#But I think I angered a god in Heaven LOL
alchemistdetective · 7 months
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deadghosy · 7 months
🦆Sorry if it’s long lol, I got inspired by the song to make this ✨
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A echoing lullaby goes around the garden of Eden. Waking up a male human who was taking a rather long nap as his eyes open.
Adam, the first man was sitting under a tree sighing as his memory of his first wife leaving him strikes him. He never thought he would be left like that as he oddly felt sad but also felt nothing as he didn’t know how to control his emotions. But then the echoing lullaby broke him out of his train of thought.
He shook his head, thinking it was just nothing. But the echoing of the melody got louder, and louder, and loud in his head to the point it was like a siren calling out for him to follow the voice. He looks up to see a beam of light strike down. Everything rumbles, making the first man fall to his stomach at the powerful shake.
Adam coughed, sitting up as he dusted himself off and stood up fully. He walked through the garden, following the enchanting melody. He closes his eyes, feeling as if the melody swirled around him. Making him him feel like dream as he flutters his eyes.
“What…is that…?” Adam asked himself as he blinked amazed at what is happening. He couldn’t believe it as he is thinking it’s a blessing from god himself.
He finally reached the section of the garden as the beam of light vanishes in a blink before it started to act weird.
The light flickers from behind the tree branches covering the view of what could be behind the cause of this blinding light and melody voice calling out for him. He lets out a breath and lifts up the branch.
He sees a glowing figure, the figure glowed so bright like the stars as the figure’s face was covered by the light that arises from its own body. He had to blink a couple of times to get use to its light.
“Who are you?” He says in a low tone to not scare whatever it is. The figure was in a sitting position, having their knees close to their chest as four pair of wings spout out of their back. Even head wings as a blinding light covers their face, making them faceless at some point. They turned to the man as they stood up, the light getting brighter as a sun in the sky. They seemed to be naked as their breasts/pecs were most noticeable in features from the light that Adam couldn’t bear much long to stare.
“Do not be afraid..”
The voice whispers, but the whisper sounded loud as Adam suddenly passes out by a bright light. He wakes up to see everything practically normal as he touches his eyes to see if anything went on with him. But there was nothing, it was like the figure wasn’t even real to say. It kinda scared Adam before the lull sky rolls in his head calming down any thoughts in the first man’s head as he heard bushes rustling to see a lady. Who he must assumed was his new wife, Eve.
Years pass as that same melody echos in his head every time he thinks about you. Usually when Adam feels pissy, that melody calms him down out of nowhere. When he feels happy, it hums in his head. When he feels sad..which is never really an issue to be sad in heaven, he would hear it softly.
It’s gotten to the point he talked to sera about it, but she didn’t really know either. That made Adam get angered as the lullaby lulls in his head making him calm down. Sera sees Adam relaxed oddly after showing his anger towards her. He found it odd at how he could calm down that instantly. That’s when sera finally realizes what’s going on.
“$!@$&/&” Sera tries to say but she grabs her throat. It was like a barrier got caught in her throat, preventing her from saying the truth.
Adam raised a brow at her, “what? You got imaginary dick in your mouth or somethin'?” He asked as sera has a panicked look trying to explain. But only nothing came out.
“Listen, if you wanna fuck with me. Then fine. Bye bitch.” He said flipping her off as sera just screams in silence gaining weird looks. Adam walks through the streets of heaven pissed off. He knew he wasn’t going crazy as he literally heard it from afar and not in his head most definitely. Lute came by him, “Sir! Sera wanted me to make sure you are alright.” Adam rolled his eyes at the angel solider beside him. “Well, tell her I don’t need to be checked on. I’m the first man for Christ sake! I can handle whatever the fuck is going on with me.” He says before flying off from Lute. She scrunched her face a bit before sighing. She also flies away.
It’s now night time as Adam sighs sitting in his bed. He couldn’t get the soft lullaby out of his head…it sucked for him as he gripped his fist, feeling the sharp nails in grave into his own palms. He lets out a shaky breath as he swore he felt eyes on his back. He turned around to find nothing there. So why did he feel paranoid? He didn’t know why but it sucked mad ass as this is heaven for crying out loud. Why should he even be paranoid. He scoffed at his own thoughts and laid down. Not knowing someone was coming to visit him.
A light shines from his ceiling making Adam squint his closed eyes at the brightness. He slowly opens his eyes to see four pair of wings sprout out gracefully as a hum enters the room. It was like a huge hug around Adam’s bedroom as the figure has their hands in a praying gesture “Do not fear.” The figure says as they slowly flew to Adam who is laying down with a “wtf” face as the light blinds his eyes. Adam sits up seeing the light had dimmed a bit as he stares into the “face” of the person he so longed to see after years. His eyes widen to grab your cheek. He felt that is was real as an echoing hum enters his tears that he heard for so long. He couldn’t believe that it was you as you slowly brought up a hand to touch the side of his face. Adam softly leaned it in, making him feel as if this was back when he first met you. Even if you practically ran away from him, it felt nostalgic to have you by him.
“Hello Adam…” you said with a loud whisper. The whisper sounded soft but harsh as Adam looks at you confused. “Who are you?..” he asked like the first time he did. You seemingly smile behind your “light” mask as you tell him your name. “ I am no one….but you can name me…” Adam scoffs but then starts to think of a name that would fit you. As he stares at you, he notices this time you aren’t naked like how he first met you. You were in a full pure white gown. “How about Y/N? How does that sound?” He asked with a smirk, proud of the name he gave you. You hummed softly with a nod liking the name he gave you.
The whole night you two talked like old friends who had plans to go out. It was exhausting for Adam as he just wanted it sleep, but he felt awake listening to you as you talked in a soft tone that could easily put him to sleep. It was like he could talk to you for hours. Yes he made some harsh remarks and comments like he usually does. But he listened and respected when you talked. It was like you had a leash on him to control on how he acts at least. Suddenly a bell rang from your watch as you stood from his bed. It was time for you to go.
“Goodbye Adam…” Y/N says as their wings sprout, making a circle above their head. Adam’s eyes widen going to grab them to make them stay. But he failed as Y/N made a praying hand gesture, their light getting brighter.
A glowing light blinded Adam as he covers his eyes. As he stopped rubbing his eyes, he looked around his room to not find the glowing figure anymore as he scoffed. But the sight of your appearance made him softly smile. He could still hear the echoing lullaby in his head as he lays down in his bed.
With one mutter of a word, he whispers the name of the figure he made for, “Y/N.”
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
Hey girllll what’s up?? Hope you’re getting rest from your flight- that type of tired is A WHOLE OTHER TYPE OF TIRED LOL- I was wondering if you could do Apollo x Demigod reader where the reader kinda dies and he goes up to Olympus demanding and threatening Zeus to make her a Goddess? (if you have to use godly parent could you do Hades?)
FRRRRR I"M SO EEPY GIRL and istg if there are any spelling errors its cause I wrote this right as I got it n I'm too tired to notice!!
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You miss your boyfriend. You've only been dead a day and you're sooooooo bored. Wandering around your father's palace can only be so entertaining when you've passed the same skull mantle three times. Apollo is a lot of things but he's never been a bore and you wish he was here, lighting up the gloomy atmosphere and kissing you dizzy.
You try not to think about how this was inevitable. You'd die and he'd move on because he was a god and that's what gods do, they keep living. You don't want to know that he's probably already moved on to wooing another so you stay in the palace, ignoring the gossipy dead and whatever news they bring because you can't bear to hear he has a new lover on his hip already.
You're sitting in the garden, picking at a pomegranate and turning your nail beds a deep red as they fill with juice when a familiar glow is skipping towards you. Apollo is tugging you to your feet and peppering you with his lips before you can even ask. Your father having followed not far behind is watching him with an observant glare.
When Apollo finally gives you a chance to breathe, you're cupping his face so he doesn't lean in for more as you ask, "What are you doing here?"
"I came to get you, silly! I'm not leaving my girlfriend in the underworld, what kind of boyfriend would that make me?"
"One that respects the rightful line between life and death." Your father chimes in but Apollo brushes his words away with an eye roll, his glittery teeth making it playful.
"Wait, wait," You put a hand up, effectively shutting them both up, "What do you mean 'come get me'?"
"You're coming to Olympus with me, Sunshine," Your jaw drops and his pointer is pushing it back up gently as he continues, "I talked to Zeus and he agreed!"
"Zeus wouldn't just.. agree." You shake your head baffled, glancing at your father when he says, "No, he wouldn't."
You turn back to your glowing lover, allowing your hands to run over his warm shoulders. "How do you persuade him?"
Apollo thinks back to when he'd approached his father's throne, casually bringing up the Black Plague and watching Zeus's face morph from confusion to anger to brief fear to understanding as he propositioned a new god with a little more threat than necessary.
"I'm his favorite son," He offers you instead, ignoring the narrowing of your expression.
"Sure you are.." You pat his beefy muscles before slipping out of his arms and wandering towards your silent dad. "What do you think of this?"
"You're happy with Apollo?" He confirms and when you nod, he says, "Then go be happy."
"Will I be able to visit you?" Hades reaches for your face, rubbing a thumb along your cheekbone with a faint smile.
"You're always welcome here, my child." You feel a light mist over your eyes as you envelop him in a hug, his chilly mouth leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead.
When you pull away, Apollo is by your side, taking your hand and allowing you one last squeeze to your fathers arm before he's leading you out of the Underworld. Your ghostly glare fades to a bright shine, leaving you sprinkled in sparkles and a well-fitted toga as he marches you to the heavens. Your father presses his fingers to his lips, blowing a shaky kiss towards the glow of your ascending forms, resigning himself to being alone again as he picks up the pomegranate you'd been toying with and slides back into the darkness of his reign.
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sourbinnie · 1 year
Hi how are you? Can you make a part two about the last post? The issue could be that Y/N debuted in another group and what is their reaction in mama performance or just like sitting Beside them or in front of them? Jealousy, happiness or whatever, after all they didn't talk to each other after part one and there is a feeling of uncomfortable and distance between them? I think mama is a good option. Thank you and please take this as a friend too. Sorry for long massage 😭🙏🏻
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title -> tangerine genre -> angst with a hopeful ending pair -> ot8!skz + gn!reader a/n: glad you sent another request 'cause i had no idea where to go from that lol but hey! now i know and thank you for sending this my way.
[this is the second part to sooner or later ; you can read it here]
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when chan saw (y/n) get out on this stage, it was inevitable that he fell apart. somehow it all made sense in his mind that you left them because you wanted to be in another group with another concept, better title tracks and more time to shine. he also noticed how much happier you looked (or that's what his brain was doing at least) and how much energy you had. after all, when you were gone, he knew that as much as he tried that you weren't gonna come back and when it was announced you were under a new company with a brand new group, it all made sense. it hurt obviously, it wasn't easy to just move on from one person being in your life to suddenly replacing you for other people but he still watched you with a smile because you will always have a special place in him.
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minho did not have a smile on his face however, it was all very obvious to him that you used them to get bigger. he didn't believe a word of what the rumors said that you had no choice but to leave or that you didn't feel like you belonged on stray kids, that was all lies and banter to his ears. seeing you perform like that, makes him think that you never were meant to be in stray kids or maybe that you just shouldn't have been there in the first place. maybe out of anger or jealousy who knows? but he started to feel hopeless at one point. exactly about what? wanting you back and yeah that was mostly utter misery speaking because he did at one point think you were gonna come back and now there's no chance in heaven or hell that you will.
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the fact that you were so close to them yet so far was changbin's biggest problem. he did not expect to have to deal with this today but here you were after your performance, sitting right in front of them. in the row there were all your bandmates, making a total of 8 people in front of him and would you look at that? that is stray kids right now without you. it deeply pained him to not see any of his own members smiling and it made him even sadder that you were happier without the group. he could sense the uncomfortable atmosphere being covered by the jokes you were being told by your own members. them holding your hand, rubbing your arm and giving you pats in the back when it used to be changbin who did that for you when the nervousness got too much and anxiety kicked in. now he was left feeling anxious next to hyunjin who just wanted to leave.
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speaking of hyunjin he couldn't take it. just like chan, he felt like he was falling apart but at the same time he was very proud of you. that choreography did not look easy and you had more lines than you've ever had, you always deserved your time to show off your skills. maybe if you stayed with them that time would've arrived sooner or later. god he did not need to be thinking that right now but he kept repeating the last night he saw you like a mantra in his head. he was so convinced you were gonna be together for life and now you were separated, drifting away into your own spaces. even when he was announced that you had left the group, he decided to look for you and when he came back to the dorms, defeated and with no signs of you, it hurt. 
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jisung wasn't even looking in your direction. just like minho, he was mad, furious even. probably the one that had the most anger bubbling up inside of them but didn't show it. he just kept looking somewhere else, either his phone, the performances or talking to his bandmates or other idols. since the day you left, his goal was to move on from you and having you in front of him looking as glorious and with that smile on your face, yeah it wasn't going so well. he wanted to leave that spot immediately because he always felt like his spot was next to you and now that got taken away from him too. the way he was just waiting all night for you to come back to suddenly be announced you were debuting somewhere else? it fucked him up.
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probably the happiest for you was felix. it's not that he didn't care or that he didn't feel betrayed because in some way he did feel a weird emotion bubbling up. but the sensation of being happy that you were safe, being loved and just overjoyed with your blissful smile, it all just made him want to hug you and tell you that you'll always be friends. he didn't go that night to where you were, even if he really wanted to so badly but nobody could find you and you didn't respond any texts. now he knew that your phone got taken away as most debuting idols lived through that. he knew that before the night ended, he needed to talk to you and somehow he would find a way to do so.
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he tried to be like jisung and look away. seungmin just couldn't do it though, he watched every move and it was obvious that all fansites would either judge him for it or start creating theories about it. he did not care about it because the sensation on his chest stung and wouldn't let him do otherwise. he wanted to see you happier without them so he could move on from having to wait for you and from the last message he sent you. he wanted to see your bandmates being better than what they were so he could finally sleep at night thinking that you were in good hands. he also wanted for you to rejoin but that's obviously a wish that just bubbles up in his chest once in a while because there was no use in wishing for broken dreams.
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jeongin wasn't thrilled, wasn't happy and wasn't sad. he was processing the whole thing is head, the performance, the applause that you received and the giggles with your new bandmates. he was lucky that he was gonna perform at any minute now so he could distract himself. he really wanted to talk to you just like felix but there was something inside of him telling him that he would embarrass himself in front of you which was so weird? he never felt that uncomfortable with you. he was so used to doing so much stuff and sharing so much with you that now being almost strangers had him baffled and confused. he just hoped that one day you guys could talk to each other like you used to.
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as they all walked backstage, they saw a figure that they recognized so well heading towards the same way. they did not expect any words to come out of you, maybe a "sorry" or "i got confused", thinking your dressing room was still the same as theirs. 
"hi." you said, giving them a tiny smile and they all got the most puzzled look on their faces. that smile was reserved for them only, it was the one you had when you were nervous and you first met. "i know it's weird that i'm here after so long and i did not answer your messages. i did read them all though and i'm sorry about how i made you feel, about worrying you. i obviously can't talk about what exactly happened but i know you all too well to know that it's creating a weird atmosphere between us and that's one thing we promised would never happen. i just hope that you understand that i want the best for you and i wish you good luck on your performance and congrats on your wins of course."
that's all they said before being stopped by someone hugging them and not letting go. it was a broken scene but it at least brought some hope. jisung felt so completely torn between the anger and the sadness that he just felt relieved when (y/n) muttered those words to them. it took so much strength to do that when they couldn't do it because of the contract, the company but mostly because it could create tension and drama but none of them wanted that. at the end of the day they wanted (y/n) to be happy and if seeing them with another team was the right path then that's all that mattered.
felix joined in on the hug and eventually everyone was there as they suffocated their ex band member. a broken scene didn't have to be so ripped anymore as it brought a little hope to them all like they needed. you would be coming back to them slowly, maybe not the way they planned but you will always be their (y/n). 
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magnusbae · 9 months
look, I'm a basic bitch, I see “only one bed” on a prompt list, I send asks begging for dreamling fics
xo @hardly-an-escape
Listen, I am so not cheating, despite my not being active in the dreamling for a while, I am going by oRDER. Thank you so much for the message dear, I hope you're well 🥰💖
Dreamling || 402w || lil silly au lol :)
''There's only one bed.'' Hob shakes his head in disbelief, the apologetic staff who had informed that there’s been a mistake with their room had tactfully omitted this part from her apologies.
Dream doesn’t seem to be as perturbed by the hotel’s mix-up, nor does he look like he’s about to throw a fit the way Hob half expected him to. He shrugs, a minor movement of his shoulders, and walks in to sit down on said bed. He doesn’t look worried, instead he flips his phone open and scrolls through what Hob assumes to be his work emails.
In fact, he seems a little too fine to Hob’s taste.
“You do realize that it means we’ll have to share? I’m not sleeping on the floor nor the bathtub, if that’s the crazy idea you’ve got up that pretty head of yours.” If it was anyone else, Hob wouldn’t have to clarify. Given the fact that this is Dream, or professionally known— Morpheus, he feels the need to make absolutely sure that he understands the situation.
That he, the CEO of his family’s business, is about to share a bed with the IT guy he decided to drag along for this trip. (Why?)(He did not deem anyone worthy of an explanation.) Hob feels that perhaps the great pay was worth skipping over, if only for the icy look he gets from Dream when he lowers his phone, looking perfectly unimpressed.
“That is glaringly obvious, Robert.” He says his full name with a roll of his tongue, a thing that doesn’t fail to make Hob’s skin itch. He used to think it was anger, but lately… he’s not that sure about it.
“Great, sure. Just making sure” he wipes his hands over his pants in a quick motion, looking around the room to not think about how he’ll be sharing bed with the guy he lowkey, highey, all keys wanted to fuck for the longer half of the past year. Bloody hell and heaven. God help him.
“Clearly” Dream rolls his eyes, in that implied manner of his, looking up briefly before he is glued back to his phone. What a pretty, annoying, horrible bitch. Hob is absolutely fucked.
“I’m hitting the shower first.” he doesn’t wait for the answer, escaping Dream’s company out of sheer self preservation. This is going to be a long trip indeed. God help him indeed…
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sentientsky · 9 months
On Crowley, the Starmaker, and the Disruption of Intergenerational Violence
(based on this post from @nightgoodomens) I started thinking about Crowley and the Starmaker and the way in which he's an engineer at heart. But then I started gathering screencaps and making gifs and stuff, and then I was thinking about how Crowley's doing a really good job of upsetting patterns of intergenerational trauma. (Of course I'm going to talk about childhood stuff, what did you expect from me??) CONTENT WARNING: this will involve discussions of childhood trauma and abuse (not explicit)
I'll be using they/them pronouns to refer to the Starmaker and he/him pronouns for Crowley. This is for no other reason than to help me differentiate in my own writing lol.
To preface, the Starmaker is so so important to me. You have no idea; they are my beloved, my everything, my most adored.
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I mean, look them. What a fucking cutie (i accidently/subconsciously picked up the habit of nose-scrunching because of this goofy little cosmic Bob the Builder)
They're also an engineer, a creator of worlds—someone who spins matter and existence into being.
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Their desire to create, to make things happen is carried throughout the story.
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(e.g., Crowley's rainstorm) He maintains a love for the universe and all the stars in the sky.
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So what does this have to do with intergenerational trauma? Well, as we've discussed time and time again, Crowley is deeply deeply traumatized by both the violence of Heaven and of Hell. Trauma, much like the worst fucking family heirloom ever, has the capacity to be passed down through the years. Let's get more specific. What is intergenerational trauma?
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(source) For example, my grandfather has a horrific temper and lashes out as a way to cope with his emotions. In turn, my father learned that being abusive towards one's children was acceptable, and applied it to his parenting of me.
In this case, Crowley was abandoned and actively forced into, "a million-light-year freestyle dive into a pool of boiling sulphur" by God—someone who is functionally his parent. In Hell, he was subject to torture and other forms of cruelty. Unsurprisingly, that leaves a fucking massive mark on an individual. It would be very easy for him to simply replicate the patterns that he learned in his time as the Starmaker and turn cold/callous/cruel. And yet he doesn't do this. As mentioned here, he is kind and compassionate. He sticks around through continual rejections, despite having only known abandonment. He answers questions (invites them even). At the same time, the trauma hasn't had a nonzero effect on him, of course. He's redirected the violence into compulsive caretaking and a kind of need to prove himself, among many other things (totally not speaking from experience here. no siree!! *sweating*). Let's take a closer look at this (because I want to and you're stuck with me hehe): Questions As we saw in season 1, Crowley cites asking questions as the reason for his Fall (an idea which we see reiterated in season 2):
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Instead of replicating that same violence (by belittling, rejecting, or else lashing out at those who ask questions), we see him encouraging curiosity. Not only is this evident within the Starmaker,
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but also in Crowley himself, as we see with both Muriel and Jimbriel:
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Along the same lines, as he's been subject to a great deal of unkindness (understatement of the year), it would be easy for him to carry that cruelty forward (god knows my family has taken that route before. who said that!!!). Nevertheless, he remains kind, even to those who have hurt him (which isn't to say that you need to be or even should be kind to those who abuse you. abuser apologists are not a thing in this household). Kindness even in the face of mistreatment + anger Gabriel, as Crowley has mentioned, has the capacity to smite Crowley. He has actively tried to kill the love of his life. The mere presence of Gabriel in the bookshop triggers a fight or flight response in Crowley, and this disruption represents a violation of the safety of the bookshop that he and Aziraphale had established within the past however many years (see Alex's fantastic meta post for more detail regarding the bookshop becoming an unsafe space for Crowley: x)
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ignore my cursor. just pretend its a fly. shh shhh it's beez just being a silly lil guy (gn). i'm too tired to remake this gif, so this is what we're working with lol
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(AND THEN HE OFFERS HIM A HOT CHOCOLATE?!?!?!! couldn't be me) Case Study: The Plants (shoutout to @sighed-the-snake for their post about leaf spots) Even with regards to his plants, we see a widely different side of him beginning in the second season. In the first season, we witness him using the plants as a site of displacement/projection, in which he reenacts the violence he himself was subject to.
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However, in the second season, while we don't get a lengthy view of them, episode four gives us a quick glimpse into how this approach might have altered in the four years since.
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(please keep in mind that my vision is absolute dogshit, so apologies if you look at my little circles and go "what the actual fuck is she talking about?" i TRIED, okay????) Had this been the first season, these little guys wouldn't have been permitted to exist in the state they're shown here. We could argue, oh well, it's just because Crowley's been busy/distracted with other things. And while that may be the case, we've seen him preoccupied with the end of the world in season 1, and yet still exert control over the plants.
...I have no solid conclusion for this, as I'm still sick and my brain is like a bowl of stagnant dishwater at the moment. I'm not putting forth any new ideas or anything, so I guess this is all to say, "yay for cycle breakers!".
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silversainz · 1 year
I saw a prompt that said “Do you know how long I’ve been hard?” and I can just imagine that situation with Mick like maybe he’s been watching you in the garage but kept his distance because he’s a private guy or maybe you’ve been kinda teasing him lol
# warnings — praise, p n v, dirty talk, tension.
He could handle it.
Until he couldn’t. The staring, the looking at him while you sucked on your lollipop and the dress, god that dress was gonna be the death of him. He knew you wore the dress on purpose, knowing full well that it made him insane and fan over you. And did he try so hard to ignore you, choosing to put his mind and focus on work and the words Toto said to him.
But it became practically uncomfortable with him shifting in his seat trying so desperately hard to ignore the problem that lingered underneath his pants. He huffed, shoulders becoming tense and chest tightening up with need and anger as he saw you Bend down to pick something up, your dress riding up in the process showing him nearly your whole ass.
He scoffed, shaking his head. He knew your games and he wasn’t gonna be the one to crack or play them. So he continued to ignore you and just kept on staring at you trying to make more attempts at making him fall for your games. A smirk appeared on his face when he saw that you rolled your eyes as you knew he wasn’t falling for them.
He could handle it, that’s is until he truly couldn’t handle it. The game you played he fell for, he had enough of your teasing and remarks you gave him.
“Could you excuse me” he asked Toto, already standing from his seat not even caring listen to the older man say it was okay, his feet already walking towards you.
“Well look who it is” you teasingly said mouth making a pop sound as you sucked on your now half gone lollipop. “You okay, looking a bit tense?” He scoffed, crossing his arms as he stood face to face with you.
“I think you’ve done enough teasing love, cut the act” he tried to remain calm and collected not wanting to draw attention from those around you.
You shrugged your shoulders kicking your self off the wall that you were leaning on, “come on, you’re loving this right” tilting your head, you crossed your arms, making your breasts pop out even more.
His breath shriveled. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He fell for the game. A surprise gasp left your lips as he harshly grabbed onto your hand, pulling in the direction of what you assumed to be the way to his motohome. Which you stood correct as you made it to his motohome where he pushed you inside.
In a instant he had you up against the wall, hands grabbing onto your hips as he crashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was rough and harsh, lips exporting each time with such interest that it left you breathless as he pushed his tongue into your mouth deepening up the kiss, making moans leave your lips.
His hand left your hip to disappear underneath your dress, fingertips brushing over the wet patch that lingered on your panties. “Fuck baby” he muttered out, body pressing against yours as he quickly pushed your panties down your legs, which you stepped out of.
“Do you know how long I’ve been hard, huh?” You whimpered into the kiss, falling the weight of his fingertips mess with your wet folds. “Look so fucking incredible in this dress” he broke the kiss to unzip his pants. Rushing to tug them down his legs along with pushing up your dress to rest against your abdomen.
“So fucking incredible” you moaned as his pushed his cock into your cunt, hands grabbing onto his broad shoulders.
“Fuck mick” hearing his name fall of your tongue made him groan, it sounding like a heaven verse falling from your mouth.
He hoisted you up, legs wrapping around his waist as he held you up against the wall, his thrust becoming more intense and harshly as he firmly held you up.
“Mm keep saying my name baby, let them hear you”
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rainbowstarheart · 2 months
Get a fucking life. None of you people ever go after irl pedos because they're usually your favorite people and you'll happily and merrily let real people groom and rape real children as long as its someone you like. God forbid someone uses fiction. If someone being a proshipper makes them problematic then you must be a serial killer in the waiting from all the shit you have. Ergo you must be put down like the diseased animal you fucking are.
Wow, in rage aren't we?
Listen I understand that what where doing where out of hand a few days ago,but me and the others have already discussed that we keep a low profile on watching over everyone
You can't expect everyone to know everything and have all the answers,so your way of talking is through anger and frustration that you too can't help everyone either in sense,is it not?
Me and my Cosmic Guardians are aware we can't save people from irl mostly,but that doesn't mean we can't try in other ways? I don't know where you get the idea of calling us serial killers in the waiting but it gave me a chuckle considering how "serial killers" aka (lol) The Cosmic Guardians purpose is to protect and defend the fandoms loving fans and beloved characters from creeps online
I do not care if you target me,just me and no one in my family of Cosmic Guardians,for they are who I held dear,not as allies of protectors of fandoms,but for who they are as a family to my heart, so don't go after them,if you had anything to say,say it to me and me alone,leave my Cosmic Guardians out of this
We express our concerns and opinions on these type of situations,if we don't do anything than how will we warn others to avoid such a thing? It's against the moral code of Cosmic Guardians to not help anyone in need no matter the cost!
So as much as you or anyone want me to reply in anger or something
Think again,I pray to my Holy Father in Heaven to ease down your anger and cast out the misunderstandment in you with a peace of mind and meditation of understanding 🙏💟
Thank you for expressing your thoughts and opinions on our situation,it's nice to know that not everything can be dealt easily on a golden plate of easy peasy-ness,but a path of challenges and obstacles a being can't face without the hardships weighing down on my shoulders
Thank you and have a fantastic day/night dearest anon! 🌈🌟❤️
And remember Cosmic Guardians, always protect and defend the fandoms and it's loving fans side by side with they're beloved characters!!!
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eybefioro · 1 year
I believe the last 16 minutes are what they are.
That’s it, that's the theory/meta (lol), but I have to get this out of my system so bear with me (prob someone already wrote something like this, but well).
Before that though I just wanna clear something - I don't wanna rain in anybody's parade. This is just ONE possible interpretation, and it isn’t meant to invalidate any other interpretations or theories. It's fun to spend a lot of time thinking about something we love, and I enjoy every single meta and theory that I saw out there (pls make more crazy crackpot theories and analysis, they're amazing), even the ones that annoy me, like the coffee theory.
And let's be real for a moment - most of our theories and predictions will be wrong, if not all (and thank Someone for that, I don’t really wanna know what will for sure happen before watching the thing). We aren’t really aiming to get everything right, right? We are discussing something we love and having fun. Neil Gaiman and all the team that works on Good Omens are amazing, and I know they will surprise us no matter what. 
(also, this is a bit long sorry)
So, with that out of the way:
We have to remember who Aziraphale essentially is. He changed over time, but there's one thing that still remains at the core of his being. He is a protector. The guardian of the eastern gate, who yields the flaming sword. 
A sword he gives to humanity, so Adam and Eve can protect themselves - because Aziraphale is emphatic, good and loves humanity. And then he lies to God herself, not metatron or other angel,  but to Her own light about it.
And he keeps on doing that - the whole Job minisode, the halo blow up, trying to stop the armageddon. He protects the thing he likes, does what he loves and trusts his own judgment (why an angel shouldn't dance? Why shouldn't an angel enjoy human pleasures? Why shouldn't an angel trust and befriend a demon? Aziraphale always does what he wants and thinks it's right in the end).
But the thing about Aziraphale is that he wants to be tempted to have a reason to do what he wants to do. He doesn't need it to challenge the system and do what he thinks is right or wants, but being tempted is something that he enjoys. It's a game he and Crowley play constantly.
And that's what the Metatron ends up offering (without really knowing; Metatron has his own agenda, the second coming, and he knows that if A&C are together things are gonna be more difficult). Metatron gives the opportunity to Aziraphale to protect Crowley and their existence, which is now even more endangered by the threat of the Book of Life. Aziraphale wants to protect their lives, because he knows they weren't really safe after the armageddon’t. Both of them know they aren’t safe, and we can see it more clearly on Crowley. He is a lot more stressed and on the edge this season (he literally summons a lightning to dissipate his anger), but we can also see that on how Aziraphale keeps trying to escape reality and focusing in other things - how his mind drifts into the book of Job, how he takes the bentley to go scape and investigate the Clue (and we see that fantasy landscape), how he puts up an entire eldritch, mind controlling ball to dance with crowley and confess get nina and maggie together. Their existence post Armaggeddon’t is fragile. 
And this is before he even knows about the second coming, something Crowley learned alone in heaven and wasn't able to communicate to Aziraphale yet. And, on top of that, he still believes in the Ineffable Plan - not necessarily in heaven or the system, but that She is good, so heaven must have something good in it still.
But, even with all this on the table, Aziraphale is hesitant in accepting metatrons offer… So, WHEN DID AZIRAPHALE SAID YES TO HEAVEN?
I could now make a big analysis of the last 16 minutes, but I feel that at this point everyone knows those events by heart, so I won’t bore you with that.
(breathes heavily) Okay, so… yes, there seems to be something fishy about the whole thing. Aziraphale expressions are all over the place, and we can't really trust his narrative about what metatron said. Yes, the coffee symbolizes a threat (c'mon, offering a coffee from Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death, while asking Aziraphale to go back to heaven is easily read as a threat. Aziraphale is intelligent, and has been working in the shadows, and hiding, and talking in codes for 6000 years, he knows when danger presents itself), but that coffee also symbolizes a temptation to Aziraphale - a chance to get what he wants and get to know things. The Coffee is The Apple of this season.
he has a motive, protect crowley and their life together (and then after the divorce he learns that he also can protect humanity and all the other things he loves again)
He has the opportunity to create a safer environment for them to be together.
He has the opportunity to have Crowley by his side while changing things.
He has the opportunity to try to change things from the inside..
He has the opportunity to get a hold of THE most powerful and important book to ever exist.
With all that, he WANTS to go to heaven, even if that means getting away from earth for a bit. It may be the only way to get the peace that he wants. 
He knows it will be dangerous and extremely uncomfortable. He doesn't trust heaven, he knows how bad Gabriel was (he doesn't even say he loves Gabriel, and he acknowledges he was an ass), he knows how cruel heaven can be (he even fought that many times, like in the Job minisode). He wants to have Crowley by his side, and tries to convince him to be by his side and show his reasoning. Even when the demon refuses his proposal, there's still no other choice other than going to heaven, in Aziraphale’s perspective, and that just gets confirmation when he learns about the second coming (to me, that’s when he REALLY decides to go).
And we can’t forget one of the most important things about the ending: the divorce is an amazing and necessary step to move the characters forward. 
Stories need conflict. Conflict is essential to make characters evolve and get things happening so you can pass the message that you want and make people feel things.
It makes sense for A&C story and character development, they getting away from each other and try to resolve things on their own for a bit. It makes sense that they have that heartbroken discussion/confession, they need that to get on the same page and be together in the future (and also, think about how satisfying it will be for us, the viewers, to see that happen after all the hurt?? delicious). Conflits, problems, the bad stuff are essential ingredients to make us love a story, even if it doesn't have a happy ending. No one really likes to eat a raw egg, but we need it to bake a cake, and some people may not enjoy bitter tasting food, but some people really like that (trash analogy, I know). In the end, we like stories because we like to feel things (there are other reasons too, but that is the big one I think), and what could make us feel something more intense than separating Crowley and Aziraphale? I feel like in the Good Omens universe, the world could be destroyed but we'd still be happy if they were together in the end. That's how much we love and care for those two.
With all that layed out, this is what I have to say: with this interpretation, there is no secret communication between A&C during all that. There's no stopping time, body swap, almond poison, and etc. 
The breakup has to be real, hurtful, and raw.
It has to be true. 
If we want them to evolve and to be happy and safe, and for the world in Good Omens to be happy and safe, the hurt is necessary.
I think I'd feel a bit betrayed and mad if that was all  an act of them. 
I'm not saying that there isn't funny business happening, we know that Crowley has a plan (let me talk about this for a hot second… he knows the outline plan from the second coming. He saw that whole meeting in heaven, but we just saw the ending. Crowley and Muriel know what is the second coming and we don't. there's something there, he for sure has a plan to at least survive this), Aziraphale has a plan and Metatron has an agenda, but that communication hell and heart massacre was REAL. 
Let's think for a moment - what if they run off together? Where does the story goes? How would the characters develop? They wouldn't be happy in Alpha Centauri. They aren't like B&G, that never lived on earth, that each other is their own home. No. A&C toast to the world. The world is their home, their lair. They've built it, their own place. Exile is not a good option. It's a desperate option that Crowley only offers when he feels trapped (don't you think he would've tried to go there in the years after Armageddon’t if he thought the two of them would be happy there?). Aziraphale can’t accept that, a life without the joy of the things they love. That would be prison.
And in the same way, Crowley can't go to heaven. Not back to a place that abandoned him, that doesn't accept questions, that saw the universe he helped create as pretty wallpaper. Aziraphale is trying to offer freedom from hell, without realizing how that just hurts. Crowley can't follow Aziraphale’s plan, that would also be exile. That would also be prison.
They have to figure things out on their own this time, and use this space to grow. They know they still can rely on each other (6000 years of partnership isn’t shattered that easily), but for now they need to heal (and save humanity and their home again). They hurt each other very badly over the years, and most of the time without knowing. They had to keep distance to protect each other, and now (during/after figuring out the second coming) they will need to learn to be open and not hide, so they can be together, to be an “Us”.
Aziraphale and Crowley have different perspectives, and they decided to part ways. 
No matter what Mr Gaiman is hiding, no matter what the plot and mysteries and clues and details in the season led us to, the breakup and all that hurt is real.
In other words: it  is what it is. 
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Yandere Aemond "Take Me to Church" Hozier
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Headcannons/drabbles (idk what you could call this lol)
TW: death, Sexual Activity (not too explicit), unhealthy relationships
My lover's got humor
She's the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
You are a near opposite to Aemond, something that shines bright and covers all with their warmth
Though some might think it’s not ladylike or proper, he loves that even in somber times you find a way to let that light of yours shine through
While he knew all eyes would be on the two of you after your muffled giggle, he couldn’t help but give a light chuckle along with you. Not even a funeral could stop your brilliance from shining and he’s just glad that you allow him to bask in your presence
I should've worshiped her sooner
If the Heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece
Often Aemond thinks about what you’ve said to him. How he needs to learn to control his temper, and how there are times when he should move on instead of carrying a grudge. Always trying to bring out the best of him, the best the both of you know is there.
He knows you are right; he knew it even then. But he fucked up again, letting the wounds of the past effect the present. After his fight during dinner with his family, and when his eye connected with yours, that’s when it hit him fully.
The look in your eyes. Anger. Betrayal. Disappointment. Pain. Gods. How fucking stupid can he be. You were the angel on his shoulder trying to guide him to the right path, yet there he was letting the devil in him take control. He can’t possibly hope to bring you down to his depravity, but he can hope for redemption. If only you will still allow him that.
"We were born sick", you heard them say it?
Even though the relationship the two of had would often get whispered about due to Aemond’s clear obsession, he couldn’t care. And he’ll make sure you feel the same when you are underneath him.
While giving you absolute devotion, drawing orgasm and orgasm from you, he’ll tell you about how those whispers are just jealousy. If that was true—if the two of you were so wrong together—why would you be feeling so good right now.
The pleasure both of you get from another couldn’t be born out of depravity—of sickness. No. It’s clear this is a part of a greater will. The two of you are fated to burn together, to burn brightly. Blinding those who can’t handle your light and burning those who get too close.
She tells me, "Worship in the bedroom"
The only Heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you
True tranquility for Aemond is within your embrace, even just your presence will bring him at ease. You make him feel so calm, confident, assured. You bring out the best of him. He vows to give you everything and more as a thank you.
Though he’s often dominant in his love for you, when he hears of any request—big or small—he’s instantly switching from what he’s doing to fulfilling your wishes. If you want to sit on his face for hours—just allowing him to show you the love he holds for you—then he’s already got into position gazing at you with his blue eye. Jaw clenching and unclenching out of excitement for the meal to come.
Even after focusing on only your pleasure for the last hour, Aemond worships you solely and fervently. Not only is he alone with you—with no one else to take your attention away—he’s also giving you pleasure. He’s truly like a devotee praying to their gods, his words of devotion whispered between every kiss, lick and bite.
I was born sick, but I love it
Command me to be well
A-, Amen, Amen, Amen
Take me to church
While Aemond finds nothing wrong about his obsession with you, as you are someone who absolutely deserves devotion, he has uncertainties about himself and if he’s worthy of your grace. He’ll offer you anything as tribute. Anything to keep you beside him. His entire being is yours to command should you wish it.
By following your wishes Aemond finds spiritual awakening. Making you happy is his purpose. Being by your side is the reason he exists. Fulfilling your will is his destiny to enact. He is ecstatic that you’d even think of him as useful, as someone worth telling your desires to—confident in the knowledge that he will get it done. His self-worth is founded in you. Rest assured; thy will be done on earth so he can make it your heaven.
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
If you were to ever kill Aemond, he would not hold it against you. Clearly, he must have deserved it. Even through lies, violence and screams, you can do no wrong. All will be forgiven and understood by him, as long as he is still by your side. He’d rather live with you shortly, and die by your hand, then spend the rest of his life without you. Though Aemond wants to spend the rest of your lives together, if he were to die, he’d want it to be while he’s protecting you or at your hands.
His life is only yours to end, be it by battle fighting for you, or because you will it. Either way, Aemond makes sure that even in his last moments alive his devotion to you are those filling his mind.
If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight
To keep the Goddess on my side
She demands a sacrifice
Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny
Something meaty for the main course?
Again, whatever you desire you will get. Aemond makes sure of it. How else can he be assured that your light will stay with him. That you won’t orbit someone else and give them the grace he so desires to feel.
Kingdoms would be burnt for you. Why else did Vhagar, the war veteran that she is, choose Aemond? She could clearly tell that he needed one of the strongest dragons known to humanity to enact your will through Aemond. That he needed a dragon strong enough to match the burning passion he has for you. Something to match the destruction Aemond would cause if anything were to happen to you. With Vhagar, he can burn the world for you.
Should anyone displease you, their head will be yours. Aemond sees no reason that the lives he’d take for you—those who threatened you, your happiness, your will—aren’t yours to take. No action he preforms on your decree could be foul, not to him. If doing horrible acts will keep you with him, so be it. One does not get blessed by the divine without some sacrifice. He’ll prove he’s worth your grace through his limitless devotion. Nothing is too much.
No masters or kings when the ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am human
Only then I am clean
Just the two of you. Bodies as ones. Hearts beating together. That is his heaven. While at first, he might have felt it sacrilege to dirty you with the sexual depravity he feels for you, when you give yourself to him—offering to become one with him—his once frigid self-control melts permanently. Now that he’s been offered a taste of the ambrosia that is you, he can’t live without it.
He feels bad when he takes in your teary eyed faced filled with pleasure, the thin sheen of sweat on your body, and the pathetic noises that keeps tumbling out of your mouth as he fucks you. Only momentarily, as he knows this is what you wanted. You wanted to bless his senses with your erotic state. To show him how important he is to you. Aemond, in these moments, gets a chance to possess all your senses and thoughts just like you do for him constantly.
Together, no one else matters. Nothing is more important than the smile on your face, the laughter that comes from your lips, and the gorgeous eyes that look into him like he’s the only person in the world. With you there is nothing else. Nobody else. A sanctuary against all the chaos occurring around the two of you.
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
What if the Ferryman warms up to V1 quicker than they forgive Gabe so when the two have to fight something/someone the Ferryman's idols priortitise V1 for the blessing instead of Gabe. He would be so upset! Maybe they try to teach V1 to carve it's own idols (out of wood, they don't trust it with the real stuff)
How would the Ferryman warm up to V1 in the first place? Did they just want to figure out why Gabe fell for it in both senses of the word?
(reference to this!)
ANON YOUR MIND....i can absolutely see this being the case because the ferryman is in a very difficult and unique position with regards to these two. i went into detail in that previous ask on their issues with gabriel after his fall, but with v1, initially all they see is the machine that corrupted him. in some ways, they want to shift the blame entirely so they can preserve something of gabriel's image in their mind, but they come to know v1 for the exact reasons you say - they want to understand what happened. gabriel was a paragon, a luminous angel fully dedicated to god. how did v1, in a matter of hours, change his entire perspective, how did it not only turn him blasphemous but capture his love and affection as well? the ferryman by turns is insulted, angry, jealous, and the only way they can deal with that is to get to know and possibly understand v1 even if all they can feel for it at first is disgust.
the ferryman is guarded in approaching v1, a bit concerned for their own faith if it was able to so thoroughly shake gabriel's, but v1 is difficult to engage initially. it shows a mild curiosity before ignoring all of the ferryman's attempts at conversation, stark expression giving nothing away before it leaves to find better stimulation. of course. it's not made to be social, it doesn't seek out companionship nor prioritizes it in any fashion as a war machine. and while the ferryman can observe it, can begin to see behaviors they never expected to find in its curiosity and playfulness, it does nothing to answer their questions nor lessen their frustration with it. they have to engage with it on its terms, how gabriel must have when they met and when it changed him...and honestly the ferryman's anger has mounted long enough despite their uncanny ability to bottle their emotions. their challenge to v1 is the first time they see it respond fully to them, instantly drawing its weapons without moving to a more proper setting or even waiting for the word "go". it's not a complete surprise though, and the ferryman braces against it as they know implicitly that this machine must have defeated gabriel since that's the only way it would be standing now.
and as this is v1's true language, the ferryman finds themselves astounded by what it says: there is true art in its movements, boundless creativity guiding its whole body, a fervor that before they could only understand as religious but now put into battle. this is what gabriel saw, what he felt. so small but lightning fast, learning every second of the battle and adjusting, adjusting, tailoring all its movements, weapon choices, strategies to its opponent and its opponent alone. special-made, a battle just for two. how odd, feeling like you're the only one in the world when it locks onto you. and for v1, its interest in the ferryman takes hold when it sees how they fight, the strength and precision they manage despite appearing so frail and retiring. why didn't they show it this first? why waste time trying to talk? they can spark its need for physicality, a partner in battle that can hold its attention and make it work for its victory. v1 does end up battering the ferryman perhaps too much, but it stops when they fully yield and thank it for showing them just what they needed to see. they take the time to patch themselves up and think on what it showed them, wondering if that was enough to steal gabriel from heaven.
however...now they've attracted its attention lol v1 begins to investigate the ferryman, reversing their previous roles - they keep catching it out of the corner of their eye, scuttling around behind them, watching them with its brightly glowing optic that somehow looks much more inquisitive now. they start talking to it again to bring it closer, explaining the maintenance of their ship or singing low songs to it which it sometimes gives responses to with little electronic chirps. and despite knowing what it did to humanity, to hell, to gabriel, the ferryman was human once and well...there's an undeniable, deeply human pull toward a curious little robot. they begin to show it their artwork, how they paint and sculpt, absolutely handing over the tools to v1 at some point to watch it roughly carve the most rudimentary little figures of things its seen, people it knows. slowly it grows on the ferryman, watching the passion it approaches everything with, how it's impatient but how it delights in novel experiences, how brightly intelligent it is, far beyond the ferryman's capabilities in many things...despite everything about it that should be to the contrary, it's charming in its own ways. made by humanity, but not human, not fair to condemn by the same measures. the ferryman, religious as they are, does not believe that it can necessarily be held accountable with how it is removed from god - sinful men made this, and it had no say in its purpose.
this moral reasoning is what breaks down the barrier between them and ultimately leads to the idol problem. while gabriel knows by then that v1 has taken an interest in the ferryman, he doesn't understand how it's reciprocated until v1 is blessed by an idol to both of their shock. v1 adjusts quickly to it - invincible, unstoppable!!!! it can perform all the most ridiculous tricks, the ones it's only simulated (to poor results) because nothing can touch it!!! it cleans up the rest of the battle single-handedly as gabriel stays rooted to the spot, only moved when he's rudely checked by an enemy as if only to remind him he doesn't have the privileges v1 currently does. and i think this is point at which gabriel comes to really understand how hurt he is by the ferryman's rejection, how he felt so secured and entitled to their devotion that he believed the ferryman would totally forgive him if given enough time...but this shows how badly wounded their relationship is, how terribly hurt the ferryman has been in a way gabriel should have known. his natural emotionality wants to lash out but he knows he must control it, the feeling selfish and unfair to the ferryman or to v1 - instead he needs some time to self-reflect, to deconstruct even more of that angelic self-righteousness he still carries, and find it in him to truly be humble if he wants to mend this rift (which he has time for, as v1 is arguing with the terminal that THOSE POINTS COUNT. GIVE ME MY POINTS!!!!! and the terminal REFUSES to cash out bc v1 essentially used cheat codes)
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chelledoggo · 7 months
my Hazbin Hotel first watchthrough
(DISCLAIMER: this post is being typed as i'm watching. there may be inconsistencies in my attitude as i go on.)
Ep 1: blehhhh...
Ep 2: overall: "eh." villain song was pretty good.
Ep 3: something something something plot plot plot- LOOK IT'S THE SILLY SNEK AND EGG BOYS. 💖 "I'll Be Your Armor/Keeper" was a damn good song, even if at this point in the series i couldn't fucking stand Charlie.
Ep 4: ...okay i'll admit. this one for all its heavy subject matter was... handled alright. was nice to see Charlie finally grow some goddamn balls and show some righteous anger. kinda wanted to strangle Husk here until he actually showed some empathy. "Poison" was a good song, even if Angel's VA was pretty weird and pitchy at points. "Loser Baby" was a good one though.
Ep 5: i feel conflicted as a Christian finding Lucifer so charming. /j /lh also i think Charlie's starting to grow on me. and it only took over half the series. also fuck you Mimzy. the Alastor vs. Lucifer song was a goddamn bop. and "Hell's Best Dad" was beautiful.
Ep 6: WHOA. WHOAAAAAAAAA. WHOA. I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT FOR NOT SEEING THAT COMING. this episode is hitting all the Christian Universalist and deconstructionist sweet spots for me. and God i love Emily, poor bab. ;~; ALSO YASS ANGEL STICK IT TO THE MOTH MAN.
Ep 7: all my hate for Charlie is gone. i just want her and Vaggie to be happy. i feel so bad for both of them. also "Out For Love" beats the entirety of Steven Universe's soundtrack in every category lol
Ep 8: oh gosh this... ohhh... this was phenomenal... like i started out hating this show and now i'm just itching to see what goes down next season!! i'm glad i stuck through!
misc. notes:
i hate that this series basically requires you to watch the pilot to understand the first episode. luckily i've seen it but...
i like some of the background character designs.
i like the little one-eyed gremlin girl thing.
i know we're supposed to like Charlie but GOD she's annoying. I RECANT THIS STATEMENT
Alastor best character.
i kinda like Sir Pentious. he's silly. and i love his egg boys.
Vaggie's just as done with this shit as i am but the difference is she loves Charlie where as i just want to strangle her lmao.
Velvette's kinda hot ngl.
Camilla too.
seriously though am i supposed to like Charlie? when do i start to like her? I ALSO RECANT THIS STATEMENT.
i feel like i would like Charlie more if she wasn't essentially a ripoff of every "quirky" Disney princess from Rapunzel onwards. AND I RECANT THIS ONE TOO
okay, as of ep 5... i'm starting to not hate Charlie so much.
why do some of the denizens of heaven look like demons?
ep 6 is where this series finally really grabs me ngl. glad i stuck around. i'm on the beginning of the finale as i'm typing this point and i'm excited to see how it concludes.
the angels of heaven really do seem to be the "american evangelist/dispensationalist" archetype. they don't know why a soul can't be redeemed after death. they don't question it. they're not allowed to because... it's "breaking the rules" or whatever. as someone who grew up in that kind of environment, that really resonated with me.
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byfulcrums · 2 years
Headcanons of them from when they were young!
Sun Wukong used to have golden hair while Macaque's was white, like the 2009 version!
Wukong's hair was very puffy and messy because of all the crazy stunts he was always pulling. I think he had rather fluffy fur because he had to be warm to survive in the mountain, and his body found a way to not die of the cold
Macaque was rather thin, and even if his fur was really soft, it wasn't as fluffy as Sun Wukong's. That's the main reason why he mostly wore clothes or at least something to cover himself, along with the fact that he thinks the look pretty (they, in fact, do)
Wukong was pretty shy and didn't talk to anyone when he was first born. He was kind of an outcast. His looks always favoured him because he was considered one of the prettiest monkeys (he met everyone's standards lmao), but no one wanted to be near him because he was born from a stone. Isn't that abnormal?
Macaque was also an outcast at first. He's a demon monkey and not as good looking as SWK in monkey standards. Also, with his six ears, he didn't get to hang out with the monkeys that much because of how loud they were, since it made his ears hurt. A while after he came to life (i'm making it sound like he's some kind of Frankestein monster), the monkeys started to trust him a bit more since they saw that he wasn't going to attack them
At the time SWK was born (he was technically born older because he didn't have parents to take care of him. He hatched at an age where he could already survive on his own. Mac's body and mentality are the same as his. Kind of. SWK will ALWAYS be more childish than Mac fight me on this), Macaque was already considered trustworthy by everyone, so when he met this weird monkey and presented him to everyone else, they all trusted his judgement. Turns out he was right!
SWK used to hide behind Mac a lot. He was the first living being he ever met, and he was really shy around people he didn't know, so at first he stayed around Mac all the time until he finally warmed up to the others. This same thing happened every time they met new people
Even if SWK was pretty shy, he still was deadly honest (at least with his opinions). Meanwhile, Mac didn't really want to cause any trouble, so he usually stayed behind whenever his friend caused chaos (unless he invited him. Then you'd have two chaos creating monkeys)
Seriously, with how shy SWK is and how extroverted Mac is, you'd think the troublemaker wasn't the one who hid behind his friend every time he met someone new
Macaque is used to Sun Wukong being chaotic, so he didn't react much whenever he offended someone besides a exasperated look and a bit of scolding
Macaque was the one everyone trusted when it came to having a good reputation. Leave Wukong the beating people up stuff, please, he'll thank you for it with peaches
After getting over his shy stage, Sun Wukong was very talkative with Macaque. He always made sure to not talk too loud so that he wouldn't hurt his friend's ears, but still. Way too talkative
Sun Wukong was basically a sweetheart after meeting all the monkeys. Everybody loved him and how he shined. His light quickly blinded everyone more than Macaque's ever would (he wasn't mad or jealous about it, of course not. In fact, he was proud! And as long as they were still together, them he'd be fine) (too bad that didn't last lol)
Sometimes Macaque would take over Wukong's place by disguising himself as him just to save him from social interaction
Sun Wukong: *Destroys the heavens and terrifies the gods, laughs as he murders his enemies*
Macaque: Isn't he sweet?
Macaque: *Manipulates people into doing what he wants, is a dark being who thrives on suffering*
Sun Wukong: There he is! The light of my life!
Macaque and Wukong used to spar (play) a lot. After becoming so powerful the immortals feared him, Wukong had to hold back so that he wouldn't hurt Macaque too seriously
As Sun Wukong's anger grew, the more enemies he found, and the amount of people who attacked their home grew. In the present, Macaque resents him for not noticing
Sun Wukong never had a healthy way of letting go of his anger. Macaque never had a healthy way of letting go of his hatred. They bond
They call each other “Peaches” and “Plums” because they like peaches and plums. Macaque started it
They used to be sickeningly sweet. It was disgusting and adorable at the same time (“I swear it sometimes seemed like they wanted to live in eachother's skin,” Princess Iron Fan complains as MK writes down the information she's giving him)
They pulled a lot of pranks. A lot
Wukong was a great king! He just needed Macaque to actually send his orders because he got too nervous
When they grew apart, they mimicked a part of eachother's personalities because of how lonely they felt. That's why SWK seems so extroverted and Mac looks like he'd rather die before talking to anyone. Their dynamic is even more complicated now because of that haha. Blame the trauma
SWK genuinely believed that he was better than (almost) everyone else, except for Mac. Mac is the one who was the same as him
They used to gift each other their food
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thedeliverygod · 1 year
Thoughts on recent chapters
I feel like it's been a while since I've made a longer post and I've just sort of shouted about a few random things here and there and I slept most of this afternoon so I have energy to spare lol
Firstly we start with... that. Hiyori. Where do we go from here?
A lot of people have looked into this and I pretty much agree with most takes.
Yato makes her his shinki. But it comes with a bag of questions now that we know a gods greatest secret is survivable per Nana and Kazuma (Yukine & Nora I consider outliers because they have names given by the koto no ha which sort of seals off their ayakashi devolving process--though I do think at this point even if the name Hagusa were removed Yukine would be fine. Nora it's a bit harder to speculate because this has always been her situation). Hiyori is known to multiple gods and shinki throughout heaven. Her very existence makes the gods greatest secret a giant problem unless Yato keeps her away from, well, pretty much everyone except gods and the shinki listed above. Because there's no standard way to know for sure if a shinki will be able to handle to knowledge; because it *is* survivable doesn't mean they will survive it.
Deification. If Tenjin can be deified because he has anger issues then Hiyori can be deified too for better reasons. Honestly. I don't know what it would take to make this happen but @pentamerous brought up the fact about her and Yato's emas being tied and blessed by Okuninushi so idk if that could be factored into this equation maybe?
The "bad" ending-- Hiyori is just dead and no far shore methods are used to 'revive' her. In this scenario I see Grandma Iki being fucking pisseddddd that Hiyori died literally a few days after her and being like wtf are you doing here??? lol. But that's just me and my comedic relief speaking.
Hiyori isn't actually dead because everything in Father's "new world" is an illusion.
The 4th option is tricky but I believe it holds validity. I made a post a while back I think Father's new world sort of strips everyone down to how they view them selves/their deepest insecurities/their most basic form if that makes sense. At least that's theory 1.
This is why Yato is a child (he often views himself as a child in his most insecure moments, relating back to the awful crimes he committed as a kid, but also for emotionally insecure moments such as realizing other humans would be the ones to 'truly' save Hiyori after the hospital incident.) This is why Nora is in her sort of 'snake' form that she hates.
Yukine is an outlier though which I've brought up before. Clearly he's an ayakashi wolf but why is he suddenly a wolf? In his 2 ablutions and and before he was named by Father, he was transforming into a sort of bat/bird type of ayakashi. While he was battling with Yato under his name of Hagusa, however, he did sort of start a wolf transformation and we all made cat boy jokes until his wolf form appeared more recently.
Theory 2 is that literally everything in this "new world" of Father's is under his control and all the visuals are to match. Which sort of matches to what he says despite the fact he says he can't totally make it "bend to his will". He sees Yato as the child he can manipulate. He sees Nora as the ayakashi girl he 'saved' but has outgrown his use for. Yukine he also saw as another one of his tools, much like the wolf ayakashi Father seems to favor, so maybe that's where the wolf form came from? Though that doesn't quite explain the partial transformation before but -shrug-. Of course he wants to see Kaya and he *does* but she's a mangled yomi version of herself, aka not what he wants. But she's long dead.
As Yato is talking with Father about Kaya and sort of trying to understand/reason with him, Father transitions into hinting towards talking about Hiyori. "Who do you see Izanami as?" and then mentions that she's somehow there and that he should be "happy to get to see her. However, as this is happening, Father is sort of manipulating a wave of water which is what reveals Hiyori and the Sakura tree she's under.
The question is, is she really there? Is he able to use her image accurately because she's still alive if it is an illusion? If it's not an illusion, is there some sort of rules that can be broken/amended in terms of bringing Hiyori back to life without pissing off Amaterasu/Heaven? After all, Father's "new world" is not exactly yomi, heaven, or Earth. And we know Father has basically broken all of heaven's rules to begin with.
Lastly, we have the topic of Yato's reaction. We were teased with his aramitama when Yukine was in the box. Now Hiyori is "dead" and Yukine is half dissolved into the ground. I think it's only fair father has the 'monster' he created turned back on him tbh but I also don't want Yukine to see Yato acting like a demon for lack of better words since they just made up and the poor kid is traumatized enough.
bonus question: where the fuck is Bishamon because her twin pistol shinki (Kazuha and Karuha) are fighting the weird ayakashi in the most recent chapter with the god squad and their shinki???
and she specifically only had Kuraha and Kinuha when she was calling out for Kazuma and reunited with him. And it's weird for her youngest shinki to just be by themselves????? the only reasoning I can think of is Amaterasu literally summoned all the damn shinki from heaven when it was raining shinki in the earlier chapter but maybe Bishamon will literally be on the next page or so in the 2nd part of the chapter and it will make sense given that context.
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HHP - Chapter 7 (18+ MDNI)
Here we go! lol. Not proofread, sorry, I had to retype this in since i couldn't copy and paste (yes because tumblr hates me.)
“Come on.”
Ethan’s voice was deep, rough, and reserved as he breathes in deeply, recovering from the tension and high he had just succumbed to by the beauty that lays in his grasp beneath him. With his hand around your neck, he grips somewhat tightly, not enough to restrict your air way, but it was tight enough to keep you from merging away from him.
With a smirk, he displays an infatuated look of amusement as he becomes obsessed, as you allow your devious side, Eden to fully take over. Her playful and sinister smile as she narrows her eyes towards his gaze, teasing him with the lack of fear and distress that you would otherwise normally display, but that’s why you weren’t there, yet it was strange, it felt like watching a movie, but from where your perspective was, Ethan was the main feature of the screen. Feeling numb but aware of everything happening, you listen as you become familiar to the sound of your voice, which was now higher pitched than usual. The urge to do unspeakable things with the man before you were tempting and provided pleasant feelings in your chest, on a normal basis, you would shutter at the thought of performing some of the ideas that your Eden side would think of.
Everything that would normally bring a smile to your face, such as thoughts of being at your favorite café with Heeseung, walking with him, talking with him, and engaging in the intense yet passionate intimate moments, have lost the potent effect on you. Instead, thoughts of dominating, challenging, and sexually tormenting Ethan was all you could think of, it was an obsessed thought that lingered in the linings of your mind as you felt joy and excitement in the act of doing such.
‘What…is happening…to me?’
You mentally question at whether you were you or if you were Eden, or even…who was Eden? Was she you? Was she her own entity? Is she like Ethan, whereas you are like Heeseung?
‘Stay put and go to sleep. Let me have him.’
The sudden bell-like voice mentally disturbs your thought process as Eden reaches you, compelling you to ‘sleep’ and to let her remain in full control. Was this the reason why you would blackout and not remember anything pass a certain point during sex with Ethan? Was it because….of Eden?
‘Who are you?’
‘I’m everything you’re not.’
‘I am his equal, and your savior.’
‘What is this? How did you get here? Were you always here?’
‘I was born when he called for me.’
‘He craves me, yearns for me. He seeks me out, and I for him.’
‘Don’t think about it. Learn to embrace me, as I have embraced you.’
‘I don’t understand…’
‘You don’t need to. All you need to know, is that you have felt the gentle touch of a man but have also felt the sting of his anger. Whether it was with Heeseung, Ethan, or even Samuel, you lost touch with your emotions as you put up with the pain, and anguish they have given you. They were your downfall, even the good ones.’
‘It’s okay, I get it. But sometimes, it’s good to bite back, don’t you think?’
‘You and Heeseung, are both, God's eyes. You both see things in divine light.’
‘Then what does that make you and Ethan?’
“Tsk…Ethan and I are the two moths that were drawn to the light, we see you, we become you, yet we are different. We see the world differently, he and I, and that’s why we belong together. We belong to fly with our broken wings and walk the earth with our bare feet while you and your Heeseung soar through the heavenly skies. You are Heaven, and I am Hell.’
The mental conversation you shared with Eden felt like an eternity, yet it was merely two seconds as Eden’s smile crept wider, seducing Ethan into the abyss of lust and intrigue. Unbeknownst to you and Eden, Ethan was mentally in touch with his other side, allured by his equal.
‘Why is she smiling like that? And why does it…’
‘You’re not used to it, are you? Y/n’s timid and surrendering nature brings you joy, and Eden’s bold and daring desire for you adds the heat of passion within you. But it looks like you crossed a bridge that had never been crossed.’
‘Since when did you become a fucking philosopher?’
‘You know how observant I am.’
‘Tsk. Yeah.’
‘She’s challenging you.’
‘I know.’
‘But you’re not angry?’
‘No…I’m not.’
‘That’s surprising. I always thought you’d be offended if Y/n ever did this, let alone Eden. She really is like you.’
‘Yeah…and you’re a lot like Y/n.’
‘Why did you have to be so rough with her? I’ve told you so many times to be more gentle, with Eden, that’s one thing, she can take it. But Y/n is so delicate.’
‘If she’s so delicate then why didn't you do something when that bitch Tiff insulted her?’
‘You’re too reserved in your lane Heeseung, gotta stake your claim once in a while.’
‘Isn’t that why I have you?’
‘It’s exactly why you have me. You just don’t like to share.’
‘Yeah…maybe. So, what are you going to do?’
‘Everything. I’m going to do everything. But it’s going to take a lot, I need to remain here and need you to sit back.’
‘Relax and support me on this one, will you?’
‘Fine. You can have her all to yourself, but when y/n comes back, she's mine.’
‘Can’t stand to be without her, can you? Even without Eden you start to go crazy.’
‘Same with you.’
‘Yeah…we do love our girls. Now let me tame mine.’
*Chuckles* ‘Yeah…go fuck that smile off her face, Ethan.’
Ethan leans in, the moment he bids Eden with his calm words of ‘Come on.’ Eden initiates the first move, working against the grip around her neck, she raises her face up to meet with Ethan’s lips, kissing him as she wraps her arms around his neck.
His hands viciously massage and gropes her entire body as he rips apart the delicate, button up summer dress, exposing her nude form. With an arm around her waist, and another gripping her thigh, Ethan lifts her body as Eden wraps her legs around him. With ease, he uses just a small measure of his strength to suspend her in the air, supported by his broad frame. Feeling the cool surface of the wall against her back, Eden lets out a surprised moan from the sensation of being pinned against the hard surface in a rather harsh and arousing manner. Ethan smirks as he continues to inhale her moan in the kiss, flickering his tongue repeatedly into her mouth as she regains her composure, not willing to back down…not yet.
Feeling his groin digging into her soft spot in between her thighs, Eden initiates a turn of events as she grips on to the back of Ethan’s head, with a fist full of his shaggy hair, she pulls him back, causing the man to groan through gritted teeth as she begins to harshly suck on his Adam’s Apple. Stumbling back from the stinging pleasure of his hair being pulled and his sensitive spot being attended to, Eden takes advantage as she leverages her hand against the wall behind, gaining momentum to push their weights as Ethan stumbles back on to the bed with Eden gaining the upper hand and in the position of dominance.
Sitting on the mattress in an upright position, Ethan’s back is pressed up against the headboard, Eden kisses him in a rough manner, both her hands grip his neck with her thumbs stroking the hard lump on his neck as he parts his lips open from the pleasure. Moving her hands down, without breaking the kiss, she grabs the material of his shirt, and forcibly removes it as she re-engages and assumes her oral assault on his neck, his ears, and his mouth.
Just as she began to smile at her ability to shift the leadership role, Ethan commits to a similar act she had just issued to him, with a hand full of her long silky strands, he grabs hold from the side of her head, pulling her head to a tilt to expose her neck and clavicle. A yelp emerges from her mouth as he bites down on the soft skin on the nook of her delicate neck, followed by a series of sloppy licks as he scoffs and smiles against his mark.
Pulling her head back, slightly triggered by him leaving his mark on her amidst the numerous purple shadows he caused earlier from him sucking on Y/n, Eden pulls back a bit, gives a quick glance to the snarky smirk on the boy’s face, before admitting a single and harsh slap to his left cheek.
Quickly recovering after feeling the sting of her palm, Ethan glances up to Eden with a devious smile.
‘Heh...good.’ He mentally notes.
Grabbing her by the waist, digging his fingers into the suppleness of her skin, Ethan pushes her frame back, where her backside makes full contact with the bedding as he places the density of his weight atop, shoving her legs open wide as he nibbles her ear.
All the while, you and Heeseung both watch and feel the pleasure and pain of the assaulting pair. With Ethan and Eden being in full control, the environment turned chaotic as their bodies were pushing and shoving, banging up against walls and tables, knocking over anything that was hanged up or stationed on a flat surface.
The slapping, grabbing, biting, pinching, licking, and other acts of tough love is continued as you both witness and feel the intense passion the pair displays. As Ethan grabs Eden’s thigh, your thigh, you felt the burn as he shoves his two fingers inside the cavity you share with your alter ego. With absolutely no intent to afford you or her the opportunity to stimulate and prepare for it, you hear Eden’s high pitch scream as she bears the physical act of his ferocity, while you feel the pain and pleasure of it. As she screams and moans, you do the same internally.
Feeling his fingers become coated with the glaze of the sticky moisture her body was producing, your body, Ethan’s arousal nears its peak as Heeseung feels the weakness in his knees from the overwhelming sense of desire as they both witness the beauty of you and Eden succumbing to the penetrated act. After a series of slamming into you and Eden with the base of his palm hitting the skin underneath your folds, causing it to become tender and ultra-sensitive from the harsh slaps as he thrusted his fingers repeatedly, you and your alter ego watch as the man on top finally pauses his performance. Your eyes widen as you hear Eden breath out an unsteady moan, both of you witness as Ethan brings his fingers up, with his eyes widened in malicious gaze, his pupils visible as the light highlights his iris’. His tongue lays out as he opens his mouth wide, his teeth visible in a gasping feature as he drags his coated fingers against his tongue, and smearing your body’s product all over his lips as he sucks them clean, relishing in the taste of you.
“Mmm…you taste sweet.” He remarks in a snarky manner, but his voice caught both, you and Eden, off guard as the tone he carried was that of himself, and Heeseung. They both knew that you were watching while Eden was in control, of course they would. They've mastered this concept of two minds, two entities, both sharing one body.
Unsure of how Eden took it, you assumed that she was just as triggered as you were, as the gaze of the face in front of you was a mixture of Ethan's malice and Heeseung's cockiness. Between Ethan and Eden, you were willing to accept the two displaying a course of friction, allowing them to have their own interlude, as they both had taken each other's antics personally. Yet for you to receive a hint of Heeseung's demeanor in the mix, that was just...
'How dare he?...'
Suddenly Eden chimes in 'I told you, it's good to bite back sometimes.'
With a steady breath in your chest, you bid Eden.
'Then bite...hard.'
'I intend to.'
Swinging a leg to hit his side, Eden simultaneously pulls his neck to the side as she swings over to flip and be back on top of the boy. He barely puts up any resistance, as evident by his chuckle, knowing that he still had the upper hand as he brought you and Eden to near orgasm, yet stopped and enforced you both to witness his petty act of licking his fingers.
Yet his victory didn’t last long, for once she gained the position of being on top, Eden reaches down and grabs hold of his lengthy shaft, his jeans impressively remained attached to his body by the belt, as his cock remained out through the open zipper.
Massaging the wide girth in between her fingers, Eden quickly acts by latching her mouth to the only other sensitive spot that Ethan has, his Adam’s Apple. Though this time, she didn’t just commit to harsh sucking. Instead, she flickers her tongue, moans into her kisses, causing the vibrations of her tone to electrify through his skin, causing his leg to jerk. He reaches up and slaps his hands as he grips tightly to her arms, trying to pin them against her side to restrict her movement, yet it was pointless as she had everything in her grasp already, his dick and his neck.
Repeatedly licking the hard lump on his throat, Eden grazes her teeth against it, gently nibbing it as she twists and circulates the tip of her tongue all over it. Ethan groans out, his mouth stutters open as he uncontrollably swallows hard, and squints his eyes shut. His fingers dig into her skin, as he feels her guide the tip his cock into her wet and heated skin. Rubbing it up and down in between the folds, causing the head to become moist and slippery, she continues to tease as she motions it in circular movement with an occasional slap against her inner thigh, causing Ethan to buck up from the abrupt feeling of the sting.
Finally, Eden pushes him in, having him enter inside fully as she submerges herself down on his groin to enforce the commitment of full penetration. Taking a moment to relish the feeling of being filled by him, Eden closes her eyes and tilts her head back, her mouth shakes open as she lets out a nearly silent moan.
Ethan was also feeling the effects of immense pleasure as he calms down his rough demeanor and loosens his grip for a moment. Just as he started to stroke her arms in a tender manner, succumbing to initiating passionate love-making with his Eden as the overwhelming sense of lust and love hits him, Eden slaps his hands away and glares at him.
“Fuck you, Ethan.”
Placing a hand on his neck, putting down her weight to pin him down on the bed, she begins the act of riding him. Her hips roll up and down, the sensation of the cool air hitting the skin of his shaft as she rides up, only for him to feel the immense heat when she caves down. Irked at refusing his act of offering peace, Ethan was harshly given a taste of his own medicine from when you had tried to do the same earlier as he took you forcibly from behind.
Increasing her speed, Eden begins to bounce, while remaining the grip on Ethan’s neck. Her gasping moans become louder as she continues to glare at the man beneath her. The feeling was unlike anything Ethan has ever felt before, it was intense. Too intense. For each time she bounced, Ethan let out a moan, before he knew it, they were both moaning in sync, filling the room with echoes of sexual lust.
Reaching up with her free hand, she massages her breast as she continues to ride Ethan, the sight of her fondling her mounds nearly did Ethan in. Sensing it, Eden spoke out.  
“Cum for me like a good boy. Do it because I said so.”
Her words were like a challenge to a knife fight. Accepting it, Ethan irked a brow, sensing that Eden was striving for him to cum with her following suit as evident by the quaking of her inner walls, Eden became ridden with shock as she felt the harsh grasp on the sides of her waist as he pulls her in, her chest smacking against his, causing a rift of pain to ride throughout her sensitive breasts. Locking his arms around her back, with a forearm extending upwards to the back of her head, Ethan pins her head down to the nook of his own neck. His face leans into her ear, you and Eden feel the gasping vapor of his hot breath as he lingers out long and exaggerated exhales followed by a rough yet low, a very low and slow tone.
“Ahh…you first baby. Be a good girl and cum for daddy.”
Just as he finished his wording, locking your bodies together, Ethan relentlessly thrusts in a fast and heated pace. It was too fast, too rough, and too intense. You and Eden felt the jack-rabbit tempo hitting your skin as the base of his groin hits you both hard.
You were rendered hopeless as your moans were mixed with Eden’s high-pitched screams, unable to move as he forces your bodies to be plastered to one another. A battle of surrendering, Eden tried to regain composure but was knocked out of it by the repeated thrusts. He was too damn fast, she didn’t have any time to recover as the intensity was not deterred by the amount of energy he was utilizing as she felt him bucking upwards every split second, causing the moisture that built up in her cavity to morph it a thick, foamy and creamy like substance that dripped down and coated his shaft.
With the last bit of whatever strength she could surmise from the state he had you both in, Eden slowly reaches her fingers up, feeling around only for them to meet with his lips, to which Ethan took delight in opening his mouth, subtly tilting his face to gain a mouth full as he gently bites down on her fingers, all the while he lazily glares down at her thatch of silky strands while hearing her screaming into his neck. With the feeling of his tongue playing with her fingers, the nibble of his teeth, and the feeling of the suction as he feasts on her delicate fingers, Eden, amidst her pleasing screams, barely smirks for just a second.
‘Uh-uh….G-gotcha.’ She mentally notes in between her intense moaning.
With her fingers attached to his mouth, she forcibly guides his face away, once again latching on to his Adam’s Apple, causing him to pause his insane thrusting tempo. Pull him upright into a seated position where their bodies remaining plastered, Eden began to roll her hips once more, all the while still performing her oral assault on his neck. Releasing her fingers from his mouth at the process of groaning out, Ethan stutters out.
“Goddammit…f-fuck! Could you stop w-with my fucking neck?”
Pulling her by the hair on the back of her head, Ethan pulls her away as Eden was committed to a bite, pulling some of the skin on his throat and causing minor bleeding. Ethan, with his mouth pinned shut in what looked to be irritation and slight anger, or annoyance, glared at his girl as the collection of overflowing saliva builds up behind his lips from the intense pain. No pleasure.
Glaring at Eden, with you watching, Ethan’s eyes pierced right through the both of you. Without breaking the eye contact, his directs his face downward just a tad as he spits the excess saliva in his mouth onto your breasts.
“Hmm…ouch.” He simple remarks in a low and reserved manner, although he clearly was feeling the burn of the skin puncture on his Adam’s Apple. You couldn’t deny, for that to be his sensitive spot, it had to hurt quite a bit. The image of the blood slightly dripping down from the lump looked very uncomfortable and you knew, Eden’s boldness went too far, yet the latter didn’t think so much less care.
With his arm around her waist, Ethan takes his free hand and slaps his palm as he grips one of her breasts. Giving out a slight yelp, Eden winces in pain as he squeezes, hard, while pressing the mound in as if he was trying to shove it into her chest cavity.
“Hurts?” He merely asks as he raises a cocky brow.
“W-what do you think?” in between the wince of pain, Eden manages to speak out, though her tone was shaky.
“Hmm…” Ethan hums as he lets out a closed mouth smirk, narrowing his eyes.
“How long do you plan to keep this up?” He asks, while still shoving her breast inward, as his arm around her lower back pulls her in, causing a calisthenic force to take place.  
“D-depends…uh! Are you d-done being a scumbag?”
“Me? A scumbag?”
“Oh…come on baby, you don’t mean that. We love each other, don’t we?”
“ ‘Love’ is a delicate term Ethan, I can take it just as easy as I can give it. Don’t push me.”
“Push you?” Ethan remarks as his grip around her lower back pulls her in and downward, causing his length to submerge deeper inside. Eden slightly lets out a prolonged shaky moan.
“But…it seems like you like being pushed…huh baby?” Ethan scoffs as he watches Eden slightly struggle, trying to relieve herself from him pushing himself in deeper by using her own weight against her. It was no use, with his grip around her and his hand rendering her weak with pain from his harsh grasp on her breast, she sighs out.
“…What about you…Ethan?”
Upon hearing his name, Ethan was shocked as he felt a bit of force around his waist. Using her legs, which had been the only part of her body that was left free for her to use as her upper body was trapped in his embrace, Eden uses the momentum as she crosses her legs around him, pull Ethan in as she, much to her own physical torment and pleasure, begins to roll her hips. As much as it was working against her, it was doing her the favor of getting Ethan to become weakened with the lustful pleasure as his cock began to feel the rippling effect of her hips rolling, her walls tightening, her rear gently kissing the skin of his groin as she dips in and rises out, starting off slowly as the built up tension causes their bodies to shake, enhancing her speed slowly.
Face to face, with their nose tips barely touching, their gasping moans and breathing grazing their faces, both alter egos began to succumb to the immense pleasure that they were feeling, meanwhile you began to internally call out Ethan’s name. Heeseung, calling out Eden’s.
“Ah!...F-fuck!” Ethan grits out, biting down on his lip.
At that moment, you felt your Eden side succumbing to the pleasure, as you had done long before. With the pleasure of feeling his throbbing length going in and out, she steadily increases the pace, not caring about the act of ‘winning’ any longer, Eden felt the longing for peace and her Ethan to take her, just like she always had. With her gentle and high-pitched voice, she lets out a peace offering tone.
Sensing the white flag in her voice, Ethan, for once in his life, mutually surrenders as he leans Eden back, and with a loving, raging passion any man would have to offer, he kisses his Eden in an endearing manner, while taking his hand to stroke her cheeks.
“Come on baby, let’s do it together. F-fuck I love you.” Ethan gasps out. Eden nods as they both continue their passionate kiss, embracing each other hard yet lovingly as the act of thrusting and hip rolling simultaneously continues. Over, and over, again…and again….and again…and again…and finally….
“Uh! E-Ethan…uh! I’m cu-“ Eden’s voice cut off by a scream of pleasure as Ethan yells into her neck, both cumming at the same time. The battle, despite with both entities to surrender in peace, ultimately became a tie.
Laying side by side on their backs, panting rigorously from the intense and heated performance that took place. You felt a visual rush as a flash of light blinds you for a second before you suddenly come into clear vision. It wasn’t like watching a film anymore, there was no bezzle ring of darkness that obscured your sight, and that’s when you realized, Eden went back, allowing you to come in control. Just the same, Heeseung emerges with Ethan retracting into dormancy.
You both were too weak to move, feeling the effects as you alter ego’s had control was one apparent yet not as intense, being in full control was more potent as you realized just how sore and exhausted your body felt, yet the tingling sensation of the orgasm still electrified your pelvis and chest.
Sweaty, panting, and staring at the ceiling, you and Heeseung remained stagnant, as you both were suddenly introduced to the feeling of what had transpired between Ethan and Eden. Gently grabbing your hand, while trembling from the over intense sensation he was recovering from, Heeseung raises it, not breaking his sight from the ceiling, as he interlocks his fingers with yours, signifying his peace offering since clearly, Ethan and Eden finally established their own, in a manner that suited them.
Closing your fingers around his, you both turn your heads to the side to look at each other. Gently chuckling at watching the entire scene go down, while also experiencing the feeling of their passion and love, you and Heeseung allowed the two entities to feel your own way of establishing peace.
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Chapter 8
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nicosraf · 5 months
*a&m spoilers!
i just finished reading a&m and i am in shambles, so thank you (genuinely)! i was expecting to be hurt by the fate of some of these characters, but i was also admittedly excited for the inevitable toxicity and hatred/anger being shared particularly between Michael and Lucifer, and you delivered so much more than I would have expected. I want to apologize if this ‘ask’ turns into me just yapping away - your work has impacted me so greatly (,:
Not sure if this has been mentioned by another reader yet, but i read this line, said by Lucifer to Michael, “be blessed that you will never know why” (pg 406) and found that it sounded familiar, and I realized that this exact sentence was also mentioned to be said by God to Lucifer at the end of chapter 1. Lucifer imitating/wanting to be like God was hammered in so subtly here, and including this line on opposite ends of the book added so much to this theme
CHAPTER 37!!! I lost it - I knew that something like this was bound to happen but the way that you did it brought me so much joy. I must admit that I adore Lucifer and Michael’s dynamic now (although I of course also adored the past dynamic as well). It’s complicated, genuinely toxic and written so painfully well ;; Lucifer’s incessant insults and degrading, Michael craving violence and choking him, biting him and digging his fingers into the wounds he caused, i was in disbelief. (And Michael having that thought as he brushed past Baal oh my god i felt the ground shake)
And even then, despite them hurting each other, Michael listens when Lucifer tells him about the table because he knows that there is something genuine in the way he says it. It was bittersweet, to see a very brief moment of care (and a fraction of what remains of their past selves in heaven) in between this performance of violence and hatred
I appreciate just how much love you put into your characters, particularly Lucifer. I’m genuinely a fan, I’ve been mystified and trapped if it wasn’t already painfully obvious. I love how much emphasis you put on his excessive jewelry and the sort of clothes he wears, it really set the mood for him as a character and it tied in so well with his body language. I was super super impressed with how you were able to paint a picture of his demeanor now that he has become satan, especially in the heart-eating scene. You made it so easy to imagine every one of his little actions in all their unrelenting cruelty and it was definitely one of my favorite scenes in the book. Lucifer eating a raw, human heart straight from a man’s chest while staring into Michael’s eyes was one of the gayest things I’ve ever read
I have so many more things I wish to say but i will end my yapping here for now lol, thank you for writing these characters I’ve come to adore! <3
Thank you so much for reading!! It means a lot to me and I'm really glad you enjoyed!! :) please do not apologize for yapping... Im the angel of yapping
Lucifer imitating/wanting to be like God.... I'm glad you noticed that little recurring line! Lucifer is very much acting like his own version of God in A&M, mimicking him to some extent... and the narrative treats Lucifer like a new God in this book too! (in ABM, God is distant, seemingly all-knowing, and his plans/thoughts are unknown to the reader. And in A&M... agh.,.,. Lucifer..... the way the narrative treats Lucifer... all of Lucifer's actions in this book... I'm really crazy about it, Im afraid)
And Chapter 37 skskssk I'm glad you like their dynamic! Michael and Lucifer are fascinating to me because of the insane development of their relationship. I love them when they're innocent love birds and I love them when they hate each other; I love the turmoil of going from one end to another. Lord, they are so toxic. There are so many relationships here that are unhealthy (I would say most of them), but Moocifer is definitely near the top of the list of Messiest. Michael's fingers in the wounds... Michael thinking that at the end.... What's wrong with him. Whats wrong with the both of them (there's so so much)
Michael moving off that table when Lucifer asked... the brief moment of care... i can't think about it too much right now without going insane but... lord
i love my characters very much, so im glad that you like them!! and i put a lot of thought and love into Lucifer... It warms my heart a lot that you find him fun! <333
thank u again for reading!!! have a great day :)
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