#Cat Rescue Awareness
alleycatallies · 7 months
Alley Cat Allies Exposes Misrepresentation of TNR in The New Yorker
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Alley Cat Allies is compelled to address the shockingly biased and dangerously misinformed portrayal of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), community cats, and the people who protect them in the piece ‘How the ‘No Kill” Movement Betrays Its Name’ published in The New Yorker.
The “article,” which should be labeled an opinion piece, uses debunked and antiquated studies to advocate for lethal control of cats outdoors, all while desperately downplaying the only humane and effective approach—Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)—and condescending to or downright insulting the people who do the real legwork to benefit cats and communities.
Writer Jonathan Franzen purports various cynical, imagined reasons why our movement calls unowned cats who live outdoors “community cats.” We’re here to clear the air: Community cats, who live and thrive in their natural outdoor homes among us, are called such to acknowledge their thousands of years of history as members of our communities.
Community cats are bonded to their outdoor homes and to their feline families, and they are not generally candidates for adoption. TNR acknowledges their nature, their biology, and their inherent value as beings deserving of respect and protection by allowing these cats to continue their lives in familiar surroundings while ensuring their population stabilizes.
TNR is the ONLY evidence-based, humane, and effective approach to cats outdoors. Spaying or neutering means fewer kittens born outdoors and the reduction of behaviors associated with mating—which are what people point to as “nuisance” behaviors. Additionally, vaccinations provided during TNR improve the cats’ health and address community health concerns—though it’s critical to note that cats are extremely unlikely to spread rabies, toxoplasmosis, or any other diseases. The success of community TNR programs is studied and documented.
TNR is also the primary way community cats with other medical issues receive the care they need— despite Franzen hammering in the idea that all cats are suffering outdoors (there’s a sinister motive for this, as we’ll describe later), community cats are generally healthy and in good condition and live long and fulfilling lives as pet cats.
Developing objective, science-first best practices aimed at humane care for animals, building peaceful communities, and protecting all species should be the top priority in our modern world. That is why Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) has become mainstream practice. Beyond saving cats’ lives, TNR is sound public policy that reduces calls to animal control, reduces the number of cats entering shelters, and reduces taxpayer expense, all while meeting the demands of the public for effective, meaningful, AND lifesaving action for cats in their communities.
Franzen writes about TNR as under-resourced in far too many communities. The logical solution would be for local governments to devote more resources to TNR to improve its reach and efficacy rather than continue to waste money on ineffective lethal schemes. Franzen’s conclusion, though, is that lack of resources means TNR will never work. He believes cats should be killed—and his portrayal of cats as constantly suffering outdoors is meant to justify lethal schemes.
TNR opponents’ proposed “alternatives” to TNR come down to rounding up and killing cats over and over and over again. However, trapping cats and “euthanizing” them in shelters is not some untested idea; it was the status quo for decades and failed miserably due to the Vacuum Effect—a phenomenon in which other cats move in to take advantage of the resources that sustained the colony that was removed. In fact, TNR rose from a history of futile, cruel catch-and-kill cycles because communities recognized the need for change and that compassionate and humane approaches worked.
Franzen, like many in the anti-TNR crowd, cites the same piece of debunked junk “science” that keeps coming back to haunt us within so-called “factual” articles. That “science” is an exercise in Olympic gymnast-level contortion to fit the findings of older studies into a pre-determined conclusion that cats are a major threat to birds and other wildlife species.
Cats have an important place in ecosystems, and whenever they are removed in large numbers, the consequences are dire—not just for the cats but for local wildlife. The reality is cats are not a major threat to wildlife species, endangered or otherwise, and the “science” that claims such is heavily flawed and funded by fringe interests and biased parties. As we have seen time and time again, catch and kill leads to nothing but an endless cycle of expensive and morally bankrupt slaughter that does not benefit cats, community, or wildlife.
But, on a positive note, the reality is also that we can protect both cats and wildlife. The interests are not mutually exclusive. By advocating for stronger TNR programs backed by local governments AND policies that curb human-led activities that are the true threats to wildlife—like habitat destruction and pollution—we improve the lives of cats, wildlife, and us all.
Like all worthwhile goals, communitywide effort is the key to humane and effective programs and policies. Rather than condescending and stereotyping cat caregivers, as Franzen does repeatedly in his article, Alley Cat Allies supports them with humane education on best practices for TNR and community cat care. Rather than give community leaders an excuse to give up on humane programs and utilize taxpayer dollars on an endless cycle of killing cats, we push them to work WITH members of their communities and allot funds to what their people believe in—which overwhelmingly is non-lethal approaches.
It’s time for communities, local governments, and media outlets like The New Yorker to stop wasting words, space, money, and time on calls to backtrack to the dark ages of killing cats and kittens endlessly. TNR is the only way forward.
Content source: https://www.alleycat.org/alley-cat-allies-exposes-misrepresentation-of-tnr-in-the-new-yorker/
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average-sewer-rat · 2 months
It is the upmost importance that we all band together to help stop the torturing of innocent cats and dogs alike. Please take 5 minutes out of your day to help. You do not have to use a real legal name/phone number. Please please please share this message with anyone you know.
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blue-disco-lights · 1 year
Galladrabbles: Still Into You (teacher edition)
Thank you once again @crossmydna for this week's @galladrabbles prompt! "Still Into You" by Paramore inspires some Mickey POV in this Parent-Teacher AU update.
previous chapter / the beginning
“Ohmygod you’re still INTO him!”  
“What the fuck Mandy?? Was never into him.”
She’s laughing now. “How can one be so smart yet have no self-awareness.”
This was his own fault. Mandy demanded these weekly FaceTime catch-ups, but he should’ve stuck to updates about work and his cat. 
He obviously had to tell her he ran into Ian. But what he didn’t have to tell her was how tall he’d grown, how his hair was this lighter shade of red now, his voice had gotten deeper, and…. 
“You don’t know jack.”
“It’s not like he wasn’t into you too, dumbass.”
story continues
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imekitty · 1 year
Normal people: I'm not worried about it.
Me with a debilitating anxiety disorder:
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shivunin · 1 year
Arianwen "I singlehandedly delivered these baby goats last night and named one after you" Tabris
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alliartist · 1 year
I follow a couple people online who care for cat colonies, including TNRing and feeding and health care. And I think a lot about kitten season and how sad it always is when they find some. My Mango was a street kitten and my Florrie was a street momma (under a year old though), and both were rescued (they are not related).
I think about the life before, and the life after.
Art under the break does include drawings of sick kittens, so, be warned.
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
trying to make a gif but it just doesn't look right and I am confused \insert image of guy crying\
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ignore that it says Fish and chips
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things we should have gotten in UAO: nine finding out about chimæra stanley and being on the verge of tears like oh myg od you guys named a cat after me,,, he's so fat i woul d die for him,,, and sam is over here like he is so good i'm glad you understand. can i have my cat back please
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weepingseraphstranger · 3 months
I'm so sad. I come across SafariSammie's YouTube shorts often and just now learned about how terrible that "wildlife rescue" truly is. It's disgusting what is happening behind the scenes. And it's disheartening that despite people trying to bring attention to it, there's more people willing to ignore it.
I suggest reading this Reddit thread and going from there. Definitely check out that Twitter thread from HonkIfUrHoary that's linked in the Reddit thread. Most of all, I encourage more people to bring this to attention because reporting them to the USDA doesn't seem to be working.
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getyourblisson · 4 months
The Journey of a Lifetime
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Today is one of my personal sacred days in the year. So, I will be out doing a lot of prayer on the creeks and water ways in our area; even though rain is due in for a good portion of the day.
10 years ago, today, Orlie entered into the picture. An extremely powerful 11-month journey unfolded. It started with prayer work on a creek in Southern Utah, which unfolded to rescuing a cat from going over a waterfall. This powerful little being touched lives everywhere. She made bikers stop and have to get pictures taken with her; even at the expense of holding the whole gang up to do so. She walked labyrinths in San Francisco, CA. Dolphins emerged on the coastlines of Washington state. She hiked to the top of Harney Peak in South Dakota. She had standing reservations with restaurants in New Jersey. She captured people on the ferry in Texas. In general, she melted and opened hearts EVERYWHERE she was. Her personality was amazing; and she was always ready for the adventure, right to the very end. Even police officers broke the rules for her to remain at a spot that was closed at night in order to have a peaceful passing, when that time came.
A lifetime was lived in those 11 months.
However, her ending was just the beginning of The Code Journey. It was through pain and sorrow that this work emerged; and has since changed the life of people around the world, by providing Divine Wisdom to maneuver through all of life's experiences. This is the wisdom that encourages us to ALWAYS hold connection with God or Divine Source, through joys and sorrows. The road is not always easy; but it is truly blessed in every piece of it. We have to put in the work and realize the value of our experiences. Very importantly, we must never forget where we come from; and that we are here as a vessel for the light of God or Divine Source to flow through us in each and every experience and interaction that we have.
So, I consider this anniversary of this beautiful connection; to also be the where The Code Journey originated. It is a reminder that the smallest forces can have some of the biggest impacts by just existing, for even a short period of time. This love story continues to live on; and on August 17th, 2024 I will be publishing the 8th edition of this work. A true labor of love. It was birthed from love, created with love, and continues because of love. Love truly is one of the greatest things that we have; and it is important that we embrace it each and every day of our lives.
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opheliapurple · 5 months
Mxtx love interests and their relationships with captivity are fascinating and all, but I’d rather just focus on how funny Hua Cheng’s is in particular.
We have Luo Binghe‘s creepy replica bamboo hut and the tragic horror of watching him succumb to his worst impulses and try destroying the world to trap Shen Qingqiu by his side.
We have Lan Wangji warring internally with himself for years over his smothering need to hide Wei Wuxian from the world and save him from himself.
And then there’s Hua Cheng
Professional Gege Catch and Release Wildlife Expert Hua Cheng.
This man is a gege rehabilitation facilitator who does what he loves and loves what he does.
He tags his gege with a gps tracker so he can study his migration patterns. He humanely traps and relocates his gege whenever he’s strayed into danger.
If you hit a gege with your car, all you need to do is call Hua Cheng and he’ll be there with an animal control slip leash, a GoPro to promote his TikTok awareness campaign for gege welfare and conservation to the masses, and Yin Yu is on the phone preparing the treatment center for a new arrival.
He’s one of those guys who lovingly cares for a feral cat colony in his backyard, providing handmade housing with heating and regular check ups.
He’s insane don’t get me wrong. But his crippling self doubt and unbreakable compulsion to provide merged in such a weird way, it comes off a little more wildlife rescue than I think is intended.
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emthimofnight · 6 months
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Name ✨Stellar the Hedgehog✨
Age Varies based on what age I draw her, but let's say 16!
Pronouns She/Her
Basic Description The product of Project Stellar—a secret government operation aiming to perfect Project Shadow—Stellar is a genetic experiment combining the DNA of the Ultimate Life Form and the fastest thing alive. Designed to be a living weapon, Stellar was born in a hidden facility where she would have been raised to be an unstoppable weapon for the military. Thankfully, Shadow the Hedgehog (with help from Rouge the Bat) discovered her existence, destroyed the lab, and rescued her as an infant. Shadow then went on to begrudgingly inform his long-time rival, Sonic the Hedgehog, of their newfound child, seeing as she was technically just as much Sonic's problem as she was Shadow's. From there, the duo (along with help from their friends) raised Stellar as their daughter, sheltering her from the knowledge she was created to be a force of destruction for her masters. Along the way, Sonic and Shadow found themselves truly falling for one another, dissolving the barriers they had placed between one another as rivals, finding new appreciation for each other in their new parental roles.
Stellar herself is a bright, warm-hearted person. She has a strong sense of justice and never shies away from standing up for what is right. She takes after Sonic in personality, always cracking jokes and finding it hard to sit still. Despite this, she inherited Shadow's finesse and ability to plan out her choices, not to mention his abilities to utilize chaos energy. She has a love for figure skating, ballet, and make up (thanks to Auntie Rouge!), but don't let her feminine side fool you, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty! She would love nothing more than to spend her day smashing badniks into the ground with her skates if her dads would let her! Stellar loves both of her parents dearly, but sometimes wishes that they wouldn't be so protective of her. After all, what could they possibly have to be worried about?
Extra ✨Stellar's favorite color is red. ✨Her favorite food is chili dogs. ✨She is bisexual. ✨Her favorite flower is lavender, because it reminds her of home! ✨She learned how to skate from Shadow. ✨She calls Shadow "papa" and Sonic "dad". ✨She desperately wants to make her family and friends proud. ✨Her best friend is Camellia the Cat, the daughter of Blaze and Amy. ✨She loves racing Sonic, but is frustrated he always lets her win. ✨She can be VERY impulsive when angered, much like both of her parents! ✨She is SUPER dense when it comes to romance. She has no idea Camellia has been in love with her since they were little! ✨The inhibitor rings she wears keep her powers under control, but they also prevent her from truly mastering them. ✨Her powers are designed after collapsing stars/black holes. Extremely destructive to both herself and everything around her. ✨She has no awareness to the extent of the latent power inside her.
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asidian · 3 months
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Alright. It is time. Buckle up.
Why you should be watching Dead Boy Detectives: the targeted-specifically-at my-readers edition.
Meet the leads, our two ghost boys:
Edwin Payne: Fussy, repressed intellectual type from the Edwardian era. Exceedingly gay for his partner and best friend. Tortured in hell for seventy years on a technicality because he was ritually sacrificed as a prank gone wrong. Endearingly awful at people and dealing with emotions or his own wants.
Charles Rowland: Impulsive, people-pleasing wildcard from the 80s. Heart eyes 24/7 at his best friend but has zero self-awareness. Badly abused by his asshole of a father. Beaten to death because he saved a kid from bullies. Endearingly awful at sorting his own emotions or talking about his problems.
Some highlights:
/slaps hood you can fit so much trauma in these two
Both leads get sobbing breakdowns that happen on screen. The actors are incredible at crying
Both leads get much-needed hugs
The absolute devotion between the two of them. The shared history that lives in their dialogue and how they work together like people who have been each other's Most Important Person for literal decades
I mean, I'm talking in-canon Orpheus and Eurydice reference level of devotion here
The protective way Charles puts himself physically between Edwin and damn near every threat in the show
They're just fun together. Their interactions and banter and how they work as a team is a delight
Their shared plot arc literally involves them learning to talk to each other and communicate more so that they can be there for one another about their respective issues
The symbolism. God. They are metaphorically and literally one another's light in the darkness
But what about stuff that isn't the main duo? Just wait, there's more:
This show is unabashedly, unapologetically queer. It's there in the text and the subtext. The whole show lives and breathes it
So many good, complex, well-written female characters. The Bechdel test gets blown straight out of the water in episode one and they never look back. Headstrong amnesiac psychic learning to be a better person! Quirky meta commentary matchmaker! Cynical lesbian butcher! Delightfully sadistic witch! They are all amazing.
[audience voice] But I'm here for the hurt/comfort. How can I whump ghosts? Worry not, my friends. Canon has you covered. Not only are there ways, there are ways that happen on-screen. The hurt/comfort and rescue are also on-screen. Yes, it is amazing
Absolute chaos, really cool supernatural cases and creatures, a surprising amount of humor, charming writing, and a cast that absolutely nails it on the acting and chemistry
There is an extremely suggestive trickster type who is also the king of cats. He's a cat in human form. He hits on Edwin nonstop. Charles gets blisteringly jealous
All of the leads have well-thought-through, fully developed, emotional character arcs. They're all messy and flawed and sometimes lash out in their pain, but at turns can be incredibly supportive and kind and loyal
A character who is a crow who is also a boy, who is tortured by his witch/creator and also is crushing hard on one of the leads
There are so many incredible details in the setting, costume choices, prop decisions, etc. that you only catch after you know what it's laying the groundwork for. The level of care that went into this show is phenomenal
It's only eight episodes. The time investment barrier to entry could not possibly be lower
Anyway, tl;dr, if any of this sounds appealing to you, you should give this show a watch.
Dead Boy Detectives is well worth your time. It's easily my favorite show in years.
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luxthestrange · 3 months
Avatar Incorrect quotes#51 WHAT DID YOU SEE-
What I find so hilarious...is to the Na'vi...we are the equivalent of cats/dogs on earth...the clans are just...so worried when their humans eat things they shouldn't, climb things they shouldn't...are not aware of their surroundings- Okay but THIS IS ABOUT YOU...and the magical thing called..."Zoning out" and disassociations-
Y/n*Is currently making a bracelet and all of sudden stares up into a corner...stares up at the trees*...
Na'vi*Noticed you doing the...odd stare thing, never seeing you look so emotionless*??
Y/n*Goes back to braiding the bracelet*!~
Na'vi*Losing it and looking up at the same spot you were*-WHAT DID IT SEE!?!
Tonowari*Seeing his children playing with Jakei's*Oh well... this is nice, your children are fast learners they swim well -Where's Y/nSully
Jake*Looking around* Ehhh I dont know...
Tonowari*Spots...a floating body on the sea, just...unresponsive, feeling his heart rate spike up*OH EYWA IS THAT THEM!?
Jake*Spots you and smiles,stops Tonowari from running to your "rescue"*Oh yeah thats them!
Tonowari: ARE THEY OKAY!?
Jake: Oh yeah as kids and thru out our teenage years they liked to play dead in the pool or sea...
Tonowari*Is processing the information*...W-why?-
Jake: We stopped asking those questions a while ago...
Tonowari:...Okay...are you sure they're okay?
Jake*Shruging awkwardly with a smile*...Eeee-Eighty % sure...I'll check...
Jake picks up a stick and...aims it at you back but, making it bonk you on the head...
Y/n*Lifts head up with a glare*OOOW!?
Jake*Gives Tonowari a thumbs up*...Trust me... they're having the time of their life over there
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Later on today, I have a surprise for y'all avatar readers!I saw a comment about spider!~
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caraphernellie · 29 days
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tiny, silly, cute blurb today because i'm thinking fluffy!!! and fluffy in particular = cats! i love cats and ik i'm always talking about cats so… in the need to quell my desperation right now, i'm going to write about it instead. because i keep looking at cat rescue pages and crying about all those precious babies.
now it's a little hard to picture ellie having a dog because, erm… but moving away from that– i think she's one of those people who prefers dogs simply because they're playful and have such wholesome faces. who wouldn't falter over a puppy's virtuous little smile, falling over feet to give them some head pats? but imagine her reaction when you tell her you want to rescue a cat. imagine the vulgarity in her response every time you'd show her pictures upon pictures of sad babies with no homes – just a snap back to reality. "yeah, babe, s'cute, but probably got ringworm or some shit."
 and yeah, sure, all of your arguments are sound, your list of pros outway the cons, but cats are so lame. lame is what she said.
and lame is what she is, because the furry creature does win her heart fairly quickly. almost as soon as you showed her the picture of this poor unnamed cat without a family, desperate tears in your eyes just waiting to shed at her denial, she folded.
on one condition.
"if we get the cat, i wanna name him."
so much for 'not wanting a cat', it was obvious from the start that your new baby had dug his way into ellie and tugged at the heartstrings. so that was how rover became yours– never trust your girl not to name something unrelated to her interests – but rover was a cute and fitting name overall, if only a tad nerdy due to her ongoing obsession with space and the long lost dream of being an astronaut. 
but there seems to be such a common phenomenon when it comes to cats. they know exactly who doesn't like them, and they make it their mission to insert themselves every which way like stubborn bastards. rover is a smart little man, and he was aware quickly of how awkward ellie got when he'd sit on you or knead on you. it progressed into him treading into the bedroom at five o'clock sharp every morning to wake his mothers up, pushing his way between you and ellie to enjoy the warmth of your cuddles.
from that point, he started getting bolder, jumping onto ellie's lap when she was always busy. he'd nuzzle up against the controller while she's gaming and she'd scoff quietly, clumsily moving to see the screen over his body. then his tail would swipe her across the nose and she'd groan, "you're a little dick."
even then– the words are coated in affection, softly spoken and accompanied by her pausing of the game to rub her hand over his sandy coloured fur.
there's also many, many times in which he appealed to her in humour. it can be utterly amusing at the least and hilarious at most when a feline is taken over by the zoomies. watching the usually collected and calm cat sprint at top speeds and leap dangerously across the room never failed in its manner to bring ellie to laughter.
so yeah, there's a growing attachment to rover bubbling under ellie's surface, and she's never really sure what to do about it. admit that she was wrong about hating cats? she admits so with her every action, making a stop at the store on her way home from work to bring a new cat toy or bag of treats she's desperate to give him. maybe it's in the way she lets him settle on her lap and feels a rush of warmth and love. maybe it's that her lock screen is now a picture of you carrying the cat over your shoulder like a newborn.
photomode creds to @/seraqhite on pinterest!!
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mysumeow · 7 months
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Warnings: afab genitalia, gender neutral pronouns. PIV unprotected sex, Lilia takes a dominant role throughout the smut, hair pulling (reader giving), overstimulation (reader receiving), cunnilingus. not proofread it is what it is.
Summary: Out of the kindness of your heart —and naivety mixed in— you nurse back to health the injured fae you came across with in the forest.
Word count: 3.7k
A/N: if you find a mistake just ➖➖ close your eyes like that and pretend you dont see it. my contribution for general lilia lovers (myself included💗)
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ♡ 🌷 . . KOFI | NEXT
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At first, General Lilia was like a feral cat when you tried to get close to him.
Injured and almost unconscious; that was how you had found him. A gaping wound on his abdomen. Regardless of his blurry vision, he could still make out the smell of a human.
Thus, through deep breaths and pained winces, he demanded that you not come closer. Those demands were accompanied by curses and hisses, of course.
Perhaps you were naive or had no sense of self-preservation, or both, because despite his refusal to receive aid, you carried him on your back.
Had the fae been in better condition, you wouldn't have made one step forward without some inconvenience happening.
Lilia's first instinct, when he awoke the next day, was to attempt to flee before you realized he was up. Granted, the pain from recent battle wounds sliced through his being, rendering him to fall back on the bed.
His heartbeat picked up once he saw you walking into the room, kicking the door shut, and carrying breakfast in your hands.
The fae's words were nothing short of disdainful, accompanied by threats.
You were aware of the complex human-fae relationships and weren't surprised by his outburst. Instead, you ignored his empty words, left the breakfast on the little nightstand next to the bed, and left.
Although the general wasn't pleased at the fact you dismissed his words as if he were blabbering, he himself knew he wouldn't hurt a defenseless human like yourself. He's willing to turn a blind eye to those that aren't part of the Silver Owl's; after all, you weren't an immediate threat to him.
He sighed, turning to look at the source of the appealing aroma on the nightstand.
He wasn't that hungry, right? He could just wait a while longer, just to establish a sense of power over you—he didn't need you as much as you thought he did.
The grumbling from his stomach made his thoughts pause.
By lunch time, you decided it was a reasonable idea to check back on the fae you rescued yesterday.
The plate was clean, as you expected.
Without sharing another word, you gathered the plate and the utensils to head back to the kitchen, until the fae’s low voice and dry manner of speaking interrupted you.
“You know our kind have had conflicts of interest, right?” You couldn’t identify any sort of hostility or ill-intent from him when he spoke his mind.
“I...” You stopped to wonder if you actually considered that detail when you decided to bring this stranger into the safety of your home. “I wouldn’t be able to turn my back on someone who’s about to die,”
Lilia stared at you; you couldn’t discern how he took the comment.
“Hmph,” he said, crossing his arms. “You humans underestimate faes. I’ve survived worse wounds. This is nothing in comparison.”
“Yeah, yeah. You're, oh, so dangerous, and I'm, oh, so fragile. Please don’t kill me, Mr. Fae,” you feigned a squeakier voice. You reveled in amusement at his displeased expression. Suddenly, you realized you didn’t even know his name. “By the way, I don’t know what to call you.”
For a moment, Lilia considered not telling you. He would flee this place as soon as he could, so what was the point? He reasoned. Despite that, he figured that you would be more fearful of him if he revealed his name, as everyone knew the title that was accompanied by it.
“Or do you want me to keep calling you Mr. Fae?” You kept poking fun at him.
“I’m Lilia Vanrouge. Does the name ring any bells to you?”
You stopped for a moment to think.
“To be honest, no.”
Lilia wondered how you were still alive at this point, being so detached from the current events going on. You had just enough information to know about the war that was going on.
Unbelievable. He shook his head before looking down at the bandages wrapped around his lower abdomen.
The dull pain that comes from wounds was still present, albeit less than yesterday. He made an effort to sit up on the bed and undid the bandages, wanting to check the wound. If he applied less strength than usual, the sting was bearable.
You stitched his lesion while he was unconscious. Even though your work was decent, he couldn’t help but wish there were fairies nearby who could speed up the healing process. He couldn’t stop thinking back on his troops, the princess, his kind—they needed him right now.
Lilia’s troubled pondering stopped when you came back.
“I was just about to ask how you were feeling. The stitches haven’t opened, right?” You dabbed the rag into the water, looking to use the piece of cloth to clean up any dirt or blood that might’ve been left over from the prior day.
“Halt, human,” he tried to scurry away, flustered. “I can do it myself. I managed to eat on my own. I don’t need your help. Wait outside,”
“Okay, but you still should clean the rest of your body. I thought I could help you walk to the bathroom so you can use the shower,” you said, placing a hand on your chin. “Will you be able to reach your back? Bend enough to clean your legs?”
Lilia narrowed his eyes, partly out of suspicion. “If I were you, I’d be more cautious of a stranger,” he sighed. “I’ll allow you to help me clean my back. The rest, I can manage. Try anything funny, and I’ll make sure you’ll regret it,”
“Anything funny? You mean killing you? Do you think I would go to these lengths just to murder you?”
“My point stands.”
You guided the fae towards your bathroom; you left him alone so he could undress and wash what he could without your help. Once he was done, he called to you, where he was waiting, sitting on the wooden bathroom’s stool with a towel wrapped around his hips.
He didn’t acknowledge you entering; he just sat there in silence, waiting for you to pour water on his scarred back. Some scars were new, some were old, and others were fading.
His ears flicked when he heard you sit behind him.
The session was…awkward, to say the least. You both were quiet, and you wondered what he was thinking about during his silence. You resisted the urge to trace the scars on his back. You surmised that it must be a sensitive topic for him. You knew about the hardships of war, but having a glimpse of the surface of them awakened a sense of pity for him.
You slid the rag along his back. Albeit having a thin frame, there was some tonification...
He shivered, interrupting both your train of thoughts and your languid movements.
“You done?” he asked, looking at you over his shoulder.
“Yes,” you answered curtly, ashamed of yourself for allowing your mind to wander that much.
From then on, having the general living under the same roof was...an experience. To you, he seemed to have some sort of internal conflict when speaking to you; sometimes, he would speak in a kinder way, and at other times, he would go back to his withdrawn and indifferent attitude.
Like he was afraid of getting too attached soon.
You would tease him, proclaiming that he had developed a soft spot for you. He would either roll his eyes, huff, or deny, until he stopped paying attention to your “pointless ramblings” (as he called them). You couldn’t help but find amusement at the idea of this fae getting tired of your teasing and preferring to ignore them.
Of course, the general would rather die than admit his days in relative leisure with you were quite endearing—he wouldn’t admit his true feelings to himself either—as having someone looking out for you was a change of pace for his days of solitude. Solitude comes in the form of having no one else but himself to rely on.
For a human such as yourself to be selfless enough to nurse him back to health, even if not necessary until a certain point, made you stand out over the rest of the past human interactions he’d experienced.
Avarice and thoughtlessness were, after all, the reasons why the fae clashed with humanity.
Alack, he couldn’t stay here with you for the rest of his life.
Basking in the last rays of sunlight, sitting on the fresh grass as you shared a meal, you didn’t expect Lilia to have a gloomy expression.
“You’re going back to your military camp?”
“The war isn’t over yet. I’ve wasted enough time waiting for my wounds to heal,” Absentmindedly, his hands hovered over where the gaping wound once was. “You’ve been…”
“Hm?” You directed your focus to him, expecting him to finish his sentence while you munched on a slice of bread.
“I’ll give it to you. You’ve been helpful, but also annoying. I wouldn’t have imagined someone to have the ability to both heal and damage someone at the same time,” he took a sip of the tea and turned his head away in agitation.
“Would it hurt too much to just say ‘thank you’?” You rolled your eyes.
“Thank you,” he agreed, so you would drop the topic.
The sun had long since set, the single light source coming from your home. Lilia gave one last glance at your profile, noticing you were deep in thought.
He opened his mouth to tell you he was going inside again. Then he closed it again, thinking maybe you didn’t want to be disturbed by whatever you were reflecting on.
For the past few weeks, stress over how his troops were doing has built up. The general couldn’t wait any longer to go back to them.
He departed that same night.
Lilia took a quick look at the bedroom he has been staying in, checking if there was anything he should take with him before departing.
Alongside his mask, he wielded his magical lithic with practiced ease. 
He placed a hand on the window and pulled the lower panel up to open it. With a foot already on the windowsill, he hesitated.
I haven’t said goodbye to...
Almost as if driven by instinct, he went back to the living room, where he last saw you a couple of hours before.
At first, he didn’t see you. He rationalized that you were in your bedroom now; however, a soft snore made him realize that wasn’t the case.
Sprawled on the couch. Blanket on the floor. Your head is almost falling off the edge of said furniture.
That’s how he found you sleeping.
He deadpanned, reaching down towards the blanket on the floor and draping it over your sleeping form.
Did Lilia feel at fault that he didn’t get to say goodbye? Yes. Nevertheless, the fae was set on answering the call of his obligations before letting himself realize it.
Being a proper general like him, he located the camp with ease. Every single one of his comrades celebrated his return.
Now, this was an environment he was used to. It felt right; this was what he was familiar with.
And despite that, he couldn’t shake you off his thoughts. Not even the next day.
His mind kept reeling back on the idea of heading towards your small cottage to apologize.
Lilia groaned in frustration, turning around on the makeshift bed inside his tent. He stared at the walls, asking himself if it made sense for him to have these feelings.
Humans are weak. I should check on that human. Yeah, that’s it. That human is clumsy.
While putting on his armor and tying the knots in their places, he couldn’t believe himself—he was going back just to see you.
It was past midnight. Perhaps it wasn’t the best time to go see you, but he hoped you were up. He remembered that you tend to stay up past that hour.
He found himself smiling fondly at the memory before his smile dropped at the smell of smoke and fire in the distance.
With a racing heart, Lilia hurried to where he knew your home was.
Engulfed by fire.
The orange embers reflected on Lilia’s eyes as he gawked at the unbelievable sight. Soon, his attention was brought back to unknown faces inspecting around the perimeter. He identified the silver armor, and Lilia didn’t waste any more time acting.
“The general!” One of them shouted, the others unsheathed their swords, and they prepared to attack.
By the sound of it, Lilia supposed that this was an ambush, since it appeared that they were after him and set the house on fire to have a better chance of hunting him down.
“Where’s the human?!” Lilia demanded, pushing the lithic blade against the soldier he trapped.
“Calcinated, perhaps,” he spat.
As she was about to slice him open, something stopped Lilia.
With a hand on his arm, you managed to halt his movements. Had you come any later, the soldier would’ve had his neck chopped.
You didn’t give him a chance to question you; rather, you pulled him away from the burning place and into the forest.
To say the fae was speechless was a way to put it—he was baffled. Up until a certain moment, he managed to regain his composure and grab you by the shoulders.
“Why didn’t you let me end him?!” He shook you. “You allowed those pesky pests to get away with it!”
“You’re digging your nails. It hurts.”
His arms dropped back to his sides, as if you were scalding hot.
“Now what’re you going to do? Your home…”
“I have no other choice other than traveling back to town.”
“Alone? In the middle of a war? You’re lucky enough I was willing to spare you, but I can’t guarantee other faes will do the same,” Again, his hands were on you. “You’re coming with me,”
Your mind stalled.
“Huh?” You followed him when he began heading in a direction only he knew where it ended. “Are you accompanying me towards the town?”
“Do I look like someone who has that much time to spare?” He squeezed your hand more. “I’ll take you to my camp,”
You stopped walking, pulling on his hand.
“You can’t be serious. Aren’t they going to kill me?”
“Dare anyone lay a hand on you, I’ll return the action tenfold.”
“How are you so sure they won’t dare hurt me?”
“Because I’m their general.”
“So, when were you planning on telling me that minuscule detail?” Your voice became increasingly louder as you spoke from shock. “That all this time, I’ve had the general in my home?!”
“You’re going to attract an enemy’s attention. Shut up,” he said, covering your mouth with his hand. “Let’s get going,”
You managed to escape unscathed from the fire but were exhausted from the stress of having to flee. You hugged yourself while you followed the general, fending off the chill of the night that was starting to seep into your being.
There was someone waiting by the camp’s entrance, and Lilia knew who that was.
“General, there you are!” The man’s green eyes fixed on you; sheer disdain reflected on them upon seeing you. “What’s that human doing here? They didn’t harm you, right?!”
“Quiet, Baur! This human is coming with me,” Lilia looked at you for a second. “This person is... who found me wounded back then,”
It seemed as if Lilia had mentioned you to this fae named Baur before your meeting.
“I trust you’ll keep this a secret. If the soldiers ask why this human is with us, tell them that they’re being held hostage to aid with manual labor,” Lilia had made up his mind. There was no way he would let you dive into danger.
“General… I trust your judgment above all, but—”
“My decision isn’t up for debate.”
Baur shifted his gaze back on you, unconvinced of the general’s judgment. Regardless, he recognized his position and didn’t object further.
You were drowsy. You didn’t notice you followed Lilia into his tent.
Lilia, too, occupied with his own musings, didn’t bat an eye at the arrangement.
"It would be a better idea if—" he turned around and saw you had already made yourself comfortable on his bed. You had shrugged your coat off in a messy manner, one sleeve still up your shoulder.
Acting out what felt natural, he kneeled on the makeshift mattress and finished pulling the sleeve off your body. Then he grabbed the blanket to place it over you, but you stopped him by putting your hand on his cheek.
"You look tired too," you noted with a whisper.
"Not more than you."
"My body's exhausted, but my mind's wide awake still," You moved your hand away from his cheek and reached behind him to slide the hair tie off. His ponytail became undone, locks of hair falling on either side of his face.
His hand snatched yours, albeit his face was flushed and his ears red. He held your gaze, bodies rising in temperature, until he couldn’t hold it anymore and leaned down to kiss you. It started as a vehement desire to demonstrate the feelings bottled up inside.
You weren’t faring any better, hugging him close to you despite how his fangs would bite down on your lip, almost drawing blood from his eagerness. Lilia rested his weight atop yours, pinning you down against the bed, hands wandering around your torso and squeezing what he could.
Breathless, Lilia pulled away, panting, his fangs peeking.
Intrigued by their shape, your thumb touched the pointy edge, feeling its puncture on the surface.
“Your fangs. They’re very sharp,” Your thumb moved away from the impressive canine teeth, preferring to graze it across his reddened bottom lip.
“Keep touching me like that, and I’ll use them to leave marks on that pretty neck of yours.”
You swiped your finger over his lip again.
His hand went straight to your head and pulled to expose your neck; a soft mewl escaped you. In no time, restless hands undid each other’s clothes in a haze. Lilia reminded you to avoid waking up the slumbering soldiers with your constant moans.
Had his mouth not been occupied slurping and sucking your clit, he would’ve had to control his voice too; Lilia had told you to get on top of him, baring your pussy in the most vulnerable way possible by placing your knees on either side of his head. You started by trying to not suffocate him, fearing that it might be too much—Lilia couldn’t care any less about that since he pulled you closer by your hips.
Sloppy—the very image of starving and making a mess between your legs. He guided your hips to move in backward and forward motions, just making it harder for you to quiet down. 
“Lilia,” you tried to warn him of your approaching orgasm.
One hand tightened on your hips when he sensed you trying to get off, while the other slid up the small of your back to push you forward, making it easier for him to reach your clit.
“I’m going to cum, Lilia. Please,” You weren’t even sure what you were asking for, but your hips trembled, and you didn't want that satisfaction to end.
You bit down on your hand to silence yourself when you reached your climax.
However, Lilia’s hunger wasn’t satiated. You felt as if he was about to pounce on you, which wasn’t far-fetched, because he proceeded to change positions and push you on your back.
You couldn’t hold back your whimpers as Lilia kept teasing your sensitive clit, trying to tell him you were still coming down from your orgasm, but your own mind betrayed you. Lilia’s grin was fiendish, adoring the way you were so responsive to him.
“That was all it took to get this pussy this drenched?” He fingered your hole, and beyond indecent sounds came from there. “Listen to that. You’re beyond soaked. Even the insides of your thighs are covered with your cum. Didn’t you enjoy that a little too much?” he teased.
“F-Fuck, shut up,” your cheeks burned from embarrassment.
He wasn’t better off himself either. Beads of precum both roll down his dick and drip on your thigh. With the same hand he masturbated you with, he used your slick to further lubricate his cock, even if it wasn’t necessary given how wet you were.
He aligned it with your entrance and pushed in, panting from how good you felt to him. The moment he was completely inside, he began thrusting with unparalleled pace. You bit your lip, along with teary eyes, making your best attempt at keeping your voice down. Lilia noticed you struggling and bent down to shut you up with his own lips. For that instance, the tempo staggered but was still thrusting hard.
Through your foggy mind, you wondered how such a slim body like his was able to muster this much force at such a rapid pace. How a fae with a pretty and charming face like his could be this debauched...
“Ah…” he moaned against your neck, hunger overriding any sense of rationality. Lilia hid his face in your neck, licking and kissing it.
Without you needing to tell him, the general busied his hand with your clit again, pushing you closer to an orgasm. At this point, he went back to that sloppy tempo, and your hands darted to his disheveled hair, tugging those lovely locks of magenta and black hair. You tugged slightly harder without you discerning as you orgasmed, your body quivering from the intensity of the climax. A small grunt left him and came shortly after you.
After a while of catching his breath, he pulled away and lied down next to you.
“You’re lucky these soldiers are heavy sleepers, and my tent isn’t close to theirs.”
You covered your face, realizing that you were basically surrounded by more faes. “I don’t want to show my face to them,”
Essentially, the soldiers were heavy sleepers thanks to the weariness of having to train early in the day, do manual work, fight, run up and down the mountain, and everything else. They didn’t hear a thing. As for Baur, however...
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