#cursed of strawberry jam sword
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Dark choco met a cool and legendary sword that he can take for free .... only here is the sword is little bit..... aggressive
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randomspagetti · 8 months
[Pointless Attempts] <Curse!Au>
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[Chapters] (Next)
DANG THIS TOOK SO LONG :((( anyways-
Yeah I got an art tablet lol, so there's now a rise in quality! This took 190+ hours :') so there's that.
I don't promote it yet get suprised that people don't join often, but I have a discord for crk in my pinned if anyone wants to join! Tell me if the link doesn't work, sometimes I mess it up somehow. ANYWAYS ONTO THE NEXT PAGESSSSS WOOOOOOOOO
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aurora-ze-aquarius · 1 year
Welcome to another episode of, "Aurora can't stop talking about the Dark Cacao Kingdom Cookies. Send hel-"
Today, we are going to be dissecting Dark Cacao and Dark Choco's relationship via MLP, because this song is just too good.
Also idc if you see it as cringe, it's ✨my blog.✨
Ok so. This song. But in Dark Cacao and Dark Choco.
Ok so, to sum up my ramblings because I can't stop thinking about it.
Celesitia's verse is Dark Cacao after the events of chapters 13-14, when he finally realized what a douchebag he's been to, not only his son, but the entire kingdom basically. Failing his duties as a father due to his very not well mental status, as well as trying to keep up with the declining state of the kingdom. He loves Dark Choco, but unintentionally pushed him away and didn't make room to care for him more growing up.
"And Neither had [s]he loved [her] as [she] deserved. [S]he watched as [her sister's] unhappiness grew."
Dark Choco in turn, felt frustrated. He loves his father, but felt hurt and angry towards him. So he went in search of the sword, only for the dang thing to use his emotions against him and turn against his homeland.
I'm stealing this headcanon from the comics, but basically, in the comics, the sword's curse basically sort of enhances your strong negative emotions. In the comics, Dark Choco lost control when he believed his crush friend was hurt, and his anger took control over him, amplified by the sword's curse.
My interpretation of canon is somewhat similar. The strawberry jam sword amplified Dark Choco's emotions to the point where he lost control and attacked Cacao, resulting in his banishment. However, he still has some semblance of awareness and control over his actions. He still actively chooses the path of darkness, believing it to be the only path left he could travel. He still chose to hurt people, even when he knew that's not what he wanted. He didn't stop until the end of the cacao chapters.
Ok, back to the music. Luna's Soliloquy is basically Choco pre-chapter 13-14, and how despite how much he's (rightfully) angry, hurt, and upset at his father for what he did, he still misses him, and yearns to make things right.
"My pain grows, I can't know. Are you still the same?"
But after so long, and when he finally received some semblance of closure for what happened, the sword's grip on his soul weakened, because his negative emotions weakened. He was able to come to terms with what happened. He's still very much hurt, and is still recovering, but he's able to accept his emotions better. It'll take a while until they can both meet again, and make things right, but I can't help but think of their story whenever I listen to this song.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Alright, I mentioned about a week ago that I was working on a character but couldn’t figure out a design, but this morning I finally drew a design for him I liked, so this is Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie
To be perfectly honest, I’m still not sold on the design, specifically the outfit? Actually no, I think the design is largely fine, but the colors of the outfit are what bother me because I can’t get them to look right
Also the hair and dough color make me think this guy’s from Yogurca when he isn’t; in fact he likely predates Yogurca. I just wanted his hair to look like actual blueberry ice cream, and I’ve technically already drawn this character before with a similar dough color, so I transferred it over. Coincidence I guess
Speaking of which, I should mention who exactly this guy is, and he is in fact the original form of the spirit of the Strawberry Jam Sword (ps I’m not sure I’m gonna keep their name Strawberry Jam Cookie, since I realize typically weapons don’t have the same name as their wielders), as well as it’s original creator
I wanted to incorporate that into his sword shown here, the Blueberry…something, I haven’t figured out what exactly to call it. One idea was the Blueberry Buster Sword, but it doesn’t really look like the Buster Sword, nor is that an actual type of sword. I dunno. Back during these days it was his personal greatest creation, and what he would use to fight. When I drew it here, I intentionally wanted to make it look like the Strawberry Jam Sword, given that they both have the same creator. Though I wonder if I made them too similar, given that Blueberry Ice Cream later sees this sword as their great failure
Around 10,000 years ago, long before any of the Ancients, Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie was a blacksmith, as well as a warrior, who would make powerful weapons. What made his special is that he would use his magic abilities to enchant his weapons and imbue them with power. Typically he would use either Dessert Magic or Dark Moon Magic. He would visit the City of Wizards to study their texts and use what he learned in his weapon making. However something to also note is that he tended to be reckless with his magic usage, ignoring the potential dangers of what he uses, so long as it does what he needs. But at his core he always meant well, making weapons for the sole purpose of helping protect other Cookies from the dangers of the world (which could potentially have been dragons, given how far back this is). And all around he was a pretty friendly guy
Then one day, his village gets attacked, and he tries to fight against the threat, only for his sword to be completely shattered with one blow, and his village gets destroyed. This is the event that put him on a downward spiral which would eventually turn him into Strawberry Jam Cookie (again I’m probably not keeping that name but for now it’s all I got). Driven by his guilt and grief (maybe someone important to him died, I haven’t worked out all the details), he decides that he’s going to create the perfect weapon, something that will be so powerful it can destroy any threat, and this is the beginning of the creation of the Strawberry Jam Sword. He becomes obsessed with this goal, making it the only thing that matters anymore, only ever leaving his smithy to go find more magic texts. During this time the blueberries on his head sort of melt and just become part of his hair, as seen with the colored sketch there
He eventually decides that this time, his usual magic isn’t good enough, it was too weak. So in desperation, he turns to Black Magic, uncaring of the supposed consequences. He starts using it more and more, trying for years to create this perfect weapon. And as he uses more and more Black Magic, it corrupts his mind (as well as his dough), making him desire power more and more, forgetting what the original reason was, and caring less and less about other Cookies, frustrated why they can’t see the importance of what he’s doing, and eventually thinking they don’t matter at all
It all comes to a head at some point I haven’t really decided yet, but some particular incident with Black Magic ends up sort of rebaking him, turning into Strawberry Jam Cookie. And eventually, they finish their accursed sword, probably using some blood (well I guess strawberry jam) ritual involving other Cookies
After getting sealed in the sword, they start to lose their mind further, and by the time of present day, Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie is completely gone, not even a faded memory
Originally BIC here was going to be a retcon of Strawberry Jam Cookie, considering that I recognize a lot of the stuff I said there contradicts things from actual canon (the Shattered Kingdom I believe was Dark Choco’s kingdom, and the SJS is in Dragon’s Valley), but honestly this here I think would still comply with what I said before, given Strawberry Jam Cookie didn’t have a real backstory there.
Also right quick I just wanna give backstory as to why I called them Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie. So I originally had a number of ideas for SJ’s original name, of which I’ll list here
Strawberry Mochi Cookie (because strawberries, also I thought it’d be funny if the Strawberry Jam Sword was originally named something like Mochi)
Strawberry Ice Cream Cookie (mostly because Strawberry Mochi Ice Cream Cookie was far too long (despite strawberry mochi ice cream being what I originally intended), but also because ice cream is a type of magic and this character was going to be a magic blacksmith)
Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie (because originally their magic type was going to be Dark Moon Magic, which is blue, so I wanted to make them match, along with ice cream magic)
Ruby Choco Cookie (to tie in with Dark Choco Cookie, making them even more similar and as if the sword is almost a reflection of himself)
Rhubarb Cookie (because strawberry rhubarb pie)
I eventually picked Blueberry Ice Cream because I like the blue (not realizing blueberry ice cream is more purple) and because it creates a contrast with both the Strawberry Jam Sword’s color scheme as well as Dark Choco’s. Also I had the idea of blueberries on their head melting and being what creates that gradient effect their later design has
But yeah, this is Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie
Also side note but I had this funny idea relating to that other picture I had of Dark Cacao, Dark Choco and Strawberry Jam Cookie together, where potentially if this were the canon story or something similar, they release both Strawberry Jam Cookie and Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie, given they’re now effectively different characters, meaning that Dark Choco not only has to deal with one version of the being who brought him years of torment, but two
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xaytheloser · 4 months
Sleep, Sweet Child..
characters: Dark Choco Cookie, Mystic Flour Cookie warnings: brainwashing, kidnapping (essentially), mystic flour's weird ideology ig, my shit writing
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when he awoke, everything was white.. the air was thick, filled with some sort of.. dust..? no, not dust... flour. no buildings, no other cookies, no one. Dark Choco was alone. or so he thought.. .... "welcome, sweet child..." "...!" "you are tense... I see..." a feminine voice echoed, it seemed to be coming from all directions.. it was so loud.. "do not worry, all of your pain and anger shall be over soon enough.." "ugh.. what are you talking about..? where am I- AGH!!" Dark Choco's head felt a spitting pain.. it felt like thousands of needles were being jammed into his skull. "AGH!! STOP...! N-NO MORE!!" "now now, it will be over soon enough.." numbing pain washed over him.. all the memories he had.. they felt like they were burning away.. he tried to hold on to his now slipping memories, the cursed strawberry jam sword, the cookies of darkness.. Dark Cacao Cookie, his.... his.. who was Dark Cacao Cookie again.......? ........... Dark Choco felt numb, no more pain.. it wasn't even an uncomfortable numbing sensation... it felt.. warm.. he felt so tired... his knees gave out as he fell onto them.. he felt someone gently place their hand on his cheek.. lifting his head up oh so gently... his eyes met with the grey ones of the beast.. "there, isn't that better....? no more painful memories.. now just a blank canvas for me to paint on.." his throat was numb.. he couldn't speak.. "do not fear child, I, the Master of The Ivory Pagoda, shall care for you... you shall know the beauty of futility.." Dark Choco's eyelids began to droop, his body felt so heavy.. yet he felt so warm... "now sleep, dear child...." he couldn't help but listen... her voice was.. so soothing.. his eyes shut, and his whole world went black..
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 2 months
Another one of Dark Cacao and Dark Choco's ancestors: Berry Choco Cookie.
The first wielder of the Strawberry Jam Sword. (Feat. Grape Choco Cookie during his younger years).
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I'll be going into more depth on the two's backstory. This is part 1, focusing on Berry Choco's side of the story.
Mentions of violence and death.
There's an image at the end that some users may find to be eye straining. It also contains a bit of blood. Not gorey or graphic, but just in case you may find it disturbing.
Berry Choco doesn't actually mind control Dark Choco as this artwork I made may imply. He's very much dead and not conscious the whole time Dark Choco had the sword.
The sword itself is cursed with magic that amplifies whatever negative emotion you have tenfold. The 'voices' Dark Choco hears from the sword are echoes of his emotions amplified to a painful degree. This very magic was what led Berry Choco to his untimely demise. It didn't directly kill him, but it did lead him to destroy the new home Grape Choco found refuge in after the brothers had been separated.
Speaking of which, the brothers in their prime were undefeated warriors, fighting any foe that crossed their paths. As victories stacked up, they grew arrogant, facing more and more dangerous foes. One day, they decided to attack the great Jade Dragon, guardian of the heavens. However, they were over powered by the ancient beast, their powers stripped away from them, and each one banished to the furthest corners of the world, forced to wander about until they can find peace.
Berry Choco, furious and driven by pride and anger, scoured the lands in search of an answer to defeat anyone who dared stand in his way again. He stumbled across forbidden Strawberry Jam magic (essentially blood magic in human terms), and 'tweaked' it just a bit.
This however resulted in him being unable to control the magic, becoming too absorbed in his quest for bloodlust.
When he found his brother again, he was happy to see him, but was shocked when he realized Grape Choco no longer wanted to be a feared warrior, and had actually settled down, with a child on the way.
Berry Choco was left confused, hurt, angry, full of rage— especially towards his brother's partner. How dare they corrupt him! How could they have managed to convince him to just give up everything they've fought for?! Unable to accept his brother's new found life, he was consumed by this dark magic, and ended up destroying the village, killing so many people. And eventually, his brother's partner.
He died by the hands of Grape Choco Cookie, shortly after. The tale of the two brothers vanished into obscurity, turning into nothing more than a local legend. Though whispers of his cursed sword still remained. The only evidence of his existence.
Berry Choco Cookie was practically dead for the longest time. Until, somehow, he was resurrected, brought back as a ghoul, a living puppet of the dead. What's that you say? He can finally get his revenge..?
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drool-king · 5 months
choco with white hair gives me life
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so basically when dark choco left the strawberry jam sword he still remained cursed and it would grow worse and worse as the years went by. his hair would whiten, cracks would appear on his dough.
he'd have trouble walking and would eventually be bedridden. he'd cough strawberry jam and would he'd do completely blind.
so yeah.....his magic candy better be real.
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lilacartsmadsion · 5 months
Ghost of Our Pasts AU
Finally making one about this AU. (But I will NEVER rewrite the AU that shit took forever)
Dark Cacao is used to Caramel Choco Cookie’s The Founder’s voice looming over him and clouding his mind in hate…
Till a new voice entered his mind recently…
Dark Cacao Cookie knew The Founder was relentless with his hatred for sweets…that much he knows…
Personally, Dark Cacao Cookie never ate sweets, it’s not a matter of discipline, he ate bitter foods from the moment he was born…so his body isn’t used to sweet things…
That wasn’t the problem…truth be told, The Founder hated anything sweet, including Cookies.
When Dark Cacao became friends with Pure Vanilla Cookie, he only scowled. ‘You dare betray your own kin?’ Is what he repeated that night. Over and over Dark Cacao never got a word of peace.
‘You think you’re so high and mighty do you? Ignoring me? Your own ancestor?!’
He heard that phrase a lot of times, he was too immune to the guilt-tripping that regarded him to obey an angry spirit who couldn’t let go of a grudge. Even then the people he held a grudge to were dead. The only remaining cookies alive? Bitter to the core. Even they had their biases against sweets…(Caused quite a commotion for the Milk and Coffee Villages)
Dark Cacao could care less if he was his ancestor. He was tormented by his own parents for years. An Ancestor was no different. If he didn’t respect him, he won’t respect him back.
Then he had a son, and that angered him even more.
‘Dark Choco Cookie?! Dark Choco Cookie?! That’s not a Bitter Cookie!’
‘You are a disgrace! You ungrateful lousy brat!’
‘After everything I gave you?! After freeing you from the pain and torment your parents put you through, you betray me with this sweet hellspawn?!’
Dark Cacao only ignored him, he didn’t care if Dark Choco was sweet or bitter, he was more grateful he was born with sweetness in his dough…
Perhaps he would be immune to the curse…that was all that mattered…
But alas, Dark Cacao barely knew how to parent…for Dark Cacao only knew the feeling of a cold embrace, to be cast out and forced to survive alone. The bitter feeling of being disowned by your own father.
And so, though not physically hurting his son, he barely made time…he was a king and to manage a son was just as hard. When their nation reached poverty after the Dark Flour War and the Great Choco Wall was made, he barely spent time with him…
He could only imagine what his son felt at that moment…being ignored by his own father…it took Dark Choco leaving and setting off to find his path in the world, did Dark Cacao realize how much his son had grown…
When Dark Choco returned, he knew he was not the same, Dark Cacao recognized the sword he used…it was his own…in the past…
The same one he used to destroy villages who dared to enslave his own kin…
He remembers the slaughters…
The cries of cookies both young and old…
Them calling out for their families to find them…
He could hear the screaming…
The Terror…
The Nightmarish Genocide…
With that sword he shed so much Strawberry Jam…he couldn’t help but freeze the moment he saw it in his son’s hand…
Because of his foolishness history repeated once more…a son who betrays his own father and homeland…a son who was disowned by his own father…
A son who was left to survive…on his own…
That night while he recovered from his wound, Dark Cacao only sat in despair and silence on his bed, the guilt eating him away as the voices of his ancestors echoed in his mind…
They ate away at his role at fatherhood.
They screamed that he shouldn’t have had a son at all.
They yelled that he shouldn’t have abandoned his past…
And he had no choice but to bear through the voices…
Soon they grew louder and louder, overlapping and echoing in his mind, almost painfully screaming in his ears.
He couldn’t help but cover his ears…
He wanted them to stop.
Make it stop.
Stop it…
He yelled, startling one of his Watchers…or at least, a Watcher in training.
“My King?” Caramel Arrow asked, trying to reach out in comfort, but pulled away. Dark Cacao couldn’t cry nor sob…he’s lived his life knowing that it was no use to express those feelings…
“I’m…sorry..” Dark Cacao spoke, lifting his head up. (He hadn’t realized he’d basically arched his back) and palming his face.
“You are unwell Your Majesty.” Caramel Arrow spoke in concern. “Do you wish me to get the medics?” She asked, Dark Cacao shook his head.
“No…” He spoke. “Leave me be for a moment.”
Caramel Arrow nodded, Dark Cacao found comfort in that…that this cookie could understand his distress despite the fact he probably exiled her only friend…
She left the room, silently closing the door as not to agitate the king…as he sat on his bed in silence.
He was alone…as always…
Pure Vanilla Cookie was probably dead. Hollyberry Cookie hasn’t been seen in years. Golden Cheese? No one knows what became of her. And White Lily Cookie had understandably left without a word.
He had a son in his life…and he pushed him away too…
Now he was alone…as always…
In the silence…
In…the silence…?
Dark Cacao blinked in surprise, looking around warily…
It was never quiet…
He tried to focus on where the voices were but, he couldn’t sense them, couldn’t feel their thoughts or presence.
What was going on? Were they planning something?
He concentrated, almost as if he was having a battle with himself, what was he expecting? A threat? A taunt? A very painful headache that’s likely going to last till sunrise? He didn’t know.
He tried to focus, find whatever was causing this unnatural silence. (He calls it ‘unnatural’ since the voices literally cloud his thoughts)
“Curious one, are thou?”
He paused, blinking, he’s heard of many many voices, this was not one he was familiar with. “W-Who…?”
“You needn’t worry, thou is not in any danger…”
The voice sounded female…was it female? He couldn’t tell…
“Who are you? You’re not the Foundress…”
Indeed this cookie wasn’t, the Foundress’ voice was one he recognizes very clearly, her voice soothing him with gentle warm words that etched through his very soul…this voice….
This was not the same voice…
“Indeed…Thou is observant in this case, just as thou’s resolve…”
He scowled, he did not like this one bit…
“I am the previous holder of the Soul Jam from which Thou has now called Resolution.”
They spoke, her voice echoed in Dark Cacao’s mind for a mere moment.
“Yes, indeed, thou is not the first to behold the power of the gods.” She spoke with benevolence and omnipotence. “Rather, Thou is only holding but a fraction of thine which was once held.”
“I have heard thou’s anguish…thou’s pain from the wrath of his guilt…” He trembled slightly. All his life he had been presenting himself as the strong, unyielding and unwavering King…to believe someone else, other than the Founders had seen this side of him…
The shameful, reckless and negligent King…
The one who weeps a traitor’s loss…
To hear someone else comfort him, was already shameful in itself.
“I do not need your comfort.” He spoke, clenching the blankets below him. “Nor your pity.”
“I do not seek to comfort thou’s pain, I had simply answered to thy will.” They spoke, he tried to look at the direction from where the voice was speaking in, but to no avail could he see the cookie in question. “Answered my will?”
“The Soul Jam’s power is far greater than what Thou has accomplished…simply ask it for what thou’s heart desires and it shall answer.” She explained, causing confusion in his mind. “Thou wished for privacy, thou had wished for silence…and it is with my presence did thy’s Soul Jam answered.”
So the Soul Jam summoned this Cookie to help him? Hm, that’s a first… “I’d be wary if I were thou, however, for I only answer to the Soul Jam’s desires, if thou does not seek comfort from me, I shall not give thou comfort, if thou does not seek thine presence from me, then I shall not stay.”
He thought about it for a moment, this new-found power in his soul…his mind now speaking to a voice that gave him a sense of dread…yet a moment of peace at last…
Perhaps, she could stay just a little longer…
“What is your name, Previous Holder?”
He could almost feel a smirk, or at least think they were smirking.
“Mystic Flour Cookie, at thou’s command, Your Majesty…”
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 1 year
The Ghoul Dark Choco AU
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I finally got around to making a reference for Dark Choco in the Ghoul Choco AU! I will 100% be making more content around this AU in the future because I have a LOT of ideas!
Here's some basic info about the AU:
After the events of the "Monster" Oneshot I wrote, the strawberry jam sword is now forever fused into Dark Choco Cookie's body, replacing his heart with the sword's gem. His ghoul form is forever with him, but will only come out when he's angry or a certain trigger that puts him in that state.
When Dark Cacao learned about this, he tried to remove the gem from Dark Choco's chest, but it only caused him agonizing pain and it nearly killed him. So, Dark Cacao has made it his life's mission to get rid of the sword's power, so his son can live the normal life that he deserved. If not, then he'll at least make sure that his son's power can be controlled.
While trying to control his new powers, Dark Choco will sometimes hear whispers from his projection form. Constantly telling him that his father wasn't sorry for what he has done to him because, if he really was, none of this would've ever happened and he wouldn't be cursed. Dark Choco will even see this other version of him in his nightmares or in his own reflection. (And yes, that is the trigger.) Thanks to this, Dark Choco now has "Eisoptrophobia", a fear of mirrors, and is left with countless sleepless nights.
Throughout all of this, Caramel Arrow has been there for him the most (apart from Dark Cacao, of course.) and he's just glad that his old friend always saw the good in him, but recognizes that he wasn't the handsome prince that she remembered. (Yes, Carachoco is canon.)
Your tears, hand them over.
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
relationship hcs ; sovereign of darkness!dark choco cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (29/03/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; dark choco cookie
outline ; “Can I request, Sovereign of Darkness! Dark Choco Cookie x reader? (Sovereign of darkness is one of dark choco's skin in ovenbreak*”
note ; the costume is exclusive to ovenbreak so i’ve tagged it as such.
warning(s) ; canon typical angst, small bits of fluff
dark choco cookie — or, at least, the empathetic part of him — was gone now and whatever remained inside of that heavy armour was something else entirely, a broken soul completely at the mercy of the strawberry jam sword’s wills and wants
he was so very tired of fighting (had been for far longer than you’d known him) and he’d thought himself a lost cause for so very long that you weren’t even truly surprised when you came home and found that… thing in his place
when you saw the face you loved, usually so soft and tired despite all he’s gone through, twisted into an expression as cold as ice and so very cruel — only the smallest glimpses of your dear fiancé in the invader that had stolen his mind and body
glimpses of love in how his arms wavered and fell back to his sides when you leapt in front of someone he was going to kill — how those cold, red eyes never changed as he ordered you to move out of his way, but still he backed off when you refused
glimpses of affection in those rare times when he’d let you cuddle up to his side, his movements stiff and his armour heavy and cold, but he still indulged you for those brief moments — how he once even wrapped his cape around your body and carried you to your bed when he thought you were asleep (just the once)
glimpses of protectiveness in how he’d shove you behind him and slaughter anyone who tried to harm you, splattering his armour and the floor underfoot with blood and viscera before he’s content enough to return that cursed sword to its hilt and keep on walking — either forcing you to follow him by wrapping a large hand around your waist and tugging you behind him, or just walking off an expecting you to follow
glimpses of gentleness in the way he would brush those cloth and metal covered fingertips across any injuries you gained under his care, carefully dressing the wound without a word before forcibly checking you over for any other wounds — so sickeningly reminiscent of how your love was with you whenever you so much as scraped the side of your hand
he wasn’t dark choco cookie anymore, you knew that all too well, but still you stayed by his side — following in that mental parasite’s footsteps and caring for him however you could whilst clinging onto those small threads of hope that one day your beloved could be saved
it a hopeless dream, but it was all you had — you’d already lost him in the real world, you couldn’t bare to lose the idea of him coming back as well
so there you stayed, with your sovereign of darkness, with only the memory of the man you loved left to keep you warm and hopeful
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A theory that could move us towards the canon character of the strawberry jam sword (if it turns out to be at least half true)
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some players have a certain head canon and at the same time a theory of what's in the skin sovereign of darkness much less Dark choco (in action) than we think maybe he fights like he does to at least have minimal control (this is very difficult for him and in any case it turns out only to scream) but after a short time the mind of the sword does not give control and takes control by 90+% with the words that he is now the master and it is at this time that he begins to speak exclusive phrases that are not in his original costume
If you do not have this skin and you have not seen its exclusive phrases, then they are below
-All is futile..!
-It's dark...
-Now I am the master.
Most likely you have heard this theory before and consider it canon and think that I am writing this in vain, but I was not going to make a theory, but draw a small conclusion from it, if it turns out to be true, then we can to understand the real nature of the sword more because at the moment we don’t have much information and now I'll figure it out if it's canon...
-It is immediately clear that it likes to keep the situation under its control. It also tries in one phrase to convince the victim to give up and become just a puppet for the mind of sword.
also it achieved a huge power that the owner (victim) did not use, we can understand that there is only one right way for this-a path of darkness and blood that pleases the mind of the sword.
Unfortunately, this is the only thing I understood and still the nature of the strawberry jam sword remains largely a mystery, and the conclusions that we made are only pieces of this puzzle
(I warn you, this is by no means canon, it is rather the opinion of the author with which you may not agree)
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randomspagetti · 1 year
[💡] <Curse!Au>
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[Chapters] (Next)
WHAM! Finally someone noticed! The reason this page is only one is because I've decided to put it up to a poll!
This will affect the next page, not only Chocos approach but also everyones reactions. (Not too much in the long run but it will affect future dialogue as well) Choco doesn't know about the whole curse thing, but he does remember last time he saw that change in his dad.
Ik I promised you guys more PV content but it's going to have to wait, not like he would be the one to see Cacao's hand Anyways 👀 (PV is definitely the most scary ancient fr)
But yee I'm putting it up for a week bc it sounds Abt right (also if you haven't noticed yet, different people have their flashbacks set up differently)
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darkchocoposting · 4 months
I know this is hard to ask or is kind of a dumb question, but do you even remember where did you find the sword? When did you gained its power?
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"Ah, the Strawberry Jam Sword. That was almost two decades ago I believe. I'm surprised I still remember what it was called before its true identity was revealed."
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"An ancient shape-shifting weapon rumored to harbor a terrible curse, one which slowly turns the bearer into an unrecognizable beast of hate and agony. It was one of the first magical artifacts, you know."
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"It called to me at a low time, promised me great power to prove how strong I truly am. I was a fool to listen to it. It used me as a vessel to feed its insatiable hunger for strawberry jam."
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"Sometimes... I find myself losing control and turning into that thing without warning. It's been a long battle for control, but I live with it."
[[Ooc: Hello guys, it's been a while! I saw this ask in my notifications and I just HAD to bring the blog back to answer it! Also, new art style! What do you guys think?]]
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Affogato and Dark Choco meet or interact in your au(Dragon Lily Au)?
Affogato and Dark Choco met by accident when Dark Choco arrived at Affogato's home in the middle of a snowstorm.
When Affogato offered him to stay, Dark Choco saw a picture hanging on Affogato's wall of him and his aunt, White Lily, which he asked Affogato if he knew her and if he knew of her, so the two could talk more confidently.
Affogato then offered to help him fulfill White Lily's will, which was to take care of her children.
Dark Choco accepted and Affogato wanted to give him a special sword, the Strawberry Jam Sword, but first he trained him mentally so that the curse of the sword would not affect him.
Dark Choco got the sword and a special obsidian talisman from Affogato, so they both joined Dark Enchantress and guarded White Lily's two children.
Affogato sees Dark Choco as a student and as some kind of godson, many times he had to help or prevent Dark Choco from dying because of a stupidity.
Dark Choco sees Affogato as a cool shaman or teacher, even as a father figure.
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xaytheloser · 6 months
I just imagined a scenario where Sour Butter Cookie went out to look for the cursed strawberry jam sword after Dark Choco spoke about it. they're not going to yield or use it, oh no. they're gonna look for a way to destroy it. and if they do they collect a small piece of the strawberry gem of the sword and gift it to Dark Choco and they just go "It won't hurt you anymore.. <3" GOD IM SO NOT NORMAL
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appleslicesinjuice · 2 months
Basically the entire idea of my Au is basically dark cacao still being cursed just like how his son was when he had the strawberry jam sword, the result of him still having this curse is basically the same, the whole berserk form and a lot of other things I can’t spoil because the actual main story isn’t done yet I’m excited to share it with all the people who see my account though, this AU has been on my mind for ages after I finished the boss battle with berserk cacao mostly because he was just immediately freed from the curse after the battle and it didn’t really make much sense to me so….yah
I do plan to make it more of an in depth thing with better writing and maybe small comics about it, I’m currently just on designing the way I see the cookies before I post anything major all in all this page will be seeing more of my AU stuff coming out soon
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