#Cold and Cough Prevention Tips
spartanmemesmedical · 10 days
सर्दी-जुकाम और घरेलू उपाय
सर्दी-जुकाम एक सामान्य लेकिन कष्टदायक समस्या है जो किसी भी मौसम में हो सकती है। यह खासकर तब परेशानी का सबब बनता है जब मौसम बदलता है। सर्दी-जुकाम होने पर शरीर में कमजोरी महसूस होती है और सामान्य दिनचर्या में विघ्न डालता है। इसकी शुरुआत अक्सर नाक बहने, गले में खराश और धीरे-धीरे बुखार चढ़ने के साथ होती है।खैर, घबराने की जरूरत नहीं है क्योंकि सर्दी-जुकाम के लिए कई कारगर घरेलू उपाय हैं जो आपको इस…
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onefite · 8 months
Natural Methods to Treat and Prevent Seasonal Colds and Flus
‍ As the seasons change, it’s not uncommon to be plagued by the dreaded cold and flu symptoms. But what if there was a natural way to treat and prevent these seasonal nuisances? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the best natural methods to keep those sniffles and coughs at bay. With a focus on holistic wellness, our brand has perfected the art of combating colds and flus with the…
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guideoflife · 1 year
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whoskimii · 2 months
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★ ridin' him ft. toji ! ★
˖˚₊ warnings ⋆. 𐙚 ˚ cowgirl, mean toji, p in v, unprotected (wrap it before you tap it), cigarette, alcohol.
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as he stared at the ceiling out of boredom, toji exhaled a thick cloud of grey smoke. his emerald green eyes drifted closed and he sighed, almost as if he were searching to find solace but couldn't, because something was preventing him from doing so.
satirically, that something was you.
“ngh, toji...” you breathed out, although with difficulty. “please... 'm really trying my hardest...” you managed to speak. your pitifully small hands gripped at his broad shoulders to find a semblance of support. the sight almost made him want to coo at you. but you both knew it'd be a sneering coo.
he took another slow, lazy drag of his cigarette. “yeah ?” he asked, watching you with keen eyes. his words were coming out muffled as his lips were still wrapped around the tip of the cigarette. “your hardest, huh ? let me laugh. 's not enough, dollie.” he exhaled, blowing the smoke in your face, his chest rumbling with laughter as he saw you cough.
you were trying, really. but toji was simply a laborious man to please.
you resumed your movements, and driven by a surge of energy, you became more vigorous. your meaty ass was slapping against the thick skin of his thighs as he continued to watch you with a disinterested expression. “still not enough, baby. c'mon. do better than that.”
his other hand lifted and soon enough, his lips met the bottleneck of his beer.
you despised how casual he was about the whole situation. you were putting your blood, sweat, and tears into riding him but here he was, almost judging you.
he stared at you with a detached expression, almost as if he was watching a mildly interesting show. “c'mon, girl. you really think you're doin' a good job here ?” he scoffed, flicking some ash from the burning cigarette in the ashtray on the armrest of the couch. “seems like you're slackin' a bit, tonight.”
you felt like you were merely wasting his time. he looked amused, perhaps even condescending.
“i was expecting more from you, sweet thing. somethin' fun, yeah ? not this bullshit.” he was beginning to get annoyed by your pitiful attempt at pleasing him.
his voice was flat, emotionless, still staring at you with a mixture of frustration and disappointment. “this isn't exactly what i had in mind when i thought 'bout spendin' the night with you, y'know ?” his eyes never left yours, even as the smoke he exhaled swirled in the air.
you sniffled softly, shame eating away at your body. “toji... 'm sorry...” you felt small under his cold gaze. "sorry, huh ?" he scoffed. "doesn't change the fact that you're doin' a shitty job tonight." he looked bored.
you doubled your efforts for the umpteenth time, soft cunnie sucking him in, along with the obscene amount of slickness that surrounded his cock. “y'know, doll, 'm really getting bored watching you struggle like a damn dyin' fish out of water." he clicked his tongue as you slid a shaky hand in his dark hair. “i can get off better with my own hand.”
you stopped again and took a deep breath before shifting on top of him. you planted your knees on the couch, on each side of his thighs. instead of placing your hands on his shoulders, you put them behind him, gripping the couch. you resumed your movements, pussy clenching around his girthy cock.
he grunted lowly, the first sign of emotion he'd shown since the whole thing started. he finally finished his cigarette and his beer, which allowed him to rest his arms on the back of the sofa. “there we go, that's a little better.” he stated with a heavy sigh.
he watched the tip of your tongue rest between your pink lips as you concentrated. he cocked an eyebrow in mild amusement. “that's more like it...” he chuckled. “c'mon, keep going. you ain't done yet.”
your cute little pussy squeezed his shaft tightly, earning a groan from him. “well,” he sighed. “that's better...” you mewled softly beside his ear, feeling the family bubble in your lower tummy tighten. “toji, 'm gonna come...” as your voice reached his ears, he chuckled. “yeah ? already ?”
as you nodded, he began playing with your throbbing clit. “don't know if i should give you a reward or punish you. might do both later.” he glanced down at the spot where your bodies joined, watching shamelessly. his pubic hair was soaked. “toji... toji...” you breathed.
"cum f' me." he blurted. you gasped as a sudden, intense wave of pleasure washed over your body. your dirty little cunnie tightened around his cock as you came. “oh...” you whined, swollen bottom lip caught between your teeth.
as you finally came down from your high, your pretty eyes fluttered open. toji had been watching with a lazy smirk, resting his massive hands on your plushy hips. "i didn't cum, lil' one. you gotta try harder."
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pedge-page · 8 months
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife # 8- Drama Queen
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Can be read with others in series or alone
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Warnings: allusions to sex, mostly fluff and comedy
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Its been a pretty quiet evening, and with you home, thats saying something. Joel's minding his business watching Tv when you come plopping down next to him on the couch. He doesn't acknowledge you.
So you scoot over and sigh heavily. Still No reaction from the male.
You feint a yawn and snuggle your head on his shoulder. He smiles a little, but doesn't look at you. You rub affectionately like a kitten.
Take the hint, you stupid hunk.
Your pretty manicured hand creeps on his thigh, stroking up and down senually with delicate fingertips.
He knows where this is going, but he won't entertain you. He coughs a little, bored, and continues scrolling channels. Wants to see how far you'll go to get what you want.
As if on cue, you persist. Wrapping your arm over his broad shoulders, hitching your knee awkwardly on his thigh despite the baby in your belly squirming at the uncomfortable angle. You playfully boop his nose, giggling like a flirt. He purses his lips, but nothing else.
You stare at his profile, that unique Joel Miller look of concentration. Handsome and stoic—that little shithead.
You're teasingly rubbing your fingers through his scruff, twisting gently as a massage.
You bring your lips and kiss him kindly on the cheek. Something sweet. Innocent. Then again, but a little longer. Then some more, peppered down his jaw, along his pulse. Heated and wetter. Growing more needy and nipping his ear, making little happy moans as your hand continues to wander over his legs, tip toeing to his crotch.
Joel sighs, finally looking at you. "There a reason you're trying to get me turned on, ma'am?"
"Mmm," you hum, biting your lip and staring his plump ones. You crawl closer, breasts smashed against his bicep as you lick your lips, tongue peaking out with lusty eyes trying to put him under your best charm. Yesyesyes give it to me, Fucker!
"I want a Big—" you kiss his nose "—Messy—" teeth nip at his lower lip "—Hot—" you peck him teasingly, sucking his flesh in your mouth so he knows you mean business. Then you stare down at him with your serious eyes, foreheads pressing,
"—Fudge Cookie Dough Chocolate Gooey Fantasy Milkshake with extra Rainbow Sprinkles from Clyde's Creamery."
Yeah. He knew exactly this is where this was going.
He cracks a warm smile, cupping your jaw and parting your lips with his thumb. You suck it into your mouth, hoping to please him. Just as hes about to kiss you, he leans in and says, "No. Its 11pm. Bedtime."
You get off his lap with a cold shoulder and a scoff, proceeding to ignore him for the rest of the night.
Hes evens surprised when you go to bed still silent, facing away from him without a kiss goodnight when you turn off your lamp.
Until it's 2am when he's startled awake by the sound of the the front door opening. He's storming downstairs trying not to trip, and haphazardly throwing a shirt on backwards while in his boxers, only to see you with a packed bag, hand dramatically caressing  your bump with fake ass tears down your cheek going outside to the car.
"Where the FUCK are you going??" He asks, rubbing his eyes. Aggravation and rough exhaustion evident in his tone.
"You said you didn't love me, so I'm leaving," you huff. There's no hint of a joke in your words. Genuine pain. Hurt. Quiet and walking away. You dont wait to see his reaction and without another word, you turn to leave.
Hes so whiplashed, wracking his brain trying to remember any time he even remotely could have said something like that and you interpret it—
"I SAID YOU COULDN'T HAVE A HOT FUDGE COOKIE DOUGH CHOCOLATE GOOEY FANTASY MILKSHAKE because it was FUCKING 11PM AND CLOSED! Now get your fat beautiful ass and our baby back in here and dont ever pull this stupid stunt again!"
You scowl at him, preventing any physical reaction of your internal swooning he thinks my ass is pretty. You hold your ground and refuse to move from your position, defiant, in flip flops and a long nightgown on the front porch at 2am.
Joel furrows his brows and closes his eyes, soothing over the wrinkles you've caused to grow on his forehead.  "Fuck. I'll get you one tomorrow morning for breakfast. Okay?"
You smile giddily and skip back inside "Okie!" You step past him drop your shit on the couch, kissing him on the cheek. "Dont forget the extra rainbow sprinkles."
He grunts, glad that it's dark enough in the house you can't see how exhausted and annoyed he is.
"Oh and close the door, Joel! You'll wake the neighbors with your unnecessary shouting bit. Dramatic much?" You scoff, and waddle up the stairs and right to bed like nothing happened.
Tommy also has access to your ring camera notifications and sees Joel and you out there and the whole conversation, and he's laughing so hard when he watches the playback. He teases grumpy exhausted Joel the next morning, conveniently with a to-go milkshake in his hand at 8am.
"Softy for your girl?"
"Shut up."
"And when you have the baby, then there's gonna be two of her!" Tommy wheezes.
Joel's saggy and wrinkled eyes manage to open wider than ever as that particular horror sets over him.
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zombieplaygrounds · 2 months
cw: fluff with simon riley, cigarettes, reader smoking, bad tasting kissy.
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"Wann' see your face.." the air was humid; sticky. There was no use being on the bed, where the mattress creaked and the sheets got filthy. No - the floor would suffice. It's cold tile pressing against your knees and legs, parting slightly to allow the meaty thigh of Simon to take place. The scene sounded more intimate than what it really was. Truthfully the two of you (mostly him) really craved a midnight cigarette without the bitching of your captain. You were wrapped up in your cotton jammies, a big shirt and shorts that hung off you. Simon coughed softly, puffs of smoke leaving his mouth a bit. So he was surprised. He tilted his head backward and exhaled. The moment went on in silence, just like that, until your greedy paws reached out for another grab at the smoldering stick "Can smoke just fine through the mask."
"Yeah, but I can't see you 'just fine' through the mask." You hissed softly through an inhale, letting the smoke leave before coughing a bit, it tasted quite shit. You always wondered why he liked that junk. Simon chuckled, snatching the cigarette back and holding it away from you. "If, you can't handle it, stop doing it." You rolled your eyes at his words, plopping backward toward the pillows that were sprawled on the floor. Your eyes fluttering shut and watching the stars through the window. Simon sat up, blowing the smoke outward through the smallest creeping crack. It was like a stop motion film, each shut of your eyes showed him slowly lifting the mask, just past the tip of his nose.
"Oh.." You mused, moving to sit up, but he quickly sent you back down with his socked foot to your shoulder. "Oh ew." Simon laughed softly, you could see his teeth now. His stubbly chin. Dirty blonde. And his lips were scarred, chapped too. "I can feel yer eyes on me, judgin'"
"M'not judgin'.. Just curious. I've never see you before, and I've seen the others..." Trailing off a bit you let your head tilt backward again, facing the ceiling. Simon was quiet, aside from his little huffs and sighs. "So..why do you hide your face, anyways?" Simon growled a bit, not intentionally, just a noise that emitted when he though too deeply. "Just the way things are. Like..grass is green, sky is blue."
"Bullshit, the grass here is brown." The two of you giggled at your words, only going silent when you heard foot steps walking down the hall. Simon quickly put out the cigarette, a towel at the bottom of the door, preventing any of the smoke scent seeping through. After a few moments the feet move passed, letting the two of you release a breath.
"Mm, I dunno why we worried so much. Cap'n can't smell shit." You giggled again. Simon rewarded you with a doting flick to your forehead. You hissed softly at him but he shushed you with a kiss. His body moving to lie next to you, only slightly hovering. He tasted bad - like cigarette, and a bit of mint. You softly gasped in realization, hitting his shoulder, "So you did eat my mints?"
Simon laughed again, tugging his mask down while you lightly sparred his arm for revenge.
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kitkatscabinet · 1 year
Whumptober 02 - Blood loss
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John Mactavish x f! reader
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The metallic stench of blood filled the air, soaking into your nasal passages and staining your tongue. It’s cold, the dampness of the cement wall you’d propped yourself against soaking into the back of your vest and shirt. Your wheezing breaths the only sound present in the dark hallway you’d stumbled into. The radio attached to you crackles but you already know it won’t work. The spray of bullets you hadn’t managed to avoid having rendered the damn thing inoperable.
Another rattling cough shakes your frame, your torso lighting up in pain as your injuries were forcefully jostled. Throwing your head back against the wall you glared at the ceiling, trying to prevent the tears from overflowing. Tears of pain accumulate as you forcefully press down against the bloody hole in your right collarbone. Gritted teeth prevented you from crying out but it was a close thing. It was becoming harder and harder to retain consciousness but you were stubborn. Someone would come for you, you just had to hold on until then.
At some point, you must have closed your eyes because the next thing you knew there was a frantic voice pulling you awake. Blinking, you're greeted with the furrowed brows and concerned blue eyes of your Scottish teammate.
"Soap?" your confusion is blatantly apparent, eyes squinting as you blink sweat and black spots away.
“Aye lass, there’s my good girl. Keep those beautiful eyes open for me, okay?” As much as he's trying to hide his concern, you aren't so far gone that you don't notice the waver in his voice or his mechanical movements. Any wisecrack you had in reply to his flirtation dies on your tongue as he presses down on your wound. You're unable to stop the pained cry his actions draw from your lips, tears sliding down your cheeks in earnest.
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry, it’ll be over soon.” You know he's trying to reassure you, but you honestly think his words are more to comfort himself.
"It'll be over 'cause I'm dead." You wheezed humorlessly, frantically blinking the sweat from your eyes. Soap seems to find your remark as funny as a funeral as he practically snarls at you.
"You're not dying on me. That's an order, you hear?" Despite the blood that has started to coat the inside of your throat, your mouth runs dry at his sudden ferocity. Too stunned to do anything but let yourself be manhandled into standing, Soap practically holding up your entire weight.
“Order me? We’re the same rank dickhead” you snorted, instantly regretting the motion as pain lit up your nerves like fireworks. Your knees buckled briefly, but Soap was a solid wall of muscle that kept you upright.
It's a slow and rough process, with Soap having to practically drag you from the building towards the extraction point.
Maybe it's the delirium brought on by blood loss, or it's the looming reality of your imminent demise but just before you make it to the medics your mouth slips.
“You know, it's usually a lot more fun in my dreams when we're this close.” His eyes burn holes into the side of your face, jaw slackened in your peripheral vision as his grip slackened slightly and you tipped forward for a few seconds. Laughter burns in your chest, as you lose the last of your strength to look into his pretty eyes one last time, the three words you'd been aching to say for months tumbling forth as your breath slowed.
Eyes shuttering closed and body lurching, you don't notice Soap lunge to catch you. Holding you close against his chest as he swore at you to wake up.
That he'd say it back if you listened.
His hands clutched your face, marring your skin with your own blood as his tears painted your brow. "Please lass, wake up so I can say it back" he begged, burying his face into the skin of your still warm neck.
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randomfoggytiger · 2 days
"Probable Cause"
Fictober, Day 3
Taken from @cecilysass's prompt: As part of a case, one or both agents are “cursed” with losing the ability to speak (or whatever case-related reason you want to give it). They have to communicate / argue about causes anyway.
I’M NOT, Scully scribbled, CURSED.
Mulder stood at the other end of the morgue, drawn up to his full height in disapproval. His eyes never left her notepad, squinting as his pinched mouth and bric-a-brac nose twitched in defiance. “You don’t have strep, either.” 
The intern at her side coughed, uncomfortable; then fled with a hurried half-excuse, sneakers streaking across the floor in long squeaks and scuds. His “Oh, sorry-- they’re busy,” wafted in through the door before it clicked decisively shut. 
She stretched her neck sideways, scrunched her eyebrows, cleared her throat. Swollen lymph nodes, throbbing headache, scratchy throat. Strep throat. 
“No fever,” her partner insisted, refusing to let this go. “All your symptoms match the victim's. And if we don’t figure out what is causing this, others... might die as well.” You might, she read in his wince. 
“You both lost your voice after speaking with Magnus Brock. I’d say that’s pretty communicable.”
YOU CAN’T PROVE-- Scully stopped, head aching, hand cramping. Glancing at her partner, she watched Mulder yawn cavernously behind a willowy arm. Three days of worry and bad sleep seemed to crash down at once: although his second yawn was smaller, it was more exhausted, more defeated. 
Autopsy concluded with no leads left to chase, what was the harm in playing along? 
She was dozing against the passenger side window when Mulder's door popped open. They were still parked in front of the hex shop, Scully blurrily concluded, so she couldn't have been waiting more than ten minutes. 
“Got you a little somethin’ somethin.” He handed over a paper bag, trying to speak above its unconscionably loud ruckus. “'Cure-all for hexes, curses, and speech impediments.' The woman behind the desk said to take it before bed on an empty stomach; and to make sure there are no witnesses around 'to divert the will of good' while you chant the disenchantment spell.”  Mulder ignored her incredulous What?, rifling around and drawing out two glass jars and a small, badly sewn pouch. It scratched when he pressed it into her palm. “Hold this in your dominant hand-- used to be the left, but they’ve loosened the rules-- as you drink this elixir,” he continued, placing one of the jars in her other palm, “with a mixture of water. Doesn’t matter if it’s cold, warm, or boiled, so long as it hasn’t been blessed.” 
Mulder-- is what she would say, perhaps, if she could. Instead, she tilted the glass around, peered at the choked and strangled tea weeds inside, and weighed the pros and cons of not following through on her unspoken promise. 
“There’s an ingredient card in the bag,” he added, tilting sideways to secure his seat belt. 
Scully lowered her brew next to its twin, tapped both lids methodically with the tip of her index finger. Two jars.
“Mine’s preventative,” he answered around a yawn-- Mulder’s way of promising, Partners, in all things. 
She wasn’t sure what she expected to happen. Best case scenario, they wouldn’t end up in the hospital with food poisoning caused by some mold or foreign bacteria.
Scully hadn’t expected immediate, agonizing torture. 
She dropped to the bathroom floor, twisting and flailing in her sweat, kicking ineffectually at the door to get Mulder’s attention. It was half a lifetime later before he appeared, grunting and straining as he tried to lift her up and haul her to the bed. Call an ambulance, she wanted to scream before realizing he’d fallen sideways, gasping in pain. His face was contorted and glistening. His focus and grip were slipping. 
“Mulder!” Scully yelled as he vanished from view and the world went black. 
She was pulled from sleep by the phone ringing.
Scully tried to jerk upright; but gave up, collapsing numbly where she'd dropped. Though her fingers wiggled on command, it took a second to register the tingling in her toes. Her lower torso and legs were tangled up in a sheet on the floor; and had lost circulation, crushed under Mulder's askew body. He must've fallen to his knees and crumpled sideways.
He didn’t answer; and for one irrational second, she feared her partner had lost his voice, too. Then Mulder snored, low and long and pleasant. 
Finally, asleep. 
Thanks for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober24.
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sicktember · 1 year
Sicktember 2023 Prompt-Based Resources to Help You Get Started! 💚
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Types of Self Care
everydayhealth.com (comprehensive overview)
mhanational.org (Mental health recovery self-care)
recreation.ku.edu (7 pillars of self-care)
How the Immune System Works
Youtube (basic explanation)
my.clevelandclinic.org (comprehensive overview)
Ways to Avoid Getting Sick
intermountainhealthcare.org (basic prevention)
health.harvard.edu (boosting your immune system)
texaschildrens.org (myths and facts)
merkmanuals.com (fevers in adults)
kidshealth.org (fevers in children)
White Coat Syndrome
healthline.com (white coat hypertension)
wellnesscounselingmilwaukee.com (fear of doctors)
Old Wives Tales
premierhealth.com (colds, fevers, and the flu)
womanshealthmag.com (old wives tales that work)
Anxious Stomach
adaa.org (causes of stomach pain and calming techniques)
psychcentral.com (anxiety and vomiting)
themighty.com (blog post: vomiting during a panic attack)
Cramping Pain
my.clevelandclinic.org (abdominal)
mayoclinic.org (muscle)
reumatology.org (growing pains)
Terms of Endearment
fluentinthreemonths.com (nicknames by language)
joincake.com (nicknames by relationship)
mypetname.com (cute/funny nicknames by relationship)
truecare.org (types of coughs)
coughpro.com (types of coughs- more detail)
foundation.chestnet.org (about coughing)
healthline.com (comprehensive overview)
expedia.ca (worldwide responses to sneezing)
inpactgrouphr.com (worldwide sneeze onomatopoeia and responses)
healthdirect.gov.au (comprehensive overview)
nhs.uk (sudden onset)
Conjunctivitis/Eye Infection
health.maryland.gov (PDF 'pink eye' fact sheet)
demi.org (types of conjunctivitis)
aao.org (how to apply eyedrops w/ an alt method for anxiety)
Uncooperative Patient
seniordirectory.com (written for seniors but very good advice)
kidcarepediatrics.com (giving meds to an uncooperative child)
hpclive.com (tips for handling an angry patient)
side effects/adverse reactions
fda.gov (finding and learning about medication side effects)
mhaus.org (adverse reactions to anesthesia)
buzzrx.com (5 types of meds w/ serious side-effects)
Patient Zero
cdc.gov (monitoring and tracking diseases)
contacttracing.ashm.org.au (how contact tracing works)
dignityhealth.org (four benefits)
somatechnology.com (how hugs affect humans)
medicalnewstoday.com (11 types of headaches)
ninds.nih.gov (comprehensive overview)
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etrsilk · 4 months
killua x reader that has a fever? thank you!
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₊✩‧₊˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐀 𝐙𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐘𝐂𝐊 ⇝ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨: 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘢
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 — ✘
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚 — 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
⎝ 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚:: I didn't know if you wanted a one shot or a Headcanons so I did a bit of both, I hope that suits you! 😭
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It's a rainy day, and you're lying in bed. The heat spreads to the tips of your fingers, and your sweat-soaked back clings to the mattress. You can't stop trembling, and the fatigue prevents you from even getting up. You're eagerly waiting for your boyfriend to return from his mission.
Suddenly, you hear a door open and close. Killua is right there, in the next room, surprised that no one is rushing into his arms to greet him.
"Sweetheart, are you here?"
You hear his gentle, raspy voice, and it motivates you to go see him. Despite everything, you try to get up. You take a few steps before reaching the doorway of the bedroom, facing him. You look at each other, and suddenly, coughing, you lose your balance. Fortunately, before you hit the floor, he catches you and helps you back to bed.
"Are you alright? My God, you're so pale."
He says, touching your forehead.
"And so hot."
You take the hand he placed on your forehead and hold it between yours.
"Don't worry, it's just a fever, it will pass quickly."
"I'll get Leorio, I just left him. He shouldn't be far considering how slow he walks..."
You grab his sleeve and beg him to stay.
"No, stay with me! You can call him later."
Your eyes meet again, his worried eyes shining through your words.
"Alright, I'll stay with you."
You turn over and he wraps his arm around your waist, and you spoon each other. He gently kisses your neck, and you caress his arms, noticing a few more or less serious, very recent injuries.
"Your injuries..."
"It's nothing, rest and don't worry about it."
" they need to be disinfected..."
"I'll do it while I call Leorio."
You smile softly before turning and burying your head in his chest to fall asleep.
➘ Killua tries to prepare your favorite dishes to encourage you to eat, even though your fever has completely taken away your appetite. Despite his efforts not always being successful, he continues with love and determination.
➘ Killua takes care of you as best as he can, trying not to show his worry. His actions are filled with tenderness and dedication, paying attention to every little detail to make you more comfortable.
➘ He does his utmost to ensure you don't have to exert yourself, handling all the daily and household chores. He regularly reminds you to take your medicine and makes sure you stay well-hydrated.
➘ He stays by your side the entire time while you lie in bed, closely monitoring your health. He tries his best to distract you, telling you stories and joking to keep boredom at bay.
➘ To help reduce your temperature, he places a towel soaked in cold water on your forehead, regularly changing the compress to keep it cool and soothing.
—English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!!
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preserving heat ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (01/05/23)
word count ; 1362
content ; threesome, stomach bulging, slim reader, double penetration
fandom ; cookie run
pairing ; milk cookie x male reader x purple yam cookie
read also on ; ao3
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
You’d spent the better part of the evening huddled in your sleeping bag with your thickest blanket tucked up to your chin, too cold to do anything but fester in the pitiful “warmth” provided by your tent. Though the thin fabric barrier between yourself and the outside world did little to muffle the chattering of your teeth and your incessant shuffling about as you tried, in vain, to find a position that would provide you some minimal amount of additional heat to where you were a few seconds before.
It didn’t take long for these sounds to start grating on Purple Yam Cookie, the small amount of patience he still managed to cling onto being quickly eroded by your not-as-quiet-as-intended personal struggle against the elements. And, in order to prevent the other man from becoming either homicidal or suicidal, Milk Cookie popped his head in your tent and provided a solution that had your mouth falling agape and Purple Yam looking more startled than angry.
A threesome.
‘We,’ he gestured between himself and his barbarian partner, ‘are much, well, larger than you and give off way more body heat as a result. The close proximity and movement should warm you up and wear you out, meaning that you can get to sleep and you,’ he looked pointedly at Purple Yam Cookie, ‘don’t have to listen to him shuffling around anymore. It only makes sense,’
When he didn’t receive any response beyond silent, confused staring, he faltered and flushed. Much quieter and unsure of himself when he spoke up again.
‘Or we could find another solution, I suppose,’
‘I mean I’m fine with it,’ you managed, voice coming out in a higher pitch than intended, coughing into your fist before continuing, ‘but I don’t think we even have the right things to do it safely. Like we don’t even have lube -’
‘We do actually,’ Purple Yam interrupted, having finally found his voice, ‘bought it back in Hollyberry, thought it’d come in handy,’
‘Then we’re all up for it?’ Milk continued, smiling broadly when two confirmations followed, ‘Excellent! Now, I’ll go fetch the lubricant…’
And that’s when the most interesting fuck of your life started.
The position you found yourself in was compromising to say the very least: Milk Cookie was in front of you, large warm hands grasping at your thighs and helping you wrap them around his waist; Purple Yam Cookie was behind you, calloused and scarred hands playing with your nipples and pressing his broad chest against your back; you were sandwiched between them, one hand resting on Milk’s chest and the other reaching behind you to grasp at Purple Yam’s shoulder, steadying yourself as you adjusted to the feeling of being so filled. Of having two large, throbbing cocks stuffed into your ass, mercifully still as you gasped and whimpered and adjusted your position to help minimise the ache and strain of it all.
After a few minutes of these minor alterations, the pain had finally settled enough for you to be okay with them moving; a hum that sounded closer to a whimper and a nod that you were just about able to manage. Though, thankfully, that was all they needed.
The feeling of the two of them moving inside of you was strange to say the least. Pleasurable and enjoyable, sure, but it was far from coordinated or synchronised.
Milk Cookie was much more gentle and cautious in his movements, gradually pulling out until just the tip of his cock was inside of you before slowly pushing back in, only stopping when he was fully sheathed inside of you. Calculating enough to watch your expressions and gauge where your p-spot was in order to try and catch it with every thrust and smiling proudly every time you whimpered or moaned or dug your nails further into the pale skin of his chest.
Purple Yam Cookie, meanwhile, was much harsher in his treatment — fucking rather than loving, pounding rather than thrusting and just generally doing everything he could to make a mess of you. His calloused hands were groping at your stomach and chest, toying with your nipples as he relentlessly slammed his hips against yours — his pace shallow and quick and deliciously rough. So harsh that every collision had your body being sent crashing forwards into Milk Cookie’s chest and leaving you unable to do anything but cry out and cling to the two men you were trapped between.
Amongst all of the chaos, you found your eyes drifting between Milk Cookie’s focused expression and your stomach. Specifically, the prominent, twin bulges that moved and slid against each other in time with the thrusts of the two men inside of you — filling you so substantially that you could see them even from the outside for how big they were.
The thought made your head spin and your dick throb.
An ache that was compounded by the practically pornographic sounds that were escaping the men on either side of you: the bitten back grunts and moans that Milk Cookie was trying to muffle by biting his lips; the unrelenting, unabashed moans and grunts that were freely escaping Purple Yam Cookie; the sound of skin slapping against skin combined with the wet sloshing of the lubricant as they slid in and out of your needy asshole. It was all too much and yet, somehow, not enough.
The air was cold but by now you were boiling, inside and out. Veins heated by the white hot pleasure that was flowing through them like a rich liquor. The skin on your back on fire from the overwhelming body heat of the warrior that was pressed so tightly against you that you could feel his heartbeat thrumming against your shoulders — and trace the outline of every scar that was digging into your skin. Your lungs were burning, desperate for air as you continued to moan and whimper and groan and grunt despite yourself — overwhelmed by all of the pleasure you were experiencing.
Overwhelmed until you were given that final push in the form of a well timed brush of Milk Cookie’s pelvis against your neglected cock, and fell over the edge of climax. Falling with a mind filled with thoughts in the shapes of thick cocks and wandering hands, with their moans and grunts and groans echoing repeatedly — the erotic backdrop to your orgasm. Your heart was racing, your lungs were burning, your vision was filled with splotches and blurs of white light, and you were too far gone to do anything but moan and cry out and let out damn-near-incoherent pleas for more.
And it was your climax — and the sounds you made and the way you looked — that proved to be the undoing of the other two men.
Purple Yam came first: burying himself in you entirely and filling your ass with his cum as he finished with a startlingly loud cry of ‘fuck’. His grip, which had since moved down to your sides, became bruising and his head fell forwards to rest on top of yours — with you just about able to see his dreads falling over your shoulders in the corners of your eyes.
Then went Milk Cookie, who came with a final stuttering thrust and a whimper that sounded close to a prayed before his head fell back and his mouth fell open. Not bothering to pull out and just letting the mixture of his and Purple Yam’s seed slowly seep out of your hole — onto them and you and the floor.
The three of you stayed like that for a while, unmoving and just basking in the afterglow as you all collectively came down from your highs. Catching your breath, waiting for your trembling limbs to stabilise so you didn’t fall and revelling in the feeling of being full (or filling you) until their dicks were too soft and they were forced to pull out and help you lay back down.
You were exhausted and covered in a mixture of cum and sweat — but, as good as their word, they had helped you warm up. But, either way, you couldn’t find it in you to complain.
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Sick Day Magic
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It may come as a shock to some that I am, in fact, a human being and not a 500 year old oak tree with internet access. /j
Being human, and actually being alive, means you will get sick! Exploring biology for my biomed degree has taught me a lot of things about virus's, bacteria, and how exactly they work! For example: All living things can be effected by virus's, they are nanometers big for that reason, and not much is known about their origins here on earth which is really cool! With that said, every living thing gets sick, and with that we can pair magic to help us through our sick days!
I know I am, simply because I am writing to you now while on sick leave from all 3 of my jobs. Currently the summer flu has hit our home really hard, so lets talk about recovery!
Obvious disclaimer before getting started: Doctors, medical professionals, and health organizations are here to help you. This post is not to discourage you from using modern medicine, or seeing a doctor when you need one. I actually am very much against using spiritual bypassing to discredit medical research, especially as someone who is entering the medical field. If you are sick it is always important to speak with your doctor before trying any holistic remedies, especially if you are on medications that can conflict with herbal supplements. Know the warning signs for when symptoms escalate. This post is mainly about illnesses that can be treated at home and go away within a couple days or weeks (cold, flu, etc)
Lets get started!
How do living things get sick?
To keep this as simple as possible, living beings get sick from small organisms in a couple different classifications. You have virus's, bacteria, fungi, or parasites, and they all have one goal: to use your body as a host! Some things cant reproduce on their own like virus's so they hijack your cells, some things feed off of you and your daily body functions like parasites! In all, we are exposed to all sorts of pathogens, and our body will react with the nasty symptoms like fevers, chills, coughing, vomiting, and more because your body is trying to fight off all the pathogens using your body to reproduce. There are some circumstances where medical intervention is required however, for things like the common cold, flu, and sore throat you can find remedies over the counter!
All living things get sick, including tree's, seals, and even grasses. These pathogens are really good at evolving with us!
What did people do historically?
Before the introduction of germ theory in the 1860's, and the introduction of modern medicine in the 19th century cultures all around the world were still evolving to combat common sicknesses! From medieval Europe using cupping and leaches which assisted in medical standards and theories, to indigenous tribes using the herbs around them to pave the way for medications, cultures all over the world had their own tips and tricks for staying healthy!
In general most cultures followed a 3 way system, prevention, coping, and resistance, where methods were followed to assist in times of sickness. Often times they had distinct prayers and rituals, and would combine it with local remedies and folklore to help the general population.
Later on, herbs would pave the way for medicine as scientists discovered exactly what about an herb could help someone and isolate it into a pill, salve, or tincture!
What is some illness prevention magic?
When getting vaccinated create a prayer or chant to not only take your mind off it, but also for a metaphysical boost
leave offerings to gods of health during cold and flu season by your front door, and leave offerings to spring gods during pollen season by windows
have fire tonic, elderberry syrup, and lions main mushroom tinctures prepared (reminder: always consult a doctor)
Keep crystals like jade, green aventurine, and carnelian by your bed for health
Keep fresh flowers in the home, as scents can represent healing
Visualize sickness being repelled away from you as you practice hygiene
keep sigils in your shoes to 'draw illness back to the earth'
Mundanely make sure you are also having regular checkups (if you cant afford to see a doctor regularly, see what option you have for free clinics, or public health options like medicaid in the US), going to see your dentist because the teeth has a lot to do with health, and practicing good health habits can all be really helpful with preventing illness
What is some illness coping magic?
When sick, keep lavender and chamomile under your pillow as a sleep aid
Contrary to popular belief: Don't burn incense when you have a stuffy nose because the smoke will irritate your nose, instead use a humidifier and optionally put essential oils in it for drainage
take healing spiritual showers
create soft broths, and plain foods using kitchen magic and infusing it with intentions
Optionally if you are having trouble eating because of vomiting or fever, enchant your water bottle with healing energy with even just a simple chant
Put cold or hot compress on pressure points, optionally while you rest research what those pressure points symbolize and how you can translate that into your healing rituals from bed
visualize a healing green or blue light enveloping places that may hurt like joints or the head
Listen to gentle music or healing subliminal during naps to draw out illnesses
enchant your tissue box so every tissue you use is one less you have to use later
create a salve using willow or birch bark, camphor, mint, and chamomile for a soothing joint pain relief
Enchant medications with chants or sigils on the bottle
Mundanely, we see a lot of spiritual hacks, don't put garlic in your nose (The only reason you think it works is because it irritates your nose lining creating mucus), don't use elderberry (It puts your immune system in over drive when you are already sick and actually hinders the healing process), its better to limit herbal and holistic approaches other than things that are rich in things your body needs like fruits, veggies, and electrolytes!
Recovery goes into this much like prevention, our bodies begin to process and understand the invaders making it less likely for you to get infected by the same problem again, however as mutations grow, make sure you are taking care of yourself!
Spiritually, your body is a temple, and its the only one you have, love it and it will love you back, take care of it and it will take care of you back. As a human being I recognize the struggle that concept can be. Its easy for someone to say "just sleep lmao" without having insomnia for example. In general, finding a routine that works for you, your body, and your mind is very important! You are a spiritual being, but you are also human! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that modern medicine is out trying to hurt you, because there are people out there like me who will stand for making the medical field a safer and better place! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that your sickness is because of "bad karma" or that your "low vibes" or something silly like that because the truth is, you get sick because you are alive. Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
Fair winds friends!
And remember, if you took nothing away from this I will say it again, Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
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astrox · 1 year
ᝰ ⊹ . · 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 / 𝟎𝟐
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not proofread (too lazy)
ᝰ ⊹ . · 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀
⇾ description of injuries and cause of death
ᝰ ⊹ . · 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒
( previous chapter )
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Your body couldn't move against the weight on top of you. You couldn't breathe, smoke clogged your lungs. You were drifting in and out of consciousness. The debris crushing your body kept you pinned as the fire roared above you. Only your hand could slip between the cracks and signal to anyone nearby that you were trapped, pleading for someone to rescue you. 
Snatched up from the pile of rubble, you found yourself in the arms of your older brother. His appearance looked wild, his s/c skin covered in blood and ash. The state of his face frightened you the most. Often seen with a smile on his face, half of his face is burned to a crisp.
 "F-found you, Little Red," He muttered over the crack of the blaze. He carried your body like it was nothing and limped towards the exit whilst you coughed profusely. 
"B-brother...your face," You whimpered, reaching out to touch. 
"I'll be fine," He assured you, slipping off his pinky ring. The second your fingers graze your brother's wounds, he disappears after he slips his ring onto your right ring finger. Your vision is cloudy until you find yourself surrounded by more fire. 
Sometimes, you dreamt of the past. It's nothing more than a blur the more your memories slowly forget all that has happened. The fire. The town. Your Father, and Mother. Your brothers. It always ends the same, walking out of the flaming building untouched by its fiery grip and to the villagers' shock, you appear to have spawned from hell. 
"Monster! Murderer! Burn Her!"
"No no no! Stop it!" The tips of your fingers turned black, revealing the darkness hiding within you. Flaring images plagued your mind, preventing you from seeing what was real or fake. While everything continued to fall apart, the charred hands of your family emerged from the blaze and grabbed onto your body. 
"Brother help me!" You cried feeling your body being lifted off the ground. Against your wishes, the hands of your family begin to pull you back into the inferno. You fight, clawing at the flaking skin, grabbing hold of whatever your hands can reach and holding on tight. 
You needed to know why you were robbed of a family. Why you were the only one left alive? Everyone you know is leaving you behind and you won't be able to remember them. To mourn their deaths without memory is far worse than living in isolation. Without Winter, you'll forever be alone. Who's to say that when you leave this world who would be there to remember you?  
Awaken by a tongue licking your hand, you jumped seeing Winter standing beside your bed. You leaned up coated in cold sweat and examined your hands. Nothing covered your fingers and your brother's ring sat perfectly on your finger. Sighing in relief, you settled beneath your covers and felt your pup jump onto your mattress. Winter snuggling against your leg always comforted you at this times like these. It lets you know that you're not alone and you were grateful for it. 
Raising your right arm above your face, you looked over the ring. For some unknown reason, you've sensed something each time you stared at the ring. You don't what it was as the trouble has been bugging you since you possessed the ring. Then again, you were unable to remember most of your past. One nightmare after the other, the memories of your loved ones fade away. You don't want to forget. You just wanted to know the truth. 
A stinging sensation in your head forced out a hiss. It was happening again. Sitting up in a flash, you gripped the right side of your head, lamenting in pain. Quickly, you breathed in and slowly to ease the pulsing feeling, rubbing circles against your temple and where the pain stemmed from. You did this for a while until the pain subsided and you downed the glass of water sitting on your nightstand.
The first thing you did in the morning after every nightmare was write down all that you could remember in a journal. You wrote down about your brother's injury, the villagers, your fingers turning black, and your family's hands emerging from the fire. Everything you wrote over the years seemed out of place—like the pieces of a puzzle placed in the wrong spots. Then a thought.
"Little Red," You read after writing it down the page. "My brother called me little red," 
Ending your entry there, you looked around your bedroom before they land on your red hood, hanging on a coat rack. You walked over to the rack and took the hood along with some clothes to change into. 
For hours, you tended the wolfman in your old room. Concerns over a fever came to pass almost instantly. The warmth radiating from this stranger's body was merely his body temperature returning to normal, which was good news. You believed that he possessed healing factors that worked two times faster than humans. As always, you leave a plate of food beside his bed if he wakes up during the day. If the food hadn't been touched, you'd feed it to Winter or use it in your garden as compost. 
Every day, you grew cautious of the hunters searching around your area. Thanks to the trees and Winter distracting them, you'd sneak by during your herb gathering. However, as you'd watch them lay out the bear traps after you noticed a familiar face. The man you saw across the river. You've got a better look at his appearance. Short black hair, pale blue eyes with unusual pink coloured eyelashes. Your eyes spotted the tattoos on his forearms, marking him a criminal for life.
Situated on the root of a tree was another man, tall, young, with long platinum blonde hair and rainbow-coloured eyes. The man eyes the black-haired man, then laughs. "Hey, Akaza! Did you know the saliva of a wolf has antiseptic properties? I wonder if that works for hybrids. If wonder if humans can do that too," 
"Would you shut the hell up Douma and help me with these traps," Akaza demands, hiding a set trap under some leaves. He reached around for another before he starts moving to another spot.
"Imagine the hybrid we're looking for trying to lick its wounds, but it can't reach!" The man laughs. Despite Akaza's annoyed snarks, Douma continues to test his partner's patients without giving him a hand at laying down bear traps. Instead, he plays around with the fans he kept hanging on his belt. 
"It's a shame that Kokushibou couldn't join us. He's a better conversationalist after all." Douma frowned, slumping against a tree trunk. Akaza rolled his eyes, separating the bear trap by its teeth. "And too bad, we couldn't keep the money we made from Yahaba's armour. I need new clothes that go well with my fans. Blue, black maybe re-"
"Just shut up already!" 
Not wanting to draw any more attention to yourself, you sneaked away and pulled your hood over your head. You spoke. "I need to be more careful coming this way,"
You returned to that spot late at night, tossing a stick to trigger any bear traps. Startled by a few sprouting out of their hiding places, you jumped back. The chain reactor rather quickly, causing you to sigh in relief before you retreated. Meanwhile, back at your cottage, another suffers from his own nightmares. A little boy standing in the dark, scared and alone. This boy fidgets with his fingers before his lips part and calls out a name.
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© 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎 — all works belong to astrox! do not plagiarize, recommend, or translate my work without my permission
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keroseneinhalers · 2 years
1. use saline solution to flush out your sinuses. NEVER just use tap water you will get bacteria all up in there. people have gotten their brains eaten by viruses that way. use sterile saline and itll prevent sinus infections
2. mix up salt and water until its Almost too salty to bear then gargle as long as you can. loosens up chest phlegm and prevents throat infection
3. when you take showers put your head under the water and alternate between as hot as you can stand and as cold as you can stand. loosens up congestion
4. every morning, use cupped palms or closed fists to GENTLY drum your chest and cough up whatever comes loose. this used to be used as physical therapy for people with cystic fibrosis, and now it is used for You to keep from getting pneumonia.
5. drink more. drink more than that. you should be a Little worried about getting water poisoning. drink that much.
6. eat garlic, tumeric, honey, ginger, avocados, fish, etc. DO NOT eat the bread and candy you want to. your body is LYING to you viruses depend on making you crave things you DO NOT need. drink broth with garlic/ginger and tea with honey and youll be fine
7. stretch. your body feels like shit your head is gonna explode idc. you have to stretch. get up and walk every now and then. not stretching makes congestion and phlegm settle in your body. stretch.
8. find a clean sock. put dried beans or rice in it. microwave it. BOOM heating pad youre welcome. if its too hot: wrap a washcloth around it. use this to treat clogged/painful ears.
9. TAKE YOUR DECONGESTANTS this is not a drill. also if youre a girl or a trans guy youre not crazy: decongestants make your mucous membranes work overtime and that INCLUDES the ones that make vaginal discharge thats why it smells like mucinex. not tmi just factual
10. if youre not a crazy rich motherfucker who can afford hot water showers always, boil a big pot of water on the stove. put a towel over it and put your head under the towel like a cave. helps with sinuses.
11. you can use a vibrator on your face to fix your sinuses. if you dont have one: turn the washing machine on spin and faceplant ig??
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k11ty · 2 years
Artist: @154_Doge on twt
Tw: vomit
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"What's wrong? Can't breathe?" You were definitely mocking his condition, was the Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers actually this weak? Just a simple punch to the stomach drove him to double over and fall to his knees, hugging his lower half. He was in total shock, big blue eyes widening as tears threaten to slide down his cheeks. Were you testing him? A loud, watery splatter makes you study him more.
"What the fuck...?" You raise your eyebrow at the sound, realizing that the youngest had vomited on the ground and shoes. Your shoes. He let out a series of throaty coughs, hastily bringing a hand to muffle them. He struggles to swallow down the tears and you grab him hard on each bicep, pulling him up with you. His tearful visions hesitantly met your glare, it smelled disgusting having his breath in your face. The lower of Childe's face was soaked with puke, the half-digested food clinging to the side of his mouth and down his chin. The liquid trickles between what maintained a soiled form and was trickling down the collar of his red undershirt and your shoes.
A wet exhale leaves a string of vomit trailing out his mouth before opening his mouth again to talk. "M'sorry...sir" he exhales shakily, he shivers again, his tongue coming into contact with the gross texture covering his mouth. Every breath he takes and exhales sends a putrid smell through your nose. "If you're really sorry, then you should get down on your knees and start cleaning your mess, Eleventh." Your tone was cold and bitter, Childe obeyed almost immediately when you loosen your grip on his face and arms.
"You can start by cleaning my shoes, then lick up what you spilled on the ground. Do you think the other Harbingers want to see disgusting vomit on the training grounds?" His ginger brows knitted together as he gazed down at the vomit. In extreme disgust, both lips are only slightly raised, he wanted to vomit again. Childe can't remember when he last puked, it must have been when he was a baby and he can't think it was this bad. He really didn't feel good at all...
"What are you waiting for, are you really that useless" you roll your eyes, and he looks up at you with his arms around his abdomen still. He finally bends down, closing his eyes and sticking out his tongue. he starts at the pointed tip of the shoe, ever so slightly scuffed, he tastes gritty filth and leather. The cold vomit made touch with the tastebuds on his tongue and he think he might puke again, but this time all over your foot. Both palms slap over his mouth to prevent vomiting, he was using all of his might to hold back from puking all over you again.
A whimper, still quiet but louder than any sound he's made since he had gotten here. "Come on, don't you want to be done with it? You were doing so good already!" Sarcasm. He knows it was. Not letting him collect himself in time, you kick him punitively, digging your soled foot into his shoulder to exhort it into the floor, his face now smearing in his own vomit. Childe let out a distressed grunt as you pry his arms from the warmth of his gut. He didn't dare to move them from their protected position, 'letting' you spike the various stitches and stapled incisions along his torso.
"You disgusting brat..." he hears you snarl, nearly muffled through his screaming. You shut him up by beating his freckled face into the stone floor, his eyes clamp shut. Bits of nasal bones choked him off with the drizzle of blood. Childe huffs through his nose and he felt the blood pour out from his nostrils like a waterfall. You release the grip on his messy hair and onto his face and neck, holding him up. You snicker, bringing his bloody face close to yours to take in the scent of fresh blood and vomit. A fetid smell caught your nose, you look down to see Childe pissing himself out of fear. You release him and his body collapses to the floor as he hits his head again, and you only look at him with disgust, the smell of concentrated urine and vomit was unbearing. It takes Childe a moment before he gains consciousness and realizes that he had urinated himself in fear.
"Disgusting pig" you spit, your voice echoing as you walk away from him. He unconsciously moves his hands over his face and cries, eyes wide open though and heavy breathing.
He can't belive you noticed him.
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rodolfoparras · 4 days
Helloooo again!! How are you today? I’ve been feeling so sick for the past few days rn and it’s honestly killing me. I got a whole package of the sickness.
Like I got a itchy throat, a heavy stuff nose, and a irritating headache. I’m here laying on my bed typing this out while I cough and sneeze violently.
Hello my little love!! I and doing okay today a wee bit of an achy day since my foot loves to be a pain in the ass but otherwise okay 🫶🏻 oh man I’m so sorry to hear you caught a nasty cold 😭😭😭 as a premium member of the nasty cold club I’d like to share some tips to at least ease the stuffed nose issues;
If you sleep with your mouth open (since your nose is stuffed) sleep with a wet towel over your mouth! This is to prevent your throat from drying out or just putting too much strain on the poor thing
Another good thing is to fill up a smaller bottle with hot water and put it on tbe sides of your nose it promotes blood flow it eases the ache at least temporarily and in general feels good
Another thing to do is to massage, not the side of your nose but the little grooves before them, give it a soft tissue massage and I promise you your nose will be unclogged
In regards to headache my best tip is tie something tightly around your it relieves tension headaches
I hope you feel better soon little peach!’
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