.” Mario told him. 
Luigi bit his lip and looked through the windows of the chamber. “Hmm…” He looked inside the windows, and saw the glob of orange that was hopping around the containment chamber. “Is…is that it?” Luigi asked. 
Mario looked through the window and smiled. “That’s 999. Isn’t he cute?” Mario asked him. 
“He’s...I don’t know…” Luigi muttered aloud. “He’s strange-looking, but…” Luigi widened his eyes as he saw the creature getting closer. Luigi widened his eyes as he saw it slide its way closer to the window. Luigi stared at the creature with newfound awe and wonder, as 999 blubbered and ‘bounced around’ with its body. 
Mario smiled and pulled out the key card they had been given. He slid the card down, and watched as the red light turned green as it made a clicking sound. Mario pulled on the door, opening it and looking at Luigi. “You ready?” Mario asked. 
Luigi nodded with a smile as he got up and away from the window. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” he replied. 
Mario pulled the door open a slight bit more, and gasped as he saw 999 just waiting for the boys to enter. Mario entered first, and kept the door open for his brother. Luigi moved through the door as well, and took a moment to hear the door close behind him. “Okay…” Luigi looked over at SCP-999 and waved at it. “Hello.” Luigi greeted awkwardly, unsure what else to say. 
Mario knelt down. “Hi 999. I’m Mario.” He greeted. “And this is Luigi.” He told 999, hugging Luigi close to him. “He’s my brother.” Mario told it. 
Right away, Mario could smell something rather comforting from their childhood. 
“M-Mario?” Luigi looked at his brother. “Is…is it normal for 999 to make you feel…excited?” Luigi asked as he felt giggles bubbling up in his lungs. Mario giggled. “Do you smell Papa’s waffles?” He asked. 
Luigi nodded. “Y-Yeah…I don’t know how, but…I do.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario chuckled. “999 can emit familiar smells to make you feel euphoric and nostalgic.” he explained. 
SCP-999 let out some gurgling sounds as it made two pseudopods appear from its body. The first pseudopod touched Mario’s cheek, making Mario widen his eyes and smile as he cooed in emotional happiness. The second pseudopod was going to touch Luigi, but decided to wait patiently for its turn. 
Luigi was confused by Mario’s reaction at first. Mario only acts like that around babies and puppies. And this creature was not even close to a puppy. “M…Mario-” Luigi tried not to laugh at him as he saw Mario blushing and smiling widely. He looked like an elated toddler. “Are you okay?” Luigi asked, covering his mouth slightly as he chuckled. 
Mario let out a fit of giggly laughter. “Ihihi probably look so stupid right now…” Mario mentioned, making Luigi laugh as well. “Buhut…I don’t care. I feel amazing.” He admitted. 
Luigi looked at 999 and saw the pseudopod just sitting there. Seeing how Mario was reacting, Luigi reached out for the pseudopod. “May I?” He asked politely. When the second pseudopod reached up and touched Luigi’s hand, Luigi widened his eyes and looked at 999 with shock and…growing euphoria of his own. “W-Wow…” Luigi reacted, feeling a toothy smile growing on his lips. He laughed a bit as he felt the SCP’s strange texture. It threw him off guard at first…It felt like orange peanut butter! But the curiosity seemed to trickle out of his mind the longer he held 999’s pseudopod. “Hehehe…Ihis this what you were-” 
Mario nodded. “Uh huh. How do you feel?” Mario asked his brother with a giggle. 
“Ihi…I get it now…” Luigi muttered, hanging his head and giggling. “I feel great!” 
Mario bursted out laughing at Luigi’s face. “Ihit’s like you were just told we were going to Disney world again…” Mario mentioned with a laugh. 
Luigi chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “Y-Yeah…” 
999 looked towards Mario, and slid its body onto Mario, engulfing him in the peanut-butter substance. Mario gasped and froze in shock. The substance felt cold, yet…comforting. And his body felt wet, but dry all at once. It was…really strange. 
“Is…is he hugging you?” Luigi asked, both nervous, but also calm at the same time. This creature was making him feel so many emotions at once, that he couldn’t even think straight anymore. 
Mario smiled a bit. “It…feels like water, but...thicker.” Mario admitted. “Ihit’s weihihird-” Mario jumped and jolted as giggles and laughter left his mouth. “Wahahait, whahat are you dohohoihihing- eeEEK!” Mario squeaked before leaning his head back as he fell into a fit of laughter. “HAHAHAhahaha!” Mario laughed, wiggling around somewhat roughly and kicking his feet inside 999’s translucent body. 
Luigi stared at Mario, beyond confused. “What is…I don’t get it.” Luigi told him. 
“Ihihit tihickles- Ihihihit TIHICKLEHEHES-! AAAHAHAhahahaha!” Mario laughed somewhat heavily, wiggling around a little harder. 
Luigi had to cover his mouth to prevent from laughing. There was no way…How could it be tickling Mario from inside its body?! And how was Mario so…calm about it?! Usually Mario was a wiggly tickler. So you’d have to be really strong and ready to dodge if you were going to tickle him and come out unscathed. But Mario looked…almost powerless to 999’s gelatin-like body. It was so strange and yet…it looked really fun. 
“Ihihihi cahahan’t stohohop ihihihihit!” Mario reacted, opening his left eye as he removed his hand from 999’s body and covered up his own wobbly grin. 
Luigi couldn’t stop himself from laughing alongside him. The creature was making them act almost drunk without even a sip of alcohol! He had no idea why, but seeing his brother like this was making him lose his mind with laughter. It was absolutely hilarious, and he couldn’t quite explain why! Luigi soon sat himself up and let out a cheer. “Woooo! God, this is awesome!” Luigi reacted. 
“Ohokahay, ohohokahahay- Thahat’s enough plehehehease-!” Mario begged, fighting a little harder. “Ihihit’s toohohoohohoo muhuhuch!” Mario admitted. “Gehehet Luihihigihihi!” Mario said next. 
Luigi widened his eyes. “Wait, what?! Hey!” Luigi reacted. 
999 seemed to understand his request, and gently let Mario go by sliding his body out from its body. When Mario was let go, he had hugged himself with his arms and kicked his feet a little bit to combat the leftover tickles that still plagued him. It also didn’t help that he had developed butterflies in his stomach, which had ALSO begun tickling him from inside. 
“You okay?” Luigi asked, not entirely used to seeing Mario so overwhelmingly happy. 
“Hahahaha- Hahaha- Yohohou gohotta try ihihit!” Mario told him. 
Luigi was about to give him a reply, but was interrupted by the feeling of a cold substance filling his back, before surrounding his front all the way up to his shoulders. “Whoa-!” Luigi reacted, looking down as his body was covered in orange. “Uuuuh…” Luigi looked behind him slightly, and saw 999’s ‘face’ looking at him. “Hi?” He said, giggling a little bit. 
999 gurgled happily and nuzzled its ‘face’ into the back of Luigi’s head for a few moments, earning a few giggles from Luigi. He enjoyed the nuzzles for a bit, before feeling gentle, tickly vibrations against the back of his neck. “eeEEHEHEHEEEK!” Luigi laughed, attempting to lean his head back to stop the tickles. But 999 couldn’t be squished down! All he could do was laugh! “Wahahait-!” Luigi gasped and started wiggling around as more tickly vibrations filled his body. “WAHAHAhahaha! Ihihihit’s sohohohoho weihihihihird!” Luigi giggled. 
“I know, right!? It feels like back massagers against your ticklish spots.” Mario reacted. 
999 gurgled and cooed as it tickled everywhere it could reach. It was strange being tickled by such an unusual creature. Any other time, Luigi would probably be surprised and fighting to get out. But…999’s euphoric effect was making him all giddy. This made the tickle attack feel more…fun than anything else! 
“Do you need it to stop?” Mario asked. 
Luigi tensed up and squeezed his arms against his sides. “Nohohot yehehehet- GAHAHAHAHAA! NOT THERE- NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!” Luigi cackled, his wiggles almost doubling. 
Mario chuckled and patted Lu’s left shoulder which was poking out of 999’s body. “If you need it to stop, let me know.” Mario told him. 
Luigi squeaked and squealed, unable to stop his jolts and kicks. “OHOHOKAHAHAY, EHEHENOUHUGH PLEHEHEASE!” Luigi begged, his hat falling off his head when he threw his head back. 
Mario picked up the green hat and looked at 999. “He wants you to stop.” Mario told him. 
With a few gurgles in response, 999 calmed itself down and went still. Luigi’s cackles and laughter slowly began to calm down. Luigi leaned his head back and let out breaths of relief and exhaustion. “Ihi…Gosh…” Luigi looked at the top of 999. “How did you know my worst spot?” Luigi asked. 
999 nuzzled into Luigi’s face with a sense of worry in its gurgle. It was almost like 999 was trying to ask if he was okay, and if it went too far. But Luigi was quick to reassure 999. 
“Don’t worry. I’m okay. You’re in the clear.” Luigi told it. “It was kinda fun, actually…” Luigi bit his lip. “But then 999 found my shoulder blades…” He admitted with a chuckle. 
Mario chuckled and traced a finger against his brother’s upper back. “You always were sensitive there…” He admitted. 
Luigi jolted and arched his back, letting out surprised squeaks quickly followed up by laughter. “Mahahariohoho whyhyhyhy?!” Luigi asked. 
“Cause it’s funny!” Mario admitted. 
“Ihihis nohohot!” Luigi argued, turning himself around so his shoulder blades weren’t so exposed. Mario chuckled and stopped going for it. “Alright alright, I’m done.” Mario told him. “Hug?” He offered. 
Luigi smiled genuinely and wrapped his arms around him. Though he was slightly nervous Mario would go for the really bad spot, He trusted his brother more than anyone else in the world. And nothing was going to change that, not even Mario. 
…Or so he believed…
A feeling of shock mixed with betrayal had taken over his mind as giggles erupted out of his lungs. “Wa-wahahahait- Mahariohoho whahat ahahare yohou-” Luigi hid his face against his brother’s shoulder and laughed into it. “Cohohome ohohohohohon!” Luigi reacted. 
“Listen, this is completely your fault! I’m surprised you trusted me so freely!” Mario reacted. 
Luigi wrapped his arms a little more around Mario and started tickling everywhere on his sides that he could reach. “Cahahan’t tihickle mehehehe ahand thehehen expehehect nohohothing bahahack.” Luigi warned. 
Mario jumped and cackled, wiggling around and struggling to get out of his grip. “eeEEHEHEEEEK! NAHAHAhahahaha! Letmego! Lehet mehehe gohohoho!” Mario giggled helplessly. “Whehehehen dihihid yohohou behecome so plahahahayfuhul?!” Mario asked. 
Luigi chuckled. “Since meeting 999! Speaking of: Are you enjoying this?” Luigi asked, looking at 999 with a smirk on his face. 
999 gurgled and bobbed the top of its body up and down, similarly to a person nodding their head. 
Luigi laughed a bit and turned his brother around so Mario’s back was against his chest. “How about a little bit of this?” Luigi squeezed and skittered his fingers on his sides. 
Mario squeaked and threw his head back, cackling hysterically. “OHOHO NAHAHAHAHA! LUIHIHIGIHIHI IHIHIHI’M GOHOHONNA DIHIHIIIHEEHEHEHEEHEEE!” Mario yelled at him. “Oh, you’re gonna die?” Luigi asked with a smirk. “Tell me: Would you rather die by my hands? Or by 999’s paws?” Luigi asked. 
Mario hung his head and giggled, wiggling and moving around. “IHIHI DOHOHON’T KNOHOHOHOW!” Mario told him. 
“Hmmm…Well, I guess it’s either you’re tickled by your brother who’s known you for ages, or you’re tickled by the living embodiment of the tickle monster.” Luigi teased. “And I agree…that’s a hard choice to make.” Luigi teased. 
Mario struggled and wiggled in his arms, unable to stop the endless laughter that left his mouth. It was almost overwhelming how ticklish Luigi’s fingers were capable of being. And it embarrassed him more when he realized how powerless he was compared to his brother. Which, as an older brother, is pretty embarrassing. 
Luigi smirked and looked at 999. “Is it time to stop?” He asked. 
999 slid up to Mario and touched his cheek with its pseudopod before gurgling and cooing. “Awww, 999’s giving you love too.” Luigi teased. 
Mario giggled and curled his neck in as the pseudopod moved itself under Mario’s cheek towards his jawline. Mario’s laughter had died down a little bit while Luigi had been momentarily distracted, allowing Mario to breathe a bit. “Ihihi feeheeheeheel ihihit.” Mario admitted. “Ihihihi feeheeheeheel thehe love.” Mario further explained. 
Luigi looked at 999 as he stopped his fingers altogether, and switched to hugging Mario from behind. “I love you, Mario.” Luigi said, resting his chin on Mario’s shoulder. Mario placed his hand on the side of Luigi’s face, and patted it softly. “Ihi thihihink the euphohohoria is gehetting to be too muhuhuhuch fohor you.” Mario admitted. “Wehehe should leheave.” Mario told him. 
Luigi sighed and smiled softly, nodding his head. “Okay.” He replied. 
He put Mario down and picked up his hat, putting it back on. “Thanks for grabbing my hat.” Luigi told him. 
“No problem.” Mario replied. 
“You ready to go?” Luigi asked. 
Mario nodded and gave 999 one more hug. “Bye 999.” 
999 nuzzled its face into Mario’s cheek…
Luigi watched their interaction excitedly, and giggled as 999 engulfed Mario in its body again. He even laughed as Mario swam around inside 999. He even swam up to the wall of 999, and knocked on the gelatin, waving and smiling at Luigi. Luigi waved back at him, noting the occasional bubbles that would form and rise above Mario. 
Mario reached out of 999’s body, and pulled Luigi into its body with him. Now both the brothers were swimming inside 999! Though they knew they should’ve been leaving, Luigi didn’t care. A couple more minutes with 999 never hurt anybody. He noticed the bubbles forming on his hand, and rising up above his head. He thought it was very cool, and almost pretty. Looking up, he watched as the bubbles rose up, until they popped…only to be followed up by a couple more bubbles…and then a few more…And even more…
Luigi looked down, and widened his eyes in horror: his hands were disintegrating! And every bubble that rose up from his hand, was a fragment of his body! Luigi tried to gasp, but coughed and reached for his throat as he realized he couldn’t breathe while engulfed by 999’s body.
With his hands gone and only his lower arms now visible, Luigi tried to crawl himself out of 999’s body. But this proved to be really difficult, especially when he could see himself losing more of his arms. Looking down, Luigi noticed his feet were completely gone…reduced to white ash-like fragments, while only his upper legs remained. He could feel his lungs convulsing and begging for air as he swam helplessly within 999’s body. This euphoric dream had quickly turned into a horrifying nightmare. 
“Luigi!” He looked at his brother, who was almost completely bubbled into white fragments just like him. Mario reached out with his disintegrating hand, and grabbed his right shoulder, which was still intact. “It’s all gonna be okay!” Mario said to him. 
Luigi widened his eyes as he saw his right eye falling apart from the bubbles. “Mario!” He yelled. “Don’t leave me here alone!” He pleaded. 
“I’m right here!” Mario told him, his right hand now disintegrating as well. “It’s only a nightmare!” His brother repeated. 
Luigi could feel his right eye’s vision fading out as it turned to fragments as well. “M-Mario-” 
Luigi jumped and gasped, suddenly feeling the ability to breathe. His vision was blurry, but he could feel his fear melting the moment he registered the flash of red and the comforting arms around him. He wrapped his arms around Mario as tightly as he could, trying to stop himself from crying. “Mario…” Luigi breathed deeply to try and overcome his restlessness. 
“That sounded like quite the nightmare.” Mario reacted. 
Luigi couldn’t stop the laugh that left his mouth. “It wasn’t a nightmare…well, until the end.” Luigi admitted. “The dream turned so quickly, it was hard to understand.” He admitted.
Mario chuckled. “Is that why I heard laughter from you earlier?” Mario asked. 
Luigi widened his eyes and blushed a bit. “I-I-Uh…” He muttered. 
Mario snickered. “I woke up to you giggling in your sleep. And you kept giggling for a little bit.” Mario admitted. 
Luigi covered his face with his hands. How embarrassing…
“I didn’t wanna wake you at first, cause…you sounded like you were having fun.” Mario admitted. 
Luigi uncovered his right eye awkwardly. “Ihihi was…Wehe were visiting a…creature in a laboratory.” Luigi explained. “Someone had come up with a creature locked in a laboratory, with its file written out on this website.” Luigi explained. “The creature, whether you touched it or sat in the same room as it…it would make you euphoric and happy.” Luigi explained. 
“Aw man…That sounds amazing!” Mario reacted. 
“It was…” Luigi chuckled. “The creature is…like a blob of jello. Only, it’s not jello. The stuff it’s made of, is supposed to be peanut butter?” Luigi explained. 
Mario tittered and snorted. “Ohoho?!” He couldn’t stop the cackles and laughter that left his mouth. “Ihihi have no clue what you’re talking about.” He admitted. “It sounds insane…But I love it.” Mario admitted next. 
Luigi bit his lip. “Near the end though…999 had taken both of us, and we were pretty much swimming in its body…” Luigi let out a breath. “You started disintegrating. We both started disintegrating.” Luigi explained. “I couldn’t breathe. I was drowning and falling apart, but you were speaking to me.” Luigi told him. 
“...What did you hear?” Mario asked. 
“It’s gonna be okay…I’m right here…” Luigi muttered. 
Mario raised his eyebrows. “So you could hear me…” Mario muttered. “Good.” He said. “Because when you started gasping for breath and…shifting in your sleep, I didn’t know what to do. I could tell you were scared, because your movements and reactions were getting worse.” Mario explained. 
Luigi shook his head. Luigi hung his head. 
“When you started muttering my name, that’s when I knew you needed to wake up.” Mario explained. 
Luigi pulled his brother into his arms tightly. “Thank you, Mario.” Luigi told him. 
Mario smiled and hugged him back. “Of course.” He replied. “What are brothers for?” 
He felt Luigi’s grip tighten. Mario smiled a bit and gave his brother’s side a little tweak, making Luigi giggle in the process. 
Mario broke the hug and wiped the tears off Luigi’s face. “Alright, no more crying. It was a happy dream, right? About this creature that’s supposed to make you really happy?” Mario asked. 
Luigi chuckled. “Yeheah…” 
“Wanna tell me more about it?” Mario asked. 
Luigi nodded and pulled out his phone, typing [SCP-999] into his phone before showing him pictures and reading the ‘SCP file’ out loud for his brother to listen to. 
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claytown189 · 5 months
RENT AU CHAPTER TWO IS UP!!!!! i'm really proud of this fic so far hehe
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chaiteadraws · 1 year
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(commissions are open!)
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spotaus · 4 months
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A wip of The Silly (Dream from my Dream × Fresh thing I'm trying to do)
#he's really thin and skinny#but istg it's on purpose#I don't only draw twinks.#Dream's body is taking a physical toll from Injuries (pre-story) and from hosting Fresh (mid-story) so not as much magic is able to#present for him to call on. he looks smaller and is more fragile than before#This is also like... a fusion but not???#Fresh just... inhabits Dream. like not in a weird way. he just tried to use Dream as a host and ended up not being able to so they exist#in a weird stasis of Bonded but not fully merged.#idk I just like the idea of Dream being super uptight and stressed all the time trying to be A Guardian and then#getting into a situation where he just can't keep pushing himself so Fresh is *literally* the voice of reason in his head telling him to#take a break!!!#and Dream doesn't ever like... stop being a Guardian. he just gets help from Fresh while he's healing and then Fresh decides to stick around#and share the vessel and such!!! hense the outfit on the right.#also Dream unironically enjoys the Swear filter that Fresh has around him. makes him more comfortable.#and Fresh likes having Dream's vessel when he can take control because it doesn't decay like other forms do when he pulls on magic#Nightmare hates fighting post-story Dream because it's like a normal annoying fight but with Fresh doing commentary and#being Dream's second set of eyes basically.#Dreameater#thinking I might nickname this guy Tulpa?#because I've been thinking about him fir years but also because the combo of a dream and a parasite gives tulpa vibes#we'll see#gonna call this the Dreameater au tho#dreameater au
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cate-geo · 1 month
actor mamrk and patton fusooin
actor mark and patotn fusion
'acrtor amrk and patton fusion
acyiooert narka and patoton fuospm
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