#Claudio Naranjo
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blueopinions49 · 7 months ago
Healthy/Unhealthy Type 8
Healthy Social 8
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Poe Dameron (8w7 so/sx)- His desire and devotion for the rebellion makes him a bit impulsive but well meaning. Eventually throughout the last Jedi he learns when not to fight and retreat.
Mileena MK1 (8w7 so/sx)- Her struggle to come to terms with her being the heir to the throne made her disintegrate towards 5 a bit eventually accepting her role.
Tsunade (8w7 so/sx) - She lost her way due to all her personal loss and eventually rediscover what made her gifts important. Eventually deciding to become the Leafs 5th Hokage.
Unhealthy Social 8
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Negan (8w7 so/sx)- Due I have to say much? He conquered and tortured almost all of the cast in the show. Caused an unnecessary war. But ig he deserved a redemption arc.
Kuvira (8w9 so/sp)- While her frustrations where valid she decided to conquer and take over other territory's.
Killmonger (8w9 so/sx)- Similar to Kuvira it's understandable grievance but wrong path to take.
Healthy Self-preservation 8
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Jay Pritchett (8w9 sp/sx)- Close off a bit emotionally in the beginning of the show but he got better as time goes on.
Selina Kyle (8w7 sp/sx) - Her decision to be herself main priority and live life helping people makes her more of a hero than a villain. Also she robs rich people so...
Number 5 (8w9 sp/so)- His love and devotion to his family is felt throughout show and while he can be stubborn he doesn't let that blind him from being logical.
Unhealthy Self preservation 8
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Billy Butcher (8w7 sp/sx)- He is constantly in the verge of danger and his impulsive decision making gets the Boys in trouble constantly.
Cersei Lannister (8w9 sp/sx)- Her desire for autonomy and control of her own decision gets unfocused on controlling others and using violent ways to get what she wants.
Lisa Rowe (8w7 sp/sx)- Similar to Cersei she doesn't want to control. However, she also doesn't seem to want to get better and accept herself. Eventually ending up void.
Healthy Sexual 8
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Santana Lopez (8w7 sx/sp)- While she can be rude her struggle to accept herself in early seasons had a beautiful resolution and finding love with Britney.
Michelle Mallon (8w7 sx/sp)- A bit reckless but her heart is always in the right place. She pushed her friends to always explore and live more. Even if she got them in trouble.
Damon Salvatore (8w7 sx/sp)- Starts the show angry and frustrated but eventually he integrates towards his 2 and becomes more calm and less impulsive.
Unhealthy Sexual 8
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Nate Jacobs 8w7 (sx/sp)- Pure disintegration towards 5. He is paranoid how people will feel about him once they discover who he truly is.
Claudia (8w7 sx/sp)- Sad and lonely due to the age in which she was turned she desires autonomy and love. Constantly trying to find that in Louis.
Villanelle (8w7 sx/sp)- Trying to find someone who loves her she purses Eve. The moment she doesn't have her attention she becomes violent and angry.
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psicotaipan · 3 months ago
Ser uno mismo
No se trata de querer ser otro. Se trata de aceptarse con todos los fallos e imperfecciones y permitirse ser quien uno es.
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Hay personas que, ante la incapacidad de asumirse y quererse tal y como son, construyen una Armadura o personalidad falsa para funcionar por el mundo.
Solo que ser un fraude baja la vibración de una manera estrepitosa y consigue justamente lo contrario de lo que uno pretende. En vez de atraer personas, atraemos a engañados, que se creen esa persona de mentira que hemos construido.
Y mientras tanto, las personas que merecen de verdad la pena se nos alejan pues, ¿Quien querría tener cerca a un fingidor, un mentiroso o mentirosa?
La Verdad tiene un poder arrasador.
Siempre queremos ser más altos, más guapos, más listos, más exitosos.
Claudio Naranjo llamaba a esto El Juego de Calce... Tratamos de calzarnos y encajar en un molde idealizado de nosotros que es imposible lograr.
Y mientras lo hacemos y nos reventamos por el esfuerzo de ser otro, dejamos de querer a quien realmente somos.
Y nuestra alma llora, llora en secreto. Y nos vamos quedando más y más vacíos.
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year ago
As far as we known, no one made it up, Gurdjieff, Ichazo, Naranjo, and others notwithstanding. The work of each has a fullness that seems to have been brought forth rather than authored. The enneagram can be applied everywhere but attributed nowhere. In this way, we can all be considered coauthors of the system.
Susan Piver, The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship
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dipnotski · 7 months ago
Claudio Naranjo – Karakter ve Nevroz (2024)
Enneagram kişilik tiplerini modern psikiyatrinin ışığıyla inşa eden Claudio Naranjo, Enneagram hususunda verdiği en kapsamlı çalışma olarak kabul edilen bu eserinde karakter gelişimi ve psikolojik rahatsızlıkların kesişimine derinlemesine bir bakış vadediyor. Psikiyatri alanındaki uzmanlığından ve spiritüel geleneklerden aldığı güçle, karakter özelliklerimizin diğer psikolojik sınıflandırmalarla…
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jamaalw · 2 years ago
The Enneagram Exposed (Yeah, It's Demonic)
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;…” – Tim. 4:1 What is the Enneagram? “This is the original Enneagram — no numbers, no types. It was never intended to be used the way it is now. It developed from occultist Oscar Ichazo who started adding in meanings (though not personality…
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radical-revolution · 9 months ago
Find out who you are but don't cling to any definition.
Mutate as many times as necessary to live in the entirety of your being.
Claudio Naranjo
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susieporta · 5 months ago
1- Vivi ora: cioè occupati del presente piuttosto che del passato o del futuro.
2- Vivi qui: cioè occupati di ciò che è presente piuttosto che di quello che non c'è.
3- Smetti di immaginare: sperimenta la realtà.
4- Smetti di pensare quando non è necessario. Piuttosto assaggia e senti.
5- Esprimiti invece di manipolare, spiegare, giustificare o giudicare.
6- Arrenditi all'infelicità e al dolore proprio come al piacere: non restringere la tua consapevolezza.
7- Non accettare doveri oltre ai tuoi propri: non adorare idoli.
8- Prendi la piena responsabilità delle tue azioni, sentimenti e pensieri.
9- Arrenditi a essere ciò che sei.
Claudio Naranjo: Atteggiamento e prassi della terapia gestaltica, Roma 1991, pp. 22-23
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laurelwen · 7 months ago
Texts in Like Minds: Sally's Books
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After her first encounter with Alex, Sally returns home and consults a stack of books while listening to the recording of their discussion.  Of this stack, only two titles are discernible.  The first book is shown briefly and set aside, and the second is opened to a bookmarked page.  This large tome is titled Principles of Criminal Psychology (Fifth Edition), by George R. Booth and Andrew Porter.  Sadly, I cannot find even the tiniest scrap of the existence of this book online.  It is clearly a textbook, and presumably one she would have kept from her school days given that it’s directly relevant to her career.  The bookmarked page is titled “Chapter 27: Gestalt Theory”, and the opposite page features photos of Leopold and Loeb, who I have discussed elsewhere.  The text itself is unfortunately not clear enough to be readable. 
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Returning to the first book we see, there is much more information to be found online.  It is titled Gestalt Therapy: The Attitude and Practice of an Atheoretical Experientialism by Claudio Naranjo, first published in 1993.
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The recording Sally plays during this moment is their exchange regarding gestalt.  This concept is one that the movie highlights in this scene and again at the end during Sally’s address to her peers, but it does not clearly define or explain the idea of “gestalt” for the audience.  Gestalt first arose as a philosophical principle suggesting that the experience of the parts of something cannot fully represent the whole of that thing, like the notes of the song versus the experience of the song itself.  A cursory search of various articles online can give a brief overview of the core ideas of gestalt psychology.  Wikipedia says this:
Gestalt psychologists believed that breaking psychological phenomena down into smaller parts would not lead to understanding psychology.   Instead, they viewed psychological phenomena as organized, structured wholes.  They argued that the psychological "whole" has priority and that the "parts" are defined by the structure of the whole, rather than the other way round.  Gestalt theories of perception are based on human nature being inclined to understand objects as an entire structure rather than the sum of its parts.  
This gives us a more thorough explanation of Alex’s very brief description of “gestalt”, but does not provide much insight into the meaning of his hints to Sally or why gestalt would have any bearing on his relationship with Nigel.  The implication we are left to surmise is that these two separate boys have combined as individuals to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts, and Sally lampshades this idea at the end in her speech referencing the movie title.  However, examination of these two books has given me some new thoughts about the use of gestalt in the film and about Sally’s conclusion regarding the dynamic between them.  
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Alex’s next words to Sally feel extremely significant and should be considered thoroughly: “It’s not what it is.  It’s how you use it.”  Given that both these books reference “gestalt therapy” specifically, it’s worth looking beyond the core theory of gestalt psychology to see how therapists actually use these ideas in practice.  I found a clear explanation on this page:
Gestalt therapy is an existential and experiential psychotherapy that focuses on the individual's experience in the present moment, the therapist-client relationship, the environmental and social contexts in which these things take place, and the self-regulating adjustments people make as a result of the overall situation. It emphasizes personal responsibility. Gestalt therapy was co-founded by Fritz Perls, Laura Perls and Paul Goodman in the 1940s–1950s.
Gestalt therapy is built around two central ideas: that the most helpful focus of psychology is the experiential present moment and that everyone is caught in webs of relationships; thus, it is only possible to know ourselves against the background of our relation to other things.
I think we can already see some connections with the story as Alex presents it.  Alex and Nigel are inextricably entwined in a web of relationship, and we the audience find it impossible to understand either character outside of this context.  
Here I would like to suggest some Doylian interpretation which I believe to be possible or even likely, but for which I can offer no concrete evidence.  We know that Greg Read initially intended to make a documentary about the phenomenon of two people who match each other’s freak so well that they enable a worsening of sociopathic tendencies to the level of violent criminal behavior.  In one interview, he referenced a paper he read about gestalt psychology which opened doors in his mind and led him down this path.  He had developed the documentary idea enough to show it to other people, and someone told him it would make a great fictional movie.  Based on this, I assume he must have acquired additional materials beyond that first paper, conducting extensive research on the idea in preparation for the documentary.  I posit that the books Sally uses in this scene are Greg’s books, or copies of the same books he had referenced.  All of Sally’s scenes were filmed in Australia, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that he simply brought (or already had) his own books on set.  
Working from that assumption, the ideas found in Gestalt Therapy: The Attitude and Practice of an Atheoretical Experientialism might be taken as extremely influential on Greg’s thought process in writing this film.  While the whole text is not available online, there are a few excerpts one can read for free here.  (The book itself is available through multiple websites for around US$40 at the time of this post.)  If we examine the excerpts below within the context of the movie, a few things really stand out (emphasis mine):
Perls sometimes stated the principle entailed in such strategy as one of absolute validity: You never overcome anything by resisting it. You only can overcome anything by going deeper into it. If you are spiteful, be more spiteful. If you are performing, increase the performance. Whatever it is, if you go deeply enough into it, then it will disappear; it will be assimilated. Any resistance is not good. You have to go full into it—swing with it. Swing with your pain, your restlessness, whatever is there. Use your spite. Use your environment. Use all that you fight and disown.
This sounds remarkably like the process Alex goes through with Nigel, resistant at first and gradually leaning into the swing, learning to embrace and roll with all the things he was fighting against.  A case might also be made that Nigel partakes in this process as well: he too is resistant to Alex initially, but the train scene marks a turning point in which he seems to make the decision to lean into the violence that Alex offers.  
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Returning to Alex’s assertion that it’s not about what gestalt is, but how you use it, these passages take on a whole new meaning.  Sally’s speech at the end of the movie suggests that she arrived at the conclusion, based on her belief in Alex’s version of events, that Nigel essentially used the techniques of gestalt therapy in a twisted, malicious way to manipulate Alex towards the culmination of the film. As she says,
“What follows, through a system of either intimidation, manipulation, or coercion, is the dominant individual begins to focus and influence the thoughts of the subordinate partner.  This process nurtures a subjective gestalt where similar thoughts, fantasies, and other interlocking elements conspire to form a greater and more volatile whole, therefore, a merging of like minds.” 
Now read the excerpt below in light of these descriptions: 
In the strategy which pervades Gestalt practice, the therapist is leading the patient through a process similar to that through which a child that is learning to sit on a chair needs to discover that he can sit only by giving his back to the chair, not by moving towards it. While this is a discovery that many make at a certain point in a typical session, a spectator may not share the insight. The patient discovers that his resentment was a diluted and devious form of healthy aggression, for instance, but this spectator may be frightened by what he sees as destructive loss of control; what the patient experiences as a rewarding and cleansing explosion of grief, brought about by the exaggeration of emptiness, the observer without familiarity with Gestalt may fear that the therapist, by urging on the patient’s symptoms, may lead him to suicide. The therapist’s ability to bring a patient to the turning point where his disowned destructive energies become his own purified strength will depend, in large measure, not upon technique alone, but on his experiential knowledge that this is possible, and in the consequent sense of trust in the constructive drives of which pathological manifestations are a distortion brought about by unhealthy denial and which can heal by itself in the presence of awareness. Such trust will enable him to pursue a given course of action to an effective degree, in spite of the patient’s chaos, rage, or loss of control—and will be important, too, in eliciting the necessary trust in the patient for him to let go. Gestalt therapy is based on the principle that to alleviate unresolved negative feelings like anger, pain, anxiety, and resentment, those emotions cannot just be discussed, but must be actively expressed in the present. Without that, psychological and physical symptoms can arise.
These passages represent the intended healthy expression of these principles.  If we take these ideas and techniques and twist them into an unhealthy, intentionally manipulative and toxic dynamic, it maps quite clearly onto the relationship between Alex and Nigel and the actions they take throughout the film.  Sally assumes that Nigel is in the role of the “therapist” leading Alex the patient through this process.  The movie’s ending presents itself as a twist and suggests that these roles were in fact reversed, particularly in light of Alex’s first interview with Sally and his ominous and vague statements about Nigel's death being a necessary means to an end.  If we accept that conclusion at face value, then consider how Alex “urging on the patient’s symptoms” may have actually “led him to suicide”.
The Gestalt therapist contrives experiments that lead the client to greater awareness and fuller experience of his/her possibilities. Experiments can be focused on undoing projections or retroflections. They can work to help the client with closure of unfinished Gestalts ("unfinished business" such as unexpressed emotions towards somebody in the client's life). 
What is the climax of this movie if not Nigel creating a violent type of closure with his unexpressed emotions toward his parents?  “It’s how you use it.”  Did Alex use gestalt therapy techniques to draw Nigel into this violent chain of events as “a means to an end”?  If so, what actually was the “end” he desired?
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Incorporating this information into our interpretations of the movie still does not necessarily force us into accepting Alex as Mastermind as the only reading.  I think you can certainly see that dynamic, but it doesn’t preclude Nigel as Mastermind.  In my further reading regarding gestalt therapy, I found this passage in a blog post:
A thirst for experience is part of all life. Often though, this takes the form of a wanting to move on and on to other experiences than those at hand. A craving for more replaces the need for depth that could be our natural mode of contacting the world, had we not become desensitized to it. Intuitively seeking that depth or fullness of awareness that is on our birthright, and not finding it, we seek the substitute of environmental stimulation: spicy foods, rock climbing, high-speed sportscars, competitive games, tragedies on the movie screen.
This describes Alex perfectly and speaks to his own need for the gestalt therapeutic approach.  We could argue that Nigel addresses this drive for more experiences by bringing Alex into a focus on the depths of the present moment, existing in the now that Nigel creates for him as he attempts to understand his own feelings and reactions.  As the book puts it:
The Perlses believed that it is not our responsibility to live up to others' expectations, nor should we expect others to live up to ours. In building self-awareness, gestalt therapy aims to help clients better understand themselves and how the choices they make affect their health and their relationships. 
 My own interpretation is one of equal partners both playing the role of therapist and patient to each other.  Gestalt therapy relies on the ability of the therapist to set aside their own interpretations of the patient's experiences in favor of allowing or guiding the patient to arrive at their own understandings and conclusions. I do not think that sole responsibility can be placed on either Nigel or Alex, and the events of the movie could not or would not have transpired without the active participation of both boys in each other's lives.  While the context is a dark expression of these ideas, both Alex and Nigel help each other build self-awareness and achieve a better understanding of themselves.
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Like Minds Masterpost
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mariadelrefugioquintana · 1 year ago
1.- Vive ahora, es decir, preocúpate del presente más que del pasado o el futuro.
2.- Vive aquí, es decir, relaciónate más con lo presente que con lo ausente.
3.- Deja de imaginar: experimenta lo real.
4.- Abandona los pensamientos innecesarios; más bien siente y observa
5.- Prefiere expresar antes que manipular, explicar, justificar o juzgar.
6.- Entrégate al desagrado y al dolor tal como al placer; no restrinjas tu percatarte.
7.- No aceptes ningún otro debería o tendría más que el tuyo propio
8.- Responsabilízate plenamente de tus acciones, sentimientos y pensamientos.
9.- Acepta ser como eres.
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sp6ghetti · 1 year ago
do you have any resources/reads for how childhood forms the types?
The very basic info is in Beatrice Chestnut’s ‘The Complete Enneagram’. She describes it in general (across the whole core) under the title ‘The Early Coping Strategy’ and also discusses certain details within the subtypes. This is a commonly read book however, so I wouldn't be surprised if you have already read it, in which case I would recommend you to read the individual enneagram books by Claudio Naranjo. These books can go further in depth on their points in general, considering they are focused on the individual cores, and this includes childhood.  I do admit that my reading on the childhood aspect is limited in comparison to other aspects due to the fact that I take it with a grain of salt. Enneagram, including its subtypes, arent monoliths. Experiences can vary, but outcomes can be the same. A person fitting every other aspect of a type except for their childhood isn’t a reason for them to not be said type. 
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years ago
what are questions you ask yourself when determining one's mbti, or more specifically functions? same with enneagram, instinctual variants, and tritypes.
just asking because I feel like it's best to ask someone who knows about this pretty well than having an amateur like me try to determine these things myself.
I recommend you do most of your studying from books, since they usually collect all the data you need in one place. For example, if you thought you were an ISTP you could read the Ti-dom section in my book on personality types and then spend time considerng if that's how your mind works. And so on. Beyond that...
For MBTI - learn about the functions and then spend time self-observing to see if that is how your mind works and that reinforces certain behaviors that fit that type. Ask yourself how you are at ease and what you prefer to do vs. what is hard for you to do and/or what behaviors manifest under stress, and match them up with a type.
The Enneagram involves deeper inner work and being honest about your motivations. That involves a process of learning about the types and then introspection. Some people immediately know their type and can start inner work (the hard part), others get confused, are unaware of their inner self, don't know how to self-reflect, or do not want to "be" the type that stung them the hardest. Finding your type is something of a painful experience because it exposes all your flaws and deeper anxieties and people find that quite shame-inducing. But it can also be easier to start with the traids --
Assertive types (3, 7, 8) -- when they want things, they get them, sometimes by going around or through people who get in their way. Out of touch with the heart center/disconnected from soft feelings.
Superego types (1, 2, 6) -- move toward people to solicit help or a sense of community, work with people to find a solution when things go wrong, have an internal critic that harps on what they "should" do. Out of touch with the head center/disconnected from productive thinking (finding solutions instead of over-thinking about perfection, relationships, or strategizing "in case" things go wrong).
Withdrawn types (4, 5, 9) -- rely on self over others to solve problems, retreats from others to solve problems. Out of touch with the gut center/disconnected from productivity (they think about things but don't do them, procrastinate, wind up with not much to show for their time, struggle to act quickly).
Subtypes -- read John Lucovich's book on them, or the page about them on Enneagrammer and then pay attention to your focus of attention, what thoughts preoccupy you -- that's your dominant instinct.
Tritype -- save this for last and don't try to find it until you are solid on all other aspects of the Enneagram, since it's relatively unimportant and too easy to use fixes as an "excuse" for why a core type does not work the same way in you that it does in other people (mistype). If you are being honest, your core type should align pretty well with what's written about it at the medium health levels, and you should have evidence of the wing and accessing the lines. Tritype-wise, apply the same self-introspection you used to find your core to the other heart/head/gut centers and let it bleed to the surface.
The purpose of Enneagram is introspection and self-awareness, so there are no short cuts. This will be hard, but worth doing.
Good Enneagram books: Russ Hudson, Claudio Naranjo, Richard Rohr, John Lucovich (instincts).
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psicotaipan · 4 months ago
Escucha a tu Alma
No es la primera vez que lo escucho. 👇🏼
Oí decir a un gran experto hace unos días que más del 90% de las personas no están cumpliendo su misión de vida, ni están en la profesión para la que han venido al mundo, ni están con la pareja que deben y, en general, están malgastando su existencia, adaptándose a las circunstancias, improvisando, haciendo lo que pueden, pero errando el camino, en definitiva.
Si la vida es para un lado, están yendo para el contrario y creyendo que así van bien... ¿Porqué? Porque casi todos los demás, en ésta sociedad rebaño, también van en dirección contraria o torcida.
Ir para donde no es, resulta lo habitual.
Nos enseñan a sobrevivir, a improvisar.
No se nos enseña ni educa para seguir nuestro destino, ni para escuchar la voz interior de nuestra alma y ser coherentes con su dictado, seguirla hasta las últimas consecuencias, pese a quien pese.
Como decía Claudio Naranjo, las escuelas y colegios son granjas de domesticación.
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Los niños aprenden allí a adaptarse a un sistema inhumano e injusto y son entrenados para aguantar ocho horas haciendo cosas que no desean hacer, a fin de que en su vida adulta traguen laboralmente con lo mismo, a un precio de mercado barato, que a menudo sólo permite la supervivencia y beneficia a unos pocos.
Pagamos un precio altísimo en horas y esfuerzo para poder sufragar nuestro bienestar y es de locos que, como sociedad, a éstas alturas del siglo XXI, lo sigamos haciendo.
Hablas con las personas y se han tenido que conformar con su pareja, su trabajo, con su vida de segunda división. O están tratando de sobrecompensar sus carencias, complejos y miedos con mayores ingresos y postureo social, que solo encubre un tema de fondo en lo personal (el absurdo, el sinsentido, la sensación interior de que no valgo y tengo que ser más que los demás).
Yendo con mi amigo Julio a comprar a un hiper, a una de esas poblaciones del extrarradio de Madrid llenas de Fabiolos, me sorprendió el postureo lamentable de gente tan vacía. Y no es que eso no exista en otros lugares de las ciudades, es que allí era más relevante.
Parecían competir unos con otros en quien tenía el mejor coche. Se la andaban midiendo (la pilila y el chichi) que daba vergüenza ajena.
Era una risa.
Pero así es la vida vacía de muchos.
Sencillamente no han sabido como hacerlo mejor (y nadie les ha enseñado... Al sistema no le interesa la gente libre e independiente y con la personalidad suficiente para ser uno mismo).
Muchos viven, tanto en zonas pijas /fresa, como en suburbios o barrios de clase media, en una infelicidad semicómoda y asumida, muy alejada de la plenitud y la realización que se experimenta cuando se está siguiendo la dirección verdadera del Alma.
El hastío, el vacío, el aburrimiento, la sobrecompensacion de las fallas de uno mediante logros o cosas materiales, o directamente la insatisfacción, son lo más habitual entre las personas.
Otras están directamente en la supervivencia y ya ese esfuerzo les desborda.
Muchos se anestesian en la rutina, en el aburrimiento cómodo o en una actividad frenética y extenuante.
Nada de eso funciona.
Se nos educa desde niños para servir de fuerza de trabajo a la sociedad postindustrial, para sobreadaptarnos, para mantener el tipo, conformarnos, rendirnos, no para seguir la dirección interior, incluso si ello nos lleva a nadar contracorriente.
A veces seguir el propio camino supone romper con viejos patrones, con personas, con la sociedad, que nos dicta qué es lo conveniente.
Para no quedar desafectados del sistema, se nos obliga a ser una cosa que no somos y el precio a pagar es alto. Muy alto.
Pagamos con nuestro tiempo, nuestro esfuerzo, a cambio de un sueldo o ingresos, renunciando a nuestro verdadero destino.
Y así nos perdemos a nosotros mismos. Perdemos la identidad viviendo vidas que no son la nuestra.
Nos atrapan en un sistema trabajo/esfuerzo artificial, nos agarran con el dinero, con las hipotecas, las facturas que hay que pagar, con el consumo y la creación de necesidades artificiales que no son esenciales ni para vivir, ni para ser felices.
Una chica me dijo una vez (una chica de vida prisionera y conformista, de vida cobarde y adaptada) que yo le parecía muy utópico, pero mi vida es el ejemplo claro de que sigo la dirección de mi Alma aunque se derrumbe el cielo. Si yo puedo hacerlo, cualquiera puede. Solo hace falta valor.
Y lo hago porque vine a cumplir mi Misión y el Plan que me asignaron (o yo mismo me asigné) a toda costa, y no me iré de aquí sin hacerlo, con ayuda del cielo y mis ancestros.
Pero compruebo que el valor es muy escaso.
Y da un poco de penilla ver que la gente ni se plantea éstas cuestiones en su vida cotidiana y son manejados por la existencia como corchos en la corriente de un río. O viven atrapados por el miedo a la carencia, el miedo a la pobreza o al fracaso.
Que son animales de costumbre y repetición.
También da penilla ver que muchos se autoengañan y que algunos, cuando les sobreviene el vacío, no se plantean que es una señal clara de que por ahí no es.
Mucha gente, además, es que ni siquiera sabe cuál es su camino, porque ni siquiera tiene claro quien es ella o él.
Y si no sabes quien eres, no sabes a donde vas, o si crees que vas bien encarrilado (y resulta que es un autoengaño) ningún viento te será nunca favorable.
Dicen que, de media, reencarnas unas 70 veces antes de ascender a un plano superior de manifestación.
Y eso es porque en cerca de las 69 ocasiones previas, la cagamos, la cagamos estrepitosamente.
Basta una sola vida bien vivida para ascender de nivel.
Pero nos emperramos en fastidiarla una vez y otra y luego otra.
Recupera el Rumbo, por favor, deja de hacer el imbécil y escucha a tu Alma.
Conduce el barco a buen puerto, a través de galernas, de tormentas y oleaje si es preciso.
Estamos volviendo a Casa.
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lowcountry-gothic · 5 months ago
I just listened to a really interesting episode of The Enneagram 2.0 podcast, hosted by two highly-regarded enneagram teachers, Beatrice Chestnut (2) and Uranio Paes (5), about misconceptions found in the common understanding and discussion of wings. Their main point is that wings are often mistakenly treated as if they were subtypes of one's core type; for example, I usually say I'm a 4w5, which suggests that I'm a 4 with a lot of qualities of type 5. The implication there is that the 5 wing modifies my core type (4) and that therefore the 4w5 is a subset of type 4.
However, according to Chestnut and Paes, this is an inaccurate understanding of what wings are and do. As they point out, a bird won't get very far if they have only one wing. All of us have both wings, and they are not subtypes of our core type, but rather resource points we can access that offer us growth, just as we access our security and stress points (wings are more gentle shifts, while the stress and security points are more radical movements). Therefore, as Chestnut suggests, to say we are dominant in one wing is to confess that we're out of balance (and that may be an accurate statement, but the invitation of the enneagram is to use both wings in order to regain and maintain balance).
Further, wings don't modify the core type, they define it: in this sense, type can be understood as the tension that exists between the two wings. For example, for type 4, the feeling of being inherently defective can be seen as resulting from the tension between the belief that our worth is defined by our accomplishments (3) and the feeling that we lack a basic understanding of the world around us unless we offset that lack with acquired knowledge (5). This understanding of wings emphasizes the nature of type not as a distinct point, but as a segment on a spectrum. As well as the enneagram’s nature as a dynamic system rather than a set of static coordinates.
Finally, Chestnut and Paes argue, the understanding of wings as subtypes comes from the need to explain why people with the same core type can often be substantially different, a need that's satisfied more functionally and more actionably by the instinctual variants (SP, SO, SX); and from the fact that the work of Chilean enneagram teacher Claudio Naranjo, who introduced the concept of instinctual variants, wasn't easily accessible to English speakers when several seminal English language books were published on the enneagram (namely, Riso and Hudson's The Wisdom of the Enneagram).
The whole podcast episode is really fascinating and informative, and can be found on their feed here.
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sonictheglizzygladiator · 2 years ago
Sonic the Hedgehog and the Enneagram of Personality
Ayooooo. So, a lot of you don't know me as I am pretty new to the fandom, but I wanted to share my thoughts regarding what enneagram types Sonic and Amy fall under based on my own headcanon and limited and very scattered knowledge of StH canon in its entirety (so, if you know the enneagram, and you know Sonic or Amy a whole lot better than I do, and have thoughts on this, please share!! Also share which types you think other characters fall under as I'm doing Sonic and Amy as they are the characters I know the most about).
I just thought this would be a fun lite psychological analysis of the two fictional characters who are currently taking up the majority of the capacity of my brainpower.
Some of you may be wondering, "What the heck is the enneagram?"
Well, very basically, it is a typology with nine major/dominant personality types you can be categorized under. This is what the standard enneagram chart looks like:
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All nine types are interconnected based on how human personality can shift under circumstances of stress or security. Additionally, many people have a wing attached to their dominant enneagram number. Your wing is indicated directly to the left or right of your dominant enneagram number and is based on which personality types tends to resonate with you more. Going beyond basic characteristics one might exhibit, the enneagram digs through what might be motivating a person as well as what might be holding them back from growth in life. From my understanding, the contemporary understanding we have of the enneagram typing system stems from the philosophy of a Bolivian spiritual teacher named Oscar Ichazo and a Chilean psychologist named Claudio Naranjo.
Your dominant type, according to Laura Miltenberger, author of Enneagram Empowerment, is based on what she refers to as our "core fears, motivations, and obstacles."
The dominant types, along with the stress/security types associated with them and the basic characteristics that go along with them:
Type 1: The Reformer- Stress type: 4; Security type: 7
perfectionistic, conscientious, and rational
Type 2: The Helper- Stress type: 8; Security type: 4
relational, empathic, and helpful
Type 3: The Achiever- Stress type: 9; Security type: 6
productive, impressive, competitive
Type 4: The Individualist- Stress type: 2; Security type: 1
sensitive, authentic, expressive
Type 5: The Investigator- Stress type: 7; Security type: 8
cerebral, reserved, independent
Type 6: The Loyalist- Stress type: 3; Security type: 9
loyal, cautious, analytical
Type 7: The Enthusiast- Stress type: 1; Security type:5
optimistic, enthusiastic, resilient
Type 8: The Challenger- Stress type: 5; Security type: 2
confident, strong, assertive
Type 9: The Peacemaker- Stress type: 6; Security type: 3
peaceful, accepting, friendly
So, first things first: Sonic the Hedgehog is (based on my research and knowledge) and Enneagram Type 7w8
Type 7s are considered the enthusiasts in the enneagram. They tend to be very optimistic people and see the world through a very positive lens. I can definitely see this in Sonic. Even thinking about one of his first scenes with Amy in Frontiers, as he absorbed the energy from cyberspace, he was quick to try and find the silver lining in it. It seems like, no matter the circumstances, he always has the confidence that everything will turn out all right. The dude has been through some major hardship throughout the years, and yet his optimism shines through every time; he's a resilient dude (conveniently another characteristic that describes type 7s).
Another thing about enneagram 7s are their sense of adventure that seems to be driven by their desire for spontaneity and impulsivity. For Sonic, this seems pretty self-explanatory to me lol so I won't go too into it (hello adhd king!!)
One of the major hindrances that Type 7s run into in life is emotional avoidance. When uncomfy feelings pop up for 7s they tend to ignore, pushdown, and distract themselves. (and here I will dip a lil into headcanon and shippy stuff soooooo, just a forewarning....) Sonic appears to always be on the run, always looking forward to the next adventure. He's a resilient dude, for sure, but we cannot deny how important it is to sit with the big emotions that come with literally carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders every time something goes wrong. I dunno if there's ever been a time in canon where attention was given to the way Sonic processes all of the trauma he has witnessed throughout his life, and given this I'm lead to believe that he just pushes on constantly. He's gotta have a breaking point, right? With this constant seeking of stimulation added on top of unacknowledged feelings, I could see how this might lead to the eventual degradation of his relationships with his friends and maybe even cause burnout in regard to his motivation to keep the world safe.
As an aside, the whole emotional avoidance also applies to his dynamic with Amy (imo!). I know it's been said that he has mutual feelings for Amy, so I think in this case emotional avoidance can be applied more broadly to emotional connection beyond surface level friendships and rivalry. Something about specific types intimacy seem to be deeply uncomfortable for him maybe this leans in a bit to what brings out his stress type (type 1)? Ones tend to fear messing up and perhaps he thinks that, the closer he becomes with Amy, the higher the likelihood is that he'll make a mistake that would lead to the end of a friendship he truly cherishes.
Sonic's wing type appears to be Type 8. I think a lot of the characteristics applied to Type 8s, to me, feel pretty close to Sonic, but not enough to make it his dominant type. Type 8s are the challenger type and are often pegged as the Leaders of the enneagram. There's a lot of emphasis on power with type 8s which is what makes me hesitate to think of it as his dominant type, as I don't see this as his core motivation. However, the confidence, passion, and protectiveness that come with being classed as a Type 8 definitely fit into Sonic's persona, making 7w8 a much better fit than 7w6.
Amy Rose. Categorizing her proved to be a bit more challenging. I mean, as soon as I saw the basic description for Type 7, I immediately thought of Sonic. But for Amy, I was stuck between Type 4 and Type 2. I've drawn the conclusion that Type 2 seems to be the best fit for my girlie, as the security type attached to type 2s is type 4 and this combination made more sense than the inverse (Type 4's stress type is Type 2).
Type 2s are The Helper, and are basically described as "empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted." What drives the behaviors of a type two are often their desire to feel needed (i.e. helpful) and loved. I think a lot of what drives Amy's actions can be seen through a lens of wanting to be helpful, and, this is evidenced by her role on Team Sonic. To Amy, from the very beginning, being with Sonic meant being of service with the team. To the point that developing her strengths so that she was no longer the weakest link was a key point of her character in Sonic Adventure.
She is a huge asset and help to the team because she brings her strong intuition to guide the team towards their goals as well as her altruism and empathy to convert enemies into allies and rebuild what had been destroyed in mayhem. She's just so full of love and heart and that is what makes her feel like a true 2. In her power, Amy shows signs of her security Type 4 with her strong desire to develop her own identity and nurture herself as she comes into her own being.
On the flipside of this, when Type 2s let their desire to be wanted and loved tip the scales askew, they can get quite possessive and are prone to neglecting their own needs. Their stress type is an 8, which tends toward aggression and domineering. Given the reactions Amy has displayed in times of stress this makes complete sense to me as she can become quite hot-headed when she feels threatened. Another thing that seems relevant to Amy's character is her tendency to place the value of love on a pedestal, which 2s in their less healthy state have a penchant for. Love is for sure important! But when it becomes someone's number one priority it can cloud their judgement and hinder their ability to develop genuine connections with others which they are naturally so good at when their focus is grounded in reality.
As for Amy's wing, I'd say she leans more toward a 2w3. Threes are the achievers of the enneagram and value feeling, well valuable. At their best, type 3s are described as ambitious, authentic, and energetic. All qualities I see in Amy's characterization. Her desire for self-improvement, the fact that she wears her heart on her sleeve, and the absolute powerhouse she can be in her friendships as well as in battle all fall in line with the description of The Achiever.
That's kinda all of my thoughts for now. I may add to it as I read more into enneagram types, but I would love to hear your thoughts! Below is my personal connection to the enneagram as well as a link you can follow to see what Enneagram type you are!
I had a friend who had gotten me interested in the subject while I was at the beginnings of my Journey of Self-Discovery and during that time, I discovered that my Enneagram type is 9w1 a.k.a. The Peacemaker as I tend to value peace, compromise, and flexibility (I just want everyone to get along!!! which can be hard in fandom spaces sometimes ;-;). I'm very relationship-oriented, I'm very averse to conflict, and my main goal in life is having a sense of inner peace. On the flipside, discord and conflict tend to freak me out, and I have a deep fear of losing the people I love, and I sometimes have difficulties advocating for myself (I'm getting much better at this! Using your type to consider the places in your life where you can grow is the whole point of the enneagram!) You can take the test for yourself here!
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zbclub · 1 year ago
Claudio Naranjo and Robert E. Ornstein
<On the Psychology of Meditation >
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gunbf · 1 year ago
tell us about typology!
thank uuuu for asking!! okay so i'm starting to really get into it thanks to my friend (who has liked it for a long time). i did quite a bit of research - right now i'm reading character and neurosis - an integrative view by claudio naranjo! it's a really good book & i would recommend it. i've also been really reading into attachment types (im an avoidant fearful/disorganized!), psychosophy, enneagrams (im an e5 spsosx), etc. in fact of big 5, i seem to be RLoeI, being low on extroversion + accomodation, very low on emotional stability, high on orderliness, and very high on inquisitiveness. i'm also pretty high on neuroticism... to top it off, i'm pretty sure i'm a pure-melancholic (temperament), deeply introverted, with some phlegmatic tendencies - though nearly not as many as melancholic traits. :-) thanks for reading <3
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