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ruinzofgemz · 7 months ago
Decided to make my first post here to be my one piece ocs because one piece is the reason I made a account for this cursed place.
Here's art of:
Ashiyō- Dog Mink
Jamari- Swellshark fishman
Kalyani- Human - Shinkū Shinkū no mi (vacuum)
Tallow- Dwarf- Hensu Hensu no mi (variable)
Current characters with roles are basically all but Ashiyō because idk yet. Jamari is a former soldier of the ryugu kingdom and now is a citizen. Kalyani is a marine captain. Lastly, Tallow is a revolutionary army soldier.
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leanstooneside · 1 month ago
Producing work with shoddy craftsmanship
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 years ago
I'm imagining episodes for if Tangled had continued but they started doing basic sitcom plots for episodes instead. [If this gets enough notes I might just write a bunch of fanfics based on these *hint hint*] Consider:
Season premiere begins with a Eugene narration explaining that this is after happily ever after, Raps and Eugene have been married just a couple months, and everything would be going back to normal, except that their friends are anything but normal. It cuts to Rapunzel's paintings of Pascal and Max trying to retrieve the rings like in the tangled short, Lance, Kiera, and Catalina trying to decorate the wedding cake, and Varian and Ruddiger having firework antics. Then it cuts to Raps' room, which has much of Eugene's stuff in it now, and he's saying how much better this is than his old room and whatnot. Faith is introduced as Rapunzel's handmaiden for real this time, even though we don't see her for the next few episodes and she only shows up when it's relevant to the plot. This epsiode will be a full half hour, meaning they only air it when that's convenient, but it will feature Rapunzel and Eugene trying to figure out how to balance their differing ideals, work responsibilities, and love for each other. However, Raps and Eugene will actually be a B plot- the main focus in this episode will be on Lance learning how to parent and Varian working on some important project.
A "class president" type episode where Rapunzel, Eugene, and the King and Queen go away for a few days but don't actually leave anyone in charge, so Varian and Lance run for "Ruler for the weekend" or something meanwhile something chaotic is going on with Euegne trying to impress Frederick and whatnot. The episode ends with Kiera and Catalina counting the ballots and either there's some big lesson about friendship and they either lead together OR the royal fam gets back before they can lead OR Shorty somehow got elected and there's some callback to the Piggy Bank from Pascal's episode.
An episode where there's this little girl (whose working name is Hensu) that Rapunzel meets who wears goggles and pigtails and has a red stripe in her hair and a dress that looks similar to Varian's apron and she's his biggest fan and Raps introduces her to him and he's like "uh okay but Rapunzel I'm not good with kids!" but Rapunzel's already gone by then. Gradually through the episode, Varian realizes she's an evil mastermind but no one believes him because she's so adorable! Ya know, until she tries to use Varian's inventions to take over Corona. Then they get it. Hensu also has an animal sidekick who Ruddiger falls for in a comical animal way, and it's unknown if the other animal had similar feelings or was just going along for deception's sake.
A basic shop class episode- Varian's failing at only one of the classes that he has, and he has to learn to accept failure. I hate these epsiodes, but I guess Disney loves them (see for example: Smart Guy, Suite Life, and Even Stevens.) Nonetheless, this episode won't even rank above Freebirds in my book unless VERY well done. I should also point out that this is the only episode where Varian is ever mentioned to be in school, and that Hensu is also a student in his class and is passing with flying colors. There is no mention of why she is no longer seen as a villain and is almost just a side character now.
An episode where Rapunzel and Catalina see Angry and Varian sneaking around and Rapunzel gets their entire friend group convinced that they like each other, which doesn't make Catalina as excited as she could be. In the end, we find out they were simply planning Catalina's birthday party. Catalina can't say why she would've been sad if Rapunzel was right about them, but then she smiles at Varian and he smiles at her as fanservice to the Catalarian shippers, and as a potential for a future plot they'll never use. Faith appears once or twice in this episode, and she and Catalina form a close bond.
An epsiode where Rapunzel sets up the ultimate team for a sport (herself, Eugene, Varian Lance, Kiera, and Catalina.) but then finds out the opposing team is Stalyan, Brock Thunderstrike, Hensu, and three random people specifically made up for this episode, or maybe a previous side character who just has two daughters that parallel Kiera and Catalina. It's an intense rivalry, but in the end, I guess it ends like every sports movie ever and they learn friendship is more important than winning any day. This one gets a fun musical number that's the two teams singing about how they'll absolutely crush each other. Also the animal companions get in on it. Pascal, Max, Ruddiger, and Hemuel are ready to win, until they find themselves up against Hulk Lightningclaw, Axel, whatever Hensu's animal sidekick is, and some bird of some kind specifically created for this episode. This will also involve everyone using their unique skills to their advantage- the four former theives use stealth as well as teamwork, Varian uses alchemy to his advantage, and Catalina even uses her wolf powers a little bit.
A sequel mystery episode to the one with Monty and Attlia, and Faith proves to actually be a good mystery solver.
Cassandra returns home for a Christmas episode, but her friendship with Rapunzel makes Faith feel a little left out. Then, they have a secret santa gift exchange following the following list (brought to you by Rapunzel's HAT invention from the lost treasure of Herz De Sonne):
Rapunzel gives a gift to Faith
Faith gives a gift to Cassandra
Cassandra gives a gift to Eugene
Eugene gives a gift Lance
Lance gives a gift to Rapunzel
Catalina gives a gift to Varian
Varian gives a gift to Angry
Angry gives a gift to Catalina
In that episode, Faith is at first a little annoyed with Cass' popularity among the group, and after she gets a present for Cass she either hides it away or destroys it, and doesn't show up for the gift exchange, and everyone goes looking for her. Cass finds her a heartfelt conversation that has a lot to do with feeling like waiting in the wings. Then Rapunzel and the rest of the gang find her, and Rapunzel gives Faith a really sweet gift that's a painting of them together or something, and then Faith does give her gift to Cassandra.
I've mentioned this before, but a father-child bakeoff, in which Lance and Catalina make some amazing thing because they've been cooking together since before she got adopted, Varian and his dad also make something pretty great (baking is just alchemy with extra steps anyways,) Rapunzel and her dad make something that involves fried eggs, ext. The main point of the episode is bonding between Eugene and his dad, because Eugene is bound and determined to win, but his dad is just so chaotic that there's a lot of fighting, but in the end they have a good time, I guess. Kiera and Arianna commentate the event together, since neither of them are allowed to judge due to partiality.
The obligitory seasonal "Animals get character development episode" is one in which they need to solve some kind of mystery together.
An episode where Eugene makes Lance and Varian his deputies and they have to learn to work together despite their differences.
Kiera is peer pressured into throwing a party in the tree house while Lance is away, despite much dismay from Catalina over it. At some point Catalina goes outside to just bs by herself and Varian happens to be stopping by to drop off a book he borrowed from them, and Catalina explains to him her left out feelings and whatnot and it essentially it strengthens her friendship with him and with her sister.
It's Corona Day, where they celebrate the founders of Corona, and as Xavier tells the legend of the founding of Corona, they picture themselves in the settlers' shoes- with flashback-esque scenes of old-timey them in an imaginary reenactment.
Everyone in the gang is cast in a play. While no official plot is discernable or ever stated, it seems to contain dialogue, props, scenery, and costuming from every Disney princess movie in existence except Tangled (though it contains lines from one or two other Disney movies, and their existence in the script makes the fans unofficially cast those movies as Official Disney Princess Lore.) Varian gets cast as the lead, and when Faith literally breaks a leg partway through, Catalina is pressured to take the stage as Varian's leading lady.
An episode where Quirin keeps asking Varian to help him with the harvest and chores and whatnot and Varian keeps brushing him off and doing other important things, until Varian realizes some angst about his mom and the amber and stuff and that his dad just wants to spend more time with him, and in the end they do spend more time together.
Two parter crossover episode with The Owl House. I've never seen Owl House so idk what would happen, but I know the fanbase has overlap, so the studio execs assume the fans would go nuts over it.
Rapunzel and Eugene get into their first real arguement as a married couple which annoys them both because they love each other but are mad at each other still. Their friends try their best to help them, but eventually they start taking sides themselves and everyone gets mad at each other. In the end though, everyone makes up and is happy friends again.
An episode where Varian gives Ruddiger the ability to sing just so they can sing duets together and for reasons I need Ruddiger to be voiced by Ben Fankhauser.
Catalina gets two tickets to a sold out concert or something that both Varian and Kiera want to go to and accidentally promises a ticket to both of them, and then in the end Catalina lets them both go without her and Rapunzel's like "sis, I'm the princess of Corona, I can score you an extra ticket," and then all three of them get to go.
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lostmaat · 4 years ago
The Negative Confession (also known as The Declaration of Innocence or the 42 principles of Maat)
1. Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin.
2. Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence.
3. Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have not stolen. 
4. Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women.
5. Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain.
6. Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from Heaven, I have not purloined offerings.
7. Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God.
8. Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not uttered lies.
9. Hail, Set-qesu, who comest forth from Hensu, I have not carried away food.
10. Hail, Utu-nesert, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have not uttered curses. 
11. Hail, Qerrti, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not committed adultery. 
12. Hail, Hraf-haf, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have made none to weep. 
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13. Hail, Basti, who comest forth from Bast, I have not eaten the heart. 
14. Hail, Ta-retiu, who comest forth from the night, I have not attacked any man.
15. Hail, Unem-snef, who comest forth from the execution chamber, I am not a man of deceit.
16. Hail, Unem-besek, who comest forth from Mabit, I have not stolen cultivated land.
17. Hail, Neb-Maat, who comest forth from Maati, I have not been an eavesdropper.
18. Hail, Tenemiu, who comest forth from Bast, I have not slandered anyone.
19. Hail, Sertiu, who comest forth from Anu, I have not been angry without just cause.
20. Hail, Tutu, who comest forth from Ati, I have not debauched the wife of any man. 
21. Hail, Uamenti, who comest forth from the Khebt chamber, I have not debauched the wives of other men. 
22. Hail, Maa-antuf, who comest forth from Per-Menu, I have not polluted myself.
23. Hail, Her-uru, who comest forth from Nehatu, I have terrorized none.
24. Hail, Khemiu, who comest forth from Kaui, I have not transgressed the law.
25. Hail, Shet-kheru, who comest forth from Urit, I have not been angry.
26. Hail, Nekhenu, who comest forth from Heqat, I have not shut my ears to the words of truth.
27. Hail, Kenemti, who comest forth from Kenmet, I have not blasphemed.
28. Hail, An-hetep-f, who comest forth from Sau, I am not a man of violence. 
29. Hail, Sera-kheru, who comest forth from Unaset, I have not been a stirrer up of strife.
30. Hail, Neb-heru, who comest forth from Netchfet, I have not acted with undue haste. 
31. Hail, Sekhriu, who comest forth from Uten, I have not pried into other's matters. 
32. Hail, Neb-abui, who comest forth from Sauti, I have not multiplied my words in speaking.
33. Hail, Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have wronged none, I have done no evil.
34. Hail, Tem-Sepu, who comest forth from Tetu, I have not worked witchcraft against the king.
35. Hail, Ari-em-ab-f, who comest forth from Tebu, I have never stopped the flow of water of a neighbor.
36. Hail, Ahi, who comest forth from Nu, I have never raised my voice. 
37. Hail, Uatch-rekhit, who comest forth from Sau, I have not cursed God.
38. Hail, Neheb-ka, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not acted with arrogance. 
39. Hail, Neheb-nefert, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not stolen the bread of the gods.
40. Hail, Tcheser-tep, who comest forth from the shrine, I have not carried away the khenfu cakes from the spirits of the dead.
41. Hail, An-af, who comest forth from Maati, I have not snatched away the bread of the child, nor treated with contempt the god of my city.
42. Hail, Hetch-abhu, who comest forth from Ta-she, I have not slain the cattle belonging to the god
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mirror---walking · 4 years ago
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Meet three of my House Telvanni members. Oathman Hensu Telvanni. Hlaalu by birth, he's laid back and charismatic with a darker, "bloodthirsty" side to him. Just don't snoop by his place at night and you should be fine. Likes flashy jewelry and soul trapping people to place in said flashy jewelry. Presumed dead after the Argonian Invasion. Wizard Sal-Wei. This lizard wizard is a walking paradox - forceful yet discreet, simple yet calculating, a shining example of her house yet an Argonian ex-slave. She experiments with a form of Flesh Magic she learned after inheriting an ancient Ayleid king's memories from her Hist initiation. Presumed dead after the Argonian Invasion, but given her race, she could have just as easily slipped away... Master Salas. He's a Chimer-era Mystic master who studied alongside Sotha Sil and Divayth Fyr as an honorary Psijic. Easily bored by the waking world and wanting a plane of his own creation, he forms a realm of False Quagmire by partially leeching off the energies from Seht's Clockwork City. Both Salas and the realm still exist even after the events of Tribunal.
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leanstooneside · 5 months ago
Book of Breathings
deeds of men
religion of Osiris
infliction of punishment
Judgment of Osiris
their sentence of doom
son of Geb
terror of thy
protection of Thoth
lord of heaven
art of writing
Gods of Heaven
strips of papyrus
feeling of dissatisfaction
mouths of children
city of Hensu
Judgment of Ra
fields [of others
substance of him
priesthood of Anu
sight of thy
guilt of Set
cravings of affection
mark of his
Bread of Everlastingness
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charlietokyojp · 7 years ago
if(●●==△△){$hensu = ■■;}
/* ちなみに算数も言語性知能側。計���して頭を使っているように感じるが、実際にはかけ算九九などを基本とした暗記ベースのもの。よって概念・定義側が変更されると(例えば1と書いて数量3とみなすなど)暗記し直す必要がある。 */
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pk-draw · 7 years ago
Aaaaah me acuerdo cuando tú y Hensu eran mis blogs favoritos por como dibujaban y porque era la época dorada de LatinHetalia
Hace millones de años que no voy a una AEX pero ahora que leo esto me duele en el alma no iiiir;;; desde hace un tiempo que ando ya con ganas de hacerle cos a los bbs de sp pero no lo he hecho porque me da lata andar sola por la vida(? PERO SABER QUE HAY MÁS PERSONAS POR AHÍ ME PONE INFINITAMENTE FELIZ
Mucha suerte con todo y pásala maravilloso ♡♡♡♡
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hateshares · 5 years ago
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April 25 @ 24 Hour Drone At Home, basilicahudson.org [Brigitte Bardon't drone set as part of Canada Resonance Agency]
(2pm EST)
w/ Cares, Cetacea, Colin Fisher, Eternal Real World, Fog Spirits, Hensu, Marty Adem, Leucrocuta, Ylang Ylang
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satunnaisharhailija · 8 years ago
20 questions
Rules; Answer 20 questions & tag 20 wonderful followers you’d like to know better.
Tagged by @xxyumeganxx & @kuukkeli25 <3
Name: Henna
Nicknames: Hensu / Hensku sometimes
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: Not sure, something like 159-160?
Orientation: Dunno
Etchnicity: Finnish
Favourite fruit: Not sure
Favourite season: Summeeeeer. And late spring
Favourite book: Harry Potters were my favourite for a long time but not sure anymore. Lotr is awesome
Favourite flower: Every flower is a pretty flower  (◡‿◡✿)
Favourite scent: The smell that comes from the plants during/ right after a summer rain
Favourite colour(s): Blue and green. And turquoise.
Favourite animal: Not sure, dogs, cats? & Dolphins
Coffee, tea or hot chocoa: hot chocoa
Average hours of sleep: 6-10 hours
Cat or dog person: My family has always had a dog but I myself would get a cat. Both
Favourite fictional character: There’s too many. Fenris, Dorian, Zevran, Garrus to name a few.
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1
Dream trip(s): I would like to go to Ireland
Blog created: 2012
Number of followers: 194, half of them probably bots
Pretty much anyone I would tag has been already tagged before so not tagging anyone rn, sorry
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ccmlbv · 8 years ago
The Fruit of the Spirit (APATANI: Bible NT)
The Fruit of the Spirit (APATANI: Bible NT)
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APATANI: Bible NT Galatians (Gelesia) 5:22-23 22 Hojalo Yajiyallo ka ahee hii hensu nii, hempyo, chimie, pigiinii, helakala, aya, lotii, 23 ahhakeyiñ, hendimiidi; siika atañmi chekhola hang dapo nyima.
View On WordPress
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spellwazifa-blog · 6 years ago
White Magic Spell To Make Someone Fall In Love
White Magic Spell To Make Someone Fall In Love
We need love as much as we need food and water to keep us alive. Food and water is needed for the growth of the body but love is need for the soul. Life without love is like food without any salt or ingredient – tasteless. If you are in love with someone but somehow not confident enough to express it to them or whether you are too shy or too scared of the result then you can use a shortcut. The white magic spells can be very beneficial for you in this case. Many people have used the power of white magic in creating a successful love life. The difference between white and black magic is that black magic use the harmful and negative energies for the benefit of someone. People use to do illegal or selfish acts in black magic like hypnotising, punishing, mind controlling, ruining someone’s career etc. In comparison to the black magic, the white magic is harmless form of magic. White Magic Spell To Make Someone Fall In Love
White Magic To Make Someone Love You
In this people use only the positive cosmic energy of the universe. And this magic does not leave any black mark on your soul or does not create any negative karmic account. Whereas the black magic will show you the desired results but it will leave deep black stains on your soul. Which will trouble you later. By using the white magic spell to make someone fall in love with you, there will be no mind control or hypnotising of the other person instead he/she will attract towards the natural positivity and virtues of your soul. The other benefit of this spell is that it will not harm you if you leave the ritual or spell in between.  If you want to make someone fall in love with you by using the power of white magic then you have to follow the certain steps.
Follow these ritual and white magic spell to make someone fall in love
Wake up at 4 am and go on the terrace of your house. Now put a blanket on the floor and sit. Put a photo of the person whom you want to attract. Now design a circle around the photo using the flowers of different varieties. The more varieties you have, the better it is.
Now recite the following white magic spell to make someone fall in love:
Destro vucive glasis staia vinfala destr venive glasic stave enfaala keeschede seede nio caanun keeschede senou ni exceede caanun in fenunas da bau nunic cas nunic senon canui nis dema phesto mikra nomo penju helu densa pena kou.
After you recite the spell take a deep breath and inhale as deeply as you could. When you inhale imagine that the all the positive and lovefull energies in the universe is coming inside your body and soul.
Exhale and again repeat the spell and inhaling 20 times.
Now recite the following white magic spell to make someone fall in love:
Phesmigo valchu tesa veu des mento felso mena kamso aliza tomas heja komas tora hinas finjio melo hensu felcia veng holas sento keesta pelko henta vu boi senta mekla hoima mola nepa nokas delda hoina baisoi noima mela tomas henta lemta.
After reading the spell exhale your breath as deep as you want and imagine that all the positive and loveful energy of your soul is going into the soul of your crush.
Inhale and again repeat the spell and exhaling 20 times.
These ritual and spells will exchange positive and lovefull emotions and energies between both the souls.
Now take those flowers and put them in a bowl of water for 2 hours. After that remove all the flowers and give that water to the plants.
If you do this exercise for 20 days then your crush you fall in love with you very shortly by the power of white magic spell.
INDIA- +91-9999879962 (Whats App)
U.S.A. – +1-8643025528 (Whats App)
WEBSITE:- https://spellwazifa.com/
OVERBLOG- http://spellwazifa.over-blog.com/
WORDPRESS- https://spellwazifa.wordpress.com/
WIXSITE- https://spellwazifa.wixsite.com/mysite/
BLOGSPOT- https://spellwazifa.blogspot.com/
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leanstooneside · 5 years ago
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cromospher · 7 years ago
Cromospedia I
Aqui estão as espécies primárias jogáveis. Escolha um das 8 espécies e em seguida uma das classes disponíveis; Há outras mas você precisa desbloquear jogando. Legenda:
✖ - Classes Desbloqueáveis
1. Humanos
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Boa parte da população do Nebo é composta por humanos, eles são vistos como ambiciosos e egoístas pelas demais espécies por terem uma tendencia a não respeitar a natureza e possuirem senso moral frágil. Vivem em sua própria comunidade, são modernizados e não cultivam relações saudáveis com as demais espécies.
Humanos são capazes de manipular alguns feitiços e magias, mas precisam de estudos rigorosos. Apenas uma pequena parcela de Cromospher é composta por humanos, sendo esses com consciência bem superior a maioria.
Classes Disponíveis
Espadachim Andarilho Arqueiro Aprendiz Feiticeiro ✖ Assassino ✖ Gladiador ✖ Feiticeiro ✖ Duelista ✖ Invocador
2. Sapienuns - Humanos Corrompidos
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Sapienuns eram fetos comuns que em algum momento durante seu desenvolvimento embrionário foram amaldiçoados com um hospedeiro profano, em torno de 2% dos humanos vivem com a maldição enraizada dentro de si, apesar disso a grande maioria dos Sapienuns não chegam a desenvolver as características de sua raça tendo vidas como qualquer outro humano sem nem ao menos desconfiar de tal anomalia.
Podem desenvolver a aparência angelical, demoníaca ou híbrida, mas apenas se vim a ser necessário em algum momento de suas vidas, outro fato curioso é que suas anomalias de desenvolvem de acordo com o temperamento do usuário. Melancolia e Altruísmo estão relacionados aos aspectos angelicais. Ataques de cólera intensos e Descrença na humanidade se relacionam fortemente com o lado Demônio. Não se sabe muito sobre os Híbridos.
Classes Disponíveis
Alquimista Meio-Anjo Meio-Demônio ✖ Profano ✖ Inquisidor
3. Aparium - Humanos Elementais
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Não é novidade que os humanos do Nebo tem capacidade de aprender e dominar várias áreas da magia. Tradicionalmente há vilarejos que se especializaram em algum elemento ou tipo de magia que seria útil para eles, fazendo essa noção de que o domínio de todos fosse perdido, e cada um focando no elemento que mais o convém, após gerações usando somente um dos elementos seus corpos foram se adaptando apenas para aquele tipo de magia específica, fazendo a dobra dos demais ser bloqueada ou quase impossível. Apariuns são seres humanos modificados especializados em algum dos elementos naturais ou algum tipo de magia e em alguns casos raros até mais de um, representam 10% dos humanos que habitam o Nebo dispersos em vilarejos. Os demais humanos se adaptaram a uma vida moderna e o uso de magia foi marginalizado nessas comunidades. Aparência: A maioria tem a aparência de um humano comum, outros chegam a desenvolver algumas características do seu elemento, seja ela alguma modificação corporal hereditária ou por uso intensificado.
Classes Básicas podem dominar: Gelo, Pedra, Fogo e Ar; Classes Avançadas também tem acesso a: Água, Magma, Tempestade e Penumbra
Classes Disponíveis
▸Elementalista Elementalistas são magos que podem dominar todos os elementos básicos;
▸Lutador Elemental São incrivelmente fortes no combate corpo a corpo e fazem os elementos se fundirem aos seus corpos para combinações incríveis;
▸Monge Elemental Lutadores especializados que tiverem os elementos aderidos aos seus corpos fazendo-os perder seus traços humanos;
✖ Ranger ( Nível Mínimo: 10 ) Ranger são elementalistas de elite, que ao ultrapassarem seu potencial são convocados para serem defensores de seus locais de origem e também para missões especiais;
✖ Avatar ( Nível Mínimo: 10 ) Guerreiros altamente experientes que são capazes de dominar e combinar todos os elementos com maestria;
4. Alfar - Além da Raça Humana
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Os alfar são seres que buscam sempre o conhecimento em primeiro lugar. Sua aparência não é muito diferente de um humano comum, só que em sua maioria tem estatura alta e orelhas afiladas. Seu envelhecimento é quase impercebível, concedendo a eles o título de imortais. Utilizando seu vasto tempo para lapidar incessantemente seus corpos e almas. A religião rege as distintas sociedades que se ramificaram devido ao passar dos anos. São elas, respectivamente: 
Morkalfar: praticantes de magia, costumam dar imenso valor a relíquias e estudam com afinco o passado e o futuro. Habitam esparsamente o continente, se instalando em pequenas cidades ou criando singelas comunidades. Cultuam a deusa Mork, regente da Escuridão e da Magia.  Classes disponíveis
Bruxo Invocador Morfomago ✖ Tecnomago ✖ Hemomago ✖ Necromago
Lysalfar: São capazes de reestabelecer o fluxo da natural com notas músicais, os sons que produzem são como códigos, capazes manipulam a natureza ao seu favor. Conhecidos por habitarem as florestas místicas e cultivarem amizade com os Gingeardiuns, sendo assim a sub-raça mais amigável dos Alfar. São os responsáveis por grande parte da disseminação cultural e cultuam a deusa Lys, regente da Luz e da Criatividade.
Classes disponíveis
Explorador Druida Bardo ✖ Animago ✖ Artesão
Krigalfar: São bravos guerreiros, suas estratégias em batalha e a criação de armas e artefatos são invejados por todo o Nebo, conhecidos como verdadeiros senhores da guerra. Tendem a construir cidadelas como fortalezas impenetráveis e tem uma disciplina rigorosa que atinge até os estrangeiros que pisam em suas terras. Cultuam Krig, o deus do Fogo e da Guerra.
Classes Disponíveis
Espadachim Caçador Ladino ✖ Assassino ✖ Carrasco ✖ General
5. Gingeardiuns -  Criações da Natureza
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Pequenas e fantásticas criaturas humanoides nascidas de flores, extremamente sociais, perspicazes e acolhedoras que constroem civilizações sobre no topo de árvores de florestas místicas.
Além de possuírem a benção da Deusa da Criação podem conjurar feitiços manipulando as forças da natureza para seu uso.
Costumam usar roupas simples como apenas uma grande vestimenta e acessórios de fontes naturais. Possuem características marcantes como orelhas pontudas, olhos grandes e corpos de silhueta delicada, por isso costumam ser lembradas como as criaturas mais belas de todo o Nebo. 
Também é observável Gingeardiuns que nascem com características de plantas e podem manipular a natureza ao seu favor
Classes Disponíveis
Explorador Druida Feiticeiro Bardo/Musa Protetor ✖ Mestrebruxo ✖ Guardião ✖ Superstar
6. Drageardiuns - Habitantes das Alturas
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Criaturas que dominaram seu próprio arquipélago e vivem isoladas de todo o resto do Nebo. Possuem aparência de humanoides e são extremamente poderosos e letais. Devido ao seu isolamento não interagir com as demais espécies.E além da distância geográfica que impede praticamente qualquer tipo de contato, também não compartilham o mesmo idioma dos demais. Sua comunidade é dispersa e no geral são solitários e vivem de vidas simples e instintivas, e sempre caçam sozinhos. Caudas, asas e chifres diversificados fazem parte das características comuns dos Drageardiuns. Também são capazes de ver nitidamente no escuro devido o ambiente onde vivem e só atacam quando precisam se alimentar ou se sentem ameaçados.
Classes Disponíveis
Meio-Dragão ✖ Draconiano ✖ Dracomago ✖ Dracoranger ✖ Drake
7. Sinx - Guerreiros Lendários e Brutais
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Lutadores brutais e experientes que seguem seu código moral e desde pequenos são treinados para viver da caça e da natureza, ao qual possuem forte ligação e respeito. Se organizam em largas tribos em regiões preferencialmente áridas.
São versáteis e fazem o uso de várias armas e ferramentas diferentes, desde machados robustos a adagas para esviscerar seus alvos.
Estrutura corporal rígida e tons de pele desde verde até tons laranja pálidos, orelhas pontudas e grandes presas, seus corpos são tatuados com símbolos locais e suas vestes refletem seu estilo de combate.
Classes Disponíveis
Lutador Caçador Gladiador ✖ Caçador Bestial ✖ Xamã Tribal
8. Hensus - Criaturas Bestiais Fantásticas
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Eram classificados antigamente como uma raça variante dos Blodigans mas devido a diferenças claras e o preconceito sofrido contra a raça acabaram sendo classifcados com uma espécie diferente. Hensus se organizam socialmente e são conhecidas por serem mais amigáveis, fundam sociedades relativamente modernizadas.
Sua aparência pode variar totalmente, podendo ser parecido com praticamente qualquer animal. Mas todos tem em comum a estrutura corporal proxima a de uma pessoa normal.
São divididos em duas raças: Husune; Aparência parcialmente bestial, podem tanto compartilhar as mesmas comunidades que os humanos tanto a conviver com outros Hensus.
Heksune; Aparência totalmente bestial, tendem a ter vidas mais selvagens e se agruparem em grupos menores. Yosune; Aparência parcialmente bestial, costumam ser bastante amigáveis e de aparência não ameaçadora, são de porte pequeno e bastante agéis. Diferente dos demais não ficam despersos e sim unidos, porém isolados dos demais.
Classes Disponíveis
Andarilho Artilheiro Feiticeiro ✖ Duelista ✖ Arquimago ✖ Contratante
9. Blodians - Caçadores Sedentos e Selvagens
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Os Blodians são humanoides com características de criaturas selvagens e bestiais ou demoníacas, se adaptaram ao máximo para matar e enganar suas presas. Habitam Blodinite que é considerado um dos lugares mais perigosos de todo o Nebo, é possível até que migrem para outras regiões e tenham vidas mais civilizadas, mas seu instinto assassino permanece; São verdadeiros especialistas em matar e enganar.
Sentidos e habilidade sobre-humanas, a aparência pode variar bastante, geralmente se apresentam híbridos entre humano e algum animais diversos; E podem adotar uma das duas seguintes estrategias: Estrategia A: Criaturas que inicialmente possuem uma aparência “fofa” ou sensual para atrair suas presas e posteriormente revelam sua verdadeira forma;
Estrategia B: Aparência de uma criatura aterrorizante e sanguinária mesmo;
Classes Disponíveis
Caçador Assassino ✖ Invocador ✖ Profano ✖ Hemomago
10. Oblinum - Manifestações da Magia
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Criaturas formadas puramente de matéria magica acumulada que se juntaram espontaneamente. Essa magia provém de outros seres vivos que ao morrerem dispersam sua mana restante ao ambiente.
Se apresentam de diversas formas, algumas raças podem aderir formas de outros seres. Se alimentam da magia interna de outros seres vivos. A mana dispersa possui características do seu antigo portador que podem ser passadas para o Oblinum, também possuem a capacidade de possuir corpos ou se integrar a um objeto fazendo-o ganhar vida. Classes Disponíveis
Jiwan - Armadura Viva ✖ Fanahy - Forma de Luz ✖ Onum - Espectro ✖ Cobus - “Succubus”
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moneylifeposts-blog · 7 years ago
236: 2018/04/13(金) 15:53:12.116 ID:Ah0oWQ7h0 マイニング用pow_mining.batを書き換えてわかりやすくしたぞ!  ファイルを右クリして「編集」して↓のをコピペして保存だ。 今何回目掘ってるのかわかるようにしたぞ! 掘れたかどうかはわかんないからウォレットを確認してくれ  おいらのウォレットアドレスに投げ銭してくれてもいいぞ^^  使い方画像  使ってる画像  —↓ここから @echo off set HENSU=1 echo ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆VIP STAR マイニング☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ :LOOP echo 掘るよー! %HENSU% 回目のざっくざく♪ VIPSTARCOIN-cli generatetoaddress 99999999 VXJUPpu4HkBcYxTEQWCNHvi3wZk3GojNaX set /a…
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authorunpublished · 7 years ago
Book Review: City of Ghosts
Book Review: City of Ghosts
Title: City of Ghosts [GhostWriters 1]
Author: J.H. Moncrieff
Genre: Contemporary, Horror, Paranormal, Mystery
Rating: 5 Stars
On the day the villagers were forced to flee Hensu, not everyone got out alive.
Jackson Stone is touring the abandoned Chinese city when he slips away from the group to spend the night, determined to publish an account of his ghostly experiences…
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