#Choco theories
randomspagetti · 4 months
Guys uh- me and my buddies were talking on disc and-
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Y'all know this scene?
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harborpointeblvd · 4 months
GMMTV BL series with the most sponsors in the opening credits.
Not commenting, just making an observation.
7 sponsors: SOTUS S, Still 2gether, Fish Upon the Sky, Bad Buddy
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8 sponsors: Theory of Love, Cherry Magic
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10 sponsors: Vice Versa
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11 sponsors: My Love Mix-Up
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So like a year ago, I made a post asking why Dorian confessed to murdering Basil in the 1891 edition of the book, but not the 1890. For the last few months, while working on tlg and the comic, I’ve on and off again worked on a small animatic for the ending of TPODG. Because of this I’ve had to reread the ending conversation with Henry again and again. And a thought occurred to me:
Is Dorian’s ‘desire to be good’ actually an attempt to stop being objectified?
Dorian’s ‘desire to be good’ is obviously horseshit, even to himself, but why does he do it? "To feel something new" is a lazy explanation especially when the book literally says that “[h]e felt a wild longing for the unstained purity of his boyhood”. He doesn’t want something new, he wants what he had before. But it’s not the innocence of his youth, nor something material he desires—it’s the way people treated him before Henry and Basil.
The thing that always stood out to me was this exchange (occuring after Dorian’s confession): 
“There is someone at White’s who wants immensely to know you—young Lord Poole, Bournemouth’s eldest son. He has already copied your neckties, and has begged me to introduce him to you. He is quite delightful and rather reminds me of you.”
“I hope not,” said Dorian with a sad look in his eyes.”
While many modern adaptations either forget this line or give a charitable reading, to me it reads as though Dorian realizes he’s replaceable. Even though he has a magic portrait and eternal youth, he still is a dying relic of a changing world. He will never be anything more than the innocent, youthful doll society and Henry treated him as.
His confession, to Henry of all people, was a final plea to be seen as more than the dumb youth, as an innocent angel—he is begging Henry to look at him and see that Dorian Gray is a person. That he feels more than youth, or beauty, or idolatry. That he is capable of great violence and even greater crime, like any other man and through that can be capable of evolving with the time like any other. He doesn't want to live as a passing fancy of perverts and naive young people.
But Henry breaks all of that in one simple line:
“You and I are what we are, and will be what we will be.”
But, Lord Henry was never going to see Dorian as a real person. Because Henry himself isn’t real. ‘Lord Henry’ is a role he plays, one that consumed him far before the first chapter. In many ways, his cynical philosophy is his own defective portrait. He hides any semblance of a person in his role of ‘cynical hedonist’ and denies any change. He too is a dying relic of a changing world.
When Henry denies his attempt to change, Dorian seeks Basil’s portrait of him. I think it's quite telling that even after he murder him, Dorian seeks implicit comfort from the man who had idolized his rose-white purity. Basil was the only relationship that was closest to what he had before. But the sad truth is laid bare:
No one ever saw Dorian Gray as a real person. 
He was always a role being played. 
And he dies tragically discarded.
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optimusprime3000 · 7 months
Sparkling: You guys want to play a game?
Schwarzwälder and Vampire: Sure!
Sparkling: Okay, it's called "Linzer or Piano". I'll tell you things l've overheard Crème Brûlée say, and you have to guess if he was talking to Linzer or his piano.
Crème Brûlée: ...
Vampire: Oh, l'm so in.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Here’s something relating to the theory I made earlier today
I suggested the idea that the sword came to life and is coming after Dark Choco, basically the idea I had here was that the thing just sneaks up on him and basically forcibly puts the armor on him, and that combined with the power of the Strawberry Jam Sword gives him his Sovereign of Darkness look
Okay the idea isn’t entirely fleshed out, but you get what I’m saying here
I feel like I should have made the armor look more eerie than literally just some floating armor, but I can save that for the proper drawing of it. Right now I just had a funny idea of it just creeping up on him. Or potentially (and probably the more likely scenario) you could have it be that you see this thing (but maybe it’s hiding its true nature and pretending to be a regular Cookie) sometime before, and then we meet Dark Choco Cookie again and we have our confrontation with him and how he’s changed and everything seems good, until the armor shows back up and out of nowhere captures him and turns him into the Sovereign, likely right before our heroes’ eyes (and if you want it to be really angsty, Dark Cacao is here and the two were talking and starting to make things up between them, only for this to happen)
But I wanted the funny scenario so here you go. Dark Choco being blissfully unaware that he’s gonna get sent back into the horrors
Anyways yeah. My thoughts are all over the place right now and I don’t know how to articulate them
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absolutebl · 2 years
2022 BL - The Shoulder Lean Trope
There was so much BL in 2022 that with a few popular tropes I just stopped updating the old trope posts and started to collect for a new on. The shoulder lean is probably top of that list. By far BLs most popular trope I think darn never every BL uses this one. 
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My Only 12% (combined with boys contemplating water trope) 
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21 Days Theory (classic car execution) 
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Blueming (in a bus, old school) and
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in a bed, much less old school. 
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That’s My Candy 
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Check Out 
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Choco Milk Shake 
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Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Your Soul (god it was so lovely to see KarnNat back on my screen) 
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DNA Says Love You 
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The Eclipse 
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Meow Ears Up 
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My Secret Love 
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Ocean Likes Me 
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Oh My Sunshine Night 
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Our Days 
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Plus and Minus 
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Star in my Mind 
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Sky In My Heart
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Vice Versa 
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Want To See You 
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GAP the series 
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goldenlol · 6 months
The only lore about the sword is that it was a powerful blade hidden away (By Dark Cacao or an ancient family it's not stated but Dark Cacao is very aware of the danger when he found out his son was looking for it) . While it can be inferred that the sword shapeshifts based on the wielder because of how it looked when Dark Choco first held it, and how it changed through his possessed arc and his default armor, the sword is kind of powerless until it has a wielder. You can also say it got bigger in his possessed arc because of the carnage Dark Choco did when they first wield it, then it shrunk a bit when he started hurting less cookies, in fact him defying the sword at the end can prove that the sword was becoming weak due to the lack of strawberry jam it recieved. (Honestly I could go on about my theories on that sword)
Anyway You can theorize that the sword called out to dark choco when it was known that dark choco was looking for it but that's all i got on that.
I'm sorry if this seems like i'm doing the urm actually thing i am just like a cookie run lore enthusiast, as lame as that sounds, saw the anon ask and wanted to add to it
-choco anon
I don’t remember cacao being aware of the danger of what the sword rlly was? He was confused why choco changed because he says “he was such a bright child” but I do remember him being weary of choco leaving the kingdom to find it but idk maybe I’m wrong on that
that’s a cool theory but I just thought the sword was small as fuck because choco is just huge but that makes Sm sense it would be smaller cause the less amount of jam it was receiving??
but also I think choco just realized how manipulative the sword rlly was, after cacao told him he was sorry he didn’t love him enough, the sword made the dumb decision to tell choco to kill him but obviously choco didn’t want that after his father confessed he rlly did love him, when choco thought he never did so he decided to finally go against it and bro is finding himself now 🙏
LNFAOO NO DW DW I LIKED YOUR THEORIES, we just have different thoughts
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The Sweet Sweet Kingdom
There are several locations that make an appearance in the Mario Kart games all themed around sweets. These places include Sweet Sweet Canyon, Cookie Land, Sky-High Sundae, Tart Top, Choco Island, and N64 Choco Mountain. I believe that all these places are all connected in one region similar to places such as the Mushroom, Koopa, and Bean Bean Kingdom.
What would this place be called, well I think the other Mario Kart location gives us it's name. I believe they are all sections of the Sweet Sweet Kingdom, with places like Sweet Sweet Canyon being obviously a part of it following a similar naming convention. Choco Island could be an island off the coast of the Sweet Sweet Kingdom with Choco Canyon being on this island. Edit: I forgot Choco Canyon is part of Dinosaur Land when making this.
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wonderfull-star · 2 years
The more I think about it, the more I begin to ponder the idea that Licorice was bullied as a child by someone rich and spoiled. And their family was prosperous and had many connections with others including even their school. Perhaps just because of the influence of someone richer and more "successful" Licorice’s dream of becoming a wizard failed. Because of this, he has a problem with trust, and he treats such aristocrats with contempt due to his trauma in the past. Therefore, even towards Choco Werehound Brute at first Licorice was probably distrustful, calling him by his real name, which he wanted to forget. And as we remember, Schwarzwälder hinted at the fact that he was from a rich family. Perhaps he wanted to escape from the richer and "influential" and not be like them, who in that turn were only interested in money.
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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My friend @anxiously-drawing-again describing Cookie Run characters (5)
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ryansjane · 2 years
NAH THERE IS AN OFFGUN OST CURSE OR SOMETHING LMAO. so I always joke about how since theory of love used its soundtrack for the first time, bits & bobs from it have been used in literally every bl show ever made. since not me also created its own VERY SPECIFIC soundtrack, I thought it would hardly be used by other shows, but it’s been obviously used by some other gmmtv shows since they paid to have the rights to those songs or whatever. TELL ME WHY THE SONG WHEN OUR VIGILANTE BOIS ARE AT OUR LOWEST CRYING SHAKING & THROWING UP, ALSO PLAYS IN EP 3 OF THE KOREAN BL CHOCO MILK SHAKE???? OFFGUN GOING GLOBAL. OFFGUN SOUNDTRACKS THE MOST USED IN BL HISTORY. I CAN’T LMAO
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A theory that could move us towards the canon character of the strawberry jam sword (if it turns out to be at least half true)
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some players have a certain head canon and at the same time a theory of what's in the skin sovereign of darkness much less Dark choco (in action) than we think maybe he fights like he does to at least have minimal control (this is very difficult for him and in any case it turns out only to scream) but after a short time the mind of the sword does not give control and takes control by 90+% with the words that he is now the master and it is at this time that he begins to speak exclusive phrases that are not in his original costume
If you do not have this skin and you have not seen its exclusive phrases, then they are below
-All is futile..!
-It's dark...
-Now I am the master.
Most likely you have heard this theory before and consider it canon and think that I am writing this in vain, but I was not going to make a theory, but draw a small conclusion from it, if it turns out to be true, then we can to understand the real nature of the sword more because at the moment we don’t have much information and now I'll figure it out if it's canon...
-It is immediately clear that it likes to keep the situation under its control. It also tries in one phrase to convince the victim to give up and become just a puppet for the mind of sword.
also it achieved a huge power that the owner (victim) did not use, we can understand that there is only one right way for this-a path of darkness and blood that pleases the mind of the sword.
Unfortunately, this is the only thing I understood and still the nature of the strawberry jam sword remains largely a mystery, and the conclusions that we made are only pieces of this puzzle
(I warn you, this is by no means canon, it is rather the opinion of the author with which you may not agree)
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gingersmidge · 23 days
So the new icings look sick, but they made me realize something.
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This is the military attire for the Dark Cacao Kingdom. We’ve seen this outfit worn before, this piece looking most similar to Caramel Arrow Cookie’s outfit. But what I realized was this: if the military doesn’t way armor,
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Why does the king?
Spoilers ahead, by the way.
From what we’ve seen in the story, he doesn’t even really need armor.
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This is from world 13, where Dark Cacao Cookie is pushed off of the tallest wall in the citadel by Dark Choco Cookie.
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This is in world 14, when Caramel Arrow Cookie finds Dark Cacao Cookie.
He did, in fact, survive. And he wasn’t even wearing armor! Thats his casual outfit! And all he got was just a cut?!
Not even just that, read the description of the adamant hair icing.
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So Dark Cacao Cookie is both durable enough to survive a (presumably) hundred foot drop (might be more, I’m just guessing), and he’s agile enough to not get a single hair cut off during battle.
He’s also strong enough to carry the Grapejam Chocoblade, which takes the average 3 cookies to even budge.
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Also caused storms and avalanches.
So if he’s so strong, agile, and durable, what’s the point of him wearing armor?
I have some theories.
One, it could be a status thing. Lets people know that he’s important because he’s the only guy in the room wearing armor.
Two, a resource issue. I don’t have a picture for this one, but I have heard from somewhere that the kingdom is low on supplies and or poor. So, if your kingdom doesn’t have enough materials for the entire army, it makes sense to give the king protection.
Also, just to clarify in case I lost somebody along the way. I’m not confused with why Dark Cacao Cookie wears armor at all, I’m more confused to why he wears it if nobody else in his army does.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Aight, so here’s the thing I wanted to discuss and why I was looking at the Black Citadel assets, namely a thought I had about the Sovereign of Darkness and how they could appear
So we know that Pomegranate says something that possibly hints towards the Sovereign when Dark Choco leaves, as I’ve mentioned before
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Thing is, he leaves it behind, meaning this wouldn’t just happen on its own, and something would have to happen to him. But I mean, I think we all know that, right?
Well something we see sometimes in the background is a particular set of armor that looks suspiciously similar to the Sovereign’s armor
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Now yeah, I know we see it next to Dark Choco’s Portrait, along with what looks like part of his Young Prince costume, so it sort of just seems like a little reference to his Ovenbreak costume, except it also shows up in other stages in the background, implying that it’s more like armor that the Citadel has (that we never see anyone wear for some reason), and not just a reference
Something else I want to show are these enemies from the episode, the Cursed Weapons that come to life (which as @psychicdreamersteaberryjamsword pointed out, are never explained and have this strange red aura, which is odd since the priests, the people here we know with magic, are associated with purple, implying that it isn’t them and instead could be connected to the Strawberry Jam Sword)
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Now again, we know that Dark Choco left the sword behind, but we also don’t really know what happened to it, whether the Cookies of Darkness took it or it was left at the Citadel
So, what if the Strawberry Jam Sword, left at the Citadel, came to life and ended up possessing that armor, and then going around looking for Dark Choco?
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 3 months
Just finished watching episode 4 and HOLY SHIT-
Turns out it was all an illusion... oh thank the LORD!!! I am so BEYOND happy that Carrow and Co. fading out of existence did not actually happen because if it actually did, a rewrite would've been due...
Anyway, now addressing the elephant in the room... where WAS Dark Choco?? Well, turns out he was actually helping the kingdom instead of his dad. So, the theory of Choco having a major role in the story was wrong, and man I wish it wasn't. Honestly, wouldn't it be so cool if Dark Choco and Cacao team up and defeat Mystic Flour, instead of him being casually mentioned? I think there was a MAJOR missed opportunity in my opinion for some cute father-son moments, along with some juicy angst.
Also... this design:
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This design is peak. I adore this design of Choco being king so much!!! He looks so happy!!! And the sword that he has doesn't have the gem anymore!! Hmmmmmmmm.....
Also I am 100% drawing this design of Choco!!!
Overall, episode 4 was very good. Although there are some things I would change, such as Dark Choco making an appearance and possibly having a major role. Other than that, I'm happy with this!
Maybe we can get a side story of Dark Choco's little adventure as a side story in the future because I would love to see him give back to his kingdom after everything he did.
He's such a sweetheart oh my god-
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neon-zipperooni · 10 months
some whacky/weirdly specific cookie run headcanons i have
capsaicin cookie really likes the song "one two buckle my shoe" for some reason and nobody knows why. besides that most of his music taste is probably 80's-90's rock
electric eel cookie is afraid of escalators, this is a common thing for eel cookies
the fives great dragons all unironically think morbius is peak cinema, only those five, other dragons don't get it. hydrangea keeps having to watch it with lotus, same for mango with ananas. save them.
dark choco cookie is a cat person and also a cat magnet, he can just go "pspspspsp" and the cats will Approach him
royal berry cookie is the kinda guy to plug his nose and say "geronimo!" when diving into a pool or clap when the plane lands
custard cookie III loves watching MLP:FiM and jake and the neverland pirates (slight bit of projection on this one since i grew up on mlp)
there's a whole conspiracy theory about chocolate bonbon being a spy for the cookies of darkness (she's not) and she's really tired of it
rebel cookie regularly steals from lotus dragon cookie and distributes their wealth to the victims of their "wishes", he's also got his sights set on stealing from the corrupt elders in the republic
poison mushroom cookie's favorite movies are those badly reviewed animated films like the good dinosaur, home, and either of the secret life of pets movies
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