#Code Exercise
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infernal-lamb · 1 year ago
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Searching your eyes for the saint is an act of futility
something that's just been on my mind recently!
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scealaiscoite · 1 year ago
reasons for there to be only one bed ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
¹⁾ they’re undercover as a married couple, and as such need to act like one
²⁾ there’s technically two beds available, but it’s freezing cold and everybody knows body heat works best
³⁾ it’s a camping trip, and one character’s forgotten their sleeping bag
⁴⁾ a character goes to their friend’s house after an emotional upheaval in search of comfort, and ends up staying the night - but refuses to kick the homeowner out of their own bed, resulting in the two of them sharing it
⁵⁾ in a roommate scenario, one character’s bedroom has been rendered unusable - and with the couch being unsustainable in the long run, they proffer sharing the one remaining bed as a solution
⁶⁾ there are two beds, but only one blanket
⁷⁾ a character’s taken ill, and the other party worries too much to leave them alone for even a minute
⁸⁾ in a fit of anger after a mission gone wrong, both characters sleep in the only available bed because no one was chivalrous to offer to take the floor
⁹⁾ a character’s had a nightmare, and needs company to feel safe enough to go back to sleep
¹⁰⁾ the weather takes a tumultuous turn, meaning a late night hangout has to turn into a sleepover when a character gets stranded there for the night
¹¹⁾ it’s a late night at work and when they both grow too tired to continue on, the only option is the lone office couch
¹²⁾ a threat’s been made against one/all character(s) involved, and so under the guise of safety in numbers it’s deemed safest if they stay together - everywhere
¹³⁾ one character joins the other for a late-night conversation, and ends up getting comfortable in their bed next to them - evidently too comfortable, as the char in bed falls asleep on the visitor and effectively traps them there
¹⁴⁾ there’s no bed in the shoddy refuge they’ve found after things went sideways, so when it comes time to sleep the only real choice is to stay close together
and, of course,
¹⁵⁾ it’s the last room available at the hotel after a long trip
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divorcedwife · 6 months ago
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putting them in the 18th century
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valtoiddd · 2 months ago
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what listening to yuyoyuppe does to a mf
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catspawcreates · 3 months ago
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One week of silly SaMS expression emoji challenge practice!
Made extra KC versions, because this is me… but I uploaded a variety to my discord server and I’m very pleased with how they look!
Check out the original post HERE! By trans-eevee
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ratwithhands · 4 months ago
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I had this AU archived off my accounts for a few years, but I'm thinking about it a lot more these days so I'm digging it up for sketches.
This is Kudari from Codebreaker, functionally the starting antagonist for the story when Emmet accidentally collides with him and takes parts of his body.
For a little debrief, the main idea of Codebreaker is that Emmet discovers that he exists in a false reality, and that there is a parallel plane where all of the instructions for his reality exist. He finds his way to this plane by accident after walking back from another lonely day at work, and is hellbent on learning how to manipulate it in the hopes that he can recover Ingo with that knowledge. Kudari is his own set of instructions, who he partly dismantles, allowing him to actually interact with the code. This leaves a hollowed out shell that starts trying to find his own way to get his body back from Emmet.
I'd been thinking about the Beta Submas leaks which lead me to sketching him again. Here's the first rough warmup sketch I did with a fight between him and Emmet.
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From there I just started reworking his old design to be worse 💀
Let me know if you guys want more of this freak, he's honestly really fun to sketch.
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i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end · 2 months ago
I know the reader is probably not supposed to think of William Baskerville as cute but I am so utterly smitten with Sherlock Holmes in each in every timeline that I just can't help myself ... Yes go on William and look at the world through lenses and ingest some dubious substances and roast those who try to insult you and be gentle to your Watson pardon me Adson and read the signs around you as the genre demands ...
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notimjustagirl · 1 month ago
Less overthinking, more doing. Create, move, explore—draw, write, exercise, code, sing, dance, travel. Just live. Fully, boldly, unapologetically. Live!
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codingcorgi · 1 year ago
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Day 3 of coding for a year. I'm a bit late posting this, because I passed out 😅
Last night I worked on the backend of getting the tasks implemented and my husband was getting notifications to work correctly. We had some snags with notifications since we've never done that before (I'm thankful for friends and videos online)
Today I'll be hooking up the tasks with front end work using xaml and testing.
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vexacarnivorous · 2 years ago
Can u teach me python from basic 🙄pls
ok the problem with this question is that it would simply take too long for me to explain to u the basics of programming like functions, statements, loops, variables etc. but i CAN direct u to some good resources that would help u in ur python journey and explain all this stuff
freecodecamp (i think the person for this course explains it nicely here)
i especially recommend u look at this website called fullstackpython, which has HEAPS of python beginner recs that seem very useful
u should also be doing projects & exercises to really hammer in what you're learning, so i'd recommend project euler (also found on freecodecamp) or that u search up 'coding exercises' on google. there are some projects listed in fullstackpython i believe as well
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skyfallscotland · 7 months ago
the discourse about katie ledecky and pots in mainstream media makes me want to punt someone through a wall and i'm not sorry about it
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dkettchen · 9 months ago
I've learnt how to input in python I will be unstoppable now
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projectbatman193 · 8 months ago
That's what Project Batman is all about!!
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deadrlngers · 1 year ago
i was tagged by @moonmothers @devilbrakers @flymmcargo @nuclearstorms + @hibernationsuit thank you guys so much!! <3
tagging: @morvaris @faarkas @shadowglens @voerman @faerune @ladyshar @liurnia @halsin @gortash @risingsh0t @necroticpetals @druidgroves @malefiicarum @feypacts @florbelles @calenhads @thedeadthree and anyone else i missed! can't remember exactly who writes or not so if you see this just say i tagged you
disclosing my violante/ruven/gortash (pre-game events) agenda,,even if it's mainly vio here but if i added any more of the wip in here you guys would kill me bc it's already so long. anyways who doesn't like masked balls?
“Dare I ask who I'm in the presence of?” The gems nestled in the fine silver net adorning her hair made a gentle tinkling sound as Violante tilted her head forward in a courteous bow tasked to open the dance. When she rose to meet her partner’s gaze once more, she resumed: “And most of all, is it friend or is it foe?”
Even beneath the mask, the wicked shine of Enver’s dark eyes appeared brighter than the play of light on the golden wings that stretched from the front of the mask to his hair. “Vicare, the only human man that could fly.”
Vicare – Violante wished to laugh. Was his arrogance the cause of her amusement? Or perhaps it was his full, unabashed, commitment to that little theatrical play they were staging? Whichever the reason, she found that trying to conceal her smile around him was beginning to verge on the impossible. Disgraceful…but thrilling, she couldn’t wait to let Ruven hear of it.
The music carried their voices along the notes like they were part of the sheets; it was a concerto of violins, lutes and harps. Violante could hear the distinct sound of a few wind instruments as well but failed to recognize them. The melody was slow and soothing, inviting the dancers to know one another, play their coy games before dealing their full hand when the culmination of the song would strike.
They stood shoulder to shoulder, barely letting the fabrics of their clothes brush one another as they drew a circle on the floor with their steps: a dance that resembled more the stalk of two wolves ready to attack, reach for the throat and sink sharp teeth in the flesh and let fate settle who was going to bleed out first and declare the other victorious.
“The name holds a familiar sound.” She spoke calmly, voice just above a whisper but carrying confidence, pride. A pride soon betrayed; a quick glance stolen with the tail of her eye to the dark haired man, searching for any hint on his half covered face that would reveal his thoughts to her. She hoped for the stars, yet she was no astronomer at all. Whatever Enver Gortash was thinking, from amusement to annoyance, remained a well guarded secret. “I’d like to hear the tale of the man of the golden feathers, if he’s willing to share.”
The violins played a grave note and as if spells were casted, each performing pair jumped into position – facing each other, one arm up as the back of their hands brushed the one of their partner in a gentle kiss of the knuckles. His hand to her waist, her touch above his shoulder. "Do I have to tell? I'm sure you know well how the story goes. The one that dreamt of flying too high in the sky – accused of free will, punished with the amputation of his wings.” He leaned forward, a cunning smile curling his lips upwards charmingly. “They used shears, if I remember correctly, to make me never wish to fly again. Quite the gruesome spectacle it was.”
Enver’s back was straight, tense as the string of a bow ready to let its arrow strike the prey, yet the movement of his steps was nothing but light and elegant as they spun in unison with the other dancers like a gentle breeze barely caressing the marble under his feet. He was a great dancer, Violante couldn’t deny it.
“Yet you persist, don’t you? Behind those walls you still look up for the cobalt sky.” A swirl, restrained in perfect graciousness learned in years of training with a certain drow, the rich crimson fabric of her gown twisting around her body like a tail. “Which amount of punishment is enough to make you learn, I wonder.”
His eyes narrowed yet that wicked grin didn't falter. “Flying is a thought, and nothing can stop an idea. The wind reached me even when my feet were bound to the ground." They waltzed into an outside spin and moved into the next step with a final touch of the wrist, pulse against pulse. “Besides – I can take a fair amount of penance, if rewarding.” His fingers twitched against hers, nothing more than a controlled and quick brush tauntingly demure, yet just enough to make Violante wonder, take the hint of that touch and let her mind carry it on as it pleased. The power of a thought, wasn’t it? 
Enver appeared no less pleased, be it the quick flash of her surprised expression or the sudden rigidity of her muscles. “Now that I’ve answered your question, allow one for myself: who are you in turn?”
Violins stood out from the choir of instruments with a strident sound this time, separating the couples as if the touch of one another was akin to reaching for a flame with naked skin. Violante arms rose up in a fluid movement, like the fluttering of a bird’s wings or the stroke of a brush, while Enver’s form bended in a half-bow, one arm behind his back and the other circling his waist.
“Death.” She expressed sharply, excited as if her time in this play had finally come. “And if I recall correctly, even Vicare couldn’t escape Death.”
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cesarescabinet · 1 year ago
Caligari's been on the brain lately, and since I keep seeing talks about remakes and theoretical recasting--I'm kind of curious to see if anybody on Tumblr has any ideas. For fun, here's some actors who I think could make for an interesting Cesare;
Tom Sturridge (Able to convey sad wet and pathetic with a dash of menace perfectly)
Dev Patel (Imo he conveys a level of kindness I think he could imbue into the role. Idk I'm just curious to see his take on it)
Lee Joon Gi (Could match the physicality needed. Could ALSO emotionally stomp my heart into the dirt at the tragedy of it all.)
Doug Jones (he NEEDS a second chance!!)
And it doesn't even have to be just casting--I'm very curious to see how people on here would approach the aesthetics or the story with a new lens!
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donutwares · 2 months ago
I went for a run and tied the boleadoras…
Being stuffed with people’s emotions led to SeTT almost becoming vaporware and my boleadoras half finished for months. I also slacked on my exercise. But 2025 seems to be the year I catch up with my projects and improve my health.
I ran round our block at 4pm in the mid afternoon heat. It felt pretty good. Just a couple minutes sprinting through the housing project where the folks have retired to.
My e-board game is prepped for tuning / beta testing and tomorrow. I’ll be testing the boleadoras at the park, early possibly. Will also resume writing Inexact Science on Friday or Saturday. My 2nd (scifi) novella which is getting a few reads every day. Chapter 11 will be fun to do. Looking forward to all these things and more.
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