#Seasonal Allergy Tips
guideoflife · 1 year
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journeys-of-miso · 1 year
As we are violently thrust into allergy season - and with it, disgusting amounts of sniffling and nose-dragging and coughing and throat clearing - here are some tips and tricks to help you not lose your mind :)
- Always have some gum with you. The sound of your own chewing will help to block out the sound of everything else!
- If you have long hair, wear it down. It helps to block your peripheral vision, which makes it easier to try to ignore people making mouth sounds so you don't snap and them and sound like a crazy person.
- Bring backup ear protection! I usually have headphones on, but headphones can die. So in addition to the headphones, I have 2 pairs of earbuds and 3 pairs of earplugs in my bag, plus a portable battery to charge my headphones (which I have had to use before).
- Also, know how to make makeshift earplugs (just in case). You will need gum for this! Depending on how big your ears are, chew up 2-3 pieces of gum until they're soft enough to easily mold, but not too soft to easily hold a shape. Wrap in paper towel/aluminum foil (just enough to cover the gum so it won't stick to anything) and stick it in your ear.
*this is not foolproof, and I wouldn't recommend doing it on a regular basis because there is still a potential that gum will get stuck in your ear, but it has gotten me out of some emergency situations.
- Remember that these people are not trying to hurt you. They don't know that you have misophonia, and don't realize that their sounds affect you. They have no malicious intent towards you.
-Keep on feeling the love,
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bitletsanddrabbles · 1 year
Tips For Portraying Allergies In Writing
There are all sorts of posts out there on how to portray things in writing. Emotions, action, dancing, being drunk, competitive ping pong, etc. And enough people have allergies that you'd think this doesn't need one...but I realized today that it kind of does. First off, there are different kinds of allergies. I can't speak to a lot of them - such as food allergies* - because I don't have that problem. Feel free to reblog this and expand. Second off, there are a lot of different symptoms for different allergies and they crop up differently in different people. For instance Mum and my cousin are both allergic to cottonwoods, but while they both have eye problems, Mum's itch and are accompanied by a scratchy throat while my cousin's just water like crazy.
So today at work as I was struggling to eat my last break snack in between breaths, I decided I'd make a post with some details of allergy suffering that are a bit more interesting than the usual 'the person with hay fever sneezed and looked through watery eyes'.
Here we go. Feel free to use any of this, to add to it, to provide medical reasoning, to commiserate, whatever.
You can develop allergies. I feel like most people know this, but it bears repeating because it can be an interesting detail. When I was younger, I went through a phase where orange juice made me break out in a rash, but that went away. I was first tested for actual allergies in my 20s and had nothing. I am now allergic to dust mites and grass pollen. I had a former coworker who developed an allergy to chocolate...which she loved. You can have lots of character angst with this! Also people who have known you for a long time frequently display a certain degree of surprise unless they've gone through a similar experience.
Everyone knows how to cure allergies. EVERYONE. The second you say you're suffering, you will be treated to an endless barrage of 'Oh, use this steroid spray! It fixes everything!", "You need X brand of saline nasal spray. It's the only thing that works!", "Have you tried Y brand antihistamine? I swear by it!" Never fails. Now, if you've developed your allergies, it's best to listen to all of this and look into it. I've tried all of the above except the nasal sprays because I am super leery of anything that might mess with my sense of smell. The saline sprays don't work for me, but I've found one brand of antihistamine that...helps. Usually. Depending on the day. Once you've been dealing with them for awhile, though, you've heard most everything and the whole things just gets very annoying.
Meds can stop working. This can be abrupt or gradual, but when there's only one thing that works for you, it sucks big time.
Symptoms are generally not consistent. They will be better or worse depending on the time of day. They will change over the course of the allergy attack. I'm not sure all of the reasons for this. A lot of people have problems in the morning, when allergens have managed to settle in their system overnight (and if your problem is dust mites, bedding is a huge place for them!). I also get them really bad at night, to the point that when I first started having problems a coworker was convinced I needed to dust my bedroom because nothing I said could convince her that 'night' meant 'after sunset regardless of location' and not 'in bed'.
Combining the last two points, the meds that work well on one set of symptoms may not do so well on later ones. Last Wednesday when the pollen level spiked and I woke up in the middle of the night unable to breathe, one pill had me back to normal. The next two and a half days were itchy eyes, low grade sinus pressure, and just enough post nasal drip to be uncomfortable and make my throat scratch, but it would have been So Much Worse without the meds! As we've moved past that stage and into the 'well, there's not much actual pressure, but my sinuses are packed with concrete and I sound like it', they've stopped doing anything, which is super annoying. Why? See the next point.
As stated above, it's quite common to have allergy laden characters sneeze every time they're near an open window, but somehow, unless it's a cartoon, they never pull out a handkerchief or grab a facial tissue to deal with the after math. I've four handkerchiefs that need washing from the past three days at work. People really don't address other issues. Having to sleep with your mouth open, which leads to bad tastes, dehydration, poor sleep, etc., for instance. Or, the one I alluded to in the intro - having to choose between breathing comfortably and eating. One of the reasons soup is such a good go to at this point is that you don't have to chew, so the fact you basically have to inhale, intake food, swallow, exhale, inhale again is a bit more doable. Actual chewy foods are terrible and eating neatly with your mouth closed is not happening, sorry. Brushing your teeth is also incredibly unpleasant.
Year round allergies can still have 'seasons'. Dust mites, for instance, see upswings in autumn, when everyone turns on their heating units and leaves are falling everywhere, etc., and spring...which I believe is mating season. I know my doctor told me why that one, but I can't quite remember. Pretty sure it was mating season.
While having people give you 'must use' remedies is annoying, there is still a certain comfort in other allergy sufferers, especially ones who show the same symptoms in much the same manner. One of my coworkers who also has grass allergy asked me a question today in a not-quite-so-nasally-but-still-congested voice and immediately responded with recognition and sympathy to the tone of my reply. We spent a good several minutes comparing notes and yup, same symptoms start to finish. Misery does indeed love company.
And that's all I'm being able to scrape out of my sinuses brain right now. I may add more later, as things progress, or other people say things that remind me of other things or...you know. Whatever. In the meantime, I hope someone finds this useful.
*it's worth noting that while I'm not actually allergic to food, I have a weird and annoyingly inconsistent sensitivity to tomato products. Pizza sauce has never bothered me, but tomato based spaghetti sauces run the gamut from 'fine' to 'my lips tingle' to 'I have a mouth full of fire ants that have flayed the skin off of my tongue'. The same product will give different results on different days, although fortunately the last one only happened twice when well meaning friends served me 'nice organic tomato sauce'. Best guess is it's something to do with the acidity.
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transbot-brian · 2 years
hayfever girlies do you have some radical tips and tricks to stave off the eternal urge to kill something?
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familythings · 14 days
How to Combat Autumn Allergies Effectively
As autumn settles in, it brings a wave of seasonal challenges, especially for those sensitive to allergies. The crisp air often triggers sneezing fits, a strong bodily reaction that can project viruses and allergens into the environment. While sneezing is a common symptom, it’s just one of many that come with autumn allergies. Other troublesome signs include nasal congestion, runny noses, itchy…
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Spring brings a burst of life and color, but for those with asthma, it can also bring a wave of challenges. The increase in pollen and other allergens can trigger asthma symptoms, making it difficult to breathe. As a provider of urgent care in Mountain House, California, we understand how critical it is to manage asthma effectively during this season. Let’s discuss some practical tips and strategies to keep your asthma under control while enjoying the beauty of spring.
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ahealthylife411 · 2 months
Natural Remedy For Allergies & Hay Fever - Clinically Proven - Daily Hea...
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airtamer · 5 months
Impact of Wildfires on Summer Air Quality and How to Stay Safe with AirTamer
Here you will read: 
Link between Wildfires and Air Quality
Particulate Matter and Its Effects
Formation of Ground-Level Ozone
Role of AirTamer in Preserving Air Quality
Other Measures to Mitigate Wildfire-Related Air Pollution
As summer approaches, many of us are excited to spend more time outdoors and plan trips. However, with the increasing number of wildfires in recent years, it’s important to consider their impact on air quality and the potential risk to our health. Wildfires not only pose a direct threat to affected areas, but they also contribute to a range of air pollution factors, making it crucial to be mindful of our personal health.
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In this blog post, we will explore the intricate relationship between wildfires and summer air quality, shedding light on the varying impacts and offering insights into how we can protect ourselves from harmful air pollution.
The Link between Wildfires and Air Quality:
Wildfires can have a profound impact on air quality, both locally and on a regional scale. During a wildfire, organic matter, vegetation, and other materials release a range of pollutants into the atmosphere, including particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO). These pollutants can have significant consequences for air quality and human health.
Particulate Matter and Its Effects:
One of the primary pollutants emitted during wildfires is particulate matter, commonly referred to as PM. These tiny airborne particles can penetrate deep into our respiratory system, potentially leading to respiratory issues and exacerbating existing conditions such as asthma and allergies. Additionally, PM can reduce visibility and create hazy conditions, affecting not only air quality but also overall well-being.
The Formation of Ground-Level Ozone:
Wildfires can also contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, a harmful pollutant and a key component of smog. The intense heat from wildfires can trigger chemical reactions between VOCs and NOx, leading to the production of ozone. High levels of ground-level ozone can have detrimental effects on respiratory health, particularly for vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory conditions.
To Read this full article click on the below link:
Best Air Purifier For Wildfire Smoke
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organichealingoils · 5 months
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ajaiswal654321 · 5 months
Schedule routine ear exams for | early issue detection
Understand the importance of regular ear care during spring months. Book an appointment with Village pharmacy for proper ear care through earwax removal.
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helth-product11 · 5 months
Breathing Easier and Feeling Revitalized with Product Seatox
For years, I've struggled with seasonal allergies. The sniffles, itchy eyes, and constant congestion took a toll on my daily life. I tried various over-the-counter medications, but the relief was often temporary and came with unwanted side effects. Determined to find a more natural solution, I decided to explore alternative options.
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Discovering the Power of Marine Phytoplankton
My research led me to Product Seatox, a supplement derived from marine phytoplankton. The idea of harnessing the power of the ocean to improve my health intrigued me. Phytoplankton are microscopic marine plants that are the foundation of the ocean's food chain. They're packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Product Seatox specifically focuses on a unique blend of these marine phytoplankton strains, hoping to deliver their health benefits in a convenient capsule form.
Noticeable Improvement in Allergy Symptoms
After incorporating Product Seatox into my daily routine, I began to notice a positive shift in my allergy symptoms. The constant sniffles and congestion gradually subsided. My eyes felt less irritated, and I could finally breathe freely without the struggle that had become a daily norm.
I was impressed by how quickly I felt the effects. Within a few weeks of consistent use, the allergy symptoms that had plagued me for years were significantly reduced. This newfound relief allowed me to participate in outdoor activities and spend more time in nature without the worry of allergy flare-ups.
Enhanced Energy Levels and Overall Well-being
Beyond just alleviating allergy symptoms, Product Seatox seems to have had a positive impact on my overall well-being. I noticed an increase in my energy levels throughout the day. The fatigue I often experienced, especially during allergy season, has become a thing of the past.
I believe this boost in energy is due to the presence of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids in the supplement. These nutrients are essential for various bodily functions, and having them readily available seems to contribute to a more energized and revitalized feeling.
A Safe and Natural Approach to Wellness
One of the things I appreciate most about Product Seatox is its natural formulation. Unlike some over-the-counter allergy medications that can cause drowsiness or other side effects, this supplement seems very gentle on my system.
The fact that it's derived from marine phytoplankton, a natural source of vital nutrients, gives me peace of mind. I feel confident that I'm nourishing my body with something beneficial while managing my allergies.
A Valuable Addition to My Wellness Routine
Product Seatox has become a staple in my daily wellness routine. It's helped me manage my allergies effectively, experience increased energy levels, and feel more revitalized overall. If you're struggling with allergies or simply looking for a natural way to boost your well-being, I highly recommend giving Product Seatox a try. It's a safe, natural solution that has made a significant positive difference in my life.(click here more about )
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guideoflife · 9 months
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farmacialasamericas · 10 months
Homeopathy treads a unique path in treating allergies, and any pharmacy in West Palm Beach, Florida, knows this. Rather than suppressing symptoms, it aims to act on the causative factors triggering them. The concept is similar to giving a body a small dose of what it reacts against, gradually building immunity—like a vaccine, but without damaging side effects. The frequently used homeopathic remedies for allergies are Allium Cepa, Natrum Mur, and Euphrasia.
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roshni99 · 1 year
Health Matters Live: on Everything you need to know about allergies!#live #raphalive #allergies
🌼 "Unveiling Allergies: Your Curiosity Answered!" 🌼 Step into the realm of "Health Matters Live," your gateway to intriguing health insights! Join us for a captivating live streaming event as our expert panelists unlock the secrets surrounding allergies. Satisfy your curiosity, pose questions, and unravel the mysteries of allergies – from enigmatic triggers to surprising symptoms, and innovative management techniques. Visit: www.raphacure.com #AllergyCuriousLive #ExploringAllergies #MystifyingTriggers #ExpertRevelations #CuriosityUnleashed #AskTheHealthExplorers #SymptomSurprises #EmpowerYourUnderstanding #StayCuriousStayInformed Don't miss this chance to quench your curiosity about allergies, with insights not only from our panelists but also from www.raphacure.com, where health is an intriguing journey. 🌱 allergies,seasonal allergies,allergic reaction,nut allergies,allergie,food allergies,allergen,allergist,why are my allergies so bad,tips allergies,allergies cure,mild allergies,allergic rhinitis,adult allergies,child allergies,allergic reactions,spring allergies,pollen allergies,peanut allergies,common allergies,allergic,fighting allergies,allergies symptoms,children allergies,allergies explained,what causes allergies allergies allergies class 12 allergies symptoms allergies and antics scary teacher allergies home remedies allergies treatment allergies remedies allergies dr berg allergies meaning in hindi allergies in babies skin allergies if any allergies symptoms skin
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"Say Goodbye to Seasonal Allergies with These 8 Allergy-Fighting Foods!"
Are you tired of constantly dealing with the frustrating signs of seasonal allergies? It can be challenging to enjoy the beautiful spring weather when you're constantly battling sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Luckily, there are natural remedies that can help alleviate your symptoms, and one of the most effective ways to do so is through your diet.
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Check out this poster on "Say Goodbye to Seasonal Allergies with These 8 Allergy-Fighting Foods!" to discover how you can combat allergies with simple dietary changes.
So breathe easy again and learn more about seasonal allergies with Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.
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carmenized-onions · 5 months
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You get an unexpected call from an old friend in need of an emergency repair on her opening night.
Good thing: that's kind of your whole gig.
Bad thing: you've been avoiding the Berzatto family since the funeral.
pairing; Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto & Fem Reader, but also like, reader's friends with the entire crew (esp Richie, Syd & posthumously Mikey), so if you're just here for the platonic fun of those dynamics, pls enjoy!
tasting notes; slowest of slow burns, semi-strangers (you'll see) to friends to lovers. lot of hurt/comfort. there will be angst, cause it's FX's The Bear.
portion; in progress!!
recommended listening; handmade spotify playlist.
faq; if you got some Qs
kofi; tip your repairman! if you want.
possible allergies; fully spoils the entire series (par for season 3, as I'm writing this ahead of release, so, p.s if you're from the future: off-canon). I've never written smut before and I couldn't tell you if I'm gonna be willing to try by the end of this-- So if that's your thing, temper thine expectations! Mikey is very central to the reader's background-- which is also quite padded, so def prep the brain for a more in-depth look at his passing and struggles w/ addiction. No Y/N, just a FUCK ton of nicknames.
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Tony, Terry, Tommy? | Walk-In Hotfix
Do the Thing! | Toilet Repair
Pretty. | Bolting Down Booths
I Want To. | Wellness Check
Where To? | Delivery Fees
Doing Too Much. | House Call
The Other Shoe | Consultation
Carved In. | Separate Invoice
Ad Interim. | No Service
Zero Pulse. | Oven Hotfix
Just Dropped. | Missing Invoice
Something to Do. | Catering
Two Steps Back. | Advanced Payment
Don't Say It. | Closing Out
Loosen Your Grip. | R & D (FINALLY!!)
Repairman's got reduced hours now, call back later.
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