Destiel prompt #20
(Muppets + Supernatural Crossover)
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vaicomcas · 1 year
One More Bitter Cas Girl Vent Fic
I fulfilled my promise in my tags and wrote a ficlet to incorporate my own version of Castiel's "confession" for a redo of 15x18. (I did change it a bit to fit the story) Because I can't stand how that confession took everything good Castiel ever did and gave all the credit to Dean Winchester.
This is not a proper fic; it's badly written, it's pure self-indulgence, it's contrived and doesn't make too much sense, but it's my truth. You've been warned.
CW: subverting 15x18. hostile to Dean Winchester. Does not have a happy ending. Cas still sacrificed himself, but at least he was the hero who saved the world and Jack.
This can be considered a companion piece to my other bitter Cas girl vent fic The Miracle that is an alternate explanation of 15x20.
In shock and disillusion from Dean's betrayal Amara let herself be absorbed into Chuck, but in the last moment, she realized she wanted to be free and could use the darkness of the Empty to power herself. If was too late but she transmitted the message to the next celestiel being which happened to be Cas.
Cas used Dean's attack of Billie as opportunity to draw Billie out of her library to the bunker, where Chuck killed Billie. Then Cas summoned the Empty, knowing that Amara could use the Empty to bury Chuck forever. His happiness came from: he let go of his self-hate and asserted his own worth to Dean; he knew that his action would lead to a world without Chuck where Jack will be free.
The Truth
scene 1 is from 15x17 Unity. The other 2 are from 15x18 Despair. Lines from the show are in italics.
“Sam and Dean, they are using Jack to destroy us.”
Amara knew then already.  But she still didn’t want to believe it.
“No, but…Dean can’t hurt me.”
Chuck looked at his sister with pity.
“No, but he could send you to the meat grinder with a wink and a smile.”
Amara was stunned. 
Dean lied to her.  Dean had looked her in the eye with such sincerity, and told her he could never hurt her.
She had cared about Dean.  She had cared about the world.  She was willing to put her own eternal life on the line to fight God.
Her love meant nothing, less than nothing.  It was turned into a weapon against both her brother and herself.  A disposable weapon at that.
Amara was surprised that it wasn’t anger she felt.  It was exhaustion. Everything in sight exhausted her.  The mildewed walls.  The dented shelves.  The dim lights. 
Every sensation in this world that she had cherished, now felt like an assault on her being.  An ugly, cold, hateful assault that came at her relentlessly.
She was the darkness.  Darkness at the beginning of time.  Darkness without end.  She longed for that all-encompassing darkness now. Away from this ugly deceitful world.
But there was no going back.  She had allowed herself to be entangled with her omnipotent twin.  She had been betrayed, and now she was trapped. 
Chuck said words about balance, about a fresh start.  But she didn’t bother listening. 
When Chuck smiled at her and held out his hand, Amara took it.  And let herself be absorbed into her brother.  What else was left for her?
Yet, in the millisecond before their hands touched, a spark of self-preservation broke through her disillusionment.  No, this was not what she wanted.
 Too late, she realized how she could find her strength.  How she could find her peace.  How she could become herself once again. 
Not how, but where.
She didn’t have time to act with her powerful brother right there.  But in the last microsecond of the last millisecond, she sent out a cloaked message to the nearest celestial being capable of receiving it.
“Take me to eternal darkness, and there will be peace for all of us.”
The nearest celestial being was right next door. 
Castiel didn’t have time to wonder what the message meant.  At that moment, he was preoccupied with Jack’s agony, as cracks of light spread on the Nephilim's face. Then the next moment, his father burst through the door, one eye glowing silver, one eye glowing black.
A sickening realization hit Castiel.  God was so powerful, he was capable of consuming his sister, his equal.  Billie’s plan was never going to work.  They could never have killed God using Jack, using anything that was part of this world, part of God’s creation. 
2. Jack
“How are you feeling? You’ve been quiet.”
Cas looked at Jack while they leaned on the Impala, waiting for Sam and Dean.
“How long have you been waiting to ask me that?” 
Jack was expecting it.  He could tell Cas was worried in the few hours of relative peace since he was brought back from the Empty.  Not that Cas showed it.  But Jack could feel it the whole time.
Jack could always feel how Castiel was feeling, even when he was soulless.  Even now, when he had lost his powers.
At his question, Castiel lowered his head and chuckled at himself.  A wave of affection radiated out, as if he was proud of Jack for seeing through him. 
For some reason, it made tears well up in Jack’s eyes.
Jack wanted to confess.  He wanted Cas to know that his pride and affection were misplaced.
“I was ready to die, and I wanted to. For Sam, for Dean, for the world. I wanted to make things right. And now... I don't know why I'm even here.”
Jack’s words hit Castiel like a tsunami of pain.  
Castiel knew this feeling all too well.   He knew what it was like to feel worthless and hopeless.  He had made peace with it.  He thought he deserved it.
With an agonizing horror that pierced his very core, he recognized that Jack had been in the same hell.  It broke Castiel’s heart.  He could never make peace with that. He never will.
He steeled himself to conceal his sorrow.  He turned to Jack, reaching out with his grace, his mind, his voice.  He spoke urgently and forcefully.
“Jack, you never needed absolution from Sam or Dean, or from me.  We don’t care about you because you are useful or because you fit into some grand design.  We care about you because you are you.”
Jack felt Castiel’s wings wrapped around him in the etheric plane, the way Cas embraced him so many times before. He heard Castiel’s heartbeat, sure and strong.  He saw Castiel’s wavelengths, gently illuminating the world for him. 
With his father next to him, he realized, he didn’t want to die.
Jack let his tears fall.  “God, the Empty, Billie…everyone is so mad at us.  There is nothing I can do to protect us.  I am scared.”
Cas put a consoling hand on Jack’s shoulder, not knowing what more to say.  Jack shouldn’t be trying to protect them.  He was supposed to protect Jack. 
How could he do that?  How could he stop the most powerful forces in this universe?  How could they protect Jack from God when they were all part of God’s creation?
Suddenly Castiel’s eyes lit up. Not everything was God’s creation.
He remembered Amara’s message.  “Take me to eternal darkness, and there will be peace for all of us.”  He understood it.
It didn’t matter that he was an insignificant cog of his father’s machinations. It didn’t matter that his power had been failing him.  It didn’t matter that he no longer had any celestial allies left.  There was still something he could do.  And he had to do something, to keep Jack from every kind of harm.  It was his promise.  It would be his happiness.
3. Cas
The sigil glowed on the door of room 7B.  Death was pounding on the other side of the door.
“She’s gonna get through that door, she’s gonna kill you, then she’s gonna kill me.”  Dean despaired in utter defeat, seeing no way out.
“No.” Castiel said calmly.  “That is not going to happen.  I will not let that happen.”
“Com’on, Cas.”  Dean groaned.  “You need to accept reality.”
Castiel smiled.  “Billie is exactly where I want her.  She is weakened, dying, and you have drawn her away from the library which is a source of her power.”
“I drew her away?  What the hell are you talking about?”
“I knew you’d want to kill Billie.  I knew you didn’t stand a chance, and would have to retreat. And Billie would follow you to the bunker.”
Dean’s face turned stony.  Cas made screwed-up plans behind his back, yet again.  
“You planned this? You are using me as bait?  What’s wrong with you?”
“Dean, I didn’t tell you because I couldn’t risk Billie sensing your thoughts.  I would never endanger you.  Billie can’t kill you.  Chuck-my father- wouldn’t allow it.   I know him, Dean.  You and Sam were always the only ones he was obsessed with.  He still wants you to be his story.  He will always want that.  Billie plotted to kill him.  And now she is trying to kill you.  Chuck wouldn’t let it stand.”
The building shook violently.  The banging on the door stopped.  It sounded like a storm was raging outside the dungeon. 
Castiel heard Billie grunting.  He saw the sigil on the door flickering.  He could feel two cosmic entities clashing.  Their blows sent shock waves pounding on his true form.  He didn’t waver.
“Chuck is here.  He and Death are engaged in battle.”
“And that’s your plan?”  Dean’s shock turned into incredulity, then anger.  “It’s not enough we got one cosmic big bad gunning after us, you want two?”
“I want them to fight each other.”
“That’s a stupid plan!  Whoever wins, they are coming for us next!”
“They will.  And whoever that is, I will destroy them.”
Dean sighed.  “Cas.  You are really losing it.  Even back when you had the power of the purgatory souls inside you, you could never have taken on Death or God.  Now…”
Cas smiled again.  “Now I am just a broken angel with barely any power left.  I know, Dean.”
Cas casted his eyes down, as if preparing a confession.  To accomplish what he has set out to do, he needed to set himself free.
 He returned his gaze to Dean, light of the truth shining in his blue eyes. 
“Dean, I know how you see me. You think I am impulsive, misguided, the reason why things go wrong.  You think I try to be the good guy, but I failed more often than I succeeded.  You think I am only strong when I fight by your side, as your blunt weapon.  I am not. Everything I have ever done, the good and the bad, I did for love.  I raised you and Sam from perdition for love.  I led my angel armies for love. And I made a deal with the Empty for love.”
Dean stared at him, dumbfounded.  “What are you talking about?”.
“When Jack was dying, I made the deal to save him.  The price was my life.  When I experience a moment of true happiness, the Empty would be summoned, and it would take me forever.  The Empty that is eternal darkness.  The Empty that was not created by God, and could be used against him.”  
Outside, Cas could hear Billie gasping and wheezing.   Despite the claim of the original Death that in the end he would reap God, this Death had been weakened.  God was about to destroy Billie.  He didn’t have much time left.
He no longer paid attention to Dean.  His eyes glowed softly as he prayed to Jack.  He could feel Jack’s grace responding to him across the etheric plane. 
“Jack, remember what I said to you earlier.  You don’t need anybody’s absolution, you don’t need anybody’s approval.  With or without a soul, with or without power, you always just wanted to do good. Jack, you ARE good, and you are important. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.”
There.  He felt it.  Jack believed him.  Although still faint, a wave of hope reverberated in Jack’s soul. That hope amplified in Castiel’s grace, endlessly, triumphantly.
Death has been destroyed.  God will be next.  Evil will rot in the Empty.  A new day is coming for heaven and earth. It will be Jack’s world, finally and truly.
Jack will be free. The whole world will be free.
The door exploded.  Chuck walked in, smiling smugly. But it was too late for him.
Happiness flooded Castiel's grace. His wings rose with joy and reverence, saluting the new world to come.
Pools of amorphous black goo seeped in through the ceiling and formed a swirling portal.
The black tendrils hissed and spread, enveloping Castiel and Chuck.
Inside Chuck, Amara sighed with relief. Darkness. Eternal darkness. Its incomparable power was coursing through her now.   She took control. "Let's go home, brother."
Cas smiled, head held high. He prayed one last time.
"I love you, Jack."
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angelynmoon · 1 year
-a/n: something I wrote years ago and finally got around to typing up.
Heres a secret, only one man knows. God is worse than Lucifer.
God is Vengeful, angry. God is a Child throwing a tantrum, a selfish, child that wants His way and will do anything in His power to get His way.
Dean should have known better than to think he'd get his happily ever after with Castiel in Heaven.
It did not take him long to realize it was fake, to notice all the things that were wrong.
Sam had grown too much n the last 15 years to fall into a life without hunting, to pretend monsters did not still exist.
And Jack would not have abandoned them, even if he wanted to be hands off he'd have at least shown up for dinner every now and again.
And maybe Dean did want to die, wanted to join Cas where ever he was but to die so quickly after Cas' Sacrifice would have been like stabbing Cas in the chest with a Demon blade, pointless.
So, it took him awhile to notice, mostly because no matter how much he prayed, begged and cried Castiel did not show his face, and after the confession Dean could understand the reluctance that but that was a human response and Dean knew that Cas would come to him if only to yell at him for dying so soon and so stupidly.
But no matter how he searches he cannot find the way out of this prison, though at least it starts to look less and less like the paradise it first appeared as.
Every now and again Dean would swear he could hear Chuck laughing as Dean searched frantically for a way out for a way to the Real world, to Cas.
He would not even care if he ended up The Empty as long as he had Cas
He should have known. Should have seen it as soon as he saw Bobby there to greet him instead of Cas, should have known when he'd mentioned John in Heaven.
How could he have been to Stupid.
Laughter echoed around him and Dean continued Searching, knowing that he'd search for an eternity and never escape.
And it took longer than it should have to realize that this was not Heaven he was trapped in, but rather Hell, a worse Hell than had been in the first time.
Because Dean knew that there wa no Angel coming to rescue him.
Here's a Secret only one man knows: God is cruel, even to His favorites, especially to His favorites and Dean Winchester is Chuck's, favorite Creation, His favorite Character and God is amused by him so very much.
Perhaps, He'll drag Jimmy Novak over to See Dean's reaction to someone that looks like Castiel.
"Shush now, Castiel." God whispered to an Angel gagged and bound with chains made of the same material as Angel blades, the links digging in to flesh as the Angel struggled, "It's just getting good."
God is cruel, He's Vengence and wrath and anger.
Here's a secret few know.
God is only benevolent when it suits Him
And here's the sorry truth.
It rarely suits him.
God is cruel.
Jimmy Novak blinks and turns when he hears a ragged sob.
He sees a man he only vaguely recognizes fall to his to knees, sobbing, reaching for him only to stop and fall forward, pressing his forehead to the ground.
"Please, not this, please, not him." The man begged.
God is cruel.
And Dean Winchester does not get a happily ever after.
Neither does Castiel.
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farieshades · 2 years
Hi I remembered another question
What do you think of Castiel's charactersion?
Castiel is interesting. 
He shows up, initially supposed to be a small role I believe, and is very, eh, monotonous. To which, I believe the general consensus at the time was 'angels are just like that', and in many ways we were kinda correct. Angels were the soldiers of Heaven, they fought 'against the agents of hell/darkness' or whatever you want to call it. And Castiel feels detached enough to be such a fighter, to be able to be more detached and more 'standing aside' while people need help that angels weren't permitted to give. Which, once other Angels are introduced, the extreme detachment is seemingly more of a Castiel thing, as is the way he regards humans as if they are some strange sort of alien species (though I suppose to him they are in a way). Not that other Angels are helpful, no, but, the others are more emotive [Though this may be partially due to my bias of reading a lot of Autistic Castiel fics but I'm going to ignore fanfics for understanding charcters]. 
Cas [because Cass is not good no fuck off] is also grows from this way of detachment, more so in favour of the Winchester brothers (and leaning more for Dean within that bracket), and the further along this goes, the more Cas 'feels', though you wouldn't know it from his actions and stance. This is an angel leaning into humanity that they are sworn to protect. Poetic, really, an angel falling in love with a man just as they fall from grace. In earlier seasons we see Castiel struggling with 'right/wrong' scenarios, especially when it conflicts with things he's learned on earth. When Castiel loses his connection to heaven, there is much more humanizing of his character, but this is switched to arrogance with the 'new god' arc. The further along in the seasons, the more, well, tragic his characterization becomes with his stay in purgatory, the amnesia, the catatonia and the ramblings. Oddly, the insane arc leading to purgatory and all that is in line with Biblically accurate portrayals of angels, knights of heaven one could link them to, destroying the darkness in their path whatever form it takes, obeying orders from higher chains, and staying away from humanity, protecting them in the background not upclose and personal.
Castiels inclination to challenge the orders of Heaven springs up from the Winchester brothers and their fights against both the angels and the demons, which eventually turns out to be a very positive thing for him, despite the struggle and turmoil that he initially went through. We get to watch as Castiel grows, well kinda, grows a backbone when speaking out against things that he felt were wrong. Very useful when your higher ups are very corrupt and aiming for disadvantaging humanity I suppose, which when the 'new Heaven' was made, it makes sense to have one of the Angels who was most outspoken to change be at the forfront of that change [smart from both a 'you were right' kind of way but also in the business of 'if this fucks up its your fault', but as far as we know everything is fine right?]. 
Castiel is beyond loyal to those who he trusts, which, luckily for the Winchester brothers, is them and not heaven. This becomes prevelant through many different arcs the seasons go through, but with the brothers this loyalty also was damning, he was used by Dean as almost a punching-bag of sorts (not literally but through insults and verbal abuse that Castiel never returned, only ever kept close and bottled up), but he seemed to understand the burdens the two carried. Castiel's character, through many strange, (hated,) and good arcs, is driven by love and by the goodness he sees in people.
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thetoyboxs · 15 days
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We get up to some fun down in the LU Discord Server (I am so inactive the gods were shocked I was there)
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bigcatbulges · 3 months
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Source - IG1119
(Artist Patreon and Fanbox)
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lightbulb-warning · 2 months
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sentientsky · 10 months
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breaking news: local divorced not-man is having a terrible fucking time
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cubbihue · 24 days
You know? You mention about anti-fairy diete, and i suddenly remember one sharacter. Milo Merthy from spin oth of P&F. I know it strange thing to ask, but... Can you draw how anti-Fairy just cherish this optimistick family dinast and even make some plans to be shure that this family countinue to help with theyr diete needs?
(this, or i just wanna see Milo with his Anti-Fairy guard.)
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MILO MURPHY?? Yeah, He'd be a Buffet for anti-fairies! They'd absolutely swarm him at any given opportunity!! Although it'd be pretty damaging for the Murphy family in the long run.
When a Fairy eats the emotion, it's taken away forever! Fairies must be careful not to consume too much from their godchildren. After all, if all your hopes keeps getting taken away, then why bother hoping anymore?
If Milo had an anti-fairy companion, they'd mostly be spending their days hissing and clawing away other anti-fairies from his family. And then getting food-coma'd immediately after. Fairies tend to be verrry possessive of who they feed off of.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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mischieviem · 3 months
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This is late for Father's Day but
God and his archangels :)
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rowenathesaint · 2 months
I saw a post saying people really need a new monster of the week show, and I 100% agree. And I also believe that Dead Boy Detectives most definitely could be that show. Give that show 22 episodes per season. Add some filler episodes. Some episodes that really doesn’t matter, but that you love anyway. It is the perfect show for it. Stop with the 8 episodes per season where every episode matters, and give us back stupid filler episodes. And as i said before, the show is perfect for it. They are detectives who solve crimes. Perfect. The characters are great, and you want to watch more of them. Everythings aligning. Just give the people what they want.
It’s not just a want for me. It’s a need.
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strawlessandbraless · 9 months
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Something about how Dean never had any faith in god because he put it all in Cas
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liiwerr · 3 months
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the Grants. 2008
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i think a lot about that one scene in botl where nico summons theseus and percy's surprised that he doesn't look all buff and strong - that he looks just like them, and not even older in age. he expects theseus to be prepared, to look experienced, but instead he gets someone who's a frightening image of the average demigod, and it's scary. it's a reminder of how things, no matter how shrouded in legend, haven't really changed. it's the same formula, the same pawns, and the same game.
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catscidr · 5 months
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yall i blacked out and then woke up to this….. what is this…. who was so desperate to have more dottore x y/n that they drew more….. that’s crazy….
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red-hood-vigilante · 3 months
to yell about an argument done to death: even the language around sam in-show and amongst fans annoys me. sam didn't 'let lucifer out of the cage' which is a wording that implies he solely and singlehandedly opened the door - he unknowingly broke 1 of 66 locks on a door because he was being completely in the dark about lilith being a seal and what killing her would do.
dean unknowingly broke the first lock and started the entire thing but nobody in-show or amongst fans carry the same energy for dean as they do with sam even though neither knew what was happening or even that a seal was broken until it was too late. 'dean let lucifer out' never heard of her.
and then! dean's torture of people in hell is never brought up but sam gets this thrown in his face years and years and years later (by dean multiple times no less) and there's still the convenient ignorance of everything else surrounding this; angels let 64 seals break in the name of the heavenly plan, castiel sat on the truth about lilith of a year and opened the door to the panic room to push sam towards ruby and lilith, dean's voicemail was altered to send sam over the edge, dean was held captive by angels to prevent him getting to sam in time, the plan of heaven and hell was to isolate and crush sam mentally so he'd see lucifer as a grace and say yes, lilith dying by sam's psychic abilities was NEVER the requirement so dean stating he and bobby would kill lilith while sam was locked up in the panic room means she could've died a different way with the same result.
there are a lot of things about this that is so glossed over all the time. and it's just reduced to 'sam let lucifer out'. that exact phrasing. i hate it because it is truly not what happened. if anything he was the one that solved everything despite carrying the least amount of part in this. it was literally a collaborative effort manipulated by forces way beyond sam and dean, why is sam blamed for it by fans AND characters who had their own part in this.
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