#Chart Room
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emmagibney · 2 years ago
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Home Office Freestanding Providence A study of the tone of the medium:
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dear-ao3 · 10 days ago
You can't hide the bit about starting a cult in the tags. We demand the story.
once upon a time i was a menace of a 15 year old taking high school chemistry. and this was not a particularly advanced chemistry class. we had ancient bunsen burners, occasionally we lit things on fire, sometimes there were chemicals involved, but for the most part, it was standard run of the mill shit.
the class was divided into two groups of people:
The Trouble Makers and the People Who Didnt Cause (many) Problems
as a mostly straight a and usually honors (when it wasnt science) student, i fell into the second category.
this class was 8th period, last period of the day, and the teacher was new that year. we will call him mr a.
mr a was on the younger side and seemed like a dude who wanted to have fun with us (essential for a science class). unfortunately he was teaching a batch of idiots (myself included).
its been several years so i dont remember the exact politics of this class, but i do know that it was populated by the two guys who stuck a pop tart still in the foil in the band room microwave and nearly lit the entire building on fire, a few class clowns, some very stereotypical football players, two guys who were positively dumb as bricks and constantly acted like they were on the verge or breaking up or getting back together (they were not dating at all. they were both and still are very straight), and then there was me and a few other girls who mostly just minded our business and watched the chaos unfold.
mr a's mistake was that he engaged with the insanity caused by The Trouble Makers. which resulted in even more insanity. he only lasted one year. he hated all of us but he might have hated himself more.
he did like me and my friends tho because again, we did not cause problems.
you might be wondering what kind of problems could be caused in a high school chemistry class. well lots. for starters one of the outlets in the room was taped over with NO JUSTIN! BAD JUSTIN! written on it because one kid thought it would be funny to stick scissors in the outlet in a different class (true story). there were broken beakers, smashed glass, general insanity. again, not an honors class so most of us didnt really care about it as long as we passed. there was one time he told us (jokingly) that we should only drink pepsi because his wife worked for the company and it would help fund his kids college career or something. two days later five guys came in with coke bottles. that was the kind of class this was.
but we still learned chemistry. probably. i dont actually know.
this guy taught lessons like he was reading a tumblr text post. like full on "so the guy hated that guy cause xyz and smited him in the science journals for this that and the other thing" it was entertaining.
i remember learning two things in this class. one was that salt is NaCl. which mr a called "our good friend nackle" the second we will get to in a minute.
one of the things we had to do in class relatively early on was decorate a periodic table that we would be allowed to use for tests. like color code and all that. we were allowed to use it for tests because there was a Giant periodic table hanging in the room and mr a was "too short to cover that up"
well, that periodic table proved to become his worst nightmare.
now. remember that i am 15. i am a sophomore in high school. i have not yet had to consider the horrors of college. i am at peace. aside from this chemistry class i am also taking a dance class (that i didnt like), ap english language (which was terrifying because im really bad at deeper meaning in texts), honors algebra 2 (which i Barely passed), latin III (another class i was pretty shit at, but it was fun), crafts 2 (which was wonderful), gym (thats a totally Other story) and honors united states history (which i loved). i was also dancing about 20 hours a week outside of school. but most of my schedule required me to be a good little honors student and mind my business. i was also, by all accounts, an absolute loser and a nobody and had very few friends and was totally unknown to most popular kids. however, you all know me on this blog and know im a little shit and it was only a matter of time before i caused problems Somewhere.
and that somewhere came one blissful day during 8th period chemistry when mr a asked me something about the number of electrons on carbon.
and i (to my credit) was entirely zoned out because again it was 8th period. but i gave him an answer. it was the right answer. what the answer is now i have no idea because i went on to get a ba degree in history and my eyes have not graced the periodic table since this class.
and then he asked me "how do you know thats the right answer"
and i said, in all my zoned out, infinite wisdom "it says so on the periodic chart"
isnt a periodic table? you might be asking.
well you are correct.
but you see. the giant periodic table above the front of the board at the front of the room was from the 70s. and it didnt say periodic table. it said "periodic chart of the elements"
and i, being zoned out, just read the damn name off of the thing because what the fuck else is a girl to do.
and mr a says "its a table. the periodic table."
and i, who have now zoned back in and realized my mistake, refuse to admit that i was just zoned out in class so i say, like any reasonable person, "then why does it say periodic chart up there?"
and mr a said "i dont know, its old."
and i said "well it says chart. so why cant we call it chart?"
and mr a said "because its a table."
and me, because im a little shit and also 15 and there were probably also 10 minutes left in the school day said "i think we should be allowed to call it a chart. it says so right there."
and well. that was all the go ahead the trouble makers in the class needed to hear.
from then on, it was the periodic chart. we all called it that. all of 8th period. and mr a HATED it. if you wrote chart on your test you got points taken off (which i never did because i wasnt an idiot but i would put little smiley faces next to my answer and he would draw a frown face when he graded my paper next to it). if you said it when you answered a question he would pretend he hadn't heard you.
it was such a phenomenon that it spread to his other classes. everyone called it the periodic chart. the scissors in the outlet kid. the pop tart kids. the football players. everyone. it was a chart. not a table. to this day i still call it a chart.
though, i think he was just mad that my cult (which he did call a cult, the periodic chart cult) was more successful than his stoichiometry cult. which was basically that we all had to repeat stoichiometry back to him every time he said it. that is the second thing i learned in this class. dont ask me what it is though, i just remember the name.
at the end of the year we parted ways, mr a silently glaring at me for my chart crimes, never to return to our school (probably because he got fired, unrelated to my chart crimes). despite this, he did still like me as a student, and i did get an a in his class, though it probably pained him to give it to me.
the following year i had physics in the same classroom, periodic chart overlooking me.
i used my iPhone 5c to take a photo of a white board and accidentally dropped it six inches onto the lab bench. the screen grayed out and it never turned on again.
the chart had cursed me for my hubris.
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exercise-of-trust · 3 months ago
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i don't generally bother posting the stuff i knit exactly from existing patterns but i finally wove in the ends on a couple frankensteined socks and figured i might as well throw them up here? they're very dumb but i'm fond of them.
for the first pair i made up a colorwork pattern for the feanorian heraldic symbol, and slapped it together with the pisqu sock structure and toe pattern, and a snippet of a mitten for the sole halves. the yarn is 100g of jamieson's of shetland that i got on the high street of fort william, as a treat after walking 100 miles from glasgow to get there, and i had... maybe 10 yards total left over? i had to cut off the long tail from my cast-on and use it to graft the toe closed on the last sock; it was nerve-wracking. if i did this pattern again, i'd probably put the toe motif in between the two heraldic lozenges, but the first time through i wasn't sure how the math would work out so i frontloaded them. ah well!
the second pair is the structure of an existing sock i've forgotten the name of (worked in the round from the tip of the heel to a hat-like shape with six sides; two opposite ones are grafted together to form the instep and the other sets of two open into the cuff and close into the toe), with the colorwork pattern from the gogink sweater yoke. i thiiiink you could do this with basically any colorwork sweater yoke, but i've only tried it with this one. if i did it again i'd add some short rows to the front side of the cuff; the construction sort of pulls it down so that the heel side of the cuff is higher than the front, and a couple short row rounds would probably level it back out. i like these because they neatly smash the cuff-down/toe-up binary and make everybody mad, and i am at all times an imp of the perverse.
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theacecouple · 5 months ago
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For the first time in history, we are pleased to announce that the state of Kansas is formally recognizing Ace Week!!!
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skygemspeaks · 17 days ago
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Working on some aroace pride cross stitch charts and i need people's opinion on which they think looks better. cast ur votes now!
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i have been resurrected from the dead by the pure energy of absentmindedly scrolling through rendogs channel and being forcefully YANKED back into my hermitcraft phase by the sound of his voice
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sunnfish · 2 months ago
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[ID: A digital illustration of the cast of Sasaki to Miyano. They are all gathered in the disciplinary committee room, talking and interacting with each other. Miyano yells distraught at Hirano, who has a hand to his temple in exasperation. Tashiro is drawing on the whiteboard while gesturing at Hanzawa, doubled over with laughter at the table. Sasaki is walking into the room, waving and smiling at Miyano, while Ogasawara lags behind him in a depressed state from arguing with his girlfriend. Kuresawa watches the room contentedly, and Shirahama ambles towards Tashiro while looking at Sasaki who had just rushed in. Papers, pencils, and binders are strewn about the tables. The illustration is rendered in mostly green-ish hues with blue-ish shadows. The artist’s signature “sunnfish” is written in the corner. /End ID]
GIFT EXCHANGE TIME YAAAAAYYYYY!!! @ssmygiftexchange hi. My gift prompt came from @kotilokiki who wanted lighthearted friendship interactions and stuff and so i decided to just. Put them all in here. All the friendship in one place (disciplinary committee room). I also couldn’t decide what color walls and floors are supposed to be so they’re also Every Color. Don’t worry about it. Anyways I had lots of fun it’s been a while since I’ve drawn anybody other than my favorite guy (tashiro). I can also now rotate the disciplinary committee room layout in my mind. I looked at so many reference photos and that room. Anyways. Peace and love on planet ssmyverse and happiest of holidays to everybody…!!!
Also: a bonus under the cut :3 just an early idea that I decided to clean up a bit :3
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[ID: A digital illustration of characters from Sasaki to Miyano. It is drawn as if Kuresawa is taking a selfie; Kuresawa is in the foreground, flashing a peace sign, Tashiro is behind him, sitting on the table and turning to smile and look at Sasaki, who just walked in to talk to Miyano, who looks bewildered. It is rendered in mostly green and purple hues. The artist’s signature “sunnfish” is written in the top right corner. /End ID]
I like drawing kuresawa taking selfies. He’s going to send this to his girlfriend #yaoimoment. Like I said this was just an earlier iteration of my idea that i had before i decided to add Every Character. But it’s’ still fun :] might post it on its own in a few days too. For fun. Anyways. Peace and love on planet ssmyverse again. ✌️
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I'm not sure how many people pay attention to this, but Astarions tent area (inside and out) is not just blood splattered and mildly disorganized:
1) Dirty rags, blood and wine spills, rugs and pillows a bit haphazard, no proper bedding inside, empty blood bank jars everywhere, sleeps on a wooden palette rather than a bed roll
But the actual tent (yes I zoomed in and stared heavily at it shdjghfhdj)
It dirty.
It's SPLATTERED with dried mud and dirt, and I also noticed in comparison to his companions his tent is fairly small? And also kinda limp like he didn't wanna bother putting it up.
I bet this man hates putting together and tearing down camp SO MUCH that he just does the bare minimum and then trashes the place anyway. He's not going to voluntarily do laundry, he's not gonna clean the canvas, he's just here to put his shit together in some barely passable way.
And sure the exterior shows how he tries to decorate it in a way that's presentable, but he's decorating with dirty shit he won't scrub 😂
People, myself included to some degree, have chatted about why he is messy trauma wise but honestly I'm coming to the realization that he probably was, even in life, surrounded by servants to some degree.
He gives the air of being from money
I bet this little fool has never in his life had to wash his own clothes or clean a room. Even as a slave, when he was in Cazadors mansion he got trotted between the bunks where he only had minimal space to rest, (and a bunch of siblings he could probably manipulate into washing his socks for him if the servants didn't do it automatically ) and the Boudoir where he was to Look Pretty and Bend Over as requested
He never scrubbed floors in his life
Man's has never once cleaned a toilet
Astarion is living evidence that you can be severely neglected and abused while ALSO being 'spoiled' (in the sense that he never got to develop life skills bc the servants did it for him)
This really ties in with his personality and I think it's a nice touch. Cause what does he focus on keeping clean? HIM. He can do his hair, body washed, clothing IMPECCABLE. Man kept a shirt together for over a century without a single stain on it. But his SPACE ? His THINGS? neglected to the extreme
But yeah anyway, his tent is DIRTY and I'm pretty sure was originally a much more vibrant color too. Zoom in next time you get to camp you'll see what I mean
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months ago
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I got bored and started playing around on Canva and I ended up making the TMNT 2012 Hamato family tree.
So yeah, enjoy this as a reference or something lol
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3416 · 1 year ago
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The Leaf Blueprint S9E1: Home | 10.20.23
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starlightiing · 10 months ago
Petition to put the heart monitor back on Oscar (and toss one at Lando, too) and then just leave them alone together for a few minutes to tell jokes and giggle and just let the general public see how excited they make each other, the end.
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karistiltskin · 1 year ago
sometimes i think about how my life can’t get any fucking worse but then i think about how jegulus only got more and more tragic over the years🤣
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intergalacticgoose · 1 year ago
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Is this anything
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kafus · 2 months ago
my friend @/lcec0ldheart made an empty chart of these four with lil doodles of their faces and i filled it out in way too much detail. so here's my general headcanons between liko, dot, roy, and amethio like... right after the end of the plot hypothetically. amethio is in the RVT here
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year ago
office harlot mine yoshitaka
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meownotgood · 2 months ago
how I wake up every day knowing me and aki have two of the most compatible personality and enneagram types while me and viktor have the exact same enneagram type
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