#soul jam
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 3 months ago
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I just got a question for you all, If we ever had the Soul Jams of the Ancient or Beast Cookies and hold their power, will we inherit their power? Will this alter our appearance or change our looks? Will they grant us their power?
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cookie-lore-keeper · 3 days ago
The Origins of the Beasts & The Soul Jam
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Timeline Post
"In the distant past... when the chaos of Iron and Flame still reigned, five cookies were baked by the witches. Radiant beings, graced with wisdom and power unparalleled. The five were destined to reshape the tempestuous world and usher in an era of peace, prosperity, and enlightenment for all."
- The Witch's Records
The Beast Cookies are cookies who were baked by the witches in order to keep prosperity in the cookie world, using the five virtues that they were baked with: Knowledge, Volition, Solidarity, Change, and Happiness. While many cookies think that these cookes only wielded the Soul Jam, these cookies were actually baked to be the Soul Jam. The Soul Jam comes later on this tale, but the Soul Jam comes from the cookie's soul. That's why it's called Soul Jam.
These virtues reigned for many years, keeping the cookie world at peace. But as time went on, each virtue slowly became corrupted. The Fount of Knowledge became corrupted into the beast of Deceit, Shadow Milk Cookie. Volition became apathy, and I'd now the beast we know as Mystic Flour Cookie. Solidarity became Silenece, and is now the beast we know as Silent Salt Cookie. The Herald of Change became the Beast of destruction we know as Burning Spice Cookie. Happiness became sloth, and the beast we know as Eternal Sugar Cookie.
The witches couldn't bare to see the corruption and destruction their creations had done. Using their sacred forks, they trapped the beasts, and sealed them away in the Continent of Beast-Yeast, where the Faerie that we know as Elder Faerie Cookie (though, his name at the time was Oak Faerie Cookie), to guard the tree that the beasts had been sealed in.
The witches then took the power from their soul and scattered it all across the world, which is what created the Soul Jams. The Soul Jams took new on new Virtues, though. Knowledge became truth. Volition became resolution. Solidarity became freedom. Change became abundance, and Happiness became Passion. The witches hoped that new cookies would find these crystalized forms of power and be able to resist the corrupt temptation that such power brought.
While that time would come, we are not yet at that part of the timeline.
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fan-epic · 21 days ago
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awakened pure vanilla cookie bc the new beast yeast episode is so awesome !!
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justn0t · 10 months ago
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you're not transcending to godhood you're just dehydrated
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jrcandle · 5 months ago
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zoethehead · 1 year ago
The extraction happens; and it ends with petrification
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Edit: here's the statue/petrified ancients
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spacedreamon · 18 days ago
Yo if you're doing kinnie moodboards could i get one for the soul jam of Shadow Milk Cookie/Pure Vanilla Cookie from cookie run kingdom? Strange one I know, lmao
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maksimuskku · 3 days ago
“Hey, girl with one eye…
get your filthy fingers
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Smilk is such a loser I can’t
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cwckcncdtruth · 3 days ago
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made a interesting drawing, titling it:
I think with the Ancients and them being connected to the soul jams, I picture the gems being connected to not only their souls but their entire being too. It also makes a lot of sense, given their powers and seemingly long lives.
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zoetheneko · 4 months ago
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Foreshadowing... 🍁🌿
HUGE things coming you way!
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 3 months ago
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lapis-the-rock-muncher · 1 month ago
This is my is thoughts on the soul jams and does have spoilers for Beast-Yeast and its lore, you have been warned
We’re starting with the soul jam of Knowledge because we’re introduced to Shadow Milk first.
The original soul jam, the soul jam of Knowledge is split into Truth and Deceit
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The the main shape of them are flipped version of each other, mostly likely showing that they are opposites. The soul jam of Deceit has a slit in it, making it look like an eye. This is mostly likely because of Shadow Milk’s view on knowledge. It seems like he saw the cookies on earthbread didn’t know of their original purpose, and were deceived. This might have lead him to believing that most knowledge is actually deceit, and thus becoming the beast of deceit. But how does deceit and truth relate to knowledge? They’re both a form of knowledge. Plenty of things we see as common knowledge is lies, like bears sleeping all winter.
Next is the soul jam of Happiness. It spilt into Passion and Sloth
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Once again, they’re flipped versions of each other. Now, how do passion and sloth relate to happiness? They both are a way to get happiness. You can be passionate about something and that can make you happy, or you can lazy around and have other people do stuff for you and that can bring happiness.
Next is the soul jam of Volition. It split into Resolution and Apathy
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Being completely symmetrical, they are basically the same, but the soul jam of Apathy is more rhombus shaped and a pale yellow. Volition is defined as one’s will and resolution means a firm decision to do or not to do something, and that definitely uses will. But how does apathy fit into volition? Apathy is the state of indifference. This seems very opposite to will and that may be the intent. Once you’ve used your will so often, it’s easy to get burnt out and become apathetic.
Next is the soul jam of Change. It splits into Abundance and Destruction.
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Like before, flipped versions of each other. Change and destruction can be related easily, destruction causes change. But abundance can also causes change, an abundance of money, food, or people. Like Shadow Milk, I have a theory on why Burning Spice turned to destruction. After years of overseeing change, it’s easy to focus on destruction causing change, and barely see abundance.
Finally, the soul jam of Solitary. It spilt into Freedom and Silence.
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Again, flipped version of each other. First, the definition of solidarity is needed. Solidarity means mutual support within a group. Freedom fits this well. Often, in order to be free, you need support. But how does silence fit? Most likely, Silent Salt saw how solidarity ended horribly and turned to silence, as when you are silent, you cannot openly show solidarity.
These are just my thoughts and theories so other opinions are welcome!
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galaxiiaa · 11 months ago
AAA, pure vanilla angst goes brrrr
anyways, my take on how the dark flour war ended! Everyone lived except from pure vanilla and dark enchantress! Don't ask me how PV became healer cookie, I do not know XD
Still on stage 5 on the normal map, but I am HOOKED!
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thatpinkweirdo · 1 year ago
I wanna see the beast interact with the soul jams i think that would be funny
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cyp-t00-4 · 5 months ago
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starsandnoodles · 12 days ago
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The Soul Jam of Truth in the hands of the Republic.
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