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jellybracelet · 8 months ago
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wuornosreincarnate · 7 months ago
Just had a conversation with a man about the ‘it’s not all men’ debate.
He proceeded to argue that it’s ‘not all men’ because he would personally never verbally or physically assault a woman .. then he went on to recount a story about his friends catcalling women in front of him as an example ‘I’d never do that’ he said.
But would you speak up? Would you tell them it’s wrong? Would you stand up for the woman? Or would you laugh it off for some male validation.
It was the latter. ‘It’s just a joke’ he said, ‘it’s not the deep’ he said.
Tell that to the girl who’s walking home in the dark with one headphone out, her keys between her knuckles, her location sharing on and who shouts ‘I’m home’ to an empty house in case she was followed.
It baffles me that men can’t come to the understanding that enabling and normalising misogyny makes you just as bad.
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rileyav · 1 year ago
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getawayfox · 3 months ago
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konzilijum · 5 months ago
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Another old zine just a little retouched. :3
Inspired by riot grrrl and feminist movement, hopimg this will raise some awareness on women's issues. Feel free to talk about your own experiences in the comments or tags!
Soon there will be a scanned verison, most likely free for multiplying.
Unfortunately I don't remember the source of the images, could possibly be pinterest.
Apologies for shitty image quality!
[Copyright Disclaimer: - Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE.]
Reply for credits or removal!
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doinkdoinkdonk · 5 months ago
via cliffcisneros on instagram
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witherhusbandsislife · 2 months ago
not allowed to be catcalled anymore because a guy said I have a nice body and I said “thanks it has pockets!” and pointed at my crotch and he started crying
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redr0sewrites · 10 months ago
if i hear the word gyat during my classes one more time im going to start licking the school floors until i contract some incurable disease from the years of mildew and cockroach guts on those floors and die
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musings-ofa-muse · 2 months ago
Everyday I spend 15-20 minutes walking to my tuition classes and what i dread the most is the 5 minute walk through a busy street with men on motorbikes slowing down to stare at me.
A few days back, i turned to my left to look at a puppy briefly and when I turned, two men on a bike were right next to me, the one sitting at the back had turned to look at me and was barely 3 inches away. Naturally, since I hadn't expected that two people woukd be so close to me out of nowhere and I was a little off guard, I flinched. And the man at the back had the most sinister "smile" on his face seeing my reaction. I spent the 20 minutes before my class trying to calm down.
Since then, I'm carrying a pen in my pocket.
Yesterday again, i was walking to my class and another man very obviously turned to look at me and I was 2 seconds away from using the pen.
These are the two of more obvious times when this has happened but the countless men of all ages turning to stare hasn't gone unnoticed by me and hasn't made this daily occurrence any less unnerving.
A week back, i was walking back home from a class with two friends of mine while a man had eye contact with me out of nowhere. He was crossing the road to walk into the street I was walking by and I looked towards him only because I saw him walking in my direction and realised I had to move to make way for him (the entrance to the street was pretty narrow and there were 3 people ahead of me and a few behind me). Almost automatically, he started following me. At one point, my female friend was a little ahead of me and my male friend was ahead of her (We were in a file because of oncoming traffic) and the man moved right next to me and said something about being friends. I ignored and continued walking. The man walked ahead and stopped by a street side vendor and kept looking towards us until we had passed by him. I had to walk the remaining half of the way alone that day because the friend that usually accompanies me wasn't there.
The relief i felt when he stopped following and I reached home alive and well can't be described.
My point here is that everyday women and girls all around experience something like this. Something involving men that makes them carry objects in their bags and pockets for defence. That makes them spend 20 minutes reassuring themselves that they are safe now. That makes them gulp down glass after glass of water when they reach home and be DAMN GLAD they weren't raped or assaulted or physically harmed in any way.
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potatothemouse · 7 months ago
Seeing romantic feelings on tv
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Receiving romantic feeling in real life
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Hey so I was just buying cigs from the corner store and the guy in front of me (full grown MAN) turned around as he left and said “hey sexy girl” NOOO NO
barely fifteen
Fifteen by two weeks.
I have a school bag on.
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heterorealism · 2 years ago
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(via (8) Pinterest) 
Things men have yelled at you on the sidewalk....
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bel-artemis · 6 months ago
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Comic about street harassment! It's rushed but whatever
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youngpeachenthusiast · 6 months ago
today i was catcalled on the street for the first time in a while. well, i think just saying "catcalled" might be an understatement. i was walking to my aunt and uncle's house, which is a bit outside of the city, in a very rural and deserted area, and a couple of guys around my age honked their car at me. they then proceeded to roll their windows down and very loudly laughing at me, and after that they pulled over right a few meters ahead, in the direction where i was going.
so because i didn't want to be assaulted of course i turned back immediately and walked away as fast as i could, while also trying to figure out a new route to get to the house safely. which meant i had to walk on a trafficked road without sidewalk for close to 30 minutes while visibly shaking because of the fear.
and to these guys who were so ready to hurt me it was just a laughing matter. it truly is terrifying how this stuff can happen :(
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ephemerasnape · 1 year ago
Daddy, No!!!! 😭😭😭
Only those who love Daddy Rookwood are allowed to make fun of him. 😭😭😭
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libraryledge · 8 months ago
A Wild Ride (A Story Inspired by The Bikeriders)
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Author's Note: Last week, I watched the film, "The Bikeriders" and highly recommend it. I was inspired to write a short story about Benny and Kathy, without major spoilers from the film. Enjoy!
It had been a long time since I'd had a night out. I was a busy gal, usually running errands or tending to matters at home. It wasn't like I was unhappy, it was more like I felt unfulfilled. I needed this night out, but my friend's decision to meet up at a sketchy bar was not my typical definition of fun. 
First of all, I wasn't a drinker. I didn't mind when others drank, but I could not stomach liquor. Secondly, this bar was filled to the brim with creeps. From the moment I set foot inside, I could feel the unavoidable male gaze on every inch of my body.
When I finally made my way to the table where my friend was sitting, I was overcome by a wave of relief.
“Geez! Could this place be any creepier?” I asked with exasperation. As soon as the words left my mouth, a guy at least 10 years older than me approached me and gave me a toothy grin.
“Hey pretty darlin’, mind if I take you out tonight?” he asked without shame of his putrid beer breath.
“Ugh! Yes, I do mind. Now let me be!” I said diverting my attention back to my friend. However, she was engrossed in a conversation with a man in the biker jacket. I assumed that he was part of the riding club, based on his attire. 
I sighed and allowed my eyes to wander around the room. Everywhere I looked men were either smoking, drinking, swearing, or doing all three simultaneously.
Eventually, my wandering eyes landed upon a young man who was playing at the pool table. He had a lean build, but his arm were very muscular. He seemed to be avoiding the hullabaloo of the crowd, and his sole intention appeared to be winning at the game in front of him.
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Suddenly, he looked up from the table, and for a brief second, we made eye contact. I quickly looked away to avoid looking like a creep myself. 
I turned toward my friend who was still talking a mile a minute with the biker guy. I nudged her. 
“Who is that?” I asked, lowering my voice to avoid being overheard.
My friend looked up and gave me a quizzical look. “That's Benny. He visits here often and is a motorcycle enthusiast. You don't want to cross paths with him," she replied, giving me a side-eyed glance.
“Why not?” I asked, wondering what kind of history this mysterious man had.
“Don’t take it personally. It’s the advice I’d give to anyone. No gal wants to be caught dead with him. He's a reckless driver. One ride on his bike, and you can kiss your hopes and dreams goodbye,” she replied with a roll of her eyes, before diverting her attention back to the biker man.
With a twinge of annoyance, I turned my gaze back towards the pool table only to see that it was empty. Benny was gone.
The night droned on. My friend got drunker and drunker by the moment, and by her fourth drink, I’d had enough. I made up an excuse about needing to tend to some matters at home, and I made my quick escape.
The night air was chilly and unsettling. I knew that it was stupid to walk home alone in the middle of the night, but did I really have a choice? Just as I was about to begin my journey home, I heard the door to the bar open behind me. Benny walked outside and lit a cigarette. I knew that he saw me, but he didn't interact with me, which I assumed was because he wanted to give me space rather than because he wanted to be disrespectful. The scent of smoke lingered in the air, and normally it would have bothered me, but for some reason it didn't disturb me.
I continued walking, but didn't get very far because a large group of drunk and rowdy bikers came bounding out of the bar. I picked up the pace, but wasn't fast enough. 
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They spotted me, and the smelly old beer guzzler, who attempted to flirt with me earlier, cornered me with an obnoxiously pleased look. 
“Hey little lady! Thought you could dash off without a good night kiss?” he said, with a nauseating sneer.
I swore at him and told him to get lost. I managed to escape from his path, only to come face to face with another equally as revolting biker.
“Ah! Can't you tell that she doesn't want to see your ugly face?” he snorted in amusement.
“Go screw yourself!” I yelled at him and began speed walking in the opposite direction, towards Benny, who was now sitting upon an older motorcycle.  I assumed it was his by the way he gently positioned his palms upon the handlebars.
Benny made eye contact with me as if to silently say, “Are you alright?” I watched as he steadied himself upon the front of the bike, leaving an open space behind him on the seat.
The men were approaching me, and I could hear them hooting and hollering. My eyes darted back towards Benny, and it was at that moment that I decided to push aside any hesitation and go for it. Despite not having any liquor in my system, I felt the electricity of a person, whose courage was being powered by one too many drinks.
I hopped onto the back of Benny's motorcycle and whispered in his ear, “I live at 44228 Russo Lane. Please, I need a ride home.”
A surprise look crossed Benny's tanned face, but it slowly morphed into one of amusement.
“Alright then. Hold on tight. I'm not known to take it easy,” he said with a chuckle.
Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his back and secured my grip around his torso. Benny revved up the engine, and I felt the motor rumble below me.
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I had no idea what was driving the sudden rebellion inside of me, but it was certainly worth it to see the flabbergasted looks upon the faces of the other bikers as I rode away with my arms wrapped around Benny.
“So long boys. Hasta la vista!” I shouted over my shoulder, as we bolted out of the bar’s parking lot.
I felt the wind rushing through my hair as Benny  picked up speed and we went bounding down the street.
"Do I get to know your name?” Benny asked, over the thundering engine.
I let out a loud laugh. “Kathy,” I said, feeling the adrenaline build up in my chest.
“Kathy. That’s a beautiful name. Now hold on tight. I don't want to be the last person you introduce yourself to," he replied.
I chuckled. At least he was aware of the reputation he carried. Somehow, I wasn't afraid. Maybe it was the crisp scent of his cologne mixed with smoke that put me at ease.
I tightened my grip around him and replied, "I guess that's the risk I take for hitching a ride with a stranger.”
Benny let out a hearty laugh. “Darn right!” he exclaimed.
I had never ridden on a motorcycle, but I always admired those who made it seem so effortless. Bob Dylan, Marlon Brando, and even James Dean couldn't rival the charisma that Benny oozed as we rode into the night.
Eventually, we pulled up in front of my driveway, and as the motor slowed, my heartbeat quickened. I carefully made my way off of the bike and was now standing on the sidewalk in front of my house, positioned face to face with Benny.
“Well, I guess you made it home in one piece," he said with a teasing look in his eyes.
“Thank you. That wouldn’t have been the case if I lingered around that bar any longer,” I replied gratefully. “I swear I don't make a habit out of hitching rides with strangers.”
Benny grinned mischievously. “I hope after this I won't remain a stranger.”
Something about the way he said that lit a fire in me. “No, you're right. I don't think that will do," I responded, matching his playful tone.
Benny grinned. “Tomorrow, I’m meeting a few guys over at the abandoned lot, behind the town center. I could pick you up if you don't mind your life flashing before your eyes again,” he joked.
“You really know how to treat a gal,” I replied with a smile.
“I try,” he responded with a grin, as he started the engine, gave me a small wave, and went rumbling down the street once more.
I watched as he disappeared into the darkness. My night started off with a horrible social outing, surrounded by idiots. Somehow, amidst the chaos, I found comfort in a lonely bike rider, and I decided to trust him. Maybe I had a desire for rebellion, or maybe I was yearning for romance, but all I knew was that if I followed Benny, I was in for a wild ride.
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