#But if it's for Kiera? He might make an exception.
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villain-in-love · 6 months ago
🌹 Masquerade! So now we're talking fashion! I'm all for it, honestly, and I love the aesthetic. I think masquerade balls appeared exactly in the time period Dungeon Meshi is closest to - something around 15th century, so it fits well. I guess I should go and open my folder with historical dresses to find some outfit ideas... (Meanwhile Thistle is stressed out because do you have any idea how much of a security hazard a masquerade ball is-  I bet he’ll spend the entire prior week putting magical protections all over the castle)
Kiera will be very interested in Cath’s choice of clothing for this occasion, but I guess that by this time she will learn about her enough to be careful with comments. Nevertheless, considering what I know about your aesthetic preferences (and what we just discussed in DMs), I think Cath will still earn Kiera's silent approval.
When it comes to Cath sneaking out to make out or straight up fuck Kabru – you can count on Kiera to cover for them. She finds the situation amusing. Would probably have a thought of following them and taking a peek, just out of curiosity, but ultimately decides against it. It’s not worth the potential fuss.
By the way, would Kabru and Cath be up for dancing? If yes, what if Kiera offers Cath to dance with her? How high are the chances that these two will fuck up the dance?
Also doubt that Thistle will mind Cath ignoring him, unless she’s being particularly disrespectful about it. I don’t think that she’s that type of person or that this is the type of situation when he would actually demand attention. As long as Kiera pays enough attention to him, he'll be fine.
I think that the fight breaking out would be the most entertaining route, even better if the brawl between Kiera and Cath will get other people involved (most likely someone will try to drag them away from each other, but it will go terribly wrong, and then the chaos ensues) Alternatively, their fight could become an entertainment for the guests, with bets being placed (I wonder if Kabru will join in on the betting against his better judgements..?)
Yeah, Cath will be needing a mask to cover a black eye. But it will probably not help her or Kiera's clothes after that. (Do you think Cath will accept if Falin or Marcille offered to heal her injuries? Maybe if Kabru asks her to please, let them help?)
I’m almost sad that Thistle wouldn’t be able to properly participate in a brawl because his fighting capabilities drop significantly after losing his powers as a dungeon lord. But maybe it’s for the best, considering how extreme his methods usually are. It wouldn’t have been good if someone got crushed into a paste or incinerated alive during a ball.
Anyways, he's silently rooting for Kiera in this fight. Kabru is like: "Should we stop them?.." "No. No, let it happen." I guess he's petty and wants Kiera to beat up Cath. Or maybe he just want to see Kiera beat up someone...
All the while Laios is panicking in the background. Being a king sucks.
🔍 Kiera would probably find Cath’s outbursts funny. Come on, chill. She’s just trying to think. Though, to be fair, Kiera being chill doesn’t mean that she’ll be still and quiet. She’s rather active person, and she tends to walk around and mutter her thought process under her nose. But I guess that might be annoying too.
She might also do the thing when she crouches besides Cath, being like: “…do you want to talk about it?” while barely holding back a grin. Oh, she is so going to get punched in the face (maybe she wants it?)
I think whether she will end up pushing Cath’s buttons some more or not depends on how well they know each other by the time this scenario happens. Because Kiera’s humour can be quite rude and she will imply something negative about everything – herself, other people, the government, the word… So if they don’t know each other well enough by now – well, fuck. But if she already knows what will piss off Cath, she will try to contain herself – she already has one problem at hand, she doesn’t need another one.
Regarding Cath not being a team player: you know, considering how they both don’t really like working with other people, it could, paradoxically, lead to them being able to function well in a team. I mean, they both would understand how hard it is to work in a team. They would certainly understand boundaries when it comes to such thing.
...yeah, I think Kiera will end up being that type of friend that you often want to punch in the face. You can do that, by the way, she will walk it off just fine.
🌹,🔍 for the s/i ask game w/kiera and cath? <33
- @cannibalslut
You really gave me a challenge by choosing the double date question, when I can't even deal with regular dates... But okay, it didn't have to be easy.
Okay, for starters:
🌹 – Your S/I and mine are double-dating with our F/Os! How do you think that would go?
So basically, Kiera, Thistle, Cath and Kabru having to interact as a group.
Why do I get a feeling that it would be an entirely Kabru’s idea to organize a double date?..
Thistle probably considers the entire concept of a romantic “date” meaningless and idiotic, and Kiera actually agrees with him, but she’s fully on board this time purely because she wants to see the chaos that could ensue from that kind of character combination.
Okay, now let's just assume that she managed to somehow convince Thistle.
Kiera fully approaches it as just a regular meeting to hang out with friends. (Thistle approaches it with a sour face and a sourer mood) This is no different from meeting Cath anywhere else in their free time, it just so happens that their partners are with them for this occasion.
I think at some point it might happen that Kiera and Cath will be separately talking about their own thing with each other, while Kabru and Thistle will be left dealing with each other. Or rather, Kabru would be trying to hold a conversation with Thistle for the purpose of psychoanalyzing him.
Kiera (with Kabru backing her up) will also be likely to try discreetly pushing Thistle and Cath into interacting with each other more. For science.
…gonna be honest, I feel like Thistle would call Cath a freak at some point. (Yes, Kiera is a freak too, but that’s his freak. He’s used to her). Kabru and Kiera are ready to watch the argument unfold while chewing popcorn. But in case if things escalate, keep in mind that Kiera is violently protective of Thistle and she wouldn't mind throwing hands with Cath (it's also a part of the fun, in some way).
By the way, what are we doing? Where are we going? Do you have any ideas? I feel like Kiera's ideas would be something along the lines of going into the woods hunting. Or maybe exploring a different dungeon? We’re definitely not going to any bars, though, because Thistle would completely refuse to even set his foot here.
Oh, wait. What about the ball? In the best traditions of the historical fantasy? Everyone could have a reason to be here...
Anyways, is this going to be an AU of sorts? Considering that I highly doubt that it would be possible to plan a date with all four of them during canon events. It could be logistically possible post-canon, but post-canon Thistle is, as you know, not in the best condition, to put it mildly…
🔍 – If the two were trapped somewhere/stuck in a dire situation, how would the two be able to resolve it?
I feel like the first immediate reaction for both Kiera and Cath might just be trying to solve it all with brute force. Just for a good measure.
But that is unlikely to help, because then we wouldn't have a plot.
Anyways, Kiera is not the type to panic and usually keeps her head cool, trying to figure out her way out of trouble. She might even seem too chill about the whole situation from the outside. She hopes she can expect the same from Cath.
I think there might be a potential for conflict because Kiera tends to get rather… bossy in drastic situations. She have always been very independent and very confident in her strategic abilities, and automatically perceives the problem as hers to solve. She will also be taking into account Cath's abilities when trying to calculate their way out, and she will expect Cath to follow her plan.
Luckily, it’s not that hard to snap her out of it. She’s still willing hear Cath’s ideas and wouldn’t actually mind following them if they are good. She can cooperate if she sees that it would be more beneficial.
Also I hope Cath wouldn't mind Kiera continuously cracking jokes about their situation. She has a dark sense of humour and that's her way of coping with stress.
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annaphoenix1994 · 4 months ago
Vague History
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
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With alien dryness irritating her eyes, Kiera slowly sat up in the bed, slowly realizing that it was now dusk. Have I been asleep that long? 
Seeing that Simon wasn't next to her, she began to wonder what had happened between the time Malcolm had come to the ranch and when she had gotten home, remembering that she was distraught about one of the many war stories she had told her father, except this one was the worst. Sighing, she forced herself to exit the bed, her mouth dry and her stomach growling for something to be inside of it. 
Almost as soon as she made it to the bedroom door, Simon was walking her direction with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a can of Dr. Pepper in the other. Oh, babe, you're speaking a love language doing that, she smiled to herself. "Since when do you eat popcorn?"  
"I asked you if you wanted some when I got up, love," He replied, his brows furrowing at her confusion. "I asked if you wanted anything when I got up and you said popcorn and one of these. Figured I'd put on a movie while you were sleeping." 
"Oh." She said, looking to the floor as her mind swarmed for an answer as to when she asked him for popcorn. 
"Do you not remember?"
She shook her head and rolled her shoulders in search of relief, sighing as Simon set the bowl of popcorn on the foot of the bed as well as the can of soda, frowning at the bags under her eyes and how red they stayed from her time of shedding tears. "Are you alright, love?" He asked, cupping her cheeks and locking his eyes with hers. He knew immediately that she was still dwelling on the past, wishing he hadn't asked if she was okay knowing that she would think about the struggles she was battling within her own head. 
"Y-Yeah," She replied, nodding her head that was still nestled in his hands. "How long was I asleep?"
"A good few hours. You needed it and more," He assured her. "I've been up for an hour." 
"Shit," She grumbled, shaking her head. "I should go down and feed the horses-"
"Don't worry about it. I did it." 
"You did? You? Mister I don't like horses?" She breathed a giggle. 
"Never said I didn't like them," He grinned. "I just don't like how they make my, you know, feel after I get off." 
"Well, I wouldn't know what that feels like, but thank you." 
"You're welcome, love. I need the experience." 
"Because if I'm in your life, so is your livestock," He shrugged. "I'm here for all of it, sweetheart." 
He watched her blush, noticing how she leaned closer to him to press her head against his chest, inhaling his warm and inviting scent - something she was eager to wake up to for the rest of her life. His arms wrapped around her, kissing the top of her head as her grip on him was of something that reminded him of reassurance. He knew she was hurt in the worst way possible. 
Her state of mind. 
Which he was all-too familiar with. 
"What time is it?" He heard her mumble into his chest, enjoying his warmth too much to lean back and check the time herself. 
"A quarter past nine, love." He replied, his thumb rubbing the small of her back. She nodded, forcing herself to pull back to go to the bathroom and proceed with her usual routine. 
"I'm going to freshen up." 
"I figured that's what you were doing." 
She turned to look at him from the bathroom, a toothbrush in her hand and a confused look on her face, "What else would I be doing?" 
A sly smirk splayed across his face, "Well, considering you didn't know where you were when I woke you up, I figured you were thinking the bed was in there." 
She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she watched him lay on his side of the bed, his arm behind his head as he crossed his ankles. "Might have to eventually get a new bed. Your feet are about to drape off the end of it." She poked. 
"No, it's because you have thirty pillows on here." He replied, turning on the television. 
"Can't help it. Especially when it feels like I'm sleeping on a rock." She retorted, referring to his muscled chest. 
"That's why you sleep up against me every night, yeah?" 
"Because if I don't, you'll be upset." 
"Keep telling yourself that, love," He chuckled, putting a piece of popcorn in his mouth. "I just won't cuddle you anymore if that's the case-"
"No," He watched her pout, thinking it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. "I was just playing." 
"So was I," He smirked. "Or was I?" 
He knew he was helping distract her from her haunting thoughts, hoping it was helping as he did the same thing with Johnny when he was nervous while being isolated at times during a mission, always being the one to tell jokes over the comm to help keep him from feeling truly alone. 
He browsed around on her Netflix account, not finding anything of interest until he felt Kiera's presence closing in on him, feeling her move to where she was on top of him before going to nestle herself into his side, the smell of fresh mint on her breath and coconut dry shampoo in her hair. 
Naturally, her palm rested on his chest, ignoring the smell of popcorn but unable to resist the urge to drink the Dr. Pepper he had brought for her, waiting a few moments before sitting up to reach for it on the side table and moving to sit indian-style on the bed. "What're we watching?" 
"You tell me, love. I don't watch movies." He sighed, the remote resting on his stomach as he looked at the back of her head before glancing down to her back, imagining how well her skin was healing from the grafts. 
"Don't put that decision in my hands," She giggled. "I like watching scary movies. What about you?" 
"Don't ever recall watching one," He shrugged. "I told you - I don't watch movies." 
"Never seen a scary movie?" She smirked, looking over her shoulder. 
"Too scared?" 
He scoffed, placing his hand on the small of her back, "I can handle being in an active warzone being shot at and bombs going off, but watching a scary movie is where I draw the line." He retorted in a sarcastic tone.
"I know of something that does scare you." 
"Well, please tell me so I can know when I should hide under the bed." 
She smiled, setting the can of Dr. Pepper aside before nestling herself against his side, the familiar warmth of her mint-tinted breath drawing his face to look at her. "You were scared of loving me." 
He sighed, pulling her closer to his chest as he broke his gaze to look up at the ceiling, his eyes dazing in thought. "No I wasn't." 
"Mhm." She teased.
"I was afraid of losing you." 
His words caught her attention, Simon feeling her head straighten to look at him, knowing that the conversation was not teasing like it was prior. 
This was serious. 
"I've experienced plenty of loss in my life, Kiera, but I've never been in love," He sighed, the thoughts of his mother, brother and nephew entering his mind, wishing they were still around for her to meet, knowing his mother would absolutely adore Kiera. Briefly, he thought about how Kiera would interact with his nephew, eager to see her motherly instincts. "I couldn't help the way I felt when you and I got close, but I wanted to push you away." 
She hummed in question. 
"Because everybody I kept close to me was taken." his breathing shuddered, having a sense that she was about to ask why, but to his surprise, she didn't.
Which was one thing he was appreciative about - her patience with him. 
"I'm sorry." She frowned, the pads of her fingers feathering against his sternum, soon feeling his hand covering hers. 
"Nothing to be sorry about, love. It's not your fault as to why my life is so fucked up." 
She didn't reply, truly having nothing to say as she knew her reply would spark nothing but a negative comment back. "I don't think your life is fucked up, Simon." 
"Believe me, it is," He sighed, bringing her palm up to his lips. "But you've kept me distracted from it. Although I'm reminded of it every night when I try to sleep." 
"I understand that." She replied, recalling her own nightmares. 
"I know." 
Her brows furrowed, "Do... Do I keep you up?"
"Sometimes," He replied. "But it doesn't bother me. I'm surprised I don't keep you up, but considering you sleep like a rock, I'm not surprised." 
She giggled, "Well, I'm sorry if I keep you up." 
"It's nothing to worry about," He sighed. "Are you going to pick a movie or not?" He poked. 
"I just might." 
She ended up picking "The Conjuring", the movie being one that genuinely freaked her out, but she wasn't going to let Simon know that, although she could tell that he was weirded out by the doll in the beginning, stating that he'd "sling it through the wall" if he ever got a doll like that as a gift. 
She couldn't blame him.
Her palm stayed on his chest, rubbing soothing circles against his shirt as he would be the one to drop a piece of popcorn in her mouth every now and then, enjoying her soothing touch as he felt the absence of it was enough to send him into emotional overdrive. If you only knew how much head over heels I am for you, love, he would think every time she made a comment about a particular scene in the movie, occasionally feeling her jump at random scenes. 
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Once the popcorn was gone, leaving nothing but leftover kernels in the bottom of the bowl, Simon kept his mind busy by toying with her hand, his thumb rubbing her ring finger like he always did, except it was her opposite hand that splayed on his chest. 
Instead of focusing his attention to the movie, his eyes stayed fixated on the scars on her knuckles and the top of her hand, his finger grazing over them gently, wondering the story behind them. 
"That one was from a knife fight." She answered him, taking notice of how his fingers grazed her skin, keeping her eyes towards the television. 
"Hope he lost." 
She chuckled, "Oh, he did. Him and his buddy, too." 
He joined her in a laugh, tracing his finger over the next scar that was on the outside of her wrist. "That one was from another fight. Fell in some glass." 
"Ruthless," He sighed, looking over at her to place a warm kiss to her forehead, noticing a faint scar on her hairline. "How'd you get this one?" 
"My face met with a wall. Not my idea," She shook her head. "Thought that fucker had me, but I got my way out of it." She continued, running her hand across his chest, feeling the scar on his left pectoral he had already told her about, tracing it with her finger before her hand traveled to his side, feeling an abnormal dip that was invisible to the eye, but foreign to the touch. "What happened to get this one?" 
He sighed, covering her hand over his ribcage and moving it back to lay on his chest, "Another time, love." 
Truly, he didn't want to recall how he had matching indentions on either side of his ribcage, nearly wincing at the thought as he swore it was the worst pain he ever had to endure. 
"I-I'm sorry." She frowned, curling her fingers into her palm, afraid to continue.
"It's okay, that's a story for another day," He assured her, keeping his haunting thoughts at bay before giving her his full attention to distract himself. "How long is left of this movie?" He asked, changing the subject.
"I'd say an hour," She sighed. "Although I probably won't make it 'til the end of the movie." 
"You need to rest," He said blankly. "We can always turn it off-"
"It's whatever you decide. Not like you're going to make it through to the end of the movie anyway with how heavy those eyelids look." 
Malcolm sat on his leather sofa, enjoying a glass of Wild Turkey as his enraged mind was desperate to distract his adrenaline from earlier. Loosening the bolo tie from around his neck, he began to wonder where he took his wrong turn in life, causing him to not only lose his marriage as well as rights to see his child, but also getting himself into yet another line of fire after coming home from the failed mission in Mexico. 
Unlike Kiera, Malcolm liked to rethink the times he had in battle, a smirk toying on his face as he would replay his best kills in his mind, taking pride in it.
Even though some of those kills were with ally forces. 
Licking his lips free of leftover bourbon, he peered down to his ringing phone, sighing at the caller ID before answering. "Yeah?" 
"It's been a few days, Malcolm," Shepherd scolded over the phone, a weight in his voice - clear that he was aggravated. "What's going on?" 
"Things like this take time, General. But it's not going easy, that's for sure." 
"What do you mean?" 
Malcolm sighed, "She found out I flew the plane, General. That's what I mean." 
A brief pause. 
"I need you to clarify." 
"I don't know how much clearer I can get," Malcolm scoffed. "She found out the plane was yours and that I flew it. She paid me a visit at my office the other day." 
"I'm afraid this is a problem that needs to be taken care of rather quickly," Shepherd grit. "I'm going to send you someone. And when he gets there, you two take care of it. Got me?" 
"Affirmative, but it's not going to be easy-"
"That's why I called you in the first place, Lieutenant," Shepherd corrected. "Do it like how I used to do in the service: send a message to the enemy, get them angry enough to come after you, then you demolish them at once." 
"Sounds tactical." Malcolm scoffed, knowing Shepherd's words were easier said than done. 
"It is tactical, son," Shepherd shouted. "I'm keeping this in your hands. Remember who you work for." He reminded, the words bringing realization to Malcolm that he couldn't just say no and back out due to Shepherd's blackmail on the Lieutenant, both of them being equally guilty in their career of war crimes, Malcolm's most recent being participating in the slaughter of the citizens of Las Almas on that rainy night, the thought chilling him to the bone every time it crossed his mind. 
"Yes, sir." 
"Good. Now that we're on the same page, do as I suggest. Send a message. Have her so mad and tearing at the seams to get to you, then take her out. It's that simple." 
It's really not, Malcolm thought, knowing exactly who he was about to fight against. I don't know who I dread fighting more: her or that boyfriend looming over her.
"I'll get to it first thing in the morning." 
"As soon as possible would be preferable, son. We don't have much time." 
Don't fucking call me that, Malcolm grimaced. "Who are you even sending me?" 
Shepherd breathed a laugh, "You'll see. Be sure to hit her where it hurts. Put some thought into this, Lieutenant. I've got your back." 
We'll see about that. 
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twilight-princess240 · 8 months ago
I am seething. I am furious. I am crying inside. What was that portrayal of Alyssa Targaryen in House of the Dragon?
Fire and Blood explicitly described her as having dirty blond hair, mismatched eyes, one violet, one green, ungainly features, and a crooked nose because she broke it when she was six. She knew she was not a great beauty and never would be, but never gave a shit about that. She preferred trousers over gowns, rode Meleys whenever she had a chance, was openly a tomboy, and once again, never gave a shit about any negative opinions about that. She was spirited and fiery, openly saying she was "as bawdy a wench as any barmaid in King's Landing."
Why couldn't they have portrayed her like that? Was it so hard to show that she was still a Targaryen and Daemon's mother, the parent he took after the most, while using the book description of her? The fans, especially those who have read Fire and Blood, know how Alyssa really looks and what her personality is like. Do the show's creators think all fans don't know anything about the source material?
The grievances I have with the scene depicting her and Daemon are innumerable. I have just become more Team Black than ever before and am so relieved that I never watched Season 2 except for the new intro. I know now that I won't be able to stomach the show from now on knowing they ruined my girl Alyssa in such a, excuse my wording, blasphemous way. I now feel afraid, no, terrified, for the day that Targaryen women like Alyssa's many sisters, her mother, and Shiera Seastar will be adapted for the screen, because they will be ruined and reduced to unrecognizable beings who might not be like their book descriptions at all. Since the story of Dunk and Egg is being adapted, I feel afraid of how any Targaryen woman in that show will be adapted, such as Aegon V's (Egg's) sisters Daella and Rhae, and possibly his daughters Shaera and Rhaelle. Hell, maybe Egg's wife Betha Blackwood, his mother Dyanna Dayne, his sisters-in-law Kiera of Tyrosh and Princess Daenora Targaryen, and his niece Princess Vaella Targaryen should be on that list too because they were Targaryens by marriage, in Vaella's case, by birth, and in Daenora's case, by both birth and marriage.
Targaryen women have been ruined for far too long, and Alyssa Targaryen was only the latest. She was reduced to an unrecognizable being who was used to make fans unsympathetic to Daemon and by extension Team Black, and it disgusts and infuriates me. Yes, Daemon has done morally questionable, if not outright immoral things, throughout the books and the show, but this scene feels too much like they want to depict him as an irredeemable monster in contrast to Team Green, and that is, to me, abhorrent.
I apologize if this rant makes anyone uncomfortable, but I absolutely had to get it off my chest after seeing (on here, not the episode itself) and hearing about Alyssa's appearance in House of the Dragon and how it was used. The only things this show has accomplished is me confirming that I'm solidly Team Black all the way and me desiring justice for not just Alyssa, but every Targaryen woman who was ruined before her, might be ruined in House of the Dragon, and might be ruined in future shows.
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tangledbea · 1 year ago
Do you think there was a better way to add Eugene's parents into the series without it going down the route of him being a prince?
Frankly, I'd have been fine if his parents were never actually in the series. I get very tired of "orphan seeks/finds their real parents" narratives, and TTS did that three times (Kiera, Eugene and Cassandra).
I'd have been fine if Edmund had been his uncle instead (I love Edmund too much to get rid of him entirely). Eugene's parents are genuinely out of his life, for one reason or another, but that doesn't mean that he has zero living relatives willing to talk to him. Let his uncle be his mother's brother, so he can get some back story on her (TTS was also way too fond of dads being more important than moms, except in the one case where the mom was a villain, so that made her a villain, too). Don't let it have been a story about, "They wished they could have kept you, so your struggles as an orphan basically meant nothing." Let him be an actual orphan, either by death or genuine abandonment (or both). Let the fact that he decided who he was not once, but twice, matter. And let this kooky uncle of his be in the story sparingly. He grew old without a nephew in his life, and hey, it's cool that the kid survived and made something of himself, but not his circus, not his monkeys. Edmund can be a nutty old woodsman who might have insight into Eugene's past and/or certain situations, but isn't making a huge effort to be a part of Eugene's life now.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year ago
I know it’s different for everyone, but I just don’t actually imagine myself in any reader inserts. I don’t have the imagination for that. I would love to know who you might picture your FMCs looking like?
Hi Bestie!
I totally get you! I kind of do a bit of a mix where I imagine myself but inside someone else? It's weird. But I get you! I leave the descriptions almost entirely out so people can insert themselves if they want. The only real exceptions - aside from reader being AFAB - is that reader has hair that's long enough to grab (something most people can control and I think people would likely have hair during the apocalypse because you can just tie it back instead of trying to regularly cut it) and that Joel is taller than reader. That's because, in my head, Joel is like... 6'5" lol
I KNOW THAT'S NOT CANON OK? I KNOW HE'S 5'11" but I picture Joel as just a big big man, big man, big man is big and makes primal brain go brrrr. But unless you're taller than 6'3" (which, if you are, go off, queen and then just imagine Joel as being like 6'7" I support it make the big man bigger) you'll need to look up a bit to look Joel in the eye.
My face claims are below the cut!
As a reminder, these are NOT CANON. All these characters look however brings you the most joy. This is just who stars in the movie in my head when I watch these fics unfold.
You can find all my face claims for all Lavender OCs right here!
For Beskar Doll, I picture Doll as Eiza González. She's gorgeous, ambiguous enough that she could pass as a native on Naboo or Tatooine or Alderaan and I feel like she could kick my ass. I just love her!
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For Yearling, I started out picturing Kiera Knightly but that's shifted a bit to Anne Hathaway. Either one works! The key for Bambi is big, brown (not that she's described that way but that's how I picture her) eyes, and I think both Kiera and Anne fit the bill! I can also picture both of them on a horse kicking ass but also being a mother figure to those who need it.
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For New in Town, I picture Christina Hendricks. For some reason, Beautiful just has thick girl energy and I feel like she oozes sensuality the same way Christina Hendricks does!
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Finally, for Halcyon, I picture Amanda Seyfried. I love her energy and she's just so beautiful but can pull off being a bit socially awkward - see Jennifer's Body - which is how Goldie was, especially in high school.
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I will say, when I write FMCs in things set on Earth, I'm going to picture them as white and that's going to apply to how they move through the world. That's because I don't know what it's like to exist as a person of color and I don't think I should be trying to tell stories like I do. But I do make a conscious effort to leave racial indicators out of my fics (this was spottier earlier on when I didn't think about it - that's white privilege for you!) and don't use words like "blushed" now, for example, and I hope readers of color feel at home in my fics. If I can improve things here and you have the emotional space to let me know, please do! I do have a future Din fic in the works where I picture the FMC as Black because racism isn't a thing there so much as speciesism, so I feel I can tell a genuine story that way.
Anywho, that's my FCs for my FMCs! I hope you enjoy them!
Thank you for asking! Love you!!
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kahran042 · 1 year ago
Yet another new batch of incorrect JCGTL quotes!
Heidi: Dave, remember how we were worried about Nick's F-U-T-U-R-E? Nick: Oh mom, you don't have to worry about my furniture! David: Oh my god. (Source: Boy Meets World) (Heidi Murphy, Nick Murphy, David Murphy)
Chloe and Kiera are arguing about something Jonas: There's always rock, paper, scissors. Brad: That's a great idea! Chloe and Kiera (thinking): Rock, paper, scissors? I'm good at everything except for that! For some reason, I always pick rock! (Source: Crayon Shin-Chan) (Jonas Corbin, Brad Thompson, Chloe Seaver, Kiera Bernhardt)
Mark: And that's why I don't have a girlfriend. Chloe: You know, I think there’s a lot of reasons why you don't have a girlfriend. (Source: Drake and Josh) (Mark Seaver, Chloe Seaver)
Jonas: My sister is impossible! Samantha: You know I don't like my orange juice with pulp! Jonas: holds up orange juice carton It says right here, "No pulp". Samantha: You and that are LIARS. (Source: Everybody Loves Raymond) (Jonas Corbin, Samantha Corbin)
Jonas: Hey! I'm not a nerd! I'm icy chill… (Source: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) (Jonas Corbin)
Connor: Guess what? Mark: What? Connor: I mouthed off to Dad and he grounded me. Mark: So why aren't you home? Connor: Because he grounded me over here. He said if I stayed home he'd just be punishing himself. (Source: Full House) (Connor Urquhart, Mark Seaver)
Jonas: Am I in the wrong here? Nate: Yes. Jonas: Who asked you? (Source: Full House) (Jonas Corbin, Nate Kellerman)
Nick: I know you think I should write that down, but you know what happens to a thought once I get it in my head? Mark: It dies of loneliness? (Source: Garfield and Friends) (Nick Murphy, Mark Seaver)
Jonas: In this show, we don't make mistakes. Nick: walks in Hey, Jon-ass. Jonas: Except occasionally in casting. (Source: Garfield and Friends) (Jonas Corbin, Nick Murphy)
Nate: Everyone thinks I'm a coward, and I resent it. Jonas: Nate, you are a coward. Nate: That's why I resent it. (Source: Garfield and Friends) (Nate Kellerman, Jonas Corbin)
Alicia: If we were all trees, there’d be no more wars. Because we’d be trees. (Source: Golden Sun) (Alicia Ramsey)
Jonas: Sometimes I think, is this all there is? Is life just some horrific joke without a punch line? That we’re all just biding our time until the sweet, sweet release of death? (Source: Gravity Falls) (Jonas Corbin)
Connor: Ugh, another glorious morning… makes me sick (Source: Hocus Pocus) (Connor Urquhart)
Donna: I don't think you're "melon-chested," Jonas. Jonas: Well, maybe "melon-chested" is the wrong word, but I am messed up. Donna: Do you mean "maladjusted"? (Source: Home Movies) (Donna Corbin, Jonas Corbin)
Teacher: The question was "Who wrote Hamlet?" You wrote "The Pope's cousin, Count Pope-ula, a magical monster with pencils for arms". Nick: I'll be honest. I made that one up. (Source: Home Movies) (Nick Murphy)
Kiera: Please? For me? Jonas: Kiera. Don’t do that. Kiera: What? Jonas: You think every time you say, “Please? For me?” I’ll do whatever you want. Well, not this time. Kiera: Please? For me? Jonas: Okay. (Source: iCarly) (Kiera Bernhardt, Jonas Corbin)
Jonas: I did the dishes. Donna: They're still dirty. Jonas: I didn't say I did them well. (Source: James Breakwell) (Jonas Corbin, Donna Corbin)
Connor and Morgan fighting Kathleen: Can you please just get along for five minutes? Connor: We can get along for longer than that. Kathleen: Good. Morgan: Just not in the same room. (Source: James Breakwell) (Kathleen Urquhart, Connor Urquhart, Morgan Urquhart)
Chloe: I don’t know why people say a double-edged sword is bad. It’s a sword. With two edges. (Source: Magic: The Gathering) (Chloe Seaver)
Alicia: If I fight, I might step on a butterfly. That would be sad. (Source: Magic: The Gathering) (Alicia Ramsey)
Jonas: Saturday is a day for sleeping. And damn it, you will not take that day away from me! (Source: New Girl) (Jonas Corbin)
Mark: You always see the worst in people. Connor: Yeah, because people are the worst. (Source: New Girl) (Mark Seaver, Connor Urquhart)
Justin: about to throw a snowball Chloe: Here's a gentle reminder… if you throw that snowball at me, I'll break every bone in your stupid body! Justin: Saved by a gentle reminder. (Source: Peanuts) (Justin Seaver, Chloe Seaver)
Nate (in detention): I had a perfect record. They were making me a plaque. (Source: Pepper Ann) (Nate Kellerman)
Jonas: Boredom is something up with which I will not put! (Source: Phineas and Ferb) (Jonas Corbin)
the entire family is watching a video Samantha picked out Movie: "But- But, without the list of sad little boys and girls, this will become 'The Land Without Smiles!'" Jonas: "The Land Without Brains" is more like it! (Source: Rugrats) (Jonas Corbin)
Brad: Get Kiera's attention? What are you going to do, pretend to drown? Jonas: Do you think that would work? (Source: The Baby-Sitters Club) (Brad Thompson, Jonas Corbin)
Morgan: Is Dandy a good watchdog? Sarah: Well, he likes to watch TV. (Source: The Baby-Sitters Club) (Morgan Urquhart, Sarah Reinholt)
Chloe: I'm bossy. Get used to it. (Source: The Baby-Sitters Club) (Chloe Seaver)
Alicia: One time I cried in front of my whole class. Kiera: Oh, that’s so embarrassing for a little kid. Alicia: Little kid! It was last week! (Source: The Baby-Sitters Club) (Alicia Ramsey, Kiera Bernhardt)
Jonas: Being the bigger man is overrated. (Source: The Boondocks) (Jonas Corbin)
looking at a glass of water Kiera: The glass is half full! Connor: The glass is half empty. Jonas: Half full… No! Wait! Half empty!… No, half… what was the question? Nick: Hey! I ordered a cheeseburger! (Source: The Far Side) (Kiera Bernhardt, Connor Urquhart, Jonas Corbin, Nick Murphy)
Mark: Lucky for you, I'm an expert liar. And I'll teach you because you're the coolest, smartest, most capable sister a guy could ever have. Chloe: Really? Mark: No, but now you see how good I am. (Source: The Goldbergs) (Mark Seaver, Chloe Seaver)
Mark: I wish I was dead… Connor: If you say it out loud, it won't come true. (Source: The Oblongs) (Mark Seaver, Connor Urquhart)
Jared: Why shouldn't you put a toaster in a bathtub full of WATER? Nick: Because your toast would get soggy. (Source: The Powerpuff Girls) (Jared Murphy, Nick Murphy)
Nick: Aren’t we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa. (Source: The Simpsons) (Nick Murphy)
Kiera: Adrian? Adrian? Adrian: wakes up Uh, what’s the matter? Kiera: I had a bad dream. Can I sleep in your bed? Adrian: …No. Kiera: I’ll give you a candy necklace. Adrian: takes candy necklace and eats it Climb aboard. Kiera: Thanks, Adrian. Adrian: Less talk, more sleep. (Source: The Simpsons) (Kiera Bernhardt, Adrian Bernhardt)
Nate: That summer, I learned a lot. I learned that my head was a magnet for baseballs. (Source: Tiny Toon Adventures) (Nate Kellerman)
Morgan: Mom’s making us have family game night tonight. You know us, the cops will be here an hour after we get started. (Source: Wizards of Waverly Place) (Morgan Urquhart)
Nick: Jared, how are you doing? Jared: I'm fine, Nick. But thanks for asking. Caitlyn: I wish I had a brother or sister. You guys look like a real family. Jared: Well… you're basically like our baby sister. Caitlyn: What!? BABY sister!? Jared: laughs Be careful what you wish for. (Source: Xenoblade Chronicles) (Nick Murphy, Jared Murphy, Caitlyn Larouche)
Jonas: This world is senior's paradise and freshman's hell… (Source: Tiktok) (Jonas Corbin)
Brad: Birth certificates are just receipts for human beings. Jonas: How and where can I return myself? (Source: Tumblr) (Brad Thompson, Jonas Corbin)
Jonas: I hate when people ask me, ‘What did you do today?’ Buddy, listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five p.m., okay? I don’t KNOW! (Source: Tumblr) (Jonas Corbin)
Jonas: Maybe ignoring my responsibilities and daydreaming all day will solve my problems. (Source: Tumblr) (Jonas Corbin)
Jonas: Bad things only happen to me because I’m the main character so it’s only part of the plot. (Source: Tumblr) (Jonas Corbin)
Jonas: FUCK! Donna, running in: Jonas, what's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Jonas: What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I was just screaming at life in general. (Source: Tumblr) (Jonas Corbin, Donna Corbin)
Jonas: I think I’m going to become an unreliable narrator. If you see me obscuring the full truth or saying things that directly contradict each other, don’t worry about it. (Source: Tumblr) (Jonas Corbin)
Lilith: does something cute Kiera: I don’t care. Jonas, narrating: But she did care. (Source: Tumblr) (Lilith, Kiera Bernhardt, Jonas Corbin)
Jonas: I wonder how I would be introduced in stories? Chloe: "And then there was this asshole". Brad: A loveable asshole! Nate: But still an asshole. (Source: Tumblr) (Jonas Corbin, Chloe Seaver, Brad Thompson, Nate Kellerman)
Jonas: I’m the main character. Brad: Jonas, you’re the unreliable narrator. (Source: Tumblr) (Jonas Corbin, Brad Thompson)
Mark: Never feel bad about eating unhealthy things like pizza. Use the science of relativity. Pizza is healthier than crystal meth. Take another slice and be thankful. (Source: Twitter) (Mark Seaver)
Chloe: Anyone know when my life is supposed to get better? Mark: It won’t. Chloe: Damn, okay. (Source: Twitter) (Chloe Seaver, Mark Seaver)
Mark: I wish my younger siblings would appreciate how low I set the bar for them. (Source: Twitter) (Mark Seaver)
Jonas: I’m naturally funny because my life is a joke. (Source: Twitter) (Jonas Corbin)
Kiera: I just told a story about my childhood that I thought was really funny, but now everyone is really quiet and someone said “I’m so sorry”. (Source: Twitter) (Kiera Bernhardt)
Jessica, to Jadyn: I’ll give you $13 to stop being my sister. (Source: Twitter) (Jessica Beaumont)
Mark: Today marks the 10 year anniversary of the time I fell off the swings at a park and some bitch ass kid said “What season is it? Fall?” I pray that he’s dead every single day. (Source: Twitter) (Mark Seaver)
Jonas: Uno is based on luck. Unless I win. Then it’s based on strategy and I’m a genius. (Source: Twitter) (Jonas Corbin)
Connor: Get that tattoo, your family is already disappointed in you. It wouldn’t change anything. (Source: Twitter) (Connor Urquhart)
John: holding up a bread clip Nobody under 40 will know what this is. Mark: Right, because all bread is digital now. I forgot. (Source: Twitter) (John Seaver, Mark Seaver)
Jonas: Where's my fucking keys? Monica: Jonas, Samantha is around, can you say it a little nicer? Jonas: May I perchance ascertain the whereabouts of my fucking keys?! (Source: Twitter) (Jonas Corbin, Monica Corbin)
Jonas: I feel bad for boomers. Their parents taught them rules like, “Wearing a hat at the dinner table is rude”. And they were too stupid to be like, “What? That makes no fucking sense, at all”. (Source: Twitter) (Jonas Corbin)
Nate: So what’s the new rule here? Jonas and Brad: No daring Chloe to do stupid stuff. Nate: Why? Chloe, grumpily: Because I have no regard for my personal well being… (Source: Unknown) (Nate Kellerman, Jonas Corbin, Brad Thompson, Chloe Seaver)
Alicia: Why me? Chloe: Because people like you. You’re quiet. You say “excuse me”. You look like little cartoon birds help you get dressed in the morning. (Source: Unknown) (Alicia Ramsey, Chloe Seaver)
Brad: Why do you take so many naps? Jonas: Because when you’re sleeping, there’s no lonely times, just dreams. (Source: Unknown) (Brad Thompson, Jonas Corbin)
Donna: Why are you eating Lucky Charms at three in the morning? Jonas: Being magically delicious waits for no one. (Source: Unknown) (Donna Corbin, Jonas Corbin)
Naomi, to Adrian and Kiera: This seems like the kind of thing that responsible parents wouldn’t want you to do. Naomi: Good thing I'm an aunt! (Source: Gravity Falls) (Naomi Farrell)
John: I watched Godzilla Vs. Kong. Two monsters attack each other for no reason and make a giant mess while people look on, unable to stop them. It’s the most accurate parenting movie I’ve ever seen. (Source: James Breakwell) (John Seaver)
Valerie: You think I smother the kids? John: Now honey, it’s not your fault. "Mother" is part of the word. You never hear anyone being "sfathered" to death. (Source: Modern Family) (Valerie Seaver, John Seaver)
Dorothy: You're such a nice boy, Jonas. I can see why Mia built a shrine to you in her room. (Source: Phineas and Ferb) (Dorothy Thompson)
Robert: loses Connor in a crowd Robert: Finally. (Source: Twitter) (Robert Urquhart)
Donna: Jonas is in the other room explaining to Leo that even though we are going to bed early, he, the cat, is welcome to stay up. (Source: Twitter) (Donna Corbin)
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watchnrant · 2 months ago
Here’s a controversial statement: Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has delivered the most authentic Star Wars experience since the original trilogy. After eight episodes with this ragtag group of kids lost in space, it’s clear this series captures exactly what George Lucas might have created had he made a Star Wars show in the golden age of Amblin Entertainment.
The Heart of Star Wars Rediscovered
That ineffable feeling when Luke first gazed at the binary sunset – that raw sense of yearning for something more? Skeleton Crew captures that essence perfectly. The remarkable achievement here is how it accomplishes this without relying on traditional Star Wars setpieces until the final act. No lightsaber battles, no Force-powered showdowns – just pure, unfiltered childhood wonder driving the narrative forward.
In an era saturated with Star Wars content, Skeleton Crew stands apart by abandoning the familiar playbook. This isn’t merely another spin-off – it’s a profound reminder of what made us fall in love with this universe in the first place. The series taps into that primal sense of adventure that had us all wielding stick lightsabers in our backyards.
Young Talent Shines Bright
The young cast transcends typical child actor performances, delivering work that resonates with authentic emotion. Ravi Cabot-Conyers imbues Wim with an infectious wonder that embodies every dreamer who yearned for adventure. Ryan Kiera Armstrong brings surprising depth to Fern, crafting a character whose tough exterior masks compelling vulnerability. Kyriana Kratter’s portrayal of KB, particularly in Episode 6, elevates the material beyond the constraints of age-targeted television into something universally compelling.
Jude Law’s Masterclass in Complexity
Jude Law’s portrayal of Jod Na Nawood redefines what a Star Wars antagonist can be. This isn’t a simplistic villain, but rather a complex character whose motivations remain compellingly ambiguous until the final revelation. Law’s performance creates constant tension, especially in scenes shared with our young protagonists, making every interaction crackle with uncertain potential.
“Zero Friends Again” – Climbing Mountains, Moving Hearts
Episode 6, Zero Friends Again, directed by Bryce Dallas Howard (who continues to prove herself as one of the strongest directors in the Star Wars universe), marks the point where Skeleton Crew transcends traditional Star Wars storytelling to become groundbreaking television. Under Howard's careful direction, the handling of KB's cybernetic malfunction presents one of the most nuanced portrayals of disability ever attempted in this universe. Her expertise in balancing character intimacy with dramatic tension shines particularly bright in Fern and Neel's mountain-scaling adventure, which serves as both literal and metaphorical character development. Howard's deft touch creates television that pushes the boundaries of what Star Wars can achieve, proving once again why she's become such a valuable voice in shaping the franchise's future.
Technical Excellence Meets Emotional Depth
The production values soar beyond mere technical achievement. Each new planet, alien design, and piece of technology feels purposeful and lived-in. At Attin emerges as more than another Star Wars location – it’s a fully realized world that hints at countless unexplored stories. The Onyx Cinder itself becomes a character, carrying history and personality in every weathered panel.
Breaking New Ground
Skeleton Crew proves Star Wars still holds the power to surprise and innovate. In a franchise often constrained by its mythology, this series dares to explore the spaces between epic battles, following ordinary kids thrust into extraordinary circumstances. It trusts its audience enough to value character development over spectacle, creating something both fresh and familiar.
The Verdict
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew represents more than just quality Star Wars content – it exemplifies exceptional storytelling that happens to exist within this universe. The series recaptures the ineffable magic that made us all believe we could be heroes, regardless of our origins or abilities.
For veteran fans, it’s a triumphant return to form. For newcomers, it offers an ideal entry point into this vast universe. The show stands as eight episodes of masterful storytelling that proves the endless potential still waiting to be discovered in this galaxy far, far away.
While not without minor flaws, Skeleton Crew achieves something remarkable: it feels perfectly Star Wars while charting bold new territory. It demonstrates that the franchise’s future lies not in endlessly retreading familiar ground, but in daring to explore new frontiers with the same sense of wonder that captured our imaginations decades ago.
Final Verdict: 8/10 – A Genuine New Hope for Star Wars Television
A second season isn’t just warranted – it’s essential for the continued evolution of the franchise.
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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew ★★★★★★★★☆☆
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 3 years ago
Wildflowers (pt. xv)
a john paul jones x fem!oc fic
summary: Julia Morgan knew nannying for three girls who had recently lost their mother would come with many challenges. But she never thought their father, the enigmatic musician John Paul Jones, would be causing her the most trouble. And while Julia is not in the business of saving broken men, her tenderness might be meant for more than little girls and wildflowers.
table of contents │ previous chapter
notes: 🎉nsfw🎉
a/n:  I know it's been a terribly long wait. Please enjoy this to the fullest.
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pt. xv, queen of the meadow
“You’ve got me in trouble, Julia Morgan.”
Tension. The best kind, in every skein of muscle in my body. I stretched across the bed, arms above my head, trembling with relief. Deep breath. The scent of home after time away, slightly sweet and warm, like warm milk before bed.
Home. Warren House was my home now. I hadn’t put it into such terms yet. After all, it was my place of work. I didn’t live with my family, but with someone else’s. But I had my little apartment where the tea I liked was in the cupboard and I had laundry yet to be folded on the vanity chair and a spot on the sofa where the upholstery is slightly mussed from where I sat making phone calls and reading.
That “home” and “house” are different is a story as old as time. Home requires a level of softness, of retreat and respite. It does not matter what the eaves and floors are made of; it only matters that it’s easier to breathe there. And at Warren House, it had miraculously become easier to breathe. Knowing the girls were asleep in their beds, that Annie would waltz in eventually to make breakfast, and that  John would be home later in the afternoon. At 4 o'clock, to be precise. And that time couldn’t come fast enough.
We had said goodbye unceremoniously the day before. I had awoken early to pack my things which was a mostly banal task except for the reminder of the bag of cocaine sitting bulbously in my bag. I considered dumping it into the toilet, but I didn’t have the heart to get rid of such nice cocaine and instead stuffed it in a dirty sock. This would be a mistake I would not feel the consequences of for several months.
I roused Jacinda and Tamara and began to help them pack. Kiera joined us later, followed by John who I tried to ignore casually until he greeted me with a dry-mouthed, “Good morning.”
I stopped mid-folding one of Tamara's dresses. John's eyes were pinched at the corners with sleep and his hair made him look like a mussed mop stood on end. Still, he managed his easy handsomeness. “Good morning,” I smiled demurely.
John blinked at me, quiet for a moment, revisited by memory of the night before. Disbelief, maybe. “Uhm…” he cleared his throat. “Will you be alright with the packing?”
“Oh, yes, just fine,” I replied.
“I’d help, but I’ve got to get ready for a business meeting,” John said, apology inflecting his voice. 
“Business? In Montreux?” I asked with a smirk. From what I had seen the night before, a musician’s business was the businessman’s Sodom and Gomorrah.
John flushed and touched the collar of his shirt nightshirt. It split just enough to reveal the dip of his clavicle. “Yes, well, Peter wants to have a meeting about Zeppelin. What’s next and the like.” He said the last part drolly and his shoulders tensed. “Turns out the four of us are rarely in the same place so he thought he’d take advantage.”
“Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine as long as Kiera finds her missing sandal,” I said, nudging the littlest Baldwin girl with my elbow.
I packed the girls whilst John got ready for his meeting. It took him awhile, what with the hair and everything. But when Henri arrived with a bellhop for the luggage and to let us know our car was ready, John was ready to escort us downstairs. I can’t relay what he was wearing because I can’t fucking remember. I tried to avoid looking at him as much as possible to avoid my pulse skyrocketing.
The desk staff made quite a show of seeing the girls off; no doubt three mostly well-behaved girls were welcome respite from unruly (and odorous) musicians.
John and I walked behind them quietly, distanced enough from one another that we wouldn’t accidentally graze shoulders or hands. If it had been normal circumstances, childless circumstances, there would have already been conversations. Verbal conversations, perhaps physical conversations to match. There had been no time to discuss what a kiss meant. I was leaving him still not knowing completely what threshold we had stepped through and I was terrified to miss him. I knew my every thought would be plagued with a hue of him (although was that really different than before, when I was yearning for him to give me a sign if my feelings were reciprocated?).
We approached a town car idling out front. One of the bellhops was loading up the boot while Henri spoke to the driver in French. Each of the girls gave John a loving goodbye before squeezing into the backseat.
I looked at John but was too tongue-tied to speak.
“You’ve got the passports?” John asked.
I reached into my purse and counted up the passports aloud. “Yes, all there.”
“And bandages?”
“I don’t even have to check for those,” I said with a laugh.
“Good, good…” John said. He licked his lower lip as if preparing to say something else, but remained silent.
“What time will you be in tomorrow?” I asked.
The corners of John’s mouth perked. “Late afternoon, but earlier if I can help it.”
“Good…good…” I said awkwardly, then flashed John a fleeting smile. “Well, goodbye then.”
John swallowed. “Yes, goodbye. Be safe.”
I got into the car, trying not to sigh at our limp farewell. John closed the door after me and the car started to inch forward. However, before we could pull out of the hotel driveway, John rushed up to my window and knocked against it. The driver stopped the car suddenly, jerking us forward in our seats. 
John gestured for me to roll down the window. I spun the crank and looked at him like he was a madman.
"Daddy!" Tamara screeched. "Don't be a lunatic!"
"Tamara," I scolded softly.
“Sorry,” he said, resting his hands on the window bank so his fingers curled into the door. “Call me when you get to the train station, will you?”
I smiled at his concern. “Yes, of course.”
“And…when you get to the airport,” John said meekly.
“John –“
“And when you land. If you could.” 
“You’ll be too busy to even receive the calls, John.”
John shook his head. “Henri will give me the message.” His eyes flicked to the girls who were staring at him like bats in a dark cave who’ve had a flashlight put on them. 
I smiled. “You’re a worry wart, John.”
“If that’s the worst I am, I’ll worry all day long,” John replied.
I looked to the girls and pointed to each as I spoke. “Kiera will call from the train station, Jacinda before we take off, and Tamara when we land,” I announced and then looked back to John. “And I’ll call when we make it home.”
A look of anticipation crossed his face, an excitable sort of smile. He took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll try not to miss any of them.”
“Bye, John.”
“Bye, Julia.” 
I covertly kissed the tips of my fingers and put my hand on his, giving it a squeeze.
John looked at our hands. So much potential right there.
“Music, gin, whisky…” I whispered so the girls could not overhear.
He grinned. “Champagne.”
My heart fluttered. I released his hand despite wanting to keep it there forever. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
He nodded and knocked on the roof of the car to let the driver know we were ready. As he stepped away from the car, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at his feet with the slightest sappy smile. I could imagine him walking into his meeting and the boys giving him a hard time about the stupid look on his face which he’d wave off as nothing.
We made it back to Warren House without a hitch. The calls were made, the night slept through, and now I just had to make it to 4 o’clock.
I was anxious. So much so that after drinking my morning cup of coffee, I called Gatwick to make sure his flight was still on schedule. I did this three more times throughout the day. I was quite the busybody, shuffling the girls through activities. From swinging, to jump rope, to hide and seek, to dancing to a Jackson 5 record in the playroom. At 2, though we were nearly exhausted, Kiera suggested that we organize a tea party for John to come home to and while her older sisters rolled their eyes at the idea, they were quickly roped into it at the notion of dressing up and Annie’s teacakes.
We all donned bright, summery dresses and I let the girls piddle around in my makeup while Annie and I made cucumber sandwiches. Annie had asked about the trip, but was rather preoccupied with other matters.
“Bethany’s now entirely on bed rest,” she muttered whilst slicing cucumbers erratically. “Baby’s due any moment. And her husband’s got rocks for brains, God bless him.”
I organized a tray of berries and cakes. “You should stay with her, then. We can manage here.”
“Oh, heavens, no. The last thing she wants is me around. I’ve been the main target of all her mood swings. I finally said, ‘Call me once your water’s broken and then I’ll consider dropping by.’”
I giggled. “You’re a tough customer, Annie.”
“Listen,” she said emphatically, lifting her knife and gesticulating with it. “I know that half of having children is letting them abuse you because they don’t know better, but lord help her, she’s about to be a mother. She cannot be spouting her mouth off the way she does, expecting everyone to kneel before her.”
“Sounds like it’s for the best that her husband’s thickheaded then.”
Annie guffawed and found a spatula to thwap me with. We went back to our work, but after a moment, Annie stopped again. “He might be thickheaded, but that’s the kind of man I want for my daughter. Someone who when she says ‘Jump,’ he asks ‘How high?’.”
Whenever Annie spoke about her children, I felt jealous. She certainly complained about them, but she always made it known that her biggest achievement and joy was being their mother. I couldn’t picture my own mother having that sort of response when talking about me, what with all of my mistakes. Perhaps Auntie Gin would, but her pride and joy were the cows. Her own son knew that.
Jacinda rushed in through the kitchen door. “Julia!”
She wore a pretty lavender dress with three-quarter length sleeves and had too much blush dusted on her cheeks. “Look at how pretty you look,” Annie remarked.
I invited her over to me, holding out a teacake. “What is it, love?”
Jacinda took it in both hands and asked, “How much longer until daddy gets here?”
I looked up at the numeraled clock that hung over the telephone. Quarter to 4. My heart leapt into my mouth. “Soon. Terribly soon. So soon I’m afraid we won’t get the tablecloth on before he gets here, now get your sisters and come help me.”
The four of us went about setting the table on the terrace. Tamara was in charge of napkins, Kiera the silverware, and Jacinda on making sure the tablecloth remained straight. These jobs were all fine and good until we realized Kiera had set the silverware all wrong. Tamara was furious, but I couldn’t help but laugh. “Why didn’t you just ask, dear?”
“I thought they just went where you felt, I didn’t realize there was a pattern to it,” she said with a shrug.
“Now, what’s all this?”
We all turned to find John at the edge of the patio, still in his travel clothes and a pair of aviator sunglasses. He wore a broad grin. “Did I stumble into a tea party?”
The girls all rushed to greet him with hugs and kisses as if they hadn’t seen him in weeks, not just yesterday. And he accepted them as such. For a man on the smaller side, he had an impressively sized wingspan that was perfect for three little girls to nestle into.
“It’s for you, daddy!” Kiera chirped, hanging onto his arm. “And it was my idea!”
“For me? What for? It’s not my birthday…” John replied.
I took a deep breath. My heart was galumphing so dramatically I was surprised he couldn’t hear it. “Can’t they have a tea party for you just because?”
“Oh, well, I don’t know...” he smiled bashfully. Then, he took off his sunglasses and waved the girls off. “Say, stand back for me. Want to get a good look at you.” He took a step back from the girls. “Look at you all, all dolled up. Makeup and everything. I’m criminally underdressed!”
“We can fix that,” Tamara announced and took him by the hand.
John looked at her alarmedly. “That’s a terrifying proposition.”
“You need fancy dress for the fancy tea party,” she said as if it were the most reasonable thing in the world. “Like a suit or a tie or – “
“Alright, you’re right. I at least have to get out of these clothes. Smell like an airplane.” John looked to me before the girls could shuffle him inside to get changed. “You kick off, Julia.”
My eyes widened. “Oh. Alright.”
“You’ve been with them all day…traveling yesterday…no small feat,” he explained. “I’ve got them.”
I tried to smile. “Thank you.”
John gave me a fleeting smile before disappearing into the house with the girls. I stood there a long moment and looked at the table. There were five spots set. I took the napkin from what would have been my spot, bundled up the utensils, and looked around frantically before dumping the set into one of the bushes.
I couldn’t be angry at him for what he didn’t know, but I could be frustrated with him for being an idiot. Of course, it would be fair if he wanted to spend time with his children alone. But I had just been uninvited from my own goddamn tea party.
I restlessly looked from the house to the grounds, the property sprawling into the heath to the forest. I didn’t want to sit in my room all evening while they giggled on the terrace, so I took off at a steady clip down the length of the lawn, past the beech tree with its creaking swing, and onto the heath. Toward the forest. It was sort of irresponsible to go out to the forest in the late afternoon, but I felt compelled by something deep within myself.
There is an internal call to nature that I believe all women have. There is a reason the earth is described as a mother. And at this moment, it called to me. All this waiting, not just the past day, not even months, but this lifetime of waiting.
Needless to say, I was feeling rather dramatic.
I followed the path, lined with the trees crisping green from summer, all the way to my peaceful pond. There, I perched on a craggy rock overlooking the water for what felt like forever. Thinking in a spiraling, dancing way about…everything. I won’t go into details about it. It was more of the same. So much of the same that it was just white noise in my brain, crinkling and loud. It was almost like meditation. My brain had become so loud I was able to separate from it. And without thinking or questioning, I stripped off my clothes and dove into the pond.
The water was frigid. I came up for air as if waking from a dream. Suddenly, I was aware of what I had done. Naked. In a pond. In the middle of the woods. I frantically scanned the perimeter of the pond for any sign I wasn’t alone. The coast was clear. My foot hit something slimy and I squealed, thinking I had touched a creature. When I stopped splashing about, I realized it was just the algae slicked rocks at the bottom and I burst into laughter.
After a few minutes, my body warmed up and I lost all inhibitions as I swam languidly through the water. Floated on my back and stared up at the tree tops though which the sun twinkled with twilight. Let the world wash away…
Until it brought me right back to where I had been all along. John. Not with the same anxiety as before, no. But with a trust. That the universe was telling me the truth. I would have to allow this to happen as it happened without trying to control anything about it. I’d have to give in.
How the fuck do I do that?
By the time I got out, there was a chill of evening in the air. I hurriedly pulled my clothes back on and continued my leisure as I walked back out of the forest. From the heath, I could hear a babbling of the girls, an occasional lull (which I imagined was John’s mellow voice) met with girlish giggles.
I climbed the terrace steps quietly. The table was now cleared; John was sitting in a chair at the end of the table and all the girls were crowded around him. “Hold still, daddy,” Tamara said, leaning close into John.
“I’m as still as can be!” John retorted.
“Stop talking,” Jacinda warned him. “Otherwise, it will go on funny.”
John sighed loudly.
“Hello there,” I said sweetly.
The girls parted, revealing John who shyly turned his face away from me, but not before I saw the contours of makeup on his face. I gasped. “Well, don’t you look pretty!”
The girls giggled. John hung his head momentarily and then took a breath before facing me. I meant it, he did look pretty. His angelic features suited the different powders and creams. The girls had gone a little heavy handed with the blue eyeshadow and there was mascara under his eyebrow, but the lipstick looked fantastic. John moved his mouth to speak and then closed his eyes. He smiled and sighed, doubtlessly out of embarrassment. “They insisted,” John said in defense.
“And they did a wonderful job; your father looks very pretty,” I said, nicking Kiera on the chin with my knuckle.
“Why are you all wet, Julia?” Jacinda asked.
I touched my hair, still drying and kind of scraggly. “Oh, I went swimming.”
John snorted. “Where’d you go swimming?”
“In the woods,” I said with a shrug.
A smile cracked onto his face and he looked at Jacinda. “Did you hear that? Julia’s gone swimming in the woods.”
“Don’t say it like I’m crazy!”
“I didn’t say you were crazy,” John said, holding his hands up in submission.
“Your father thinks I’m crazy,” I said to the girls.
Tamara leaned on the back of his chair and looked at me. “We all think you’re crazy.”
I burst into laughter. “Is that really what you think of me?”
“They said it, not me,” John said with his lips drooping in faux-innocence.
“You’re the one wearing lipstick,” I retaliated, crossing my arms and cocking my hip.
The girls proved a captive audience toward this back and forth, giggling and tittering with one another.
“I think men should wear lipstick more often, actually,” John replied, leaning back in his chair, now settled into his confidence. I had to keep my gaze from dipping between his legs. “You girls shouldn’t get to have all the fun.”
I conceded with a roll of my eyes. “Who picked out the color?”
Jacinda jumped up. “I did!”
“Very good choice,” I said, admiring the plummy pink shade on John’s lips. I approached him slowly. “Although…” I cupped his chin in my hand and pushed my thumb nail underneath his lower lip, rubbing off the excess lipstick. It was a risk to be so close to him right in front of the girls like this, but it was hard to resist when the opportunity felt right. John rolled his eyes up to me, a distant excitement and fear in his widening pupils. “You’ve got to stay within the lines.”
I dropped my hand and placed it on my hip cheekily as if time hadn’t slowed down. “Alright, I’m going to wash-up. Will you want help at bedtime?” I asked John.
“No, I’ll manage,” he answered in a quiet way, the private way adults speak around children.
I bit my lower lip. What was unspoken was what happened after the girls would be in bed. But I heard it. Music. Gin. Whisky. Champagne. “Have fun, ladies. Goodnight.”
"Goodnight, Julia!" three little voices called after me.
I went upstairs and did my evening rituals. Each one felt so romantic, despite it being my established routine. A long warm shower, a cup of tea (and a bite to eat, since I hadn’t gotten to partake in the tea party), and some writing.
Something I had done to keep me sane ever since I started nannying and living in other people’s homes was writing letters. Of course, I kept in touch with my family. Auntie Gin and Graham, my mum (to my chagrin) and dad, my brothers, Charlie and Anson. But then I also had my rolodex of children I had cared for, of parents I had worked with, and a handful of strangers that I called friends.
Tonight, I was writing quick notes on postcards I had collected in Montreux. It passed the time miraculously. Before I knew it, it was dark out. I opened the windows, letting the evening chill into the apartment. I could hear the distant rhythm of little feet padding around down the hall. That meant soon. Soon, John and I would get to talk. Whatever that meant, whatever that entailed…I wasn’t sure. But I would have him close again. I could kiss him again. The thought had me blushing and squealing around the apartment.
I couldn’t do anything else but wait, so I turned on the radio and stared out at the night. My room, which looked out at the driveway, also gave me a clear view of Warren Road, the long road that curved into town. The road, which had been so intimidating on that first drive in, was now a piece of my home. I had wanted to run down it so many times and leave. Now, I was happy to stay.
My daydreaming was interrupted by the clearing of a throat behind me. I turned to find John in the doorway, his face still covered in makeup, although it had mostly worn away.
“Hi,” he said nervously.
“Hi,” I replied, sitting up.
“I, um,” John stumbled to find the right words and then gestured to his face. “I forgot I had this on until Kiera pointed it out when I put her to bed.”
I smiled at him.
“And I tried to scrub it off with water, but that evidently doesn’t do much.”
I chuckled. “No, you need cold cream, John.”
“Ah, yes. Alright. That’s what Mo used, I was trying to remember…” he trailed off, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I was going to go look in her vanity, but I only go in the bedroom to hide presents for the girls.”
I got to my feet and walked past him into my bedroom. “How does that spot work out for you?”
“Um, quite well, I think. I haven’t gotten any questions about Father Christmas being real or not yet,” John said unsurely. “Jacinda might be catching on, though.”
“It would be Cin, wouldn’t it?” I grabbed my light green capped pot of Ponds cold cream off the vanity. “Well, come sit, I’ll get you cleaned up.”
John came into the room with trepidation, folding his hands in front of him. I patted the vanity stool for him and collected a few cotton balls before taking a seat across from him at the edge of the bed. “Don’t be nervous. It’s not oral surgery,” I remarked as I opened the jar of cold cream.
John blushed and turned his face away. “I just pictured this going differently.”
“How do you mean?” I asked.
“I don’t know, just thinking about seeing you again, I didn’t think I’d be wearing lipstick,” he said, raising his eyebrows and showing off his long, mascaraed lashes.
I giggled and dipped a cotton ball in the cream before bringing it up to his face. “Close your eyes.”
John followed my instruction. I dragged the cream across his eyelid and he winced. “S’cold. Why didn’t you warn me?”
“It’s in the name, John,” I teased, buffing out the blue eyeshadow until his eyelid was clean. As I worked, I was able to observe his placid expression and each of his features. I ran my cotton ball through the contours of his face, on the ridges and planes, finding him more and more beautiful by the second. “So…you were thinking about me, were you?”
John smiled, showing off his edgy teeth. “Oh, yes. Ever since you left.” He let out a sigh through his nostrils. “I went to bed at nearly 8 o’clock to make today come faster.”
“Ah, that’s why you were so chipper when you arrived, then.”
“Yes, well-rested for the first time in god knows how long.”
I pinched my lips together in a smile just for myself, gently polishing out the mascara. 
“I’m sorry I pushed you out of the tea party,” John spoke, his lips barely moving.
He cleared his throat. “Annie was surprised you weren’t there. Thought you’d be joining us.”
He opened one eye slightly to gauge my reaction. “Were you going to join us?”
“No," I said casually.
"So that's why there was a fork in one of the yews?"
I pursed me lips. "Close your eyes, John.”
He did so. “Sorry.”
I worked diligently and carefully until John’s face was mostly bare again, except for his lips. “It was good you and the girls got to do that together. I would have just gotten in the way.”
He sighed but didn’t open his eyes. “You know you wouldn’t have gotten in the way.”
I swallowed as I looked at the curves of his lips, still stained with the plum lipstick from early, although much of it had worn away. I put the cold cream aside, took his face in my hands, and kissed him gently on the lips.
John let out a muffled gasp into my mouth but gave into the kiss easily, moving his hands to my waist. Once the kiss ebbed, I drew back, my mouth still only an inch from his. His eyes blinked open slowly in pleasant surprise.
“That’s the best way to get rid of lipstick,” I whispered.
“Is that so?” John smiled, saliva moving in his mouth.
I nodded and coquettishly lowered my chin to bat my eyelashes at him.
“Perhaps, we should do that again. To make sure it’s all gone…” he trailed off.
I laughed as John closed the gap between us again in a deeper kiss. His hands on my waist tightened; I couldn’t resist his pull and melted toward him farther and farther, running my fingers through the soft tresses of his hair until I was on my knees before him, between his legs. His tongue furled against mine as if he could devour me. I had never been kissed so deeply, so needily.
John placed a hand against my chin and broke the seal of our lips. His nose grazed mine, still so close to me as he murmured, “Julia.”
A smile crinkled on my face. I still couldn’t believe how he intonated my name, low and syllabic. Like a secret. Like a love letter.
“What’s that silly smile about?” he teased, followed by a kiss. “Hm?” And another.
“John!” I giggled like a little girl getting too many kisses from a well-meaning aunt. But there could never be enough. Each kiss sent me over the moon. “I love when you say my name…”
He smiled. “I’ll say it as many times as you like,” and then repeated, “Julia,” cradling the back of my head with his free hand before giving me another soft kiss.
I basked in the glow of his touch, my cheeks hot and my head light.
“Julia...” he said again, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Julia…” and another to my temple.
I couldn’t hold back the giddy laugh in my throat. I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in his hair, deeply inhaling his scent. The outdoors had crisped his hair with the fresh scent of greenery, complimenting his usual musk.
John embraced me dearly to his chest. “Oh, Julia…”
“What is it?” I asked delicately, stroking a hand through his honey hair.
He hesitated, his breath shifting shallowly in his chest. John put his mouth close to my ear and whispered, “I want you.”
My lips parted.
“I want you so badly,” he repeated; his voice sounded like it was fraying at the edges. As if he wanted me so much that if he couldn’t have me, he might possibly die.
I knew that feeling. That feeling like I could possibly die from wanting. I drew back, letting his eyes rest in mine. I could see terror swimming in the gorgeous, precious blue. I lowered my hands to the flats of his thighs. “You can have me,” I said tacitly. "All of me."
John’s mouth fell slightly. I could hear his breath stutter. It had been so long since he’d been in a position like this. A woman between his legs, offering herself to him. But this was not a hollow, wanton offering. I wanted his touch as much as I wanted his heart, his whole being.
I wanted all of him.
But left with his silence and his searching eyes, I felt I had to backtrack. “I don’t mean to rush y—“
John stopped me with his lips, hungrier than before. He fell to his knees, joining me on the floor, and pushed me up against the side of the bed. I whimpered into his mouth and let my head drop back onto the bed.
John broke away from my lips and nestled his face into my neck, kissing the skin fiercely, teeth dangerously close to leaving marks. He put his hands against my rib cage, his thumbs grazing the undersides of my breasts. I grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand higher up, forcing his hand onto my breast. He hummed against my neck as he caressed me with adept tenderness.
It was like he was making up for lost time and I was happy to be the recipient of his enthusiasm. I could feel him against my pelvis, hard in his trousers. I moaned out his name, restrained only by the door hanging ajar.
John lifted his head, lips coated in spit and eyelids heavy, and grunted, “Fuck…”
Time suspended for a moment as we gazed into each other's eyes, disbelief in the space between us. "I can't believe -"
"I know," John interrupted with a smile and a small shake of his head.
I craned my head toward his and kissed him softly on the lips. "Love kissing you," I murmured. I squeezed his waist between my knees and wiggled my hips against him. John's breath seized. "Love feeling you."
The pupils of John's eyes spread out like blots of ink in an instant, zeroing in on me. He hooked his arms under my legs and pushed me up onto the bed with a level of strength I didn’t know he had. I let out a screech of excitement that turned into a gasp of arousal when our hips locked again.
John's lips devoured mine as we rocked into one another, the hard fulcrum of his cock sending shivers down my spine. My nightgown drooped past my thighs, revealing my panties. They were entirely soaked through; I imagined they were leaving a damp patch on the outside of John’s trousers.
It was becoming too much all too quickly. We were not youths fumbling around in a closet who didn’t yet know what to do with our hands. This feigned intimacy through our clothes could only last so long.
John drew back, tossing his hair out of his eyes with a quick jerk of his neck. His eyes traveled down the length of my thinly veiled body until they reached my pelvis. His eyes jumped back to mine, almost scared by what he had seen.
I couldn’t help but laugh at his nervousness. It was so youthful and so unexpected. John smiled, bashfulness emanating in the blush around his nose. He gingerly ran his hands down my legs. I could feel my pulse beating right at the apex of my wet core as his hands approached my midthigh.
He hesitated, fingers bristling away from me. “This alright?”
I touched John’s wrists and led his hands down the flanks of my thighs until they reached my panties. John hooked his fingers around the edges of lace and lifted his eyes to me one last time.
"Do it."
John tugged the panties down gently, revealing the top of my pubic bone and the coarse thicket of hair. He put one finger into the gusset of my panties and cursed under his breath at the soaked-through feeling. Gingerly, he pressed his bent knuckle in between my lower lips. John’s forehead pinched at the center. "Fuck, you're wet."
"For you, John."
John took a deep breath and bit his lip. Then, he dragged them the rest of the way off, leaving my center naked and available to him.
I thought John might delve hungrily between my thighs and lap me up with his effervescent tongue but instead, he shifted forward on his knees and hung over me as he reached down to his trousers and began to undo them. He was frenzied, frantic to get them undone, practically shaking at the thought of being inside me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and spoke his name softly against his cheek to try and calm him. 
Once John was free from the constraints of his trousers, I felt him on the inside of my thigh. The feeling of his cock on my skin was enough to make him flinch. I tried to peer down at him between us, but it was impossible to get a good look when he was already so near to me. As if to make up for the lack of words, our lips met in needy small kisses.
“Are you okay?” I cooed.
“Mhm. Are you?”
“More than,” I answered against his lips.
John inched up my thigh. I felt a knot in the base of my throat from anticipation. I reached between us and gingerly wrapped my hand around him. His cock was warm and coursing with blood. Thick and hard. Unrelenting. I repositioned him between my legs, so the head of his cock slipped through my lower lips. I braced, a wave of warmth washing up over me.
We both readjusted until he found the notch of my entrance. John almost spoke, his breath forming the beginning of a question, but I shushed him kindly, touching the plane of his cheek and resting my thumb where his dimple was hardened from concentration. "You can," I whispered. "You can."
John nodded heavily and shifted his hips forward, sinking into me slowly. Not even an inch into me, his mouth dropped open and his eyes fluttered shut. "Oh my god, Julia."
I rolled my head back at the feeling of being stretched by him. My nerves sparked like dominoes as he moved through my slick center, back and forth, cautiously.
John bunched the bedspread tightly in his hands on either side of my head. I hooked my hands around his thighs, drawing him deeper into me and his rhythm immediately quickened.
It was quiet, other than our breath, which was becoming increasingly labored as John’s pace hastened, and the squelching sound of his cock pressing into me. I wrapped my hands around his back and clung to him for dear life. His depth matched his speed. With each thrust, he worked deeper inside of me until he was pushing himself to the hilt. The head of his cock pressed up against the most sensitive point inside me, sending fiery spasms through my belly. I moaned out his name raggedly.
The invocation of his name drove him faster which should have been impossible. I gasped. John looped an arm up under my thigh, spreading me wider. I whined tremulously.
John's hand wrapped around my chin and kissed me harshly. Our lips gnashed together, teeth clicking as we undulated. I tried to say something, to curse or pray, but all that came out was a pathetic mewl. John rolled his lips off mine and buried his face into my neck, groaning loudly.
And then, something shifted. John was in total control, or lack thereof. He was shaking, jerking his hips hard into mine, almost painful how our bones were knocking together. It felt like he was trying to start a fire with the friction
Plaintive whimpers came from John’s lips, snagging in his throat so each one was unfinished.
Despite the ongoing pulses of pleasure waving through me, I was focused entirely on John's desperation. Something was wrong. I cupped the back of his head in my hand, murmuring, “John, slow down."
And that was the match that set off the dynamite.
John’s hips jumped and breath hiccuped, his whole body freezing for a split second before his cock jostled and burst inside me unexpectedly and without warning. His body slackedned on top of mine, warm and sweated. Before he was even finished, he choked out, “I’m sorry.”
 I held him to me. “It’s okay.”
“No, I’m – nngh.” His breath was serpentine and helpless, doing everything but aiding him in speaking. “I normally last much longer.”
“It’s alright, John.”
John lifted his head. The corners of his eyes were red. “No, really, I just want you to know, it’s not you, it’s –“
“I don’t care,” I said with a smile.
He blinked. A hot tear ran down his face. “But it’s just been so long that I – “
John was starting to draw away, but I wouldn’t let him. I wrapped my arm around his back. “I don’t care,” I repeated.
“Julia,” John said my name firmly, squeezing his eyes shut, sending more tears rolling down his face. “I don’t know why I’m crying, I can’t help –“
I silenced him with a firm kiss, making sure he knew where I stood. I could feel his warm tears sliding from his cheeks onto mine. It didn’t matter that the corners of a potential orgasm had drifted away from me. Didn’t matter that it was all too much and he had started to cry. All that mattered was being close to him. When our lips parted, I kept him close and stroked the back of his head. “I don’t care,” I repeated. And I didn’t. "I don't care at all."
John sniffled and wiped his face dry with the back of his hand.
“And give yourself a little credit. That was at least two minutes,” I teased, though my voice was still small and personal.
He laughed half-heartedly but the tears spilled out again. “Fuck,” he said, pinching his nose bridge and turning away. “I don’t know why I’m…”
But he did know why. How could he not? The last person he had been close to in this way was Mo. It had been so long since he had connected with someone physically.
I followed him across the bed, now empty of him, except for the trace of seed left inside. I stretched my palm against his chest. “It’s alright. Just lay here with me.”
John nodded, eyes hazy and sad, and wrapped his arms around my waist, tucking his head against my chest with a long sigh. I kissed his forehead; in return, he squeezed me tighter.
This would be complicated. I had know that all along, but it was a distant knowing. I had been caught up in the romance of it all that I had ignored the reality. John was still grieving another woman. A wife. A mother. The space for me was smaller, made even smaller by the addition of his children. I would have to be patient. I would have to tread carefully and restrained. And I would have to make sure I didn’t lose him by being too ardent in my affection.
The world around us returned. The radio crackling in the other room and crickets outside rubbing their legs together. I spied the pot of open cold cream on the vanity and smiled to myself.
“Can I do something for you?” John asked quietly, nudging my clavicle with his lips.
I imagined all the things he could do with his mouth…his hands…but I shook my head. “No, I'm fine."
John twirled a lock of my hair around his finger. "I will. I want to. I've been thinking about all the things we could...and then I just go and..."
"Drop a load?"
John winced. "Jesus, that sounds..."
I laughed and kissed the crown of his head. "There'll be plenty of time for everything. I promise."
John lifted himself up so he could look in my eyes. His face was full of tenderness in the wake of his tears, sticky sheens on his cheeks, ruby lips swollen. He touched my cheek gently; I kissed his thumb and cradled his hand to my cheek. John admired me briefly before speaking again. “I brought home a bottle of champagne.”
“Whatever for?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
He smiled, showing off his sharpened canines. “Do you want some?”
I smiled back. “Only if it’s the good stuff.”
“Whatever for?” he parroted. That earned him a smack on the arm. “If I had known you weren’t a cheap date, I might not have gotten myself into this mess.”
“I’m probably the most expensive date you’ve had and I’ve got the bank statements to prove it.”
“Alright now, let’s not get into that,” John rolled his eyes and patted my thigh before getting up off the bed.
Left with my nightgown asunder, I was hit with chill. “John?”
I held my hand out from the bed and pouted, “Come back.”
John stopped in the doorway, smiling at me like I was a child. “Are you always this needy?”
I twiddled my fingers and grinned bigger than big.
John dropped his head back and let out an exasperated sigh before bounding back to the bed and throwing his arms around me. He pulled me into his lap, kissing every last centimeter of my face whilst I giggled unceasingly. “You’ve got me in trouble, Julia Morgan,” he said with a final kiss to my lips.
“And why’s that?” I asked, cupping his chin in my hand and diving into his deep blue eyes.
John considered me a moment. His lips turned into a placid smile and then he said frankly, “Because I know already that I cannot and will not be able to resist you any longer, no matter how hard I try.”
We shared one last kiss before he disappeared through the bedroom door. I flopped back on the bed and screeched into my pillow like a giddy schoolgirl.
When John returned, I was waiting in the kitchenette, all cleaned up and donning my powder blue robe with lace trim, with two coffee mugs set out on the counter.
“Mugs for champagne. You really are a bottom- shelf bird, aren’t you?” John teased.
“Can you believe it? This hovel doesn’t come equipped with champagne glasses.”
John popped open the bottle easily and poured us both a mugful. “It’s criminal. Especially for how expensive this champagne actually was,” he tsked. “I should talk to your landlord, hm?”
We each took a mug and toasted before taking a hearty swig. The zing of champagne sent sparks through my body. “Mm, perhaps. Although I must warn you, he may try to get into your pants,” I said with a clandestine look over my shoulder as if we’re to be overheard.
John rolled his eyes and smiled. “Alright, look, I haven’t been trying to get into your pants.”
“Then how’d you describe what just happened in the other room?” I retorted with another sip of champagne.
John grabbed me by the waist playfully and cornered me up against the counter. “Look, you –“
I squealed with delight, throwing my arms around his neck.
“I’ve only been trying to get into your knickers for a couple days now, really, so –“
“But how long have you wanted to get into my knickers?” I interrupted.
John’s cheeks dimpled and his eyes widened. “That’s not the question, is it?”
I licked my lower lip, curiosity getting the better of me. “How long, John? Tell me.”
He hesitated. “I don’t want to tell you because then you’ll get into your head all I wanted was to sleep with you and that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
“That long, hm?” I taunted, although my heart was singing at his words.
John grunted with playful frustration and jerked his head toward the radio. “You know this song?”
“You’re changing the subject!”
“I am!” he announced jovially and pulled me away from the counter into a dance.  
I didn’t know the song and don’t remember it. What I remember is spinning around the room with John, both of us laugh and jesting each other as we always had, but now we were free to push each other further. To steal kisses and disappear into longing gazes. In truth, there was very little talking about what we were to do with this change in our relationship that night. It was too exhilarating to enjoy each other this way.
Not until we were curled up in my bed, our bodies enmeshed beneath the sheets, sharing a pillow we were so close, that John whispered the truth to me. “I’ve wanted you for a long time. So long I sometimes wonder if I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you.”
Even though I knew much better, I would have devoted myself to him entirely right there, that very night. Without either of us truly knowing each other to our deepest extents or having decided what this actually was, I would have rushed into a commitment with him hand over fist if he had just asked.
If only it could have been that simple.
tag list: @jimmys-zeppelin, @kari-12-10, @grxtsch, @edal-weis, @ritacaroline, @kyunisixx, @salixfragilis, @rebel-without-a-zeppelin, @jimmypages, @dollyvandal, @cassiana-on-dark-side, @thepinklovewitch, @babylennox777, @faisonsunreve, @sastrugie, @matty-heally, @seventieswhore, @raptorcat1960, @t4ngerinedr3am, @mayspringcome, @barrettavenue, @foreverandadaydarling, @glimmerofsanity (always open for additions 💋…and let me know if I missed adding you)
58 notes · View notes
kazoosandfannypacks · 3 years ago
I'm imagining episodes for if Tangled had continued but they started doing basic sitcom plots for episodes instead. [If this gets enough notes I might just write a bunch of fanfics based on these *hint hint*] Consider:
Season premiere begins with a Eugene narration explaining that this is after happily ever after, Raps and Eugene have been married just a couple months, and everything would be going back to normal, except that their friends are anything but normal. It cuts to Rapunzel's paintings of Pascal and Max trying to retrieve the rings like in the tangled short, Lance, Kiera, and Catalina trying to decorate the wedding cake, and Varian and Ruddiger having firework antics. Then it cuts to Raps' room, which has much of Eugene's stuff in it now, and he's saying how much better this is than his old room and whatnot. Faith is introduced as Rapunzel's handmaiden for real this time, even though we don't see her for the next few episodes and she only shows up when it's relevant to the plot. This epsiode will be a full half hour, meaning they only air it when that's convenient, but it will feature Rapunzel and Eugene trying to figure out how to balance their differing ideals, work responsibilities, and love for each other. However, Raps and Eugene will actually be a B plot- the main focus in this episode will be on Lance learning how to parent and Varian working on some important project.
A "class president" type episode where Rapunzel, Eugene, and the King and Queen go away for a few days but don't actually leave anyone in charge, so Varian and Lance run for "Ruler for the weekend" or something meanwhile something chaotic is going on with Euegne trying to impress Frederick and whatnot. The episode ends with Kiera and Catalina counting the ballots and either there's some big lesson about friendship and they either lead together OR the royal fam gets back before they can lead OR Shorty somehow got elected and there's some callback to the Piggy Bank from Pascal's episode.
An episode where there's this little girl (whose working name is Hensu) that Rapunzel meets who wears goggles and pigtails and has a red stripe in her hair and a dress that looks similar to Varian's apron and she's his biggest fan and Raps introduces her to him and he's like "uh okay but Rapunzel I'm not good with kids!" but Rapunzel's already gone by then. Gradually through the episode, Varian realizes she's an evil mastermind but no one believes him because she's so adorable! Ya know, until she tries to use Varian's inventions to take over Corona. Then they get it. Hensu also has an animal sidekick who Ruddiger falls for in a comical animal way, and it's unknown if the other animal had similar feelings or was just going along for deception's sake.
A basic shop class episode- Varian's failing at only one of the classes that he has, and he has to learn to accept failure. I hate these epsiodes, but I guess Disney loves them (see for example: Smart Guy, Suite Life, and Even Stevens.) Nonetheless, this episode won't even rank above Freebirds in my book unless VERY well done. I should also point out that this is the only episode where Varian is ever mentioned to be in school, and that Hensu is also a student in his class and is passing with flying colors. There is no mention of why she is no longer seen as a villain and is almost just a side character now.
An episode where Rapunzel and Catalina see Angry and Varian sneaking around and Rapunzel gets their entire friend group convinced that they like each other, which doesn't make Catalina as excited as she could be. In the end, we find out they were simply planning Catalina's birthday party. Catalina can't say why she would've been sad if Rapunzel was right about them, but then she smiles at Varian and he smiles at her as fanservice to the Catalarian shippers, and as a potential for a future plot they'll never use. Faith appears once or twice in this episode, and she and Catalina form a close bond.
An epsiode where Rapunzel sets up the ultimate team for a sport (herself, Eugene, Varian Lance, Kiera, and Catalina.) but then finds out the opposing team is Stalyan, Brock Thunderstrike, Hensu, and three random people specifically made up for this episode, or maybe a previous side character who just has two daughters that parallel Kiera and Catalina. It's an intense rivalry, but in the end, I guess it ends like every sports movie ever and they learn friendship is more important than winning any day. This one gets a fun musical number that's the two teams singing about how they'll absolutely crush each other. Also the animal companions get in on it. Pascal, Max, Ruddiger, and Hemuel are ready to win, until they find themselves up against Hulk Lightningclaw, Axel, whatever Hensu's animal sidekick is, and some bird of some kind specifically created for this episode. This will also involve everyone using their unique skills to their advantage- the four former theives use stealth as well as teamwork, Varian uses alchemy to his advantage, and Catalina even uses her wolf powers a little bit.
A sequel mystery episode to the one with Monty and Attlia, and Faith proves to actually be a good mystery solver.
Cassandra returns home for a Christmas episode, but her friendship with Rapunzel makes Faith feel a little left out. Then, they have a secret santa gift exchange following the following list (brought to you by Rapunzel's HAT invention from the lost treasure of Herz De Sonne):
Rapunzel gives a gift to Faith
Faith gives a gift to Cassandra
Cassandra gives a gift to Eugene
Eugene gives a gift Lance
Lance gives a gift to Rapunzel
Catalina gives a gift to Varian
Varian gives a gift to Angry
Angry gives a gift to Catalina
In that episode, Faith is at first a little annoyed with Cass' popularity among the group, and after she gets a present for Cass she either hides it away or destroys it, and doesn't show up for the gift exchange, and everyone goes looking for her. Cass finds her a heartfelt conversation that has a lot to do with feeling like waiting in the wings. Then Rapunzel and the rest of the gang find her, and Rapunzel gives Faith a really sweet gift that's a painting of them together or something, and then Faith does give her gift to Cassandra.
I've mentioned this before, but a father-child bakeoff, in which Lance and Catalina make some amazing thing because they've been cooking together since before she got adopted, Varian and his dad also make something pretty great (baking is just alchemy with extra steps anyways,) Rapunzel and her dad make something that involves fried eggs, ext. The main point of the episode is bonding between Eugene and his dad, because Eugene is bound and determined to win, but his dad is just so chaotic that there's a lot of fighting, but in the end they have a good time, I guess. Kiera and Arianna commentate the event together, since neither of them are allowed to judge due to partiality.
The obligitory seasonal "Animals get character development episode" is one in which they need to solve some kind of mystery together.
An episode where Eugene makes Lance and Varian his deputies and they have to learn to work together despite their differences.
Kiera is peer pressured into throwing a party in the tree house while Lance is away, despite much dismay from Catalina over it. At some point Catalina goes outside to just bs by herself and Varian happens to be stopping by to drop off a book he borrowed from them, and Catalina explains to him her left out feelings and whatnot and it essentially it strengthens her friendship with him and with her sister.
It's Corona Day, where they celebrate the founders of Corona, and as Xavier tells the legend of the founding of Corona, they picture themselves in the settlers' shoes- with flashback-esque scenes of old-timey them in an imaginary reenactment.
Everyone in the gang is cast in a play. While no official plot is discernable or ever stated, it seems to contain dialogue, props, scenery, and costuming from every Disney princess movie in existence except Tangled (though it contains lines from one or two other Disney movies, and their existence in the script makes the fans unofficially cast those movies as Official Disney Princess Lore.) Varian gets cast as the lead, and when Faith literally breaks a leg partway through, Catalina is pressured to take the stage as Varian's leading lady.
An episode where Quirin keeps asking Varian to help him with the harvest and chores and whatnot and Varian keeps brushing him off and doing other important things, until Varian realizes some angst about his mom and the amber and stuff and that his dad just wants to spend more time with him, and in the end they do spend more time together.
Two parter crossover episode with The Owl House. I've never seen Owl House so idk what would happen, but I know the fanbase has overlap, so the studio execs assume the fans would go nuts over it.
Rapunzel and Eugene get into their first real arguement as a married couple which annoys them both because they love each other but are mad at each other still. Their friends try their best to help them, but eventually they start taking sides themselves and everyone gets mad at each other. In the end though, everyone makes up and is happy friends again.
An episode where Varian gives Ruddiger the ability to sing just so they can sing duets together and for reasons I need Ruddiger to be voiced by Ben Fankhauser.
Catalina gets two tickets to a sold out concert or something that both Varian and Kiera want to go to and accidentally promises a ticket to both of them, and then in the end Catalina lets them both go without her and Rapunzel's like "sis, I'm the princess of Corona, I can score you an extra ticket," and then all three of them get to go.
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myhusbandsasemni · 4 years ago
The Battery
“Well, well, well,” Anisha said with a smile. “Here we are, on a date, by the seashore. That’s pretty romantic, Laur. What’s the plan for this date?”
Laurance smiled at her and put an arm around her shoulders. “Well, I was thinking we could dip our feet in the ocean, get something to eat at those tourist traps over there, and then go hunt down some pirates.”
Anisha laughed. They actually were out and about to trap pirates. There had been a call for the adventurer’s help with that. Rin and Kiera were out with Souka staking out another possible beach that the pirates could be hiding at. 
Anisha nudged Laurance and pointed at a suspicious boat on the docks. He nodded and the two casually walked acting just like a young couple only interested in seeing the ocean. It was easy to tell the boat they were headed for was the one they’d been looking for. Laurance smiled at Anisha and started to communicate with her through the link they shared between their minds. 
‘Game plan?’
‘You go up the gangplank as a distraction and I’ll fly up the other side of the boat and start kicking butt.’
Laurance gave her a puppy dog look. ‘I’m always the distraction, tho.’
‘Do you think you can make it up the other side?’
Laurance paused and looked at the ship. ‘… not quickly, but I could shadow jump to the deck.’
‘We could do that. You do end up as the distraction most of the time,’ Anisha relented as they came near the ship. 
A smile formed on Laurance’s face and he held Anisha closer lovingly. ‘Thank you, love.’
Anisha gave a small nod, excitement lighting up in her eyes. 
They split up and Anisha trotted up the gangplank while Laurance went off to find a shadow to jump through. Anisha came up to the top and looked around with a childish grin. “Wow!” She declared as if she’d never been on a boat before. “These are so big! It’s hard to think they float on top of the water!”
The pirates looked over at her, confused. She smiled, looking around at all of them. 
Two of them immediately rushed for her and she dodged out of the way, a bit surprised by how fast they were going after her when she was just acting like a lost tourist. 
It only took a moment of studying the faces of the pirates and the set up of the deck before she realized it was a trap. 
‘Stay down there, Laurance!’ she mind spoke just as her husband shadow jumped onto the ship. He looked at her startled for a moment before jumping into the fight. It was obvious they had tripped into a trap. The pirates all had weapons that jolted Anisha when they touched and they were starting to get overwhelmed by the pirates coming up from the bowels of the ship. Laurance shoved through a knot of the pirates to Anisha, who was practically buried in the men. 
He pulled Anisha up and rushed her to the side of the ship. He leapt over with her, not noticing her tripping on the net caught around her body. He felt her ripped from his grasp as the pirates grabbed the net and jerked her so she didn’t fall into the water with him. He crashed through the salty water and broke back up through the surface, reaching for Anisha when something grabbed his legs. 
“You have your prize,” the captain called to the water as a net of wet weeds was thrown over Laurance and his arms were jerked down behind him, slimy weeds wrapped tightly around his wrists as he struggled to keep his head above the water. He called to Anisha, who had pushed her arm through the net and was yelling for him to grab her hand. 
A merman broke the surface by Laurance and Laurance struggled harder to escape. Merfolk were always looking for Semni like Laurance to use in hundreds of magical ways and semni often died in watery graves when taken. 
“Thank you,” the merman nodded before putting his hand on Laurance’s head and shoving him under the water. Laurance was quickly dragged down and something was shoved in his mouth. He could hear Anisha yelling, even through the water.
“Swallow,” one of the merfolk growled. 
Laurance gritted his teeth and did so, the slimy mass sliding down his throat. He shuddered as a change took hold in his body. Gills frilled out on his neck and arms and in his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw he was being dragged down to the bottom of the ocean. It took a few minutes to regulate his breathing and by that time, he was thoroughly bound and helpless. He saw a vague city in the distance and he finally had enough oxygen in his blood to fight back against the merfolk, struggling and shedding the looser ropes. 
He received a blow to the head for his efforts and he floated between too hefty merfolk as they dragged him to the city. He didn’t remember much of the trip, but he knew that there were stares and whispers that had followed them through the city. Laurance was thrown in front of a leader figure and there was some quick talk that Laurance barely caught as he tried to drag himself back together. Something about a weapon and needing a battery. 
Laurance lifted his head and finally caught some of the conversation. 
“You’ve done well, Adant,” the leader said with a nod to the head of the hunting party. “You shall be rewarded.”
Adant nodded, a smile on his face.
“Please take him to his cell. We’ll perform the ceremony in an hour.”
Laurance growled and spoke in Mereian, their language. He even gave the pops and whistles that belonged with this accent. “What’s going on here?”
The leader looked down, surprised. “How do you know this language?”
“I’m Teliar. What do you expect?”
The leader narrowed his eyes at him and said, “I am Galgar. Leader of the providence of Tecaa. You are Laurance Zvehlin and you will assist us in ending the war we have found ourselves in.”
“Alright, fine,” Laurance said. “You could have just asked and my team would have come to help.”
“No, you do not understand. You will help us utterly destroy our enemies.”
Laurance sighed, feeling a bit strange with the way the water and air interacted in his systems now. “I can’t. It’s against my code. I can help end the war but not-”
“Oh, you won’t do it willingly.”
“I was afraid so.”
Galgar waved to Adant. “Take him away. I must prepare.”
Laurance was heaved up and pulled through the water to an empty cell. He was untied only for cuffs to be locked around his wrists. The water in the room was slightly bloody by this point. Laurance had tried to escape and managed to injure two of the guards before he was pinned, unused to moving in water. It was hard to get leverage and momentum against the merfolk. 
The merfolk held him down and someone dragged his jacket off his arms and cut his shirt off. Laurance growled and struggled, but couldn’t get free as they finished by pulling off his undershirt. 
They let him go and he got up as quickly as he could but the metfolk were already gone, having uncovered his torso and taking his shirt and jacket with them. He glared after them and grumbled to himself before testing out the strength of the cuffs and the chains that attached to a metal loop in the floor. 
They were definitely made to hold a Semni captive. He jerked then and all he got for his troubles was a water muffled clicking noise. He growled and looked around to see what the room had to offer. It was bare except for the small piles of mud buildup in the corners. He wasn’t able to touch any of the walls and could only just see out of the barred window. He sighed. This wasn’t even his first time being kidnapped by metfolk. The Mer always seemed to be a lot more invested in getting their fins on Semni than most. 
Laurance wondered what they were planning on doing with Anisha. It seemed the pirates had some plans for her, but Laurance doubted they would hold her for long. Nothing on their ship seemed like it would be able to hold a fully grown scaleon, never mind a trained Teliar. He’d be out soon enough. 
Laurance was busy examining his situation for the next half hour. He wasn’t able to find a way out as he was being kept in a room meant to hold a Semni Teliar, at least for an hour. If he’d had longer he could have figured something out. But he didn’t as guards swam into the room and grabbed him by the arms, restraining him as they undid the chains and placed him in a strange pair of manacles that looked like pieces in a larger machination. 
They dragged Laurance out through the halls despite his struggling and into the city where they swam him off the ground so there was practically nothing he could do to fight against them. They swam over a huge crowd of Mer and brought him to a platform. It wasn’t the platform that worried Laurance. It was the machine on top that was the problem. It was big and bulky, with a pointed top and weird designs hidden by age and algae. There was a human shaped space on one side and Laurance realized what this was. He struggled harder but more guards grabbed a hold of him and lifted his arms above his head, forcing him into the space and clicking the manacles into their place. Bands of metal were closed across Laurance’s chest and legs to keep him in contact with the metal. The guards stepped back as the speech started. 
Galgar stood dnd waved his hands. “My siblings. Today is a marvelous day!”
Laurance opened his mouth to yell, but was swiftly gagged with a thick cloth and then another one tied around his head to keep it in place. He glared at the leader as the speech continued. 
“Our pact with the land dwellers has come to fruition! They have brought us a powerful Semni to finally end the cruel reign of Hethspit. This weapon, powered by our prize, will boil them off the face of our maps!”
There was a yell of excitement through the crowd as Laurance struggled harder. If that was the case, he didn’t want to be the cause of so many deaths. He’d already cause so much destruction, he couldn’t handle it if he became the creator of more pain and sadness. 
Not to mention the strain of the weapon might kill him. 
“Now!” Galgar grinned. “To destroy our enemies!”
Laurance struggled and cried out through his gag as Galgar stepped up to the weapon. It hummed and turned a little to calibrate. Galgar shot a look of satisfaction at Laurance before he made a show of slamming the button. 
Laurance screamed. 
The world went black, water seemed to boil around him as Laurance was used as an adapter to change planet energy into destructive force. Laurance screamed, a harsh demonic shriek in his tone. 
There was a blast and no one could see through the blinding light. 
A bolt of boiling energy blasted out to the other providence, striking it in the middle of its government halls. The blast was horrendous. Hot water washed over the sea scape for miles. The beam shut off after a few moments and Laurance fell forward against the restraints. He was unconscious and steaming a little from acting as an adapter between world energy and death ray.
His hair slowly settled back down through the water as he fell still. The strands had all gone from brown to white. Galgar’s cackle and the cheers from his people filled the water as they ignored the drained Semni.
The Adventurers tag list: @dowings @writeblrfantasy @artrayasnow93 @doubi-ixi @extraisthmus @thethistlegirlwrites @thepotatowriter
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annaphoenix1994 · 3 months ago
The First Stepping Stone
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
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"Good morning, Simon." Bud nodded at him while leaning against the panel that held up the round pen - a pen for working young or "problem" horses by experienced wranglers on the ranch. 
"Good morning, sir," Simon replied, looking over his shoulder to ensure Baler was on his best behavior, putting the decision in his head that Baler would have a much harder time earning his keep if he pissed off Kiera's father. 
Especially her mother. 
"I have a new stall cleaner for you." 
Bud arched a brow at Simon before looking at the roughed-up teenager before him - his clothes nearly tattered and stained by dirt and debris from his time homeless on the street. "A little young to be put on the payroll, huh?" 
"He won't be working for money, sir. He'll be working to earn his keep." 
"His keep?" 
"It was Kiera's decision I'm afraid." 
"Say no more. I won't get in the middle of that girl's decisions," Both Simon and Bud chuckled, Bud making eye contact with Baler. "Don't take advantage of her kindness, son. It's easy to lose her trust and twice as hard to get it back." 
"That's not what you say," Simon warned in a low tone, slightly nudging his arm with his elbow. "It's yes, sir." 
Baler cleared his throat, "Y-Yes, sir." 
Bud flashed Simon a reassuring and hopeful smile, "What're you having him doing today?" 
"Cleaning stalls, maybe cleaning a few saddles, whichever I think might need done." 
"Will Kiera be coming down to join us?" 
"She said she will later," Simon replied. "She said she will in the afternoon when it warms up a bit." 
Bud nodded, "Alright. I reckon I get to oversee Johnny and Teeter today." 
"Best of luck to you, sir," Simon chuckled. "Where's everyone else?" 
"I have such a hard time remembering your comrade's names except for John, but they're all with him and a few other wranglers checking the fences in the upper pasture before we push the cattle up. You plan on coming with us when we do?" 
"I plan on it. This is my last week of work before my vacation time takes over." 
"Good to hear. You deserve a break." 
"Thank you. I feel like I need more time here to help out Kiera with the kids and around the house." 
Bud couldn't help but smile at Simon's response. A true man, he thought, appreciative of Simon's behavior towards his daughter, eager to see how much of a great father he would become throughout the years as well as being an important figure to Baler. Perhaps a father figure. "You'll be off just in time for our annual family get-together, too," He winked. "Say, would you like to come out turkey hunting with me sometime before then? Saw a bunch of 'em on the ridge. A big tom caught my eye, and that bastard is big enough to feed this family twice for Thanksgiving." He explained. 
Simon chuckled, "Sure. When were you thinking?" 
"Well, I was thinking about going out tomorrow morning or this weekend." 
"I'll be off after Friday. Saturday morning?" 
"Sounds good with me. Don't make Kiera mad between now and then. She won't let you go!" He poked. 
Simon couldn't help but chuckle and shrug, "Nah, she's hardly ever mad at me. I've insisted on staying home so much to help her out, she wants me to go do things for myself." 
"I'll have to agree with her on that, son," Bud shrugged. "But I'll leave you to it with our new associate." He poked. 
"Exciting, yeah?" 
"Very," Bud chuckled, walking towards the hitching post his horse was tethered to, mounting up after adjusting his chaps. "Eva is making dinner tonight. You and Kiera should come. We miss our grandkids... Even though we haven't seen 'em in a day." 
"We'll be there." 
"W-What about me?" Baler dared to ask Simon as he escorted him into the barn. 
"What do you mean?" 
"The dinner? Can I come?" 
"Do you think you should?" 
"I mean... What else am I supposed to eat tonight if you and her aren't going to be home?" 
"Do you think you earn the privilege to join her parents for dinner tonight when you took advantage of Kiera's hospitality by trying to break into her truck in the middle of the night just to scout out the same advantage in the home of her parents?" 
"We'll see," Simon huffed, already knowing that he'd be toting along another dinner guest. "The decision won't be made until after your work today." 
"What am I doing?" 
"You'll start by cleaning the stalls that don't have a horse in them. Then, you'll pick out the stalls with horses in them." Simon explained, pointing to the wheelbarrow and manure rake that hung close by. 
"Can you show me?" 
"It's not rocket science, lad," He scoffed. "You go in there, pick up the shite with the rake, then put it in the wheelbarrow. That's it." 
"What do I do when it's full?" 
"You take it out that way and dump it in the pile." 
"W-Where will you be while I'm doing this?" 
"Don't worry about where I'll be," Simon arched his brow, knowing Baler only asked the question to get by as lazily as possible. Unbeknownst to Simon, Baler had only asked Simon this as he was beginning to worry about earning Simon's respect and trust, not wanting him to see Baler fail in a job that was supposed to be simple. 
Baler had never worked before and especially never had to be put into a position where he had to earn someone's respect in exchange for a better life. 
"Just focus on getting the job done. You have twenty-four stalls to clean." 
"O-Ok-" Baler gulped, watching Simon's brow arch as if he was waiting for a better response. "Yes, sir." 
Four hours later, Kiera greeted Simon at the round pen, smiling as she watched him work with his preferred horse on the ground to keep himself busy as well as increase his bond with the horse, thanking the gelding for keeping his mind distracted every time Simon swung his leg over the gelding's back. Horses really are good for a broken soul. 
"Turning into quite the horse whisperer, I see." She smiled, adjusting the carrier that was strapped to her torso, effortlessly carrying both twins at the same time - Jacob on her back and Evie against her chest. 
Simon looked her way after he heard her voice, receding his body language to inform the horse that he could break from a trot to a walk, the gelding licking his lips as he approached his handler, Simon petting him between the eyes before he walked towards the fence to meet Kiera, smiling as he leant over to press a kiss to her lips as his free hand cupped the back of Evie's head. "Always trying to better my horsemanship, love," He chuckled against her lips. "You're definitely mum of the year for toting them all the way down here by yourself. Although I wish you would've called me so I could come up and help you. Don't need you falling." 
She giggled, "This carrier is a life-saver. It definitely takes the strain off of my back. And, it's not so bad of a walk. Helps me maintain my weight." She poked. 
"Stop with that bloody nonsense," He warned. "I don't see a thing wrong with you." 
"Mhm," She giggled. "I brought you and Baler some lunch." 
"What'd you bring?" 
"Guess you'll have to find out," She smiled. "Where's Baler?" 
"In the barn. Your father wants us at the lodge for dinner tonight." 
"I'm looking forward to it." 
"What about the kid?" 
Kiera furrowed her brows at his question, "Uh... He was going to come with us?" 
"What's going through your mind?" 
He huffed, "Are you sure you want him meeting your parents after the shite he pulled last night?" 
"Well, would you rather him stay at the house when nobody is home?" She arched a brow. 
"I was thinking about taking him into town to get a new outfit. Do you want to go with me?" 
"I'd rather go with you," He sighed, knowing that he couldn't compromise with a decision she had already made. "I don't want you to have to worry about keeping up with our two and something happen with him. Not on my watch." 
"Okay, well have him finish up whatever he's doing and meet me back at the house." 
"How about you wait here and I'll escort you back to the house?" 
"That works. Then you two can sit and eat your lunch before we go into town." 
Simon nodded, leading his horse behind him as he walked behind Kiera, entering the barn and watching Baler hastily move to the side to let Kiera and Simon through. "Hi, Miss Kiera." 
"How are you, Baler?" 
"Working." He nodded, licking his lips of nervousness as Kiera and Simon together made him more nervous than just Simon alone. Even though Simon wasn't as suffocating when he and Kiera were in the same room, but Baler sensed a presence that he didn't want to interfere with. 
And that was the presence Simon presented when he and Kiera's babies were in the room. I wish my dad was as protective over me, Baler thought, frowning at the distant memory of never feeling loved and appreciated throughout his childhood. 
Kiera nodded as she began looking at the open stall doors, nodding her head in approval at the work he had done, leaving no manure behind as it was clear he was focused on leaving as much shavings behind with no manure left in the stalls. "I, um, I also refilled the water buckets after I finished cleaning out the stalls... I left the doors open so that he could check my work." He explained. 
"You did good, lad," Simon complemented, watching Baler nod as it was clear Baler had rarely received complements throughout his life. "How many more do you have left?" 
"S-Six, sir. The six being with the horses still in there. I-I was going to do them first, but I'm nervous around horses..." 
"That's okay," Simon nodded. "You're done for right now." 
"Let's go. We have to go into town." 
Baler nodded, wiping his palms against his jeans as he followed Kiera and Simon towards the house, nervously standing at the front door as he watched Simon help Kiera with the babies, watching how a soft smile spread across Simon's face as he held his son in his arms, watching as Simon seemed to turn off the switch of being a domineering and direct man turned into a soft and supple father, seeming to handle his children as if they were made of glass as he gazed at Kiera with loving eyes, seeming to appreciate her in every moment for not only being his, but being the mother of his children. 
It was then that Baler regretted coming off to a bad start with Simon. He didn't want to be rejected by him nor did he always want to fight for his trust and approval. 
"Um, Miss Kiera? Where are we going?" 
"We're taking you into town to get some clothes. You're coming with us to dinner tonight at my parent's house." She smiled. A mother's smile. 
"I am?" 
"You worked hard today for your first day. You've earned it." 
He forced himself to hide a genuine smile, "Th-Thank you." 
"You're welcome. We're going to get you a couple of pairs of jeans, shirts, and socks. Simon will go with you to get your basic stuff." She explained. 
"I am?" Simon questioned. 
"Well, I don't know anything about underwear and deodorant for boys." She scoffed. 
"You sure know about taking mine off." Simon mumbled under his breath, earning a playful smack to his bicep. 
"You keep that up and I won't for a while." She glared playfully, watching him roll his eyes at her remark. "That's what I thought." 
He smirked at her, gently putting Jacob into the car seat he had sat on the counter, using the overhead light to his advantage to ensure he secured him properly and to keep him off the floor as Kimber was notorious for trying to get into the carrier with either Jacob or Evie. "Can you help Baler get freshened up before we leave?" 
"How is he going to freshen up if he doesn't have a change of clothes?" 
"Well, there's an extra stick of deodorant and an extra toothbrush in the closet. When we get him new clothes, I'll show him where the shower is so he can get ready for dinner tonight." 
"Alright," Simon nodded, adjusting Jacob's carrier closer to the inside of the table to reassure himself that he wasn't too close to the edge while Kiera sat Evie into her carrier, smiling down at the infant as she adjusted the socks on her small feet. Simon gestured towards Baler, leading him towards his and Kiera's bedroom before putting his hand out and telling him to wait at the door while Simon proceeded into the bathroom and to the closet, returning with a stick of deodorant and a new toothbrush. "This is yours. Freshen yourself up before we go into town." 
"O-Okay. Where do I go to brush my teeth?" 
Simon sighed as he led the kid towards the guest bathroom that was within the hallway, hating the fact that it was next to the nursery, the primal instinct of not wanting Baler too close to his children until he earned his complete trust, knowing that it was going to take a lot of work to break down the wall of trust Baler broke down in the worst way possible. "We're leaving in ten." 
"Yes, sir." 
Simon nodded, returning into the kitchen to offer his assistance to Kiera. Seeing that she had secured Evie into her car seat, he smirked as he carefully wrapped his arms around her tender abdomen, pressing a kiss to the crook of her neck. "Been waiting to do this all day." 
She hummed in amusement, leaning her head to the side subtly to invite him for more kisses to her neck, "Sounds like he respects you more already." 
"He's nowhere near having my respect yet, he's just on a stepping stone." 
"I think he's growing on you." 
Simon scoffed in disagreement. 
"You say that now, but you know he's growing on you." 
"Like a weed." He joked. 
"I mean, I think he's growing on you like Soap did..." 
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valley-of-the-lost · 4 years ago
- Songs are a bop. I WILL be looping that soundtrack please and thank you.
- Closed the classism plot better with Tori showing she was taking more direct, widespread action like putting systems in place to prevent the root issue (the drought) from happening again and implementing a social services program to further help.
- Tori and Kiera have a lot more interaction and gay chemistry. The plot setup just lends itself better to this, also yes Kiera did announce her engagement to Tori up on that stage and you can’t change my mind.
- Pets weren’t too annoying... mostly.
Cons (this is what y’all were waiting for huh)
- Augh... to be honest I think this movie is a demonstration that the people who made it didn’t understand what appealed to people about the original Princess and the Pauper. Which is obviously fine if it wasn’t trying so hard to ride off of it. Like sure, it’s trying to be the Princess and the Pauper for a new generation but the fact that it’s toting itself as that means its also trying to appeal to some extent to the ones who loved the original and ehhh it kinda fucked up in that regard.
Making the two leads both part of the 1% was the first mistake. First of all, that decision didn’t age well at all. Second of all, it kinda diminishes the point of them switching in the first place in a meta sense?? because it’s so the rich one can realize the class disparity by actually living as one in poverty. Tori literally stumbled across the poverty of her kingdom by accident, and she didn’t really reflect on learning anything by having to maintain an actual job for once as Kiera. Third of all in my opinion it makes them too similar in position. Really the only difference between Tori and Kiera is that one has an actual job.
Second mistake, Tori and Kiera really don’t embody the characteristics Princess and the Pauper fans found admirable in the original movie’s leads. Which, again, is fine if they want to tackle something different, but if they had it would show understanding of the original movie and what appealed to the audience.
Annelise and Erika are both admired for their mature resolve. “Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret”. They understand their responsibilities and what is riding on them and are ready to take appropriate action to see them through at personal cost to themselves.
Tori and Kiera in comparison are like the immature little sisters, Tori at least is approaching from the opposite angle developmentally where she has to go from immaturity to maturity and come to learn her responsibilities, which might’ve caused some whiplash in og Princess and the Pauper fans. Kiera is... well. Let’s just say she got did SUPER dirty in this movie and leave the details for the next bullet point.
- This is kinda a subpoint of Kiera and Tori being in too similar positions of class, but I literally don’t see why Kiera can’t solve her own problem, take all her money and strike out as an independent artist. We aren’t really presented a reason why she feels so chained to her job, like is someone else depending on the money she rakes in or something? Also with the increasing accessibility of tools and platforms for artists to be independent it makes her struggle more... stagnant? is that the right word?
Also I swear to god I thought the ending of the movie was that Kiera was fired from her job and starts playing independently at cafes. Apparently I jedi mind tricked myself or something but in my opinion that would’ve been a better ending for her. It’s at least a change and forces her to take more time for herself, and she’d probably be fine financially since she’s not exactly a pauper as a popstar.
- I thought the problem of the story being unbalanced was going to get resolved later on but no, if anything it kinda gets worse. Tori gets the lion’s share of development. In the beginning it’s established that she has problems taking responsibility/doesn’t see why she has to take responsibility, has a major revelation pertaining to that when she realizes that being so irresponsible played into being ignorant of the plight of her people, and then later addresses that by putting infrastructure in place to prevent a repeat of the drought and programs to address the problems the drought caused.
In comparison, Kiera’s conflict is established as feeling overworked/too busy to the point where she has lost time and pleasure for her own hobbies. It’s kinda implied she’s burnt out but any simple but meaningful exploration of this falls flat as soon as she and Tori switch places. In her parallel scene to Tori’s revelation about Meribella’s plight, she gets inspired to come up with song lyrics again... and this is about as far as her half of the story goes. She doesn’t meaningfully reflect on this in any shape or form so her whole initial conflict literally dies in the water, there’s no major revelation for her to parallel Tori’s. What makes matters worse is that this has no resolution. The movie ends with the dual concert (at least my version does). Kiera presumably goes back to her status quo as an overworked popstar and nothing changes. This is not an arc, this is a flat line.
Which is a real fucking damn shame because in my HUMBLE opinion she’s the most interesting character of the two, esp if you parse apart her section of “To Be a Princess/To Be a Popstar”.  Like come on. “No time for friends except for your dog and your guitar”? “Love every fan no matter how bizarre they are”? “To be a popstar is to never act your age”??? Guys she’s one half of the leading main couple you can’t just leave her storyline out to dry like this.
- The villain he... sorry he’s no Preminger. man needs a therapist for his chipmunk PTSD is all I’ll say.
- The prince literally adds nothing, just cut him out of the story already. Also his face looks weird.
- (edit) I forgot this part: It has the same problem as Princess and the Pauper where the royal family is still in charge except kinda worse because in this movie its implied the royal family willfully turned a blind eye to the suffering brought by the drought and pretended it didn’t exist as opposed to addressing it. Victoria may have the interests of the people in mind but there’s no guarantee her descendants will, they’re still under the whims of the royal family.
And... yeah thats it. Almost decent but they literally didn’t follow through with an arc with one half of their leading couple. That kinda impacts the movie a lot, jussayin. Goodnight, next time we might do Mariposa.
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livinglifebehindthemask · 4 years ago
The Chosen
Based on the book The Selection by Kiera Cass
Pairing: Magnus/Alec with a small side of Helen/Aline and Reyhill
Rating: M for Mature
Word Count: ~24,000
Art: @flynnifox
Beta: https://archiveofourown.org/users/myblackeyedboy
Summary: In a land where your place in society was decided long before you are born, Alec Lightwood spends his day as a farm hand for a local family. His family is just above the poorest in the country. The most he can expect in life is to die early from stress like his grandfather before him.
But this year everything will change.
The only son of the King of Edom has come of age. There will soon be a lottery between the counties and twenty-three young women will be picked to try and win over the heart of the beloved prince. However, this year will be different, for the first time ever men are allowed to enter as well. Will Alec risk the shame of coming out for a chance to meet his childhood crush, that is if he is chosen.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33675712/chapters/83691226
The sun was just rising when Alec awoke. The Lightwood household was still quiet, but not for long. Soon the rooster would caw and the whole house would rise. Alec leaned back in his small bed. Across the tiny room was his brother, Max. The poor little boy had soot still on his nose from helping their dad clean the chimney of the main house.
A bird started cawing outside of their window and Max stirred. Time to get up and get ready for the day. There were three children in the Lightwood household. The Lightwood family were Sevens. They were just above the homeless untouchables and people didn’t hesitate to remind them of this fact.
The Kingdom of Edom had eight class levels. Ones were the royalty and magical mystics. The second level were the models, actors, soldiers, and politicians. The Threes held most of the everyday jobs like teachers, doctors, lawyers, writers, and inventors. Fours were the farmers, chefs, and business owners. Fives were the artists. Singers, musicians, and dancers filled this level. The Fives were on the cusp of poverty for more than half the year. Sixes and Sevens were similar in that they were mostly servants, wait staff, secretaries, housekeepers, factory workers; however Sevens worked outside. They were also similar in pay. While their jobs were needed they were barely paid for their work. Eights were the lowest class, made up of the homeless. Traitors and criminals were among their ranks and they had to beg for food or steal.
Alec’s family lived on the Herondale family farm. It was steady work, but not well paid. The five Lightwoods did most of the upkeep needed on the farm. While the Herondale’s ran the business side of the farm. The Heriondales were only Fours, three levels above the Lightwoods, but they never treated them as anything less than family. However, even the Herondale’s were not that rich.
Max rolled over in his small bed and resumed softly snoring. Shifting out of his bed and pulling on his threadbare socks Alec pushed his feet into the worn out shoes and quietly shuffled out to use the bathroom. Alec splashed water on his face afterwards to wake himself up more. He heard a rooster and knew that everyone else would be getting up soon too. Down the hall from the bathroom was his parents room and his sister’s room. Izzy had a room to herself, but it was not much. It had been a place for storage once upon a time, but when Izzy got older they took her bed and squeezed it in the small room. It was big enough for a small bed, side table, and a chest at the foot of the bed. Still it was her little sanctuary.
His mother was already up, fixing food. He leaned over and kissed his mother’s cheek before pulling on his overcoat and heading outside. His first task of the morning was to milk the cows. Once he did that he had to make sure they were fed and comfortable. The chickens would be next.
The wind chilled him to the bone. Fall was not far off and winter would quickly follow. The crops would be harvested soon and the land left barren for the season. It had been a hard summer. The drought had lasted too long and their yield was not going to be as much as previous years. There was a possibility that the Herondales might have to let them go. This was the only home Alec had ever known and he didn’t want Max to grow up in this uncertainty.
The only way out of your level was marriage for women or being drafted into the military for men. At nineteen, men were randomly selected for the draft. For some it was a way out of poverty, but it also brought on more danger. Men that went to the front in the war with Diyu rarely came back. Still if he could get drafted and stay alive for at least a few months then the money he earned could help his family. One more year and he would be old enough for the draft. There was, however, an exception to the marriage rule.
Male pregnancy had always been the stuff of legends, but after the king's mystics found the proper mixture of spells and potions men were able to carry children to term just like women. While only Threes and up had enough money to pay for magical potions and spells, the lower levels didn't. Fours on down were more traditional. Men married women and had families.
"Hey." He turned to see Jace, the oldest Herondale son. Jace was about a year younger than Alec, all blond hair and muscles. The Lightwood and Herondale children had grown up together. There were five Herondale children: Jace, Sebastian, who was two years younger and a year younger than Izzy. Aaron was four years younger and the closest to Max's age. Then Layla and Dylan who were the only girls, twins of about five years old.
"Hey." Alec smiled back as his heart sped up. Alec was not like most men, he was in love with a man. Well two men. His place in society meant he could never have what he truly wanted.
"Need any help?" Jace was still rubbing his eyes.
"You can take that bucket back to my mom." Maryse, Alec's mother, and Izzy worked on the dairy side of the farm while at the same time Robert, Alec, and little Max did the tilling of earth. Jace nodded and walked, grabbing the full bucket and taking it back to the house. Alec sighed as he watched the man leave. He needed to snap out of this. Besides, Jace already had a girlfriend. So Alec being in love with his best friend was completely wrong. There were a handful of Twos and Threes but most of the province of Idris' residents were Fives on down.
The second man Alec was in love with was even more unattainable. Magnus Octavioasn Aemilius Bane was the crown prince of Edom, but Alec felt like he knew him after watching him grow up on the public access channel. He had copper skin, just like his mother, raven hair that was always perfectly coiffed, and honey gold eyes, like his father.
Alec sighed as he finished up with the second bucket. Why was he attracted to men that were so unattainable?
Later after the eggs had been collected and his mother had gotten the milk, he sat down for a simple meal of porridge and day-old bread.
"How is the harvest coming?" His mom asked his dad.
"Better than we had expected but nowhere near enough. Stephen said they will try to make a good profit on what they have but there will not be any left over." Robert sighed. The drought had really hit Idris hard. Fellow farmers didn't have any room for extra workers. The dairy would keep them going through the winter but Alec knew his father was already looking for other work.
“I can go into Alicante and see if anyone needs help.” Alec offered. His father had been looking too tired as of late.
“You are needed here, Alec.” His father sighed.
“After the last of the harvest. Maybe I can get enough work before the snow starts to fall.” His father would not say no to any work and Alec was the same way.
Izzy came into the boys’ room after dinner. Max was taking a bath so Alec was alone with his thoughts for a moment.
“Alec.” His sister walked over and sat beside him. “I just delivered some milk to the main house and I heard Mr. and Mrs. Herondale talking about the Prince. His birthday is soon.” Alec nodded as if trying to follow along but he was lost. Izzy sighed. “When a prince of Edom turns 20 he is deemed marriageable age.”
OH. It was time for the prince to find his spouse. Daughters of the King were usually married off to foreign leaders to secure bonds, but sons always married a daughter of Edom. Soon letters would be going out to every female between the ages of sixteen and twenty to be placed into a lottery and see which would become a part of the chosen few.
“Then you will be able to enter.” Alec said with a small smile. If a girl became a part of the chosen few her status was automatically upped to a Three if she was not a natural born Two or Three. Even if she went home the very next day she would still retain that level. Izzy deserved a better life than the one she lived.
“I was not finished,” She admonished. “They said that rumor has it that the Prince is bisexual and might be looking for women and men.” Alec’s head spun for a moment. The Prince was...how...no. It had to be a rumor. That was it, just a silly rumor.
“Ssso?” He hated how his voice slipped as he tried to sound confident.
“So, I will not be the only one that can fill out the form.” Alec shot up from his bed and stuffed his feet back into his worn out shoes.
“I forgot to check the hen house.” Alec nearly ran out of the door just to get away from her. No, absolutely no one knew of his feelings toward men and yet Izzy had pretty much spelled it out. Alec made his way over to the hen house knowing fully well he had locked the gate and nothing could get in or out.
If the Prince wanted a male spouse...it was not unheard of in the upper levels, however, as long as he could remember Princes married daughters of Edom, not sons of Edom. Tucking that thought away, back where it belonged, Alec walked around for a bit before he was sure Izzy would be in her room so he could sneak back in without encountering her knowing smile.
Alec wiped his brow before the sweat could fall into his eyes. It was nearly noon and the harvesting was almost done. His father was right, it was not going to be enough to make a decent profit. Alec had already decided he was going into town the next day to look for work. Neither his father nor little brother were looking particularly well lately. Max had always been a little sickly, but Alec feared it might be stress for his father. Roberts' own father had died around the same age from a heart attack. So had his father before him. Working all day outside in the heat and the cold for very little pay would be stressful for anyone. Alec was not going to let that be the fate of his father, not if he could help it.
Later after a small dinner the family traveled up to the main house to watch the weekly report. No one missed a report, ever. Even the homeless could find a store front to watch the report from. It told the people of Edom everything they needed to know from prices of produce, to the war. Tonight was going to be particularly special. This would be the night they would announce the Prince’s birthday and the Chosen guidelines.
When they got to the Herondales' they found that Dylan and Layla were already in Jace’s lap, each one occupying a leg of their favorite brother. Aaron and Max went to sit in a corner, probably going to play with cards or bottle caps. They didn’t much care for the report. A bunch of boring updates that never had anything to do with two lower class boys. It would be a few years before they started to take notice.
Izzy sat next to Sebastian, who was sitting next to Jace, and Alec took the floor in front of her. For the past year both mothers have been trying to push the kids together. Izzy could marry into a higher level and get out of the hard labor. Lower levels tended to marry early as premarital sex was punishamble by banishment or death. Most people married within their class and it was rare that a boy from a high caste would marry a level beneath him, not to mention three levels.
Jace already had a girlfriend, a little fiery red headed Five. Clary Fairchild lived in the middle of town, above a bookstore. Her past was a sordid one. Her mother used to be a Five, a painter in Alicante. A neighbor boy, who was a Four, had gone to a school far from Idris. One vacation he brought his new friend, a Two, to visit. Jocelyn fell for the charismatic Valentine Morgenstern.
They married and Jocelyn left Alicante for the capital. Unfortunately Valentine was caught in a plot to overthrow the king, along with his son, Jonathan. Jocelyn was innocent in the plot and in exchange for testifying against her husband she was able to go back to her hometown and became a Five once again. Clary was the younger child and only eight when all this happened so she went with her mother. The demotion from Two to Five must have been hard for Clary, who was used to such a grand lifestyle as the daughter of a politician. But she was a natural Five, being as good of an artist as her mom.
But if the weather didn’t get better both unions might have to wait. There might even be a possibility that Jace or Sebatien would be forced to marry a wealthier Four bride. Love was still the primary reason that most lower level couples married for, but in the upper levels connections took precedence over emotions.
“There he is!” Izzy cheered. She didn’t need to be so loud, but nonetheless Alec turned his head to the TV. King Asmodeus and Queen Annisa walked in, hand in hand with Magnus on his father’s other side. Magnus walked with grace and beauty. The raven haired man had his head held high. A streak of blue running through his perfectly quaffed hair. Being from the Bane family the Prince knew magic and knew how to change his appearance and he never missed an opportunity to make a statement.
Izzy squeezed her brother’s shoulder as Jace tried to calm the girls down. The report would start with the Edom national anthem, led by the royals themselves. Then advisers would stand one by one and give a brief update of issues around the kingdom. Only after that would the talk turn to the Chosen.
As the program went on Alec found his heart was beating faster. Why did it matter? Even if he did enter he would never be chosen and then he would bring shame to his family. He was expected to marry within his class, not above it, and to a woman.
Both families listened to the reports with the kids zoning in and out of listening. Max and Aaron were still playing in the corner, Dylan had settled down but her sister was still a ball of energy. Finally after the last governmental report, the one about the farms, the attention was turned to the master of ceremonies, Simon Lewis. His dark curly hair was perfectly styled and he held a microphone to match his magenta suit. Simon bowed before the King.
“Thank you, Sire. It is an honor to be a part of this historic choosing.” Alec felt his breath hitch for a moment. Historic, so it was true. The rumor was true. “Prince Magnus, might you join me down here.” The Prince stood from his chair and gracefully walked down the few steps and over to where Simon and a small table and two chairs waited.
“Thank you very much, Simon.” The Prince and the MC sat down.
“It is I that should be thanking you. Life is never boring around you.” Magnus chuckled.
“That is very true and soon it will be more chaotic.”
“Speaking of, how are you feeling about this year's choosing? Twenty-three young women chosen to come vie for the Prince's attention?” Simon wiggled his brows. “Must be quite a task.”
“It would be, but I have decided to take it a step farther.” Magnus turned to the camera and spoke straight to the people. “I am opening the Chosen to the sons of Edom, not just to the daughters.”
Those words buzzed in his ears loud enough that Alec didn’t hear anything else. <i>Sons of Edom.</i>
The news exploded through all twenty-three provinces of Edom. The local province registration offices were flooded with people, both male and female, all trying to get their chance at this lottery. In Alicante most of the men that signed up were Threes or Fours. No men from the lower levels were seen near the office. Even the Fours signing up were risking everything.
Robert had forbidden Izzy from signing up. “If he is that much of a deviant then we don’t need our family dragged into that.” Of course he had only said that within the confines of his small home with his family present. But that didn’t stop Alec from wanting it. He wanted to sign up and even made up his mind to walk the five miles to the office, twice, before he chicken out.
As the days went by Alec filled his time with finding new work to offset the cost of winter. He had found a few construction jobs along with cleaning up a couple abandoned plots of land. The money he brought home was well worth it. He had even started to forget about his own wishes until the night Max came down sick.
Max had never been that healthy, but most of the common remedies for colds kept the sickness at bay. He was not to work in the cold and rain, but being on a farm he often had to help his father and brother. The weather had started to turn cold when Max woke up one morning with a headache and he looked as white as a sheet.
Unfortunately they couldn’t send for a doctor, that was just too expensive. Even the Herondales didn’t have the money. Maryse sat by her son’s bed and tried to make him as comfortable as possible.
Izzy pulled Alec into her room and closed the door. “What do you want?” Izzy had been trying to get Alec alone all day, but there was work to be done. Finally after dinner she was able to corner him.
“Here.” She handed him a small white envelope. Alec looked at it and then back up to his sister. “Open it, you idiot.” She said, exasperated. Alec rolled his eyes and sat on her small bed to open up the envelope. The moment he read the first sentence of the form he knew what it was. It was the Chosen form.
“Izzy, no.”
“Alec, yes. This could be your only chance at real love.” That was if the Prince even chose him, which he probably would not. He would want some handsome Two or Three that knew poetry and how to model rather than when to plant the next crop or how to clean a chimney in under an hour.
“And what if it gets back to mom and dad? They can not afford the shame.”
“Alec.” Izzy took his hand in hers. Both of them worked hard but Izzy still had softer hands. “We are one step above the homeless. We live in this hell of a level because of our ancestors. That does not mean we should not want more. You don’t want to waste your life working outside on a farm, marrying someone you don’t love, and then possibly dying early from all the hard work?”
Alec looked back at the form. If the people of Alicante found out and refused to employ him...he could move to Brooklyn, thirty miles to the east, he reasoned. The city had more opportunities and maybe he could bring back a lot of money, but was this worth all that effort?
“Try, Alec. If you are picked then the family will get a stipend for your absence. That money could be used to heal Max. It could keep us in this house for another winter.” Izzy was right. If he was chosen his parents would get money and Alec would be elevated to a Three. Even if he was shown the door the first night he would have a different level that would allow him to be a teacher or a writer or anything else really.
“Ok, Iz. I will try.”
The next day before anyone had gotten up Alec rose from his temporary bed. Alec had given up his bed so his mother could sleep near Max in case he needed her. Alec took the worn out couch in the living room as his bed.
Going to the bathroom he combed his hair and washed his face. After everyone had gone to bed the night before Alec had looked over the form. It was said that pictures were taken when the person turned their form in. So much for it being a random lottery. Still Alec wanted to look his best. He had borrowed a shirt from Jace, not exactly telling him why he wanted it, but the light blue shirt looked newer than his brown or grey ones. It made his blue eyes pop and that was more than he could hope for.
Back out of the bathroom he stuffed his small satchel with his work shirt, the form, and some food before leaving a note for his parents. He was planning on finding work after he put the form in. It would give him an excuse as to why he had left so early. He would not turn any job down, no matter what it entailed.
It was early morning as he walked across the fields to the road that would lead him into Alicante proper. Alicante was a small town with a main street full of little shops and then homes surrounding it. The registration office opened at eight and he still had over two hours before that. He could take this walk at a leisurely pace. He didn’t want to be muddy or sweaty when he got to the office.
As he walked he tried to think what it would be like if he was chosen. There would never any be a chance with Jace. He didn’t favor men and only had eyes for Clary. Like Izzy said, this could be his only hope at a relationship with a man.
Slowly the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. People started to open their businesses as he passed main street. He would be back soon to see if anyone needed help. The business owners were always so nice to him and his family. Turning off main street he headed for the edge of town. The registration office was right across from the train station on the edge of town. He stopped by the station to see the price of a ticket to Brooklyn. If everything went south he would need a way out.
There was already a small line in front of the office. Two more days and the registration would be closed. It seemed he was not the only one that wanted to get their pictures taken early. There were a handful of girls with their mothers who looked like they were on their way to work. Probably Sixes going to work at local factories or maybe even bookkeepers.
The group looked at him for a moment as he stood behind the last woman in line. Even if he flushed with embarrassment he refused to turn around. He was here and he was going to put his form in.
Within twenty minutes of standing in line and a few more people joining the line the office opened. This gave Alec time to wipe his face of any dirt or sweat he had gathered from the trek. The wait was short before he was allowed in the building. The woman at the front desk looked him over before asking for his form. Most government office workers were Fours so he was pretty sure this woman looked down on him.
Taking out the form from his bag he handed it over. Where girls might have been able to put skills of cooking and sewing down Alec only had one skill, archey. He hadn’t even done it in years since Jace’s bow had broken in their early teens. Still it was better than any other skill he could think of.
“Alright, Alexander Lightwood?”
“Alec. This way to the photo booth.” She motioned into a small room. Inside was a photographer and his assistant. Alec swallowed his embarrassment and walked inside.
“Come over, my son. Getting your picture taken for the choosing?” The man didn’t bat an eye at him. He must not be from Alicante.
“Yes sir.” Alec put his bag down on the floor near the door and walked over to where the man pointed to. Once he sat down the assistant made a few adjustments to the lighting before going behind the camera with the photographer.
“Alright, son. I want you to think of your happiest memory. Hold it close to your heart and smile. One.” Alec thought of a time when Jace, Izzy, and himself had played near a brook, acting like they were pirates that wanted to take over the world. “Two.” He remembered being chosen to be Jace’s first mate and how much pride he took in that job, mostly “swabbing the decks.” “Three.”
Alec smiled brightly as the flash went off. He hoped he looked as happy as he felt from the memory.
After Alec left the office he hid in an alleyway and changed his shirt. Stuffing the nicer shirt back in his bag he set off back down the street towards main street. That day he was able to scrape enough money together to save some for his train ticket plus a little more to bring home.
It had been two weeks since he put his form in. The lottery had closed and soon the Chosen would be picked. Even though he felt like he had changed, no one else seemed to notice. No one turned him away when he asked if there was any work he could do. That made him breathe a little easier.
So far he had brought in enough money that his parents could get medicine from the store to help little Max. He still was not better, but he hadn’t gotten worse. There was no way that in the next few months he could get enough money together so they could visit a doctor. If Max didn’t get better on his own there might only be four Lightwoods left.
Alec sat his pack down at the door and stretched his back and neck. Today had been a hard day. Only a few people needed help in the town. It was still another week until people started to winterize their homes. Both Robert and Alec had clients lined up starting the next Monday.
“Hey, Alec.” Izzy was in the kitchen stirring something over the stove.
“Please tell me you didn’t make that all on your own.” He ducked as a towel sailed towards him.
“It’s one of mom’s stews so no it will not poison you, but I might.” Izzy was not the greatest cook, mainly because their mom never let her help. Maryse wanted to be in control of everything in the kitchen but now with Max sick, she couldn’t.
Their father came in moments later. He looked paler than usual. The partiach had been working twice as hard the past couple weeks. They were both trying to make as much money as they could.
“Food will be ready soon, Papa.” Izzy said as she moved to cut up some bread. Alec went to the bathroom to wash up, followed by his father. They didn’t speak, both so tired, but they had to conserve their energy. The weekly report was coming on tonight. As Alec exited the bathroom it struck him tonight the twenty-three people were being picked. His heart beat a little faster as he walked himself back to the kitchen and sat down at the small table.
“Alec?” He looked up to see his sister placing the food in front of him. “You look spaced out. Please tell me you have not been working too much.” Alec shook his head and opened his mouth to answer but their mother walked in.
“Is the food ready? Max said he wanted to try it.” Their mother seemed to have aged several years in only a few days. Izzy dished out some of the stew, more liquid than solids. Their mother took it and turned back to the hall. Their parents passed each other sharing only a quick glance.
Robert, Izzy, and Alec were the only ones to make the trek up to the main house. Maryse refused to leave her child behind and Max was in no shape to walk up.
The Herondale household was more subdued than it had been a few weeks before when the Choosing announcement was made. Dylan and Layla still sat near their favorite brother but neither were very talkative. Aaron sat against the wall with his legs drawn up to his chest. Sebastian sat beside his brother with Izzy and Alec on his other side. Robert sat in a side chair while Mr. and Mrs. Herondale shared the other side chair.
The report started. The King and Queen walked out with Magnus beside them. His suit was made of deep green velvet with gold buttons. While he did look dashing Alec didn’t have much enthusiasm in him. They would announce the Chosen and Alec would not be one of them. No Seven had ever made it to the Choosing, not once in over two hundred years. They would not start now for a male.
The announcements were made but they barely listened. His father was staring into space either in deep thought or just too tired to focus. There was nothing particularly interesting about the announcement. Nothing they had not heard before. Finally Simon Lewis took the stage with an electric blue suit jacket.
“He has interesting style choices.” Izzy commented to no one in particular.
“And now the moment that I am sure everyone in Edom is waiting for. Prince Magnus, would you join me?” The Prince moved from his throne down to where Simon stood with a handful of cards. “Now, your majesty, I am told you did peek at a few of the pictures of applicants.”
“Yes. I was only allowed a few minutes to look through a few profiles, but everyone I saw looked stunning. I would be lucky to have any of them as my spouse.” Simon chuckled and pulled up his cards.
“Alright, then let’s get this started. In no particular order let’s see who the lucky twenty-three sons and daughters of Edom will be.” The first picture that came up was a blonde woman with a dazzling smile. “Camille Belcourt, Two.” Of course. “Merlion Knight, Two.” The next picture was a dark haired man with a slight smile.
The next few came so quickly. They were all beautiful people. Two more Twos and three Threes.
“Helen Blackthorn, Three.” Another blonde but her face was softer than the first blonde. “Lydia Brandwell, Two.” They had yet to give any below a Three. They might throw a Four or Five in there for good measure but that would probably be it.
“Andrew Underhill, Four.” A picture flashed of a joyous man with blond curls. Two more Threes and then their first Five “Maureen Brown, Five.” She looked more like a child than a woman, if she was sixteen it would be a miracle. More names rolled past but Alec had lost count. They had to be coming to an end soon. Izzy reached out to take his hand and he looked at her out of his peripheral vision. She was not looking at him but she was here for him.
Two more Fives, another Four, another Three, another two Fours, another two Fives. “And last but certainly not least.” Simon said before the last photo flashed up on screen. “Alexander Lightwood, Seven.”
Idris was a wash with activity. It had only been two days since the Chosen had been announced and the Lightwood family had had many visitors. They all wanted to congratulate a Chosen son of Edom. At first Alec’s family had been surprised. When his name came up on the television along with his glowing photo, Alec had froze up. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he could ever make it.
Izzy had jumped up from the couch yelling and dancing around. This seemed to lighten the twin’s moods and they got up to dance not knowing why. Alec felt all eyes on him but his eyes were still on the TV as the Prince thanked all the Chosen and wished them safe travels to the capital. Then the national anthem played again before going to snow.
After the TV was switched off there was no sound but the girls asking why they were celebrating.
“Home.” Was the only word their father said before standing up and leaving the room. Alec and Izzy followed close behind knowing an explosion was going to happen as soon as they made the walk down to their house. Maryse was in the kitchen when they came back, pushing her soup around. She was not all that hungry but needed to keep up her strength.
“Sit.” His father’s voice was clipped and both Lightwood siblings sat down at the table.
“What is wrong, dear?” Their mother asked.
“Alec entered the Chosen.”
“And won!” Izzy snuck in before her father glared at her.
“Alexander...” His mother started with sadness in her voice.
“You entered that lottery without a thought of what it could do to your family. We are nearly destitute, Alexander.”
“I know, Father..”
“No you do not! We will lose jobs! Everyone now knows you are a deviant. You will never be able to marry a good girl...” Alec slammed his hands on the table and stood up.
“I never wanted to marry a good girl! Father, I am gay. I have known for some time.” He knew since he was young when he developed his crush on Jace. “And I did think about the family. You will get a stipend for my absence. That will more than pay for the lodging over the winter and get a doctor out here to see Max.” Both of his parents sat stunned at their eldest son. “If I had not won then we would not have had to worry. No one at the Government office has said anything.”
As he ended his speech he felt himself slightly weaken and sat down. Izzy reached across the table to take his hand but he pulled them back into his lap.
“And how long do you think you can stay?” His father asked. “Once you are thrown out you will have nothing and neither will we!”
“I will be a Three.” Alec said. “I will be able to get a better job, one where I don’t break my back and die at 40.” This caused his father to pale. Most Lightwood men only make it to 40 or 50 if they were lucky. Life was just too hard. Finally his father sat down at the table with his family.
“The damage has been done. You have made your bed, Alec, now you must lie in it.”
It was the very next day that a few local workers stopped by to bring some food for the family. The next visitors were a few businessmen from town. They talked with Robert and offered him some work for a good price. They must have told a Doctor because the very next day Dr. Hodge, the local physician, showed up to examine Max. Finally something was getting done.
On the third day a Mr. Victor Aldertree knocked upon their door at two p.m. The dark skinned man looked out of place in the Lightwood home with his beautiful three piece suit and top hat, though the man didn’t exactly look like he wanted to be there to begin with.
“May I speak with Mr. Alexander Lightwood?” The family brought the man into the kitchen and sat around the small table. Izzy was pleased to be a part of all this. Alec felt sick.
“Now, Mr. and Mrs. Lightwood, I have a few questions that need to be asked of you and of young Mr. Lightwood. Some of these questions are of a sensitive nature. I feel that it might be best if your daughter were not present.” Izzy gave an indignant sound and stormed off. Alec would fill her in later.
“Alright, Alexander, I need you to answer all these questions as truthfully as you can. If at any time we find out that you have lied you will be reprimanded and thrown out of the Choosing. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” Alec nodded.
“First question, when was your last physical exam?” Alec blinked as he couldn’t remember.
“I do not remember.” They didn’t have money to go to the Doctor that often. Aldertree marked something down.
“Would you be willing to get one, paid for by the Crown.” He added.
“Very good. Now sexual orientation.” Alec flushed bright red. “Would you consider yourself hetreosexual, bisexual, or homosexual?”
“Have you engaged in any sexual activity with a member of the opposite sex or the same sex?” Alec felt like his face was going to burn off from the heat of embarrassment.
“To which one?”
“Very good.” The man wrote something else down before moving on to less sensitive questions. By the time Aldertree was packing up Alec could feel a headache coming on.
“Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Lightwood, Alexander. Someone will be in touch with you shortly about the trip to the capital and a schedule for a physical examination.” The man exited the house and put his hat back on. “Good day to you all.”
It was a Thursday when he would finally leave his family and journey to the capital. Edom City was named after the country for which they resided in and was the main headquarters of the royal family and the military. From what Alec had read about when he was younger there were buildings so high up you couldn’t tell where they stopped and the sky began.
There was not much for him to pack. His family had used most of their money on a new outfit for him. The palace would be taking over his wardrobe once he got there and most of his clothes had more holes than a beehive. He was taking only his small satchel filled with a few trinkets.
Max had given him a wooden horse that Jace had carved for him one year. <i>“It will keep you safe.”</i> Izzy gave him a small book that she had purchased a few years back. Alec loved to read but he had neither the time nor the books to actually read. <i>“When you have time between kissing the Prince and talking to high society you can sit somewhere and read.”</i> His mother had given him a handkerchief that she had embroidered his name on. <i>“I hope you will be happy, dear.”</i> His father, however, didn’t give him any trivial trinket. He was not a man that was sentimental. Instead he gave a few words of advice. <i>“While I do not like this, you are the first Seven to ever be picked. Head up and chin out. Show Edom that a Seven is not as lowly and weak as they think.”</i>
The day before Jace and Alec had sat by the river and briefly talked. Saying goodbye to his best friend was not as hard as he thought it would be, but he knew once he got to the palace he would miss Jace terribly.
“I think it's really cool you went for what you wanted, Alec.” Alec looked over at his blonde friend.
“You don’t mind me being...”
“Nope,” Jace said, shaking his head. “I kind of always knew. I don’t know, like this feeling.” Alec found himself blushing and looking away from the other. “I mean, if I was like you, I wouldn’t mind having you for a partner.” That caused Alec to blush even deeper. They didn’t say much after that, just sitting by the river listening to the water.
When they got up to leave Jace reached in his pocket and pulled out a small bracelet of colored beads.
“I had Clary make this for you. I know it's not much...but I don’t want you to forget about me.” Alec felt tears in his eyes when he pulled Jace into a tight hug.
“I could never forget you.”
The car arrived to take him to the station. Once on the train it was a straight shot to the capital but they would be making a few stops. After Idris they would be traveling through the Undying Lands, the biggest farmland in all of Edom and the richest. First stop would be Winter Vale where they would pick up Helen Blackthorn. Alec had done very little research on most of the other Chosen but since the Undying Lands were so close he looked up the three people coming from there.
Helen’s family were from level Three, being mostly lawyers and educators. She was actually going to become a lawyer when she was chosen. Now that Alec had become part of the Chosen he had ascended to the rank of a Three. Maybe he would become a teacher or librarian. He did like books and to be surrounded by them would be wonderful.
Six and Sevens attended a mediocre public school. They learned only the basics and were done by the time they were sixteen so they could get out and start working. They didn’t need much more than that. If you worked in a factory or out in the sun why would you need to know complex chemical formulas or the history of Edom before it was called that. Alec smiled slightly, he would never have to work out in the sweltering heat ever again.
After Winter Vale would be Spring Dale, where they would pick up Meliorn Knight and Annabelle Powerton, both Twos. Meliorn’s father had been drafted into the military when he was nineteen, he was already a Two so his status wouldn’t change. Apparently Merliorn did not want to follow his father into the military and the man had never held a job in his life. Being at the high end of the age range maybe he was just hoping to become the spouse of the next king of Edom. Annabelle’s father was a politician and very trusted by the people in the Undying Lands. She was a pretty girl, petite with chin length brown hair, and a tiny waist. Any one of the other Chosen from this area would be better suited for life in the royal palace.
Alec had never been on a train so when he was shown where the car the Chosen would be riding he jumped as the train started to pull out. Sitting in one of the oversized chairs he looked out as the land whipped past. Soon he would be out of Idris. The farthest he had ever been from home. After the Undying Lands was the county of Adamant Citadel, where the military trained, then on to the capitol. The trip should take around four hours, at least that was what he had been told.
There had not been any big send off for Alec. Anyone who was anyone had already wished him good luck. He had said goodbye to his family at their home. The Herondales had come to see him off and Alec’s heart ached to hug Jace goodbye. His first crush. It all seemed so long ago. Now he was on a train headed for his future, whatever that would be.
At their first stop Helen Blackthorn was brought on. She was a tall, thin woman with blonde hair that was pulled back from her face, and blue-green eyes. She wore a black long jacket over a tan pantsuit and tall heels that made her much taller than Alec who stood at 6’1”. She was nice but a little aloof. They spoke for a little while before their second stop.
As they pulled into the Spring Dale station, Alec could see from the train all the fanfare that the next two Chosen were getting. A man with long brown hair, half tied up, was waving and carrying flowers. He had on an all white suit that Alec wondered how he kept clean. By the time the other Chosen had got on and came back to the car Meliorn had ditched the flowers. From what Alec could see now Meliorn was not wearing a shirt, just the suit jacket.
Annabelle was walking behind him looking a slight bit mift. Oh dear, drama and they had not even got to the capital yet. Annabelle came up to Helen’s midriff, she wore a short pink lace dress and black shoes. She had a small bag on her left arm that looked no bigger than an envelope.
Meliron sat across the aisle from Alec and Helen and took out a grey box and started pressing on it. Annabelle sat next to Helen, who was across from Alec. She didn’t even look his way. Helen had been nice, but no doubt Annabelle didn’t want to associate with anyone that used to be a Seven. Sighing he turned back to the window.
After Spring Dale was miles and miles of farmland and forest. Some later they entered the Adamant Citadel countryside. No more farmland, but flat, lush greenery around small bunches of trees. They sailed through only one town. It had been a couple hours and Alec was getting tired of looking at fast moving scenery when a voice came from the ceiling.
“We will be arriving in Edom within the hour.” A jolt of excitement went through the four Chosen. Annabelle was getting out a mirror and some makeup from her tiny purse. Helen also opened her satchel to take out a mirror to make sure her hair was still in place. Meliorn was sitting up and straightening his jacket before taking a cloth and wiping down his shiny white shoes. Alec just pushed some of his hair from his face, behind his ear. Why did he need to look good anyway? Prince Magnus’ eyes would overlook him for someone like Meliorn or Annabelle.
It was not much later when Annabelle squealed and pointed out the window. Turning in his seat Alec saw the great city of Edom. There were many greyish buildings all clustered together. The sun shone brightly on the buildings and windows. It looked beautiful but so different from the county of Idris. It glimmered in the distance like a beacon. They passed the treeline right before they entered the station. From what Alec could see there were no trees or plants of any kind. Just cement and steel.
The train started to slow down as they went through some sort of tunnel. Out of the window all he could see was concrete until the tunnel opened up. Beyond the train was a bustling station with people moving too and fro. Some sat on seats and looked at the same box that Meliorn had taken out. A wall hid his view of the other patrons. When it opened up again he saw that his area was not crowded. There were only a few men in uniform waiting.
The train slowed to a stop. As the Chosen exited the train for long black cars, Alec realised how lonely and far from home he was. <i>“Head up and chin out. Show Edom that a Seven is not as lowly and weak as they think.”</i> Alec took a break and closed his eyes. He might have been a Seven but he had been through more than anyone else in the Chosen. Opening his eyes he stepped into the black car, his blue eyes shining with determination.
Alec rode to the palace in the back of a long black car with the rest of the Chosen. Annabelle was going a mile a minute about everything around them. Meliorn was fixing his hair for the third time and Helen was just nodding along to whatever Annabelle was saying. Alec on the other hand was just holding his breath. His last boost of confidence had left him feeling better but he still knew he was out of his element. While Helen had been nice to him, neither Annabelle nor Meliorn had spoken one word to him.
Instead of focusing on that he looked out the window at the large grey building that seemed to be spurting out of the ground below them. What struck him as odd was that there was no greenery around. No plants, trees, or shrubs. This was unlike anything Alec had ever imagined.
“Why are there no plants?” He found himself wondering out loud, then felt utterly embarrassed.
“The soil here is unusable. The country before Edom didn’t care about their land and piled waste anywhere they could.” Helen explained in a soft voice. “Now the ground can not grow as much as one weed. The royal family has been trying to reverse the effects of the toxins, but the mystics have not found a way yet.” Ah, that made sense, although it didn’t sound familiar so that must have not been something they were taught in school. History of the earth would not be high on the list if your only duties were only following the directions of your superiors. Still, it saddened him. He had never lived without greenery in his life. Even with all the work he had to do there was never a day that he didn’t get out in nature.
The palace came into view between a row of buildings. It was like the city parted for them as the road led up to Edom’s royal palace.
As soon as they got out of the car three people, two women and one man stepped up to them.
“Good day, Chosen. My name is Iris, this is Victor and Jane. We are part of the public relations department here at the palace. Each one of you signed a contract to not disclose anything that might make the royal family look bad. We know this was not an easy adjustment for some of you, but now that you reside in the castle you will make the monarchy look good. As such we are here to remind you and wish you a pleasant stay. Just through the doors you will have the chief maid and she will direct you to your rooms.” With that Lanette was done talking to them and moved to the side.
Had he signed a contract? He didn’t remember, but he was pretty sure when he had signed his name back at his home that one day he had pretty much sold his soul.
They trudged up the stairs to the large double doors which were opened for them and a woman with dark brown hair tied up in a nice updo welcomed them.
“Hello, chosen few. My name is Imogen and I am the chief of the attendants. If there is anything you need don’t hesitate to ask. Now let me introduce you to your maids.” Each Chosen got a set of maids or butlers in Meliorn and Alec’s case.
“Miss Blackthorn, these are your maids. Lucy, Aline, and Donna.” Helen curtsied to her maids, which seemed to be flustered with her movements. They must have not been curstiesed to very much. Annebelle was next and then Alec. “Mr. Lightwood, these are your attendants, Will and Jem.” The two men bowed slightly to Alec. No one had ever bowed to him him, a worthless Seven. Well he was no longer a Seven, he was now a Three, but it would take a while to get used to it.
“May we take your things?” Jem asked, his arm already stretched out. All Alec had was the bag on his back.
“I can carry my things.” Alec said nervously. The men looked at each other as if they were trying to communicate with only their eyes. The rest of the Chosen had already started to move farther into the palace. “I only have this bag.” Three sets of eyes looked at the small bag.
“Alright, Mr. Lightwood, please follow us.” Will said, motioning for Alec to follow them. Will had coloring like Alec; dark hair and blue eyes. His face however was full of more color than Alec’s pale skin. Jem had the same type of looks as the prince. Thinner eyes but warm brown irises.
They went up one set of stairs and then another. At the top of the second set of stairs they made a left down a long hallway and then another left only to turn right and then left until they were in a little alcove with a single door. Alec couldn’t help thinking he was being shut away from the rest of the Chosen. He didn’t see Helen, Annabelle, or even Meliorn.
Jem was the first to the door and opened it. Inside was a room roughly four if not five times the size of his own home. It was like a dream. Walking into the room he took in the balcony and the large four poster bed. The canopy was a soft cream color tied back with little silk ties. The bed was decked out in all manor of pillows and lush fabrics.
“Does it suit you, Mr. Lightwood?” Alec blinked and looked back at his three attendants. Suddenly he felt very small. This had been a dream less than a week ago but now being here, inside the palace he felt...wrong. A Seven didn’t belong in a palace, even if he were to work there. He would just soil the place with his filth. “Mr. Lightwood?” Alec could barely hear the name past the panic and rush in his ears.
“I’m fine.” He felt everything but fine. “May I have a moment?” The three attendants looked at each other in that same wordless communication.
“Yes, Mr. Lightwood. We will be just outside the door if you need us.” Quickly the three men disappeared leaving Alec alone in the huge, unfamiliar room. Falling to his knees Alec buried his face in his hands and cried. It was the soft, barely there cry he had felt so many times in his life when he couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t belong here and by the end of the day he would be the first sent home.
It was nearly six when his attendants came back to get him. They brought in a beautiful suit of silvery grey. In the time they had left Alec the young man had cried out all his emotions, leaving him feeling numb and drained. He had splashed cool water on his face from the bathroom and at least looked more put together than he felt. He didn’t even mind the men helping him dress in the beautiful garment.
Dinner was served promptly at seven thirty. That was a little later than they ate back at home, but when you worked all day outside with only a meager sandwich for sustenance you tended to be starving after work. Dinner would be the first chance any of the Chosen would meet the Prince. It would be informal, a quick smile and hello. The next day, however, would be the make or break day.
From what he had gleaned from a bit of research was that the Prince would be expected to cut at least five members of the Chosen within the first week. King Asmodeous had cut seven girls the first day. His father, the late King Modomus had cut about the same amount and the Prince's great-grandfather had cut the competition in half by the third day.
Alec expected to be one of the few to be cut early. He was nothing like Meliorn, sleek and graceful or like that Camille woman he had seen on tv. She had the air of a princess even from just the brief smile he had seen.
“Mr. Lightwood?” A Gentle voice broke through his thoughts. In the mirror he could see Jem looking back at him as he fixed his collar.
“Be yourself. Do not let them scare you.” Alec wondered what he meant but Will was interrupting them to attach silver cufflinks.
“I will be back shortly with your shoes.”
“Do I look alright?” Alec found himself wondering aloud, looking into Will’s blue eyes.
“You look breathtaking, Sir. The Prince will surely notice you first.” Alec didn’t know if the man was just placating him or he really thought a Seven could stand up to a room full of the elite. He had to remember that even his attendants were above him. Working so close to the royal family and inside the palace meant they were Sixes, yet they treated him as if he was so far above them.
Will returned them with immaculately polished shoes so shiny Alec could see his own reflection in them. Once he was completely dressed Jem showed him down to the dining room. The room was already half full of Chosen contestants. Panic gripped at Alec’s heart as he took in the variety of dresses and suits.
“Breathe, Mr. Lightwood.” Jem told him with a smile. Another servant appeared to take him to his seat. Thankfully he was seated between Helen and another woman named Maria. Maria was a talkative girl. Within a few minutes he knew she was a Four, her father owned a leather making business near the capital, she had three younger sisters and no brothers. She liked to sing but that was just a secret between them and the rest of the table. She made Alec feel so much better. A couple more people joined their table as Maria chatted up a storm. A Three from the outer county of the kingdom named Jessica, another Four named Xander, a Two from the glittering capital aptly named Duchess and last was a familiar face from the broadcast, a Four named Andrew.
Andrew was the last to take his seat at their table. He wore a sleek navy suit and tie. He looked a little flustered and apologized for being late.
“My attendants could not decide what suit to put me in.” Maria started asking about his wardrobe up until the point where a servant loudly cleared his throat and announced the royal family. All of the Chosen stood as King Asmodous and Queen Annisa came in, arm in arm followed by the Prince.
The Prince glittered like diamonds in his nearly all white suit. A few girls at another table nearby nearly swooned and even Alec felt himself flush slightly. Once the royal family had made their way to the head table the Chosen were permitted to sit. The Prince was the only one that stayed standing.
“Thank you chosen few for making the long arduous trip to our fair capital.” The Prince started, thanking them for coming. “Tomorrow I will have a chance to thank each of you in person, but for now I wish you would enjoy the selection of foods from around the country. Eat and be happy, without a care in the world. Thank you again.” With that the Prince sat down and the food was brought in.
There was so much that Alec scarcely knew what to eat first. Many of the foods he had seen on TV or for sale in Aleconte’s marketplace, but he had never had the pleasure of tasting. Most of them he didn’t even know the name of. No day old bread, porridge, watery stew to be seen.
“Helen.” He asked in a quiet whisper as Helen put some sort of fluffy white food on a plate. “What is that?” Helen just gently smiled and passed him the serving bowl.
“Potatoes.” Potatoes? He had never seen such white and creamy potatoes in his life. Taking a spoonful then passed it to Maria who was talking to Xander about the many foods from her province. After most of the food was passed around, from which Alec had taken a little bit from each, he started to eat along with the rest of his table guests.
The food seemed to melt upon his tongue. The flavors exploded across his palate and at one point he even moaned aloud at the taste. He had never seen so much food and the variety was amazing. Potatoes so fluffy and white like little clouds. Meat so tender he didn’t have to cut it, it just fell apart.
“Oh yes, you are a Seven, are you not?” Jessica asked from across the table. “I supposed this is the first time you have ever seen such food.” It was a backhanded way of calling him poor, but it was true.
“Yes and I intend to enjoy it.” He was a Seven, but he had done more in his short existence than that woman would ever do in her whole life. She may have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but Alec had had to work for every scrap of food he got.
“Even in my family we try to eat more meagerly.” Helen said, taking a bite of meat from the end of her fork. “My family tries to give as much spare income as we can to charity. Some of these dishes I have never seen, but they are all delicious, wouldn’t you say Maria?” That pulled Maria into the conversation which effectively ended any tirade Jessica might have. The blonde girl smiled at him and Alec felt that amongst this sea of sharks he at least had one friend for now.
After dinner came dessert. Miles and miles of pastries and sweets, things that would make his brother’s mouth water and his sister jump for joy. Sugar was so expensive, so they rarely had anything sweet. Only on the new year would they get a small toffee that Alec was sure his parents saved up for all year. He couldn’t decide on what to eat first. Helen took a slice of some sort of cake. It was red in color with white icing.
“You must try this, Alec.” She said, gesturing to her slice. “Red Velvet is my favorite cake.”
“Does it really have velvet in it?” He asked, taking a small piece with his fork. She laughed.
“No, but it is so smooth and feels like velvet.” Alec took a bite and found it entirely too sweet for his liking. The flavor was good but the amount of sugar was too much.
“Is there something not so sweet?” She smiled back and then turned to look at the selection of food.
“Excuse me.” She said calm and sweetly to one of the servers. “Do any of these have less sugar in them?” The servant looked shocked that he was being addressed but then nodded. He grabbed a plate of three dark balls of something covered in brown powder and surrounded by raspberries.
“Dark chocolate truffles, Miss.” He gave her the plate which Helen then passed to Alec.
“Dark chocolate has less sugar added to it. It makes it a bit bitter, I have never liked it, but maybe you will.” Alec nodded in appreciation. He took his folk and cut one in half. It was soft and as easy to cut as butter. Taking one piece he placed it in his mouth. It was bitter but it still had a smoothness and not too much sugar.
After he swallowed, he nodded. “It’s good.” She smiled back.
“It is also one of Prince Magnus’ favorite dishes, I believe.” Alec found himself looking back at his plate with a blush. Chancing a glaze towards the head table he could see Magnus talking with his father and mother with a truffle on the end of his fork.
After dinner the Chosen were taken back to their rooms. At least one of their attendants was there outside of the dining hall to greet them. Alec and Helen were speaking about the foods they had never had before when they heard a scoff. Turning they both saw an extremely beautiful blonde woman in a red gown, but whatever beauty she held on the outside certainly did not match her inside.
“I thought it was a joke, but they were serious about letting a Seven inside the palace.” Alec found himself looking down, it was what he had been taught. “You aren’t even fit to shine my shoes. But I suppose that is why they put you over in the west wing. No one ever goes there. Come servant.” She swept up the stairs with a maid following swiftly on her tail.
“And that would be Camille.” Helen said. “She may have been the queen bitch back home but I am sure Magnus will see right through her.” Alec hoped she was right.
Back in his room Alec had to convince his attendants that he didn’t need their help getting dressed for bed. He could do all that himself.
“We are here to serve you, Mr. Lightwood.” Will said calmly.
“I don’t need servants!” He yelled so fed up with everything. “Look, you are Sixes and I am a Seven. We can do things on our own.”
“You are now a Three, Mr. Lightwood.” Jem spoke up.
“Please call me Alec!” He was just so tired and worn out from everything. “Please, just leave me.” The men nodded at him and left. Looking in the mirror of his vanity he saw the poor level Seven boy that tilled land and feld trees dressed up like something he was not. He didn’t belong here. He didn’t belong in this suit. Jessica and Camille were right. He would be gone by tomorrow morning.
The longer he stared the quicker his breathing came. Standing up he took off his jacket, tearing the cufflinks from their spots on the jacket. He pulled at the tie and unbuttoned the shirt. He still couldn’t breathe. Running to the window he tried to open it but found it bolted shut. He needed air, he needed freedom.
Out the window he could see a vast garden. The soil might be toxic around the city but it seemed that the royal family had their very own piece of paradise. Gasping he turned from the window, ripped open the door and ran as fast as his feet could take him. He found the grand staircase and nearly jumped down all of the steps to get to the first floor. Looking around he saw that to the left of him was a large doorway open to the night air and to the garden.
Making a break for it he didn’t even hear the guards telling him he needed to go back to his room. All he saw was air and grass and trees bathed in moonlight. He did feel one of the guards grabbing him none too gently.
“Sir, you need to get back to your room.”
“No, I need….please!” He felt like the world was spinning.
“Let him be.” Came a voice from beyond the doorway.
“But your Majesty.”
“I said let him be.” The guard let Alec go and he stumbled before running head long outside into the cool night air. There was a distant smell of exhaust that he had first caught at the train station, but for the most part it was clean, fresh air. He fell to the ground putting his hands in the earth, feeling the grass move as he shifted. His toes dug into the cool dirt. By him was a rose bush and farther out were rows of yellow flowers. He had stopped hyperventilating and panicking, breathing in the floral scents all around him.
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“Do you feel better?” Alec whipped his head around at the voice. Not two feet away was the Crown Prince. He was no longer in his white suit but some sort of leisurely button up and grey slacks. Maybe to the Prince this would be dressing down but to a Seven it looked just as fancy as the suit had.
Dropping his eyes he nodded. “Yes, your Majesty.” Then the Prince did the most unbelievable thing. He sat in the grass next to Alec. The dark haired man felt his jaw drop. Did the Crown Prince of Edom just sit on grass next to a common Seven?
“You are Alexander, are you not?” Alec must have looked like a fish out of water before he pulled himself together and sat fully on the grass. This would probably stain his suit, crap, he had forgotten about that.
“Yes, your Majesty. Most people call me Alec.”
“I see. Well then, Alec, you may call me Magnus. At least while we are alone.” Alec felt a blush on his face as he looked away. It was dark and there was no other light besides the moon. The light from the door was too far away to illuminate anything.
“I couldn’t. You are the Prince.”
“And you are one of the Chosen. That makes you something special as well.” Alec was flushing again.
“Thank you for talking to the guards. I know I should not be out here.” Magnus waved that off.
“You needed to come out here. I saw your face and heard your voice. You were panicking.” Alec was ashamed that the Prince had seen him like that. He would surely be sent off in the morning. “There is nothing to be ashamed of.” Magnus said as if reading his mind. “It happens to many people. Even I have felt it.” Alec looked back at the prince.
“How...you always look so calm.”
“I am for the most part, but there are times I am overwhelmed and need a break.” That did not sound like the Prince Alec had seen on the television all his life. Magnus had looked like nothing would phaze him, even at seven when he was finally presented to the people.
“Well thank you. I did need this.” Being stuffed inside a building for most of the day and almost, well actually it had been too much.
“Tell me, Alexander, how are you feeling about being here in the capital?” Looking back up at Magnus he studied the man but he gave nothing away. What answer was he looking for?
“It is an honor to be here, your Maj-”
“Magnus.” The Prince cut in.
“You called me Alexander.” The Prince chuckled and nodded.
“I did, but your name is much too special and beautiful to be shortened to some mere nickname.” Again Magnus was making the dark haired younger man blush.
“Well, it is an honor. I never knew Edom was so vast.” He had seen a map of the kingdom at school but that had been years ago.
“And being in the castle?” Now that was a little harder to comment on. He was a minnow in a sea of bigger fish. What was even harder was that he didn’t have his family’s support here. “Is there...anything a miss?” Magnus sounded a little lost.
“No. It is just...so different to my home, that is all.” He remembered what Camille had said.
“Your Highness. It is time to come in.” A guard called from the doorway. It was getting late. Standing up Magnus reached out a hand to help Alec up. The instant their hands touched it was as if a shock went through their bodies that left them both looking down at their hands.
“Thank you for letting me come out here, Magnus.” Finally they pulled their hands apart.
“Please don’t tell anyone about this. I am not supposed to meet with the Chosen, formally, until tomorrow. Besides, I want this just to be between you and I.” Magnus stepped closer to him and Alec felt his heart beating fast.
“Your Highness!” Magnus actually growled at the guard’s insistence.
Back in his room Alec stripped out of his soiled clothes and folded them neatly. He would have tried to get the stains out but he was not sure the beautiful suit could take the scrubbing needed to take the stains out. But, as he slipped into bed after a short shower the thought about his meeting with the Prince and a smile crossed his face. Even if he was sent home in the morning he would have the memory of meeting the Prince and touching his soft hand.
Jem was not happy with the stains but he would help Alec to keep his secret of sneaking out to the garden. However, Alec had not told him about meeting the Prince. That was solely a memory just for him.
After he had been woken up, early the next morning he was dressed in a day suit. It was not as fancy and intricate as the suit from the night before. It was a light grey with a light blue shirt and no tie. Will had explained to him as they dressed the young man that the royal family always dressed up for dinner. That sounded so unpleasant. What if you spilled food on your priceless clothes?
“Today the Prince will be cutting some of the Chosen.” Will said as he stepped back looking at the shirt. “Take off your jacket, please. Jem, get me the medium blue shirt with the subtle diamond print.” Alec quickly took off the jacket and unbuttoned the shirt.
“Does it not look good?” He asked. It was probably just that Alec looked horrible in the color. His mother had said that wearing blue would only draw attention to his eyes. A Seven was not to be seen nor heard from. They were just supposed to do their job.
“It does not make your eyes pop. On second thought, get the violet shirt.” He called out to Jem. “Purple will make your eyes pop. We have to make you stand out.” Stand out, meaning he had to catch the Prince’s attention. After the previous night he was sure that would not happen. Maybe Magnus would let him at least have breakfast before he sent him packing.
Giving the blue shirt to Jem, he took the purple one. It was a beautiful color. Buttoning it up he slipped the jacket back on.
“Yes, that is it.” Will said.
“You are so good at matching.” Jem complimented his friend.
“An artform that I have cultivated over years of working with the royal family.” The three men chuckled for a moment before helping Alec finish up.
The Chosen were gathered in a salon off the great hall. When Alec arrived there were only a couple of people. Two men and one woman. Each one looked beautiful in their day outfits. The woman, who had red hair, was wearing an emerald day dress. The sleeves were short and off the shoulder. Her hair was done in waves and curls that made it looked like a waterfall. Both of the men were in day suits. One was a cream color with a bright red shirt. This man had slightly longer hair. It was gathered loosely at the nape of his neck and curled slightly. The second man had a dark grey suit and blush pink shirt. The front of his dark hair was combed back into a high curl over the rest of his hair.
As the other Chosen started to appear Alec took in all their clothes. Each one was dressed better than the one that came before them. Alec felt very plain in his grey suit. His hair had not even been fixed like other men. It was allowed to go in its tousled state. The only part that was taimed was his darn cowlick.
“Alec!” Helen came walking over to him with a gentle smile on her face. Her blond hair was tied up with a few tendrils framing her face. Her light blue day dress looked wonderful on her slim figure. Annabelle was behind Helen in a long buttercup yellow dress. Her hair was down but curled.
“Helen, Annabelle. It is good to see you.” Not so much Annabelle but Helen was a welcome sight in this sea of strangers. "I like your hair." Helen smiled with a little flush.
"Aline did it. Isn't it pretty?" She turned around so Alec could see the back. Her hair was twisted in braids. There were little gems stuck in parts of her hair.
"Aline?" He didn't remember anyone by that name.
"One of her maids." Annabelle added.
“You look great, Alec. That purple makes your eyes stand out.” Helen said quickly to change the subject. At least Will would be happy.
“Thank you.” He flushed a bit. “I was not sure...everyone else looks so much grander.”
“Nonsense.” Helen brushed off. “You look just as handsome as the rest of the men. Right, Annabelle?” The blonde turned to her companion, who just nodded. Alec gave her a small smile. At least she didn’t tear him down.
“Move!” The three of them looked up to see Camille walking in. Her bright red dress was skin tight and backless. Apparently she didn’t get the memo that this was breakfast and not a ball.
“Ugh, you’re still here.” The woman turned up her nose at the sight of Alec. “At least your outfit is as boring as you. Better for me to stand out.” Helen was the one to step up this time.
“Yeah, because I heard Prince Magnus really loves stuck up bitches.” A hush went over the room. No one spoke or even breathed. But Helen was not backing down. She was not afraid of this spoiled child.
“Why you-”
“Breakfast is ready.” Rang out a servant’s voice, telling them it was time for them to move from the sitting room to the dining hall.
Breakfast was pretty much like the night before. The Chosen were seated around tables in front of the main table. The royal family would then enter, while the Chosen stood, and then bid the rest of them to sit. Next came the food. Even more wondrous than the night before.
There were fruits, tarts, breads, bacon, eggs, fried potatoes, anything anyone could want. Alec again tried a bit of everything. This was a far cry from his usual meal of porridge and maybe stale bread. If only he could pack up some of this food and send it to his family.
“Ladies and gentleman.” Once the meal was over Magnus stood up and spoke to the Chosen. “I have decided to kick off this Choosing with some one on one time. Each one of you will meet with me. I will be able to get a better sense of you. For now I would like Miss Hannah Whitman to stay. The rest of you please adjourn to the sitting room and wait for our meeting.”
A woman to the right of Alec's table, in a light green day dress, was the only one that continued to stay seated while the rest of the Chosen stood up and left the room. They were taken back to the sitting room where they had waited before. Most of the Chosen started to gossip about meeting the Prince, one on one. A few girls even giggled and squealed.
Alec on the other hand was not that excited. He was sure Magnus would tell him that he would be leaving within the hour. A strong man like the Prince didn’t need a spouse that had a panic attack over something as silly as not feeling the earth beneath their feet. Although, the idea of Magnus ending up with someone like Camille irked him. Said wolf in sheep’s clothing was sitting with a couple other girls as Camille told them loudly how she would win the Prince over.
As if.
Slowly the group of twenty-three men and women started to shrink as they were called to talk to the Prince. Annabelle and Helen had already been called when Alec was finally summoned. He had been talking to Andy, a Four from a county far from Idris, about the farming they were missing. Andy’s family might have been Fours but they were poor and could not afford extra help.
“Alexander Lightwood.” Both men turned their heads. By now only a few Chosen were left.
“Good luck.” Andy smiled at him and it felt genuine. Other than Helen, everyone else was out for blood. They wanted to be the spouse to the most powerful man in the land. Yet in the sea of man eating fish Alec had happened to find two good people.
Alec was taken to a side room just down from the sitting room. Inside was a small table and two chairs. Magnus beamed brightly when he saw Alec.
“Please, have a seat, Mr. Lightwood.” He said formally as he stood up. Alec nodded and sat in the seat across from him. When the servant finally left Magnus seemed to relax.
“How was the rest of your evening? No more panic attacks I presume?” Alec shook his head.
“No, your Majesty.”
“Magnus, remember?” Alec flushed and nodded. “I am glad to hear that, Alec. The last thing I would want is for you to feel overwhelmed and I was not there to help.”
“Thank you again...Magnus. It was very kind of you.”
“Any true man would have done it.” But they both knew that was a lie. While Alec might be a Three on paper he still had the stench of Seven on him. Magnus was a good man and he would be a great King. A kind King that loved all his subjects. “We talked about what you like here at the castle, but what of your family? Do you miss them?”
“Yes.” He said at once. Alec missed playing with Max on the rare breaks from work. He missed gossiping with Izzy and imagining a life away from all the hard work. He missed the warmth of his mother’s hugs and the gruff voice of his father as complained about the crops. He also missed Jace… He loved the man with all his heart but being here made that love seem different somehow.
“They must be a wonderful bunch.” Alec blinked as he was pulled from his thoughts.
“The emotions that went through your eyes. You miss them very much. Please tell me about them.” It seemed that was all Alec needed as he started to describe his family.
He spent the most time talking about his sister and brother. Just talking about them made him feel home sick. He missed them a lot. While he missed his parents too he missed his partners in crime more.
“I wish I could share the food I have enjoyed with my family. It might even help Max. My little brother is always getting sick. I hope the money being sent to him means that he could go to a Doctor for once.”
“What do you mean ‘for once’?” Magnus looked confused.
“Your- Magnus, I am Seven or I was. I have not been to the Doctor since I was a baby.” The only time he was seen was just after his birth. His parents had to save up the money for their first born. They wanted to know their child was healthy.
“You don’t have money for Doctors?”
“Or medicine.” Magnus looked floored. “You don’t know what Sevens go through, do you?”
“I didn’t know...is it like this everywhere?”
“Most Sixes and Sevens barely have enough money to live. Fives are not much better, but they do get more pay for their art.” The raven haired Prince was leaning back in his chair and looking hard at the table.
“My people can barely live yet I have never wanted for anything.” Silence filled the room. Alec felt bad at being the one that showed Magnus the truth.
“Magnus-” But he was interrupted with a hand held up. Finally Magnus looked back up at him.
“You are amazing, Alexander. I have only known you for less than a day but I am sure I would love to learn more.” Leaning forward the Prince took one of Alec’s hands. “Be my prince, my future husband.” Now it was Alec’s turn to look floored.
No. Magnus did not just say that. He did not just ask a Seven to marry him. No. Alec had used all his luck just getting here. There was no way Prince Magnus Bane wanted lowly Alec Lightwood.
“You must have others to see.” Alec pulled his hand back and stood up so quickly he nearly turned the table over.
“I don’t care about them. I only want to know you.” Magnus also stood up. Thankfully the door was right behind Alec. Turning he rushed to the door before Magnus’ voice stopped him. “I will wait for however long you need.” With that Alec opened the door and closed it behind him before rushing back to his room.
He was dreaming, he had to be.
It had been almost a week since Magnus had proposed. For the first couple days Magnus would try to win over the scared younger man, but every time Alec would change to the subject. It was a joke, it had to be. Soon Magnus would get tired and choose someone that would actually be a good spouse. They went from seeing each other everyday to once in a while.
At dinner after their first official meeting Helen had told him that Magnus had cut the group down to only fifteen people. Of course Camille and Meliorn were a part of that group. Either one of them would be a better Queen or Prince Consort than Alec.
The next day the smaller group started etiquette lessons. Thank whatever Gods there were out there that they were split into two groups. Males and females, each one having their own etiquette teacher. The seven men left were given their lessons by one of the King’s royal advisers, Lord Lorenzo Rey. The man was also one of the few mystics employed by the Kingdom.
The man was intolerable. Everytime Alec misstepped or made a faux pas the man was quick to correct him, loudly and somewhat cruelly. It was as if Alec was being singled out. Even Andy did just as bad a job as he did and yet the mystic kindly corrected him. To say the least Alec’s life was turning into a living hell.
Camille took every chance she could to tear Alec down. Most of the words he ignored until the bitch started to talk bad about his family.
“If only the Kingdom had a way to get rid of Sixes and Sevens. The Kingdom would be less polluted with worthless rabble.” Alec immediately stood up and walked out of the room. Later when Jem and Will found him Alec had been crying, his eyes red. They both helped him back to his room and got a cool cloth for his puffy eyes.
Soon things went from bad to worse. While the first couple days Magnus had little mini dates with Alec, usually to the garden or the library, he had been choosing others. Each time he was in the sitting room with the rest of the Chosen and one of the other men or women were Chosen he could feel himself die a little inside.
He tried to tell himself that Magnus was quickly realizing how bad of a choice Alec would be. He tried to hide it from everyone, which worked for the most part, but it seemed that Helen, Will, and Jem could read him too well. Helen tried to pull Alec into little card games she played with Annabelle, Andy, and a few others. She pulled Alec’s mind away from the Choosing and onto something fun. Once Alec went home, aside from Magnus, Helen would be one of the people he would actually miss.
Alec was wandering around the halls of the palace. It was raining outside and Magnus was on a date with one of the Chosen. He couldn’t escape to the one place he felt safe in this foreign land. Turning the corner he found Andy on the floor, knees nearly up to his chest and his hands in his hair. It almost looked like a panic attack but he was not breathing hard.
“Andy?” The curly haired man’s head went up and he was surprised to see someone had found him. “Are you alright?” The man sighs and nodded but then shook his head.
“I don’t know.” He said. Alec walked over and sat on the floor near him. “Do you ever feel...like you don’t belong here?” Andy asked. “I don’t know why I was kept here. I have nothing to give the Prince. Our dates feel...mechanical. Like he is just going through the motions.”
“I am sure it is not that bad.” Alec tried to comfort his friend. He was not as close to Andy as he was with Helen, but he still understood the feeling of not knowing why he was still here.
“Yet I don’t want to go home.” He said under his breath, which Alec could barely hear. “I don’t understand why you haven’t been on more dates with him. All he talks about is you.” Alec felt himself turning red.
“I think you misheard.” Andy chuckled.
“I didn’t, Alec. The Prince holds you in high regard. I don’t mind, like I said, I don’t feel anything between us.” Alec’s head was spinning, Magnus talked about him on his dates with other Chosen?
“What does he...say?”
“He talks about how kind and caring you are. About how much you care for your family. He also talks a great deal about changing...” Andy looked around to make sure no one was near before leaning in. “About changing the level system.” A couple times Magnus had talked to him over the past week he had said something about the levels and how he hated it. Magnus must have done more research on the caste system in Edom. He was a smart man, it was only a matter of time before he learned the truth.
“It would be nice...but I don’t think it would happen. Some people would not be happy.” Mainly the Twos and some of the Threes, the upper class.
“It would be...I always dreamed of working for the people. Being a politician of some kind...” Andy shrugged. “I’m a Three now so I suppose I could teach.” That has been Alec’s plan too.
“To be honest, I never had a dream of what I would be. I knew I would work in the fields like my dad and granddad. Now I have a chance to think about it and I still don’t know.”
“We have all the time in the world, Alec. We can now have further education if we wish. We will find our place in this world. Me as a teacher and you as the future Prince Consort.” Alec flushed and tried to back track and talk his way out of here only for Andy to laugh at him and get up.
“Thank you, Alec. Just for being here and listening to me. There are not many people I can vent to.”
“My pleasure, Andy.” Alec got up with the help of the other man. “Now let’s find something to do before we both die of boredom.” Both men laughed and headed off to the sitting room to see if there was a card game already going on.
It was the day before the national broadcast when Magnus finally called upon Alec. They would have a picnic the next afternoon. The rest of the day Alec spent his time with Will trying to pick out the perfect outfit that was not too casual but not something he would regret getting stains on.
“Personally, Mr. Alec, I believe the cream shirt and the tan trousers are the way to go.” It had taken Alec nearly a week to get Jem and Will to call him Alec, although they both still preferred to use “Mr.” along with his given name.
“What about grass stains?” Alec worried about making even one little stain on his new clothes. They were so nice and expensive. It felt wrong to treat them with such disrespect.
“I am sure the Prince will have a blanket for the two of you. You should not worry, besides Jem knows how to get stains out of clothes.” The dark haired servant looked over to his friend.
“I do, but I prefer not to scrub too hard. Though, I agree with Will. The cream shirt and tan trousers are the best.”
That was how Alec found himself the next afternoon. Will had rolled the sleeves up on the shirt and left the first two buttons open. Alec was thankful his chest hair was thin and sparse or it might show with how low the shirt was. Well it was low for Alec.
“Alexander.” Alec turned to see Magnus walking toward him. The man was breathtaking in his simple outfit. He had on light grey trousers, khaki shoes and a muted dark teal shirt. It was all tailored specifically to him, as if painted on his body.
“Your Highness.” Alec bowed slightly.
“Come, I want to show you something.” Magnus held his arm out for Alec. The dark haired man flushed, but took the arm. They walked out into the warm sunny day. “I want to show you the maze. My great grandmother had it installed to honor the gardens of her youth.”
“Maze? As in...we could get lost?” Magnus chuckled.
“I could get to the center and out of the maze blindfolded. I have been playing in this garden since I was a child. Do not worry, you will soon know your way around the garden.” Magnus took them into the maze. After a few twists and turns a bit of backtracking they found themselves in the middle of the maze. There was a water fountain with a marble mermaid atop a marble shell.
“Beautiful.” In front of the fountain was a checkered blanket and a picnic basket. “Magnus...this is too much.” Magnus shook his head.
“This is what you deserve. All this and more.” They sat down on the blanket and took off their shoes. In the basket were several little treats. Mini sandwiches, bite sized tarts, a variety of fruits and cheese, along with two bottles of something dark.
“Magnus, what is this?” Alec asked as he picked one up.
“Soda. It is a fizzy drink from the old Kingdom. My great uncle found a recipe and tinkered with it until he got it to his liking. It's rare because it takes so much effort.” A fizzy drink? What was a fizzy drink? Magnus took the bottle from Alec’s hand and a small metal object and popped off the mental top. It made a sound and bubbles rose to the surface. Giving it back to Alec he warned that the bubbles might feel like they burned the first time he tried it.
They did. The first sip felt hot but it was not painful, just strange.
“Thank you for sharing this with me.” Magnus smiled and picked up a fruit.
“You are welcome.” They continued to eat for a little bit longer before Magnus spoke again.
“I want to share a lot more with you, Alexander. Like my future.” Alec flushed and looked away.
“I am not right for...”
“Me? The Kingdom? No, you are perfect. You care about the people that no one else does. You have been through so much and yet you are not bitter. You do not hate me for what my family has done.”
“Magnus, your family has not done anything.”
“Maybe not this generation but back in time they made your family Sevens based on how much money you had. That was not right, Alec. This system is not right.” Magnus sat back. “I knew it was not right but I also didn’t know how to change it so I tried to block it out and worry about what I could control. Then you come here and open my eyes to people like you, my people. The people that I swore to look after, yet they toil to death with no one to turn to. A family should not have to choose between food and healing their child. It is unacceptable.” Magnus was not wrong. Life as a Seven was hard. Alec knew this. It took such a toll on his father that they might only have a few years left with the man before he joined his own father in the ground. Izzy deserved more, Max and his mother deserved more. They all deserved the right not to worry.
“I am a Seven. You should marry a Two or a Three.”
“The spoiled children of the elite? Then I would only perpetuate the cycle further. I do not want my child to think it is their right to lord their position over the people. The Bane family is here to serve the people, not the other way around.”
“I don’t know how to be royal.”
“Then I will help you. I will be by your side, along with Will and Jem.” Alec looked at him. He knew his servants by name? “They used to be my servants. When they were dolling out servants for the Chosen, I had Will and Jem assigned to you.” Moving closer he took Alec’s hand. “The Choosing is not as random as most think. Only about a third are random. Most are hand picked by their profiles. I was allowed to look at the profiles and choose two. Looking through the profiles I saw your bright smile. You looked so happy. You were my only choice. I wanted to get to know you from the moment I saw you. I had Will and Jem placed as your attendants because I trust them with my life.” Magnus ended his little speech with a kiss.
The press of lips against his made Alec relax into Magnus. It just seemed so impossible that someone like Prince Magnus wanted him just from a single picture. His class had meant nothing. A warm hand cupped the back of his head as Magnus opened his mouth. Alec was not sure what to do so he just followed Magnus’ lead. His first kiss was in the most special of places.
“Prince Magnus! Your Majesty!” The call from the guards caused the two to pull apart. They could not see anyone but that didn’t stop Alec from turning his usual shade of red.
“I never can have a moment's rest.” Magnus said with a sigh. His hand had slid from Alec’s head down to hand. “Yes!?” Magnus yelled back.
“Your father needs you.”
“Can it wait?”
“I am sorry, but it can not.” Magnus sighed again. “I finally get you all to myself and it is cut short.”
“It’s alright.” Alec brushed off.
“No, it is not.”
“Your Majesty?”
“I am coming!” This was the first time Alec had heard the Prince snap at anyone. “Apologies.” Magnus looked sheepish as he stood up. Putting his hand out he helped the other up. Pulling Alec close to him, Magnus kissed Alec once more. “Until tonight, Alexander.” With that Magnus navigated them back out of the maze.
They split at the grand staircase as Magnus traveled down a side hall that led to the King’s office. Alec stayed at the bottom of the stairs for a moment just looking off into the distance. For a moment he could see himself at Magnus’ side. He could see the man that Magnus would become. A smile crossed his face as he started up the stairs. He needed to talk to Will about his outfit for the broadcast that night. He wanted to stand out and shine, for once in his life he wanted to be the center of attention.
Unfortunately Alec had not been looking where he was going, and his mind was still focused on Magnus. His foot landed on the third from the top step when he felt a hand at his shoulder. Starting to look up, Alec noticed he was falling backwards. His arms circled in the air as he tried to right himself but it was too late. He felt his head hit one of the stairs before flipping backwards. When he finally stopped at the bottom of the stairs he looked up only to see something pink move too fast for his disoriented eyes to catch. Pain and sickness washed over him. Rolling to the side he threw up what little he had eaten before passing out.
Magnus walked as quickly he could without running. The day had been perfect with Alec. His sweet innocent boy had tasted as sweet as the tarts they had eaten. Magnus had wished they could have kissed for longer. Maybe he could have kissed other places to see what reaction they gave. Unfortunately his father had called for him.
There were problems brewing in one of the southern lands. Ever since her husband had died Lady Lilith had taken more control of Talto. The province might have been small but it was an important one. Not only did it have the biggest depostest of adamas, the metal needed for the Edom Military weapons, it was also the border between Edom and their enemy. If Diyu was able to capture Talto it would be disastrous, but Lilith didn’t seem to care much. The woman was leaving the mines barely guarded.
After the talk with his father they would send down a couple mystics to make sure the mines were protected by magic and if need be, remove Lilith from power. Once back in his room Magnus’ attendants started to dress him. They were not as good as Will and Jem, but he trusted them. The suit they had picked out for tonight was deep royal blue in color. The stark white shirt made his skin pop. He thought about Alec and smiled. After the broadcast he would get Alec alone to propose again.
Reaching into his side table he found the Bane family signet ring. Once this was placed on Alec’s finger he would be known as his intended fiance. By the end of the night, if Alec said yes, Magnus would be sending everyone else home.
There was a tap at the door. A servant peered in and told him it was nearly time. Thanking the man, Magnus straightened his suit coat before leaving.
He should have known something was wrong when he entered with his mother and father and he could not spot Alec with the other Chosen. What had happened? The broadcast had already started and the young man was nowhere to be seen. Magnus tried to keep his panic down as Simon, the master of ceremonies, asked him a few questions.
“You cut down the Chosen to only a chosen few, pardon the pun.” Simon chuckled. “But just between us,” His voice went lower but he still held the microphone close. “Is there anyone that stands out?” Magnus smiled slightly.
“There is, but I do not want to talk too much about them at this moment. I am still trying to win them over.” Simon chuckled again.
“You are the Prince, you could win over anyone in this kingdom.”
“Maybe, but this person is special.” Simon tried to get more out of him, but Magnus gave nothing away. The broadcast soon ended. Once the cameras were turned off the Chosen started to gossip but Magnus couldn’t hear anything as he went to his father.
“Alexander Lightwood was not among the Chosen tonight. What happened?”
His mother looked grim as he took his hand. “The boy fell down the stairs this afternoon. Your father didn’t want you to know until after the broadcast.” Magnus shot his father a seething look. The Kingdom always came first, even at the price of love. Turning from his parents Magnus strode out of the room.
Alec had been taken to the infirmary. He had been found not long after his tumble. He had been out for hours when Magnus finally came to see him. Jem and Will were by his side. The two men looked pale. They cared too much sometimes. That was why he had sent them to be attendants of Alec’s. They would help him in this strange world.
Magnus found the medic on duty and asked about Alec’s condition. “He has a suspected concussion, but we will not be able to make sure until he wakes up. His left wrist is sprained, but thankfully not broken. He must have landed on it as it was under him when he was found. He also has three bruised ribs.” Alec was very lucky. But how did Alec fall down the stairs? Not that it was impossible, it just didn’t sound right.
“When will he wake up?” The medic shrugged.
“We were hoping he would wake up within a couple hours. If he does not wake up even a little within the next 24 hours he might never.” Magnus grabbed onto the doorframe to keep himself up. No. He would not lose Alec so easily. Alec was a fighter.
“Thank you.” He said before slowly walking to Alec’s bed. Jem vacated the seat next to the bed for Magnus. “Thank you for staying with him.” The men nodded. Will looked as if he had been crying not too long ago. His eyes were slightly red.
“I don’t think he fell on his own.” Jem said, his voice low. Magnus looked up at the man. Their mothers had come from the same province so they had similar looks. Jem had sharp, angled eyes. Magnus’ were not as angled because of his father’s rounder eyes. They had met when they were still children. Instantly, Magnus had been drawn to the boy that he had called brother at times. Magnus never had any siblings so Jem was the closest thing he had to one. Unfortunately as they grew up Jem was put to work in the castle just like his parents before him. Yet Magnus never treated him any differently. Jem was still his little brother.
“I was thinking the same.” Magnus voiced. “He was happy when I left him.” Leaning over he took Alec’s hand in his. It was still warm even though it was limp.
“Alec is not well liked by all the Chosen. Some believe he should have never been chosen in the first place.”
“Then there was that altercation with Ms. Belcourt.” Will piped in. “I found him in his room crying once. He didn’t tell me why, but I am sure the woman was the cause.” Magnus nodded. It was all hearsay. They would have to wait until Alec woke up to know for sure. “Tell the medic I will be staying with him tonight.”
“But your majesty...Magnus,” Jem whispered his name. It had been beaten into him at a young age he could not call the man by his name. He was just a servant and Magnus was royalty. The Prince still hated that he could not do anything to have stopped that. “You have so much to do tomorrow.”
“They can all wait. I am not leaving him until he awakes. Let my father be furious, I don’t care.”
<i>Elsewhere in the castle two other lovers were about to take a forbidden step.</i>
Andy was placing down his journal when he heard a small knock on his door before it opened. The night had been a whirlwind. Alec had never shown up to the broadcast and the young man had seen the Prince’s eyes looking for someone that was not there. It was painfully obvious to Andy that the Prince and Alec were meant to be, if only Alec would just let himself accept it.
It was so late at night that Andy’s attendants had already gone to bed. It had taken a lot to get the men to leave him at night. He didn’t need someone at his every beck and call through the night. He could get a drink or use the bathroom without needing help. It was ridiculous, but he also had another reason for shooing the men away.
In the mirror of his vanity he could clearly see Lorenzo as he closed and locked the door behind him. The blonde’s breath sped up. Lorenzo always had this effect on him, even when they first met. “Lord Rey, what do I owe the pleasure of your company so late at night?” A smile spread out across Lorenzo’s face.
“Must I spell it out for you?” He snapped his fingers and the lights lowered. It hid the blush that crawled over the blonde’s fair skin. The man walked slowly up behind him. Andy turned his head slightly for the mystic to grace his neck with a gentle kiss. A shiver went down his spine.
If they were caught they would both be sentenced to life as eights for treason. For Lorenzo it might even be worse. He might lose his life, but neither of them cared at this moment. In all the craze of Prince Magnus trying to find his mate, two unlikely men had happened upon their own love story.
Gentle hands ran up Andy’s sides and under his sleep shirt after Andy stood up.
“Lorenzo.” He breathed out. They had touched before, it had been brief but the feeling had lingered for hours after the man had left Andy’s room.
“I love when you say my name like that. Like a prayer from the mouth of an angel.” Gentle lips touched his neck again.
“Someone had been spending too much time with his tomes.” The blonde finally turned around in the man’s grasp to plant a deep kiss on the lush lips of the mystic. All he wanted to do was be with Lorenzo, only Lorenzo.
“I speak only the truth.” The older man said with another snap of his fingers. This left them both naked, bodies intertwined. Andy moaned and tried to kiss him again but the other man twisted them around and pushed him back on the bed. “Are you sure, Andrew? After...there is no going back.” Andy nodded. He knew what he meant and he didn’t care.
“I know Magnus loves Alec but Alec does not know if he wants to be Prince Consort. I will not be Chosen. When I go back home after this I want to at least have the memory of this night.” There would be no way that Lorenzo could ask for Andy’s hand. Mystics were not supposed to marry outside of their station, it kept the pool of magic from growing into the general population. Only mystics and the royal family could have magical powers. Even if they never planned to have children it was still forbidden.
“Then you shall have anything you want.” Leaning down they pressed their bodies together again, kissing and touching.
“Please don’t tease.” Andy whispered against his lips. He was already too wound up. He needed Lorenzo to do something. Suddenly slick fingers were gently pressing against his hole. How the man did magic was one of the things Andy liked about him. Magic amazed him, but Lorenzo enraptured him.
He whimpered against the other’s lips as fingers pushed into him. “Lor...enzo...” He whispered.
“Slowly, my love. I will not hurt you in my haste.” Leaning up Lorenzo got on his knees between the other’s legs as his slick fingers kept thrusting gently into him. “In all my years...I have never seen something more beautiful.” Andy slapped his arm with a giggle before it changed into a moan as the mystic pressed something inside him.
“If you don’t...get inside me now...I might come...” With a chuckle Lorenzo leaned down and nibbled at his ear.
“Go ahead, my angel. It will not be the last orgasm you experience tonight.” The press of his finger against the spot was too much for Andy. Lorenzo covered his mouth with his to smother the cries as he felt over the edge. Lorenzo was correct. It was not the last time he came that night.
It was the middle of the night when Alec finally woke up. His head ached and his vision was blurred. At first he just laid there and didn’t move. He could not remember what had happened. The bed did not feel familiar. It was soft but nothing like his bed at the palace. Then again it was not the cold hard mattress of his home. Finally as he woke up more he noticed there was something warm near his arm. Slowly turning his head he saw a dark figure slumped over in a chair near his bed. Blinking, he recognized that it was Magnus. The Prince was slumped in a chair, his hand next to Alec’s. His mind was slowly trying to process what was going on. Why was Magnus here when he had a nice bed in his own chambers?
Moving slightly was enough to wake the Prince up. His eyes looked around before they landed on Alec.
“Thank god. You finally woke up.” Reaching forward Magnus cupped Alec’ cheek. “I was so worried.”
“W-why are you here?” Alec’s voice was deep and thick as he tried to speak. How long had he been out?
“Where else would I be?” Magnus asked, confused.
“Your bed.” That made the Prince chuckle.
“A bed would be better, but while you are here, this is where I will be.” Magnus took Alec’s hand and pulled it up to lay a kiss on the knuckles. “I love you, Alexander. I think I have since that night in the garden.”
Alec flushed and looked away. “Why would you want to marry a Seven?”
“Because I would be marrying the one I love. I don’t care about your number or station in this world. I only care about you, about Alec Lightwood.” Alec turned his head back and smiled.
“I think...I think I love you too.”
After Alec had woken up and they had time to talk, Magnus fetched the medic. The medic looked over Alec and confirmed that he had probably had a concussion but he seemed to be doing well. His side and wrist still hurt so the medic suggested Alec stayed for one or two more nights. Medicine and bindings would help. Begrudgingly Alec agreed.
Even though Magnus wanted to stay with him he was called away shortly before breakfast. The Prince still had to make an appearance. He promised to return later and left his love with a kiss. This left Alec alone with his own mind. What had happened the night before? He remembered the wonderful picnic and the kiss they had shared, but the rest was foggy. The only thing he did know was he didn’t fall on his own volition.
Thankfully it was not much longer before Helen came to visit him and brought a treat from breakfast. He was not terribly hungry, but he thanked her nonetheless.
“The Prince told us you fell yesterday and are recuperating, but I don’t think you fell. I think you were pushed.” She said after asking how he was.
“I don’t remember. The medic tells me my memory of that event might never come back.” Alec rubbed his temple. It had been hurting ever since he started trying to remember.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to press you.” She said concerned.
“Don’t worry. My temple has been hurting since I woke up. Must be the leftover concussion.” He placed a hand over the other’s. “Please don’t worry about me. You need to focus on you. Didn’t you have a date with the Prince today?” Helen just looked at him in amazement. The boy was absolutely blind.
“The Prince will not be choosing me, I know this. He is just waiting on you.” Alec flushed a bright red.
“Mag- the Prince deserves...more.” He had to catch himself from not calling Magnus by his name.
“He deserves to be happy and so do you.” She said, squeezing his hand.
“What about you? You deserve happiness.” Sighing, she nodded. “Do you have someone at home?” Most chosen that might have had a romantic partner back home had broken it off with the chance to be crowned king.
“No. There is no one at home that holds my heart.”
~*<i>Earlier that morning</i>*~
Helen sat in her seat at the vanity that seemed to be in every Chosen’s room. Her maid, Aline stood behind her braiding her hair. Breakfast was soon and Helen needed to hurry, but she didn’t want to. It was only in moments like this that she truly felt happy. Helen had grown up in a very forward thinking family, but even they would not approved of their daughter favoring the fairer sex. Thankfully Helen found herself attracted to both genders.
However everything had changed when she came to the palace. She had been given three maids, like the other female Chosen, while the male Chosen were only given two attendants. Among her maids was Aline. She was a pretty and spunky girl of only seventeen. That made her two years younger than Helen and closer to her brother Mark’s age.
“Your hair is so pretty and light.” Aline had commented the first time she brushed Helen’s hair.
“It becomes very frizzy if I don’t put product in it.”
“Better than my thick, dense hair.” Aline had beautiful hair. It was long and jet black, but like all the maids she kept it tied up in a bun under a small hat.
“Is there something wrong, Helen?” The darker haired woman’s voice broke through Helen’s thoughts.
“No...why do you ask?”
“You look a bit sad.” Her time in the Chosen was coming to a close. She knew that. It was only a matter of time before Alec said yes to Magnus. Then Helen would have to leave. She did hope Alec was alright. He had not shown up to the broadcast the night before and that worried her.
“I do not wish to leave you.” Helen said, looking at Aline’s dark eyes in the mirror. They had become friends so fast that when they started to fall for each other they didn’t even notice until that one kiss. The kiss they had shared two days ago. The kiss that changed everything. It might have been easier to leave a friend but to leave a love? But even if magic could help men conceive it would not help two women.
“You will not leave for long. Mr. Lightwood cares for you. I am sure he would have you visit often.” It was a weak excuse but Aline was used to disappointments in her life. Her father had left her and her mother when Aline was just a child to run off with some other woman. Her mother tried to support them as well as she could but in the end it was too much for her. Even as sickness took hold of her, Jia Penhallow was still able to find work for her daughter in the palace before her passing. It was a prestigious job indeed, one that any Six would kill to have. Now Aline had found someone that she cared for as much as she had her beloved mother.
“I wish I was not a part of the Chosen.” Helen said, grief in her voice. Then she would not have to make such a choice to leave. Moving around the chair, Aline knelt beside Helen.
“If you had not I would never have met you. That would have been the greatest tragedy.” She took the other’s hands in hers. “My mother once said that people come into our lives for a reason. We might not know why or for how long, but we are better for having them with us.”
“Aline, you are too wonderful for the life you have.” The dark haired woman shrugged.
“I am content where I am and I intend to enjoy what time we have left together.” Leaning up, Aline pressed a quick kiss to Helen’s lips. “Now let me finish with your hair. You can not go to breakfast with a braid half done.” They both chuckled before hugging each other.
“You mean the world to me, Aline.”
Alec was finally allowed to go back to his room two days after his accident. His ribs were doing fine and his wrist barely ached, as long as he didn't move it too fast. All in all he was feeling much better. It didn’t hurt that Magnus had visited him quite a few times. Alec knew he should not be feeling this way, Magnus needed someone that was Prince Consort material, but he could not deny that he had been imagining their life together.
Once back in his room, Jem and Will were very attentive. They had Alec stay in bed and not move, even though it was his wrist that got sprained, not his legs. Still Alec did as was asked of him. He let the two cater to him. It was nice to have been missed. Most people of higher class levels would not have cared if the ‘help’ missed them. But Alec was different. Will and Jem were different. Alec could see why Magnus trusted them so.
Towards the evening there was a knock on the door. It was just after dinner and Alec had eaten in his room. Tomorrow he would go back out and meet the rest of the Chosen again. He was scared of what might happen but he was going to hold his head up high. Whoever had caused this was not going to get the satisfaction of keeping him down. Will opened the door to find Magnus there, a small white box in hand.
"Will, it is good to see you again. You too, Jem." Magnus smiled as he walked in.
"It is nice to see you again, Sire. Under better circumstances this time." Magnus nodded to that. Smiling, he turned to Alec who was laying in his bed with a couple books around him.
"How are you, Alexander? I see Will and Jem have made you stay in bed so they could make sure you didn't get hurt again."
"I let them." Alec said, but they all knew the truth.
"I wonder if I might have a little bit of your time. Would you mind, Will? Jem?" Neither man said anything to the contrary. The attendants knew what might happen but they also knew that in the end Alec would become the Prince Consort. They were made for each other.
Quickly the attendants bid them both good night before leaving.
“What is in that box?” Alec asked, finding himself eager to see.
“Chocolate truffles. A little bird told me you fancied my favorite sweet treat.” Magnus came over to the bed and sat down before handing over the box. There were four dark brown powder covered balls of chocolate.
“I was not used to eating something so sweet. This was the right amount of sweet for me.” Magnus brushed his hand through Alec’s hair.
“Was sugar something else you never had?”
“Not never, but usually baked into something or used in jam.” Alec took one of the small balls and bit into it. The powdered chocolate landed on his bedding and he got scared. “I didn’t mean to.” Uncultured.
“Do not worry, my dear.” Magnus plucked one up and popped it whole into his mouth. “It can be cleaned.” Alec ate the rest of the truffle. Suddenly Magnus’ face changed. He looked...serious? Maybe even a bit...determined? Leaning in Magnus wiped a bit of chocolate from the side of Alec’s mouth. Then his lips descended upon Alec’s.
It was similar but also different from the kiss before. It made his body tingle in all the right ways. Magnus had been his first kiss and he couldn’t imagine anyone else. He tried to chase the man’s lips when the Prince pulled back.
“I do not wish to injure you farther.” He whispered. Alec licked his lips, still tasting the chocolate that could have come from either of their lips.
“I like kissing you.” Alec admitted.
“Oh my dear, sweet Alexander. There is more I want to do to you than just kiss.” Alec found himself blushing down onto his neck. “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to blurt that out.” Magnus started to pull back from the other, but Alec grabbed his arm.
“I know we shouldn’t...but...I may never get this chance again.” Then the Prince laughed so hard that it made Alec jump.
“My dear, my love. I do not plan on spending the rest of my life with anyone but you.”
“Magnus-” The Prince placed his finger to Alec’s lips.
“I will be there every step of the way. Jem and Will can also be of help. Alexander, please, make me the happiest man that ever lived and marry me?” The darker haired man was silent for a long while. Could it just be that easy? Magnus deserved more, but even as he thought that he could not stand another person having Magnus. “I will wait for as long as I need to.”
“Jem was telling me earlier that you cut the Chosen down again. There are now just five.”
“Yes. It is unfair to them to get their hopes up. Not when my heart is not mine to give anymore. I know you are fond of Helen and Andy so I kept them around.” Alec smiled. At least he would be able to say goodbye to them.
“Who else?”
“Meliorn Knight and Camille Belcourt. They are the favorites of my father.” <i>Something pink moved too fast for his disoriented eyes to catch</i> Alec rubbed at his temple.
“Alexander, are you alright?”
“I am a horrible choice, but...” He stopped Magnus with his hand. “To be away from you might be a fate worse than death. You must promise me that you will always be with me. I need your strength and guidance.”
“Yes, always. I will be there for you, always.”
“And one more thing. If you choose...later on to take another to your heart-”
“There will never be another, Alexander. You will be the only one I need.” They both smiled before Magnus leaned back in for a kiss. “You didn’t answer me, darling.” Magnus whispered against his lips.
Alec laughed and then nodded. “Yes, Magnus. I will marry you.” Magnus smiled as he pressed a kiss to Alec’s lips.
It was supposed to be slow but neither of them could hold back their pasion. Not now, not after they had declared their love for each other. Magnus helped Alec back on the bed and pulled his covers back before climbing on top of him. Alec flushed and tried to look away, but Magnus cupped Alec’s face.
“I do not wish to go all the way. I do want to save that for your wedding night. However, there is something I have been dying to see.” One hand left Alec’s cheek and traveled down his neck and chest, catching on a nipple that made Alec gasp.
“What?” He finally asked as Magnus’ hand moved closer to the hem of his nightshirt.
“The look of pure pleasure.” Magnus' hand slipped between cloth and skin before wrapping around Alec’s nearly half hard cock. He gasped and arched only to wince. His ribs still hurt.
“I am sorry, my love.” Leaning down he kissed Alec as his hand started to move. This way he could keep Alec from arching up again. Alec was lost in the current of pleasure. He had never really touched himself before. He never had time living with his family. He had attempted once or twice when he bathed, but he felt too guilty to continue. What a fool he was.
“Magnus...” He breathed when Magnus pulled back to give them air. Reaching down he pushed Alec’s pants down slightly, enough to uncover his cock. Alec made the mistake of looking down and only groaned. The head was starting to leak and Magnus’ hand looked so good around him.
“That is the picture that has been playing in my dirty mind since I first met you.” Magnus kissed his cheek. “Even better than I thought.”
“Magnus...” Magnus pressed a thumb to the slit of the head. Alec’s eyes rolled back in his head, briefly.
“Let go, my love.” Magnus kissed along his neck as his hand started to move faster. Any chance Alec had at lasting a while longer flew out the window. The intense pleasure was too much.
"Magnus!" This time the Prince’s name was said like benediction instead of a plea. His vision whited out for a moment as his pleasure cascaded over his whole body. He felt it everywhere, even in his toes.
When Alec came back to himself a moment later he noticed Magnus was rubbing his lower half against Alec’s leg, his head in the crook of his neck, until he suddenly stopped and let out a quiet, strangled noise. At that moment he knew that Magnus had just reached his peak.
Hot, quick breath was the only sound he heard and felt against his neck for a moment. Then Magnus turned his head and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, my love. For sharing in the first of many firsts with me." Alec smiled.
"I can't wait for more."
Magnus stayed for a little while, cleaning them up before Alec finally fell asleep. He kissed Alec and got up out of bed. As much as he wanted to sleep beside the dark haired man, he had something else he needed to do. With a quick trip back to his room to change, Magnus was headed down stairs.
Magnus knocked on the door to his father’s study. While he had asked Alec to marry him, now three times, he still had not told his father. Asmodeus didn’t have the last say in his choice, but that didn’t mean that he would not try to influence it. The man loved his son but he also saw what the politicians wanted.
“Come in.” Magnus opened the door and walked in. It was late at night but his father, the King, was sitting at his desk reading over some royal doctrine. Magnus never understood how his father didn’t get a headache from all the reading. After two hours Magnus needed a break while his father could continue for an hour or so more.
“Father, I have made my choice.” Asmodeus looked up from his papers before sitting them down.
“Have you? That is very quick. You just culled them yesterday.” Magnus came over and sat in the chair directly in front of his father.
“I choose Alexander Lightwood.” He noticed the twitch of his father’s brown. The King did not approve.
“Why him? If you wish to marry a man then why not Mr. Meliorn Knight? His father was once a great general. There is also Ms. Camile Bellcourt.” She had been Asmodeus’ top pick because of her father. A top politician would influence a lot of people. As much as the Morgenstern betrayal still hurt, Asmodeus was practical. They needed more support.
“Why did you pick a mere painter?” Magnus countered. “One with a history of fertility problems?” Magnus’ own mother had been a wonderful painter, which she still did, but being one of only two Fives in the choosing meant she was the odd man out. Yet she survived until the last five girls. With her Choosing she became the next Queen of Edom, but her family history was not what the crown needed.
Asmodeus had been the only son of four children. Each one of his sisters had been married off to secure alliances, however, being the only son Asmodeus was expected to marry well and have an heir and maybe even a spare. Yet he married Annisa Sari who was an only child herself. Her mother had given birth to two stillborns before Annisa and then passed with the birth of her fourth and the child followed not long after.
Asomdeus sat back in his chair and gave a small chuckle. “Because I loved her. I didn’t care about her background, all I wanted was for her to be beside me for all our lives.”
“I only want what you wanted, father. I want the love of my life to be beside me.”
“Has he said yes?”
“Yes. He fears the life of a Prince Consort, but he does want to be with me. I just need to give him the ring”
“Then I give my permission. I always assumed you were more your mother’s child. You show her gentle and thoughtful nature, yet you take decisions head long. You weigh the options and take the one that speaks to you. You will be a great king someday, my son.”
“Thank you father, but there is one last thing I would like to speak with you about.”
A special TV broadcast was arranged for the next night. Magnus did not want to wait until the following Friday to put a ring on Alec’s finger. He wanted it now. However, he had to find the person that caused Alec’s fall first.
Who would want to kill a Chosen and in such a public area like the grand staircase. Someone should have seen it. The obvious answer was another Chosen. Now the question was, did they cause it themselves or pay someone? Magnus didn’t even pretend to know all the servants in the palace but he felt like he knew a good lot of them. Rumors flew around quickly among the servants so Magnus enlisted the help of Jem and Will.
It would take some time so Magnus went to see Alec and spend a little time with him.
“Your highness.” Magnus had not even noticed that he was not alone in the hall anymore. Ms. Camille Belcourt had just come out of a side room. She curtsied for him, a little deeper than need be but he was pretty sure the woman was trying to show off the plunge of her neck line. Camille was a beautiful woman, but she was not what Magnus wanted in a spouse.
She cared only for material things. On one of the few dates they had she had spent the entire time talking about the parties that she had at her home. How lavish they were and offering to show him around her city. While Magnus had grown up to be Prince his family was not as posh as it looked. Personal family meals were not taken in full dressed attire, that was only for show.
His father liked her because of her father. Reginald Belcourt was a well known politician in Little Paris, one of the largest cities on the east side of Edom.
“Hello, Ms. Belcourt.”
“Oh, you can call me, Camille.” She said walking closer to him. “We have not had a date in a while. I hope that is not an indication that you are bored with me.” The woman pouted, but it was just too much.
Will had said that Alec had an argument with Camille. Could she be the type of person to try and kill the competition? Maybe. He was about to find out. Putting out his arm for her the woman took it as they started to walk.
“I have called a special broadcast for this evening.” Magnus started as Camille looked startled.
“Why? I will not have enough time to get ready.” She actually looked worried.
“I intend to announce my engagement to one of the Chosen.” This caused Camille to nearly misstep. He wondered what was going through her mind right at that moment. She probably thought it was her.
“Then I need to pick out a dress.” She started to pull away but Magnus stopped her.
“Well if I will be on TV tonight I need to look my best.”
“Only my fiance will be on the stage with me.” She smiled, a sickening sweet smile reserved for a simple child that did not understand.
“Oh course, Prince Magnus, but my dress-”
“I will not be asking for your hand.” She stopped dead in her tracks.
“WHAT?!” The beautiful woman beside him let out a screech like he had never heard before. “Who would be a better queen than I?! We are made for each other!” Magnus finally pulled his arm away.
“No. No we are not.” Then out of nowhere the woman slapped him across the face, her long nails leaving redden marks on his cheek. Reaching up Magnus touched his cheek, but thankfully there was no blood.
“Ms. Belcourt, you hit the Prince. That was not a very bright idea.” His voice was calm and measured.
“I am supposed to be the Queen!” Then she must have thought better of herself. “I do not know what came over me. Apologies, your highness.” But the apology fell on deaf ears. “I just don’t want all my training to go to waste.”
“Training that did nothing but make you an evil jealous creature that would dare to try and kill another Chosen and then strike the Prince of Edom. Guards!” Magnus yelled.
“Did that little stoot brush tell you I pushed him down the stairs? He wouldn’t know class if it came up and slapped him across his dirty face.” Magnus was seeing red. He knew the little terms that higher levels called the lower ones. His mother had talked about them. Fives were painted prints or song stealers, depending on the type of artist they were. Sixes were rags and Sevens were stoot brushes. Thankfully the guards appeared at that moment.
“Take Ms. Belcourt to her room so she can pack.”
“No! Magnus, please. We belong together!”
“My dear, unlike the man I want to marry, you belong in the cold palace you came from. Away with her.” The guards dragged Camille kicking and screaming from the hall. He was positive that she was the one that tried to kill Alec. Even if he couldn't prove it he at least got her out of the palace.
Alec stood behind the curtains. His stomach was in knots from the nerves. Any moment the curtains would be pulled back and he would be presented as the fiance to the future king. It was almost too much. His hands traveled down his blue suit as if trying to straighten any imaginary wrinkles. Something caught the light and he looked down at the ring on his finger. Not an hour ago Magnus had gotten down on one knee and asked Alec to be his Prince Consort.
<i>Magnus looked a bit flustered when he came to Alec’s room. Will and Jem were finishing up on his suit for that night’s special broadcast. Alec turned to look at Magnus and noticed two red marks on his right cheek.
“Magnus, what happened?”
“Just getting rid of a nuisance.” Magnus waved off and then walked over to Alec. He placed a kiss on the man’s lips as the attendants quietly made their way out of the room to give them time. “I love you, Alexander Lightwood.” The Prince said as he pulled back from the kiss. Alec was so dizzy from the kiss that he barely followed. Then Magnus knelt on one knee.
“Oh my god.” Alec found himself breathing as the Prince pulled out a small box with the Bane family seal.
“At the end of each Choosing, the Prince in question would give the family signet ring to his chosen spouse in front of everyone.” Magnus started. “But you are a private person who does not want others to look upon him. So here, in your rooms I want to ask you, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, to be my Prince. Be the one that makes me strive to be a better person. Help me teach our future children that levels do not matter, what matters is what is found inside a person. Be the one I grow old with, be my everything.” Alec was crying by this time. He couldn’t even say yes through the tears but he did nod. That was all Magnus needed. He pushed the ring onto Alec’s finger before standing up and pulling him into another slow, passion filled kiss.<i/>
“Welcome honored guests to a special broadcast!” Simon Lewis’s voice broke through his thoughts and brought him back to the present. Just remembering how thoughtful Magnus was to make that moment just about them gave him enough strength to stand still. “Now, a little birdie told me, Prince Magnus, that you have a surprise for us.”
“Yes.” Magnus said, his voice calm and smooth. Alec smiled. “I do have a wonderful surprise. People of Edom, my people, I have come to the decision as to whom I will be marrying. It had been a fast and whirlwind romance, one for the books I am sure. The moment I met this person I fell for them. They were so raw and open with me and I couldn’t see a day without them in my life, but they needed some convincing.”
“You did say that before. Who is this wonderful person that has captured the heart of our marvelous Prince?” Simon asked. He was sure everyone was wanting to know, but as usual Magnus was building up the suspense.
“This person never expected to be picked for the Chosen in the first place. They never thought they could have what they wanted because of their level.” A hush went over the few people in the audience for the broadcast. They were mostly journalists that wanted the first taste of a story. “That is also something that I wish to talk to my people about. These levels, the ones that have kept all of you in place, will soon be ending.” Suddenly the journalists gasped and tried to ask questions before they were hushed. “That plan is in motion, but I am sure you are all wanting to know who I choose.”
The curtain opened and Alec stepped out. He didn’t look like a level Seven boy from a small town. There was no dirt under his nails or bruises from hard work. No, he looked like a Prince Consort and for the first time he felt like something special. Magnus stood from his seat and walked over to Alec as flashes of lights went off. Taking Alec’s hand he pressed a kiss to his hand.
“This is my chosen. Alexander Lightwood. Formerly a Seven and one of the best men I have had the pleasure to meet.” With that, the Prince of Edom leaned in to kiss his Prince.
And they lived happily ever after.
The End.
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aj-illustrated · 4 years ago
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*pulls up a 97-slide PowerPoint* I’m so glad you asked
Ben is an OC co-owned by me and @finnoky! The short of it is that he’s an orphan who Varian helps save from a life of crime, and who later gets adopted by Quirin!
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More about him under the cut:
Age: About 12
Birthday: He has no idea, but thinks it might have been sometime in the autumn.
Likes: Quirin, Varian, farmwork, tending to the sheep, his dog (Achilles), the Challenge of the Brave (spectating and later competing), adventure stories, head pats, strawberries, friendly roughhousing, drawing
Dislikes: Cramped spaces (he’s claustrophobic), people hugging him, carrots, books with complicated words, cold weather, any kind of tight or scratchy clothing
Fun Facts:
Ben meets Varian about nine months after the end of the series.
He’s good friends with Kiera and Catalina! They’re the only kids his age who can beat him in a fair fight.
He eventually grows to be taller than Varian, and absolutely uses that fact to tease him.
He’s an excellent pickpocket, though he hasn’t stolen much of anything since Quirin took him in.
He’s got a knack for drawing— he’s not too good with words, so he finds it easier to express himself with pictures. He’s also a leftie!
He’s been almost adopted several times, but Quirin is the only foster parent who kept him around for longer than a month.
Backstory: Ben is an orphan who’s been given a raw deal in life, and as a result is kinda pissed off at everyone and everything all the time. The orphanage he grew up in was lacking to say the least, and he spent much of his early childhood being routinely abused and neglected, often lashing out in aggression at those he deemed to be a threat (which was most people). He eventually starts getting into trouble with the law and is tossed in prison for multiple counts of petty theft and assault, and it’s around that time that he meets Varian, who is helping to reform Corona’s prison system and is disgusted to see that they’re still punishing children as if they were adults.
He gets Ben out of prison, but the orphanage refuses to let him come back, so Varian convinces Quirin to take him in. Quirin agrees for a few factors: 1. Ben reminds him of Varian when he was going through a rough time, and how Quirin wasn’t able to help him then, 2. He’s not getting any younger and could use some help around the farm (plus Varian has been worried about him getting lonely, now that Varian has basically moved into the castle), and 3. The kid deserves a shot at having a healthy, stable home life.
Ben only agrees to go live with Quirin because trying to survive on the streets is no picnic, and also because he’d really rather not stay in prison for any longer than he has to. He figures that it won’t last, anyway— Quirin will lose patience with him and kick him to the curb, just like every other foster parent/guardian he’s been handed off to. He gets very confused (and a little annoyed) when Quirin turns out to be incredibly patient and willing to give him as many chances as he needs. In response, Ben acts out and does everything he can think of to convince Quirin that he’s rotten to the core, but nothing works.
Ben doesn’t want to get his hopes up or let himself get attached. He manages to annoy everyone else: the other villagers, Varian, even Eugene (who visits sometimes), but never Quirin. The most he ever gets out of him is an irritated sigh.
Throughout all of this, Ben is also finding out that he kinda likes helping out on the farm, and he’s pretty good at it, too. He’s very strong for his age, and a fast learner.... except for one thing: he can’t read. The orphanage had tried to teach him, but it never really clicked and they had long since given up on him, so he just never learned, instead relying on pictures and context clues to figure out the meaning of written words. As he continues to grow more attached to Quirin, he starts wanting to be better, to deserve the love and acceptance Quirin is offering him, so his self-consciousness about reading (among other things he doesn’t like about himself) really starts to bug him.
While he's sociable and generally gets along with other children, he does have the flaw of a short temper. So when he's targeted and called out for his apparent lack of academic intelligence, things get ugly, fast, and he gets in a fight. When Quirin asks later what it was about, Ben is reluctant to tell him, and is even less enthused when Quirin later suggests enrolling him in school.
He eventually admits to Quirin that he’s illiterate, expecting to get belittled or even compared to Varian (who is an actual genius and is kind of intimidating to Ben). But Quirin.... he doesn’t care that Ben can’t read, and even offers to help teach him or find him a tutor if he wants to learn. It’s after letting himself be vulnerable and accepting Quirin’s help that Ben starts to wonder if maybe... maybe he has a shot at being part of a real family.
He starts to let himself feel at home in Old Corona, thinking (or rather hoping) he’s found somewhere he belongs... as much as he hates to admit it, he really likes it here. So he tries to keep on the straight and narrow so he can stay longer, even making an effort to be nicer to Varian (who is more than happy to help him with his reading and is the one to introduce him to the Flynn Rider series). For the first time, Ben’s future is looking bright.
Until he loses his temper again.
On a visit to the capital, he passes by his old orphanage and gets in an argument with one of the kids he used to know (and wasn’t on particularly good terms with). The argument quickly gets personal, and then physical, and Ben takes it way too far— by the time the guards arrive on the scene to break it up, the kid Ben was fighting is a bloody, mangled mess, about a minute away from passing out. The guards don’t care what awful things that kid said to Ben; all they care about is that this boy with a history of violence and petty crime just savagely attacked another child, and Ben is swiftly arrested and taken to the dungeons.
At this point, Ben has cooled down enough to realize just how serious his situation really is. Even if they let him out of prison to go back to Quirin, he’s sure this is the last straw and that Quirin won’t want anything to do with him— he’s violent and dangerous, and no matter what he does he can’t seem to stay out of trouble, even when he really does try his best to be good. He hates himself for blowing his one chance at finding a home and family, and consoles himself by thinking that it was only a matter of time and at least the wait is over (boy’s got some raging self-loathing issues if you haven’t noticed).
Varian gets word that Ben’s been arrested and heads down to the dungeons to hear his side of the story, but Ben is too ashamed to even look him in the eye. Ben was told by the guards that, although he won’t be left to rot in the dungeons or thrown onto a prison barge (as per the new regulations regarding juvenile justice), he’ll be sent away to a correctional facility for delinquents— aka, reform school. Ben has no idea what to expect, but based on what the guards have been saying about it (very loudly, just outside his cell), it sounds no better than regular prison.
Varian is having absolutely none of this and contacts Quirin to tell him what’s going on— Quirin is up at the castle within the hour to try and bail Ben out, or at least renegotiate his sentence. However, since Quirin is not yet technically related to Ben— for the past year or so, he’s legally been closer to a parole officer than anything else— the law states that he can’t actually do much to interfere with Ben’s bail or sentence, especially since the boy is a repeat offender and is now classified as a menace to society.
Instead of giving up on the situation, Quirin decides to become Ben’s legal guardian right then and there, whipping out the adoption papers he’s been keeping in his vest for weeks— he’s been wanting to ask Ben if he’d like to be adopted for a while now, but he could never find the right moment. Now seems to be as good a time as any.
It takes a day or two to sort things out (Nigel and Fred both aren’t too keen on releasing a violent criminal for any reason, even if that criminal is like twelve), but Varian is able to pull some strings with Raps and Eugene to give Quirin full guardianship over Ben. Meanwhile, Ben is expecting he'll be shipped off any day now— when he sees Varian come back down to the prison with a guard, he expects it's to say goodbye... not to remove his shackles and lead him back upstairs to the throne room, where Quirin and Rapunzel are waiting beside a stack of paperwork. They only need one more signature to make the adoption official: Ben’s.
Luckily, Varian and Quirin have been helping him practice writing his name, and once he signs, Quirin tosses Raps the bail money (which she had whittled down to like two coins) and they head back home— Ben’s permanent home.
Ben’s story is a result of many many rambles between me and Feen on Discord, and I don’t think we’re gonna be stopping anytime soon— Ben is such a fun OC to flesh out XD
Feen and I are actually running a Q&A for Ben over on Feen’s Instagram story, y’all should go check it out!
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Nine for a Kiss
Kayo barely knows what’s running through her mind as she jumps directly out of Shadow’s cockpit and sprints towards One’s dock. She can’t think straight, all she can think of is making sure that Scott is okay.
Virgil would have cleared him to fly, so he must be alright. But she heard that tertiary explosion; a clear, ringing BOOM down the comms. Colonel Casey and Captain Rigby had heard it too, Kayo didn’t remember getting back to shadow, she didn’t even remember how she got home.
Her heart is thumping in her chest by the time she reaches the side of the sleek silver rocket.
Scott slumps onto the platform as he peels himself out of the pilot chair. It’s been a very, very long thirty-six hours. He’s tired. So tired.
He doesn’t have the energy to speak but just enough to look up before she’s crashing down in front of him. He smiles as her hands come up to cup his face.
Her lips are on his before he can think of anything except how much he needs a shower. His hand rests on whatever part of her he can reach, his brain is a little too sleep foggy to notice, as all of his thoughts turn to her and just her alone. Her kiss is fierce, it’s burning with need after the day they have had, in that moment nothing else matters to her except him and nothing matters to him, except her.
 It hardly comes as a surprise when it happens. Although he doesn’t quite know when they crossed this line John’s hardly likely to object. He’s glad they’re up in space because if he had her pressed up against a wall of glass anywhere else, he’s sure four brothers would have something to say about it.
Her lips quirk up into a smirk.
“You’re thinking far too hard right now.”
“Just considering my options.”
“Oh yeah? And how are they looking?”
“Not too bad from my vantage point if I’m honest.” He’s not that much taller than her really, but he likes to remind her that he is. “What about down there?”
He brushes a hand along her jaw and around to the back of her neck. She smirks again and lets herself be drawn in.
“I like this option.” She whispers with mere millimetres between them.
“I thought you might.”
 It was a reflex. An old reflex. One left over from his final year at college when he’d dated his project partner (something else he shouldn’t have done, but hey you live and learn) a kiss born out of excitement and closeness.
“Oh my god. Brains. I am so sorry! I didn’t… I… Shit, I’m sorry!”
They had worked together on so many things, and it had never happened before. This crush was getting out of control.
“I-its fine.”
“No, it wasn’t. I’m really sorry.”
“It’s alright Virgil. E-enjoyable, actually.”
“I overstepped and I - - What?”
Brains shrugged slightly, and turned away with a smirk.
Virgil’s brain took a minute to catch up.
“Wait. No. You can’t just walk away… Brains!”
 She’d planned it meticulously the moment she’d heard Gordon’s voice over the comms.
Complete the rescue, save the people, get back on FAB 2, and bring Gordon with her.
Perfect plan.
Executed to perfection.
Gordon is sitting next to her, they’re on FAB 2 and they’re blissfully alone. They’re talking, getting closer, Penelope thinks he’s even getting the hint.
“You’ve been missed Gordon Tracy.”
“Missed. By anyone in particular?”
“Um…” She hesitated. Why did she hesitate? It only leaves room for interruption.
And interruption they get.
“What are we chatting about on this beautiful evening?”
Just like that, the moment is gone. She smiles a little sadly but manages to cover it up with politeness.
“Well, we can’t say no to pie, can we? Let’s go find some plates.”
She doesn’t just hear Gordon’s sigh behind her. She feels it. Feels it in her bones. In every fibre of her very being, right deep down to the core of her person. So she stops, let’s the others go on ahead.
“Aren’t you going too?” She heard him mutter to the pup on his lap.
She turns.
She goes back, and before Gordon knows what’s going on her hand is on his knee and she’s pressed her lips to his. It’s nothing special, it’s brief, but sweet, and when she pulls away his eyes are wide.
He’s smiling, and she wants nothing more than to do it again.
“My way of saying: Thanks for saving us today.”
It was a party, there was alcohol, he was legal age in New Zealand, and he was on downtime, his brothers couldn’t exactly protest.
Or at least what they didn’t know, couldn’t hurt him.
And Brandon sure knew how to throw a party.
Alan was staying with Brandon but when he got there the party had already been starting up and Alan realised that he knew no one else, not even by reputation. Brandon had introduced him to a few people and then flitted off to play host.
Alan didn’t see him again until he went to the kitchen for another drink.
“Hey dude!” Brandon’s arm was around his shoulders before Alan was out of the fridge. “You really seem to be getting on with Kiera!”
“Wha - - Who?”
“Kiera. The girl you’ve been talking to all night, the one hanging off your every word?”
“Oh, right.” Alan shrugged, opening his beer. “Is that what her name is?” He hadn’t meant to sound rude, but the party was loud, and he was sure she only recognised him from the TV.
“C’mon dude, she’s totally into you!”
“I figured. No thanks, I’m good. I didn’t come here to hook up with a random girl.”
“No random girls, okay, okay…” Brandon nodded thoughtfully. “I’ve noticed Matt with his eye on you,”
“Which is he again?”
“Tall, long hair, sorta beard.”
“Still no thanks, no random guys either, I’m good.” Alan waved him off.
“Alright,” Alan watched Brandon take a long drink of his beer, draining the bottle. “Then what about me?”
“What about you?”
“I’m not a random guy, or girl for that matter. What about me?”
Alan raised an amused eyebrow, just how much had Brandon had to drink?
“You’re staying here anyway so it’s not like we’d have to chase out a rando in the morning.”
Alan wrinkled his nose, feeling a little annoyed. “Is this the reason you invited me?”
“A little, I need encouragement,” He waved the bottle in his hand to illustrate his point. “For courage to say stuff sometimes.”
“O-kay, I think that’s enough of that.” Alan took the new bottle from Brandon before he could open it.
“Just one.” Brandon held up a finger.
“One kiss,” He clarified, stepping up to the astronaut. “And if you don’t like it, I’ll never say anything about it again.”
Alan nodded. “And if I do?”
“We can revisit again when I’m sober.”
“Alright.” Alan closed the gap between them. “Deal.”
He pressed his lips firmly to the vloggers and felt an instant response. Fingers sliding into his hair, scratching ever so slightly on his scalp, a tongue running against his lips that is granted immediate access.
Oh yeah, this is worth a revisit in the morning.
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years ago
I've got a video game suggestion-you've mentioned that your favorite quest in Witcher 3 is Reason of State, and I would like to hear your analysis of that quest.
This is truly a god-tier quest, a very good example of well-done quest design, that culminates a world’s worth of quest-building and features some exceptional character work. Since we’re going to be up to our necks in spoilers, there’s a cut here.
Reason of State might be the grand climax and resolution of the quest arc, but context in this is critical and that goes. The northern wars between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms is all over the games. Nilfgaard’s plan to assassinate Northern kings using Letho of Gulet is the entire plot of Witcher 2, and the war between Radovid and Emhyr forms the backdrop for Witcher 3. The Northern Kingdoms are almost all broken by the time of the Witcher 3. Temeria is occupied, Foltest was murdered in the Witcher 2. Natalis missing from the Witcher 3, and Vernon Roche forced to fight a guerilla war in caves. Velen is a broken land thanks to this war and under the absentee rule of the Bloody Baron. Aedirn is a non-entity, Stennis is absent no matter what happened in Witcher 2. Kaedwyn is gone, Henselt either being killed by Roche or Radovid and forcibly integrated into Redania. Only Redania remains, forcibly integrating Kaedwyn, but it is run by Radovid V. By the third game, Radovid is a cruel, psychotic king, but has a solid understanding of tactics enough to fight the Nilfgaardians to a stalemate (and he will win, without player intervention). Nilfgaard is responsible for a lot of Northern disorder, their campaign to use Letho to kill Northern kings successfully rid themselves of Demavend III and Foltest, the first of whom was able to successfully predict Emhyr’s movements while the latter is the leader of the most powerful kingdom and successfully defeats Nilfgaard’s invasion. But it’s not all Nilfgaard, Philipa Eilhart murdered King Vizimir II, Radovid’s father and one of the chief architects of the First Northern War victory, largely out of a bid for personal power. This paragraph shows that things are bad all around. Emhyr is a blatant expansionist responsible for a great deal of suffering, and the only man capable of resisting him is an open sadist relentlessly persecuting mages, which might be the only hope for the North to remain independent (it won’t be, but you have no way of knowing that at present)
When the player begins to be introduced to the characters, they’re framed as desperate men on the fringe. Roche is waging a crusade with his Blue Stripes, but the Nilfgaardian advance has been stymied largely by Redania and the two sides attempting to compete for the fleets and treasures of Novigrad. He’s forced to working with Radovid, who he openly doesn’t like, out of a practical need to do something. Ves is even throwing herself into suicide missions against Mulbrydale, out of a desire to do something worthwhile, a far cry from the man who was such a major mover of the plot in Witcher 2. King Radovid does not present well, acting psychotic in his introductory scene with the chessmen, and acting poorly toward Geralt, the player character and thus the vector for exploring the game world even if he is an established character (it’s worth noting that one of the best ways to get a player to dislike a character is to have them be rude to the PC, no matter how justified it may be in-universe). His mage hunts are also not likely to endear themselves to the player; the two primary love interests to Geralt and friends to Ciri are mages, and the witch hunters attempt to bilk Geralt of his reward by demanding the megascope crystal in Redania’s Most Wanted. Djikstra is helpful enough to Geralt during his hunt for Dandelion, but the two end on a bad note which isn’t entirely Djikstra’s fault since Geralt did lie to him; he’s notably nicer if you secure him his vault key, but that requires botching a quest and ends up causing Triss to commit torture to progress the storyline. The player character inclined to be friendly to Roche, if only because he tends to be straight and polite with you. Sure enough, Roche and Ves help out during the climatic fight in Kaer Morhen. Radovid isn’t even an option (and will kill Kiera Metz, further engendering hatred from the player since she’s another character Geralt can shack up with and Kiera’s absence means fellow Wolf School witcher Lambert dies). Djikstra doesn’t help you at all if you don’t get his key back, and if you do he gives you gold, which isn’t likely to be very significant since you’re likely swimming in coin by that point in the game. 
One of the things I like in this questline is that this is a big and monumental quest, but you will lose it if you don’t take the time to get in good with the plotters, you’ll simply miss this quest. If you don’t get in good with the plotters, they won’t trust you. And if you beat down Djikstra instead of giving him information, he despises you and won’t bring you in on the plot, Geralt’s effectiveness as a Witcher and as a protagonist be damned. That’s something that more games need to be doing, rewarding players for investing themselves in the game with content. A lot of Triple-A games these days are so scared of players missing or cutting themselves out of content that they refuse to do this, which makes a lot of RPG’s feel far more shallow. I’m sympathetic to a point to game developers, content is expensive. Graphics and voice acting are expensive and losing content means spending money on content that’s not going to hit 100% of the audience. Thing is though, the same argument can be made for sidequests, or even for alternative conversation paths, so I don’t consider it a good enough excuse on its own. Avoiding this is as brainless as it is lazy.
When the game circles back after the Isle of the Mists, things are clearly reaching a breaking point. Djikstra has recruited like-minded conspirators to his cause to kill Radovid, each of whom have their own reasons. Djikstra, who worked with Radovid’s father, finds him a poor king unlikely to continue Vizimir’s great reign. Gregor the Redanian guard sees the devastation wrought by Radovid’s lynchings and persecutions and despises it, his loyalty to his country is too high to desert but he feels he needs to do something. Thaler and Roche are devoted to the idea of a free Temeria that they’re willing to back Djikstra’s play to bring an end to the Third Northern War. The player is likely to support the conspirators, Radovid’s support of the witch hunters has led to the deaths of non-humans since you need to complete Now or Never and save the mages; pogroms aren’t a great way to endear a player character to Radovid, especially since Zoltan the dwarf has been nothing but a straight-up pal to Geralt. This is a good tactic in RPG quest design, by making the least appealing result the default, it encourages the player to do the quests. As any GM can tell you, you have to make your players want to do the quests, otherwise they’ll do something else. Games are not able to just make up a new quest off the cuff like an improvisational tabletop GM can (this was one of my strengths as a GM, if you trust my players’ judgment), so they must heavily rely on getting the player to do quests. Some are mechanical, do this quest for XP and loot that makes you better at the game. The Witcher excelled though, at getting people invested in characters.
The conspirators’ play won’t work though, not without help from Phillipa; the hated mage is the bait that they need for the trap to work (and coincidentally, it won’t work without Geralt as well both because Phillipa won’t give her ring to any of the other plotters and by virtue of Geralt as the protagonist in the RPG). The trap is laid for Radovid, and if the player goes through with it, Radovid is executed by Phillipa, who flies off into the night having murdered yet another Redanian king.
Then, after the conspirators escape, the stage is set for Geralt to make a moral choice when Djikstra betrays the conspiracy. It’s a wonderfully set and acted scene, from Djikstra quoting a Macbeth stand-in to the patriots’ giddy excitement at the future. Then, the shoe drops and the conspiracy falls apart. Djikstra plans to become the next Vizimir, taking Radovid’s consolidated northern kingdom of Redania and Kaedwyn and fighting Emhyr to a standstill. Temeria would be subsumed into that, ceasing to exist. Naturally, this enrages the Temerian patriots, who refuse to go along with that scheme. It leaves Geralt with a choice, leave and allow Djikstra to murder Roche, Ves, and Thaler, or stay and defend them, resulting in a fight that will end in Djisktra’s death. This is often the case in partisan movements throughout history, where a power struggle over the shape of the victory to come causes disunity and strife, ending with one faction murdering the other ones, so points for historical and thematic elements being on point for the gritty fantasy. Similarly, by making the choice being the resolution of a conspiracy, it threads the needle between the protagonist doing everything and solely resolving the ending for one faction, which often feels shallow, and giving the player no agency which robs investment in the ending. By allowing the conspirators their machinations and taking advantage of others already in place, it allows the player to feel a meaningful impact that has wide implications. Fallout’s ending slides could be hit or miss, though the small scale of post-apocalyptica does make it more relevant. It hits a nice sweet spot, where it’s probably a bit too much to be realistic in a straight history but works just nicely for the scope of fantasy fiction. By forcing the player to do the quests for these people, not only does it meet the threshold of believability by explaining why they would bring Geralt on the quest save that he’s the protagonist, but it invests the player in the characters. Of course, this can only be done because the game did such wonders with its character work. Even if you don’t play Witcher 2, you see Roche love his country, you see Ves try to defend Mulbrydale, and they both can contribute meaningfully in the Battle at Kaer Morhen. Djikstra does influence the main plot and he can be funny with his sarcastic quips delivered by excellent voice acting. Thaler is less of a presence, but he’s also side-splittingly hilarious when he taught the trolls to swear, the player likes these characters and so likes the quest they’re in, and picking between them does actually cut deep in a way that Telltale Games “pick which character you want” drama can only hope to achieve in its wildest dreams. It’s political game storytelling at it’s best, using character work which is easier for players to identify with as I mentioned in my geopolitics essay.
Backing Djikstra is tough in the short run, because you lose three characters that you probably like. Roche and Ves, after all, did join you in Kaer Morhen and it seems cold for them to help and then betray them, unless of course, you didn’t ask for their help. Djikstra rules and reforms the North on a program of modernization, often contrary to the wishes of his subjects. Plenty might think that to be a path of success for the North, since Djikstra will build a military that will defend them and ensure a general level of prosperity. You just have to turn a blind eye to the Temerian patriots being slaughtered by Djikstra.
The alternative, backing Roche and Thaler isn’t a pure win either. Temeria becomes a province of Nilfgaard, but Emhyr gets Aedirn and Lyria. Emhyr finally wins his war and isn’t likely to stop his expansionist ways unless Ciri becomes Empress. Even then, he’s a senior statesman and can exert influence if he wants, Ciri even says so. We can get Roche’s perspective, and we like Roche. After all, he (probably) helps us out in the grand fight at Kaer Morhen, but he’s not an unbiased observer. He’s a Temerian partisan happy to sell out the other Northern Realms for a dubious pretense at some internal autonomy for Temeria alone. In plenty of ways, the Roche path is a collaborationist success story, selling out the North for Temeria alone.
The choice is yours to take and to make what you will. Plenty of folks might hope for a change in direction if they put Ciri on the Nilfgaardian Throne, but they might instead desire for her to adventure on her own as a de facto Witcher. In that case, Emhyr fails, is killed, and who knows what happens next? Could more provinces break away, might there be further wars in Nilfgaard, or power struggles, or something else. It could go a lot of different ways and it’s up to the player to decide. In a way, that’s amazing in its own right, because it’s actually what the real world is like. The absence of a golden ending is standard fare for grimdark, but that so much is left open shows a level of restraint and trust in the player that I admire in a developer. 
Thanks for the question, Anon. Hope you liked it.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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