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scealaiscoite · 12 days ago
i love the scent prompts -- have you thought of doing a set of prompts for each sense?
ahhhh wait that would be so cool!!! absolutely absolutely absolutely, i’ll get on it today lovie!! xxx
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scealaiscoite · 12 days ago
‧₊˚🪻✩ scent prompts
¹⁾ cigarette smoke
²⁾ cheap, dollar-store cologne
³⁾ pavement slabs after rain
⁴⁾ burning popcorn
⁵⁾ pungent gasoline
⁶⁾ heady amber incense
⁷⁾ salty sea air
⁸⁾ freshly turned earth
⁹⁾ sharp lemon zest
¹⁰⁾ floral laundry detergent
¹¹⁾ acrid black smoke
¹²⁾ stale sweat
¹³⁾ sweet coconut body wash
¹⁴⁾ rich coffee beans
¹⁵⁾ sautéing garlic
¹⁶⁾ iron-tinged blood
¹⁷⁾ sharp acetone
¹⁸⁾ crisp mint toothpaste
¹⁹⁾ synthetic cleaning supplies
²⁰⁾ cheap hotel hand soap
²¹⁾ pristine paperbacks
²²⁾ expensive, luscious perfume
²³⁾ cheap, waxy candles
²⁴⁾ grass cuttings
²⁵⁾ dense smoke
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scealaiscoite · 12 days ago
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。  april prompts
¹⁾ red leather
²⁾ four months
³⁾ a burner phone
⁴⁾ barbed wire
⁵⁾ faded blue jeans
⁶⁾ chamomile tea
⁷⁾ fingerprinting ink
⁸⁾ a pull-down attic ladder
⁹⁾ instant ramen
¹⁰⁾ sergeant
¹¹⁾ a rusted gate
¹²⁾ eighteen minutes
¹³⁾ an unmade bed
¹⁴⁾ a johnny cash cd
¹⁵⁾ striped candy wrappers
¹⁶⁾ a locked drawer
¹⁷⁾ last wednesday
¹⁸⁾ resignation papers
¹⁹⁾ half-burned candles
²⁰⁾ a dry riverbed
²¹⁾ brown sugar cubes
²²⁾ an envelope with a broken seal
²³⁾ a gold lighter
²⁴⁾ full moon
²⁵⁾ freshly turned earth
²⁶⁾ a train platform
²⁷⁾ spearmint gum
²⁸⁾ an overflowing bathtub
²⁹⁾ sand clinging to skin
³⁰⁾ iodine
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scealaiscoite · 24 days ago
‧₊˚ 🗣️ ✩ three hundred assorted dialogue prompts
¹⁾ “it’s too early for this.”
²⁾ “say that again, but take all the words bigger than two syllables out for me.”
³⁾ “you never came to bed last night.”
⁴⁾ “ibuprofen and a red bull is not breakfast.”
⁵⁾ “where the fuck have you been?!”
⁶⁾ “i can’t believe you told him.”
⁷⁾ “look, all i’m trying to tell you i- oh god, no, please don’t cry.”
⁸⁾ “taxi- taxi!”
⁹⁾ “i broke it off last night.”
¹⁰⁾ “no way that’s true.”
¹¹⁾ “i’m not letting you sleep on the couch in your own house.”
¹²⁾ “red’s definitely your colour.”
¹³⁾ “i don’t even want to know how the glitter got there.”
¹⁴⁾ “second time the electric’s been cut off so far.”
¹⁵⁾ “come on, the water’s fine!”
¹⁶⁾ “i’m so mad at you for this, but i’m angrier at myself for knowing i’ll forgive you for it.”
¹⁷⁾ “nice tan lines.”
¹⁸⁾ “christ, i don’t know how you drink that shit.”
¹⁹⁾ “that was the best meal i’ve eaten in years.”
²⁰⁾ “i got fired yesterday.”
²¹⁾ “are those handcuffs?!”
²²⁾ “hell of defense to put on for someone you say you don’t care about anymore.”
²³⁾ “i love you, i swear it, but not enough to watch another western.”
²⁴⁾ “just hold the ladder, and i’ll do the rest.”
²⁵⁾ “is there any chilli powder left in the cupboard, or is it all on my plate?!”
²⁶⁾ “i know what exes are, and i know you two aren’t them.”
²⁷⁾ “please, please just leave me alone.”
²⁸⁾ “neither of us are leaving this room until you tell me how you got that shiner.”
²⁹⁾ “fucking liar.”
³⁰⁾ “scooch over, i’m about to fall off.”
³¹⁾ “i nicked your shirt on my way out- i hope you don’t mind.”
³²⁾ “the cold will kill us before they can if we don’t find shelter.”
³³⁾ “just- please, can’t you see she’s in pain?!”
³⁴⁾ “a pint of coors and a passionfruit martini, plea- no, i told you, i’m not calling it that!”
³⁶⁾ “only you could crochet in a time like this.”
³⁷⁾ “they know i hate boats!”
³⁸⁾ “your mother called.”
³⁹⁾ “i can smell vodka and bubblegum toothpaste on your breath, and i’m totally sure which concerns me more.”
⁴⁰⁾ “it’s midnight, please turn off the jazz.”
⁴¹⁾ “i didn’t read that book, but i slept behind [name] in bed every night for a week while they did.”
⁴²⁾ “please, we need a doctor!”
⁴³⁾ “you’ve done shitty things to me before but you’ve never been cruel.”
⁴⁴⁾ “normally i can get behind your stress baking because of how much i benefit from it, but come on. it’s two in the night; what is a red velvet cake going to fix that some sleep won’t?”
⁴⁵⁾ “i found an earring under the passenger seat.”
⁴⁶⁾ “please, if the choice is between ice cream for breakfast or whiskey, choose the fucking ice cream.”
⁴⁷⁾ “you’re still bleeding- stop and let me look at it.”
⁴⁸⁾ “we’ve been broken up for a year now. you’ve got no right to look at me like that.”
⁴⁹⁾ “mama will be home soon, promise.”
⁵⁰⁾ “in the name of the father- “
⁵¹⁾ “i’m going to lose them either way. better they hate me and live, than love me and die.”
⁵²⁾ “you have a son?!”
⁵³⁾ “boss wants to see you.”
⁵⁴⁾ “i figured we were close, i just didn’t think it was “call me at two in the morning from a police station” kind of close.”
⁵⁵⁾ “are we just going to ignore that massive rock on your finger?”
⁵⁶⁾ “you of all people don’t get to question my parenting skills.”
⁵⁷⁾ “is that a fucking chicken?!”
⁵⁸⁾ “fuck- you’re hurting me!”
⁵⁹⁾ “mind the puddles.”
⁶⁰⁾ “you’re sick. you’re not going into work, end of story.”
⁶¹⁾ “what on earth are you wearing?!”
⁶²⁾ “she’s too old for you.”
⁶³⁾ “you play mario kart like it’s your first day on earth.”
⁶⁴⁾ “you’re gonna break an ankle walking in those heels.”
⁶⁵⁾ “if it was important, you would’ve remembered i don’t answer fucking calls!”
⁶⁶⁾ “late night?”
⁶⁷⁾ “i’m terrified.”
⁶⁸⁾ “i’ll call you when i land, yeah?”
⁶⁹⁾ “try and get some sleep, pet.”
⁷⁰⁾ “where is that blood coming from?!”
⁷¹⁾ “it is sheeps or sheepses?” 
⁷²⁾ “so you can fold a paper crane from a candy wrapper, but you don’t know your times tables.”
⁷³⁾ “clerk said they only have one room left.”
⁷⁴⁾ “why did you get an apartment on the eighth fucking floor?”
⁷⁵⁾ “it’s snowing!”
⁷⁶⁾ “when the shooting starts, stay down and only look at me, okay?”
⁷⁷⁾ “how fucking dare you- i am married.”
⁷⁸⁾ “we should be safe here.”
⁷⁹⁾ “i’m at the store, what kind of monster did you want again? and don’t say ultra violet, i’m not bringing that filth into the house.”
⁸⁰⁾ “the cat misses you.”
⁸¹⁾ “i’ve been having nightmares again.”
⁸²⁾ “i can practically hear your stomach growling. come fill up a plate.”
⁸³⁾ “i’m proud of you, kid.”
⁸⁴⁾ “are you sure you’re not mad at me?”
⁸⁵⁾ “please don’t tell me you lost it.”
⁸⁶⁾ “wanna pick the movie?”
⁸⁷⁾ “bit late for boxing, no?”
⁸⁸⁾ “i don’t care if it’s harmless, kill it!!”
⁸⁹⁾ “if you so much as look in their direction again, it will be the last thing you ever do.”
⁹⁰⁾ “do you wanna go out sometime?”
⁹¹⁾ “is- is that [name]’s shirt?”
⁹²⁾ “c’mon, sit with me a minute.”
⁹³⁾ “good boy!”
⁹⁴⁾ “no, fuck- i can’t swim!”
⁹⁵⁾ “your friends are unbearable.”
⁹⁶⁾ “oh, kill me now.”
⁹⁷⁾ “can i bum a light?”
⁹⁸⁾ “just listen to me for once in your life!”
⁹⁹⁾ “someone call an ambulance!”
¹⁰⁰⁾ “i don’t think i’ve ever seen you in pink before.”
¹⁰¹⁾ “i told you i was done talking about it.”
¹⁰²⁾ “the lock’s broken- i think someone’s inside.”
¹⁰³⁾ “you kept it.”
¹⁰⁴⁾ “i have somewhere to be; make it quick.”
¹⁰⁵⁾ “you’re unbelievable.”
¹⁰⁶⁾ “they never meant anything to you, did they?”
¹⁰⁷⁾ “is the point of giving me such bad advice to force me into seeing an actual therapist?”
¹⁰⁸⁾ “your smile makes my day.” 
¹⁰⁹⁾ “how do you remember where all my jewellery goes?”
¹¹⁰⁾ “… but you’re definitely nothing more than coworkers. sure.”
¹¹¹⁾ “i’ve been waiting for this my whole life.”
¹¹²⁾ “can i help with your hair?”
¹¹³⁾ “i always forget how pretty the city looks at night.”
¹¹⁴⁾ “the dog, for all his failings, did not do that and i’m taking it personally on his part that you’re trying to claim he did.”
¹¹⁵⁾ “you have many strengths; all i’m saying is that parallel parking is not one of them.”
¹¹⁶⁾ “let me drive you home.”
¹¹⁷⁾ “thanks for bringing me in on this ritual of yours.”
¹¹⁸⁾ “what time do you have to be at court?”
¹¹⁹⁾ “do you, uh- do you maybe wanna get dinner, sometime? like, with me?”
¹²⁰⁾ “i’m- *achoo* a-allergic to one kind of- *achoo* of flowers in the whole world, and you- *cough* really m-manage to pick them out for me?”
¹²¹⁾ “table for three, please.”
¹²²⁾ “you’re getting so grey. i’m kind of liking it.”
¹²³⁾ “of course i noticed.”
¹²⁴⁾ “hey, quit forcing yourself to talk before you lose your voice altogether.”
¹²⁵⁾ “please, please wake up.”
¹²⁶⁾ “was anything you said true?”
¹²⁷⁾ “get in the fucking car!”
¹²⁸⁾ “where’d you get that?”
¹²⁹⁾ “you put me through so much, and still all i can think about is how i’d do it all again if you asked me to.”
¹³⁰⁾ “i’ll stay while you sleep. nothing’s gonna happen while i’m here, okay?”
¹³¹⁾ “you said you wanted to talk it out but all you’re doing is shouting at me!”
¹³²⁾ “we broke up a few days ago. i guess i was too embarrassed to tell you after you warned me about them.”
¹³³⁾ “family don’t pull this kind of shit on each other.”
¹³⁴⁾ “i phoned in sick. i’m yours for the day, if you’ll have me.”
¹³⁵⁾ “i’ll make the reservation, you just worry about turning up looking half as good as you do right now.”
¹³⁶⁾ “that’s still how you take your tea, isn’t it?”
¹³⁷⁾ “stop throwing those damn paper planes at me!”
¹³⁸⁾ “i’m so c-cold.”
¹³⁹⁾ “… i can hear meowing.”
¹⁴⁰⁾ “want some?”
¹⁴¹⁾ “fuck all of them, anyway.”
¹⁴²⁾ “i could look at your tattoos all day.”
¹⁴³⁾ “ever considered sending me flowers without a keycard for a hotel room tucked inside?”
¹⁴⁴⁾ “i made coffee.”
¹⁴⁵⁾ “c’mon, sit with me a minute.”
¹⁴⁶⁾ “fuck, they’re gonna flank us- get someone on the south wall, now!”
¹⁴⁷⁾ “christ, get up.”
¹⁴⁸⁾ “put some pants on.”
¹⁴⁹⁾ “it’s over!”
¹��⁰⁾ “not another broken bed frame.”
¹⁵¹⁾ “that thong really brings out your eyes.”
¹⁵��⁾ “you’ve already stolen from me; don’t twist the knife by lying about it, too.”
¹⁵³⁾ “... i thought you locked the back door.”
¹⁵⁴⁾ “they were saying awful things about you. every last one of them had it coming.”
¹⁵⁵⁾ “so you had a can of monster and a pack of sour patch kids for breakfast eight hours ago, and you really don’t understand why you have a headache?”
¹⁵⁶⁾ “i think someone’s in the house.”
¹⁵⁷⁾ “walk me home?”
¹⁵⁸⁾ “this song reminds me of you.”
¹⁵⁹⁾ “can you pick up some eggs on your way home?”
¹⁶⁰⁾ “i’ve got a flat tire.”
¹⁶¹⁾ “you broke his fucking nose!”
¹⁶²⁾ “do you remember the room number?”
¹⁶³⁾ “i can’t see anything.”
¹⁶⁴⁾ “lab results are back.”
¹⁶⁵⁾ “is it really so hard to pick up the damn phone when i call?”
¹⁶⁶⁾ “don’t you dare run.”
¹⁶⁷⁾ “bulleit, please. neat.”
¹⁶⁸⁾ “will you marry me?”
¹⁶⁹⁾ “how did you get tickets?!”
¹⁷⁰⁾ “your tie’s all crooked.”
¹⁷¹⁾ “license and insurance, please.”
¹⁷²⁾ “i’ll get a nurse in to do your sutures, and then we’ll send you on your way.”
¹⁷³⁾ “you’re a dead man.”
¹⁷⁴⁾ “you’re the worst thing to ever happen to me.”
¹⁷⁵⁾ “no, this is her secretary. i can take a message, if you’d like?”
¹⁷⁶⁾ “the money’s gone.”
¹⁷⁷⁾ “yeah, but it’ll cost you.”
¹⁷⁸⁾ “we need to find that phone.”
¹⁷⁹⁾ “can i crash here tonight?”
¹⁸⁰⁾ “i, um… i saw you. online.”
¹⁸¹⁾ “what do you mean husband?!”
¹⁸²⁾ “the fire’s growing- we need to keep moving.”
¹⁸³⁾ “your lipstick’s all over me!”
¹⁸⁴⁾ “four broken ribs… fuck.”
¹⁸⁵⁾ “what happened in shanghai?”
¹⁸⁶⁾ “you and these awful horror movies!”
¹⁸⁷⁾ “next door’s cat is back. do you remember where i put the kibble?”
¹⁸⁸⁾ “glitter and faux fur. classy.”
¹⁸⁹⁾ “since when were you blonde?!”
¹⁹⁰⁾ “do i even want to know?”
¹⁹¹⁾ “we were by a river. that’s all i remember.”
¹⁹²⁾ “please, let me call you a cab.”
¹⁹³⁾ “my hands are killing me, get these damn zipties off.”
¹⁹⁴⁾ “you don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to.”
¹⁹⁵⁾ “i read your last article. you’re not half bad at this shit.”
¹⁹⁶⁾ “is now a bad time to say i’m afraid of heights.”
¹⁹⁷⁾ “- quick, hide!”
¹⁹⁸⁾ “test came back negative.”
¹⁹⁹⁾ “say, ah.”
²⁰⁰⁾ “some friends they turned out to be.”
²⁰¹⁾  “you look oddly good in sequins.”
²⁰²⁾ “now there’s a headline: murder in mittens.”
²⁰³⁾ “we need to swab your hands for gunpowder residue.”
²⁰⁴⁾ “black, three sugars.” 
²⁰⁵⁾ “i need you to listen to me, okay? this cannot happen again. ever.”
²⁰⁶⁾ “we shouldn’t be here.”
²⁰⁷⁾ “if you’re going to be such a die-hard fan, could you please start picking better teams? for my sake?”
²⁰⁸⁾ “… did you make me a packed lunch?”
²⁰⁹⁾ “i got a little bit stabbed.”
²¹⁰⁾ “no, it’s too late; you’re not walking home alone.”
²¹¹⁾ “i don’t care if she’s ten, she cannot be led to believe that derek is an acceptable name for a cat!”
²¹²⁾ “they were just here.”
²¹³⁾ “oh captain, my captai- “
²¹⁴⁾ “come to my room in ten.”
²¹⁵⁾ “no part of this was in the training manual.”
²¹⁶⁾ “i think i’m gonna lie down for a bit.”
²¹⁷⁾ “i can’t come out tonight, i’ve got to re-pot my roses.”
²¹⁸⁾ “you kick like an ass in your sleep.” 
²¹⁹⁾ “i think we kissed.”
²²⁰⁾ “i never want to be a burden to you.”
²²¹⁾ “there’s someone in the trees.”
²²²⁾ “where’s that smoke coming from?”
²²³⁾ “my sheets smell like you.”
²²⁴⁾ “what did sarge say?”
²²⁵⁾ “the funeral’s at ten.”
²²⁶⁾ “she’s asystolic.” 
²²⁷⁾ “it’s too loud in here. i’m going to start biting people.”
²²⁸⁾ “give it back!”
²²⁹⁾ “don’t make me call the cops!”
²³⁰⁾ “we tried everything. i’m sorry.”
²³¹⁾ “another round?”
²³²⁾ “come on the carousel with me, and i’ll think about it.”
²³³⁾ “this is why we didn’t stay married.”
²³⁴⁾ “i like your hair.”
²³⁵⁾ “homicide are on the way.”
²³⁶⁾ “i just ran.”
²³⁷⁾ “want a drink?”
²³⁸⁾ “i’m scared of the things i feel for you.”
²³⁹⁾ “can you remember anything about last night?”
²⁴⁰⁾ “you left this at mine.”
²⁴¹⁾ “i made us a reservation.”
²⁴²⁾ “pass the goddamn ball!”
²⁴³⁾ “someone cut the brake lights.”
²⁴⁴⁾ “wanna come to vegas with me?”
²⁴⁵⁾ “… did you use my body wash?”
²⁴⁶⁾ “go shower, then we’ll talk.”
²⁴⁷⁾ “how dare you say something like that to me!”
²⁴⁸⁾ “there’s a letter for you.”
²⁴⁹⁾ “i need to see you. now.”
²⁵⁰⁾ “i’ll kick this fucking door open!”
²⁵¹⁾ “don’t look at me like that.”
²⁵²⁾ “i can’t do this anymore.”
²⁵³⁾ “got a light?”
²⁵⁴⁾ “i don’t care if we both get hypothermia, i’m not sharing a sleeping bag with you!”
²⁵⁵⁾ “do you hate me?”
²⁵⁶⁾ “please don’t leave.”
²⁵⁷⁾ “i’m sorry i missed dinner.”
²⁵⁸⁾ “i have a name, and it’s sure as hell not kid.”
²⁵⁹⁾ “you are a grown man, don’t pout.”
²⁶⁰⁾ “ah, look who’s awake.”
²⁶¹⁾ “if you’re after a ransom, i’m sorry to say you picked the wrong person.”
²⁶²⁾ “don’t you dare track all that sawdust in here! leave your boots at the door.”
²⁶³⁾ “if you’re not here to pay my tab, you can leave.”
²⁶⁴⁾ “you’re so warm.”
²⁶⁵⁾ “bit kinky for a monday morning, don’t you think?”
²⁶⁶⁾ “not again!”
²⁶⁷⁾ “i think i pulled something.”
²⁶⁸⁾ “kiss me.”
²⁶⁹⁾ “watcha reading?”
²⁷⁰⁾ “i ordered room service. possibly on your card.”
²⁷¹⁾ “this isn’t gonna work out.”
²⁷²⁾ “i saved you a seat.”
²⁷³⁾ “the dog got ahold of your scarf.”
²⁷⁴⁾ “i want to see my son.”
²⁷⁵⁾ “my friend’s an ass, i’m sorry.”
²⁷⁶⁾ “please, she could scare the balls off a brass monkey with a single look.”
²⁷⁷⁾ “you’re an almerciful pain the ass.”
²⁷⁸⁾ “give my compliments to the chef.”
²⁷⁹⁾ “wanna catch a movie at the weekend?”
²⁸⁰⁾ “you said i only had to stay for an hour- you got an hour and seven minutes! what more could you possibly want from me?!”
²⁸¹⁾ “i think i left my phone at the bar.”
²⁸²⁾ “... why is there a pool noodle in the hall?”
²⁸³⁾ “can you turn the lights off?”
²⁸⁴⁾ “was any of it real?”
²⁸⁵⁾ “do i want to know how you got that nickname.”
²⁸⁶⁾ “you’re like if an angel had a very severe ketamine problem.”
²⁸⁷⁾ “i think i fucked up my ankle last night.”
²⁸⁸⁾ “take the sunglasses off.”
²⁸⁹⁾ “i don’t know how i’m going to forgive you for this.”
²⁹⁰⁾ “i can’t believe i fell for this shit again.”
²⁹¹⁾ “morning, killer.”
²⁹²⁾ “who names a goldfish andrew?”
²⁹³⁾ “... i could’ve sworn you had too eyebrows last time we spoke.”
²⁹⁴⁾ “i’m scared shitless of dolls.”
²⁹⁵⁾ “how’d you get the shiner?”
²⁹⁶⁾ “here, let me help.”
²⁹⁷⁾ “look, my tomatoes are finally ripe!”
²⁹⁸⁾ “you can hold my hand, if it’d help.”
²⁹⁹⁾ “i brought you croissants. as like, um, an olive branch.”
³⁰⁰⁾ “do you trust me?”
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scealaiscoite · 27 days ago
‧₊˚ 🪦 ✩ unsettling dialogue prompts
¹⁾ “i’m not crazy! someone’s been in here!”
²⁾ “someone’s standing outside the window.”
³⁾ “i don’t know who sent you that, but it wasn’t me.”
⁴⁾ “i locked this door when i left; i’m certain of it.”
⁵⁾ “i can hear footsteps.”
⁶⁾ “the dog’s barking like crazy, will you go see what’s wrong with him?”
⁷⁾ “that car’s taken every turn we have for the last ten minutes.”
⁸⁾ “did your phone just lose signal too?”
⁹⁾ “i, uh- i don’t remember telling you that.”
¹⁰⁾ “letter came for you- no stamp, though. i think it might’ve just been left at the door, weird as it is.”
¹¹⁾ “upstairs has been banging on the ceiling all damn night, i haven’t slept a fucking wink.”
¹²⁾ “i think someone’s slashed my tires.”
¹³⁾ “i know it’s late, but i need you to come downstairs and meet me out front. someone’s following me home.”
¹⁴⁾ “i don’t know anyone by that name. you’re sure they knocked and asked for me?”
¹⁵⁾ “yeah, because someone sending you a bouquet of the flowers you’re deathly allergic to is definitely not something to worry about.”
¹⁶⁾ “no, no, please tell me you didn’t let them in. the landlord said she’d come and fix the faucet herself, that she never calls in contractors! no one has any reason to be in there!”
¹⁷⁾ “that’s weird, i could’ve sworn i closed the curtains when i left this morning.”
¹⁸⁾ “that car’s been out front all day.”
¹⁹⁾ “i just moved in, i haven’t given anyone the address yet.”
²⁰⁾ “what are you on about? i’ve been in bed since nine, i didn’t text you to meet me anywhere.”
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scealaiscoite · 28 days ago
‧₊˚ 🗣️ ✩ three hundred assorted dialogue prompts
¹⁾ “it’s too early for this.”
²⁾ “say that again, but take all the words bigger than two syllables out for me.”
³⁾ “you never came to bed last night.”
⁴⁾ “ibuprofen and a red bull is not breakfast.”
⁵⁾ “where the fuck have you been?!”
⁶⁾ “i can’t believe you told him.”
⁷⁾ “look, all i’m trying to tell you i- oh god, no, please don’t cry.”
⁸⁾ “taxi- taxi!”
⁹⁾ “i broke it off last night.”
¹⁰⁾ “no way that’s true.”
¹¹⁾ “i’m not letting you sleep on the couch in your own house.”
¹²⁾ “red’s definitely your colour.”
¹³⁾ “i don’t even want to know how the glitter got there.”
¹⁴⁾ “second time the electric’s been cut off so far.”
¹⁵⁾ “come on, the water’s fine!”
¹⁶⁾ “i’m so mad at you for this, but i’m angrier at myself for knowing i’ll forgive you for it.”
¹⁷⁾ “nice tan lines.”
¹⁸⁾ “christ, i don’t know how you drink that shit.”
¹⁹⁾ “that was the best meal i’ve eaten in years.”
²⁰⁾ “i got fired yesterday.”
²¹⁾ “are those handcuffs?!”
²²⁾ “hell of defense to put on for someone you say you don’t care about anymore.”
²³⁾ “i love you, i swear it, but not enough to watch another western.”
²⁴⁾ “just hold the ladder, and i’ll do the rest.”
²⁵⁾ “is there any chilli powder left in the cupboard, or is it all on my plate?!”
²⁶⁾ “i know what exes are, and i know you two aren’t them.”
²⁷⁾ “please, please just leave me alone.”
²⁸⁾ “neither of us are leaving this room until you tell me how you got that shiner.”
²⁹⁾ “fucking liar.”
³⁰⁾ “scooch over, i’m about to fall off.”
³¹⁾ “i nicked your shirt on my way out- i hope you don’t mind.”
³²⁾ “the cold will kill us before they can if we don’t find shelter.”
³³⁾ “just- please, can’t you see she’s in pain?!”
³⁴⁾ “a pint of coors and a passionfruit martini, plea- no, i told you, i’m not calling it that!”
³⁶⁾ “only you could crochet in a time like this.”
³⁷⁾ “they know i hate boats!”
³⁸⁾ “your mother called.”
³⁹⁾ “i can smell vodka and bubblegum toothpaste on your breath, and i’m totally sure which concerns me more.”
⁴⁰⁾ “it’s midnight, please turn off the jazz.”
⁴¹⁾ “i didn’t read that book, but i slept behind [name] in bed every night for a week while they did.”
⁴²⁾ “please, we need a doctor!”
⁴³⁾ “you’ve done shitty things to me before but you’ve never been cruel.”
⁴⁴⁾ “normally i can get behind your stress baking because of how much i benefit from it, but come on. it’s two in the night; what is a red velvet cake going to fix that some sleep won’t?”
⁴⁵⁾ “i found an earring under the passenger seat.”
⁴⁶⁾ “please, if the choice is between ice cream for breakfast or whiskey, choose the fucking ice cream.”
⁴⁷⁾ “you’re still bleeding- stop and let me look at it.”
⁴⁸⁾ “we’ve been broken up for a year now. you’ve got no right to look at me like that.”
⁴⁹⁾ “mama will be home soon, promise.”
⁵⁰⁾ “in the name of the father- “
⁵¹⁾ “i’m going to lose them either way. better they hate me and live, than love me and die.”
⁵²⁾ “you have a son?!”
⁵³⁾ “boss wants to see you.”
⁵⁴⁾ “i figured we were close, i just didn’t think it was “call me at two in the morning from a police station” kind of close.”
⁵⁵⁾ “are we just going to ignore that massive rock on your finger?”
⁵⁶⁾ “you of all people don’t get to question my parenting skills.”
⁵⁷⁾ “is that a fucking chicken?!”
⁵⁸⁾ “fuck- you’re hurting me!”
⁵⁹⁾ “mind the puddles.”
⁶⁰⁾ “you’re sick. you’re not going into work, end of story.”
⁶¹⁾ “what on earth are you wearing?!”
⁶²⁾ “she’s too old for you.”
⁶³⁾ “you play mario kart like it’s your first day on earth.”
⁶⁴⁾ “you’re gonna break an ankle walking in those heels.”
⁶⁵⁾ “if it was important, you would’ve remembered i don’t answer fucking calls!”
⁶⁶⁾ “late night?”
⁶⁷⁾ “i’m terrified.”
⁶⁸⁾ “i’ll call you when i land, yeah?”
⁶⁹⁾ “try and get some sleep, pet.”
⁷⁰⁾ “where is that blood coming from?!”
⁷¹⁾ “it is sheeps or sheepses?” 
⁷²⁾ “so you can fold a paper crane from a candy wrapper, but you don’t know your times tables.”
⁷³⁾ “clerk said they only have one room left.”
⁷⁴⁾ “why did you get an apartment on the eighth fucking floor?”
⁷⁵⁾ “it’s snowing!”
⁷⁶⁾ “when the shooting starts, stay down and only look at me, okay?”
⁷⁷⁾ “how fucking dare you- i am married.”
⁷⁸⁾ “we should be safe here.”
⁷⁹⁾ “i’m at the store, what kind of monster did you want again? and don’t say ultra violet, i’m not bringing that filth into the house.”
⁸⁰⁾ “the cat misses you.”
⁸¹⁾ “i’ve been having nightmares again.”
⁸²⁾ “i can practically hear your stomach growling. come fill up a plate.”
⁸³⁾ “i’m proud of you, kid.”
⁸⁴⁾ “are you sure you’re not mad at me?”
⁸⁵⁾ “please don’t tell me you lost it.”
⁸⁶⁾ “wanna pick the movie?”
⁸⁷⁾ “bit late for boxing, no?”
⁸⁸⁾ “i don’t care if it’s harmless, kill it!!”
⁸⁹⁾ “if you so much as look in their direction again, it will be the last thing you ever do.”
⁹⁰⁾ “do you wanna go out sometime?”
⁹¹⁾ “is- is that [name]’s shirt?”
⁹²⁾ “c’mon, sit with me a minute.”
⁹³⁾ “good boy!”
⁹⁴⁾ “no, fuck- i can’t swim!”
⁹⁵⁾ “your friends are unbearable.”
⁹⁶⁾ “oh, kill me now.”
⁹⁷⁾ “can i bum a light?”
⁹⁸⁾ “just listen to me for once in your life!”
⁹⁹⁾ “someone call an ambulance!”
¹⁰⁰⁾ “i don’t think i’ve ever seen you in pink before.”
¹⁰¹⁾ “i told you i was done talking about it.”
¹⁰²⁾ “the lock’s broken- i think someone’s inside.”
¹⁰³⁾ “you kept it.”
¹⁰⁴⁾ “i have somewhere to be; make it quick.”
¹⁰⁵⁾ “you’re unbelievable.”
¹⁰⁶⁾ “they never meant anything to you, did they?”
¹⁰⁷⁾ “is the point of giving me such bad advice to force me into seeing an actual therapist?”
¹⁰⁸⁾ “your smile makes my day.” 
¹⁰⁹⁾ “how do you remember where all my jewellery goes?”
¹¹⁰⁾ “… but you’re definitely nothing more than coworkers. sure.”
¹¹¹⁾ “i’ve been waiting for this my whole life.”
¹¹²⁾ “can i help with your hair?”
¹¹³⁾ “i always forget how pretty the city looks at night.”
¹¹⁴⁾ “the dog, for all his failings, did not do that and i’m taking it personally on his part that you’re trying to claim he did.”
¹¹⁵⁾ “you have many strengths; all i’m saying is that parallel parking is not one of them.”
¹¹⁶⁾ “let me drive you home.”
¹¹⁷⁾ “thanks for bringing me in on this ritual of yours.”
¹¹⁸⁾ “what time do you have to be at court?”
¹¹⁹⁾ “do you, uh- do you maybe wanna get dinner, sometime? like, with me?”
¹²⁰⁾ “i’m- *achoo* a-allergic to one kind of- *achoo* of flowers in the whole world, and you- *cough* really m-manage to pick them out for me?”
¹²¹⁾ “table for three, please.”
¹²²⁾ “you’re getting so grey. i’m kind of liking it.”
¹²³⁾ “of course i noticed.”
¹²⁴⁾ “hey, quit forcing yourself to talk before you lose your voice altogether.”
¹²⁵⁾ “please, please wake up.”
¹²⁶⁾ “was anything you said true?”
¹²⁷⁾ “get in the fucking car!”
¹²⁸⁾ “where’d you get that?”
¹²⁹⁾ “you put me through so much, and still all i can think about is how i’d do it all again if you asked me to.”
¹³⁰⁾ “i’ll stay while you sleep. nothing’s gonna happen while i’m here, okay?”
¹³¹⁾ “you said you wanted to talk it out but all you’re doing is shouting at me!”
¹³²⁾ “we broke up a few days ago. i guess i was too embarrassed to tell you after you warned me about them.”
¹³³⁾ “family don’t pull this kind of shit on each other.”
¹³⁴⁾ “i phoned in sick. i’m yours for the day, if you’ll have me.”
¹³⁵⁾ “i’ll make the reservation, you just worry about turning up looking half as good as you do right now.”
¹³⁶⁾ “that’s still how you take your tea, isn’t it?”
¹³⁷⁾ “stop throwing those damn paper planes at me!”
¹³⁸⁾ “i’m so c-cold.”
¹³⁹⁾ “… i can hear meowing.”
¹⁴⁰⁾ “want some?”
¹⁴¹⁾ “fuck all of them, anyway.”
¹⁴²⁾ “i could look at your tattoos all day.”
¹⁴³⁾ “ever considered sending me flowers without a keycard for a hotel room tucked inside?”
¹⁴⁴⁾ “i made coffee.”
¹⁴⁵⁾ “c’mon, sit with me a minute.”
¹⁴⁶⁾ “fuck, they’re gonna flank us- get someone on the south wall, now!”
¹⁴⁷⁾ “christ, get up.”
¹⁴⁸⁾ “put some pants on.”
¹⁴⁹⁾ “it’s over!”
¹⁵⁰⁾ “not another broken bed frame.”
¹⁵¹⁾ “that thong really brings out your eyes.”
¹⁵²⁾ “you’ve already stolen from me; don’t twist the knife by lying about it, too.”
¹⁵³⁾ “... i thought you locked the back door.”
¹⁵⁴⁾ “they were saying awful things about you. every last one of them had it coming.”
¹⁵⁵⁾ “so you had a can of monster and a pack of sour patch kids for breakfast eight hours ago, and you really don’t understand why you have a headache?”
¹⁵⁶⁾ “i think someone’s in the house.”
¹⁵⁷⁾ “walk me home?”
¹⁵⁸⁾ “this song reminds me of you.”
¹⁵⁹⁾ “can you pick up some eggs on your way home?”
¹⁶⁰⁾ “i’ve got a flat tire.”
¹⁶¹⁾ “you broke his fucking nose!”
¹⁶²⁾ “do you remember the room number?”
¹⁶³⁾ “i can’t see anything.”
¹⁶⁴⁾ “lab results are back.”
¹⁶⁵⁾ “is it really so hard to pick up the damn phone when i call?”
¹⁶⁶⁾ “don’t you dare run.”
¹⁶⁷⁾ “bulleit, please. neat.”
¹⁶⁸⁾ “will you marry me?”
¹⁶⁹⁾ “how did you get tickets?!”
¹⁷⁰⁾ “your tie’s all crooked.”
¹⁷¹⁾ “license and insurance, please.”
¹⁷²⁾ “i’ll get a nurse in to do your sutures, and then we’ll send you on your way.”
¹⁷³⁾ “you’re a dead man.”
¹⁷⁴⁾ “you’re the worst thing to ever happen to me.”
¹⁷⁵⁾ “no, this is her secretary. i can take a message, if you’d like?”
¹⁷⁶⁾ “the money’s gone.”
¹⁷⁷⁾ “yeah, but it’ll cost you.”
¹⁷⁸⁾ “we need to find that phone.”
¹⁷⁹⁾ “can i crash here tonight?”
¹⁸⁰⁾ “i, um… i saw you. online.”
¹⁸¹⁾ “what do you mean husband?!”
¹⁸²⁾ “the fire’s growing- we need to keep moving.”
¹⁸³⁾ “your lipstick’s all over me!”
¹⁸⁴⁾ “four broken ribs… fuck.”
¹⁸⁵⁾ “what happened in shanghai?”
¹⁸⁶⁾ “you and these awful horror movies!”
¹⁸⁷⁾ “next door’s cat is back. do you remember where i put the kibble?”
¹⁸⁸⁾ “glitter and faux fur. classy.”
¹⁸⁹⁾ “since when were you blonde?!”
¹⁹⁰⁾ “do i even want to know?”
¹⁹¹⁾ “we were by a river. that’s all i remember.”
¹⁹²⁾ “please, let me call you a cab.”
¹⁹³⁾ “my hands are killing me, get these damn zipties off.”
¹⁹⁴⁾ “you don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to.”
¹⁹⁵⁾ “i read your last article. you’re not half bad at this shit.”
¹⁹⁶⁾ “is now a bad time to say i’m afraid of heights.”
¹⁹⁷⁾ “- quick, hide!”
¹⁹⁸⁾ “test came back negative.”
¹⁹⁹⁾ “say, ah.”
²⁰⁰⁾ “some friends they turned out to be.”
²⁰¹⁾  “you look oddly good in sequins.”
²⁰²⁾ “now there’s a headline: murder in mittens.”
²⁰³⁾ “we need to swab your hands for gunpowder residue.”
²⁰⁴⁾ “black, three sugars.” 
²⁰⁵⁾ “i need you to listen to me, okay? this cannot happen again. ever.”
²⁰⁶⁾ “we shouldn’t be here.”
²⁰⁷⁾ “if you’re going to be such a die-hard fan, could you please start picking better teams? for my sake?”
²⁰⁸⁾ “… did you make me a packed lunch?”
²⁰⁹⁾ “i got a little bit stabbed.”
²¹⁰⁾ “no, it’s too late; you’re not walking home alone.”
²¹¹⁾ “i don’t care if she’s ten, she cannot be led to believe that derek is an acceptable name for a cat!”
²¹²⁾ “they were just here.”
²¹³⁾ “oh captain, my captai- “
²¹⁴⁾ “come to my room in ten.”
²¹⁵⁾ “no part of this was in the training manual.”
²¹⁶⁾ “i think i’m gonna lie down for a bit.”
²¹⁷⁾ “i can’t come out tonight, i’ve got to re-pot my roses.”
²¹⁸⁾ “you kick like an ass in your sleep.” 
²¹⁹⁾ “i think we kissed.”
²²⁰⁾ “i never want to be a burden to you.”
²²¹⁾ “there’s someone in the trees.”
²²²⁾ “where’s that smoke coming from?”
²²³⁾ “my sheets smell like you.”
²²⁴⁾ “what did sarge say?”
²²⁵⁾ “the funeral’s at ten.”
²²⁶⁾ “she’s asystolic.” 
²²⁷⁾ “it’s too loud in here. i’m going to start biting people.”
²²⁸⁾ “give it back!”
²²⁹⁾ “don’t make me call the cops!”
²³⁰⁾ “we tried everything. i’m sorry.”
²³¹⁾ “another round?”
²³²⁾ “come on the carousel with me, and i’ll think about it.”
²³³⁾ “this is why we didn’t stay married.”
²³⁴⁾ “i like your hair.”
²³⁵⁾ “homicide are on the way.”
²³⁶⁾ “i just ran.”
²³⁷⁾ “want a drink?”
²³⁸⁾ “i’m scared of the things i feel for you.”
²³⁹⁾ “can you remember anything about last night?”
²⁴⁰⁾ “you left this at mine.”
²⁴¹⁾ “i made us a reservation.”
²⁴²⁾ “pass the goddamn ball!”
²⁴³⁾ “someone cut the brake lights.”
²⁴⁴⁾ “wanna come to vegas with me?”
²⁴⁵⁾ “… did you use my body wash?”
²⁴⁶⁾ “go shower, then we’ll talk.”
²⁴⁷⁾ “how dare you say something like that to me!”
²⁴⁸⁾ “there’s a letter for you.”
²⁴⁹⁾ “i need to see you. now.”
²⁵⁰⁾ “i’ll kick this fucking door open!”
²⁵¹⁾ “don’t look at me like that.”
²⁵²⁾ “i can’t do this anymore.”
²⁵³⁾ “got a light?”
²⁵⁴⁾ “i don’t care if we both get hypothermia, i’m not sharing a sleeping bag with you!”
²⁵⁵⁾ “do you hate me?”
²⁵⁶⁾ “please don’t leave.”
²⁵⁷⁾ “i’m sorry i missed dinner.”
²⁵⁸⁾ “i have a name, and it’s sure as hell not kid.”
²⁵⁹⁾ “you are a grown man, don’t pout.”
²⁶⁰⁾ “ah, look who’s awake.”
²⁶¹⁾ “if you’re after a ransom, i’m sorry to say you picked the wrong person.”
²⁶²⁾ “don’t you dare track all that sawdust in here! leave your boots at the door.”
²⁶³⁾ “if you’re not here to pay my tab, you can leave.”
²⁶⁴⁾ “you’re so warm.”
²⁶⁵⁾ “bit kinky for a monday morning, don’t you think?”
²⁶⁶⁾ “not again!”
²⁶⁷⁾ “i think i pulled something.”
²⁶⁸⁾ “kiss me.”
²⁶⁹⁾ “watcha reading?”
²⁷⁰⁾ “i ordered room service. possibly on your card.”
²⁷¹⁾ “this isn’t gonna work out.”
²⁷²⁾ “i saved you a seat.”
²⁷³⁾ “the dog got ahold of your scarf.”
²⁷⁴⁾ “i want to see my son.”
²⁷⁵⁾ “my friend’s an ass, i’m sorry.”
²⁷⁶⁾ “please, she could scare the balls off a brass monkey with a single look.”
²⁷⁷⁾ “you’re an almerciful pain the ass.”
²⁷⁸⁾ “give my compliments to the chef.”
²⁷⁹⁾ “wanna catch a movie at the weekend?”
²⁸⁰⁾ “you said i only had to stay for an hour- you got an hour and seven minutes! what more could you possibly want from me?!”
²⁸¹⁾ “i think i left my phone at the bar.”
²⁸²⁾ “... why is there a pool noodle in the hall?”
²⁸³⁾ “can you turn the lights off?”
²⁸⁴⁾ “was any of it real?”
²⁸⁵⁾ “do i want to know how you got that nickname.”
²⁸⁶⁾ “you’re like if an angel had a very severe ketamine problem.”
²⁸⁷⁾ “i think i fucked up my ankle last night.”
²⁸⁸⁾ “take the sunglasses off.”
²⁸⁹⁾ “i don’t know how i’m going to forgive you for this.”
²⁹⁰⁾ “i can’t believe i fell for this shit again.”
²⁹¹⁾ “morning, killer.”
²⁹²⁾ “who names a goldfish andrew?”
²⁹³⁾ “... i could’ve sworn you had too eyebrows last time we spoke.”
²⁹⁴⁾ “i’m scared shitless of dolls.”
²⁹⁵⁾ “how’d you get the shiner?”
²⁹⁶⁾ “here, let me help.”
²⁹⁷⁾ “look, my tomatoes are finally ripe!”
²⁹⁸⁾ “you can hold my hand, if it’d help.”
²⁹⁹⁾ “i brought you croissants. as like, um, an olive branch.”
³⁰⁰⁾ “do you trust me?”
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scealaiscoite · 1 month ago
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i will never know peace on this website
゚。  march prompts
¹⁾ a two-person tent
²⁾ a pearl brooch
³⁾ hands stained with blackberries
⁴⁾ peach soju 
⁵⁾ an ex boyfriend 
⁶⁾ northeast 
⁷⁾ green eyeliner 
⁸⁾ power lines 
⁹⁾ a fire exit 
¹⁰⁾ jazz at midnight 
¹¹⁾ three broken fingers 
¹²⁾ little dipper 
¹³⁾ bottom lip 
¹⁴⁾ freshly turned earth 
¹⁵⁾ a blue leather sofa 
¹⁶⁾ salty tears
¹⁷⁾ wishbone 
¹⁸⁾ a wild daisy in a buttonhole 
¹⁹⁾ crystalised honey 
²⁰⁾ a two-way mirror
²¹⁾ a faded library card 
²²⁾ animal tracks 
²³⁾ the sting of antiseptic 
²⁴⁾ a biker’s leather kutte 
²⁵⁾ old romance novels
²⁶⁾ smeared lipgloss 
²⁷⁾ father’s day
²⁸⁾ gravel stuck to skin
²⁹⁾ vivid oil paints 
³⁰⁾ motel vending machines 
³¹⁾ wingmen
352 notes · View notes
scealaiscoite · 1 month ago
゚。  march prompts
¹⁾ a two-person tent
²⁾ a pearl brooch
³⁾ hands stained with blackberries
⁴⁾ peach soju 
⁵⁾ an ex boyfriend 
⁶⁾ northeast 
⁷⁾ green eyeliner 
⁸⁾ power lines 
⁹⁾ a fire exit 
¹⁰⁾ jazz at midnight 
¹¹⁾ three broken fingers 
¹²⁾ little dipper 
¹³⁾ bottom lip 
¹⁴⁾ freshly turned earth 
¹⁵⁾ a blue leather sofa 
¹⁶⁾ salty tears
¹⁷⁾ wishbone 
¹⁸⁾ a wild daisy in a buttonhole 
¹⁹⁾ crystalised honey 
²⁰⁾ a two-way mirror
²¹⁾ a faded library card 
²²⁾ animal tracks 
²³⁾ the sting of antiseptic 
²⁴⁾ a biker’s leather kutte 
²⁵⁾ old romance novels
²⁶⁾ smeared lipgloss 
²⁷⁾ father’s day
²⁸⁾ gravel stuck to skin
²⁹⁾ vivid oil paints 
³⁰⁾ motel vending machines 
³¹⁾ wingmen
352 notes · View notes
scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
⋆˚࿔ build a fic no. 4 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
➴ chose an object, a food and a text message (a letter, a creature + a number), and write/request to your heart’s content!
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𓂃 ࣪˖ an object
꒰ A ꒱ a stapler
꒰ B ꒱ a silver necklace
꒰ C ꒱ a beach chair
꒰ D ꒱ a pair of pyjama bottoms
꒰ E ꒱ a dead phone
꒰ F ꒱ a tube of pink lipstick
꒰ G ꒱ a cctv camera
꒰ H ꒱ a broken martini glass
꒰ I ꒱ an electrical cord
꒰ J ꒱ a cheap leather belt
꒰ K ꒱ a rusted crowbar
꒰ L ꒱ an engagement ring
꒰ M ꒱ a box of shotgun shells
꒰ N ꒱ a dull kitchen knife
꒰ O ꒱ a half-full milk carton
꒰ P ꒱ a steering wheel
꒰ Q ꒱ a pair of scissors
꒰ R ꒱ a watch with a busted strap
꒰ S ꒱ a bottle of green nail varnish
꒰ T ꒱ an old coffee mug
𓂃 ࣪˖ a food
꒰ 𓆉 ꒱ a can of redbull
꒰ 𓅨 ꒱ half an orange
꒰ 𓆣 ꒱ burnt toast
꒰ 𓃰 ꒱ cheap pizza
꒰ 𓃗 ꒱ sugared strawberries
꒰ 𓃱 ꒱ expensive steak
꒰ 𓃟 ꒱ rich belgian chocolate
꒰ 𓆟 ꒱ oolong tea
꒰ 𓆈 ꒱ gas station candy
꒰ 𓅫 ꒱ two ibuprofen
꒰ 𓅟 ꒱ piping hot cambodian coffee
꒰ 𓃵 ꒱ a bag of frozen peas
꒰ 𓃓 ꒱ supermarket salad
꒰ 𓆌 ꒱ salted cashews
꒰ 𓆏 ꒱ day-old indian takeout
꒰ 𓅭 ꒱ melting ice cream
꒰ 𓆗 ꒱ sliced mangos
꒰ 𓃢 ꒱ iced peach tea
꒰ 𓆧 ꒱ fresh honey
꒰ 𓃔 ꒱ warm croissants
𓂃 ࣪˖ a text
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
the og build-a-fic is getting a lot of love again so i wanted to say thank you 🥹 a new one should be up today or tmrw!!
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
hi! i was wondering if youd be cool with me linking a prompt list of yours to a writing event im planning? its a pick a character + a prompt deal! if no thats completely fine!!
i would be flattered!! to be entirely honest, the ease of creating events like that on my own fic blog were a driving force to make this blog to compile them all lol. if it’s easier to just copy/paste them into a post yourself, please do go on ahead!! xx
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
‧₊˚ 🫂 ✩ things to do for someone
¹⁾ fixing their tie
²⁾ tucking them into bed
³⁾ doing up their seatbelt
⁴⁾ tying their shoelaces
⁵⁾ opening their car door
⁶⁾ pulling out their chair for them
⁷⁾ buying them flowers
⁸⁾ reminding them to take their medication
⁹⁾ encouraging their hobbies
¹⁰⁾ cooking them dinner
¹¹⁾ washing their hair
¹²⁾ remembering all their details
¹³⁾ laying a blanket over them when they fall asleep on the sofa
¹⁴⁾ making their tea/coffee just how they like it
¹⁵⁾ defending their name when they’re not present
¹⁶⁾ letting them sleep in
¹⁷⁾ packing them lunch
¹⁸⁾ cutting them off at the bar
¹⁹⁾ doing the household chores they hate
²⁰⁾ helping them shave
²¹⁾ taking care of them when they’re sick
²²⁾ celebrating their accomplishments, regardless of significance
²³⁾ keeping their favourite foods at your place
²⁴⁾ getting up in the middle of the night to fetch them water
²⁵⁾ grabbing them a heatpack
²⁶⁾ fixing their cufflinks
²⁷⁾ helping them bathe
²⁸⁾ cooking them dishes from home
²⁹⁾ taking off their shoes
³⁰⁾ picking them up from a bar
³¹⁾ giving them a massage after a long day
³²⁾ running them a bath
³³⁾ patching up their injuries
³⁴⁾ helping them get dressed when their arm’s in a sling
³⁶⁾ reading to them
³⁷⁾ giving them your jacket when it’s cold out
³⁸⁾ planning dates/hangouts
³⁹⁾ crashing on the floor/couch so they can have the bed
⁴⁰⁾ taking blame so they don’t have to
⁴¹⁾ being their designated driver
⁴²⁾ valuing their creations
⁴³⁾ letting them rant
⁴⁴⁾ taking them on late-night drives to ease their mind
⁴⁵⁾ surprising them with little gifts
⁴⁶⁾ pushing them behind you
⁴⁷⁾ walking closest to the road
⁴⁸⁾ taking care of tasks for them
⁴⁹⁾ making appointments
⁵⁰⁾ baking for them
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
not a prompt post but i hope all my countrymen are keeping safe with this cunt of a storm and that any damage suffered will be recoverable 🫶
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
still very much in infancy, but the prompt pinterest is live!! if there’s a specific board/vibe you’d be particularly interested in, do drop an ask!! 💌
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
now hypothetically if your local prompt-spewing lump were to be in the process of creating a public pinterest on which to accumulate pins with prompting potential for us to use, which would ye prefer?
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
‧₊˚ 🏠 ✩ domestic prompts
¹⁾ a basket of laundry left in a doorway
²⁾ a sticky note on a pillow
³⁾ colourful fridge magnets
⁴⁾ a laden clothesline
⁵⁾ plates of fresh-cut fruit
⁶⁾ towels warm from the dryer
⁷⁾ the whistle of a kettle
⁸⁾ messy bedsheets
⁹⁾ books stacked on a nightstand
¹⁰⁾ a cupboard of mismatched mugs
¹¹⁾ fresh-brewed tea
¹²⁾ a sink full of dishes
¹³⁾ pictures lined up on a mantlepiece
¹⁴⁾ sun-warmed floorboards
¹⁵⁾ odd socks
¹⁶⁾ overflowing paper grocery bags
¹⁷⁾ a steamed-up bathroom mirror
¹⁸⁾ dinner left in the oven to keep warm
¹⁹⁾ a porcelain teapot
²⁰⁾ mismatched cutlery
²¹⁾ potted herb plants lined up on a windowsill
²²⁾ a stocked bar cart
²³⁾ a teeming closet
²⁴⁾ cold tiles
²⁵⁾ a shared bath
²⁶⁾ rooms decorated with trinkets
²⁷⁾ a jewellery dish
²⁸⁾ shoes left by a doorway
²⁹⁾ a faded portrait in an old frame
³⁰⁾ soft lamplight
³¹⁾ the drone of a ceiling fan
³²⁾ homemade lemonade
³³⁾ a messy makeup vanity
³⁴⁾ faded coasters
³⁶⁾ lit candles
³⁷⁾ frayed couch cushions
³⁸⁾ a blanket draped over a sleeping form
³⁹⁾ creaky stairs
⁴⁰⁾ fresh-cut timber
⁴¹⁾ an overgrown garden
⁴²⁾ a spare room
⁴³⁾ a medicine cabinet
⁴⁴⁾ jasmine bath salts
⁴⁵⁾ soft pyjamas
⁴⁶⁾ bare feet on cold floorboards
⁴⁷⁾ sunday dinners
⁴⁸⁾ post scattered under the letterbox
⁴⁹⁾ family photos
⁵⁰⁾ an old armchair
⁵¹⁾ scrawled-on calendars
⁵²⁾ a roaring fireplace
⁵³⁾ reminders stuck to the fridge
⁵⁴⁾ boardgames
⁵⁵⁾ a dusty attic
⁵⁶⁾ smoke curling out of a chimney
⁵⁷⁾ evenings on the porch
⁵⁸⁾ a record player
⁵⁹⁾ tangled chargers
⁶⁰⁾ a chipped bathtub
⁶¹⁾ a silver serving tray
⁶²⁾ souvenir shot glasses
⁶³⁾ a blackout
⁶⁴⁾ movie nights
⁶⁵⁾ a late dinner party
⁶⁶⁾ half-finished crochet projects
⁶⁷⁾ a loose thread on a sweater
⁶⁸⁾ dog leads hung by the door
⁶⁹⁾ a leaning coatrack
⁷⁰⁾ a grocery list
⁷¹⁾ patterned dishes
⁷²⁾ bright teatowels
⁷³⁾ an empty drawer
⁷⁴⁾ vhs tapes
⁷⁵⁾ documentary reruns
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scealaiscoite · 2 months ago
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。  february prompts
¹⁾ a hotel dressing gown
²⁾ rough hands
³⁾ a packed suitcase
⁴⁾ spiderwebs
⁵⁾ wild raspberries
⁶⁾ an anonymous letter
⁷⁾ waist-high grass
⁸⁾ fogged-up car windows
⁹⁾ masala chai
¹⁰⁾ monday evening
¹¹⁾ yellow silk
¹²⁾ bail money
¹³⁾ smooth bourbon
¹⁴⁾ the smell of smoke at night
¹⁵⁾ cheap aftershave
¹⁶⁾ dried rose petals
¹⁷⁾ a persian carpet
¹⁸⁾ surrender
¹⁹⁾ left-handed
²⁰⁾ broken plates
²¹⁾ chamomile tea
²²⁾ a stolen pearl necklace
²³⁾ baby brother
²⁴⁾ a nightlight
²⁵⁾ three broken fingers
²⁶⁾ warm july nights
²⁷⁾ camphor
²⁸⁾ champagne in plastic party cups
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